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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1906)
FOR SALE-RSAL ESTATE ftnrht. ftr Fpmi'p .UUPMlVUl.Jl QOi. ' ilAVA iUlO . 7 162 EAST MORRISON t mr A vrm TtAtr ait m v! . The :iu. axe. - a,-..- . -m . in V. uu.'w., w... ainrvwt i caw nae vue ev. , 100 oa'Eaat Tartar at. Mam Sd tad , " took wareaouae mention lew f'T.uwi. . 60x100 oa Eaat Mdrrleon bringing on kmi rw (180 par month; prlc only 1S,000; w: worth aas mn . u. . -8 choice Iota oa Kaat Morrteon. eorner M, With food building, briefing (22S ft month, Kim only 835.000. 60xloo no Grand ave, between Ankeny ad . Art. M.SOO. " 60x00 m Cnloa STt, batwaaa Aaa an Pin.: 18,500. loOxlo ea . Couch wit t nlca hone, (or , 114.000; rente for (66 par mouth. ! ; 100x100 aa Union ave. Bad H. Mar at lor fT.aOO; anvt (68 par month. ' - - -100x100, N.'W, comer IU nd B. Clay; , encap at 34.000 a flna fcta la PUland lor 100. aa aaar ! aarma. Oiaiea aaraar lad at AM and . Vadlaoa ata., prtro f0; taraaa 10 dowai flO par mom ia ; onir tav not nuaa niwinwia ar. Some' Goo'd' Bays a lb. aarbwaa4 oonaa Baat avaatb tad Cooek ata. Prlea IS.S00. 100x100, aorthaaat cwraar lata . and Baat rta ata.- prtca ft, 000, 60x60. aorthaaat corner lTtb,; and ' Baat Coach eta. Price 81.250. 100x100, eouyieaet corner lTth . and Baet Bamatda ata. Prlea (8.860. . . - 80(80 en the aoatb aide of Baat Ankeny at., bitwiaa Baat S3d and S4th ata. Prlea $1iP00. :r... - . v' A Good Investment 100x100 and four modern hooaea an thai natbeaat eoraar Baat Brerett and 8th ata. root fiojeoo. Tarma to anit. JlxVimgtoi See the Lots We Are Selling on Schuyler,-Broadway,, : Halscy,aackamas,t t- nomalir Streets At $500 Each on Easy Monthly. Payments , Mair&VonBdrstel PHONB B. US.' SOS B. B0BXSIDB ST. - NOW la the tlma to buy pear Vote la Pied-1 moot; eeeing la aeuanng. S4d Start at, Inyestment Property Wa would be pleaaed to a bow yon a prep-1 arty ea the weat aide earning 11 H par cent; I eoawtata er full lot aad B eery goad hulldingei I antiy aa.oov caaa reqnirea, AOBMANN A BLANCHARD, . rZ 01 Fifth St. . , FOB SALE S aaodera S4wem honee la loeatloa; buy ef owner aad aava eommlmtoa. raoae wooaiawa aue. C1TT proper ty la -Pa una; farma, rancbaa, Mm. oer eiaima anr aaia.. Aooreee ie, u. ctrewa. uauiaa, ur, - (8.600 GOOD 8-room hooaa oa Lincoln at., ar-l magna ror ramuiee; earn, easily 12 perl ' ' nana, airaana m auancnaro, PI riltB. Id ACRES aear Oregon City, well tmmvved; nia piece goea a young Borneo, S eowa, and raka and other farming toola aad the prevent crop. SO ton of hay, already la I ' HUB, ail Kur .a.ww. CALL AT 10TH THIRD ST. POB SALB, CHEAP H acre at Mount Tabor terma. Owner, (81 Baat MorrUoa, earner union av. l PIEDMONT lota (800, (400, $500 aad (000) -ca wr aawaiimenta. awe aiara at. BT, PBTBBSBN. . B. W. MeNUTT. . - aJSAu EBTATB. 00RNEUTJ8. WASHINGTON CrJUNTT. Oregon Improved Farm, and Timber Land. I i a acrea, aa,oog uooa improramenta. rjoae in. B 108 acrea. (,000 21 mllea from Cor. I aellua; TO acre, cleared, part bottom, A-l, good lmprovemeata: thla la worth looking ap, 8 60 acrea, 44 mllaa from Comallna, (2.300; all elaared: pert bearer dam. '- 4 80 acre la Cornell u A-l, lmaravadi a 166 acree. ' V Kile acraa cleared. Boa lmprovemeata: 818.300. S00 acre, 4 mile from Cornellne; fair lmptw.rn.utn, good Umber aad piling. Joining aawmlll; part caah; (6.000. - T 340 acrea, (3.600 Partly : Improved; g bargain, 8 80 acre, (8,000 8 mllea from Corned ah t 40 acre cleared, balaaca needed; Improve- 040 acraa, (1.000 Partly Improved, : a nop oaally cleared; bona, ham. fralt. POB SALB New modera up-to-date 6-room cot. I tago oa Moa at. and TA raaooovar av.. Sea owner, 8D0 Maaoa-at, POB SALB Equity la S choice reel dance lota, centrally located la at. John; cheap if Bold aeon, Inqulra of owner. 804 Baat l(th at I FAXON PARK I now oa the naret lota at aeraag pticee, aeeardtng ta Improvement. Lot 60x2006115. 8180, (180 ' . Lota 100x200 (226, 8260, f2TS ' ' Lot S00X2B0 (460. (500, (560 ' The, lota am moatly la cultivation, level gad atghtly, on a good graded etreet close " to good 10-reem acbeol, at Lenta 6c far to any part of Portland: water free; tarma. Take Mount I A i V Q Oregm. I m mmh .wmm. i U. 500 LOT 6xllS feet nice eoay 4-room aaw bouaa, fin lawn and garden, cloee to Haw t borne av..; aaay terma. 480 Commercial. (7,500 THBEB S-atory - boaaaa, with TBxIOO Lllllambol'vHu . reet in eoatnweat part of city, well located I ana pare gooa uiereei on laveatment (9,0X1040x100 feet, with S good bouaea, w.U ilrnated la aouthweat part of cltyi good Inreetment; terma. (8.000 Medera, bow T-room bone with . 60x100 feet la Irving toe j good loeatloa aad plea Bant home; terma. 7 Parrtsh, Watklns St Co. '" '' . 360 ALDEB ST. .. ' ' 10-ACBB orchard, houai, bam, -aaar Boneburg. wiu xrane or aeii. aaay rerma. a . u. Seat, baat, 623 Chamber ef Commerce, ' BUT TODAT. ' d v-eSVAg. .-..-- 4 ! aaa.aul.amB - 4B aaa -a wage airivtu uruuei grvgarvg w iibj btit 100x100 aa Preecott t. for only (4,000. No piece ea Burxet equaia taw, Deatrabl (mom hooaa, corner lot, Irving ton, only 38. 360, - T-room bom, beet oa TtWimotw'TKlgHa, I yea can buy aow for enly (6.T50, r ? H. C Eastham v 82S Chamber af Commerea. FOR SALB For a few day enlr. aleht ahnica lot. 60x80. al 60x80, alx blocka from Mt Scott car- ti... tell. aiOK . -. . .,uw, ...w . . .w iii.ieiiineni Slan ; one lot neer Hawthorn. (400; cacao, mlth A HoUlngaworth, 006 Belmont. , 00 FARMS, amen tracbj and. lota; bargain ea en Inatallment a w. r. electric line, u, a. Additoa, Laara, Take ajoaai oeoti ear, aa. MEW 4-room hooaa near carllaei ba.try, bath. plaatared, good .table, Urge bearing fralt tree; tbl property m' nicely - located and . tb' price la only (60; (160 dowa, bdlaace ...r . J. DAT A CO.. ' laarth at. Boom SS, - FOR SALE-RSAL ETATS. : ' SCO Hc-ts Rr Sals , Farm, and city property. " ... ' THE INVksnoK OUIDB CO.. t -, m.,..., bih,., q. .V"0? ." . ml Scott .!L" 'WiL W .? i imuia, moetiy new, , Bouta for nana. t , wirqu arquam Road addition. Call ea ww, F. Bonttr. Ill North. Fourth it., at Mom Pacific Itl. ll.SAO f.ROOl hooaa la 8eaaald aSO nwiwicr mm7 urm. CALL AT 1074 THIRD 8T. PIEDMOKTI t PtadnMai kafora ft Waa Ml aSlaaTC aVU rOB RENT T IHI DUNN-LA WKENCI CO. .' Grand colonial raaldaara, cor. I'nloa ara. "-"i i. i v raa roonxa: adu. Apply at Km, rlrat at. ' IP roa waat to balld aor kind of balMlnf. amatl or lanra, to to Anwrlraa Ina or lumbar, tiov oar, doora. wtndowa, plaatar aoara. ate. . T0O 4 HOOM kooaa oa afoont Saatt llnat 14 dowo. balaara, rooothlr . B . ear Journal. In St. Jonns 1t,Lota oa oaay tarma, aaar carlloa. tut Lota 5OI1O0 oa tarma, eloaa In, MAO Lot COrlOO, with 8,000 faat lumbar. 1 fTOO Lot 60x100 on iTanhoe at., clooa In. 1 41 000 Lot 100x100 aad .nwm k. .la. 400 14 feu 60x100, I Mocka from ear- ' iroo -room koaaa, lot lldiioo, on Ivaa . aoa at. J ana lawn; nxxlrrn throurbout. HOalB HRrtKKRArlB rA Boom t Braadaa bldf.. Third and Waahlnftoa. BOVBBS aollt aa laatallaMnta, lota It daalrad. wa voaunarciai oiaff., M alB 1B0, I BLUMERB Oa Eaat STth and Hawthorne ava.j lota for aaU 1346 and up; (BO down, (10 per Par-Vlew Eaet 8Ttb at.! Iota for aala I . (sso ad ap; month. 10 per eat down, 10 perl ' ."A" f Hlon Baat STth and DMiloa ata.: 60x100 lota (250 and ap: (10 down, (10 ' Beonthly. g per aaat In tar eat; atreeta graded saad water. , CONKLIM BROS., SIT Marguerite are. Take Meant Tabor Raaarrolr or Mount Scott LOJ2?itJh! 0T1' -room modem honee today. "c" . iixe, ewoineam eprner sou; pur--chaae from owner: alee yard and location t money returned with In tereet ana year. It deelred, . . I SOACEKS, aU alaaa A-l aolU good, new houaa. "i w oarn, sew coicxaa-houae, wood ahad 'aad exme vnAthntMA . rmie Sna apring, abw running water, well at aouee. ea roa tar road, is mllaa from city. 8 mllaa from 0. W. P. ear line; prlea (2.800: (1,000 . caah, balaaca oa agreed time and latereet. w. w. neper, room 1 I'ommercUl bldg., ' eor. Seoand and Waahingtto ata. CROICI HOMB AT A BARS AIM OWTTBB I7f 1, ' - AIjABKA. - , S BBAfna. Muamhm tuA,a 1 -I ' I Mghta, hot water heating, lot 85x100, fruit .ra, aaay leraw; Borweeai earner aaa utn ana vane. - ' . F. M. Batchelor -r - (04 McKay bldg. -.. THB SNAPS '.w BT ,:.,.: The Dunn-Lawrence Co. ' (8,800 Swell waat aide a-room . cohmjal raaMenee; new and complete; corner lot. (1.000 64x160, with Bear groom eottage. Bear water werka, bnalneaa center St, Johna; the ground alone ta worth (1,600. 11. 50 Beautiful let with charming T-room houaa, modern coBTanhmcaa, front, ea ear Una ; Southern Portland. (000 For a alee 4-room cottage, fall lot, beautifully - el trie ted ea Bpokaaa are., Bear Baat Seventh at., Sellwood. , (500 , block, cbolca (ratt, eorner CaU vfornla and Virginia ata. (500 Nlee t-acra place, email eottage, ban, poultry -bonee and Omit. For bargalna ta lota. anboTbaa acreage, country place., elty realdeBcee or buatnrea property, farma, ate.,- you abould aot tall k a aee aa. j , I !4?i First Streets: j NewCottatre S large room, and bath room; good aaraar, S lot near St. John oar line; goad car eervioe; aarroondlng propertiae lncreaatng la ; value; compulaory aala; real anap; only IW asou oowa. as moatniy ; go see u- Home Land Co. 14SM Pint at. Phone Mala S4S0. " I aa I LOOK OTBB thla llat aad aoma aad about what you want: A modem ap-to-date 6-room cottage ea B. Tth at. 1, (1,600; very eaay terma. . e-reom, modern, complete cottage Bear St Jobna ear Una; only (1.800; terma. A good grocery builnaaa, atom aad Uvrng rooma, team aad wagon; -Mt. Scott, car line; Invoice atoek; real aetata (1,800. - A aaw 6-room honee, S acraa good hind clone to O. W. P. Ry.l (1,100. IIS acre, of good land mllaa from dty for he than (86 par acre. 30 acrea good bottom lead, an Improved, good build mg. S mllaa opt; (3.600. 88 or 40 acre of good garde, land, emn la 1 garden, aaar Beavertoa, S mllaa out; (ISO par Grundy-Welrath Co. 346 H Morrbna at. FOR SALB New 10-mora houaa cnr. Park ar aim am.; nata room, cioaem, large ewtbe room, aaa errata, ana n tel. fiirn.o. rn 11 Mn I room, gee grata. maateL furnace.1 beeement, wltb laundry aad fralt room. For I . aala by A. Welch, Tba Amerlcaa Clothier, S21 1 Morriaoa ax. t-ROOM COT1AQ1 HIS. AFTEB SEPTEMBER 1 THESE PLACES WILL COST MORS MONET I 82.150 SO 3.8x100. a-room nA,n k.u I ; TJnlveralty Park. I (3,00060x100 eoraar, aaw modem 6-room I eottage, aaat uiiaan. (3.T80 2xl00 corner, (-room, 34th end Baet Ankeny. . H.OOO-rOxlOO eorner, (-room Btrlctly taod-1 awn awe, via ana r. t nairaaa. . J. H. HEILBRONNEB A CO-" (IB-IB Lumbar Exchange, eecond and Stark. tM ACRES block from rarlln., (S,800- nv I pwrewi aovw oowa. oa Bixia at., near nu. BARGAIN la Eaat Portland! walklnr dtavana en'aiuv, iuom anouern nouee, juu .nricl baae I ment, lawn, trait aad flowerar price for abort I iim a,au, very eaay term. Beat Tan reaeeB. raciac xou. 3B1b Morrlaea at. (2.S50 Buye a modern 6-room bona, bath, gaa. toilet, full bawment, aaay walking diet aa re. weet aide; good home or rental property; will earn IS par cent Hagemaaa A Blaacfaard, SI r una ex. 7,?L:T?, of ground on eorner w" ' bhi rum er, wiin emn nouaa tbla la Jnat the price of tba ground; (260 fl.'60 New 5-room bouaa: fralt, go aeixnnorbood, cloee ta ear) to so tbla 11 xo ouy: ternie. (2.000 tor aa trp-to-date (-room bdm; ww, .T.;ijiin nricur arax aiae aaa mod ern: eaay term. 82.250 for a Bret-elaea gmm hnnwi atrlctly modern, cfea b ear, la A-l neighbor- . l-eere tract, 800: aaother acr. tract with 6-room bona.. 31.400; both 1. Mtm Fee lote and houae rloae to car on monthly payment; l-"V ner month. riTEinaiETS CO.. Tba Bomeealler. , . lei Morrlaoa a. 82.800 BUTS a ale modem cottage, eaay wall tng'diatanee. Sixth at., weet aide. HAQEMANX A BLANCHAKD, 1 Fifth St. a. a a rat . BAi?.iXl',w CO tie .(cel. CniaheA. lot 60x100, oa Sellweod car line, ally water, price Stfou; aobu WM, ... ut aaurrUuu at., room p. NEW bun. a low .for aala bv mm k. Malw-8a-BwrBlug, -or addrvua T Tlr cam Value for Your Money yvauiirui cree Bear Fir land taUoa, Hnuni Bcntt canine, ea graded etreet; great platting propoaitlon or ale auburbaa home; only (550 per arret worth ll.oooj look thla ao today t it 111 aot teat long at fig ureal J. DAT At CO - ' 18814 Fourth at., Room 3. or pboao gftar a p. m., Mala 8267. IN ST. JOHNS h hath i i I eateTr ?TL2?I earllne, 8 Mocka to ranter ef town. over. .looking ; rim groaad 100x100, mao awav--. , avv p.. ym,marxAm Otto & Crockett aeMV Waahiagtoa 6, , ' u.mly jzjz::.u, vzd:.-z:day august .' " TTBMMIIfc "-H L " ' " - -"--a ' wtttMM FC3 tALC EJSAL ESTATE. (SO GOOD room hone and lot, aaar Union . Fghlaod; eaay terma. . (6 .000 Elegant 10-room honee,'. atrlctly modera... saw carpet la parlora, raaca la kltcban, foil lot. plenty at ahrabbary, aaar . Kaat Tajlor as lata: auat aa aaaa U ba apprarlatad. . j . - block, eoraar Montiaa ana ' tbarar au.t 1 asaaaa. a ad T rooma, raoai lor aoathar aouaa aa coroan aal( aaaa, .! baJaara Urraa. ' M.8U0 Maw T-rooia man raaManaa. anlla . few a bo ma; all modara aoaaaolaBcaa, full lot. parkad atraata; Holladay park. Wa fcara cbolca tracu at llllwaokla and Graaham, all tmprorad. . Call . and aaa atur Mat. .... ... , - Washlncn & Oregon Realty Co. f . . ,18814 WASHINGTON IT. ' 12.00010 aoraa wltbla mllaa froaa raatar al I . city; ail in orchard, moatly pranaa, Urga ' crop) carHna prujwtad naar. W. B. La-1 toaralta, owner, 418 Falling bldf., Tblrd . ,h naaainxuNB aia., city. $8.800 OOO D a-rooat hooaa la Nob Hill dlatrlet, I suit aot ousj,w. CALL AT WVk THIKD BT. WHAT MORE DO TOD WANTT 1.000 1 acra garden land with 6-roam bow euiiaxa, cioaa ib. a owcaa aa ear; ao eaaa. nana f aaostoiy,- F.Fuchs S21H MORRISON IT. J. W. Ofilbee ' Boom 11, 146H Flrat at. . ' 81.8f30 Lot 80x100 feat, in Stenbena ad. dltlon, with I cotiagaat will bring good In tereet 1 on Inreetment. .82.000 Lot 66x100 feat, with eld bouaa, ranting for f IS par month, an Baat ltth at.; I Wl HATB a 68x100 comer oa Sixth at., with S rery good build lace, earn Ina 11 nor cent, at (8,600. Let ua ebow thla to, you. Hageauum xtiaacnaro, VI mru at. (8.O00 H BLOCK Baat 11th and Rhermaa ata.; a gooa auaineaa Mcanoa; ao Cioaa la that onare wenia real wen.' (2,000 A bargain la Mantarllla; -ream bouaa ta flna order, aear Woodward hall. , 12,750 a-room cottage and fractional let aa at., waat aide. (1,600 av acraa eoaeenleirt ta earUaa) aeey icrme. 86.000 i of aa acre and S-reoi only 1 block from Mount Tabor earllne. 40 acne betweaa Portland and Oroa-on CltT! thla will bear, lareatlgatloa, aad for partlcu- lara aee rCrDaYl(lson 0S CHAMBER OP COMMERCE. FOR 8ALE FARM. 160 acraa flnt-cbaa aoil; SO acraa In cultiva tion: young orchard 4net begtnnlBg ta bear, moety winter ipplee. different earUtlea; ether frolta: 4 room houaa. barn and chicken bonne. weadahed aad ether buildtnge; running water uia wnoie year; ana water at honee and barn;! milking. 4 balfera. S ealrea 8 menthe aid. 1 Jereey ball. 1 brood aow. 8 piga, 1 doaea chick-1 aaa, 10 a tend, ef beea, SO toaa hay la barn and I lota ef roeta, 1 aeeder, 1 avmtng machine, 1 S-1 horae rake, 1 plow, 1 cultivator, boee, hand! rakea, 1 ereaa cut aaw, chain and lota oft other too; g mllaa ta B. B. and river, S4 ml lee from dty oa goad county road; ata. and creamery, k. r. V. mall; poone la Price (2,(00. ... (0 acrea beach lead, 38 acre, la eulttvatlaa; neat ef clover or fralt lead; 60 acrea mere cleared ef Umber aad aaeded. all fenced and eroea fenced; good flrat -claaa 8-room hooaa, Sna barn 44x60, and woodabed, alao atoraga room a i. m . Bouaa. para aad mug aouae; i bvw. I h raxa, piowe, narrowa, eroaecat aaw aad lota of ether toola; oa fine road ( mllea to atatloa and B. B. Prlea (2.600, (1,600 dowa. balaaaa Bval year, a per aaat. black loam; good family orchard; fair houaa aad bam, and other bulldlng.1 ao atone or pa Tel, H the price of gravel land am Baat eio. roc. , ' 40-acre chicken reach. 25 acrea Immwradt living atream through tba plac and tbroach me corral: good ebickea boaaaa, good 6-room bouaa, with replace: all other ry building.: good beam horae. bareee. waooa. Plowa. harrow, croo. S aowa. ealrea. ehlckena: . R. P. D.. mail, phone ta tba hooaa, achool 1-3 . mn. rnee, x,oou: tarma. ao acTM. U clear. Ilea flue: fair ) bera. rchardi mllaa from elty; black loam. f4,XOV. ITS acree S3 aaree ha mltlration. af wblch SO acraa have no etump; good a-room houaa I with pantry, bath; good family orchard; place fenced, new! good barn. 44x48: bow hoe- bone., woodbou, milk bouaa: fenced and eroee-feooedi oounty road by the places at. F.J man, pnon. in in. novae; xi ead cattle, larva ana email, or wmcn v are xreeiii eowa. 05 heed Angora goat; 30 acrea creek bottom. onion land: 1 new wagoa and harneae. new; I ell kino, .fuming Implemente; lote of other xninga, wjo Bumerou. n mentioa; H inter eat In wheat In aack; M Intereet la hay In nam ; l-a intereet la a acrea oata m aack; 14 Intereet la S acrea ipade; U Intereet la M acre onion; S mllea to achool and town. ' Price (4,800, half cab, balaaaa par aeat. SSO acrea level land; 188 ta eropa, flna . f-room nouaa, aarge nam ana etner ouuainga, fin orchard; crop la wheat, oata. vetch and other crop.; goad water whole year, 4 hone. 3 an cow, IS bog, wagon, boggy and barneea. binder, mower, ehlckena. turkeva. II houaehold good. Price, (11,000. Would taxe a-a in gcoa city property. SH-acre place, clone ta ear Una: good 6-room cottage and barn: fruit, etci (2,6001 $600 oowa; Balance amainiy payment. W. W. Escey ' BBMBtltl biog., comer so aad Waahtngtoa. BEND FOB FARM UST. THE REAL SNAPS IN FARMS (8.80000 acrea. IS mllea from the eltvt one of the ft neat farm you ever w; 10 reom reeidence, 4 good baraa. place apeclally - attoated for aubdivtding, 80 acree anod dam garden land, 10 acrea la fruit; thla place eaia xaeaa nil. (8.000 Lanr.l Hill Stock raaca, Donglaa rnaiyi i.uuv acree, an xencea, Be.atirui room realdance, fine barn: capable et 1,000 head of atoek prlea lncludea implement. , una nornee. (8.600 A Brand 100-acre Blare. 8-room real- dance, good barne and ether bulldlnara. choice fruit living water; place all fenced, aeariy - all la cultivation; prlea include. 8 boreee, S eowa, - aoma plga, poultry, feed aad I implement. 84.600 000-acm atoek ranch oa tba Colum bia, railway goe( tbrougb tba place; It'a a ""(I.'eoo Beautiful Sfi-acm place, g-rooni bonee. good barna, choice fruit, fine water, , elegant garden place, houae 100 feet from atatloa, 10 mile out; thla beat the beet of - them. rr (2.600 lSoarrt Plata;- Wleo etoca raarai av ncrea in cultivation, gooa I boa, S barna, living water, 600 fralt tree; One community in Yamhill eoontr. I (2,800 Nice 60-aere farm, gooj boo, and barn, choice fruit rich eoll; good community I la viarxe enuniy. For bargalna la farma, The Dunn-Lawrence Co. An tba leafier. 14BH FIRST BT. BEST FARM IN 0RE0ON FOB THB MONBT (30,000 (26 acre of the very beet aoll and la the hlgheat tat et product! veneaa; flrat-claae Vocation; the improvement, alone coat (10,000: them 1. ao batter aoll or bigger bargain Ib Orero. thaa thla farm; every cant or expanaee; rerunaad ir Dot a repreeeated; (13,000 caah, halaacelong yean at ( pat cent p-gjjj ' 32114 Morrlaoa at. YAMHILL COUNTT FABMS FOB SALB. We have Bated aoma of the beet farma ta me county, ir you am looking ret a . farm, I can oa or wni r--, WARREN A STATES, Mraltnnvllle, Oregon. St.ick ranchea. Improved "farm ndr'wbeat, Mnd la aoruora urant eeuaty, Oregoa, ea and aear Joha Day rivara, (8 to (10 par acre, ror uevcripuT. uvie wnxe xo T. P. HALL. Long Greek. Oregoa. S1S-ACRB FARM 60 acrea orchard moetl I T year-old Spitaenberg applee; f acrea Royal Aaa rherriea; orchard wall aprayad and cared for; aew fence, good bulldlnga. aitnated IS .. mile aaat of Eugene, on McEenat river bot tom, loamy aoll; teiepaon. x-oay atagea. K. P. D. route, H mile aehooL 414 mile to railroad atatloa; price ' (16. 00Oi a boat ill dowa. balance king time, low Intereet; will lrn ,or PrHad fawnartr. Addree B. H. tagkarn, wnet, care Journal. , - - 1,840 ACRES ea Lewki river, all good land. Sn (oil. plenty water, about . 000.000 feet .f timber oa It, at (5.60 per acre, or -will . en timner ror e,va, AV.waug aaalU I I' FOH SALS FAKM8. Ctclce Eays 84, TOO 108 acraa, SO mllaa from Portland, a aiuaa rroni railroad autloa, 60 arraa claand. 1 acraa Rood tlmoor, balanco aaally rwaraa, au, wtu una aaa moatty -awaia, laaal land .man rraak aaar bouaa, good wall at door pood a-roora bouaa 1 rood barn, 60x100; aero good baarlng orchard; good team, worth 5uvi nij wagon, apring wagon, BugfTr acta of harnoaa, 7 aowa. S halfera, 11 boga, 6 abawp. 800 chlckaaa, 60 toaa of hay, mower, raka, all klada of toola naaded oa ranrh, 1 a acraa oata. a acraa wbaat, 6 arroa apuda tarma half caah. balaqpa 8 yaara at f par cant. box bouaa barn S4xSR; 1 arra good Billed , orcaaro. a aena claarad! 8W0, half caah. . woo U acraa, 1 mllaa from PortUn I Bill, from electric line. 4 acraa cleared aoma good atandlng timber, fair 6-room bouaa. aoma goI 8460 11 oarn. onicxan Bouaa, aoaat rraill eaab. balaaca long tlma par rant. wasnmjton &. orcfon Realty Co. XS8M Wbablngtoa at., Portland. Or. ' And 00 Mala St.. VancoaTor. Waeh7 . BEST BAROAIN IN TBI VAM.BT. ' - 100 acraa, 80 under cultlratlon, good T-room bona., S good log bafna, 30 tone at bay la ;; barn, 4 good milch aowa. T bead of faacy ; cattle, apjLB, of boraca, wagon and barnaaa, all larnung toola. 100 boartng fruit tra. 000 feet af aaw and piling timber, 00 good mi, running waiar, 1 or aa,uuu. , f Otto & Crockett ; . S46H Waahlogtoa at. POB BALB BT OWNER Small hlxblr Ira peered farm 6 mllaa from eoartbooaa. P 8a, car. 4ournau . . .. VEGETABLE AND HOP FARM oa Willamette riTor, aaar boatlandlng and railway . atatlou. 4S acreai email bouaa and bare; ehare of crop to buyer; land rick, will grow anything: Uka morning boat, retnrn erenlng train: UO par era, nau oowa. noma Lana v, 140 e rirat. 1M ACRR8 bottom land ea Colombia river. 34 muea rrom rortland, with new 7-room hooaa; all fenced; with atoek. (6.000. Far part ten ia re addreea J. T. Smith, Latoorell Falla. Or. 14 ACRES Good 6-room boaee, 8 rooma hard nuianeu; xiicnen aeaied. I air ham, tone hai In barn; 1 horae, a eata aarneaa, 1 wagon, 1 COW. A nlmm TK .hi.,... , I . I . - . - - barrow, culttTator, band aeeder and all other 1001a new; I acrea potatoea, 8,000 cabbage, aad all ether narden: anod family tmrhmrA- croak rana through place all year, 8Va mllaa a, a win r .im uvm. (35,000 Bale or trade for elty property. 80, care Journal. , T PABM FOB SALE 208 oreaJ40-4a eurMTattoB,- balance ta feature and Umber, all fenced, good build inga, fruit ef all tlnda, well watered, H mile ta a good graded orhool aad railroad etattoB, all larel, line eoll; team, barneea, wagoa, hack, 11 eowa, cream aeparator, plowa, harrowa, binder, mower, 6 acrea po tatoea and ( acrea ef eon go with the place for (10.600; 67,000 caah, balance to ault ' pureaaaar at 6 per cent. Inquire ef WARREN A STATER, ,- McMlturrllle, Oregon. I POB BALE or trade, atoek and dairy ranch ' w Keb. FOR SALE TIMBER, ' SNAP. 40 acraa, aU choice land; SS acrea cultivat ed, SVh acraa la orchard, aaw bouaa, 6 lam room, wood flber plaeter; bam. chlckea-park. houaa all famlahed, atovaa, carpeta, aprlgbt piano, horeee, buggy, bach, 1 Jereey cow, 100 ehlckena, aaar Oregon City, eaay drive to Port land; tired of farming, and meat eellt aU goea; aow only (8,000. HBNKLB A HARRISON, SIT Ablngtoa Bldg. LAND BCRIP WOlTORT Attn Bm.n -al Including approved foreat reaerve aad railroad land acrlp, for enrveyed, anaurveyed, tim bered and prairie land: approved United Bute, military Bounty land warrant; re certified aoldlera' additional home teed acrlp. H. U. Hamilton, the Portland hotel. Portland, Oregon. . CERTIFIED acrlp, any aim piece.; toweet prtcea. W. O. Howell, (88 Chamber of Com- TIMBER LAND For aala. 100,000,000 feet Br; Gma live umber; can be logged into Colum n. - Addreea for parUeaUra, I 10, Journal. I MORE goverament land Juajt opened for entry aa Umber claim : aaveral choic elaime k. win eat from 6,000.000 to 7,000.000 feet per vmibh. eor rail at iv i moTTieon. uoma aariy ana eecure en ef them. HOMESTEAD rellnqulahment for aala cheaa good timber, on running water and oa aee railroad. S 2. care Journal. FOR SALE 80.000.000 feet of fir timber eloaa m; ran ae logged Into .Wllamette aloogh; a eurgnm ror n i-oruaaa mm; II yea waat It "w unwa. s ?. cam Journal. HORSES.' VEHICLES. HARNESS TEHICLES f all blade, new and eeeoad-band; rwv. mn. aowaai nncee: aoraee ana nan rented by day or month. Tomllnaoo A Caa- alday. 81: faablngton. ' Pacific 607. POB, SALE S wall-matched aad well-broken teama, i,aaj to l.BOO pound. Addro Sum Strebln. Trootdale, Or. R. F. D. Ne. 1. TO EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGB for (mail ranch aear Port- anu, a eo.wu aiocx la live country town. Otto & Crockett 246 H Whlngtoa at BXCBANOB. Elegant eaodern houaa. eKolc WaMn, clnea In, aaat aide; large ground; will trade Into a good bom oa waat aide aad pay caah wunfata HENKXB A HARBTBON. "SITAoinglbBnUogT POB EXCHANGE gCOacr. fully equipped Bret cl.a. placer mine, for Portland property; minee we ainaana-prodncer and will etind lnveetlxatlon: water rlghta of the beet Ad- r. o. Boa 881, Granta Paaa. WANT TO BXCHAN0B atoek la good com- bldg vac" i in euourrj. out McKay EXCHANGE. 6 acre, all ebolce hud; M acrea cultrrat ' ad: koaaa, bam, ere bard, ean level road ell way to Portland, sear new electric ear line, convenient to good graded aebooL cbnrenee. atoree, etc.; will trad for a good farm ta or aaar Whltmaa County, Waab. HENKLB A HARRISON, SIT Ablngtoa Bldg. Man Hat got into a profitable business at a small outlay i ,.'. by reading the Business Chances In the - Classified Columns of - : 1 .- .... ,. , ; . The Journal Many a-Young TO EXCHANGE. ' ( ACRES of good land near Lent, on county ..v w.u waur., price (l.aoo; will exchange for houa and lot aaam value, B. J. Oelaer, 221 H MorrUoa at. rina Diecg or iota la St. John to exchange ' mtk ai vi 9 .ria u HOrgfJ Bod lot t IodtMn4enr: would - ' 4Wi aramj-aj mvmrnmi MINES AND INVESTMENTS. Stocks .H.IrLW CONSIDER GOOD B17TB, ' 100 American De Fnreat Pfd w . 16 50 200 American De Foreat Com...?!." g K ' 00 Horat Aut. B. A . ' , '' , a it oH 6 Aimed. raue., 6OO0 CaacadU M. A Dev....,,.'"!. 6OO0 Oregon eirltlee. .....""'' " 6000 White Bear (II. C.-). .A..'im" JOO0 Alaak et. A Coal (Treaa.) "". 6or Alaak Pet. A Coalpid ..""t .If .20H Am .m ,17 .18 o... i nww rraciion .DO 0" nnnwatorm (Coanr d'Alenel...:.. S 25 looogtawert (Coeor d Alenei t S Will buy and pay caah for any active mla- uj wi inuHwin amraa or oovaa. J. C Lee Brokerage Dent. 10-11-12 18 2( Lafayette Bldg. Portland, Or, jH. W. Donahue, Manaj?er STANDARD SECURITIES CO. 3181. Waahtngtoa Street. STOCKS AND BONDS WE WILL SELL IS P"reat (Pfd.) ...,.( (.60 100 American 1 foreat (Com'.). 4.28 v american ajarconl 100 Canadian Marconi S000 Oolconda Coneolldated 200 Hurt Switch A Signal , 6000 Oregon Seeurltlee , 1000 Ca acedia M. A M. fin. gnoo Standard Coneolldatad ....... 6000 Alaaka Pet. A Coal : WE WILL BUY 65.00 (.75 .0614 ,-t.OO .1014 -11, .124 .20 Baowetorm. Standard Conaolldated, Seattlo Boato Copper, Tacoma Steel, Oolcondn Con.. Oregon Serurltlee, Horat Switch, at al. See aa before buying or eelllng. wb baa die aU mining atoek ..from Mexico to Alaaka. HURST SWITCH STOCK SOLD CHEAP I buy mmmr approToa etocxat gold dnat and precloue atone bought;- dividend paying atocka aoldj proapect of merit pur c,.e.; fwipoTt.flt InTantlna nnntBdi mn ' 1 anlt ma for proat ahtr"lBVetmentej numher rnriiana nrocx nxenange. w. J. cartla, 315 Commercial blk. ' Phone Mala (384. WILL aall 8,000 Mt Pitt, 18c! will aell 10.000 n.e eniniHf, tc; will eeil otai leppere- polla. 10e; two ah.rea J. C. Lee atoek, (200; will buy Herat Switch, Caacadla aad all marketable atoek. F. J. Catterlla A Co.. 125 Ablngtoa bldg. WANTED A good mining propoettloa to In corporate .ad flnnnce. J. B. Bauey A Ca v mddw abxeaange. INVESTIOATB THIS It you want to owa atoek In a dividend paring mine aee J. F. Nylander about the Alice Gold Mining Co. atoek: will aell 60.000 anarea In blocka to anlt nurchaaer t he per ehare. Boom SOS Allaky Bldg., cor, Tblrd and Morleoa. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. WB print your name oa 60 calling earda, proper aiae aad atyas, 80e; ?S0 baalneaa earda, (1. A. W. Schmale Co.. 320 Flrat, Portland, Or. WESTERN OREGON MINING A MILLING CO. aeaoqnarter.; atoek tar aala and Informattaa at xua gvat at Pnoaa Mala 1620. BILLIARD AND POOL table tor rent ar lor aaie on aaay payment.. THB BRUNSWICK -B ALEE COLLENDEB CO. 40 Third at, FortUnd. r ARTISTS' material., picture, and framing. H. Moorbouae A Co., SIS Alder at WB need furniture and will pay full value. Phone Pacific T0S. Wee tern Salvage Co., 62T waeaingion .X- , HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURB dure cam for rheumtlam. Sold by all dragglata. . BOOKS bought, cold and exchanged Old Book Store. 223 Yamhill at at the SHOWCAi&B, eounteraTTlituree bought, aold or" weacern salvage vo., an w aaa lngtoa at PactOe T0S. ri RMTTRE We atlU have g few piece tying roana iiooae tor aaia cnaap. waat era aaivag Co., 827 Waablngtoa at. TYPEWRITBB, pood new, at lee thaa half euex price, inquire isg Waahlagtoa t MOTINO-PICTURB MACHINES. Stma. Bong lldee, ga outfit., etc.. bought. Mid. rented FOR RALE Maaea fralt )r. euart. 66c per ooavn: ii aa ana ranner. com p leu. crane not tie Co., corner 14th and Coach. Main S2M. FOR BALE. CHEAP Doable expreee wagon and barneea. Crane Bottle Co ita aad Coach. mam xzsa. FOR 8ALE lfl-boraeoowar runabout. abaft driven: an everyday m.cbm.: .xeellent hill climber: owner baa ao nee tor It Addreea v. a., veacouver, w aaa. f BEt OM) HAND furnltur. of all klada; alao a complete line' of new furniture and home enppllee at loweat price. ; everything moat n aoia. xia rront at., eorner Balmon. FOR BALE Steam erbooner. frrat elaaa, 1,060 ton capacity, engine 18x23x41x30. Geo. S man at vo., int., ao (Joncord bldg. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES mad to order; aecona-nand good for Bale. c.rUKMI atrem. Xbw Couch at Pbona Clay S71. HOW TO REACH THB FARMER Bend for Kenton' Rural Directory; 100 ex. i. route, with In. ooo correct aamee. Rural Directory Co., 304 Ablngtoa bldg., Portland, Oregon. - FOR SALB Freeh Jereey end Dnrham cow. Eanti and good milker. Apply Jama Hultt, .rqnam'a Hill: take atepa al heed of Wood at. Soutb Portland. PIANO for aala or exchange for vaoant lot 80S IXIB Bt. PERSONAL. FURRIER Ladlea, have yoor far remodeled ana rapeirea oy pr.ctirai rarrier end expert tter; SO year' experience la tbla branch enable me to guarantee entire eatlafartloa: will call at reeldenc .ad glv. eatlmate. If dlrd. A. Reiner. Lewi, bldg., Montana aad Park. Phone Pacific S40T. ANY man or woman ma ba atrong and happy by ualng Sella. Pill, tbe great tonic; , price (1 a box. S boxea (S, with full guarantee. Addreea er call J. A. Ctemenena, drugglat. cor. Seeoad aad Yamhill ata., Portland, Or. DETECTIVE AGENCY Confidential Inveetlge . tlonei report furnlehed on ladlvldaala. their ' character, repon.lblllty. etci bad debt. eol. leeted: - m Ualng ralativea located; charge reao.abl; correapondence - aollclted. Oregoa letectlT Berrlcv. office 203-204 Flledi Ndg., loth and WahIIftofta, -Mafa 8018. ., Pboad MANLY vigor reetored by Dr. Roberta' Nerve e Ombtlea. One month a treatment. month. (8; aent eeenrely aeaied by mail. Agenta, Woodard, Clark. A Co, Portland, Or. MOLES, wrinkle, .npcrflaooa ban? Let m. t.ll von hew. N efaerew. lira af. fx. m b Hill, Salt 1. SeUlng-Hirach bldg. Pacific 133. SIXlNg PILIJI vwr--a -form muacular weekBcae. Price SI a box. 0 boxea IS. ,ltb full run. tee. Addreea er call J. G. Clemeaaoa, drug glat Second and Yamhill ate. Portland. Ur. SUITS preened while you welt. dOe. Ladlea' klrt preaaed. Av. Gilbert, loo a Sixth t, Bext to Quelle. Phone Pacific tosrf. DISEAS8 OF WOMEN Private maternity hoapltal; quiet loeatloa Bad .pedal cam. Dr. At wood, shoi, Morrlaoa at, room S. Pboa Paeiftc 1768. . . - YES, Palm Ta biota make yoa (keep perfectly! they cure uervouane.. and mak yoa atrong; price 60r a box, g boxea (2 60; guaranteed. All dragglata, er addreea Brooke Drug Co, IT North Third at.. Pert land. Oregoa: . TWO refined ladlea give electric, vapor and anegnviie xreaimenta. t;.ii at 231 wab- lasuaB at, aaar Siu revand .4, PaolOg Ud, .., : . -t , irca PERSONAL. BOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURE Sura ear (of maumatiam. Sold by all drug (lata. HUMAN HAIR SWITCHER Pay after yea re ceive them: Band a aampl of your batr and ' w. will .end yon one of our II ao ewitchea. ' S14 ex., 32 Incbee; examine It; If e big bar- .' gala, remit; If not. return. Adore Ladles' Hair Emporium, (34 Dearborn u. Cbkago, TURKISH BATHS, 300 Oregonlaa bldg.; . daye, gentlemen nlghta. Mala 1338. , e DOLL'S HOSPITAIr Repelling end drveelng. " (01 Tembtl at WANTED To knew the wbaveehoum of George Harold Roberta br hie mother, Mary K. Holetngtoa, Prlne villa, Oregon. ' . HOLD ON There' la an, thing that will core rbeumattem. Aak yoor drugglat for bark tonic or addreea or cell J. 0. Clemenaoa. drug glat. Portland, Oregoa. 'FORBipDE.f FRUIT," "A Say Lothario." "Story of a Slav.," "Mabel Gray," "Madera Monk." "Agnee." "Women ef Fire." S0e each; Uata free. A. W. Schmale Co., 223 Flrat at. TURKISH BATHS LADIES ONLY. Maeeage, ebampoolng, arelp and face .treatmenta, cheat development, manicuring and ehlropodv. 651 Waahlngton, betweaa 16th nnd 17b. Mala TO.1: -v MASSAGE, rbeamartem cured, .team and al pha bathe. , 4bd Grand ere., eor. Dlvialoa at YOUNG) lady from Chicago baa recently Opened manicuring pnraDre. OOlft alocruoa ., . room 14. BOTH Ume and money eared, wltb a free ahlne, wniie getting enaved at the biodel Barber Shop. 31 Sixth at., bet Stark and Oah at.; abavlng 16c. ' y TOUNO lady give- aclentlflc maeaiige, manicur ing ana pedicnnng. 14414 Blxtb t, bet. Morrlaoa aad Aide ata. BALM OF FIGS for all female dtaeaeee. 824 Eaat Belmont Phone Eaat 4084, MISS ETHEL WARD, face aad ecalp mamag, manicuring, cairopoay. Boom 18. 1461. Sixth. BEST commlMlon paid agent oa all magailne euowTipimiw. .OBW JBOOB BIOTV, XVI AMef ex., r-oriiana. uregoo. DR. O. T. KETCBUM rare, nromotlr uieeaeev, eiuney, . nervona, akia and .pedal female trouble. Call or write. Office 1701, .t wv. . luuiii. . a-Boue raexne vca, OMPORNIA Medicated Healing Snao. toilet comprexiou, nnraery. abb your dealer ror ir. Monre-rieim vo.. general .gent., 271 MAYORS WALNUT OII.Beet hair color re- erorer man.; .tmpie, clean, mating: 60e and (1 bottle. (IB Lumbar Exchange. Seeoad bmi a. a. I, - AUTOMOBILES. COVBY A COOK Motor Car Co.. Fiftoeath aad Great Arrow and Stevena-Dnryea motor-car; maehlaea raated. repaired and atcreaW Mala ASSAVERS. GARVIN CYANIDB KXTBACTION CO. Montana A aeey Office. Ina Merrteoa aa. ART EMPORIUM. PRtlFBSHOR B . MAX MEYER. 341 landscape artlet aad i Aller. Portrait and ARCHITECTS. H. B. MBNOBS, Architect 113 lunad at BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE. DAYIS A KM. MAM. 103-111 Seeoad noog menutacturerat ageam for joaea n proved Looee-Leef ledger.; ae tbe aew Eureke leaf, tbe beat et. the market BATHS MASSAGE. YOUNO lady glvaa vapor, alcohol aad mod Km ted hatha. far tor 37, issh BtarR mt. Bbeuamtl.m cored by maaug. by young Oer man aaay. zoo aura, xi-xx lacoma tion GENUINE Swedlah maeeage. Turk lie and tub natna; may attendant, aaa lb Third et THE BNOWDEN bathroom.; lady .ttendanta. 29TH Alder at. MISS RAYMOND - treatment.. The nth and mag 2A8H Morrlaoa at COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVKRDINO A FABRELL. arodoce and commie - flna BwrrhaBta. 140 Froat at, Portland. Or. Pnon Main 170. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. K BIRKENWALD Ol.. nOA-ana Iurgeet batawaver eupply knee ea tba nig, BUTCHERS SUPPBIES Adolnh A. Dehum. 111-133 Flrat at., rarrlea a full Una and com plete aaaortment at loweat market peicee. CARPET CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Cleaatna Co., lergvart pleat Sardine ata.. tela. ea aaa coeau aaenng ana M ruing Baet a0 Caraem elaenad. reBtted. aea. aewer and Uldi both ateem aad lateen eoea- preae.a ear ptweeaal reaovatlag mall aaa rea there a enedalty. SANITARY carpet cleaning, earrioa and eom- preaaea v com m Bed; earpeve eieaneg en Boer without removal. Main 4U34. Mala 3300. I. HUNTER, ateem carpet aad uaatiraaa Cleaner, see jeffreea. Pbeae Mala B14. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. WASHBURN A FLOTD Carpeatera. ystneca and eamage worn, aa ata at. . raaam racia aiua. 0. CABMICHAEU. aoatrertor and builder aad office fitting.. 38 Fifth at Padfl. Boo. CLEANINO AND DYEING. Portland "-teem Cleaning Dyeing Worfce: prac tical batter ta connection. 811 4th. PaciS. SOT. CLOTHES eleened and D reeved 81 per moath rtoa at. Unique Tailoring Co., 347 Walking If. W. TURNER, pmfeearloo.l dyer and leaser. 806 JetTeraou at. Phone Main 8S18. CAFES. THE OFFICE 21 Waablngtoa at. phone Mala ill. aamoai vtgneux. CHIROPODISTS.- CHTR0PODY' ANDPEDICURINOT" Mr.. M, D. HIIL Bultal. Belll.g Hlweh Bldg. PaetSc 138. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE crockery end claaware. Prael, Hegele Co.. 100 to 100 Fifth, eor. Stark at CIGARS AND TOBACCO. COLLECTION AGENCY. DOES ANYBODY. OWE YOU VMON'XYl WB , COLLECT BAD DEBTS OR NO CHABOE. CITIZENS LAW A COLLECTION CO., CITI , SENS' BANK BUILDING. ROOM 15, 122)4 GRAND ATE. PHONE EAST 3038. COAL AND WOOD. ALBINA FUEL CO. Dee leva ta eordweed. coal and greeu and dry alahwood. R. R. and Alhlaa aa,, S hleeh oaat-cd teevy- Beet 6f 4r STEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO Dealer, ta amal. opto woo ua ary .i.weoa. nee OREGON FUEL CO. All klada ef m SS4 Aide at. Pboa Mala 06, BOX an.1 plaeer wood. Standard WraaS Oa, lmmdlt delivery, Pheae Baet B8IA. DRY atovearood already epllt, II. T( nor htl Pbeo p.dac 1423. gh Haneea. Big 1 THB PORTLAND FUEL CO, 1 Buereeeora to . ' C. R DAVIS FUEL CO, Pbone Eaat 88. - 8aT B. Morrlaea et. DANCING. LK"SONB ta daaetag at year home, or 61 M. A. OUNST A COe DUtrihutoca af . . .. PINB CIGARS. WPMtPByietSWWaOaTaaM.1 II I I Mr S. T. BOUta. ,PIXId U1A claii:voya::ts a:: : . - roai 4 pe-py pT t , A SfKCIAL UP t . -;. ALWAYS CONg.i.r t . g b . PROP. E. Oreateet living aafr.i ,1.. fr.. . eyant of the age; ADVISKlt O.i r AND ALL AFFAIRS OP LITE; We , will marry, haw to control the one V , " 'kuk mllea away; reaaltee b a "'V,. gfvea ,.Mrret power to ceatrnL 1 win do all ether advertlee to ai, - a aveaf deal mora. THE ENTIRE W -SH5 Jr STARTLED WITH T! . . 0 'THE UNSEEN FORCES I LATA A MX COMMAND, aad I prove It t pua wu out price hy giving you a - . FREE TE8T FREB . " ' JUST WHAT TOU CAME FOB, aad g -a yea aovtee alwolutely FREE beAre pnu dc . '!Ab. reeding. WHO CAN OR v L JJO MORS TO C0NYINCB THB BKETTi. r -0..0I,", rn,n OPPORTUNITY., AS IT WILL NOT BE OgrBRFD TO 100 AOAIM. PROF. E. KHIMO, , , , i Permanently Located In Hla Own Home. , HOUB8. 10 TO A DAILY AND SUNDAY. : No. 306 Fifth et.. eoraea MadHoa at . J PROP. WALLACM. The Coemoa. 3M14 M.rtaon. Bee thla girted man. He ceUe yeaj bp , aaM. He telle yoor pat p reave t and : . future. T.IU you who are year friend., ea. mle.. rival. H. know -. once what you called for. Telia who and - when van anil f-Btarry.Tfe telra you everything. The gre.reet living clairvoyant aVWltuaUat al palm la C raada for 60c. , SEE HIM TODAT I' V. , k - - REMKMBKU THE. PLACE. '.. - NIBLO, SM FIFTH ST. Boy.I oriental clairvoyant paychle, palmlat. Oreateet advlaer on love, bnalncae. marrUg.. divorce, law. .Inveetmenta: all revealed; tell ' exactly what you com for, nam.,, age, oc cupation; whom, when you marry; derelorie manetlamv good hick, power, of aeeret eoa tml. enree all nervon dlaeeeea, weak habit., re tore, loot vitality, locate, treaanre by nirlt power, dcvelopa medium, Nlbto'i Egyptian art - make him mora euereeafal - thaa any other myattc worker. 11014 FOURTH ST. (5.00 reeding (1 thu weeh; baet dead, trance clairvoyant In town: telle yew en act ly what yea call for, year name and ago, , etc. 110H FOURTH. COB. WAgHlNOTOW. ,1 MM B. ZINOA. Egvntloa Buraaa. medium, palm- , let, elalrvorant; healli ng xnrougn pay cat. 20SH Morrlaoa. Com force; rendlnca daily. moa, over Royal Bakery. ELECTRICAL 8UPPLIES. PAOIPIO EI.ECTBIC CO Kaglneem. rewtrac. tora, repatrera, electric wiring, eupptlae. M Flrat. oar. Stark. Main SSOB. H. Tata. mgr. FURNITURE FACTORIES. OR BOON furniture Marmrarturlng Compaay- Manufacture ra of furniture for tba trade. Portland, Oregon. FURNITURE manufacturing aad apectal ardar. L. Rnvenahy' furniture factory. 370 Front at FURNACES. BOTNTON warm-aw furnace aava Tuat. Jr-tBfc-Bayer Faraara Co., S60 Second. MaU ell. DRYHOUBB HEATING PIPES, made to by J. Loall, SIS Jeffereea: Phone Pacific lend. ' FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WTRB A .BOW WORKS"") Flaadawa at. ear. Third, phoaa Maia SuuaX EAST PORTLAND FENCE WIRB WORKS, - ISO EBt Water at. Phase Baet SSI. GROCERS. WADHAMS A CO., whole. le grocera. man. lacTorem aaa eemmiegioa m.rc.ia. roarta aad Oak ata. ALLEN A LEWIS, eommtealoo and peed ace mev ekanta. Trout and Davie am.. Portland. Or. STEIN WATNB Jobber, grocer. (03 Second at. and wbolaeal GASOLINE ENGINES. ' 8TATT0NABY and marin: "I J trie Boecl!" a-aeohnv lannch. (180; Hcond-kand atectrle' leunchea and bulla. BXIERSON MACHINERY CO, ' -182-4-S Morrlaoa at. HOTELS. THB BELLETUB ronrtb and aeinea: aim clean 1 week er moath. PaciS 8106. 1 kg day. 1 HOTEL Portia d. Amerlcaa plea; 83. 66 par Say. I ... 0 1 or. .vK.i.c.nn, auiwap. .1 a a , . wra aiiie.1 an. HAY AND GRAlNT" B. L. COOPER A CO. Potatoea, teed i Soar. 12S I'Bloa are, Pbeae Beet 16 IT. HAT FACTORIES. HATS cleaned, blocked, made Uka new for so expert Panama bleach. 64 Third, aaar Plaa Branch, 834 Flrat Perl 6. 18. - HARDWARE. f Portia ad Hardware Co. aot lotto einw lunlty la aoet price. 74 Blxtb t Pacifte 4- 4. INSURANCE. ISAA0 L, WHITB. Bra IAS. Mel. WOOD, empleyertr BabtUly aa dividual accident eurety ben da al aS huaa 4T. Bus McKay bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN On improved city iiiopext er for eaoiaing purpoee, for from 8 to 10 yeera time, with privilege to repay all ar part of Veen afbar two yaara. Loana approved from plaae and money advanced aa building peagreaaaai Biortgagee taken up and replaced. FRED H. STRONG. Flnauclei Agaal. . S4S Stark at THB STAB LOAM CO. 1 Any aalarled employe,, gaa get on hla Beta, without mortgage Month. H Moofh. Week, (60.00 Repay to a (18.8 or (0 60 or B3.8S i 00 Repay to ca j (.66 or (S .38 er i 1 09 (16.00 Repay to ua J 4 00 ar $8-00 ar I. .60 gio Mcaay uog. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS a aalariae. Ii policies, piano, furnltur.. ware koaaa re. eernte, etct a ay deeervln peraoa may aaeum a llbertl advance. vaoayUg. by aaay weekly . er monthly Inatallmenta. ' " ' NEW ERA IAN A TRUST COMPANY. SOS Ablngtoa bldg. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE And other upon their awa aamea without oecurltyi cbeapeet ratea. eaileet paymentol afScea In 63 principal eltlea; aev ycajnelf money by getting aur terma Brat ' TOLMAN. 823 Ablngtoa bldg., 10014 Third et HEADQUABTERS FOR SALABY LOANS . Money can be norrowea ee eaay neymeat plan, toweet ratea; atrlctly confidential , CRESCENT LOAN CO, 42 Mohawk bldg, eor. Third, led Marrlaoa. MONET to lea an real, eerannal and collateral eecurlty: apeclal ettentton to chattel aAort. fagea; note, bought. O. W. Pallet' 304-4 enrow btdg-e-SA Sixth t. MONEY t loan oa rtaebaeMe eoeaty lande. B. F. aad F. B. Bitty, Oog chamber of Caen aaerce. LOWEST rata ea furnltur and planea. faab era Loan Co., 440 Sherlock bldg. Paris SUA MONEY to loan ea U klnde of eenrtty. Holt, room B Waablngteu bldg. Wllllan TO LOAN Sum " to brrtt ow chattel i arity. B. A. Frame. 814 the Mtronem. Mcney To Loan Prom prleete fundi on Improved proper . e". U WELLS CO, ' 04 Ovaad - av. MONEY loaned aetaiied people ea ootet V- eat ra tea. F. A. ftewtoa, a ABtagiam a. 4 MONBT LOANED AT I PER CT Oa dlaatonde. watcnea .-i j, we . PUklLAKU LOAM Of tUl. 74 .-.F? f? (500 TO (It.OOA M 1MB aa real e hy private. . at ( per reel au BMrrt.t aug. (500 xo (a ono to eea mm re ay priT'e p."r, . m . "' . .-,-. 1 t V u.