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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY . JOURNAL.' PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 23, 1803. SOLVES MYSTERY OF KENTUCKY FEUDISTS " ' rT'' ------ Confession of Curtis Jett Lays Bare Story of Carnival of Crime In Mountain Regions of Blue Crass State Admits Hav--j r. Jng Been Instrument of Assassins. ; I . ; tWV4 , .V'T"'' 1 It :,." r . X - Curtis . (Journal Speelal Bervire.) Louisville, jvy-. Jar 21. Tha-mysi try surround in it the assassination of James B. ' Marcum, Dr. B. D. Cox and Jamea . CockriU during the reign of feudalism In Bresthltt county, has been solved by tha confession AY Cnrtls Jett who admits having committed tha crimes at tha Instance of others, Jett says he, John Smith and John '.Abner killed Jamea Cockrlll; that Rob art Deaton went afteivAbner and Bmlth to aid In the' murder" Andthat Klnert Hariris, Jamea Hariris, -Kd Callahan. Jesse Splcer and Will Biittoh are the men who formed the conspiracy. Ha enters Into details of the murder and lays bar every feature of tha con spiracy and tha events before and after lie says tha murder of Marcum was at the Instance of Jamas Hargls and .Ed Callahan. " - - - - As a reauK f'-thwwrrfesslon ' former Sherff-rMwar4I rCwllahan- and Elbert Hargls were arrested at Jackaon, Ken tucky, today on tha chares of murdering Ir. B. D. Cox. Story of Kuders. In regard to the murder of Dr. Cox Jett says hat he-was en the scene goon : after the shooting; and helped guard Judge James Hargls' house, from the porch of which he could look acmes the street and sea the members of tha Cox household preparing- tha ..physician's body for burial. He aaya Hargls and Callahan, Splcer and Brlttpn Ware there and that two of them were armed with AS i AM FOR WOMEN AND GIRLS IS I 1 1 rr I.I I MRS. Hr CHAPMAN,' Cincinnati, 0 sajrt: .-I wis bedfast a long time witr" stomach. and kidney, troubles, but yxsur ' Bitters soon made me well again.' ;" 1 Jett shotguns. He does not Intimate whom ha suspects of tha shooting. Of the murder of James Cockrlll ha Is more explicit. He says he and Abner and Smith did tha shooting, that he wanted to do It In the open, but that Jamea Hargls and Callahan got-Abner and Smith Into tha plot. The murder ous trio stole Into the courthouse be fore daylight and tha first floor of the building was guarded by emissaries. of Hargls until the fatal shots were .fired from the' second floor' windows. He says that of tha three he was the only one who knew Cockrlll, and that he fired the first shot that did the killing. One of the other two also shot Cockrlll. The- courthouse .was guarded, he says, until night, - when Abner and M. Smith were secreted Into the connty. He him self left tha courthouse after the shooting- - and helped ruard the doors until the other conspirators could be got wax ... t nannea By marges. i -Tn this crime, as In the latter one that Of Marcum's death, be says. State Senator Alexander Hargls bad no part James Hargla, he saya, did all tha plan I nlng and furnished the weapon In tha murder of Marcum, Jett says that tha famous deposition Is correct Several plans -were laid to kill Marcum, but were frustrated by Feltner, whom Marcum waa defending; on a murder char re. ..Feltner, while pretending- to act with the conspirators, kept Marcum Informed of their plana and alt efforts - The wcmderful record of cures back of every bottle of th BItters,'ought to convince any woman that it is a perfectly safe and reliable remedy for her to take. ' It has been tested arid tried for S"2, years, which is a sure itslnerit . It is especially adapted for strength ening weak systems, purifying the blood and inducing rest ful slumber. Then it also cures. Cramps, BaCk ache, Diarrhoea. Sick or Nervous Headnche.Dizzlness.Polntinjj Spells, Heartburn, "Indigestion, Dyspepsia and Costlveness. Try: It today. Here's. proof:' " -".--TTr were blocked.' Jit last, whan Feltner refused to flra oa Marcum. aa ha walked alone tha atraet with his wife by hia Ida and bis, child In his anna, Feltner was dropped and another scheme was batched. On that occasion Feltner aaya h complained that--he -was armed with a shotgun. To kill Marcum meant killing- the child as well and possibly tha wife. Wasfroml d yrvtecUoa. The later plan to kill Marcumwa successful. -White was to engage Mar cum In a wrangle and finish him If ha could, but ahould Marcum a-et any tha better of It, Jett was to kill Marcum. Th. place selected was In tha front door of the courthouse. Ha and White, he aaya, did not discuss the affair-beforehand. , , but tbey . understood each other arid were ready to acJT la har mony. J y ... Jett says thatafter hewas arrested and brought Jutck, to Jackaoii under rallt- xisty antra. iir him If he would stand pat lie would spend all he had to t him out of tha scrape. . Tlila he Jid, Believing- the man whom he now cays was tha inspiration of all the killings would keep his word. PICKERS BEING SECURED FOR HOP HARVEST Large Yards. -In Marion County Engaging. People to Gather This Year's Crop. - (Special Dlapateh to The JoarsaL) Salem, Or., June IJ. Within the next two months there will be within radlua of 11 or It miles from Salem population of nearly 30.000 people Hying In tenta and engaged In the harvesting of ths hop crop. v . . , Notwithstanding the prevailing low prices of hoys and tha loaaea austalned last year by soma of tha growers, ths capital Investsd in tha hop Industry Is so large that every effort will be used to facilitate the harvesting or toe crop. Last year the hopgrowera experienced a scarcity of pickers throughout ths sesson which In some caaes proved severe injury because the hops were partially apoiled before they were gath ered. This will' not occur again If the growers an prexent It. Some of the hopmen are now engaging help and when the season begins ,t her -pickers will, be encamped on. the grounda ready for the harveat . f --.,. r Good prices for picking will prevail and much-will V dona to. present to the hop pickers tne comforts or noma me. made more exhilarating ty tne - pure, wholesome -air of tha hopf lelds. The scarcity-- of help last year . was caused In a measure by tha Inclemency of the weather and various avenues of employment opened to hundreds by ths Centennial - exposition held In Portland who would have been dependent other wise upon the gathering of the . hop crop for their means of sustenance. It can hardly be estimated wnat amount of ' money Is earned by a family con sisting of tha parents and several chil dren during- the hop-picking season. Ulrls who have been accustomed to work for S or tt a' week In tha city restaurants are glad to take their de parture to .the hopf lelds and put In sev eral weeks In an .occupation In which pleasure and profit Is intermingled. Many a girl maker her tt and f S a day gathering hope. To the poor the hop Industry Is a godsend. It is stated that the Clement Horst yards hare engaged already 400 pickers and that ' they are 'besieged by letters asking- for Jobs. The well-known hop- ysrds operated by the Kreba brother a, near. Independence, . are likewise secur ing help. Most of the applications- for work come from the counties of Polk. Marion, Linn and Lane, but Portland and -other Willamette 5raUey.tOwng.jrlU send their representatives in large num bers, . - . Many will oome from other states, some on account of . tha outing and norelty of tha experience rather than the- remuneration to he gotten, by. i gent work. - At tha Kreb yards pleasure devices and amusements have been amply sup plied. The management maintains an orchestra snd the laborers give a dance nightly. -Tha dance hall is one of the finest floors tn tha state. The Clement Horst hopyerda are also j , t MRS. M. J. ODELi; Odell, W. Va., sayi: "I have used your Bitters for gen eral weakness 'and loss of appetite with good results. I willingly recommend it to "all such sufferers." , - RICHEST WOMAN IN ENGLAND . AND MOST BEAUTIFUL, WEDDED 4 ftj. . r - . , . v i w '-It 'i-'r fJyt&Ulil r (joanul BpeeUl Herriee.) : '-' ; London, June 23. All London came to' -see the' wedding of Lady Mary Ham ilton, only daughter of the lata twelfth Duke of Hanfllton.and Brandon, and the richest woman In Great Britain, to the Marquis of -Graham, eldest son of the Duke of Montrose. King Edward was among those "present af the ceremony. Tha church waa. filled with flowers. Members of the peerage attended in large.lnumbepsand the bride. Who Is very popular, .'received ovations from tha crowds outside ths church as she entered and departed. A reception was subsequently held at Devonshire house. where tha hundreds of presents were displayed. The collections of diamonds and other precious stones has seldom been equaled.. ' - - 'The scene oafHide" the church was quits ezcltlng.v At one period the enor mous crowd broke through the police cordon and surged round tha brfde's carriage when it arrived In front of the church portico, almost completely block ing its passage.'- Heavy reinforcements of -police were-sncessary to-clear-the way for tha king's carriage and open a passage, for the . bride to enter the church. . Lady Mary Hamilton during tha bye- planning for tha amusement of their pickers and expect to keep a band at tha yards this year. Much work la be ing dona in putting tha yards in excel lent condition, - removing all weeda and placThglherleld iu a - fine stata of cultivation. . -.-..) A year ago some of tha yards at tempted to adopt the wslght system but the Horat yards will ontinu -with ths box plant - It la reported generally that SO .cents a box wlU be the ruling price. Hops In tha vicinity of Salem, in Marlon and Polk counties, are looking especaily fine and unleas unforeseen circumstances arts the yield will be large and of good quality.. Walter Layon, the genial editor and resident of Independence, ststed yesterday that tha hops around his home town are Uniting splendidly. ' Across the Willamette river from Independence, In Marlon county, there are probably 700 acres of land planted in hope, this includes the yards of Henry Ottenhelmen George Rose, Cooper Graves, Smith, - Perclvsl, - Damon - and others. Near Independence are the two largeat yards Jnlhe. .-world - the Kreb yards, four miles south, and tha Clement Horst yards, four miles north. Ten thousand plckera will ha near Independence this season' to gather the 1901 crop, v --- ANCIENT CAVES OF IRELAND There has Just been published by tha Royal ' Irish academy a bulky report gnths lesult vt threw -years' f expjora-1 tlon work among tha caves of County Clara. - No fewer than 70.000 speci mens of. bones jrere forwarded in par cels to tne Dublin museum for identl rication. lacn of these parcels waa Carefully labeled, bearing a number cor responding with map of the cava giving tha exact position and depth from ths surface at which the specimens were Obtained. The bulk of jtha material col lected consisted of bones of various ani mals. Including man, and these throw an interesting light on ths old-time fauna of Ireland. Among the mora Important mammalian remains were bones of the brown beer, wblf, arctic fox, emtio lemming, ' Irish . elk, red deer, reindeer, ox and wild boar. ' One rather surprising discovery is that the - bones of the wildcat, which occurred in some - numbers, belonged not to tha European, but to an African species, known as the Caffer cat (Fells ocreata). The larger of these caves fur nlahed dwelling places for prehistoric men, rpr arrowneaas ana otner Imple ments of flint and bone, as well as bronze Ornaments, have been recovered, many In a perfect state of preservation: and ..these were associated with human remains. From the form of the bones of the ankle Joint It would appear that these 'skeletons represent the remains of people who habitually assumed a squstttng posture, aa Is done by many savage races todsy. Chsreoal aad burnt atonea afford further evidence as to the use of these csves. . - Ornaments . belonging " to the esrly Christian, era. Including a gold bracelet. brans pin and buckle, show that these same eaves were used, at least tempo rarily by much--later generations' Of men. Artificially fractured bones of tha Irish s!k and reindeer show that these animals were hunted, at any rata, by the earliest human Inhabitants 'of tha Island; but they probably were soon exterminated. Wolvea, however, - sur vived until comparatively recent times. The exact data of their final extermi nation ,la not -known, but they existed In the greet forests on th borders of Wlcklow and Carlow aa lata aa the year ITOfl, and It la supposed that they finally became extinct about 17. A settlement tap tha valley Mnddy, Part of th year ohang Itg oaxu UK Dusljr, named Should iv Iliv ' i i Lady Mary Hamilton and the Mar. quia of Graham. : election in April Inaugurated what be came known as a "lad lea' battls."., by actively" campaigning in behalf of her future husband, tha Marquis of Graham, Conservative, who, however,- waa .de feated by H. Pearson, Liberal, a son of Blr Weetman Pearson, by a majority of l7. No sooner had Idy Hamilton taken the field for the marquis than Mra.- Pearson, tha young wlf a of J.ha Liberal candidate, also took part in the fray; and the two ladles, until tha .close of tha campaign, which waa one of tha most lively of recent; years,-. distin guished themselves by " their eloquent and sympathetlo appeals to the votess. Xady Mary, who Is Intensely popular In the district, begging the people to give her as a wedding present the lection of ber future husband to parliament. Lady Mary waa born in 1884 and has seajts-at-astonParkiJWIckham MarKet. Brodick Castle and the Isle of ArrSii. - The .Marquis of Graham waa bom May 1, 1S7S, and formerly waa a lieu- tenant-fn-tha-Klfth-JVolunteer battalion BwawiawMWKXJxaaacsaga We Mean ; ....;... 7 'f . r On July 1 WE CONSOLIDATE with SHERMAN, CLAY & CO. and before that time we want to sell our entire stock oPPIAOSlOGJlNS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of all kinds. Remember, jt.u have but six days in which to take1 advantage of the lowest prices ever quoted on good goods. At the rate pianos have been going the past ten days we doubt if we will have a single one left by Thursdays so, if you mean business and want a high grade instrument for little money you will ... - . .:' call early in the week. And TEN Other Makes In string instruments we have the WASHBURN, BRUNO, : COLUMBIA, STEWART and others. -- r - Qundore Piano Co. L: . 1 34, Sixth Street, Opposite. Oregonian Building f- : STORE FOR RENT, Z BS E HiinnnaMsnrinniniiiiBiniBn "'" ! ITT?- ) iHu.. if fit uOAL WE ASSURE OUR CUSTOMI -r ; LES3 of; '.001111 , ' TRANSPORTATION. Special Alaska Excursions ire-Clty,- JnlT If , ST. . City ef Seattle July M. set fa Beaaa IrUV "AaOTJa-D-rnoiT.goirifD'. IXCTJBSIOHg STZST TTTX DATs, A SOITTKIAsTXBX ALASKA B0VTX. ' vest artle at t a. m. tat aTcteklkaa. Jnima. Skaswsy,. Wblte Bore, Dsweae sad rilrbeaiiw . t SVS. City nf S,Hl. Jau K July H 10.- SO. g. H, HanNvldt. July . IS. S3. R. K. Cottage City (vis Sitka) June SB, July is, tr. .. .-. t ,r, . ; v . xoiit aoTjTz. .. . ..: ..: eeosd Mlllng 8. . Seaato June tS, at seen. L job saw FSAarTari nrsynr.' From avettle at s. si., City of Feeble, June 23. v . rertlaad Ofe. at Waaalsgtes St. V Mala Ma. ... O. ,' IK, asa,- ft FV Art, ' a D. DUX ANN, O. P. A.; :... ..v-..10 atarkat t.. gas rraaetaea. rrzim TELEGRAPH Fastest ew the mives - Tba only steamboat making a round trip ' .: SAXLT Rxeept Funday Itetween PORTLAND and ASTORIA .', ' in wit ronm Lesve Portland. ..t ...... .....T:00 a. ra. Arrive Aatorla ;..l:te p. m. Lesve Astoria.. 1:10 p. m. Arrive Portland ...,,.,t:00 p. m. VI-..LS HERVED A LA CARTK PcrUaaa Z,aadiar. Alder Street Bosk. Astoria tending, OaUeader Oook. R. B. SCOTT, Agent. Phone Main SIS. ALASKA ' FAST AND POPVLAS'STIaVMSBIPa lsve Sesttle "yeyyeasowr-uB , jifly ia, a. "POLPUIX," July , it. so. CALLIJtO AT Ketrblkas. Jaseaa, Doeglss, Balsas. Ska'f wa, -Drta with W. P. ft . ruale fur Atlla, Dawaofi. Tsssas. h'oaae, et. 'For All Bosthaaatars Alaaka Ports. Cell or aand for "Trip to Wonderful Alaaka," "Isdlaa Baaktry.' ''Total Polea.". -THI j AXASKA B. B. 00. Frank Woolaey Ce., ABta. 291. Oak at. . . - Toruasd, Or. "REGULATOR LINE" The Dalle v Portland S Astoria Navigation to. Boats leave Portland and Tha Dalles dally, except Sunday, at 7 a. ra., arriv ing about I p. nr:, carrying freight and I tassngers. Splendid aceommodaUona for outfits and livestock. Dock Soot of Alder st Portlaadi root of Court ns SMuiaa. . Bhon Mala 914. VorUaad. S. S. F. ATKillnifn Par Ooes Bay, Banks sad Isa Fraeelaei. Kelt sellleg from Pertlsas. kfoeday. uly i Kext sailing from iaa Irsseisee, Taae., June M - P. L. OBBBNOUOH. AsU. lraea1eh Boat Ra. a- Pkoa Mala 161. of the Black Watch and ft lieutenant In tha Army Service corps. He served In South-Africa In l00s.nd was assistant private secretary to the chancellor of the exchequer, .Austin tnamoeriain. in 1905. V Business ! ' . ; ' J. G.PeciC KHCarmcio -,n-0rrisci 7CTI0N REGARD : .-TiTiorr - i TRANSPORTATICII. '",assaBaSBssrs'SsBSssaBa IK n' '0iiHibii "Siioirristm AiDrdor-pii:inD 3- -Trains to the East Daily 3 i-25"a. Pslussa stsadsrd and teartat stoas. tag-eani daUr to Osaka. Chfeam. anaoai in., l . . . n - - . dally a Kauai CIO. ekatrears (saats frea) a uia r.w -(t ( V""? - , tea. "Xrrtvsr tk. K 1 r?T tl foe f!..i.Nr" "ta. sally. :!! f t.W Bla sua ' r J ;mirrBU SITTR nmaiow. .Va,lZta..,B w ' P-tsts. - nm3ml w Ibatt snD"'' Ssrerdsv.. Ill a Arrives tJtt. ..'- rr" ty and Tamklll vtvee l "tea awrs Ruth a.d Vdoe. Aak-at. ftack. mltttii.4 ; a'lF. ereept Buaday wsaa -iomuV' n t T: m2i. 7 a xl way setats rreaa Ticket Orsr. TkW and Waahuurtna sea, - TelThoiMi Mais Tlx. - . . c w. mai. ov ntm A. Z CBAIO. Oauaral Paaaaew Ageat7 EAST via SOUTH TJTsles Ovwlaed gipraas Trstss Boaakarg, Aah- . land. Sacra masts. Ofna, faa Pranrlaos, atorktoa If Ansalaa. El Paae. Naw Orleans and th at :(0aaj Moralns trals eoaaerSj st srsssat neooDors dally azeapt . ' , fhisday with train tar ' " - ,' Jtoont Anst, ailmrtoa. nrearnavltle, i turlncflcld. , W.dllng and Katroa.... S:aS pa T48ast Enrae paaaicotr ' St Woodbnrs wltk - an BUTW tns Inesl. drlRpsi 10: sn (yrrallla paaa.r. . . . . ,r ay . ss :KO ssa Sharldas paaaessw :B sat "": sat Fert Orovo naaaansor. I1A:4II pn 111 Mm Dally. Iirwrtv wnt Snwtar. FTKRHOH -STR ITF.T STATtOlt. - For. Dallaa and intarmadlat point dally 4:18 B. m. 'AA-t Portland 10:10 a. m. , Fa tin ssd rard ef Oawege anhnrbas ' tralas apply t City Tlrkrt Offlr. or alatloa. Tlrkat to Baatars point and Rnroeei ale Japan. China. Honnlnls and Anatralla. City Tlckat ttHr ronr Third tad Wsss tnftoa rta. Psov Hals Tlx. C. W. STTNGFB.. . A. t.. CHAIfl. ;. City Ticket Agaet. ' Os. Pass. Ast TIMFPARn at s w s mm wm m m m ar- mmm sbT asaw OF' TRAINS Portland. " Union Depot " Tallowafoa Park-Kassa Cltj-St. Imls PnaeUI for tear. arrl Chahall. Cntralla, Olym pta. Oray' Harbor, gontb . nend, . Taffwsa. scattl. Spo- kasa, tw1toB. Butts, Bll llns. rmver. Omaha. Kan aaa City. . St. Lools ssd Snstkeaat, dally .8:80 aaf Kortb Coaat-Umltrd. alee- :) trie Hghted. tor Tamo SraMte, Spokao. - Bstl. Minneapolis. St Paal sad th Eat. dally ....... Pnset Poniid Tfmftod. ... fl:00 pal .' T sat ter Clapaaaont. Ckahalt. Ca. tralla. Taraaas lad SaattW nly, dally Twh Cl'v Bvrita for Ta mai. Seattle. flpolrane. Helena.' Bott. St. Panl. Mlnneapntla. t-lneols. St. Joaach Kasss City. Ama- 4:B m - :M p ehaee ef ears., rnraet eon. MetloM for all tielnts ' v.- Beat and SVeitlieaat. dalle 11:41 am tn:SB s A. P. rHAWXTOTt. Aaatatant OeiMral Pa. arager great, SSS Morrlaaa stmt. rar Third. I'miianfi.. Astoria & Columbia 1 River Railroad Co. tTla Dosot Las vs. . Antv. Far Mayrer. Ralnlar. Clats. kanl. Weatpart. Clifton. Aatorla, Warraoro, Fla. eL Tlimmofld. Part Stv ' ana, Oearhart Park. SeaaJoe. t :00 al Aatorla - aaa aeaaBore. s- eM dally t:oob Ssbsi J. & kt A TO. Q. F. ssd P. A.. Astoria, Or. C. A. STEWART. Onmerdal Asset. Bit Aider street. Pboae Mala sue ' THE COMPOftTABlX WAV. 2 Overland Trains Daily y Th OHntal LiaUtsd. tt Fast statf"' VIA BBATTtiB AND SPOKAHE. Pally, t- Kelly. - Leave. Arrlv. Poetised rim ehedal ... ... t T and from Snohan. , St. Past. Mlaaalta. talsrh ssd sll solsts Bast Tta SMttl SrSnssi faai UMrS S.Ma T and frost at. Paul. . MtnManolla " Oslntk - ,--: ' i and all point Eaet vis Bpokap t :1Spe S-esaat mat Barthwa asaeaahhy 0. .Salllnc fro Beottl fot. Japaa 4 China sorts 'and Maslla. arrflas s ners d feelsht. . a. B. pTntnaait. Xaly tt. B. a. DekoU. Bptmkr a. BIPPOB TtTSIW KAiSRA ' T- (Jinan Mall SteaetMilp Co., a. 8. Biojua Mars will aall froaa Seattle ahont Jsa M for Jaiws snd , China sorts. rrfhs mmJ frlfiit. ro Brit ri. fa Iaa herfi laaarra- rlosa. ete., aU a or addreaa R. nOKSOB. O. P. T. A., IM Third at.. Partlasa. Orasea, Mel kUls . Stecmsr Chrs. R. !;:.:::;. . rT t". tr ras ef,rr" f"? - . 4 t Leave Oas-eiroe, I ' f Oabe P. an. r land 19 . ..f e- tsava. . - AliHs. ' - ' -v ..