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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 15, 1906)
...... , . , - i J GOOD DVCUIIIG :' ' i TH& WEATHER."' ?' ' ."' Fair'' tonight and ThurtJay; north Yestcrdzv OP f . S fl - if? W. - if T7ci ' west wind. . ' ' " ' -' ' VOL. V: NO. 189. PORTLAND, ;OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING. AUGUST: 15;, 1803 FOURTEEN PAGES. PRICE TWO C2NT3. '.7 VT PASSE nrn p a p.v; pah (TP IX PAY DOUBLE ULD MANY INJURED-IN RIOTS ON CONEY ISLAND LINE-SUPERINTENDENT NEARLY LYNCHED 1 ' An'l 7 vS.', T i ! k ' l I i i-"S ,'i , U r ; A lllo) vv u TRAFFIC IS SUSPENDED TO CDiJEY Rebate Checks Given -.-to .Be Cashed in'Case , Courts Decide Against , the Cpmpany , Nineteen Cars Are Smashed by Mob Which Indignantly Resist . Attempts at Ejectment Many Arrests Made and Police Now In Control of Situation. PP- " - .. ,. ; , ' (loot ami Bp-cul lr-te, ' Kew Tork, Au. Th troiibl ovt th charytnc of a doubl far to Coney . Illand hv th Brooklyn Ranld Transit company culminated thla morntnc in ,-rlota by paasencara In which many ware Injured, 1 cara wrecked, a number of persons placed-under arrest, while , the superintendent barely escaped lynching t the hands of the infuriated mob. As a result all traffio haa been suspended. Application has been made at Albany for 1 revocation of the company's charter on the r round that It had violated Its pro- talons. The s truffle is Important, a Jt is tn onenlnf skirmish In the .baUle or lower tares, aDout, o m erased nure, Brooklyn Rapid Transit and city off! :. elals this afternoon screed upon aV 10 rebate check which will be-cood1 It the ' MUlHa nnaTI.. 'AtlfT. Ih. Anm. pany. the company proml-lng- to bring suit to test the case immediately. - ' - The riot this morning was caused by assaults o passengers, who refused ' to pay a second fare to . Coney - Island. Zelgf rled Guggenheim, a passenger, re fused to pay . and Inspector Lewis started to thr6w him off. Guggenheim ; threatened to "blow his head off." Cap tain Evans ordered the passenger at rested and others took a handr-Before the riot was quelled one man was dan gerously wounded and several ar rested and the car sidetracked because a number of paaaengers refused to pay. General Superintendent Smith learned that three women were aboard the car who had paid a second fare. He went to the car Jn an automobile and. took them off, headed off a train for New Tork to put them aboard. The crowd learned Smith's ' Identity and nearly killed him . before the police . rescued ' him. v-- . ; Nineteen cars were sidetracked, loaded with paaaengers who refused to pay a second fare and who at once proceeded to wreck them gleefully, smashing the ears to pieces. The company has "given no tndfca tlon when it will resume its surface . ear service to Coney Island over the even lines that follow the Culver route If there Is any Indication that 'there will be mor trouble the service will be annulled. , Police Inspector Adam A. Cross and a hundred police bops to have the situ--ation so well In hand today that there will be no repetition or violent scenes. The attitude of the polios Is that they will not Interfere with the ejectment of passengers by the company's em ployes, unless more force than Is nec essary Is used in getting the pasaen- Thousands' of . persons 1' have been ejected from the cars during the past ihMa.ifiva end hlnnrfahed la feeFed. - " . ,- ' - Mebrask Semoerata Baek jkryam. , iJmrnal gperlal Service.) Lincoln, Neb, Aug. It. The temo cratlc state convention opened - -today. Enthusiasm for Bryan ' waa the most prominent feature of the convention. THREE THIEVES ROUTED BY n 104 YEARS OLD I I .! al i SSJS II 11 .. -, Saves Her Stocking Full of Gold LHas Smoked Since She Was' Seven Years Old. - Onrnil Spwlat arrrlet.) BrockporV N. , T Aug. , II A bur glary case in the courts here haa devel oned the fact that Mrs. Mary-Dean. 104 years old, la probably the most active Independent centenarian In' the .world. The-testimony given today shows that '' when ' three men entered . her home in an attempt to rob her of a stocking full ' of gold, she threw a lighted lamp at them and than rushed to the home of a neighbor and summoned aid. The men fled after a quick search for the money, but secured nothing. , Two of the men have sine 1een ar rested. When asked 'what was the cause of her fine health, Mrs. Dean re plied: ' "1 think It Is due- to th fact that I have spent much of my time out of doors. Borne persons 'would say that this would Hurt: me," she oantlnued. as she held up her black clay pipe, '"but I. have smoked ever lines X was 1 years od."-i . . , -" t QUEEN OF CARNIVAL J v V MLvt Dorothy Stephens Elected . to t ' fteign-'purinti the Carnival at Til- sUUWa)! OREGON BEAUTY CHOSEH QUEEn Miss Dorothy Stephens, Honored by People' "of HerfCityComes to Portland to Procure C Her Royal Robes in Which to Reign In Regal Splendor. . ; ptelI Dtapatch to The Jooml. ) Tillamook. Or., Aug. IS. Miss Dor othy Stephens,, the young woman Just elected "by a ' large majority as . queen of the carnival to be held here August 33, 24 and 25, is on of the most beau tiful and Intelligent young women . in Oregon. , She is the daughter of J. 8. Stephens of this city, where she was reared.- However, she. is not ' a 'native of Tillamook county, having been born near Booster Rock, Multnomah county, II years ago. ; Miss Stephens has left for Portland, where arrangements will; bar made to procure her royal costumes, which will be superb. v: ... ' ' "' Miss Stephens by virtue of her posi tion as queen,' will occupy the central place of entertainment during' the car nival. ' ''l''-."--; ' . : WIFE 1 OF HYPNOTIST; SEEKS Mrs. Mahon Travels; From' Port land to Insure" Faithless ; I. Spouse : Decent Burial.. , ' Oakland. Aua. II. Ignorant of the fact that -the. parents', of. her murdered husband had' already arranged for the dlapoaa of his body, and wishing to be sure that hie remains" would not be con signed to- a'pa-Upers grave, Mra Anna Mahon, wife of the man who was slain by Mre.-Xole Reed In the. office of Dr. Liueila Cool Walker a .week ago, arrived in the city this morning from Portland, Or., to arrange fori the funeral of her husband. .Although cruelly deceived, and flnally'deaerted by Mahon, the faithful wife stlH-meUitalne enouah-of love for him to journey hundreds, of railea, and If necessary-furnish funds that he might be properly'lald to rest. Mahon practiced hypnotism.'.-' l i v ' -.' -', ' ::..' Mrs. Mahon. like the parent of. the dead man tid- relatrvea of the slayer. Is nable to throw any. light on. the cause of the terrible, trafedy which ended two lives, ' - She -Informed the coroner that she had 'twtca 'been married Mahon, the first time two years ago. After liv ing together for' less than a- year the eouple were divorced, but were afterward reconciled,' and. a. year ago onoe more united In marriage. ' Mahon lived with his wife- until a few days 'before the earthquake of 'April It, when he sudden ly deserted her a seoend tlma . ' ,. , s ., i ': . led iraeoial Death. London, Aug. 15,-At Mrs. Cralgla's inquest today a verdict of natural death was returned. Tka coroner found evi dences of weakness of the heart, other wise ail was 'normal. -, 5S! County Records Reveal Truth About Conduct of . the Office of '-Coroner. Finley Office Pays Flat Salary and Not ' Fees, and Cost of Conducting Inquest Is Small Statute Re quires Coroner to Examine ' Into Suicides. " , Records on file In the of flea of the county auditor . reveal the. fact , that, during the year ending June 10, 1101, though 108 violent or. mysterious deaths were brought to the. notice of Coroner rinley, only it Inquest were held In that time. ;.. . .: "(. ;', ... . In the -county of Multnomah no fees are attached to . the office of coroner, that official receiving a flat salary of tl.000r' whether he work or not. jDeputy Coroner Arthur Finley still refuses to hold an inquest . over the body of Wallace Sherrod, Who-' waa killed last Monday while at work on a polo of the- Portland Railway. Light it -Power company, Ha claims that the death - waaw plainly, an : accidental, .one ano that no' DUune - could possibly -be fixed upon .any, person .r corporation. Nevertheless,; there ar many eitlaens who belie vo that an Inquest In this and similar cases might show criminal negligence on the part of the Portland General Electrio company;'' and who would like to have the facts at least presented to a Jury. .They believe that the facts are such agio .warrant their being given over to . the deliberations of a Jury and that they should not be passed upon offhand by the coroner. , . Waal the SUtate Bays. ;. Section 1041 of the Bellinger and Cot ton Annotated Statutes of Oregon reads rOUOWS:,... . -,.'. .. ... . ! "A coroner has cower and It la.hla duty::'.: ,r , '1. when he Is Informed that a per son has '- been - killed ; or dangerously wounded by another, . or has suddenly died under- such circumstances aa to afford a reasonable ground to suspect that his death has been occasioned by criminal means, or haa committed sui cide, to Inquire, by the intervention of a Jury, Into the cause of the death," ate. According to thla statute, the coroner does not need to hold an Inquest In cases where there Is no reasonable ground to suspect that death haa been occasioned by criminal means.. Evident ly he could not be compelled to. hold an inquast over the remains of Wallace Sherrod. as he claims that there are no suoh reasonable grounds. Nevertheless, his Judgment as to this point Is called Into question, there remains a doubt and It would, seem that 'to be on the safs side . he should hold an Inquest. The coroner evidently uses his snap Judg ment very often, as Is seen by the dla parity between the number of violent deaths' and the number of lnqueata As will be seen by a careful reading, of the law the coroner is given no discre tion ln the matter of suicides. He Is required to hold sn Inquest In all cases of sulolde. " The deputy, coroner stated today, however, that he does not -make a practice of holding Inquests over sui cides, and what is more, that he does not. Intend to do It. ; , " ! JJepnty Coroner Talks. ' "I ,iwsnt my position, to be j plainly understood,", said Deputy Coroner Ar thur Finley ' today. "I - hold Inquests only In cases where'', there are -suspl- (Continued on Page Two.) LOVE ENDS I FIMTE U'lEl LED RECEIiT RAIDS llPOil ST. PAUL ROOKERIES i ' (Joeraal pectsl lervlae. Washington. Aug. II. To "Red" McLane, the only living pirate, is attributed the recent raid on the seal Islands near St. Paul, In 'Which Ave Japanese poachers were killed and many wounded by na tives under orders from the de partment of commerce and labor. .. . Dispatches from Dutch Harbor - state that the raid was planned and led by McLane, who Is t he original of Jack London's "Sea Wolf." Ha . has been operating with skill and daring oa the seal grounds almost since the passage of the laws to save, the seals from extinction., v , McLane made his escape and Is stilt at liberty.: Warranta are out for his arrest and have been Tor over a year. ' He has sailed alters nately-under : Mexican, British, American and Japanese flags. . Preparing to Skin, Seals on St Paul , '' Island. , Group of, Seals Such as Japanese Raiders Killed at Fur Rookeries on St , r - -:v..,' r Interested in CZAR'S OFFICERS PUBLICLY IIP JESTING WOMAN p p:ypp-"" ' prp: Girl Who Joked at Army Ir Seized j and Threshed t Until Cjothes Are ' Torn ; and Great Welts Raised--Emperor ' Cheered ' as le Inspects His Troops.- . . IJooraal Special Ssrrtet.) St.-Petersburg, ; Aug. If.-Mademol sella Smirnoff,. a refined young woman, while walking -the street " with ; com panions..' remarked ' as . ' a. .' aquadron of crack Chevalier Guards; rode by: ' (Continued on Page 'Two.) Sensational 'Story - of Family Difficulties; Is Ended : in Reconcilia tion at North Bend ' After violent quarrels and sensational charges Ind - counter-charges ' against each ' other,' K. 8. Gordon, a wealthy timber dealer of Coos county, and Ber tha X. Gordon, whose sensational arrest at the Portland hotel on forgery charges led to an exposure 'of her complicated marriage- experiences, have been recon ciled and are said to. be happy in each other's ;iove at ..North., Bend, Coos county," . ''' It was' immediately after the. great disaster at Ban. Francisco that the ven erable but ardent wooer met the woman GORDONS' QUARREL ,i .asSlSSBWaslsasi.SgBSSSS I aasaBSBSBSSsafMMSSfJSBSBSBSBSSBSS Continued on Page Two.),, Captain Alexander McLane, the Noto i l p. : Have Led the Japanese Ra the Seal Industry, and the Revenue MONEY FAMINE IN SMALL BILLS IS THREATENED Shortage of One, Two and(Five - Dollar Certificates Reported and No Way to Increase Vol- ume Only Six ' Millions" Now Available in Treasury. ;''.'" ,'1,. ,..;;'.,.,;:;J, (Joaroal Spedsl Serrlee.) Washington, Aug 15. The New Tork Natlonali bank last week applied to the treasury for 110.000 -in $1 and IS cer tlflcates, and offered in exchange three goM ertlnfates. The bank did aot ' get the small notes because the (Continued on Page Two.) i 7 " ' i Berths E.. Gordon.. . , '' si J I " 1 " V'iOiS. rioua Seal' Pirate, Who ' It Said to id on the St Paul Rookeries. ; pp. .Ml Paul Island,' Darius O. Mills, Who Is Cutter McCullough. . BURBANK OFFERS OF PLANT LIFE Produces Everlasting ; Flowers - From Australian Star, Enlarges and ' Beautifies Several Va rietiesiof Poppies,? a Foliage ": Plant and a Squash ; (Joernsl Bpedal Service.) . San' Francisco, Aug. II. Five new creations of the work of Luther "Bur Dank 1 have been prepared for market, and according to a bulletin received by Professor E. J. Wlckson of the depart ment of agriculture at the state univer sity, 'Will be commonly grown within a year. - The new plants are listed In the catalogue just ; Issued by.. Burbank and his experiments have been carried' on on such large, plans that a stock or seeds of the new creations haa been prepared and will-be at once placed on the mar ket.".., ,' ' . -,v ; j. -. .. ., First and moat wonderful Is the new oreatlon of the Improved Australian star flower. The -variety - Just perfected by Burbank la. of unusual beauty and color and Is of the nature of the : old-fashioned .everlasting flowers. . . The, Shtrley, poppy,- which la com monly grown in California gardens. Is made larger .and more- beautiful than anything' which , has ever, been offered, and the -colors,-particularly, are blended in a . hew manner.'.' '..,.,. ; , . , , . ; The California wind poppy Is another variety- of ; the common - cultivated poppy, differing slightly from the Shir ley poppy. ' The Heushera Christiana la a new foliage plant, which- Is considered by Burbank one of the most wonderful of his creations, i It haa large leaves of peculiar shape and brilliancy and Is one of the most striking foliage plants known. ' v., '-v " . r ''. The Patagonia' vegetable squssh Is a variety of garden vegetable which has been imported -from Chile by Burbank and greatly Improved. It ts an apple shaped squsah. very sweet to the taate, and la expected to be. a favorite garden squash.- ' '-. , NEW CREATIONS , .". Bryaa tea te Spain, , (Joerest Spe-1sl Sarnee.) ' Paris, Aug. 15. W. Jf. Bryaa left for Madrid today. ' , ". r . - .- ,-, i- t ' '"'; i, v RUEF WIIIS REPUBLICAU PRIilARIES a ... Boss in Complete Con trol of Party inTrisco. Hearst Forces Defeat - Gavin McNab Contest on for Governorship Ruef Pledged to HayesHer rin 'Supports Porter of Santa Cruz but Congressman Gillet or Pardee May Win. (Joaraal Spedsl Serrtee.) ' San Francisco, Aug. 16. The . ex pected happened in yesterday's primary election. Abe Ruef, Republican political boss and adviser of Eugene Q Bchmlta, the Union Labor mayor, won a sweeping victory. Of the II assembly -districts In this city Ruef carried IT. The lone distrlot that went the other-way waa the thirty-sixth, where Ex-Supervisor Fred Eggers scratched out a victory. Rnef had the aid of William r. Berrtn. political ' director of the Southern Pa cifia, and the combination had praotl. oally . a walkover in most of the dis tricts. In the thirty-seventh Postmaster Arthur O. Flak, who has been making deliveries to Herrin for some years, ob jected . to Ruef robbing him of that pleasure end put np an opposition ticket, but the combine ran- ever him and flat tened him out .; ' Herrin and Ruef made their plana long ago. In fact Just after the fire. The burned district was Industriously colonised and by establishing the regis tration bureau in a remote section the vote was neaviiy reauoea. xnis maae ifeagy (or the combine to control the situation. , i' . - Sane Yetty- Also. Mayor Schmlts and Ruef ran Union Labor tickets for delegates la all the districts and will have every man la the convention of that party. Thla meana that Ruef now haa a handful of legislative Inducements to give to faith ful followers and allies. The Democratic fight resulted In what will soon develop Into a victory for William R. Hearst. Gavin McNab, who has kept an Iron grip on the Demooratlo organisation for 10 years, was beaten yesterday In II out ef the II districts.. Several times in previous years Hearst haa made an opea fight against McNab and failed. Thla time he Induced 3. J. Dwyer, the shrewdest politician In San Francisco, to wage a quiet campaign against the boss. Dwyer. who won his spurs years ago by organising the fight tnat laid Boss Buckley low, did Ms work well, and now Hearst haa the upper hand on his old-time enemy. Mayes fog Oovernor. Ruefs victory In the Republican prl maries will give him a bla swliur In the state convention of that party. On the governorship he le pledged to J. O. Hayes of San Jose, known aa "Black Hayes, brother of "Red" Hayes, eon aressman from the Triftti tt.fH.f TTm a . will also have the Santa Clara delega tlon, but his chances for nomination are not bright. Herrin la standing In with, Ruef, not because of any common Inter-. cannot afford to help Hayes because the nomination of the dark San Josean would be looked upon by publlo and politicians aa a great Ruef victory and reduce Her rin to a second-rate political power. . Herrln's favorite candidate is Warren (Continued on Page Two.) CHASED .UOIOIZLD TO SEC03E iTO . Faithless Lover Ran Away Day Set for Ceremony, but Woman ; Finally Caught Him. (Journal Special Settles.) ' Meriden. Conn., Aug. II. Pauline Croaka, who followed Frank Sumbrnka almost around the world to make him marry her, after he had backed out of the ceremony . that wss arranged for them In Chicago,' secured the aeoent pllshment of her desires when the eou ple were married by a Judge In the city court here today. . Frank ran away just before the cere mony in Chicago and went to California The girl, who waa greatly humlll."'! by the desertion, followed him. 1 ' man kept on serosa the Pacific, and t girl - stayed close on his track. a . Trleate, Austria, where both were I she was only a few days b'hltij, k .. he had started for the wester t of Europe and soon sailed I ' ) country again, coming by way t. . Tork. The girl kept on and ton r New Tork learned that Frr x f te Meriden, and she aoon I She quietly1 procured a mi"" and hunting the police, t. They brought the man t i room aa the fceot V ( , ' ."..' v - ..& Gordon, . V.-jv;,:v,r--'.v