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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1906)
r(. :.:AGA2ir;2 r action ti:?c "4 L PQRTLAim OREGOH t SUNDAY-; MORNING JULY ; 2 1906 2 1 ; : ..v.., (- iff '' f-'- v l ..i iiit7r ' .7 v VlO y -y ' :l7 :'v ' 'rr7::7::':' pr 777 1 If. TJJWliin y, f :yyyi 7Ui:;7 . ..-- ;i: .,11,.,, ., . T .,. .. ;., u. .. j'T .! ;.). 'O7 ,'1f ' ri ' t ,1 fZff iLiA':,'i' feminine v oiVunrt "i-htfilTaat'lzA . .' -Vi:4" r 'sdd to their1 resources i $jrilifaiHZtkm ' 'i -if tome placet tncjc enerjjjfj;wj arc-not tutwir ctan,f : in r boolst they add to their' limited capital bv housework: bt i 7 setoinf for wealthier pupils, by darning ahd mendingi by tutorC t, ' , , int. instructing dancint classes: makine candies for sale, rentinr '.bicycles and by doing a hundred -and Ctnttherikingsyhat'of teal to the average rirl of resourcefulness h.)fk h SS ' u ; It is a healthy commtniarfpo. jhljpMfoltno-c. jzaiton mat facte commcnaaoic cywu upon me part Of:povr-;f this to help themselves are re tarded i4he ritht litht. . Such ti c iW iff rHi M: rather than shunned. :-:( '.,? i t-r Flt. than. womu If win oq 'V rr: man snunnca. yA. ." v - TDST letve-tout ihoes ' oatsicU tLe'door, ini.I.'Wiirik-ii:-i;,:K v; 'd i r-r, .- vv I for you' aid enior t a will-known woman lkt"i,- glrl'''- . ;.: v J ' - .wlthy young fyfwmn t fh beginning of th arm, ivJi ' y Th newcoukr wairsioiBowhat itartlod, Bl' want.''io Miave lief ahowpplished, but th fancied janitor would lwroiaidpFf to. the worlc instead, nero a fiao-Iooiuolrj 'solx-roflpeotuMt .dxooI;i'-.;:';i' ! :'i'l;:'4:1V .,. : SYYYrSSS :HS - sr. IIP V. A.. (I If i f7v,f :; V ' ; -Y-rmmmY Yjy uvx ieSSftta... --. anvaj') . .. Ji. ' pate offerinf t) polfsh her ahoea. ; Alt all A kl ikVMA Vj&a 'rXt'XX'i -th yonnser ifttl ceased to' retard lie offer made her senior i y&YYY YYZWYJYP'Y . ! 1V.l- 'OL. A.J J. ill M -.kl-tt .A.ll .f. -a. .I-:!''" ' L1'''!.' 'il'l! K." .;' S jua.rm.auic . pus luifuu s uumptr i gixai in xna acnot wno werf aaoing nt'Mh-' oomradea aa the petted daughter of a millionaire in many lnatances ..more ao. - : :-': ''-Yr -,r:':S''-i' ' So little, in fact, does the aristocrtcy of wealth hold at moat aucb , inititutiona, tnat an incident at Weueeley may bo cited aa an ' - illustration. v : . ' w . ', . ,; v . li-- 4z-i I'JYi i siaiea inai a college DootDjacJc.tJiere ne was one ex . the best pupils in school one day, found herself Overwhelmed ;' Y ""with commissions. . .v.. 'K';:-i."i"-5' '!v'..:;3-!H'.ii,-H-Mi'-r-:j::::r.:;"'::i , V Her roommateif -wilfhy girl, who, doubtless,' had nerer 7 u 10 neip, anva never eeased pying the polishing brush until i i ' Jv yY- the last shoe was cleaned lino! .hSnJiiir J. hen the two girls washed their hands and went merrily together to college entertainment.' la estimated tnaiy least fllty girls, of Vasfar earn their own living, I'; "at' leas Vldd:i.& largely to limited resources, tin fact, some. do f' ; ' ''";:fi;-f;, auch thriving businesses that not only do they 1 ' ;"r' Y ' ., v " V ; Y.' sums left at the end of each school yes r., - .,,' " , vTT-'c :"4 .n7-:';;ns SlSK'fl?. v-speciliiiy"fudge.; .Jfhi." on sale it'iu lalung peck-a-boo shirtwaists when that 4. i. JT J i k.i- .w. .M.M- . make their way through college, but have'sub- tanuai sui - Several .:?r."?,VWM,I Jn,U Places and ets the WkerS considerable profit. . 4 number of ttndenta own bicycles,, and, ttany ,a time twica tha price of an article is 7-;. they post notices on a big bulletin board in one , ' . . . , . , - v . , , ... H f they are successful; in others, they at least earn pin-money. I '"' " i r-. ' ; ' ' ' A studemtsV exchange here vlooks out for thai " interests of such girls. Sometimes paying po : sitions.sre obtained outside, . but most of those ' who earn money are enabled to do to within the Tutoring backward students is a principal source of revenue. - ihis pays a dollar an Hour the ; student-teacher, and - helps to ' swell the ' eta of many an upper class woman.!;.. -v Barnard has a large .sweet tooth, and filling 0 h : '' ..Kti'-t ' source ox revenue. - AJus pays a'aouar an Hour . SrrY- Y,YY: ,-. r-;r. . . i ; to the student-teacher, and - helps to - swell the ii'CvJSf T2i Z?!?" ocMionalbv-'MieU of many an upper class woman.:; .X.;. ; , '!.. ' V corsets and such' . . i iZ. - j n:' X,. . .li ' "' ' it brinira MTemia to indnatriona cat mnA Mnilw ' ,1 ai ui"'At la ataiea. 1 nowever. tnat mot ot , tnom . l : i . i ,v, t ', 7 , .. .'i piSlnoTby thsn for the purpose of paying their ' Swwtmeatijisuany.' find ready sale. - Many ,; , V:3omestic wA Is -incumbent upon Ae girls V ates. Others sell stationery; pencas, fountain ; ; ; 'business through their expertnete in making a .tasty apple custard. The rw. iriv ' T,;m pens and other aruclef, , , ee juvuai auijua.v a aaa oj owu 4S IIU f ilt v - , rt i . . " the days when higher education for women was , Bome e)l- f 04rtunte ' """"S1 in Its infancy, and when any financial conces- - clerwal positions downtown inKew Yori, which . ,,u they. fill after-school hours. A few, do hirht , Those of, artistio tsstes or .practical endow- dents. Consequently,' instead of keeping a rem- " " oT families,, and -others spend their aervanta. tne numia tnemseivea were re -.- - v One ttirl supported, herself .entirely, duiina 'liniui.. .n4 j.nU4.-.v,. k.A:.. bi..j.-i.-..r :j. j - ' her senior vear bv auch ontaide work. Shu hKi Home years ago a visitor at Vassar found -mimm an;ta . - .j . t.' .v j : . a acholarshio. ao that there waa no tuition ta. in the senior 'class alone, twenty-five girls who - : As the colleire & some distance- from . the ttnt tK t. n rh ir1. tim la .m.H pay. t 'i i ... . . . - . . . . . . . -. r . . o, .t i.! i . . ir 1 1 i i : i i unn iiku( clerical wort, ments, announcing mat tnewneeie are tor rent: i v... tl,mffn W J"" V " """". '"".' . r' r, :flM ' k kAnt ri,;f i!i ........ t. j- r - - . menia maae money, dv Dainwnsr ainner cams. mnt of anrranta. tne tv XrV. " ""rT " but rather shecomes a favorite with .here sssV calendars, valentines inJ other auoh seasonable ouired to do a considerable nari of the hoW "ting as companions. - ...w.. "- .. . mtM. All Wh are tnua emnioved hit hiirh j : j. , . : . ' . ' ' ' Diu nrl mntu TWO young women have built U a navinff ' 7iZLa:. vl:- -.V.v. - , ueriTeu a-rerom- irom aniiung xeeping worz. ; -- . .t... .v-k ,!?- -!!.. "... ?JT -.t?7i5?-' standing n their-worlt. , . .,, -BliPW5rt -nd rolf iackets.-tthers brmakinir irrm- fctuoW T -vrii Tonmi?rin w5t.. ier senior yesr by dancing class of airls in the during leisure moments made the college exchange. Smith College. Northampton. Iftu- w-r -w wmc a w Mvv-a, wrj 4.4 VIM ..." . ' $150 a year. - The wealthy rirl is treated ex- are. especiauy resourceful in padding out slen 'actly like her poorer schoolmate. Jr assets by tactful business enterprise. Some a litud room nrovided with atovea f.KU. .j. ------ , - .m-m wora no repienian neir purses 1 or toe Bturtents at JBarnard Uollege the Sister or . u r.uura v wua uur Tm ?CrJu anl' tha ?.hJel! another .kept .the hall - and parlors 'coming, season. . Some act as wsitresses at Columbia-are continuallr attenti.a to Volve - tion submitted to a friend her account book for great m. a yesr. Upon the income side were item, ! " ' Several dollars a day find their w -4Vpocketbooks of the young caterers. 1 t r " " uv ",1U positions to otter which gave some remuner. v Mount Uolyoke girls seem to acquire thrif ti-. of v " . tlonV, Two irl h,d "f9 cil tltntion'a rwas from the brfsk New.England air , that they ;to r.... i - Potoffice,;and seversl others distributed mail breathe.' During the summer vacationa. many of ac ' Ikfi j through the corridors. One wss caretaker of .them work; to replenish their purses for the;-." umain ana seasiae notets auring tne summer... , the .problem, ol getting through the - higher 1 Girls at Mount Holyoko are agents for pub-, school on a slender purse. In some instancea , (CONT1NUKD OH INBWS TAGZ) . "!:; 'v.t:Vr '-' '-':' 'i1 ;" .'V-.-v -r V" '4 --..". .... . . .. tt