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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1906)
'V' A; a C.I w.... - - J-- w .A . ' Iw--.I.. Q. AUGUST 3, :3 K , ml . y I I X V is war THE BUYERS WILL BE VIEING WITH EACH OTHER TO MAKE THEIR RESPECT IVE DEPARTMENTS LEAD, AMD YOU CAN LOOK FOR SOME MIGHTY SHARP. HPPICE"tTJTS"INERY"PEPARtM COM. 'PETITIVE SALE. A PARTIAL LIST OF MONDAY'S OFFERINGS FOLLOWS. - Department Buyers' Three Days' Sale The Shoe Buyer Sayo I haive never' entered into any. sale with-the . same ' amount of enthusiasm as I have for this sale. It is " my belief that the Shoe depart- ' ? nvn will come close to being the 'f-leader in this Competitive Buyers' " :. Sale. I have taken every line of Women's $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 fine hand-made Oxfords J them on sale for Monday at one price, $1.53. ; Not a pair will' be on sale that is not iney. come in,' patent coit skin, ; patent kid, patent calf, Russia calf, . " chocolate vici. kid, gunmetal calf ; and black yjcikid with hand-welt-' ed and hand-turned soles; button,' lace and blucher styles, in all sizes V and widths. MONDAY. ...... and placed hand-made. v What the Silk Buyer Sayo v ; No matter how low the price may be, you can rest assured as to the dependable quality .of our . Silks. As has been demonstrated time and again, nothing but the best grades of silk are tolerated in -linstock; and this, together with the small prices at which they are sold, Is "argument that appeals to,! heshjpjw generally. , In order to "make an unprecedented record in thw gale, we offer v., . -... C-: BLACK TAFFETA SILK Best QL50 Quality om SPECIAL Sale ZIonday at, aXar d Full 36 Inches Wider1 Guaranteed Black Silks at i a Great Reduction. , ; No mall or telephone or ders filled at this price. None - sold - to dealers. None sent C O. D. ; See Window Display. EXTRA SPECIAL FOR MONDAY -1,400 yards Black Taffeta Silk, warranted all pure silk, yarn dyed, absolutely fast color, deep black, both Swiss and Buckskin finish; every yard guaranteed; full 38 Inches wide; and the most remarkable thing about it is perhaps that at this price it will compare favor ably with any $1.50 silk we know about A large and advantageous purchase enables, us to, offer this most remarkable bargain. If we save a few dollars or many thousands in a purchase, we divide it among you this isn t generosity it a rule of this business, and it explainswhy this splendid $1.50 quality BLACK TAFFETA SILK SELLS MONDAY at;....... . ..... 7915 BestOl.TB Quality, on' Sale ' Mon day at a pair. . . . . . ;.-We have made an important purchase of new elbow length Silk Glovea--: from one of the best manufacturers in America. For ; Monday the price reads like this BEST $1.75 QUALITY AT ?1.39. v COtf DOZEN FULL ELBOW-LENGTH SILK GLOVES, excellent wearincr-cfualityj Mosquetaire and Jersey wrists; a!Tthebest sizes in col ors, black and white; We unhesitatingly say that such a quality glove as .. this has never betore been ottered for sale at this price on this side of the Atlantic, One- day only. Monday, at . . . . . icn a quauiy giove as $lo39 l'o Stylish Belts Values up to 60c, on Sale Monday at, Each AN UNPABAIXELED OFFEBING ? See Window; Display . ' If you come here tomorrow you can buy stylish new Belts for less than you have ever teen them sold for before in your life. In fact, at less than half the prices asked by other retail stores. Just an 7 other item to convince you that it will be worth your while to attend this atfe tomorrow. : ' 600 dozen Women's Belts, very latest effects in gold silver and tinsel, finished with' silver and , eilt buckles; also aDout auu -dozen- ricniy embrofdered-'Vyash JBeltSrunisheirwjthiuie-jqual-i.i Ity pearl buckles. Not a belt in the lot worth less than 25c, most all are bur regular 85c ; j . t; ill i. : -x : - mxm tr r Attn rrw r t--r rr ' ' ana ouc lines. , u iu go . uno price, uti , i uun wnuivb a a ......... i . . . . .-. . i H t SEE MONDAY EVENING PAPERS. Take a" good lobk in our windows and come early in the day Tuesday for. Extraordinary Bargains i i : . . J . ,. 7T ' ' ' . I I 1 7 i ' m - . ar m r i i )' A QUESTION ANSWERED BY THE KNIT UNDER i;;'; ' ; 7EAR AND .. HOSIERY BUYER During the past two .weeks this section of the store has been V veritable beehive of industry, a condition most unusual for the 'month of August. The unusual activity was accomplished through the medium of a series of live and well-laid plans, executed many months ago, the culmination of which developed intense interest among the retail buyers of Portland. Many questions as to the whys and wherefores of these series of sales have been asked, " and why we were offering good reliable merchandise at such unheard of prices. In general, we can only state that our unequaled facilities lot the purchase and disposal of immense quantities procure for us the ' opportunity of collecting-and choosing merchandise with absolutely : no regard to quantity, providing the price is right. : The sales of the past two weeks have been so eminently satisfactory that for the NEXT THREE DAYS the heads . .of the different departments have been instructed to use whatever legitimate methods they choose to swing the ' volume of business in their direction. With this end in view, and knowing the futility of pursuing any other method, we attract your attention and retain your patronage by quoting "LOW. PRICES." - The phrase "low priced" has evil associations it marches so frequently with that abhorrent thing, tra9h. So in considering the . figures below, please regard them as coupled with merchandise of Only the highest standard. ' .4 . : f ; . , Another Startling Announcement in Knit Underwear Section Women's 75c Quality Union Suits -4 On SaleTomorrow, One bay Only, the Entire Suit, -All Sizes," Ordinary or Extra dSEE WINDOW DISPLAY None sold to dealertv ,,cNo mall or telephone orderi filled at this price . 100'dozen women's high-grade Combination Suits secured; from. the, maker at a pre posterous figure. The entire suit to be retailed for a great' deal : less than.; the single vest or pants would cost you. Garments are made with long sleeves and ankle. lengths. are prettily.trimmed and made of tine combed Egyptian yarn. , A splen--i did weight for between seasons and an excellent quality at 75c a suit. Bet- ter-purchaseiasppjyMhem Joroorrowateacr 25c , . i 'i ;. A Great August Clearance Sale of wr 11 JJLVUIJLL W V j' 'Vs':- (f 1 ; See Window vj; . b Display .V Takes Place Here xomor ow uuu jua, Over 7 O 0 0 Fairs, V Begrul'r 2 5c Quality . Per Pair ......... . ' The price quoted is not a criterion of the qualities on sale. AVe ; announce this as one of the strongest specials in Hosiery-trviLuoted on this coast, w-e leel assured tnat the sale oi tnese stockings wui . result in the largest single day's business ever enjoyed by this 'de partment. '.' , ' , ' ' - ; V' ' ' . .;: ''i'a.'..'v ; . A Tew of the Kinds on Sale ; : 50 dozen Plain Black Stockings with unbleached soles; 80 dozen Black Cotton Stockings, embroidered insteps; 200 dozen Fancy Col- ' ored StocUnes. dots and fieures; 150 dozen Lace Lisle Stockings, in ; navy, gray and tans 80 dozen White Cotton Stockings, black pin dots; 80 dozen Imported uermanMade Moslery, extractedJigures-; """Samples bfeaclTTot "on display in window. The sale will last but one dav tomorrow only. You may purchase as many pairs as you wish until 6 o'clock Monday evening.. .We anticipate a3 tremendous response to this ' announce- 4 - - II - J.'.. f ! 1 i - iL i jl! J. I 1 .V!. '" men I, so wouia aavisc cany snapping in orucr to secure inc wqrinicsc ana ucst quaiuitrs. ai uus price we must refuse to fill phone orders or make exchanges. r,iv , .' : - Hand Painted Cushion Slips, Best 35c Quality Monday Only at This Price 'Pan1. See Window Display JClUiUU Brighten up that bare-looking corner with one of these. VLiberal reductions on about 300 dozen hand- painted Pillow Tops present the opportunity to do so at little expense.'. Monday morning we place on -sale a gret assortment; exquisite specimens of lithography and hand-painting; made of heavy canvas cloth, finished on three sides, all ready to use; all new designs; pansies, grapes, roses, sunflowers, vio lets, etc. etc. :this item will interest hundreds of economical housekeepers, as good. H "V "valueVas"we quoTXafaTnlyhTdT SAT for Monday at ....................... . v . . .'..;. , . , . , ,' . rrnTTTrrriJLL"' v IN THE FOLLOWING DE- s PARTMENTS. - : , Wash Goods, Domestics, Mus lin Underwear and : Women's . ReadytoWear , Garments. SEE TUESDAY EVENING PAPERS. Take" a ood look in our windows arid come a3MnJh?jly. ) : Vednesday- for Extraordinary Dargains IN THE FOLLOWINQ DE- , PARTMENTS. ' v " 'Ribbqns,' 'Embroideries, Dress Goods,, Shoes and Men's Fur-. y r nisrungs. 'I I I i. Il'llW k. . I Three Dayb' Three Bayo' -T J. " ;.