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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1906)
DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY .. EVE.'arJO. SEI'TEMDER 6. KCl HEW TODAY. NEW TODAY! NOW, WHAT D'YE THINK : OF THAT? A CONVENIENCE A k.kU iMMnl With 8a bk bb, VfMt INSIDE PnOPERTY "a avmoo fret, sidewalk a. craded atreet. Ooprrlcbt. laoa. By Awiriraaooraal-l fit water (Bull Ruat piped U each lot, oa he carline. with aa anohatracted uw of the e-'ireulcoce to river; every lot cleared la .area plat aad contains th. richest kind of coll. la walk lug dlelaaee of ftnlsr of th city; tit la par fact, aa abetract furalebed with every let and the More People Mll ep tk- baew jiiat bow r aneai ir help we wiu auair la getting etarted. those . WhO Bl -. ... -r . -- .1 THE OREGON wtf im per lot. A raw Of thee lota will aa told for 1M . A C!icst Trust Company la Oregon pars bXmt st the rate of t per eent'asr hmb eo. check Bccoanis tavea fcesdrede) oa daily pals ace of, 4 , Five Hundred Dollars ' ar every :..v" ,'. .... ' nr BirsnriM nutix m yxaba. ; sUSOVXCES OTXB 1,TM,804.4, fM Trot (cipiuj ot Orp 8. BJ. ear.' M and Oak sts, nea mx. is. kkkj. t roHEN...........'..:...... evident H. L. PITTOCK.... .....Vice-President B. LIB PAGET Bearetery J. O. OOLXBA. .Assistant Beoretary LOOK! LOOK! Tow Chelae 6 New Bungalows Portland Heights xaox on bus - ' 5; Tu tots soxioo. . .vvi rOB UU BMASOaTABXJL ' , Tsrm tf Boalrad, , D. E. KEASEY & CO. Bxolasrre Dealers Fortlaad Xedtrnts aad Comma Orart Froperty. : OmOl OFF. OBUBTATOBT. raoae Baal B1SSW Investments Insured. Against loss, ar a m soly hold aaaaa Udl- rldnal ar corpora Hoe's premls a psyt i method af tlTtac ear lavsetor First Martgag Security af their ova eclactlea la avaatlsc with such marked sarciss that jraa ra ot afford ta ever took tha aafaty aad tha 8 per esat lataraat etfarsd By Bile eaaspaar. Can fc bn la- . torautloa. , r , i. i ncrtMvestern Guarantee and Trust. Cbmoanv lABibar Baraaaaa hide.. I. a car. M aad Stark. Fine Lot on UEVBL, OROTTKtt. JVBT THE PLACX FOR A GHOCKRT STORK OR TKNB MENTT HOV8B; LOT (OxlOB. PRICK. $Mot Can aim terms. v . . . . o is, jotmNAi. ' , A 5Robm Kaw and roodarn, tha S. W. eornar 17th and Clinton Bta aaat alda. 1-mlnnta ar aerrtca. Thara la no battar houaa la tha city, for tha monay. , Price $2,250 I Akf THE OWNER, O , ' JOURNAU $18,000 Brick Building 10 PcrCent" Two-atory brick bnlldlna;, with ba'aa ; tnent. cholca location, built four year, rupla4 by wholcaaJa houaa. , Praam t tenant a haro baen-ln bulldlna; atnra It waa built and wUl laaaa for thraa yaara mora t 1160 month. , ; nomrs sxat, to 10 a, FORSAUE A ".,, tnodefn, room raaldanea, aub atandUUy built, flrat-claaa In ayary par ticular, (0x100 lot altuated In cholceat ...u..v-a mn, wni aiaa; part caao, balance on may term a , . . n o. znrtv - 101 Commercial Block, bacond and Waahlnirton Btreeta. KLAMATH FALLS WVEST ROW FOB FUTURE WEALTH : WO Aoraa-,Two BBllaa frnrrtara' will azchansa for Portland proparlyi weat alda ownera only. T. O. HAOUe! 11 Sixth atraat. Portfand, Or: QREENWAY (PORTLAND BBIOBTB) Taa avt baaatiful lorauoaa ta rhle dd. tloa rmla aaaoM. Ball Baa water elaa. trie lUbte. (aa aad (reded etreete. Iiipera tw of Moaat Hood, Baat Pnrtlaad aad wtl. Uawtta river. Caotea Ma, (aoo each. , WTTTTB B K-IZVITAV. S-dO Oncealaa hid. FOR RENT Kaw atnrva and offlca room a, with afeam i 'i ann eiactrio ii(HTa, n. K.- comer i i.ira ana jnauiaon airaeia. Apply room I. AN INVEfTMENT In Wlralaaa will ha rood a a Jiell Talephona. Writ for (articulara lo jr. noon baixst," 411 t,uni6er tuchanta. - WATCH LZmS CHOW And Veep Vour aya on WTT.KT ALLEN a idi aaa ior nna oargaioa in raaj aetata. nr;a sti::d icns n. c:ll rtkioBa a im ia. sot wabfiixoton su.,1, b bow epaa far roceuUea ei pupils, Avenue mm Cottag r" awwa, Milan aeontniy inatsiimeata. .Taa fi rat coma taa flret served. M. J. CLOHISSY. )T McKay Butldtag. r WEATHER REPORT. The dlatorkaaM Taata ' -a4w mm ( Inland aear Taaoe)Tr laland arored to DO ar decided eaareeter. Htarm emitliweat wars. mea ware ordered yeeterday at :eU a. ai. at all aaa ports la weetera WaahiaatoB. llaay raporta are nlralDf thla aaoralua and It la sot poeelDle to datetmloe the- elect locafloa of the atorat center. Vary little rale haa aa far attended thla daetorbaare, bat tha weather la doedy and three train la Orefoa, waaklnftoa aad northern Idaho, and rata may Be eipected la the aorta Paruv. alataa tonlirht and Friday, airept la aoathera Idaho, where fair weather will probably coatlaoe. II will be cooler ataht within the area where rala la eueeted. The eaetera hire treasure area aa bow central oeer the Dtatrict of Columbia and it ia dl- lalehuif la anercy. Local ratal hare fallea at arattared plaree la the fulf and aowth Atlantic atatoa, while rair weather preeiue la au tha nor Ui era atatoa aaat or the Boky aaoaatalaa. Obaemtloaa tahca at A a. m., Padlc time: - -. ' .. . i Tama. BtatJona . i If ax. j JdUk Pradp. Baker City. Orefoa.'. ....... M M .5 Boatoa. Maaaarhaaetta..... TO M . .0 Chlca(o, Illlnola Ta r 9 .0 Deayer, Colorado ...8 l M .0 Kaneaa City, Mlaaonrl M ' d . ,0 Loa AAvalea,. California.:.. 1H 00 .0 New Orleeaa. Loalataaa..., M T .0 Vw Vrr V Vte VA ' OA a Pnrtlaad, droa T . 6T ',. T Boaebar(, Orrfoa. ......... Oa - ao .0 Bt. Loola. Mluouri ?d OS ' .6 Bait Lake. I tah. 84 J .0 Baa Praaclaca. California.. M , . ' M ' ..a Kpokane. Waablnatoa...... T4 .04 X Tiooma, Waahlnatoa TO OS " .W Walla Walla, Washlnctea.. M I M .0 Washlnttoa. D. C 70 ' M .0 MARRIAGE LICENSES. eje' ' ai. ii in.i n ei Boy Barber, Troatdale, Ore(oa, M; EUa LeJ- aua, 82. .. .. Btanlar C. TJmDhletta. Oraata Paea. Oreaoeu 18: Maude L. Berry, ia. ' Leoaard P. Parby, TeS adaalaalppt BTeaaa, O; Pearl B. Anderson. 19. Jaaaea B. C. Lerkarood, Bt Baat BIT teen th atrert, XI; Mary A. V. Beyaolda, IS. Will H. Bbealr. RoS Pruktort atraat. S3 AlpharetU Rufbea, SO. -aTd. Andereoa. 044 Petty rrora atraat. SS Ida May Taaara. S4. Charlea M. Maya. TO Boeserelt atraat U Saaa Beak, t8. J. P. Pllklnttoa. SB; Mabel C. Haaaoa, BO. Prank A. Hayas, Z8: Jaaala walker, zz. Prank North, jotv Baat xamolii, jn; Mlnale Boeette Weddlne i Carda. W. O. Bslth Oe Waah- me taa hld(. .- Pearth aad Waahlatoa ata. Weddlaa aad cainaaT carda eorrared ar artated, B. T. aa toe. BSXVa Waaklaftaa at. Mlaa Bertha Martin, room BIB Anakr hide. tamplna aad doe needlework; liainaa Wea DEATHS. WHITB At tha ' realdeaea at kla aaa. IBS Beat Blath at.. Baatemoer a, taoa, B.- W, WhMa, aaed 74 yaara. LB Wig At tha realdeaea.. Til tembar a, oe, Mre. (ariaa a. aaiwuL asea 40 yean. ' T aaoatha, 10 daya. Hotlce ad ranerai wiu Be (irea lati UNDERTAKERS. Daaalaa, Mcwetee A QITbaaft. aneertakera aad embalaMra; aaodera la emy detail. Bereath aad Plae. Mala aaa. Laay aaalataat. A. B. Etmetork. ladertaker aad Baat Thlrtaaath aad wood IL i ava. Pheaa Bali- Xrtckaoa TjBdertaktaa Oa.. aad cabalmlM, one Alder at. Phoaa Mala aiaa. uy aaautau. JT. P. Plater Soaa. Third aad Madtaoa ata. oroea ar eoaaty airoair. raoata aiaia CtABKB BROd., floral daalrna. PtorBte rise tSO Morrlaoa at flowera aad Bdward Bolaua. aadartaka Bia Third at. aUTUTrjnr oxxztxst. Harla anoaa tlo. Paaillr Ma BTI ta Il.ataV Tha oaly eaaMtary la Partlaad vhlrfe aar araally aulauiaa aad aaraa for Ma. Par fall Inforaiatloa apply 4a W. B. afaekaaaU, War- tar llort, city. ar. M. La ad. amaldaaC lev aha rr arte tttla teaaiauaa m mt cwm vm racia m trwn auaime. formerly Pactfle Coast Abstract Oaaraaty A Treat eompaay, Bo--d-T Palllns baUdlns. 4k roar laeui Bare and a ball a,-la a eaal aetata rroai taa iitie eaaraatea ok Treat B40 Waahlnatoa street, aoraic limed. - NOTICE. PBOPOSALS POB MACAPMIBIKO TBI TAT- iajbl riHi aWAU. Bida win be reeerrea by tha county eoart ad MaltaoaMh eoanty ap ta and Inrlodtna Bretambar 11, for faralab. lag emahed rock aad macadamlainc a part ot the Taylor Parry road la aald county, from tha Waehlnftoa eoaaty Una north a dtstaaee af 10,000 feet BMre ar leaa. Bald rock la ta be creaked la thraa alaee, kaewa aa Noa. 1. t and S. ta ha placed 14 feet la width and laches deep oa the read whea aaa pasted. The coatractor any hare tha aaa f tha county rockmrahar and tha county win forntaa a aprlnkUnr cart aad roller far aaa la the work.. The road moat ha eoaatrarted la the beat poealhla ataaner aad accordlas ta modern acJentlac auradamtaad road cone traction, aad the work moat be doea aad completed aoder tha dlrectloa ot a r areas ntatlea of tha eoanty eoart aad ta tte satlafactloa of aald eoart. . Payment for thla work will be made oa the twentieth af April, 1B07, ar tor each part thereof aa may he completed at that The conaty ceort riasrTsa the rl(ht ta te)ert aay and all bids. Bids eboald be aaa led aad addressed ta P. S. PIELDS.. Ooaaty Clerk. WOTTCB OP - APPOINTMBITT OP 1XBCTJTOB " to I'UiaiMB.-4a .the eoanty eoart of the atau of Oreaoa. for the eoanty of Multnomah, la the nutter at the eeute ef Rachel . Walls Morris, defeased . Kotlce H hereby aleee that the a Darraigned has aeea duly appolatad by the aboreatltled eoart eiervtor of the last will and tcetament of Rachel Walla Morris, deceased. ' AU persons haeiB( eUlaM asalnat the estate ef said dareased are hereby required to preeent them with proper reacher within als months frota tha data ef thla notice to the ander at reed, ex am tor aa afbraaald. at the ofaaa of Teal A Minor, rama 114 Worcester blork, n ue city oi i-erxiano, county ox ataitnomaa and atate of Oregon. Dated thla alstta dsr nf Beptcmher,' laOS, JOHr.PH i. TKAL. Szecator ef the Last Will ef Rachel Walla Morris, Deceased. , . . -" - ' '" - ' KB WARD. The Orecoa -Ireo d Bteel- apattp - wilt pay a reward ef Plre Hundred Dollar for the arrest and conslctloa of tha nerena who. aa er a hoot tha alireenth day of A urns t. laoe. emroree oy oyasmiie or otaer eipMalee a portion ef the dam ef aald Orecoa Iron A Steal company croos the Tualatin rlrer, la Clark amae coaaty. atata ef Oregon. Dated at Portland. Oregon, August 88, 190C THB OREGON IROM a BTKKL C'OMPAB 1", By A. B. Pattnllo. Secretary. - MEETING NOTICES. COLUMBIA Lodge, No. 114. A. P. . A A. M. Stated commanlcattea this (Thursday) craning, e'clork. Masonic temple. Third and Alder ata. Work la P. C. degree. AO - P. C Maaona Inelted. - . S. PAOI B. Secretary, - af. W, A Orecoa Oraee Caara. Ma a I rd. Mob. rslesma. daya. 17th aad Marshall) elaltors M. W. tritflRfllM rivv a i oa Wedaeeday erealaa. Alleky Md.( Third aad MACCABCRS PerttanA Tent. K 7. ? haradap alctit la K. bf P. hall, 11th and Alder ata. Visitors are welcome. B. M. LAIfCB. LOST AND FOUND. rOIMD Porkatbook eeatalams mosey and pa para. Owner can hare sae by calling at . Journal efflrc, daerrlhlnc Braoertv end ,(., rrlhlng property and chargea. - Jaoatre as eaeaier, joarBBI UnT-Betwsea end Northrsa aad list sad Dasla, BuBdar.alibt handle baby's clothes raraee rciara as as Sena Slat st, aad CscelTs reward. ? . - A an aa at T ' I I a-aT 2 7-.:; An iert op two, hotiBB, rill, A Muplo of lowing kino. With water I aft off roup monthly . I tell you, my boy, it'B final : - LOST AND FOUND, POPMO harneasea -aear Cedarrllla. O., W. P. ine, a mi tee wear, of ureeham. . A. u. W latere, U. P.-I. ho. I. Ureanam, Orefoa. HELP WANTED MALK. Unlcn Hotel . ' Bl NOBTH SIXTH ST. ' - ' Prec employment to our patrnaa, ' Weekly ratea: - Room. fl.tB ep: root board. M .00 ap, Aaderaoa. proprietor. SOUND young ahea, age IS to B0, for Bremen aaa ornkemea oa new. roade- ana tor rail rush; experience nuaeresaaryi Bremea 1100 per month, brakemen piailtlons now epen. Katkmal Railway TrKnlnc aaaoclatloa, 7 SO Paitoa'blk., Omaha.! hraaka; or del Rldga Bidg., avsnsaa city, i laaauri , WANTED Toon bbobIo to areeara th' aa aookkeeoera and areaograpbarai aaee aaa MS calls alnre BCBtcmber 1; plarea ZDS is aoattloaa. Wa wiu puce yon petent. pay nlrht. CeUloroe. Behake- -Ws Iker Builneas collexar.' AKSWBB THIS AD1 It'a tnoaar ta rear Deck' et roar husineae- doubled roar aslary ra- - creased 3d to luO per cent a matter wheia Mcatoo, wnat your work, rroors rurnlabed. Call or write Page-DaTjs Oa., Dept. SI, 41S . uosBmarciai aing roriiaaa.' WANTKD Special sarrsmen te tatrwtaoe oar fall Une of apedaltles, Isciadlna Borhank's , new - a tons lees. pluns-BjIraele. Baply wltk reference, ta the Orecoa ft Binary Co., Baleaa, MBit AND WOMBlf te Warn barber trade ta eight weeks: graduates earn from flS (a $SS weekly; export Instructors; catalogue free. Motar Bra tern of Collages, U North Poorth i ' Portland. , AOBNTS wasted te aeU enperlor, high-grade aaraery atoca; eompieta eatnt rarBianoa tree; cash weekly: write today far eholee ef ter ritory. Capital City Pi emery Com pea, Baleaa, urea-oa. WANTED Young men ta prepare for railway teiegrapa aer nee; wagae gis to rro per meets whea graduated; expert .Instruction. PaelSe Telegraph Institute, Coseenawealth hldg WANTED Toamg seaa ta men telegraphy aad railroad aaeoantlnci seta nee S7B.00 to SSO.0O. Por free eatalngae addreaa Morse College ef Telegraphy. Bud ISth at., Oakland. Cat. WANTED SO swampers at - seed wares; 74 miles from Portland and eae mile from rau- mad- -Annie Waaleja Cue. Os.. Brat flts.ia. " ikw. . i m nana f ANT ID Two er thraa first-pIsss, aD-areaed maebine mea; permanent aesinoa. geee Oragoa Paraltare Mfg. Cel. MasadAm a WANTED-Umage makers; stead trerkl SI North Proat eoraer ef Meta. WANTED Moetag-plctare aaaehaxaHrparatorai salary. - tiawmaa! will teach yea the baatne Boaltloaa 1464 Blzth. BOTS wanted te work la factory: good wares; steady amptoTtoeot. Apply ractfla Coast xtle-' cult on., izta aaa iae MAN with email amount of sank te fake ta. Cam mar tercet la eeUDiianea anaiassa, - BOX del elk. WB get work for ear avambersT special mim aa. .m. m. u. a, s-earta aaa xaataiu. WANTED A tret -class boraeaaoer. Write at at eaea w. r. Bcrrraer, Heppaar, Or. WANTED hUnagef and auke-ap dsllyl a aw job armtar. v waa W. Bra a Maraaaeia. WANTED Par efSee work, yeemg maa, geed rimaa aaa aoKg aaa accurate at Bgares. U, care ioaraal. WANTED Bora erar If years ef ago. with f North Plfth at' bicycles. Apiy no. PIR8T-CLASB paata-eaakara. BleelL The Tailor, 1U8 Third at. WANTED Boyj steady work. M B. Proat eoraer lie Tie. IBJ.00 PBB WECK saara steed far a aaa ta de a penal writing , aesiia - aaa accioaax. - iva Msrrusm. - : WANTED Macblnemem for beg factory; night Standard Bog Si Lomber Do. f ANITOB for part time. Call between 10 and Mala SIX . M mM axm Alder at. BOT wanted for tight da 11 eery; S30 per amath. room sua noara. Aoaraas r w, care journal. WANTED S first -rises our ales wis hers; aiaa ex pari sacs hetpers. 1. , Bayer, Baa Bee aad at. ITRST-CLABS rarnaee mea wanted.' J. O. Bayer raraaea uo-, aaa aaeotta at, . WANTKD Boy shout IT ta waaoB. BhoH Waantngtoa, room WANTED Ptrst-ctass carpenter. Apply West- era cocpersg Co., sua B tea run oiag., rort Isad. ......--.I...'. ..... WANTED Good . reroonstbto bey . ta - diiec batcher wsgoa. Apply la person at iwo Union are., north. Highland Market - WANTED S men to de a here! work la base tnent; 2 2S per day. o. B. Pottags. eS Commercial St, Oar. Paga. 4 blocks iron (J earuae. '- e- -' - W A NTBD A ahlnrla-partter; lot per 1 000. SUrk mamond rsutea Bningie usw- awax Sixth aad Mala sts. . . . - . . WANTED A watchmaker; a tinker i apply. SUplae, the Jeweler, lea BOT a oont IS wsated la wholeasle-hoaa. 148 rreot at. - BOT WANTED to work la srocery. 1 Carter 90.. 00s waaningtoa at. WANTED A bright boy re take order eeer phone; mnet be acquaintea wita tllT, - AO dreaa, stating salary eipected, M SO, cars JournsL 1 . PLASTERERS None bat (nod eae Bead apply. u. H. Iamms4r, wo riita st. THOROUGHLY traellaed trananortatloa mas to trSTel la Oregon and Wsahlngtoa; only tally - ceeTereent win the on si Dees apply. Addreaa V SS, ears JournsL MAN to keep small set nf books, cheek and audit transportation aecottate; party may hold ether eltuatton. aa work would orenpy only about ewe .half ef his time, Aaawer K Bt, care Joarnal. - HELP WANTED FEMALE. HOMB LADIES' AGENCY, lesUj Poorth St., 1 cor. Morrlaoa, Bpeystrs. Phone Main SK2. Aloagalda the X. M. a A. bMg. STRONG, srtlTB, trasrwarthr Germsa ar Seandlnaelaa girl for waiter and chambermaid; flne home, close la. 340 Sixth at. ib par amnth. IRU WANTED Operator to work aa shirts ana eeeralle. ioeuBS glaea ta -Inernerlaneed, Apply st Standard factor fe. S, Oraad era. sad Bast 2aler at VI. . , : ; DM If a flno, Indead, In prlntad acraf 4 " It'a anothop thing, qui to, to try, For tha kino may low and low, but oh I ' Tha food for tho kino cornea high. - . HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Good Oermaa or Swedish (Irl for geaerar oooaewora; bo waaaiac; Bona wagea ' apply aaa nasciagtoa at. A OOOD hoam far a airl to work while tendlnc achooL Apply S4 Baat Btark, cor, eea st. WANTBD Otrls to make alia at fS first at 'Boas of HANSEN'S LADIKS' AGBNCT. aal4 Waahtnav ton Bt,. Bereath, troetatra. Faeaa Mais ' SU8X. resale help wanted. QIBLS wanted far general hettaework; cooks ana waitrees. city employment Offloa, suite a, a waaaingtoa at. Mala BalO. PBW ladles wanted ' te assist making easy faBcywork spare time at borne; good etearfr -; pay; bo -eiperlrnce required. . tM Pleldaar ouiiaing, eu7 washhigtoa street. . WANTED Girl to da family of two. Phoaa general heaaawerk Mala eoDO; or caU 711 Orartosi St. I carfare .paid A OEBMAN girl er ronaa widow wanted take care of bakery store. Call 108 Grand are. WANTED Competent girt for general hoaae- 1 aoe awes sola at. WANTED Olrl, steady work, at MM. Proot weaia. WANTED Lady I easy, salary aad cecum lasloa. profitable poattMa; ii iita et. .. GIRLS wanted to work la factory: good wages sieeuy empteymeat. Apply facia Biscuit Co., lath aad Darla. WANTED Cook ra prtrata famur. aay S2S. Inquire at BOS Sixteenth atreet aear Taylor. WArrTBP Mrw 1a mangle had Ironing rooms at Pactfle laundry, rirst and Arthur streets. WANTED O trie tor ttlntai I chart hearaT Morris- Baataaraat Xa) ' v ashing toa at . WANTED Good gtrL (tmeral hsaaaaarkl r S la family. Phone Baat sas. WANTED Mangle hands and Iroaera at Oraad ieuaary ve, lira aaa tjulmhy ata. BXPEBIXNCED sirt tar eaneral laaiisa. xasuiy ei two; wages zo. got north Bath at. FINISHERS aad operatis a ea pentai S28 puedaer bldg. Bead fey ateady work. GBNTLExABT wishes lady partner ta huslaeaa wita aieu. snarssa w BZ. cars Journal. WANTED Steady girl to work for hoard ana go I A Boreas o 4 I, Joaraal. MIDDLaVAOBD htdr or steady e-trl ieoea - home aad light wagaa) te help care for chll- orea aaa assist snta , aeaccwork. K BS, care Journal, COOK for small family; wages MS. OSS Tllla- asuoa bv cor. . isu. imssTloa. , - NURflB GIBIa, SSI Tillamook ear. ista. irrlngtoa. WANTED Olrl . far Beaeral who caa sleep at I ease preferred. SOS 11th. WANTED Apprentice atria for ssllUaery; pay while laarulng. ll leVeath st, . WIDOWBB, with I sasaU chlldrea destrea re. naom womsa aa aoosekeeper; staall wage, hied dreatmeat . SOS Clackamas, east , aide. STRONG sir! ta clothes. ladles' and S4T men'a BerHa Dye Worse, WANTED Skirt aad waist help.. 80S kUrquaa PINIBHBRS aad operators oa pasta; good pay; wwmtr wwa. eae a iiaqner oiag. MALE AND FEMALE HSL.P. BOPPICKERS We pay 800.000 for- p Irking ear eae scree ea aeps; eeaaurai campiag groaada, dellghttul be Lb log, shoo, bakery, bar 'uui, - grocery store, . aatcaer. oaroer-enop. daaclne neTlltoe aOxlOO - feet, xauale sy roniaaa ercBestra, pare water, plenty ef wood, telephone, pbyslclaai booklet gienSg fall psrrlcalsrs; mo charge for lob: lew excaraioa railroad ratea Begister today or. tomorrow; train lea res T a. m., raoae aiaia aero, avreoa Brea. - BOO H0PP1CKKBS Pree transportation; Simon's lenuinsj, e asuao - aorta ot aaieto: Bplendld water, alee camping acenmutodations; will (usrsntee irora waa aays picking. Ap ply Cbarles Whalrn, offlca St Charles Hotel TOUNO men and women ta learn bookkesptag newest ana moat modern equipment on the v. racirie ceasti nans, w notes ale, commies freight, real estate and tnsaranc offices; all rnrnisaea wita laoaa star ledgers, adding ma ' ch mea .card files, etc. Holmes Baaiaess Cos ies a, wasnnigioB aaa iota ata. WANTED Good I Irs agents ta ra press at aa la dlfferest sections of city, 1 enantry aad la small towns. Write er call R. M. Plummer, 200 Third at. , HELP 'wanted aad supplied, msle er female. B. G. Drake. 00S Washlagtoa St. Padnc ISTe. too HOPP1CXERH Tree trasV porta tloa; Blmoe's landing, t miles north of Salem; splendid ' wster, alee camping sccommodatioas; will (tiarantee from 20 to 45 dara nlcklne. An. - ply Charles Whales, efftce St Charlea Hotel. WANTED, et SfW Ti ATIONCB SO hotmlckara.- Call rmr fta SITUATIONS WANTED MALE, 0BNTLEMAN wishes h partner la baaiaess with 8100. O Bt, csre Journal. , . . ... x . XOUNO aiaa st School from 8-4 wants chares mornings and crrnlngs, for beard aad room. Address P It csre Journal. v WOULD Mka position en farm; reliable and good chsrsctcr; If suited will make my borne ' with psrtjr Address 4J 48, csre Journal. SITUATIONS WANtED-FEMALE STENOORAPrTERS farnlthed Without charge. Stearns Visible Typewriting Agency, 80 Plfth at.- Phone Mala. 6470. COMPPTENT steBngrsphcr deslrsa half-day position. Address Box 438, dty. . . BESPECTABLB elderly lady wishes position as housekeeper tor art dower. ton at., room I. Main 9410, 8M4 Washing- WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO . BENT Fleeeee, sett a res, stores, off leaa, rooming hooese, etc. lords will do wall te call ea 2 PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OP ORajoN. Phew Bl. Tt, S. B. Car. id aad Oak. . WANTED Ta rant oa shares (with privilege ef baring), a good term; mnet here fruit , sad be well watered. . X, Ellsworth, Van- waaniagtoa. HOUSES, flats, rooming bouses, stores of flees, etc. 1 prompt attention aaanred. Phoac Mala U7L H. W. Uadhard, McKay bid. ll Vfh ...r? ft II I Pi-C' 1 r dJj is ',f3ei.H And tittle lamba with thelp playful dama Are a beautiful alght ta aaa; But the keep for a single ahoep la steep, ' . And Mary and'1 have thraa, . WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS wanted. Voald maka 84 te 84 a day. Tot n. intra. -. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OPTICB POB MJLN. BS North Seeoad st Phoac Mala UK THB PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT CO., ZOO Morrison St. Pbona Pacific 238. WANTED REAL ESTATE. To The Portland Capitalist We make a SPECIALTY ef raLLerrnxG i RENTS of LA RGB - BUILDINGS, placing PIRB INSURANCE, payment of TAXES and GENERAL CARB OP PROPERTY, We hare the east of facilities for cs trying out yoar wishes aa aa agent. Wa solicit year patroaaga . baakara. . itroaage. ' Our rsferaBcaa: Ladd A Ttltoa. 1 exsreaauts nstsoaai - Base, K. H. BLOSSOM. 818 CHAMBER OP COMMBRCB. I WANT a 8 ar. T room hooee ea eest aide; 1 price aaa iecatsoa la tint letter. D care JoanaaL , rsr- GOOD laceme and reside nee amaartT. lota. farming -and timber lands. Pboae Msta 1171, m. nr. uDuara, mcasy aiag. . . - - - WB WILL SELL .yoar property, aa Batter what toes tad. Baud drerription bow It ta or where aad. we will ds the rest iBrestore Geld vs., au Marqnsm mot partlaad. Uregoa. PARM, raankaB water, good aad barn. about B0 acres ta cultlrattaa, M x, journal WANTED MISCELLANEOUS." PAINTING. spraTtng and Whltewashlaat tree. aassawBta, earns, aocka, etc) rargaet (sous apraytag on tilt oa the enact. U. O. Morgaa m 1. sm vaioa are. rasma ataex ea 1. CBANB BOTTLB CO. hara all ktada af task rugs, 001 Ties, earns, rrea ana aaataka, raoaa U.I- eoaa 1 . . r- WB WILL BUT year rural tnr aay old time. 1 Waatara Salrage Co.. S2T Waahlngtea st WB WILL. BUY. SELL OR TRADE ANT OLD THING. WESTERN SALYAGB CO., StT, dake-h Bty a Bm mTa-t frnu ffiitl Btt asnah 1 JAdv navoniiiwivne . ravtriv f oBdsW , PVBNITrB B WANTED .1,1 a t - - row - r- ,,, , ., i , -.- (WOT CASH ' "" ' - PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS xui rust sc. HIOBBST aaat e psld OsTT. I Seede. Pboae Baat IBS Unloa era. HIOHBRT price paid far men's cast-off cloth- ins, raoaa r-sciac ea. Uaclw Joe, BS Third, GBNTLB. epeedy drlTmg here at SIT Ceaxmerclal bids. 1 WHO IS M. . MORGAN eh CO.T WANTED Ta bay' seoond sand typewrlter- tsele with d or S drawers. M IT. Journal. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THB HUB." BS Eleventh atreet, corner Stark; nicest . rooms la the city, with steam heat and bath; reasonable rata. - THB GRAND. dBM Berth Thkrd at B gentlemen 81.SS per week cad ap. THB EICHrjt.lum. UU North Blrtk gaatiy raraiaiieai steam Beat aad hatha. KLONDI KB Furnished single er ea suits. 404 PTJRNISHED room. 171 Bast Third st. Berth. Pboae Baat 8011 FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. THB MITCH El L. Plaadar aad Bosam. booeekeeplng -aad transient 1 aamteatl prices reaaoaabie. .... LA ROB alegaatly furnished hoaaahaopUg. rooms; gas raags, rsnalag watac. The Lewae dala. b&V Alder St. fl.SS PER WEEK Large, cleca furatahed aouseaaeping-rooma; isanary aaa aaia. as Sherman, Booth Portland. BATE half hotel expenses; 81 week ap, clean. frtralebea Boaaekeping-rooma, suitable for two; parlor, laoadry, bath, yard. . tuSVt SUa- lew. . v car. GOOD fumtahed ec anfarahwed hoaeekeepmg ana Bleeping rooms, si week; west aue. ale- Coy, X7it Momeon, second floor. - POR . BBNT 1 neatly fnrntshed room with gas, .balk aad phoaa. 428 Btark st--. 480 GUIMBY Well fnrnlshed hoaaekeaplng rooms from 88 to 812. NICE hooaekeeplnf -rooms; also 1 aleeplag room; close In. -Pboae East 8418. ROOMS AND BOARD. SMALL family ef sdalts woald like s roomer flrst-clssc board, meals optional; references exchanged. Pbona Bast 108 aay day between 1 aaa e p. m. ... WANTED Booms and board In etrletly prtvat family oy gentleman, isay aaa tnree eoildren, aged 4, a and 8; refcrcnece. A. B. H., Post- office Boa No. 70S. THB WOODLAND, the choicest private board ing place la the city; seels- Is hollering; come aad see. SOB Sixth at., close In. - FURNISHED room tre- two, with board. 440 Jefferson st. . PaclBe 1B0S. - WANTED Board and roam la private family oy wtdower aaa bob 17 year old; won id Ilk to ba In walking 'dlatanre of Seventh knd East Morrfenn, Address 440 E. Morrison. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. eaacsaBSsaesejjjaS iT ftfrtus NEWLY frfrnlshcd front rooms saltsbls for two gentlemen. I4S 10th st. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. FRONT OFFICE, fnrnlshed. second floor, center of. business district; stale . b names. raonc Pacific 2681. PART of shop te rent, suitable for painter a piuamer. - vie soei-ta at. 0PPICE-RO0MS, aamrnlahed room aad sample- rooms for rcat, aoodaeuah aids. Apply ele vator. . . FOR RENT Storeroom. S11 Poorth St. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED T rent ready -furnished, a hotel ainlna-ronm; city or country. M Do, Journal. HAI.L and haMrnran, eefiarete er togcthari new aad with all asareaieaeca, Faene Mala Jea, . , 1 M f. w Tt Tl aV if 1 1 FOR RENT HOUSES. MODERN T room house, cement basement, ata tloaary . tabs, steel J range . eoaaected with , water, all ahadoa fbr wladows, good . Bleed lot, everything .clean and ap te data, for r aionth. S30 Oregon St., be twee ana mira au. raoae Baat soil. KADDBRLT TRANBPER CO., prompt aad re. . Uabls plaae and furniture, mo vera: atea stoo - age. Phoaa Mala lotm. Offlca lie M. Third. POR BENT Two S-room cottasea ea Grand . ave.- e. a. rese,-eue riawtborae are. - POB BBNT 8 hendaoaae modern T-room houaea, eoavanlently mrntad ea Thlrdet. carllne: 810. It snd 814 Coruett at.: rent reasonable te dealrsbls Unanta. David S. Stearns,- 848 wssalngtoa st. PINB slightly assd high-grade plaae for sale st a oargeia pnea. isn to see it. - Allan Gilbert Co., Sixth and Morrlaoa ata.-' POR RENT OR SALE Small a-) vece tables, wend. lie Laaeta Montavllla lit POB BENT, good T room heuee; bath, roll eeaemeat, au avioera imprere meats, inonira a.Hi aaas aisc woeoatoca car. . MODERN Arose cottage Bear Unloa are. and rrescett at. Per taenia ace Wuaaca a Co. aio Lumber xcaang. Phoaa Pacific 188. HOUSB of 8 rooms, good mcatloa. Inquire 4X8 ewreain et. . POR BBNT 6-room modera cot tags.. Keall- wurra. raone Beat Tea. - S-BOOM cottage, SOS lTtk st t. : bath and baaa- nent. Apply 0S0 Clny, Pboae Pariae 814. FOR RENT FLATS. : STRICTLY modem B-room fist, best Iocs tloa area aide, roe ' terms as Waasck A Co., 010 Lumber Exchange. raoae raanc isa. ONB 4-room Sat 1SBH Best Ntatb Bslamat Phone - Bast 1170. THRtTE S-reoa tarntahed Sets; talephea aad oaia, noa Barents, raoae Mala eaos. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI - TURE FOR SALE. - A SNAP 8000 worth ef feralture for 1 3711. er eiisr u taaea st once, apply i Hooney aim -Aiiinasnoa. raoae amex po. HERB'S A BABOAIN Paraltare of B: a-reem hoaee la HoUlday addltloa. SOB Multnomah at Apply BUSINESS CHANCES. philomath, ' Oregon, wants a sreamatr, fruit cannery aad a Soar mill: a Bae opening here .for each ef these eeterprise capita Hate plraae Inveetlgate: aak for ueto ec ane rarau aad peeper t lee for sale or axchaage. CaMwcU m i.'O.. ratio maul. BEST after thla week bays the only drug gtor n mKm vaiiry wva everyuiing ap vo ease. Mod earner mcatloa; no reasonable offer re fuse, writ er ecu urasatere. Meaat Aaxel, wagon, - PHENOMENAL rise ta price ef Herat Switch expected any day this may Be year mat apportttnlty te hoy before subscription books are riosee. . a. r. aaras uo., xu 1 Bay bids. SAWMILL BARGAIN Sawmill aad sereral mil lion feet ef timber for sale for 88.000: miles from Portland; price lit, 000. . X 44, care Journal. WHO IS M. Or M0B0AN B CO. WANTED Partner wtth 'tSOO te hem ran flrst-elaae Basuwas; pro fit 800 par week sack. auuiaaa v so, eare joarnal. - PINB baaineee. aet side. 81.IW0, ar Cnaaag for real estate, at i, care j MAN with Bono, elteattoa; ayaad eeaortaaity Addreaa M xa. care JoarsaL CAN abew yea hew yea caa Beak a from 80 te ISO month with 81,000. aad Bet (Iva your time, either; fully protected - by Bret mortgage; no xaaa. aoarees v , BUTTERMILK BOUT E Good bora. Wagoa: a Biooey -maxer; price gzu, vau 14a Madia POB SALE Store and store building: a httat- aeaa taat wiu seep two saaa Busy, aaarcss owner, b. 27, care joornai. FOR SALE A Saloon la basin district. AA H 100, car JsarnaL: FOB BALE Old established con feet lonery. cigar , aaa iron store: z largs 11 this iniims la e neotlca. SOT First at. . POB iilb-a ao-Barrei gnat mill; water power at halt Its vain. R. B., 800 Washfngtea st., . VaBcoaver. FIRST-CLASS rooming -k en se for eale; heat fev . eauoa in city; price ,tJO; SLOW will haadl .1. U II Sm.., . . Telephone Mala 81S. THB GR0S8R ROOMINU-HorsB AGENCY. The sal of rooming. bouse ' and hotel Is ear epeelaltr. -' ' ' Tt North Sixth et. Por Used Great Chance 7 Hare le a snap If sold st one: Of Be ' Sttnres consisting of 1 flne largs 'roll-top desk, d upholstered office charts and ether efflrc chairs, 1 rug, maps, picture and glass ..partition; offlee In good hulMlng. rent 88 ' per moo in; coma IB ana grt ear price, xt Bros. . 81T-U Beaton bldg.- 84 Sixth st lO-ROOM Vxlglnf house, brick bulldln(. ea corner, 8 veers' less, fnmltur Srst class, mom all full: a well-paying bust sees; price 8700--- CsU 848 Madison st. - -r- FOR' SALE REAL E STATE. NEARLY new double house, 8 light rooms each half, for utile smrev.ihas cost of bnlldtng: ' sightly, east aide location, walking distance .. from bnslneas district; reedlly rent for $30 cscn nsir; goon inveermeai or some. Address owacr, fostortic uoa 110, city. T-ROOM new bouse, fall Int. corner' Montana . are. and ncnater St., most b sold at oace, 81.800. Call 842 Madlaoa St. DON'T forget the place Th New Bra Paint e Tsralsk Co., now at 17t First bet- Mor rison and Ysmhlll. - ARB yon Inokiag for a home or sa Investment 1 Good real estate I safe. W have soma that Is good. Before yea buy se what w have , to offer.. , ' M. B. THOMPSON, ' 848 Mississippi are. . Phone Woodlawn SOt, 4 BOOM modera beassi two 4-eoem huesn; thees are ana new homes aad sold small payment down balance nam sa rent 0war, pbona Esst 878. FOR SAlX Improved and an Improved farms. wheat ana stock reaches, timber lends and . sawmills, city and anharhsn property; ex ) chance specialty. Tnrnw dt Walker, room a, hue Wsahlngtoa SU - .1 kLaaiaWLlJ Yet life on afarm has Its pleasant ald.t Aa Mary and I have found; -t Yea, love. In a eottage la quite Ideal .x Till tho day -for tho rent oomee round. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Pcrtland Hdjrhts New S-room cottage, eleitsnt view, full lot fornse, flrenlac. ttstkmsrv waehtnbs, cement sidewalks. Urge porch; 18.600: tarma 7 Near Steel Bridtre - " A room ( cottage. . fun lot; lots dt fruit Bowers, etc.; walking distance; the lot smbb would be cheap at 12.000; this at a very pretty berae; ft. 800; terras.... . ... ... :. Wear Unicn Ayc. ': & : 8 rooms, ' furnace, fireplace, corner let everything modern, worth 13,800; will asll for 88.300 and make terms. ,t . v.i. Wear Hawthorne Ave. " . ' S rooma, - lot 80x100, - cement basement 1 stationary wasbtubs, boos , built 8 Jara ' rjrrtntUm l -: A well-located . cholc lot. . worth - tl.tOO ' aesd th anency,. will esU for 11.000 caah. Hemes la all parts ef th dtp. nana aa ovior Bayina. o re 1U C. C. SHAY. a. sa. - Mala 8884. . . . : " BUY a let ea the reet aid; 4-mluuts oar sere le. wlthle walking dlatsncc; tins haasag (olng np; prices from toOO te 1830; tarma li ' v aesirceV. .-.-.-'- ' - M. B. THOMPSON, ' w 848 Mlsatsalppl av. Phone Weedlswa Snt,- er braach office ea .the ground. Twenty, eeeond and Morrleon. Open dally t a, as." to -11 as. Mount Tabor aad Suaayslee care. Fl?c Acres - Wc wfll sell pea 8 acres for the prle a " 4 single lot. Do yoa realise what t mesne -to your fsmlly to rams everything the market errera ea your ewa groan T ror tha w eesla as S4d Stark St. Easy tanas.. QUARTER block, cine ta, west side, sad boat. aeea corner near city CaU let Madlaoa at. FOR SALE New modern -na-tadatw cottage ea Masoa at. aad TsBcoarer are. Be ewasr at tM Masoa st. WB have buyers tor rear Brunei is a Sphkas Agency, 806 Btark st A BABOAIN 1 sere tract close la; small house, cbtekea pane, te.; 41.100 cash, balanc w per monia ni 1 per cent. , auavt B. ...... . v- , por Balk, cheap On room rot tags, piasure. r William fear, Lenta, Orsgoa. - - :. , POB ulck sales list year srneeilf ar caa aces wna aa. pea aiacnson at. . ssss PER acr he earUae: a anap; ac rare. CIS 1814. Towbo, tasit - Pa- It. too GOOD S rooaa hoes, brick aad eimaat basement. a East . waaningtoa at.,. Celt at 107 M Third at acrb tracts' Pro 1 to 0 acres aa cartlna. 8 far, aa 10 Bar cent arvi, gooa to asaa par acre down, hale Bee BIO par meatb. . Morrtsea at Town, BUm LODOING-HOrSB oa Ptfth, Bear eaortaaaae. far rent; luraiture ex 11 reoasa ror sale; a goo -chaaea to make money. CaU Sat Madlaoa st TWO fine lota ea Baat Partlaad Heights, ha- rweaa vrruMoa ana viiutoa eta., ea a 1st, 8U0 each, ea tarma; theee are th she pest lots la But Portland, loesUoa scwsldered. O 84, car Joarnal. - FOB SALE Small hens snd half a tot la eulrs S2S Wliiuass a.. Upper Albina. 8-BOOM boaes at Albina aad Jt Jesvap sts., Bt Jobne can- aa ta data all einlsncss; a good bargsla. ,- Address T ears JoaraaL 18. A 8-ROOM hoees, yaet off Union are., eaJT 83.000. Bphlaa Agency, soeiA stark at. IJ.aoo BEAUT7PTTL HOMB: 8-roesi bouas, let aoxiuo; excellent eueteanauajs.- - . J. H. HeUhronner & Co. SIS Lamber Exrhaag. '. Bsenad aad Btark. 100 FARMS, email tracts and lots: bargains so . t. W. P. electric Has. v. a. aeeitoe, ueam. Take - Moaat Bcett (ar. TAKB "a 80-mlnate ride oa the 'O. W. P. and see Frost s new acr tracts at Btaaiey) 8800 Bad 88M per act. QUARTER block, fenced, nesr car, small boos snd nam. bis vommorciai oia. ' .. . , . 4-ROOM bouse built en year. U block. n si. 818 C ear; Bargain; owacr solas ess sasrciai but. ' . PINB 7 -room plastered aooae, let 80x100. t blocks from B car line. -IB mlghiaad, 41.100; 8400 cash, balance easy. Towns, tdSn Moe rlaoa. ............ , ,,-,.,..,, .-,.. i AT A SACftiPICB. by owner, S-room houe oa the east stds; ewasr icwnng ins ciiy vsu SM Chamber ef Commerce. -L. NEW HOUSE.' 1 block beat part ef Hawthorne line; 4 Bnlabea room down ana s large an Snlsbed bedrooms npsUlrei weod-flber planter,' cone rate . founds tloa. wood house, Ball Roa wster; very choice 00x100 corner, fenced M , that will soon doable In vslne; It's. worth 81,800, bat owners lesvlng and will take ; 81,100 to IS wees; nsir nowa; mei ir rash 1 cocas eerly. Ueas Lead C., 144 First at - 1 - . ' - FOR SALaV-Corser' tot 80x100. 1Mb aad Hsl- Bay, aaat side, inquire owner, eea aeei. nu, north, eor. Wldlr. ''. ' " ' HATB 14 Aacre tract eae mile west ef CUcksmaa etatmu just platted: there I water rlped te each tract from a large spring, aa nrh pipe for each 8 acres under 40-foot pre. an re ; price iron mie re e ' . i" 1 will sell ea easy tarma or exensnge tor laad property. . 0 88, care Journal. HATB 8 acre ef frnc land, eeay to clear, on ' mile couth ef Oadarvllle atettoe ea the 0. W. P. electric line; price 878 per sere; very assy tarma. X 88, care Journal. . .. - '.,. GO and lock at that aewS-reoca hones, earner gist ana atsm sts., soa men peoue me tor Klce; 10 key over front door. rnone anap, o ; msia BIUH. 375 POR 00x130 lot, ltd aad Powell sts., on DiecB I car: 07 wair - s - enone owner. Main 81fii ne trlflers. , AH elegant Arootn hooee with all modern eea- venlencea: a perfect borne 1 ,lt Is smlng te he i as ami Sphinx sold. Get the psrtlclars. Agency, 8(AH atara at. CHEAP POR CASH Pin corner lot lOAxlne In Beiiweea, 1 owes irom canine. Address M to. eare Journal. JOHNSON ST., west aide, (end S-ronta h orate; Sunayalda lot ii"t) lor-Sals. . Tyaoa Kin- sell. Commercial blk. . . e . Choice S OOA acre sf abolce timber lanAe a eaveral hundred acres et enal lands; also tmrk rsncnes ena lam . trayi m ta COOS par . ' . ' W IUM, L aVM.g.l at to.