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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1906)
r.:z czzzzu daily jcuz::.'.x; rc?7LA:n3. ritiDAY rvr:;n:o. August u. less. GILL USE DREDGE HOP ( IIOLDLiG OFF FOR RISE STOCil H(ET ID IID STATE ,-J CIliGO G1ET RAHGES HIGHER - , . i 0!! RIVER Port of Portland Liun Colum- bla to United States and . Bond It Submitted. JWORK Wilt BEGIN 1 ' AT AN EARLY DATE Knapp's Bar to B First Scene of Qp r mtiona After papers in Case Are v Approved by Officials in Washing. ; toa Other Marina News. ' ', President A.L, Pui and Secretary , ijohn Drlaeoll of tne port of Portland )slgned the contract tor ths lease of the dredge Columbia to the government yes 'terdey.. afternoon and - tbe documents ,Jer, Unltad States milnMr, on behalf of the aovernment. this afternoon. A " 'bond for US. 000 was also submitted by 'the Port of Portland thla morning Guar antying tha services of tha bis dredge. Tha contract will be Immediately for . warded to Washington for approval, but Ttn tha mtritlm tna dredge win b yra-t pared for a aaaaoa'a sood work on tha ' Columbia rlvajr. . , '.' Pigging In tha channel above the daton street bridge waa discontinued thla mornlns In View of tha algnina of the contract and tha craw waa put to work repairing tha machinery aa wall aa aoma piping which has become wore .'out. It will take about four daya to - 'complete the repair and than the 'dredge will be towed to Knapp'a bar about alx mile below the mouth of the Willamette river, where operation for '.deepening tha ehannel to the aea will be ' started.' From Knapp'a the dredge will proceed down the river aa far aa As torta a the work progresses. Dredging In the Immediate vicinity of Astoria 1 being done by tha dredge W. 8. Ladd, ao - tha service of the Columbia will not be required there for the time being unleaa .the government should decide to ' ap prove the plana of the Aetorla commer cial ' Interests, - which provide for . a deeper harbor near Hume mill and off the quarantine station, where vesaela have to drop aftohor. while undergoing .Inspection. . The eontract will in no way Interfere with the suit now pending between the ' government and the Port of Portland a a result of the colllalon between the dredge Columbia and the lighthouse ten der Mansanlts eeveral months ago. A oompromlsa waa reached between the ngineere and tha Port of Portland eom ' tnlasloners te withdraw the pleadings of the Port of Portland claiming that -the dredge could not be held responsible while In the employ 'of the government, but District Attorney Bristol refused to consent to having tha papers withdrawn since the matter baa already been heard by the court and taken under advise ment. ' The district attorney believes' that a decision ahould be forthcoming, aa It will at and aa a precedent, and so . refused to socept the proposition to ".withdraw the papers. - . ' coming to Portland; large Tnusrp ataasaers Bisebasgw ' '' lag rreJffei'at aja wreAetsoo. Three large, tramp steamers bound for -thla port are now at fan Francisoo dis charging cargoes of1 structural material for the upbuilding of the wrecked city. They are the Norwegian ateamer Nor msn'Tslsa and the ITritlsh steamers Visigoth and Knight of Bt, Oeorge. The latur will probably bring part of bar cargo of cement to thla port. The Norman Xslea sad Visigoth will eoeae hare In ballast to load lumbar for tha orient, for which bualneea both were chartered aoma time ago. Tha Norman Isles has been here twice before, once In ballast to load lumber and later with a cargo of railroad iron from Antwerp for the Southern Pacific company. Tha : Visigoth Is a new vessel, having been launched last January. Bha la of t.CH tons net register and her length Is 10.1 feet, width ill feet and depth of hold 11.8 feet She Is commanded by Captain X Rula . - V .-' The three tramps are expected to ar rive here sometime during the latter part of neat week. STEAMER HITS DYKE. Barly Koralng rog Vpesv sUre Can see Aoeldeat ea AH. Johns. .Missing her bearings In the fog that hung over the river yesterday morning the eteamer Agnes ran onto the dyke ' at the north end of Swan Island and hut ra nvr ww . vufc u mirr, A email hAla wee StAva In hoe hAttntn and, the stern .Was submerged. By meana of a big scow derrick the steamer waa r aleed last, night and brought to Buppla'e boat yards for repairs by the ateamer Cyg9t.' The Agnes .la a small towboat engaged at odd lobs In the harbor. She 'was bound for the wharf of the Peninsular ' Lumber company when the man at the helm failed to find the-narrow ehannel between the end of the dyke and tha dock and before he could etop her head way the craft waa half way upon the . breakwater. y ALONG : THE WATERFRONT. The steamers Roanoke and T. A. Kll bura called last night; the former for San Pedro via Ran Francisco and Eu reka and the latter for San IT ancle co via Coos bay and Eureka. The schooner A. T. Coats shifted from the mills of the Portlsnd Lumber com- Kny to sn anchorage In the lower bar r, where ehe will await a tow dowa the liver. The schooner Admiral went to the mills of ths Eastern aV Western Lumber company to load for San Diego. She came off the drydock laat night, The British eblp Invermay la re ported aa having been engaged to load general earge at Glasgow for thla port The schooner Prosper went to Van couver thla morning to load lumber for a California port. She arrived at As toria yaaterday from Manaanlllo. . The Matson Navigation company'e eteamer HUonlan Is due to arrive here Sunday morning from San Francisco. She brings 'h large quantity of freight from the Bey City In addition to a lot of fruit and sugar from ths Hawaiian Islands, Ths oriental finer Kumantla will ahlft to Alaska dock today to finish discharg ing her cargo brought from Hongkong and Yokohama. In addition to il.OOO barrels of flour tha Numantla will take about 100,000 feet of lumber on her out ward voyage. ' Captain John D. Merryman, oaahler In ths office of the collector of euetoma, left thla morning for a vielt te Vic toria end Veneouver, B. C, and the sound eltlee. He le accompanied by his wife. , . ' Thar, are assay Waal Ada ta seAvg -mi that ana Userest Though Story of Milter Sale Is Exploded Market Stiffens, ' Nevertheless. EASTERN AND FOREIGN ? ' ORDERS NOT FILLED Good Peaches Are Scares and Will Be So for a Week Longer Bananas . First Class and Melons Become Mors ' Plentiful. V ' - Ivv great Street. Aug. IT. Taa principal features ef the Portlead wholesale swsets today srei Hop surfer. , . . , ' Peach srsree. ' '. ' 't ' targe errtreja la basest. Tomato not pleotirnl. ' , Scanty arrival ta poultrr. PoUtoe very Arm t artee. s Good trea(th la ealoa Barker. Apple (letting market. . kin ult I llshtly blber. 1 Mew eat qnoted to low. - Wheat market quiet; clsb lower. The report mat Henry Miller ef Aarora he parrtissed s block ef hop at Marque m for sue per poena eecme now n ne prvur w disproved, .The market, however, has beee stiffened br the report esd arower who s few dare ace were willing to sell for 18e are bow holdlnc eat for SOe, assorts from Cali fornia to the effort that the prlee then la ris ing as ales eoatrflrated te this teadeacy aad Brokers here wh hae aumeroas order from astern and foralaa arm te bar at ITa 18 and eras ISMe are makloa Httl effort to aeeure eoatrarta. ea thef eoaalder tb lob a 'hoMles ea. Inatead, the will hold eft for a few ear, ta the hope or there eorarnng a break. The feeling I geaeral. however. that a sebatantlai boost mar occur aad all Brokers are alert and anxious' to keep from being left behind Is the scramble. There wtu be aothlsg otolog la peaoies rrr a week, or nearly so. This Juicy fralt Is ex tremely scare and the market may evea be characterised a being bare ef goad aeachea. Thla eondltloa prevail ea account of the ere- It belaa herweea the eeeoa er naie'S Early and the Karly Crawford. Oregoa aw. forda will eater the market next week, but price will probably be blah for a week lueaer. The geearei aaanty ex appia i a xne a p-trade. Oravenatlne arrived la . qaaatltlee today tnai Hood River aad many ether pirt ef Orcfrm and tb weat. Three epple are of sooe eaallty. the seat Briaring e i.w per bos. Poorer grade are more than ear reepoadlnaly low la price. rear ear of beaaaa arrived teoay rroa New Orleans. This m sheet the aaoal weekly re ceipt. Orade la allf btly abora erdlaary. & . geveral earkMds ef wetermelons arrived hat tk( re seems ta be no dancer of a aver-apply. Qne earlocd ef Bxeter eenUleapea arrived. A four bonrr delay ef the Soathern rsclfle train from California ceased the market to be searly bars ef poultry for s while this morning. The trade eeemed to have beea weu sappued, however, and little tnconvenleaoa resulted. The Brie was set affected. A few store law eherrlee arrived from La Oraada bat there waa little demand for them. wtala. gieaa aaS geea. ORAnt BAOB Calcutta, 0Ke baying prlcet aelllns, lOe. - WHEAT New club, STc; red BaaalSB, STe; aloeatcm. Toe: valley. Tie. BAaLEI reea, u.w iwea.; hrewtDS. IM.uo. . COEN Wl hole, tVMs Bracked S3S.00 per BTS SI M per ewt. . - oats New Prndaeere Dram Ne. 1 white. 123 oot srsy, taaoo. . . I riiOVB new eeaiern inroa parenis. aa ni 1 48: strelfhts, M 40SJS.S0: export saio; rauer. ee-ea, "" 7T- e" -. UTS; rre. SOa, WOO; belea, SS.TS. MltxSTUrrS Bras. glT.Sd per tea; mld dllava. 136.00: abort, eoaatry, JOOOl elty. 1160: chop. l.00M.rV BAT Prodocers' price Timothy. Willamette valley, fate. sll-OO; ordinary. in.oof 10.BO eaeteVa Oreoa. SJaoOUlI.OO; mixed. fl0.OuJ 10.00; clover, srsla. T.aOjS.M; cheat. IT.ooeaoo. attar. Zgga sad Peal try. BUTT BE r AT T. 0. h. Poet land Sweet fream. 84W: soar, SJHe. . BUTTE B--CI ty cream try. SAc; eatalda faaey, tSViWw; ordloar. SDo, store. 14c. BXiUS No. 1 freeh Oregaa, candled, fin tJei eaetera, SOQSle. 1 . CHKESB-New-mU creanj. flat. Uttt)lr Toons America. ISOIBHc. , POULTR T Mlxeo cblckeas. ISHe per lb; faacy heaa. 14e per lb; roosters, old. 10 He per (b: alas. 11CJ11H per Ibi fryer. He; (rollers, lee per lb; eld docks, 126 13c; lb: spiinc dacka. imftlSHe lb: reeee. tQloe lb; tarker. lae per lb: dreeaed. toe per lb; seuabs, S.BuSS.0e per So; Beoas, IX.U0 '" Keps. Wool aad Xldea. HOPS Contracts. 1906 crop, IROSOe per lb. WOOI 1SUS slip Valley, eoerae te medlam. tV; See, tec; eestera Oresoa. SOQtle. WoHAIB.Naw. aomlaal. - SHEKP8K INS Shearing. ISflSue each) short Wool,. a&aleOci medlem "oui. out) Tee eaeh; lone wool, T6cS)(1.00 each. TALLOW Prlia, per lb, mi Ma. aad greaw. taiHe. CH1TT1M BARK 100$ stock. li0e per lb; 10. SOSHe per B. UIDKft Dry. he. 1. IS Ibe and as. UH0 1TH per lb) dry kip. Me. 1. S te IS lbs. Ue: dry ealf. Ko. 1. asder S lbs. ISei ealted Mde. teere. sound, 00 lb and ever. 101 lie; eewa, HOHc: eta asd balm, aoaad. e)7e kip, IS to SO Ins, Set ealf. sound, aadar IS lb, lie; reea. eaealtad. I lesa) eulla. le per lb lesai oreehldee, salted, each. tl.xftOI.TS; dry, sec. ll.UOQl.ftO; eolt hldee. asOSuei goal skins, remmea, eaeh, 10tl6e Aagera, each, SieSj ILSw. - ' Vralm aad TetataUsa. POTATOES New, Ocll 00 per eeckl pre dscera' price for car lota, T6e)S0c per ewt ONIONaWonblsg price few Walla Walla. I1.M per sacki new California, red fl.TS; sllvere. 01.TA; sarue. S4e per lb. PRCITS New spplee. BOcfitl Jl sraacea, .Valencia. Sa.TBSlS.OO; baaaaas, 81 H lb; lemeas, choice. 4.flOa.bO box: faacy, M 00J 50 per boa) llmee. Mexleea. ll.SS per 100: Bawallsa. M00.0O: plnma. We etl S5 per crate; eentakmpea, 2 SBOl'IV raanberrle. $3: black fire, 1.MI trapee, OKI 11 00; blsckberrlss. 1.00)l.a5 per crate; water oitlona, llc. crated. 1V per lb; peacbe. ucttfl.00; pears. TSUtl.W: prunee. bulk. Se per lo; packed, SOe box: buckleberrlee. ISHe. VROETAHLB& Turnips, sew, St.00 per eeckl forrote. $1.IW per seek) beets. SI. 60 per eeek; naranlna. II u - Me eaeki ohcm radmhe. SOe -per doe: . oabbaga, Oregoa, .Se; bell r. loaije ear Ibx tomatoes, . Toe IS " per , box i Boronlps, SOc fl 1 .00 ; ttrlng beans. Ore-oft. SQ7e per lb; caall flower, 11 00 per doe: pea a. OSei berae. radlah, 047c' per- lb; artichoke, fie per do! queeh. Ike; areea enlea. Oresoa. 12 Me per do bsncbee; cucasibera. Sffe per box; eelerv. $1.00 per doe; green corn, IZHQIo Sea: ento mer somash; T&cfStlXX) per boa; -egfylaat $.7R 00 per crau. DRIED rkUlTSApples. evaporated. Itt) 14e per lb: eprtoots, isuetlSe per lb; peechee, 12tJlSUe per lb; sscke. Ua per lb lees; prune, SO te 40, Sc; He drop ea each MS a mailer stsa: Sa. California black, SCH per mi Call fore U watte, ttHe per lb; dete. soldea, Tib per lb tarda. tl.40t11.SO par la-lb boa. 0TLAMD BABX STATUtZMlC' Clesrmsa Balaaose ,Mt.ae0.18 , 108,888.19 - . SbarUag Xxesanga. ' Mew Tort, Ant. IT. Sterling exchangs rsteat Pemf sd, aT.T0a48T.S0; SO days. 41.804(0. : MARINE NOTES. Astoria. Aug. IT. Arrived down st 1:40 a. m, and sailed at 10:40 a. nt steamer F.. A. Kllburn, for San Fran cisco and way points. Arrived dowa at 1:40 a. m. and sailed at 10 a. m., steamer Roanoke, for San Pedro and way points Sailed at 10:40 a. m., echooner Mabel Oale, for San Francisco. - San Francisco, Aug. IT. Arrived, eteamer Barraeouta, , from Portland. Bailed at noon, steamer Knight of St. George, for Portland, and schooner Com peer, for Astoria. .-.,- . Astoria, Aug. II. Sailed at 1:10 p. m., eteamer F. H. Leggett and log raft In tow, for San Francisoo. Arrived at 1:10 p. m., arhooner Taurus, from San Diego. San Frfnolaco, Aug. II. Sailed at I p. m., steamer HUonlan. for Portland. Ballad, Schooner Monterey, for PorUaBdJ.e .via aiomaruj Strength From Liverpool Cablet i Has Short Lived w : Effect.'-: '" etala Woelaga, - Oram closings today were: St, Louis ,-...;., .19 Minneapolis ........... ,TJB Duluth .71 H Kansas City Jtt "Chlcafo, Aug." IT. The higher cable from Liverpool this morning had a food effect oa price making here, rauarag ear market to epes from Le to t4o hlaher. The advence. however. did sot bold, tb bean taking adrantag of id outre to ru aior wneat, wit a toe roonu f s Me rrom t t t tot to day. Weetera I rain exporter are profiting by the example set by Manitoba laat year aad are fllllna ap tbe European markets aa 'rapidly aa pneelbls, aa the sort b weat spring crop ia avctl- anie. L.aii year Haaiiooa marssteo me earn ef her surplus st once, while thai eouatrv waited for tb Raaalaa ahlpmeat te fall eff. It transpired that the Manitoba wheat waa Bold St use seat price, tea Buaaian enmpetitwo sept ap with the year and a large surplus was car ried into the present crop. A steady export trade Is being done dally among shippers, con tinental buyers furnlabtiuT tb bulk ef tb orders. ' A cash corn man wye: "Tb mea who re try hie. to hall tb May eon will face the areataat IneaeSi The supply ef the eld core back la the country Is large and tha sew crop is eomma aiong anoer ravoraow eonauMea. Tbe weather map for crops eoatlaass ta at ef s blxh character. , - Official quotatloaa by Over beck, Itarr A Cook eompaay: " WBBAT. ' v ? Open. Blah. Lew. . Close. ept.... . .TO .70 .TOU ' .701, Pee .7XV .78 Z .T8U .TsU Msy.... .11 '.11 .11 .11 CORK Sept.. Dee May..IMr Beawlr May . .' A .44 ,4T .484 .T .44 V ..4S OATS. m j$ - ' 'ia HIM PORK. Sept..... Jan...., 1T.15 11 M . IT 00 MM , lJia U.SS LARD. ; -S.T .. ST SOT Li? an s.ts , T.SO 7 SO T.SS - SHORT RIBS. 8 0 f ST S ST 8. 76 $ 76 , $.T0 1T.0O . iiu S0T S.70 .. t-H S0 J TO Sept... Oct.... Jaa..... Sept... Oct.,.., Jan..... . T.3S T.ia . PORTLAMB STOCK XXOXAMOK. ' Two tbonaasd sbsres of tb Oresoa 8ei initios eompaay old today sor Sc. O facial auotaUoas: . w . .. . Bid. Ask. cane v vaiirorniu ....... Mereasnts' National Bank 1T8 160 iio vnaw me m Bevieav eu..,.. ,. United Bute National Bank........ 800 Portland Trust Company ef Oregaa Banker A Lumbermea'S Bank ! Leeecr efanafaeturtoe Cora Dane . las 101 r. . 8 110 41 e 03 56 66 1000 ISO Aak. Campbell's Oaa Barner Xntoa Oil SOS saorlated Oil M AUaka Packers' Aaeoclatloa - SS Pedflc States Telephone Compeay... ... Home Telephone Company..... Paset Bound Teleohoae Cemnaav.... ... Oregoa Ufa .Insurance Ceaapany.,..., ... . J. C. Lae Oompaay ; ... Bid. Martin TowasMs Company. c. ...$ JO I .88 fiiooia uoai voae uompany. .us Btsraatloaal Coal Company.... AS .on .TO aUNIMO STOOXB. Atiiaiw x vrwenksv. a a OsalO.... M .ITU .44 M ldated...i 10 .i a .e ps ! . - -Oda Alsaka Petroleoi A leaks Pioneer Standard Consolidated Oregoa SeearUMe annwsiorm ..... Lees Creek Oold Ml nee Tscoms Steel ,..... Oallce Consolidated. Gallagher Mining Milling.... Golden Bale Ooaeolldated...... Bullfrog Terrible Oolcenda Kortk Palrvlawt Mlnlna Co.... LeRoy Iliewetha Caacadla Mil Becla (Idaho!... . $.19 ISO HamBier-cariDoe Dixie Mesdawa.. .40 .... .osM .... t'QAB STOCKS. Bid. Aak. Hawaiian Commercial SOU 87 Hoacke Sugar 1$ .... tlutchtnkoa Sufar. 1414 1$ , Makawall Suaar. ......... ....j....' 841ai .... Onomea Sugar. 81 ... Paauhaa sugar is n Unloa Ssgsr...... , 47 sam ntAMcnoo auvnrs xxchamsx. Baa rraactsea, Aug Bid. IT. Official gastatkmst Bia. O. Ball Proa... 8 .14 . Belmoat ......$ B.ltw Caah Boy...'.... .18 Btelnway 44 Con. CeL-V 01 Orihlr $.08 Mexican T8 Caledonia 14 . uoioen abcbot. .01 . Home .10 Jim Batler 1.47 H MaeNasaara ... .78 Midway 1 15 Montana ....... AW North Star 70 Ohio 88 Eicheouer ..... .48 Norcroa ....... 1.08 Oold Crowa ... .18 Greet Bead AS Rescue 81 Black Butte Sx. .08 Ton. Cxtea 06! Nevada .,... .is Weat Bad t.v5 Adaols .QS Atlanta' .ST BluebeU ....... .18 Booth .ort Columbia Mt... .44 Trams .00 . .40 .61 SO M .ia .78 .14 .18 Ooldea Belmont. MontsoBMfT Mt. Sunset Sceptre , . Manhattan Coa Ouarry .... IB .48 .00 .68 1.6S .49 .88 Baylor-Hum prey. Dexter Gold Wed re Lone Star....... Ot Bead Xx... Ot. Bend Annx. Creecent ....... Dlamoadfield . Dixie Onldfleld Jumbo ,. Jumbe txtea... .80 .1 .18 Kendall Laauaa .... May Queea. Mohsirk .. Red Top.... Sandatorm . Silver Pick. Cowboy .18 - Denver Annex.. M Bolls a Bears.. .08 Black Rock 04 . N. T. OoBSOt... .80 Maa Coa 1.16 Little Joe jOT Mayflower ..... .68 Muetang .08 Bull Frog Uta.. .80 ... .11 ... 8.76 ... 12 ... l.oo ... .48 Bt. Ivea. .M National Bank.. .00 Denver l.eo Bcllpee u Mi Oold Bar....... 1.80 SAS yRAMCXSOO iooal stocxs. ' Baa rraooaeoa, gBstatkas: IT. OffioUl tiering Bid. Ask. l ionira t-eT w iw, ,. ....... Burins Valley Water. ............. WTS U PaclSc Umht..... 80 Hawallas Commsrclsl ST. Bonokcs Sugar. Oaosaes Bnfar.. Paauhaa Susar, T4 .... 81 3 88 1444 10 Alaeka Packers' . 80 80 Aaanrlated Oil. M(4 .... California Canners... SO .... California Wine T4 .... Pacta Sta tea Talepboae. SS S6 ' MTW TORX COTTOM SXAXXXT. New Tork, Aag. IT. Osttea futures dropped from 18 te SO point lower. Official q notations by Ovarbeek, Itarr A Cooke company: . .. Clop Close , Ones, Blah. Lew. Aua.lf. Aac.ld. Jsaasry ..... .M . 0 T 0-4T S.8T 8 67 S.4S 8 46 8.08 8.48 4't6 i'.M s.ii se 8 44 0.47 0 4 0 8) $7 0.0 J $11 8.8T S41 sal . S.M STO S TT 0.10 .8.84 $40 $46 SAO Marcb Apell eeeaaee May 8.6t Aufast 8 10 September 8.10 October .... 8.81 rtoeember ... 8 41 Pcsbr .,. 8.4S 8.10 8.0$ 040 8 42 .8.48 0 81 84 8.81 JOURNAL'S DAILY TIPS ON MARKETS i False reports of big blocks of X hope being contracted for at 10 4) cents s pound have ailffeaed the ' e market end the - growers srs e much lass willing to sign thsn s few days ago. Orders are coming In, bat cannot be eon traeted for because the growers are holding out for from If to ,10 rente. The prloee are 1TH to 1$ rente and predictions are freely, made that they will have to be advanced auo . B.SB .01 ti .01 u .104 .0214 . . .04V4 04iJ; .004 .08 J .044 .08 .04 .08 M .01 H . . .08 ,16 Most Active Days Sines Northtrn B..IA1. ' t. t rewiiiw nutoiivsu w . j One. Thousand. ; UNION PACIFIC GOES UP TEN DOLLARS SHARE Southern Pacific Easily Pushed : AbovsEiihty-Elxht Mark With - " Gain of Five . Dollars a Share ' Other Stock Show Strength. " New Tork,' Ang. IT- Tbe wildest snd xooet settee stork market ' since the panic daya when Northers PeelSe waa sdraaeed te 1000 was witnessed today, Unloa Pacific sod South ern Pacific being tbe center of attracUoa, tb former betng advanced $10 per sbers ea the heaviest buying for the past three years. Southera Pacta waa easily poahed hove tb . 88 mark, with a sla ef 85 per share. Not 1 only ware Unloa sad Southera Paclne heavily ' dealt la during the day's trading, but Penn- 1 sylvanla, Besdlsa,. Amslgsmated snd Steels showed remarkable strengut. with Pennsylvania making a 8' of shout 88 per share. The toUl sales wer nearly 8.OO0.0OO. Director ef I'aton Pnelfla declared the reeular dlvdaad of 8 per sent and alee- IB tUri SlrUle" a per cenx. t 8 -j j a a , a . - a a e 104 1 108 "4 ': 89 5 t "iiii 'iii, TO 70 ish m i lB4g IAS 1 117 ii7jZ : ao ans '. 041 07 iooh iooi : 11814 1184 1 T0H 'T8ii ioe2 lor i 884 88M '18 io" 187t4 1W 1 810 810 1 0144 81 MJ 80 88 88 10 10V4 85 s 228 228 1 44 44U SO 8M 48 46 V4 TS T244 TS TS iii" iii" i 11 2114 bS SO 80)4 14144 148 ) 4A 40 4 S4V4 ne aoe i 40 ' 40 1B8U 144 I M4 84 00 SOU. 188 186 1 'X ' 100 101 M 2di 84 60 ! 'a" si" , 118 - 118 . IT 88 ', iee" iwia" 84 84 . 88 82 , 88 U 168 1T0 '48H 'id' 41 C 48 108 10S : 4T ' SO - 61 81 DBSCRIPTION. Aaul. Cop per Co Am. Car A Kound., com do preferred As. Cotton oil, eom.. Am.- Locomotive, asm. . Am. Sugar, com Am. Smalt., eom..,.,, do preferred Anaconda Mining 0a. . Atchison, com de preferred . i . . . . Baltimore A Ohio, eom de preferred. .......- Brook lya Bapld Traastt Canadian pacific, eom.. Central Leather, eoaa.. ' de oref erred Chi. A 0t, Weat, com. 18 10 184 ChL, MIL A St. Paul. Chi. A Northweet., eoas Chesapeake A Ohio.... Colo. Fuel A Iron, eom Colo. Southera, com... vorn areuucKs, eowi.... do preferred.'...,... Delaware A Budeoa.. D. A B. O., eom,.... do preferred bis, eom . de Sd preferred de let preferred.... uunoie vemrei. ,. Loul.illle A NaahvlUa. Uealcen Central Rv 1 81 1 8114 21 Mtaannrt Peclfla KaOoaal Lead 80 SOU T8 New York (Antral . . N. T., Oat. A Weetera. 4A 48V 47 Norfolk A West- eom.. I l2 MVi ftlu North American M to. 08 Northera Pacific, eom... ne laos mat Pacific Mall S. 8. Co... I 40 I 40V4I 88 Peanaylvanta Railway. . Preaaed steel t;er, earn. do presfrred ....... , Reedlna. eom . do 8d preferred..... de 1st preferred Rep. Iron AV Steel, eom. do pi ee filed Rock Island, eom , do ptee fried St. L. A S. P., 84 ptd. Soathern Pacific, com.. do preferred Southera Railway, eom do preferred......... Tens sen Coal A Iron. Texas A Pacific. Tol.. St. U A W., eom. do preferred Union Peelfle, com.... de preferred. ........ U. B. Rubber, eom..., U, S. Steel Co., eom... do n referred Wabash, com. ......... do preferred de preferred Total ' sales for tbe day. l.00.OOOT Call atoney eloeed 8 OS per cost. FIFTEEN HUNDRED . .. SHEEP ARRIVED TODAY Portland Cnloa Stock rarda. Asa. lie-Live. stock receipts: Bog. Cattm. Sheep. Today low IM 1,600 Week SfO..,.. -Ill' T2S Moatk are 60 160 .. 60 lear ao. , 11a 1 a While nest eteer are strong with tbe lower limit 2S hurber. cow era not abowtae ear strength sad the price Is anchaaged. no nogs came looey. Market u strong bat SBehansed. Sheen stroea? at tbe aria. Today IS borers came In, Official llveatork Quotation: Hose Beat eaetera Oregon, 87. 96 UT -60: bleckera snd CtJlns fats, $4-60; Stacker sad fsedere 8X.0O; bulls, $150. Cattle Best eaetera Oregon sreers. $S.tSfJ $.60; beet cows snd belters. 2.60a2.75; stock era sad reeders, $2A0; bulls, $2.lo. BBp eneerunga, sh; umn. se. TAKES HIS LIFE Unknown Man Named Murphy Commits Suicid Back of ' . Willametta Haighta. "Murphy." "A preeent, from Ireland." Theae are the only two marka - of Identification on the body or olothlng of an unknown man who committed suicide Wedneaday on the Cornell road. . back of Willamette Helghte. Two daya ago two boys, Elmer Stone, Nineteenth and Savler streets, end Ar thur Olson. 44$ Twenty-aeoond street, while going np the Cornell road near the head of Thirtieth etreet, heard two ahota fired. The bullet from the first clipped the brush near their heade. Boon they saw the form of a man aeated on the ground with his head agalnat sotns brush. From the position of his hands, they supposed he waa reading. Thla morning, however, the earns boys were there again, and to their eurprlse found the man - there also, it waa a revolver in hie handa Inatead of a book. ' Policemen Keller and Smart ware notified and Deputy Coroner Flnley ealled. On the tnelde of the man's vest waa written "Murphy in Ink. end on a silk handkerchief were the worde: "A preeent from Ireland." There waa a lone l piece In hie pocketbook. - The eutclde waa a man ef medium height, of light complexion, a large aandy mustache and was evidently a laboring man. Apparently he had teat ed the gun with hie first ehot and then fired a ball Into his head Jut over the right ear. The body waa removed to the. Flnley undartAklng eatebllohment The funeral ef Archie A. Cook, who died at it, Vlnosnfa hospital aa the re sult ef appendicitis, will be held at Bt Francis church tomorrow morning at 1:10 o'clock. He was president -of the Travelere Protective aaaoclatlon. snd slso a member of the Order of Elks. Members ' ef the association and the Order at Elks wlU participate la the WITH REVOLVER Success' results from two thhyxxofiportimity ml pre-'. psredness. ',.' .' ;- ' ;' OJThs Heeaai uaaaa) Ceusgs ' eaabatas setli bawaaJ year aattme as ia m warat Rand sSam fatl "cerpb) boa smfrspkaa ef Hosas Baaamt Gulag snaaasm," . tJWewJI grea yea aSsir asmm sad maw ha- aW parbculari I jna wtB t0 at the 'CsOaeuv. f Mi. .beat eeaaaa It ihorthsni a aaaaleyas k at a P. I N. Ca, sal h Ckiaa, bbs-bsw eorapws the lugh peamuj i Ceaeal at Harbis. was ayaW ajers. 1 Mr. took hooks etping and alsBegisphy at ths Hokast Busawi Oulege. wa eresed. wim a Portlead mithisiiy bouae tar e few yeae). aad asw aajoy a kcsitjv poaibea wim nW U. & Gmaamanl in the Philyraaei - f Mi Idol coun si km rUnasTBew MS CoBege, wast la japes aad bunded ha eaonanujly sstBsiihjl nssmssi el ha awa. .Tha aaaa'i aucceei a Die aauk solely ef BKhskal aad peactkal training urhidi enabled kirn Is raap ecawhsulim sad swuld them at la rstfiia -' tWras fc rms bkW; k A U aeoat fh Hokam Buaeeai Col lea, the nana ef eudv. antioa, al& kill foloW yea wiB keep b caus it a arertb Vrhue. 'it 'niieiiteee a wm DUdlNtddUeLLUUl: WASHINGTON S TENTH TSl PORTLAND OPff BeaatHully located Is Porrlssd. Oreroa. offers aasurpsssed lacllillss lor th cul ture aad educatloa at yeaag womea. Special spportunitle ia Music. Art, Laagusgee and Liter ature. Wall sealpped Pbysical sad Chemical Lab sratorie. Herbarium and Mineral Cabinet. The largest aad oldest Ladies' Ssmiaary la the Pacific Northwest. H snjeys s aatieasl repatatiea for I as ps rtlnf ths best physical, mental aad moral train ing and developing true womanhood. -Equlpe socially aad educationally for th meet exalted station. Confers Academic aad Cellssiats Degrees br Slate Authority. Interference with ceavktioas e4 sen-Catholics is scnpaleuelyaveided. Academy Is ideally located, amid iaspirlag scenic advaa tsge.. Social epnortanitlea sack as srs availabiw ta aa ether city ea the Coast. Baildiaas larg e aad ceamodioaa wall-lighted, heated aad ventilated: dormitories and private rooai supplied with all modera ceaveaieacss. - Tbe institution Is liberal and protreasirs eithout sacrinclnf tbe charactsr sad traditions of age aad achievement. Terms mod eat Satisfactory rafersscs rsqulred. Writ lor saaoaacemeat booklet. Board aad tuition SIM par year. Address Stater Superior. St. Mary's Academy PORTLAND, OREGON, U.S.A. PORTLAND ACADEMY Portland Oregon xath TtAa wiu orxmr im. it.- Flts boys snd girls for Eaatarn snd Westsrn oollsgss. ... Includea a primary - and grammar school. Boarding hall for girls affording the eom fort and care of a refined home. . Office hours during the Summer from I a. m. to II m. For catalogue write to the address given above. Columbia University University Perk, Portland, Oregon. Clasicel, scientific commercial and grammar grade courses. Apply for catalogue. , CUT RATES rurrj For SO Dan Only . . - IIH rtnld Crowna 81 ft. A A .l!ss Oold Crowns. S3.SO aatee ..; nates 81-ov rilllnga, ap from 8tt ... Work ( Boston Dental Parlors gsiVt atorriaoa bTa, Opp. . O. aa4 Pare, Safe. Sore Dr. Bandereon'e Compound Bavin and Cotton Root Pllla. The beat and only reliable remedy for Delayed 9 Hods. Cured the most on. etlnate caaes in I to 10 days. Prlee It per boa. mallei In nleln wrapper. Ad dress X. J. PIBRCB, D, a. lit first street, comer Yamhill, Portland. aervlees. ss will members ef ths Brit Ish Benevolent eoclety. R. .W. Blactt wood will jepreeent taa lattea , LuriiJjVs' Prospective SteC2n'j . When you enter our school you are riven a position as. bookkeeper for a, . business man; and proceed to keep bis' , books, handle business papers and transact business with a number of real offices. , . : When . you . become a competent ; bookkeeper we will place you in a good position. .We have many more calls' - than we have pupils to place. ,You may enter at any time day or even ing. Catalogue free." Call, write or telephone. . BEHNKE-WALKER . 1 , THE LEADING ' BUSINESS COLLEGE : Telephone Main 590. Corner Seventh and Stark, THE DOCTORS CU1UD Men Now VUltlng the City Invited to Call. 10 Prim!nitlon ; Qlven Free. ; It pays men to go to the Dr. W. Norton Davis company. Their php. Blclana are of the world s beet specialists. They are known through out the northwest to be reliable, honeat, upright physicians i and surgeons. Quick and laatlnf cures have established their reputation. Cured patlenU Indorse them. Grateful mea recommend them. . . Call at Once If You Are In Trouble ''--:r- atmrToung and middle-aged men who have Injured themselves ta X body and mind, with weak back, falling strength, sunken cheeks, hollow .X Over 50 Per Cent of Our Patients Have Been Cured for $10 and Many Only $5 During the Past 17 Years in This City We Give the :.; Best Treatment at the Lowest Price, v ' We are alwaye willing to arrange terma to euit. Tou can pay by the visit, by the week or by the month, and we give liberal dlsoount for cash. Remember, our charges era the lowest and most reasonable la the city, and you get the very beat treatment. Call and And out about your ease st once; it will be the happiest day of your Ufa Consultstlon free. viarcnil vmn. wnrmv veins, varicocele reduced and cured With out cutting. No pain. Rupture, oration. Coneult ua free and find vur price lur a ,n turn sh.iim u mw . OBTBOB7IO skin diseases, ecsema, ulcers. Bores, piles, oonstlpatloa, Itoh Ing, heart, kldneya, liver, stomach, catarrh, rheumatism, pains. tret eg Towm Mas Visiting the Olty Consult ua at once upon arrival . and maybe you can be. cured before returning home- M'OT cases can in or two or more visits. Consultation and advlca rree. Pen rla whn live in outatrle towna and In the country who eannot call ahould write for consultation. and advice, free.. Many eaaee have beea cured by home treatment " Our new 'treatment haa eured 8,000 othere end will euro you. come to ue and you will alwaye remember It as the most Important transac tion of vour Ufa. If you can t call, We will tell you If you are afflicted. Consultation free. -It yea live oat of the city, eoaaa foe one visit you earn fo aok d You Need Not Pay ' Should you desire, you may deposit the fee with an; ness house la Portland, te be paid to aa after you have ' health. . , Offloe hours-S a. m. to I p. m.; Sundays and. holidays, II a. m. o It sa. a DR. W. NORTON DAVIS C CO. aVeadlas; SpeeiaJlats la the aTorthweat, BavabUshad IBS. TAJf MOT XOTBTa, SSH TXTJU) ST, COBJT TVn, TOn3nt OS. X re Cure fa If you have violated the laws of health and- are eonacloua 6f a eenetaat drain which le undermining your system, com to ua before yon become a nervoue and physical wreck. If you are weak, gloomy snd despondent have bad dreame, deprsad, lack ambition and energy, unable to ooneentrate your thoughts, lack vrm, vigor and vitality, eome to aa at onoei our treat ment' will etop all drains and overcome al weakneasea and positively re etore you to strength and health. We have cured thousands of weak men. We want every man in the country who Is afflicted to write -us about his "aflment. Ye cure you at home. One visit only required ! to our office, ; -when necessary. : aTpaelal Bleeaaea Newly contracted and chronlo rases eured. -' All burn ing, itching and inflammation stopped In 14 hours; cures effected In seven daya We eove tha entire Said ef eveolal aad ehswale, as ay alee, eessptt aatea disseeso. Writs If yoa esnnot ealL AU eorreepondenoe strictly eoafldantial St all repllee eent In plain envelope.. No names, eases. Utters er photegrap. i of patients published or expoeed. i We eaarge fo eases only. We do ot expect per f"r eur services leae we euro s patient Sound and wall, eo'that be will be entirely satis' and will never again have to be treated for th sams trouble. lave and learn that ear word ta aa rood aa ear boaaV Oa Saaaaial solid aa eaa long aarperteaee la treattag gpeolal diseaasa ef saaa I i ag aaodara, soleatlfle Sreatmeat that wiU aeaoaapMah a ease. . Hours I a. sa. ta I p. avi Evenings. 1 to ISundays, I a. aa. to 11 aac StL6ii!s cS5iI;2" ooaaraa aaooas ab tabckxxa C hydrocele and pllea cured without op- out. how we cure without the kaue. J I to- ea em e send for our tree symptom Diana, Until You Are Cured reetored ta , :. . . . . TT AN I) WB TREAT MEN ONLY aniJaxzsno ss Taams at romnAn. - CONSULTATION-FREE WB WXU TBBA Ajrr SXSTCrU, vauoauizoAvas AZUCBsTT VOa SlSJeO.; ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE, NOPAY UNLESS CURED V! V . A LIFE-LONO CURE FOR Blood polaoa, BUa Plssassa, Boras, TJloora, aTtrlcvaxm, Varioooela, Xydroeale, Bervone ' BeeUae, Wsalaaaa, PUee or oarenle Blaeases ef the atldaeys aad Pxoetaae.