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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING. JUNE 23, 1803. y r- - EDUCATIONAL Ambitious Young Psoplo Striv In; to Win Scholarships and Monsy -for School Expenses f Contestants Beginning to Get ' Busy Everybody -Has Chance to Help Themv " i'" Tb boys and girl of Oregon are wak- Ing vp to the fact that the opportunity ' afforded them by The Oregon Journal to earn their acITSol Mpensrs fur th neat '. year or two during the ummf vaca tion la one not to be despised, and many of them are .taking- advantage of IL - Son have already made a good atart in , the work of gathering In the votes needed to make them prizewinners, but I, other are postponing active operations until aohool work for the summer la over. Final examination and com 1 mencement exercises have kept moat of ' hem vary busy for the last few week r CONTESTANTS ENROLLED. . The following named youngpople have already made application or been nominated by friend for enrollment as contestant. There la room for many more the mqra the merrier , and the more Interesting the con teat wlU be. ' . CHARLES GROSS.:;;.;.;........... ....T. M. C A, Portland. Oregon. MIS8 MART E. POWELL... ..7 8almon otreet, Portland, Oregon. MISS MILDRED I CLKMONS, .....Unlvejalty Park, Portland. Oregon. MISS AILEEN HACKMAN .Myrtle Park. -Arleta, Oregon. HORACE A. WILSON. ...'.... Haleey street. Portland. Oregon. MISS NELLIE MAT SHANNON. . .818 Tenlno street. Portland, Oregon. MISS BERTIE Q. CHAN .....'.MI Clay street. Portland. Oregon. CLAT JONES. 401 East PAUL NTOREN.. W. E GWYNN.r. LOUISE SCOTT. . " ROY JOHNSON. 4UJTH TURNER, i CARL SHELTON. OUT JOHNSON ......... -HARRT BRA NT . . . . . rrf ELLA NELSON ..... GKOROE D. KINO..... JESSTS MOORE . STANLEY " STEVENSON .IV. RICHARD W. OILVIN... ...... JOHN-BENSON ..,.......... GUYr V. GRAHA M ........... . AGNES J. EVANS.." .... IV T OWEN8...,,u. R. . W,. CYRUS. . . . ....; MISS JESSIE A. CAMPBELL.. -CLARENCE MORSS MISS TERESA URAMM8...... ? e and some of them will noi "be prepared to take up the scholarship contest work -earnestly before the end of the present month. It Is well for all the competl- tora to let their frlenda know, however, that they-are In the race to win, and that they will need their, votes. The early bird- still haa th reputation of being 'the one that ' catchea the worm: Fortunately there x Is more' than one "worm", to be caught In this contest, - but the- contestants who ' keep after them early and late are the onea meet IfVely . to get the largeat and juclesl - morsels. Be an early bird. ?' , . ; OUT GRAHAM. ' !' ' 1 1 We herewith present tbetphoto of. Guy Graham, the active and promising young ' candidate entered from Troutdale, Ore- gone. He la. ao far. the youngest can-I ornate and wae-born at Marsniana, ure gon. thirteen years ago, but removed to Troutdale some two .years ago. where he in at present a pupil In the aeventh grade of Ihe Hurlbef school. -r- Master Graham . haa a preference 'for ' music and deelrea to win one of the ; scholarships offered by the Oregon Con servatory -of Munlc. He haa many friends -In and near Troutdale-and In- , the coming vacation to hustling for " subscription and feels enre of becom ing one of the winners. , . ., cask nun. Cash prises of a total of $780 will be - awarded to contentanta as follows: 1. A purse of 1300 for the general ex penses of the winner while attending any public or private Institution provid ing free tuition. THE SCHOLARSHIPS. Followino is the list of scholarships, with aooroximate caSh value f each, rifferrd as oriieis. Detailed information concerning them will be 'published from 'time to time, or furnished on application to the1 Contest Department: ; - - r -" ... ACADEMY OF THE HOLY NAMES, Astoria ..f2SO. ALBANY COLLEGE, Albany.. , ,flOO BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE, Portland 100 CAPITAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, Salem ......... 10O COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, Portland, flOO DALLAS COLLEGE, Dallas . : . . 7. . . 7. . ..................... 100 GILLESPIE SCHOOL OF EXPRESSION, Portland. fl20 HILL, MILITARY ACADEMY, Portland!..'..., ..$100 HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE, Portland flOO HOLMES-FLANDERS PRIVATE SCHOOL, Portland.., ..9 ISO INTERNATIONALr-CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS,-- y Scranton, Pennsylvania -. . r:::: . .. .tiv.t. r;. .. .,110 . McMINNVILLE COLLEGE. McMinnville.rurr;;;....... OREGON CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, PortUnd 200 One Violin Scholarship.. .;.,....r.."f 125 On Guitar and Mandolin Scholarship.......... flOO PAQFIC COLLEGE; Newberg ...;...,...:..... ......flOO PACIFIC TELECRAPH INSTITUTE,-Portland.. v .... ....f 12ft- PORTLAND SCHOOL OF DOMESTIC SWENCE, Port land (Y. W. C. A.) flOO SACRED HEART ACADEMY, Salem.;,. .....;.i......'r..,.fieo 2 - ST. MARY'S ACADEMY, PortUnd . ... . . . , . . f 200 th Chicago Evening Poet. Iaqulsltlve Render You are wrong In guppoetng ta.-ntmus -"! ew kind tf aU preaervatlve. U. 1 a Packlng tes Invention, but It I Intended solely v u( .ooUUooj purposes, and la a aoft of PRZES " t.rA puree f 1299 to be ed la the aarri -manner aa the above. t. A purse of f 100 for Incidental ex panaea to supplement acholareHip se lected from the-following 'Hat. . 4. A puree of 171 la addition to one of the following scholarahlpa. I. A purse of ISO In addition to one f the following scholarships. 6. A purse of lift In addition to one Of the following acholarshlpa. ooarDxnojrg ot com tjiit. : First choice of scholarahlpa, or grand capital prise, to go to the-.contestant having the highest score at the cloae of the contest; aeoond choice to-, the one vine; the ' score. ' end ' so on to the end of the list, the narrTueT of prises, however, to be limited to 20 unless a greater number of contestants shell have achieved result. Justifying a liberal reward. . . ) Contestants will be limited In their choice of acholarshlpa to such aa they can make peraonal use of, the scholar ships being non-transferable, except with the consent, of the management of the schools. ' eeeeeee mm Twelfth street. Portland, Oregon. East Third atreet, Portland, Oregon.. .141 East Thirty-seventh street, Portland. Oregon. , , . r". ......... . Central Addition, Portland, Oregon. 74 Division atreet. Portland. Oregon. - v JOS-Kerby atrast, Portland, Oregon. .Eaat Forty-eighth street, Mount Tabor. Oregon. .101 Grant atreet, Portland, Oregon 711 Willamette boulevard.-Portland, Oregon. . .Newberg, Oregon. -. . ..Kingston, Oregon. .Tualatin, Oregon. Halsey, Oregon. ............ .x.uwuui a, v. - . t ........ . Chemawa. Oregon. .Troutdale. Oregon. ......... .'. , . .Latourell Falls, Oregon ....Cedar Mills, Oregon .Sclo; Oregon. . . .'. . .... . '. . . Wrenthajh, Oregon. ............. . .Cottage Grove. Oregon. ....190 Grand avenae, Astoria, Oregon - Any young Verson of school age who can furnish aatlafactory reference aa to character and worthlneaa of assist ance' In the endeavor to secure a good education may enter the. contest at any time before the close. September 1. - The buslriesa of contestants, will be to Induce people to subacribe for- The Oregon Journal; It they are not already taking the paper, or renew their sub scriptions by paying for aa long a period In advance as convenient, thereby giving the contestants the benefit of the votes allowed on advance payments. - Votes will be allowed on all advance payment on subscriptions whether ao liclted by the conteatants themaelvea or paid or remitted directly to The Jour nal office, or through any of the regu lar agents or. collectors, but in all cases the money must be -In The Journal office before -credit will be glveji for. the vote. . - ; '... , ' ' iManrr ob axjm A" eaah commission will, be paid con teatants , on all new subscriptions se cured by them personally, or procured directly through their Influence. . Thus every contestant will have a chance to earn some pocket money, In addJ.Uon.-lo I Ihe-opportuiilty uf wlnnlDg tlOO or 1300 or a scholarship worth from Iioo to 12(0. 'supplemented with a purse of f 100 for Incidental expenaea. rBlank votfngcertinLalea er. ballots will be furnished on request to con teatants or others who may have use for them. For' each subscription pre paid one Of these ballots may be tilled out to correspond with the amount and length of 'time paid for, the number of votes due, the name of -the contestant favored, etc., to be voted at tka con venience of the subscriber or contestant. TOTTJTO IOXUU11.- ' y - The -voting, power of subscriptions wjj L be In accordance With the following ached ule: ' Sally aad Snaday JoomaX ,"""'"' Price by r---. '- 'Tim. Carrier. Mall. Votes. One Year ,.. .$7.60 7.00 1,100 Six Month"". ."' .7I . I.7S 700 Three Month 1.9S l.0 100 Two Month .V, . 4 . . 1.10 . 1.10 ' ,T IB0 On Month ........ .15 J 5 " I Daily. Joornal Without Sunday. Price by Tim. Carrier. Mall. Votes. One Year ...... ...J5.00 S.00 ' 1,000 Six Months ....... l.0 1.75 . 4G0 Three Month ..... 1.10 1.40 .I00 Two Month 3.00 1.00 It . Sunday Journal. Prlc by " Tim. - Carrier. Mall. One Year .11.50 11.00 Six Montha MS 1.Q0 Semi-Weekly Journal. Price by Time. Carrier. Mall. One Year. .... 11.50 Six Month ....... ... .75 . . Vote. ;' 150 : 1 50 J Votes. 100 4 first cousin to aollcttud for th welfare f th farmer. - - Waaoh Tmaeat'i VoU.' Vermont., the first eastern state to hnld an election this year, will vote on September 4, u oaya ahead f Maine. CHINESE German Ambassador Says That Roosevelt Is Reincarnation of. v "Oriental Ehiperor. PRESIDENT RESEMBLES , 7' CONFUCIAN PHILOSOPHER Second Monarch pi PfWtllt Dynasty ' Who Lived Two Hundred Year Ago Prototype of Executive, Says jl Speck, vonSternburg. j 1 - , Juurnl Hpeelel rlre.) " Washington, - June 23. No . speech made by any -diplomat this year has at tracted. .much jt tention : eathat of Baron Speck von Sternburg, , Oermia ambassador to the United States, made at the commencement exercises of tho University of Illinois at Urbane. The speech was an exaltation of Pretx)f TArablan horsex which roam In the ; Cfrrnx iVT "m"m , l --Tr ; - . i I ..-.. -v . a 4', '. -'V . ,! . t " t " t ' t A f ' . I -' '" ( . JMU".We V! ' y'V7 - .-t.'. lFv ,W. : - V i"N.' .( .. rL' 'V ? ' ' r . -J Speck von Sternburg. tdent Roosevelt, the dear peraonal friend of the' ambassador. The president la so fond of the baron ' he' '-call - him "Speckle" and haa him for his constant companion In walks, rides and In the confidential half hour over . a cigar when the affaire of state are laid aside for the day. . No one' has had a better oppoi fiiltytCsnidyTKe president. . .. Imitation of Ohlsea. with thl in mind it - waa almost startling to his hearers when Baron von Sternburg said in effect that the prea 4denT"lI TfiB yincarnatlon. 1 In hi fhoughta, Ideals and purpose aa th head of the. nation, - Of the Emperor Kang-Hl, a Confucian scholar who reigned aa emperor of China 100 years ago. ; . - ' In the beginning of his address Baron fon Sternburg told the graduating-student bf their duty, to - society... and added; ... ' ' " - ' , . m "V6,iw?M will the second emoeror of the present -dynasty,, the Clftnaa. wiilch 1 overthrew the corrupt and . degenerated Mtnga. He. like Frederick the Great, waa not only a highly successful war rior, but a statesman and artist of great renown. He published hi famous edict in the latter part-of-hl glorious reign, during which China reached her highest power and prosperity. . Thl edict con tained IS maxim... , -. 7 - A&clent Maxima Ouotdr-"" '! Baron von Sternburg, In concluding hi comparlaon of the Chinese emperor of S00 year ago and the president, aald: - "Th style of Kang-HI'a maxima how, the conventional -character of the orthodox Confucian and naturally may appeer-pedantleal to you. But I think 6you will agree that it le a remarkable document,-' which reveaia -me inmost; thought of a great Chinese ruler and run closely on the lines ot thought of President Roosevelt." :' Some of those who heard the address sod knew of President Roosevelt's great love of th west, recalled that It used t be- a fighting term to call a man a Chinaman out there, and wonder If Ba ron von fTternburf haa mad a mistake. ALLEN SCHOOL OLDS " GRADUATING EXERCISES Th Allen preparatory school. heU commencement exercise last night In th Hawthorn Park Presbyterian Church on Eat Twelfth street. Th graduates are Alfred Henry flarke, Harold Everett Hint Jesale Iaurlna Hurley and Ada Chenowlth McCown. Rev. Edgar P. Hill delivered th ad dress to the graduatea, encouraging them t live out of doors, and declaring that 'a boy who love flower 1 more to he envied than the son of a million aire. Other f rat urea of - th- program were a follows: ; - - - Vocal seio, "Turkey Song. .iohn Clair Montelth; vocal solo, ''Douglas Gordon" and "The Dansa." Mis M. Kv lyn Hurley; presentation of diplomas, Mr. C. A. Coburn: vocah solo. -'Tour Iaf Clover" and . "A Birthday, John Clair Montelth. t 1 ' r ..' Why Yha) Bread Cam Back. - ' - From th Dundee Advertiser. ! 'A boy - who had been working In a baker's shop for some time waa 'Just about n finish hie trade. One night when lhe' boss was gone he broke the marble slab tie molded his loaves on, r'o he went to th marble yard to, aecuref another, but could not find, on.'': Oh the way back he r-Muted, grave yard, - and, aa It ' was yery dark, he jumped over and piilled up a small head atone about 'tha-rlghtT else; 'and took 'I back and finished bis Job. The" rent day, after th bread had been delivered, nearjy all of It waa sentiback. The baker looked at it and broke e-verai' loave open but found nothing wrong. Then he happened to turn one of the loaves over, and found on the upper aide of every loaf the Inscription: "Here lea the body of Mrs. . . Born A. D. 1112. Died A, D. 1740. WILU UIM HILLo i j- f : . k ... .. Band Of Wild, ' fiptdsl ptspetirk - go Tss Tesrssl . Wilson Creeks Wash.. Jun 13. Sev eral unsuccessful attempts, to round up What Is known aa th Wild Goose band vicinity or wrao ;reex moununn, nave beeri made. Each time they were driven a short distance and tken would break away. - Riders must get out of their way or be trampled to death. ' The band, which numbera several hun dred, when in full flight' ha been de scribed , by those , who know Ilk m buffalo a tamped. Nothing will atop them,- and fleet as a deer and sure of foot they dash over hills and mountain and through the valleya like mountain aheep. They have been keen In placca ViORKING TO HELP SALESPEOPLE: Consumers' League Would Cause Department Stores , to Close on Saturday Afternoons. ' WOULD GIVE CLERKS -r -BREATHING SPELL Also Suggested That Wednesday Al- ternoons B Made Half HolldajraJ.Tarjbody to be the lwnt pir they ever . During Hot,., Summer Months- Store Proprietors Object. The Consumers' league wants the de partment stores closed Bturdayfter noons aunng August. v Tbel members- who are working with this (Im In-view any they are meeting wltn much -oppoalttvn from th pro prietor of the atorea, and It is ex pected that. a meeting will be called within a week" to formulate new plana and stronger arguments. . Wedneaday afternoon haa also beeri auggeeted as a good time to give the employed a brief breathing apell. This 1 the custom of many English cities. and ther It ha proved a penenclal thing for all. concerned. The principal argument advanced bjr th ' department atore men 1 that the mailer atorea will remain open. It th department store -haa a grocery depart- . . 1 .11. . . V. . . L. u.kli.h. mw.ino.;"Htr.d.Sifl,r grocery stores about the city keep open for business. If th big store haa a ho department It Is claimed that every hoe store In. town which keep open Saturday afternoon will draw business from th ; larger place. 1 ' taraa Jtember Working. But th member of th Consumer league are determined to better th con ditions under which store emptor are legeneratedrrorklng. Th fact that drug atorea have at last found It is entirely prac ticable for them to keep open but a short tlm on Sunday 1 advanced aa a irnn argument. For veara the cro- -prletorpjfthedrug torek contended that tnia couia never do aone, lost me Pores must remain open long on' Sundays a on any other day. L" Th purpo of the-Consumers league Is to educate tne mopping- puDiic. . , A "whit list," giving the, names of stores selling goods bearing the league's label, haa been published, by the Port land ajrf(Qelatlonw which I S branch of the national learue. and a -few ug-geatlonaV-tohopperaarflnclude4as fol Do your shopping early In th day, If possible. . "Do not ahop after S o'clock or on Saturday afternoons or evenings. "Do your Christmas ahopplng early in th season. ; - - "Do not wait until the last week. "Do not receive package delivered af ter o'clock. Do-not give your address carelessly to salespeople. Do not accuse in salespeople or in attention ' without sufficient cause. 'Remember they are In the noise and confusion all day." Miss Mary Montgomery Is the pres ident of the Portland league and Mlas Helen Wilson th treasurer. , - moovlt the laome, ; Republican state leaders of Ohio are aald to be planning to' make Roosevelt the Issue in the Ohio, campaign this fall Lined up against th president' will be Senators Dick and Foraker., who will fight to prevent the Republican- state convention from giving unqualified In dorsement to hi administration. The Ohio congressmen, it is said, wilt back up Roosevelt. . f wininoiuwMMiiiMi mm NOMINATING i Nam of Contestant... ........ . ,,, A .. i . Address .. . 1 Oregon Journal - Educational Contest Sch,ool last atunded or at present attending. ............. Reeommended by .... .. be Ur VVMonlliu I UN 1 Arabian Jloraea. Ji, .---."-C. where It is imposalbl for. a maa. t9 go through. Originally a small band of cayuaea grased in thl locality.: About 13 year ago a number of stockmen purchased two Arabian atalliona which war turned loos in thl band and from that day to- thl no other horse will Join that band; they have Increased in- slae, beauty and peed a well aa In numbera and if they can ever be captured will bring wealth to their owner. It 1 the Intention of th owners to organise a company of relay riders and run them down next year If poaalble. and It la doubtful la they will be captured in that way aa the country la vary rough and broken and riders would risk their live to. follow them. - r AT THE THEATRES. Last Time Henrietta. Croaman. TheJast perforaMaee of Aaierlea'a forerooet etress, Henrietta Urosnaa, la the meerj com edy " "Barj. Mary,- Quite- Contrary" whT be give toalaht at the Metllg tbeatre. Fourteenth aaa WashiBgtao. Caruin at S:1S e'etork. "ifadame Sana-Gene" Tomorrow. . Rardoa'a great eaoedy Mafadane "us-Oena" (Madane Derll-Mey-Cara). la to tie the bill fa tbe atvealk week ef the Baker stock atasoa. epenlog at the regalar SinuUr au tinea, .June . it is aa appropriate eomaantoa piece the 'Da Barry", of David Belasco, la which Mra. Leslie Carter starred. - The seeae Is laM la . Prance- at the time ef napoieaa snpreaiacy, a- Closing Performance Tonight; Tonight ends tbe banner run at the Baker theatre ef Ihe present stock -season. "Wbea saw, aas arawa nearir tne wboie town to the Baker theatre, and Bleat after night this Week tnere aaa been aotntng oak standing room left ai ue time we curtate waa raised. The Telephone Girr Tomorrow. Tomorrow alitit. Jane M, the Kendall Mua- lesl earn pan will present the tnnerol ntmlral eomedy socceaa, "Tbe Telephone fhe Relllg theatre, Poarteentk and Washrngtoa straets. This excellent eocrrpany have made a moat decided bit.-aaa "The Telephone Girl" will be given with the same attention to detail that haa marked the past two offer In rm. Seats are ovw muni mi. wo nmm eiun n we nemg. -!tast Performance "Said Pasha? -The rloaing performing of "Raid Pasha" at th .Empire theatre by th Kendall llaaleal company will take place tonight, Tby had to move ever to the Empire from the Helll the btsttwe-dsys-ef -this week to mat room for Henrietta Croaman, who was booked for the Helug Friday and Saturday, but the Kendall company rasumaa the regular third week of tbe mualral comedy season Sunday night at the opening of "The Telephone UlrL" i Comedy at Pantagea. - Graee Rantlatrtoa and troops, m an nn roariou farce .-comedy, "A Matrimonial alls Up," have the center ef th at Pant thl wek. .Today and tomorrow this wees a diu win n shows for the last time. utar rood reararee are: Oaorr and Allen, novel comedy sketch artiste: . Mere and rl- ton. mtralc kings: tb Eaafrallaa, darhig acrobats: Biuy-Bran, comedian: Jaan W llaoe, popular oviioBs ana moving pierare eomediane. At the .SUr.i: At th Btar tomorrow tb shows will he rram I to I and from T:30 to 18:). Those who Nstnrad Maa" kar a treat in star wba tbr Tlalt th Star tonight er tomorrow. It la filled wiio comcoy aa maaie. . - . ' r At the Grand. . t Do not forget that Hart J, Rmraett. the best or rentrlloqulots. will nms bis mgaget ta urana a neaiuinef wirn tne pcrfgymanee tomotrow. Kmmett Is at the head f . big rinomiH. eaieriainmeni, ana IO acta also clatad with blna m th program are .lirteref p Thl ermine an tomorrow afternoon wltj eonttnoous prrormaae. will wltnea tb last pcrfnrmanee of that rery lntereatlng rooune of tb mines, "The Serpent' Sting." This play Is on ot merit, and lodging front tbe large attendance tbe offering has attracted to tli Lyric daring tb current week cm i farced to tbe cone I ni ton tnat the Dill bas been more than amal kiterest. ef EASTERN EXCURSION RATES JTom S3, as, July anft S, Aogaat T, S, a, sentem w ana 10. On th above date th Great North ern Railway will have on sal ticket to Chicago and return at rat of 171.10, St, Louis and rot urn 17.50, fit, Paul, Min neapolis and Duluth, Bupertor or Bloux City and return, 1(0. Ticket first claaa, good going via th Great North ern, returning am or any direct route, atopovera allowed. 'for tickets, sleeping car reservations or any additional In formation caU on or addreea H. Dlckaon, & P. A T. A.. 1J1 Third street. PorUand. Tat aaiek nae th Want OoU tnu ef Th Journal. CERTIFICATE . . ...,... llllllIIMIIMIIIItltl(lt..l.M a . . .Qrad. .i. ....... .......t..... r ..... , - must be properly digested and assimilated to be of any value to you, otherwise it is a source of harm ' Jnstead of good. ' - ' . , "., If not digested, it ferments and decays, causing ' "sour stomach," " heaiburn,"-iiau8ea, headache,"' ' flatulence, bad breath and other discomforts. Kbdol compels proper digestion of the food and sends the 7 fpod nutriment through the blood into all parts of the body. v ' '7-':: . .7. ""'-v-.. The tissues are thus built up and every organ is restored to health and strength and put in perfect condition. . .,'7'...'.,, "777 ' 77. -' . . 7 Diseaee is drivenH)ut 16- stay- ut -7 the cause Is removed.,. ' '. . v r .' ; '-s . Plantersvllle, BCas. .- 1 V X have prescribed Kodol quite often In my practice,. - and have found it a very efficient remedy for all ; ftomach allmente. It has 'always given the best of reaults. . . , , V ; ; J. T. MAY, M.D. '. KODOL DIGESTS WHAYOU zXf MAKIS TOMAOH old by Woodaa-d, Clark Co. IWlar tout as Umas as mash a la trial, e n la. iEast TweTnty-Third Street. 87PBBT: Thl Block 1 A Bargain $2750 1- S3 to t;' o X ts I- H On Easy Terms ni EL 8 B. IO SUCUIVAlN -ADDITIOaV Mall & Von 393 Bast Burnside Phone East 169 East Twenty-Second t n Fiettl t ef 'All Portland' wnnnxTM. r - BIO LOT AT UTTL1 rBIOII. .'. ' i ' 7 - - Baart Bargain Xt Offered. XnTeeUga. ' , ; I SOxlOO feet. l ''m l l$200 ii $200 y $5.00 UOWW, S5.00 MQbw.9SM '- j I A atOaTTM. ; s J - j MOaTTaT. ' . I : ... I I 7ylaTTbnaIoney t?neJ BrtsAS. atefawk of1 AH InvV- . "' f meat. It oanao TJ VU AWAT. O 11 BTOLBaT. If i I Bvery oonvenlenoe la . ..-. . - II s Ta m. Boott ear, firs and Aider its. ," . j , - CEO. W. BROWN - 7 : S03 reJUn loa-, Tnlrd aM Wah- ' 4 S JT L, 1 Inctoa atreet. . S ""-r"'' ' jAri1 Always on tn Orouad. People are Coming to Portland H DOINT YOU KNOW IT? -1 TUT ABB COMHTO TB6k TBB XAST Am VBOaf CAUTOBBIA. V . CANT YqU SEE IT? v '1 Portland la gnlng to double It present else within three yeark. and sub urban property I going to double lrpresnt-rrloe In Jthan ' two -year. Then why not Invest In Portland property T If you hav S0. 000 Inveet It In Portland property, and If you only hav $100. to spare buy a. few lot on the installment; you will Boon find w are right. W don't say you must buy of u to tnak money! ther is lota of tether good property. If you don't Ilk what w hav to offer buy of torn on lse.; Vou can't mine It if you buy right. M . Wl BO ABK TOO TO TAXI A X.OOX AT OTB MtOPEBTT We hav two of the nicest additions In Portland to pick frotp. W sell lota In -- . .... ;'... 1 - VERNON from $110 to $500 Each It in not necesaary to tell you where Verfton Is located, as It fa probably th beat-known suburb of Portland. ' , Havelock la situated on Kllllngsworth street and Patton avenue. Take 8L John ear. , . . . . ' J. A. HABBKB, ' . 7 HENBT A.. TOWN8KND, , Agent at Varnon. ' Agent at Havelock, . 7 MOORE INVESTMENT CO. 180 UZTM ST- BOOKS 401 ABD 40S. sin- THB SWMT.. trapra4 at taa Lak. I araawysts.e.rMWtatl . ao..elf,w.s.a- I " aa BUdaaor Xtrng, Oompaay. Bdrstel PBBT Street HAVEL0CI1 From $300 to $600 Each ill ' '-?1 rXOBB KAOT 8T07 A mmm Ai V7 .. . - - ". - ; v a. 7" ''-' '