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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1906)
Tin: orzcon cunday '-joucitau postland. cukday i:cr.::i::o,. jULY r::rtt tomorrow and contianat throqgh Angust It U an event alwaya looted forward ta wiA greet pleasere by Portland' best hotrsawivaa bacansa It offera a choice from the world's finest Table Linens at . the lowest H? j.-'r. i I f ... . . 5 .' A prices of the'Tear In addition to Tatle Linens we place on sale very qnnsaal values la Bed Linens and Housekeeping Linens of every description. Loot to your linen needs. Space permits listing only a few of the extra special offerings, r - Our entire line . 50c grade, of Bleached Table in Linens, 50 patterns, 4er yard. ...... ...v.... ...... OyC Entire line of 75c grades of Bleached Table Linens, AAg , 70 patterns, . per yard... .......... ......... ....... UUv 100 styles '. of $1.00 , grade of Bleached Table ' f&An Damask, on sale at, per yardi. ...,..,,OtC 40 patterns of $1.35 grades of Bleached Table S Damask, per yard.. ........................... .plelX 40 patterns of $1.50 Bleached Table. Damask, r : 1A beautiful designs, per yard... y ...IiOt Entire stock $1.25 grade Bleached Table Napkins, QQ best patterns, dozen, ........ .............. ...... VOW Entire stock $00 grades Bleached Table : tfjf a 4 Napkins, best deslgusdoien...... ....aPaeUT Entire, stock ' $2.50 grades Bleached Table . IJ'J . fO Napkins, best designs, doien... ,i.4'XilO TA11 our finest Austrian, German, Scotch and French Table Linens on sale at special prices during the great August Linen Sale." r- '.' '. . Hemmed Linen Hucfc, Towels, the best f 3 18e value, on sale at, each... ...... .,,.,lwv Hemmed Linen Huck Towels, the best 7a 25c Taluea, on sale at, each...... '..........IS V Cetnatitched Linen Huck Towels, regular y 30o values, on sale at, each.;. ......Xlr 45c Linen Huck Towels for, each., .......... .81 100 doacn Bleached Turldah Towels, each..., '.13 e Bleached Hemmed Cotton Sheets, 2x2)4 n2 yards, great special value at Uul Hemstitched Cotton Pillow Cases. ' siie 1 fy 45x36 inches fine quality, great value...... 200 dozen Hemmed Cotton Pillow Cases, .- tt 'r great special Talue at, each. .............. All lines of Bed Linens low. priced. ' . ' "V Hemmed Marseilles' Pattern, Bed Spreads, Q As regular $1.00 values, at..... ...... ...... j. Out Hemmed Marseilles . Pattern Bed Cf fjl Spreads, besT$1.50 values, at.....'..... 4I1 Fringed Marseilles - Pattern : Bed C CC - Spreads, regular $2.00 values at.,..,,..ePlet,iJ ringed Marseilles Bed Spreads, the CI OQ - best $2.50 values, on safe at VO ,$4.00 Marseilles Bed Spreads for............ f 2.88 Fringed Marseilles'. Bed Spreads )a C 1 C C red, navy,, pale blue, pink, $2 val......ePIeUi Cotton Russian Crash Toweling, regular 4 An -: 7jic Igrade, on sale at,'. yrd .......... 18-inch Linen . Crash Toweling at, yard. . . . .94 '20c Linen Crash Toweling at, yard........;..;.16e CCmSTB STOCK LONG ELK AKD LISLC CLOVES ALL STYLES AND GRADES Wemstfo $30 Suits at $9.45 Each rcrCsads leading docSc store offers for totaorrow a special lot of 100 Women's Tarred Sgita In taedhnn and three-gaarter length Jackets, semi and tight-fitting styles fri'f ?sti stlrts, broadcloths, cheviots, serges, er jt rl tweeis, fa green, brown, black, wiae, navy, Q rrrs t nd fancy raixtnres la large assortment, all ' JQ (' 'i trica's best styles la all se, valaes $35 " rj r-1 Yoa choice wfcge they (Cl I C 1-t at tl!s tyedal low price.. :.. V ) 012,50 Silli DrcS!iirtsg7,05 Special lot of 40 women' Silk Dress Skirt, in the popular ; sunburst and accordion-pleated effects; black and white tlaids and small checkshandsome, stylish garment; regu ar $12.50 values, on sale at this low ,u j Women's tan Linen Shirtwaist Suits, with side pleats and - circular skirt, trimmed with fold; only 100 in the lot; i . splendid garment for hot-weather wcarj regular $4.50 ; value, on sale at thin special low ." ' $2 (58 a tVAKT( Special lot of 200 women's fine White J- 1Y AlJ I J jyVtigt, in-good quality lawns and b. Tn e tistes, "made with embroidered fronts f.V l,w ; and fancy tucked-yoke with lace ineertion and short sleeves, very pretty style f . fkQ .in all sixes; $2.00 and $225 values on sale at.... H 1 UO 1H2 JUNGLE BY UPTON SINCLAUl-LATEST, BEST BOOK OUT- 1. 18 COPY 3 Lcco : Cnrtdia Specials White Madras-weave Lace Curtains, 52 inches wide by 1 3 yards -long; fine, dainty pattern, , withplain ;or figured center; regular $2.50 value, on sale at thi low price, C 1 AC 4i':pJrj.:..;i-..-.i.'.....,;it i 1 Zr3 Odd lots of Quny, Renaissance, Marie Antoin - ette and corded Arabian Lace Curtains, white or Arabian colors; 2 to ,4 pairs of a kind; $600, to $7.50 values, on. sale at,' 5 .White Nottingham Lace Curtains, 50 to 60 Inches ;t wide and 3 yards long, 2 to 6 pairs C J .of pattern; vaL extraordinary, pr.. v V . Cnstom Shade and Drapery . Work, our, . spe ' cialty.', Uet materials 'and workmanship. Low est prices guaranteed. " Let1 us figure on your next work..' . ."......; ( .. ; ' .."'""(. ' Laces and Embroideries ' 2,500 yards' of Swiss Allover Embroideries for waistings; handsome styles in large assortment; vslues up to $2.50 a yard on sale at OA. this special low price, yard 07C 5,000 yards of Swiss and Nainsook Corset Cover ; Embroideries dainty patterns: 65c values, on . sale at thi unusually low price per ' yard come early v s?JC Cluny and Valenciennes Allover Laces, Venis ' i and Baby Irish Galloons, Insertions and Edges : prettiest styles: values up to $Z00 a AO . .yard, are being cleaned up at. ..vJ7C Closing out a small lot of hand-embroidered r linen Robes and white and colored batiste Robes Mieauliful styles at low prices. - , lvalue to $20.00 for.. . ..............T.OO $40.00 Robes for, each.;... ....V.....j'..20.00 $30.00 Batiste Robe, Val lace trimmed, CI f for, each ,l(yliJ etj 1 ,( -"." t v- " . . , -,f . 1 0,000 pairs of hlh-grada Shoes to be soM la the next 30 days at prices cf grt hortance to every faalry hi the Northwest StandardFootwear of the best style marked at fiacres that do net cover the ectjtl rrtr.rfictring cost A stock-redncfas sale conducted on the pdck-ssla3 plan, which means good shoes at low prices Look to yocr needs. 03.00 Shoes for 0 1 .1 9 MAIL ORDERS RBCBIVB PROMPT ATTENTION S3' to py Oxfords GU9 Women's $3.60 and $3.00 Lace and But ' . ton Shoes, in vici kid, box calf and satin v calf, Cuban, military and spring heels, nearly all sizes,, good styles; regular ,"- $2.60 and $3.00 values ; on : C 1 1 0 ' sale at this low pric&pair. .'..pliy 55.00 Shoes for 03.69 600 pairs of Women's high-grade Lace and Button 'Shoes, in patent kid, patent colt and vici kid, with hand-turned nd ' welt-sewed . soles ; G. and T. , Cousins' : celebrated make, in all sizes ; regular ' $4.00 and $3.00 values; on sale at this i Uow price, : ; . i t y , 4 , ,- 0 4 per. pair... . ..... . . ......... juJs- 04.00 Shoes for 03.38 200 pairs of Women's Russia Calf Blucher Shoes," welt sewed, large eye- , lets and ribbon. laces; G. and T. Cous ins' celebrated make; all sizes;- regu- ; lar $4.00 values;" QO special price, pair. ;'.v . . . . . . .!)ruO Women's. $4 and $5 Shoes 53.20 Pr. tWomen's $50 -and ' $3.00 Oxfords, in - patent leather, tan kid and black kid, ; broken lines of Rood styles in nearlv : all sizes; regular $2.50 and $3.00 ,val--ties, being cleaned' ' Cl 1 fl up at, pair.i. ...J..;.. ,..;.e)l.iy For Mi:ccs end ChHdrdn Women's Heavy WeKht Calf Lace Shoes, with hand, sewed soles , and low heels, regular and 9-inch tops ; just the shoes yeu want - for mountain and outing wear; regular $4.00 and 1 CJ ;Of ; $5.00 values; your choice while they last, per pair. ..:.D.U Women's 05 Ton Oxfords 03.45 Pi; 400 pairs of Women's Tan Oxfords, in chocolate kid, champagne. kid. tan Datent kid and' lieht tan. Russia calL turn and welt soles, Cuban, .military An d -Erencb, heels -very best f A g - ( footwear made; $4.00 and $5.00 values, at........ .ePiVettJ Women's 03;50 Tan Oxfords 0 1.87 250 pairs of Women's Tan Oxfords, Russia calf, in light and dark ' shades, also chocolate kid, with heavy light soles, all sizes and widths ; regular $3.00 and $3.50 values'; your . Or choice at this special low price, per pair. . . . ... . : j.: $1.0 500 pairs of pisses' Jind Children's Patent " Leather Box Calf and Vid Kid Shoea, T spring heels, lace styles, hand sewed : soles; p. and T. Cousins' famous make; grand special values at . v ; Sizes liyi to 2, $3.00 values, pr.t2.10 Sizes 8yi to 11, $2.50 values, pr.91.85 D6ys,an6lrths, Shd6s 250 pairs of Boys' and Youths' and Little J - Gents' Shoes, in patent leather, box calf and jvici- kid ; . broken lines of the ' best makes ; Rvalues ; up to $2.75 :pair ; to be cleaned up at this ; 4' ..U j A A wonderfully, low price, pr.'. . eDliUU Boys' 03.50 Shoes forQ 1.58 a Pdr 500 pairs of Boys' arid Youths Shoes in box "calf, vici kid, velour calf and Russia. calf, blucher and lace styles, solid 'oak soles; j every pair guaranteed satisfactory;. $2.00, $2.25 CI CQ ; and $2.50 values; sizes 13 to tji ; at pairi'. ..V.'Xi J)1 .00 Men's 03.50 Fbbtvear 01 .95 a Pair Men's $3.50 Russia Calf Shoes and Oxfords welt sewed soles, this season's very best styles in blucher or lace; frl ng, all sizes standard $30i0 valuevoa aale.aVpai)I.ys!) .Mail orders will be promptly-filled. : -v Men's 05 end 06 FootwccrQ3.85Pr. jtOO pairs of Men's Fine ShoesFrench, Shriner & Urners eele- brated malce; in patent calf, velour calf and box calf ; broken lines of regular $5.00 and $6.00 values, on sale A) a ; at this unusually low price, per pair. ......... ..... cj).Oi) S4 and $5 Aoto Veils $1.15 Ecch Special lot of 30 dozen fine auto, mobile Veils to be sold tomorrow at a surprisingly low prict-A special purchase made by the' veiling buyer now in New York City Full - three-yard lengths, extra heavy quality, in brown. tan, navy, reseda.-niagenUrgraj'r pink, lavender, black and cham pagneExtra quality grenadine chiffon and moire crepe chiffon, veils selling regularly at $4 and $5 choice ....... . e m Silk ; Specials Broken line of fancy Silks in all style and colorings, for waists and suiting; $1.00 value, on tale : at this qaick-cellinr r price, ' AQt per yard Still selling; $1.00 Foulards la tTQs dots and figures at, yard. v.. ,7w 10,000'yards of colored Taffeta Silks the best 75c value, on ITff- tale at, per yard t All the best shade included. 1 Choose from -our entire stock of 25c Sheet Music, vocal and in- IO. . strumental, at, a copy.,....! 50c Folios of Home Songs, College Songs, National Airs, etc, at.. 284s Augn A do xen carloads of new Carpets gad Rng dna to errive before Angnst 15 Apsoiaieiy necessary mat me present stock be greatly reduced before that tine Here are price qnotatioas that should be of interest to parties famishing an new homes or renovctinz the old place Yoa'll find -bcrgaias .,-y,.. y v - ,100 rolls of splendid quality Brussels ' Carpets In Oriental and floral pattern; regular $1.05 grade, on sale at the spe- O . cial low price of, yard........V......;.,..."...,,."..,....OOC This price includes sewinff. lavlnff and lininr '- " " -'T'he-celebrated-CordovirBrussel XrpetsrneatOrlentarsffeetfrlB the best colorings; borders to match; regular $1.45 ( , ' quality on sale at this special low price, yrd. ........ ylv 100 rolls of "Windsor" Brass'ei Carpets, will wear as well as any Brussels Carpet on the market; Orientals and twc-f Ot . toned effects; regular $1.50 values at...... pi.ev9 This price .includes sewing, laying an4 lining. 5,000 yards of Fiber Matting, neat and attractive designs; ' regular 70c quality,' on sale at,' per. yard... ...... ...... . This price includes sewing, laying and lining. - 20 DISCOUNT ON ALL SMALL K.UCS 63c ' ' Mail order promptly and carefully filled. Special lot -of 50 high art AxminsterV Rugs, .9x12 " feet, beautiful tolorings and designs; -every -one in the lot . regular $40.00 value; r your '.choice, while they last at the wonderfully C!11 fFIZ i low price of..v..rv.;....;.....AvJI. Carpet. Department, Third Floor '" V ' ' ; - . Japanese and Chinese Straw Matting In handsome carpet effects; entire stock reduced. pre - 20c Mattings for 15c Per Yard 22c Mattings for j 6c Per Yard 23c Mattbgs for Iflc Per Yard 30c Mattings for 20c Per Yard 30c Mattings for 2 1 c Per Ycrd TT Silli Petticoats Vdncd at $10.00 for S6.45 Ecch Sale extraordinary .of 150 handsome new Taffeta Silk Petticoat a great special purchase from a lead ing manufacturer; made of fine quality silk in fancy figured, striped and Persian effecta, with deen double flounce,' rows of shirring and ruching or pleating, with stitched ruffles and silk - dust ruffle freens, browns, navy, Alice blue, tan; wide and. narrow black and white stripes; regular - 'A C 10.00 values, on sale at this remarkably low. price, each yD4) 70AD COMMISSION FAVORS CONVICT LADOR HI BUILDING III6II17AY Organized Labor Will .Not Opi pose Such Plan, Says State Organizer Oram, f trfcll. tb. Otwaoa etat. ro4 eommte lo hu not dcldd whthr th .pro po J .tat. hlcbway shall blMCt the common wealth rrom north to outh, or r-haiJ coniMct tb. eot and west aid. of t mountain It has dtrmlnd to . Tor eonvict labor la tt eonatruotioa. OreanlMd Ubor will not oppoe th. ,oytnnt of eonvieta upon the read, w ar. with ro In thla," .aid C H. rvpreMntlB- th. lasialativ. oom. t or the Orwra Pedaratlon of -nr at a Joist yeaterday . . -.- , Th. mMtlnc wm held U th. offlea of tb. board of trad. In th. Chamber of Commrc. . Of th. tanibara of the eommlaaion, W. K. NwU, chairman; R. A. Harrta, A. B. Cav.ndr and J. W. Shattuck war. present. . . . K. r. Cannon and Dr. 3. H. Brown roprcaantod th. Automobil. elub. Jack Day waa ther. for th. federated trades council of Portland. .4- Countr Judge . Webstare auneaUona war. the feature of tb. aee!on. It waa eoneaded by all thoaa prevent that he had given the subject more study than an on. alee In the elate. -i aadf. WebeWe Talk. lt ts tut belief that a good, macadam ised road ahould nfn np thaWUIamette Tall ay from Portland, erosa th Umpqua and Rogue river valler. end go orar th. -fliakljrou to th. sut. Una," he de clared, . " v, , . 'To be euro, this will -not benefit eaatern Oregon, but the Willamette valley Is the moat populous part of the state, and I think that ahould b. oon sldered. The meaeure can be put through tb. leglalatur. eves with eaat ern Oregon agalnet It, but I do not be. Iteve that part of the atata wlU offer much opposition. . "Such a road would be a wonderful thing for the state. It would be a great attraction and would become known all over th. country. The scenery along such a road would be unexcelled. "The only queetlon Is who .ball ap point the eommlaaion which muat, I believe, superintend the construction of the road.' If th. bill whloh la propoaed providea that the legislature .hall ap point th. eommlaaion there Is a prob ability that the governor will make trouble. And If the appointive power la given the governor the leglalatur. will make trouble. I am not talking politic but of plain fact, as they . exlat The state highway proposition should be taken out of politic entirely, that I politics of the, patronage and pap kind.. jusffv. ahould xo x. "With all due modeaty I believe that the-eounty Judaea of the etate ere bet ter qualified to make' the appointment than any on. elae. . They are eloa. to the peopla on the road Question,; I ' ' .' 1 V :- ' suggaat that a bill be preaented which shall provide for th. appointment of a eommlaaion of three by th. county Judge who ahall meet In convention In Balem. Thla bill could also provide for a letad running from north to south throuah the -atata. It oould do -thla without stating th. rout, of th. road." After Judge Webster had finished Mr. Newell remarked that a north to south highway would paaa through 100 miles of the atata which la unable to pay Its share of th. espenaa and where little produce l. raised which would be hauled along It Th. Judg. replied to this by declaring that auoh a highway, practically paralleling th. tin. of the Southern Pa cific, would have a tendency to reduo. freight rates, as similar roads In other statea had don. that -very thing. For thla reason alone m state highway would prove of the greatest posalbl. benefit -- Plaa fo Baislag SConey. Th. question of raising th. money had . provoked som. dlecueelon and Judge Webatar told of his ulan. Thla ta that the- atata shall Issue $100,00 worth of bonda for -each of tb. II eounttee In the atat This would mean tl.t0O.00 Th. residents of each county would be - aaked to subscribe 1 109.000. He belleyed property owners would realise what a state highway In the neighborhood of their land would do to lnereaa. Its value and would not healtate to aubacrtbe for the bond . Meaars. Cannon, Oram and Lay made a number of .suggestion -. After threehlng th. matter over for three houre It waa decided to hold another meeting Wednesday evening, at which Meaar Harrta, Cannon. Webster and probably Mr. Newell will be preeent Mr. Cavender, on. of th members of th. eommlaaion, Introduced th. resolu tion for th. creating of th. eommlaaion at th. last seasloa of the ' legislature and Mr. Newell was on. of It heaxtleat supporters In the hous . . . Mardi Cras at tha Rink. ; ' No doubt one of the moat elaborate maaquerad carnivals .v.r. attempted In akatlng rink will b. th. on. to take place at th. Oaka rink ' en Tueeday evening nest The manager , Measr Randall a Jone have devoted eonsid arable attention to th. details and noth ing ha been left undone to Interest and eurprlea thoee who will attend. The entire building has been prepared for this special affair by th. addition of features not aa yat Introduced In akat lng link' and a hundred dollars' worth of valuable and beautiful prise, will be distributed to the xnasqusrader The pgsea will be for the most elaborate edltum. the "moot original and th moat . humorou both for ladles and gentlemen. . There are also special prises t be given to th. beat .dressed couple, . and Messrs. Randal) St Jonea have a number of surprises in view for visitors oa that evening. While the rink at the Oaka la the largest of any In the country, sufficient number of seata will be arranged for the aooommo datlos) of four thousand spectator On. of th. greatest features is tb. fact that D'trbano'e entire splendid band will furnish the muslo, ' and that alone In such plaoe ahould serve to crowd the link to the door They will keep Urn. to th. music of the skaters aa ' none has ever been performed. Every coa tume eatabllshment In the city Is sur feited with orders for costume so that It la now pretty certain that there will be a larger number of maakers on the floor of th Oaka rink than have ever been aeen on , the ooast The grand maroh will be given promptly at 10 o'clock on Tueeday - evening, - and t that .hour th. maaks will b. removed. A number of well-known skaters have algnlfled their Intention to be present no that som. beautiful akatlng will also be one of th. feature Ao accommo date thoee deeiring to mask at the rlpk mr sufficient number of dressing-room, for both ladles and gentlemen have been provided. RARE CHANCE TO TRAVEL July a ana a, Aug T, S. t, Septembes , - aa 10. Bummer exeuralon rate Bal date June II, SS, July I, I, August 7, (, 0, September I, IS. Rat from Portland to Chicago, ITl.lOt to at Lou la, f.l0 Kansas City, Omaha and at Paul, f(0 Denver, t. ... For Information In reference to rate. ' and particular, ask C. W. Stinger, city ticket agent. Third and Washington street Portland. ; . i ' i :' v-. ..' ' Cheap Rataa East. ' On August T, I, i. September t and 10, th. Canadian Paclfle will sell special round trip tickets to eastern .terminals at very low rate ' '-Ticket, good going via Canadian etfi returning same line, or vis any di rect rout with atopovers and long tlme limit For descriptive matter and full' particulars regarding rates, etc call on or address, F. R. Johnson, F. and P. A Portland, Orsgor '