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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1906)
' J THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVEN1NO. JUNE 3, 1SS1 FLOOOSinCErJTRAL -t T je-- CALIF . Unprecedented HeavyFaI!of Snow In Mountains Followed ; by Spell of Hot Weather. - COOL WEATHER ABATES ' . DANCER FOR SHORT TIME Second Period of Torrid Weather Tli iiiH fl"1'1 fnnrtitiont Exiting Earlier "and Many Fanner Are t Completely Ruined. ' (Joerual Special Service.) ! ; Fresno. Cat, June It. An unpw dented heavy fall of mow in the lowi Bletra Nevada mountaine lata "thU. jprlnfc-lollflKby .TP?" . . weather.,, haa caused tha river, and creeks that flow through tha Baa Joaquin valley to overflow their banks, spreading ruin In their-wake, and water, tbat waa in former years resarded aa blessing to a sun-perched valley la this year a curee. V" , , ' i . .v. The floods began to. rise about tha lt of April and at that time tha town of ViaalJa, In the lower Ban Joaquin valley, was under water A cool spell followed and the' danger' ' waa thought to be over. But- the return of warm weather brought'the danger again, tola time in a much more real form than be fore and now farmera- -ro ' worktng night and dity to aava their crops and alock, -irom destruction. The main source of danger Ilea In the Kings and . the Ban Joaquin rivers. , . ' The Klnga river haa broken all records and 'haa - broken over the levees that dammed It out J of the fertile Tulare Lake - country and followed Ita old coursa down to the bed of the lake, inundating thousands of scree of the richest grain lands In ; the state of California. . Tulare lake la higher now then it has been since 1880, when tha work of elimination of fires commenced, and farmers who had thou sands of dollars within reaon from the expected heavy yield or wheat crops are - now penniless. ( The water is running In a stream miles wide, filling up the old Uke bed to a point not attained since the sixties. Conservative estimates place tha num ber of aerea planted In wheat now un der water at 10.000 acres in ttie Tulare lake country alone. Higher up tha val ley the Ban Joaquin la booming and the "oldIeveea have prOved"lnadernate to check tha path of the flood. The 'marsh lands along tha west aide of the -vallejv-ln what la known as the Laguna de Tache, are .under water and the wheat farms along the banks of tha marshea - are -being -flooded. In many casea farmers have been com- - pel led to drive their stock to the high est place on the ranch and to work night and day throwing levees around the slands thus formed to prevent their being drowned. - On the west side of Fresno county the farms and grain lands are all practically ujder water and again ,10.000 acrea .of wheat have been spoiled. .In many eases the water-is tihM. fnml m. tha Iavm flmr nf the .' farmhouses. Vlsalla ami " Bakeraflelai are nbw threatened with the flood and It is not likely that they will be able to keep tha water out of the streets of wn .nna - PrtnM nil. m weather haa caused the flooda to rise in tha last rew days ana tne aanger is hourly becoming greater. 1jiw rinwn the vallev. In tha vicinity of Stockton, where tha Ban Joaquin river spreads over marsh landa miles .wldeaeeklng several channels and mak ing inlands whera ihetolatoand as paragon- crops of this section of the . : .11. nfM. th. A,nMr la -4 -.greater!: Swollen with the- waters of all lta tributarleethe rtrer 4e-now . within two inches of the top of the levees and haa already broken over Into two or the reruie, laianas, aoing roucn - It la In this section of the state that ' the truck gardening of the. central por tion of the state la. carried on and tha ., . . . . V. a will m an ' much to tha consumers of garden vege tables here. - Jtoporta received . here iy telephon from Stockton thla evening state that there is little hope of saving the rest of the valuable Island erops from inundation. NEW OFFICERS ARE v INSTALLED IN LODGE - ' (Snectel Dispatch to Tee Joarael.) . Baker City, June IS. Tuesday even ing the Foresters of America held .meeting at which they elected and In stalled the officers for the ensuing . terra. A. Brauer, grand secretary of the long, came-up from Portland to su lrintwdThr"rnstallatlondf "tha-'offu rers After the installation the boys repaired to the banquet room, where a .sumptuous repast had been prepared and proceeded to enjoy themselves to the utmost. ' ' The officers installed were as fol lows: Chief ranger, R. A. Splvey; - -sub-chief ranger, A. R. Tantla; J. P. C. K.. O. W. Record;- financial .secretary. Oeorga F. Burger; recording secretary. 'J. K. Kerfoot; treasurer.'?. P. .Bodin- son: Senior -wood ward, E. P. Bradley; Junior 5 woodward,-- l-t- O. - Anderson; " senior "beadle, C. It. Powell; Junior bead)e, B. F. Lendreth; trustees. C, E. Barton. J. Hagel, Emll, Weber; lecturer, i. H. Pratt; deputy 'lecturer, BL T. Anderson. BUYS UNIVERSITY TO MAKE NEW RESIDENCE : ' rspertal Diapatrti to The Jonrna! ) ' ' eilverton. Or , June 28. I E. Ranch 'has purcheed the old Liberal ualverelty property ln the clty.-which wts jold a few 'atlkfsv ago at sheriffs sale. The original rost of the property Is said to ' be somewhere ' In the neighborhood of 14,000, buf It wss-sold to Mr. Rauch for J7. The university waa started six years ago by a few Bllverton people.H but It did not prove to be a very sue ressf ul enterprise and lssted only about a year and a half. A year ago rrofes or Oarland , rented, the building' and "gtrtd a business rollsgav-bnt thi proved) to be a failure and for most of the time since the building wss erected It haa been vacant. There Is. four acres of land upon- which the achool buildings were erected, and Mr. Rauoh expects to convert the bulldlnga Into residences. . . that vntss nmma. re vae sra lsnauld. depreased. Incap able for work. It indicates that your liver Is out of oeder. Herblne will aaslst na ture to throw off headaches, rheumatism . a ailments skin to nervoueneee and reetore the energies and vitality of sound and perfect health.. J. J. Hub hard. Temple, Texas, writes: I havs tised Horblne for the past two years. It : ,a dons for me more gnod than all the doctors. It Is the beat medicine evor nail, for chllla and fever. 89a. Bold k .Weodard. Clarke a Co. ORIJIP CHURCH SERVICES . . "-Amst. : laiaann,! Beonna an Meade etreeta; Rev. 6. W. Grtffln. At 10:30 a. ni. "At tha tut or reae"; Bible ecaoui, . JX aM-. Pro bl1 a-rrtoa ! a. .( eTaaiog aaraaoar "Tbe 1'1-,-erea of Minaw." Woant OU-a Oa-Mth aatl Kreratt atreata. reaching at It a, m. and I a, a t; Hav. W. Hmlta. r CnlTaralt Park Bev.-Joha BiantaiaB. Soa- T -boot, 10 a. m.1 11 a. at.. "Aa L'p-to-Date CaurcO"; p. -, ChtldraD'a dajr aarrloa. - at. John's E. K. A. Leonard, guwlar cfcool. to a. m.; oraechlng, 11 a. m.) J .30 p. m., praarblng. Sell wood KUrrnth and Vntatflla atreeta: Kev. ttoorse- A. Laara. ' 8undar acoool, 10 a. . ! Ervariiinc. 11 a. Bj. aud T:w p. a., or n. t. Vratulaa of Vancou-or, WMbliurtoa. Flrat The White Tmple Twalnh and Talor atrMts; Mar. J. Whitconb Broash,r, D. II. One award, nrarer nioatins. 10 a. m. : O:S0 a. ., "Jndga; or. Hroea fnd tlirnlnai"; PIK1- hma P. L.. a. m.i 7:ao a. i (he Fallow Who ftiaokea Burna Ha Bmoka." ... " Arlala -Loriwooo sail, sanaar aeaooi, iu a. m.; praacbing, 11 a. tA., by Bsv. i. Yi . Tvlra Ttacetimr inau aaa Knott; - Hav. B. U. Bllaa. At 10 a. B.. Snnday school; It a. a. and (:;. a, preaching; . t. P. U.. S:4B p. . , Pint Oermaa roorth and Mill atraets; Bav. 1. Kratt.. Preacbuig. 10:40 a. w. B. V. In. Arcond (lermnRednay avsnne and Morrla atraata; Rt. r. Buaorman. t-raacnias, -t a. ana f : a. ai.: Humlar erboo). 0:eB a. 1 Mrbool, ".waWlnMoVn, Erie Schmtrom. Practlni, 10:a a.- a. and T :o a. ra. : Bnnday arbool, 12 m. ' RnaaaUvHie Bcaooioonae. eunaar bvikkk. S:80 p. m. . : . ' Morwetiaa-Damaa eeifica ai uania, a p. St. aaa at ArUaana ball, Bt1 street, Beat Twantr-eerand'. S a. n. - Hisbland Albarta and Sixth atraata. Preach ing. !: a. a., by Kav. E. ,M. Bllaa; Hub ay arbool. t:3d p. tu. ' iflantral Kaat Ankasjr aad Twoatletb atreeta; Bar. W. T. Jordan. At 10:t0 a. m.. Poach ing.. "Tlonda aud Bainhow"; 8 a. at., "Dark. bom and Iawn"j -Bnnday acboot. H Bj. Calvary Baat Ewntn ana uni mtrwi, t. A. Lawrence Blare. At 10 a. m Bible Bav. arbool; 11 a. nraacning; e:wi p. m., otum claai rnc ronnc ; S-.SO p. m., loung tau- nla'a amrr T:w p. n., praacnina. , -Grace swntaTlll: Ba. (lllmaa Parkaa. At 11 "nTaarsiOB, vTha Hand of god la IU vtvala"; 8 p. m., praachlnc. "Tbe Young Mas la a Stranra Country. Honwalck." Bacand Bovania ano saa, Bev. BUntna C. Laphanfc At 10:80 a. B., Draarhlna. '-Aa-Jntarvlaw With tha CbrtafJ Blbla arbool af aooni Toang People's I uiob. :S0 n. m.t aannoa, 1:80 p. "rUa. Banner id-Aword. - " ' limit Osrnal roei taanth . sad rianAera atraata; Bar. A. 1. Bbepbaro. minaay acnooi. IS m.; preecoing, it . m. ana a r ; nzsBTmuir. ,- Patten- Rev. . A. BL Barkbolder. Berviees at itaraball-atraet atarehal! and North Jtovaa. taratb atreeta: Bav, C. w. nays. ennaay acbool. 10 a. m.; preaching 11 a. "Aa Important and Olqrlone IflrlletV' ; T :80 p. m., emaoa, "An Op, a gaertt'U I. P. B. 0. : p. m. . Mlapaa Marv aaa rowvu amen; ar. na B. McOlade. D. D. At 10:80 a. m.. praachlng. "Tba Ru-alfht Gate"; 8 p. bj., "Tbe Prorlnce of Wisdom"! H n.. Bonday erhooL . Third Bast Thirteenth - and Pine atraata: Be. Andrew J. Uontf ornery. ' Preaebhig at 10:80 a. bj., "Hidden Baaoorcaa"; emaoa, T:4 p. m "BlMaadneaa and llairy." Calvary mavaiith and Clay - atreata; Bav. Bas-Eara Btllea Bly .Jr.. . D. D. At 10:80 a. m.. "Taking God at Ills Word"; 7:45 p. n.. Wbat Haxoe a vannui.- v.r,h rint and nibba atreeta: Bev. Jnha Bay Welch. Preaching at J.0:8 a. m.; 7:30 p; a., preaching. Church of tba gtrangera Waare street and Grand aTonne; Bev. B. Barl Do Bola. Preeeb-inx.- H):4S a. a.S Bon (lay school at noon; t-hrtotlaa Endeavor, 8: p. a.; preaching, 7:48 p -.. ' - ' "" Mount Tabor Belmont street ana r-retiyman arrnu,: Rev. . B. at. snarp. Bemna at it a. m. and TieB p. aa. - Eaai. aide ulnars aranae: . Kav. hi, rarca- son. : Bandar school, a p. m.1 praacning, , a. TTawtHnraa Taylor atraata; Rev. B. Nelaoa Allan. At 10:HO a. a.. Draacnine; is m.. oonoay acnoni ; o:o. p. a.. Junior Xadeavort T a. a.. Bank En. daavor: 8 n. a.. Drearhlns. flrst-t-Twrlfth and Aider atreets; Bev. Edgar P. MIL Baltic-,, 10:80 a. a.; aerroon, 7:48 n. m.. "The Jordaa Tallay Where Jean Was Baptised." i . Piedmont Cleveland avenne and ' Jarett atraata; Bav. L. Myron Bonaer. Preaphtng at 11 a. a. and 7:48 p. a.; Sunday school, 12:18 p, a. - Arbor Ixdga Bryant and Curtis atreeta; Bev. J. S. Pnnnirg. Preaching, 11 a. m. ; 2km Baat- Twenty-elchtB - and Qllaan; Bev. A. W. Brlnhard. Preaching 1 TJerman. 11 a. a; la Engllah, B p. a. ...i hxtbopui. Central Boaarll and K-rbr atreeta; RVr. J. T. Abbrtt. Claaa meeting, 4 45 a. B.j 10:80 a. a., preaching: BUnday arbooL It a.i Ep arartk Leasue. 8:48 p. a.; 7:48 p. a., aermon., Bunayahto Tamhlll atraat batwe Thirty, fftb and ThlrtTUtb straeta; Rev. T. B. Pord. At 10 s. a., Bnnday arbool; 11 a. a., eermnn by Rev. Prank U Yoona: 18 n., claaa martins; 8:80 p. a., children's claaa and Junior Leaguo; 6:45 p. m.. Epworth Lrasua; 8 p. m., preach. ln. ''Wbaa I Waa a Boy." Tnlnr-BlMtt rr. Truda BrinrTr At 8:80 a. a., claeaaa; 10 So i. a., lermiinr 13:18 p. a., Sunday arhool: 8:80 p. m. Ep- Keen,' lieu a. aa., a,aeni aav Enwnrlh Twantr-thlrd - and Irving atzeetat Ber. Henry T.. AtklnaoD. Bible arbool, 10 a. a.; eiornlrjjr eervtce, 11 o'clork: Junior Leagne. 8 -p. m. : 8:48 p. a. r Epworth League; 7:48 p. a., sermon. ' - - Pat toe tllrMraa- irenne sad Carpenter atreeta: Rev Melville T. Wire. Prearhlns at 11 a. m. and 7:4o p. a.; Sunday acbool, 10 a. a.; Epworth League. 8:48 p. a. Crhtenary Baat Pine and Ninth atreeta; Bev. Wllll.m H. Heppe, D. D. Preaching at 10:80 s. a. and 7:48 p. a.; morning rlaa, 8:80 o'clork: Sunday acbool. 13:18 p.' a.; Juniors and Intermedia tee, S p. a.; Bpworth. League, 0:1B p. a. Grace Twelfth and Taylor atreeta; Bev. Clarence True Wllarn, Preaching at 10:80 a. m arnv. 7:80 m a.: claaa nieetlcx. 8:80 a." a.rSnnday abeolr t3:80-p-ajr- Ewartb 1 Lasue earrice, o:ou p. m. Trinity Eaat Tenth and Grant atreeta: Rev. Harold Oherg. SrtTlre at II a ., with aer mon; 8 p. m prearblns: Epworth League, 7 . m.i Bnnday achool. 10 a. m. Bellwood Church Sunday arbool. 10 a. m.t preacblns. 11 a m. and 8 p. a.; claa Beating, 13 a.; Bpworth League. 7:18 p. m. ZPIBOOPAt. Trlnltv Nineteenth and Ererett atreeta: Rev. A. A. tforrlars, roetor. Holy communion. 8 a. m.; Sunday acbool, - s:so s. a.;' aornjng prayer. 11 o'clock ; preaching, 8 p. m. St. Btrnban'e Tnirteenin ana Liay aireeia: Bar. H. M. Ramaay. Holy cnmmnnkm, 7:80 a, m.i ningnr icmim. . , hi. , wviiiiii aarrlce. 11 o'clock; evening aarrlca, 7:30 o'clock St. Paal'a Wood mere: C. I.. Parker, lay adar. Brrlc and aermon at 11 s. m. and 8 p. m.; Sunday arbool, 8 p. a. at. Matthnr'a Flrat and rarutbere atreeta: Rev. W. A. M. Brack, fnnday arbool. 8:43 a. a.; aeruinn, 11 a. a.; arrmon, t:40 p: m., ny Chaplain ston or ine cruiarr inirago. All Balnta' Twentyecoed and Reed streets. Mnrnlna aarvlre. 11 o'aloc: .renins a-rrlra. 8 e'r)ock, Rav. T. N. Wilaoa will oScUte; Sunday acbool, 10 a. m. St. David s Baat Tweirtn ana - ecimont f 1: R. Gooree B. Van Waters. D. I). Holy communion. 8 s. m.; mining prayer and aarmoa. 11 'o'clock; Sunday acbool. 8:45 a. m. St. Mark'a Mnth and Qulmby atreeta; Rev. J, E. H. Slmpaoa. At 8 a. a., holy com raanloe; 10 a. m., Sunday achool: 11 o'clork. holy roamunwa and seraon; 8 e clock, evening prayw. . Good gbenharf 8nW00d street and Taa eauTar avenna, AlWna; Rev. John Dawaoe, Sunday acbool. 10 a. a.S morning prayer and litany. 11 o'clock; evening prayer and aerates, 8 o'clock. St. John's Memorial Bellwood; Bev. W. Br Powell. Bnnday arhool, 11 S. a.; aarrlce and aermos, 7 :4 p. a. 1 ' St. -Andrew'e Unlrerelty pars: Rev. w. OOBOIEOATIOI-AX-rTlshland Preacott and Eaat Sixth street, north i. BeT, Ardea M. Rock wood. "At 11 a a., prearhM. "The God of the LMng" T:4B p. m.. aermon; Sunday Arbool. 10 a. m. Junior r-Bde.eocV 8 m. Senior BadMrov, 8:48 ''tJniveralty Pars Artlaaaa' "tempie. Porta, month; Rav. !. B. Gray. . At It a, Bk, Cbll dres'a day eervlre: Sunday arMiol, 10 a, m. , Uuralwood Arlete hall; Bav. D. B. Gray. Alt 8 s. a.. Breaching; Sunday school, 10 s. aa. I X. P. S. C. B , l p. m. . . . ' Pint Madlaon and Park straeta: Bev. E. .I Hoeaa, D. II. At 10 !KKa. By "Tha Two Broken RneaS Tahiee -; i mt p. a., iw ra,t neaa of Gounod"; Saaday achaol, 13 a,; X. P. S. C. E., 8:0 p. m. - Bnnayalde Eaat Taylor and Eaat Thlay. fonnh atreata: -Rev, J. J. Smith. At 11. a. m , f'Kood For the Smil"; S p. m., "A Praetlrni Mliture of Boalueaa and Rellgmn"; Bunder aches IS a., ttui Jaatei ChrlatUa atsdesver, 1 A Heavy Load to Carry. Alongwtth dyipepala corif?i nervona BSMtocI general Ill-hearth. Why 1 Be came a alaordered stuch doe not per nil the food to be proparlr digettad, and Its produsal aaalmllatad by the system. Tbe blood Is charged with poisons which eotna from this disordered olfnstioaj, and in turn tha nerves are not fed oo food, red blood, and wa sea smptomaot nerv nnaneaa. aWplsssaoaa and awnaral break- doarn.- It la not bead work, nor over phy sical exertion teas aoes it, out poor stom ach work. With poor, thin blood tha body la not protected against tha attack of germs of grip, bronchitis and eonauiup Uon. Fortify tha body at onca with Dr. Pierce's Golden .Medical Dtaooverv a rare combination of native medicinal roots without particle of alcohol or dangerous habit-forming drags, A little book of attracts, from promi nent medical authorities extollinjr every Ingredient - contained In Dr. Pierce t Golden Med leal Discovery will ba mailed res to any address on request by postal card or lotW. Address Dr. K. V. Flares, Alany year or active practice convinced r. Pierce of tha Talne uf maay natlva- roots as medicinal agewts and h weot to groat expenses botn in mem ana in maoey, to perfect his own peculiar processes for read art ng them botn efficient and safe (or tODte, aJtwratlTa ana rabulldlng arepta. Tha eaormout popularity of Golden Medical Discovert " 1 -doe) both to its aelcintide compounding and to tha actual mndietnal vaiwe of ita ioflredasnta. The publication of tha names of UU tmtjrmit- nss oa the wi-anner of evarv bottle sold. vlraa rail uairinM el Ita non-alaohollc tba use of an unit sown or secret remedy. It la not a patent medicine, nor a secret one either, Thla- fact puts it to a otaat aii by i8sst, bearinf as ft does upon ovary bottle wrapper Tha Badge of Honesty, In tbe fuHUst of IU Ingredleata. Tha " Golden Medical Discovery cures, weak stomach. Indigestion, or dyspepeia. torpid liver and blltoaanesa. tUeeration of stomach and bowlet and all catarrhal af fections no matter what parts or organs may ba affected with It. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are tha original Tittle liver pllla, first put ap 49 year ago. They regulate and Invigorate, stomachy liver and bowels. Much Initiated bat Bayer eqaaled. Sugar-coated and easy to take at oeady. One to three a dose. p. nv; Beuinr Chiiatian ftndeamr, 8:18 p. a. -lllaalaalniil-Aanuo MlMlaalnDl avanua an. Fremont atraat; Rev. William C 1'pahaar,' n tor. Bnnday arhool. 10 a. a.; eermon. a., Conqurat ot tba World"; 7:48 p.. a., ear ton, "Bnrlallam; or. Tha solution of the Ptoh Irm of Poverty and Wealth." llaaaalo-Htreet Eaat Havaath and Raaaale etrrcte; her. B. R. Haa. At 10:80 a. a., prearhlns, "Ideal Mfe"r" U o'clock, Sunday school: :80 p. a., Rndeavor; 7:48 p. ra., "The Meaning of the Paaalua Play." llluatratad. . "' tUTBTBAV. 8L Jaaaa' Englbih Waat Park and Jaffersoa atraata; Bev. J. A. Laaa. Services "at 11 a B., arrmon; 8 p. a., pr-arhluj; Sunday school, 10 s. m. Lather League, 7 p.m. Betania Danln Union avsnne and Worrie tract; Rav. Uudmund Urlll. Sunday aarvlcaa, 11 a. m. and g p. a.; Sunday achoot,' 11:18 p. a. riorwagtaa ' Brnod East Tnth sad Grant atreeta; Rer. O. Hagoce. Sunday school, 0:80 a. m.; aarrlcea at 11 a. B. and 8 p. a. St. Paal'a Ormaa Lotberan Baat Twelfth and Clinton, atptete; RcT, A. Krauaa. paatar. M-nlng aerrtre. 10:80. u clork: avenlug aerroon, 8 o'clock: Sunday arbool, :80 a. m. Morwairlan 48 North fourteenth a tract; Rev. t. M. Nervlg. Srrvtree. 11 a. a. and 7:80 p. tn.j Bonday arhool, :45 m. m.f Swcdlab Immanncl Nineteenth - and - IrHng atreeta; Her.. C. J. Uanbard. Services at 10:i)0 a. m. -end S p. a.; Sunday School, -13:13 ETAHQIXIOAX ABSOCIAIT0V. -If eaorlar Rev. R. D, Btreyffler. At 10 s. a., Buaday school; 11 a. a., praachlng; 8 :80 p. ia young .iwoplCs aarrlca; 8 p.. n., praachlng. - , . - Virat Itnglian Kaat nwin ana airen iinr v S i m.t Rrcarhlna. 11 a. m.i Sunday acbool, 10 a. m.; Xoung People's AI Uancr, 7 p. B. - Cbildrea's day program, 8 p. a.' . . Orace Lenta; Bev. H. 0. Hendcreoe. Proa rhlnr. 11 a. a. and 8 P. a.i Xoenc Peo- ple'e Alliance, 7 p. a.; Bandar school. 10. a. a.- - --: .- Flrat Geraan Ten to and may streets. Bua day school, 8:80 a. a.;.aarmoa, 10:45 a. ra.; sarpwn, 8 p. a. , TrarriD ztastoexioal. First Kaat Tenth and Sherman etreeta; Rev. A. A. Whiter. At 10-a. a.. Sunday acbool: 11 a. ' 111. , aariuun : ivreacbliig, 7:48 p. m. ' ' 8t. John a John ana- ivannoe atreeTa, nr. Johna; Rev. E. E. MeVlrker. Sunday arhool, 10 a. m.t 11 a. m.. preaching, "Tbe Angela in Life"; J. K. L. C. .. 8:80 p. m.J B. K. U C. E., 8:80 n. m:r 8 o. a., praachlng, 'Omtiilai laia a" ajnr-oronopotence or uoa.". . Second Parso and Krrliy atraata: RaV. J. Boweraox. Preaching. It a. a., "What of CooTrraatlonT"; praachlng, 8 p. m., "Ba aponalblllty as , PrTaonal": Sunday acbool, 10 a. m. ; a. l- t;. n.. 1:10 p, Or k ley Green Bunday achoot at IO a eermon, 11 s. taa s p. m., ny t, C. C. Poling, CHBI8TLUI. - rtrat Part - and Columbia atreata;" Hav." B, Muck lay ALlllJd . aermon: 7:48 p. I m How to Be Bared": BtWe acbool, ilnST Pi sVTntral--Eaat Twentieth-and Selnam atreeaTl I tlbflatlaa liadaaaoc, S:W aeraion.' "The Lord'a 'Dy"i 7:48-p. m., preach ing. "Perils to tbe Church and State,' 1V luatrated. Kodnry-Arenae Rodney avenge and Knott atroet; Rav. P. Elaw Roblnaoo. At 8:48 a. m., Bible acbool; 11 a. a., aermon; 8:80 p. a X. P. S. C. E.l 7:30 P a., preaching. CHUSTXA SCIXXCX. Flrat Church of Chriet, Sclentttt Scottlah Bite cathedral, Morriaon and Lmrnadal etreeta. At 11 a. m. and 8 p.-a., "God"; Sauday school at cloae of morning service. Second Church of Cbriat. Scientist Etta temple. Stark, and Beventh etrerta. At 11 a. m aud 8 p B'ird;iil8unQaacb)liJl a, to- . . v LATTER-DAT SA1ETS, Coach ef Jeans Cbrtat of Latter-Dar Saints Hall 400 Aliaky building. Third and Morrlaos atreeta; Srrrlve at JI W S. a. snd 7 p. a.; Sunday arbool, 10 s. a. . Reorganised Cbnrrb of Jeaue Chrlat of Latter-Kay Saints Woodward hall, MnntavUla; W. 8. Pender, paator. Sunday arhool. 10 a. a. I preachlBg,. 11 a. a. and 7:30 p. a. ' jaSBIOHi. ' Beaesa light Mlaalon it Ponrth street, north. Preaching nary night snd Sunday "'fUtre' Branch Mleeloa Plrat street near Columbia. Praacblnx every night at 7:80; Sunder,, 3 p. m. ; Sunday school, 1:80 p. a. Bt. jonn'e Hollneea Mlaalon 2S Second afreet near M,ln; Rav. Jobs F. Glaero. Sarrlcea ercry sight snd Sunday a and 7:80 p. m. T SPIRITUALIST. , w ,:kMu, n n a lO'AA e m Plrat SordetrxrtlaanB' hall. Third street near Waahlnftoa. Conference at 11 s. m.j Children', Lyceum and Dramatle snd Muahel club united. 8 p. m.; lecture by David A. Leleb at 8 p. m.. followed by iplrtt meeugee .by Profeaaor Ralph Morelle. . 0. AXD at, A, Ohrlatlaa and Mta,lonary Alliance Sixth and Main atreeta; Bev. 0. D. Sawtelle. Preaching, 0:SOe m.1' Bui)fl,y acbool. 13:18 p. .a.; young people's meetfv-eu30 a. a.( evangal iatte aarrlce, 7:80 p. m. 1 -? WITABIA8T. ' , - Cburxh of Oiir rather Seventh end TamhiMr flev. W. G. Eliot Jr.; Rev. T. L. Eliot, I). !., alnlatar ameritoa. Service at It a. IB. with aermon, "The Vital Problem' In Americas KdoraUoa"; Sunday achool, 13:80 p. a. Tbtrd street ; Sophia It. Selp, paetor. i. a., "Growth, " by John Slater of At Ba. i. 8:18 p. na Fran ncleee. ADTUfT. t Avar- Becood atreet between Hall snd Mn ofn: Rav. Charlea Haffend-it. Bnnday arhool, n:M a. a.; preachlng. lliSO a. a. aarylrea, t p. : "" " TirrrED bbxthre xb CHafsT. "" Plrat Eaat Plftaath and Morriaon atreeta: Bev. H. C. Shaffer, Bible arbool, 10 a. m.i preaching, 11 a. ra.; T. P. S. C. ., 7 p. m-i I, a p. Ba- VEW OHTTROH SOCIITT. Bwedenborslaa--Knl(hta ef Pythias hall, Eleventh and Alder atreeta. .; Bunday arbool, 10 a. I Services at 11 a. T. K, a A. ' , ,..-1 Audited as, 187 ttoarth streat, No. 1 Ni- 2 j-. from date 30 days." nnday, 8 9. a., andreee by Dr. Claraaoa Trna W I Lain ef Grace atetbodlat ehsrrb. peelal moitc: Ontralto soloa by Mrs. Ma eolHork i,a wt.rt " fc i.M-utlfta emastra. An aaa reicaae easts trss. . ".'. " ' xririTXMALiiT. ' 3 ' J ' ' First East Coucfe and Baat BUbth atraets; Rev. W. r. am,i. At 11 e. av. 'Tbe Three Itevarencea"; 10 s. a., Bnnday scaeoi, - - ' otcnaK or ood, Cbnrrb of Ooe 480 Hawthorne svenaet EKW O. T. Deal la ebarte. Bervleae, 1.80 sad T:a0 p. ski Bnnday achool, I s. a. , . ' " nunM.' T' ; '- Vrienda' Church Eaat Mats a4. Thirty Bfth streau; Rev. Iwls 1. Hadley, Bunday acbool, to a. a.; petechias-.. 11 a. a. snd 8 a. a.- . " MiixzxinAX, rjimr. Mlfl.nnlal Dawa , A. R. ball, wUmmt aaeH Morrlaoa atraata. BtrVlcee St 1:80 p. a. . mttmwbt"" bout. . , IVak-rBev. gain H, abwve. BE COOL AND COMFOR BE EGONORalCAL BE UP-TO-DATE Electric Light Electric Fans Electric Flat-Irons We Will Ielivcr to Any Customer An ELECTRIC ELAT-W0W FREE' OF CHARGE, FOR 30 DAYS' TRIAL 15EI(nTHBTYIJLlY0UDBSIRE. Regular Households Shirtwalit. 3 -lb. Iron. FlU'in coupon. Bpeclfyin&:-:itjle of Iron you prfer; and 'today. ..The Iron will be delivered promptly, with complete CUT OUT PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC "'v.. , Seventh and Alder Sta, Oentlemen--Yoa may deliver to me whkle4grcea4ry, and, if .msanactoryLtome,,to retu of delivery.-- if 1 do not return it atrthatT my account at $4.00. . " . . It Is understood that no charge will 'Name. Address, - - TOKTLAIID GEWEMA ElECTIISIIC' COMPANY Telephone Exchange 1 3 10 a. a.! prearhlnt, 11 S. a.; Bpworth Tueasne, T . a.) preeehlntv-a p. a., -''Wbat Do loa yorshipr "I xnTors warn, crurrtt. . . Aliaky hall, SW allaay balMIn,; Bev. T. If. hUnard. Baadaz acbool at 18 a.; services, . J , : r- . -- no B. , " v- C C. A. C. I All,ky ball, second floor, li. V. Mm V. 1 1". 7 D.ll, HLUlin WW, ted sad Morriaon t Bev, Cherlee A. Hoy, - At a. a., Bible study; 8 p. BL, aarmoa. . inrw TxotraTR. renrk of rrraedoaOrew halt, 18a afreet near Mnrrteon. At .11 a. am,, Klafdeaa Wlthls." "The seek Oenaea eete ' AUea Lewis' Best Brand. The elKridaslea ftf The" VoanaU tm rrrtlarial and aa OreeToa eaeeeda thaa at aay . ataaea osafoa ::'; "T r- "7"- ' JI.'-.m,,.,, CEneaper:.: "t'fi 5 .... : ''7 mo xxmmm to An nox 6-Ib. iron; $4.00.. ,, $4.00. " f COUPON CO. Portland, Oregon one Electric Flat-iron, Na. . . '". "': ' be made for the iron if I return itwitbin . Seventh ,ixlderSts. WILSON CREEK COURTS r- HAS CUSSING MATCH (Special D la patch to The oarnet Wilson Creek, Wash., June 28. Dur ing the trial of Qollohon vs. Mlddjeton, Tuesday, while Attorney Ed Southard of Almira was maktrur the closing- argu ment for the defence, ha. referred to a certain tract of land which ha' claimed had been sold hf Charlea Tiohexelc, who was trying to regain possession by fair means or foul, '. . Mr. Tfchaeek, who waa a witness, hearing thla, eald it waa a 11a and re prated it several timoe ' - Attorney Bonthard. misunderstanding him. thought he said he waa a r 1 ... - liar, and ceiled . for protection from the court.. .1 - jtohavcak left the -oourt-room during hi -ec - -etf-'T j - J ' mm xor norm -. . y a mall to ua equipment. ... I - '. 30 days i - ' 1 . "I the excitement and Judge Miller seeing him leave vacated - hla banohr- haltlaai -TlRhaoek and requesting him' to return. Curing thla time ezoltemeot tan hlgti and the attorney getting- nefrrotectlon sald the man that called him V liar , wa a number of things, which' nearly, ' caused a riot, ' . : ; Attorney Bouthard waa Immediately - arrested and both were fined $8. After the trial they met and apologies .were made, a After explanations were asade .both saw where they were wrong and now' are good fiends, "V XJeotzlelty Av , Electricity ts to displace steam a a) ' motive power on the Maryland A Penn sylvanla, which runs from Baltimore to York. Pennsylvania. 18 mllae, and fronv -BaiUmara to Belalq j( nUea, , . . ; r 'J , : - i .'