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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1906)
cn::::i daily jou-ital. rcz-TLAiTD. tiiuksday cvs;:i;;o, august; 1e.--.nc3. 'TODAY'S; MARKETS. It li Hard to Cay at This Time Just Where this Hop Market CtaniJ -Twenty Cents Is Said to Have Csen Paid Yesterday. ' ' Ho For ASTORLrV REGATTA Auj. S0-S1, Sept.'! . ' Ila Tcr A 5 TO HI A nZOAT J Aug. 3-21, Sept. 1 CorjNTRY OXDEH8 PROMPTLY FILLED CEST VALUES HERE ALWAYS L1ILLER WILL "-HOT AFFIRL1 SALE Aurora Hop Man Refuses to Say . Whether Twenty cents j . ... - t s Paid or Hot. EIGHTEEN CENTS IS ;.; J' ; : : PAID BY DALLAS. MAN ,WUd Kumora Concerning the Price ; : Continue to Float but Few. Can Be r Confirmed at Thi Time Wheat Is S-j Quiet With Club Down.'- , , mat street. Auf . If. Tee principal teatoree " the Portland wholesale Burketa todey erei Wild noon In hop Biarket. Poteteee- err fina at price. . i Goad atrenata In ealoa atarket. man applea slattlns tnaraet. ' ' lne aalt la ellgbtlr higher. . . , ',.1 . ' I aw eats qaeted too tow. ', v Wheat Biarket quiet elite lower. ' ' ' arse -arrivale la aooltrj. , , Temateaa are in larger aupplr. . .'t Peach market holding Ma awa. ., 'i i .. , Celery anppllee are better. . - - . ' t foot eberriee .eonte from La Grande. ' Very wild ramora. aom of theal eunBrnted end ethere unconfirmed, ara trine aroand la tba bob narhet. 'or aboat a week report kaa been perelatently -eirralatad that Henry : Miller of Aurora had purckaeed a block e( hop at alarqaaa at 10c per peand. ' Mr. Mil ler reraaeeta either deny eounrat tba ra v port. According to a prominent hop ma a who , ' Mrraaeoa lor aboat tba aama beoara aa Mr. : Millar, the raport la false. "I hare Boat el the coaaretloaa that Mr. Millar baa and ansa . .of mr paopla bare baaa willing to pay em 1T (or hope. I have of farad them at tbla .price and bare baaa tamed dowa. There la a ;. probability, bowerer, that Mr. Millar la par. '. .chaalog hope (or LaMay of Loci do a. He la a repreeentattTe of thta big dealer aad the a reported parchaaa Buy - baaa baaa made (or aim." Tba BngUeh ara tba heaviest bayera mt hope -ta tbla market during the areeent season. Moat ' ( the lata higb-prloed rootraeta are (or -Kngllek eeeonat. T. a. Kigga of Dallaa ta .5 reported ta hare takea tha Dewer -Hill erop " I at ladapaadeace at ISe par peaad. Tba alaa ; jtt the eoatract baa Bot baea rtported. ',. . ' SerWw by Saabera Vapet. A New Verb paper gtree tba fol lowing re v ivtew e( the bop Biarket: "Tory little If anything baa developed tbla ''week ea tba local market. There la a eoa tinned Irm aaderbaaa. bat eery taw trane , actlona roportad aa arvoant of the ararclty of ..arallable aappllaa. The (aw aalaa that bare :.' takaa place bae baea at (ate pekoe and Bottling te warrant farther cbaage la que ' 'tationa. Oar eropa both aa tha PaelBe aoaat ' ' and la tbla atata are doing lacly aud octal 4a . ed a law dlatrlcta wa eboald harraet a large . ; and anKaraily good crop. Trom England we bare roclTod little 'further aewa; tha eetu Batae ara atlll at SuO.OoO ewta. Krota the coBtlneat mall r porta baaa It that tba crop ehowa a alight iBproTecarat bat atlll they ' not eapect erer one third of laat year'a crop. ..Tbaaa agaraa, bowetef. Bay be BodlBed la .?tbe aext two Waaka. The Brat bale of loe bona bareaeted waa reeelTed tbla week Iron waterrllla. New Terk 1 by Huge T. Loewt e( a Pearl treat, and wa ' are lafnrBed Wei forwarded to arthor H. .'Allay ( the MaaaachBaetta Brewerlea Tpanj, Boatoa, Maaaachoaatta. Tba quality la eald ta be esaelleBt (or early booa." . -r Bta fa. jane, eboloa, par bale ISQlAa ' -eiato, IB), oenmon ta (air ...llulllo . Picloe eeaat. lpf. choice, per lb ...lTSlfm ' Partnc eeaat, 19"0, good to prima... ...U PaclBc eoaat. Iau6. aemaioa to fair. tb...jxei4e ' Paelflc eeaat, lave, per lb ..lolla )-... '., - Ualca. -4Becctpta for weak. aad . Rmlpu Iron ttaptamhar !.........,. 11T.8or i Krcaiuta aama timo laat year...,.,.... loe.nai .Kiporta to Kampe for week.... 1.06 iporta (roB September 1 ev.425 Kiporta aaBM time laat year a.fruT Importa for wrk. 1T Importa (rota September 1 18.13 - Ifiporta tame time laat year.,.,.,..... . ajwi '- Vetateaa Tery Vina at Prloa. Local . deal era are freely offering T5e per baBdred potiada tor Beat potatoea at ahlO' ping palnta. Some erdare bare agala beea re- . celaed from Alaeka and tnaae ara a woaderfel help aa the markat. Olferlnge at tbla time coo tl one light oa aceooat or the preaa or (arm . ' warb, bat daalere any tbey do not expert . Urge recelptB bare la tba aear fature aa ae eount el the abortage ta tba early eroD. Goad atreagtb M abowa ta tha aaloa markat ,. With the price rallag at the top. Sereral cara of we tar me km dua during day. Caataloapaa ara Bailing at a wide range 1a prliaa aa account of the Teat difference nt qual ity. Oaly tba better gradoe ara therefore quoted. - -a - - mall applea. tbeae ranging from See to els. Mar, ara a drag oa the Biarket and very little can la abowa (or them along tba atreet area at low prtcea. Per fancy four-tier applea demand la Improving with beat etocke ranglug hetweea 1 aad ei.W a box. Tomateee ara ra larger tmpply today with quality anowtng bat little Improremeat. Price a fraction dowa (or cheaper gradea. Celery aappllaa ara better with the price knowing a lower range toe enme graaea today. The peach market to hoidkig ita ewa with - aappllaa and demand aboat euuel at' the price. V - Some eberrlee of aery panr quality ware re . celTed frea la Grande yeaterday after being. oa .- the road for eereral daye, . Tbcy were ralnlr offered at I deate a pound. , Brief Xetaa af Other Karketa. New aaK prleea are aamed today for fine greile. Balaa are lte higher. Wheat B) quiet with dub ahowlng a loaf af 1 . buanel. Becelpta af ehlekena baerler, bat tba market . kaa thoa far a boor bad aU that came at tba price ' quoted. Howeaer. eprlnge ara dragging. Slight Imprarement noted la tba demand for ' eg r. bat (orxear prlcaa remain. - . New eata bare bee quoted too low and to dar'a prlcee are reTtaed. . The trade paya tba following prlcaa te front . atreet for flrat-alaee produce. Prlcaa paid ahlp . para are leee regular eommlaalona: . . wratn, llear. Bad reed. ' OKAIM BAOS Calcutta. ee baylag ' price: eelllag. JOe. . . WHBAT New dob. Tci red Baaataa. dTei blueatam. TOc; rallay. Tie. , B A RL1T Feed, rolled, M.eOcJ2S.O0i 0aS'Be 2T.OO; ' cracked. , t2.00 net BT-t. per .' ' OaTS-N.w Produce ra price No. 1 wkita, Itt.OOi eray, iM OO. . . rLODP. New eaatera Oregon, pa rente, $1 eofj 1 4ft; atralgbU. s.aOQt.Bfl export, M.1B; . eallay. U j gr. H- e Ml wbela wheat, ... M IBi re. 60a, 6.xn balaa, J.Ta. . MILliTtrrt Braa. per toai Bld dllnga. $24.00: ahorta, eeaatry, tJO.OOi elty, lieooi chop, i.ooaai.6o. hai -r roaucere pcicw niooiey, TriiinmeTte eallay. fancy, fit 00; ordinary, 10.0oewoft Satera. Oregon, fld.00OlT.00: mliad. flo.ooej SO; clorar, I grala. . fT.a0Oa.M ah eat. .Ovdjt.00. Butter, Xgra aad Poultry. ' , BtrmtR FAT P. e,; p. Portland Sweat m.m MUR enur. tlV4. ' BUTTEnV Tlty creamery, tdcl ratalda faacy, sSuumc; erdlaary. 2Hc, etnre. lac. Si 1 No. 1 rraeb Orecoa. candled. am sac; eaarerB. xrujaic. CHIBSR New Pull ereaa, flits, UUOleri Tonna America, itauw. Pout-TRT Mixed cblckaaa, H ear lb) faec bona, lac per lb: reoarere. ora. oa per lb: etega, HOllHC fee lb; fryrre, laci brollare. lee per lb: eld docks. l2fll.V; lb: eprlng ducka. UH01He Ibi eeeee. I01e i" " "i . turkeys, Ida - in pr lb aVeaaed, xoa nee lb; aqua be, flaoOl .00 per aoai plgeana, flM " Xaua. Waal aad Bldaa, ' v HOPS Ontracta. lsoe erop. ITejlte per Tb. WOOU-IBOS clip Taller, eoaraa te SMdlaa. txc: See, tee: eaatera Orason. SOqllle. ' MOHAIB New. nominal. SHKEPflK INS Shearing, KdlxW aecbt abort wool, xaV medlem waoi, Svdliba aeeh( lor wonr TScetl.OO each. . TAIXOW PrTaM, par lb. tM04f Be. S aad graJ'tt2U. r - TlHTTlM lARK-lpflB iters. IHOte par Ik; teoe. Si4o par n. IPla-ry, be. t, If t asd sp, Ua JOURNAL'S DAILY TIPS ON MARKETS d e With d-eonalderabla lnoreaaa d In poultry .recelpta tha trade is d d . not near aa anxloua to bur aa a d d . few days ago. Aa yet there has q ' been no 'accumulation of sup- d - pllea. owing- to the proaa of farm . 4 4 work, but If the present lncreaae j d of arrivals continues during tha' d d coming weak) lower : prices .mar d d be expected.- Beet demand at present Is for hens, with springs. d ITH par lbs dry hip, Wo.- L ka IS Iba. lea) dry eel ataara. lit. r-o. 1, anaar a ine. iki eaitaa aiaea. id. 00 iba and eer. loetllei eewe, HttWH: ataga and bulla, eound, eCJe; kip. in to au to, eel call, eouna, uuaar 10 ioa, lie; treen. nnaaltrd, la laaa; eulla. la per lb leae; oraebldaa, a. I tad: each. fl.xftiai.Tft; dry, c l.O0tlA0i colt bldra. 25(j5oc: Boat ablaa, comutoo, aaeb, lOuflftci . a-agora. eaca,. . aV)0 fl.BU. , ' . . Tralti sad TeeUes, ' ' ' POTATOES New, socQSl-00 per' aacb pre doeera' price for cur lota, 75AOc per cwt. ONION-JuOblng price Nrw Walla Walla. fl-00 per aack; new California, red,' allr.ra. fl.TS; garlic, Slle pea lb. rKKSH rRL'TlS New applea, SOeCtflO; eraagaa, Valencia. fa.7Ses.08; batunaa, d J"c lb: lemona. choice, f4.B0oiS.e0 box; fancy, fd.0OQs.S0 per box: Umaa, Moxtcaa, fi ts per t; Tiawallaa, f3Qo; gooaaberrlea. Iue tt; rbarrlea. fl.TS par box; plume, 60tfl.xA crate; loxanberrtea. II. 40; onuloupca, f2.ZftQ2.T.1: raepherrleo. fa: black lira, fl.AO; grapee, flJ II 80; blackbarrnie, fl.OOtl.JA per crate; watnr melon.. llalWc crated. lWe per lb; eache. f irm 1 1.00; peara. 7(l(itl.60: prunaa. bulk. So per lo; packed,. 0c box; bacflebarrlae. ia"c. VKfiBl AHI.EH Turnlpa. new, 11.00 per each; eni-reta. fl.MI per aack: beau, tl AO per aack; paranlpa. fl.60 per sack) Oragoa radtobaa. toe per doa; cabbage, Oregon, tc; ball peppera, .' logljc per lb; tomatoee. 7(Vc per., box: , paranlpa, ueI.0O; atrlng beana. Oregon, 7c per lb; eaull flower, f l oo per doa; " pcaa. aeba;. horaav radUh. a7 par lb; artlcbokoa. fic, ner doai euuaah. le; green onlona. Oregon. 12e par doa boncbea; nmmUra, foe per box; celerr, 11.00 per doa; recti com, 13.HjlSe doa; ama Bar enaab TScefl.OO par boss . eggplant. fi75eJ.OO per crita. , - DRIED FRUITS Applea, eraporeted, ISO 14c par lbl aprleote. ISVteiSe per lb; peechaa. 1291SM0 per lb; eaeka, t vt rb'Ueaa; proBaa, SO te 40, Sc: Ha drop ea eerh 1-ld amallar alaa; yiga. Caltfornla black. SCSHe par Hi CallfoMa white. SJHe per lb; dataa. golden, T Ma par lb tarda, per Is-Ik boa. wreoarlaa, Bute.. Bta. ' 8TTOAR All Mflnarlaa Tsba. nowdered. tB.lft; fralt, grannie tad, fS.OS; dry granulated, Is 06; 'roof. A, l06; waatera P. C - eS5; Hawaiian C C 14. Wl: extra O, MM; golflea C. fa.66; D. yellow, MM: bbla. 10c; U bhla. tsei boxea, foe adeaBce en aack baa la. laaa xftc par awt tot eaaa, S daya, sap la, U(let (Above prlcee apply to aaloa of laaa than ear lota. Car Iota at apeclal prieea eaujoet te tuctuatlnaa.) .- . . :i- .,. BONBT fS.eo per ereta. , f'OPFBB Packare branda, fir.2saill.TS. ALT Coerae Half ground. KKb. fO.OO per ton: Son. SS.aOr table, a. Ire. 60a. SIS. 00: 100.. , 111 .701 Imaertad Urerpool. SOa. flT.OOt looa, fid 60: tMe. f IS.OOl extra ine. bbla, ta. fa, 10a, M.0d)o4O; balk. StO Iba, f4.00tS,00: eacha. ioa, soQsSei Ueernoo lump rock. flf.Se per Ion: 50-lb rock. fO.OO; 100a, fS.OO. . - RICB ImparUI Jepaa, No. 1, Be; He, f. tesiiei New Orleans bead.. Tc: ajaa, So; Creole. BUe. BRANS email white, MB: large white, I8.R0; pink. fa. 76; barou, fe.TSS Umaa, 15 .26: Mexican rada, 4He, NUTS Pea nuta. Jamba, Se per Ibr. Tlralnla. SiflHe per lb; roaatad, SAtHe per lb; Jape naee, BQ6Ue roaatad, T7He,per lb: eeeoa BUM, SCtjaOa per don; w.louta, 1316Ho par lb; plnennts, loQlJa per lb; bl'kory Bate, lpe per lb; cbeetouta. aaatern, laOlde per lb; Brail 1 buU. Ine oar u; fiinerte. laejtae Parana, loci almoada. isfjlia.. . ' ralBta. Seal OU. Bta. . - ... u BOPB ruee Manila, Het atandard. II He; alaal, Ue. ' ' COAL Orly Pearl er Antral Caare IS He per gal; water white, Iroa barraat lie per gal, wooden 17c par gal; headlight, ITO-deg, eaaee SJHC per gai. OASOLINB a-deg..oaeee MH par. gal. trea bbla IHc per gaL BCNBINK es-dcg, eaeaa tSe par gaL tros note ine per gai. TURPENTINE Is eat bhhi BAc nee aaL - WHITB LEAD Toe lota, Ta per lb; SOO-tb eata. se per lb; leaa lota, ae par ro. WIRB NAII4 Preaeat baele at f3.B. ' LINSEED OIL- Pure raw. In- B-bnt lota, foci t-bbl lot. SSc; eaaee, Sle per gal; ganulne kettle- noiieo, eaaee. woe pw aB. a-wwi . iwi lot 66e.per gall ground cake, ear lota. f20.0S per Ion. -leaa in a a ear asm. eou.vw pea wa. Maata. riah aad Prerlalone. FRBBR MBATS Prent Street Hoge, fancy. tHc; ordinary, TVi0a; poor, Tw7He per lb; bulla, SQe per lb; eeal. extra. 7HCc lb; ordinary. To per lb; poor. So per Tb; auttOB, fancy. STe per lb: lamba. soe. HAMS, BACON. ETC Portland aecfe lcl) heme. 10 to 14 the, 17o per lb; 14 to. i itx. lHe per lb; break re t bacon., isqaie per lb; plenlee. UVic per lb: eottare, 10140 per lb; regular abort eleara, Baamoked, Ite per lb; amoked, I3e per lb; clear backa, anamoked. Itc per lb; amoked Ite per lb; Union butt. 10 to If Die; cnamoked. Se per lb; amoked. Sa oar lb; clear balltee, anamoked, Ida per lb) emoted. Ioa per lb: ebouldera, life per lb; pickled tonguea. au.w quarter nai. ww-it. f.ARD Kettle leaf. 10a. llUe nee R 6a. 12 per lb 50-lb. Una, 13c per lbl eteam rendered.' 10a. 11 He per lb; fa, Ila per lb; compound, nm, ee. tAnKU . l , iP-r , m u. 1, M in-,, 1 -ts 1. 1 1,,; -lb : aahi l ib tana, ax.70; rancy. j-id aau. ai.pu; m.' . , . m . , k , .a,.. 1 rancy ueia, e " 1 ""- otmm, e-ioi ka Ulla. pink. eSftoOej red, fl.u; Boulnal ta. tall. tt.0. ri8H Rock end. Te par lb; Boandera. Sc per Bt k.uhat. Sc nor lb: eraba. 11.60 nor dna: hlnri kaaa. I2V.C Bar Tb: catnab. Se ear lb: aalmoa, Columbia rleer ehlnook. Sc per lb; ateel- boaua.- Sc per lb Bloeoacka, se per in; Barring, ee per lb; eolee, Cc per b; aarlmpe, loe per 10; per en. ae per 10, oiace cvo, te per 10, tomcod. 7a per lb; allaer amelt, 6e per lb; lobatara nor Tb: freeb BackereL Be Bar lb: era en in, toe par dna: ahad. Be per lb; aturgeoa. 10c per Id: black neaa, aue. OTBTERB Bboalwater bay, per sal. Bt-tS) per 110-lb aack. M OO. -CLAMS Hardahell. pet boa. 12.00; raanr aUma, fx.00 per bos. ... , - , BEST ' STEERS ; 25 CENTS UP IN THE YARDS Low Level Is Raised but High Point Is UnchangedCows ' Dull Sheep Are Firm. ' Portland, faloa Stockyarda, Aug, Id Mto- Stock recelpta: -.- . noga. CaHla. Sheen. III T25 Iiwt IU Today .....,.....-,.... ... vteex ago .....r ... Koeth age ....... SO i ear are :-... .1 v-i .t 1 in TS S44 Wblle beat teera era atrong with tbe lower limit SAc bKber. enwa are Bot ahowtaa aar (trengrb and the price la unchanged. Na hAea cama todev. Market te aeenne Bn Minchanred. Sheep atrong at tbe price. Today SS Horace came tn. official iiTeetnca quotation.: Hoeie Beat eaatern Ore roe. t7.MarT.Sf-. blockers acd China fata. fa. SO; storkeru aad feedere, 13 00; bulla, (a. BO. Cattle Beet eaatera Oregon ereere. fl.fflfj I no; beat enwa and helfcra. f K03.TS; atoch ara and feedara. fa.SO: hulle, lloo. eneep Boeariinga. anjvc; lamoe, sr. , , .. . , .. c . - , ALL MARKETS ARE STRONG. Urea-bock snbaatloa Berber ,. - aToa-s msghtm. . , , 'Chicago, Aug. lCLlTaatock recelpta r lloee. Cattle. Ram.. Chicago (xiO 4.Oi0 iO.ono Kanaaa Clty,,....,..IO.ono B.M0 S.000 Omaha I ant) , s,oo0 Hon BUeng with t.ano left eeee from yeaterday. Becelpta a year age were (2,000, Prlcee: Mixed. fn.T0 M4; goad aad heavy, tn WOdlS) rough. fi.a V5; light, ts.SOtJ M. , , t artie nrrong, lot sigber, Sheen Strong. , ' Starling Ixohange Satea. . w w t. . . . : - . . aad4.i -4 484.17),; SO daya, ai.riinAl LAUE COUHTY MAS GOOD CROPS Reports From Harvest Fields In dicate Heaviest Yield In Many - YearsOats Yield High. A NEW LOW RECORD IS U MADE IN CHICAGO PIT All Whest Options Drop an Eighth v Liverpool Comes Lower at Opening t and Cloee Oats and Corn Markets FoUow With Losses. 1 , ' -; (Special Dlapateb ta The Journal.! , ' Engene. Or., Aug. la. Reporte, from the bar eeet (laida Indicate the heavier yield of grala In Lane county for yeara. Oata la running from SO to SO bo. he la to the acre and wheat goea aa high aa 40 buabela, tha area-age for tba Utter being about HO buefacla. -The yield a far above Ine expeetatlone ml the moat aanaulne and la ao eounted (or by the late ralna In June. Reporta from the (rult dlatrlcta alee Indicate a bumper crop la almoet ererythlng except peachea, which are practically a failure tbla year on account of tba. cold anap In-Jrfarch. County Prult Inapa4o McCornack aaya that tbe apple crop will be tbe larceet- In tbe hletory of Lane county. Prunaa, plume and poare are etae eery pleatlAil and tbe cherry erop waa a aplea did one, although tbe earlier rartetlee were aomewhat daauged by tbe late relne. CHICAGO' MARKET LOWER. Another- ew Xmw Baoord Za the lTkest Wi Tods,-. . w ' " BELAT1VB WHEAT VALUES, Aug. Id.'Auf. 15. land. Beptembar....f ..f .fitAB f .tow f .oou .es4 .. .ttb .rti . .oo .so 2 iccamocr. May...... rhlcago. Any. 14. Tba wheat nurkebi Bade another low record for recent eeaeona Today. There waa a eery dull opening ea account of tbe lower Lieerponl opening. Tba market clnaed J to t lower tbaa yeaterday.- Tbla waa the bearleh Influence here. All opttone la Chi cago cloaad with a decline of He Per boahel. Both the eora and eats markeU followed tbe lead of the wheat. Offldal tttotatloaa by 6-eerbeck. Starr Cooke eoaapaay; . ...... , -. WHEAT. Hlrb. ' Lew. Cloee. .Toji t-e f - .tows .tI .ttX .njs 0RM. .415 ' .46 dS : M ' n j . OATS. soh . . .at - . .81 Us - MM MESS PORK. Sept. Jan... iT.ts . iT.rru 1T.BS It. SO J. TO , S.TS 1T1TH it. to-. TO ?75B 0 " S.B5 ' TTH . ia.7i LARD. Sept;;. f.TJH Oct - S.SO . . b io T M jib.... T.eo T.eo SHORT BIBS. Sept., Oct... . t es s.oo s ee . .7SH f.M S.7H4 Jan.... , ,, UTEBPOOL Bfjinr BtARKXT. LlTerpool, Aug. 18. Official prlcaa I nut. , Open. Cloae' September... ., Se, Xt,g e 2d Deeember...... a ld aa d , . , CORN. September..... U TUid 4a Td December...... ea Sfed aa sd Aug. IS. Leaa. ea x d se 4 )4d THOUSAND SHARES OF - HIAWATHA SOLD TODAY PortUnd Stock - ExehaBgu, Ana.' IS. More rial tore were preeent et tbe call today tbaa at any time Blare the opening. Thirty eharee of J. C. Lee company were eold at f ISO and 1,000 eharee of Hiawatha at tHe. There la aa tnereeetng" demand for bank shares. Ofsclal bid aad aak prlcaa: - Bid. Rank of California..... goo Aak. Hermann' National Bank ... 175 Bankera- Lumbermen'a Bank...... PS 101 Leaner Manufacturing Co ... 1SS Cetnpbeira Gaa Burner. ...... ........ ... ' f Union Oil ; SOS Hi AaaoHated Oil.... Sd OA Ala.ka Packers' Aaaodatloa.... M .- SI Paclfle Btatra Telephone...,...,,.., ... pi Home Teleobone Co R.1 Paget Sonnd Telephone Co...... 60 Orecoa Life Insurance Cm..... looo J. C. Lee Co 140 160 jnernn lownaiie ua... ...g f So riicnta ijoai... ....... ... .fXVu Internatloaal Coat.: ' ,ett .o 44 .TO Aak. 17 -.48 -11 .OS US .04 . .OS .OJ'A .OS - .08 .OB .os .is S.S0 .4S , .10 Aak. -V MININO STOCKS. Bid. .! Abuika Petroleaoi....... tm tm mm renMr. ...... . ... - Standard Cea... 10 OregoB Seeorttlea....,.. .00 SnowatorB 1.00 .lov .otvl Leee creek Oold Tacoma Steel. ........ Oatloe Con Gallagher M. M.... Ooldea Rule Con...... .ua Bullfrog Terrible Gotcenda .04 .04 , North raimew Mlnlu Oa. "oy v .... Hiawatha .0314 Caecadla - .If Hecla (l(1abo.. B.1S . K.rablcr-lerlboo .SB Dixie Meadewe .03 a , BVOAS STOCKS. Bid.. Hawaiian ComaMrdal. ...... ....... Sd Honokea lfU Hulchlnaoa 14 Makawall ...,.,,.... S4 Onomea .......................... SO Paauhan IS Union evi : ORXOO HOP COBTXACTS. (Special rbipatcb ta Tne Jooruel ) Balam. Aug. IS. Sereotr-flra tbouaand Bouada of hope were eontrurted for yeaterday afternoon and toe eon trade filed In tbe county recorder's office at prlcee ranging from IS to 17 rente. Ia each caae tha buyere were L. Lachtnnnd a Ca The aama boy era ahm tied s contract yeater day (or 10.000 pound bought of 0. W. Magen ror JW. Jna niner aeiiera were t. . Mnrphr, 1S.000 nonnde at IV; D. Mir. to, to. 000 noumla at loc: E. R. r.dmonenn. SO.Ooo peuada at 18c, and W. A. Jachenn, ld.OOO pounda at 17c. It will be een that there ere actual aalea at IT centa, and while tbla la true It Is difficult te explaia aome of the low prlcee. Three name buyera, laienmuaa ana Ptneue. bought 1S.000 at lte at Roeeburg Wedneaday. . JTtW YORK POTTOS' KARXXT. . Hew Tork. Aug. II Cottoa fatarea elaaed unchanged te d points lower. Offlclal snotatioaa By urereecs. Starr m Cooke com nan 7 : Ope a. flirt. sit Low. Aug. f. Aug. 18. January. I.SO tT f so February March... SM fee t is IN s 40 141 ISO IM t Tt S 74 so it 1 14 f 40 S4 tfl t.Td s.Tt tea April.... ... May f SO Aneuat. .. S 14 fit e 4i t M SeS f.Td t It f 11 , t St t SO S.4J September f .M ucrener.. v.s NoTcmber SMI December 1.63 Tvrrxn stars soterbmi-t solrse.. New 'Tork, Aug. IB, Oneeraawnt ite. Twos, regtetered loot do coupon laog Threee. reaiarared .-.,,. isos d- coupon IDOf Twoa, email heade..,,, , roura. regtarerea iw'f do eounnn ., 1B07 Ponre. reel, re red .,, 1P2S do eoapi 11)4 ' Dletrlct mt Columbia...,., .... rsUlnplas SS eaaa ' Open. Sea.TTr.l ,TI . Dec...... , .71 May..... , .774 Sept,.,. M Dec..,,,. ' .4t May..,., - ,M'Z Sept..... . Dec.,,.,. May:.... . banda: Bid. . Aak. 04 1vu 10SV. 104 10J 104 , losiZ trail 104 . trail . 04 IW laouj lw laou IH ..... W aea.. U.rrnEETlUG IS I DISHPP0IIIIL1EI1T je-' , - nn.BiBa mil Directors Take No Action on Div idend Southern Pacific Pre ferred Dividend Declared. STRINGENCY EXPECTED r -; IN MON EY MARKET Pennsylvania Is Strongest Stock In the List and Advances While Rest of tha Market Slides Call Money Ranges Over Three Per Cent ' ! KtT LOSSES. Atchleoa ......... 4iXMi,Tlle 1 emeuer Nortnera rae. -ar rounary .. H'S-atr ,. Brooklyn , vail do. preferred. Baltimore MlaaouK Pac... tVwLra LNul 47 i aWe aV - vwnun raaifetaali -BJ 1 lui, (JB, ww ajpnaaj wm . a a m. St. Paul.. KlRoadlng.. l V. w M. W........ B Republic Steal...... Cheeapeake ....... l do preferred Colo, a 8ooth..... U Southern By , Locomotlre H Pac National Lead..,,. 18t. U 8. W. pfd. rentral Leather,. . IU. 8.- Steel Erie . 41 . KET dATNS. Anaconda ........ IHHN or folk ........... U Sngar ............ U N. X. Cuatral U Canadian ......... I Penney leaala Toledo pfd ....... I U .Pacific Mall....... Caloa PaeKle fir .. Wall Street. New York, Aag. IS. Expecta. tlona of a tighter moaey altuatlon and dlanp polnUnent arer the Harrlman meeting la taking bo action ea the t'nloa Paelflc dleldond eaaaed raluee to allde eft la the etock- markat Tbe rexular dtrldend of 7 per cent on Bouthera Pa elfle preferred la announced. Deeplte all this bearlah lnfluenea, Taloa Padfle held steady aud eloaed point higher thaa yeaterday, Pannayleanla waa by far the leadlag hwue to day. It reelited all beer taetlee aad while the root at tbe Hat waa eliding It maintained Ita atrong poaltlou and eloeed ihi polaU Bp. Trading waa oa a beaeier ecale today. Offldal auotattoaa by OTorbeck, Starr A Cooks company: - DEdCBIPTION. Anal. Copper Co Am. Car A you ad., aom. . do preferred..,.,.,,,. Am. Cotton OIL eon... Am. Looomotlre, com.. Am. Sugar, bob. . Am. Smelt, com....... ' . do preferred .-. . . Anaconda Mining Co.... Am. Woolen, aom Atchlaon, com do preferred...... Baltimore A Ohio, eoa. Brooklyn Bapld Tranalt. Canadian Paclfle, eoa... Central Leather, eon.. do preferred CM. A Ot, Weat, eoa. Chi., MIL St. Paul.. Chi. North weat., com. Cheeapeake a Ohio Colo. Fuel 4 Iron. eoa. Colo. South., aoa..,M. do Id oref erred ise 18V. 17 mm SO1 ae let preferred...... Oera Prodaeta, com... - do preferred Delaware 4 Hadooa...,. D. a R. O., eoa....... Erie, eoa , Tl Ten oo ut prererred-.... nilnola Central LouUellle a Naehrllla.. MantaatUa By Mexican Central Ry... w te m. rw - hT5 14BVk 144 V 1 , . w a., rum..... Mo. i Kanaaa aV Tex., pfd viraiBia t;nenucai.. Federal Smaltera.... Mlaaourl Paclfle ... National Lead New York Central.. 5 T N. Y., Out W eat ore.. ev norrou au wait, North American . . Northern Pacific, i INIVa ioa Pacific Mall Steam. Co.. Peanaylranla Railway.. Peo. Oaa, Lt A Coke Oe.j ss u ST 1B7 i-reaaen steel car, eoa.. B8U awaaing. common , do let nreferred. Ren. Iron a Steel, eoa. ov prarei tan. ........ Rock laland, eoa'.'.' . . . do nreferred It L A I. P.. td pfd. do let prererred Southern Paclfle, eoa. do preferred.. Southern Ry.. eoa... do nreferred Tenneeeee Coal a Iroa. Texaa a Pacific Tbl., St. U a W., eoa do pref erred...... Cnlon paclfle, eoa do preferred TJ. S. Rubber, com..., do preferred TJ. S. Steal Co., aom.. do nreferred... Wabaah, eoa.. Weatern Union Tele... Wlecooeln Central, eoa oo preferred : max rxAjr cisoo xrviiiw xxctkajiok. Saa Franclaeo, Aog. IS. Official ouotatlona: Bid. I Bid. BelBoat ...... Caab Bor - .70 4 .4 i.OS .14 .6S .21 .OS 1.00 .SOA M .1 .54 11 . .Tfl .Id .It " .It .33 .10 .Id .14 -.34 ' .OS . .01 M MS - OT .tT ,td , .06 .14 'Mexican ,n. ; .61 tlaledonla .... .IS IBtcheqoer M.. 1.42Norcroaa .TT lOold Crown... Ooldea Anchor. Home Jim Butler. . . MacNamara Midway Montana ...... SIT Oreat Bend... S.00 .41 .ft Reecue North Star..,. Ohio Black Batta aa. (Tramp Ton Extension. Nerada ....... Weat End Adame .,.,.. Atlanta Bluebell ...... f 7 trara. oeimont.. IS.OO am - M ; .SS JS .68 . Ai .IS .41 .10 Montgomery Mt Ranaet ,. Sceptre ........ Manhattan Saylor Hamprey Dexter..... . Booth Columbia Mt... Hlranny- , Cob Quarry.... Dlarooodfield . Dixie OoW field Jumbe ........ uom wedge..., Lone Star ..... Great Bend ex.. t doannei ... Cf eeceut ...a.. 1.47 do extenaloa. Ownoy Kendall , Laouna ienrer Annex. , .45 .tl too l.SI . -.4 .S .St ISO, . 1.6A .14 .41 .01 Bnlhi a Bears., Black Rock ... N. Y. Coneol... Mancon Little Joe...... May On Mobawk Red Too Panda torm .... Sllrer Pick.... St. I Tea NatlonaJ Baak. Deneer Marflowor ..... Jumping Jack. . neo ion annex. Mnatang ,v , , Ecllpee Ball Frog Mm.. Yankee Oold Bar 0. Bull Frog., Stelnway , . . , Coa Caf Ta... Bonanxa.... ... Manhattan Coa. XOtTOR COPPER MA1XTT, BootoB. Aug. IS Of octal eloelng: Rid. I HIS Adventure f " Parrel ....... 17 no Allaaea S6.2A Pknenlg .SK Arceaiaa .... T w wuincy ....... ST.BO Atlantle .... 1S.A0 Boyaf ....... IS. SO Mlchlgaa .... II OS (Shannon ..... S.ST lainmex .... w i lemaraca jiai.uo Ceatennlal t. S4.o ' Trinity S no Copper Baaae. Til ST I tea e v ae PiU Duly Wat ia 7S IT.TS 34ST Victoria S7R rranklln .... Winona t.TS Weleerlne .... 1M.O0 V. S. Mining.. S4S0 taat Batta.... $o.$0 Bly T ITH Boetea Coa... tSTS Cel. a Aria.. 0.SO Bulla Ceela... SO. SO Oreene Coa.,, Orenby ...... Maaa Mohawk ..... BX.OU . 1S.00 S0.75 41 M loe so Nerada Coa.. North Butte.. Old Dominion. Osceola ..... Vow York Mettle. New Tart. Aaa. 16 Lead and oopper an- . ' - caangea. Ueerpeel Out tea Lewaf, IJ Terpen 1. Aug. 16. Cot too futaraa eloaed eaay, t to f points lower. Blew Terk-Lendea Sileer. . 22 .SS .18 .a New York, Aa. Jl.-Bar atlrar, ffl Lea- esa, sod. . . , 1 . FTTl For Extraordinary Price Reductions on all ready-to-wear goods for the next two days. T No doubt , about the quality of the merchandise we handle nothing but standard grades. Great special values in Muslin Underwear, Shirtwaists, Hosiery, Knitwear and Gloves. Plan to com her . Friday and Saturday hundreds of bargainsnot told of here. v :;, :; ; 'r: - 50c CORSET, COVERS 31e . I BOVS' 75c WAISTS 474 ? Beat quality cambric, 2 rows deep Torchon Boys Blouse Waists, made of extra good insertion, edging round neck and arms; Fri- quality cheviots and woven madras; a rcgu- day and Saturday, , . . V. ..... .31? lar 75c grade. Extra special, eaeh.....47e . . 1 $U0 GOWNS 97e ' - ., C 85c SILK GLOVES 56s f ; ?' , Special lot Ladies ' Muslin Skirts and Ladies'. Silk Gloves i. regular 75c andK85c Gowns, lace and embroidery trimmed, sev- grades all colors, every-pair fitted and war- eral styles. Friday and Saturday..... 07e ranted.. Special, pair. ............. ...SOf 85c CORSET. COVERS 23e - r WHITE HOSE 35e . - : Good quality cambric, two rows Val. inser- Ladies' and Children's White Hose In plain tion, edging to match; regular 85c grade. nd lace effects, a choice selectioh'orpat-'' Friday and Saturday. . . . . ... . . . . 23 terns ; 35c and 50c grades. - , ; , ; SHIRTWAISTS AT COST ' U 75c UNDERWEAR 50e Starting Friday morning we will close out Forest Mills Underwear for women, in tbe balance of our Whitfl Waists regard-- VMts t'efhts and union suits, best French less'of cost. All high graded . . 75c and $1.00 grades.; Special, y :., ; garment ........ . , . .".".'. ............. 50e, : ,-X. L- 50c KNITWEAR 25e ; : V ' V - "HOP" GLOVES 0e . : , 50'doxen Ladies' Vest, and Pants vest long ye to,pickin- .mide J canvas, all sleeve; pants hce : tnmmedr irl knee length; . Speciaie pair,-Another- grade in also ankle length; 50c grade. . . 1 1eather, , pedalpair. ........... ! . .25d 25c SUNBONNETS 15e ' ' PLAID RIBBON 7e YARD Ladles' and Children's Sunbonnets In pink, Scotch piaid Hair Ribbon9 very best grade, blue, red, etc., extra well made and a stand-. Bevera, different . plaids No. width 7f ard 25c value. Choice............. ..15a yard ; No. S, 12,ej yard ; No. 12, yard.lSe SHOPPING BAGS 9e s "H. ft W.M WAISTS 25e Rush Shopping Bags, the handiest article h. & W." Corset Waists for children, the you ever owned, 56 dozen of them, here best waist made. Hose supporters attach- Friday and Saturday at, each. ......... .9e ed; standard 60c value. Special, each. 25. MEN'S SHIRTS 50e MEN'S SOX 12e 50 dozen Men's Golf Shirts, made of best 50 dozen Men's Fancy Sox on sale Friday grade cheviots and madras. Special for Fri- s.nd Saturday jonly at lZytf pair ; regular day and Saturday only, each....:.... 50f price 25c pair. ; . ' ' ... . ' ; LADIES' VESTS l2j,e .-r $1,00 GOWNS 50 f . - . 7 Plain ribbed, lisle finish, very elastic, out Ladies' Muslin -Gowns and Skirts, lace and sizes ; our regular 25c grade. Friday and embroidery trimmed, several different styles. Saturday v. li.. ........... . , 'r', , . , . I2tt Special, choice, each 50e NEW ARRIVALS : NEW. SKIRTS, COATS, SUITS AND WRAPS FOR FALL ARRIV ING DAILY LATEST STYLES NEW fabrics. . ; ; v .: v ,' .,. ''. 4,tw? n ". , , Send for Samples BAD MAH MAKES ATTEMPT V TO SHOOT IIP TDIVH Tom Buckley Wounds One Man, t Puts Hoi In Another's Hat and Smashes Mirror. Arowlns that he waa the only genuine bad row Jn the community, Tom Buck ler proceeded to "shoot up" the Pedro saloon? at 41 First street in the moat epprored frontier etyle last nltht with tbe result that Rudolph RuawaJl Is now occupying cot st the Good Samaritan hospltai with bullet wounds In his cheek end right forearm, Rudolph Nel son, the bartender of the reeort. carries a . bullet hole through his hat ee a 'memento of the affair end the piste glasa mirror behln , the bar is shat tered. Following the ehootlng Buck ley dlssppaared, but wee arrested aa hour later by Patrolman Ellla end Tlche nor, biding under the Couch - street dOClL' ' The exciting affair occurred In the Padro aaloon about I: JO p. m. Buckley la alleged te have entered the saloon and producing flO announced hie Inten tion ot purchasing refreshments for svery one In the resort. As Nelson pro ceeded to .execute Buckley'e orders the latter drew a revolver . with the dec laration that he waa "the toughest nan In town" and com me need to Are. Pandemonium reigned. In the place and everybody made a rush for tha exit. The patrolman, attracted by ths shots, rushed to the ecene Just In time to see Buckley . disappearing around the cor ner. Thay started In pursuit but failed to And a traoe of the man. The police man efter thoroughly eearchlng the north end district turned their atten tion to the dock a. When near the Burnelde bridge thay heard groans coming from the wster and upon Investigation, found ' Jamef O rah am. a longshoremen, clinging to a pile In an almost exheustad condition. Ha was hauled to the dock end eent to police headquarters. 1 They than again took up their eearrh for Buckley. Ha was Anally located under the Couch street dock and brought to the station. RuswaU end Nelson positively Identi fied him aa the man who did the ehoot lng and a charga .of asaault wit a a dangeroue weapon waa pleeed agalnat him. RuswaU was1 removed to the Good Samaritan hospital and although hla In Juries are serloua he will recover, is tbe municipal oourt today Buckley waived preliminary anamination and wee bound over -to the clroult court, with bonds fixed St I J.0. . . v" '; yOSTLAlT) BAITS BTATUUST. ' rlearl are ...fSIO STl as Balsaces r - , uma Friday and Saturday CORNER THIRD AND. MORRISON STS. - J Send for Sample RATHER RAISE THE DEVIL y THAN RAISE CHILDREN e S s e d e e e e e s X "Li fa is too ehort. I don't X d Intend to give It up to the rale- d) 4 tng of children. - I prefer to ' raise the devil." --e e Bo Mrs. Echo t Millar ssld to e a neighbor, Mrs. I B. Renner, - d aocordlng to the ewora taatl- d) d mony of tha latter In the circuit d court today. " d e - Sfra. Renner also teatined that.' e e In her opinion, Mr a. Millar cared 4 w no more for her baby than If aha w d had never eaan It; that she oarad d for Intoxicatlna liquor a great d deal more. Dr. A. E. Rockay - e 4 alao swore to Mrs. Miller's love e d for the flowing bowl, aa did her a huaband, Charlaa H. MlUer.1 e 4 Miller was suing for. dlvoroe d on ths grounds of drunkenneas. d) d Judge Fraser granted the dl d d, vorce, aa well ae giving the - d) d father the.euatody of the child e d The couple war married In Sep-' w d tember, lflf. v e ASPIRES TO CONGRESS FROM MONTANA DISTRICT rSpedal Dlapettn ta Tne Jearaal.) Helena, Mont, Aug. If. Fletoher Meddoz, state senator from . Caacads county, today announced hie candidacy for con grass to succeed Joseph M. Dixon, Republlrsn, who has declined the renomlnatlon, so he can enter the sen atorial race to succeed W. A. Clark. NO REFEREE CHOSEN FOR GOLDFIELD FIGHt fjearaal Special Sarvtee.r ' OoMfleld. Nov. Aug. 1. There Is still no referee for the Oans.Nelson fight. Nelson la atlll without training quarters. Nolan la worried ae Bat meat begin real training soon. The Dane la taking light road work ' every dey. Bobby Lundy will soon haj here te epar with Nelson. Everything le going smoothly et the Gens camp. The Baltl more lad la doing well. The plana for the arena have bean drawn by a local architect and ware accepted today. The work will proceed at once. 1 . BIG EUROPEAN COMCINE -TO FIGHT; STANDARD OIL (Journal soeelal Berries ) . " Geneva. Aug. II. The oil me of Germany. ' Austria, Swltserlsml .will meet here In September te consider a plan to form a trust with the .Russian sompanlee te fight ths Standard. OU VALUll I ' i- it ' ' r.--'?-- ' '. ',' company. iTha plan la -to preeent a united front of aU European ell com panies and break the advancement et ths Rockefeller Intereete oil the conti nent r ,. ... . ... ... FRATERNAL BROTHERHOOD TO PICNIC AT THE OAKS Members of the Fraternal , Brother hood are preparing for a great Urns at the Oeke, Auguat If. The entire day hae beea eat aside for the order aad the women aad children will spend the day at the popular resort. The Members will Jol trlem tn the evealag. . Although no program hae yet been arranged for .the dey, the members have a general Idea of what will take place, end eey that they will hav a goad time. The affair will take the sToape ef a hugs family picnic. . Restaurant 001 Opes. aw aad aTiffcV Oieaia ed Oalehea Salad, Hayoasslas iwaaotag .......SOe) BoUed ataaom BeUUe, Oieaaa , Saaoe ,.,, ,lSd Fried OatSaa , 1 f Fried Ooiasabla SUwet Sxaetta. . , .. Fried aTaJibae-fnaaka ....ira) Fried Saimoa SSeeJca .. aonv. Stana Sloeke) erttk Ceihsage ..!" Fork Spare SUba, Oioaaaid CSariete.i,, Braaet of Teal, Breaded. . ToBmako Baaoe ..... ....."...'. ...Jfod Ohlokoa Foe Fla wtka XraxopUngs. .J ,4 VnTfed Sell Fa p yeas J Oold Boast Fork. Fotase iaJad....l e Apple Oobless TaaUla Saaee. ... Apple OoBlev, TaaUla asaaee, side oeds li Boast Xjarna, Mint Saaee, reea Fea ,.rf Boaat Oalokea wrth SraeBrtag- , BoaeU Fotk with Orsaslag. ........ J Boaet Teal wtta Praaalag. .7 Boaert Stuttea wtta PnaalBg.,.....; mm Mmwt with Fas SrSvy , Stotae-Stade Flaw aad Iewt-7. Slalag-eewse foe laatae. Broad aad Faeea Swtctees f ' (. tee free wtta all eedera.