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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1906)
onzccri daily "journal, Portland, . Monday evtiiiiid, aXvz? . 12, ; x::i r.r7 TODAY. ; ' ::-AWiUNG Doll IV01.1EN i specialty ta the Ktfest Trust Company fa Oregon" Every facility B.eifiwaed them, toctodtnf elegant quartets for inch- exclusive use. pro hW with baadanasr aed beautiful sta- . tlonery. under tM sepervlstoa cad n of aa ef ftcleat lady MfNltMiMil. : uii aaa as Harriet E. Moorthouse Iqrtitaulwl WtMi'l Pakallmsat. ' Evplala ecvtnge accounts, checking koroenf. . demoad. time and special eertlflratee -of de- reeit ! other methods ef erpositinf or m testing money eefely-and profitably . to any v aascaai. Isnre ar email, and for an period, bwg ar abort. . ' - ? Dl BUSINESS ITUUT M YE ABA '? eesopbces ovxa $i,ys0,s6am ..:- Portiand Trust Company of Oregon . K. cor. M aad Oa ata. Phone Ex. TA - BSNJ. I. COHEN... ...i. ......... ...President H. L. P1TTOCK..... YIea-Preeldeot B. LIE PAUET. ............ Secretary : J. O. uKLTRA.v......r.;..Assletant Secretary What Is the Rate? The. Interest rata fUee tha value of Janda. A low Intaraat rata accompanlea high land la .-; Fully 8 per cant of aafa Western to- vestments pay , Pe cant or Better. - This can't last, aa Eastern money la mora and mora easerly eeektna Oregon securities. Buy while tha rate la up. If we oan't farnlah the aaeurltlaa that you eek. buy them elsewhere, but buy and keep them at noma. ncrthwestern Guarantee end Trust Company.; lube Baehaac Beoo4 Floor) X. Cor. If Sc!d Within Ten Days WILL. BUT BLOCK ON ITH BT. TJNH CORNER; BE8T BUBINE8B CEN TER. ADDRESS T 4. JOURNAL ' Alberta Red Wheat Commando highest price - because "the - soil and climatic conditions produce the finest quality. Low rates. : Prlcee right. Terma easy. - W. Q. IDE, 251 Alder St. 042 PER LOT BOxlOO feet for 4A There are only 40 lota left anaold eat ef a tract ef 700 lata. , and tha Hlbrenla Sarlafs Bank baa ordered these lota sold without delay: therefore the price will ba 841 per lot aotll eeerr lot te sold. These lota are located oa canine and .ctlcally..eetbeTlTeT. high, rights, andiproperty meat be reakeood with la 80 days. leeai. An ease ta requires, no wise girea. i Title perfect. Cell pa M. J. Clobeeey, reaaj BUT. McKay bldg, Tblra aaa Start ata. WEATHER REPORT. A disturbance which made Its appearance Sunday aMralas mr British Colombia baa moved east to Alberta and caused . general showers end thunderstorms, with cooler weather, to tba aartk Paririe atatoa aaa Moataaa. Tba rainfall attmdlna tbla dlataThaara waa aalMt la aaatara Waahlnrtoa. BortDara Idaba aad ex Ima waatara Moataaa, wnrra It aawantea te kivwe a ooartrr and a third at aa fork. Tba rainfall la tba Wlllaaiatta nllay waa my light and barely aafrtrfeat to lay tba dnat. Tba mrt-, eianrnt w nraaraarea ar California aad Arlaona baa lanvaaad la ratnalry, bat aa rain of roaaaoataia baa otaitad la tboaa twa etataa. A hlsn praaaora arm ararllaa tba laka mtoe and tba N.w Incland at .tea. Ixral ralna, kaaay la placaa, eava arrarrad at tba wnt Golf aad BMdla; tantle atatM. At NorroUi. Vir ginia, tba (tbanoeiaBallr baaay rainfall of foar and alx-bundradtba tochaa eccarrad durlns tba laat M boara. . Tba bMlleatWias are for fair aad Warsaw waatbar ta tbb dbitrlrt Taaaday. ObaarratloDa ubas at a. m.. Partfla time: TaasD. Max. Mia. Prerli Baker city. Or . HO . 84 . 70 . M . 84 84 Bostea, Masaacbuaatte .. Chicago, Illinois Kansas City. Missouri ... - Lea Angeles, California.. 58 . .a A .0 .0 .0 . .03 .0 .0 .01 .0 . .04 .14 1.01 88 TO 60 . 78 . 08 t 80 4 70 81 , 00 " , 88 81 as few Orleans. Louisiana. .. B4 New York, New York Ba . PortlaBA Oregoa 81 Rosehorg. Orecoa 80 St. .Loals, Mteeourl 88 Self Laka. Utah 80 Saa Fraacktro, California. . 88 Spokane,' Washington ...... 80 Tspoma, Waafalnctea TS ' Walla WaUa, Wasbbtgtaa. 88 Washington, D. C 88 i MARRIAGE LICENSES. B. Workman- lie Fnaa ntraa.. 91 Brlea O. Potter. 1A ... Tbamaa Caeaaey. S70 Feortfe street, an. Cars arlne Corrlgaa. 38, Robert S. Hughea, 481 But Twentieth attest. Berth. 41; Ethel a. Morton. 18. - Wadding Cards. W. O. tngtoe bids., eor. Fonrta Smith A Co, Wash, and Waahlngtoa ata. WeddlSuT aad calling cards eneraved ar prntea. m. T. auahtoa, B224 Waahlngtoa St. Mlaa Bertha Martls. room 811 Alktky bids. pv.DBinnn; unu ana BeeuieworB! BIRTHS. HOLM AN trust 7, to Mr. aad Mrs. Osy Holmaa. Third and Harrison ata.. 8 boy. DEATHS. lie VOL Answer 11. Mitchell T. Pa Yol. seed . Te years, $34 Oaatenbela are.) cardiac dlla ' tku. - tOMSR0CSKI Aagust t, Maryana Doabroas kl. 7 ejontha; enteritis. CMIIP Auyuat 10. Samuel Srhlnp. 71 years. Ill rtr ; valvular leeloq af heart. DOLAN Augiut g, Mrs. Msry A. Do Ian. 83 years, St. Vincent's hospital. - FUNERAL NOTICES. PLEBIJCH Is this city, August 11. 1808. Mrs. Julia Pleeuch. aged 40 yeera, 8 ejootha. 11 . daya, lata reeldeace Saa Kelly street, rrlende ( . are respeetfully tavlted te attend the funeral servlees, which ,wll ha held at Unirnex's 1 ch.pel, eoreer Third aad Selmea atreeta. at 1. a r ax., Taeedey, A eg oat 14. latermrat Rlvervlew cemetery. UNDERTAKERS. DauBlne. McEatee A Ollhaagh, aadertabera Sad embalmere; saoders Is every detail. SeveatS and Pine. Mala 4A0. Lady ssslstsat. A. B. Hemstork, asdertaker aad eaxbelmer. Fast Thirteenth aad LaxaUlla are, Pboae Sell wood 71. Etfcasoa t'ndarteklng Oa., aad emhelmlng. 408 Alder et. Paona Mala 81SA Lady aaslataat. J. P. Flaler A Soaa. Third and Madlaas ata. t ,m af coasty eoroarr. Pboae Mali B. 1 sward Holme a, smdartaksr, BS0 Third at. AiriiYixw onfXTxar. rnre grsves S1A Faaxfrf Ma fTB te tl.OnA Tits oly aemetscy la Portlsnd which per- r.a.l.r asaiaiaina aad earea for lota. Far full rsstt-e a r to W. A. Msckeoaie, Wor e pc kmck. r e. W. M. Lead, preoldeat. RSAL ESTATS TRANSFERS. lj"a teaarsatea A Treat f'eeet Stcneer, late II, U 1 t ! tvasstas feelshou aaasajkeA v aj ' a REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. A. L. Staaa and lllnnla Sum to W. E1U aoa. iota . A. block 30. ralrrlaar .100 laalab Bunkaua ta AnaeHaa B. Richard aoa, a triangular plrra haalnulna at tha aortbaaM mm of north at aortu . aaat H af aoatbwaat . aartloa , 1 towaalilp 1 aorta, ranee 1 aaat... 1 T. r. Manaophor ta Ellaabrrk 0. Bpraraa. . lota o. a. 1IL JU. block A. Normandala. SB Jana fatarana at al. to ElaaiMr Via Al- ' Ira, lot 10. block M. I'uPtamoutb. . .. , 1 O. L. and A tie M. Cbapal to P. J. Ma Donald, kx , block . St. Jobaa Pars ' addliloa la St. Jolina MO Portland Treat Goaipauy of Oragna ta C. . C. Uordae. kU 1, 2. block SO, Traoiont . . Place KB Title tiuaraotae A Treat compear la . . . - 0. Speckc, lota a. A, block ll, TUtaa a ddlltoo 1.500 O. Lafayette Thornton to T. Q. rreebur- ger, lota a. 7, block S. Midway.. ' AM W. At. aad K. T. Heath te William Holt lota II., 13. block X atewart Park tOO WHMaai T. Brook to Jfoappb L. 'ron, - u lute T. A e. block IT, City View Park. . 1400 I. r. and Bertha lllll te Bertha Muorea, ktt 8, block S. North Alhrna . MO t. r. 8. and Mary D. Middle ta W. C ,1 Puffer and Jobs H. Bnrgard, Iota A, a. T, A block al. Kaat Porttatd fienreo and Man E Hhlol to lira. M. B. Htrubl. lot 1. block . Myrtle.. .10 A. U. ilall ta Frank Batter, lota 1. t, block 44, Mod ton U.rtba I. and Cbrtetapber C 1TT te H. K V. Oil !T klnrk 1. Bnaa. laws anaex , dOO Arlela Land eomnanw to Af. Jpffter. lata 1. 18, block rArbta Park tin. 1. - tOS Aamrt and ChrUtna Blea-art to Ira i. '. Ulea. coat 10 feet lot 1A block X2, " A. L. Mllaer'a addltloa TTB EL C. Pradbomma ta B. H. Arantronr, lota A A block A. la eutxIWUtno of ' : lota A A T, a. af tract D. mUh addltloa ' - 1 Coaat larretment aotnpaay to Annie B. Oalnee, Iota 1. A block I, Bartoa'a ad- ' a.ttoa to HI. Jnhaa (00 Portland Trust Comntny of Oregon ta Jane Alllaoa. Iota 17, 1A 10. block At, . Tremont Place .- S40 0. M. aad Ella M. Croarh ta W. C. Aire- . . worth, lot A block A Howltra addltloa ' to MontaTllla I John j. and Alice J. Harrw to Cyrna B. Uwreace. bita T. A . 1A block A ' " Oay'a addltloa to Alhtna 1.000 Oeora W. McCoy te Mrs. Mary 1. Pn- - pont. lota t, 10. block 4. Moattcelle ' addltloa to Eaet Portland ISO Kathryn O. and W. H. Taft ta John O. . Patera, lot 20, block T: lot 11. block lot 7. block IS, rirland; alee lot T, 1 ' block A Laaralwood annex 1 laai V, scllwood to Wattle fbrlaty and . aiary at, i arraa. wt I. blort aw. Bell- Mary Wood BOO a L. aad w. H. Hubbard te David t. BrenBaa, Iota 7, A block A Tabcrslde, 1,180 waiter speed- te Myrtle A. and W. 1. S'Mln. In. a - hlk k A Am m,m aiMI. tloa ta St. Johns 1.800 Katbrya O. and W. H. Taft to A; P. Lechler, lota A e, block A Lanrelwond. . Land. Comivany of Oregon to Sarah Jo- aenokie Ummnm K Iibick T. lit. View Park 400 Beary Dreaa to Alfred NdtU, Ms A A- block 4A Weet Portland 860 T. S. and Lore J. Mrlianlel te L. A. Snl- liraa Iota R. block 1 Raoena'a mAAl. tloa to Eaat Portland '1.100 College Endowmeat saaociatlne te Cora A . lota XT. 21 UU BO. block 11. Ooileea Place. SM a R. and I.ocla H. Addltoa to Mary B. disss, aerth M, of lot -4 end aoath U ef lot A block 1, Faxoa Park BOO Oet roar Insnranee and sBstrscts to reel aetata from tha Title Oaarantee A Treat -company, 140 Washington street, corner SeeoaA NOTICE. REWARD WITHDRAWAL, Notice la hereby glees that tha reward ef foOO offered by tba Pacific Express company, by circular heretofore tanned, for the arrest and eon Tic loo ef each ef the three men who holdup train No. S of the O, R. A N. Co., oa Wednesday. September IS, 1908. between Corbett and Troatdala. Multnomah -enanty, at er near mllepoat SI, Is hereby cancelled and withdrawn. , PACIFIC EXPRESS COMPANY. . J. W. Borers, Superintendent. Salt Lake City, Utah. Aaaaat 1A 1S0A NOTTCB Persons baring roods or merchandise arorea wits sae at my wsrenoosa, si rtorro Front ltM are hereby sot I fled that I bare leased tba promisee to ethers, and that their aii goons remaining on tna pramiaea Bret. till ba removed and stored eleewhere at owner's expenaa. I thank yoa all for roar aatroaags sad the eaafldaDce reposed In ma, . , PBBD BICKEL, NOTICa Oregroo, Aognat A Portland, To the Public: I80S? The end. feigned will sot fee reawnnslble for any debt contracted by Katie J. Vllson. There are divorce proceedings penning In tba circuit court ef Multnomah coaoty Between the aaderalgaed aad said Kstls J. Wllaoe, aad the court has nettled, the allmonv be tweea tnem. JOSHfJA B. WILSON. MY wife, Damenlcs Barbara, bavhtg desalted my home. 1 will sot ba responsible for any debts made by her after A 11 rust 8. BARTOLOMEO BARBRRO. .MEETING NOTICES. HABMONY AO DO B NO. 12, A. F. A A. M. Htsted commnslcattos . tbla (Monday! evening, 7:80 o'clock. Masonic temple. Third and Alder atreeta. All M. Al. , welcome. By order W. M. BUFUS K. BALL, Secretary. M. W. A., Oregoa Orepa Camp, Na. S.S78, Mob. days. 17th aad Marshall; vteltora wtlcome. M. W. A. BYEROREEN CAMP. Wednesday evening, Allaky bids.. Third and M3lrtaMMI srtsa. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Br! ad le and white ball terrier dog; 11. censed collar; ears cropped; reward, 408 Ivoa at. ... THB fellow that picked up tha puma on Oska car will please raters It ta Journal office. wiiaoni ranoeT notice, as se was saea Uka it. LOST A pair of glaaaea. Hs tarda y algbt. oa Mentavllla ear earning In, ar en Grand are, ar East Morrison at.; esee marked VJWretta, Optician. Oakland. CaL"; reward. 448 Eaat Yamhill at. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Men for brickyard. $250 per day. Seveath aad Ruaaell its. James Aaderaoa. WANTED Young men to learn telegraphy and railroad accounting; ealarlee 875.00 te 880.00. " Foe free catalogue address Morse College ef Telegraphy. 808 12th et., Oaklsed. CaL W NTED Twe ar three flrst-claes, all-aroend machine meat permanent position, good wages, Oregoa Faraltara Mfg. Co., Macadam toad. WB gat work for oat members; opoeisl mera bera. It I M. C. A, Fourth and YamhlU. Union Hotel 81 NORTH SIXTH ST. . Free employment ta our patrons. Weekly rates: Room. 81.15 ap: rot aid board. 84.50 up. Anderson, proprietor, V ANTED Lnenge makers: steady North Froat. corner ef Davis. work; (8 SALESMEN ta Introduce the world's . In fruits Burbank'a sew stone leas plnm (Miracle). Choice af territory. Cash weekly. Addreaa Wssnlngtoa Msrecry company, Toe penlsh, Waahlngtoa. WANTED Movlngdcture mschltia-opers torsi will teach yoa tha business; terms eery rea sonable; positions secured; good salary. New. man, 145H Sixth at. ACNTS wanted to self superior, high-grade aureery etnrk; complete outfit furnished free; cash weekly; write today for choice of ter ritory. Capital City Nareery Company, Salem, Oregoa. WANTED Boy; steady work. SB earner Davie. N. Front, M A DAY. few hours' time. Addreea Medicated Insole Co., ltd Mela at. Portlsnd. Or. MEN AND WOMEN to learn barber trade ta eight weeks; gradnetee eera from 115 te $29 weekly; expert Instructors; catalogue free: special rates this month. Moler Sretem of Collegea, 85 North Fonrtb St., I'ortlsud, WANTED Two ehnvelere. McMshon 4Sd aad Dlvisloa ata., and Richmond earllne. WANTED .Mas to clear land: wilt gvva acre for each sera he cleers: ha re a bats, all wood he cuts, ar McKay bldg. WANTFD Expert ta operate Sulllvan-machlne air drill; enarta mining. FalrbanlaX Morse A Co., First aad Stark ata. BASHERS wanted for out of town; ateady am. -jimvmeat, good wagee: aa Wfste I Ice nee re 'quired. Call room 8 Tea Noy botsl. Third and I'kie ets., Mr. Barr, 8 to 12 a. a, 4 , w a p. m. ... CITY BAIX8MAR aeons Inted In balldlng ma Tfl ""e. r E. Beach A Oa., tba PWneer fslat Ce, W rirat at, IISLP VAl.'TZD MALE. WANTEI. KjrM rerpentere work, chimneys. mi worn, pawiina:. A piaesoma, aacaTeiina. ahlnalra. to baud Vnoa oottage. - Keen T naonoft bldg., Tbird aad Morrlao ata. BOM'T MOMFTI a WHOLE MAN, FREE P AIJ, DiHKiKKrf. Pr, Madlana, aacceaaor see vroaa liiapeaaary, ear. laird ana Aaa. WANTED AT ONCE tB rarpentere aad S car penter aelpere; waaea lor raraaMare A3, for cerpeater h.lra 11 W (no tool, needed). Call - at engineering department, Oregon Water Power Hallway te., rirat and Alder ata., for parties Un. BOTE WANTED Aa errand boya ta start. Barents eoaeldar well adapted for eom II Ufa. Apply to McAllea McDoanea WANTED Man a boat AO (or store sad dell Terr worn, iw intra at. HELP WANTEDFEMALE. WANTED Girl. o make "Boaa of All" erec alb) at Tt rirat at. HANSEN'S LADIES- AQENCT, B4AH Waablaa ton at., cor. SerentA, epatatra. Phone Mala SOWS. Pemale belp wauled. ' LADIES' elotbee Ironer. TeL Eaat 1MT. 01RLS WANTED Operators to work on afclrrs and oearall. Lesaona vteea to Inexperienced, Apply at Standard factory No, A Orasd are. , aad Aaat Taylor at, -- THB HOME LATHES' AOENCT. " r.raala help farnlstl free, to employer. Bealatratloa Free. 188H Pswrtb at,, apatalra. room SA Mala 6SSA BEND 10 eanta for Beaaty Secret formalat abw circular of 100 other rateable recelpte. Los ' Anselaa Beeelpt Caw Los Aagslea. CaL WOMAN, eeer SA fab? edeeatloo knowledge, mast dreea aeatly, ta take Baalttoa at once. 13 Lewis bldg. f - . WANTED Tonne people ta prepare themselves aa book keepers and eteeMgraphere; have had , MS calls since September 1; placed SS8 la positions. We' will place yea woes eoss retrnt. Day ar'alrht. Catalogue. Behaae. Walker Easiness college. WANTED ladles' rbttbea-ti-onera, 1 starch era. at racise uuadry, su Artbar at. WANTED tilrl or middle-aged . housework; coed wages, to right party. - Jacksoa St. U4 10 COOKS, $40 to $.10; 8 . waitresses. $8; laundress, $28; chambermaid.. SAO and room; 10 glrle for boueework, $30, $1A $25.. The Home Ladlaa Ageoeyi NEAT lady can have $20 a week and eipaaeee, traveling or local, 1 to B p. m. .Cell 18S Park at. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. BELP wasted aad supplied, ass Is er feawle. B. O. Drake. 106 Wsahlastoa St, Paciae UTA l.loo HOPPICKBRS te pick 824 acres bops at Sue per boa; largest bopyard fax tba world; beet aceomaiodatlone; ask for Apage book, giving partlculare. at 81 Fourth St., Krebs Bros. Pheoa Mais 4870. WANTED 400 bop-plckera by Sept. 1 baat yard is Oregoa; food accmnaMdatloBS. Apply ' to Andrew Kaa A Co., 187 Morrison at. RETOUCHER aad ar.tet, competent to work ea prlata, sot oa negattvee. for commercial en graving. 81 Raleigh bldf., . Washing toa aad Sixth. . BOPPICKERS wanted; sood camping grounds; about 14 daya' work. For partlculare ad dress Harrison Bros., North Ysmhlll, Or. HOPPICKBRS WANTED Tnoss . wUblng to pick addreea Homer Moo ley.. Brook's. Oregon. . or P. P. aoaley. Brooks, Oregoa. 71 aad 00 acrea. BOPPICKERS wanted. .Call at Co., 260 Taylor at. A. Church WANTED Girl or boy In a music stars, drees 'N 15, Journsl. Ad- SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. MIDDLE-AGED deelree employment aa wall ums Itgbt work ; f f erancea. "I . Addreaa Frank, jaenuu. A MECHANIC with 14 rears' erperlenca Is same of the beat manufactories ef the eaat wants position; good on experimental .work. N 1, Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE WANTED Position aa lady help, useful com panion ar housekeeper. Apply Mlaa Ktdd, . Plrtel cottage. Cadbore Bay road, Victoria, British Columbia. WANTED Sewing sad dressmaking to do at borne. Phone Eaat 0800, er calf 1111 Min nesota are. S LADIES, aged 21. 28 . ttoos aa housekeepers. Agency. Main 682A- . and art. want Poet The Home Ladles' 1 SrTTATlOJt wealed: neat Finn girl aged 28: -cannot apeak English: will assist prhrats family. 1WOV, Yamhill at. Main S41A WANTED AGENTS. IF YOU went to sell tba best health end ae rident policy, call er write 224 Lumber Ex ehangs bldg. . AOENTS wasted to handle bis rest money -wish-. Ing fire axtlnrnlabara; special etartlng offer; ; exclusive territory 1 $75 to .300 par moat A Badger Ohem. Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, Wto. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. THB Portland Bmnlovmeat Ce 106 Vs Morrison St. Pboae Psrlde 130. HANSEN'! EMPLOYMENT 0FFICB FOB MEN. -4 28 North Second at. Pboae Mais 1BSA WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO BENT Hooaee. eattagaa, flats, stores, offices, rooming hoasee, ate, . Lead lords will do well to cell ea PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OP OREGON. Pboae Ex. TA A A Cor. Sd sad Oak. - HOC8ES. flats, roomlng-boaaaa, stores, of. ftcee, etc Prompt attentioa sseurefl. Pboae Main 1171. Llndhard A Jack. McKay bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WB WILL SELL your property, no matter what It Is or where located. Send description bow - and we will do tba rest. Investors' Guide Co., Ill Maronam bids Portland. Orsgoa. GOOD Income and residence property? lots, fares Ing and timber lands. LINDHAKD A JACK, McKay bldg. . WANTED Bustnees or residence property In ' the city In exchange for good farm lands; . csn handle anything from $1,000 Ao $80,000; we also have soma excellent bays In timber and freeing land. Call and see aa; we went to get ecnnalnted with yon, ,- '. , - TUKNKK A WALKBB. " . : Boom A 80a H Waahlngtoa at , CITY pneierty exrhsnged for goad farms, and farms for city property, by FUCHfl. 221 tt Morrtsoa at. I WANT a 8 or 7-room bonee en eset side: (Ive . price add location In first letter. D SO, care JournsL . , .,. I WANT s lot or quarter block on eaat aide, . near, not further eat than 84th; If erica hi fight will pay cash. B 2A care JouraaL WANTED Hoaaemevlng, raletng aad allllng. I. H. Scott. I'bone Tabor 170. ' - I WANT 4 to 8 acrea near car, suitable for fruit and chuck ens; I won't pay fancy price. Addreea 0 27, cere JouraaL . OWNER OF PORTLAND REAL ESTATE, JOHN B. MATTHEWS, .' 721 CHAMBER OF C0MMERCB, Wants the sale of your property and can sell It If tha price la right, rbene Mais 4R8A WHITE SALMON LAND OWNERS If yoa own anlmpmved orchard land around White Set ninn, send full description. I msy be able ta belp develop It. M. A. Albls, 1178 Maryland eve., Portland, Or. WANTED A bonse and lot ef 8 or S rooms by peylng $100 down and $18 per month; stats location. Addreaa W IB, care Journal. WANTS!) Modern hawses, vacant lota on Installments here borers fog all ef the LAMONT A HARRIS, 10714 Sixth St. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. PAINTING, epraylng and whitewashing trees, basements, burns, docks: etc; largest gasoline spraying outfit ea the soeet. M. O. Morgan A Ce- 821 taUa tea. Pboae Eaat 817. - W WILL Sl'Y your furniture aay old time. .Waatara Balrage Co., Ul WaseUAftes 8b WANTEDMISCELLANEOUS. WE WILL BI'T, SEIX OR TEADB ANT OLD THING. WESTERN SALVAOBCa, A7- Ai WA8HINUTON. PAC1FIU lea. ' Mala Mm . Mala SOU rtJBNITT WANTID a. J roa SPOT CASH PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS aai rirat at. HI OH EST eaak artca nald fol Pboae Baat S07T. US UeJoa are. WHO IS U. O. M0E0AN A CO. WANTED Parnltarei will pay the beat price. WANTED Tor eaak, farnttere of S er Sj tboaea. complaU: what be re yes I rtt Pacific tWT. . , v., . WANTED aeeerataa datcb for email asaiine engine. Addreea T 1A Joaroal. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THB GRAND, ftV North Tblrd St. Aooma tot geaueaaeB fi.xa per wees aaa as. 1 i ' i i i . i NICELY furnished rooaM. single or aa aalte. board If desired, free bath end phone, tfl llghta. . Mrs. brow a, sof 10th St. THE BICH KIJEIT. ASH North Sixth gaatly fornlabedi steam heat sad batba.' 'THE COST." 1S Serenth Nicely turn ll bed rooms, suitable for two geatlemea ar a and wife: aaa af ntano. pboae aad bath: block from, Hotel Portland; prices reasonable. LINDA VISTA. 147 Fifth Parnubed rooms ena noaeeacsping aeltea, fi.oo par week ap. THE PALM, 18H Third Coeafortsbly furnished iron i ana otner onuiae rooms; transient ena weekly reasonable. . . 1 NICELY furnished rooms; bath and phone; select location. 27 Wet Park. Mala 4867. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. THB MITCHELL. Flanders and . Rooms, housekeeping . and tranateat; venlent: prices reasonable. ' LABOR elegantly furnished housekeeping - rooms; gas range, ruualag wstsr. Tba Lowas dala, 508tt Alder at. - . . $1.15 PER WEEK--Iairge, cleaa furnlsbad hooeekeeplng-roouni; laandry aad bath. . 1A4 Sherman, Booth Portland, . $1.00 WEEK 77 P, clean furnUhed boueekess Ing-rooma, with yard, parlor, laundry, beta furnace heat. BOSH Btantea St. U ear. THE JEFFERSON IAN, Bid Jefferson at. Nicely furslshed saltes ef two er theee risms with ell conveMeocee; cheep. FURNISHED kaaeekseplns-rooma, $8 per month. , 832 Seveath St. ,, FURNISHED, er unfurnished boaeekeeptng sad sleeping rooms, $1 week. McCoy, 171 tt Mor rison, room C. atoned floor. ROOMS AND BOARD. NICELY torn Is bedroom for two yen1 s. Tnese Mats IBM. . men and wits. 205 14th. CAN accommodate few more respectable work - Ing girls-at $2.80 week for good board aad room; use of parlor and bath.. 885 Baat Ankeny. Phone Esa 281. . HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI TURE FOR SALE.. FOR SALE New furniture et new Broom Bat, sat rent reasonable, soa Becone at. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT A farm for rent; baa 10 acres la hope. Addreaa w 14, care Journal. FOR RENT HOUSES. KADDERLY TRANSFER CO., prompt and re liable piano nnd furniture-mo vera: also stor age. Pboae Main 10S5. OfSee 110 N. ThlrA FOR RENT-0-room cottage. He. 145 15tb St., Between iioyl and Irving. Apply nasi ooor. S-ROOM cottage. No. 82, corner Eaet Eighth and Everett. , Apply aa nrimlssa. NKvY modern 8-room boose, hot and eold water, bath. gas. tc Inquire 771 Roosevelt at. MODERN 5-room cottage to rent, . Ken 11 worth. Key next door. Phone East 780, $18. $1A $20 THREE modern bouses. Sixth and varuincra era. rnone mam twa, . $1T 8-ROOM bonse, S30 willUma ave., ta flrst- riass oroer. rnone eiam 0111. FOR RENT FLATS. 8 BOOMS, northwest corner 12th sad. A Start; newly paperea; rent raaaonaoie. BIS FTJRNIRHKD B-roota apper Set: - . 1. ettnveniencee. mono seat I 8086, snornlnf and evening, between 7 and B, FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. PART of shop to rest, soluble tor salatar er L plumber. SOS FoarU at. . OFFICX-ROOMS. nnfurnlebed foome aad sample. rooma for rant, teeounosga MdS. Apply ele vator. LARGE etore. brick building, B42 Front at. rent S2U. jaaia sane. TWO deetrable and well-Iocs ted stores oa tba eaet aide. Apply to Hartman xnompeoa, g Chamber of Commerce. STOKE ea Union eve.; good location; rente tor 817.00. Apply to risrtmaa e 1 nom peon, a Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. HALL and bsllroom, separate or together; now end with all conveniences, rsons aiaia svu. FOR BENT or for, sale,- cheep, hothouse, la good location; on x canines; an op posit km. W 2A care Journal. . FURNISHED tents for rent at Seaside, alee grounds and ruraisnea roome. write at once. 11. T. Wllklne, - Seaside. Or. SUMMER RESORTS. LOCKSLET HALL. SEASIDE, OREGON ' Under aew management; eoncerta, ashing, clambakes, picnics, tennis; free bog aerg all trains; 100 elegant outside rooma; pri vate batba; -eleetrte llghta ; annex ever look Ing the aaa; cottages. - For ratea, reeervstlone, addreea Harry T. Butterworthi manager, or phone Mrs. Carlisle, Portland, Pad Ac 885. KBCANICUM INN, Seaside, eectlr facing ocean: Bo Oregon House ei aaa spectons ' grounds, electric llghta, aaady beach, home cooking. Mies B. Demean, prop, Oet eff et mecanicum stajiioa. THB BRITT, family botsl, Loos Beech. HOTEL SALT AIR, Cestsrvllle at at ion ; fmeet aceommodatlona. THB PORTLAND,. leedlnc botsl. North Been. BOTEL W1CKHAM, Newton station; excellent cuisine. AUCTIONS. PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMA A. BCHUBACH, Prop. 211 First at. Phone Mala 5858. Auction dally at I p. m. Highest cash price paid for furniture; also foods sold sa eon. sign meet. BUSINESS CHANCES. WRITS na anlek about recast Important de velopments of tha Hunt Automatic Switch A Signal Co.; buy stock before big advaaos, J. F. Burst A Co., 2o8 McKay bldg. . MEAT market for sale cheap; BBS Oaloa ave., north; doing good business. FOB SALB Halrdreeefng, mentcuiing and beaaty parlors; a eplendld proposition tor a peraoa underataodinf the business. O 20, rare Journal. WHO IS M. O. MORGAN A CO.l SAWMILL for sale, SB ml lea from Portland; must aeii for good reason: eapsciry 19. 000: 2.000,000 feet of yellow fir, 20,000.000 feet more caa ba bought cheep; mill almost sew; good local trade; price 1 1.200. I 21, JournsL FOB Information or for shares of the Nicola coal mlnea, limited, write to Paul Borkmler, ' manager. Pa louse, Waab, . WILL exrbenga a hnelnees clearing $200 a month for land. Call 248tt Stark at. CIGAB etore for sale; Bne location, cheap teat, parties whilaf ta leers alt. Ut 1st at, BUSIIira CHANCS3. FOR SALE A general merchsndlaa eiore; stock Irovlree about AA.000. cheep rent. In town within SB ml lee of Portia ad. an Soathera raciac tsllrusd; paying buelneaa: good rose sesiiog. ei oar mo n se, core eournsi. WANTED To eel! half latrreat ta cigar aad to bacco factory; well established wholesale and riu irsoe, -aiutt Third et. , WANTSD Placer or duarta mining man w kaa nerve eneugh te hi rest $30J and auk $10,000. B 24. ears JouraaL ... SALOON Owner will clear aa partner: , anarantea voa 88 a : dar $450 required; aiparleace ssasroasary. Call 248 tt Starb at. am. dear aad. trait etore doing a good business; S largo living in coaBeetioa. BUT nrsl at. PHILOMATH, OREGON, wanta a bank creamery, fruit cannery and a Soar mill I a t Sue opening here , for each et these eater., prices; ee pits lists please Investigate: aak for llets af Baa fsrsie and nropeeUea for eate or oxchansa. Caldwell A Co., Phlle. aaaiB, uregon. THB beat aasney-maklna baalnaea la the city for sale oa account of atcknesa. $400 In vented will reallae $40 weekly or mora; ax perleare annecesaary. 1 Address X 1. ears journal. . ,., 1 , WANTED Partners for wood alcohol. Sol Boa- aeti at, ,-,--.-'-- - MAN of experience In handllns emloovea has capital to Invent 1a aa established boalneee that will bear Isvestlgatlos aad give active empaoymest. AOarees x 7, care Joursai. BESTACRANT and lunch counter In good kv eauoa, wita kesee, tor saja. I IS, Joemsi. WIDB-AWAKH man caa make $150' a month aa partner; gi.uoo reoulred. ' fully eecured CaU S48tt Surk at. 1 ' WOULD ilka te meat aome one with small capiiai re join ma In Oa re loping copper prop erty. J. T. NyUndor, room Sod Allaky bldg. BAKERY for sale, dotn extra good cash boal neee; counter trade only; tows of 1.200. la formation oA kujutry. N. C. Parrlab, Bala ere isregOB. DBCO store for sale cheap; the only one la S'-. wmw - wwni eioca ovmpiere. emu x tares, marble fountain, earner store, real $10, electric llghta and telephone: owner Jolng out of buelaeeai splendid ooentng for rugglat; come sad aee for yourself; part time If deotred. Apply drug store Mount Aagel. Oregon. - FX) R 8 ALE A Sret-claaa grocery bnslaees la euimro a invoice; 00 log about aeo per aay rent 120 per monia ; 10 uvu Ivuvg A4- B 11. care Jour nsl. PARTNER wanted for real estate bu ale aee; pay yoa eou a wees; fuo requlrea. rartlcaiara ientt Start at.. $800 GOOD meat market weU located, 'j Call at juiwj -j aire sr. - WANTED Experienced Ban e hotel or fnralehed-rooat hailnssa. 187 Froat at. . WANTED Experienced man In feral rare hard ware lines, witn saau capital. . Address X 24. care JsaraaL U-BOOM bouse tor rent, furniture for sale. bargala; havs to leave dty.. 428 Aider. A "AP Suburb water works for Bale; owner mast .leave; franchise, end all mains laid; now paring 11 per cent on money Invested, increasing every month. For partlculare ad dreaa N , care JournsL - BUSINESS OPENING Irge etore for rent at ueiameontn ana wasnmgton ata., suitable tor dry goods, millinery or notions: brick block, low rent. Gorans A Sons.. 1TAB First et. - BAKER WAITED To rent store and living roome st - Front sad Qibbs ata. . fievarta A Sons. 1T3-8 First at. FOR SALB A good peylng grocati etore; sell ing ew account or poor Dee its. N is, journal. WILL sell aome stock at mining company own ing large group of meritorious era Ima; slsgant showing: 10a per abate, par value $1; will guarantee at lea at 80 Bar cent profit la arte jeer, all (ale without loss; stock tally paid: absolutely eafe; write today; don't delay. J 7, Journal. FOR SALE Restsursnt. tables, dishes, knrvee. roraa, apenns, r-iaox monsren ateve. . -a is, JouraaL , FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 11.000 TIVB ACRES Ai noo . : , 14 mllee beyond Fulton Park, oa sarvey of new asocor une aura re oe aunt soon, so mm- atea-.waiB now of so rare, high table land. excellent aotl and charming outlook, eprins wsusr, gooa nwirnooraooa or sawn homts asa Bne srbool buildings, 50 mmotse to cities, poetofflce, over a moat lovely macadamised drtve. We know et sothlng like this la BU miles ef City HsU. Do yoa I Buy now and ireois yonr money m us next yeer. B. a. Cook A Co.. 151 Alder. FOB BALE 8 acres close ta Lento: Bne Iocs . tloa. cheap for cash. . Phone Weedlawa 225. 7tt ACRES, 1 mile south of Lents; 9 seres cleared, email bouse, well; $2,200. B. D. 1, ' Bos A Lenta, Oregoa, A ROOM modern cottage with bath, bot and eold water. Baa carpets aad ehadee, S lota. corner, alee laws, fruit and Bowers, 1 block ' from ear. Be fare, 20 minutes' ride; $1,200, ' half ca.h. Tow no, 208 tt Morrtsoa st. Pboae Psctflc 2B1A . . , . . 500 Homes For Sale Farms sad city property. - - THB INVESTORS OtTTDS CO., sil Marquam Bldg., J'ortlead. IF yoa want to build any kind ef building, small or lsrgs, go to Amerk-ee Ian for lumber, tim ber, doors, windows, plaster hoards, ate.. In St. Johns ills Lots oa easy terma, near caiiise. 276 Lots 80x100 ea terma, cloae In. too Lot 60x100. with 5.000 feet lumber. V. 700 Lot 60x100 on lvanbno at., cloae In. V, 1, 800 Let l"0rO and I -room bowse. 1,40014 lots 80x100, B blocks tram ear. . $2,700 S-room bowse, lot 118x100. ea Ivan boa St. I flne laem: modem thaongbaat. - HOMB BROKER AGS CO., Boom S Breedea bldg.. Third aad Washington. ... PaclBe 209A BEAUTIFUL modem ft room bowse, east front, full lot, $8,000: $500, balance $26. monthly. Owner. Phone Baat 878. SNAP Fine home, lota 100 feet square, A room hones, on eaat aide: party gone away and left property for sale at a great bare a In. For full particulars address C.. cere Hotel . Oregoa. BOO FARMS, small tracts and lots; bargslns ea 0. W. P. electric line. 0. B. Addltoe. Lento, Oregoa. Take -Mount Scott ear. Be. FINE Id 0MB. SACRIFICED. Owner going to Alberta; A room bones, wood fiber finish. I block car line, foar lota, fruit, etc.! a bargain If taken st once. Cell 808 Commercial block, i'bone Mala 54A E ren in t a. Mala 6067. . $4,500 8 ROOM modem novae and t lots on Baat Morrtsoa at. CsU st lOTtt Third st. . BEAUTIFUL FOB SITTTATION." soar excel lent school, grounds 100x100 an earner, very lovely lawn, elegent modem A room bouse, full basement cement clear up. week traya. large airy noma, velvet tinting, woodwork made ef selected lumber aad finished by hand, fine wide porch, elevation jnet right If you . want a "swell" home for a very reasonable price $8,0fl0. $1,600 down, balance to anlt roe at 7 per cent), aee J. B. liosmer, 727 Union ave., north. BOUSES built en Installments, ts If destreA 811 Commercial bldg.. Mala 1840. LOOK at tha lovely A room modem house today, Bdl Bast Salmon, southeast corner 28th; per chase from owner: nice yard and location; ' money returned with Interest one year. If : deelred. .. . - FOB SALB New 10-room house eor. Park and , Mill ata. 1 bath room, closets, large elotbee room, gag grate, mantel, fnraace. full cement basement, with laundry end fruit room. Fot ' aele by A Welch, The American Clothier, 121 Morriana st. I GOOD 8 -room bouse at Lanrelwood, directly across street from station; cheap $1,400; ', t"n'WB8TEBN OREGON TBUST CO., ? S81 Btark at. FOB SALS aaouera S-renni Be location ; buy of owner aed sere Pheoa Wsodlawa BOA - WILL finish to salt yea. 8 more house en ear line, fine large roome aad elneete. bath, base meet, all completed, for 88.500. with bt Mix 100, good Aerme; excellent bargala. J. B. Hoamer, 727 Union are, north. SIGHTLY H -block, Ea,t )2ta St., close la, below the market; $1.40. WESTERN 0BEGON TBCST CO., 21 Stark St. FOB SALE, CHEAP tt acre at Veunt Tsber; . terma. Owner, $U Baat Morrises, earner L'aloa ate. ... . . . ... -; ' ; . FOR SALE REAL E2TATI B-R"0i rTTA0B for sale; $708. 4e.a. 1,- Pboae B. FINN lot. 80x80, for 800, J. B. Hnsmar, 717 Uakm ts.. north. Pbeae Eaat 8100. KEW Arocm eotUge, aUlctly skodera, an car; $1,800. W. ESTBBN 0BE0ON TBl'BT C0 avt atarg at. BOMBS from $700 to $11,000. I'm looking for anspe all the lime, lie yoa west ape r see J. B. llosmer, 72J L'nloa avs., Berth. Pboos Baat 8100. fi.vec-oaai;iii Liu pisf. sevrinrvi mon. T large roome, terracee lawn, Trait.-nuwers, Flrst-st. car Use; 8800 cask; see this, lease Moore, 158 Nebraska at. FOB SALB B room cottage, double doors. Bra. place, large basement, tinted. 1 year old, by bx.oov. tho' 14 at Slalu, near sutav SIXTH STREET COTTAOB. - Modem A room cottage aiu.t be sold before the loth; le wall located, close la sad will UAGBMANM A BLANCH A BD,V - 81 Fifth at. , FOB SALB 400 acres timber lend seer Sres- poose; good locathio lor Portlsad sawmill; cheap; $15 per acre. Ahm lla-ecre ranch; 20 acrea cultivated. S ml lea from river oa good read, school on place; $1,650- U tskeeJ aa sew; ' w as, care . journal. . $800 S 1-B-ACBB chicken-ranch, B mllee west .of city: spring, creek. Borne improvements) snap. Edwards. 221 tt Morrtsoa at. FOB a home or Investment Elegant new S-mem settee, choice location, cmaa in, east aiae. Commercial Investment Co., Ml Lumber Ex change bldg, NRAHLY new T-room boaatj close la, waa aide. bsuu.1 o. pergsm as. lof. WESTERN OREGON TBl'BT CO., '.' . '. 201 Stark at.,: '- ' -V' 10 LOTS la Tsberslde osly $N5 per lot; this m ss caean aa acreage in that sect 10a. nan at lOTtt Third at. ' ' ' FOR SALE FARMS. 1M ACBKS bottom lead an Coiambla river. B4 mllee rr;m Portland, with new T-room aoeae; all fenced; with stock. $3,00A Fee partlcu lare addresa t. T. Smith. Latoorol! Falls, Or. 10-ACRB orchard with good improvementa. near Vancouver, only $2,Too; tnis is a lint non.e aad orchard; fruit worth $300 thlo year. Call at lOTtt Third at. 14 AtTRBS Gone) 8-room house, B rooms bard nnlehed; kitchen sealed, fan- bam, a loos nay In barn; 1 horse, 2 acta harness, .1 wagoa, 1 cow, 4 ptga. 75 eblekene, 1 means tor: plow, harrow, cultivator, bead seeder aad all other tools new: 7- acres potatoes. 1. 000 cabbage, and all other garden: good family orcberd; creak runs through 'place all year, Stt mllee from rartland. M-B00 Ss la Jbr trade for dry property. J. H. KMela, Crkamaa, Of. B. F. D. Na. 1. FARM FOR SALE SOS acrea 140 la rultlvatloa, balance in pee store and timber, all fenced, gooS bulla- mil or ail Kinas, .wen wsierea. w to a coed graded school and railroad station, all level, Sno. aoJU team, harness, wagoa, hark, 11 cows, cream separator, plowa, harrows, binder, mower, B acres pe tatora aad B acrea of corn fa with the place ror aiu.nuu; . ar,ienj eeea, oeiawce o ewii purchaser at 8 per cent. - Inquire 01 WARREN A STATER. , McMlnnvllle. Oregon, 14 ACRES near car lino. IS mllee , land, on good road, will bo sold at a aacri .. fleer tine 00U. wall improved. CaU at 107 tt Third at, . ... FOR BALE 10 acrea soar eleetrte line, all -level, all timber; 8ne road: $70ti. Call Eaat 17th sad Suvaoa ata.. at aew house. t v 140 ACHES B mllee Trent Mill creek: new Arena , housi. (tone bessmsnt, else A room keusi. barna. eheda, ate; snrmg water . piped to house end bam; erbanihouas Joins place: 40 scree In fruits and bet rise. 20 of which la bot toes land; M a ores In cultivation, balance timber and pasture; deded water right through Elace from Mill creek; 2 hncsea, B wagnna, eraeea, plowa aad all farming Implements seeded oa place: spray pumas; gi.aoo worth gO with place; will Hear closest Inveetl, -g-stloo: wonM take honee and kt for part pay. Price M.500: $4,500 eesh. baUace tlxsa. . I'tr.Li a Pboae Mala 5304. A AST ST.' - BOB BarnsMe at. FOB SALE Chlckea-raach Stt screet B fruit, tt acre small fruit; 7 blocks from , poatofnee. Bear depot; 1.000 eblekene, Ad- v, asoaaea, nitmoora, urefoo. FOB SALB er trade, stock sad dairy ranch of ISO as: new House, gooa auiMlage, R. Teesell, Elk. City. Uneola, - fruit, etc s Hen. . , B ACBES. with new A mora bones, wood fiber plastered. B chicken -00 sees, 1 brooder, situ sted 1 block from O. W. P. car line: will . sell this elesaat borne for $2,500 cash. Call at 107 tt Third at. FOR SALE TIMBER. 180 ACBES first-elasa timber, tt - mils from Sandy, S mllee from Columbia, 25 miles eaet et Portland; win eell for $3,500 If eold soon. ' DIM. A AMEY, Phone Mala 6884. -SOB Bursa Ide st. CERTIFIED rcrlD. an star prlcee. . W. . Bewail, 688 Chamber ef Com $1,400 WILL buy 820 scree Bne- yellow pine land; chance to double your money ; moat sell; title perfect. Addreea S B, care JouraaL HORSES. VEHICLES. HARNESS VEHICLES of all kinds, new and second-hand; largest stock, lowest prlcee; borers and rise rented by day or montA Tomllnsoa A Caa. eiday, lit Wsshlngtou. PsclBe 807. , FOB SALB B vrelVmatebed aad well-broken teems. 1.200 to l.Soo pounds. Address Baal Strebln, Troutdale. Or. K. F. D. No. 1. TO EXCHANGE.' FOR EXCHANGE BOO-aere fully eoulpped Brat, claea . placer mine, for Portia aa uropertyi tolnee are dlridend-nroducers and will stand Ineeetlfntlon; water rights of tho best. AA dreea P. O. Box Ml. Uraata Pass. FINB block ef lots In St Johns to exrhsngs tor bowse aad tot. CaU at Bl Fifth at. 40 ACRES fine land, rood buildings, -for house - and lot. Store balldlng with llvlng-roonte and stock of groceries for boose end lot. Addreea Y SO, care Journal. MINES AND INVESTMENTS. THE -J. C.IEE COi toc. , . 4t , v- g - .5e ; - High Grade Stocks and Bonds Am. Deforest Wlreli now storm Marconi Wlreleee Hurst Aut. AAA, Gnllce Con. Oregon Been rifles , Almeda Con. , , , Csscaola M. A Day. . Ot Northern Dev. Mt. Pitt ' J'-- White Bear ' . International Coal Call, write ar nbone Bnoeehoe Reindeer : Panhandle Smelter " Diamond Yale Caai, Associated Oil I Alaska Pat. A Coal '. Onlennda . Highland ' ' Tabor Fractlos ' N tools Cos I A Coke for prlcee on any ef tha above stocks, or other storks In the United States, Mexico. Canada or British Colombia In which you may be Interested. We are always la tha market and will pay cash for any active stocks or bonds. , - ' H. W. Donahue Manager BROKERAGE DEPARTMENT. ' 6-10-11-12 18 20 Lafayette Mas., Portlsad, Or. INVBSAIGATB THIS - If yen waat to own steak In 8 dividend paying mine see t. F. Nylander snout the Alice Gold Mining Oe. stock: will sell 60.000 ah area In blocks-to suit purchaser at 6c per Shane Boom 208 Allaky Bldg., eor. Tblrd and Morladn. - , . ., . . . . WANTED A good mining propnetttea te la eorporsts and Bnanee. . J. B. Bailey A Co, 481 Lumbar axebaBgar WILL sail B.ono Mt. Pitt, 15c; will aell 18.000 Oregoa Securitlea, Te; will buy 500 Copuero. polls, 10c; will buy Hurst Switch. . C. Lee, Caecadla and all marketable stock, t. J. Cktterlla A Co., 125 Ablngton bldg. WILL aell soma stork of mining company own ing large group of meritorious claims; elegent showing; 10c per shsre. par value $1: will guarantee at least AO per cent profit la one yeer. all fain without bne: stock fatly said; - aheomtely ssfs) write today I don't delay. J 7, Journal. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. BILLIARD AND POOL tsblee for tent or A aele on esay payments. THB BBl!HW1 K BALKS COLLENDEB 00. , m XhUd bL, rertlaad, e FOn f ALZ ITIIcrLLANTOUX WB prist your aaare oa 4 celllne cards, prep -da, prapag eards, l. rtusA Or. aiae aae erie, 1 , 1 0 bovueea A. W. Bchmaie Co., 1 4 rirat, portiasA BOW TO REACH TfrS FABMFRt Bend ' for Keatoa'a Rural Direetoryt ' 1M B. D, routes, with lt.ouO correct aamea. Rural , Directory Co., Bud AblugUis bidg., Portlsnd. Oregon, FOR SALB Frees Jersey end Durham cow, gratis and piod milker. Apply Jaotee Hultt. baruuam'a Hill: take Xtepe at head ef Wood at.; Itoutb Portland. - WB seed furnlrura and srlll say full value, Pboae PsclBe TOA Waatara Salvage Co., 527 Wa.ktaatna ak . . WESTERN OREGON MININO A MILLING CO, . aeeofiuBrrersj eiocs ror asie aao lararaxation at Sua First at Pboae Mais 182A BOOKS bought, sold and exchanged at. the Old Book Store. sew lament at. . - H0WCA8EA coantera, Btturea booght, eold ar exchanged. Western Salvage Co.. 827 Wash. lagton at. PaclBe TBA . "TnviTrRB Wa still have a few pieces Irtng around loose for sale cheep. Waatara Selvage Co., 82T Waahlngtoa at. - MOVIXOPICTl'RE MACHINES, Blma, song slldaa. e.a MOfll, t knn.lil a.Jil eentad PaclBe t2A?C,d' N"00 nvjrth. Phone FOR SALB Mason fruit Jars, quart. Bsc. per doaen; llda and rubbers complete. Crane Bot tie Co., coraer 14th and Conch.. ' Main ttsA FOR SALB, CHEAP Doable essreaa wagon and haraeee. Crane Bottle Co 14tn and Coach, mais szbs. . FOR ' SALB 18-horeepower runabout, shaft driven; aa everyday meehme: excellent hilt , ' climber owner baa' as are tor U. Addreea O. J. A., Vancouver, Wash. SECOND-HAND furniture of all kinds; also a complete line of new furniture and home supplies at krwaet prlcee; everything must ba sold.. 21Stt Froat at., coraer Sain rot SAI.H steam schooner, first class, 1.0M tons capacity, ena-lnee 1A2.x41x80. Geo, A ' Cueb A Co.. In.. 30 Concord "bldg. iatjwi abkb inn rixxi'Hts sjaae te areeri arcand-hand goods for sale. Carlaee A Kail Strom. ISO Coach et. Phone Clay B71. ARTISTS' matertale, plcrarea snd'frsmlng. H. Moorhouee A Co., 812 Alder at. HOLDEN'S RHET'MATIC CT'F" rheumetlsm. Sold by all dmsgkrts. POOL .T A HI. B complete, bar flxtarea. safe. ' tables, ehelra. etc. . Waatara Balvage Co., BIT ' Waal-Ing tea at. SEWING-MACHINES bought, sold, exchanged, $8 and no: emn rented. . . WESTERN SALVAGE CO., . 827 Washington at. ' - 1 FOR SALB New $400 upright Kimball plane for $200. Room 52, 850 tt Alder at, , , , - FOR SALB. CHEAP, or will rent Fex tvpe. , writer with tsbiilstor, In . good condition. . 402 Cewmerelnl bldg. Psclftc 81A . PERSONAL. . . FURRIER tAdlea, have year tars remodeled and repaired by practical furrier end expert Btter: 80 jeers' expeeieeeo le this branch enebtea me to guarantee entire satlarsrttea: 1 Will cell at residence and five estimate, It - deelred A. Reiner. Lewis bldg.. Morrises aad Park. Phone Padae 1487. ANT msa or -womas caa be atroeg aad happy by sslng Sexlae Pills, the greet tonic:,, price $1 a box, B boxes $6, with full guarantee. Addreea er call J. A. Clemsnenn. druggist, ror. Second and Yamhill ata.. Portland. Or. . MANLY vlaor restored by Dr. Na Glob ties. One month's treatment, $2: swathe, go; sent eecon - Ageata, WoedarA Clarke months, , $: sent eacorely sealed by asall. a? I-O.. i-ortiaoo. vr. DETECT! YB AGENCY CoaSdentlsl tneeaflga. ttona: reoorta famished en Individuals, their character, reeponelblllty. etc.; bed debts eel. lee ted: missing relettvee located: chargee reeaoaabla; eorreapondrnce HrltvA Oregon Detective Berrlce. nfSeee 20A204 Flledaer ntqg., torn una w asaiaguHx ra, . Mala MIA MOLES, arrtaiklao. eeeorrksona bah Let me ten yea how. No chares, Mrs. M. D. ' BlU. Suite I. Bslllng-Hlrsch bldg. Psetfle ISA BRXINS PILLS - Si secular weak a -Prior $1 m box. d bene $5. rllli fuR a-esran-tee. Addvoaa or call J. O, Clemeaees, drag. glet. Beeond aad TamMU Sta. Partis nd. nr. SUITS preeaed while yoa watt. SOc Ladies' aklrta press A Bne. Gilbert, tnsia Sixth St., - next ta Quelle. Phone Padoe jaA DISEASES OP WOMEN Private maternity hospital; nulet location and asocial care. Dr. Atwood, Afltt Morrtsoa et, room A Phone PaclBe 176A - . 1 11 1 1 -T YES. Palme Tablets make yoa aleep perfectly; they cure nervousness sad make yea strong; r ice 60e a bos. 8 boxes $2.50: suaraaterd. U dragglata, ar addreaa Brooke Drug Co., 87 North Third et, Portlaed. . Orefea. BOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CI BE Sure rare, tor rheumatlem. Sold by all druggists. HUMAN HAIR SWITCHES Pay after yen re ceive them; aend a eample of your heir and ' we will send yea one of ear St .60 ewttrhee. BU ax.. 12 racbee: examine It; If a big bar. fain, remit; If not, return. Addreea Ladles' Hslr I1U Emporium. 124 Dearborn St., Chicago, BOLD ON There to one thin that will cure rheumetlsm. Aak your druggist far berk ' tonic er addreea or call J. O. CTcmcaeoa. drug, e gist. Portland. Oregon, . - - TOUKO lady from Chicago hoe recently opened manicuring parlore. BSIVs Uorriaoa . at, 1 is. BEST eommlaaloa paid s rents oa afJ mafsxtao subscriptions, Jones' Book Store, 2BI Alder St.. Portlaed. Oregoa. - - . TURKISH BATHS,, ano Oregnolaa hldg.; ladles daya.- gentlemen nlghta. Mala 1038. 1 . DOLL'S HOSPITAL He pairing and dressing. Bl Tsmhlf at. TURKISH BATHS LADIES ONLY. 1 , Maaaaxe, ahampvolng. scalp . and face treatments, chest development, manicuring and chiropody. 651 Washington, between 18th and 17th. . Main T04A BOTH time and money saved, with a free shine. while setting ebeved at the Model Barber. . Shen, 81 Sixth at., bat. Btark and Oak eta.; shaving 16e. BALM OF FIGS for alt female diseases, - Eset Belmont. Phone Bast 403A DR. O. Y. KETCH I'M cures promptly private dleeaeea, kidney, nervous, skin end special female troubles. Call or write. Office lTdi ' Third at., cor. Ysmhlll. Phono PsclBe 1228. CALIFORNIA Mediated Healing Soap, toilet, . bath, complexion. nursery. Ask yonr deeler . for Ir. Moorwllrrm Co., general agents. 171 tt . Morrison at. Pacific 1571. - . ' ' DR. TUNG CIIOONO, Importer Chinees root medicines; sells Chinese tea. certain cure for , all dleeaeea. 101 Id., bat. Yamhill and Taylor. ; WHY BE BALD 7 Ws guarantee to prevent hslr from falling out aad cure Itching scalp 1. absolutely.' 473 Airier et. Mala 2S3I. SCHOOL OF PSYCHOLOGY . teaehee magnetic . healing. concentration, hypnotism and pelmlatrvi patlente treated for all dlasaacs. 478 Alder St. Phone Mala 2881. MISS GIBSON and message. ' Morrison at.. gives sxpert scalp treatment . Kooa 62, The Coaaaos, 204 tt YOUNG lady gives act entitle ma ass re, manlrnr. . Ing and pedicuring. 144H Sixth at, bet. Morrison and Alder ata. LADIES guars a teed safs and sura relief for all troubles of a private nature, no matter from what reuse; no exposure. Call or writs Dr. T. J. Pierce. 1S1 First St., ear. Yamhill, Port ' land, Oregon. WANTED To cars for children at my realdenco or yours. 122 Borthwlck St., L car, 1 block . north ot Alblna are. WILL yon merry If euttedf My new plan ef frlvate Introductions by mall la best for par. Icular people. Write to ma. Walter Me Donnell, 488 Madteoa st, Cblcago. THB ADVENTURESS "Sweet Danger," "A Marriage la High - Ufa," "Twenty Years Hna'llng. Prisoner ef Beads," "A Social Lion." M cents each.,- A. W. Scbmale Co., 228 Flret at. AUTOMOBILES. COVEY A COOK Motet Car Co.. Fifteenth end . Wishlnitoet Agent, for Cadillac. Plaeee. Greet Arrow aad motor-earl ' mactjlass rested, repesred sad etered. Mala ASSAYERS. 0AKY1N CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO, . sxoataae aeeay vuice, iaa f