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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1906)
THE ? OREGON ' DAILY JOURNAL,' PORTLAND. WEDNESpAY CVCWIHO.' AUGUST HZ ZTT TODAY. NEW TODAY. Tt2 zzi cl a I7cll-!:n3;vn Coine arooni 1 matld make a contract uith i yea fcr diiziii zixzlbtz. I Special Certificates Af Ccegny ceived such cxcdlsnt rdts from yotrr dassif i:ds biadvathhj sen:: of ny 0T.ra lots that I am now ready, to contract for a large amount of space io Iz vzd lj cur tun ADDITION TON of Deposit) TTOU CUNNYSIDE AND HT. TABOR CAR LINE CtricUy Inside Property at CtrJctly Inside Price To Ceo. la to Buy This beautiful addition has just been re -surveyed, and , is; now placed on the market at prices and upon terms that cannot tail to attract thecarelul nyestorjpr home buyer. ;-(;:v:.'i' lzz of the Advantages 1. Close to business center. ' . A Five-Minute Car Service. S, Streets Graded and Sewered, Bull Run water, Gas. and Electric - lights.' ' V, :;; 4. A reasonable building restric tion. vv'Vc , 8. Perfect Titles." 'f",- 6. Only Eight Blocks from the new $100,000.00 East Side High School. . ' . - Por Maps, Prices, Terms and Full Information Apply to CL E THOMPSON ' . AOENT 040 MISSISSIPPI AYE. Phone Woodlawn 303 ... Or mt thm ,;V rrciteA Offlem is' Me Prml$ F. O. PARKS,' Resident Agent Twenty-Second ft East Morrison THB SAVINGS BANK OF THE TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST COMPANY JPayt Interest 7 A Follows: " LNTXREST -i . --- C:i SAVINGS DEPOSITS INTEREST COMPOUNDED SEMI-ANNUALLY. " Pays 4 per cent on Certificates of De posit. Fays 3 per cent on daily bal ances of. check accounts. . - ;;- i J. Thorburn Ross, President. Georca H. HiH, Vice-President. T. T. Bnrkhart, Treasurer. Jno, E, Aitchisotv SecseUry. -. . . . i ' Banking hours. ...9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Saturdays...!.... ..9 a. m. to 1 p. m. Saturday eTenings......S to 8 o'clock 240 WASHINGTON STREET. ., Corner Second, PORTLAND, OREGON. FOUR NICE HOMES aJB.SOO Northrup stret between ltd and 14th, lot 10x100. S-room house; all aaoderw tmprorementa. C5.300 -rr Holladmr ParlcZcloae tt) . Broadway ear line, S rooms, thorough- y modern; II. JOS cash. ' . 3.000 Eaat ISts etreeL near Ootnc , exeellent ear aarrloa, only If minute ride, new modern home, T rooms. $2,2 SO-room new eottate on East , Aah street, near 14th, now readr tor .' . occupancy; a Drat-claas bargain. - Hartman & Thompson f CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. ; ; C42 PER LOT, . SdkIOS feat' far 4S. Tbera are only- 40 wra iert aaaoie aat or a trart or TOO lota, aad tba Ulberala Sarlnga Bank kaa ordered tkaaa krta eold witbaet daUr; therefore tha prlra will W S42 par lot antll ererr lot u eold. Tkaaa lota Are lore ted aa earlfne aad preetlealljr mm tka rlrer. kick, elrhtlr aad Veal. All raafc la raqulred. Ma terna etrea. TJtla aeffert. Call aa M. I. Clokeaay, roea -SOT. MrEay bids.. Third aad Stark eta. ' ' .... ( , H aetws on the rar line; no srrayel, one . aaiuwi iaaw igt per acre. aVtoa lON-aere sraet, fronts IJI , ieet oa the car line 11,760. aaay ena sn Both. : TOW1NB 368 MORRISON a3Tr forSa!e2000R. '. The beet sawmill proposition on the Willamette river. Good storage for logs; saa be purchased for less than 11.00 per front foot This pro party will double la value In one rear. Particulars of .C.U JOURNAL OFTICI.. ' nORTGAGE 1 ' Per Cent Am tbe beet form at ahert-tlaia lifMtantl. These eartlflcstre, such ss srs issued by tbe Oldest Trust Company of Oregon roa aims or tsoo oa otsb ass ( Payable ea 10, so er so days' nil. bl Tbey are aegotlahle. , r Provide for tu. 8e er d percent inter We shall , be glad to eiplala ar mm "! ILLUSTRAf IONS" Portland Trust Company of Oregon a . ear. M asd Oak sts. . Phone Ex. TS. irTOHSX . ....... . rTPrssldeat H. L. FITTm-K..,.,,,,,..,,,.Vree-Preeldent B. LCI PA'iKT. ........ Seeretarr J. O. GOLTBA...... Assistant Imturf MORTGAGE LOANS We have ample funds te loan la an amount ea Improved buelneee lad resldsnee property la Portlaad and lowest rstes. . Titus mvaxo. -abstracts nraaissiB. The Title Guarantee i & Trust Co. - S4-S44 WASBTjreTOS STSXIT. . 'N-:,.- (Corner Second Street) PORTLAND, OREQON On Portlsnd rtly Property, i Paymeata la Installments Permitted U Desired. Portland Trust Company of Oregon S. E. Cor. Id snd Oak at. Phone Ex. TJ. LITTLB FARMS IN THI riTT LIMITS . . HI I J. RUN WATER. Tracts llOxzAS feat, ea PranH ara.i rich Boll, all cleared. $); corners ("SO. " Apply to . t - TUB DUNN-LAWRENCB CO., . . lent, pint at. WEATHER REPORT. A aawklak ai aaaal a am aaa nada ifm in. Ciraar avar anrtkmi BrtUak CelamMa. Tha raaoatar atlna low In tka aoutkwrat and kirk err tba aontk Atlantic atatea and tha . (mn. BiHii kiw pnaanr araa ar anted aa folknra: On mr tha wnAA Ula. alaalppt Talloj, on ir Saakateaawaa and on r aaatrra Waahtnton. Hrtrj ralna baa orarrad In tka Inwar laka rrVloa. middle At. lantle atatra. middle MlmlaalnDl tIIt. Txaa Pinbaadla and aoatkweatara South Dakota, air weather enntlanea la ha ParISC atataa. axeept akn tha ImnMdUta eaaat. vhrre It la altkar eloudr r fncrr. H la allchtly ranter la tha Wlllaaaette relief ad daetnedlp aooler la tha Kew Rutland etalea; aleewhera tha rkantea In temprratura kara been anlmportant. The inoiratlona are tor xrnerallr fair weather In tbla dletrlrt tonight and Tburedey. It will be molar la aaa Urn Waahlaatna and aarth. era loaaa, - . . Tt ni a. Statlnna . Max. Attn. BVeelo. Baker lite. Oreaon. ....... M M .6 Boa tea. AlaaaarboaatU M M ' .in nleaa, IlllnoU.... ....... TS'" TS .10 Tearer, Colorado. TS . 6S '. .0 .anaae Cltf, Mlennrl. Lna Arselea. California.... SO J .J Aew Orleana, UmMiu.,., Bl TH ) New Tork. New York M ' , ST l.M Portland. Oreaon M M . Roaebarv, Oreaxm. .. ....... M 54 .0 St. Loala, Mlaaowt T . TO 1 AO alt Laka. I tab M M . . Saa Praarlaea. raliroraia.. M M . Snnkana, Waablnatoa , M St .n Taenma, Waahlnatoa TS ' M ' .0 Walla Walla. Waehlaftoa.. M) : TO Waablartna, D. C SO - TO I.Ot MARRIAGE LICENSES. Akaa J. Caatnlnfa, 1M Bberaiaa at., S9; Lena . Oabarao, SO. Ckarlaa a. Randetoa, 110H Plixt at.. 11; La rlaa T. Daaaraat. la. ' Waddln Carda. W. 0. Smith a Co.. Waak Inttoa blU aor. Peartk and Waahlnxtoa at a. ' Weddlac prtBtea. B. aad aalHaa eerda aagiaead ar T. Boabtoa, S23H WaabtDtam at. Mle Bertha Martin, noa SIS AUaky bldg. gtaatplag and Saa needlework laaaoaa gleaa. BIRTHS. PIKHEB A timet 1 to Mr. aad Mra. iaam 0. rtaher, Sfta Wind aor. a boy. STRBJS Anrnat 1. to Mr. aad Mra. "Baart Strete. 2i Kaat Tamhlll, a any. PETERSON Aturoat a. to Mr. aad Mra. Prank R. Peteraoa. Lenta, a glrL TICKNER Joly 38. to Mr. sad Mrs. W. c Tlrkner. S41 Wlrtk. a boy. DEATHS. j FUNERAL NOTICES. t .. UNDERTAKERS. eew.i..fcw w...w .. ei Daaalag, MeCatee A Otlbaagk. andertakera and emhalaaera; aiortera la every detail. Sereatb aad Plea. Mala 4S0. Lady aealetaaL - A. B. Heajetork. aedertakar aad embalmer. Kaat Thtrtaratb aad IaiaUlU are. Phone Sell- wood Ti. - Erlrkaea Vndertaktna' Co., aad enbalailnn'. eiie Alder at. Phone Mala S1SS. Vmat aaaiaUat. J. p. rinlry A Soaa. Third and Madlaoa ate. OfSre ef ceonty eoronor. Phone Mala S. Edward Holnan, anoertaker, M0 Third at. UTia Tirsr cm rri a t. . Single grarea SIS. Faajllr lota (TS to 11,600. The only remetrry la Portland which per aetaally aMlntalna and enrea for lota. Por full Information apply In W. R. Mackenzie, War. neater block, etty. W. M. Ladd. prealdent. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Wakefield. Fr lea A Ca. te A. P. Oenanaoer, lot S. block IIS, Coach ad dltloa , ST.OOO virior ima cowjpaarvo n. u. ttoiiiater, lot . blork SO, Woodatork dos Alnaworth Natloe.1 beak to H. O. Boa. lette. lot It. bloek S. Orchard Horeea. . iSB Barman Metaeer, true tee, te Henry P. and a a tie Laaternna, ta xa, aa. , block 1. Reeerrotr Park '. 4S0 Baby and H. It. Lacy to A. Ollnger, i lot a, Dioca . Arieta ran no. X oeeph kkd Haley U Lyena to C. A. Dr. Brlear. lot S. hlork 11. Hilton add!- Hob te Eaar rwnane . . rz; Br re more Beal Ratata reeipenr to Kawr 7. H. arnaer, iota aa aaa e, otora Kera Para too Baaery T. Kroger to W. FT. Vleta, lota SS and St. blork S, Kera Park Dartd and Ella Ooodeetl te A am Berg, blork IS. Columbia Helgbta 10 Columbia Cemetery aeeorai tlon to A. J. Oarnett- black 1ST, la eald cemetery SS Mary ina Dnaelaon to , T. W - Itf, V m niflrH Alhlna Hoaieetees t. ....... IJW Leonard and Emma S. Carleoa te Ellaa- . betk Jane and William l. mca. rraa-teea.- lot A. wloek 1, Eeeraeeea Paravr-MSS Too Iad Company of Oregna te William Wleat, mra a, a, iu, aa, oax-a a, vur . View Park M00 Tlrtor Land company te Jamae T. Hag- glee, lot X euodiTiiKm ao. a. wuii- . matt A fletaaa'a Little HoeMa (no C1rH.MfCey te Mary B. Miea, lot IS, iocs h auness aaaimea rAAA.AAa evw rJortgageLoaosWanted REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Joaepb B. and La era L. Walnwrlght te Portland Truat tompaay of Oregon, Iota and S, block S. Portlaad Homeatead . 1 SyraBMre Real Eatate company to Johe Krrger, lot tl. blork I. kera Park... '9M William H. aad (ore S. Uralg to B. . Laurlaoa. lot 11, blork 14. Mount Tabor Villa Annas SOO Prank Wllltama et al. to Oller Anderaon, anxlSO teal, blork S. Alnaworth Tract. 1,000 Modern Stone A Supply company te Hao nah Aadereoa. lot 1, block Edea dale ' 1 Fred and Lottie Noble te Victor Pdlcn. Anil 01 feet aa anntb. aide af Hani ' ""L. Cola lead .00 euelb-eO feat Jut-Uock-JllVQoM-, amltk addltina Bora' and Ob-la' Aid aocletr to Portland . A Seattle railway,' Iota M. t. U, So, . i" termlnal blork In Wataon a addition.. Inreatmtnt company to Henry A. and 1 Emma K. Chinni, -lota IS aad 14. ' block 4B. Piedmont S.S00 falreralty Land eompany te W. Ji. mi Jmu e w n l.i. on and Eft. hlork 12. (Jnlemltr Park ...........i... 100 Aleak C. Edmauda to Sarak A. Edmaada, - fMvel Coo ierim 1 tnwnahln . 1 aontk. range 1 eaat I Ellen B. and Charlea K. Clark te Mra. TaHtka' 1. Smith. S.T acrea la Ebeneaer TMaeall AwBllne- land eleloft.- townahlB 1 aontk. range S 'eaat s. .450 Samuel S. ' and Heocr A. Slgel to Ella m . nan. f,erwa went, au reel a S, block 2.17, city .0 Elnatkaa and GrnTtee Chapman Sweet to Bwl r H.ll lot 11. block IS. Klna'a Second addltloa. (.000 I. V II Diiti In Anrnat Eklln. lota T an 8, block Z3. Central Aiuma. l.ioo Henry A. and Emma Chapman to In- eeatmant company, tot , nioca w. hlna Henry A. and Emma Chapman to Inreat- ment cam pane, kit a io ana li. etoca o. Capias' addition to 8L Johns......... 50 Prank L. and Elsie A. Cole to N. Mitchell, S acrea section it, townanip 1 aoath. ra nee S eaat ... 000 Edward and Mary Guaderana to Viola . A. Huckner, lota a. T. n, mora . iioo Mornlog addition to Eaat Portland.... 180 SOO B. aad Anna Qnarkenhuak to Ernest Kraaar. lot a, Dioca SI. neoraonr.... Charlea O. and Sophia A. Slgglln to. Henry V. Prnanomma. lore a ann o, block A, aubdlelslon of lota t. (. T. S. tnrt r aeslth'a addition Arieta Land company to A lb la E. Stone. lot 4. block a. ina rars A. W. and Edith P. Barley to P. I. Puller, lot 14. block a, la wiuamnia, and ether nronertr 1.000 J. B. and Mary P. Pearl to Portland Railway eompany. rignt or way m e. H. Bsatsey donation land claim, sec tion T. township 1 north, range I ."nr.- and'Eiil'th P."Bag'lV' ' 'Portland Ballwar eompanr. atrip SO feet wide John Wand donation land claim. In aortbeeat 4 of section 1, township 1 north, range 1 eaat Cora E. Lrone to Arieta Land eompanr. Iota I and S. blocs a, arieia rare No. ( t40 Georga VT. Brown to Arieta I-nd com pany, lot XT, owe , o, arieia nn KaTt ............... Arieta Land company to Jnlla J. It art. lot 1. block a. Arieta rare wo 180 B. P. and Nettle Bunker to Willamette Box Lamher company, parcel or una at Llnnton rr....-... Jamee D. and Mary 0. Hart to Nellie V Marhley. part or normweei corner a bloek V. Tabor Hflrhta p. A. and Minnie B. Knapp to Charlea M. Sen I no. 1 acre Beginning at point in eaat Una ef asctloa IS, towneblp 1 aoath. range eaat 400 John M. aad H. C Plttenger to rvmnie - Jnhnaaa, lot P, oraes , jaaeaiy n.s- tand 028 T. Brown Jr. to uaiay a. wineoe. a. acrea In eecttoa SO, township 1 north, range S eaat S.oon Ella C. Sabla to Prank R. Chamnera Jr.. lota s an , etoca too, tnniinore addltloa 'Sf E. J. Cowliabaw to Brnno P. John, mt I. block a. atratrnra nroner anaiiroa,, a.""" Title Insurance A Ineeatment enmnane to . . T. B. Mclianiei. iota ai ana je. ew- , . Maegly Highland ..................... 1 A. H. and S. B. Metealf to- Benjamin H. , Oat Or Id, lot S. block 0. Scbmeefs addl tloa r ' eoo Benlamln H. and Eunice R. OatSeld to - R W. Sctimeer.. lot . block 8, ' Bckawer addlttoa .......... w ........ r 480 George W. Brown to Opal Hottenroth, lota IS and SO, blork T. Woodmere.... 1.B80 Get yew tnanranee and she tracts te real aetata from tha Title Guarantee A Trust eompany , ta Waahlngtoa street, comer Second. NOTICE. PROCLAMATION. Whereaa. There was submitted to the also era of the state at tba laat general eleettoa aa required by law aa mitlatlee petition for a proposed amendment te article IV ef the conatltntloa of the state of Oreaon. to he deelgnated la the conatltntloa aa eecttoa la ef article IV of aald constitution, for the taltiatlTe and referendum en local, apeetal aad mantel nal lawe and nana er inwa, una. Whereas, Oa the SAth day of Jnae. ISOO, the e, latere of state hi m Dreaence aa goe- ernor ef the state of Oregon did caaraaa the votes girea for aad agaloat aald proposed amend meet; and. .... . Whereas, It waa aecertatned aad determined aoca nh M.nna that there waa dT.STS eotea eaat for said proposed amendment, and 18.TX3 ' eotea again! the name, and that aald are. -pnaed a me ad meet recelred aa afflrmatlre ma jority of the total aomher of efrecttre eotea eaat thereon and entitled te he eoaated seder the proTMiona or law. Mm therefore. I. Oeorge B. Chambartaht. d kerTce" to"a nd' by" eirtne of he'power nnd aathorlty rested to me ey law, on aereny .i. and laana thla nroclamatlna te the peo ple of the state of Oregon, and do announce and declare that the whole number at rotes raet to tha atata of Oregna at aald election ' for and agatnat aald proposed ameadmenf waa aa hereinbefore atateo. ana mai eeia nw oeed amendment recelred aa afflrmatlre ma jority of the total number at rotes eaat there en and entitled te he counted sorter the pro- Ttslona ef law. ana that earn a men a mem Bere h.h.rnen mentioned ehall be and Is In full fores aad effect sa a part of the eonatitattna ef the atate of Oregon from the date ef this "TJooTet the capital at Balea thla Kta dar f Jane. A. D. HJ.- g , AVJt1tKlkin Oorarsor af Oregoa. Br the Ooeernnr! P. L DCrJBAB. ' , (Seel.) Secretary ef State. a PROCLAMATION. WheeeUa. There waa en omitted to the elect era ef the state at the laat general election aa reqnlred by law aa Inltlatlee petition fur a nropoaed amendment to eecttoa I of article ' tf or the conatltntloa of tbe atata of Orrgua. glrlng eitlea and towns eiclnslee power to aosct and amend their rharters, subject ta the constitution and criminal lawa eg, tae atate of Oregoa: and. : Where a a. Oa the Kith gay of Jons, 180S, the eeeeetar of atata in my presence aa sne er nor of the atate of Oreava dld raarass tba . Totes glrea lor aaa againm sew smeuomesi; - "vkeua It waa aarertamed aad determined Boon such esarsas that there were R2.IW1T eotoe cast for said amendment and 1B.8S2 eotea agslnst tba aame. and thst aald amend . enent recelred aa afflrmatlre majority of tha 1 total Bomber of effrctlre eotes csst thereon and entitled to be eoaated under the pro- Siaions or iw.' - - - - ... Now. therefore. I, Oeorge I. Cbemherlatn, . aa gnrernor of. the atata of Oregoa, in one ' dlence te and hy rlrtue of the power and authority rested la me by law. do hereby - ,.ke end lame this nrnrtamallna to tbe neo- ple of the state ef Oregon, and do announce aad declare, that tbe whole number af eotes eaat la the stste ef Oregoa at aald election for and against aald proposed amendment wss " as hereinbefore at a t en . ana mar aaia pro posed amendment recelred an nfflrmatlre ma- tiirity of the total number of en tea cast there en and entitled to be counted ander the pre visions af Isw. and thst said a amendment here to be fore aientlnaed.aasll be aad Is la fall I 1 fin te and- effect sa a part of the riinatlluthia of the stare or uregoa irons roe eat or taw amclsmstloa. ...... Done at the rasttol this Z8th day ef Iw, A. D. 1000. ariAMBERtJIIrf. Oereraor of Oregoa. Bf. tbe Gerernnr! P. L PUNBAB, : ; (Seal.) Secretsry ef State. ' NOTICB ef tMsaonHoa ef Partnership. Tha . Arm heretofore eilatlng ander tke name and atyle of O'Hare A Robson. doing brraloesa - the rlty e PeetUad, Meltnnanb -e atata ef Oregon, as plain sad erasmsntsl ' plaeterrrs. Is thla day dlasnlred by mutual consent, Mr. John O'Hare baring parrhaeed the entire Interest ef Thnmae Robson da the ; said j " n w ap n s n r,. irunuti njinanif Etted 41 It, loos. NOTICE. NOT1CB OP STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING The annual meet Ins of tba atockkoMere .of tha Coeur d'Alana Daeelopment company,' for tha election of a board of. directors for tha enea- k Ing year, and for tba tranaaetloa of aurk other Bualaaea aa mar regularly come before them, will be held at tha office ef tka com psny, rooma SOI to S04 Chamber of Commerce ; king., Porttaad. Oregon, oa August s, ivoa, at v v wc a. m, r. n H T,n. vr , M Secretary Ooenr d'Alene Deralopmant Com' Kny. rtland. Oregon, Inly 11 1S0S. NOTICE Persona baring goods ar merchandise stored with me at my ware boose. SI Norh Proat at., are hereby notified that I hare leased the premises to ethers, and that their property must be tomered wtthte SO days. All gonna remaining aa the prsmiaaa nept. I -wtH be reroored and stored elsewhere at ownor'a expenae.'. I thank yoa all for roar patronage aaa toe coailoence reposea in m PBED BICKEL. NOTlCt Oregoa. Augistt i S, , 1S0S. Portland. To the Public: The anderslgned will net be responsible for any debt contracted br Katie J. Will There are dlrorra nroceedlnga pending In the circuit conn of slultnomaD county oerweea the anderslgned. and said Kstle J. Wilson, and the court kaa Settled the alimony be tween them. JOSH L A s. WILSON. SEALED BIDS wll he -recelred hy the state , board ef public banding commleelonere. at the capltol building. Bslcm. Oregon, nntll IS o riora m. August la. I wet. tor Dunning ad ditional laratorlea and hatha at the asylum and Infirmary buildings and additions at tha quarantine building at the Oregoa atata Inaane aarlum. Salem; also painting tba oat. aide of the main and other buildings located at the asylum aad eeiiunt fsrra; also for . saint mixture. . , . Plana and sneetflcetlotia can be aeea at tha of nee of the clerk of the board, alee at tha ernes of the aarlum superintendent nnd tli office of Delna IX Neer, architect. 1M14 First at., Portland, Oregon, from whom forms for bins may be obtained. Bids amt be accompanied by a certified forfeiture check aa required by tba apecltt. catlona. otherwise will not be considered. , By order of tbe ' STATE BOARD OP PUBLIC BUILDING COMMISSIONERS. " Attest: W. N. OATBNg, Clerk. MEETING NOTICES. ATTENTION NEIGHBORS Sometolng Doln? -T0-NIGiT!- BETTER COME WASHINGTON Lodge. No. en. A. P. A A. M. Special communication . this (Wednesday I morning. S:4S e'clock. Btirkhard holldlns. to con duct funeral of Brother Car H. Harrlaoa, lata of Myatlc Tie lodge, No. lOA Cnlroe Wishliulia. All M. inrlted. By order of W. M. 1 r, J. E. RICHMOND. M. W. A.. Oregna GraVe Camp, No. 0.STS, Moa oaya. ma ana marenaii; rial tore M. W. A. EVERGREEN CAMP. BsrM. Wednesday erenlng, AUaky Mdg., Third aad Morrtaoa ate. . , LOST AND FOUND. LOST Brlndle aad white boll terrier dog; n- reneea collars eara croppaa; rewara. eae Iroa st. LOST Snnday erealng. gold watch and chain at l.ync tbeatret monogram oa fans "O. M.I" reward. Return to A 14, Journal office. LOST An opal ring down trrerB.-etor te- SSS lita st. phone lan leiiT. . . . HELP WANTED-MALE.' WANTED Men for brickysrd, (2.A0 per day. Beeenth -end Buseeu ate. ... Jsma WANTED Experienced conk and good disk- washer for flrat-claaa hotel In Willamette, to commence Anguet 1: wages according to ability. Chleeae preferred. Phono Ms la 0, Albany. Or. P. O. Boa 1SS. WANTED Toaaf men to leers telegraphy and re 1 1 roa a accounting; aaianee smuu to evuiuu. Por free catalogue addreaa Morse College of Telegraphy. So Mtk at.. Oakland. CaL r NTFD Two or three first-els as, sH-srcamd axschlne men; permanent position, good wares. Oregoa Furniture Mfg. Co., Macadam road. WB get rk for ear T M. C. A. intMVWt fbClSl tMftll" Poartfe aad TamhllL (X Union Hotel , ' -' 81 NORTH SIXTH ST. " -Free employment to ear petrosal. Weekly rates: Room. $1.18 up: root board. S4.80 sp. Anderson, proprietor. and W A NTBD Lounge makers: eteady North Front, corner ef Deris. . work; 88 WANTED Yonug man, window-trimmer and eardwrlter, genera 1 a tors; salary, San; atate - experience and address. Thompson, Beard A no ns, Nspe, California. - WANTED Caraeaters: Ion Job. good nay to paad workmen, - Inquire Kg Chamber at Com- rsrtiaaa, uregon. SALESMEN ta Intrndnee the wnrM'J In frnlte Bnrhnnk'a new atone Ices o!' i Miracle). Choice ef territory. Cask weekly, ddreaa Wsshlngtoa Maraery saaspaay. Top- pealek, Wssklagtoa. WANTED 100 boys tor amreatlcaa to ear re oa Assert can a tea me re. They will occupy tbe posltloa of petty officers oa board. Must he American bora and oyer IS years of age. The . term of engagement shall be three years. Wares 20 aer month first year. 80 net month second year. $40 per month third year and a bonua at the end ef th third yesr ef 52SO. Por terms and conditions spply to . Homer Pritch. secretary Steamship A Bas el a tloa of Saa Praactsao, 110 Beat Street, sa siMlsee, CaL WANTED Morlng-plrtnre1 ma chine-opera tore; will teach yoa tha easiness ; terms eery rea sonable: positions secured; good salary.. Haw mas, 14BH Siitk St. AO RNTS wanted to sell aeperlor. fclgk-grnde anraery atorkl complete outfit pirn la bed free; eaab weekly; write today for choice of ter ritory. Capital City Nursery Company, Salem, Oregoa. ' - WANTED AT ONCB 10 carpentera and 10 carpenter-helpers at Cassdero; wages for ear pen tare 83 and for carpenter-helpers $2. V) per day. Cell at Kngtneerlng Department, Oregon , Water Power A Railway Co., First aad Alder sts, ror partKaiara. WANTED Bpyj corner Darts. eteady work. 80 N. Proat, 81 A DAT, few hoars' time. Address Medicated Ineole Co., ISO Msla St., Portland. Or. WANTED A few good carpenters at Best 17th ; and Clinton. Take Woodstock er Richmond car. MIDDLE-AGED maa for farm work: German preferred: good borne and eteady work for right appiy en Mohawk bldg. WANTED Asslstsnt book keeper aad stenogra pher: the noa If km offers a good fntnro to a ' bright, energetic young man: plea Be glre age, reference and aslsry wanted. I IS, Journal. MEN AND WOMEN' to lesra bsrber trade ta eleht! eraHnates eera from SIB to 12S ""weekly: eiperi " Instrilcfiiraj eel alia ne freei - speclsl rstes tnrs monta. stoier ersrem or Colleges. 88 North Fourth St.. Portlsnd. HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRLS. WANTED Operators te work ea shirts and overalls. laaon fires to Inexperienced. Apply at Standard factory No, S, Grand are. aaJ East Taylor at. THB HOMB LAr-KS' AGENCY. Pamela 'ktlp fnrnlahWj free to employer. Beetetearlna Free. ' 1SSI4 Powrtb St., vpaealcs, eeom XI. Mara BB20. SEND 10 cents for Beantr Secret formate; aloe etrculer ef 100 m other ea ins nie roeeiprs, axis Angeles Receipt Co., Los A age lee. Cat WOMAN, neer Sri, fan" edecetloa. some beslnssa know ledge, moot dress neatly. IS tAAe SealUeS ' at eaos, U UwU bMg, r--ZZ f CAMP 4 M. HELP WANTED FEMALE. are SB tor. A Dole at aaas. . T "- - " "'- ve ruts aaa Uaris eta. WANTED Girls to auks "Bow et AD" erer- aiis st Te win at. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 84844- Washing' toa St., cor. Serenta. upatalra. Phone Mala subs. Female help wanted.- WANTED Good woman cook; one wke ess - -. TOmparte eoargw or select ( peBraing' uu... , yw m eanii. - po oisia sr WANTED S cooks, bearding boose, (40; ' S conks priests fsmllles. (30; second girl, 123. w noene azotes- Agency, sill oaaw. LADIES" clothes rroner. Tel. Beat 1SST. WANTED Yenng people to prepare themaalrae ' as bookkeepers and atenograpbarai bare had MS cajla alnca Sentamher 1 placed S5S ta positions, we will place yoa when earn n wseei onus. terenr. hit e m( .h , Ca tslogos. Bahnke- Walker Baalneas college. A MIDDLB-AGED WOMAN for cksmbsrwork seo mark at. WANTED Nsat German girl for cooking and sDsewnri, imu iimuy, gooo wages. HUs SBDinill. HUB OSIS. ' MALE AND FEMALE HELP. HELP wasted aad supplied, mala er female. B. Q. Drake. 800 S Wssklagtoa ac Peel Be ISTS. WANTED 400 hop-plckara by Sent. 1; heat rera in uregoui gooa accom mona i tone, appiy to avaorew Aaa Co.. sin Marriaoa at. RETOUCHER aad artist, competent te work ea , prints, not oa Begstlrse. for rorsmaretsl en grSTlng. 81 Raleigh bldg Waahlngtoa aad aixta. , - - - - - WANTED Hnrmlckera. CaU at A. A. Church at ce. a, zea Taylor at. . , HOPPICXER8 -wss ted: good camping greaada; - about 14 daya' work. For particulars ad- 1 dress Harrlaoa Bros., Nortk Ysmblll, Or. HOPPICKERR WANTED Those wishing to pick S ddrcea Homer Mouler. Breoka. Oreaon. or P. P. Gouley, Brook a,. Oregoa. T3 aad 00 acres. . - , - - . . WANTED Aa Interview wltk - aa expert stenngrspheri object, establishing shnrthsBj aepsrtment in connection wltk ether brsacbse, B 8. care Joumat SITUATIONS WANTEDp-MALE. EXPERIENCED tlmbermaa wishes Job aa hook renaer. , Aaaxssa gin Argjrie at. a. a. Hlnmaa. ' ' ? POSITION aa eight watchman: acquainted wits all kinds of steam machinery; reference ir necessary, i; zi. care eournsi. WANTED Sltuattoa by an elderly maa at light wore wnere rte caa make himself seem and agreeable to bla employer; best ef city refer- Aodrees aj. n. o tit. t harlee hotel. WANTED IS young men to board aad at tna wnoniann. tne Kieat Mrneiora' corner Sixth and Madlaoa. i A JAPANESE boy wanta any Jot) to work jnat every Sunday. I zs. care Journal. WANTED A place to work aa earpeatefg helper. Addreaa sis Broadway. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALB WIDOW. 24, wanta position aa housekeeper for wioower. .. ?ne. House, iaies . Agency, . loo M rosns ei., upeiaire, euiie a.x A SWTU 'Womaa would like work to help ta BlTcnea. airs, stcnannerger, ararta. irr. A YOUNG WIDOW LADY wtth little girl wonld like a piace as neueeseeper in winowera fam ily. Address Mrs. Mettle Ram bis, cor. 17th and Ferry ate.. Ma lem, oregoa, . EXPERIENCED wnmaa. 2. desires to care for children, invalid or Keep Bouse for couple. SMU U - ( Sill WANTED AGENTS. BIG PAY to one ageat In each county working ror Toe iBTcsrnra uurao. - oaa saarvaim OHsg., Portland, Oregoa.' - EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES.' THB Portlsnd Rmnlermeat Co., t08 Morrlsoa at, raoee rssiae sa, HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFTICB FOB MEN. M Nortk Second st. Pheae Mate IBM. WANTED TO RENT. . WANTED TO BENT Houese. sottagss. flata. storsa, offices, rooming howaes, ate. Laad- Inrda will do well to call oa -PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OP OREGON. Pheae Bx. Tt, - B. B. Cor. 8d nag Oak. HOUSES, flats, rooming hossss. flees, ate. Prompt attention assured. Phone Main 1171. Llndbard m Jack.. McKay hldg WANTED House ef S er S rooms. ysrd. sll mndera conveniences) must be In beat dean-able neighborhood, oa -west aide occupy about September 18. 0. W. Talbot. S4S Alder st. A LADY weald like te take care ef a room tng- ing Bouss; gooo manager, u zz, journal. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WB WILL SELL your property, no msrter what it m or woere locarea. Bene ueeti iptioa now sad we will ds the rest. Investors' Guide Co., 811 Marquam bldg, Portlaad, Oregon. GOOD Income nnd residence property, lets, (arm lag and timber lands. 1.1 nun A hu jack, sicaay ping. WANTED Bualaeae er residence propel ty ta th city la exchange for good farm landa; caa hasdls anything from (1.000 te 880.000; - we also have some excellent bays la timber and graaing land. Call aad see as; we went to get eenualnted with you. TURNER A WALKER, ' Boom 4, 803H Waahlngtoa St. -. - -- WANTED A rselffenre, modern, la Irvlngtoa 'or Holladsy. or lots nltsbie for rssldsace. . Address SS, care Journal. (S.OOfr- TO (18,000- CASH for a west-side, close-la real sefste bargalnj t am aa In vestor, sot aa ageat. Boa SO, city. WANTED to bay I I tt T-rnoa boose, corner lot. In neighborhood of loth sad Kaat Morri son st, or good building lot, eoraer; five price. A 28, care Journal. VACANT lots oa east and west slds, ales mod em booses. Hsvs buyers waiting. laatoBt A Harris. 107 H Sixth st. I WANT S g or T-ranm hemee on east alas t give price ana locatioa in nrst letter. . o so, care Journal. I WANT a lot or quarter blork ea eaat side, . Bear, ant further out than S4th; If price Is right will psy cash. B 38, rare Journal, WANTED HonaemOTlng, raising aad silling. J. H. Scott. I' boos Tabor 370. -W A N TED RE At-ISTAIAV HAVB you good dralrable residence property la Snnaystds. Bollsdsy, Irvlngtoa er Fled - mnntl If eo, do you want to sail HI Ws ' bars ths buyers snd caa sell your 'prop erty If yon are not afraid to deal through a gente, Respectfully, Turner A "lalhes. room 4, SOStt Waahlngtoa at. VACANT lots oa east end' went aids; alee modern bnueee; hare buyers waiting, MMt'AM0N1T, HAR.Rig fr,,?1,'- WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. IrTIBiril BSJ IFUHKaVs vm ssr,,B -Taresj a fVmV WBIBTrUJga PAIMTING. tpfaTlnf and hitwiit trftt, baswaitft. burns, 6k; larfrtt ftaolln .Idt 4ka anuss Ml si V iar7 iu irr.iiis, rraa uur ajassws., mm, w. WWm a C, Ca Vales are, rbeas Xast SIX, . WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WB WILL BUY. SFLL OB TRAPS ANY OLD THING. WESTtRN SALVAGS CO., 827. . S2S WASHINGTON. PACIFIC ISA. WB WILL BUY year fwrnltnre say eld tints. Wasters 8s leafs Co.. S37 Waahlngtoa at. Mala 84SS PTJBNITt'RE WANTED POR SPOT CASH PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS Sit Plrkt at. Mala BS8S HIGHEST paid sort, l goods IS Union eve. WHO IS M. Q. MORGAN, A CO. I - WANTED Fnrnltore; - Phone PsrtSc SSH7, - will pay the best price. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THB GRAND, 4814 North Third at Booms (or gentleman (1,18 per week snd up. - (1 AND UP Nicely furnished rooms.- log Itth at., bat. Wsah.-A Btark. Pheae FactSa S3 HQ. NICELY furnlshsd rooms, single or' SB suits. hoard If desired, , free bath and phone, elee - trio lights, Mrs. Brows, SOS 101b St. THB RICHELIEU, SSwj North Sixth st Kle- gantly furnlaked: steam beat aad hatha. NICBLY rum la bed rooms, flae table beard, heat location. 808 11th st. FOR RENT One alceTy furnished room, gentle maa preferred. Fog particulars -180 Wash ington et. LARGE alcove for two: swell; gentlemen pre j far red: clean, cheap, central. 81 North 11 tk. r-oons, eata, ngnta.. e FOR RENT HOUSEkEEPTNOT Tna MITCH II U Flanders end Ssvaatk Kooma, honaekseplBg aad trsasstatt . eoa venlent; prices resaleable.' ' r LA RGB - slegantly- 'furnished bousskeeplag. rooms; gas rsnge, rani dale, Arrlerst. gas range, running water. The Lewna- (1.18 PER WEEK Largs. - dean tore la bed noosekeeping-Toomei laundry aaa oata. lee Basrmaa, souta rertiaBa. i (1.00 WEEK-TP, elesa furnished hnaaekeen. ing-rooma. with yard, parlor, laundry, eata. furnace heat,:.z0SVk Staatoa at. u ear. THE JEFFEBRONIAN. 814 Jefferaoa at. Nicely turaianea euitee ef two ee three rooms win au conveniences; cheap. POB BENT S furnlaked bouaekaerilng-rnnent with alee yard, close is. Pboae asst. Mia. 480 Ql'IMBY rlouaekeeplng aad single rooma. weu luraisnes aae cieaa. POR RENT Itnfuralahed houaekeeolns-roema. waiting distance from . poslorace. inquire at nixin st. . FURNISHED and unfurnished housekeeping and sieeping-rooais. gi wees. MCloy; xris MoT' rlsoa St., room C. POR RRNT g fitralehed housekceptog-reome. ground floor. H aellwsee st. I car. SSI SIXTH, large double parlor suite, (IS per moms: smaner suite it waiaiag aiataace. A 2. care Journal. PLEASANT room for I working girls: central, cheep; baths, Isandry, phono. 81 N. lltb. ROOMS AND BOARD. The Bachelors' Home The Waodlaad kaa recently bees chaaged from a family to an Meal hsrhemra resort ror splendid, spsrious spsrtments. cn board and beantlful lawa. come to The W hind, corner Sixth aad Msdlsoa. CHOICe) heard at the Woodland. (28 per month transient, gi per day I tors- lurulebed rooma! entirely new assesses, cel. Sag Sink st. NICELY furnlsned roots for two gertlemes or maa and wire. Phone Mala leawj. m ism. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. (SS SIXTH, S anfurntsaed rooBW, ground floor; sink and water; gs per meaia. c is. care Journal. ',-' FOR RENT HOUSES. rOH RENT. BY THB DUNN-LA WRENCB CO. .. ursno colonial resioence. taansr i.nioa are. and Haleev at.. S urge moms. AV). - Nlcs 7-mom houae, 1 lots aad bars, SSS East Morrlana, (20. Nice 6 room enttage, 48( East Coach, aear Eirinh. gin. Beantlful 4-ronsa cottage. - toll basement. BMdera convenlsnces. 81 Eaat Z2d st (11.80. Apply at IdSWi First St. KADDERLY TRANSFER CO., prompt aad re liable plane and rarniture-mnvors: also a tor age. Phone Msla 1SS8. Office 110 K. Third. POR BENT S-room cottage. No. 14S 18th et., between Hoyt end Irving. Apply aext ooor. NEWLY papered T rooms snd hath; nest esa- ditioa: M. rrea rtarecx, asst xaira aaa Aah ate. (S 8 ROOMS aad bath. Snnnjalde. aa Moaat J a nor csrune. . inqnirs iinv awimonT au MODERN 8-room enttsgs to rent, Keallwerth. Key aext door. Phone ast Tsa. --. . (IS. (IS. 830 Three Senders houses, newly painted and papsreri. aixta aad isruinera sts. Phone Msla 4828. (8 A ROOM houae. targe banement. Key at o Plen a grocery, cuinai noon ana tarani. NEW gsndera 8-ronsa house, TSS Rooerrelt at., (-BOOM cottage. No. 81, corner Eaat Eighth and Kverett. - apply on premiess. FURNISHED HOUSES. MODERN neatly far n la bed (-room cottage, large yard, (1S.80; adults. Apply 741 WU. nama sve. i-nnne atii eww. - - FOR RENT FLATS. (3810-ROOM furfrlshed Sat, modern eon- veniencea, near b. r. car rrecia; srao s S-room cotlsge wtth fruit. Pkoae asornlnga and evenings. Eaat 0068. ' , 1 CINCINNATI COURT, corner lfttk and Hsxrl, ana ate. 4, o. a. room apartmenta; Beat, water snd Janitor Berries furnished.'. Iaqutrs ea premlsee, - ' CINCINNATI COURT, eorner loth and Harri son ate., , B, e-room apartments: neat, water aad Janitor servicer . Inquire oa proas- ( BOOMS, northwest corner 11th aad E. Stark; newly psperea; rent ressonsnis. CINCINNATI C0UT. corner 10th and Har rlaoa ate. e, B, a-ronm apartmenta; heat, water aad Janitor- Berries, Inquire ea prem- FOR RENTSTORES-OFFICES. PABT of shop te rent. aulUble for pelater et plumber. sos rourta at. - , OFFICE-ROOMS, an furnished rooma aad earn pie. roams tor rant, uooaaooga oiog. Apply aia. vator. 1 ' -. '' v .- i two desirable and well located stores ea the - . mtA Ifml, tm U.e,M.B A Tl. S Chamber ef Commerce. . . . . STORE oa I'afsa are.; good location; rente for Apply to Harimaa a xaompssa, s Chamber of Commerce.. - . LARGE store, brick build tag. 841 Proat act rent gio. Main pern, i FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. HALL sad ballroom, sens rats or together; aew and with all conveniences, r none Mela irue,. AUCTIONS. PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS. f , A. SCHLBACH, Prop. 111 First ai. .'none Malu 5AM. AnetloB daily al t p. m. Highest rssh pries psld for turaiturej alee goedg selg ea eea Wgaia . ..... HOUSES FOR RENT FURNJ. COMPI.ETBLY furslshed e-room gat. furniture for sale. Set for rest; this Is 1 nested oe Waahlngtoa at., close In snd Is cheap; rent reasonable. H. O. BB0WN CO.. 847 Wsshlngtoa St. PsclSe 8u. ; 8780 NEW furnlturs aad. lease of 11 rooma; cbssp root. Csll at 117H Third St. PCBNITUBB for ssls ef plesssnt S-reom (at ob Wsshlngtoa St.;' root ressousbls; 8S25 takes I If H. 0. Browa A Co., 84T Waah lngtoa at.- SUMMER RESORTS. LOCKSLEY HALL. SEASIDE. OBEOON . ' Under new niaaagement; eoncsrts, .Ssklng, . clambskes, . picnics, Usala; free baa asesrs all tralna; )Q0 elegant oytslds roonsst Pri. - rate betbs; electric lights; snasg overlooking , ' the saa; cottages. ' For rates, reeereatlona. address Harry T. Butterwortk, manager, or pkeas Mrs. Carlisle, Portland. Pactno 868. ' NKCANICUM INN. Seaside. Oregeo Bowse dl rectly facing ocean; Sowars aad apaetoua ' grounds, electric lights. Bandy" beach, boms cooking. Miss B. Damans, .prop. Get eft et Nscanlcam atatloa. . 7 THB BRITT. family hotel. Long Beaok. HOTEL SALT AIR, Cob tacrine atatloa ttaeet accommodations. THB PORTLAND, loading hotel. North Beech. . HOTEL W1CKBAM, Kewtoa stgtloa; excelleat VHWAslaTs ' . BUSINESS CHANCES. WRITS sa quick about recent Important de - relopmenta ef tba Hurst Automatic Switch A Signer Co.t buy stock before big advance. J. P. Hurst A Co., ZOd McKay bldg. . MEAT market for sale cheap; 831 (jaloa ave north: doing good business.. POR SALE Hstrdresslag. manicuring and beauty parlors; a splendid propoeltloa for a Person understanding ths business.- D SO. ' care Journal. WHO 18 M. 0. MORGAN A CO. v- SAWMILL for- sale. 33 miles from Portland must ae for good resson: capacity l,noo; 3.000,ono feet ef yellow fir. zO.OOO.Ono feet' - Btore ran he bought cheap: mill almost new; good local trade: price (7.200, I 31. Jearaal'- FOR tn formation or for sbsrss nf ths Ntcnla coal mines, limited,-writs to Paul Bockmler, maaager. Palouss, Wash. . - - 87 H SHARKS la ens ef the largest wholesale -tmalnees bonaee In the city: annonl sales' 82n.ors1. Thla stock will be eold at par value of (K0 per share, and with this stock a good posltloa ran be bad by sa expert enced young man. Call at 1071, Third st, , (3.100 BI TS an old-satabllsbed grocery nual aess, good locstlon. cheep rent, long leans: If yoa are looking for a No. 1 grocery look this up. Call st l07Mi Third at. POR SALE A general merchandise store; rtnek Inoricea about t3,ono, cheap rent, la town ' within 18 miles of Portland, sa Boatbera - ParlSe railroad; paring tmslness: good res- ' sons for selling. AddYoss g ta. care Joaraal. POR SALE Jewelry and toaa sfSca boslness) the very beet anat la tke etty cheep rtate Phone Psclflc SM7. CIGAR STORE, tea cream parlor and billiard mora: - will sell st bis dtacmint: ownae must lea re ths cltyr etrrme It desired,- : : W. H. Morehouse ;i ISM B. 1STH ST. PHONE SELLWOOD T4. HURST SWITCH STOCK Buy of owner and Bare big commlaslnn. Room T Boehmark bldg. eoraer 17th and Wsshlngtoa sts. WANTED Sawmill to mors to good locstlon. Addreee Martia Thompson. Sbedds, Oregoa. , FOR SALE A good hotel In a Ilea country : town:- wlH hear strict .'tnvesttgatton. .Frr partlcnlara csll at room S. 20SH Morrlsoa st. FOR SALE Confectionery sad cigar p. . 461H Wsshlngtoa St. ktore. WOULD exchange Isrge ronmrng houas ef 80 . rooms fee one ef 18 to So; want '. difference. A SS, care Journal. WANTED A -Trustworthy man 'wpo can In- seat, gmo te OnM In Sa eld established manufacturing laduatry; ao experlenco nrcea Mrs-; must be willing to work and furnlek re fees aces; rail at once and Investigate this. Full particulars at 1S3H Fourth St. (1.130 W1I4. bar a 4A-room lodrlng-houas: It will bring yoa (1.800 In the fall: buy bow; owner going north. P SS, care Journals - - HOTEL, Snely furnlahed and One Iocs tloa. eg moms, rlssrlng geiiO a month, long Iraas and ' Srat-class bnalness; If ran mesa eualneeg ' and kare SA.Sno cash. Inreetlgste.' H. O. ' Brewa A Co.. S4T Waahlngtoa et. WANTED Experienced man or woman In a .. betel or toralsbsd-room business. Apply te -1T Front st. , WANTED To aeirnalf Interest la rtgsr and to bacco factory; well estehllehed who leas le aad , retail trade. JM', Third at. WOULD Bat amney In rood bnalness where , posltloa caa be bad; give ful pertlcuUra. POR SALE Flret-cleee mill svopoeitlon of .. about 14.000,000 feet beat green yellow Sr timber, mile to railroad, good wafer for - Sumet S8c per l.Ono stamps ee: lots more tim ber bendy; Invcstlgste at oace. Y 21, cs re journs L f , v -.- WILL eell some stork of mining company ' owning largo gronp of aarrltorioiia claims, ele. ' gsnt showing. 10 cents, per value (1; guar antee at leaat 10 per cent prodtt 3 years should be' worth more than par; yoa hava Sne opportunity of (20 for each dnllst Invested and absixulely no loss: all gain;, stock fully paid; write today: den t ueiay. 4 7, ears journal. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Terminus of Worth Bank R. R. 850 acrea ea the bay, ZOO acres cleared, ex ' eellent water frontage with deep water, aad tke ground lying aa It does mskrs It a natural townelte. Remember It Is st the termtnue of the North Bsnk mad.r Call room 8 Breedea bldg,, Second and Washington. NEW COTTAOR. g large rooma and bathroom: B lots I corner 1 : good school, ehurrues snd stores near; bouse not quits finished: 'oely (1.800. . Heme Land Co.. 14SH First at. 10 ACBES near Vancouver, all ta bearing fruit. all wall Imnrnredi This is something gooa. - CALL AT 107 THIBD BT. , $1,100 PRETTY modern cottage ef 7 rooms; nice lawn, roses, shrubbery: gsa and elaerrle light! elose In! eeey terms, Inquire . 851 . ley st.. or phone Eaat OOJO. EB PIEDMONT One of the choicest ssst side sohurhs. Tsks Wondiswn, St. Johns er . u car. Second and Waahlngtoa sts. - . t ! OWN PR, lot nOrlOO. Including city water section, inn oienwood, z moras aorta. - ' ' SNAP. . e.-- i V Two lata In King's Addltloa; choicest reai dsnce dMIrlct In Portlsnd; only 12.780. I ' HBNKLB HABRISON,. ; . I f 317 A hi ug ton BluAV WANTED Placer or quarts mining maa who hss aerve enough to arrest sow aaa stke 810.000. B 34., care Journal. ... .- . (300 CASH, be la ace en time, for a Sne corner lot- near I'sion are., noria, vwncr wests to sell. Pbons East 8.171 BASsf BARGAIN S Iota and rood S-room hsuaa with bsernenL.-t Lgurrlwood. Bear car. only si. sow: ! eaaa, uaunes monthly. 408 Coma msrcisi i blk. (1.800 LOT 40x100 en Williams are. aear Boa. . eall at.; business center or aroma. (.,000 Corner lot SOilOO on Kuaaell St. Louis Salomon "1 1 Lamber Ex Changs Bldg., ee. enr. M A (lark. 81.000 FIVB ilCRES (l.flrioT 14 miles beyond Fulloa Park, on eurver atee' walk am of 8e fare, klgh la'hli sicellest son and charming outlook. - water, good net ear. echoed et ass 11 Sne echool bsilldlnga, 00 mlnnlea tn i. r-' V " pnetofSce, over a moat Vreelr maca drive. W know of rx.thlng like this miles or city nan. un you i pnr S '' treble your money ta IAS Beat sst Cook Ce, M AIA- , . ..j a . T- t