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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1906)
. . w 4 a. .444 jcu.jjai; i cr.Ti.:.D. vzd:;z:dav Lvz:::::Or august '8, i Tr" - f J ' T TO ,i ,. . k 1 I ... 1 I i I ' I. it II . . ,. 1 I h .1 I 4, 111 mo? SNVSN- rv -p? K 4. Ill Hour I I r 1 rLf X ." - iCN-t. l I a 1. a I I NEW REGULATIONS -for bridges; Lights? of More Intense Power ( ' May Have" to Be on Struc v . tiires Spanning River. 1 CAPTAIN WERLICH WILL INVESTIGATE THE MATTER re united -. States Lighthouse ' Board .,, Adopts New Rules lor tWProtec- ; tion of Shipping on Inland Water ' - Ways, to Be Adopted at Onceji Captain Werlloh. commander of ttaa thirteenth lighthouse dlstriot will prob , ably order nsw light for the various bridges spanning ths Willamette river. The lights now In uee will be Inspected and If found not conforming with the regulations adopted by the United States - lighthouse board at lta session' June 4, this rear, new onea Will have to be ee- - cured immediately. A oopy of the regulations wag re- eelred tbla morning by Captain' Werlich "and be 'will orde an Inveatlgatlon at once. 'According to the new rules, all bridge lights, both red. and green, shall . be vlalble on a dark night, with clear atmoaphere not leaa than one nautical mile or .about 1,000 yards. All bridge lights ehan be constructed with - a pressed Freanel lena a Inches In diam eter, ualng a lamp with a -lnch flat .wick.- All Ughta on top of the draw spaa of drawbridges shall be oon- ' struoted with a whits pressed Freanel lena Inchea in diameter, surrounded by a square framework In which shall be set disks of red and -green glaaa of . not leaa than- 10H Inchea In diameter, or panels not leaa than 10 Inchea .. square, the red disks or ps-ela to be aet in two opposite aiaea ana me green ' disks or panela to be aet In the Inter mediate sides. The light from each, - disk or panel la to oover not leas than 0 degrees of the horlson. A rule adopted July 11, this year, provides that the use of oil lamps shall be discontinued on bridges over navlga- ABSOLUTE SECURITY. '.'- Genuine Little Liver Pills. . Must Isar Signature) f ee PaoShalle Wrapper Betew. fXXIUBACXL ,' 1X1 BIZZIKCSt. FDR RIU8UKCSS. FCaTMfiaUYU. rci csxniPATica. rciuiiswtui. rSI TXCCfiKPUXICI MnSI WWttMIHWVM.,, TstsiaM4a. C Carter fTary assail as as m -' tetaksasaagwa, I CARTERS . 77, CORX SICK HCADACHS. f Mmm. &SSte ble streams where electric Ughta are, used and arc lights In globes or Incan descent Ughta In Freanel lanterns S Inchea In diameter to ahow red and green lights of the same Intensity aa the white Ughta marking the roadways, shall be aubatttuted for the oil lampa apd ahall bo located In the same places now occupied by them. . ,-. . IN NEED OF VESSEL Spatnera VaoUlo Oompaay Vrepares to Ship Oeaea tb Ttopqiia. The Southern Pacific company la looking for a vessel to carry 10,000 bar rels of cement to Umpqua river, whence It will be transported Into the Interior for use In the construction of the railroad work now about to be started there by the Harriman system. The cement la now on the way from Europe on sailing vessels and will be delivered here In 10.000 barrel lots.-- The cement Is to be laid down - at Dean's creek, where the water is deep enougn .ror navigation or .vessels draw ing If feet and for that reason com paratively little trouble la expected In getting the ceftnent to lta destination unlesa the coafetera get too busy car rying lumber. - That there la a shortage of vessels in the - coastwise trade la now being realised moat keenly and It la aald it would no be aurprlalng to eee a num ber of new ateam achoonera launched during the next 11 month Several are already on the waya and aome are Hear ing completion, but even with, theae there la more - bualneaa than "bottoms in sight and those In operation are bringing their owners handsome proflte. It Is said that most of the ateam achoonera now in commission are net ting SO per cent on the investment ' An illustration of , the demand for carriers la also found In the fact that a large number of people have been In specting the discarded JUghthouae ten der Manaanlta, which la advertlaed to be sold by the government to the high eat bidder on tlte twentieth - of thla month.. Under ordinary circumstances the Manaanlta would not prove a very Inviting apeculatlon. but under existing conditions shs will . likely bring a good price. 'The tender 'lies at the govern ment moorings at Astoria and will re quire extenalve repairs before being in shape to go in commission. .' - DEEP SEA MYSTERY- Captala WaUaee Sspertsaeate Weth Bo. - - tte With Straage. Basalt, . While on the way from Japan to Port land. Captain Wallaoe of the British ateamer Sutherland mastered the trick of filling a tightly corked bottle with water without removing the cork. He la probably the only living mortal know ing how. to do It and yet he doea not know exactly how It was ' done. He ahowed the bottle to aome frlenda yes terday and made the following explanai tlon: " . . "When in mid-ocean on our way from Japan to the Columbia river something went wrong with the machinery and we were required to drift about for a few hours while repairs were being made. To while away the time and do a little experimenting with one of thoae cigar shaped soda water bottles that we get from the old country I tied a SS-pound weight to It and sealed it to see how deep it would sink before breaking from the pressure, and let It down. Down, down It went until he had let out too feet and then, .suppoeing that the bot tle muat have broken, pulled It In. Imagine our aurprlae when we found the bottle . neither cracked nor broken, ; but full of water. "No one eould offer a solution of the mystery, but we suppoaed that the pressure of the water was so great that while It did not break the bottle it forced 4he water through the porea of the glaaa." .,. t ; T CARRIES BIG CARGO. Sntherlaad WU1 Sell for Saaag- kai Toaaorrow Koraiag. , ; The British Stekmer Sutherland will finish loading ' lumber at the mills -of Inman, Foul sen It Co. thla evening and drop down to an anchorage In the lower harbor while getting ready for aea. Cap tain Wallace expects to aall tomorrow morning at daylight. r The Sutherland roes ' to ShaasrhaL She earrlea 1.100,000 feet Of lumber. She arrived about 10 daya ago Snd ac cordingly waa given quick dispatch. At first It was believed that ahe would not be able to complete her Immense cargo At the mills, but toe water, kept up ae OS that ahe will get out on a S 1-foot draft without difficulty? During the past few daya the dredge Columbia haa alao Im proved the channel leading across the river to the mill wharf so that even at low water veaaela of deep draft can be given full cargoes at the mills above the bridges. . '' COLOMA STILL OUTSIDE. Old-Tlmer Disappears Off the Sag After Being- Sighted by Xaookont, What became of the old bark ColomaT Testerday morning the lookout at North Head . thought be saw the old square rigger off the bar and ao reported, but alnco then not even her ahadow has put In an appearance.- - It was sort of hasy and foggy off the coast yesterday and there are those who believe that "the lookout mistook the achooner ChurtMll ror the uoioma. The Churchill arrived last night from Manila under oharter to load lumber at Knappton. She sailed from Portland a few months ago for the Philippine port and mads a boo line for the Columbia river aa soon as her cargo was out -of the hold. '. , ,- , ' The Coloma is 'under charter to load lumber at one of the mills in this city for San Francisco. She left Sea Fran cisco many days ago- and eould easily bo here by this time. The " schooner Orient will . leave up tomorrow morning In company with the French bark Laenneo in tow of the Har vest Queen. . , . . , - . COMES HERE SEEKING. British Ship AUertoa beeves Xquique to - - riad Boalasss Up Berth. - Tho British ahlp-Allerton will come to Portland for orders. Advices to this effect were received yesterday by Tay lor. Toung a Co., to whom tho ahlp comas consigned. She waa at Iqulque, Chile, yesterday, but has probably set sail for the Columbia river by this time. The Allerton will be oae of very few veaaela to come here In ballaat this year seeking cargo. Although there are near ly half a hundred Bailing veaaela en route to Portland from foreign ports nearly all of them are bringing cargoea. Tho Allerton t as been here before. She Is a big vessel with a capacity for about 1.000 tons of wheat ' JOB FOR AN ENGINEER. Captain Wertlch Tfaeble to Had Kaa V ' Willing to Save Money. Captain Werllch, commander of the Thirteenth lighthouse district, ' would like to know If there are no Idle licensed englneera In thla I art of the world. He haa a good lob ror any one proving himself competent, and would like to hear from someone before long. An engineer Is wanted for llghtahlp 7, at present stationed off ths mouth of the Columbia river. The - position pays 11,000 per year, and It la possible to save most of this money, because there is no way of apendlng it INJURED IN SAWMILL Charles BiebeUag Stay Zoee Fsot as Basalt of Aoddeat Bear St. Johns. Charles Rlebellng, an employs of the University Lumber A Shingle company, near St Johns, got one of his feet caught In a block saw yesterday after noon arid will probably loss the mem ber. He was brought to Portland last night on the gasoline boat Gaselle and taken to the Good Samaritan hospital. Rlebellng was tending the block saw wtien he got between the carriage and the platform in such a manner that he could not extricate himself and the foot waa frightfully amaahed. - ALONG THE WATERFRONT. The Alblna ferry. W. S. Ma eon, waa laid up for about half an - hour this morning while the allpa were being low ered because of the falling of, the river. The llarhtnouae department will sell about 1,000 old -ill cans to tho highest bidder on Septemper I. The cana have been collected at the varloua light notices during the year, and. are stored at Portland. Astoria', Seattle and Juneau. The achooner Virginia la anchored in the stream off the mllla of Inman, Paul sen a Co., awaiting a ehanoe to get a berth at the wharf aa soon .. as ths steamer Sutherland pulls out- X H. - Deweon. agent for the Harrl- steamshlp unea opera Hug out of r Z7T? PTTD17 We will Coasultaooa Free) sVAjtaasv an host bbkiabu nxom rrn tmrn em, Honesty Efficient and Scientific Treatment at small coat 'No-misleading or deceptive promlaea made. - We especially Invito those who have deep-seated and chronic disorders to call and be examined. Consultation and ' examination Is free, and -can-tea" with It ho obligation to engage our services. ' Our offices ara equipped with' the moat modern and sclenflflo ' mechan. "lear devices for the treatment of chronlo diseases. Our charges are reason able and in reach of any worklngman. By the latest and best ,methode we cure Blood Volsoa, Vloexav Bo re a, woltea) aiaads. Our treatment la acien .tlflo and rational, and will eliminate every vestige of poison from your aystem. We alao euro Oaronle plaeases. BTsrvons Debility, Tarloooele, Xy dsooelo aad Bladder Disease a, and all Diseases and Weaknesses. NOT A DOLLAR : Unless Cured. ' We Mean This' lvlost Emphatically. It Is for YouFor .Everybody. Consider This Before If you are afflicted with any of the diseases we treat do not waste your time and money and endanger your health by treating with ordinary aneclal- -ista. , It requlrea more than ordinary ment, m cure you. we nave aevoiea ine oesi years or our lives to the study of our specialty and you today. can reap the benefit of our-yeara of toil and labor In our choaen field of medicine and surgery. Aside from thla. wo have the flneat equipped office of any apeelallat In the United Btatea for the treatment of theae diseases. Nothing of proven value haa been spared, regardless of cost ' - i We wanteveirman in aboqt his ailment. .We cure you at home. One visit only required to our office, when necessary. r9A m. to I p. m.; Evenings, PortUnd, returned from Seattle thla morning, where he attended a meeting of representatives of the various Ori ental lines running out of north Paolflo porta Tho meeting mads no decision affecting present tariffs to the orient xne scnooner o. M. Kellogg went to the mills of the Portland Lumber com pany this morning to finish her lumber cargo. -The ship Bardowlo is expected to leave down tomorrow, bound for Port Plrle,. Australia. . MARINE NOTES. Astoria. Aug. a. Left uo at t a. m . achooner Orient Outside at 11 a m a four-masted schooner. - - Astoria, Aug. T. Arrived at S p. m., achooner Churchill, from Manila, can xTanoiaco, uai., - Aug. 7. Balled schooner Roderick Dhu, for Portland via Monterey. Astoria - AueT ' l.--Condltlon of th. bar at 8 a. m., smooth; wind northweat; weather cloudy. Rummage Sale7 Rummage Sal. Rummage Sale le-the r name of an extraordinary bargain sals now on at the Golden Eagle, Portland's new de partment store. Mr. Lowlt ths man ager of the store, has for ten days sell ing gathered together goods of every description for women's wear at a prloe that means a money saving for every housewife who grasps the opportunity. There are Rummage Sals Walste Rum mage Sale Hosiery Rummage Sale Un derwearRummage Sale Skirts Rum mage Sale Silks Rummage Sale Laces Rummage Sals Stationery Rummage Sale Furnishings Rummage Sals Drees Goods, and last but not least, the Rum mage ' Sale Baaement ' In which the 'housewife can buy herself rich. - The Rummage Sale doea not mean that these goods are undesirable. On tho other hand, they are goods of the best qual ity aold at a price far below their actual value. The next ten days will be buav ones at the Golden Eagle. The Pit will come in xor its snare or buelness. It will pay you to visit ths Pltvery day in the week. . EASTERN EXCURSION RATE Aug-ast T, S S, September aad 10, On the above datea the Great North ern Railway will have on sale tickets to Chicago and return at rats of 171. to, St Louis and return f 07,60, St PauL Minneapolis and Duluth, Superior or Sioux City and return, H0. Tickets first-class, good going via the Great Northern, returlng same or any dlreot route,- stopovers- allowed. For tickets, sleeplngcar reservations or any ' addi tional inrormauon can on or aaareaa n. Dickson. & F. a T. A lit Third street Portland. ' KLAMATH LAKE EXCURSION. Zew Bate Tie southern Paolflo Zaduoes Tstaay to Oo. ' The excuralon to Klamath Falla leaves via ths Southern Pacific Friday morning at 0:10. and the very low rate of 111.70 for the round trip is Inducing many to make tne trip, gunman rare la II.S0 additional each way. Full par tlculara and Pullman reservations at city ticket office, Third and washing- ton streets. . NEW FEATURES IN TRICK WHEEL RIDING The poeslbllltlee of trick bloycle rid ing have been puahed to the uttermost limit by the Dunedln troupe, three men and two ladles, now featured with the Adam Forenaugh and Sells Brothers' shows. These performers nave macs bicvclo- riding an art They have in vented - movements which call for the highest daring and skill aa well as keenest susceptibility to artlstlo grace and picture effect They glide through all the dainty figures of old-faahioned dances, aa well as those of tho present day vogue, with eccentricities thrown Renders the bile, wore fluid-and-thus helpe the blood ' to flow; It affords prompt renei rroni omousn..., inai geetlon, sick and nervous headaches, and overindulgence In food and drink. a. U Caldwell, Agt. M. K. T. R. R , Checotah, Ind. Ter., wrltee, April It: "1 waa alck for over two. years with en largement of the liver and apleen. The doctors did ms no good and I hsd to give up sll hope of being cured, when my dmgaiat advised me to use Herblne. It has made me sound and welL" 0a Woodsrd., Clarke A Co. TTT?Tf T?rTD JWENTY-FIVE YEARS IN KRTaNI treat aay single aaoompllaated eUasaat rot gis-OO tow the fee. . Terr alntv nt Crr ' u what ou wBt. B sure tCnainij 01 tUTC ee wo are that we can cure" dlaease. All our years of experience and office, equipment are at your disposal, eoBseatrated In this declaration: Wo will give yew a written guarantee to care Special Diseases or tafaad year money. This , means we have confidence In our ability to ture you, and that tn taking- our treatment you cannot . loae anything. Placing Your Case . skill, together with the proper equip the countrir-to write us 7 to 1:10; Sundays, a. m. to 11 noon. rOBTLAni, OB. In to make the changes more thrilling and amusing. They work aingly. In groups and all together, spinning around on the rear wheel, balancing upright on the handle-har tiiml.. - 1 1 acSoas a wide table, with the wheel nign, in ne air, and landing aafely In the saddle, the entire troupe forming athletlo noaaa and In a ln f nth.. amaiing waya they aet. at naught the uiws or gravitation and physical 11ml tatlona. This act created a furore In the leading arenas of Europe, and is one of the manv lmDortad unuiimi prised in ' the enormous program of corepaugn ana Bene Brothers' circus this season. Here August SO and XI. Tha Official Rout. ' Ths Great Northern Railway to ' St Paul in connection with the North western line to Milwaukee haa been choaen as ths official route for a special train to the Grand Aerie Fraternal Order of Eagles at Milwaukee, Wiscon sin, August 14 to It; tickets on Bale Auguat 7.a and- O at rata-ef .70 for tne round trip. For tickets and bertha apply to H. Dickson. C. T. es P.- A.. O. N. Ry., It! Third street, Portland. Ore gon. . BLOCK SIGNALS ARE -NEARLY INSTALLED (flpeelsl Dispatch te The Journal.) . . Haines, Or., Aug. . H. A. McKenna. foreman of the work crew now engaged In tho Installation of tho block aystem on thla division of the O. R. A N, with his force of II men and two women, who have charge of the culinary depart ment arrived In Haines. The system la now complete snd in operation from Huntington to Baker ."City and It Is also now nearly complete to tints place and m You Are Invited to Call Every young, old or middle-aged man who baa been guilty of vio lating nature's lawa. expoeure. etc. To men with Feeble Thought, -Falling Memory,-Varicocele, Rup ture, - Pilea, Weak Back, Poor Stomach, eta-: . Ws Make No Charge for Private Connie! Our first thought la to ascer tain the real cause of your ail ment; our second thought Is to aacertaln If a cure la possible: our third thought ia to produce apeedy and lasting reaulta Our next thought la the qulckeat. method by which this can be .done and then to figure the low- eat price for the treatment of your case. Over 50 Per Cent of Our Patients1 Have Been Cured for $ I O.OO. anal Many Only $5.00, -During the Past Seven teen Years, We Cive the Best Treatment at the Lowest Prices We are always wilting to' arrange terms to suit Ton can pay by the Visit by ths week or by the month, snd we give liberal discount for cash. Remember, our charges are the lo weat and moat reaaonable In the city, and you get the very begt -Treat men t Call and And out about your caao at once; U will be the happleat day of your life. Consultation free. You Need Not Pay UntU Yon Are Cured ' : Should you desire you may deposit ths fee with any bank or business house In Portland, to ee paid to us after, .you have been restored to health. . ' BUB Toung and middle-aged men who have Injured themselves In body end mind, with weak back, falling etrength, sunken cheeks,- hollow eyes, bad habits, dissipation, poor memory. Ws cure secretly and cheap ly. ' VABIOOSB V BIB S Worm y veins, varicocele, reduced and cured with out cutting. No pain. Rupture, Hydrocele and Piles cured. Consult us 1 free end find out how we curs without knife. Our. prce for a oure.le the cheapest In the Northweat. . OMBOBXO ABB BKXB BXSBABBS eoTi.tlp.llnn, ItgMflg, heart, Wlrinyq, pains.. - vui-vr-Tvss ausr Timiav zaa viri, Consult us at ones upon arrival and maybe you ran be cured before) returning home. Many caees can be cured In one or two or more visits. Consultation and advice free. -Write People who live in outside towns and' In 'the country who cannot call ahould write for consultation and advice free. Many cases have been cured by home treatment Office hours I a. m. to I p. m. Sunday a and holidays, 19 a ra. te II m Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co. Office- la Vaa Noy Hotel. lt Third St.. Corner Pine. Portland. Or. fcABQBBT ABB BXOHBSV KBDICAS. XBSTITUTB XSt BOBTBrWBST. Bstabllabee la Portland la last. Tr-AKSPOWATION. : tclLTJoBiverScecery . Ettsr Une Steamers THB EXCURSION STEAMER "BAIT.ET OATZERT' makes round trips to CAS CADE LOCKS every Sunday; leaving PORTLAND at a. returning, ar rives tern. ...ii. Dally service between Portlsnd and The Dalles except Sunday, leaving -Port. land at 7 a. m., arriving about p. m. carrying freight and pssseagera Splen did accommodations for outfits and livestock. Dock foot of Alder etree. Portland: foot of Court atreet The Dallea. Phone Main lit, Portlanx v . . 1 TELEGRAPH I he only steamboat making a round trip oent-tundayTBstweea PORTLAND and ASTORIA abb wat room ' Leave Portland. ............. .7:00 a. aa. Arrive Astoria ..1:0 p. m. lave Astoria. ...... ...... ...I:0 p. m. Arrive Portland. .. .s. ....... .1:00 p. aa, . M-I,S SERVED A LA CARTE gVrtlaad aadln-. Aides Street Book. . Astoria Zjaadlag, Oalleader Dock. -E. B. SCOTT. Agent Phono Main IIL ALASKA i PAST AMO POPULAB. TXAMSHIPt . Ueie Seattle , . MrrTTolr,,, Aanst t, : "DOLPKUI." August U. .- ' CALLIKO At'" ' Ketcbtkae. Jaaeaa. Dnaglaa Balsas. Rkag ws, Ooeaeets wltk W. P. A T. roete asr AUlo. Dawsoa, Taaaaa, Kosm, ete. - Fee All seataeasters Alasks PertsT Call r seod for Trip f Wonderful Alaska,' -"ladlaa Basketry." "Tot. Poles." : txz ajjlixa a. a oo Frank . Woolear -Ce Af.ats. 81 Cnk it PortUnd. Or. SOTJTHXABTXB ALASKA AOUTB, i STora seaiiie .1 v p. m foe Keteblkaa Jaaeaa, akag way. White Burse, Dsweoe asa rsirbanks ft S. City of Seattle. Asa aat 10. 30. 80. - t- S:- Bawtulotr'Aagost 4. 14. 2a. - ' , 8. . , Osttsge City (vU ltk.V Ansuat 11. 2B. Botrx Soirif. Senator about Ansuat 17. S..I. o a aajf raAllci4co siBZOT. Prom Seattle at ft a. aa. City e( Patble, August 0. Partlaad Offles. fMS WMhUwtea St, Bala StS. O. M. LKX, raasi I, agr. -C IX DL'NANN, . P. A. saa ftaacisce. Erie Railroad TO VBW TOBX ABB BOSTOB AIT TlOni AQBSTT. EOMiCHraTgifS) isautH - kr ruMu. T o4 nnt IW LoSIm,' to Mr, r n. MHdL i e.eee tmimmi. mh O rrMSI Ck kiojlial O. INJECTION. WILL CUBE GONORRHOEA and GLEET WITHOUT OTHBB TREATMENT Sold by all Oruggl.vta the gap between here and La Grande will aoon bo dosed. ; . ' ," BtefaMOd attack Oeaned soeas. Allen A Lewis' Beet Brand. Ecsema. ulcera. sores. r-lleal llv.r, atamarh MUrrly rh.umlll. 1 s,n fViV ui mmhmm. T.k m Ma BWSMe fSk e V 1 ! tabtSHIliM wi bjOio. 'SaMSaeMKu m TrJL::.. rrn.. Trains to the I East ; baUy-J a.i5?- FaBaass etaedsrS aad tsarist steeW "Ware dally e Osaka. Caissse, BpM.xi i" ""'B-aae eaiiy Baesee Cy. ttwlfi. mr '' trmi te -Coeor AW aU ' AtuinTV'' K,,nt, r. e:Maas tosaai II .'a tnr taa Best , SLtP"""'ta ay I:U pa . f tlS est q!..-5 , rertlae. a-1R ,m SS en COLtTMBlA BITIB t)ITrr!OI. ' wjj?!Jorl' eaa way anlata. eoeseettas WHS nmmTt' "wsee ana aorta Beaea. iimwi . Art-rt. Seok. With I a SatON !J2? -Saaiay; Batrir4a. tS s, av ArHvaB - ' VAMBTtL BIVRB aOTTB. mmim J S"u vity sna zamBin i nas - - " -wov anwc, Mmwm. aw. Ssaeay:. ' -. esur. easaas ei. H, saa way penns mm "'P' . ataasiers Smk.e tewla. &wVe rrSr.! fcr"r-. - Tieret OTaW TliM snd Wsshlagtna ehv, Tlii Mate Tit Wm. u.una. Zi aseea, wm- afekfUBBAT, Oaoeral Paaaesfar Agaet, EAST" SOUTH PbIob Drpot ' Lea re, -Arrive. Exprass--alw . PJaaWsj, Roaeberg. Aak lasa, Saeraawale. Orda. ' r-" roiTiPoa, suescoe ,- . . - . Los Asceles. El turn. ' ' hew Orleana snd the ssst :48 p " t'M pa Morning knta eoaaeets st Weedbora dally eases - .,-.'''.-' asoay wltk . trala -foe -. ; : ' ,'r "? kloamt Aagal. Sllverton. ' . . .. Breainsrllle. SminailelA '" Weiutllng and Natroa. ... S:Maa T:J8aoi . Bosse mssmisw eoe : ' wWJ nerts st WeoUbnra with Mnant Ansel 4n4 Hl. . ' ' na loral 4'1r) pa eiO: ia Corvallls easnnsf ....... T:Osa eaillOeni SkerMaa aaaamser 4 :M em ' tttSesi n urove .asiiar. . 's:on pa) ll-av pa rxtjy. eveant Sune'ky. rrrrg Rsoir.nTKRrr st ATtott. ' - Per Dallas aad tateraMdtate points dally T-.M a. a. and 4: IS p. a. , Arrive Pertlasd 10:10 a. a. and 0:10 p. a. Tor Mae aad eard of Oswsge SBBvrhsa tratas apply at City Ticket Ofsee. ar staHas. Tlekets te Baatere points and Katsaer elas Jsnan. Chine. Bonohile and City Ticket Ofsee enrner Third t-sd Wasa tsgton srreeta. Pttsee Mats Tit. C. W. STTHOER. - Wm. MeMtTBBAT. - City Tlrket Ageat . Oaa. Pus. A seat. TIME CARD Cfceballa, Centrallo."Olya. ' , ra,-a. f .mI- awuj.i Eia. way a naroor, awnia Has. DaaTer. Omaha. Kaa- ;. . - . . aaa taxr, taMiia mam Soatheaat. Sally I'M sa Mortb Onaat Limited, else. .- nMUA ra. T.ooaBa . . Seattle. Spokaae, Bstte, , ,,r -v-,--. MlaneapoMa Jit Psal Bed' .' - . ; tbe Bast, dally IMM ..IMlS Pnaet SoaaA United, fee , I I ii ii I ri-n a II fak . . . tr.Ma. Taeeaa and Seattle ' :9oa' only, eaiiy v sal only, eaiiy ,. ..... Twin Cltv Bprsss for Ta- ensM. .Seattle. . SDosane, ... n,m,. ii i'. MlniM pelts. Uneole. et ,v ; ' - saTBT. teats. wftkest ' eksne of eers. Hntt eee we-ttows SH ' " at eed SMftaMMt. dally.. UteBina lerSJ ms A. D. CH A FT TOW. AaaHtant OeaersJ Pse. pun Agent BBS amneoe street, sweat nara, Portland. Orcos Astoria & Columbia . . River Railroad Co. ttalea ra - Leave. Atttre. Per Mayyara. Bat alar, nats .... Uale. Weetport, Olftos, . - A. tori.. Warreetna, rts- l hL HsmsMsd. Pert Stev ' - i ens. Oaarbart Park, seaside. tM aa 1I:M aa Astoria and : tiaikora. es . - - nrees datty TiABaas BtBSna KPortlaad-Beaslile rye.'' AatareXy Saty loaves Portland S:1S p. a. - . AH trains Sail. J. C at A TO. O. P. snd P. A.. Af torts. 0r- C. A STBWABT, Ceamersal Ageas, BW Aloe i Is. '55K. THE COaWrTASUL WAY. . 20verUl Tralss DaSy 2 TIA SBATTLB ABO SPOKAWB. . Pally. ... Dally. Leave, . Anita ewMaaal Hma .illisla . Te snd mm Spokane, '' at. raai. minnear-ena. , tishitb and all aolaU '' Bast via. Beanie :ffsa tresta lim saa e aw sap Tn snd frea St PnL MlsneaneUa Dal "Ik k and all solata Baal S ,..nniN. aw Orsat Berthera staaaaklp Os Batllag rraa SMttle tot Je SS Cnina saru aeo . hichi asd rretckt. ., , , . S. S. Oahets, hyimM a v S, S. sIlaaaeaM, Oetesor 10, - ' BTPPOB TPtEB BAiABA v . Jaiao Man SteaSMnte ai a 'awl.... W.M (II aall ttmm BeattTe'-atiout Ar"t T ft Trl JJ Cklss pens, aarryiua .--a- ; iretant. . .. . . . ror oesera, W". st, ParUooA f)raaa, Fhese InaM a- S. S. F. A, laibirr;: ? Pat CMS Bat, Bessie sad ssa Prseet Sett aalHag-ftsa-Hrllssd. Tberaday. Ar J. I Ksst salllsg (ra saa rraa.. Tiara,, July I " r. u osru.tort;!. ai. ga.asT'T'i beak Jm, A e-w'S 1 , V gySj '2k iSf auatT5f.l IClooou-anAanJaM .aa- 'TRAINS rslon Bant - Leare. Arrira T- 11 . . - fX,:7 ''I '