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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1906)
THE CLAGSIFIED Dv'Eaflc:. :j Hi; Tuo: jOURI JAL 15 er.Ovir.'Q .ALL T.'iZ TIME-Tr.B. R20. ..2 HI-COONlE -TiiE JOURNAL ;AS, . . r - GOOD EVEITIII6 Journal Circu!llc:i TKS WEATHER, i - ' Fair tonight anj WcJuetajr t north, west winda. -.'' .":'v . ;." VOL. V. NO. WO. PORTLAND, OREGON, . TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 31?;3. FOURTEEN PAGES. PRICE TWO CENTS. ow nam avs r . TAXI, mi CjuiJ FORTYNINUMEr CII' WATER -asmi .-if nun ! ni A it-t-i 'Aiiirn''r a-1-' a a ii.ii in a a u a a - a a a , aaaasB-aa - i- v v vv i v www : n-v- ,--r i nrn rnviirn? niinrrinr irii n r 15 i-HMILIi tV Ut ktllJ f J i li d ' cuse J. F. Sloane a Pioneer Merchant of Spokane Is filurdered' by: His ; Heartless Son M v Youth Hacks . Victim to Pc ' With Ax, Then Loading Corps , in Wheelbarrow Dumps It on " Rocks ;ih;NAlisyHas Con- ' nwtal OlnaUa la la Jamal.) K. Bpokana. Auk. II. Bpokana wa ' ahoekad by tba ravoltlns murdar of Jamca F. Sloan, a plonaar marehant " and formar raambar of tha Sloana-Patna Orooary company. Bldnay Sloana. hla 17-yaar-old aon, la bald at tha pollca atatfon. Tba body was found In an aJ)y ar tha sioana bona oh Sixth anno about o'clock thla moralna; by a woman, who telephoned to the pottca. -Tba body ahowed. that a cowardly . murder ' had been eotnmlttad. Thara were nnmberleoa' caobaa - on ; the head which appeared to have bean Inflicted with a hatchet. 'One cmah ezUnded nearly from ear to Mr tad there ware a number of three-cornered wounda on ; tho Bkuii. v. 4. . The murderer evidently atruck doaeft ; or more blowa and after kllllne; tha mer- chant- 'the aiardarer placed hia body hv . a wheelbarrow and took tt thrbuth the . etret tf an alley at the rear of the hooaa. A trail of blood plainly- ebawad tha path of jhajhus and hla' victim. The body wa thrown aaalnat a pita of ", rocka, --..v v . :''''::'" Shortly attar the body waa found the police too ' S.dney Sloane Into euatody. ; He appearod to be unaware of the crime until 7 o'clock and when Informed aeemad completely UeeL He bald ha would go Immediately to a ranch 1 mllee from .. . (Continued oa Pae Two.) ; , , Mrs. Mattie Gamble ''a ''''''''' j y''' '''j S"aS'av clares Shef Thinks Divorced Husband Was : Sii Assailant and; Did ' - Myatery - aurrounding a aenaational . aaaault upon Mrs. Mattie Gamble at Arleta .yesterday afternoon baa thrown tha. little auburb into a turmoil of ex citement. The woman waa eel sad .by - an unknown man. atruck upon tha head. bound and gagged, then locked In s a , room of her home, wnere ana waa jer for eeveral houra. -.,. r- .- ' The motive for the' crime waa ra- : venge. Mm. Oarable aaya, and aba be lieves that It waa committed by a for- - mer husband, her Nemesis, aha avowa, who haa followed her for yeara threat ening to wreak hla vengeance on her. Though deputtea from the abertfra of floe have Investigated tha affair and proffered the woman assistance In pun Ishfng her asaallant, ? ahe . refuses to pfoWute. .' '. '' ' Mra Gamble, formerly Mr. K. Klght linger of Salem, la housekeeper for J. XI. Davis at Arleta. She went Into the city yesterday afternoon and returned ahortly ' after-1 o'clock. -; She . declares that abe waa followed by a man, .but thought little of It at the time, and , paid no attention to him. - - ' Setaaa ay laaallaat. ' i -Soon after reaching torn ahe started ' through a rear Moor Into the yard.' She ircAljr.amerged.Irotn.toe. floor be fore ahe waa auddenly aelsed and a hand waa- roughly placed -over her mouth. She waa quickly dragged into the house by her assailant - -- " Dragging bar Into a front room de TECHNICAL TEACH TO BECOME WVES .- ...-;- : . !- ,v. .; . '.' '(iearasl gpeelet gerrle. X X i Cleveland, , Aug. . Jl. Superintendent Elaon . and - Assistant Suoerlntendant - Hlrka have planned a technical high echool at which girla will be prepared to become wives. The Instruction will be thoroagh and In charge of women who have been auccesaful aa wives and mothers. The pupils will be tauirht to weep, cook, economise household ex penditures, mske their own clothes, take care of bablea and nurse their husbands when , they come home aick from the of fire. There will be real bablea i to practice on. " ' . i "We are going to fit our girla to-be evvea, not servants, and cooking la .only Attorney for Defense Is Put on Witness Stand : tollTestify ? fori v- the Prosecution; Explains Signing of -Petition Ad 1 dressed ,to (Binger Kermann Recommejiding Proposed Cas cade Addition to Blue Moun tain Rsssrvs. ' :-'-':' ""5 The calling of an" attorney ae a wit neaa aralnat hla. own client waa the fea ture of 4hla morninfa proceedinga in the federal, court, where, .State. .Senator Franklin Pierce Maya, George Sorenaon and Wlllard N.Jonea are on trial for complicity In the alleged Blue mountain reserve . conspiracy. , tfz-judge- Alex Sweck, who repreaanta Sorenaon. waa put on the atand by tha prosecution-to taatlfy ae- to a petition lor an addition to the Caacada reserve Sweek. while a member 'of the' uprer nouae ox tne legislature in .isvi, aignaa a Paper addressed to Binger narmana commissioner of the ' ganawr land 6f lice, recommending the proposed Caaeade- ad- dlttoa, .Ten other toembefs of the legla lature '' front . Multnomah ' county also algned. Besides; Sweek, tba atgnara were Dr. Andrew- IV amttn, Jafca isrlaooll. w. r. Inman,v C. W. Nottingham. D. II. Watah.. H. A. Smith, Otta Schumann. it. n. urton, MX. a, inwpwn ana r i.iv BAHeltkemper. The theory of: the 'prosecution, aa'made known by Special Assistant Attorney-Oeneral Henay. waa that Sweek algned the paper at the re quest of Sorenaon and pa seed It, around for -tha other Multnomah leglalatora to eign." -.-, - ' . i 4 When called aa a witness thla morn ing Sweek admitted hla elgnature, but denied : having - asked anyone alae to . (Continued on Page Two.) .. Brutally rTreatedDe It for Revenge spite her efforta at resistance, the man atruck her a heavy bloW on the head, rendering" har partly unconecloua. With ropes which he found In another, room he bound her handa and feat tightly, then with a towel and apron placed a gag In her mouth. The apron waa bound over her head, eecurtng the gag. She was then placed In a corner of the room, where ahe remained, unable to call for assistance, until the arrival of Davie at 1 - o'clock. The door waa carefully locked by the man In leaving. The affair waa . reported to tha epeotal officer at "Arleta and thla morning an Inveetlgatlon waa begun by the sher iffs office. ' .-. '.......- . ;.',-.,.,( ' STo Atteanm) gil Bobaety. . :- No attempt was made to rob the place, and according to the offloera who In vestigated, revenge waa the only mo tive that, prompted the woman'a assail ant to commit the deed; She waa reluc tant In telling of the affair, though ahe expreeaed Una belief that tha assault waa -committed by Kightllnger, from whom ahe aaya ahe waa divorced two yeara, ago. . ," She declares that ha haa puraued her contlnaully el nee that time, endeavor ing to locate her, and threatening pun ishment In case he succeeded. : ' T7wae"uhabl"to get a goodT6o?at htm. but I beltev It waa my former huaband, and I have heard from various sources what ho haa threatened to do in caae he found me." i i i - , SCHOOL MAIDENS T If t one of the features 'of the course," aald Hicks today. ' "A partial outline of the course would be this: Firet year, ap plied arte and elementary sawing; sec ond year, elementary chemistry la tta relation to household duties and con tinuation of arte and sewing, and In the third and fourth yeara cooking will be taken up. - . , "The average girl who marriea now adaya la pitiably Ignorant of the dutlea a man expects her-to perform 'aa hla wife. We shall taeh har to cook,' how to rare for Invalids, how to rare or little bablea, how to do marketing eco nomically and other thlnga wlvea ahould know." . :-.:'..: - . r;'1.: .'- i :';'':--y'-; x';.;v-.V- i ' Mias Matilda Kuhn Who PLAN TO ESCAPE FROM Ingenious.. Folsorh Convicts In vent and Secrets Waterproof Clothes Which Would Do Honor to Paul Boynton in tended to Float Down River. Saa Franclaco, Aug. il. One' of the most daring and Ingeniua attempta at prison escape that - ever came from a convict's mind waa discovered and frus trated at Ban Quentln prison yesterday. Four convicts were leagued together In a plot to awlm away from the prlaon In aulta that would do credit to tha ward robe of the famoua Paul Boynton. They made . the aulta themselves atlteh by stitch and hid them on the rocky shores. The prisoners are . William . Brown, burglar, serving three years) Rupert Downs, it yeara, burglary; Parry Hale, 1 -yeara, robbery; William Blackwall, ie yeara, burglary. ' The aulta In which the men hoped to aavigate to freedota were made of can ton flannel undershirts stolen from pris oners. Over the. end of . each aleeve were crude mlta made oat of the same material ; to protect - the handa of the awlmmer. A great hood, large enough for two heads, waa than fashioned. - In fjont of t! e.eyes a email frame whittled out at a box cover, held a aquare piece of glass, s Thla window waa aat In the hood -with a score st tacfca. Over the mouth a tube of eaveral thicknesses of flannel protruded outward about eight inchea. '-.The lower edge of the shirt waa turned up, and on the . outer aide It had half a doaen stays to bold a bolt In place. .-...-,. , , The whole affair . waa thoroughly soaked In a heavy preparation of bees wax, roaln and tallow from candles, all of which had been carefully melted and poured over tha garment. Attached was a sman woooen Plug or faucet, which fitted anugly Into '. tha mouthpiece. . The aulta ware water proof. , It' was tha evident intention of the maker to create a aubmarlna awlm mlng suit In which he could start from the ehora of aa obscured cove and awlm en and below the surface of the water, the hood or . headpiece being large enough to hold considerable Ir. . The men had evidently worked for some weeks on the outfit. They were all employed In making a cut or tunnel through the crest of a hill. They were working alone, and, though they uaed to . Jotn the other, prisoners at lunch, they always managed to eat In a few minutes and get, bark to their, own work.. The mea . were , ail . sent le a SungeoK . , .-v.. "''... I.. PRISON IN- ' I QUaaCOSTUf IE Sayg That Good Nature Wina More REJECTS FORTY EIGHT SUITORS; ACCEPTS 49TH Portland Machinist Finally-Wins - Heart and Hand of This Much 'Lovsd ; ,Cirl-l-Shs Tells ' tki .Reason Why So' Many Men " Love Her. . . a4dee 4 ' tralgm Sop" for Olrla. Nona who has -not been In love ' . can understand the feeling. Iovewlll make you do.almoat S-: Love, will make you do.almoat d 4 - . anything crasy . 4 : Moat love letters are awfully allly. Moat love letters are awfully allly. 1 Good nature brings more propo , f sals than beauty. , ' Forty-nine men made love to Matilda Kuhn. and each of the 41 made her. a proposal .'of marriage. - Mlaa Kuhn, while comely, la not beautiful, and aha aaya that good nature rather than good looke attracta men.', -. . . Miss Kuhn refused the first 4 who proposed. She win (be married to the forty-ninth In an eaat -aide cathedral next Saturday morning. The fortunate man la Henry Hendricks, a machinist, who is caretaker-of the grounda about Bt,-Vlncent'e hoapitaV-r C. Whether the monotony or her answer began' auddenly to cloy on her, Or whether-aha- found the right one away up In the forties can be determined only Dy ner own woraa: Borne way l reit airierent coward him and ao I aald yea. It la oomethlng that you can't explain, but you feel the dif ference right away." Mtsa Matilda Kuhn'e home la In Kuhn, Washington, Just serosa the river from Arlington. Oregon. It la a small plaoa, named for her father, who la a substan tial landowner, and there ahe spent her early )lfe. Her father's prominence and the acarclty of girla - In that neighbor hood made her the belle of the village, and when ahe waa only II aha received her first proposal of marriage. ' So sur prised waa aha that abe hardly knew what to do. but ahe easily got her. hand In for what waa to follow by- giving a decisive "No." . Shortly after this, aa the attentions paid her by men. r raw aaelduoua,: aha waa eeat to the Walla Walla convent for girla, where ehe waa kept out of the eight of the maeculine world for some time. - When aha came out she waa still batter able to dispense with , their company, and want on her way paring little - attention to ..their court .. . y.- ..-'. ,- - : i .(Continued en Pago Threap A Hearts Than Beauty. CHEAP DEALS SECURED FOR Jl Bids for Feeding County Prison- -; ers Opened Lowest Is Eleven arid One Half Cents Per Meal 7 Offered by Louis : Eberling : Sheriff Not Bidding.1 ', Eleven and one half centa a meal for feeding ) the county prisoners waa the loweat . bid aubmitted to the county court. ; The offer waa made by Louie Ebellng, proprietor of a restaurant at til Fourth street, less than half a block from tha courthouse. ,;. Other bids. were 11. centa a meal br C. B. -Martin 'of the University club: II centa a rneaj by George R. Walton of )i Sixth street, who offered to give the prisoners good home cooking at that figure; IS centa a meal by A. Oeorge of 130 Seventh street, and 1 oents a meal when there are 10 priaonera or leaa. - II cents when there are more than it pria onera. offered by H. H. Hlgley. The blda were opened promptly at T1 o'clock by County - Clerk Fielda In the oouaty courtroom, before tho commis sioners' court. Judge Webster and Conf misaloner Llghtner being present. Five bids had baen aubmitted. Thoee -whoJ expected a . bid from Sheriff Stereno were dlaappolntad, aa thaaherUrf made no offer and waa not present In the courtroom when the bids were opened. - - Held VatU Tomorrow. Judge Webster announced that the blda would be. held under consideration until tomorrow. Judge Webater aald It waa probable- that the contract for boarding the prisoners for the coming year would he let tomorrow. The suc cessful ftldder la to begin feeding the priaonera September 1, next Saturday. Tha fare that Enellng believes he can provide the county priaonera at 11 H centa a meal and make money followe: Breakfast, served between the hours of 7:10 and 1:10 a. m, to conalat of one order of meat and potatoea, coffee with augar, and one half -loaf , of bread for each prleoner, . ' ' Dinner, to be served between the houra of 4 and a p. m., to consist of one order of soup, meat, potatoea and one ether vegetable, tea or coffee with sugar, and one half loaf fit bread for each prleoner..; ;Baaea, stuck SVewev. '. " '. - It will be asen that all the blda aub mitted are lower by considerable' than the rate of 4t -centa a day demanded by Sheriff Ate vena. All of them . are lower even than the rate of II rente a US (Continued oa Pag Two.) DEPDENT mm mi ;:. aV .' p: M-r Municipal 3 Guillotine May Next F3til Upon Necks of Employes ofThis BranclTT7- Complaints Have Been Frequent and Mayor Lane In Effort to ; Drive Drones Off Pay. Roll May Take pecisive Action at Early ... Date. - The water department - may be the next to receive a swing of tba axe now being .wielded by Mayor Lane. Jit haa long been known, that the executive believed a number of weak spots existed in that department, and now- that the six detectives have been cat off, he haa let it be known that every man under Superintendent Dodge and Engineer Clarke who haa not baen doing hla utmost for the city will soon stand In danger of nummary auapenaloa. It has been thought . that the axe would fall upon the water department before it reached tha detectlvea, hut the mayor eonatdera the existence of the Pourth street poolroom, . which, waa never reported by the detectives, seri ous evidence of their Incompetency or woraa, ana something which needed lm msdlate action. - - "But those man haven't '-"been dis missed; they have been auspended.' as the mayor thla morning. "The chief haa no right to dismiss a man' from the servloe. My written jtrjgsre ' ware that they be suspended." Tha executive .board,' which holde tha 'litre and Are" authority, meeta a weak from Friday. Tha police committee of the board la liable to meet at the mem- bare convenience, and It la probable that when, the executive 'board convenes a report approving the action of Chief (Continued on Page Two.) lillill UNEARTHED Alleged That Typhoid Epidemic Rages Among! U. S. Troops at American Lake Because ; of Incompetent Mapping of Camp . :: Typhoid fever la reported to hare be come ao prevalent in the military camp at i American lake that the government haa taken radical maaaurea for. the sup pression of the epidemic - Patlanta have been secretly transported to tha hospital at Vancouver barracks and a report from there thla morning atated that aoldlera Infected with the disease were "arriving by tbe wholesale." - Incidental with the epldemlo one of the worst army scandal a that ever bad lta inception on tha Pacific coast la threatened between, the medical and engineering departmenta of the military. The medical department men claim that the englneere went ahead . with laying out the camp. without consulting them. The medical men else claim that un sanitary -locations ware aelected for the men,! that the drainage system and ether sanitary provisions wsre not la accord ance Fwith "those of the past, when no sickness appeared In the campa They claim that It they had baen consulted In the matter that the present condi tions would have been avoided. -It la known that four members of the Twenty-second United Statea Infantry arrived In Portland Sunday and were taken directly to Vancouver. They are said to have been afflicted with typhoid fever. No denial or affirmation can be obtained from the government officials. who-are- doing all la their-power to. -keep the matter a secret. Ambulancee ware ordered to meet the Northern Pacific train, due In Portland at 7 o'clock this morning, but where they met the train and what ambulances $250,000 OFFERED BY HART J E TO WIFE ! TO CHECK DIVORCE (Jearaal tpertel aarrlee.) Pittsburg. Pa.. Aug. It. Tbe ' an nouncement waa made here today that the Hartje divorce caae wits about to be Battled, and that Augustus Hartje, the paper millionaire, who oued hie wife for divorce, naming aa corespondents a colored coachman and a white coach man, baa made an offer to pay ttio.eoo to hla wife to allow the matter to be dropped without the court giving a decision.- The rasa; to now In the hands of Judge Robert- S. Fraeer. and It la expected 'the denialon will be made about October I. - ' "- ; - Mra. Hartje 14 te retain poseeaeloai ef lis Ousted; Detective -De-; clares the Charges Against the Men Re-l TmdTAlDeserved r Says Chief Executive Was Jus tifisd in Dismissing Sleuths for; Poor Work and Asserts III FseU ing and Jealousy Ruined th Department. With the smoke hardly cleared away after . Mayor Lane's terrific bombard-. ment of the detective branch of. tha' -police department in whlcfh, six aleutha 1 bit the dust, comes tba atartllng deola . ration by on of the vietlma f tha . onalaught that in hla opinion tha oltya executive waa perfectly juatlfled la hla action. ' Former ' Detective Lou . Hartmaa la authority for tha statement that exist ing conditions made it imperative for tha mayor to pursue tha course he did ' and that the removal from office of practically all of the aeeret aervtea op eratives will have a decidedly baneftouk effect In tha prevention of crime and tho apprehension of criminals, i Hartman. .by . hia remarkable state ment haa hoisted the white flag of sur render aa a token of hla Intention of accepting the decision of the adminis trative head of the municipality with--, out a contest. - That 'his former brother ' detaetlvea will not be overjoyed by such a declaration from one of their oompaa lona la misery, there is no doubt and the bonds of friendship exietlng be tween them and Hartmaa! Will hot b more strongly cemented.. : Sensational developments can . be looked-- for when the former hawks haws are, apprised -of the matter. , . (Continued oa Page Three.) were aent la not known. That they dttj go . and for tbe purpose of - ramovtnal i typhoid Infected aoldlera from the traia i to Vancouver la absolutely certain. The alck mea are now at the hospital - The Twenty-aeeond infantry want taj. American lake from Saa Fraaelaoa. and the engineers who tiave been attacked ' by the medical authorities claim that ( the aoldlera brought the disease from the Bay City. The medical mea claim . that thla la not true, and a man who la familiar with the situation of tha camp sites outlined the situation at Americas lake aa followa: v "The ground upon- which the epldemlo) broke out haa been occupied alnee lit I by the National Guard of Waahington for lta annual military camp. 'Several yeara ago the atate purchased the alto because of Its Ideal situation and adapt ability ae a camp. For yeara Major Ebera laid out the camp, and hie theory la regard to,. the sanitary regulatlona were alwaya followed- by the state troope. During all the time the soldiers were in camp in yeara past there had aever been en epldemlo of any kind; in fact, no eontagloua dlaeaae appeared at alL' - '.- , - " : v , "Thla year, with both federal and atate aoldlera combining oa Uhets a a- , nual camp, the atate generously turned over Us camping spot to the regulars. Inatead of following the methoda em- (Continued on Page Three.) her -children, and also to wlt)idrv suit for divorce entered eeelnet h-r I band and will not contest the t. case to be enteted later against her, t which Hartje will ask relcaee oa t ground of dvaertlon. Aealetant District Attorney Rohh . Ptttsbure Is said to have ar)1 as ' between In .the settlement. J.. ser Is ssld to have expre4 r i Ingneas to have the raae aetti, j agreement Tietween the partUe. let him out of a 1lre--that of giving a derlemn l i notorious ault la the or'.i ' eountjr. ;v,' I '' ,,"- - . .'