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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1906)
cr.: 2:1 dXily -jstomau rcr.TLAi:p. i:o:iday cvz:.i::ot august W ire - A7 Te 0 I-". rFr"w b. stir wvtv. Ma ava.-. t-ertreit u4 Umm artwt 4 team c ARCHITECTS. . EL Arsbluet II i ATTORNEYS. 1 f. - WICHEBTKB. ttnfnty-tt-Uw, sstary punne. e waaningtoa oicg. ACCOUNTANT. " Autx. c. ram.' . f FCBI-IO ACCOUNTANT. 10 Concord bl.lg. - Pbone Main Sell. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. V ' BAn ni via V Kir.aTAU-. lfla-111 lunula at Blank book lUDilunnni sgssts for JM Improved Loe-lr ledger, ere e bvw luresa leaf, the kMt or. tbe anarsev, BATHS MASSAGE. atbaaaMtlna cures: br massage by roane Oar. ua lad ' 30844 Stars, 11 M Tumm Heuee. ' MADAM! VASHTa Turklah ' and tub batba. . Biaeeago treatment. 201 W Third at ' YOCHO UOr cItm vapor, alcohol and taaaicatsd batba.. Parlor ST, KMV4 BUrk ft. IHS SNOWDEN bathroom; Udf attendants. ISTtt Aldar nt. - MISS BATMOND fives baths sad meases traatmanta. Tbs Cosmos, 368 Is elorrleoe sU TWO . ladles fives baths and uisgnatie treat ments. io cniropoay ana manicuring. zztt ' Weshlngtoa St., between drat sad Beoood. OUTBEBN ladr snd aaslstant give ma . tub and vapor . batba. 1 HOVt roartb, Washington. - j , . BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. a BtBKXKWALO CO., 104-30 gvsrett at. Largest batahara supply bono as) tbs coast. BUTCH BUS' SUPPLIES Adolpb A. Dekua, ill-Mi rtrst at., eaniea a fall Una snd com plete aaanrtment at loweat market prices. CARPET, CLEANING. ; " ( STAlTOAaD Carpet Cleaning Oa., largest plaa aa tbs coast. Lorlng sadTBardlaa eta., tela, pbaae Beat a0 Carpete sinned, relttea, sewer sad leldt botb stesa snd latest sea. ' pressed air proeeeet rsaevatlag suttreaaeS and faatbers a specialty. ' BANITABT ssrnet cleaning, saettsa sad eoas scsasal an? combined; carpete cleaned en dear ' without removal. Mala MM. Mala MOO. t. BUHTSIt. steam earpet and asattraaa. cleaner, bno .offerees. Phone Mala tj. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST. ' FOR A FBW BATS ONLT. A SPECIAL Is HEADING FOR II. . ALWAYS CONSULT THB BUT. PROF. B. KHIMO. - Oreatoet U.1n( satral dead-trance 1 clair voyant of tbs are: ADVISER ON B I 'SIN 188 AND ALL AFFAIRS OF LIFE) whom roe will marry, bow be eontral tbs sas rea love, even taourU miles a war; reaaltas tbs sap , arm ted : atves secret pew ere to control. - I. will do ell others aitTarttee to do. and S treat deal mors. TRB B ft TIRE WORLD HAS BEEN STARTLED WITH TUB POW. KRS OF TRB UNSEEN FORCES I HATB AT MI COMMAND, and I prors It to rul wlts aut price by rlln yoa a - , BEE Vest freb hv bavlMP voar NAHM TOLD fl!f FCLL. JtTTT WHAT TOD CAME FOB, and civs rsdvles sbsolately FREE before yoa decide bavs a readlnr. WHO CAN OR WILL DO MORS TO CONTINCB THB SKEPTICt DO MOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY. AS IT WILL MOT BE OFFERED TO XOU AQAUI. Permaasntlr Located In Hla frwn Rome. ' , BOURS. 10 TO S. DAILY AND SUNDAY, j No. IS Filth at., eoraef Madlaoa at. ' , PROF. WAI.LACB. te Cnemos, MVa Morrlana. Bes tbla gifted me a. Hs calls yoa by ' saaa, - Ha tells year -.poet. - pi asant and rarars. Telb) yoa -whs are roar frleBds, sna .rnlee. rieals. Ha knows si aas-what . soa , celled-io Telia mho saaV-wbea yoa will . i aaarry. He tells ' yoa evsrvrhlnp. The area fee t brrlar clairvoyant.. aplrltulUt and , " palmlat reads for BOe. ' , ,.. SEB HIM TODATI REMEMBEa THB PLACE. NIBLO. SSI FIFTH BT. Royal oriental clslrvoysat, nsrchle,. pahbtat. r Orealeet adelaes a hrvs, boeineee. merrier. dlorr, law, lnvestawnU; all revealed; tells steetly what yoa earns for, aaaae, are. er. enpatloa: wham, whea yoa marry t deralopa turoeflaa rood lack, powers of secret con trol, carss all nervosa dletoeao, weak kablte. ' ree tores lost vitality, lacatre rreasare by aptoit power, develops awdlnms, Nlblo'a Ecrpttan art main klm mora acsassful than any other myatls worker. 110H FOl'RTH ST. SCO reaalnr II Ula weak; beet dead trance clairvoyant la tows; telle yoa ex actly wbst roa call lor, ysar name sad afs, "jlH FOURTH,' COB. WASHINGTON, If If . EINOA. Eavntlaa palmist, clairvoyant, heetlnc thronrb paychls power, clslrvoysnrs developed la others; reed (nrs dally, aOe and ap; every one aoss away ; aatlafled: no circles until further aotlcel , permaaeatly lecated. ' SUM Morrlsaa, Cos. mns. over Royal bakery. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. BTERDIirO A FABRELL. arodasa sad aommls. sloa merrtaate. 140 Frost St., Portland, Or. Phone Mala 1T. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. WA8VBUBN A FLOTD Oarpeatsrs. yolwars snd carrlaFS work. W ttk at. Phoae Pedae HQS, CLEANING AND DYEINO. , Psrtland Stesm Cleanlnf A Dyemr Workai yrej tleal settee la coaasetwa. Ill 4th. Facta SOT. CLOTHES cleaned and prsentd II per awatb. Ualqas Tallortnl C., W WaablatTeaa at. If. W. TURNER, pmfeea tonal dyer aad rlsaaar. WW Jena . Phone Mala MM. . COLLECTION AGENCY. DOES ANYBODY OWE TOU MONBYT WB COLLECT BAD DEBTS OR NO CHARGE. 'CITIZENS' LAW A COLLECTION CO.. CITL ' SENS' BANK BI'ILPINO. ROOM 16, J2SM GRAND AVB. PHONE EAST S3S. ' CAFES. "V THB OFFICE EW Waahlaftoa at., pboas Msla ' T71. Samuel Vlineui. CHIROPODISTS. CHIROPODY AND PBOICURINO. Mrs. Mk I. BIIL Balte I. Selllar-Hlrecb BWir. PactBc 1M. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE crockery and rtaasware. Prsel, Herels A Co., 100 ts Ind Fifth, one. Btark at. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. M. A. ' Ol'N"T a co.- . ' CISTRIBtTORS OF FINE CIGAR. PORTLAND, OREGON. COAL AND WOOD. 'ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealers la ssidauad. seal and reea and dry alabwood. B. B. aad Alblna avs t block ssst ef ferry. Beat 174. STEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO. Tatre la anal, aerdwaed aad dry slabwood. Phens Bast 4M. OREGON FUEL CO. All kinds ef "oal wood. SM Alder ct. Paw Mala SB. ' BOX an.1 planer wood. ' Standard Wd Cs. Immediate, delivery. Pboas Beat Ml. PRY stovewnod slready split, ll.TI per bMd. Pboas Padaa 1421. H. Haneea. Bl load. THB PORTIWINn Ft EL CO, 1 , Bnrreeeors to C. . DAVIS FI'EL CO.. Fbone F.aat M. MT B. Morid,ena St. DRESSMAKINO. ANGELES' DBESMAKINQ FA BLOBS Loweat , prices, seat warkmsaahlp. , Ml ttb sad Mem. Ll-HOsd la dancln at oor home, or at any reaidmre; Meaona evennf aad aftaraooa, 0. f. -"'B. Par.fle 111. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. PACIFIC ELEOTBIO CO. Baflaaars, eoaua tora, repau -a. slertrls winnf, aunoHee. fcd rirai, ear. scars, aiaia aw. a, aa. FURNITURE FACTORIES. OREGON Faraltars Maaafactorlnt Company Manufactarers sf furalturs for U trade. Portlasd, Orecoa. FURNITURE aisnnfacrarlaf and spwlal orders. L. Buveneky'e furniture lactory, 70 Front at. FURNACES. BOTNTON war a -air furaarae savs fneL i. C. Bayer Furaaca Co.. SM Seooad. ' Mala dl. DRYHOURE HEATING PIPES, mads to order oy j, iosii. Ill jerreraoai rnens racino iae. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRB A IBON WORKS TM , FUadsrs si. car. Third. Pboas Main SOOO. BAST PORTLAND FENCE A WIRB WORKS, - ISO Bsst Water St. Psoas Bast ML , GROCERS. WADHAMS A CO., wbolesals rrocera, mena , facturers and sommlaatoa merchants. Fourth - and Oak sts. . , . ALUM a LEWIS, commlmlaa aad nrodnes rronc sna imivis so., roruaaa, w. TRIM A WATNE Jobbers sad wholes! rrocera. ) Second at. GASOLINE ENGINES. STATIONARY and marine; "IJttU BpoHal" Eaaoline lauacb, 1U0; sacead-bsad elecule lunches and bolls, BEIERSON MACHINERY CO, . - 18S-4- Morriaos St. HOTELS. THB BELLEVUB Foartb sad Balnea t nice clean wsek or moatb. Pacta HOB. by day. HOTEL Portlasd, American plan; 8, 15 par day. BELVEDEBE; Enroneas piss: 4th sad Alder ats. - : r HAT FACTORIES. BATS rktsssd. blocked, aasda Bks sew for sot; export Panama bleacher. A4 Thtrd. near Pine. Branch. M First. PeHfls 1A - HAY AND GRAIN. L IV COOPER A CO. Pots toes, feed sad Soar. 1M Union see. Phono Eaet MIT. HARDWARE. Portland Hardware Co. solicits opportunity to quote prices. T4 Sixth at. Paclne 460. INSURANCE. wsawBsafjaBawBaaaal IAS. Met WOOD, smplsysrs BaMUtyaad to drvldsal sse1dat surety beads sf all kinds. . Pboas ST. SOS McKay IMPROVED Ore alarm servtee rednrea Ineurancs rate; ace tbs National Antoinette Firs Alarm company. F. M. Batcbelor. prealdent. QQ4 McKay bldf . MONEY TO LOAN. ' H E AH MONEY PRDPOSITION Money la seay to ret ir yoa snow wnars to fst It. Ws bavs ready money at all ' times, snd yoa can eel It on your salary; ' $10 ts (100, oa best term sad at lowest Ws tea oa fba easy payment plan the Slaa that helps you aad (eta yoa oat of est. Tea rt tbs sash. Ill yet tat for, sad repay la amounts yoa caa osavealeatlr spars saco payday. we do not flla oat sot Ua paper, require a la. tatwaaM to friends ar smnloyer. ' Aoreer. ao reference to friends er employer. Opes Toe, aad Sat. svealnrs until I o'clock. Hutton crecut C0e Bll (Bth door) Dskam bide 1 . SfONBT TO LOAN - . atOa-Impcsvad rtty wropettysr tor'lldlnr - parpoaes. ror mm a to iv yearv mw, n. . vrlvlleve to repay sU ar part of loas after tero-yasra. Loans approved from plan sad mossy advanced - a bulldlnc program; BMrtrares tekea ap and replaced. FRED H. STRONG. Financial Agent . . . Ml Stark aL- THB STAB LOAN CO. Aay aalarled employe. war-arsr. caa fet m hi. MnlA wllkAnt anetaail - Month. H Mnath. Woe Month. H nnata. waex. to aa lll.M or M.BO or M.M to a 0 OS ar II .M r il.OS ts aa I 4.00 or 12.00 a 11.00 ' pno.on Repay 28.00 Bepsy IB. 00 Reoer 110 McKay bide. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS sa eateries. Issorsacs ponctes, pianos, aonaiierw, w . w selpta. etc.; any desarvlnr psrsoa amy enure s liberal advance, repaying by oasy weekly or monthly tnatallmenta. . KEW ERA LOAN A TRUST COMPART. . tot AMnctoa hid. MONET ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE And ethers apaa their swa asmes wiisosa security! cbeapeat rates, esalest payments: erftcee la M prtadpat dtlee; ssvs yoarssli money by rettlnr eur terms Brat. TOLMAN, Z2S Abler tea bldf.. lom Third at. BEADQUABTERS FOB SALARY LOANS woaey can so oorrowvo vb wmwv w.twvw. Bias, loweat mtei tHctlr fonfldeatlsl. . . CRESCENT LOAN CO.. dM'Vobawrvbld, sor. Thtrd and Morrlsoa, MONET Is maa aa real, personsl snd collateral sareai botes bousnt. C. W.. Pallet, S04A Fsntoa bid.. M Sixth at. MONET to loan on Clsckamas county rands. B. F. and F. B. Rllsy, 008 ua ruber or worn- LOWEST rates oa furaltars and ptanea. m sra Lsaa Co., v aaerioci Dia(. rscins sue. MONEY to loss aa all kinds of security. William Holl, room S Waahlnftea tMf. TO LOAN Sums to salt ea chattel security. . A. Frame, 114 tbs marqusm. MONEY tossed salaried people oa note: cheap. est rates, r. A. Newton, a ADincwa nias. MONEY LOANED AT I PER CENT On diamond, watches snd Jewelry, PORTLAND LOAN OFFICE, Td THIRD BT. PRIVATE money - to loan near Portlasd st reasonable rates. Sol Bloom. I3S C. af C MONET TO. LOAN S0 to 9O0.-oa collateral; low rats Of mtereet. MS Sixth, icvenmre. MACHINERY. THB H.'y C. 1 ALBEB CO. Second bead ma- chlnery, sawmills.,.. tc.- s orana sss. B. TRENKMAN A CO. Mining. sswmlH, log ln maehlnerri hydraulic pines, caa ting; all kinds repaired. 104 North Fourth.- MUSICAL. EXITL THIELHORN, pupil of 8EVCIr. vlolla teacher. Studio 101 Sixth. Tel. Main IMS. PIANO-TUNING, r pairing, rsflnlshlnr snd rllahlng; eatlmatea glran- Jobneon. witter Porter, 173 Third tU Phone PaclflC tL MONUMENTS. NEU A KINGMLET. MS First St.. PortUsd leading marble and granite works. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. ARNOLD LINDSAY, frsdasts of tbs Oataopethlr relies of KlikavTlls, Mleanurt, whs IS s peclaM.t oa rbenmatlem, arnmach snd all female dlecssss. Offh-e 410 Falling bldg corner sf Third aad Washington sts. DBS, ADIX A NORTHRUr, dlS-IO-lT Dekuo) hldg., Third snd Waahlngtoa . sts. . Pboas Main 140. Examination free. PAINTS, OIL AND OLASS. f. E- BEACH A CO. Tbs Ptoeeer Paint Co winooi Phea wldow4ia sad flsslaf- IM it. asss. finai.'CIAl J1 BATIOWAL BAJTX IF PORTLAND, Dealgnared Dsposrtory and A. L. bftl H W. C. ALV0u Asslstaat Lsaalsr . . Letters of Credit Available la Firooa snd te Esatera Starve a. H R"nre and Talearaphls Trsaarers aoad 00 Raw Jork, Bon. Chloag. Br, LSOU, St. P.-.L Omana. S-a Irendeos and the principal pointa la the Nonhwwt. . I at s4 time hills draera la auaw to nit sa Lonaos. Parte. Berlin. firlV2? Hon; ng. Tohohswis. Copnbea. Chrl.tlaala, Stockholm. St. Petersburg. Moscow. Enrich, LADB A TIL TON, BAbTrB XMlhd la lUs.) ' . - - Treeeaots s OeaeraJ Baaklsg Baaiaeaa. Collections msds st aTl lJ"t 'VT . , sble terms. Letter ef credit leaned svsllabl In Estops and all points In the itjnlted Ststes. Bight Kxshaawe amd T.u.hi. e-M..r.r. ald ob New York. Waahlnrton. Chlcer. St. Louta. Dearer, Omaha, San Frandaos aad Montana aad Brltlab Columbia. Exi aLosdoaParla. Berlin. Frankfort. Hoagkoag. YoAohams. Manila ssd Honolulu. sj aUBCJIABTS1 BATIOBAL BARX, PORTLAND, OBEOOB. it i- ISArfK WATSON...,...Presldest I B. L. DURHAM. HOTT Cnku 1 Traasasts' Baasral Basking Buslasav Drafts ah .rarts or tus woria. I TBTTBB BTAXZS BATIOBAL BAJTR OF PORTLAND, OUOOB, fhJ " Northweat Cocnrr Third and Oak Street. " la Trsaassts Boaeral Baakmg Busumss. DRAFTS ISSUED Available la. Afl CWeaex the United States sod Europe, Hongkong sad MsolU. OoUetl Made sa Fsvorsbls Terme. President ..J. O. AINHWOHTH I Ceahler ...R. W. BCHMFjnj Vle-Prss!dsst.. .....B. l.EA RAHN11 Amlatant Ca abler BAVZERr A LUMBERMEJI'S BAJIX Psrtlsss, Oreges, Cora Second sad aurb strssts. Commsretsl snd saviors department. Intereat paid oa ssvings accounts. Drafts and . ,''rs ef credit Issued available Is all parte of tbs world. Opsa Saturday ovaaiags from 1 " rr "v ssoommoaatioa et cuatoaiers. D- C. P ELTON Prealdent I FRED H. ROTHCHIU)...Flrat Vloe-Prealdeot I .OHN A. KEATING. ...Second Vlce Prealdent I TBB BAVX Or OAXITOaUnA-rstsbllshed IM4. Bead Offlos. Sas Frandses. Ce.lforata. Capital paid up .M.000.000 I Surplus snd undivided rTy.j4-L? . , A General Banking snd Exchanss Bustaeaa Tranaactsd. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. lajsrssu aa tlm deposits. Accounts spened tor Portland Brsaeb Chamber Wlf. A. MACRAE.... . Manager TRUST COMPANIES. PORTLAND TBTST OOMPAaTT OF OBEOOB "Tbs Oldest Trust Oemnesty t Oisgis. RESOURCES OVER I l.ToA.nno.OO. General banking. Exchang sn sll parts sf tbs world. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. Tims esrtlflcatea. I to 4 per cent: ahorfsll sneoUI sartlfV. sates, 100 or over. H to 4 per sent CU for book of "ILLUSTRATIONS." '- -Soutbeaet Corner Third aad Oak Streets.; Pboas Priests Exchange TS. . BENT. I. COHEN....... ..Prealdent I H. Li PITTOCEV .Tiea-PrssldsBl B. LEB PAGET Secretary t J. O. OOLTBA Asalatant Secretsry rrtrrrr ATTif na a, vsirs-e ?S TrwMsots a Oaasrsl Bsaklns; Bustesss. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Intereat Allowed " oa Tim snd Bsrlngs Accounts. Acts as Trustos for Estates. - Drafts aad Letter af , Credit Available U AU Parts of the World. C. f. ADAMS.............. President I L. A. LEWIS Ftret Ttea-frsMdeat A. IV MILLS.. Second Tles-Prenldeat I GEO. F. RUSB-ELL TEE MORTOAOB OUAR ARTIE A TRUST ; Transacts a Oenersl Banking ' Buslseas. Tu. . . M ' 11 CAPITAL... .....$100,000.00. . W. WATERBUBT Prtda ) C W. MILLER ........Yles-Frsal B. LOGAN HAYS.,. slstast Beerstsry Elks Temple.' Beventb snd Stark Streets. Pbons Main 1S4. Open Saturday BvsnlaE I ts A W. TOKIBWESTEBM BUARARTEE A TRUIT OOMPAXY Pwrtlsad. Orsgssj. - v.. , 11 Lumber Ex chance. s. B. Corner Becood snd Stark Streets (eeeosd Boar).'. 1 FISCAL AGENT FOB CORPORATIONS. . . State, Oaaaty, . Muslelpsl and Corporatloa Bonds Bourht and Sold. New rn tar pel ass srgtalmg ana annnceq. aiocs TITLE 0TARABTXX A TRUST COMPABT MO WASKIBOTOB BTRBBX. -MORTGAGE LOANS oa Portland Real Estate at Lowest Rates, ' , v i ' Titles Insured.1 Abstrscts Furaahed. 1? THORRUBN ROSS......... Presidest I JNO. B. AITCHIWOIf ......Secretsry GEO BOB H. HILL Tles-Prssldsot I BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. M OMit BROTHERS.-Ouunber of Osauasras ' ' Mnnlclpsl, rsllroad and DOWTBO-HOrrnrS COMPAJTY Established STOCKS, BONDS. GRAIN Boagbt Private Wins;- v BOOM d CHAMBEB .BE i. a IE COMPAWT 1SM Lafayette Brokerage Depart most Bs Xft Before Buying or Selling Stocks N ITADA OOTTNTtES BBOKXRAOE OO-BOt Cash for Nevada, Arlsona, caiirorni. ureroa sna maxiro mining amraa. no what yoa bavs. WTlts a. Your apparently worthless stocks may be valuable to as. n..k.n1, Ctaee . PaaIts Ta U V t UWlfk O UA1 1 OC UUVbW VVt 10 -unr, tbottmowb. cottob, stocxb and bonds. . . WE BO A ITRICTLT COMMISSION BUSINESS eaarlBsauB Msrksts by Private Wire. Quick Service. BEFERENCE8 Ladd A TOtoa. BJur Bra, ssd United States National Bank of Portland. LOUIS :J.1LBE- COBPOBiTIOlt J MXJflVWVf . , Bigs Betara to rsasstarf Oenalstent With Absoluts Safety. . PORTLAND A NORTHWESTERN BOMB TELEPHONE A TELEGRAPH SECURITIES. OPTICIANS. CHAMBERS ' OPTOMETRIST. see on ScientlcUr Corrected. 128 sevesis ouset. - DR-. OEO, . R.t3EN8TEIN.,ril.bla sjttel..; glasses sajusiea or l pllasces. 1M Fourth St. ' PRINTING. THB MODERN frTERT-Artlstlo prlMlng. M Ruaeel bldf .. Foartb and Morrlsoa. Pboas Pedflc lib. ANDBRNON A DUNIWAT COMPANY. frtot- Ins, ntnograpaing, maa swae -IT. EOS Alder et ' PLUMBERS. D0NNERBERO A RADEMACHER. removed to No. B0I Bumsioe ax. FOX CO.. ssaitary ptemlwrs Ml Second bet. stsia aaq aaiimoaa. ww . FINN" 10 AN BROS. A CO.. MS Third St. Phona Bdltta XOU". rismwn mam RUBBER STAMPS. r. C. STAMP WORKS. Ml Aldar St.. pbons Mala " m.rl . . . sfaaultai Kab dfsCat avab. ROOFINQ. TIN ROOFING, guttering, repilrtnl and general )QtlWngr I. LOSI1. SIS eeriVTWTO m. rm. STREET PAVING. THB Barber Asphalt Paving Cv at Portland. mwm aa VI. UniCJ TWO TVJB tsPW -" BPIabs wiHl tnq eroMinsrfA. mi wmBvw ss..vximssav. SAFES. DIEBOLD Mangaaess and Brenronf nates; sac- ...... 1.. . w t ,ut a, . la .w. cuts opened. Mr. Super, mechsolc! sxpsrt with . E. DavU, M Third. Pbons 1051. EIGHT second-head fireproof aafea sad rer second nana nsna ssres ror sas enwap, bs iv Sixth. St., Portland. Or. SIGN PAINTERS. OOLD SIGNS, window lettering, elotb bsnnsrs. srenomieai cieciric signs ass visne oi en kinds mads qalrkly. roster Klelssr, Fifth snd Everett. Pboso Exrhsngs 66. W. P. BERGEB A RON. M4 Yamhill st. Signs of all kind. Phons Paclne ti-it. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of seery descrtptwa bsnk. baf snd store Rxtures made to order. Tbs Laths . Msnufscturlng Co., Portland. . v B. H. BIRD8ALU deelraeri agent M. Winter Lumber Co., T Hamilton hldg. Mala BftSQ. TYPEWRITERS. MEW typewriters, sll mskes. rented, sold ssd repaired. Coeat Agency, Ml Stock. Tot 14"T. TELEPHONES. THE only stclnalv telephone-bones. B.-R. Electric It Telrpbon Masufacturlnf com. pa sr. M Fifth st. ' TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILT Comb, brush, soap. 11 per month. Portland Laundry and Towel upply Co.. Ninth snd Couch. Pboas 410. WINDOW SHADES. OA LB WINDOW SHADB OO, Mt Salmon St., pis la ssd fascr shades mad to srdsr at 1 kwsst pries, Pboao Mala MIB. - r a::3. 0XEO0B. , ' k Financial Agst of tbs Unites siaice. I Ceehler .. W. ""'"JS I laaacd AssUtant Caehlef M. e. STBVEMO . 1 , , a...lrt.nt ninnni w HOYT AmUtant Csahier ii . . . . ... ....... . . - snd Letters of Credit Issasd Arstlsbls to ijoiieetion a aneniiif ,W. A. BOLT I Aealataer vasnier. . ........... ......,A. M. WRIGHT -.x. E. O, MEARS., Villl"'2'S,ri H. D. STOREY i. ...... .Assistant Ceahler I run PLATT A PLATT. . . . .Oenersl Counsel sums sf 110 and upward, f ' , of Commerce Bonding. J. T. BUBTCHABLL......Aaa1atent Msasgec - w- j e fltreet. Partlssd. B. O. JUBITE Asalatant Beoretary .hecretery COMPART BANK. ' 1 , Interest Paid oa Tims Deposits, SavtsgS 1 MMMmld sno ooooe goarentwo. T. T. BURKHART Bid. , public servtcs CTrporsMoa bonds. ISM BROXZRB. aad Bold far Cask aad sa Margts, of COMMERCE. ' Fhoaa Mala Blag.. Portland, Oreges, H. W. Donahue, Manager. ' or Bond. Caa Always Save Too Messy. Baosa Block, Oaklsad, Oallfomis. " (Member Chicago Board of Trade.) Third St.. McKay Blag., PortUsd, . 4 aad I La Fayette hldg.. sor. Sixth ad Wash, Btav. rsrtlaad, Orsgea. J S10CK: CORPORATION TRANSFER AND HAULING. SAFES, aisnos and faraltars aMvsd, pecked ready for shipping snd shipped! sll work guaranteed; large, B-story . brisk. Ire proof warveoiaae far storsge. Offlc BOB Oak si. C, M. OUss, Pboas Msla MT. THB BAGOACB A OMNIBUS TBANSFEB CO., . oor. Sixth ssd Osk sts.; bsggsgs checked from hotel or residence direct to desttnatleai asaeiia sis there for. svold rush aad assay. sacs at depots. Private Ilea age OS. C. O. PICK, aflco M First St., betwsea Stark and Oak ate., phone lot; piano ssd furnltur movsd snd packed for shippings commodious brick war bo nee . with 'separata area rsiiam. Front snd Clay sts. OREGON TBANSFEB CO.. 1M North Birth. Psoas Mala M. Heavy bssllng aad storage. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. Hs. BMm Wash. Ingtoa et. Pbons Mala Mt, CUT rates sa boasebold goads to sll points t: ws nake ee srloda; speclsl room for rrunli wbll waiting. Orernn Aate-DeepateB, II First at, Pbsns Msla Til. INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE A TRANSFER Cm Storage. AM Stark at. Mala 40T. WELLDIGGING. WELLDIOG1NO George Bobl St. John WOOD DISCOVERS OFFICERS' IRREGULARITIES Commander In Philippines Start, ed In vettlgation of Scandal in ' the Army of the Islands. (Jearaal 8 pedal Service.) Now fork. Aur. 11. A spacial to tho Horald fromv WashlnBton gaygr Mojor-Crcnoral Leonard Wood, com manding; tho Unltod States forces In tho Philippines, Bocoraing to Information rocolvod horo, la rssponslblo for taking tho initiative In tho lnvsstlgatlon Into tho allacod lrrslarltlso In connection with army construction ' shops at Ma. nils, which just now Is profoundly stir, ring army circles In tho far out and In tho Unltod States. Wood detected Irregularities when he first vlaited the construction shops soon after he assumed supreme command of the Philippines, and pursued the In vesttgatlon and discovered that for six or eight yean It had been the practice of army, officer to havw furnltur made for themselves, and while an account waa kept of the work, the bills are never presented, and of course never paid. This was distinctly opposed to the reg ulations, . AT. THE THEATRES. Thi Marching Regiment" The charmmg mllltsry drama. "Tbs March ing Regiment, hi fear acta, which seastttute the bill at the Lyric for the current week, Is Indeed e plav to he long naMmbered, The ars stirring, tbs rllmstee strong, tbs character portrave! eteslletit and, with a sp. enm ra trifling ef comedr, aa attrsetloa la ottered which will sot fall to Interest tb masses. 7.. " Pantagcs. Psntsges has, a anal, the beat vaudeville how la row. The Mil hi headed bv Henry McCrav and troupe la the etlrrrng drama, "Tbs Old OuirsV' This w tbs first time this com pear has appeared to this etiy. Other good somber sra Jeannette Fletcher, "Scotch Night higal"! tbs great Melootte, wh pussies sll: Merrttt sisters, srtlsts In entertaining: Jack LaaoA bs as 1 1 met re ted ballad, sad maa ether aajuail teterssllsg H sutures. . x LULuE IIDIIOGIEIIS COliE lOBUdCII White Wings Form Procession on . Columbia River Bar Dur- . . ngN'gnt. ; . 1 OLD BARK COLOMA IN THE LEAD OF THE FLEET British Tramp Steamer Vermont and th New Steamer Helen P. Drew . Fall in Lin and Cross in With the Steam Schooner Aurelia in Rear, '' X big fleet of lumber earriara arrlvsd at A(orla during the paat 14 hour, and they represent nearly every type of craft afloat Last night the bark Co loma crossed In, after haying beaten around In a heavy fog oft the bar, and shortly afterwards the schoonsr Lottie Bennett followed In her wake.. Both ar coming to load lumbar at the mill of the. North Paolflo Lumber company for San Franclaco. This morning tho Brltlah 'tearaer Vermont and the schooner Nokomla and William Olaen crossed In shortly after sunrise, and at 10:15 the steam schoon sr Aurelia plowed her way over the bar en rout to Portland. A mild surprise was caused among the waterfront fra ternity down in the City by the Sea last night when the steamer-Hslsn P. .Drew cam steaming Into th bay, for The had not been reported a having sailed for th Columbia rlvsr. According to th Usrohanta exchange, th stranger I under charter to load lumber at th Knappton mill for San Francisco. She has never been In the Columbia river be fore, and I new vessel. ' Th British steamer Vermont come from Ouaymas, Mexlcoi under charter to Balfour, Guthrie t Co.. to load lum ber for th orient. She cornea in ballast and will probably reach the harbor late this evening. The Vermont Is a large vessel, and will carry away more than 1,000 A00 feet of lumber. , The schooner William Olson will re ceive her cargo at one of th mills on the lower Columbia. The Nokomla will probably com to Portland. Th steam schooner Aurelia will load at th mills of tho Portland Lumber company, as usuaL She will resoh the harbor this vcnlng. . 1 r REFUSES GOOD OFFER. OapwAls Amos Would Bathe Own th ' XeSAaVOk. Bva Than SleMO. iv .a ila.k.. amanactnrs and tradara offered Captain Amos f 1,000 cold oaan lor th gasoiin launcn ars rtsmsar and he refused to take the money. About two year ago th skipper paid 1100 for' the craft and th fellow who got the cash thought his was the bsst of the bargain. JhaJEtVJ-WBalglnally built for th oyster trade down st Ilwac and In those days carried two masts. . On day 414.1 mjmv ..ama. In from t Via BBS. and among other moveable things th Eva .ia . i n ,i1bb . tnlsnd M t Hb vaa k.i 1 iw .wv . crest of the great volume of water. She t..A I. bh faolaeaMf anat name Bear creek and her owner, after eurveylng the surroundings, gave n.r up w. m v-u Job. Skipper Amos heard of th atrand . ,a ..imliiiial Kot It uraa not be yond possibility to bring th era ft Into ner imni agsin. xia ousmi e.vv, very cent he could got together at the .1 - ..A ilBal waa ntrtmmA. For da va lUUV, BMW 1 " and days he labored, hewed down tree that stooa in in pm 10 m bridged gulches and Anally, after al- - . .h,..i.iim m BffcivtB suoeasMlaa In Blvat .u.'i - bringing the boat to deep water. Hav ing no oyster neos 10 us car vi vbr tsln Amos brought the Eva to Portland and converted her Into a gasoline launch. .' ' ' ' . . Captain Amos refused to seii ner Be cause he Is making a good and Inde nandant ilvlnc bv carrying plenlo psrtles and small freight . "1 oan mage a iivjng wua ue said Captain Amos, "but what could t An with 11.000: BDend It and then be broke. Not for me." The prospectors wanted the Kva ror cruising and trading purposes along the n.iva coa at Rhs ha a a tood beam and ts wall built for rough water. COSTA RICA ARRIVES. Xlk Attempts to still ah-Oartrmta Vyon Besohlng Sad ef Voyage. The Harriman liner Costa Rica. Cap tain Maetm. arrived at Alnsworth dock from San Francisco at 10:10 o'clock this morning, bringing a full cargo of freight but no passengers. The om cers report a fine voyage up the coast, although tho weather was a little foggy part of the time. The two diving elk which wsVe on exhibition on the Trail at th Lewis and Clork fair war brought up on the steamer. They ar on th way to Walla. Walla and Spoken to show for a while. C. M. Toung, th owner of the remarkable animals, say th sea voy age did not bother them a bit. and they seemingly enjoyed th pltchlng-aad rolling of th eteamer. On or th elk was feeling so frisky this morning that he came within an Inch of killing the ship's carpenter, who insisted upon ap proaching within the danger son. The carpenter was knocking down th tem porary stall when th elk became an noyed and made . n awful dive at "Chips. By making a quick dive for the alleyway th carpenter "saved hi hide from being' perforated,' but th scar almost killed hlnv Th officers of th Costa Rica report that the stevedores' otrfke broke out In San Francisco the day they sallsd, but It did not affect them because-the steamer was' ready, for sea when th demand for higher wage was ' made. Th longshoremen ask for (0 cents an hour, and T( cents an hour for over time. COLUMBIA SETTLING DOWN. OU Weatke Man Says Portland BTsed re an More Ploods. - 8. I Brooks; weather obssrvsr at Th Dalles, Is of ths opinion that Portland will never again suffer from floods due to backwater from the Columbia river, He ha watched the river rlss and rill for ths past IS years and comes nearly knowlna Its habits. In this connection It Is an Interesting faet that Mr. Brooks Is th oldeet westher man In this dis trict snd perhaps on th Pactflo coast, for he hae kept the records of the ta- tloo st Th Dalles sine November, H74 "The Columbia will never cause any more disastrous flood." said Mr. Brooks this morning, "because great quantities of watsr ar being , drawn from Its sources of eupply by th vast Irrigation schemes along the Snake river as welt s along the upper furrow of the main river. Last year th river was lower than ever sna it is pretty iow tnis year, There is a great deal of talk of hav ing th portag road sxtandsd to Th Dallas snd It should be done for the benefit of shipping. During high water th current at big Eddy Is so swift that navigation la extremely dangerous and soma of the companies1 refuse to take chance with their boats. 1 "Som years ago the steamer Regu lator was caught in the whirlpool near th Big Eddy and narrowly aacaped going down. Th power of the whirling water oan hardly be imagined, but a faint understanding may be gained from the fact that It will take Immense log and twist them on' end like o many matches when they com drifting down th tream." Mr. Brooks was a visitor In Portland today and paid District Forecaster Ed ward A. Beala a calL :.. , TO DEEPEN CHANNEL Bredg Columbia Srxpeetsd tor kHarl foe Lewes Brvs Toaight. , Th dredge Columbia I expected to leave down . the river this evening in tew of tho tenders John MoCraken and Wanona to commence digging out th channel from here to Astoria. 8he will commence work at Knapp's bar, about six miles below th mouth of th Wil lamette. According to an agresment reached between Colonel S. W. Rossslsr. United States engineer, and th port of Portland, th government will pay for the work, v- --, The Columbia'! work In the tipper harbor will be taken up by the dredge Portland, which Is now filling th east aid mod flats. Thar remains littl work to be Aon. in th upper harbor and whan Jt la computed th Portland will return to th work on which she Is now kept busy. . ' . Considerable dredging will have to b don betwsen the mouth of , the WUlam tt and . Vancou vor If th mills, there xpsct to handl deep-draft sea-gbing vessels, because titer l only is not of water at th present- tlm. ALONG THE WATERFRONT Th British ship Bardowla left Sown Saturday night. In tow of th steamar Harvest Queen. The pilot schooner Jo seph Pulltser io hooked on for a tow down the river. Th aehooner had been given a general overhauling at h dry- dock. . Captain ' Werlleh of th. lighthouse service expects to leave for "the light shin off the Columbia river, 'and som of th stations along th ooast tomor- J. r. Smith was yesterday appointed purser 'on the steamer Alliance In place of William Baker, who resigned Satur day to accept th position -of dock agent at Aatorla ror the Kimore steamers. The Alliance sailed for Eureka and Coos Bar tonlcht with a full cargo and all the passenger bar accommodations per mit. . ... '- ' -;1 1 The oil-carrying steamer Rhoderick Thu In tow of th tug Dauntle, will be at th tanks at Portsmouth today to discharg o!L She crossed in over in bar last night -The fir that brok out on th steamer Haasalo at Astoria yesterday morning caused littl damage, and will not delay the steamer. Lester Bolnner. dock agent ror tno Shaver Transportation company, left for southern Oregon yesterday on his annual vacation. 1 MARINE NOTES. Astoria, Aug. II. Arrived at I a m., WvittBH 1 mm 1 1 1 . li 1 n Vanraicjrit- from Quae, mas, and schooner William Olaen. from Ban r rancisco. avmvea sli e .i a. an., schooner Nokomla. from San Diego. Ar rlvsd at 11 last night and left up at : IS this morning, - ateamer Helen P. Drew, from San Francisco. Arrived at 10:11 a. m, aad left up at noon, steamer Aurelia, from San Fraaolseo. Arrived down at It a. m., British bark Bardowla Astoria, Aug, II. Arrived down at I a. m. aad saUed at o p. nv, ateamer Meteor, for San Franolsoo. i Arrived at I a. m., ataamar J. B. Stetson, from Sen Fraacleco. Arrived at 4 p, m. aad left np at 1:10 p. m., steamer Costa Rica, from San Francisco. Sailed at 4 p. nt, a.AMnm rn at msutOBM. fciv gtevi rn n- claoo., Arrived at 4 p. nt and left up at 1:30 p. m., oarn Knoosnca unu, irorn .w awivod st ik. en A mart ran v.. ,1, rviima vVavm flsjita. Rosalia. ' and schoonsr Lottie Bennett, from Redondo. Ban Francisco, Aug. ii.-miK mi s a, m., stamr Tiverton, from Portland. . .!,. a,,., 1 nrtdlt1orl of the bar at ' p, nL. smooth; wind south; weather ciouay. - Falmouth. Aug. 11. Arrived yester itav. rranch bark Osnsral Neumayer, from Portland, i -' ,' v HOOD RIVER GIVEN LAND FOR CITY PARK (Spsrlal Dtapatca to The Jearasl.) ' Hood River, Or., Aug. II. Through th gsneroelty of Joseph A. Wilson of this olty and Rev. T. L. Elliott of Port land. Hood River will soon be the poasessosk of a city park. Thss gen Uemen have donated 11 aero of their property for this purpose and at th nxt msstlng of th city council It 1 expected that It will be accepted. The property Is situated along what Is known as Indian creek, with that stream running through It. and is severed with a grove of fir and oak trees that wUl afford shade to Its many other attractions. It Is not expected that it will be utilised at onee. as con siderable work will be necessary . In order to transform It Into a recreation spot It Is thought however, that In-a few years Ihe city-wilt b abl to put 11 In condition for uss and that as ths town grows larger It will prove a most weloom gift Tb ttteuoabl Beeladoa. ' From ths Baltimore News. OHvais Scrota rv Liab should have v. la kthlnahtn.aitcl anal 1 rra v ore hi s-rl a- clslon answer to inquirers as to Roose velt snd 1101 printed off on ready-toad drea a postal cards. ' n V To Selp lull From th Cleveland Leader. ' Mrs. Jawback Lit m have some money I must take a trip. Mr. Jawbaeic -ureal bcoiii loure Just back from a month at th sen aide. ......... fMri. Jawback Well, there no help for it. I ordered a walking drees, and th dressmaker ha mad m a travel ing gown by mistake. - Q j!' Come let th If WeveCrral aad eav V If ' twa-thiisa year baking 71 powder meaey by neiag II mm ketJv iw Me m-JJ On--' Troops From This Cttte Lti In . . Soldierly Appearance and . 7 Esprit de Corps.' ARE WELL SATISFIED -;., v WITH CAMP SITUATION Promise to Be Heard From During : Manenvera Which AiiembKtt Army WUl Be Put Through DuiinrTcom Ing Week., -,, ':7. (Special Mspetck ts fbe swaraaLi ' i Camp Tsooma. Aug. it. By far th beat appearing. mUltla organisation In th field is th Third Oregon with th First Separate battalion. . Today ther ' wore numerous visitors from Tacoma and Seattle, and while the Washington troops ar the favored ones, th Or-, gonlans Impressed all by their soldierly appearance and thslr esprit d corps. ' Th Third has a great many veteraa ' In th-ranks" and thi I th reason why It la considered th boat atat troops In th camp. In th 11 companies are about 104 .' officer and msn. - All of them ar well Batlsflsd with thslr camp alt, situated next to th Seoond Montana regiment It is a level plain with scattered clump ' of trees. Th water system ' runs through" th camp and th quality, and quantity of this neoesaary fluid is satis factory. Ration supplies also have been ample. The officers havs practically all their business brought' np to date, as they were working on this routine all morning. . This afternoon they were busy issuing Instructions for . tho manenvera and throughout tho " wsek tho Or gonlans will be heard from. It la not yet announoad to what array, th Bluas or th Browns, they will be at- tacbed. No complaints are to bo heard In th camp and th boy ar settling down to a wsek Of hard work but great -profit '''', With 7,000 troops In ths field ths mn neuvers of the regulars and militia wars -opened -in samsst this morning. : The regulars and Oregon mUltla war en camped here . Saturday and Saturday night the Idaho troops joined th body. Preliminary hikes and drills will en gage th attention of th troops for th first fw day of camp. In preparation for th grand spectacular event of tho week, Thursday and Friday, when the soldiers a re divided ' into two armies, th Bluas and Browns, and aa attack and defense of Tacoma win ooour. Today's schedule follows: 1. Infantry and cavalry;' regimental exercises. Including advance guard, and; establishment of outposte. . Engineers and Bold artillery; soon exercises ss -may be prescribed by bat- tallon eoTn,mandorav Hospital corps and signal corps; such exercises aa may be prescribed by the chief aurgeoa and chief signal of- . fleer respectively. . . y. , . , , ' . BoysomaTixa. Except for guard details, the-Oregon militia camp was deserted this morning, Th boys i are out on the "hike where they are receiving drill Instructions, General Order for today Included regi mental and battalion drill.' - The Or gonlans are getting their share of It. Th program did not Include much of a march for today, and the boys of Col onel Gantenbera'a command"- did not -bar a very tlresom hlk. Th morn ing was spent In marching and drill, and at noon th guardsman were back In . camp. , . " aTnalolaaa Fntetle. v All " reeimental bands ' In - camp In dulged In practice this morning. The Third Oregon's musicians am uxswise, and th air was filled with strain mora or less musical In vry regiment Th weather was almost perfect for putting soldiers through their paoea, It was cool aad cloudy. For a tlm rain threatened, but It failed to coma, and th camp Is as dust ridden as vr. For today's exercise all th men la every regiment in csunp wer sent out except ing what few had t be left behind for post duty. ' t ' : SAYS EASTERH PEOPLE O TWO OF FOOTED ; Advertising Man Declares Rose City Is Becoming Popular Throughout the East. N. It. Shafr, th wH-known adver tising man of thi olty. has returned from a six-weeks' trip through the east. He visited New York. Boston, Chicago, Buffalo, and thr uitlss. "Portland la attracting more attention now than t any tlm In 1U hltory. aid Mr. Shafer. "I usually make tare or four trip east each year, but I have never found such a general and real la tsrest In this city and ths coast. . "There la also a good deal ef talk about Seattle, but It la not nearly o general nor are ths easterners so desi rous of Information about that city as they ar about Portland. It 1 generally believed throughout the east that Port land will derive great benefit In the way of population and business aa a remit Of th San Francisco disaster, t "And ther at lsast en Portland cltlssn who has earned an enviable rep utation among the bualnees men- of the . east That Is H. W. Ooede. who success fully served a president of ths fair and arranged the great merger of, the elec trical and transportation companies of this city. He le-weU In wn In the east and -there ar many Inqulrle about him. "I was In Chicago when the failure of the bank on Mllwauke avenue occurred, and aaw a great deal of suffering that , followed. For several, day It w thought that the bank would be able to pss through It difficulties without fail ure, but whea the smashup did rome ther waa a great deal of Buffering." Tae Childress ef Vavare. From th Chicago "hronlcl. With counties number of eoval orb. Th earth still make th journey with- out end. . , . - ' Unlese It b whan to their source r turn ing "5 Within the radiant bosom of the sun Tby hil expire. There la ihe mrs- terv Of boundlssa spac and timet TAhen'- they roe And why! The deetlny that must tt their, . . ... , And what It meanil Man queries I In vain . Jflghf etarry peg f grandeur mi ( gloom, . By nature writ, revcale no slin f ' Except nm syllable of the'. ) Careers ue ehiUria tl i v .y t .1 . - - -