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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1906)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND; SUNDAY MOrIIKQ, AUGUST C3, CIII8H0 LlEfJIfl CORNER TILIBER Eighty Exhibits Admitted in Blue Mountain ; v Reserve CaseTarpley . Springs Sur- ; tiOCIiillTS PUT 10 EVINCE 1 " - ' " Speculators Art After Six Billion . ; Feet of the Best Foresta in the State. ', ; " .: : -:- '; ' ! .. " I ' HAVE ALREADY MADE BIO DEAL ON THE M'KENZIE ' ' When the trll of 4h Blue Mountain ' reserve aa m resumed . yetrday V morning before vudga Hunt u a Jry ' In the federal court, the government's A exhibit numbered leas' thai! 9, when adjournment waa taken lata In the-aft-" ornoon tba figure on the documents In . evidence were nearlng tha M mark. The flood of paper waa duo to tba Introduce Hnt nt annlw iltloiia tali lha iianliaim nT school lands gathered in Portland by J. L. Wells, a notary public. - EYery appll , cation represented , an act of perjury. tort tba applicant ewor. that he was '.' acting solely for b la own benefit and ' had made no previous agreement, rat before tba Ink In hla signature had ' dried ha proved tha contrary 'by making an aaalgnment and accepting $1 or It ' tor hla Interaat ' - V . Walla waa employed by Wlllard N. Jones, now being tried 'with State Ben ' : - a tor Franklin Fierce Maya and George Borenaon for conspiracy to defraud the UnKed State ont of 100,00 acre of publlo land. The scheme of tha con "' . splratora waa to obtain school land within the boundaiiea of the proposed Blje Mountain reserve and use them aa ' bas for serlpplng publlo lande outside . the reserve. School lands cost an acre and only IS cent had to be paid down. Scrip was quoted at S.SO an acre.. The difference, left: room for an Immense profit, and if. the reserve had been created three years ago. Instead . of last March, the conspirators would have netted about $800,000. . Aa it hap ?pred the government learned of the 'plot late la 1001, blocked all proceedings for three years and aa a final precau. tlon repealed the lieu land Jaw. The reserve was proclaimed" at' last, but the . action of congress had nullified the ef- ' forts of the land grabbers and. Instead .; of making a fortune they lost money.; . . arldanos' Tails Xeavfijr. 1 The evidence of Welle told ' heavily against Jones. Wells obtained the ap- plication,- but It was Jones who sup plied the description of Unda In the ' proposed reserve, the bounds of which - were practically dictated bjr Senator Maya, although Forest Superintendent - Salmon B. Ormsby, en unindlcted mem ber of the conspiracy, did have the to : merlty to omit- from his 'recommends - tlons a few sections which" Maya wanted within the lines. , t -' v- . . Whenever Jones needed any . assist : anoa in tha matter of assignment his ,- friend, Oeorge Sorenson, who was also tn the game, made good uee of his office of notary public. Occasionally the fil ings ' of Daniel , Webater Tarpley and Horace Greeley McKlnley, who in the words of Mays bad "butted In." caused the' return of applications because the , lands sought had already been taken, but In these caeea the descriptions were erased and others put. In their place, and tb gam went on. ' - A ' - "TM4 -Koaey. . .. , , . Wajls got 16 for each application and aaelgaraent. Jonee paid him the money. ' One Jonee gave htm a check for t0 to ! send to the land of floe at Salem with 1 applications. Of .this amount SM0 cams back, signifying that 40 of the desired acres had been taken, pre- ' sumaaiy Djr Tarpley and MCKInley.' . Prior to the Introduction of , half hundred applications obtained by Wells, the government put Colonel ' C E. S. Wood on tha wltneas stand. Colonel Wood, who Is attorney for the Wil lamette Valley Military Wagon Road company, told of offer made to him by Maya for road grant holdinga in two townahipa that unknown to Wood were included ' in the . boundaries of the tried to rirnnmad , reserve. Man f'r- buy the land at II per acre, represent ing that it wa almost worthies, but when that failed he suggested that h might get the land included In. a re serve. AU he wsnted for his services was half of the Increased value in case he was successful. Thl would hav meant 120.000 tot Maya The offer was rejected. " . : V. . ' '". v .'. ; . . t.v. - Tarpley Spring Surprise, ' . f Daniel Webster Tarpley finished his testimony yesterday morning with a rude surprise for Defendant Borenaon. The day previous Tarpley had said that he mad two visit to th office of Sen ator May and that both tlraea he went alone. Before court convened yester day Tarpley had a talk with Borenaon. Th government learned ol' tbla. The reault wa that when Tarpley went back on th stand Special Assistant Attor-ney-Generald Heney asked him om pointed questions. In reply Tarpley confessed - that hi memory had been defective and that hi conversation with Sorenson had recalled to him the fact that Sorenson had accompanied him on th occasion of on of the visit t Maya,. -Thla testimony caused no little consternation in th Sorenson corner. The indictment in the case charges Mays, Jones and' Sorenson with con spiring with United State Senator John H. Mitchell, - Blnger -Hermann, then commissioner of th general land offloe, and Congressman J. N. Williamson. Testimony offered thus far haa ahown that Mitchell In answer to a -delegation of protesting constituents declared that th-Blu Mountain reserve "wa on of President Rooaavalt's pet scheme. As for Blnger Hermann, th testimony is to th effect that he ordered Forest Superintendent Ormsby to make an in veatlgatlon and than evidently turned over th management of detatla to Sena tor 'Maya. Congressman Wllliamaon' nam has been aeldom mentioned. Th government 1 Introducing only such avldenc a Is necessary to connect Maya, Jonas and - Sorenson - with th conspiracy. . " Special Assistant ' Attorney-General Heney and United State Attorney Bristol are Jointly .conducting th prosecution. " Irvtn RIttenhouse, secre tary to Heney, renders th- pair invalu able aid in oourt by looking after the mass of documents and notes connecter with : the : ease and seeing that th proper paper 1 within . reaoh at th moment It la needed. The defence I keeping atz attorney ' busy: W. D. Fenton, Jama JB Fenton and -W lanr Hill for Maya; ex-Judge Martin 1 Pipe and S. B. Huatoa for Jonea, and es-JUdge Alex Sweek for Sorenson. A technical fight being waged, and th objections alretody mad run well up into the hundred. Th present In dlcatlona are , tha.t4he triml mm ! I at laat 10 days mor: and may not nd i xr f wo wees. i f mm r,iE(i rule UNITED STATES' . Rockefeller,. Morgan, Hill, Still- - man, Baker, Schlff and -. Harriman Are It . f " -V" .""' .:'ry:r'r-'! TWO GREAT GROUPS WHO ' CONTROL LAND'S DESTINY Syitem Method ! to Capturt or Destroy, Morfan-Hill's : to ' Built t-gnd-Perinlr Pfnf Ownerg to Htve Share In Profits. V " , (Special Dtepateh by Leased Wire te Tfce Jearaal) New York, Aug. IS. Reference to th seven men of Wall street recently - has drawn out numerous inquiries a to th Identity of these mysterious men who control all business enterprise ' and almost control th political, welfare of the United State. 1 By common eon ,. sent 'In the financial world, the seven are John XX Rockefeller, J. p. Morgan, Jamea J. Hill. Jame Stillman. Oeorge F. Baker. Jacob Sohlff and B. H. Harri man. Theae aeveq men represent in Ureeta that cover every possible pbaa '. , of bualnaaa enterprise n . America. . w ' Rockefeller phere . f lnflueno I , .. o ,wll known aa not to need descrlp : tlon. .Many persona Imagln that Mr. .. Rockefeller I Simply a flgurahead. but ' those who are familiar with doing at . No. t Broadway know that H. H. . Roger. William Rockefeller and H. iO. Havameyer and all of that tnyatari-u- in finance known a the "ytema Is under his abaolut domination, '"r' .", nmaaaa. th Banker. But tb -ytm," whlU , akllled la broad financial plans, baa no banking ability, and here Jamea Btlllman cornea nsrtrMr. stillman is recognised aa one . of the grea-tosc-banker In America. H'tt is who" finance th scheme of - th system. He baa nothing to do with I i ... 1 - t vl . ,; the plana of campaign except to finance them. But so great la his power that no is recognised by his aaaociate is th system as th equal, of John D. Rockefeller. r , Th Rockefeller plan of warfare 1 to "capture or destroy." As in every thing human there" must be two oppos ing force. o ther are in the financial world, for J. P. Morgan and. Oeorge F. Baker, who atande to him In the sam relation that Btlllman does to Rocke feller, represent progress and hopeful nea They want to make money, but they make it by helping other do th am. They destroy only as a laat re sort. They always try to get control of properties first - by letting th Old owners shar la th prof its or pro posed combines. . ' ta Morgan Oronp. In th Morgan group are James J. Hill, John E. Kennedy, Thomaa. F. Ryan and other of that clasa. Some of , the aubaldlary man In both ' th Rockefeller group are ao powerful aa at times to rise almost to th preemi nence of leadership. ' H. C. Frick. In th Rockefeller group, and Thomas F. Ryan, in the ' Morgan group. Just at present are looming up almoat a .big a their principals. Jacob - Schlff - and James flpeyer are two ' men that ar absolutely .independent of combinations, and they threw tbetr influence to either Id from time to time It seem to be to the advantage of themaelvea and their followers. Behind Mr. Schlff is arrayed the vast wealth of th Jew, who follow him blindly wherever he choose to lead. HI money power 1 eoloeaal and out of all proportion to hla own personal wealth. Jame Speyer's strength and Independence come from hla great fol lowing In LOndoa. Mexloo obeys hire e a -.master, and he .has a following in hll parts of th world that is really marvelous. ' ' Then ther. Is B. H. Harriman, allied with the Rockefeller Interests. ' - WOMAN NEARLY HIT -BY FLYING BULLET "pee1l Dlseateb te The JearnsM . Pendleton. Or., Aug. Mr. Dr. Rudd of Boise, Idaho, barely miaaed be ing shot today on., her way from Walla Walla to Pendleton on. the tf1"' A ullet came through 'a . window ' and missed heri bead but an Inch. It was from, a .23-callber gun. Th Identity of th shooter is unknown. ViE GRIND LENSES ON THE FREHSES Unlike stock-lenses ours are ipecially pre-i pared, covering aU the siitaller deUilt, and are never too weak or too strong, but, just right to suit the correction and a correc tion is always right at this store accurate for complete satisfaction. Try the service. Thousands of others have as our list shows. 'So Easy! Eye Glass Mountings They'r Jost King For Comfort iTd. tVafmtfuf f.4ra nf the Northwest. litnufacturfng Jewelers. .1 , ' , Ccr. Third and Wsshingten Sts. Four Hundred Million Feet of Stand- Investors in . .Lane County Search for More and (Special maaatch te The aaereal.) Eugene.. Or., Aug. 26. -Charles' H. Chick, Constantin Morton and Everett P. Lewi Of Grand Rapids Michigan, have Juet completed - the purchase of 400,000,000 feet of aUndlng timber la th upper McKensle river country In Lahe county from different persona, a majority of whom reside in Eugene, and many of whom have held the land for years, -The exact acreage i not given out for publication, but an estimate can be had when It. Is stated that the lum ber will out all tha way from 1.000.00 to 10,000,000 feet to the quarter section. The prlca paid for this land Is not made publlo, but It ia known that O.U1U a number pf thoae who aold received V an acre. - - .. . Mr. Chick, who is her directing operation personally, statee that b and hi associates Intend to secure 1.000, 000,000 feet of timber In different part of th atat In th near future, They will purchase a lot more in Lane county. Mr. . Chick states that this land la being bought for speculation, but that he expect some time in th future to erect aeveral aawmllla of his, own on th McKenal and In Eugene. BAKER IS O0UI06 IHTO OCEAN Peak Recently Scaled by Maza- mas Has Shifted Its Position Within Few Years. LAKE WHATCOM STARTS TOWARD THE. MOUNTAIN Abstractors' Records Show That Land-Has -Shifted So Portioaof Farmers Have Gained, While i, . . , ..,..-.'-?- Others Have Lost Many Acres, - nrseetel fMasatrk a The learaaLI Belllngham, Waib, Aug. 3 1. That Mount Baker. 11.000 feet high, th peak which the Masamas recently scaled Is moving toward tha ocean and that Lake Whatcom, aeveral mUea weat of It, 1 moving east ia th startling report in Belllngham. r Years - ago this theory waa pro- Kunded bjr miners and ranchers who ed near the' lake and th mountain and It has jut been - revived by th discovery of atrange alteration of th governmeni mad urvy. 3. B. Bennett, who ha lived la this city for IT "year, y there 1 no mis taking tha fact that something 1 wrong. He 1 on of th pioneer abstractors of th county and beside th government bin prints he 1 in poaaeaalon of pri vate survey that hav been male, aa well as the 1st government aurvey. He say residents oa the west shor of th lake are possessed of many acre of land which ' ar not platted and that other on th st aid hav purchased and paid taxea on property which Is under water. In one lnatanoe one aet- tier, according to the map, owned only 10 acres of land, but an actual aurvey showed more than acres in his lot, while other on the eaat aid of th water have discovered to tbelr sorrow that they are many acres shy of tbs amount stated by the government. You ar Welcome ,' -,, , to ' Credit,, , Onm Dollar. a-Wfk Buys ' , any Jtrticl 1 this Storw Both staple designs and novelties are to be seen here in wide variety. We are constantly adding new patterns, and have an assortment of beauti ful designs so large that practically any taste can -be suited, at prices that cannot fail to please even - the most careful buyejpv Our fabrics are all durable, only dependable makes' obtaining a place ' in our stock. To induce you(to visit our Carpet Department, we will place oh sale, commencing Monday, ; , f'' c Fiber Carpets 59c a Yard ' MONARCii - , Ranges that Dalle 12Pict lUtchen Set 38c Exactly as pictured, 1 strainer. cutter, griter, cake large fork, I large grater, 1 po tato masher and 1 serrated edge bread knife, all for 38e Sedgewick Fiber Carpets Handiora Rocttr $3.00 , 1 tea strainer, 1 cooky t . We have just received a new lot oi riDer.carpcts,. ; faH. frm tt. finat Warl rl , -rs "vm, ..uwVvS e.- - j -- - r. ae ecten auarter-sawen ' oalc. ' 1 laviva rtn 1 n4t- fiacf rfa i-f strn at vr in WriTtlHTxn W arrlQ Pfln r . . ... . . , .. Biv,. - .-- Troiden finish, witn aeeoiychis- turner. 1 oanne Kniie. i. ' -oeinn to icu now vreuy wicy arc vou uvc hj .1, j :; see them. Ask to see the advertised carpets ; we're only too glad to show them ; they come one yard ; wide,' and the quality is the very best, the kind for which you usually pay 75c a yard. ; $12.56 FIBER RUGS, 9x12. ..i.Y.V. 810.00 $10.00 FIBER RUGS; 7x10. .8 7.85 $ 2.00 FIBER RUGS. 3x8. ........... .8 1.48 carving. shaped seat and panel back are unusually beautiful in 1 grain and finish. A big, roomy, comfortable rocker, that you wouldn't expect to get for less than $5.00. , V 75c Te?etry Cushion Covert, 48c Heavy woven Tapestries, . in a variety of pictoria.1 and floral patterns ; some ' are scenes in Holland with, the Dutch windmills ' and the funny little boys with their wooden shoes, and others are flowers, all in colors true to ' life. Large tassels on each cor ner and one ; end is left open, so all you need to do is insert the cushion and sew , it up. Cover measures 19x21 inches. , Sanitary Davenport Couch, $7.75 A couch by day; a bed by night and a good, comfortable, full-sized double bed at that. A couch that will look well in the parlor, or any room in the house. No one would sus- ; pect it was a bed when it is closed up. The frame is made of malleable steel, riveted together and fitted with guaran teed "Diamond" mesh fabric, supported by three rows of the best oil-tempered spiral springs. A perfectly Sanitary 'metal couch or bed that will last a lifetime. : Pretty Dressing TtMe, 11.90: Regular price was $17.50, . and easily worth "it, too.v Made of birdseye maple, J hand polished, and has a ' 'large drawer, .with full serpentine front; the heavy French plate mir- ror is nearly half an inch in thickness.- - EK D-U URD E R TR IALt WITH MUD SLINGING MATCH -. ; "i 11 , i.r v i ' ; '' Prominent Men of Moscow Re cite Each Other's Personal" History In Court. 4t .. ''' - - ( 1 (Special Dispatch (a The Jooretl.) , Moscow, Idaho, Aug. 25. Th pre liminary hearing of William J. Bchrtever and Roy Taylor, charged with tli mur der of David A. Collier, wa concluded thl afternoon after lx day occupied In hearing testimony and waa taken un der advisement The arguments of th attorney were characterised by bitter ness and slatidrou tccuaatlona against alayor Morgan, Coroner Jameaon, Or. R. B. Thompson and Might Chief of Police Mayer Morgan, as attorney - for th prosecution, . declared the coroner had tffTom out and depreciate the wounde and ctrcumatancea In order to Justify himself for not calling an Inquest Im mediately. Morgan declared Dr. Thomp son's lack of knowledge waa deplorable and that he wa not familiar with aurgery aa an ordinary layman. Mor gan said Heath had to depreciate condi tions or ale acknowledge he was derelict In hi diltle and unfit to serve a an official. , i, . Frank Moore, attorney for,: th de fense, accused Mayor Morgan of manu facturing evidence for the prosecution and branded' him a partner in crime of Orace Fleming, who oonducta a houa of 111 fame. ' Moor aaid the woman had to manufacture a tale In order to satisfy her partner, "his "honor," the mayor of Moscow. Dr. Thompson Is moat promt nent in this section. , . . RAILROAD MUST PAY " 1 V JAXS"AS INCREASED Special IMspatrh tn The Jeuraal.t Walla Walla,-' Wash., Aug. H. Th 'comnromlae of the O. It. A N. today t pay laat year's taxea, amounting to 000. on this year's vslustlons. and raised the main line 'assessment from 10,H to tu.eoo and branch Unas fross fT.II to MIM ;r .p .;,-.:.!-.-( RUSHING WORK NORTH BANK Wasbougal Road Is No Longer Scene of Peace and Quietude ; It Formerly Appeared. COUNTY THOROUGHFARE IS MOVED FOR RAILWAY Larf Number of Men Employed on , Portland & Seattle Road and , in Many Places Orade It Ready for Finishing. Coat.' . ; ' ;' . ' ("pedsl Dl.jpetrh to The era!.) Vancouver, Waah4 Aug. J6. Anyone driving along the county road leading along th Columbia river i eaat from Vanoouver to . Washougal and even farther will hardly recognise the' local surrounding ' a they appeared two month ago. , 'All this Is u to the coming of th Portland it SatU Rail way company' north bank Una. .. Between Vancouver . -end Washougal tha railroad will cross the county road many . times. At numerous points in order to do away with crossings th railway oompany hs moved the oounty road, rebuilding It la an up-to-date man ner. In thl way th county will be saved, several thou,y4oH.ra th IS miles of road to Wasbougal. Before the commencement ef work on the north bank line It waa not an uncom mon thing to drive ' for two ' or three mile without seeing anyone, but now It Is different. Every mile or so ther Is some kind of a construction ar survey mamm mil Ihara . rfnuiu Ar MlSlf everywhere. - StsrUng in but a short 5 distance east of th garrison tb amp begin. They ar strung along th en tire distance to Waahougal. At Waahougal', near Cam, riaber i Took quarry. Flaher landing, Blddle'a, Ellsworth .and at various other, places the county road is being moved ao as to avoid eroaalnga with the railroad, la order to mak theee changes a great deal of blasting has to be done, making th work exceedingly expensive.-,- ' There ar mor man employed by the north bank company at th present time than ever before and th work aU along th Iln 1 progressing In a most satisfactory manner.-. In many place th grade la ready for th top coat. of crushed rock upon which th traok will real , -- - " '. - ; i .- IS NOT SUICIDE. atogera aVssana to Stat Mom la . , Tanoonv' Very Bfooa Aliv. ' '(Rpeelel Witpltrtl to The Imvasl.) Vanoouver, Waah Aug. I. Mrs. A. Rogers, who left this city several days aga, leaving a note behind her that ah had gon to Portland to commit ul olde, haa returned. ' It la said that Mrs. Rogers has bees to lov with a number of men. aU of whom have jilted her. Exactly why she left the not tailing of her Intended sul eids has not been, dlsoovered. Th not wa written to th woman's parents, who liv near this city. SPRINGFIELD BRIDGE TO BE BUILT SOON Eugene, Or Aug. II. Engineer C S. Freeland, In charge of the work of building th Southern Pacific oompany' a big bridge , across 'tha- Willamette -ar - springneld, tat toaay inax ix noin ing unforeseen happena trains wUl be running between Bpringfleld and Hen derson by th mlddl of BepUmber. Engineer Freeland expeots to be ready to begin tha aaeembling Of th stl fram of th bridg by th first of th month and It will taks about two weeka to do th work. . " At present a crew of men kf at work putting in a bridge across tn mm race at Springfield, so that trains can run from the depot out to th bridge. Probably near Bend. a big ugar-bt factory ....... .1 v; v.;' ;:,;' v -f f ' ' '.0 ' f . ;- Nont is -psc!s CutUrNt without it. V , 'Jr . V ',V'-, '.., ' 5c at all srocm. " .V.