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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1906)
- V FINANCIAL BANKS. rnxza statu battoxal baxk or U i Northwnt Omw Third w titMMlfaMnaiuUvMM. rxe UMtH lulu aad linn Hongkong BBd J -et ......... J. a ilKIWORTn eue rraaidest ft. .x BABNII , Anhtant Caen lac QAXXMUr ft LTOBXRMXX-S BAXK start' Oewmaulal sad nvtag depart mnt. In v. mwi iHiia'tniMsiv ai, as,, M S for 'the Bitnmmadatfcm mltiMn. '. C PkLTON PmlM I f'B H. ROTRCrTILD...Flnt T1ee-FTe.ld.nt I 3-: X A. KEATING, ...Scnnd Vice-President I a we MUMll eBiwan aaea, aw imw - N I Canltll sat a unhMI Innlu aaA aadtvtded nreSte A Oeaaral Beating end Bsc Bualaen Tranearted. SAVINGS DIPABTatans. iBtamt aa Urn. Aecoaate Oiie4 tor wn at II an' upward., Portland Branch Chamber et Coaairti Batldlng. , ' -4- MACRAB..J ....IImhw i: T. BUBTCHAELL .'Anlataa f-IBT BATIOBAl BAXX OF POBTLABD, Designated Depeettory end A. L HIIU W............W. C ALVORD setter n mail' amiawe i Ban-ope eaoi w a.- 7 a. ..! Wrtt htkun and Telegraphic Traaefero Kla m Haw Terk, BoatoCbieaBa, Bt. Mam It Paai. Oauka. Ban and tba arlnripal nolnta la o Northwaat. . ' M awl Mom MUa Arawn la auOM ta aalt aa Ldoa, Parta. Brlln. FY.alfnrt-i-t MJa. "flartaag, Yakakaau. Capaakaaaa, Ckrtottaala. Btockbalav 8L Palarakara. kloaoaw. anca. Pwolala. p AVBB TH.IOM. BAVXBRaUlXaiaWlalMA la IUB.) .. ' " Tmaaaata Baaaral Baakla Baalnaaa. Ontlarttaie aaja "5 T PnlSS ' . (Ma (ara. Uttara ( rrrdlt laaaad aaatlabl la Eornpa and ID JValealS! xaiaa. - aifrnt Baan aaa Tai'trapnia Tran"rara aom rw . . V... aalA Bt; Laata. Oaaw., Baa pAaclaea lad Montana and BHk CJomhla. tsckaafa: aald aa naaaaa. rana, narlln. Fraturt, Haagaoaa. inaonaaia. aima " , MatZBOXABTB BATT0BA1 BAVK. POBTLABD. OBBBOB. ' f , ' . I. PRANK -WAT80N.......Praaloan I B. t. 1JfH';iu" 'iUlSlt&iMa? B. W. HQTT.. Caablar 0 CO BOB W. HOTT .Aaatotaat Ca abler a Baaaral Baaktac Baaiaaaa. Dr.fU AU Parta ot na World. D . WOOmrABB, IM Baiaad ttraai. BANK' CBRTiriCATBR TRUST COMPANIES.. POBTLABD TBUBT OOMTABT Of OBXOOW-"Ta WdaH TraM OaaBpaap -. RWlorRCES OTBR ll.Tnnonn. Oanaral banking. Birhanaa ajatl najta f tha v AVINOi ACCOCNTB. la aartlllcataa. ta FJ cant: aWt-rall apaalal aarur. ataa. toon or - m ta 4 par arat CaU for kaok !Iyi?T"AVi"i T BoatWaat Ooraa TWrd and Oak Straata. Pkoaa Prtrata Bicbaaa Tt. B1. I. COHBB ...Praaldant H. U PITTOCK ilrfJSIJIrataTr B. tB PAGET BaeratarT I Oy QOLTRA Aarlataat Baeratary BWBITT BATIBOB TBTTBT COWABT Bl BTarrlaaa tr;;.ni'y. . Traaaaata a BaimaJ Baakla. Bnateaaa. BATIIIOI "" 1J?'3 am Tlna and Baabiaa Aeaaainta. Acta aa Trnataa far Eatataa. Drafta aad Ittara at anna nwrm a r. mxxw mw V ... . it. kL. i All n r. AAlrt.1.v..laat 1 ikjJ"-t t1.u.vf,2!aS -V C ktII..V.U.." W-d Vtra-Prldrat iTarl'BIl.j.j. ...erniarp - OBO. P. IICMEUi........ Aaalataat Baeratary TXB XOBTBABB BVABAXTXB TBBB OOMPABT BAXK. Traaaata a Baaaral Banklac BaainMa. lntaraat Paid eaJTlnja Dtpailta. - . - . . - .ikadl. mAhnmrAjo onartarl. '" CAPITAL v'i-y;; 'H1 . - 4VW. fTATBBBCBT.... Prraldant ) C. W. UIU.EB., 4....Ttoa.pTal4tBl w. w"u-j:i)ANHArg ... ' BrCTatary . B1W Taapla. Braaatk aad Btark Rtraata. Pkana Main 1M. Opaa Batarday Braalnf IB, ' . fOBTXWUTXBB BBABABTXB TBUR COKPABT PartUad. Oraa. , " rJ . t .ajlir bduun. B. B. Ooraar Barand and Stark Btraata (aaooad Boar). . ' riWCkl. AGENT FOB COBPOBATIONB. . ' . , . . Btata. flaaaty. Btaalclaal aad Corporation Bo aaa Bonat aad told. Bear ralarprlaaa atfaanaa aad Bnancod. Itorka aad bon1a Bnarantoad. ITLB VAJUBTBS TBUBT CABT-4 WAIXWOTO BTBUT. MOBTGAOB LOAN! PjrtUW fHftlJlW BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. OXBIB BBOrmTBI -0AVai af OaMaraa kfaaMpal.' raflraal aad DOBIOMOrini O0MF4BT lataauaaaa BTOOKB. BONDB. OBAIM aWaf kt mil a rati tf una J n aa T r ! TM Brokaraga DrpartMt fc Baa Vt Bafora Barlny or Balllnd Hack Oyerteck Starr & Cooke Co. Unafcata b Prlaata Wtra. Oatefc karri ea. BEPBBENCEB LaM TBbaa, Baaa ara.A tSaltad ttalaa Batloaal Baak at Portland. . LOUIS J. WLDE MtTBICIPAb SCHOOL AND O0BP0BAT1ON iBONBS laaaat Beturaa ta laieeiata Caasiiteat -WBTLAHlvi WBTHWKBTBBN BOMB TELEPHONE dt TBLBOBAPH IECPBIT1BB. MACHINERY. d land rkkaarr. eawBuua. wfc a. TBBNKMAN CO. Mining, '".: rMnVrV TbTdraalle plpaa. raatlagS all kiaaaepatrad- i0 rZ! MUSICAL. Z.2, ana imil atf BEVCIK. vtoUa t, iZS S tL Tel. Main riANO-TtJNIWO. reaakrlng. , s. "aellahlagl ertlmatae. give, aad Ittar Si TbM at. Pkeae PaclA. tflBl. PIANO aad vocal laeeeaa glvei popU at tbe faee. PWra plaalatet rata reaaoaable. ' care ionrnal. ipHehed Aedreaa r as, MONUMENTS. BED KIBOBLBT. 98 flrat at., Vradme avarble aad graalte work. Sag pint at.. PartUad'i OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. t ABBOLD LrNDSAT, gradaata of the - . -jutm ef KlrkarTlle. MlaaaarL era 4- . .-M).ii.f M cbcvmatieeL, atoaMcs na - In aXaJl. Office Ie PaUlng bldg.. loraaTel TkUd aad Waahlagtea eta. ain m .- .. m-. bldg., TBtra aaa waaaioawm w MaTa . Biawlaatloa fraa. OPTICIANS. BB. GEO. BT7BKNBTB1B, raMable ootid a i alaaMa (d)ntad by tbe lateat adeatlae ap pllaacoa. IS Poartk at. ( PRINTINO. TUB MOPEBN PBrNTBBT ArHaMe artotlng. . PA Boaarl bldg., reartk aad Morrwea. Phon .ta aa. . .wwttOAw a. vttTMi w AT mVPiXT. art nt- Ing" lUhosTToklaf. bUak book. Pkoaa Mala IT. oe Alder at. PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. m. BEACH CO. Tbe Ptoeaar Paint C. VlBdmr-elaas aad glaring. IM Pint .at. Upoae 1M4. PLUMBERS. DONNERBCRO BADBMACBBB, Ha. BOS Boraatde at. POX CO., aanltary pin Mala aad Salmon. Or lnaiber, ttl Saroad bat. Pboae Mala BOO!. PINNIOAN BBOB. CO., BM Tbtrd at. Phone Mala MOO. Plaaibar aad beatlag anfiaeara. RUBBER STAMPS. r C STAMP WORKI.e Alder at. pbnna Mala Tlo; rabbor (t.aipa, aaala. etandla; baffaga, trad cberkai mm for catalog No. So. . ROOFING. TIN BO0P1N0, fttertng, r pairing and geearal blag. I. LoaH. SH J.ff.raon at. Pc. 124. STREET PAVINa WARREN Oaaetrertloa Co., atraat paving l, walka aad eroaalBga. fl Orogealaa bldg. Offtoa So4 W area. tar blk. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. BHOWCASEB af every daeerlptloai bak, bar and etor Sitoraa siade t order. The Lata MaMfactarlag Co.. Parttaad. BL H. BIB DBA LU Balneri egeat M. Winter r. I ..!,. bid.. Mala KM. SECOND-HAND OOODS. ATWATBB CABL faraltaro-baeoa Hlgbaat pricaa pall for nd-hd faraltare, au ' kooaad . Paoee PseiBe evt, - --- -- - oitlab, . ouhi. end Oak 8tmt.' - . PRA1TS ISSUED Anllebl ta M.,? Maolm. CallMthm MMH ea Feoni ma van I CMf I Innlil Cashier ...A, If. WRIGHT a - - - Stark wnpii i-www - i is ...tan areeaate. Dnrnanu th. world.' Opea Sstarday srastag a B. C. VICARS . raete H. pjTORET PLATT PLATT tfcaenl Own I OBKSOB. FlnenHl Ageot ef tfca Catted f a-rrwTRs: I Ceebler r-"'-'Wi Bannd Aeetatant Cashier S. ' BTByann and lattara of CTadK - Collagtloaa a BpwiaWy BOrOHT. BKgT PRirB. . . r tk World. arlact .Bamtary Bid ; pnbllr aarrlea rorporarloa ui-uu aad Bold far Caak aad aa BTargta. ar cdhhebce - raoaa 9avt1oAj. fhaaaa H. W. Danaaaa. Maaarar. . a ar Beada. Can Alwara Bara Taa Moaay. 10t Boaau a. 4 aad I L Paratta bide., aor. BUtk aad Waak. Bta,. Parttaad. Orafaai. tllTIDBND BANK AND COBPO RATION ISTOCKS Wltk Abaornta Bafaty7 SIGN PAINTERS. OOUB SIONS, window lattarlng. rlotk baa ecoaoealcal elrrtrte alraa aad algae el klnda atada quickly, roatar Xlalaer, I aad Everett. Pboae Karkaasa a. hW. P. BERGBB BON, BM Tamhlll St. BbraS i aiDu.. rouwa raciao cab. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Cava, braah, aaa a. si per aoatk. PartUad Laaadry aad Towel Bepply Co.. Ninth end Coach. PVaae die. SAFES. DIRBOLD Maagaaaee aad flraproof ata; n - eaaafnl preara aaalnat barclar aad Are: lark. ea opened. Mr. Sonar, aaorhaalral eipert - Mi.oi, wa a niro. raoae Aao. BIORT aeread-baad flraproof aafaa aad t aaLiaiB-naaa dbbb aaro rar RIMh at.. Portland, Or. eal cheap, at 70 TYPEWRITERS. NEW typewriter. aB Stake, ranted, eald end repaired. Cot Agency. MI Stark. TaL MOT. TELEPHONES. TPIB only trtnalv - tlepboa boaj. B.-B. BleetrV- A Talaphoae Maaafaetaring eea. paay, S Fifth at. TRANSFER AND HAULINO. SAFES, ntaaaa aad fBrnltare Boved. peeked ready for aalpplag aad eklppad; an work gaaraatecd; large, S-atary brlek. Srapiauf warakouB for atong. OfSre SOS Oak at. C. M. Olaea. Pbon Mala S4T. THB BAOGAOB OMNIBUS TBANBPEB CO., ma lag van I oar (a (a raMckad froei hotel or raeldenee direct rt to daatlaatlaai agora tberefore avoid raah and aaa t depot. Print Bxebang Sa. aace C. O. PICK. efftV SS Pint at, betWMa Btark aed Oak atm., pboa BSdi plaaoa aad farnltar aaovad aad parked for eklpplng; coanaudloa brick wareboaae with separate area man ' Proat aad Clay at. ORRGON TBAN8PFB CO.. IM North Sixth. Pboa Mala SB. Haavy haallng aad a tor. re. POST SPECIAL PELTVBBT, Me. BOOM Weak. In toe at Phone Mala Sea. COT rates boobold eood t all potnt vani we nana en carioaaa; epeclal reeai for frank wblla waiting. Oregoa Aata-Deapateh. IS Pint . Phone Mala Tl. INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE A TRANSPBB C. Btorate. SS4 Btark at. Mala 40T. WINDOW SHADES. OAI.B WINDOW BBADB CO 96T Bali niaia aaa raacy ehaoae made te feweat price. Phone Mala ST. at WELLDIGOINO. WELLDIGGING George Bonlneoa. Bt. J ok an. OUTSIDE SEED IS BEST. OraU sua Woe) BtuMhase aUewhare ' , , Froflt fey TleleV. cBpeehtl Dlapatrh t The Journal.) El la. Of.. Ana. S. Barveet la bow at Ma height ta the Ella country aad aB aver aaetera Oregon. A aambor of Beld were cat a boat here laat wrk nd brfor aootber arak .nil. aroniil toe graai la all part of the eoaaty will he barveeted. Parater generally report a good a ara a xpt en 'ate aprtsf wheat, which la light. Tbe yield for Ike year will eaally e read 100.000 barbels for Elf la and vicinity. Tboee rrawr who gnt their eeed from a dlr Une report a eooalderable Increase la yield aad soallty of tbe crop, claiming ateterloratioa la bv evtuble whea the name grata I aawa aad re. eowa frosj year to year. Thle la a wrll pma fact by arlraltrl aipartw.nt etatkma and de arre u be . well heeded by eeterprutng wrmvra. Bew Terk New Torn. Aug. I. Over. sUver, Ui Lea- Bee. NMs-. TODAY'S MARKETS DIMS CUT A HOLE III SUGAR Drop Prices Ten Cents on All ; Grades of Refined Product In This City. . WESTERN SLASHES VALUE ; ; OF TWO NEWBRANDS Old LUt of Latter Unchanged While HawalianB Are Under Gret Fight Is Expected by Trade Sensational Conditions Art Ruling in Fruit; Prant Btraat; Aor. BTba nrlaelnal faatnraa af taa. Portland who las. la aiarkata today ara:.. nrat aa aad aaaar dropa 10a. . . Canned fmlt aituatloa arnaatloaaU , . CoBaa adranca la aapactad. Qnlatar tone In hop aarkat. . - 1 rVarrttr af fralta akmc atraat. Watarmalona hlghor wltb aearelty. BUrkbarrlaa ata .llrtlly lowar. , prtn rblrkana braaki leaa daaaaad. Kra aoldlng juat attadr. All draaaad axat la ar.rra. ' ' Praah pranaa lowar; auppltaa kaartar, Faacr tomatoaa ara ar.rra agala. Potatoaa aaora wit price ateadjr. fltlll a ararettT of oalona. Beedlaaa grape, plentiful aad dowa. ' Bight Xagtsg aad Sugar Drape. A decline af 10c. par hundred Don acta ta tb price of all grade of refined angar . I a noanred by the California Hawaiian Sugar Kaflntag company te take effect at ance. The decllae wee precipitated, as It la eatd. by tb art tea of tb erwtera company la trying to eat aader the Hawallana by pntting eeveral new braada ea tbe market which are aald to be of tbe aame grade aa graaulated bat aal at 10c per kandred pound anoor tbe ogara of that grade. The new brand pat eat by tb Weetera ar named St. Praacla XX aad Bt. Franrl XXX. Both of three brand aall at t.. Oa tha other hand, the Weetera eomoeav did not change Ita q Dotations oa eetabllabed brand of agar. The eat of the Hawaiian place that company' prodnete 10c. aader tbe old coaeern. Therefore both (Dotations are printed today to this report. la eome quartern It aald that today'a aetloa was brought about by tbe sly interference la to trade of eavaral arms known tejie friendly to tbe Western. Of tbee Haas Bra, tried to enter tale market from Baa Fraa cleea ee rural day ago and la order to do bueV aeea tb price of ell grade of refined eugar waa cut 10c. per hundred poaeda. . This cut waa aald la some quartern to only mean tbe produeta of the Weetera Refining eompenv. On bearing of thle aetloa meal joboere cut all angar quotation 10c; tbaa equalising all hi terra ta. Today'a de cllae to 'the market 1 remarkable la view of ta fact tkst the Eastern sugar price baa beea ateadlly advancing of lata and at this Mm I practically II per hundred Don ad a ander the Hit quoted east of tb Rockies. Before tb day of tb California Hawaii Bedalag company, whoa tbe Weetera had a complete monopoly of tbe coast's business price on tb Pacific elope were about that amount hlghr tbaa la tb ea.t. Thee condition ruled up to tb time that tbe Hawaiian began to get ready to rake ordera. Then price began to melt away like enow be fore a Chinook. - L'a to a lata hour thle moraine the Weetera refinery had sot met tb deeUn at tha Hawaiian. , . Caaaed Pratt Sltuatlea Beaaatioaal. . Oondlrtona fa the eanaed fruit market r aanaaiioaet. - Meay coodltloas enter Into -making thle asoa oa af tha moat extraorduarv la tb hlatory of the trade.. In California tne eenaere report that la the Brat place the fruit rop wae very abort. Tbe there waa a defi ciency in quality, not weather eanaed a eoa alderable part of tb crop to a poll In the orchard. Dels ye ht tb handling af fruit by lb railroads cut dowa tbe product considerably mora. At laet resorts the price of fruit ha ad vanced to eueh a high Igur that eannar ara holding their breath with aatealshmeat Moat oi tne targe eaaaerlea of that atate have al ready withdrawn all nrlcee oa mriuJ Before thla aetloa waa Ukea price ea beat grade had advanced fully 80c. over the open ingand tbee figuree were eonelderably orer tb prlcea ruling a year a. Now eome tb aaaoaneaamit from th Boots that deltverle to Jobber will be about 40 per nut abort of their ram. Tn principal aborts re la k cherrlra. pears, pehea and aprleota. la tb futur. for tbl aeeeoa at least. It la aald. that no mora or der for atralght carload will be accepted bv tbe csimers no matter tb nrlre. Thla hi irastr bow th xtnt of th abort of auppil aad mo anat armaaas IB Toe mart. Sulat ta Kap sUrket. Trade la tb hop market kaa fallen eff con- Merably. At thla time It k) aaeerted that no ourera at ire. are aemg made. Tha trad hi tak ing a breath aad when It beglna buslBeea again there will la ell probability b a change In condition whether ap ar down. la It lateat eras a new J or a paper gives tb following view of tb market: Owing ta acardty of available anppltea, there k bet very llttl trading la 1M hop en th ocu awin ana aoiaer or the limited 'quantity bere are .very firm In tberr view. Poor Pacific are now held at II to 14c, and better grade cannot be bought aader lBetlTe. and ta fact are hear of 17e. having been bid and refused for a fancy lot. There ha ban aome little trading In New York atat hope oa a beele of 10c. to tbe grower. Th market her I In Jturt shoot tbe Mmt position last week with the tendency at price (till apward. la New York ataia of lfivlfle. hv beea refused and aa klgh 1TC ha been offered. Report from tb grow ing crop continue excellent from all taction af una country, ona mere na naea no hnnrovamant reported la crop condition In England, where prospect today are for a very abort em Th. continent report better weather condition, but w irai miy,u.aKul m 1MV OU1IOOS. state, leon, choice, per lb .......11 State. lflOS. common to fair it IH 012 ft nie ei State, 1904. per lb , rarinc coaai, iiein, per ID. ...... IT Pacific react. IPOff. mod to nri. is Pacific coast, 1906, common to fair, per ......- ia SI! ractue rosst, lao. ner Tb in Tha trade pays the followmat nrlcea ta w tnt. Price paid nipper ara leaa i.. eommlMioa: , ' Brsla, Plow aad Psad. GRAIN BAG Calcutta, trtsv. h..i.. price t eellhig. 10c. ' WHRAT Old club. TOc! red Boarf.. av.. btneetem. Tic; valley, TO; aew club, tail red Bnaalan, STc; blueat.m, TOc; valley. Tic BARLXT-reod. 134.00; rolled. I2t.000zs.00t ewlng. 124.00. hrewlnc. 124.00. C0BN Whole, I?d.e0 racked. 129.60 per RYE 11.66 per cwl. OATS New Prodneen prlee No. 1 whit1. 122.00: gray. 121.00. . PLOI7R New eeatern Oreena tiatanta e bass left; etralghta, M 4011. 60: export. tS.lS; v.ll.y, IS.6SJ graham. V,a. IS.60: wkol wheat $i 76: rye, 60s, 19.00; bslee, I2.TB. M ILIBTTJ FPS Br n 1T60 per tea) mid dllngs, 628.00; aborts, country. 120,00: eltr. 1S 00; chop. 1S 00021.60. ' HAT Producer' price Tlmotby. Wirtnmrtt velley. fsocy, 1200; ordinary, t1O.OO0io.6O; eastern Oregon, 111.00011.00: mixed. I10.00Q lu.aui no, I amia, Bt, T.ooe-00. . Butter, Xgss sad. Peal try, - BUTTER PAT P. a. b. Pertlaad Bafaat eream, 21222c; aoar. l)20Sc. ' BUTTER City creamery, 22mtt4c; ent ld fsscy, Slwe22Hs rdlary, 2UC . EOGB No. 1 ' freah Oreeoa. eaaiiu aeisa 22c; ee.tera, tOdjllc. cheese New mil cream, flats, lluai4ei Tonn America. 1601BUC. ' - POLXTRT Mixed-eblakeaa. KHe . par-- Rr! finer bene. 144tMVe Ibi rooatara. aM iu. per lb; (ta. llQle , per lb; fryer. 14c; broiler. 14r per lb; old dorse, 12(9 13c; ini apnna aocas, tojia id; g. Saline lb; tark.y. lc p lb; dreamt. So per lb; squab. It.frutll 00 per aoai rlssoaa. Ilua Kept, Weel aad Kldee. HOPS Contracts, ISO! crop, 11T lb; MOB Oreroa. 12BI!la. WOOL loe clip Tall.y. ors ta ssedtaas, 22c; fine. 24c: eastern Orecon, SOOlle. . .. MOHAIR New. aomlBsL SHEEPSKINS SkearlBg. ISM) erh 'anert wool. 26O40c; medlam waol, euSJTe each) long wool. T6ri.O0 eck TAlxow-M aor , liiOtei S. aad sVe. taUAka. . . . . . . . : JOURNAL'S DAILY ' . TIPS ON MARKETS d '. By Shark, Gas A Graham. .A batter ton la noticeable). In d country etore butter and eh I p. d ments ar brglnnlng to arrive In d batter condition. Thar la no de . -) e cisive chang In the price, but. If anything, the market Is a trifle firmer and we look for an advance soon. . , Dressed veal has been arriving more plentifully during the peat week, but hot enough to affect the prtce. which atlll holda firm at printed quotations. lib the poultry line fancy hens are holding firm, but springs are not in such demand aa a short time ago and this has had the d effect of -somewhat depressing d the price. Other poultry 1 hold 4 ing steaay . witn euppnea about . 4 equal to tne aemano. .. . . - Cabbage Is scarce' end higher and other' green vegetables are acarcely In aufflclent aupply to meet the demand, this being par ticularly noticeable- In ' ripe . to matoes. ' Lemons, are. moving slowly 4 with the pries weaker. , . 4 CHITTIM BARK 1P06 atoak. 0t per Bt; oa. 88HO i t8 Pry par la. H1DI, ne. i, is ine ana np, ishv lTWe ner Ihi drr kin. Me. L I ta IS lita lie dry calf. No. 1. ander I lb. ISv: salted hide. srsers. aoand. so loe and over.. lOttllc; eowa, meeVtei (tags nd bull: eeund. 7e: kip, IS to 80 Iba. Be; calf, aouad, ander 16 Ine, lie; Ireea, anaalted, 1 leaa; culls, le-per lb leee; orsehldes. salted, each. tl.Z6AI.TS: dry. eec. I1.00Q1.60; colt hides. O60c . goat - ski as. ro ni toon. " esch, 11.00. 10B is i Aagora. each. BXO ' : traits aad TegetaUe. ' . ' , POTATOES New, 0c till 0ft par Back: pre. ducers' price for ear lou. 70 a 75c per eat ONIONS JobMag price New Walla Wall. 128 ar ck; aw Callforal, red, tl.i 'I'. 1180; grllM seoc per Dx. .FRESH FRUITS New apples, x60c1.60; Wkngea, ValaacU. S4. 7806.00: baneaaa, SO "Ho lb: lemons, cbelce. 14.6025.60 box; fancy. fdjOOOS.60 par box: Umea, Mexlcea, 1.2S per too; Hawaiian, 305; gooeeberrlee, 6ae lb: cberrlee, 11.78 per box; plume. 80j!l. 25 crate; mganberrlea, 61.40; cants lou pes. l.60Ct2.2n: raspberries. 12; black flge. 1.60; grape, li.26; hlackberrlea, 1.26 per crsts; wstermekine, 'IU ftlVac. crated, lHc per lb; apricots, II OOr 1.40; porno, euttOOc; pear. 176; prune. Ik tc lb; packed, tOc boa; huckleberries, VKOBTARLES Turnrps. aew, 11.00 per sack; earrois. per eeck; beeU. 11.60 per eeck; parsnips. 1 60 per ek: Oregoa radlahea. 20 per do; cabbage, Oregon, Sc; bell riT". . iw par in; - tomamea. ioc ttxl.oe per ; box; naranlpe OcO1.00; arris Keen. Oreroa, Te per lb; cauli flower, li.oo per doe; peaa. 426e bone, radieh. SOTe per lb: artichokes T5a aer doat qnash. lt; green ontoas. Oregoa. 12tt per no bnnchee; cucumbers, 40 Q 80c box; celery, T0QT6C per dos; rreen.corn, 18c doe; earn iuk; TScrJtl.OO per box; .eggplant, l2.T84to.00 per . crate. . DRIED PR ITITS Applee. evaporated. ISO 14c per lb: aprleota, llUfJlSc per Ibi peaebec, 1201Hte per lb; earke. He pre lb leee; prunes, M to 40. Sc; He drop oa each 1-1 e mailer else; Bra. California black. SOSH Per Ibi California white, eeieUc per lb; dele, golden, TS per lb; tarda. Il.4odtl.60 par la-lb box. Oreoerlea. But. Xte. L. SUGAR CaUfornU and haala Cube. 66.10; powdered. 64-Wl; fruit granulat ed. t4.M: dry granulated. 14 ; ennf. A, te.Sn; w ivrn wr. vj., ee.oo; nawanaa V. tl.. B4.ZO; extra C. M 65; golden C, 64.86; D. yellow, 64.45: uom, awc; oeia. xoc; ooxoe, DOC avnc sek basis, leaa 26 per ret for cash, 16 days; maple. 14Q1V per lb. BUG A R Weetera cube. 15.90; powdered. r ron gTSBHiBrea, o.u; 4iry grsBjBisten, ; or. a, 4.iw: w eater p. c.. I4.S8; Hawaiian C. C. 14.66: extra C, 14.48; golde C. 64.46: D yellow. 64481 bMs, 10c; H bbls. znc; Boxes, on aovaar aa sack oasis, lee 26 per ewt for seen, 18 day; a pie. 14016 par Hk . j BAB rXA BCIICO sttBTBg XXCB BBX. . Bsa Frtnelsoa, Aug. A Official pries : am. Bid. Belmont 13. 23 Cask Boy 14 Golden. Anchor. .88 Home .16 Jim Butler .... 1.46 Mars, mars ... .71 Ophlr .. MexJcaa .tA.46 ,07 Caaedoala ..... .24 ichoijuer .... .46 Noccross ...... .e Gold Crown.,., .ig Grea Bend 42 Rescue is Black Butt x. .08 Trams .as Midway S.22M aaontsna ... b.oo North Star.... A Ohio .14 Ton. Ex tea.... 1.60 Nevada .......1128 Weal Bad 288 Adams OS Atlanta ..22 Bluebell ...... .14 Booth 66 Ccfambta Mt.. .2. Coa. Qnarry... .14 DtamaDdfMld . .17 Dixie ,08 OoMfleM J Jumb 1.40 do extension. . .27 Kendall .67 Lguaa .11 May Quo.... .17 Mohawk 2 00 Bed Top 1.00 Gold. Belmont.. .44 MontgotBsry Mt. .4 sunset , scepter .4 Manbsttsn OS psylor Humphrey .IT ezier ,.. .a Granny 14 Gold Wedga ... .IS Lone Star ..... .11 Great Bead aa. .12 do annex ' .oa Crcseen .12 Cowboy OS - uravar annex.. .21 Bulla eV Bear.. .01 Black Bock.... .o N. T. Coaaot... .2S I Mancoa jt !Uttle Jo 04 Mayflower ..-.42 Jumping Jack.. .81 I Red Top annex. .05 I Montana 22 Sandstorm .... ' .M Silver Pick.... -M St. Ires NsHooal Baak TVnver M .4T 1.60 Brllpa Gold Bar Bull Frog..... Steiaway ...... Coa. Cab Ta., .BO Bull Frog Mia,, .4 1.15 Inn Nut .20 .14 (Daisy ......... .4 .SS I Trlangla .4 .67 iTramp coa 1.17 H . 1TXW TOR. OOTTOB llJaXXXT.-- New Tor. Aag. S. Cotton future cloaed I to 7 nolnta no. OfflHsi oiMtstleo by Overbwk, Btarr Cooke company) One. HI eh Low. Ag. S. Aug. T. Janaary ... 10.02 10.12 10.02 lo.oq 1001 10.04 1012 10.10 10.21 SO OS 62 IT M February .. 10.2 10.11 10.20 10.28 10.2S S4 T4 M , M 10.00 Matck ..... April . ...i. May ....... 10.27 too en S.S4 e as 85 10 2 ST TS lr M 10.00 10.24 0.00 .AS as 04 Anguat .... September,. October ... November , December , -BAB FXABCISCO LOCAL STOCKS. . Saa Itaaelaea, Aag. . Official closing : .. .. Bid. " Ask. 6S 28 81 7 Contr Cost Water. ..e. 6T Rnrln Taller Water sz Glsnt Powder Hawaiian Commercial sen Honokea Bucar JH Hntrhinenn Sugar.................. 14 Makawell Sugar , KVk Onomea Bngsr. 81 V4 Pssnhsa Sucsr. 161 1 I te Onomea Bngar 2 Alaaka Packer' M' Calif oraia Fraltcaanm' . TnrrrXD BTATXI eOTIBBaTIKT BOBDS. New Tork,. Aag. S." 0 ovarii meet bondat. vate. Bin. A.k Twos, retlatered... lOJ 104" 108 VI 106 Vi 104 104 ioiU 104 vi ISO 130 do coupon. ...... Thro, reglatend. do coupon. Two, am. II boo da. Pours, re. (.tared . . ...... Jo8 ...... .190 ,. l0t 1044 108V ion 104V 104V 104V ..1907 do pon. r in Four, retstered. ............ 128 do coupon 1025 Platrlrt of Colambla... ...... .... PhlUppina 4a 120 120 116 ioe TJnrpsot Cot tea Lewer. Liverpool, Aug. I. Ootto closed S I 4 point lowr. BRUIN CASE TO BE - WITHDRAWN BY ISAKSON O. T. Isakson, the dismissed polloe- msn, told, th civil aarvir .com mlssioners this morning thstB he would withdraw the suit agaJnat Patrick Bruin. Inspotor ef : police, on which Judre FYsacr rendered a dcllon wnicn tcnnicsuy tnrsw out 177 city mployes. Isakson,1 aa on of those thus illegally. xamlnad' and "ap. pointed, will hav some standing before tb elvU senrlce commission. -v EXPORT TRADE IS il Other News Is Quite Bullish" In the Wheat Market and k : ' . Prices Are Up. LIVERPOOL OPENS AND v : CLOSES WITH A GAIN Chicago-Market Unchanged -fop the September and Quarter Higher lor the December and May Prom inent Exporter Well Pleased. BELATIVB WHEAT1 VALCEB. k iw a am v iona Gala. September ... .fHB I .f.tl4 t .S2U December .... .TB'kA .751 1 ,MI sty ......... .Ti -T.7S1J ,S4W I .00 ,00 .00 4 ; Chicago. Aug. B Th wheat merket atarted rather atrong today on a good opening cable from Liverpool.. The eloarag there waa about Sd blrhee for both the S-itember and Decem ber. Export bualnem I net heavy, and thle seems to be the . principal thing against tb urt ai tao Baomeni, A prominent exnorter vara of th wheat alt ration: "A rear, era when nrlcea were about IS reota-higher and ' Ruaala wae feeding the wnriu. e-rerjaooy. we nulllan. - '-Plow, wnea this eouatrv le feedlna tha world aad Russia I arlllng anthlag these tradere seem to went inrow taa whole crop away. I believe there will be Me howl fram tha nnrthwaat when threshing returns eooae. In from tbe spring wheat sect Iona. My friend la that part of th enuntry-tell me that tb crop will be disappointing, aa tb heed ar thla and ponrlv filled. . s-nert aele -of . wheat In ell position were reported laet night at 204.000 bushel, Tb ' bulk of thla waa tram gulf points. Afternoon cable from tb continent were etroager the tne eerlr one In the dsy Bd. ther contained ea evident dlsoosltloa to buy. In fact thla aaornlag the bids were aa cwea in nig xnorten eoul do nothing. -. Official quotation by Overbeck, Btarr 4 Copk WHEAT. " Open. High. Lew. . Cloae. Sept . .' Dec.... . .TB .T6'I .78 A .70 .7i May... . .TB aoi OATS. Bept,... - . .IIU , .11. .114 -55:: .I214B .MA CORN. oeDX..... .ea it - -M .411141 v .64HA Dec .46 Mar..,.. v .46 MESS POBK, Sept., Jan-. IT. 10 14.10 17.10- ISM 118 14.06 14.10 ' 14.05 LA BD. S.S214 I o . S.S0 BOO B.TTW 824 1.10 ITTHA Oct..,,.. S.HoA S.10A B.12M SHORT BIBS. Sept..,.. Oct , 1TH 20 S ITU S.0 .o t.STH 7.621 T.62M 7.60 1TH S7VtA 7.62Sa Jab. - . lint Wheat Wee too. Or., As. S J. H. Price haa sold aacka of wheat to th Fraatoa Parton Milling company at 00 cents per bushL and J. suigora aaa aoia l.w asora. Then srs the Brat wheat deals at Weatna ao far thle The Pnatoa-Partoa company's big mills at Athens operated by electric powsr will grind lethtng 11 ks a half million baahela la tb rae ox ana rasa. , a a market for oast Umatilla eoaaty wknt. . UTxxpooL emanr icabkxt. Liverpool, Aag. S Offidl price : . , WHEAT. Opea. Close. Aug. 7. Gain. BeptemlMr .... Sa 4d S 6d 6 4sd December .... e 6d Sa IVid Sa 4d t CORN. - . September .... s eAd 4a etld. aa eAd U PeoiBiber Tltd-ts 7.d- TVjd- Vjd CKIOAwO CASK WXXAT. Chicago, Aag. IV Cask, wknt: Aug. 8. Aag. T. No. S red .1 73V. t .72 No. S red....: 72 .T2 No. 8 hard... .T2V1 No. S bard iTlVl HOGS REACH TOP AT $7.35 YARDS . Very Good Tone RulingSheep Firm but Unchanged Cattle : Dull but Tone Better. Pertlaad TJnloa Btockyards, Aag. I Lira. stock receipt: - Hog. Cattle. Sheep. Today '. Ill 728 Tb bog aarkat court noes to display gnat strength bat tbe top la reached at 17.38 and from that price the sales run to 17-85 for beet. Cettle remain dull with prospects of (light ly batter. feeUng In tb near future, owing to tne scarcity and bettor demand during -harvest - Sheep vary firm, bat urban fed la price. . Official linstock quotation: , Hog Best eaatrra Oregon, ' - IT 1817.80; blockers and China fata, 64.60; stoekera and feeders. 00; bulla. 12.60. Cattl Beet autera Oregoa steers. tl.BSQ S.60; heat eowa aad he If era. 12.6002.78; atockere and feeders, 12.60; bulls. 12.80. Sheep BboarUna-s. 4a4Hc: lamb. Sc. ' .. EASTERN HOGS LOWER. .'-i'- i '.V ' OUtMVgo BCarke Weak to. rive Oeate rtowm Othare steady. - Chlesgo, Aag. I. Livestock receipt: Hoes. Cattle. Bheen. Chics 0 .?..... 28.000 23.000 20.000 Omaba ..10.0O0 8,000 10.000 Kanaae City 13.000 S.OOO 1.000 Hogs Wesk to 6c lower with-1.600 left over from ynterdsy. Receipt a year a so wen 82.000. Mixed. te.06r.eo: good. M.iOOe.46; rongh. t5.S0O6.O0; Hint, tS.250s.l7tt. t aitie oteany. Sheep Steady. Starting (xokaars Bstoa. Bew Tork, Aag. . flterllug rata:!' Demand. 486.17HI 60 day, 462.76. . ,. . .. POBTLABD BAXK STATZMKBT. Cleaiinrs : tees. 174. is . 121,M1.I Balanc J. J. BYRNE WINS THE OAKS SWIMMING RACE J. 3. Byrns won ths swimming raee today from the Oaka ' to the Favorite boatheuse at tha foot of Morrison street The dletsnee is IVi milee and the time was 1 hour and It minutes. ' The rae wae the result of sn offsr of a- gold medal by A. O. Asdereon, mana ger of the bathe at tha Oaks, to the winner of the race. Ten entrlee wr made, but et th- etart this morning only three appeared. -"They flnlhd ss follows: '.J. 3. Byrns first, L4tt , Hoffman second and I At Lets third. Ths wlnnsr haa Issued a challenge te . Ll Henderson of Hood River, whoa Chilians appeared this morning. The winner of today's rae la very anxious to meet the Hood River men and his frlsnds declare that he la the beet swlm- Br sal tie northwest,- DftlinOlGK Cantation Dolnt In' Suar Market and a Great Flht Is Now Expected by the Trade- Hawaiian Do Some Cutting by Themselves DULLISH FEELII1G1S i - Bears Control Today's Session pf New York Stock Market and : V Prices Drop. v' ' FEW FAVORITES ARE ' .A FRACTION HIGHER Pennsylvania and Norfc! -Cain Three Quarters , While Manhattan Loses Two PoInU With Single Sale St Paul Is Lower, . 'J;-' - BET Losses, Asacoada ... ....141 EM 'I. SA Amatgsmatod AtrbUon Sugar Smelter ; Car A Feuodry, ...1V Loalevllle ......... 1 Maskatua - ,... .8 Missouri Pae , Vt N. T. Caatral...... H Rasdin , V ' 1H .Ittl . -H IVi nrnoaiya Ben. (M, BalUnvm .1 j Rock lalaad,, Colo. Fuel. ....... mf 'do preferred. I... Bv Paul ...8V, I Southern By...,,., Canadian nVeitbern Pae.. Colo. A South. .::::: Valoa Pae.. ...... ..1 . Loromotln Cotton Oil nnfrrd..., V Nettoaal Lead NET GAINS t Norfolk .". . TIT Oat. A W eaters. .' Wall Street. New York. Aug. The tock market waa ander pressure throughout th ses sion today. Th market started rather alow and at no time during th day waa then any m rlinatloa toward bulllsbnen with th exceptloa of few email Issues. - Peaasyhreala wsa the beat feature of the day aad with Norfolk A Wntera held a net gala at aout at the elon. tfanhatta lost 8 point. alagl nle and St. Paul eloaed 814 nolnta on hearr aelllns. Gea- erally speaking th hst clossd at tha battom-fig- nm. Official quotatieas Cooks Co. I . ; by -Ovrbck,.. Starr A . - . Cloving f Open. - Bid. Amalgautd Copper rompaay ..108 I. 8H1A 102 a men can tar roanary, common, sn s 1O0 SI Americas Csr A Foundry, preferred, lorn,. American Cotton OH, common...... 82 American. Locomotive, common.. . . . Amerlna Sugar, common 184 Anirrlrsa Smelter, common. 1534 Amerlnn Smelter, neef erred . i 18 - 152; 11 8ns 87 02 100 Anaconda Mining ompsny.........28o4 America Wnlaa. aoaara. ....... 17 Atchlaoa, common. ...... .......... Mai Atchison, preferred..........,.,,, Bsltlinors A Ohio, commea.. 121 VL Brook Ira Rapid Transit TO'Z 120 lj VBS? 7641 11 4 18V. Canadlaa Paclfie, commoa. ....... 108 V Central Lntber, common 30 Central Leather, preferred , Chic go A Gnat Wntera, com.... IS . Chlraco. Mllwaukn a Bt. Peul...lNS l!i Chicago A Northwestern. commoa.204Vi jo ChesapMke A Ohio SI 001 Colorado Fuel Iron. eommoB. , , . 04 Ss Cnlorsdo Southern, common ..... . 28 VI 87 Colorado Southern, second preferred .... 62 Colorado Southern, first preferred.. .... TO ueiaware liuason..... .... zzi Denver A Rio Grande, common 41 43 Denver A Bto Grande, preferred... .... . 64 Brie, common 43 Vi 43 Erie, eeone praterna to Erie. Int preferred. ...... .... T8 Illinois Central 1T5 Leulsvllls A Ksshrllle 145 144' Ma nil SI I tat at Rf IWnty . rn raaars v r r-e e 145 rrn.iw.. .11 ... 21 U 21 Vi I.. 84 84 U ... sb erij Mexlnn Central Ballway Missouri. Kaneaa a Texas, e Mleeourl, Kanaaa A Texas, pfd. Federal Smelters ,. Leblah Vsller..... e e W .... TS BO - S41. 7V4 TJ 41 140U 47. ..47 Mtaeouri Paclfi National Lead.......... New York Central New York, Ontario A Weetera Norfolk A Wntera, commea.. Norfolk A Wntera, preferred. Worth Amerleca .... w Norther Pad Dc, common ,206Va 2o4 Psrlfic Msll BteamsblD comnaay. 85 Penneylranla Railway.. 185 ' 186' Peoole's Oss. Lleht A Coke Co.. SI Rndlng. common. ...184 1.12' RMdlaa. second nrefernd. ........ . SS' Texas A Psclflc. 12 Toledo, St. L. A W common 26 Toledo, St. L. A W., pfd.... 47 . In Ion Peclflc, commoa ..187 1 I nlon Pacific, preferred 64 I nlred Rtatn Rnbber, I'alted Btntn Rubber, preferred t'nlted Statn Steel Co.. com..., 41 10 United Statn StseU Ce pfd. WBDSSn. sw . wanssn, pnierrva Wntera union Telegraph...... Wisconsin CentraL commoa.... .... 7 .... 86 Wisconsin Central preferred. . . t'nlted Statn Steel company, dividend of 1 per emit preferred, x- TESTIMONY TAKEN - - IN ISAKSON CASE The appeal of O. F. Isakson from the . dlsmleaal order of the executive board waa heard by the civil service commission todsy. For three hours tes timony practically ' tbe same as at the last trial was presented. John Moloney, who had bean desk officer at the time, teetif led that the of fleers Of the cruiser Chicago were drunk when they entered the police station to msks a complaint. The commissioners pstlently listened to tbe testimony and at 1 o'clock took tne ca aa under . aeviaemenl it la be lieved probable that they, will uphold the order of the police committee of the executive' board. Isakson and Ktenlen were charged - with brutal treatment of peaceable cltlsens. RUN OVER BY WAGON . SERIOUSLY INJURED Teatardsw 17. Tt. Martina a,aa ...... tea for driving a leaky acavanger wagon; today the .wagon leaked Martina him self snd the driver wss run over end nesrly killed. '. -Martina got out of his trouble with the police yesterday. At 1:11 thla after noon he wes driving near the corner of Front and Washington atreete when th team started op quickly and Martina waa spiuad over the dashboard. The horses bsoks Into a run snd s wheel passed over one or tne-scavenger a leg. An other psssed over his body and Martina was plcksd up'trr a serious condition. He wss taken to St.-Vincent's hospital, where it' wss found that 'the las- waa broken and that -the man was hurt in ternally, it is not thought thst he will die..- .... . INCREASE SHOWN' IN' : : BUILDING PERMITS The valuation of building nermlta la- sued In July, 1601, wss greater than those ef July. 1101, by 211 par cent isn't mat enougn to make alad tha heert of every booster? , And laat month slso shows sn in- ersase of ITS per cent In ths number ef permits Issued. Tskcn altogether the eomparleon between the aame montha of the two - years la remarkable in more wsys thsn one. . . Last month III psrmlts were granted. In July of last year 114 ware granted. According to the- statement e of th owner end contractor thoe of July, HOB. represented the spendlturee of 1741,111. while those of the ssms month last rar were for liTTJIi. , . AOSEHT ,T- TO (IEHCII SUuJIT Mazanias, Led by F, H. '. Klser, . Make Desperate Attempt to Scale Mount Baker. - ' LAST. LV. Oin . - ' , (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) ; " ' Belllngnam, Waah., Aug. f Led by F. H. Kiaer of Portland a laat deeperate -attempt to reach the eummlt of Mount Baker was mad yesterday by men 1 among the hardiest of the Mssamaa. Returning Masamaa today aay that tha pssty. lft tbe temporary camp early In the morning and expected to reaoh the topmoat eminence by I o'clock In the afternoon, but; nothlngthae ytbn " heerd of regarding th outcom of th venture. The undaunted aix are: F." H. Klser. M. Mirtin. A. Curtis, C; M. Wll- Hams, F. A. Hildebrsnd and C BV For ayttie : . Detalla sf Monday's' aacant liTwhlc It persons parttcipatvd show the Ma samas to have bean In Imminent danger, from flying placee of decompoeed lata dlalodged by the loremoat climbers. . C ' M Williams of - ffeattle narrowly ee caped a terrible blow from a flying rock, and In-numerous placee yawning erev aseea endangered the livee of the party. It waa et a narrow ridge of lava that the majority of the climbers were forced to .halt when within a short dlatance of th summit Of the eight women on tbe life line ell reached this point, but ther, with It -men, were unable, or did not try to go farther. Seventeen scrambled elowly 'to 'the top of the ridge, where the Uasamabox . was deposited and got under the shadow of the dome. To - the Messmas who reached Belllngnam today. It does not seem pnaalhla iluu enn be -scaled.- ar there le no apparent place to fasten a rope. The ' eight plucky women are Miss , Helen HutchlnsonJ Miss Emily 'Young, Miss Ella McBrtde, Portlsnd; Miss C Neldergesara. Miss Alida Blgelow, Miss Anna Huber snd Dr. .Annie Russell of Sesttle, and Miss Hudson. At 1:19 o'clock yesterday morning ths Msssmaa at , ths permanent camp were routed out. of their bode by. fire, which crept cloae "to tholr tent. ' Undertbsu leadership of Toreaf Ranger Coleman. -' IS Mssamaa fought -the flames and drove them back. . .- . EXCURSION PLANS CHANGED BY JUDGE HUNr . F. W. Leadbetter Had Arranged . to Go to Klamath Falls, but ' Is Called on Jury Instead. ' A call of the new venire of US federal court Jurore was made this afternoon and brought only 27 responsss. - Several of the cltlsens summoned presented sat isfactory sxeuses and were allowed to go. . ' , F. W. tetadbetter pleeded that he had made arrangements to go on the Com mercial club's excursion to Klamath Fella, but Judge Hunt smiled and aald: "I wish we could all go, Mr. Leadbetter. Tou will have to take- your. chances jot Jury servica. I can't excuse you. Numeroua other fared no better than Mr. Leadbetter. Excuses deemed Insuf ficient were promptly waived aside, and Judge Hunt menaged to retain. about 20 of the ST who anawered the summons. '- The work of selecting a Jury to try Cot O. Barnard on a charge of., per Jury waa next In order. Barnard and Clar ence R. Zechary were wltnessee for . Charlee A. Wataon when tbe latter made final proof on his homsstesd claim. The . trial of Zachary will follow that of Barnard. United States District Attorney Brletot appeared for the government and Judge A. S. Bennett for the deene. Special - Awlstant Attorney-General -. Francle J. Heney Is expected to return from Sen Francisco tomorrow morning. TEAMSTERS OF CITY IM E PAY FOR WORK Ths members of the Team Drlvsrs union have decided that 11.10 for 10 hours' work Is not an adequate wage In . these times of proeperity. . At Its regu lar weakly meeting laat night the union -appointed a committee to draft a re quect on the employ ere for en Increaee. . The Increase aaked ror win prooeDiy be IS centa. though It is stated thst this. haa not yet boen definitely doclded upon. The committee, or wnicn a driver named Dugan i chairman, constat of Ave members. It will probably report back to the union before further sotlon ... Is taken. The employers will be BBked to grant the raise, beginning with Sep tember I. , ' : Preaident Sparks of the union, who is a driver for the Meier at Frank com pany, docs, not anticipate any-trouble In securing the rslce. H haa sxpressed the opinion that tbe employere will see -the luetics of the demsnd and will con cede an additional quarter of a dollar per day. The teem, driver' organisa tion Is making extra efforts Istsly to . build, up a strong memberehip. V About 21 namee are now Said to be on tns rolls aird a buelnees agent haa been em ployed in the person of a driver named . Len- ' '' - ' ' MORNING'S RESULTS IN -' TACOMA TENNIS BOUTS ';!'. ';.: , ' 1 - -' '. ' (Special Dktpatn te Th Jeernal.) Tacoma. Waeh.. Aug. I. The results of this morning's playing at the tennig tournament ere as follows: Men's dou bles, Bellinger and Hunter beat KaufrV man snd Richard. McBurney and Drake ' beat Hilton and 8tevene 'n tho mixed. Miss Loomls and Armatrong beat Bel linger and Miss R. Vseth, McBurney and Wildes beat Payne and Drake. Men's Ingle: Rlthett beat Bellinger, Ulthett beat Hilton, Wildes best Kauffman. Ooas beat Rlcbarde, Pooley . beat. . Wheeler, Thorndyke beat Darey. ' THIS LITTLE GIRL HAS ! ONE DAY'S HEAD START When little Mies Whsrfleld, aged two daya, grows ta, be a Portlsnd belle ehe will have one aay tna start, oi moat girls. Little Mies Wharf laid blow Into the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Wnarfleld. til Eaat Seventh street north. Isst Monday, night or wss It Tueeday mornlngT The doctor ooean i snow top certain whether the child waa born a minute before midnight or a minute after, and. to give the girl one day start, ths fam ily decided that July I ehould be her itlrtbdaur. .- 4 1 -4' l .'.-". ' v 1 . i 1 V