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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1906)
THE OREGON , DAILY JOURIJAL. PORTLAND.- WEDNESDAY EVi:::i!;0, CZPTI fODAY'S MARKETS SUGAR PRICES 10 CEfJTS HIGHER Both California A Hawaiian and . Western Refineries Put Up --.:"; X ;; ;.' Values Today." v MIXED SITUATION IN r; , CREAMERY BUTTER MART Eii and Poultry Very FlrmRalns Help Late Potatoee but Cause Fear - Among , Hop Orowera Tomatoea Higher Surplus of Watermelona. Th rMaclpal fretnree C .Be rertUad whole sale Battels Xadmy srs: . r - .. All euear i4nn4 JOe. ' ; v . I'hmt market o i!m4 ' . ,:- Mlied sltaatioa ta batter, -i '' rlfteea ear watcrotrlona M la city. Jf ... Tomato higher with Mai Ktlixa run quits (raod j-eaterdav. -. liollar la tor (or pearae today. Hweet potato lower but eteadr. Rain Sola Orojon' lata potato. 2 Poultry and ess sursets it top. Hop ar ulU some (roarer offprint. , 1" Beta Market 11 Casts Hicks. - :.. It (saner to ta frastrj- Improved teas la th wec siarket' vrlrr ar " Bfflre . aoda-lhat today for- aU rflncrla, Tka two competta companies th California A Hiwill.a and Is Wwtml Reflnerv eeem t hr made im-thlr aundaaot to loss aas-jnors. moay for the adraoo by oa thla mornln( fol lowed a few moment later by similar aa nmincement Or tba ether.. Whlla tba eaatera auicar mrt baa nees aary fir for some tlma and prices were tba -spper plane, Pacific cnaat conditions were Joat tba opposite) becsine two reflnerle m at war and eees wss not vrtllln to allow tba other h rt sola. Now all wm settled for tba time twin and sobm Jnbhlnf inta-eat are exporting further ad vance. Thla, bowsver. la only guees oa thalr Co nterket a Half Coat Hlrhsr. Sevn-al cbaaaa handler ra today traortng aa iilrurt of He a poaad la the price of eseeee. Tba market kaa baea firm for aom tlma, bnt tba trade la seneral Boee'sot aaa wby price ah mi Id rsn htKber at thla tlma. There la a very badly mixed Itnstloa la tba creamer butter siarket. Varioae price ar rullac and thla may awoke a war betweea th more powerful one. roc aome tlma there ha bee cnnalderable Jealoaay amonf. the lanra creamer lee a to which ahovld lire th hi heat .price for butter .lat.aad. ttaoaihTe th. lhMit. priced bntt.T la tea market. Wbeoerer there la a poanlbillty of aa adTaoe la the prtea tbeaa w Interaata try to bead off each Xbr. lb adrance made yeeterday by a leadliuj creamery aa not followed by all. but aa th altuatlo become at merer . prteea are forced up all around. Alain Front atreet today 28e I tba rery top of th market and many aalea of flrat claaa atoc are reported at STHe. ' Poultry aad err caatlnne firm with receipt I the latter market email. All prteea mala talned. . . ... ,-. .. ' Dollar la Top for ?. nth rainy weather there waa apt a hearr a demand for . peaches today and the top of the Karkat I fl e. For arreral daya a ery aelect lot of Pallea frolt ha beea- aelllnf t 11.10, but (eaaral prteea did net re abee th dollar mark. Inmatoea am firmer today for the eame ra oa . aad price an hUrhr at 0 aad fide for beat. Rainy weather ha fonad th ' market beTllr atneked with Barn rlrer watermelona, there htlnr II mil car oa th railroad tracs ana a boat four mil ear la wareoeoae or comma alon men. Nothlnc hi (her thaa Dfte today. - Sweet potato are down to aad 2 a pound, today owln( t amre liberal applle. Market 1 food snap, however, a account of flrmoea la th loath. . i . .' ...... - Haia Kelp lata Iota toe. r ' While the rain are eery hard oa th hop a-rowera. producer of potato ar rejotclaf ba raeaw rbey bare-waited arany-nay fr a food downpour t cool th aoll and aUow tbem to 6lf tbefcr atorka. Temporarily that will caaa a aearelty of aupplte her, but a bearler pro ductioa of hit potato la probable. Demand m m m mix iu . .v. r".", . ".Try ttulet hi Hope. " . : - Althoagk a few pwai aeem arllUac to dl poaa af their hope aroaad preoeat ejnotatlona, there la bat little dolnf la the market. Daakrr re wtltlnf to aee th hop la th bale before making1 off. Oatald rntaraata da aot ear to do business an til they e ampl. A featnr of the market which may help prlcea later M the eontiaued bad reports being reeeleed re- Jardlng the Oermsa crop. Baiaa her ar cane rut eaaJlderable worry to growers, aa many -heU ttey-wtU- aot a able t ftaleh belr plcklag. Dealer ay that th crop will be Wrested whether It rains ar sot. th product being gathered Try year aader eame cwndl- thma. .. - - ; The1 trad PT th followtog prices te tYont treet. Price paid shippers ar lea regular commlaaloa: , wrala, flew aad lee. ' OR AIT ' AOS r.lcutta, SMesK buytng WHEAT New club, 2c; , red laalia, aOc; bliiestem. 8c: valley, tbr. , BAKLJ6Y new a, aui ivuea. S4r, - COKN Who. 131.00: -cracked. - (M.0 ' per BTK 1.aS per eert."- V'"" OAT8 New Prodecars pries Ko. 1 whits. $ZS 00; srar, 121.00. FLOt'K Kastars Orema- patent, ga soe) g S; straights, l.0.0: pwt, - 1.U; vllcy. M 6i; srabam. ,. l.Mj wools wheal, $TS: rr. So. R-nO: bale, $.Tg. WIIX'TrrrS Bran.' tlb.Bn per tonj "mid. dllnra. pl.all abort, roaatry, 17A0; . city, fiAVi: chop. 1.0021.00. HAV rredurera' price Timothy.. Will men valley, faery, $HOO; ordinary. flO.vOQIo 60: eaatera Orefoa, $l.0OJ 17.00: mlied. 10O0; eloeer. , i . grala. J0a.9 ahect, Setter, Zgs'aa4 IWtry. - ' , TJTTrJB rAT W. . a. Portlaad gaat ome vamoaue: soar. S412Ue. BI'ITK.K Mty crrnmery. t7HO0e: mtsld fancy. 2712?; ordinary. Sec; store, Ueiftc. EUG8 o. - feeah Oregoa, eaadled, 270 iTite: une rolled, Mc; aaaters, Ma24c. CHKEH New nll cream, flat. WHOlef. Toonr America. lBloH. . pntit.THY Mlted chickens. l4UUc ner n- fancy ben. IH1W see lb; rooster, eld, 16He Cm; at, nir"it .r. tryera, ic: Here, lee per lb: - etd decks,- iineiSc; lb; aprtnc daek. UH018H lb; ssese. J10e nt; turaeja. v-r iui ieia. mjm per h; aquaba, 1.5ii.0 par Soa; plsaeoa, tluu per sos. r.1,ef-. w, a4 Blsaa. nopf! 10O crop. 16017c. - WOOL loot clla Tllr. soarae aa TBr: foe.- Iet eeners frreasa. avuzi. . uhhaii New. semlacA.- ' .) ' aUKEfflKINa abearlng, lSQan eeeh:'sbofi Wool. fiOe; medlaat w, SO)' each lane wool. TVOII.00 TAIXOW Prtme, ear lb. tH4M K. S aad arena. 7tZ. ' rHlTTIM BARK 444e. 1 HIDtS Iiry. he t. 1 tha aad a. lHO TH per )b dry si, no. a, s t is his, lt; err calf. Ko. 1. saner 0 lb, lsei aad hides. eer. asaad. 00 lb ad over. HHSI le: aswa. SSr; atar sad berta. soaad, 607; kip, 1 to so tba. 0c ealf. oad. aader 11 I ha, 11c: free, saaalted. la ieaa; enu. i per l lee; iraeMee. aalted. each. 11 JI.T; dry. eect. i' I. : eolt hide. JBdlMct goat akin, romwo. each. 10aj:ac( Aastirs, each, lii0 fl.VU. . . , y . i FrsMs aad Taewtaelss. . . POTATOKH New, sOeOplwSe par Sack I pre awe. la. Ac. i OMONS Johhlng prl Nw Oregos. HO Jti, bulug price. T5cJ 11.00; gar lie. ewe per rnrsH rantTa New anpi. Boer?ll.eft: aranaee. I. 4.7.1S 00: haaaea. Afl i.- 11.- 1... rtinii I..7S'.l5 110 hoi: fa OCT. Mtiitntt per ": lire, Mrilcaa. 1-S per !': iiImom, 'ii7Se per crate; cantaloupe. inntfl 2.'.; rpee, 9i.Mti -: wteceloo, lw: crated, l.oj peachea. 7nciXl.iO: pear, -7V: iiranx. Imlk. v per lb; parked, en per twill nrlohrr1ea. 10c. ' vr,l TKI :k Turnlpa, new. tl Pr aacti eaerot. NO rT c: eeeU. 1 per .: r.ranli, tl bo e sack: Oreeoe radlehea. '. r-r ': cabrnre, Ore7. 21TI.10; bell l"ieec. 7ttc per " lh! tnnl'e. 40 per b"t; paranlpa, P"ril '; Waaa, tfreges. (i4 par lei . uie- JOURNAL'S DAILY TIPS ON MARKETS d Br Sberk. Oaia Qrghkra. . . The moat noticeable changes d In market conditions during tha 4 d Dst week have1 been In butter ' and eggs, tha pries of both these d commodities having 4 advanced- d) d qulta noticeably. '. Butter has ad- d ' vanced within the past two days ' and fancy city creamery Is now ' held at from 2THo to SOc, whUs d d 'good, state creaanery Is . worth .' d ' from' 35c to J Sc. Store tfutter Is In exeellsnr5 demand at printed' d prices and the movement I very ey d limited. The demand for dressed meats ; d and poultry Is still good- Vesl d -nut hogs are In --very - limited d supply. W would aavise snip- e per who have cither veal or d hogs to market to' send them in . d d now. as the weather Is cool, d d .. enough, i to make slUpplng "sare d d and the price Is not likely to T d d better. This might also be said d ' In regard to poultry. - pon t watt-) d until later, when th market la .. d likely to be glutted, conditions . d ere good at the present time. ' y d " " ' ' . flower, trna nee dca: Be a. - 05e: radlh. A7e per lb; artlcbokte. Tie per do: uuaah. tuc: irreea enloa, Oregon, lift Pr doa honchea; cscamber. Rfle per ho: celerr. I oos: grees com, 7.vJl.oo per sacs; earn mer aHMah: - Terff(l.oo see host - eggplaat. 1.2A per crate; puuipktna. le.- , VH1F.U aRUITK Apple, eraporaiecj. aaw 14c per lb; aprleota, 18Ut0e per lb: peachea, 201aWe per lh; aack. He per lh Ire; prann. IW t 40. Oct U drop oa each 1-ie smaller else; Ins black. CH ..'! California white. eIH per Tb; datee. cpldea, 1t p lb; farda. ILeoaLftO per IS-Ibtwa. - eraoeri. sTata. It. I'RAR All refineries Tub. 15 40: powdered. JV2S; fralt, rraaulau-4, $.106) dry granulated. VJ5: eeof. A. n.l6;..weterB V. C. .V05; Hawaiian C. C, Sft.oa: ejtra V. e; graoew ('. 4.t D. relU.w, .o; bbla. 10c; H bbls. Re; boiea. do adeaac oa aaca aasm. leea per wt for aah. U daysi aM. letgie par lb. . (Aboe prices apply to alM of leea th ear lota. Car lata t spsrlal prloas wslwt t fluctuation - 1 i H0.NET Meo per crate. ' fOFKKr I'ckre hraad. $1.S80W.T. SALT Poena Half ground. Mot, W 00 per ten; to. $9 80; Ubl. dairy, BOa, $11.00; looa. $ll.7o; Imooetrd Urerpool. $0. IIT.OOt lone, 1.0: K4a, $ Id 00: antra One. bbla, . ta. 10a, 4 nodtimo- hulk. lb. 4.0oaoa: aacha. BOa. 6.1 tit Met Urerpool lump rock, 1.0 per ton: eo-lb rock.' $.oo; 100. $.oa. RICE Imperial Japan. No. 1. act ffo. a Mitl,e: Kew -Orleaa head, T AJax, e; Creole. RHe. ; . BKAX-4mn I whit. f4.1flt large Mso: pink. I2.TIT! hero. $4.78; Uross, 8J: Mexican reds, 4U. - ' NCT3 PeanifU. Jumbo. e per lh; Tlrglnla, $0u.c per lh; roted, H Jb: ' see, B4RUe; 'roted. TBTHe tf Tbr eoeos; nnta. $SSO per doa; wslnats, inJlH pa lb; plucnuts, foiffllV, per lb; hickory asts, lne S,, lh! eheetnnt. aaatrrE. 1010 per D; Rraall ant, the per lh! filbert. 14Q1M per lb: faaey pecans, lftc; almonda. leQlTo. ' Keats. Fish aad yrerlaloaav. . , rRRSfl MKAT8 front Btrset Hogs, fanCr. SVtc; ordinary, TWSc: poor. 7C.H per Ibt bulla, S34c per lb; real, extra, SO$Ve lb; ordluarj. 7 Sc per lb; poor, per lb; mattoo, fancy. KiaNHe per lb: lamb. 9c. -SAMS. BACON, ETC Pert land pack (local) bam. 10 to 14 lb. 16Ve per lbi 14 to 10 lb. l6Ue per lb; breakfaat bacon, loeile per lb: picnic. 12H lb: cottar. !0n pas b; regalar ahort dear, an rooked, lie per lb; moked. - 13 per lb; clear backs, nnamoked, Ite per lb; smoked IS per lb; Union butts 10 to 10 lbs; tnamoked. Be par lb; amoked. 0 per lb; clear bellies, , uaamoked, 14 per D anmked 10e per lb: shoahlere. U'i-' Per lb; DlcfcUd tongue. $6 .00 euarter hbL LOCAL r.ARb-Kettle leaf. 10s, 11H per lb; 6a. lHc per lb; 60-lb. Mm. IJc per lb; team renoerea. lue. uwe pee jo, ea, - per lb: compound. 10a. 8U. ' " 1 CANNED SALMON Columbia rtree. 1-lh Ulla, 11. HO: 1-lh tails. $i.T5; fancy, 1-lh Bits. Sl.Mt U-lb fsncy Bala. $!.; fcy l ib erala, W.76: Alaska Ulla. Dink. ISO00; red. 11.60; aomlssl Jbj. tall, 2.j. risti ROTS sou, re par TO, e-inwri. aw mm lb; hallbnt. ec per lb; era be. $l.0Otl.6O do; :rti ha. HWi oar lb: estAah. Os per lbs aalmoa, Columbia rlrer chlnook and allreratrte. PC! Steel Bead, oe id; oernng, oe per m: a, Sa pas lu; anrimpa, -w pee w-, perch, be per id; niara coo. ic par id, tomcod. 7r per lb; IItt- amelt, M par Ik! ux nee lh: freh mackereL Be per lb: erawOih, SOc per doa; ahad. $ per lb; storgMa, 1 1 10c per lh: black baa. SOe. I OTP TKRB Bhoalwater bay, par pa I.; per 110-lb aack. $4.00; Olympls, per f alios.; per ii-id aaca, u.vw. CLAMB BardahalL per. bos. $S-00 raaor clam. $X.0O per box. faints. Oaal OH. Z BOPB Pats sUalla, 14; suadara, MUet steal, lie. COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Csses 10K per gal; water white. Iron barren 14 par gL woodea 17c par gal) headlight. 170-deg, sms 1114c par gat , UABOtui.. oe neg. laaia ea-eje par gai. areai hbls lie pee gal. rlENZINB 3-de g, sases bb per gal, area bbla IRV.C ner Sa TURrltWTlKhv ta sssas so tar gai. saiua bbla w-e per gal. ' ': i WHITE LCADToa lots, Ti per lh bOO-lh Iota. 6c per lb, less lota, OS per IV. WtRB NAILA Preeent heals st $108. ' LINBEED OIL Pare raw, la aVoel loss. gOc; 1-hhl lot, 03e; Caere, file per gal; genuine kettle hoi led. eaaes. 00 per gal; bhl lota. 6c; 1-bbl lot to per gal: ground rake, ear lots. $20-00 per Soa; ls thaa esr kits. $30.00 par ua. TRADE DULL WITH WHEAT . PRICE TRIFLE UP : ' - r f v ' ."''' .' . Liverpool Unchanged at Opening and Chicago Market Is Very SlowDecember Is Up. , IIUTIVI WHEAT TALUEB.' ' Kept. 12. Sept. 11. Gala. September.... $ .0a4 $ .60 $ lercember .72 .71 .001 Msy.. ........ .7814 V .70 t V jUOi land. $ ,M M(4 rhtcsxo, Bept. 12. The wheat market, wa gala a aulet affair. Ltrerpnol cam sucusnged and dull at th opening "and there was little roc II net km among the trade here to get Into tb starker. ' At the close today September wa aarhanged. While December and May each sdV renced Ite.' Official quotation by Orerbsek, . Btsrr. A laos company i WHEAT. ' Cloa. Beptemner December .. May ; Beptetnher . December ,. May ....... W14 70 fit 70 14 T2 7w 71 7 . T2IA TO 73 COBX 41 V , 4T 47 " ', 4614 '' 2 : 42S 424 42Z 214 4ilh ' 4214 "; 4.114 42 : 42S 42l U OAT8- September ...... Ht $24 December'.. Bl May li U 14 " B2U 1 82 S414 MERd POpK. Bptmbr Jaeusry .., ..10 , 11H7 ..12H7 12T ' 1W0 12M lmn 1202 chicaoo e&aix cat lotb. Chicago, Bept.' It-frata ear lotsi , , Car, tired. Eat. Wheat ........... w, BO H4 IB (vra IU1 171 g.12 Oata ,.e..-r.-.v.".. KT " 21 1 12S 100$. 0 171 210 Wheat ear today: Minneapolis 272. Pnliitk 20$. , Year ago: Minneapolis iii, Duluth 132. HEAVIEST ADVANCE IS NOT QUOTED BY TRADE This f tern oos It -transpires that th Carl rorala HswaltaB Sugar Beflslng compear advanced Its Hat os enrr 2"c per hundred ponnn Thla mda . and the Weatera Bngr rompeny 1e. lnfocmttoB come ant lata In tha after. an. Only loc wss sddd t th prta by tb ivbbsrs. heesTSt. ., AWOnDERFULTONE I0LDS SHEEP Past Year Has Shown Very High Prices in All Markets and Es pecially In This' City. ' , LOSS OF RANGE CAUSE - - OF THE SHORTAGE Sufficient Feeding Ground for Stock Harder to Obtain Some Showing of Weaknjaa in Cattle but Former Pricea Hold Hoga Unchanged. Portland. Vales Btockysrds. Sept. 11. Lire- Mock receipts: ,. m ' Tod ......i.... 87 80 BMI Week ago SS. ; " Month ago ............... .... Via Year ago.. .A 300 X l.OM Wbea in traoe come to coaaiotr ow uu, IK. ahM.n haa heeo the past year there 1 greet curiosity aa to the cUoa of th market durlag th coming seoa. . ro orer a yr toe neep marsat price np to tb top notch already, taking au is alt IkaT reelnta have been OUlt fata and gSj- rlly pa per with thaee of the preelous year. Knt 'confine! to any oartleular market haa i ,kl. .nP.iia aWmand Urn aheeD. la the raat where the sheen- trade Is oa s eery beery scale the prices obtained thla aesaoa hare bees held up oee the caoord polnt.,, - While th recelpu this year are not p to a year sgq, thla has been expected by th trade en pcuunt f tt lucreaalng dlfflcultylnoh taintug aufflclent feeding ground, Ihe cattle market ahows a fslnt tings sf weeksess today, due. It le said, to sympathy with the ate continued decline la the oaaters price. Receipts of eattle were somewhst lib rl today. Wlthla the 24 hours 840 head sr. rlred as agamat nominal recelpta of 40 besd s wsek age and 28 heed thla dale ta 100. . . Only a fair volume of boge could be sold St tha prraeBk market price. While demand Is not weak, the trade Is not oesrsaxloas te bay. Present price unchanged. " ' , Today 0 head of hones srrirsd la th yards. OfflrUl llTostock quotation: tk,. H.aja Beat eaatern Oregon, fT.OO; blocker and ?hlBS fats, m ooQt M- v . Ba aaalera Oresos steers. BS.ouej .. k end heifer. 2 SO 2 00: StSCk- srs snd feeders, $2.753.O0; bulla. 10.. Sheep BbearUBgs, smc. "". EASTERN CATTLE LOWER. f-UM ' i..d..'s 30."-0 mM.W ' ,Vaw ?.n?aty"; '-eoo.ow-io.eoo OmabY a".: a.sio.ono Hogs srs stssay si nrw. t poo left oyer. Receipts s year age wars Z.rZL KIb2L11. i ul.Jf ln.ejna6.n2W: good. M:ooe.2Vl roagh. $0.4605.7$, light. $0,060 io. . ... Cattle Tea so loe uwer. . . , . . ... " Sheep troog. ' - r.V P.: T.TORE INTEREST IH MARKET VHEH IT RAIHS Showers Bring Out More Mem bersTotal Sales Today Thlr- teen Thousand Shares. lalerest la stock trading sa tb local market aa aalulns. The rain broogbt eat a asmner r memhera and there was more snap te the bidding thajpBByseaaiom i,Joe.-J' C0:.. ..ti .mtmrn to 11.000 ShSTSS. C.- slstlng of 10.000 ahares Lees Gold St lHe, 1.000 shares Oregon Securities at Be aad 4,000 shares Alaska ratroieom si lie. . .. .. , , -.- Official quotationa: r .v. , hr--t . I- , BANK BTWU Bid. Ask. 70 .iii : i " 10$ . 100 Rank of California... .'TC. $a ........ 12$ ........ 200 . . . . . ' Merchants' Natkmal. ...... Oregoa Treat ,.V.. unitea aiate natioauii. Portlaad -Truat Co Banker' ft Lumbermen', Bqullsbl SsrlBgs - MISCEI.LANBOUa BTOCA.B. Lesser Mfg. . ... Campbell' Oas Inlon Oil ..... . a jo T CO 60 looo , 0- ino , 103 J ""oJ " er - u ;: "ii . '06. 0114 "oi 0614 01 : 04tt - 043 0$ 02. B0 .0 16 ........ Sol AaaocUted OU Alaaka Packers T. ......... t. B0 ' oe 00 t Pacific States Telepboos. ...... Home TlepbTie . ......... Paget Bound Telephone. , Oregoo Life Insurance......... Cement Product Emnlr Contracting Co.. no J. 0. Lee Co.. O. B. N. Ry. 46, w . Merllm. Towaslta ........... 20. , Nicola Coal 01 , Inter aational Cost ,04 MIKINfJ STOCKS. Paelfle MeUI BxrraetloB.v.-..v-.x--AUaka Petroleum ............... 1 Alaaka Phmeer .....r.... 46 Standard Cos .1114 Oregon Beeorltlss nn - Snowstorm J. 00 Lee aJreek Gold .....v..... ol Tscoms Btesl i . Oallea Cob. ... Oallaher 04. (lol.len Bill Coa. Rullfme Terrlbl Oolcmda 04 North Fair lew ... Boy ... .......... ....... ...... ... H lawa tha... .'..... I ....,' 01 Caacadla ......................... av l,ucxy- rjoy . . .............. Heel .$.11 Rambler Cerlboo ...s... ... Inula Meadow .,,..., 0214 ' " flreat NorttierlL .-.....f 00p-,:,.. Motmtsln -View .j.-... M Plue Hirer Ootd $.73 10. OH Garrla Cyanlds Co........ . : 00 SUO A B STOCKB. . .-..' nawallas Com... .....a.....' BB.r r , Honoke 134 1414 HutcbbtaoB (M.i.H.Mf 'HMr ls- M.kawell no , se Onomea -,........ B434 -Paauhao' ....?.. Il 1 Untoa . ........j..j60t)4 Total sal today, 12.000 shins.' '. TOTTED STATES OOTEBltjmrT SOUPS. Mew Tork, Sept. 12. Oo-remment honda : , . . .- , Dt. Pld. Aak ia. a as. 14104 Twos, reelatered. ........... Opt. '104 do coupon Opt. loll Threes, realatered.. ......... Opt- lOX do coapon.... ............. upt. ihi J04 Small bond 1' ..... rone reelarered. 1"T 101 lOB do coupon 10T iall4 Four, registered. . .......... Ji i.ii m do coupon............ 1"M 1.11 133 Dtetrlct ft Cblumbl........ 1024 lid Philippine d , loa ..... . .. v V: 0TlAjri BAM tTATXXXaTT. Clearing hodsy v..r e. Clearings year gv. ........ Csla today .....a.......... .ll.OM.SdI.BA . . 8U6.SMI.01 $146,07180 CKAaTBEBKT nCCTfO BIOnTB. T " iVau.l.1 rl.n.ti to -The Joaraal.ft - ' Ilwa.-o. Vah.. Bept. 12. Cranberry picking began thla morning ana will eonttnss tor s month. The berrlee srs. of excellent outllty nd the yield I. heeey. Th marah Bear the Breskeis hotel 1 eetlmsted te yield 1.000 be rls. ... 1 I lie . . Te are hurt properly looking eo fo tTe. 1 tnleaa yom wateb The JonrnsJ want Ada. . BieferTe41 flrtoek Oaaiasd oeds. AUlso sV Lewlaf Beet Braod. Sugar Interests Seem Very Agreeable at This Time and All Prices Are Ten Cents Up on the Pacific Coast--Eastern Market, Firm. fJOOEYGOIEIIOSIO flEW- YORK Stock Market Is Ruled by Ex orbitant Rat ? for Call loans Future Hard to Fathom. GREAT CAINS MADE :T0DAY BY LEADERS St Paul Moat Active and Moves Rapidly Upward MUsouri Pacific Strikes Par With the General List Showing Very Heavy Gaina. ' J ; NET GAI58, " Amalgamated .....1'Colo. Pasl. LscouaotlTs ,..... ,ll4Erle Buaae . .......... ..11. Loutaellle . 1H l ........1 pfd.... hoielter Ked. Buielt Atchiaoa ....... ...11 Baltimore ......... "4 Mlaanurt Pae........l N. Y. Central. 1 Norfolk ..1 Pennar Irani ........2 Hruutlrn Canadian Pae... ('eat. Leather... 1Si""P' s uas ...J Bt. Paul.. Southern Pas.... ..Bit ..81 ........ . .ia Kork Ialand. . ...... 14 I'nloa Pse , V. B. Steel Cheaspesks ...... pfd -'"By Henry Clews. Wall Street. New Tork. Sept. IX As re peatedly pointed out la the adrlcas, tbs mon etary ettnatloa la the gorernlng element In the tork market, and It Is likely to ao remain for time to coma. Thla week kaa witnessed ror blunt rates for money, and tb end Is not yst la sight. WB lr )nat entering upoij a pe riod sf unususl trad activity, wbll the eoun try' crop are large and will mak greater demand npoa the bank thaa aaual during tb marketing ere eon. Nevertheless, ws enter tbs crop moetng period with s surplus ream of only $2,800,000. which Is vry- much below the saual level at this data. . , Tbs nowlr would b much worse were It not that maalpulatloB coa ceala tb real facU; for tb. reserve wa only maintained by SB srtificial contraction of over $7.0110.0110 la losns and aa Increase of oar bor rowings la Europe. Aad yet, la eplt of thee condition, our market leader eem heat oa forcing aa active hull campaign, with a confi dence snd audacity -that la aatoetehlng whsa Judged by ordinary atandards. What Is tba baals of this confidence, sad whst hiNlba sassa Ing of sack boldnea lit movement! Why cannot thaee astute arentlemea wait aattl monetary conditions ar mora fsvorabla a. few moaths hence 1 The first oueatloa Is readily ensweree. m baaed nnon th Dractlcal certainty of a good harveat and anatlnued boaloeea activity. This sum, thai oiner corporate which have ve been le the matter of d! riding profits will -b-.eblled to Join the drW dend procsssloa and givs their stock homers am .h.M in the ennntrv's aroBoerlty. The ln.r.... la dividend afford a mors stable bssls thaa previously for hlgbar vsluatlone and en able a - cloMT readluatmeat hstweca market ia mA ... time monev. Tbs meaning of such boldness la forcing a bull movement la spits of high money rates Is thst the big Jesd ers ar extremely anxious to leen their hold ings snd to dlstrihuts them whlU the public Is tempted by pro pec ta of Increased return. Th reason they cannot ntl1 a00 "aanda are sstlafled, which may b only a faw month dl tnt,. 1 that they rear to lose their market. Now, la their opinion, is ins V 7 rn".a - ment. Within two month th eiectlou will bs In full swing sad public optimism may - be less prevalent. At sny rate s series of JuMttonssrs ahead; pending the solution of which thsy would rather sell etocks. iclUy wbea the afford such magalfloeot prorita. Present high , prices alone ar smple iBducemsata .for , -lUng. g away who have held stocks slace the low level f aerrral year ago. Os thing st Issst is oer tsla; that , that the big holders srs grsd ..ui iitn. and that stocks srs sUsdlly P- "ort-swIdS -ere mad. by".., fasfar- rndar Bt.- Psnl rescnea soouier r while Mleeoert Pacific went to par, srsl Hat moved ap ra sympajny Official oootat .uoaa Cooks company: Jr,BosirnoivL. Amsi. Copper Oe. Am. Locomatlvs. ooi... Am. Sugar, com........ Am. Smalt. os.. AtchuMB, com... Baltimore Ohio. com.. Brook Ira Rapid Trenail. Canadian Pacific, com... Central Leather, cor. ... I hi.. Mil. at Bt. raui... Ohesapeaks 4k Ohio...... Colo, reel Iron, com.. Krle, com ... Ixnlnille Naahvllla.. Railway Spring Federal Smelter, pfd.... Mlasourl Pactfle New Xcrk Central...... N. T.. Out. Wsst.... Norfolk 4k Wsst.. com I Pennsylvania , Hallway P. W., Li. 4k li. US.... Beading, com ... Rock Ialand. coa. . . Southern Paelfle, com Union Pacific, com... U. S. Steel Co., com.. do preferred, ....... Wabaah. preferred . . . . Total aales for day, 1.086.400. Call money closed st 8 per cent. BOYCOTT BY MINERS " - ' , :V IS CREATING HAVOC Joarasl SpecUl Service.) Goldfteld, Bept It. Owing to the ac tion of the mlnere and members of the industrial workers In refusing to raise the boycott on the Ooldfleld Bun mines and leaaes, all have oioaed gradually from Saturday until no, not a mine or leaae is working. : .. t A- . .. 0reeches of an inflammatory natnre were made at a miners' meeting last night, which - urged a stsnd by - the miners, not in defense of ths Bun; but to force the installation of .a change room, where the mlnere could be searched as they came off shift . ' The' stocks have hltbottom hard on the local board, . and are -still going down. . . .. ;. " - JOHN BARE CAUGHT : . , BY IDAHO OFFICERS " (Special Dl "patch te Ths JoorasL) 1 Enterprise, Or, Bept 11. John Bare, who killed Brick Johnson of this place laat June, has been captured aad Is now In the county JalL Bare was dis covered - in - Welser, Idaho, and was brought "to - Enterprise by r Bherlff BUkely. , . ' - ' BRYAN AND WATTERSON . SPEAK IN SAME HALL j. ' "(Jonrnsl Special Service.) 1 Louisville, Bept. lt-W. J. Bryan ar rived at 11:. 0 o'clock. The state's great man welcomed -him.- He will epeak to night from tho same rostrum aa Colonel Hank Watterson. '. ; FIRE DESTROYS HALF - BLOCK OF BUILDINGS f Jonrnal Speefal Servloa.) Point Richmond, Cel., Befit 1L Fire last night destroyed half a block . of frdme buildings In the business district on McDonald avenua The - loss is 110,000. ' . ' , ' ss gea-i wvxoscSf . mvmn " i f 11014 11214 uU 1121J 18614 187 isi" 187H iai ir im4 IMS 1084 11014 108 um 1101412014110 12014 7914 81 7 N0h 176 17T 17614 177 884 B0 $814 80 17614 170 17414 170 683 644 e8i 044 66ft 6714 $614 $7 47 48 4744 4V 14814 102 1014 im ..... ..... . 6614 04 0814 100 08 100 14214 ltt 2 14414 60 60 60 60 02 04 02 04 189 142 138 14214 8914 tm 8914 BOlZ 14014 14314 180 14814 27 17 17 27 01 08 01 S 190 104 190 1B4H 4R 40 46 46 10014 106 106 106 46 HIKBIIOBIILE STORiJ British Steamer Elainf' Drlngs Report of. Awful VVeather In ' ' Vicinity of Cape Horn. , , HAD TO SEEK SHELTER . BEHIND STRAY ISUNDS Laid in St Martln'e Cove, for More Than a Fortnight .While Gala Spent Itself Off the Dangerous Promon tory Officers Visit , Lone Guard. ' For. nearly fortnight the British Btetuner Klaln waa oompelled to ' tug at ber anchor In St. Martina eove In the lo or Cape Horn., while waltlna; for a tsrrlflo gale to sweep bjr the barre n promontory off which ao many ahfps have found their fata. She had trucked the ansa and the winds for a week without making any visible headway and at last tha men at the wheal found It Impossible to get her to answer the helm. It waa th fiercest blow ever encountered by any of the officers of the big cement-laden tramp, and in order to save the vessel and cargo It waa decided to acknowledge defeat and run for shelter. The Elaine reached pert yeeterday afternoon from London via Port Los Angeles. Bhs cam here In ballast, hav ing discharged the cargo at the Cali fornia port, under charter to Balfour, Guthrie dk Co. to load lumber for Shang hai, and went to the mills of the Port lajul Lumber oompany.-wbsre she- oia--manced receiving cargo ' this morning. Captain Mlllona considers himself lucky In saving weathered the storm oft the Horn for since reaching port he learned that other vessels caught In the same blow - very . narrowly escaped going down, some of them having limped Into port badly battered. ' Among . these is the Norwegian steamer Norman Isles, which Is now loading lumber st the mills of Inman. Poulaen k Cot, after havlne? Just undergone extensive re pairs as a result of ber experience) off the Horn. ' T - Tha blow that aant the Elaine Into Bt Martin's eove began June t and lasted two weeke without a moment's let up. The men declare they had never seen such a blow before and 'hope to -never again run Into anything like It. A less severe blow, but Heavy enough to send the steamer Into, shelter for a couple of daye, was also ' encountered in the vicinity of Statan island. While the Elaine waa mating onheranehor chains the officers went ashore to pay a visit to th lone man-who guards the islands from poachers and they enjoyed the novelty of speaking to a man who had not seen a human being tor half year. - The keeper of the islands is an Italian and- hence the conversation was carried on with dlff lenity. He ap-: pearad satisfied, although the position is - considered the moat - lonesome Imaginable. Seven long months In the year, ho told the officers of the Elaine, he spends alone on the Islands with no other . company than the seals that In habit the shores endadjolnlng curia The entire ialand was covered with now and the place looked most desolate and uninviting when the Elaine waa there, but the fellow did not. seem to mind It muoh.- The Elaine ia a new veaael, this be ing her second long voyage. Bhe was built about two year ago for tha Lion line and Is a modern lumber earlier of the turret-deck styla Bhe gets along with ' an - unusually small " erew, : the number of men - constituting a - full complement being tl. 1 Bh came into port yesterday with tl men only, how ever, becaaae of 1 of ber original crew having - deserted her at Port Los An geles. Bis - coasting sailors were en gaged there to assist in bringing the steamer to Portland and they were paid off last night.- The run Trom Port Los Angeles to the Columbia river was un eventful. . --i t FAVORED WITH FAIR WINDS '!T--:TZ''y--:y:. i f' ' ': '": Otkptala Soweei of the yarksatine Axa - araath Bxplarne Paayt Torage. The barkentlne Amaranth arrived at the drydock at Bt Johns this morning and will be floated 'sometime thla after noon for' cleaning and painting. Bhe will occupy the dock a couple of days only and then shift to one of ths mills to load lumber for a California port, -Captain Bowes reports an uneventful voyage from Manila. - He was lucky, en countering favorable winds all the way, and made the run in 41 days, which la considerable better than the average voyage. Off ths bar ha fell in company with the American ship James Drnm mond, which reached Astoria yeeterday from Bristol Bay. WILL BE DISMANTLED.) Amerioaa . ship Two Brothers Will Be Converted Znto Lumber Barge. The American ship Two. Brother which is loading lumber at the mills of tho Portland Lumber company, has made her last voyage under canvaa Upon reaching Ban Francisco after hav ing delivered ' her lumber cargo at San Pedro the rigging will be removed and the old hulk turned, Into a 'barge to be towed np and down the cceret in the lumber trada . ' -The Two Brothers was built SI years ago and looks it Her rigging, weather beaten and rotten, would not stand tha racket of a good breese and so she was towed to Portland and will be towed back. '' At San 'Francisco the topmasts and bowsprit will be sawed off emd the deck cleared of all unnecessary paraphernalia so as to give her a -l. , rrht- w. w t, la Ve. 1 en 1 j - - llaved that she will still be able to stand the strain and make money Tor her owner at the rate of about ts.000 a month. , Bhe was bought a couple of years ago for something like f ,000. - LONGSHOREMEN WANTED Jobs Are Waltlna for Xalf a Hundred Ken Along the WaWrfroa.' ' Fifty more longshoremen could be employed today along tha wharves were they to be had, and at good wages. This statement was made thla morning by P. D. Hall, . business agent for long shoremen's union No. lit, who was hurrying along Front street looking for men. -, : ' "We can use almost any number of men." said Mr. Hall, "because there are ao many ships fn ths harbor in need of cargo handlers. But the men are not to be had. .Very few of our members' are idle, there are always a few resting up, and we are looking for recruits for the busy season, whleb will soon -be here for good."- - The steamers Norman Isles and Elaine loading lumber and the steamsr Knlgbt cf Bt. 'Oeorge and the bark ; Laennec loadlne 'wheat keen . hundreds of men busy .and then there are a number of nailing vessels taking lumber at the PASSED various mills, whlls the steamers Cost j Klca and Roanoke are working cargoes at their respective whervea. ne tost. Rica got in at I o'clock laat night from Ban lYapclsco. - - - - - - - UPPER RIVER VERY LOW. mala of Laat irWht aad Today Sxpected - ' - . to Assist pTatigstlon. fiteamboatmen operating on the upper Willamette are thankful becaue of th rain, believing, that it will help to swell tha watsr In the river sufficiently to make navigation lesa difficult. Below the falls at Oregon City the river la said to be at the extreme low-water mark and this morning tha steamers Ottawa and Elmore were forced ; to return to Portland with an oil-laden barge that they had been trying 'to get over the Clackamas rapids for three daya , V iceoHln to David B. Ocden. aaalah ant United States engineer, the dipper dredge will be put to work digging a channel through the Clackamas bar next week. The Intention haa been for aome time to get the dredge to work there but jot her bars above the falls cava kept her t busy. Mr. Ogden returned from the upperijrlver yesterday, where he wont, to Inapeot the -work of- the snag boat Matioma. v , . d OVERDUE CRAFT SAFE .- - ' , .rr .. 0 Bohooner Hormaa Bunds Bsachss Beattle Lashed to the. TaorUsa. 1 '. ' (Joarnsl Special Serrlae.l Seattle. Wash.. Bept , It. . The schooner Norman Bunds, which it waa feared was loat. arrived here this ' morning lashed alongside tha schooner Louisa. The- . vessel was roughly handled by the heavy sea off Cape Bcott soms time ago and In pounding part of tha Norman Sunde's rail Was crushed. Her headgear, was also slightly damaged. Tha Louisa escaped serious damage, being tha etaunoher .vessel of the two The Norman Bunde was picked up by the Louisa several days ago. The Norman Bunde and the Louisa collided in a fog a week ago near the northern' end of Vancouver ialand, and do -word was racslved from althar of the vessels alnoe then. , as tha fishing schooner that saw j the . collision WM unable to stand by on account of the sea and fog. A fleet waa put In search of the two vessels, but found no trace of them till today, when they were towed Into port Shortly after the collision the Loulsia picked up the Norman Bunde and they remained laahed together, al though the sea continued rough. . : FOR DEEPER CHANNEL'; aTreeeataktve of Chambee e Oom- Baeroe Zntervlsws Portland Xea The chamber of commerce has a rep resentative Interviewing the shipping people of. Portland for the purpose of. creating intereat In a " movement for tho aaananlnr Of tha channel aaross the Columbia river bar to a depth of 40 feet as proposed long ago. The Intention- ef the- chamber of oommeree le 4o make this matter a feature of Its pro gram, planned for the .year and every. body will be invited amv urged to. as sist ' . -.-. , r . - The necessity of further appropria tions for carrying on the extenelon of the Jetty at the mouth of the river will be urged and there is also said to be some talk of bringing experts here from different parts of the world to see what can be done In the Hoe of dredging, ALONO THE WATERFRONT. . The steam schooner Northland arrived In the harbor last night and went to Inman, Poulaen a: Co.'s mills to load, lumber for Baa Francisco. - , Tba British steamer Vermont cleared this morning for Takn with l.ttt.lTl feet of lumber, valued at She salla this afternoon. . v The oriental liner Araba is due to ar rive here Saturday from . China - and Japan - with a big cargo.- - Tho - steam, schooner Nome City reached Astoria shortly before noon to day. She goes to Rainier and Stella to-load -lumber-and ties for San Fran cisco. The Independent Steamehlp ticket of fice will remove soon to 111 Third street, where new offices are being equipped. , - The schooner William - F. Germs Is finishing loading lumber at tho mills of The Portland Lumber company and will probably get away this week. ' The--oil tank steamer Argyll was at the Llnnton tanks discharging a cargo of fuel oil from Port Hartford last night. ' She left down this morning. ' The steamer 'Alliance sailed , for Eureka via Coos Bay last night She reached Astoria at I o'clock this morn ing. : '- ,' "' MARINE NOTES Astoria.. Sept It. Arrived down, at I a, m., steamer Alliance; arrived at 11;10 a. m. steam schooner Nome City from -San Francisco; arrived down at noon steamer Argyll. -- Ban . Francisco, Sept It. Arrived, schooner Churchill from Astoria; sailed last night steamer Redondo, for Port- Astoria. Sept 11. Sailed at 1:16 n. m schooner Admiral for .Baa Pedro; sailed at t:40 p. m schooner Roderick Dhu, In tow of tug Defiance, for Monterey; sailed at 4:t0 p. m., steamer' J. B. Stet son for San Francisco; arrived down at 1:40 p. m. steamer Aitse. - r Astoria. Sept 11. Condition of the bar at I a m., rough;- wind, southeast, II miles; weather, rainy. 1 r '? ' Won. Bent Ton Xdke ttf ''3 " "She blushh when he klst her, thrill ing thru and thru.. This is a line from a novel of the future, with the spelling a la Roosevelt . ' Prove It- (4 By the Oven Fire Pat the 1 -t3 ai"- a J."'u,,iif 1 25 cent. JAQUES CXalcaQO- , ' Peninsula lYcny P:yj Pcrt:;rJ sr. J Cccs C:s t:;r.:y ; Mir j Lets Tcr Silz. On the paajneiila, near St Johns, for $li0 sutl up. - Copyright, 1901, by Geo. J. Schaefer. NOTBV Location, not phraseology, ia everything in buying real estate any whera ; Schaefer's Addition Is directly "central" on Cooe bay's pe nlnsula (between Empire, North Bend J and Marahdeld), lota 10x100, with It Toot aileya,, Prlcea 100 and upward, . I Room tl? Chamber of Commerce, Phone Malrf 1816. OSO. J. SCsTABTim, Owner. GRAFTriG ARt.iY OFFICERS 'ESCAPE COURTriARTIAL ; Decided at Manila to". Try Of fenders by Civil Courts In-- ; . stead of Military, y -. . (Jwarnal SpeeU! Ser-rics.) .Manila, Bept It. It has been de cided to try. the officera sua pec ted of graft In tha army ahopa in the elvtl courts instead of by oourtmarttaL aa the statute of limitations can be plead ed in the military court while in the civil eonrte under the Bpanlah law the period of limitation la li yeara . The officers who are to be tried are Captains Frledenalt, Nugent, Cole and Klin ball, all of the quartermaster's de partment The report of MaJor-Oaneral Wood, commanding the division, regard ing tho alleged peculations of the of ficers, is en route to Washington, . , DIVIDES TIME BETWEEN ' SMELTER AND-YACHTS ; (Special Dlapatch te The fooraaL) Grants Paaa, Or., Sept. It. Charles ' L. Tutt, manager of the Takilma arnal ter and copper mines Of southsra Jo-"" sephlno county, and also earner of th yacht , that won second plaoe in the 're- . cent international race from Saa Fran; . Cisco . to . Honolulu, - haa arrived here and will spend - the remainder . of tha summer at Takilma. Beside being -aa , ardent. yachtaman, Mr. Tutt ia a thor- ' ough copper miner, and is muoh pleaeed . . With the results cf his Josephine coun ty properties. wHls smelter ia at prsar- ' ent treating from 10 to too irons of ore dally, nd from thla la reduced from It, 000 to 11,000 worth of copper and gold dally. The Takilma smelter and mines are among -the beat paying min ing propoelilona in Oregon nd will be come) one of the biggest oopper prop- , ertles on the boast as aooa as they are connected by rail with the main Una of " transportation. . --- ,. .1 -a, ELECTRIC PLANT AT-- ROSEBURG IS SOLD 1 ' fSptdal Dispatch Is Tie Jjrat Eugene,- Or., . Bept 11, A. Welch, general '- manacerr -of the' Willamette ' company. , while here yesterday after- T noon announced .that big company had i Juat purchased the el ec trio - light plant at Roseburg and will take charge at once. The plant will be improved aad ' ' eventually nssd in connection with the electric railway which the company will build from Portland aa far. south as , Roseburg. .-. 4.1 .': .'.;.'-. . -r Mr. Welch also gave out the inform a- tlon . that the survey for the Kugene- Borlngflsld trolley line and the street ' railway system in Bugene would b-- gin next week and construction worn startsd probably . before the . first of - November or just aa soon as the sen- ; pany'a new waterworks here la com pleted. ' '....:-, - -.- -.'' . Our Cutter Is an Artist, Our tailors skilled in their business, and our buyer an expert In woolens. This combination can suit any . man la . stylo and prioe of fashionable garments, no matter how f astldloua he may be. nr. the man autd his BOCketbOOk as well. Armstrong the taller, Raleigh J building, szi waaaingwn. nnpuon Paoifio till. . FOUR HOTEL GUESTS KILLED IN MEXICO '..' . . - . - . " - ',',!' V .' ' " h ,i . (Jovraal Speetal Berrlee.) ' -El Paso, Tex., Sept It. News reeahed here, today of the collapee of the Hotel Gomes Farias at Chihuahua. Mexloo, burying 41 people and killing four. The , building waa old and rain caused the '-' disaster, J. V. Moulter, an,. Amerioaa. Is among the injured. f ; - 1 wonderful KC Bak ing Powder to the tett , Get a ; -can on approvaL Your money v will be returned . if yon don't agree that all we claim is true. YouH be delighted with the de licious, wholesome things that Kf DAKING ; w POWDER will bring to life in your oven. , K C Baking . Powder is two thirds cheaper and makes purer, better, more healthful food than otherpowders anywhere near K C Quality. 25 ounces for ' Qt it to-day 1 MFG. CO. 7 , . - .1 1 ,! -