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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1906)
Tlt.2 ORECOII CAILY JOURNAL; FORTLAIID, THURSDAY SVZr.KrC, AUCJ-T 13, i:: TT.7 TODAY. 4 An 0::cr tunUyfor O YOU If you have I led or mow you hr enough capital Jo Inveet to m bono, wny not at least lnv-eettf ata, ' . V Writs statin the mount you hare at hand and we will sdvlee you wnnt bond vou can purchaaa to tha beat as rantigo.' Wa wrtl lra full particulars about tha bond and tha cities or cor orations Issuing them. . '. . AU of this Information U yours for .tha akln. When you write you piaca yourself under no bllatton to ouj. Tou decide that, after you have found what we hava to offer.--..- , :;'-' Korthwcstcrn Guarantee and Trust Company lumber Bsohaafw Bolldlngr Sd riot) ',-.- S. X. Ooz, tad ut attevK ; ,: V hica avml huvera for good reel den-e property In North, South and H eat Portland. If you will lint your property with ua w can ofii it. , MCmO UAltT CO, Boon S, A4 rlr,t.?r' ' r .- jnnun mm large 1 barn and five , living rooms in connection, all modern plumbing and convenience!; liv ing-roomi are pleasant and mod ern. Long lease, low rent; at Fifth and Montgomery. Gevurtx ft Sons, 173-175 First Street: - - --:v " iQ42 PER LOT r Stxioo feet for- $r n are oeiy so lot lft nwM out of 1 tract of TOO lot, and tbe Hlberahx Savtxeje ' Bank lme ordered tbeaa eold without delay i therefore the rlee will W Ml pa tot ntll every lot i told. These Im are tasted eg earile. and Bract leillr on tk rtrer. kick. lightly BBd lev!. h weak to reewlred.- kstecme givee. Ytt la ' perfect.- Call m M. . Oobeiey, teea SoT. McKay Mdf..-Third aed Stark eta. Inside Buy tl 1-1199. otoae to Btth and Burn- aid- ""I aoon De wunarmwu. bo - E.J.D2ly,222rdingBId. IFSoId mthin fen Days $60,000 WILL, BUT. U BLOCK ON TH T. TISS CORNER: BEST BUSINESS CEN TER. ADDRESS Y 4. JOURNAI . SH aoreo. 1H tnllea from St. Johna On road to Vancourer; S-atory houaa, flna orchard, rich Bendy loam, unexcelled for garden and berrlea. Price 11.780. . , ao. a. waho: WEATHER REPORT. "The haraesctar mtlneae ralatlaaly hlh era tha aorth Paclkc autre and ralatlTolr low ever California aad Arlaona. fair weather sraralls ae tha Pacific atoee apt tm Arlaoaa aad anathara Naw htaxlra, whare a few avail raeertrd. A eeull hick acaaaui all Bica ara a) aaetral oaar Kaw England. The hai uaaalile aradlaeta eearywhara eaat ef tba i Korkr ewnnulaa are cratle aad tbe wlada are aaaaaall llfbt. Local ralna hara occorrcd ta Oklaboata. waatara hliaaoaii aad at arat. , tarad ptaoae im the aoath Atlaatrr atatea. It la . aooWr la waetrra Omoa and Waablactaa and -warmer ta -aoatheeetara Idaho, artharn t-takv -waatara Calorasja, wetre WyeatBg aad aouLk' , ere Jloataaa. The tadlrartooe ire for fair weather la thla , dlarrtrt tealarkt and Prlday. . It will be eeoler toalakt la aoetkara Idaho. -- Obaarratloaa taaaa at t e. m.. Paelle ttaw: IV Dip. matlonW -' 'Mae. . Mia. Prarra. . Baker CH. Otroe. ae M . . . Hoatwa. Maaaacbaartte..... Td e Chtcaca. Illlacla T v ' T - Kaaaaa Cttr, Mlaaoarl...... M 4 " ' T4 Is Ancalaa. rallforala.,., an 1 f 4 . Kaw. Orlraiie, lAwlalaaa.... aa -14 - Kaw Vara, Kaw Vark ...... k .84 Partlaae, . Oragoa Tl hi R Barbara. Orraoa Ta 1 4H Pt. Lev la, Mlaaaarl M Tl e -.14 . ,M ..Ul .a .a .a .a'" wit iw a aa .e Kan Fraaciaco, t'allfarate... Tl M ' . Haokaaa, Waaklofloa.. .... kl .:: ao .11 " Taoaja. Waaklntioa. ...... a ' 4a . - Walla Walla. Waaklactoa.. M " M JO Waaklnatoe, 0.0 M M .e MARRIAGE LICENSES. Wntliar Cbrrue aeaoare, 481 Draft ktreet, SO: Blnaa Carnrr. 14. Haaaa Tbrnnaa Marray, H; Mary A. Breara. 9. AlTadnr Wale, seo Eaat Tarler etraet, Juarlih P. Oolrar. adO Oraad immu aa. n.u Llnaar. Ik. - - Howard ThMwiar loaa Balnsat etreet. 41 : Part aaa A. Beckhalaa. . ' Waddlna Cerda. W. O. Bralth 4- fa.. Waah. I.lftoa Wa ear. Paerth aad WaahlaatoB ata. Wadelaa eel ralllag aarde aaerarad er artatad. B. T. Baaktoa. (23 Si Waaklnctaa at. hflaa Bartha Marl la. rooa ill atlaky hM. VtaBtolac and laa aardlawarh; kaun arras. - '! BIRTHS. J400F.R Anraat II. ta Mr a ad Mra. laaiaai O. "-r. ana Kaat f'mica. a bar. , rr Ancaat II. to Mr. aad Mra. Charaw -Witt. lOul Rllawerth. e bar. I 1 1 ,lc-Aeiraet a. to Mr. aad Mra. DaaW .1. mpiwi, jia Kmm i nirxy-rnwrin, a awL O kriNRi r-Anuat 12, to Mr. and Mra. Bra (in Oarflakl. Ill Kartk Flfteaetk, flrl. DEATHS. -n-A- . hi t h. - 11. Alma I. Chrleaa. IT meeta areaae, pajoaoaary labar- .-- t II. Watlaea Bharrnd. M v Ikx i Vorrteea. d"cfria ahock. V A- 14. W. U. taiarr, M year, pal c-.rt. rarwbrel aaorilaar. -1 14. Mlaa A I wa, I raara,. 3d4 "mniB. - -H II. Memrat Metre. I roar. .(a At a.M. arat 14m arabaa. heart XaU-J 0 J iriirorRent UNDERTAKERS. Onanist. MeEntes Ollbsugh. eaertihers aa4 embalmera,' anodes hi every detail. BeveBth aaa Fine. Mala 4SU. - Lad aeeutaax. A. . R.Mtrw HAar1mT aad aBibalDMr, Baal Thlrteealh aad Vaxetllia are. Psoas Sell. woed Tl. Erlckasa Alder at. TTndertaklna Oa. ad eatbalmlag. 4ns Phoaa Male .4135. Lad aaaiitaax. J. P. tinier luw Third aad Madteoa eta. oraee er enauty earaaar. loess mail a. Edward Holmaa, aadartahar. KM Third at. Clara Brae aw eWwece. tag Marrteaa etiaaa ,. aiyitTtiw cemetery. Mafia tram lie. Fsmlly lata ITS ta 11.00, Tha oaly cemetery la Portlsad which aar Ml nail j auintalaa aad raraa lor Iota, for fall UrsraMtloa apply to W. R. hlakeila. War. water aiorc, riif. w. m. Laoa. prraioaar. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. The Apartment Bolldlne roataaar to Ktrhard A. Kirk, a nortina at aoath . of doable block W ........ .fll.OOO saai i. aaa ABnl unaarr t MultDaeiak - natr. A ama la Una batwaaa awitooa J fA.. tuwnihlp 1 auuth. rant t hait. 03s fare aoath of J, eeroar ta aactlnae Id. IS - Joha B. and Jnllatta 8. lTld ta htr . rbanta' larratraaat Trnat eaapaoy, lota 4. 14. blork a Wnndlaark A. J. and Marr Asa Moreaa ta Mrt- ' rkanta' Inaaatairnt Trnat oapany. ' lot a. block . Vaadlin Malllda 1. Bracket (forajn-lr Matilda 1 Harakant to F. E. Braftat, lata 1 aad t. black a pi . Hear Rodfrra lad M. B. Rodrrre to ' nary s. Ambroaa. lots u aad 13. hkwfc IS. wosdlawn addition M rrw h. aad afar Walla Htroaa . to II awr it. Aadrna. lot a. kkirk a Oaatna. Carl Stria to Kirk Hootw, aonth H of S waat. axcapiini ptohllr roada aad riaac or a-ir or n av r h ra. .000 Wllllapi J. and Aaala M. Rlcharda ta Ictnr Land rempanr. lota 11. tl. TX Z4. 28. block tl. I'ralnaalar addltloa Ka. 1 Raat Portlaad Richard Wllllame to Mra. A.- M. Vora. 11 arm haclnnlna; at eolitt aa raatar line at Powell Vallcr eonnty road 1.5n.M fret raat from waat Una of enotheaat Clinton Kally donation lead elalai .............. . . R. and Katla C. Brlatow to Hnaaa Harrll. lot I. hkark m. Eaat Portlaad. TM teoo car Bt rsmmlpra to O. P. Smith. hub i -aan ar-ewa a. HaBaorM ad, dltlsn to Eaai Pnrtlaiul Aaton and Maria Miller ta Mra. Nallle P. Kendall, lota I and 4, block . Tra atnat Park .'. .. 171 e Barrr and Jnarnblnr Ttawra .to Ella- wnrth Hralt. -lota I and 1. block f, Poware tract, la - neetloa . towe akla 1 aonth. ranare t eaat l.aoo W. . aad Ixjct A. Paddlrard ta Rohart R. Barr, lot t. Mock It. J a man Jobe'e ditltloa ta at. Johna i. and Ella Brink to Prank and Anna Werti. lot 1. hlork II. Uecala Park Aaaei 1.500 Barak C. McOakra end Alice V. tlhormlar ta Frank Wart. W P. hlork ' S. Ptednanat IM Lena Fir Oroetery corn pa nr te Andrew we iw, aior m. beee r a- craae- tOTT l J. PrledrlHi and Una Gehlaap te Bertha on t arria t . Mnanm, lore and e. . block H4. Itephaaa' addltloa te Eaat ' 1.800 Lonla aad 111 Sanrrf te C. . Calrar. ' an. o, Bwra ja. nunaaaa Areaae addi tion v. . . " T3B Soc-ale Dork bi roar to Barak . I. Berk- fcrdt. M acrea - of arcttoa 16. owa hln 1 aonth. rana aaat 1.000 Title Onarantae Treat reanaar to Mra. Aimm A ilea waat. lot- II. block XI. Pwat addltloa te Ilolladar Parh ad. dltloa ; , 1.009 SM FdwaM Hoi man M l. -B. Arthnr. lot a. block . -Woadlawn. fTbaflra A. and Pannr A. Law la ta Daniel Fiber, lot T. . nine. 14. Wlllametta Title fioarantra a Trnat rompanr ta O. is., nrown. m a. sieca a, Aorta irr- .- Ineton .. ...a. John and - Mary Varpbr to Carper " Kehru. lot 4. block M. Btaphena' ad- dlrlnn ta Raat Portland BrcwrMy - Sertnae A -Treat eonnany te Marie B. Marah. eaat H of lot and wet H lot i. block a. lobs Irrlaf a addition ta Kaat Porttind Portland Lone Fir Cemetery eomnnnr to Mra. M. Bctralaa and Mra. H. B, Wla (m. lot 40. block IS, Ixma Fir cenia- - tarr v O. W. Earl to Mary M. Bhlrlda. frac thwal portion ef wear of writ H lota T and a. block STX city Jino f. Barkman to Oarar f, Millar, . lot I. block V Borkaiia'i Raeond addi tion ... Maedahm M. and Prank 1. THx to J. M. DIE. lot e, block 14. Waat Pled. 1.000 1500 1.BM Wllllanj D. aad Katharine L. Fan ton to Oeerrli B. Fenton. aoath H Vts ' IS. IS. Meek .12. Oolrtamltk'a addition. Benjstnle J. Ileslr to Mark Healy. lata 10. 11 and IX. hlork 1; alas lots t, 4. 14. 15. II, block lO. Fozrhiaa ad dition . I.S00 Ooatif P. aad Heir I Oram to W. C. Aylsworth. lots IT aad IS. block S. tnrel Park Tract Firmla V. and i. D. anther land to Se curity Parings A Trnat aompaoy. lot I. block 2T. Htr 10 Joseph M. Heily te Bsndotpb Brown. . Jots .. t, I. S, 1. Mock S. Wsrerlr: lao parcel nf land la Clinton KUy donation land claim 1.VM 00 John Ewald te Richard peat, lot B. block 3. una ton Honarmaa Trnat enmesnr to Mlrhaal Roskna. Vat & Mora 4. Clark Terrace. . Aanea H. Reed to Erame C. Asanas, Int' , n. Mock z. cipics aaaiuoa to at. Johes Ellaaheth aad J. C. Mohr te Mahal P. , Holt, lots T and I, block 1, Bera- hardt Park No. I 140 CnlTerelty Lead company te James H. Morris, lot I, aieca es, vairariity Park : tM Leelnda Rene te Frledrleh W. aed Una - Ooldipp. Iota a and a, block 4, . Tib harts' addltloa ta East Portlaad 1.000 Oct year tnenraacs sad ehstrsrts te real aetata from tba Tltia uearaatea Trait aompasy Z40 wianington etreat. NOTICE. , .REWARD WITHDRAWAL. Notice Is hereby rlrrn that the reward ef I.V offered by the Pacific F.xpraaa company, hr ch-rnlar bare tof ore laaond. for tbe arraat -aaercenrhrtlaa nf ssch of tbe three mea wbe bald np train No. a ef tha O. B. m N. Co on Wadaesdar. September 33. 1003. between Corbet t and Trontdala. Mnltnoaiah roonty, at or near ml withdrawn. a Brer mile Boat 11, Is hereby cancelled aad PACIFIC! REPRESS COMPANY. . 1. W. Borers. Snperlntendent. Salt bake City. Utah. Aagaat II. lam. . - . NOTICE Persons k a Tins goods sr Bull-hand laa etorad with me at my wirehonsa, II Norh - Front lt ire herehy aotlftad that I hare lea aed the prrmlns to otnrra. and that tbetr property meat he remerad with In 10 days. . All gaods remaining oa the pramlme Sept. I win he remored and itored alia where at " ewsar'B etnenaa. f thank yea all for ynew etrasage aad tbe eontldence reposed la ma. . ' ' PRED B1CKEL. NOTICE. BMe are ' larlted for boring aa r Incti-dla meter dean water well for the clay ef Anrori. Blda to be In an or hafora , Angnst Sfl. lOneV Rlcht Is reearrad to re. ect any er all hide. By erder of dtr mnnclL - A. H. OlESY. City Recorder. Aernrs. Oregon. MEETING NOTICES. .WFBFOOT CAMP. Jte.SS. woodmen sf-tb World, i Friday Blitit hi W. O. W. hall, Taatk and -waetimrton ata. All reo tiei ad te be I 1 . eat. Tlaltora welcome. .- - R. O. MORROW. 0. c. A. L. BARBCB. Clark. MACCABEES Portland Tent, Ke. 1. njaeta eeary Thnradiy nlrht la K. ef P. hall, 11th aad A Mar sta. Vial tori are welcome. I. M. LA SCR. M. W. A.. Oragoa Grape Campi Be. S.tTI. Mon day!, nth aad Marshall: rial ton wsleema. M. W. A. EYERGBEEN CAMP, . Wadaesdar evening. AHsky bldg.. Third aad Morrison ata. LOST AND POUND. rot'KD A ladr'd black ambrslla, Aagaat IS. Call at U Poarth at. - , - LOST Small for terrier hitch, all white eirapt can; aaawars te "Glp" rswird. pheae East T. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Yaeng m as leera telefrspby snd . railroad cconntlngi salaries pTt 00 ta 100.00. for free sstilogna iddrese Moras Call-fa at Telegraphy, ao llth St., OakUad. Cat 17'-i e3 Ktfd Two er three ftret-rliea, ill aronnd f achrne rasa; aarmaaeat soittlen. gaed wagea. vTB rvslUsa Hfg. Oe, ilscaasm feaa. , , . '. . J. -i v.. lfiUaWUU " 'A 'jpecxtlzr tiling about JOURNAL and not one HELP WANTED HALE. WB ft work bara4Z y M. a A.. Poarth and Unica Hotel 11 NORTH SIXTH rr. Bi'.. .mhln.rn.nt na Mr tiat Weak It ratea: Boon, tl.38 apt beard. 44 SO ap. Aadaraoa. propria tor WANTRiWUMUire ewkara: ateady . Nortk Front, rornar of Darla. BALXSMEN ta iBtrndnae the world'a ' In trnlte Bnrbaak'a now atoaalaae pla Itllrarl.l. Cbolea of territory. Caah Waeklr - Addrrai Waahlnatea Maraary aoataaay. Tea- pealah. Waablaatoa. ' WnKTED MoTlae-pleroro ajachlnaHiparatore . will teach yam tha bual neaa; tarnM very raa enoabla; poatttona armrrd; good salary, few " an, 148 V4 BUth at. ' WANTED At eaee. ' M com rooa laborer et 12 SO per day. Call at n-lorrlnf aaparv biobc urofon water Kowar et nauwa m, tint and Aider ata., for pertlralare. AO K NTS wanted te eel aonarlor, hleh-frade anreery. itork; ramplate antrlt furnlabaa treej caah waeklr; write todar for choke ef taf niory. uplUl city nursery UHnpeay, hbb, WANTED Boy atendy warm. M M, Front comer utria. MEN AND WnUKV ta ban harbor trade In llbt. werka; era d ultra earn front Ilk te za . weekly, aipert loatrurtora; ralahcua R special ratea thla month. Molrr irateai '' Callrraa. U Kurth Poarth at-, Portlaad. ai WANTBft. BIDB Carpeatera' work, rklranaye. Bill! work, patntlne. plombrna. aiciratln-. hlnalea, to btilld e-moia eottara. uooni Cambrldaa bld(.. Third and Morrlasa ata. WASTFR Expert to operate BnlUraa Bjacblne av oriur ouarta ninmc. rairaaaaa. atoraa 4k. Co.. Flret aad Jltark its. DON'T MONKEY! Be a WHOLE YAM. FREE OF ALL DISEASES. Dr. Madlaon. ewrcaaaor to Bad CTeas Dlapanaary. car. Thua ana Aaa, WANTED AT ONCE IS earpeatara and IS rar- penter eaipera; ware ror carpantera a. ror rarpaater helpers call at niDeanni departmaat, Oreaon Water powar 4t Kauway la..- rirat aaa Aioer aia., tor paruwwa. lenteaebai Oraana. 1. Ad- dreaa John Myara, Aerora. Boate I. BOTE WANTED Pay DM a moeth. Apply te But aa(er Weatera loton Taltfraph Oa. WANTED A. bUckunlth halpar, -Third aad Da at . oak. WANTED A boy orar 14 te aaU EroltB aad Tctretablea rrera warn, cau ai rasa aiere, 380 Water et. WANTED Tonae; people te prepare tbaaMMlaea a hookirapara ana atenaBrapoara; aam aaa Ml ealra lines Bentaniber 1; placed ZM la position. He will place yes w patent. Day er alatit. Cats Joans. Walker BuiUeas eoUace. WANTED Clothlne aaleamin. Apply I o'clock todir int rm streei, Berwenm rri rashlactea end Btsrk. HELP WANTED PEMALE. WANTED Girls to, make 'Boae ef All" alls at TB First It. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. S4IH Wssbinf. ton St., cor. BeeaBtb. epauira. raoae aiaia 1901 'raoMla help wsnted. GIRLS WANTED. Opeyatere te work ea ehtrta and OTsralla. Lessons glraa te laaxpatiaBead. Apply at Sundard factory Ke. S. Qraad are. ' and Esst Taylor at. - , THE HOME LAIUES' AGENCY. " Pamala help fnrnlahi frea te empleyer., Rcglstrstloa Free. 16SH Poarth et., npatalri. room 2s. Mala isai. SEND 10 ernte for Baaaty Secret foranlai am clrcnlar ef 100 other rains bis recelpta. Lee Angeles Receipt Ce.. Laa Aagelee, CaL WOMAN, era ta, fair adeeattoe. noma knitnaas knowledge, most drees neatly, ta take poslUaa at anee. IS Lewis bldg. WANTED A good lady cook for eoardlng honse; good wsgae to right- party. Cell 541 Rood at. Pheae Pictfle 874. WANTED Six ladles' clothea IronaTS. 1 atarea are, at Pacific Laundry. 281 Arthnr at. WOMAN for general bones work. Pheae Best MT4, er addreaa Mrs. Huff. tPS Eaat 40th at. W ANTED Girl: ateady work. tar ear of Dot la. SO North Proet, w A XTin . 1 . sanarliniiS t earbar for aa I moor tint InatltuUoa la the city. Apply W IB, care JonrniL WANTED Competent girt far geearal work. Apply 10S Eaat 10th St. J5 OIRIJI WANTED te work ta pa par -box factory. Apply ta T, 0. StetOer, 10th aad Glliaa eta. - LADY ef educettoe and rranemant te reareaiat Urge commercial aiaii: stapes nas, goon sslsry, splendid chance for the right parsoa. . S IS, care JonraaL . ' WANTED Flee exaerlenrad Bales la dial te asTl dry roods, centa' fnratahtnga. etc. Apply S o'clock today at aalrarenam. 104 First, hatwesa - Waahtngtow aaa atari. MALE AND PEMALE HELP. HOPPICKERS Wa pay BOe par box. hnnkboeee frea. Will he at tha St. Chirles hotel last weea Is August te sell round-trip ticket! to Brooks. Ceme by trila Septambar ! Ad drsaa ITomer Gonley. Brook a. Ore son I Tl seres.7 P. F."- Ooulryr Breoke, Oregon; HELP wanted and anrmlled. male er female. B. Q. Drake. toeM Waablagtee at. PaclBa 1170. I, too HOPPICKERS te pick 014 seres bone at Sfle par box: Isrgeat hepyard la the world; heat aCTwmmodstlone; sak for S-page book, glTlng particulars. -at St Poarth at, KreM Brae. Phone Main 4870. , WANTED 400 bop-ptrkera br Sept. t beet . psrd In Orraxm: good ecconimodstlona. Apply to Andrew Kaa A Ce., 3ST Motrlma at. HOPPICKEBS waatad: good camping imeadii about 14 days work. Far particulars aa dreaa Harrlaoa Bros., North Yamhill, Or. HOPPICKERS waatad. Call at A. A. Chnrch Ce.. am Taylor et. WANTED Teacher In a renntrr erhonli mala preferred: aalary 0. Inquire tVh North ''Third, dewtwtilre. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. WANTED la southern or eaetem Oragoa. - position as steward or manager of hatel sr reatinrlnt: competent te aaa tiros full charge. "Stewsrd." care Jonrnal. EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. TO ysara, srperlence will open aaa cioan naons, auoir. ncconntn, take chirgs of hooka at reasonable ratea ; sstlafaetloa guaranteed. Addreaa S tl, eare Journal.. ' - SITUATIONS WANTED-PEMALE WANTED Posit Ion as lady help, useful com. pssion er koaaaieepar. Apply miss Kino, Fie t el cottsge, Csdbore Bay road, Victoria, Brltlah Columbia. ... WANTED Sawing and dressmaking to do at Fnene Kiit aavu, or sail nil Mia- Besots are. - MIDDIJ.-AGED lady wlahea plica a asm light work, for pan Ion and help in house. room and boa re: meat HP a tree tear fare. S IT, care Journal WANTED AGENTS. IP TOU waat to a. 11 tba bast health isd ac cident policy, call er write S24 Lumber Eg. Changs bldg. ' I " ' ' I V i ' -T EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. THB Portlaad Emnlormant Co., 106 Vk Morrtena at. Phaea Padas US. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OPTICS FOB Ut aa starts aeooaa ai. UhJ T. 4t H : ' anay -a bd km, a. a that little four line 'ad I gaveyoa I hzi tha same thing from the other papers." He thought that strange but THE WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT Heeeee. eettagea. flate. stores, efflees, rooming Uu a ma, ate. I arda arlll d well ta call an tOMTLAND TBI ST COMPANY OP ORBOOM. Fhaoe El. TZ. a. B. oar. aa aaa wi. HOCRES. fllU. reomlna-hoasss, atorsa, of fleas, stc. Prompt attention assnrad. Phone Mala 1171. Undbard Jack. McKay aidg, WANTED s er I furnlahea boaaakeeplng . nan; it ata location and price: no objec tion te suburbs L.asnst hare gas tors. As anas W la, eare Joornal. WANTED Br mi and wife (no children) . k 4 Dlaeaant anfnrnlahad bonsakesDlng-roama, ' within walking distance, with an agreeable family prsisrraa. raoae u eoi. , WANTED I er I fnrnlahed rooms for booae. ' keeping; walking distance. ITS Wsahlngtaa. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WB WtlX 8EI.L year property, bo marter what It la a where located. Seed daaerlptloB bow and we will de the rest. Inrestors' On Ida Co., Ill Maroaaai bldg Portland, Oregeav GOOD Income end realdaaee property, leta, farav , aag ana iimner lanua. UNDUABD JACK. McKay bldg. WANTED Baal Bias or residence TED Baal bibb or residence atspsrty ta city la ' ei change for good farm laadai handle anything from 11.000 ta M.000: the eaa we ekea hare boom excellent bnye ta timber aad graalng Und. CaU aaa Sea I want to gat sromlnted with yea. , ' TURNER Ai WALKER. a, auBVk waanugtoa an. CITY aronarty exchanged for good farms, aad terms ror erry properTy, oy P. rUCHS. 22 Hi Merrlana at I WANT a S er T-rooot boese ea east aide! grre prtce ena Meatioa ta tuet attar, u eu. care JonraaL ' .-7 W A XTBD House mo liig. rnlerog aad silling. n. newt, ysoaa -innor xiv. . WANTED Modara hneens. recant lots, hoaaai ea iBatallmeat; here boyere for all af tha LAMONT-' RABBIS, f - 107VS Sixth St.. WANTED Te lease, with prtTllsge to hay farm 15 te so acrea: lmnrorad. rttnnlna water, ' within SO ml lee rertlaad. Addrasi B IB. care Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. PAINTING, enrarlag aad whltewaahlea treae. Base men tl. Dame, oocbb, etc: largcat giaoiins spraying ontflt ea the eoa.t. M. Q. Morgsa mt co aza u atoa are. rnoae aaaaiT. WB Willi BUY pear farnttare any eld time. weatera aeirage i., azi wasaiagtea sr. WB WILL BT7Y. BELL OB TBADB ANY OLD THING. WESTERN SALVAGE CO., SST- S WASHINGTON. ' PACIFIC TSS.' - ' Malg rTJt.NITTJNB WANTED FOB SPOT CASH - PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS ' 1 rtrat at. , - . : Mala RIGHBST price paid goods. Phono Beat aat eon. It Unlaw are. WHO IS M. a. MORGAN OO.t WANCTED Pnralture; will pay tba hast prtea. raons ricac zjn. . - .. WANTED Per eaih, fuialtata ef er S-room nones, compietat What sits yea T Pacific X267. FURNISHED ROOMS POR RENT THE GRAND, eBVk North TMrd at. geauamaa s'.xo per weea aaa op. NICELY furnlePed rooms, 'stagle er . ae -ealtZ Board tr aeatrsd, free oata and paeaa, trie Ughta. Mra. Brows, SOS 10th at. THB RICHELIETJ. Itt4 North Sixth et, gaatly furnished; etaam beat aad hatha. LINDA TISTA. 847 H Fifth Fnmlshad BLBOANTLY fernlahed rooma, abarla a mltei arery modara eearealeaea. 54 North ata at. fbona Mala Ooa. THB WOODLAND. SSS Sixth, as, ef Close In: beiatiful prlrate raatdeace: large lawn, s legist rooml, choloa tabla hoard: me lon a nie. POR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. TTia MITCHELL. rUadera aad Rooma. hoearastplag aad traaaleatl realent: arlcea rsaaoaable. . LA BOB elegsatly furnished bonaakseptng. rooms; gn raoge, raaalog water. The Lewse- as, Bua AKiar ax. . II. XS PBB WEEK taree. clean kooaekeaslng-rosms; laundry aad hatb. Sharmaa. SoaU PortUsd. . 11.00 WEBK S3 Inr-rooms, with yard, parlor, laaadry. furasca heeC SOS SUatoe at. D aa THE JEFPERSONIAN, 114 leffereea St. Nleery furaUhsd anltea ef tare er three I as me with all cos Tea Usees j cheap. , S PVRNISHED henaakseptng-rooma, month. SSI Seventh at. Per BOUSEKEEPINO-ROOMS. new tut. central; aa children: eultabls fer .adulta er man nag wile, wa North llth at. d PHRNISHED brarsrkengeoBM with hath - and rii.. SO East Eighth at. Phone East ewe. t- ROOMS AND BOARD. It tee erjowj 'ioawew wt joijad, sua aria lo era ! moot pun PJeoq pool jaj xae o Et te eint Sut gjom erquasdasj ejnm us; llapotnmooos WTO POR RENT HOUSES. S-ROOM boose, lit; tbnreugbly renorated, . painted, etc) Bow la flret -eta as condition! natgnnornnoa excellent; T-minutn car Oowa town: rMiasiaBtpni are. ana raiuna sc. . PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY ' OF OREGON. KADDBBLY TBANSFER CO., prompt aad re liable plane and fnrnltare-morars; Ilea at or. age. Phone Mala 1685. llfSce 110 N. Third. FOR RENT 8-room cottara. No. 141 between Heyt aad IrrlBg. Apply 15th St., lext ao MODEBN S-rooat cnttsge to rant, Kan 11 worth. Kay next aoor. raoae nasi Tse. 1S, IIS, W THREB modera bonsea. Sixth aad v.! rut oern ata. rsass mssj - soan. avis ....s a - . ... h . heat condition l'X Fred Tlereck, Bast Third and Ash. - - POR BENT Twe B-rsoai OBttagea oa Grind are.: alee ana t-story heoss. J. S. Foas, 408 siawtBorne are. rOL'R alee rooma. nnfurnleried anertmeat, gaa, onin, stv. parmnnsnt. bob Ltoa ax. BRAND-NEW S-roora modera Sst. Alblnsi good neighborhood, quirk cars dowa town; III month: gis and electtintr; tin-ton plnmbing. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OP OREOON. rhone Exrhangs Tl. T-ROOM noose, newt papered, gas, hatb. stibls. Sns sltnstloa for boms, a, cook s ao dltlos. Alhlns, orar look lag rirer, aad ell; 15 per moeth. . . i. r. C0MPT0N, . Pbqne Pactfls 1541. 100 Abtngtea bldg. FOB RENT 4 room eottsge, IS! North list at. FOR BENT I room enttags, sew It papered, nice location. 535- Irarett. loqulra oa premiers. 1 - - POR RENT tfLATS. NEW S-mnm flats, fill St. Main 6804. rosma, S. its Market FURNISHED HOUSES. T ROOMS, arreeged fog t families, rloas ta, see. call MiUiwiy. i sutl Sad Balgapa. ai M I a Vkaae' WSaePaa m-J -ar ' POR RENT STORES-OFFICES. PABT of shop to raat, suitable for palate er . yiBBiaw, svorui ux. OFFICE-ROOMS, anfuralahed rooms gad sample, rooma Co real. Qoedaough bldg. Apply tle- LABOB atere. brick - boUdlng, Sat Frsat It. I rani in, am neee. - TWO desirable and well tors tad stores ea the esst shts. Apply to Hsrtmaa A Thompeoa, t - VMOWI OS IDBBHtf. STORE oa Valea are.; good location! rants far I.!7 60.- kV?x7. to Hirtmaa Thorn paos, Chamber of Com meres. FOR RENT P ARMS. FOR BENT A farm for raat: baa. 10 lares la bops. Address W 14, rars Journal. POR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. BALL and ballroom, separate er together; new aad with au eoarealeneae. Phone Mate 104. FOR BENT er for Bale, ebeap, hothooss, te r I location, ea S csrUseej ae eppasltloa. ta, eare Jonrnal. a SUMMER RESORTS. LOCKSLBY HALL, BEA8IDB, OREOON Under Bear management: cnacerta, SshtaaV clamhakea. picnics, ton ale; free baa ani all trains; 100 elegant oqtalda rooms; prt. rets bataat electric lights; annas erarlooklng the eaa; For rates, reierTittona. address Harry T. Batterworth, manager, or - phoae Mrs. Csrllsla, PortUsd, Pacini SSS. NECANICCM INN, Seaside, Oregon House 41. reetly facing ocean; Sewers and epaetoaa STouada, sl-etrie lights, esady beach, heme cooking. ' Mlaa B Damaaa. proa. . Get off at Necanieum tit ton. THB BRITT family boteL Long Beach. HOTEL SALT AIR, Osatersllle atatleat Oaeat THB PORTLAND, leadreg betel. North Beach, HOTEL WICKHAM, Newtoa atottoal axeelleat enlams. ' AUCTIONS. dp PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS. - . A. SCHLBACH, Prop, u- 111 sir,, st. Phone Main 54BS. A action dally at S p. m. Highest cash price psia ror luraixsre; aiaa gooos aeia ea slgnment. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOB SALE Water-power saw aad plsnlng- mlll, located ea good logging stream, la Wil lamette valley, aad ta good rarmlng country axeelleat local trade of about 1.000.000 feel a year! aspadty 10 to 15 M. IB 10 hoars: 4 miles to railroad; 900 teres ef lead and tbout 4 000.000 feet timbar to go with mill: tplaah dam. booms, etc. . Addreaa William Martoa- ana, Mount Angel, Oregon. WRITS aa quick about recent Important 4e j Tampmenrs er xae sturag aaioaaaiit nwitcn a : Signal Co.; buy atork before big- sSraaea. J. F. Barat Ce., 204 McKay blag. MEAT ewrket for tale cbsap; 59 Dates ere aortal aoing gooa kasissss. SAWMILL tor tale, tt mtlea freej Portland must sell ror goes reason ; capacity 10,000 1,000,000 feet ef yellow fir, 20,000.000 fast mora caa be bought cheap: mill almeet new; gooa meal trios; price sf l ai FOR hi formation er far shares ef the Nicola ensl mines, llmltes. writs to Paul Beekmlar, managar. rsioasB, nanx,. FOR SALE A general Baarchaadtee a tors; stock inovicee aoeut si.oon, en rap rent. In towa wlthla 15 mllea of Portland, ea Southern rueme riirroaaj paying bosiusbs; gooa res. eona for Billing. Addreaa B 28. cere JoamiL PHILOMAm OREOON, wanta a bank, ereamerT. rralt canaarr sad a Bmxr mint a Sns epealng ksre for each af theee eater. arlcea: -capita Hits aleeet In rest laa te: ask for Hats ef Sna fir ma sad properties for als sr ex Changs. Caldwell M, Co., Phllo- mata, oragoa. ' . - . THB heat maaay-miktng builnaai u the glty xor earn ea account og wcaaeaa. seuo in rested will rssUas 549 weekly er mors; ex perteaca uhsaoniiry. Addreaa ' Y 1, ean Journal. - ,r - WANTED Psrtaers tar waad alcohol. eau at. - - RBSTAUBANT tad raacb osaatar ta load I cation, with leans, for sale. X 18, Joeraal. WOULD Ilka to meet anme wltk email capital to lota ma In ae re ton Ins copper prop erty. J. F. NyUader, ream 90 Allaky bldg. BAKERY for sale, doing aatra seed caah bmnV couarer trios eaiy y: tewa ef 1.200. la. formatloa ea faqnjry. It. c. FajTieh. Sabv sr, uregoa. DRCG atore Par aala cheap: tbe only aaa gooa eouege town: stock eompiete, . eek fix tares, msrbls fountain, corner store, real HQ, electric tights aad telephone; owner going oat of bull oeas; splendid wpentng for druggist; coma aad eaa for yourself; part time If desired. Apply drag atore. Meaat Angsi. ursgoa. tl-ROOM boose tor raat, faratrura far Bale, Bargain; asra xe lean city. . m Aioer. BCSINESS OPENING Largs store tor rent at Bereatesnta and wasaugtoa sti., saitsbie ror ory gooos, millinery or sot tone; anra Dtocx, aow rent, usrnrta 4k sons., iis-a First at. BAKES WANTED TO rent atore and Irrtag rooms at Front aad Olbbe ata, Gerarta A none, 7g-s Flret at. FOB SALE A l-ood Birtae srocarr torsi sail lng sa account of poor health. N IS, Jonraal. FOB SALE Restaurant, tables, dishes, kalrea. roTsa, spoons, i -tool Honarca sieve, n is. sournsi. . WILL guariBtse 95 per cent on txrreetmeat la eoe rear ana money retnnaea. rrom sign not to exceed 12.000; this is a bona tide offer from a responsible huslnaat man. Answer m- mediately, w is, journal WHO IS M. O. MORGAN CO.T A 84-ROOM msdera building, aew, well tented ea east sins, ror rent mean; tenia It deal red. J. Frank Porter, S29 Waahlngtea St., Bpstalre. . BARGAIN. ' Mast leave the citr at once aad wffl esll my rest sstste Dullness; flag ground-floor omen in one er . rortiana s nest sunurne: cheap rent, ae expeaee; this office ast cleared about 12,000 stnrs Jaansry 1: large list nf property; win Bell for price eg Uteres. S 1, cere journal. . FOB SALE AT A SACRIFICE The Oriental Beauty Parlors. Sna Morrlsoa; gaed nassas for pernor wiib tots varaiDie property, mow. Wyss-McDoaald. OOINO BAST;' mast esll atore: market aad Uv Ing-rooms. rnons ata la ease. FOB SALS Confectionery tad cigar atore, Jehccp. No, 461 H Whahlngtoa. FOB SALE Complete laaadry, laeiadlng let. BuHOing. Borssa, wagona, narnessj ouaineas ever 3U0 per week: pries 7.500; reaaonshls terms; popuiauea lu.uuu, ears JeurnsL Addreaa W 14, HERE'S WHAT YOU WANT urecerr. claar. ititlonery sag - la nrtaf a general atore la tip-top location and with good Miaincaa; wiu laroica an or rump for ao&o. Home Lead Co., 145 Vk First it. (IBTFELBY store Sxtaree and t good wntch- repiiring irnos: rwnx price i iw. vBsrwe Weber. J10H Msdlsoa al, Portlaad. Oragoa. PTNB manufacturing busti requuing 11.500; a earful houeehold srtlrle with tod per cent proflt; sell at light: If yea srs In terested la a good thing, write B So, JouraaL WANXED Psrtaer la good psytng rrataaraaiti 9 loo requirea. suss norm tbus at. 9-CBAIB barbershop far aala chean if tikaa at once, inquire si ewaer, ill rtrsr St. SAWMILL FOB SALV H mils fkna ralbesd. a miles rrom towa; en new macniaerr, only rna about Xi days; cs parity of mill 10. 000 par day; price 3.so0. -tall 101 Morrlsea st. FOB SALE Oeod mercantile hualnesa raqutr. ing a,euo enea trsorgs Melila ing 54.500 caah; big profits tad leek besiaees, BUUBTt Ssveaa, Oregea to all three papers, I received dx answers frcni TllE JOURNAL didn't. That sort of thing occurs every day. BUSINESS CHANCES. ROOMING-HOUSES We bare a choice ltet la an fierce or ins city. - H. W. GARLAND At CO., ISSVi Poarth st. GROCERY STORE, at laTolce; will ran about 1,000) Terr cheap raat, Sae Iocs ties; doing a nice cash builneaa. J Alee a assail grocery fog ffiM; I UTlag. oma. -' . . . . I A sot her for 1X000! wlU trade for - real I estate. . ... H. W, GARLAND 4 CO.. fn Fourth at. POR SALE REAL ESTATE.' fl.500 Hoxae, cloaa la, aew aad atrlctly mod- , 12,150 Irssra bonis 'ea Beat ITth st uia ii s nargaui; israaa. 12,000 for a Sna aew . Eaat 18tb at.: eeir terms. . 11.400 buys a 8 room bemei Baa city rlaw: irrms, : 11.400 rata A.t I .rosea homa with frnlt. All shoes la Arat-cUas aelgbhorboods aad cloaa te care. Choice lots froai 'llM to ' J00; only 10 Clan, Bsuaee so per month i tneaa mts are closs to car,' 20 mlnates' ride from canter - at city. -i . - . . ri.maaia aa vv.. Thh HomeaslUrs. . ,191 Morrlsos at. $1,250 Special $1,250 peninsular a-room cot tsars snd iron' Bdl ItBxioo, city water, big orchard aad et ether I xroiia, x biocbs rrotc, car ANGKLBS. 141 flPTH AND MAIN. BEAimPVL a-rocm eottsge with sttle, fun oaaexoenx. i I eei a men is aeepi, gas, net a , aaa nNiei- wrsir corner lot ouxiini. in excel- lent Iocs (Ion. It, 900. J. hV Hosmer, - 1ST colon are., aorta Beat 4100. 11.500 BEAUTIFUL 'quarter block., ap Undid vtsw af tba city and mountains, chaw Is. worth 82.000 of snrbody't money. W. H. Baoy, 501-S - ijumnar avxenange Biag. - . i . v. NEW TJOTTAGB. 5 laree rooma aad bethrnom: I Sue lots, corner, aeir St. Johns car; rare J ' oargaiB. only fl.sw. .xxoxoa una to., laOrt ' Flret at . . ' t $1,800- Special $1,800 Ysacouvnr ara- 5 large rooBM aid hue t, run mt, all modera; Ms man. ANGELES. SU FIFTH AND MAIN. e-BOOM COTTAOB. S lata. 1 100 eaah n4 111 per month will buy .It If taken this weak. , W. n. saoy. bui-b uimas sxenaage Bldg. - DANDY Uttla S-reem houaa, 1 brack frera beet . earHne; a rooma dowa, s ap; rull base meat, bath, atc.t lot SOxlooi a baraala st 12.800. J B. Honour. TIT Untoa sts., aorth. Pheae . a. ail iiw. . - - HATB tha beet 5U-aera tract, eoasiderlng noa, quality ana prise. IB tse coos try. Phi an i iDor imx, .... U BLOCK aes, ear, email hseae TS0; SIS Commarclsl blk. Msla Sena. 4-BOOM houaa, U block, trait. Bear aar; aa equsiea tut, sis - cxtmssareiai , BIB. - S TO) IS scree, city limits, aeer cert run. I aiag water; Bargain, aia cnmmarciii bib. Installment Plan Bargain ysurs lor fxo monthly; H block car; iprciil low pries till Baturdai ANGELES. S42 FIFTH AND MAIN. FARMS and termjata for sals by . B i2i unioa era., . aorxs. S ACBEB 4 room boose, city Units, Bear aar; vsry oaairaDie. lis vommereiai aia. BEAUTIFUL 5-roors houaa la Irviagtoai ng nxy; ni.axiv man. pawBce Address IS. eare Journal. TWO S-reoBj oottagee. Esst 4S14. BARGAIN Most hive money: win Ball 6 -room eottsge for 8850 cash; all aew, wend She plaiter." large let. ah a da trees. See araar Joe Naah, tt KaehviUe iddltloa, ea ins Mount acosK suruae. .Fine Chance For Few BeauUful lata 50x100 ta Golden Park, Biet wimaa, east Bias, wits Bus visw or city, Sunnralds. Mount Tabor and tba mountain pare air, One neighborhood; only 5900; terms; wa ealr bare few of theee lots and ther trb golsg sst; yea will have to berry If you -get lay; tkey will he worth Ooaola IB B a haft tlree 4 F.Dubois - WASHINGTON BLDG., BOOM I IN THB CENTER Boy property that will aeea be ta the canter at a great city aad make a fortane,. aa ethers have dose; I hare Just the propertr for sale retldcace lota, baslneeo curnert tad Sae aacaee. J. B. Hoe mar, 1ST c nioa avv aorta, paeaa cast Slow. 504 KBKBY ST., bat. Beach and Filling. B.-S. ear; house of 8 rooms, msdwa In evsry reepsct, I lota 50x100 each, alcely ImproTad; don't fall to aee thle nrsperty If you waat a guoa some aaa a bargain. S GOOD BUYS 4 5900 eaah aad 125 par aseata asrlr new wsii-arraagea nouaaiys. -8.0no heyt elegant Il eitis boms, lot 100x180,. choice ahrabbery. Sowers, fault) bslf caah. 14.400 buys splsadl4 7-room 0000, S tote. xruix, aew art, oa rraarort it. ; It. V, BAH 1 HAM, . " 621 Chamber sf Commerce. A COEY little 4-room boese oa corner with goad nearBaenx, vnn anirsBrs. noa iswa, git aaa Bitures, natea walls, Dltn, toilet. Bull Run water, store ell connected, for only 11.900; enay xarma. s. m. taoamer, 1st tm av,. aorta, FOR SALE By yonag lady, Sn kit a rrom Hswtaerae are,, oa ggd. dsyUmaa. KxebtBga 86, T-BOOM HOUSE, new. modem: a taxp far 100 caah tad 111 par month. w. si. 1 Bnoy, 601-tl uimtier Bienaase'Hiag- ; Oyer 25 Per. Cent Rat haen made en Piedmont lote tha laat .1 months. How hi thst for aa InTeetment? Loti sew, ouu ana sow. . instsumenta. Hound te xncraaaa again ae muca neiora spring. n, Piedmont. Take St. Job a, - Wood Hen, ar ear. IF yea wtat to build any kind ef building, imill or isrsv, gu 10 Axosrirsn inn ror lumbar, t He wer, noora, winuswa, planer noa r as, stc. BEAUTITUL modsni 4-room houaa. east frost, run m, ss.uw; gnuo. sallies fzB moathly. vweer. rnvaea mmw via. NAP Floe home. Ml 100 feet squire, a room XHmas, on anil Bias; party gone SWiy sad .For full partlealart iddress C., eara Hotel six ui uvaiix- xnr esia 11 n nrsax xarei uirui. -. . 4 " "f-- BOT78ES built ea Inetallmenra, pita If dmlred. aia cemmerciai Biag., mala 140. . 4-R00M modern cottage with bath, hot and com wsivr, ans carpers ana SBiast, 1 lots. corner, rocs sn, xrnrc tna Bowers, 1 block from ear Be fare, to nUn.Mi 4., Bt'ut bslf esih. Tewnh, 9MVh Morrleea C Psoas rscjne zois. . - 500 "Homes For Sale Par Bra and city property. V THE INYESTOkS OUIDB' CO., 11 Marqaam Bldg.. PortUad. Oragoa. FOB SALS New 10-mom heoee cor. Park tad Mill eta.t hath roam, .Vosets, Isrgi clethee mom. .. grste. mantel, .furnace, toll eameuT beesment. with laundrr a.d mil bv. I beesment, with laundrr and fruit mom. to Hie by A. Welch, The American Clothier, Stl gnmaf SSKsVaB FOB lALS. CHEAP V. acre at Moaat Tabar) Terma. uwasr, bb aaat aaorrieoa, eorx Colon tee. 51.BOO BEAUTIFUL, boms, aterlflcst BTodcrn, T isrn rooma. terrirad lawn, frnlt. x.n Flrst-tt .earllne; 1909 nek) tea this. , lias I .sxemra. ion neoraass ax. FOB a bos4 ar lavnstmeat Elegant aaw S-room I ewe, cnoxen loenxmn. Close IB, ssst tide. Commerdil laveetaMat Ce., Ml Lamhet Ex-1 caanga Biag, LOOXf at the lovely g room modera hones today. Sat East Salmon, aeutbeaat comer ssthj por- cnaet rrom ewoer) alee yard aad loaatlea: awnsy ntaraad with laterast aaa year, U ae- auwau f ... li" I. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Acrcasre 1.000 acres to be cut up ta (man ' traeta from 1 to 5 lores snd ap; west side, esosl. lent leciltty. soil aneurpaaesd; market epeaa : today; 35 te lo0 per acre: terms. V - . r 144 STARK STREET. '. . - SIXTH STREET COTTAOB. ' Modern 8-room tottagi mast be esld Wfart the 10th Ma will located, closs talaad will ga aheap. .HAGBMANN BLANCBABO, . ..'T . Fifth at. .- .. FOB SALE 400 terse timber Und Bear Sea is. pooaa: gooa cheap; 115 locittou for Portlaad sawmllli nee .Ajm , 11m lis . . .-k . acres eaitlratad, ml lee from rtrer ea good road, school oa place; Sl.tttd If takes' at ones, w 59. care JoarasL , A GREAT bargain; 4ns plot lets, west atde. "".a ax aacnncai muar Ball Quick as Shady Wood Park . Oa pee aiheme la the aha da of tba trees. Bib. 'i- eVaae to carl and 10-room scboolk an nennomoaaa: taaaa , emii the I lest lota ants srs urge, sad ftps, era 50x158; plenty of - y-"'r oi iwaa xnr gnruea er .. . VrJ ' Prlrs siav np; teraos. call OB - Ira Kllborn, Lenta. Or for In forma Uoa. . 'Every YoMgMaii' , '4 Should ha a landowner; great sale eif acres rs e0."": "7,bnJ tract from 1 to 10 acrea lad ap. ISS to 1150 Bar-semi ebol lne.Hr. . aids; saay terma. See . Beg STARK STREET. BEST Reed Rlva fruit land fog aala. eatr "J'e f- tow,. Addrsai Owair. lock hex 55, Wmj Wergggf, VW , V :.10i -Acres v Fine eon: no gravel: lies SM feet as enfflaei price l.t.BOO- saay terma . : ToyXli. 59514 MORRISON IT. , " 15.400 PINB lot aa 14th St, eaat froatr gH , ' el--FlBe block, aest aide, ea aarUaa. 82.100 Flna corner let. Esst Ta.ll. si sightly and eeaveaiaat to two eerlinea. , ll.lioo m Bcrae ta dealribli lociUtr. aaa Be earllne; aaay leraae, 5008 acres, all cleared. Bear Sunn ' ' VI I Is school. - It. 500 IT partly ghMgeo. L G. Davidson - 408 CHAMBER py COMMEBCB, ' 5-ROOM haantlfnl eottsge aa Wllllaam ave. . .1 1. . j pwrwa awn jusi nxuansn, xuu mil I1.S00, saay tirma; alas Ins lot ftWOV . Sae our nlacea oa loatallmeat, " H. W. GARLAND A CO.. IMfr Paurth st 1 Mi. ACRES, level, Biee Llae read. S Saflea rem earllns, only M0 per aera. . 40 torsi, alee location, near eartlae and ".te. rich gvdea groaad. flattti wul toll half for 1750. , V W. J. Day & Co. - r - ' - ISBVs FOURTH ST. - ' 1 A ORB, alee aad level. 4 Blocks frera Meant ' Scott car Una, Millard aaa., oaly 1400. - 1 acre. I blocks earllne. ea MHlard its., 100, These are very choice tracts aad tha eheapeet acreage ea the market, eoaal daring hxaUoa. 11,100 for botbTV . , W. J. Day & Co. v ' 1S5H FOUBTH ST." BOOM SB, ' FOB SALE A new modara S-room small aad b tots aoxicm, i Block osa Beats St. Johns etstloa - - - - - 1 CHOICE EAST BIDE HOME gn.aoo rine house aad Tat faibtoaeble reel denes an Una. ' k smEtv? thornh its, ; property rmposlto told raiiatly tor 110,000: wa will abow you thle. - -- .- . THOMPSON GAGS, r v :-' 547 Sherlock bldg. - -' ::. FAXON PARK - Ii aow a the martet: lots at aareaga prt BBS, , accardlng to Impravameata. Leta 6f2WVAli8, 1150, I18S Lots 100x0 2S. itso, . ins : -'- Lett 900a2O sM o09. 084 ' : These lots sr meatlr ia culdvatloa, Ires! aad sightly, sa a good. graded arrest, slots to gaod 10-room ecbaol. at Lentsi Se f.ra 1 D!r,0 "TU "Vi ZfSll?'1 I V k. - ADDITON. OWNBB. I - ... . w. agents, eintun. FOR SALE FARMS. r FARM, FOR SALE - - SOS acres 140 la rnltjearlov, balaaee ta Getare and timber, til fenced, good build, ra. fruit et all kinds, well watered. U mile te a good graded school aad rultrosd It alien, til lerel. Ins toll! roam, karoeea, wagon, bark, 11 cowl, cream sens ri tee. plows, harrows, blader, mower, I tcrat ps. : tateet aad S seres of eors so with tba atece for 110.800; 87,000 eaah, balasee to eelt purehaaar at 4 per sent. - Inquire ad WARREN 4k STATEh, - - MchUaavUla. Oregon. FOB SALS Chtekea-rsaek IH lores; I terea . xruix. s sera small rruit; 1 n loess xrom poatofSee, near depot; 1.000 chlrkeaa. - Ad dress C. Bhesdss. Hllkhore, Oragoa. FOR SALETIMBER. IT0 ACRES aeer Deer Island, Oregon! SO gerea ..bottom land en the Columbia, , 140 acres pasture, eo acres Deary timber, A tan ao acrea timbar land aesr Castle Beck, Wash. Ingtoa: era lees 1,009,000 feet, logging it ream through place. . These are snaps. Inventl- J ate. . B. H. Ylalag. 10S Jeresy t St ehae, Oragoa., L CERTIFIED amia. an aiaa prlcea., W. S. UoweU, 555 Chiaxbae mt Oam. t.-ij TIMBER elana. cot 1.000.000 fart, large log ging etraam, 11,0001 meat eeii. , xea sixth. HORSES. VEHICLES, HARNESS VEHICLES ef all klads, aew aad mial kaal largaat ttock, toweat pnceei aarme aaa ngt rented by day or monta. Tnavuneoa elday, 911 Wa raahlagtoa... FactSe SOT. FOR SALE d wall-matched aad wsll-hrafcan teams, 1,900 ae 1,500 ponna. Aaareea Bam Strebln, Troatdale, Or. B. F. D. He. 1. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. . FOR EXCBANGE 800-1 ere fully equipped tnt. cliaa placer mlaa, - for reruana property! mlaa are dtvldend-predaeere aad will stand tigs Hon: P. 0. I 1: water ngata ox xos a eaa. ie Box 581. Orsatt Fast. WANTED Ta rr chaags a aaah raghrtar fag best offer. Asdress B 100. eara Joeraal. FOB SALE A rest a era at. or will exefcaaaa 9a city property. Apply- at aaa wnnaexa gra,,. city. ' '- A FINB pint ef dots, wast KB alnt af tots, wast aide, 9 laga . for a dwelling-house ea west tide. F 54,. ear Jssrasl. . FINB block ef lata la St. Jotma to esebaaga fee beuae aaa tot. call at ai rizxa ex. - I n. T . n av R"w w. win nan xor a pair eg roller assies, t? iu, soaraal. WANTED A let ta Uslssd farm Bear rortiino. Addreaa BAYS a piano) wtll trada fn houslbold faml. . turn ar aorwa anej owssr rr ai, anxw souraai. 40-ACRB farm. Wrll ImprsTsd, good buUdUgs, orchard near Hlboro. t tWad kerne, Higsmaaa Blaaehard. II FtfU it, - A SNAP ror a pasner wits tmtn ssprtsll g preSUMe maauraetunng . nun nam 1 twasi can not epcrata aad will Bell right; might rata eotus t-oriiaau property ea oetl. A4 t area! w sa, eara saurast. Sell Or Trade ll-ROOM houaa, I lots, near I sarHnaa, sas hocn.. coat0 aWj will safl la 14.950 w trada for White Salmon ar wastarn " - - - - a Walking ton farm. .1 H. 0. BABTHAW, 5t9 Chamber at Com mares. EXCHANGE tor ta autnatoblla or gitotlne liuaen. Bin interest ta a vll-deveVxptd Bin. Ing elalma: plenty ore, 12,000 Worth Tdrtoloa. Bient work deaei chines for eome eaa fa make stake. Address Whitney Rosa, lid .WUlAStetW beaJerv St, igit, (saJgWaT V