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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1906)
. J -t J n:z cr.zzz. daily jcvr.:: rcnTLAi.'D, TuriDAV nvz: ' r - .w.w ,- V--- liuulVDS FLOCK TO OTORIST CUT UP 180 ItLii AT GALES GREEK 0Y4JARD WIRE IVELCOr.lEBRYAn JEFFRIES Pioneer Who Crossed Plains I, TftreyTlmgrIn the Eariy7 : Days Passes Away. carat Wna, OoUeflate, C-adoattoaa and Advancs Throng Arrives to Hon ; , or Democracy's Peerless .-.".- ","- Leader's Return. Two Stands Stretched Across poad That Catch Automobi ' 1st and Mangle Him. . ; PujISIst-Actor Says , CanstVKtt - Be Handily Defeated in Coldfleld Mill. : ' ; Bavarian Vases cg::cl c? IN THB ' ' ffaeeW tHspatak Tke IearaaL ' Forest Grove. Am Sl Jamas F. Lafferty of Oal Creek, died at hta .v'...;:vtvv: LEG NEARLY TORN OFF ' BY UNSEEN OBSTACLE .::'.; . -. v.. ,, , J,. .. . . juST AKWVKD, home August 14 at the age of Tl years ; HOTELS OF METROPOLIS ; 9 month and II days. Mrs Lafferty SCRAPPER STARTS FOR FILLED TO OVERFLOWING HUNT IN MOUNTAINS Beautiful and Exquisite in Design xnd Chxpe SAYS Executive. " Committee on Arrangl- v ' ments Holding Final Seeeiona fojr , " Ovation Many Bueinesa Houses ;,';;' Decorating for Event ;. (Jceraal Special Servta. .' . w Torkvr Aug.i II. To advane ', guard of tha bemodratl multitude that , la to weloome William 3. Bryaa an hta arrival bom from faU world tour haa com to town. The mala army of dele- I gate will poar lata tha elty tonight and tomorrow morning.. Indication ar not lacking that tha crowd of Tlaltors will far aurpaaa tfto early axpactatlona. "Ad vise received at tha headquarter of tha . reoeptlon committee ahow that atatea ' aouth of tha Ohio and waat of tha Ml aisslppl ar sanding delegations of sev aral hundred each. Thoee commonwealths within Malar reach of tha metropolis will hav even larger numerical repre sentations. Tha figure (Ivan out by tb committee tak no account of tha hundred of tsltors - who' ar exparted to come In an unofficial capacity. Tha low rate offered by tha railroad ar ' expected to result la one of the largest crowds New. York has aeea In aome yeara. . .- '. ; . :..., ;,.... t Aim oat every hotel la the elty report ' more appiioauona Tor rooms for this . , , week than can be granted. Many of the hotel are--arranging with boardlng ' house and ' furnished-room owner to ' . send the expected ; overflow , to the - , place. - , . : ;;: - - Xaavy Plaoe Decorated. ' 1 It developed today that, hotel and many business ' house wjll ' decorate v their place for tha occasion. Tbla fact may be takea as without personal or t political significance. It la customary for tha business district to blossom out . la the national color on the occasion of , any large celebration. On the present , . occasion It amy be regarded not ao i. much as a personal tribute lo Mr. Bryan - a to the throng of visitor who wlU be her from all parts of tha country. Fifth avenue and Broadway do not mo- aopolia the decoration. Ia every part of town, on, the far east and west aide, where neither Mr. Bryaa nor any of tb person who will com from out of ' town to welcome him will be likely to go. shops and house are being decked ' out In his honori The saloon lead In tha assurances that Bryaa la wleoome. 1 .'At the Hotel Victoria today th plan and eoope committee appointed by the Commercial Travelers Anti-Trust league ' war busy attending ta the final ar. ''rangemeatk for th " reception of Mr. Bryan. The eteAmahln ; Prfneeaa Irene. I with tha distinguished Nebraska and f his party aboard. U expected to reach i port, tomorrow. Mr. Brran will be en. tertalned on tha private yacht of Edwin Field Goltra of Bt, Xoala. a college , classmate or jar. Bryan, -till th next morning. He will be "met Thursday - morning Dy tne receptiOD committee at ". ma usttery landing and will be escorted in a carriage jparadei d Broadway -to ..central park; across to Fifth avanu, I, and than down town to th Victoria . hotel, where ha will rest till th vn , ing. when th big reception la Madison quara garden will tak place, , t ' : Frogiaaa of Kaotfag. ' i ' OovrAor -Folk of Mlasouri, aa chair man of thO reception committee, will call th meeting in th garden to order ' and will niak a speech, after which he will Introduce Mayor Tom Johnson of , , Cleveland to preside. Augustus Thomas t will deliver aa addraaa of welcome on behalf of th Commarclal Travelers' Anti-Trust league, which took th In ' illative In planning tb reception. . Mr. V Bryan will than delivar hi oration on ;. the Democ ratio laaue for 1101. Madison 8ouar ' a-arden. anai-lmie though It ta. will be crowded from tha loony, whsra, i , - ( seated ander th hug Iron girders that " " . wuinriing ill. - roof, th audttora wlU b acaroaly abl -to. dlat'ngutsb th face of th apeakers . f on th platform, much lea hear what i ,. f aald. A fore of decorators was nut to . work today fixing np th Interior of th great amphitheatre for the demonstra tion Thursday night. Hundred of flags fand countless yard of bunting will be ; d to give a gala appearance to tha - Interior. Palm a and plant will grace . spoaKerw piairorm. while large por - trait of Mr. Bryan and of th eminent " j Democrarlo leader of the nation In , f daya gone by will he in evidence here '.. .-nd there throughout the big structure. . There Is a great demand for tickets- to . ' th garden. It I evident that a number ' , tbt hav found their way Into th ; nana or ticket acalper. who expect to ,-r-turn a handsome profit by disposing of v t hi.u iv visitor witn money to spend. CHEAP MEALS - (Continued From Page On.) day at oay at waicn Auditor Rranle. .in. J Steven' warrant for boarding th prla- , im in uiy, ana at which Sheriff ; .- Vord was . paid. If Hherlff Steven were able to eol- lect th II per week per prisoner de e manded by him. and ran feed tha prl- . oners at tha same figure Ebellng ex- pacta to, hU dally profit on th 70 prl. ' i, onetM now In the county , jail would -amount to i. At the rate of II eents . a day allowed him. the sheriffs profit . from Ebellng- figure 1 a day or 11.100 a year, which th commission- , or court expects to cave to th tax X payer by letting th boarding of th ,i prisoners by contract. Maui MOM The quality and value of a diamond i little known to the pros pective buyer. But it'i. our business to know these matters by yeara of experience, and we tell them freely and willingly." Every tatemerit fa backed' up by facts, ao that we know whereof wa peak. For a safe investment and an economical purchase, this ia the place where reliability and satisfaction are assured, i ' ; V "Diamond Leaders Manufacturing Jewelers. . . Wifa and Daughter Bind Wound With , Lfaiart ' From ', Clothing and Puah Auto Untii Engine Surtax- Nearly Coat Victim, life.-, : . 1 ''- (Jearaal Bpeeial Strrle.) '."' ',. ' " f lm Angela Cat, Aug.. II L N, Glover of this city, had a terrlbl ex perience and nearly lost hia life When he ran his automobll at full speed into two strand of barbed wire, which were stretched acrotshe highway eight mile rrotn mversia yesieraay. Qlover' lag was nearly aawed off by th barb befor he could stop hi machine, Qlover was lured Into th trap by a . sign which had been so ar ranged that ho took th wrong road. In a glare of aunllght tha automobiUst did not see th wire which slipped over th top of th machine. Overcome . by pala ' Glover fainted. and Mr. Glover, hi wife, his daughter, Mlns Celia Qlover, with three small children, were left to oars for him alone and out of Bight of any house. Th women themaeives were badly anaken by the sudden stop. They tor linen from their clothing and bound tha gap ing wound, doing what they- could to stanch the flow of blood. , ),. At a previous atop th crank nee- eaaary to atart th engine had been brokenTTT?naufrtad at Ihla, the two- woman procured th help of a farmer who waa passing by, and th three bod ily pushed the heavy machine for nearly half block In order to get Ita mecban- tam In motion. The injured mail, who bad la th meanwhile returned to" eon- sclousneas, though suffering great pain. clung to th wheel and kept th auto In straight course. Olovar. 1 now in Riverside- hospital. " 1-; , CITY WATER DEPARTMENT (Continued from Pag One.) Qrltxmacher will be made. This will al most undoubtedly be adopted by the board and then th detectives must lay their cases befor th civil service com mission if thy hop to gt back their Jobs. .- A meeting of tha elvll service com mission Is scheduled for tomorrow, but nothing has been laid befor It thus far, regarding tha case. - Tha commission can' ravers th' action .of th board. Thia has been don In th case of sev eral employes ordered dismissed by th executive board. y -. v :.:, ' Oomplalnts Aa Fre.aeat. Complalnta about th water depart ment have been frequent. Much of Mayor Lan time ha been taken .up by peopl with all manner, of com plalnta, some about -ondepartmnt and some about another. ' It seems that th crltTelsA of tb water department have sounded more reasonable than moat of the others. Th .water famine this summer has aroused sharp criticism not r only from tb suffering inhabitants of th hirh grounds without water during many hour of th day, but also from watsr- uaera - ganerauy. . v The Installation of water mater has occasioned scores of "kicks." A num ber of wall-founded 'Complaints have made, some by members of th executive board, on th selection of the nouses and stores to be metered, it has been stated to th mayor that places whr th plumbing was notor iously defective had been passed bv. and that other placea where th plumb ing waa In good condition and tha amount of water used almost th same month after month have been metered. The tenants of the last-named class of buildings found their . water bill re- ncl materially, but th city was los ing a. cnance to up a part o tna nor mous wast of water. Mayor Lane has said that ha does not expect to find many 'employee who hav not been doing their full duty. Men who are well eesuainted with muntcloal work of other citlea hav repeatedly de clared that more work la being don with tb aam number of omploy In Portland than In any other elty in tha United Btatea. - Th salaries her are generally lower than those paid by other cltlee for th aam class of work. For Instance, Loo Angeles hires thro men to do exactly th aama work being done by on man in th engineering office her. Th auditor's off lo her doe much of the work don by th elty at torney' office In most cities. In - th engineering department tha press of work this year ha been terrific. Th system of the department ha been criticised, but little personal complaint on the men In this depart ment haa been heard for many months: As to the fir department there ha been about aa much ' complaint aa upon tb police department. ' , Th mayor next atep la being anx iously awaited y th employ in every department. Th ax la due to fall again where 7 , . ';'',.., SWEEK GIVES EVIDENCE (Continued from Page One.) sign unless It were R. D. Inman, and h wa .not sur of that. He did not re member any request from Borenaon and tha incident happened so long ago ne nd forgotten tne details. Person ally he had no Interest whatever In the Cascade addition. ' The government expects to show that of the Northwest" Cor. Third and Waahlngton Sta. Jaraea F. Lafferty. t. waa born December I, lilt, lo Clark county, Illinois. - HO was one of tha pioneer 'eettlers of Oregon, crossing ths plains three different times and after the, last trip In. IIS 7 cam to California. in tha early alxtlea he moved to Or ion, settling near Mount inaaiay. vasn ington county, -and began to worn in sawmill" for D. O. Quick, for several yeara. While there ho met Mrs. C liovlng'and the two were married In November. 1171. In 1177 they moved to. Galea Creek, where they have made their horn elnea. Ha leave a wife, daughtar and a tepson, bida a larg number of relative to mourn his loss. Senator- Maya had achool landa ' m ' tha Caaoad addition; that h profited by tha addition, which after being reoom mended by . Foreat - Superintendent Ormaby 'was proclaimed a part of th reserve July 1. 1101; that following th proclamation Ormaby went to Koso- burg and conferred with Blnger- Her mann and that soon afterward Jon, Sore ns on and Maya began to do busi ness with Orrosby. Although Ormsbya name waa not mentioned, J. J. Fltxgerald, deputy elty attorney, gave testimony yesterday art' ernooa which revealed that the obliging forest superintendent was bunkoed nut of about two-third of his bribe. Th tory, part of which has been tol.l oh the wltneaa stand, runs aa follows: 1 May made Ormsby a present of eer- tif teat , calling for two section of school lands. . Thl wa In recognition of OrmsDy' services in "properly" in vestigating th proposed Bui Mountain reserve. - About two yeara afterward Ormsby gav th certificates to DanlelTcnheoT verfllttl, while Cantna'ar Webster Tarpley to aelL .; Tarpley took them to Sorenson, and not long after ward earned le to Ormaby aa the pro ceeds of the sale. : Fltxgerald swore yes terday that ha gave Borenson 11,100. He called th transaction a loan. Daniel Webster Tarpley haa informed govern ment officials that all he held out of th transaction was $110. This leavea Sorenson's "bit" at 11.110, nearly two thirds of Ormsby s-original bribe. Fltsgerald also revealed that 10 cents an acre wa still due on, th two sec tions. He paid thia amount, and the land now Imprisoned In th Blu Moun tain reserve atand In tb nam of Mra. J. 4. Fltxgerald. wife of th witn. Th rest of Fltsgerald' testimony relat ed to acknowledgments of school land appllcatlona and assignments taken by him a a notary public at ths request of Borenson. .-(.- Robert Bchultse. formerly a aaloon- keeper, gave testimony that ha signed hia own name and that or aeveral friend to achool laad applications and fttftrg ttrrnann toloj Mm to do this. Among the friends who nam - Bchultse used were Krnest Schwab and Johan Mayer.. Schultsa kindly told tham about It afterwarda. W. M. im Force, the attorney wno waa go-between for Ormsby and Maya, was recalled to tha atand twice this morn ing. ? He Identified tha enevlopea that had contained the certificate given to Ormsby, also a paper giving a descrip tion of the . Tarpley-McKlnley achool lands whloh Mays:- demanded because Tarpley and McKlnley had "butted in. Fore declared ne Knew nothing or the dispute over th 17,100 acre grabbed by the pair mentioned or of Mays' de mand that tha Interlopers surrender half Of their holding. When La Fore wa recalled th sec ond tlm Proseoutor Heney asked: "Did you not aay to Captain Ormaby that if he didn't give you soma money you would expo hi connection with the Blue mountain reserve promoter 7" Ex-Judge Pipes, attorney for Jones, objected to the question, aaylng that th government was not taking th proper way to impeach Ita own witness. Prosecutor Heney Insisted that he merely wanted to show motive on the part of La Force. The statement mad by th witnes at various times were not alike, and tha government wanted to bring out a reason for thia The objection was sustained, and Mr. L' Fore wa excused from th stand. Prosecutor Heney had previously given th defense notlc' that he expected to aay soma thing about Ia Force whan th argument stags Is reached. Attor ney W. D. Fen ton. counsel for Mays, promised to say something in defens of th witness, Fred Baffarn teatlfled that his name and mark were put on a achool land application and assignment by Georg Borehsonr WTIfl" f ava him no money, but bought a drink. Several others sold out at the same .price at the aama time. It wa different in Frinevlll. Mr. Angle Bonney - of that town testified that she was given 110 for algning an application and assignment. Th land acquired la this way wa Included la th addition to th Blu Mountain re serve that waa recommended by Con gressman Williamson on September tl. l02. ',:..' ,.J. D. Mann, a notary public, testified to putting his Jurat on 10 appllcatlona and assignment. Th applicant war brought to him by George Sorenson, and - tha notary's pay wss 10 eents a head. In each case th description- of the land and the name of, the aaslgne waa left out. of, the paper. j . ESPERANTO TALKERS ' PLEASED. WITH TEDDY Geneva, Aug. II. The 1,800 delegates to tha Esperanto conference ar enthusi astic over President Roosevelt's adop tion of phonetie apelUng. ' , Party of Oregon an i California Pao ' pie Accompany Him From Eugene to Belknap Springs Where They -"Will Spend a Few.Wcck.Sb90tinf. (Special Dtspsteh to Tke JsaraaL) Sugene, Or., Aug. II. Jarae J. Jef frie and a party of frlende lft hare aarly this morning for Belknap Spring on a few weeks' bear - and dear hunt. Tboae who accompanied him wr Mra. Jeffrie, E. W. Hopperstead and wife, Mlaa Hopperstead. U Hopperstead. - J. Myrlck, Georg F. Miller or jU Angeles, Dick Adam of San Francisco, J. M. Ohmel of Nw Torr, Watt Mon- tetth of Portland. ; A four-horse wagonload of provisions Breeeded th - nartv. Thav Vaxneci. to reach the springs sometime tomorrow, Jeffries had llttl to say concerning porting vnt . while here, but ax pressed hia opinion that Nelson would win handily from Gan in the coming match at Goldfleld. Ha looka heavier than b did when her two year ago whan ha appeared in "Davy Crockett' at a local theatre. , ci!i::ese coycon mmi 'FRISCO e.sti:q'jake Monsy From Bay City Chinsss Which Kspt Agitation Alivs r Now Shut Off. V. Uearaal BoeeUl arvtea.t Waahlngton, Aug. IS. -The San Fran cisco disaster ended th Chine boy cott, according to Consul -General Jultua O. Lay of Canton. Lay doesn't alv as surances that tha boycott is ta be suc ceeded by immediate reatoratlon of cheerful mien toward ' Americans and their product, but Indicate that for tha present th boycott la about over. The Baa Francisco calamity," write Lay, "cut oft for a- while, and poaaibly forever, th regular money romtttan (some of which were large I that war formerly sent hsr by Ban Franelaoo Chines In support of tha boycott move ment. Also Chine dalra In Amrt- can products have loat heavily aa tha result of the agitation and do not heal- ia to say iney ar weary oi ii. maer question, too, nave oproeo it in public lntereet at thia time. Btlll gen eralisations ar not safe. "American imports at Canton hav da- ports to - America have' considerably fallen off. BOY SLAYS FATHER (Continued from Pas' One.) tha city and Inform hi mothar, who was there. He was taken into custody about TO o clock and confessed he had killed Hia father. ' Th confession made to Chief Waller and Detective Mo- Dermott . ..- At f!rt h told a atory that he had made arrangements with, a man named Riley at Sheridan, Wyoming, to ooma on hero and kill his father. They planned to secure 1500 h knew his fathsr car ried and divide It. Ha atated Riley earn last nlgnt and carried out bis part of th program, and that it waa Riley wno truck hi father with an as. H aald Riley took 1410 and fled to Roealand. Brttiah Columbia, leaving him 110. Tha nolle prevtoualy found 470 on Sidney's person snd th story seemed so im- prODSDl '"mr -p ' "H im boy ho wa lying. "r . . - Sloan then broK down ' ompitiy and confessed that ha alone killed hia father, but that It wa In the heat of passion, hia father having attacked him when mtoxicateo. too muraer ' probably committed ahortly after mid night. - judging from tne eonoition in which the body., waa found. - Mr. Sloan Waa fully dressed. ' Hi pocket ap peared to have been rifled. It' la thought thl wss merely a blind 'to turn aald auaplclon. Sloan wa about I yeara old and rather feeble. Mr. Sloane, tha murdered man. 'wa on of Spokane' moat philanthropic eltl- sen, and waa a special patron or tna newsboys. Never wa a Thanksgiving day passed upon which . Mr. and Mra. Sloane did pot serve their newaboy pro teges with a sumptuous dinner. . Th youthful murderer has ever been known as a hard character. When h became so tough aad unruly that hia parent could no longer control him, a few year ago, hia father had mm com mitted to th atata reform school, and ha -haa been oat but a short time. The murdered man waa prominent la business circles ' and . had a hoat of friend.. Hi brutal murder by his own on haa aroused a storm of indignation. K STOMACH. When the s torn aclt is weak ' appetite poor and sleep restless, you want the best remedy before the pub lic to -make you well again. You naturally select ths Bitters because (or 03 years if has been curing poor Appetite, Heartburn, Bloat ing, Dyspepsia,. Indigestion, Crsmps, Diarrhoea, Female Ilia or Costireness. ' WHILE 45c, 60c, $1.00, 7ART SKtNS ALL COLOES FOU BUBNINO ; 65c,j$i.oo, $i.5o: Suit i Imported Red Rubber Toys . v ANIMALS, RATTLES, BALLS. ETC .: 25 35 50 e5 75f ... 'Y '. '..;-. - r Regular. SpeciaL Tooth Brush, imported. 1....... 25c 13 Tooth Brush, imported. ,85c 23 Hair Brush, solid back; 9-row bleached " L . bristles ........... ... ..... . .......... . .$1.00 63f Bath Brush, Letver's patent....",,...'.,... .. .85c r B7f Cotton ette Short Fibre Cotton, pounds .25c -' 19) 'Absorbent Cotton, pounds..... ............ ..40c - 27j 'Kerchief Bathing Caps............ ....... .$1.25 l?1.10 Rubber Sponges ......... ... . . , . , . . . . . . . .50c 37 : - Salt and Pepper Shakers', set. ....... ,. . . . .75c ' SOf Whisk, Broom, reg.'lOc, 20c, 30c Special. 8f, 16, l&f 1906 Regular $3;50jQuality" -gully nnflfantrv NOW Knox Trtr:el Cits HI KC J9$ to Uatu Np Do Wo M. (ao fta. 0V .pidha ni7E j LwMaca tvCMANOI eWiumni Oregoa orpaiaUa whleh Ughas low ymaraaSeed level prearam Bellalila aaaa aaateed r i yov. THEY LAST ' $1.30, $160 Each for $2.98 I PEGAMOID,"", 'rr 'M: , WEATHER-PROOF, i y. RIVETED, . i :- -;M vv 'H DOUBLE-ACTION 01 :;;yr.,LOCK.A:-;.:;.ff;i,: Wortl $5.00 for $2.98 TUT alls m ter Itilts Raw ttiij - taUSC;. SU Cpp. TrAzlZtz 1 or Cam Civm Botimr , ., V- ;:'r - r: TT -TeaVvVeei V ft U li .1- . a v; w the peUer-hoUefs baxau rahs kaa aay ether aoaipaay. a tfraUa. . 1 is- LEnns: WITH. ldrc2 Eniowccat ! - '. ..'," AND. - ExccIetEqdpicnt - - -S!zprCa Scsrtip ' "Certllloatea from Paotflo tlnlvrlty hav' admitted ctudenta from our classe to exactly th aama arad In William. Amherst. Prtnceton,. Tale and Columbia." HORACE M. RAMSEY, . ... -: ciaa o mt. The abeve Is tram sa article hy Kev. Hortee M. Beauer, ef st. ateBheal Cksreai,' rertlaae. la a aoohlet. entitle -To aeskers t Rlstaer Edueatloa.'i The article la the booklet ar all written hr alaaial aad stadeeta ef ratine, aad war b M the ashing. , , .. Tt Prtpsrslcrjr Ctpsrlzesl ' Mlrn School rraduat and others having- creoite to man up for col- lea cou can do o la Tualatin Acadsmy. nm rn OATAxooxxm. FcH Tern Css Stl , Ita rTorth Pccific College of Dentistry ' On of tha largest and beat equipped Institution of it kind In th entire West. No dental school can boast of a better force of a mc tally trained teach ers, who devote their entire time to-the Interest of the- atudenta. Th clinic ar unsurpassed, belnf In aaca ef th needs of th students. - The annual session begin October 1. Fbr Information and Illustrated eatalog addraaa th dean. DR. HERBERT C. MILLER, .. . Portland. Oregon. PORTLAND,! ACADEMY r; ' Portland Oregon:rhir : lath tmam wxu onor im Tit boy and alrla for Datra and 'tern Uege. " - - ; . ' ' laciudea a primary" and ' grain mar aohooL - , i -.-.::.- t -j;l Boarding hall for girl effordrne'fbe em fort and ear of a refined home. - OfBoo hours during the Summer frota a. as to It am. ..- , - For catalogs writ to th addreaa given abeve. Medical Department University of Oregon fO(h Aannst Sesslea Becla Sept IT. U0S. a. 40vai, m. v.. ueea. ie Pefcaa am mil lldg.,.Prtlaa4 Columbia University University Park, Portland, Oregon.' Clataical, scientific, commercial aad grammar grade course. ; Appl for aatalogua. .. , , ,',"- ,' ' ' -' " - IB Portland PORTLAND ORKOON. EUROPEAN PLAN ONLY HKAOQUARTKRS FOR TOURISTS AND COMMKRC1AI , "r.", . TRAVf LKRS. . ' EverrtMns to eat and drink, and tt eot no more la the. . PortUnt Hotel IUtaak1to than elsewhese In th city. Every rkdy night from 1:10 to It , .-" v SC. O. WtWI, Majsacee. Cloud Cap Inn Oregon's famous mountain reaon at on .Mount Hood Away from th heat of the elty. The moat delightful ratlng plaoe ' la the aorthweat Full Information at the o. n. n. TICKET OFFICE, Third & Washington bU. ..; Hotel Eaton com. atoausov ajts wist sass sts. , v- NEW nsaaerawty tmlshed, eletsstlf sqslpM. Hr(, ansstee' wilh freas heeri el bopsiae eed hualass Sl.trlot 111 large, slrr. eutalde none, steasi heath, tlertrl UsMs. teWphea la each apsrtiaeat, ete. tira eftma, IsesalBt. Hhls. wrltl.s. leeies' reeestte parkw. aat rsearvee he Mil se telephone. primes eataiaaa SMwta train as shiaaisi. Hooma $I.OO to $3.00 at Day grtaj Sates to OeiasMrelal Haa. Has. HAS SATOV, . (FersMrlr ef Betel rtepsth. Isehass.) 1