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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1906)
TIIS ORSGO:i DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY ZVZllUlO, AUrTOT 17. I!!! oltljlOD;DI1E:illEE, BaUtk oaa save ovary family la X-ort- rzosa sa to sao pes saean o aasu MIL . Mo ether feaSohea- oaa jaay it PEOIPIL-E'a. bkowteo. . poruLAa Much ; Wanted Absconding ' Chicago Bank : President' Believed to Be In or Near ; Portland Detectives Watching ; - Paul O. Stensland, the ' absconding president ot tho Milwaukee Avenue State bank of Chicago, for whom every nun offlor In the United States la arching, la believed to be in Portland vicinity and the local ponce are put ting forth every effort to place the bank wrecker behind the bar. . All outgoing steamers, aalllng veaaels and trains are under surveillance and it la mougm tnai the avenues of escape have bead closed to Stensland. " Every detecUve has been fnmiahcd a description of the nuntea van and bis capture may be imminent - Acting upon Information received, the .nature of which for obvious reasons is not disclosed. Captain , of - Detectives Brain detailed Detective J. A. Hears to visit Astoria. Seaalde and Vancouver, Washington, in an endeavor to secure trace of the fugitive Hears left this city live days sgo and returned this morning. -At tha time of his departure. tn order to lull suspicion as to the na ture of his mission, the report was In spired that he had gone on his annual vacation. Although unwilling to state definitely aa to whether or not bo had saet-With aucceee, Mears con vera the impression that some tangible" clue to the whereabouts of Stenaland has " tea unearthed. - - y .Captain Brain Talks. Captain Bruin was not so reluctant to d I ecu as the ease. Upon interrogation ho admitted that Mears had been detailed to search for etenaland. 1 am convinced." said the Inspector. that Stensland hesded for this city after' his disappearance from Chicago. Acting upon Information received I sent Cdztzi tlasic Ddl Week Beginning nonday7Aiig.20 ST A R BILL. JOHN DREW . BOTOM OOKBDIAJT. The Man Behind the Laugh. TheDEVANN SISTERS sosro An BAjroa .:. Artists par Excellence LA-TASffA- ruaaxam. DOLLIE FAIRIIAN mom , rooAxar.- DORITO CORPERO r--, CaTXO lOntlTTI, ' Edison Kinetiscope Soma Late Films. Dally Matinees from 3 to I. v -v, " 'clock, - j. Uttiaee Sunday 2 to 5P.IL . Progress, Changed Sally. ' Batraaeea at SI Sort Third tree, SI. SS and tS STorta Bee em street, aad M3, 14s aad ST Baraslae street. Mean to visit Astoria and Vancouver. "It would be an easy mstter for the bank- president to secure passage on some of the vessels sailing from this port to tha orient He is undoubtedly traveling In disguise and it will require close scrutiny to identify him from his published pictures."' . "We are closely watching every vessel and train and If he attempts to eecape by rail or water be will surely be csp tured. '.. - " "---If-BawmrdOffered. A reward of Ill.iOO haa been offered for the apprehension of Stenaland. He Is known to be in posseaslon of a large sura of money, which ha will have no hesitancy In spending In order to get out of tho country. . The description e furnished by the Chicago authorities is aa follows: Paul Btensland, IT years or age, i feet" or 1 inches in height, weight lot pounds, light sandy hair. quite gray and wavy, had full beard but la now smooth shaven, prominent blue ayes, square chin and f uU Jaws. Norwearian and sneaks with a slight ac cent, very nervous emperaniitf usually affable, well dressed, wore airaw nai and llaht clothss when last seen. The warrant waa issued upon complaint "of C. C Jones, charging him with receiv ing depoalts as Insolvency aa president of the Milwaukee Avenue state pans. NINE BUILDINGS BURN AT KLAMATH FALLS tretemty ranssrs.1 WXCLE&LE a;d citax ckoces Ssl. tU, tM Third st, ear. Jeflatees, ; Bif Store of Uttlo PrkM totxownra raiczs wax. iatx to ON IWT DOLUUL ftUALTTX aoAiuurzxxs cKnxm'i rai Mini owiss ta Mill, par lb PIT ObAVULATEO gVOAS, VEX A0X..94.M WKBTeli D1T fUIVUIM CASK SUOAA, Ttn SACK KM S LBS, WE8TE PBT OBATO-aTrD CAMS SUGAA.... ...... .1100 I esse Mas Bella eleaaad earraata pkss sew rows serord ratalos ... I lbs sew t-crawa lease Moaeettki .w...,.SBe I lb eaa Royal baklag pewaer X Craeae A Biacfcwrll'a ellre elL qt bettlae..M l-lb pkf Arm A BiBtsiar soda ............. -0 l-fil eaa faery table (rn.,,, ....40 M-Cl cas faner labia irrsp ghrenoad Vknt bhwelt. Pr ks .......... 10a ttmer Karly-ssae Paaa. par Soe... ..sot bare Enjal Baoa aaas .............KM t nai beat U sardines Is ell.i lb eaa pore lard. .6o 10-lb res pure lard...... 1.10 Cove ojratara. . l-lb cans, solid, per daa,.,. .11.00 H-o aata. s-lb raea. ear Bis.. .............. Rard-wbrat Boar, par sack I1.O0 Poatam ceral Tparpk' Falls napm aoap. per oar ............. neM eort-wnaai rioor. par aac......., (RparUI Dtapatra le The Soaraal.) Klamath Falls. Or.. Aug. 17. 4 At :s a, m. the explosion of a 4 -gasoline 'generator" In the Kla- math Falls steam ' laundry net Are to tha building and con- tents. The' fire spread rapidly 4 to- adjacent bulldlnga. ' The 4 lsundry owned by B. D. Camp- d bell and W. O. Smith, the Kla- o math Falls Marble works, owned by Grissle Bros., together with ; d their dwelling, alao tha dwelling 4 owned by Mrs. Flater were en- q tlrely oonsumed. Two other cot- 4 tsges, a blacksmith shop and a d atable were somewhat damaged. ' q Repeated exploaiona of gasoline 4 and of ammvnltton kept in the q building added to the danger to those who fought the Are. Two q men were knocked down and run over by a hosecart and consider- q sbly Injured. ' The loss entailed will probably reach 110,000. e ROOT CHEERED BY ARGENTINA CROWDS - - (Joaraal Special aarrlet.) -Buenos , Ay res, Aug. 17. Secretary Root, at a reception given In hie honor by the American community, addressed a gathering of Americana, Englishmen snd other lenders of : commercial and social life. Arguing open the prosperity of 'Argentina he pointed out that there is no reason for Jealousy of ths United States by Argentina. He advocated more ateamahlp lines between tho two oountries. i J ... . i- . , :, .-. This morning ho visited tho ranch of Estsncla Divot, taking breakfast with Divot and returning about 4 o'clock In tho afternoon, iie was cheered by the crowds in the atreeta. . r -The foreign minister will formaHyi visit the cruiser Charlestowa .this after noon. Secretary Root will- go nest to Montevideo. .3 Ml Java A atocba roffae rcaUr SBel Sn H na eoda rraraera taooui iv naj ...... Kngllah . Braaktaat tae, pr lb ...IS r.rK-y Onnpowdar tae r(nlar ISe) ........IS Tneeda Blaeult. par pk SPgt'lAL 100 bMiae of Maarot Laundry . soap, 100 bam te box, per bos $tU Bast aids Drttrartre Kiaadara ass mtaje. AOX JLAXH SOS. Crawfish? Live and Cooked' Catfish Right in Season 7 Chickens Alwayi Fresh at Lowest y Prices Butter Best , Oregon Made 50 a KoU , Ranch Eggs 25f5 Dozen Columbia Fish Co. Third and Ankeny Phone Main 5 tM AlAev UU kwaaa 1st aad 14 Sta. SI Somta 1st ytrees. near the bridge. Fighting the Beef Trust" With the flneat rasat from ' Oregon's ranges. Fresh, clean, wholesome. No eastern fro sari stuff. We use no pre servatives of sny description. No color ing In our sausage or bacon, No cotton seed oil In our lard. Wo are absolutely the only wholesale butcher and packer In Portland who la not controlled by the genuine beef trust. Beef. - So good that you will want more. Suitable for roasting, boiling, stewing, pot plo and sandwiches. Per pound to. .. ' -A.- Porterhouse Steaks .....,...... i.lBw Tsnderlola Steaks r,.,.........12Vs airloin Steaks . . . . . . . ......... la i Small Prime Rib Steaks... ....IJSMgv Largo Prime Rib Steaks ...lttet nns Baouiaer Bteag. ,,,.i,i...Hf Beat Pot Rosat, 80 Fine Boil Beef Best Stew Beef............... Bs) Plato Cuta Beef. 60 Brisket Beef ........P. Corn Beef .........................6 Rolled Roast Beef .10f Lean Rosst Mutton Mutton for boiling. .-...... Mutton for stew......... Loin Rosst Mutton.. .......... ,J12Hd Loin Mutton Chops...... Rib Mutton Chops .lJiH Shoulder Mutton Chops...., io 1 mml nvftu r mi - -..-.-t-Tr-frir.. a u c orasi veai noasi. .............. . 1U u Blew tim Veal Chop ISttf a IZMi WALL STREET BOOSTS ' UNION PACIFIC STOCK fjosrsal tnaclal Swrlre.l New York. Aug. 17. The bulk of tha trading In tho stork tnsrket Is In .Union Psclflo and Southern Pacific, Union Pacific running up to 174. ; Seism Talks raving. (Bsaciat OteDateh te The Journal. 1 Salem. Or., Aug. 17 A mass mseting or property owners interested In pav ing State street, was held at tho city hall last night at tha call of Mayor Watera and a committee of three waa appointed to obtain further expressions or the desire or the property owners. Ths streets of tha city sro fearfully dusty in tha summer end muddy In winter and ths proposed improvement of Ststo street Is a part of a crusade that haa been- Inaugurated for the bet terment of the city's thorough far as. KnaLbe PianOaS A highly attuned musical taste. Remands a piano ol exceptional tonal beauty. Merely because a piano is a piano will not suffice, . ' With musical education has come musical discrimina tion the. discrimination that makes the buying of the beet a matter of duty. ' . . f , When you mention the word BEST, as regarding pianos, the word KNABE simply guggeets itself. Superior tone quality lasting durability coupled with ' beauty and charm of architecture and finish are all yours Jf you have a Knabe piano. ' , 1 WE RENT PIANOS-WE TUNE PIANOS. US YOUR ORDER. PHONE J!en Gilbert-Ramakcr Co. Victor .Talking Machines.. Wholesale end Retail. , 1 CORNER SIXTH AND MORRISON STS , . " PORTLAND, OREOON. For Iced Tea use . . , , Deversv; Gof den West Ceylon Tea t If1 L 1 OS; -Peculiarly Jcefreshlng Sealed Packets Only. Closset & Derera DIVIDENDS BY LID E HARRIMAN tl Union and Southern Pacific . Stocks to Pay Ton and Five : Per Cent Annually. FIRST PROFIT MADE . BY STOCKHOLDERS Magnate Permits Owners to Share , in Great Surplus Being Piled Up at Expense of ths Shipping Public of ; the Coast. ttoersa! Special Serrlea.f . New York, Aug. 17. The Union Pa cific announces a semi-annual dividend of S per cent on common and S per cent on preferred stock. ' This puts ths t'nlon Pacific on a IS per cent basis. Tha Southern Pacific this morning declared a dividend of JH per cent on common stock. This is tha first divi dend ever paid on Southern Pacific com mon stock and It la stated that It will be aemi-annual. .... Ths Union Psclflo dividends arc pay able to stockholders of record Septem ber li and tho Southern Pacific divi dends are payable October 1 to stork- holders of dividend warrsnts. The divi dends have been expected, as both corn- pen I as have been showing Immense earnings. The Southern Pacific Jumped STi upon ths announcement of dividends. . Boars a cramDle. (Journal BDMlal BVrrtra.l ' ' London. Aug. IT. A great scramble to cover took place among ths bears on the stock market ' today-upon the an nouncement of dividends on Marriman's Pacific stocks. FRANCE TO SEPARATE ' CHURCH AND STATE "" . . Paris, Aug. 17. Ths eoungU of min isters at a meeting . with President Falllerea today decided to stand firm for tha divorcement -of tho church and state, notwithstanding tho pope's post' tlon. announced tn the encyclical last week. The minister of publlo worship announced that the government will as Hamburger Stealtattt..UJli,lo row sausage ................... 1U Frankfort Saussgo ..lO Bologna Sausage . . . , . . . . . . . . 8 Breakfast Bacon 17 Ma) Pure Lard ; .I2a Probably no Meat Dealer In tho city is better known, than ths CENTRAL MARKET t BECAUSE OB THIS MEAT BUTERB ALWAYS FIND THE FRESHEST AND BEST MEATS AT OUR PLACE, also ... I .v' ' rmalB VOV&TBT. '. . Kindorf Bros. ISO Oraad Ave. ' Faona Bawl sis. Chickens Lower l Spring Chickens 23c Ranch Eggs, I dosen. ...... , 4Ba Best creamery butter. .. .60s) and ftfttf Dairy butter ....35a and 40d Best sugar-cured hama, pound. ...170 Cheeae, t pounds...,, ..,..25e) Swlaa cheeae ......,'......2S Cream brick cheese.. .,....20a) Llmburger chaeao 4.S6 La Grande Creamery S4 a-amrsrrr.T. iWE Telephone Main 1412 D mm First andTay lor Sts. WW m. ,GIlCCmGS - 10-lb. Sack Rolled Oats.. .... .'.35a) Shredded Wheat, per pkg......lO Baker's Cocoa , .SOat Schillings' Baking Powder, lb.. 35 Royal Baking Powder, per lb...04 2 Bottles Prepared Mustard.;.. '.IB 3 Small Cans Vn Camp's Beshs 25 6 lbs. Uneeda Biscuits. ....... ...25a 3-lb. Box Soda Crackers.. . .....20 2 kinds of any, kind of Cream.. .18 Liberty Bell, per sack, . ...... ft.OO Liberty Bell ,per bbl..,.f ...f3.75 SPECIAL SATURDAY. 22 lb. Sugar7l;.....l.......fl00 2 lbs. Sun Creamery Butter.. ...BO 2 lbs. best Creamery ,...BB 1 gal- M. O MnlaMM......,,.;, BO 1 gal. can byrup.-. . 4ue 2 lbs. Cheese ................ . . .25d 3 Salt Mackerel.. ,........;...25 - .Owing tty- the enormous quantity of meats which we handle we are able to'supply the beat of Boiling Beef and Pot Roasts- at-; greatly re duced prices. .'. .. " Come to this store ' for your ' groceries and choose your , Sunday's . dinner from the choice assortment of all cuts of Beef Veal, Pork or Mutton which our Meat De partment offers, j ' . "t We have also a large as sortment of ' Chickens just received frora -4be country which we will , sell' at 17 per pound. . TEAS AKD COFFEES English Breakfast Tea, per lb...25e Spider Leg Japan Tea, per lb, ..25 Gunpowder Tea, per lb.. 25e Monarch Blend Coffee, per lb...2Se Town Talk Coffee, per lb.. ...,.20 Army and Navy Coffee, per lb..lSai 3 Wadco Salmon.. 25w 3 pkgs. S-Minute Mush.........25a "Best" Corn Starch, per pkg... ..5e 3 pkgs." Raisins Of Currant.. .. .25 Pint Bottles Olives....... .25 Queen Olives, per bottle........ 10 r:VEGETACLES': . Summer Squashy Green ,t Corn, Beans, Peas, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Green Onions, Beets anything -you wish at the lowest prices,' . 3-lb.- box Soda Crackers.. . Eagle Milk, can ....... ,20 ........lBs SPECIAL DEUVERY TO ALL PARTS OF CITY ' .... , THE , HIGHEST grades; OF COFFEE ROASTED IN THE AT YOUR GROCERS. . Ajtcrniv jijytuwa,ooSf. Rainier Market Tm.ii maati always on band and prices within the reach et alL Fresh Ranch Eggs,' dot. .". ,25 Best Apples, box .... . . . . ... 80J Ms- risk avoir Wedneaday-rriaar. rreah Dressed Chickens Sataraay. Batter, Sags an Cheese. - a. nine. ; I7th arid Savier Sts. ; : Maia lasa. . 4 Fellows Grocery Co. 349 and 351 Oak MAIN 2596 348 and 350 Ankeny : The Big Store With the Little Price When You Return From That Trip to the : Seashore or Mountains and are feeling poor, remember Fellows can save .-you money on your meat and grocery bill. The big new store on Oak street, near Seventh, is selling the best of meats and groceries at prices - - that will save you money. ' 21 pounds Best Dry Granulated Sugar, Saturday only. . . 91.00 8-lb. pkg. Crackers....... 20 50 e 8-lb. box .Crackers 7-lb.: best Eastern Rolled Oats 25 fpkg. Scotch Oats ....... 10 Baker's Cocoa, can ..... .20 1 pkg. Postum ........... 20 1 pkg. Figprune.... 20 ONE ROLL BEST CREAMERY BUTTER. . ....... . . . .45- ROSE CITY FLOUR, PER SACK. . ... . .1 . . .. . .....fl.15 10 cans Star Cream...... 60f 12 cans Deviled Ham. ... .45aV 7 cans American Sardines. 25 2 cans Standard Corn,,,. 15a 10-lb. sack Graham Flour. 25 10-lb. sack yellow or White .. Cornmeal ........... .25 1 lb. Shredded Cocoanut. .15f Townsend & Van Schoonhoven , ' Wholesale and Retail Grocers " 147 FIRST STREET Stady onr prloes thea yon will see why oaa trade has increased. Oat goods are of the hlghae-t qoallty aad ww ohaUenge a eontparisoa with the Smost that oaa he found la any tors. . l-lb. can baked Beans. ......... ..I. Bf l-lb. pkg. Arm and Hammer soda...6f Nsptha sosp. for Zttf bars Crystal White Laundry aoap 2Bf 1 lb. English breakfast tea. ....... 15 1 lb. Gunpowder tea. ............ .254 1 aack Best Valley flour... .Sjl.OO 1 sack good hard wheat flour 90 1 aack beat hard wheat flour (patent) 91.20 1 bottle Worcestershire Sauce, . . ISo slie lO f lb., whole nutmegs &&4f East Bids delivery Tuesday snd Friday. , PHONE MAIN 1111. Fresh Creamery Batter ......... .45c Fancy Creamery Batter .......50c Oregon Ranch Eggs, dozen.... 2 5c Ws get our eggs from ths farmer, but ter from the creameries no middleman. Cross 4t Black well Lucca oil, )t...eS Crone A Blackwell chow, H plnt...20e H. O. Oats .t.10 I can good Peaches or Apricots. . .15 Stsndard tomatoea i 104 t eana corn, peaa or string beans.. 25f Evaporated cream. 1 cans for...... 16) A. H. Willett & Co. Wholesale and RetaiJ Grocers . , ' ; " THX HOUSE OF QUALITY" , Remember Our Motto "Promptness and Quality" What We Are Looking or Is Volume of Business. No Account Is Too Small, None Top Large, to Receive Our Most Careful Attention 128 GRAND AVENUE Wise Readers Never Overlook Our Advertisements Mew York Market (brocery Phone East 460 Transact your business where facilities are best,' qualities axe HIGH, ; 1 : " - - goods art many and prices art right . V- i 50-lb. Sack Kitchen Pride Flour none better ............'.1.10 50-lb. Sack Silver Duet ' Flour ' can't be beat, hard wheat... 96e) 1 - Sack New- Burbank or jEarlr Hebron Potatoes ........ fl.OO 7 lbs. White or Pink Beans... 25d 21 lbs. Sugar.. $1.00 100-lb. Sack J' Sugar . i . t.v $4.75 QrocerlesMeatsFlsh Poultry 10 lb. Patent Flour. ....... ..25 1 pkg. Postum Cereal SOe) 1 pkg. Dr. Price's Food......lO 1 pkg. Shredded Wheat...... 10 1 pkg. PuHed Rice... 10s) 10-lb. sack Farina S5e 10 lbs. Y. or W. Cornmeal... 5e) 6 lbs. Cream Rolled Oats.,..2Be) 1 lb. O. D. Blended Coffee.... 20s) 1 lb. N. Y. Mocha and Java.. 25a) 1 lb. N. Y. Blended Tea.....45e) 1 lb. Spider Leg Japan .Tea... 45 3 Cans Red Salmon... ...... .25e) 7 Cans Oil Sardines .25s) 2 Cans Albert Roche Sardines 25a 3 Cans Tomatoes 25) 2 Cans Corn. -.TTTrrrT.25a). 12 Bars Elk Soap. ....25 8 Bars M. B. Soap. ....... .,.25 3-lb. Package Gold Dust.. ...25s) 6 lbs. Bulk Gold Dust ...25 Blueing and Ammonia. ...... ..5 5 dozen Clothes Pins. J.. 6 10 lbs. Cooking Apples. ...... 25 20 lbs. New Potatoes ......... 25 1 Box Fancy Apples 2-lb. Roll Jersey Creamery Butter .T. i. . . . w. . . . 4v;.'wVO Ranch Eggs sura fresh -. . per dozen .................25 t dos. Jelly Glasses .. . . . .. .80 Meat, Department ' Government Inspected Prise-Fed Meat for Sunday's dinner ean't be beat Juicy tender and tweet 3 lbs, of Halibut Ptealr,. ., ,,.8 B 2 lbs. of Salmon Steak 25 .Piedmont and Woodlawn Deliveries Tuesday and Friday. mm CEYLON TEAS. ' DIRECT PROM T ttR DBMS The Great Hit of the Portland Fair The, Cheapest Tea to Buy One Pound Equals Three. No. t Ceylon and India l-lb. can. TS. No. I C. and I.. 1 rb.,.65 No. 1 Ceylon and India Vfe-lb. can, 40. No. S C and L, H lb... 85 ... SOLD BY. ALL GROCERS Teaa aaeeee ShoalA Mir IVbite Clover Carton Butter tmm onr ivms raonn n wu sons. ' No dost or microbes can affect our Butter packed In these cartons. ' 1YS. Tovnsend Creamery Company ' . ' - omTXAjr. Asromia airs mmt, - sure ths execution , of the separation I JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY. BEST law passed by parliament. This law goee late effegt ptcember 11, ' NEAR EAST MORRISON ' ' PHONE EAST 183 V