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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1906)
THE. OREGON DAILY JOURNAL,' PORTLAND, 'SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 30. 1BC3. VISITS TEPEE TO GET E VIDEfiCE C HURC.H SERVICES Attorney Cole Goes to Umatilla Reservation on Unique Errand Concerning Legal Case. ; SICK SQUAW TELLS HER ; STORY TO INTERPRETER Stolen From Her Own Trib During Indian. War, She Tries toTRiegiin v land Which She Claims Ir Rig&t . ' . faMy " Hers. ' :," . :: ; : ' yi .; ; ' . - mtrfttton, with th-smoke' -curling '.up ' ward through the opening In, the top v from fire built upon the gagfind wtth 'in; with Taon-it-po, the plaintiff, llrtng upon a aton slab In lieu of a softer beedreet. Assistant United States LMs " trlct Attorney James Cole, accompanied fay his stenographer and an Interpreter, ' gataered evidence to be used In the suit , known In the official records as Tson-It-po vs.- Ber-lo. Tal-wa-lo-g-awn, the United SUtes and others, a suit In the lsrvd allotment class. , ' , , Tson-lt-po-tt" sT Modoo and SS years i old. Her presence anions: the CByuee .tribe on the ilmatllla reservation is at 'tribute by the aged squaw to the fact . that when she was a young girl she wss f stolen by -the Cayuse In a war' fought '-. between the two Indian nations near . Klamath Falls In 1841 and carried : northward Into the land of the Cayuse, where she wss .held ss, a slave by a powerful chief. . , , 1 .Torjot Thtit, Own People. Captured at the ssme time as Taon .,' lt-po and carried Into the far northern :' 'country was her cousin, Ha-hets-e-ma-.' keen. Both were shown favors by the Ceyuses and In time learned t6 "forget ,thejr own people, the Mod oca. As time passod on and the country was settled . by the- whites,' the government divided the land that had been the property of the Indians, giving each a share. To Ha-ha ts-e-msh-kash came part of the territory. . Later, after Ha-hgts-sviSaa-kaah died: 8er-lo. and Tal:wa-legiw - attempted to gain the land. It, was to this move that Tson-lt-po objected and -1 for that reason called the attention of the government to the case. Tson-lt-po, i claiming that shs Is the only heir of Ha-hata-e-ma-kash, her cousin, asks the ' government to-restore to her that to which she Is rightfully entitled.. . When Attorney Cols arrived ' l Pen .; dleton he found that the aged Indian , was sick and too weak to be brought In : from the reservstlon., He accordingly moved out to her tepee and took her evidence through an Interpreter i I STOLE BRASS FROM SCHOONER'S RUDDER - -- (Special Dispatch to Tke foornaL). ' - Eugene,. Or., June SO. James Mitch ell of denada, , at the mouth of the Bluslaw river, is under t bonds ' here, J ' charged with stealing $58 - worth of j t brass front the-rudoer of the schoeaer I ; Bella- at Florence. ; t " "i . . i ' lifTOI. ' "...''' Mount mire avnth mnA EMratt atreeta. Preechlng at. 11 s. m. a ad g p. m. by Bev. I. W. Smith. - 0t. John'e Re. IT.. A. Leonard, Bandar school, 10 a. m.i prsscklng. U a, m. IUW p.' m., preaching. . " Third -Vaueoorer Tan Da and Knott; Rev. E. . M, Bllaa. At 10 a. m.. Sunday school; 11 a. . and T:80p. m., preaching; B. X. P. V.. 8:48 p. m. Flrat Uermae Fourth and Mill UrMU; Rev. J. Krstt. Preaching, 10:48 a. at.; B, V, P. U... T S. BK ' "!.-,.. . Beeoad Oermaa-RadBer aveoae and Morrto traeta; Rev. W. Bawman. freacbias, 1 B. m. ana I:so p. (Sunday arbool, :e a. ai.J-Voang Peopla'a aaeetlns, 4ft p. m. !- Swedlah Hort and rifteenrh atreata: Rav. Eric bcaeratroin.- freaehlng. 10:44 a. stt' and T,:;W p. m. : giinoaf adiool, 1) a. '. 'orwiUa-tan1,h geniee at Inta. p. . tid it A-tlaana" alL Bavlet straet.; aaar TwutT-aTOod. a, m. HLfblaue albcru and Ilitb atraeta. Preattj' Inc. 2:.H p. ai.. by HY K. aft Bllaa; Sou-da- achool, 8 W p. . Bi. ;,' - ' ' ral,u-.Eaat.. Klirhta- and Orant, atreata; Bar. A. Lawiwnce Bleek. At lo a. n-. FIMa arboal; U a., mi., praaoblas; (;M a. m.. Bible pi' aervlce ana; V Hale, of the aame city; Trot JohnM. Scud- der. Jrl l.. late or Cincinnati. Ohio: Prof. John Klaar. M. D.. late of Olru-lnnatL Ohio: Dr. Orover Coe. of New York; Dr. Bartho low. of Jeferaon Medical College, of fa., and snore of others equally eminent, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription cure, the wont caaes ef samale weakneas. prolap sea, ante verakw and retroversion and corrects irregularities, a urea painful periods, dries up uqblos; (;M p. nv. Bible I alaaaTreeable and weakening drains, some- 1 :0 p. at.. Toons Tao-T times knowiru pelvic catarrh aad a anultl etaaa for vouni ov 0. a.. vrvacmuK. iloant Carmei Poarteeeth and Flanden Bi.,' preaching, rteeeth and atreeta; IUt. A. J. Sbiiiibard. Bunday ackuul, M a.: preaehlng. II a. m. aad p. m. uraoa Honta-uia; . aev.. liiinua Farter. Preaching, It a, ' m. on Tbe Progreaalv Spirit e( the Bantlat nenonilnailoa" p. m.. aermoa, "Tbe Youns Man a lvactaton." pralaae, womaa for a uone wi Tbe Ideal Tmina Central Raat Ankanr and Tweatlatt; Bav. omaa for a Uond T. Jordan; aernmn. 10:30 a. aa., 'Tron "Onoorranltr ef Soma Flrat The White Temple, p. Hi rteatk to Ufa"; prearhlBs. S p. m., "What la a Ckrlatlaar'i guaday arnool. It B. . lounanaal Meade and Beeood atraeta. Preaek Ing, 10. DO a. .. "ObaoBre rlaciples" T:e aad Taylor atraeta; Dr. J. Wkltoomb Braanber. At a. a., :Blble achool at Bavier-8tre branch; 10 a. n., see acenrd prTar naetlns;. 10:80 a. ai kwrnlng worship with preaching br the pa tor, eabjact, "Akoe but Mot Atone"; li:10 p. a., Bible arhool; S.80 v.m., B. T. P. V. meetlac f:4A p. -. BopolM avanlng aervlee with prehrtilns by Dr. Brougher, aiiti Jct, -rifrt and mead; or, The Oay Deceirar and the Tma Lover ." ' Beeoad Eaat Jereatb ' and Ankeoy; Rev. Stanton r. Inhajn. germna, 10:80 a. m. on "Tbe ITnrtjrhteonai atammoa"; Bible arhool, IS bl; Tonng People'a .meeting. g:46 p. jri.j a am. 7:46 p. at., "The Character of Ootf," i' Calvary Eleventh aad Clay atreeta; Rev. Ben-Kara Btllea Ely Jr., D. D. rrricm, 10:30 a. a. and T:4s p. m. la the evening tbe remi lar aaarterlr eomamnloa aervlee wlU be held: la tbe evening the pastor will preach apeeiallr t th tbe Commercial club oa IS Buelneee sad Kue- Whose Say-so Is Best? With nearly all mediotnes pot tip for gala through druggists, on has to take the maker's sav-so alone as to their eura 'tlve value. Of course, such testimony Is not that of a disinterested nartv and' aocordinflr It not to be given the same') credit as II written train disinterested l motives. Dr. Pierce's medicines, hoH ever, form a single and tbnrefore striking eiception to this rule. Their claims to the confidence of Invalids does not rest solely upon their makers' say . so or praise. Their Ingredients are matters of public knowledge, being printed on each separate bottle wrapper. Thus Invalid sufferers are taken into Dr. Platte's full confidence. Scares of leading medical men have Written enough to nil voUtow. In praise of the curative value orthe several Ingredient entering into theae well-knowa medicines. Anion rat these writers we Snd such med ical Ushta aa Prof. Flnley Klluiswood. M. D.. or Bonnet Medical Uollege, Chlci tude of other diseases peculiar to women. Bear in mind. It is not a Detent nor even a secret medicine, but tbe Favorite Prescrip tion of a regularly educated physician, of large experience in. the cure of woman's uuar ailments, wno frankly and oonod- Into Ms run con oat what hie Pm- composed of. Of no other medl- ror woman-s special malaoiea peculiar aliments, who f lnaly telle his patients Sdtmos by telling them J scripsioo Is composed of. cine put up for woman'i snd sold through druggists, can It be said tlk&t the wi&iiakr la not a.frld aa Hul uiu. frankly, openly aad honorably, by letting every patient using toe same know exactly wnai awe aaasnsj. biak women are Invited to consult Dr. Pisrea. by letter, rse. All correspond enos Is guarded aa sacredly secret and womanly confidences are protected bi professional privacy Address Dr. SL V. Pleree, Snlalo, . Y. T , How to preserve health snd beauty Is told In Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Med ical Adviser. It hvrre. For a paper covered copy send Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buf falo. N. Y., 91 eae-eent stamps to cover SaalHiur only ; In cloth binding SI stamps. Dr. Plarce't Pslleta ears eonstlpatlon- 't aati llii ai as. ItAjt jktX HagllLteaBahBsl Dr. N. J. Fulton NATUROPATH gueeeaefoi la the word that beat oXrrlhes tier Career alnce eooilns to Portland. Kuceeaafnl In rarinc dlaeeaia, uceeaafnl In belldlnf ap what la today the tersest office practice of any - lector la the city. She Cures the SicK Thta is whr her ofsrea are at all Mm rail and that people sometimes wait for bour toj ' If yoa have any ailment, rhronlr er ecnte,' -i a .ss rbenmetiam. la srlpoe, hronchltla. .. goiter, eafarrh, atoinaeh and bowel troabii-a, . aeree tronblre. etc., etc., foe would do well -. to consult ber. - Shs can earg.yos. " ; f ." : TZtTWOKlALS 0P PIOFLT SHI HAS To Whom It May Cmcrn: "I antfered a long time with aerieas stomartj tttarbla, the dlaeaae baring pmsreaaed ao far ' that I wai ana bit to retain my food, and flnally found water to eauaa naaaea: In abort, mr entire (jmteni waa in a eerlooely eetileted 'ona - dltlon. Ob or a boot July 10 laat t adrlaed with fnr. Naner J. Fulton, af thla city, and Waa Induces to take treatments from her. aad after iRamff iot iwririn i waa oiacnarves. I can aew eat anything I d'etre, fad perfectly well , and am' constantly salnins atrenath-. Thta marvelona ehsoga I eas.trathfiilly eay la dne to ? vr. rviivn. i cziK V AUUU, - '.'Home, Jefferana, Or." It" re Mr. Taagha can be asenaanlcated with at Jefferaoa, Or., ef hla father. Bll Taosha. eaa be aeea at the IteW Grand Central, corner -luraauuj laaqara. tnia oite to the members "The Goldts Bala Where." v , i Arleta Latrralwood balL Sanday acbool, 10 s. m. i 11 a. m., address by Rev. C A, Wooddyr S p. addreaa by Rev. J. Whit comb Beooshari T:4 p. aa., aermoa by Bav. John Bentaien. HeDwood Eleventh ' and ' tTmatllla . atreeta; Re. George A. Learn, ganday arhool.. 10 a. .: preaching. 11 a. m. and t:45 p. m. Ualeeralty ParkreVRa. John Bentalaa: Ban day achaol. 10 a. m.,: .preaeblnf . 11 a. at., by Rev. Chertea A.. Hert preaching, TiS p. av, by Rev. Wv B. Pope. . - -- i , : -. .v - ' .'-' ' , ' ' mSBTTZRIAV. )' ' ' Pattne Rev. A. H. 1 Barkholder. Servtees St S p. at. Foarth Flrat and . Glbbs atreeta; Rev. Johs Rayee Welch. Preach log at 10:8O a, m.t T:80 p. m., preaching. ', Church of tbe gtraagera Waare street and Grand aeenue; Rev, 8. Karl pa Bote. Preach ing, 10:44 a. m.t Sunday - acbool at boob; Chriatlaa Indearer, t:4S p. m.( preaehlBg, 1:4.1 a. at. - ...J - - .' Mount Tabee1- Belmont a treat aad Prettymaa avenne; Rev. B. M. Sharp, tervlces at 11 a. m. and T:S p. m. ' Bast Bide Millard aeenue; Rev. Mr. Forgo- bob. guaday achool, . S a. bl; preaching, 4 p. m. Hawthorne Park Eaat (-Twelfth and Kat Taylor atreeta; Rev. B. Nikon Allen. At 10:30 a, m-, nreachlnjr: 13 m.,' Snnday achool; 8 80 p. m.. Junior Endeavor: T p. m., gealok Es- eeor: S n. m., preaching. Piedmont Oereland avenne and Jarett atreeta; Rev. L. Myroa Boomer.. Preaehlng at 11 s. St.: patrlotle addreaa by Councilman A. r.- Flegal, ;;tt p, m. Bunday school, l:lo a. m. ...... rr Areor Loaga nryaat ata cum itnen; Rev. J. S. Dnnmrs. Preaching. 11 a. m.t Sunday achool. 12:16 p. m. lion Beat Twenty-eighth and Glleaat Rev. A. W. ketnhard. Preaching la Oermaa, II a. m. : la Rnglleh. p. m. Ftiltos Rev. A, U. Burkhelder. Bersws, p. ra.. "Our Flas." apeclal mualc. . Marahail-flrreet MirahaU sad North Heven teenrh afreets: Ber. C." W, Baya. SundaV acbool. 10 a. m. ; preaching, 11 a. at., "Jeeue and the Communion" ;. J :80 p. ., "Our Ka Uonal Life." Mlapsb Mary and Powell atreeta; Rav. Je. rome R. MrGlade. Service 10:80 a. m.i patriotic aervlee, S p. to., "The Fear ef God la Our Katlna'e Life." f . Flrat Rev. Bdsar P. Hill. DVD. BervlcSv-l at 10:SO a. m.; addreaa at T:4A pfni. ."Galilee Where Jeeue Performed Moat of Hla Mighty Worka." tbe fourth la a aerlea of addresaea aa the bolr lend. Third Kaattklrtaeejlk at Wne-streetarf Rev. Andrew J. Montgomery. Servlrea. 10:00 a. m.; aernwa, T:46 p. m "Multi-Millions Is Bichea.". . . OOK0REOATI0MAL. Tnlveralty Park Art tune' temple. Ports mouth: Rev.-D. B. Gray. At 11 a. na.. Chll. dren'a day aervlee: Bunday acbool, 10 a. m. Laarelwood Arleta hall; Rev. D. ' B. Gray. At 8 a. a., preaching; Sunday school, 10 S. m.t I. P. 8. a E , 7 p. m. , Raaaalo-fttreet Kaat Bevesth snd Haaealo atreeta: Bev. R. K. Ham. Sermon. 10:110 a. m.. "Bread of Life": Hundav achaol. 19 m Chrlatiaa Rndeavor, S:4S p. m.; preaching, 7:43 p. m., "True Patriotism." nishlaad Preacoit and Eaat Sltb street, Berth; Bev. A. M. Rock wood. Preaching, 11 a. m : aermrm. T:4S p. m., "A Ball la a Sure Place"; Sunday, school, 10 s. m.; Chriatlaa Endeavor. 9:49 p. b. MlaalaalDni-Avenae Mlaalaalonl aeenne and FrenxiBt atreet; Rev, William L. T'pahaw. Bna. day school. 10 a. B.J aervlee, II a. m.; Cbrla tiaa Endeavor, T p. m.t preaching, S p. nt.. The Judsrmcnt Day." Flrat Madlann and Park atreeta:' Rev. R. L. Hooae, D. D. Bermoa. 10:SO a. m.. "Twi Great Factors In Human Ufa"; preaching. "The Dramatic Wagner." T:46 n. m. : Buadav achool, It m.i T. P. 8. C. E.. 0:45 p. m. Bonayeide Ban Taylor and Kant Thirty. fourth atreeta; Bev. J. J. Btann. Morning serv ice, II o'clock, subject, "The Fellowship of Hla gufferlnga": communioa will be oheerred at cloae of aervlee: evening service st S o'clock. ubjeet. "The Btnerienees of One Day" fltin day acbool, lo a. m.i Senior Chriatlaa . Ea- deavor, 7 p. a, . . Harold Oberg. Service at 11 m. : g p. m., patrlotle aervlee,' addreaa, by SapraaM Xudgs Halleyr Bp worth - Lasguav 7 p. m. tunday achool, 10 a. m. ' Hellwood Church Sunday school, 18 s. .; preaching, 11 a. oa. snd S p. m., by Rev. J. F. Mangle: clesa meeting, IS m.; EpworUt League. 7:1S p. m. Taylor-Street Third snd Taylor atraeta: Dr. Francis Burgetta Short. At S:S0 a. m.. elaaaes; 10:30 a. m aermoa, "Homer Cantle"; 12:16 p. mr. Sunday achool; 6:80 p. Epworth League m.. I f:4 a. m..-illuatrated aerrlne. "Our Country. SunnyaMe Eaat Yamhill between Thirty-fifth snd Thirty-sixth; Bev. T. B. Ford. Sunday achool, 10 a. m. ; preaching, It a. m.; patriotic service, 8:80 p. m. ; Epworth League, AH p. m. aerman. "What a Boy Saw Daring the War ef RebalUoa," S p. m. LTTTHXRAW. ' -. St. lames Bngllah Weat Park and Jefferana atreeta; Hev. i. A. Daaa. aarvicea at 11 a. m., aermon; g p. m., preaching; Sunday aohooU 10 a. m.; Luther League, T p.m. Betanla Danleb Union arenas and Vnrria afreet; - Rev. Uudmund Grill. Sunday servlcea, 11 a: m. aad S p. m.i Sanday achool, 12:18 p. na. . Korwaglaa Synod Eaat Tenth and Orant atreeta; Rev. O. Higoea., Sanday acbool, 8:80 s. re.: services at 11 s. m. and 8 -o. m. St. Panl'a Germaa- Lutheraa Baat Twelfth and Clintoa atraeta; Bev. 'A. Krauaa, paator. Morning aervlee. 10:80 o'clock; evening torsion, IV crjni .unn.f kdwi, . au- y Norwegian 46 North Fourteenth street: Rev. . . at. ixervig. nervrega, lie. m. ana i:au p. m.; Bunday achool, B 46 a. m. , Swedlah Immanael Nineteenth and Irving Streets; Rev. C. J. Benhard. Servtees at 10 :M a. m. sod S P. s. Sunday school,. 18:18 P. Rev. 4nctoh so toon T Whom It May Concern: "It affords bm great plcaanre to write s . word fa pralae of Dr. Vulfoa. I Buffered untold agony for one week with pain In my whole body. My koaband Called In whom we etip pnaed waa 'ewe of the beat phyetctana la the city.' He waa aot aure, but thought I had ' neuralgia, or 1 mlglit prove U he gallatonee, left medicine aad thought I would be better - neit day; but l gradually grew woree; got ao reflet from, pain eiecpt undvr opuiee. Having heard of Dr. Fnltna through frlenda of oure, wa decided to call bev n; ao my huabaad went at enee and brought ber to the bouse, I'pns , eiamtnataoa aha pronounced It s case of scute gastritis, snd after me treatment I was able to get un, dreaa myself snd gu about my aeital beueehold duties. 1 have now takes a week's , treatment and certainly think her the snoot woaderfet deeto I ever met. , V. . , "MBS. C. K. HrrrSON. ''LL" "iir .1 I8 Jm,,h t;'v"ortlandDrJ! Note Den t forget to lartnee poatage atams ' B reply whea writing teeny ef my patients. Dr. N. J; Fulton FATTRQPATH. 315 TWELETH STREET Cere- Clee, one hlerk fnm tf earl'oae from . Utb sueet ear, I from Jefferaos car. . , . XeleiilMtw Msia SUS, . '- , ' ' EPISCOPAL. Trinity Nineteenth and Brerett atreeta: Rev. A. A. Mnrrlac a, reetrn-. Holy communion. 8 ; . Sunday achool, : a. ro. ; morning prarsr. 11 o'clock: preaching.. 8 p. m. at. e tcpnen e i ntrteenrn and t lay streets: H. M. Ramaay. Holy communion, 7:80 : Sunday acbool. 8:48 a. mr: mornlna service, 11 o'clock; evening eervlct, T:SO e'ckrk. et. rani s wooamere; t;. rarter, lav reader. Bervlee and aermoa at 11 a, - b. and p. m.i Snnday arbool, 1 p. n, ' St. Darld'a Eaat Twelfth and Belmont atreeta; Rev. George B. Van Waters, D. D. Holy eommnn'nu. 8 a. m.; morning prayer and sermon. 11 o'clock: Snnday arhool. 8:46 a. m. St. Mark'a Ninth and Quimby streets; Rev. J. B. U. Slmpaoe. At 6 a. m., holy com mnnbm: 10-a. m., Sunday arhool: 11 o'clock, holy eomaaaloa, and sermon; S o'clock, evening prayer. ' Good Sheriherd Peltwood atreet snd Fan roarer avenne. Alblna: Bev. John DaWaon. Btinday-soliool, 10 a. m r morning prar and litany, 11 o'clock; evening prajer snd aermou, 8 o'clock. , ' St. John's Memorial Sellweod; Rev. W. R. Powell. Snndaa arhool, 11 s. m.;. aervlee snd aermoa. T:46 p.' m. j. St. Andrewrai-Hnlveralty Park; Rev. W. R. Powell. Sermoa, U a. m.; Sunday arhool. 10 s. n. ' St. tlatthew'a First sad Caru there atreeta: Rev. Df. A. M. Rrerk. - Morning prayer and Bnnda arhool. 0:46 a. m.: Holy enmmanloe and aermon. 11 a. m. svealng prayer sad aermoa, T 46 p. m. j . if ( .. -- '' MTxbbniT. J' ( Central Ruaael! and Kerhv arrests; Rev. I. T. Abbett. tiasa en eating. S48 a.. an.; 0M s. m preaetlng; Maday achaol! lj' : Ep worth I.eagne. 4:46 p. ro.; t:41 p. ra., sermon. Epworth Twenty-third gnd Irving streets; Rev. Henry T. Atklneoe. Bible achool, 10 a. m.; morning aervlee. 11 o'clock: Junior League, 8" p. m.; 8:46 p. Epwsrtb League; T:46 p. m., sermoa. " ., Fatten Michigan a ran tie .and - CarpeBter treete; Rev. Melville T. Wire. Prearhlisr at 11 s: m. and 8 p. m.i Sunday school. 10 s. m.; Epwrth League. 8:46 p m. Centenary F.aat I'inS and Ninth atreeta!' Rev. William H. Heppe. D. D. Preaching at 10:80 a. m. and t:40 p, m ; morning rlaaa, 8:80 oeiocs; iHnaay aennm. iz in p. m.i iuetora and ETABOELIOAL ASaOCIATTO. . Memorial Rev. R. D. gtrsy filer. At . 10 a. m., guaday achool; 11 a. m., prrachlng; 6' Ho p. - m., yonng people's sarrlcs; 8 p. m., preaching. - Grace Lents; Rev. H. O. Headorson. rreschtny. 11 a. m. and I p. m.; Yonng Peo jla'a Alllanca.f I p. .; Sanday . school, 10 First German Tenth and Clay streets. Sua. dar school. 8:80 a. m. ; aermon, 10:46 a. m.) aermon. 8 p. on. Flrat Knglleb Boat Slitb and Market atreeta; Rev. R, A. Blewert. Sermon, It S. im., "The Altar": preaching. S p. m., "Worthleaa Weapons"; Sunday school, 10 a. m.; Young People'a Alliance, T p. m., with special mualc. ' TTBITIfl ETAM0ILICAL. '-Flrat laat Tenth and tlhertnan atreeta; Rev. tr , m luier. J. I iv ounuay kutci, 14 a. m.i aermon: preaching. 7:46 p. m. 8t. Joha'aJaba-aneV leaahoe-atrserst- Revr-t E. B. McVlcker. Sunday achool, 10 a. m. preaehlng, 11 s. m.: i. K. I C. ., 8 80 p. m.; S. K. L. C. E., 7 p. m.; preaching, 8 p. m. Second Kerbv and Fargo streets: Bev. J. Boweraog.' Preaching, 11 a. m. ; gonday school, 10 s. m. K. U C. .. 7:15 p. m.( sermon, S p. m. .. - . ' CHRIS TIAB. '. Rodney-A venue Rodney aveass and Ksott atreet; Rev. I. Elmo Boblnaoa. . At 8:40 a. m., Bible achool; 11 a. m., aermoa; 6:80 p. m., Y. P. S. 0. E. T:80 p. m., preaching. Central Eaat Twentieth snd Salmoa streets; Rev. 1. F. Uhormley. At 10:46 a. m., Rev. F, L, Conk, noted evangelitt, will preach; g &m., Mlas Bertha - Maaon... tnlaaionary to eileo, will speak; apodal mualc. , v LATTER-SAT SADiTS. ; Chock ef Jeaua Chrl.t of Latter-Day Salnta Hall 400 Alleky hulidlns. Third and Morrlaoa atreeta. Imlct st 11:80 s. m. aad T p. m. ; Bunday school, 10 s. m. Rrorgantaed Church of Jesus Chriat of Iat-ter-Day Saints Woodward hall, - Montavllla; W. B. Pender, paator. Bunday school. 10 a. m.; praschUig, 11 s. m..aod 7:808 ay. MISSIONS. i ' Beacon Light Mlaalon 11 I Fourth street, north. Preaching every sight snd Sunday at ft p. m. Olive Branch Mlaatoa 288 First street Bear Columbia. Preaching every night st 7:80; Bundara, S p. m.) Bunday school, 1:80 p. m. Bt. Jotin's Holineaa Mlaalnn 826 Second afreet near Main; Bev. John F. Glaace. Services arery sight and Sunday at 8 and 7:80 p. m, T. St. C. A. Aaeodatloa andltorlum 17 Toorth streeK Sunday school. $:: p. m.. addreaa by Homer Li Caatle of Ptttabnrg, orator snd reformer. Special mualc: Tenor solo, e. Boas Faggo; violin solo, C. Mathta. AU mea wkicohm; '.'"'.' fl ABB K. A - U -J Chrlnttao and Mlaalonary Alliance SItYh snd Main streeta; ner, u . c icn. i-mcomg, 10:80 a. .m.i Snnday acbool, 18:18 p. ai. ; young people's meeting, 8:30 B. as. STSBgal- letlc service, t:u p.' as.. .. . . ,'r- NtW CRURCK S0CIITT. ' ; Sete'deoborgUn Knights of Pythias kail, ElerVnth end Alder streeta. Herri cea at 11 a. n annul bv Rev. Hiram Vroomaa of Boa ton; Baada eooool, 10 a. aa. - ) ADVENT. 18:1 B. m.i JuRlnn Intermediates. 8 p. m. Epworth League, 8:16 p. m. Graee TwelftB snd Taylor etreera; . it. Cwwaes Teuev Wllat. - Preartilng at lo an! s. m.. "The Magic Tonck"; sermon, T: p. I. m.i. nw, pmi,,, r.wi m. wi; axinoay acnoni. f 18:80 p. m.) Epworth' League aarvirs, 6 SO I' 'jiUllg-JBast Jmik gag iSsattrssUi Rev, i . - kdeent Secoud atreet between riall ssd Lis. roLn; Bev. Charles H'ffeoden. Sunday arbool, 10:80 a.-m.J preaching, 11:80 a. s.j services, 7-p. ' ..... -t . ; f-. ' - HOB. ' ' -I' ' ' C C. A. C. f. Alleky hall,' second floor. Third and Morrleon ; Bev. Charles A. Hoy. At a p. m., audio aiuuy; a p. m. OKVRCX OF SOB, Chore ef God 480 Hawthorns avenue: Elder O. T. Neal la. charge. Sarvlees, 8:80 sad 7:80 p. m. Sunday achaol, 1 p. st. - ' , - "frierps. Frlenda' Cnorch Eaat Mais and Thlrty-nfth atreeta; Rev. Lewis 1. Hadiry. ., Sunday arhooL 10 s. at.; preaching. 11 a. m. snd I pi a. SPIRITVALIST. - Flrat Bplrltnal Borlety Artteana hall, lnsu Third atreet. Servlcea, 11 a. m. and 6 B. m. thlldrss s Lgseum, 8 p. a. ' - , ' DIYIRI TROTH CESTTIR. . " .1 Alleky hall. "1 Alleky building; Rev. T. M. Mlnard. Sunday achool st 13 m.; aervkas. U s. m. - .. , TRtt MZTRODIST. Krrww nnnnqiai emw niTiTu ana SIIJI erreote, eechlng.Ml a., at -followed by teaUnMax meeting. ; v , . 7, upiiaaiaa, .7. Ckurck-wf tyur Father'- Tamhlll and S.rcntk stossUi ii fillet JiA Bej,, x, t, ' ' 'i."v' "' , . '-'-1 e- To) TrT)! T7 TT 1AYS ' f No matter how sultry or uncomfortable the day, ; ;an ELECTRIC FAN will insure comfort for the busi ness man at his deskfor hisvemployes at their work , rtor the customers in his store- and for the entire household at his home. . -'. - ;. .... . . . I..':;: '..-1 Z.:.z The cost for all t a mere trifle. t A 16-inch fail can be operated at a cpst not to exceed one . cent an hour, and a 12-inch fan can be run for even less Think of ten hours of solid com fort for less than ten cents! ! , Keep your store cool arid breezy, your customers will find shopping a pleasure, and your store an invit ing place in which to linger. ' ELECTRIC FANS will increase your business whether it be a restaurant, an ice j cream parlor, a dry goods emporium or an iron foundry " - We haye fansv of all-kinds all styles, suitable for every purpose. Don't delay order your fan TODAY. ; ELECTRIC LIGHT and ELECTRIC FAN make a strong combination for summer comfort ! Send us a post card with your name arid address - we will do the rest- t - 1 ;; r..try ! t' Vt'-v .,.A V. MSfW ISjUll Seventh and Alder Streets TELEPHONE PRIVATE EXCHANGE 13 Eliot, D. D., minister asterltns. Bervtrs st 11 a. m., "ioha Matahall, a Type sf Patriot. lam." . ' . METHODIST BOUTS., Flrat U1V4 Second atreet. FWeater.'. Kev. g; haU; rtj Mnwre. At 10 s. m.. Snndsf school: hi s. m.J "True Patrlotlamf'i t p. m., Ep worth Lsagoei S p. m.. aermoa. .'-',' ' 1TBTTXRSALIST. Flrat Eaat Couch and Etshtk atreeta: Rev. W. F. Smalt. Preaching. 11 a. m . "Th. nnrtrlna of Ahatlaeneo and the True Teaching ef tee";. Suaday acbosL 10 a. CHRXfTIABT SCmCB. Recoad rhureh sf Ckrtat. ScieBtlit Elks' temrle. Stark and Seventh streeta. gnndav aervlee. 11 a. at. aad 8 p, at.,, subject, "Lite"; Sunday school. II a. m. i . 4 a " i i - " KILLEBRlAIi HAwBT, f , trtln!et JaWB O. A. R. ball. Seen. d ed MonrlssB stress), - Sarrleas st s, v ''K . INDIANS' PULL BEETS ' t TOR SUGAR COMPANY (Special Dlapatrh to Th. JoeraaL) La. Orsnde, Or., June 84. Besides 90S that are now employed In the beet fields ct Grand Rondo valley, m large number ef Umatilla Indiana have arrived to wrHt In the heete. This Is ' ' KITS TOTT A OOVOSt "' A dose of Ballard's Horahound Syrup will relieve It Have you a cold? Try It for -whooping aough. fop asrh na4, consumption, for bronchitis; Mrs ioe VleO rath, 811 E. rirat street, Hutch Inson, Kansas, wrltear "I have used ttallard'a Horehound Kyrup In my family for five years, and find it the moat cel. stable medicine I evsr uaeaV gold byl the ssason of year to thin the beets and keep them clear of weeds. The sugar sorapany alone has 4,408 seres of beeta this year and at least 4,000 acres Of this Is perfect stand. The greatest trouble ao far is' the scarcity of help. Alt the white help that can be -secured Is being hired. The summer run will begin early nest month and will eon tinue from six. to eight weeks,' I , The expected yield of beetg this year g between- 15.000 and 40,000 tons, with a au gar 'output i of not less than 10,008,000 pounds, (, - r ii . i, i i" i, . . Summer Special. . k The iK M, C. A. wlH remit entrance fee of IJ for ajt who Join before July It. " l 11 1 '' a .. . trsfsrred gnoek Ottnaed Srsaula, eVlleo YX wi" Best Brand, , ."; BURNS PLANS' GREAT , , TIMELY FOURTH; (Special Die patch to The' Journal.) - Burns, Or, June 10. The citlsens of Burns are arranging fop th moat me morable celebration In the history 6f -Harney Bounty. The Fanners' Insti tute wlirhe held July i and the address will be delivered by Dr. Jameg Wlthy combe of -Corvallla, who also will de liver the oration July 4. W. K. Newell.' president of the state board of horti- -oulture, and Profoonor A. L Knlsely, ehemlst of the Oregon Agricultural col- lege, will be present to take part In the " exerclaesy The speed program will he one, of the principal features -and the Fair aaaoclatloo baa (tut up I0I la jjivrsss. . .. it