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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1906)
the - onnco:! daily joueijal. roiiTLAND, Thursday zvziuug; ezptember o, k::, -!. A. ... Japarte$j Are Heavy Duyert of Chum Salmon and Would Llk to Purchase Heavy Stocks of' FlourLatter Orders Cannot Da Accepted. ' TODAY'S iy'iARrvE i S ' ' . . .. . . '. : ; JAPAuESE D07I..G en SILUI t Oriental Demand Very Liberal f or Dry Salt Fish of Cheapest Quality. ' v ALASKA PACK DOES - ' r NOT SHOW UP. WELL ;A '" '.; !V : : v.-" : "' Japa Alo Heaty Inquirers for Flour . for September Deilvtrjr, but No Or. t" ders Can Be Accepted on Account - of Lack of Stcaraef Roanv r ' .v. ,...., ;. '.;J":' !v i' f, . .' . :i... -v Tk principal features C the Portland, Sl BlrUU today or . .. . ..i Japaasae keying "ehum" salmon. ' . Orientals want Boar 'hi. harry .t? - Wheat trade, fa dullt "ag"". . ,.'C.. Boa aeedirala for weak. ' , Proa ad mat -eupplle very ft.T ... - Halibut lower wtih Urter eurpllee. , ' Paack urkM wn stiff and tlgm. . .; ..Better Ion to tomato deawad. ' Em market tonkins higher. ' T ;' ' Batter od oka very fln.' foalVT suu-kt tatting rather Sigh. ' , Jaaaaaaa Baylag Ckaai' ! i U Mif heavy daund Mm sratat. Japanese demand far thl . lower grade or eaimaa M new in oeia-ni, .n . ' eve while tk anaplles r heaey. there aein fa teadeeey ef tb Mai la check. "Chaia" oelmoa la th cheapest grade and a commenly J kaowa aloof th rivers a ad ta tba far aortk "aa aalmea." Tba Uuar Mat waa net '-.applied beeaaa' say lafarlor euaMty, hut ea .; access at the flak aot selns aoitabla fat een aloe. gome arafaaa te alla that tka k4 i'jaf tba flah vary arack raaaaiblM tb baa 7 a doa thla aalnf allaitaa aa tha raaaoa 'or ;tba aaoaa. la Alaska mora "rtaol- -alBi 1 . aat aa kaa aarwaara alaa..- Tnara tba flab at aalta a&4 arte aa4 la pat aa la barrala aaa ' 'aaaaatlaMa ta kalaa for ertaatal Saa. - Moat at . 'tba atoek go ta tba rrlenw "'f Tb raa of ftab ta AUaka. tan aaaaoa la aaM t ba Tarr lifbu aoeanliac ta advlcaa laealard '"la tbl oltj today from aoajlBoMtara flaka .t arooada. la ataa taaUtatlaaa tha pack at art - .'half at arbat had baaa azpacrad. Mast af tba ,'Alaaka eaanartaa ara raa with Oklnoaa labnr, . rbs bmb haHaf aaemad ta ant aa a mmaj ana faak. Tbry ara paid aa eaa thU aaasant .vhatbar tha aetaal anrk aoaa ar aot. -. Tba aaaaad aalaaaa markst at ta tha baat aapa ta raesat yaara. rrrm aa aB (rad "". apaaal 6e ta 10 a doaaa abrbar thaa a.yaar 'j.mgn, hat araa at thaaa flcoraa tba trad has . tb tnpraaaloa that tha prtoa la to law coa eatdrliK tba-atrtacaacr f ataeks. PraetleaUr - . aalaana at aay klad waa bald aaasw laat ; 4aaaoa, and araspaeta war aaaar hrt(btar fur vlea thaa this Plana. : , Ortaatala-Waat TUar ta a Harty. aHary aarar at flaaur hv tha aslaal aaa an ta waat aapallaa for Bsptaaibar ahlpaiaat. ilablad . 'laqalrlss aa ta wbatbar tba traoaaa ablp thaa atocaa wartac tha proaaat aaath ara haiaa; ra jcaraad hy 4uat Bittlars. M haalaaaa eaa a ,dona, hawaaar, aa aeeaaat of tha lack of ataaaMr Tba wheat nark at la vary doll affair today warto ta tha aoatlnaad daeltea la hath Baropaaa f aod Aaiarlraa prteaa. Oata aad harary ara Una .Twtth fonaar klch prieaa aulataJaad. , Kaaa Xaad Bala far, Waah. ft' Wiimrwata tha WUIaaMtta aallay ar aat wji aarrraa car oomr-f tb paatl abmrar .rfkU fH yfaerdaf, r.tar fcar. to bop ln Vedri rrfa aa-oadiy a tnr. -'This hrwot -rnr , atartarawaVvha i Th, tb hop- b groat. Jaorploa of ftat." 'tha anry' tbloc that wonld ear tha faraaara I a htay taaaiar watch lalarh Impoaalhta. The hop market la vary dall : jtoday. rraettcaUy a, afrer are being racaraad ; .fraoi the east aad karat burer Zmrw haactia.' Tb altaatle h) thoa mrird ap -by tb New era c-revHeara . imea varrem w n wmvmmi iTaaan: "7 "Thar has baaa aery . 1ml -efaaBge- in the ettoatleai the paat week. Oa the local Market . "tba tradlne hi lflOoa la llmlred te'aaiaJl lata at faR quoted prtcea. From New Tork atate we .hear that 8Se baa beaa paid for a few tots J "of the raralar late crop, and- a few aalaa f early Mealing koaa at 31Z3c. rieklag la la .progreae to. aft Olfttaao, aad tho -espaotatWti are dor a crap of a Boat the earn eoanttty a llaet year, with vary pie quality. Froa tb . Pertfte eoaat as ebanse I reported la crop, . praaaecta, -aad - very llttw Ter "rostractrng K 'repartee. Twenty cents aaa oeea repnrtse para . ta a tew bistpne, bat daalera holdlsg cheap -con trade are willing ta, aaak earn aaa aaaa to , 'Vine aat tbn- boMing. . rroea .angiaM aad ' th eehtlajent tb reporta'ar aomewbat hatter. .a they bar had fla weather lately. Oerssaa eetloutea are aoaiewbat higher, hat a enaaarva- ate tlaiat fn Eaglahd la atlll SOO.eoo cwt ,i "latemal reeeaaa retajraa for laiy show hear . imim of d.OM.110 hanela, agalaat I.CIX. VW .barrel Is .Jaly. IPO, -aa teerassa of S44.7U barrels." - , tat, lann. choke, per lh 1H4T1II ,'Putv. lft0A,,eotmoa to fab?. llttlt . Faetfle eoaat, lsoo, choice, per lb. .. I7l(t rsctrie coast, i"o, gone to prioM imuib Padflc eoaat, Ipna, eooanviB ta fair. 1b.. 1.114 Facltlc eoaat, 1PM. per lb , lOfflll 5 ' - V : ., ? . ; wale. "Iteeelpra for week.. 30 -, -lUeelpI fraaj Pptaibr 1...... ...11421) ,-ftacelpta Bam time teat year .....110.7IW Fiporra ta Rarnp for week. ............ tos Titporta from September 50,1, 'It ..Bxporta aenM tlaie hurt year.. Oa.gT laipsmi for week.., tt Jmperta fmai September 1 1.2RB J si porta aaaa tine, laat year 1,297 .' While the crop of potatoes In the United -Pirates this seaooa eannot be eaosbMred snnor- .tasl, enppllea are quite fab? and there will be Ao hortar anywhere. . Advteas rfid tbl eroralng rrofa Coenrado state that the erop at , 4rly la a ordinary ana and that opening rflgaroa there wlU he amend ftoc and AAc par jwu poaaae. inia low rate will shut oregoa - -oat of a large per cant of tha Artanna and , Tans bastaMS nnleea aa anespeoted deauurd for rtba Oreeley shonld spring ap farther aaet. . 'Colorado baa s rat of 54e to Artsnaa and Texas point as against a rate or Tnc ma Portland, gnat at prearnt the aiarket here Is onlst aad ; .nrhanged. 'Oalaas .M l trifle lower , with ateadr aemeixl. So. , Tba trade paya th fnllewtag prleea ta Front ' . attraet. Prloa paid shipper ar laaa ragnlar ft data gIaop asal 'Wead. ' ORATl BAOfi Caleatta, , fJ9H boytng rlc; selling, 9t. '; WHEAT New clob, A4e: red Rnaataa, tie; ' bhwatem. age: ealley, fwtf Tfie. . - BARLEY Now peed, ai.oO rolled. IS .10; ' , rowing, rt 00. CORN Whole,- 70l' araoksd. - tSI.00 par RT-gl.H per aw. J - - ' OSTs Now Pisdsiipy- pel .Wa $ white, ' 00; griy, 12 00, , ' FbOUR Kaatafa . rrregno pa tenia, ? fftaftd - -aVMi srralskta. M eOCS IOf xport, M.1B; . v.llry, UM: grob.m, U. M M; wkale wheat, - -gi.TH: rye. H"a. ft,eoi halea, la.T. .": MlLlTUFr-Brn. M.M per ton; nld vlllnr. .00: abort, coaatry, 111.10; alty, 17 In: chop. I1 0021.00. -., RAT Pradoeera' price Tlamtty. Wlllamett wallry, faacr. $U 00: ordlaary lo aolo (M); 'eaafwn Oregoa, 1100117.00; ailaed. tioaoa) -10.10; clever, I graia, tTuQIAO; eboat, ' ". tr.aooa.oo. Setter, Iggl aad Foaltry. 4 BTrmiR FAT r. a. a. fertlaad .gaoot ' srn, Jtcr' four, oc-'" - . BIITtfcR-lty rrrory, tTViet eetalde ,fan-r.. S4a7Hl rdlaary, H, (tore, lit, loc. " , ajtrOa No. 1 freak OrearoB, candled. XSQ Btc- ancaadled. Mc: eastern. 4J-tt2ac. -" . CBEBHB NewFull craa.uflaia, igUQleri Toung America. llffll6Hi - ' POULTRY Mixed ehlcfcen. 14a per lh; fancy ben. lHc per lb roosUra, eld. lOtc .per lbi taga, 1111 per lb; freer, 14c; - broiler. 1 par lb; eld dark. lafcOinci , thi anrlng dacka. UHQMH lb: geasa. Id)l(k )b I tarkeya. l"e p-r lh) draaaed. go pat y i aoa. - -Wm 4 Whtaa.-'' - HofR ipa crop, mane v WOOL land clip Valley, eoeroe to PMdlaia, af tlr: An. t4c; enter Oreeoa, sOOSia . . MOHATR New, aowtal. . SHKKPIKtNa Rheartng. PS 0 each; abort, MO""! Md wwm, SOdJIa aaobt , aaag woal, tactif i.uu aaea. .. , . r i 'JOUnriAL'S'DAILY ' ; TIPS OH MARKETS 4 By Everting aV FarralL ' ; d Demand tor fresh ears axoeada: d) .tb aupply and prices have ad-' d dr- vanoed sharply. Prices rullnf at' d ' present ar JStJJtc and w da not look for any decline for aom , d dji ' tlma. Of eours ths advanced J ' prices will bring out a flood of - d 4 storage and aaatern food! tnd . 4 d this wlil har a bMiinr on th . 4 O situation, but tb market wilt , O d , want ail th strlcUy frb tt eaa . tat-- . ' " - . d ; Poultry . receipts have been 4 ; pretty good this week and d- , d. tnand has also bean fair. There , has been no 'trouble In getting d ' rid f all. goods and we ar or d the opinion that there will also d be fair -.demand tha coming Jt waek-- .Many people ar return- d -Ing from their vacations and this , 4 4 . stimulates the trad la poultry, d Hens ar aelllng at About lto 4 'and springs at about th earn !'4 1 price large fat springs pr-4 O ferred. Ua ara also sailing e 4K lalrly wen t IQ1M aaa aucaa , d 'seem Jo hav picked up a llttl d d 'at about 14c' Turkey hens are' d d In Hemand at IdtflTe, and some d large 'spring turkeys will sell for ; w dr a premium on theso prices of d d from a to a WhU it is likely ' e d that receipts of poultry for th r e d balance , of this week will - tx e d pretty i heavy. w think wa eaa d dj safely say that there will be a.' d good demand next weak. . . - d TAIXOW Prlwa, ear ah, Ka)4 aad grraa. ttH. CHITTiU BARK IMS afsek. ! par i Itos, StltHs par fa. BlDEi Xiry. wa-U t hi Mt ws. ItHO IT He- r lb; dry ktp. He. I. f a IS lha, lea) dry alf. N. 1. aadae lbs. lart sfk!d. ataara, aaaad, 0 lb aad K loajliet aaa. HflBHci stag sad ban, saved. SfflTot kip. II to 10 H. Be; ealf. aaaad. mad 16 lbs, lie; Creaa, BaaaHM. t leaa: call, i par lh aaaa; araaeloaa, ealtfd. sea.; dry, each. 11-UOalAO; oolt kldae. 3&0e seat aklaa. raaaoa. each,, loejltei Aagara, each. tHi Lea. . .... .. rnht Tiaataklaa. POTATO Kg Ww, eOrOdl.00 par aeefei pra daoara, price for car kCa. 18 0o par cwtl aaracia, me. m . ONIONS laMriBC urtoe Haw Wan Walte. $1.S par aaek; aw Oregoa, ll-PO; garlic. S0M par id. . .r rBBSB FRITTTS Hw applaa. eOrfffUr); araagea. VaWacla. M-TBfflS 00: baaa aaa, fd (He lb: MHaoaa. ehnlca. i.75ias 00 hoi: faacr. fS 00 5A per boa; Howe.- ktaxlraa. tl-M per 100; ftaarauaa. ( ): pluaaa, O0d)7se par erst; cantaloup, . tLOOali: . raopberrte. ; Mack fin, ; grapaa, OiftL0O: blark- ueiiiaa, par crate; waiarawwoa, "Ortitlr oratadT 1.M; peacbaa, B0rl: peara. IKiMc: pranM. balk, ic par lb; packed. fiOa par box; hocklebrrrlaa, lOe. VKMiSTAMI.e Tarntp. aaw, tl.ts) par aaek earata, gl.BO ear aaek; beats, ll.H par aaekt paraupa. ui par eaaai vragoa raaiaaia. so par ; cabbage, Sei . haO r-ppara. eouSOe par bos: taawtnaa. 1MV fle par boi( parantps, BOcCIIjOU; atrteg oaaaa, Oregoa, StS per lb; eaatt tlower. 11 1 per toe; peas, etf&c; horaa radlah. ST par Tb artlchakea, TJ par doss aquaah. lit; areea anloaa. Oreaea. Ue par daa boacb; saeanbara.. lit a has; erler. T5c daa; greea rara. 7,V1.00 per aaek: .am aer aqaash: Tstflll.OO par boi aszplaat. Ill) per crate: psmpklna. IHC. DRIED FBI ITS Apples, eraser tad. 14r per lh; aprleota. 18Vi01c par lb I pa aha. ItdJlIHe par lb l aadta. UK waa: praaaa. SO to to. Sri H dras aa aeeh eaatller taa; Ira. California black. H par a rallforala-white, VH Per lb; ete. nldaa, nv-pr IB; Tarda. per lo-tt bos. 1 gtraA"R All refineries Cake. S.M pee del id. I5.1A; frolt, graoalated. tl.OB; dry graaalated, f.1.06: . eoaf . A, AS.Ofl; wee tore P. C,-4: Haw-alias C C 14.85: extrs C M BS: goldea i'. 9jm; v. yauow, b-bo; aoa, ivc: h er, ta. Mel hose. BO eovaac oa each baa la. lea ta per ewt tor aaaa,- U wxpst awplai 14ls Aao4 prieaa apply ta aalee to .laaa tha car lots.. Car lota at apaslal arleaa aanjaat la urtaatlona.) - , . -v HONEY Je par rta. - - . - COFFEE Packs e braada. tirMeiB TS. ' g ALT Coer B a If s-raaad. Ktaa. W O ear ww: BOB, 19.60; table, dairy. SO. IHOO; 100a, ill. 71; tnoaeted Lieerpool. to. glT.OBi lone, II.BO: Ktea, (lfl.OO: extra lac. bMa, 9s. Is, lOa, l.0A: bulk, X3U lb. A4.00Cia.on- aaeka. Boa, 68e: Ueorpaol Jomp lV did -BO par ton: AO-lb rock. SS.0O; 100. pa.ea. . RICE Imperial Japsa, No. I. get Ha. B. B6Hci New Or lea as bead. Tel AJax. Be; Creole. t. BRANS gnafl white. V41B: lare wtrtta, SLBO: pink. BJ78; hayoa. gATBi Uaiaa, U-K; calcaa red. 4H. NTTTg Paaaata. Jamba. Re par R TtrstaU. BO Vic oer H( aoaated, AtV4 per lb) Jipa aeee. BrRV(e; aoaated.' TTH per lbs aiaoa nabi. AflPOe per dna; -walaata, ISO 1BH per Tb; pinnate, 1018H per lh; btwary eets. 0c per lh; ckeataats, terCv lafJMac par R; Braxll ante. 15a per lb: filbert. 14416 par lh; fancy Pecan, lor; slmoada. laOlTa. eats. Ffah aad VrsvlBlaaa. FRESH MRATP Front Btrovt Hogs, fancy, He; ordinary, THCMc; poor, 70THc per lb; bulla, lH nor lb; veal, extra, AOSHC lb; ordlaary, THc par lb; poor, ae per lb; siattoa, fancy. SyHe per lh: laniba, AitPo. H AMI. BACON, Xrr, Portland pock Oocel) heme. IO to 14 lbs. lHc par lb 14 to 11 Rta. lHe per , lb; break fa at beeoa, 10021 par lb: plcaic. 1HH par lb: ottr. loe per lb; ragalar abort clears, aaoked, lk per Ik; amofeed,- lAe - par lot clear backs, auaawihed. le per lb: aaanfced lie per lb; Ontoa battl 1 to It lb; xaanokad. Be per lb; saaakad. le per lb; clear belllea, aaaaeokod, 14a per lb; moked. lie per lb: akaaMera. Ul par lb; pickled taageea. 10 00 oaartor Bbl. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10a,' UH par lb; la. lS4e par lb; BO-lb. fla. Ue par tb; team rendered. 10a, II H par lh) I, lle per lb; eoannoend, 10a, IH. CANNED SALMON Coluaiola river, 1-Ih talta, l.AO; t-lb tall. I2.TA; fancy. 1-lb lata. II ait; W-lk faacy Beta. 1 1A; taacy 1-U era fa, till: Alaak tall, pink, KCjSOct rod. ttJui aoailaai ta, tall, I2.00. FIBH Rock aod, te par tbt onadere. t per R; hallbot. dc per lb; crabs. 1140 par doe; e'.rfped bee. It He par lb; eatsak, wm par ih; aaimon. Colombia rler Chinook. 7o sr lb: etoel- heada. 7c per lb; bloebacka. Te per lb; barring. a per j aoiea. ar per tot aariaua, lo act tbl perch. Be per U: block eod. o par lb; tomeod. 70 per lb; alrrar amelt, te per lb; lobatef , par Ih; freak BaekaraL a per lb; crawnah, 10c per doai ebad. Be par lb; aturgeea, Iwe per lb: black baaa. Ifcle. OTRTERg flhoalwater bay, per pal. S.PBl per UO-lb aark. $4.00; Olrmpla, per galfaa. ,. (3.2A: per HB-lb aaek, ti.M.. CLAMR HardaoelL pot Box. eXOOt reair slasM, tX.00 per hex.. . . . ' -i' ." ,v ; ... . '. :. " tajr rmaa-onoo atnmra noaxi. . " Ran Francisco, Rept. a Ofdcial eloee: " , Bid. Red Top " mo. BelaMifit ......IB no Caab Roy ;.. .10 Ooldea Anchor. ... .11 lloaae ......... . .Id ' Jim Batler l.eoH iHandatorm ...... .01 Hlieer Pick...... Jfl , St. ivaa JIB Nattoaal Bank.. .61 Deneer l.AO Bel Ipso AT Oekl Bar....... l.n O. Boll Frog... .14 Btelaway . ftp - (Vw. CaL-Ta PI . Ophh? g.SA Mae Naaiara .... .74 Midway ....... .T-H Montana' ......V S."TH, North Btat..... .44 ivniv. i . ." . i Toa. Extra..... B.AO Aeead ........ in. AO Weet Bad S.TA 7 I Mexlcen ........ .Ad Adam Atlanta RlaelMll ....... .on -JB alcdoi'li ..... ,.27 . .04 ,4T .13 .T .OS - Norcroaa 1.00 Booth Ton. Oarry PlanVMdaald Gold Cmwa Oroat Bead.. .It .44 .20 : .0 .62A .40 16 .40 at .1 JO Rlack Bntt Ex, GiMe Belnanot. Montgnaaary alt. Anneal Accptr ., taylor-Bnaprey. Dexter 0 raaoy ...m... Ooldftatd Jam ho ...... l.AO.. Jumbo Ex tea ,A4 KeadaU ,. .71 Leguns , May Qneea It Wobawk a.tB ,irrw toix oorroaT xaxxxt. New Tork. Rent-. . l?oton Cii I in to 11 points ap. ornciai quotatloaa . ay lTrCX, BUrr uoos coajnany . One. .... tit av. IW. tent , gpt s. tl M P1I lannare Pahnlare March trt t pm . p4i . est 41 , ' Ml ', P41 42-0. H A 10 pA. p tO - - p40 p40 aao ' 0 . pn at . A" l) An, Ait " poo Awo ... Aid . an pop auu pot. .. 2 . ,to7 ..tal., .fta) April r Mav Aeptember . ticrnoer Kaeamaee . Ifacembar v. a 11 III 1VIIEAT PIT Traders Afraid to Hold MortThan Twenty-Four Hours ih Fear . oiSt'tl Further Decline.; TODAY'S PRICES ARE : LOWER IN CHICAGO Liverpool Staxts With a Fractional ' LoaVlrut aoseg With Dcclin of Half oa September and December "Eighth Cent" Lost In Chicagdi.' v ' RELATTVg WHEAT TALCER, '. '"''' Rept - Sept. B. Lea. ' ipne.. Roptmbr.,..g .' , .TOA $ .OOVa t .1 Ifaceaiber..... .TiA. .71A -00H . 2H May .715, ,TU , JXj Mi Chicago, Rept. g. The aaate Id tory of re reree in the prle la told agla la tb Chlcag wheat msrkett Tberq ara Be holla anywhere, the few buyers being afraid ta hold aMre thaa 2 beer. Oa every hand tba wheat 'trad la ata (acred ay tha coatiaued downfall at prleee. Liverpool wa weak, there belag fraetloaal laaa at tba opening aad a drop of Ui aa com pared with yesterday' price at th elos. Tbfa eaaad farther sell In here, hat at no time wa aay great amount at aetretty abnwa. At the eloae hare today an eptlono are He lower. The Price Onrront ear: "The last week baa be eery faearabfa for the growing eara. aad ina crop wiu prscucauy ha oat of easier rrom frost la a boot two weeks. IadloatlOB are that full croag of winter wheat fee likely to b The mi Interior araaa t la Itrtt. wimaj uei4aaa Burr WHEAT. ' Opea. High. , T T1T Tli tw. CVeo. Repteaihar j T2 To CORN. 2f ili ' ' 42$ ' ITtJi - 84 , eSK t ' 5 December Msy ........ OATa. DCCatgVbaal OIQat tott - tl . .... toil ' to 2 , atitB lffTt ' 1ASTA 1MT . 124 . tAJ 'tM '.' 72 V. t7t .. .. I80 ., TIM : s gre groA SAO -V- A40 - tia . Tat May ...... 12 U MEM PORK. September ...175 1T Jaoaary 1M2 , LAED. Reptembay w. .. goj aeg October ....... R7S ' ATI . Jaaaary ....... T0 70 - - RHORT RIBS. Beptomber .... A71 grg October ....... 0 ,i AMO J as nary T8T . T2T 2jwTfAJlMvwjriwT. ftjlraan teat, g fi aoai taeelnnat " . .- . , Today Tear ate Buob. Boah. prboat ... ....... na oral tb im Oorn ....... tTt.00t Bt'ooO SbipBMBIatl Wheat .................. ..--a1 rem u em Cora 1000 4W.0O0 xotai ciearaacee: whedt. 2T0.POB bo. he la: corn. 11.000 boakel: eats. Bt.tOO hoshela: farar, 8s.Ot barrefat.' . r ictfooi. eaunr blaxxxt.' 'varpaol. Sept. OfflcteJ prlcaat . Opea. - Claee. teas. Rapt....... Oa Ittd-- a lHd Hd Doa..... as tit rto 2d : H4 Rept. g. a xd 0 d ., XAIHrl. Doe...... 4 OUd 4 Hd -?H a Jaa..... 4 gjd 4 1 1,d Z 4a t keiv corporatid;, to take over great others Blue River Cold Mines Organized ?; by J. C. Lee Company. as Holding Corporation. The Blue River Cold Mines fa a new Hated today oa th local xchne. It ta hew corpora tW erganlaed with 260,000 a hares st fW per etiare by the I. C. Lee company when that vorporatloa seenred control of tba Oreat Northers laa. The Blaa Rleer Is there- far e holding company of the erect Northern. Today's Bale were 8,500 aharee ' Leas Creak Gold at lHrBd 10 akare t'nioa OU at 2ua. OftcUl price: BAkk arocKg. - ' ,.:' Rid. Ak. Itaak of California BA2U 170 Merchant National. ...... ...... 1221 ' Oregoa Treat dt Sa-etage. ........ ... k ' ltd t'nlted Btataa atloasl. ......... 200 Portlaad Treat Co lto lot dt La MT8CEXiLAKE0Tja BTOCKR. Leaser Mannfaetarlng. ........... J at Campbell Oas Burner.......... ... laloa Oil 2ol Asaoclated Oil...... tt Alaaka Parker' eg I 04 41 100 raclAe ttstes Te Mm bone Momolelepoooe....... .......... ... a FUseat Roaad Telepboae... ...... ... AO Oregon Lit Inaaraaee. ........... ... 1000 Cement Product ... " . 40 Empire Contracting C. ......... 110 I. C. Lee Co.. ........ .......... 142 1B0 O.-R. V N. By. 4a ... , log Merll TWaalte. ....... ......... 20 ' .... Nlooia Coal 02 -, OA later aatlonal Coal...... . 4 . IT TdiriTNO tTOCKt. , Alaska rctroWum.... 14 Alaeka Pioneer 4t Standard ConanlMated 1114 Oregon Recarltiea Ot gnowitorm 2no Lao Creek Cold..... 01 Taeoma A tec I .......,., 10 Qellee OonooUdated. ...... .... U14 4 a e 11 oa . aS ' 0114 OS 04 H : 04 02 02 wj 'n too te ... .- 'io Oallaher-. .........' 04 ' OnMe Rule Cooeoliaated........ ... Ballfrng Terrlbl... ............. Oolcoad ....... 014 North r'alrvWw. ...... ........... 04 L Roy. .,., ......i...., Hiawatha ........... ... Caeradla ....i. 20 tacky y. JM . Hecla .....,........... w - Rambler-Csrfbao .......... 22 Dixie Meedow. ....... 02U flraet Northern. ... 00 Moan tain View.... ' SB . Blue River Oold.......,...u. ... tUOAR BTOCKg. " - Rswstlsa Commercial. W Honofcea ,........ - in ftnlcblnaoa ..................... 14 is . 20 AA It Makaeoll .....i........ 2A Omae) ,......... t4 Paanhaa. ....................... . 1A t'nioa to- Total a lea, ,oiu aaaree. tmrrxD eriTxa aovniiTgrr soxscr New Tork, Rent- t, Oorernmeet bond: Dt. Rid. Ak. wos. Tgttere4.......e.... Opt. lntt oau Aa eaaooa. ..... .......... Opt. lOA . lOAti Threes, rvaiaterad. Opt. 10 a 104 Am 11 bond. .......w. . Insu Foar. r1.bred., .......... 1POT 102U JOS do eonpon 1POT l"t2 in. Poor, re la tared IMS msi 1.12 do eeupoa mo in - las Ptttrlct of Colasibta , ItlM lid ' ..... Philippic 4 .,..' lOt ..... BAST ntAJiciaoo 100AX Tocza. - gaa Fraaclaeo, tept. t. Official etoaer . . Bid. A.k Conrr Coats Water................ IT ATU Spring Valley Wster....i 2riu fo Spring Valley Wster....i 2H 2 .... I ai .r... ... . n-i fecirir Light..... a tTH Hutrhtnaon tnglf... , ................. I'- onome no Mint ,...,...,...... 4W SI) Augar wy...o. lv it rui a una ilaiojr.".,V.U Nit va BIG GEO G0I1IR0L STOCK TslARKET Financiers With Almost Unlimit ed Resources Have Hold oh ' C New York Stock List. GAINS ARE MADE IN A . , MOST ISSUES TODAY M oner Rates Oo to. 29 Per Cent, but - Thia Doca Not Affect Upward . Movement of Value Reading la ', Three and Five Eighths Higher. ; RET OAINR. Anaeoada- ... Amalgaautad AU-hlaee .... tusar t ...... .... :4 n. x. central .... On tart Watt... PenasyWcal Preed 8tel Car. Raadlag ... . .... . Rep. Steel Rep. Aleel, yfd... Rock lalaad Rock Ulead. Pfd.. aVnitbara Railway. Car 4k Foundry ;'i$ avoosiya Colorado Feel It. Paul IV, Csasdlaa Pactlc. IS Loooaaoilr ....... ewara Erie ... Aoethera Pclne... Tenaeeaee Coal.... Norther Paeldc... t Oreat WMterm , Ullaoai Central Taxa Facile Laloa fed ft C. Bv tteel.....,. Pvt. ateeLTpfd... Faelte. , . NET LOBREa. ,.. Chaaspsafc By Henry' Clew. ' Wall atreet. New York, Rept. . Thl mar ket m plalaly Is oootrel of big m baring aa Itmlted resoorcaa. As yet there la no Indkcatloa of vacUlatio la their purpose of patting the market ta a hlgbar level for tb purpose of dls trlbntlng stocks. Bee Mr. Bryan's addrees and ate remark shoot governmeat ownership of rallrosd wr Ignorod. aoaae dlfflcalty, howeeer, Is being experienced la financing aa aetlT boll market at euca algh.prlcas, and this eaa only be grsdnslly aoeouipllabed by skrllfut manlpaUttoa. A few stocks at a time ar lifted la order te preveat a a excess of sctlTlty. or peealatloB, which would precipitate dlsaater. Of ooaros tb atrongoat argament for higher prtcea la that ot increased dividend. It fa reaeonod. aad very eoaafateetly, that Increased dlvldonds tend ta adjust too differences between valnee and the money aiarket. Many stock which had bee paring only 4 Or I par cent were aaqaaationably to high. Bat lecreaeee ta dividends from I to 0 per cent, or area atlll hlgbar rates. Justify many of the adesaeea which hare beea made, end modify the disparity bat eaa the returns upon stocks aad the returns aa aioney. This disparity had beea the moat eeriooe elomtn of weak nee la the atoek aurket eltuatioa, and tha most likely Influence te cause a hreak through the aelllng of Isreatment bold fags. A aumbr of lacroaaad dividends bar already baaa aiad, aad aaor ant ta loUew. Thee toeraaaad dlsbaraemeata meat have tha twe-fold affect of aupportlng value la aptla ef high BMnoy rates, ad of accumulating fund which sooner a later will be telaeaaud. tep toniber dividends are estimated at neaity Wa, 000,000. although tbfa month fa aot aaually a beery mouth la that respect. Of thle total the indoa trial con nan lea contributed t22.000.0u0, ar awre thaa double toe amount aa dletrlbated twe yea re ago.- Aeptember fa email month for rallrosd aisbursements. hut theee flsuraa ahow tba drift of the times. It ta auit probable that tbe railroad will make relatively a good abowmg of profit as the Industrials, for out greet, railroad syauma continue reporting en- aaval gaina to) aarnlnga. which ara ear tain ta root la ue for Barer 1 montha te com hi view ef large cropa and act Ire trade. Tbe railroad all oevr tbfa country are now actively engaged la ptectng oat thalr road and adding branches, as well ss making accessary repairs, whfah Mhos railroad building aad repairing an a lare scale. ATI tbfa reqalr aa loam ana a mourn ox uppua m tne aggregate m be eoa vyd t them. AU of the aupplle bar te go oeor oacn etaer-s rosae BBS ceo tribute 1m nilneily to their preeeet earnings. Tbfa part ef tbe knalaass. howerer, fa aot psnMaoat. Official aettJoa by . Overheck, ttarr "4 vooa company : BERCRIrTIOK. AmaL Copper Co Am. -Car di Found., aom. oo prerarrea .......... In. Cot toa Oil, eoaa... Am. Locomotive, oam.. 101 Asm, Bugar. com........ 11M14 1M Am. BmeJt., cool....... da preferred.......... Aaseonda Mining Co.... Am. Wool, aom...... Atchison, com do preferred Baltimore A Ohio, aom. do preferred Brooklyn Rapid Transit. Canadian Paclfln. com. . lot 1004 12114 wx TH 17T lu2 10 11 li Ceatral Leather, pfd..., tm. ut. won., com. ChU MIL tt Bt. Paul... Chi. A Kortbwost.. eem. 210 Choxdpeak tt Ohio.... Colo. Fuel A Iron. coat. Colo, Routbera. eom. ,. , do M preferred....... do let preferred. ..... Cora Product, cost..., do preferred Delaware tt Hudson.. a.. B. R. JU. .com....... do pie fen td ....., Brt, com.... .......... do 3d preferred. do let preferred...... Tlllnota Central Loulnvlll A Bash villa. Manhattan Ry Mexican Central Ry.... M.. K. tt T.. com...... 1TAU 148 21 do preferred...,,,..., Federal Bmclter....,.. MlMoorl Paclde........ Rational Lead. ......... w Xork Central ...... N. T., Ont. West.... Norfolk A Western, eem nortn Amencaa.,....., Northern Pactftc Pclfl Mall Bteanx, Oo. Fcnnsylvanfa Ry. ...... P. O., L. Coke Co. . . . Preeeed Steel Car, aom. do preferred Bssdlng. com...,,..... do 1st iireferrerL Bep. Iroa tt 8tel aom. do preferred Beck Island, eoa...... do preferred.......... Ml 140)4 at. L. B. F.. td pfd. da let preferred St. L. V B. IV.. coat., do preferred. , . . . . , . Southern Pacttc, m,, do preferred.. Bontaera Kr. Coal tt Iroa. Texas Pclf tc ....... . Tel., at. L. -A Wa. com. do preferred ...' TJntoa Pacific, eeai...., l2w M io5 13 do prfTTd. r. a. Rubber, com.... do neeferren . TJ. 8. Rteel CO, eoot. , .1 40SI dTslfsfUjl 47 1071 lx" Wa bash. com ...,, u . . , 20 Vi K "do preferred ..... V . Weatern' VTnlon Tel..... riBcenein central, com. An f.nai .... Vlrflnl Chemical. ..jj. Total asfaekfor day. 1 liit Ono iIum. Call gaeeer cloaed as per eeai. -,r .". ' sotTOV oomt VAJucrt. '. Boston, Serit. t. Official rloa. ' bid prleea: Adeentnre. d.M: A I loves. 1.180: .Arcadlxi. I J 25; Atlantic. IIS.B0; Bins ham, S1 BO; Csla met. tTBOOO askedi Centennial. t40: Onoiwr Pans. ST).n: DsW Wat. tl BO: Pranklln. 20 J.V Oreeee (loo per, li" 12it Granny, 12.1214: Maeaackaaetta. tt.oO; Mich Iran, $12.00; lohawk. Sou. 00; erads Consolidated. tllOO; North Bntt. mmit: (mo iieaiiniaa, m.n; Oeceol. II4 M1; Parrot, tSn.BO: Roral. JIU.8O1 thanaon. IA.ATV4:. Tamarack. IM 00: Trlnitr. to 10; United Corner. ,7u: VttM. loo.sot Victoria. t.Tt: ' Woleorme. ftOT.on; M.Tt: ' Woteorlae. tm.tO; California ft Artoona. tUd-BO: Boaton Conaolldted, I2SI7H: Black Moaatam, fAITVil tly. t tT4; Kast Batta. KAO. .. , -. - . ; WaTLAJTO SAsTX gTATXJUW. nearlnt ' today . . .'. Clearlni yesr -agO' ...;.'."......4o.o rt AW.S44 M fiala teday., ,.Al,t. .4 tl,tTtJ3 ' BEGKS SfflXLIEHl 17 i ' BRANCHES TAUGHT. " ; W - - Actual Business Bookkeeping, Gregg or Pitman Short .hand, Civil Service Training. Mechanical Drawing, Touch Typewriting, Rapid Calculations, Letter Writing. . .,- V . V WRITING READING SPELLING " GRAMMAR v :. V; 'J- -4 Most Modern and Expensive Equipment on the , ' pacific' Coast -)-r-..;:-;-'-;vr :. VT" EVERYTHING NEW' ; r :; - ;;-'- T. ., h o-'r.B l. JEFFERSON Ban FrancIsBoo'dB L.epftdlns Motet I Sltuatad corner Oreugh an4 Turk atreeta, facing Jefferson - Park. Two blocks from Van Mesa , th present- ahopplng district. Car lines, transferrins; to any part of th "city, pass, th oor. Largest and newest hotel In Sao Francisco, having ba conatruoU d leas thaa two yaej-a ago. , Has very tnodera convenience; . Sbt outalde rooms, alngla or en aulte; ltt privet baths. Newly fur nished aad ropood August 1. A merle a plan H a day and tip. European plan tl tt a day and up. Hotel automobll or omnibus " meets all trains end - steamers. Wire er writ (or reaervaUona, Stwart-Bu-lcwr Co f John O. Barker, formerly prw prletor Hotel ColonlaL) . Hotel Eaton cos. kosbisos in wxsx rAU ext. NEW - ftaadaomely fnralahed. elegantly eealeaea, a. . ... r aeo Bleats walk tram heart of akoppias aad haaiaoaa alatrtet, all Urea. alrrV antalde raama. steam heated, electrw I Dsbta. teleaaaae la each porta) t. ova. Laree wfaeas. toans-ins. aaeosin;, wmiaa. ladles roeopUoa Oar- steams taa.reil hy assB er telepheno. Prlvata amsisas meat waiae aad stumist, Homu $l.OO to $3.00 a Dmy MM. MAS KaYXOat. - fTermerlyaif Betel Cldpata. Spakaaa) Cloud Cap Inn Ongon'g famous mountain resort at snow Hue . . on Mount Hood Away from th heat ot th lty. TH moat dellghtf trl resting plaoe ta tht north west. full Information at the TICKETOFFICE, Third & Washington SU. SEASIDE HOUSE SXASIDB. ORECON F. B. BAOeiTT, htiaaisi. Beaaida. Or. finder sow atsaatameat. remade led and aewly thrniaiiad. lactetc Habia. Prh aad slt water aatblas. seathu. naning. Prash milk aod eraam from ear ew aairy, rao mnom . wm awn aardea. RaMet t2.M to M 60 par day. epecial rates ay the weak at meats,. . Pree boa. JUST A STEADY TONE SAYS SECRETARY PLUOI'iER 1 Receipts in Local Stockyards Today .Just Equal to tha Demand. : Portland Talea atockyards. Spt, t Live tech reoelpUi .., . ., . Boa. CaHla Sheep. Today .................... 100 171 . KI4 Wk o .101, ... lot Moots (...... ii "ii fiJ leer sgo 257 tt 142 "Jast a steady tone la rating- today m the tseal market," says secretary Plnsiaier. "Mo Chans M prteoa are oei.n Ueoelpta today were lust shout eua te ae aiand aad la ail Usee the peal lion el trad 1 firrlelal lleaeteck onotatlonat --Hasa at -oeetern Orryon, tT.OOr tlocken ad China fata, td.OOdkd.BO. Cattle Beet eeatern Orearat ateerl, gl.tOf t.te; heat rows snd heifer. t2.frOtt2.dO: Iteck T end feeder. t2.TBttft.00; hull. I1.H0. . tkeep thaarunsB. 44Hc; bub ha. to, iiqum tmmn ws ,. (tpeclsl DUnalck ta Th Joaraal.) rarest Crave, kept. 6. Tb hop hsrvoat Beea today sad la sow oa la fnH blaat, and a toadiy aamber from this city Bare f oo to tbe hop fields to encase In the llierln f the crop. After moatVi of saalooa waiting the hareoat tlaie has come, end while eerly espertatioos are aot to he realised, the crap e s wool will he one that will keep Or. In th front In too aamhor ef bale, nrodnced. Tbe output thla Cor In thia self bboroood will ha aearly aa rire aa laat year. . - eeeral yarda near tow started pick In- thl nornlns n eetna'a, Buchann.n'a, McPkearenn'a lad tb Hynea' yard. E oreat vrae furalshmc a boot tOO pickers. Mr. teimn, wke baa tax ef too Weaioa yard, report tbe amount of today pickles- from TO Bickers aa t.lito aouada. All the irawers amend here sre naeinr J cool poasd for plcklns. althon.k P.ioe's. aeee aarnn. Is reported a p . -t i-r 1 ponods. Hew Yerk-Uadoa t Nw Tork. Sept. Bar t OB, lk ' - ARITHMETIC . V ALGEBRA ' GEOGRAPHY ' :': ' ; ADVERTISING .;':". BUSIfJESSCOLLEGII WASH I NOTON C TENTH STS PORTLAND. OR15. SCHOOLS" Nioht and Day raxii at orass szrr. sc. , DAY COURSES Cnafatilil aad Sheaogrnphyi Oel Xeg r iwpajratorr, alagisaeriag stahw . jmctm, sTpwalml Tahorlag. - WCWt3.ASSS - '- . . Par S Months' l. oral. t oo Algebra l' . Arltnmetio Architectural Drawing. . s ot 1.00 Aaaaylng . .., Automobll ( r. . special fold. Bookkeeping ; I Ot Commercial Law l.Ot Commercial Correspondence l.Ot Shemlstry lvll Barrio, per month.... 8 00 . Carpentry ................. 6.00 Electricity. ............... JO Ot English Oramrnar 1.00 Foreatry and Cumbering... . p-rechand Drawing T.Ot ' Gaeollne Engln .......... - Geometry . ....... ...... . l.Ot- Geography . ; .Machine Daaign l.Ot . Manual Training .......... (.00 Mechanloal Crawl og ...... l.Ot- Mining . t.00 Mechanics . l.Ot - Penmanship 100 Plan Reading and Estimate; l.Ot . Plumbing . ....... ......... 10-Otw Beading and Spelling ...... 1,00, Rhetorlo . ., -J.00 Commercial Sign Card writ- ,, 1ng ee folder). , Shorthand.. (.00 Surveying ................. . t.00 Telegraphy . 10.00 Trigonometry , . ...... - 1.00 Typewriting . (.00 Vooal Muslo 101 Wood Carving and Turning. ; i.oo Comer Focrtli and Y&nhlll Writ or eU for free Uluat rated catalog. . , - - - ,? , Phoaa Private aTrnhaTig SB. , North Pacific College . M Dentistry On a of tha lars-ast and beat eralDOCd Institutions of Its kind In th entire Weat No dental school can boast of a better force of specially trained teach er, who devot thalr entire time to the lntareata of th student. Tha cltnlo ar unaurcaaeed. bains: In xoa of th nds of tb students. Th annual aeealon begins Ootobr 1. for Information and illustrated catalog aaaree tn aean, . ; SR. HERBBRT C MIT.T.FR. . . Portland. Oregon, .. V ' Medical Department or TBS . - -, University of Oregon tOtk Annnal teoaion Betini Sept IT. ItOg, AoOreee n. c. joaepni, at. v., iaa. 10 Deknm Bldg., Portlands Univertity Park, Portland, Oregon. Qttiical, tcienlific, commercial and grammar grade courted. Apply for catalogue. ' ' O di Ploklng y SoaT. e Balem. spt. i. t or more than e a week; hopptckara hav been d d coming Into Marlon aad Polk . d counties by th hundreds. , Th 4) 4 local trains on th Southern t'a- d d elf to have been several hours d lat owing to th increased pass- d d enter traffic and hundreds of . d people ar coming in by wagon. 4 d Th stores are keeping open - 4 nlghta and Sundays to acrommo- 4 date th vlsltora Many Indian .j4 4 from tha reeervatlons have sn- d d. tared th hop neiris and Hundreds d d v of Japs ar on th ground. Th - d) Japs hav refused to pick by d e weight and ar demanding SO d d cent a box. Juet aa th whit e people do, and for that reason It d Is not thought that sny of the 4 yards will pay pickers nv weight Th uniform prlo will be 1 1 cent a box. Columbia university Stands for Ccst ta tizv-Wii. Pactflo University Is one of the eldest schools of Higher Education en th Pacific Coast, with torn of th moat distinguished men la 1st tor and law aa ita alumni. It la a Private,. Co-Educational and Nan. SscUriaa , Collcf of th highest standard. , 1 . . , , '" v ' t " aVOCATIOBT. ' Paelflo University la located at Forest Grove, on of th moat beauti ful residential towns in Oregon and only tt miles from Portlsnd on the Bouthern Pacifla Weet Side Lilvlslon. Forest Grov has electric atreot-car and light rvlro. Th drinking tar la chemically pur. Th collage campus la th moil picturesque of any in, th state. , Baroowiaanr. Paelflo University la the (argeat endowed private collage In th a tire Paelflo NorthweeL For thlsrea. son th beat lna true tor carl be em. ployed. T'.i Institution does not de pad oa student fee for Its la com a 'i avnitsinnrtt. Hfgtisst i scholarship lit . elaaaleal, sclvatlflo. - literary, and', musical eours, SQTTXPaCZaTT. Paelflo University Is th boat quipped private colleg In buildings, laboratories,' library, muslo and art rooms in Oregon, . . - pazPaBATOmr BSP&BriaxrT. . . High school graduates and others having credits to inak up for regvf lar college courses can do so In Tua latin Academy. Th academy tu dentsar extended the advantages of collet actlvltlea and aiaociatlon. No academy -or high achnol training In Oregon excels that offered la Tuala tin Academy. Upon preaentatlon of certificates lta students are admitted to th boat Eastern and Western ol lege. ', '21 mm. - - ' Th everaga necoeeary ezpenaoi tor a school year range from a mint, mum of f 200 to a mUtmum o MO- VrlUrtr Catalota aa4 IHastraltd Uteretart Fill Jena ! Opens Sept IS a oVtcvnifCB DASEDALLA5r Ooraatr TaogW aad Tweaty-foarta. ' September 4, 5, 6, 7. 8, 9 L03 ANGELIL3 PORTLAND , ftUMI dalla It IM ML Slfl. ' faias CkhUad liWkM. Buadays. ; - " Atadiasf Bey rldr. t ' ABSrjSSXOaT. Sfte. GRANDSTAND, 1 5c. CHILDREN, lfte. jBOX SEATS, 16. BAKER THEATRE ' Oracoa TVaatr C., limaa. " G0. L. BAKEH, Maaagec Phoae hlaia ltvT. Holiday Matinee Today at 2:10 All Weak The Baker tteak Compaay Presaatlng Wlnatoa CbarehiUa Wat Prasaa ., i- . "TH caiait." " ' KaUae aatarday, ' PBJCBg gr.nhi, 26c, aft aad BO. . KatU aeea, lfte asd St. Beat Weak "Baaaase She loved Kim go.- EMPIRE THEATRE Phone Mala 11T. hftltoa W. Sea mas, BeaMaat Manatee. Bpesial Laker DayMattaoe Today 1:11. Tonight, All Week Regular Mat. Aatarday, . -"UOHTB Of JgB1800. . - Thrllrlng and True to Lite la a Oreat City. - E VEMNiJ PRICES 16. loer aB sod tua. MATIN Kg II. 10c and 2Sv, Vast Week "THS WORLD." THE STAR Weak ef liptsmksr 8. AIXZsT 8TOC2. OOKPABT Presenting tbe rsmooe Safe-Kreshlag Drama th iiowiwir," BUI Daily, t-.tO Zvaaing Perfermaooa I 14. PRlCkfB MstlBoee, except kollder and Handera, 10c; Bandar aad holiday aaatlnee. 10 aad SU coats; areolae, lue. sue ad "c. Beaansd aoats sscurod by Phone Mala tv. sUYRIC THEATRES - win Bxaurxnia siprxitsEa a. Across the Plains A BoawaoB of th afeoAtoiiM. r u room aora. I5 Grand CHAB. A. BTA80V UW RELIT OOMPABT ' -Jh Osloa . Xraat" MealnsB Teorlat ab t. x Mr. Ai Jelsea. Kark aullieaa tt Bull ktr. tenia Pritabow, Jamas Burke, BrSAdaaooaa. Price beasa. -Mattnoaa, 20 ta all aeata as reel Erenlnte. 10. 20 aad box seat PrformBcea S:tO. T:lu, till a. m. SPECIAL SALE . ' ' EXTRA CHEAP ' ' Lndles FJhlrtwalsts and Kimonos, worta $1.0 to 11.60 . .i. TOMOataVOW OBTXY. ' " ' Marf Sing: & Co. ttt Kstrmoa, stsa Weet Park aad Teath. PORTLAND ACAr:::v Portland Orron isth ta wii.iv orrtr bxpt. it. Tit boya an. g.rla for (.astern a 1 "Vealern cull- In-ludes a j.r'1'y ln-1 gr-- s i ...l. t i H ' i 4 ; i . - - , - V .. . ' ' V