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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1906)
mm-1 THS OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND. FRIDAY ; EVENmg, AUGUST, 17. 1ZZ1. r:rv? TODAT. An Oppor tunity for YOU If yon hava $100 ar mora Tu hava noush capital to tnt la a bond. "Why not at laaat invoatlTt8. i ' ' ' Wrlta statin tha amount yoa. bara at hand and wb WH1 adrlaa .you what bond you aa purchaaa to tha boat ad vantage. W will Blra fuir partlerelara about tha bond and tha cltlaa or cor poration! Issuing thara. . All af.thls Information 4a. youra for tha asking;. Whea you wrlta yoa placa yourself . under no obligation to buy. You daolda that aftar you hava fqund what wa bata ta offar. -- , " - Northwestern Guarantee and Trust Company bmboT asohaafa jMldis (ad Floor) . B. X. Oor, tad aad .War WU. ;: ; Wa bara aareral'fciiyara for rood rsl danoo property in North, South and Wait Portland. If you will Hat your property with ua wa can aell It. . '' VACXTIO UAXTT CO, a, I4u M luaat, ataoaa . , Morrlaoa aad Aldar. ' Large barn and five living rooms in connection; all modern Elumbing and conveniences; liv-lg-rooms are pleasant and mod ern. : Long lease, low rent; at Fifth and Montgomery. Gevurtx ft Som; 175-175 First Street. WHAT A Special Certificate of Deposit "OUWST .IUJt.00AWT W. 0I80W . . WILL DO rOB TOD. ' : It 'will ' have the aaoaey ready whenever yea aaay need It tor ttaa day at apeortualty ar tor tae risinr vmj. ft will work with ton and for roe all 1 ' tlms; the eeralnf ef IU l Mr ml in terest caa be arses out or . added ta the principal, aa yea rbooaa. It will etrsogipes snd build ap year char acter. . Every dollar htH ta e victory of your common eenee and will power. . Call and talk It aw with aa. -. ' ' - axaoiTBCKS OTIB fl.m.Ma.M. rcrthr.dTrost Company of Oregon S. B. ear. Sd aad Oak eta. none Ec'Ts. BIN. I. COHEN....... Preeldent H. It. PITTOCK.. ...Tlce PrealoMt B. LEE PAOBT Berretary J. 0. OOLTBA. . . Aaalatant Secretary FMcnlo and Swlmmlns; Contaest . ( - , . At the OeramMe Bearb seat Satorday aad Baa day, IS aad IB. Br Ins year lanrh; set 7 oar onad-trlp tlrkata from the adrertlalas baa ea Ike atreeu ec from the aewa aUnda; SO rente Kya carfare, baa ride and (ate admlanloa. eaa ererybody aad bare a good lime. Alberta Red Vheat Cotnnaada hlshaat srlea bacauaa' tha ao 11 and climatlo eondltlons produoa tha flnaat quality. Lw ratea. -frlcea rlshC Terma aaay. W. Q. IDE, 251 Alder St. 042 PER LOT SOclO feet - for Set. There - ara only 4t lota left aneold eat of a tract of TOO lota, aad the Ulberaia Sarins Baah baa ardared theee lota Bold wttbeat delay: therefore the prlre will be Set per let aatll ererr bit U aoM. Tbeee lota are located oa earllae aad practice) lr ea the rteer, blyh. alghtly aad laeel. All eaak la required. Mo tar ma glee. Title perfect. Call ea M. J. Clebeoey, room tol. McKay bids.. Third aad Stark ate. Don't Miss This i,t0 will buy a nlea lt-aera traot of nntmproved land, one and ona half mUea aaat ef tha city Ihnlta Mo vrarel, Una aprtns water. F. T. BERRY,. No. 4 , North Sixth Btraet Phono Paolflo 2011. Hand .Furniture Wanted 'Will buy UO.tOO worth at tmea. 3. T. WILSON. Auctioneer, tot First atraat Phoas Mala If Sold . Within Ten Days X Wilt BUT H BLOCK ON TH ST. FINE CORNER; BEST BUSINESS CEN TER. ADDRESS T 4. JOURNAL. . ;?3 MORTGAGE fi LOANS J W1XZXAM OBarXOUC. raUlaa; Bids. DEATHS. BOAKIX Aeatart IS, Imilee rVmaaoe, IS yaera WW Mlloaakle. Bulmoaary tabereeloale. WfMj HI i.H Anraat IS. tirere) Woo Hu(b. ZS yeara. Norrh PertSc aenatorlem. perlUHillla. BK4K Anaeat IS. W. P. Beaa, SB yeare, lVrt- . land helrbia, apoi'T. KlRKB-Aeenet 14, Krllle B. Kerne, S rannthr, aa4 Eaat Kirreetk. aorth. cbolera Infantum. LIMAT Aea-wt 14. William W. Mnnaay, Tl rvare. Vioetaallle, lateetlnel parferatloei, I'Aa. jji Anenat II, A I aaa S. tarleoa. ST y.a, ii minBiiita areaae, palawaar I aUBlmaW . - , . . Jo OTorlienl $60,000 WEATHER REPORT. tMHtk AT Imp mrtmmjim from Al berta aouth aad ml to California, and tbex-e suutbeeet ta Artaoaa. Wlibla that arr-a ire weather ta unsettled and light ralss have fsl leut la northern Arlaona, Utah, weatara Colo rado, Wromlns aad northern Alberta. The barometer eoatlnuoe relstlvslr fcurh aw west are Weehlugtoa aad (air . wssiber continues la the aorta, Farts atataa. A email aura area' la central erar towa aad llf ht ta aioderatelj heavy ralna hava aecumd la Okbs- aoma, eaetera Kansas, Missouri aaa eaetera lowe. Taa high pressors am ever New tl laad aaa Increased la tot fully. Loral ralna, however, ara reported in waatara PsBnylvanl, ma ir(1nlaa aad iku ID aontk AUantie aoaai. It ta coular la tha iiitarkir of aortbara Cali fornia aad ta aaatara Waahlnataa and aortbara Idaho aad warnar la Wromluc aad' tha Uroat alt Laka Baal a aad tha bakotaa. Tha tadlratloae ara for fair waathar la thla dlatrirt tnolaht and Batardaj, a leapt la aoath aaatera Idaho, whara ahowara are probable. It will ho onfklar fMnlrfct in ' aMitharn Idaho. Obaarratloaa takaa at a a. m., Paclfla tte - Traia. ' BtaHone ' " llax, Mia. Raker Cltr.'Orrena. ........ M Kl , Boatoa. Maaaarhoaetta...... ta ' do Chlraao, IlllaoU. ........... 8S t4 urarar, lohjrirto V4 no Kaaaaa Cltj, allaaouri..... M -'- T4 ' Um Anaalro, lallforala.... JV M Naw Orlaaaa. tAahlana...'. M T Nrw York. Now Vork...... 80 . - ti Portland, Oro;ao.....-.wVTnr:!:"; Boaburg, Orafoa. 0 -'Id t. Loiila. MIokmvI 8 . ' TO Ball Uko. Utah M !. TO Baa rraoriano. California... 3 M : Spukan. . Waablnatoa....... 8 - a Timai. waabinatna i" , Walla Walla, Waablaftaa.'. 84 - M Waahlnctoa, D. C. a TO MARRIAGE LICENSES. Kraaat Oam Tarlnr, SB; Mlaaa Araaatronc. V. I. A. Brara, 20 Cberry atreal, tl; Klla Bohwar, S4. " AItIb Charlea Paatal. M: aophta Hilda Howe, JO. Wlllliia Armatroif, Pellaa, Orafaa, M; Mat. tie Vonla,' 23. Adonla J. Lonrtln. 1U Baal roarteeata treat. tl: lottla Krtrbum, 37. Ctrl Aajcoat Olaaa. 919 Maraaam ttren. an: Kama K. ajoatedt, to, , Weddtna Carda. W. O. Smith aV Oo.. Waah. lactoa bide., ror. feortb and Waahlngtoa ate. Waddlaa- and Ulna rarda enaraeed - ar printed. B. T. It aaa too, 8221b Waahliujtoa at. lilaa Bartha Marti a. rooaj SIS Allakr - blda. tamplnc aad Bne needleworks leeeone arraa. BIRTHS. ..v. MIARaABnat 14, to Mr. and Mra. Charlea 8. Mcara, Druid and Dredr etrreta, a lrL BEKDER Aart 14. to Mr. and Mra. Walton " B. Bander. 11M6 Hodae. a alrt ' UIXIVAN Auaoat 4. to Mr. end Mra. Pater M. Hallleaa. 2M4 Wheeler, a any. XOHN'HON Aariat IB. re Mr. and Mra. Tfcomaf w. Jotiaana, Eeac turnam. a iiri. FUNERAL NOTICES. NOTICE Metnbera of Oretoa and Waabloateo lilTlalon, X. r. A. or A., are reapeeiruiir Invited to - Bleat 1:16 BAtvrday moraine;, Atujuat 18, ' at roam 80S l'.nt i hldg., 84 Slxih at., for the porpoae of atteadln the funerel of ear late preeldent, Arcble A. Cook. Remain will be mored from bla late real dence. T74 Waeco at., earner Tweet -fonrth, to M. rraaela rtaurrh, rorner Kler.nth and Beat Oak, at t e' clock. Intermeot BleerakrW cemeter. J. W. CVRBAN, teerHary. WARNER Ckanney Wanwr, laid ta rea at Ioaa rlr ermetery. Doceaaoo wee a painTar by renpatloB. hailed from Boekford, . 1111 oia. hae Head la Oreaxm for a mmhar ef rrara end baa made hla home wlta teerce Blaloh. wke look klm to 8t. Vlneent'a beepltaL where he died ea Monday, Aofuat It, 1906. iruBeral took place from Oaaaina'a t'nderuklna perlore. DIED At Colorade Rnrtnaa. Colorade, Aatuat 18, 1B0Q. Boi i tenner or aaaer city, reoerai from Holmail'a Undertaking parlora Banany, 10 a. aa. FYtende Inetted. UNDERTAKERS. Dnnnlna. McEntee A Gllnaafh, nndertakere and embalmera; aaodera la every detail. Baranth and Plea. Mala 430. Lady aaalitaat. A. B. Hamatock, andertaker and Eaat Thlrteeatb aad Vmatllla are. wood Tl. Eiickeoa Undertaking Co., aad embalming, 40g Alder at. - Phone Mala Sleev uor aaaiataab J. P. r Inlay A Soaa. Third and Madlaea at. Office of aoanty eoroaer. Phone Mala a. Edward Holman, BDdcrtakar. 130 Third et. uniTiry ctmxtbbt. Ingle gravea tlO. Family lot STB to 11.000. The only eemetary la Portland wblcb per notuaily maintalna aad rarea for lota. For fall Information apply to W. B. Markenale, Wor eeetar block, city. W. M. Ladd. orealdeat. ' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. D. A. aad Adeline Hart to B. C. and P. . M. Jennlnga, SSillS feet beginning la aouth boandary Ilea of tfohn P. Powell donation land claim No. M; alao 88x118 feet eommeaeing at aootheeat corner of aald donation land claim ...81.000 1. M. Elder to P. L. Cate, lota aad 8. block ST. PerUmooth 400 1. T. and Nancy B. Breeding ta M. C Bind, lots U aad 18, block 4, Alabal- U 804 George W. aad Laara Pnllea to Mra. Ida . B. Scbomp, S acree aeettea , tewnehlp 1 aouth. ranee 8 eeat I The Land Company of Oregon ta Kerattne Olaea. lot S. block 21. Cltv View Park.. dSO Topi pa Lend company to Bat ai Ity Bavlnga A Treat company, parcel of lend begin ning at point where eoutbweet aide line of Sherlock avenue Interaecta cen tral line df railway a per to what waa formerly jl atraat, Known aa aeiiy Dnnne apur ' 1,000 David M. and Margaret T. Dunne ta Se ewity Raving Tmat eampany, par. ' eel of laad beginning at point ef In. - ' taraoettoa of aonth aide I lee at tha : t T. A. Davla portion of lot 8, W ck . 1. Sherlock addltloa. wltb weat aide line of Sherlock avenue , 1 0. W. and telle A. Prleat to Mary B ' Green, lot 8, block 1, WllllaaM Aveane addltloa I tfla Tlaccnt Cook to Security Sari a re A Trnat company, lot l to ix, inciueiv. ana -aouth 'U lot 1. Terminal block, city... 1 German Bavlnga A Loaa aodety te George Hlear. zsxiuu reet commenciag at point In eaat Ilea at Water atreet T( faet north from Intereection wltk north Hna ef Arthur atreet aad 60x100 feet com mencing at Una of Arthur atreet 10 W. S. Chapmaa to. Terrace Height Beat Batata compeay.' fctta II, 12, 18, 14, block 10, Seventh-Street Terrace ad dltloa . William B. and Kmma M. Hale ta Aa- ttua B. IHmkrk, ant , block 88. Uwond .- SO Holt C. and Fannl Brtgga Wllaoay ta Benjamin F. IMveyi ant B, block 10, Keallworth S80 Holt C. and Fannie Brlgga Wllaoa ta Juliette Davay, lot 8. block 10,. Kenll wortb 880 Martin and Clara a, Lennarta te Hnro Krleger. weat H lot u and 18, Wll llama Avenue addltloa Mary B. Swlgert to Rrneet Morrla. lot 8. block 1, w. . r-aiioo eunoiviaioa of tract I. In M. Patton tract WO Donald and Kate E. Jaaor to Beheccah L. yoder, lot 10 aad 11, block as. Sell- wood r;. 1000 Richard and E. J. Price to Frank W. Bete, ofrtoo reet Beginning at Dort li ra at corner tot 8, block 1, Second Elec tric addltloa SO Charle A. ad Matilda lender holm t Portland Seattle ' Railway oompany, portion of block ST la Beerleek'e addl tloa 1 A. H. and Clara I. Bur ton to Otto Mrbre, aoxTB feet commencing at point wnera , north Una of Alnawortk avenue Inter ned eeat line of Union- avenue 4,508 , W. aad Edith T. Bagley et al. to the public, light of way over property la Joha -Wand donation land claim..,.,, , I Hattl and Albert Vail to Walter A. . T lew, BOX14T feet Beginning at point an rod eeat of aouth a rat corner ef David D. Prettrmaa donation lend claim.'.. 1 f. V. Pi reet to C. R. Steveae. lot 8 aad a block 21. Mount Tabor villa TKO 00 P. R. and Meal V. Oerould to Mary A. Bnrieea. lot T. bloc aej, woonetock.. 1. L. and Jreale (1. Hartmaa et al. to George B. and Mary n. Tavior, mra 18 and 18. block 80. St. John Height ' ' addition la St. John ' 1 Andrew aad Mary Krofl to Oar 4 and Eilaaneta ttettmann. ran en irei et lot 14. block 18, William Avenue ad dition 1800 I'nlveralty Laad company to Lauretta lieeaer. tot 4. bkxk 42. lniveraiiy i-n, xio Cbarle H. Tnomnena to i. B. vT Mann. hw 8, Uoek 8, Olencne Park 1,880 London A Baa Franclaco bank, Ltd.. to f ii. Howard, I acre ta Iaaae Kay. tract, .... ' mion 8, towahlp 1 touthr rang 8 eeat 1 G. Howard Thompson ta Henry F. Ceaner. - the I -acre tract la Perry Prettyann' do nation laad claim, eertloa 8, . towa- . ahlp 1 aouth. ranee 8 eaat I Mercaaate' lavmtment A Trnat roneaar s to A. m. lervalaca, tot 18. block 8, Waadidwa 100 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Peter and Batla Miller to Dora n. Flasel, lot IS, block la, Uacola Park uneee Land oompaay to B. M. Wilbur, weat H ef eoutbaaet W of nortbe.iat J4 aeetloa 18, loaaeblp 1 aorta, raase 1 eaat , aneel Land eomneny to raonle M. W1I bor, eaat af aoutbeaat 4 ef wth. eaat U aeetloa IB, towaablp 1 Berth, ranee 1 aeat .m" .9- '""'"a to W. Betdt, lot a, block IS, nirhUnd Park 7...,..,. J. B. Slcmmooa to city of Portland, . S, T, a. bkx-k t. (!erntbera' . Addl tloa to Carnrhere' addition loalee Hoyt Cook and Walter M. Cook 1 '7 . el al. to BeCttrtty Barlog a A Tmat com- . peay. all that part of a triangular tract . nded by lark, T want lath and Sher- William Sbiriork to" 8r'nrl"fVBainge" A Truet aompeny, block 14. Aherktrk a ad- ' dltloa; alao pert of block A. rlberlork'a- ' addition; alao all that portion of a . triangular fraction bounded by tfberlork ' arenue. Torh end Tw.ntu.ih ... at. F. aad Mary A. Brady to 'George T. Beuaner, baalnnlng at intereection t eeat llnd of Nineteenth with center line ef Wllaoa (now vacated) George r. and Belle A. Hcuener to So. . carlry Barlnga Treat aompeny, name ' property aa a bora. Security Sartnaa A Troat - company ta Portland Seattle Railway company, . land le-aharCw. 141 ttoa aad terminal block ... Oet year Inouraaee and abatrarta ta reel eatata rrom - ine Title uoaraatee a Trnat aomaeny. 140 Waablngtoa arreat. corner SoconA NOTICE. REWARD WITHDRAWAL. Notice la hereby gleea tbat the reward of eouu ocrerea oy toe racirie Kzpreea compeny. by circular heretofore iaaued. for the arreat ad conviction of each of the three men who held up train No. a of the O. R. A N. Co., en Wedneaday, September 2H. IwOS. between Corbrtt and Trout dale. Mnltnomah county, at -0,.,."w 'PtJl JfMMLJCMC4U4Ji withdrawn. PACIFIC JEXPRES8 COMPANT. J. W. BoaVre. BuDerlntendent. Halt uki City, Cub. angnai jo, letm. ; , NOTICB Peraona baring gooda or merehandlaa eioreo wita ma ai my warenooae, ai nor' a Front at, are hereby notified tbat I bare kaaed tha premlaea to other, and that their property mnat be removed within SO daya. All sooda remalnlns on the aremlaea Sept. I will be. removed and etored elaewhera at ewner'e axpenae. I thank yoa all for year Patronage aad tha eaafldence repoaed la me. ' FRED B1CKEU NOTICE. Blda are Invited (or boring ' aa s-lncn-dlameter deep water well for the city of Aurora. Blda to be In on or before Auguat 5. 1906. Bight a reeerved to re ject any or all blda. Br order of city ronnclL - A. H. GIE8Y. . City Recorder. Aarora, . Oregon. NOTICB la hereby given tbat T will set ba reepooalble for any debta eoarrected by my wire, Eilsabetb ghriver. aba Jtarlng left my bed and board. (Signed) EDWARD SHRITBR. MEETING NOTICES. MULTNOMAH CAMP. No. TT. W. O. W., meeta tonight In thalr hall, Eaat Sixth, near Beat Alder. All vlattlng aelcbbora aerdlally welcomed. N H. B. INGRAM, a C ' J. If. WOODWOBTH. 0. i B. P. Q. B. The me inhere of Portland Lodge, Jfo. 148, ara reqnaetea to meet in oar -room oerurday, Aaguat 1. at 8:48 a. m. aharp. to attend the fonerel of one lata brother. A. A. Cook. Tleltlng brothere In vited ta attend. Br order of tha exalted role. JOHB B. OOFPBY, Secretary. M. W. A.. Oregon Grape Camp. No. S.STB, M na na ye. lTth aaa aiaraaau: vmiinn waico . M. W. A. ETEROBBElt CAMP. S408, meeta Wedneaday evening, AUaky bldg.. Third aad Morrteoa ata. LOST. AND FOUND. LOST Small foxterrler bitch, all white except ear; anewera lo - uip- rawaro. t-ooaa ui STB. . . ! . - ' LOST Amall foxterrler with eore an neck; collar witn licence-, z nmca apete em lacej reward; Phone Mala 845. LOST Lady'a silver watch; black fab ehala. Initial "A. D. Call np Wood lawn so. ne- ward. , HELPJVANTED MALE. WANTED Toaag mee to learn telegraphy and railroad accounting; eaiarle 8TB. 00 te 800.00. For free catalogue Iddree Morse College as 'Telegrapny, sue ma ex., usaiaaa. vaa, traNTFD Twa ar three flret-elaaa, all aroend macbtaa men; permaaent poeltloe, good wegea. Ore x-oe rarulture mrg. v., Macaoam roaa. WB get work for ear BMmberai special aaera ber. 88. Y. M. C. A, Foartb aad YimhIU. : Union Hotel SI NORTH SIXTH ST, Free employment to ear patron. ' Wkly ratea: Boom, 1.28 up; room sad Board, a. proprietor. WANTED Loaaga makrral ataady North Frost, corner of Devi. work 84 SALESMEN ta tali iidsee the world weadev in rruiva - guroena s new iwnai pi IMIrsclel. Choice of territory. Ceeh weekly. Addreaa Washington Mareery oompaay, Zea- pealah, Waahlagtaa. WANTED Movlsg plcrure machine operators! . will teech voa the boatneeat term very rea- ' aoaable; noettlon eeured; seed aaiary. New. maa, 148H Sixth t- WANTED At once, 82.80 per day. Ci BO oommoa laborer at all at enelneerina depert- meat Oregoa Water Power A Railway Cew, glrat and Alder ata., for partlculara. AGENTt wanted te aell en parlor, blgh-grad anraery atork; eompleta outfit fnrntahed free) eaek weekly; write today for choice of ter- eltory. Capital City Nuraery Com yea a. Be leas, Oregoa. . i WANTED Boy; steady work, corner Davla. . 88 N. Front, MEN AND WOMEN te leara barber trade ta eight weeks; graduate eera from flB to 8X8 werklyi expert Instructor; catalogue free; , epeclal ratea thai moath. Moler Srstam at Colleges, 88 North FourU et., Portland. WANTED Expert to operate IvnlMvsa machine air drill; qnarta mining. Falrbanka, star A Co., First and BUrk ata. DON'T MONKEY! Ba a WHOLB MAN, FREE OF ALL DISEASES. Dr. Madison, (accessor o Bed Croaa DUpenaary, ear. Third aad Aaa. WANTED AT ONOB 88 carpenter end 88 ear- penter kelpers; wage for carpenter 88, for carpenter helper 8Z.BO, call at engineering department, Oregon Water Power A Railway Co., First and Aider ata., for particular. BOYS WANTED Tar 880 a month. Apply te manager Waatara taloa Telegraph Co. WANTED Aa electricUa with expert nee la , outride work for plant la amall towa. Ad dreaa O 81, aar Journal. WANTBD Draaghuman for railroad work. .' oteerne oiog. ix pel for logging reed: ateady work with good pay. Addreaa 0 IT, care Journal. . WANTED I competent men for soliciting , rtothee for rleenlng and dyeing: good aaiary and commlaaton paid for good hnetlera: also a tailor bnahlmn; mnat be a good preeaer; good nay for right party, at the Eaat Port land Steam Cleaning A Dy Work, 148 Grand n., city. ANTED Maa to work fur. cripple la wheel chair, selling amall artlclea. r. Culver, 824 Gantenaela . Wage 81.24 ta 81.T8 per day. - Good attnatloa and good salary to maa wll 4000. Addreaa 0 18, care Journal. EXPERIENCED miner wanted for Idaho. 83 to 8o.n0 per day. 2V'v Washington, room 1. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Girl ta task "Boa of All" all t TS First t. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 848M Wsahlng. tea t., cor. Seventh, upatalra. Pbooe Mala 2nS. Female help wanted. OIRIA WANTED O per for to work o ehlrt ana everalla. laanna given ta Inexperienced. Apply at Standard factory Ke. 8. Uraad av. aad Esal Taylor It. - THE HOKE f.ArKS' AGRNCY. Fenaala ktlo furnl.iwj tm to employer. Ksxlatralloa Free. r I88t4 Fourth at., upatalr. room Si. Mala 8824. -h SEND 18 eeat for Beauty Secret formal aloe circular ef 100 ether valuable receipts. Las iaaala' Banalnt Ca.. laa'linaa r. I HELP WANTED FEMALE. WOMAN, over SB, fair adecattoa. aema baati , eaowieoge. meat dreae aeatly, to tai - at once, 88 Lewla bldg. WOMAN tor general honoework. Phone Eaat 8074, or addreaa Mra. llutf. 3M Eaat 40th at. WANTED Girt; ataady work. M NorU Front, cerner ea uavia.. . WANTED Aa experienced dnmaetl art teacher for aa Important Inatltutloa' la the cny. apply w lo, care jouraai. WANTED Competent girl for general heuaa ware. Apply ion eaac 101a (. 88 GIRL8 WANTED ta work la paper-box factury. Apply to F. 0. 8 let tier, lutb aad uueaa am. LADY of education and refinement to repreaent larg commercial bouee; at pi line, guou aalary, apleadld chance fog tha right paraoa. 18, care Jouraal . WANTED 0 ladlee' rlotbea-lrooera, at Pactdc r..... hi' . .i. ... GIRLS for good tob bo exparieaca required ; no coarge tor joe, apply nt oa eourw ru EXPERIENCED chambermaid wanted. City Employment Offlce, 286 Vi Waahlngtoo a. WANTED Yooypaople to prepare tbemaalvee B4S cell el no September li placed 838 la poaltloua. W will place yoa when com petent. ray er sight. Catalogue. Behake VYalker Bualneaa oollag. EXPERIENCED gtrl for general boo aa work la ramuy or two, ao nortn acta t. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. HOPP1CKER8 W pay 80a per box, bunkhou tree, will oe at toe Bt, l nariea noiei mat week la Auguat to aell round-trip tiekate to Brook. Com by train September 1. Ad dreae Homer Goaley, Bronka, Oregon; 72 r. troelry, Brook, Uregou: 80 acre. BBLP wanted aad eappfled, male ar female. B. w. Drake, goe waaningtea at. raciae laiu. 1,800 HOPPICKERS to pick 834 acree. boo at ou per Box; largest Bopyara in ua woria; beet accommodatlooa; ak for S-paga book, giving particular, at 88 Fourth at.. Erube Bro. Pbooe Mala 48T0. 0(0ce hour a. m. to S p. m- - WANTED 400 bop-plckera by Sept. . Ij bent yam in Oregon gooa aecommoaationa. apply to Andrew Kaa A Co.. 287 Morrlaoa at. HOPPICKEBS wanted; good camping groBada; about 14 day work. For particular ad dreaa Harriaoa Brea., North Yamhill, Or. HOPPICKERS wanted, Call at A. A. Church Co., so Taylor at. WANTED Teacher In a country aehool) mala preiarrca; aaiary aou. . inquire av norta Third, downstair. - 1 SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. WANTED la oathra or eaat OtagoB, iota or noaltlon aa steward or manaaer of hob reatanraat: competent to aaeume fall charge. EXPEBT ACCOUNTANT, 80 year' experience. will open aad cloae' books, audit accounts, take charge of bonk a at reaoonahlo rate; ntlefarUoB guaranteed. Addreaa S 81, care Journal. A COMPETENT gardener waat work.. Addreaa w, a. tterg, corner roarta ana isarnaiae, Mea'a Reading-Room. , TOUNO maa of good bablta and good educa tion aeeiree pnettioa. Addreaa o a, journal. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE MIDDLB-AOBD lady . vrlabe place aa com- panloa aad help la bouee, light work, for room and board; must pay atreetcar far. B IT, cere Journal. . BEBPBCTABLB woman . want a poattioa at once, part or ail Say. Addreaa o 8. Journal. WANTED AGENTS. IF T0U want to aell the beet health and ddent policy, cu or wrlta 824 (amber ax chang bldg. -: EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. , HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE FOB MEN. t North Second t. ; Phona Mala 188. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT Houses, eottaxsa, fish. tore, orricee, raomiag-nanaaa, eta. mi lorda will do wall ta call oa PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OP OBBGOR. Phone Bx. 78. a. B. cor. Sd aaa Oak.. HOUSES, flat reomlag-bouaa. stress, of. flees, etc. prompt attention aarand. Pb ' Msla 1171. Llndhard A Jack. McKay blda. WANTBD By man snd wif (no children) 8 to 4 pleeeant aafurnlahed hoaaekeeplng-roeaa, within walking dlstsnra, wltb aa agreeable nmllyaprerefred. Phone Mala SOU. , WANTBD 8 or S furnished room for . keeping; walking dlatane. 870 Waahlagtoa. WANTBD To rent bouee of from is to 14 moms, romlshad or unfurnished ; atate toes, tloa aad rent. 8 IB, care Journal. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WB WILL SELL year mopeity, ao matter what It t ar where located. Bead deacrlptloa sew and wa will do the net. Investors' Gold Co., Ill Marojaara bldg.. Portlsad. Oregon. GOOD Income aad reeldeace property, lobs, tarss. . di ana nmner mnos. , LINDHABD A JACK. McXay bldg. WANTED Baal neve .or residence the city la eichana for aood property farm lai lands rea handle aaythlaa from 11.000 to S8O.OOO1 wa alao hava om excellent bare la timber aad graslog land. Call and aaa as; wa went to get acquainted with yon. v . TURNER A WALKBR. Boom A 808H Waahlagtoa at. CITY property exchanged for good fsrms, aad l areas xor city property, oy P. FUCHS. 221H Morrlaoa at. I WANT a 0 or T-room bone oa east aldai gres pne ana location ja urn laitar. u go, cars Joarnal . , . : WANTBD HoueanaoTtng. raising aad alUlag. J. B. - acon. t none -is nor atu. WANTBD Madera houeea. - vacant lota, boa ee Inst ailment; hare buyers for all of tha above. . . LAMONT A HARRIS, 10TH Sixth St.. .x. WANTED To kaa, with privHag to bay, farm 18 to 80 cree; Improved, running - water, wtthla 20 mile Portland. Addreea 18, care Journal. FROM 8 to 8 acree wltb S or 0-roem cottage. gooa para, xrnii trees ana water, within 0 mile; naat be near carllne; direct from owner. 0. Tapfec, 2KKH Wablngtou at. WANTED FINANCIAL. $1,000,000 TO build aret-cla hotel, PortlaaA r ix, care jonmai. . ; WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. PAINTING, apnylag nd whltewnblag tree, haaetnenta. barn, dock, etc; largcat gasoline praying outfit on the eoeat. M. 0. Morgsa A Co.. 823 UbIob ave. Phone Eaat SIT. WB WILL BUY your fnrnltur any old Mm. Weatera Salvage Co.. 82T Waablngtoa at. WE WILL BUY. BELL OR TRADR ANY OLD THINGS WESTERN SALVAGE CO., 43T 828 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC 70S. - Mela 8890, Mala BOSS tUKnillinn niniiu , . FOB SPOT CASH -PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS 811 Flrat et. , Mala 8458 HIGHEST raih nrtca nald for good. Pbuns Esst 80TT. 188 Union sve. WHO IS M. 0. MORGAN A CO.f FOR RENT FARMS. KPR RENT A farm for rent; be 10 bop. Add rede W 24, car Joaraal. ere a FOR RENT T-room house and 10 acrea. T mile from Portland, oa 1). W. P. Ry., with soma fruit: will rent for 8 year. Address Ml 'rrle Trey. Lenle. Oregon, tt. F. D. I. FURNISHED HOUSES. T ROOMS, arranged for 8 famine, close In, 888. Call Hathaway sixth and Stltnea. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RUNT THE GRAND. North Third at Baoaaa tor geonenten pa weeg aad up. NICELY furnlahed rooaaa. .In. I. ar ao aolta. board If dealred, free bath and phono, alae- . u-ie uguca. atra. urown, sub tota at. THB RrT'HEMEU, 83H North Sixth at Bla. Benny .lurniauaa; ateem heat and natna. LINDA VISTA. 84TU Fifth rurnlahad aad boueofcooplag auitee. 81.80 per week an. BLBOANTLY rurabihed reoma, alngle or ea ulte; every modern con rente ore. 84 North aou ai. raoaa Mala IU, , . TH WOODLAND. 3n8 Sixth, cor. of Madlaoa-l Cloae In; beautiful private reeldeace: lerxe j uwa. aiegani room, ebole table board; rea FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. TUB MITCHEIU .FUndara aad Seveatb-. Hoc ma, Beuaekeeplng and traaaleati gpa- pvicvu reaaonaiMe. s , LABOB elegaatlr farntabed aonaakeenlag- room: ga range, running water, Xka loaa. mi, aun Aiaer ai, ., . 1 28 PEB WEEK Lerg. clea foralahed aooaekeepuigoom; U an dry aad beta. , 184 Bberman, Houth Portland. 1.00 WEEK UP. eleaa furnlahed booaekeei ng-rooen, wltb yard, parlor, laundry, hatl . furnace beat. 808H Btaotoa at. U ear. THB JEFFERSONIAN, 814 Iffrea at Nicely rurniaoed niite ef two ar Urea room with il coavemeaeees cheap. I FURNISHED benaekeeptBS-rooB 0, er iwn. eoe oe renin ai. 4 FURNISHED bouaekeeptng-reon with bath ana gaa. . m seat aigntn - at. Phona Baat ewm. , . CONNECTED hrnianaafinlna rnnma 1 with ,k In kltchea; near ateel bridge. 188 naiaey ef. FOB BENT S partly fornlebed. honaekaeplng. looma, ee. ess norm lain; aa enuarea. not Hvrn t -i i m . i ... mm . .. . . . . ., Hit, I.I .run, WTNT .'III., , 810; (mailer aulta. 111); nice location; walking UIIUDCV. ROOMS AND BOARD. A WOMAN would Ilka to board amall child 8 yeara ar over; will hava a mother s care. eeu eaac .ninta t. FOR RENT HOUSES. " BOOM house, 818; thoroughly renovated. Minted, etc.: Bow In flret-elaaa condition: .neighborhood excellent;- t-mlnute car 4own- iwn; aaiasnaippi ave. .ena railing at. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, KADDEBLY' TBAN8FEB CO.. nramnt and re. liable plan and furnitore-mover: alto ator- - aga. none Mala ibbb. urnce no m. Third. FOR BENT B-room rot f aaa. Ka left lsrh a. betweea Hoyt and Irving. Apply seal door. MODERN 8-room cottage to rent, Key next door. Phona Eaat TS8. Keallworth. 18, Sift. 820 THRER asodera house, sixth aad uaratnera ata. rnona ataia eoap. , FOR RENT Newly papered 8 rooraa and bath, best condition 812. Fred Vlereck, East Third ana Aen. FOR BENT Two S-room cottaxe oa Grand are.; alao ana S-atory boo, J, S. roes. 40o nawuernn ave. t FOUB nice room, anfarnlehed a parte; bath. 410; permanent. 888 Cable at. at, ga. BRAND-NEW S-eeom odera Sat. Alblaa; neigBMrnoaa, ruicg car flown town; 818 month: ga and electricity; tip-top plumbing. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY Or OREGON. Pbona Exchaasa T8. FOB BENT 4-roooi cottage. 188 North 81st St. FOB RENT 8 room cottage, newly papered. nice tocauoa. , aza Everett. lnqulr ea premise. FOR--RENT FLATS. NEW 8 room flat, $11; noma, S3, 188 Market - ar. main eon. . HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI TURE FOR SALE. FURNITCRB - for 10-room rooming-boas for al cheap; 8 auitee bouaekeeplng-roeme, iy ' renter. oz ruueigs at. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. PART of shop to rent, suitable fog painter ec glomus, aue oaxut n. OFFICB-BOOMS, an furnlahed room and ample . rooca for rent, Geodnough bldg. Apply ale- rater. - . . - LABOB (tore, brick building, MS Front t. rem eeu. jaam aoue. TWO deaffable and well located anrea aa the at M. Apply to Hartmaa A Thompson, I vnemoer ex ii 8 TORN en Untoa ara, 117.80. Apply ta ! good location rente for Hartmaa A Thompson, S Chamber ef Com FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. BALL and ballroom, 'separate or together) new aaa wita ail coavsaiencoe. fnose mala sen FOB BENT ar goad toeatloa. for ale. cheep, hotboaea, la W 2 so, cere eournsi. SUMMER RESORT8. UK7KRLBY BALL, SEASIDE, ORBOOlf ' Under new management; concerts Sshlng, elambahca, p1 rules, veanls; frse boa Besets all trains 100 elegant eutalde rooms; pri vate be that electria lights; annex overlooking . the (ea; cottages. For - ratea, reeervBtlons, addreaa Harry T. Bntterwortb, manegar, or phone Mra. Carlisle, Pertlaad. Paciaa 888. RECANICUM INN. Seaalde, Orsgoa House di rectly facing ocean ; Bus-era end apaetoua grouada, electrte light, aaady beach, bom rooking. Mlaa B. Demaan, prep. Get off at Necanleum Btatloo. THB BR ITT, family betel. Long Beach. HOTEL SALT AIR, Centarvlll Btatiea flnaet accMatooaticaa. THB PORTLAND, leading hotel. North Beecb. HOTEL WICKHAM, Newtsa autloa; exoalleat cuiame. AUCTIONS. PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS. A. SCHUBACH, Prop. til First t Pbooe Main MI88. Auction dally t p. m. Hlabeat caah Brie paid for furnlturei alio goods gold aa con Ignment. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE Water-Dowar aaw aad mllL located oa aood loexlns itream. In Wl . m J . bum aw av-n I I U. I 1 1 - pi.uu. excel lent local trad of about S.OiiO.OOO feet - yeer; capacity 10 to 18 M. la lO hour: S mile to railroad: 800 acre of laad and about .(i0,0")0 feet timber to go with mill; iplaah dam, booms, etc. , Addreaa William Morten- eon. Mount Angel, Oregoa. WBITB B OS Irk about recent Important de re lop merits et too tiorui antemstie awitea a Signal Co. buy (tack before big advance, J. F. Buret A Co., 804 McKay bldg. MEAT market for eat cheep; 838 Ualoa ave.. Borini oorag gooa ousiness. FOB information or for (hare of the Nicola coal mine, limited, write te Paul Bockmier, manager, Palouee, Waah. FOR SALE A general nterrbandlee a tore; tork movie doui, eneap rant,, in town within 2ft mile of Portland, ea Routh(rr, PbcISc railroad; paying boalneaa; good rea son for (ailing. Addreaa E S3, aar a Journal. PHILOMATH. OREGON, want a- hank. creamery, fralt cannery and a Boar mill: Bne opening here for each -of tbeae enter fir tree; capitalist pica Investigate; ak or Hats of One farme and propertlee for Bale or exebang. Cldwll A Co., Philo math, Orsgoa. v . WANTED Partotr for wood alcohol. 858 Rus sell t. BESTAURANT and Inncb counter -ta good k cation, with lease, for sale. Y 18, JouraaL , WOULD Ilk to meet aorne m with amall 'Capital to loin me In developing copper prop. eng. J. r. it Ne lander, room 208 Allaky bldg. BAKER WANTED To rent store and living roo-ne st rronc buo wioo bis, vararig m tout, 17-8 rirat U . r BUSINESS CHANCES. BAKERY for 81. doing extra good ness; couulec trade only; towa of I.2U0. In ftwmatioa oa fcuqulrj. N. C. ParrlaU. Bala- kit. Orsgoa. DBUG toeo far sale cheep; too only on aood co.feee towa; atock complete. ': litore. usrble fountain, corner atore, rent ' BIO. alerlrlo Itcbta and tcleoboue: owns! Jolng out ef bualneea; pbnlld opening for rugglat; come nd ace for yourself; part time If deelred. Apply drug tor Mount Angel, oregoa. 81-ROOM bouee for rent, furniture for Vale, bargala; have to leave city. 42 Aider. BI'SINKHH OPENING lerge store for rent at rteventeenth and Waahlngtoo at., aultable for ary gooa, millinery or notiona; nrtca orocx, jow rem. uevuri m sous., jjs-a nrat t. FOR SALE A good paying gioeaiy torj eH lug oa account of pour health. N 13, Journal FOR SALB Reatanrant, tahlea. dlehee, knlvee, fnrka, apooua, T-fuot Monarch atore. , N 14, journal. ... . WILL guara a tee 28 per eeat oa Investment ta on rear and money refunded, from 8100 not to exoeed 42.000; tbla la a bona fide offer ..from a reeponaibi busineoa maa. Answer 'm mediately. W 18, Journal. WHO IS M. O. MORGAN A CO.t BARGAIN. Must leave the cltv at ones and win all my real eatata bualnes; flee ground-floor orrice in ooa r rortiana oi euouros; cheep rent, no expense; this office ha cleared about gg.uuo since January i; urg list n property;, will ll for price of Sxturea. 1 cere journal. . . , FOR SALB AT A SACRIFICE Tha Oriental Beauty Parlor. 804 Morrlaon; good reasons for parting with tbla valuable property. Mm, wyaa-aicuoaaia. 1 GOING EASTrmuet eell tor; market and llv log-room, rnoo una ooo, -; . FOR HALE Complete laundry, Including lot. building. Boraea. wagons, narne; ounncs ever 4J00 per week; price 8T.8"0: ruaonabl terms; population 10,000. Addreaa W 14, care journal. . ... . JEWELRY atore Sxturea nd rood watch repairing trede; rent JU; price aiuo. t barlea wnr, ziuh maataoa at., roruaaa, uregoa. A FINE -manufacturing business .requiring 83.800; a useful household article with 200 per cent pro8t; ecu at eight: If yoa are In iareatad In a good thing, wrlta SO, Journal. WANTED Partner la good paying reatsurant gioo requirea. - ua norta i,nira t. , S-CHAIB barber-ahop for aal cheap If takea at once, inquire ox ownert ail r iret at. SAWMILL FOB SALB H mile from rallroed. a miiee rrom town: an new machinery, only rna about2S daya: capacity of mill 80,000 per oey; price ga,ouu. uau ii Morruvao. at. FOR SALE -Good nmreantlle business requir ing se.ouu rean; nig proni naa eaaa Dusineee. Georg Melvla Millar, Eugene. Oregon,, FOR SALB. CHEAP Blx-ksmltb-abop, tool and large ant oa aaaia counrry roaa aaa rail road; part cash and balance oa easy taru. Apply to A. retereoa. Barlow, Oregon. , , FOR SALE Confectionery atore catering to tn seat traae in laer-growing town near xtruana; gooa lease ana location ; living room: references; no trlflera. Adures t 21, eara journal, BOOMINO-noUBB 18 rooraa. aa Alder at cioae in. catap buy;- in gooa con an ion au Aiisxy Diag. . BITS a good' teed aad grocery baelaeee aa O. W. P. railway, few ml lee from Part. land; doing good bualneaa, but want te eell on account of air k Beaa; will aell property end busier or atock only and leeae the prop erty; will Mil at actual Invoice. Adore U 8, care Journal. KNERrMtTin nsvtv of aood . aaitraaa with references and gl.onn, caa secure salt In terest In hlgh-rlsea Income hualnee-u See cp. portuniiy ror euser iay er gen tie sin; enury 87A month and half net prodta; money r funded In 1 yat If disss tlx oed. Addraa O T, cere journal. - FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Buy While You Can OUB acres re I going rapidly; make arrenre- mcni looay pa g9 witn party tomorrow, - sea Stark at. NEW aad roodera 82.8001 corner 80x60 la Weat Irvlngton. 8 room, bath, paatxy, full, baae mcnt. etc.: term. 12,800 T mom, bath. ' panlry, full ba ea rn t; new nd ux'dcxrr la avry detail; aaov ranty; Term. . THOMPSON A GAGE. S4T Sherlock bldg. LOT 88x100. aarronnded by neat block from car, central Sunnyalde, 37UO. Ad' dress o 8, eera Journal. . . - $I.S&n NEW ft -room hues la Holladsy park. worra '.ouu; mis price roe a usya only 8600 easa. 10TH Third St. . SS.SflO BUYS modern home la Irvtns-ton. tram can ai eox ajuh jaia. Bear jiiia- ana see it. FOB SALB 081 mioa ar.; north, two-atory aaw building, rent 888 a month: I nc Is dee tor aad. oat. bara and tot 84x106: p-lce 3.1.200; soluble for different kinds f bual Bern; ao ageata. . H BLOCK near car. Basalt bouee 4780; Barma at commercial oia. aaaia ovoa, . 4-ROOM bona. U block, fralt, near aar; aa quatod view. aia Commercial blk. , t m . v . n.. , , u u. ' . mm m i , ,. slug water; brgla. 818 Cenamerclal blk. ACRES d room boaee, city llmlta, near aar; very oeeiraoie. - at t-ersmerciai om. BEAUTIFUL S-room Houss In IrvingtoB; a a aw leaving city: gi.xiu essn, aaiaaca tar Addreea S IS, care Joaraal. TWO B-room cottage. Eaat 4010. BARGAIN Must Bare money; will aell my B-room eottaga for SnoO caah; all aaw, wood Sher plaster, large lot, shad - trees. See owaer. Joe Nash, at Naahvllla addltloa, aa tna Mean bcoik earns. 08 KBRBY ST., bat. Beach aad Falling. R.-S. car; aouse ox o moss, Bsouera m every respect, g lots auxiuu earn, nicety improved; don't fill to see tbl property If you waat a good bom aad a bargain. 8 GOOD BUYS S SAoO cash snd 428 per moath ban nearly Hew - well-arraBgeeV - asodera 8-rooni home, Holladay'. 80.OO0 bay elegant 11 -room asodera eaet Ide heme, lot 100x180, choice aarabbary. Sower, fiult; half cash. 84,000 buy (pleadld T-room house t lets, trait, flowera, on Preamrt at.i term, H. 0, EASTHAM. . 23 Chamber ef Commerce. " Over 25 PcrXcit-' ; Haa brea made oa Piedmont lot tb laat all months. How I tbat for an Investment) lots 8400, 8A00 and 4000 Inatallmente. Boated te Increeee again macti nerore anring. Be piedmont. .Take St, John, Woodlawn, at V ear. LT you want to build any kind of building, amall or targe, go to American inn ror Mi toner, tim ber, door, window, plaster board, at. , BEAUTIFUL modern A-room bouee, t front. Mil kit, Ba.ouo; gntxi. Da la nee fxo moathly. Owner. Phone East 878. 8NAP--Ftn home, lota 100 feet quare, 8-room bona, oa eaat aioe; party gone away, and left property for sale at 4 great bargain. For full particulars address C esrs Uotcl Oregon, HOUSES built oa Inatallmente, bit If daelrtd. 812 Commercial oidg.. Mala laeo. BOOM modrn cottage with bath, hot and cold water, flne carpet and ahade, 8 lot, corner, alee law, fruit and Sower, 1 block from car. 8c fare, 20 minute' ride; $1,200. half rsab. Town, 208)4 Morrison at. Pboae PaclRc 2814.. 'SCO Homes For Sale ParBi nd Hty property. TnB iNVErroBS guidb CO., 811 Marfmam Bldg., Pertlaad. Oregoa. FOR SALE New 10-room house era-, Park and Mill ate. bath room, etnsete. targe ckitbea room, gas grate, mantel, furnace, full cement basement, with laundry and fruit mom. Fm aal by A, Walcb, The American Clothier, 221 Mwrlaoa at. FOR SALE, CHEAP cr at Meant Tabor Terms. uwnsr, set assx asorrisoa, earner Union av. $1,880 BEAUTIFUL home. aacrlOce; modern. 7 large rooms, irrracea lawn, rrnlt. Buwer; Plrat-d. carllne; 4AO0 caah; eee tbla. la Moor. 184 Nebraska t. , FOR a boar or Investment Klegant aw 4-root bouse, c hot re locstien, close la, past slds. Commercial Ioratmeat Co., $31 Lumber Kx- chanjj Bidgv , f FOR SALn r.ZAL ESTATE Ltil'? J" ,bt ""' 4-room modcra bouee today, . I' S!'01". eouikt comer IMth; pur-. eua from owner: Wee yard and location; moucy returned with Iniareet eoe year U a- Acreage to ba rut up la ' 1.000 acre , e acre ana up; wt aide, excel lent locality, anil Bnaurpaaaed ; market oaa today; $38 to $IM per icre; term. 84 STARK STREET. . K0.,,l.H,?,:"E-,r,, Plashing, porclaln tub, le-trl light end gaa. full cement beaement. coraer 8 block froai choel, 1 block front car, IB mtnuteetont from center of city: reaaouahle terms, poose Mala 1220: art nines. Scott BSoT, . , w SIXTH 8TRERT COTTAGE. .L!Tr3 "" cottg mual be old Before the 20th, I wall located, closs g sad alii go cheap. HAOBMANN A BLAKCHARD, ' ' 1 FlfU at. ' ) " OAX.A-eoo acre tiaiper Mud Bear Scan pooee; good location for Portlsad sawmill; eflbap; lis per acre. Alee 118-aere reach; 80 acres caltlvated. ml lea from rive oa good road, acbool oa place; $1,860 It takea at ones. . w 28, care Journal. A GBB AT bargain; Bne plot torn, weat aid, for aale at aaerlace; muat eeM-rmlck a owaer need the neoey. Addras I 22, esrs Journal. , , . . 7 ; - Shady Wood Park - .Get yoa a borne la tha shade of the tree. a to ear and 10-room acboolhouee; thsas li" ' ."d Ma aoU: the amalleat lot Wklsf: plenty of room for gardea ar chlckcn-y.rd; prlc $180 up; terms" Call oa . Ira Kllbora, Lenta, Or, Air information. . . Man Should ba a landowner; great aale of aeseed "".""l le tract from 1 to 10 acree and Jfil3 !l8u abaloa locality, weat aid;, easy terms. Bee . 844 STARK STREET. " BEST Hood River fruit laad for sals, only S Ho., iir : 10 Acres K'Uwf" rr,T,,; lira 02d feat aa esrlin) Brie 4.t.6nn; easy terms TOWNaV SUSi MORRISON ST. WJpO FINB lot on 14th el, east front; part Otsv-yiag H block, aaat aide, ea crlln. 32,100 Fine corner lot, Eaat Taylor It. I ilgbtly and convenient to' two carllne. . $1.600 H acre In doelrable tocelltr. naa 8c carllne: eeav rare. eAuOS sera,. sU cleared, ar Boen Tlll chool. $2jno IT aere. Bear Oswego, . partly - L G. Davidson - 40S CHAMBEB OF COMMERCE. FOB SALB A Bw asodera 4-room hous aad a t ouxioo, 1 Block from South St. Jobs anStWBa' Here Is a Few cf Wiley : Allen 8c Co's. Fine Bargains VSTSJ of sood aevaa rale eurooea Bosae -a . . aood orchard. IS seres m ut. Ml,i ,iMH SS seres' of sood timber, near earlln aiui ee good road; only $38 per acre. . Several Se pieces of ba verdant bad ea Jobeeen creek, nesr LanU; Srat clan for gardea purpose. - Asm H ssd acre tract with realdences; aoeeee to real, furnished aad nnfaralahed. at reeaonabla reata. - 4 ana acre tracts; all improved with buildings. minutes' walk from acbool aad car ststlon. Be fares to any part wl Pert land, and tha cheapest lota oa the Mount Scott line. , , ; Wiley .Allen & Co.: LENTS, OREGON. DON'T forget tha place The New Era Patat as vara i an re., now at its nrat. bat. Mu rtaoa aad YamhllL $1,8004 LOTS, 4-room boas, oa Aakeny line. w minutee out; win traae ror country prop erty! bergalB. 800 Allaky bldg. S-ROOM HOUSE Hot and cold water, porrelala earn, cement muaory trays, cement paaament piped for furnace,, electric light. 3 -sot, corner, oa' carllne. fruit. Sower, tawa end shrubbery, beautiful abide: a elegant u bur be a bom, near park; cheap - fog part caah. Addreea 0 14, car Joaraal. , . . 100 FABMS, amall tracts aad lotat bargains ea u. w. r. etccxric line. u. n. Aaaitoa, xstans, Oregoa. Take Moaat Scott car,' Be. I ... I 1 1 1 'I I I - FOR SALE FARMS. "Homcsjcar VancoaTcr" H acre, 8 mile frojn 1nl city; u nad .-. cultivation except abebt 2o atumna In on corner of tb place, good 4-room beaa. -chlckcn-houss, etc.; 73 barrel cistern, 8e acree la orchard of assorted frutta la fall . bearing. H acre strawberries. Price $1,180. 4 acre. 14 miles from thle city; new " 4-room bouee, 1 cr cleared and in garden, ba lance slashed aad very sully cleared, b . good road and bicycle path, R. F. D. tale phone by place, city water. Price $l.O0O, acre, 8 mile from thla city: nearly all Under Sue atate of cultivation, family orchard of aeeorted fruit la full bearing, good 8-room ho as, bara. etc.; gne well of eater, good road, 40 rode from railroad crossing, . Price If sold eooa, 80 acre. 8 ml lee from Vancouver, 1U miles from railroad town; 10 acre and good atate -of cultivation, family orchard of assorted fruit, new 4-room house, good bars aad it bar outbuilding; S crea la trawberrla la full -bearing and about Va acre la other amall frails; 14 mile from church and acbool, ea Sue road aad good aelghborhood. Price $1,800, Ws bare what yoa want. If voa don't aes It la. the above, call or write. , , , . " .Thompson Swan ' Fourth aad Main t., Tiaconver, WashlngtoB. Betarenca: Yaacoaver National Bank. FARM FOB SALE 208 acre 140 ib euinvanon, aaiaaaa la K aiare and timber, sU fenced, good bulld ra, fruit ef all kind. wU w tared. H Kile te a fnot graded ecbool and railroad station, all lvt, Sa aoll; team, harness, wagon, back, 11 cows, cream eparator, plow, harrow, binder, mower, acre p. tatoe and acre of coca got wltb the place . for $10.600! . 8T,00 caah, l lance to ault ireassse at a per cent. inquua ax . . WARREN A STATER, , ' "' . McMlanvllla, Orsgoa. . - FOR SALB Chlckeaaacb-atA acre! S fruit, Ve acre email rrun; 1 Bioeaa rrom poatoffiee, near depot: 1.000 chlckeaa, . Ad dreea C. Bbosdea, Hlllsbore. Oregoa. 100-ACRE RANCH 66 acrea eleared, balascs food timber; nous, orchard and spring; gooa or hop, fruit or dairy: 80 mile from Port land; closs to 8 condensed milk factories, close t aavrmlll; will aell all or part cheap for cah. or will take olty property for part. Phone Main 1220. ,. Evenings. Scott 8307, or call at 80S Commercial bldg. FOR SALE TIMBER. 870 ACRES Bear Deer Island. Oregon) SO acrea bottom land oa taa uoinmnia, , io acres paeture, 40 acred heavy timber. Aleo- 80 'i acrea timber -lend nesr Claris Rock, Waah- Ington: crnlara t.ono.ono fest, logging treem througB. place. Theee are np. Inveatl. J ate. B. H. Vising, 108 Jersey at. St. obns, Oregon. CERTIFIED erln, any alaplcei toweat price, w. u. Mowan, aea t,aamor ai Lsav TIMBER slalm. cat $,000,000 feet, large log ging atream. $1,000; mnat aell. 888 Sixth. HORSES. VEHICLES, HARNESS VEHICLES of all kind, new and aeeoad-handl large! atocB. aoweai prices: aorses ana riga rented by day or mouth. Tomllneoa A Caa aldsy. 211 Washington. PietSe BOT. FOR SALB 0 well-matched and well-brokea teams, i.ann to i,axi pon n as. s a areas asm Strabln, Troutdale. Or. R. P. D. Na. 1. ' ' 11 in 'ii i ii , COVERED butcher'a delivery wagon for aala cheep, t;. 'laprer, gw waaningrow. room . - BARTER AND EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE 800-ai-r fully amlpped Srat mine ere dlvldend-prodacer and will at Investigation; water right f tha best. , Ad dreea P. O. Boa 381. Grant Pus. . .. . FOR SALE A restaurant, or will exchnag for eiry property, appiy si ess vtiiilim ar., dir. 40-ACRB farm, welt Improved, good building, nrchard. near Itilianorn, for Itirtland koms. Upgemana A Blaachard, tl Flflb L , V