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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL',: PORTLAND, - .WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE IS. . 1SS3. PUD TO REVISE CITY CHARTER ,11 Special Commission Is Appointed by Astoria !. Council. City NEW INSTRUMENT NOT OPPOSED BY POLITICIANS Mayor . Wise, City Auditor Anderson y and City Treasurer Dealey Have "Been, gained and Councilmen Will Act With Them. ,-" i " 'Spec! Dlipatrk te THe Joeresl.V ' Journal' Astoria Bureau, June II. The revision' of Astoria' elty charter - will shortly be taken up by a special ; commission. , A.t a meeting of the 'city council lasr-evenlnsY the matter was considered and the personnel of the com mlaalon almost made up. Tha major . -Ity. of tha name . wera than announced and tha remainder will be decided upon " tn a few day a. ' ' . v '"; That the city's present charter has ' lone been Inadequate Is a well-known ' fact, and the need of the revision has . been Ions; felt In fact that there was . an attempt- to have a change made at . tha last aesslon of the legislature. Later' there was an effort to Juggle" the bill In the interests of a local political fac '" tlon, and the people promptly sent their protest to Governor Chamberlaln, who vetoed the measure. . It la probable, however, that tha pres ent labors for the betterment of, the ' charter will be conducted amicably and that tha measure, when it reaches the . legislature will be promptly . passed. The feeling Is Held that the charter h'ould be amended for the good of the city regardless of political feeling. i " The personnel of the commission will consist for the nnoat -part of elty ef- . f Iclala. .The commission will be headed , by Mayor Wise and City Auditor Olof Anderson and City Treasurer Thomas Dealey has -also been named. In addt "' tton there win be a councilman from each of the wards of tha city. rT,"a'wa TffftrescMtstlvg elect a swine " Pi tm of the company Is at Knappton. Weah- Ington, In Pacific county, and that the property aaa been assessed there and the tax paid. 'The vessels Include the Melville, tha Jordan, the Wenona and other smaller craft. , ' ROWDIES BOARD SHIP (Continued from Page, One.) couldn't recognise me,"- Bock was locked up without ball. "I have nothing to aay at all,' aald Bock "this morning when esked for e statement. "My attorney, Mr. Citron, haa advised me not to talk, and while I am aorry to have to refuse an inter view, I wilt obey the Instruction from mjr attorney. People are alwiya anxious to get a fellow into trouble but they are not ao anxious to help one out. 1 don't know anything about anything." Motive for the assault is believed to be found In the fact that the five sailors took places deserted by the union sailors when aha sailed from Ban Francisco about a week ago, but the men deny having had any Intention of trying te assist In breaking the strike: 1 The Johan Poulsen belongs to ttte Loop 'Lumber company of San Fran cisco and is operated regularly carry ing lumber from the mills of Inman poulsen St Co. She is loading today and will be ready to" aall In a couple of days unless sailors ahould become unavailable, the men now on board having decided: to give up their berths. - Harbormaster- Ben - Blglln eaya ha will assist In pushing- the case against Bock. The wounded Bailors were , getting along favorably - at the hospital this afternoon and It Is believed that both will recover. TO IMPORr-EUSOPEANS TO I'ORK COTli FIELDS , Workers Wanted 'for Their Cor rective InflueQs on the s -- - Shiftless Negro i n"wnFao' ' alon and three representatives of the Central Labor council of this elty will compete the personnel. - ., - ASK DOUBLE TAX- : CaHeader sTartgatioa Company Objects' So Payta Bate te Two ana tee. - - '; (Wsshtnetoa Harass ef Tee Jeoraal J "" Journal's Astoria Bureau, June It. "In the fleet of the Callender . Navlga .. tlon company of jtha lower - Columbia river, liable to taxation In two counties in two different. eta tee T .This will be the . question to come before the local courts some time in the near future. The sheriff ofdataop county is try ing to force the collection of the taxea assessed by the county , assessor and' In rder to prevent the sheriff from sels - Ing the boats the company baa secured ' an. Injunction, and 'the case'. will be ' fought, out in the -local - courts. The company contends that the home-office 'Jeerasl Special Barries. $ 5 Washington, June lSs It seems prob able that a a result of the legislation In the closing days of this session of congress many Immigrants will have their atepa directed Into aouthern flelda of labor. The southerners In the house and senate will vote with misgivings In their hearta for the bill, which will aend sentiment of the south cries out against their coming. - The men actlva-ln promoting the plan hope.' that when enough ot these aliens have arrived the negro, laborer win nnd that if he would live he must work con tinuously and that then there-will be no need for European. In "other words. there aeema to be a feeling that tha In migrant la to be used as corrective of the black man. ' cure for laslneaa. The southerners -who oppose the "to flux of Immigrants fear, however, that If the Immigrants eome and the country pleases them the tide cannot be turned back. s : 4 DIG WATER POWER III PROSPECT- Important Find Made on the Up per Rogue River Near " ' That Place.. .-4 SECOND LARGEST POWER, IN THE UNITED STATES River Can Be Dropped Four Hundred Feet Upon Water Wheels and Will Develop Upwards of Two Hundred r' Twenty Thousand Horsepower.--- At Prospect, . on the upper '' Rogue river, has been found a water power o( aUrtling Importance. It la aald to be the second largest water power known In the United States, and la exceeded. otuy by Niagara. . The water right baa been- filed upon by Dr. C R. Ray of the Qoldray and Condor companies, oper ating on Rogue riven who will develop great power plant for producing elec tricity. , ,. The site Is peculiarly adapted to In stallation at low cost of an Immense power plant. With a canal -only one inlrd of a mile. In length the river can be dropped 400 feet upon water wheela that will develop upward of 220.000 horsepower. The only other similar power site In the country besides Nla gsraFalls la at Spokane Falls, near tha city of Spoxane. Spokane Falls at the high-water stage will develop. 120,000 horsepower, and at low water will pro duce 70,000 horsepower. " j The upper falls of the Rogue 'river nave been known by water power men for years, but until recently 4t waa not known that the alte waa desirable for a power plant. . Before Its great value was realised Dr. Kay selected the Tolo site on the Rogue river and built the present fine electric power plant there, which Is now supplying -Rogue river valley miners,., farmers and towna with alectrle light and power. .Large devel opment projects are being planned by Dr. Ray and hla associates. The upper r,-Ciaat. jRprkmenJq Jthejrhar-Irlver power site will be Improved and SULTAN BOASTS OF POWER OVER EGYPT'S KHEDIVE IVcWffl Save You Twenty Dollars ' A suit to your measure, ; made from genuine : Vt ;. -v. Clay Worsted This Clay Worsted was billed to us at fifty cents on the dollar by a JNew , York importer who bought too heavily. . ;., i :; A Come in, get a sample and compare it with any fifty dollar suiting sold in Portland. - , " I :'; We- will -line- the-"suit -with the best' Venetian "clothrand; guarantee you perfect fit.' . 9ur measure, while the supply lasts t?28.v Troosen to Uetsnre J5 (0 Yost Uexssre $5 . ; :Elks Building -Seventh and Stark Sts. Visit .of Potentate to ' Turkey Made Occasion for Anti British Demonstration. most promlalng transportation projects in the state, and once In operation will prove- highly profitable. It will handle a great tonnage In logs and lumber as soon as it Is completed. It la said tha -Mlty-of Medford wlU become a sawmill center of large Importance wnen opera tlons are begun In the sugar pine dis trict . The upper Rogue river valley contains the largest standing sugar pine forest In the world, and the augar pine la classed among tha mos't valu able finishing 'woods known. - .- i ttoenal Special Ssrrlee.t " Constantinople. June It. Taking ad vantage, of the visit . of Jhe khedlve of Egypt to the auitan. tne Turuan gov. eminent. In ornclal utterances, is mak Ing an effort to show the sultan's com plete sovereignty over htm. Today's newspaper .print an official notification reading aa follows: "Abbs Hlldi. khsdlra QtEsTPt. cslled at Ylldis Kiosk In order to lay down at the foot of the Imperial throne hla most respectful expression of his abso lute devotion to the auitan. The eultan deigned to receive him kindly. , After ward the khedlve was permitted t6wlth draw te his 'apartments." This Is considered the most provoking sort of eft tl-British demons GRAND MASONIC "BODIES IN SESSION AT SPOKANE eSBSSBBBBBBSeSBSBBJSBSBM ' . ' (Special Dlspstca e The JearasLt Spokane, Wash., June IS. The' forty ninth annual . communication of the Grand Masonic ' bodlee of Waahlngton opened this morning at 10 o'clock, and .will be la session up to and including Wednesday.. June 10. It Is expected that between S00 and 400 represents tlvea of 151 lodgea In the state will be present More than 100 representatives of the ' grand chapter of the Order of Eastern Star will also be here. , ' ' " ' Grand Master A-'Ij. Killer of Vancou ver presided at the opening session. Mayor Floyd L. Daggett delivered an address of welcome on behalf of the elty, and W. U. Ludden welcomed the repreeentatlvea on behalf of the Spo kane Masons. The. annual address of Grand Maater Miller waa than given, re porting on the operations of the differ ent bodies during the year. In the aft ernoon the session waa continued, and last night . the first degree waa eon ferred upon one candidate. Tonight the past master's degree will be conferred. The session wWt terminate tomorrow, when business matters will be consid ered both morning and afternoon.- - The dedication of the temple will be held tomorrow eveaingvA grand reception and ball wlU follow tke dedicatory serv- BIG RUSH FOR LANDS OF CROW RESERVATION (Jearaal Bpecisl -Bettloi.r " Billings, Mont., June IS. Tomorrow the registration for the opening of the Crow agency lands will besjn. Great crowds are gathered here and also at Sheridan, -Wyoming, which la the other filing point' end the Indications are that It wiu be one of the largest land draw ing ever conducted . by the United Slates government. The land lie aoath of the Yellowstone river end north of Fort Coster, which I et the ' junction of the Burlington rood and .the Big Horn river. The land to be opened comprises ap proximately 1.101.000 acrea of land. 121, 00 of which can be eaally Irrigated. About SOO.OOO acrea of the remainder of the ageory comprises fine g rasing land and pasturage. Rogue river valley. Commercial Interests of southern Ore gon have awakened to the great re Leourf eg;i0.f ..t heyaUty, and Jhe business men are taking- measures to push de velopment along all lines. Thsre "is practically a certainty- that the Med ford" St Crater Lake railroad, now built to Eagla Point will be Immediately ex tended to Prospect, opening the . great, sugar pine, district oft the upper Rogue,, end giving transportation facilities that will start a stream of Tourist travel to Crater, lake, one of the scenlo won ders Of the Pacific coast. The. railroad la said to be one of the wm m iliiii Vednesday and nrarsflay the Las! Days ' Can it be possible that any person requiring furniture, , " - - carpets,' a range or a heating stove, a couch,: airefrigcra--: 1 -. tor, bed mattresses, bed springs, chairs, rockers dining ; or kitchen tables, or any otherthing employed in the lrnistiin : supply his or her wants? , , '; Wc Arc Scllino Evcrylhinfl Now at From 50 to 60 Per Cent ot Real Values ' ' Does this interest you? Is it worth your while to in i vestigate? If you bought a $20 bed for $12 would itjiot '""'"r"J-"- be a snap ? If you bought a $12 bed for $6 wouldn't you -rejoice? ; We are selling everything at this , ratio, but within 48 hours the skle will end. ' The Supreme ' has ordered us to vacate on Friday arid wc shall obey ; z: ' 1 its stern : corrirnand. THE E0KIE FURNISHERS 7 W2J74 " FKST STREET FERRIS NOMINATED. BY MICHIGAN DEMOCRATS (Jearasl -Speelsl SrTlc.) U. At Detroit Mloh... June the first general primary ever held In this state yesterday Woodbiidge N: Ferris of Big Rapids became the Democratic nominee for governor... Hla race will be, againat Governor Fred M. Warner, who waa to- nom mated by the Republicans, The Democratic candidate - for lieutenant governor la C H. Kimmerele of Cas aopolls, and the Republican nominee Is Patrick H. Kelley. -Under the law passed at tne last ses- Tston -of the legislature the -other eandl- datee for etate offlcea will be selected at jarty. conventions. J . CANADIAN PACIFIC PLANS ANOTHER LINE Road Has Party of Engineers Surveying Route, Through , Yellowhead Pass Now. REGINALD DE K0VEI1 IS ILL IN A SAIilTARIUU Chauffeur of Strieker Com poser's Wife Fined for Speed- ing Automobile. ItmmrmmX UmmMml Sn 1 New Tore. , June ill. Reginald be Keren, the well-known composer of light operas, Including "Robin Hood,' "The Fencing Msater," "Rob Roy" and "Happy Land," who haa been missing from his favorite haunts tn the elty for several days, la 111 at a sanitarium at Tonkers. The nature of his illness Is not known, but his condition Is serious. This Information came out In the Harlem police court today r whan D her chauffeur for persistent violation of the speed law. , The chauffeur-was held for trial. Ha was arrested While Returning from the sanitarium, where van. and jartyot.f vends naa oeen to see tne airicaen composer. In the psrty was Robert 8. ateOann, president-of a big -engineering com pany of this elty, and the chauffeur's trial alao developed the fact that Me Oann la engaged to marry Mrs. Dudley Winston, sister of Mrs. De Koven. The chauffeur let out. the secret, which la not denied. tSperlsl IMspstPB te Tb JoarasL) Vancouver. & C June 1. It le re ported that the Canadian Pacific rail way Is preparing to build, another line through the Rocky mountains at a point north of the present route through the Kicking Horse pass, and that the work will commence on this line , without delay. The story goes that the new route will be through the Tellowhead paaa, which le about sue Bailee north of the Kicking Horse . pass and which la the best railway route through the mountains. The Canadian Paclfio rail way does not confirm the report that It haa secured a right of way. through the Tellowhead pass, but haa engineers In the field making preliminary aur- veys. .JL .T...... DROPS BIG STEELRAILr-r- L0SES THREE FINGERS - (twels1 Plspstrh te Th JoorBsl.) La Grande, Ot., June IS. Joe Nlbtey, ajrerapIoyeoTrT5rTt.-Tt.-Cw.riost three flngere yesterday while at work with a construction - crew up 'In-the mountalne. He with several other men were carrying a steel rail when all but Nlbley dropped the burden. - He waa suddenly Jerked off hla feet, and the three flngere' were caught between the rails. .Ha Uvea at Perry six miles west of this city. ( - SCHOOL RECITAL Stadeats WUI meette sad Sing for Sea rraaclBOo School Benefit. The Gillespie School of Expreaston will give their June recital this evening at the Empire theatre. The proceeds are for the San Francisco school bene fit. The program, aa Indicated below, la one of the best of the season: Invocation, Rev. F. Burgette Short, D. D,; music, Clifford's orchestra; read ing. "At the 81ga of the Cleft Heart." Miaa Pick thorn: reading, "Cherokee Roses,' Marie; monologue, - "En Masque." Mlaa Shaver; vocal solo, "My Heart' Is Singing," Miss Lytle; reading, "Jack Hall's Boat Race." Miss Shives; reading, "A Tragedy of Sedan." Mr. Claude Hicks! comedy, "The Triumph of Paulina"; music, Clifford's orchestra; drill and march. Clifford's orchestra ao-. companytng. Miss Shaver, Mlas - Pick-thorn.- Miss Salisbury, Mlas Banfleld, Mr a. Morgan. Mrs. Martin. Mlas New bury Mies Miller, TJ1 Shearer; Mlas Htckok. Mlas Shives and Mlse McBiide. WILL-NOT-WAIT. (Continued from Page One.) rf.. A -a .1. . . . .... f Teach at Sanuae BTonauU. Pact Ac University, Fores) Grave. Or, June It. Professor Loul Bach, in structor In modern languages at the rollege, haa been engaged to teach French. Hpenlah antl Uerman at the Monmouth summer normal fOrabout ten weeks Uils usin)g Try IKGraVcs' "TobtoPow t is the most effective tooth pre servative and cleanser . made. LUse it for health and economy leaves ncnciotis auer taste., ask your dentist. " " la handy snatali i oe battles, SS but thus far It has not been com munlcated .to me. I .want to aay that If Mr. Thomas or any one elae Is in possession of facts that would be of assistance In prosecuting the frauds It Is his duty, aa a cltlaen to present thoee facta to ma. and every guilty .man. no matter who he .may be. will then be prosecuted vigorously. . , Some taw That Oeaeed te Be. . The Democ ratio county committee sought to relieve the county of the ex pense of Investigating fraud and pun ishing offenders by appealing to the United Statee dtatrlct attorney to take up the work under the atatntee bearing on frauds at elections In which candi dates for congress are chosen. Chair man Thomas and Secretary Mllaer found to their surprise that those statutes, although- still printed In the book containing the Oregon election taw a, were-repealed February s. 1IM, more than It yeare ago.' Now Chair man Thomaa wants to know: ' i "Why do highly paid officials con tinue to hand out as law every election time something that ceased to be law years" agor , Preferred Btoek Oaaaea eesla, Ilea A Lewis- Beet Brand, - - v . ,..L! --'. , -. '. An raraordinary Sale of Clothing and Shoes ! The IMonal SHnoeaiad Ooliii Co. Eastern Headquarters: The- Flatlron Bulldlne. New York - Great Purchase by Our Newr York nepresentclive y That Enables Us to Offer Fascinating Bargains In all classes of appsrel worn' upon tA back or feet by men and boys and shoes for women and ffrls. 1 It was a lucky hour in which our eastern representative found a monster barg sin in a stock of foods, each as we enumerate below, and on a spot-cash proposition became owner of the lot. It was a case of anxietv to sell end a willingness to bu if a positive Jaargsln was in sight Therefore the deal was consummated. the money passed over, and the first consignment has been placed upon our shelves, counters: and drawn s- And Tomorrow HorninfjWill Begin Our Disposal of r.Iercfccllse at Such MarveloiK 'i Some may wonder how we can afford these prices. Our answer Is that our eastern buyer is erer tn the ground for snaps just such as ha secured in this instance and this explains it all. : Men's and Boys -Clothing About 1 50 men's Suits, manufacturers' samples, in neat, up-to-date patterns, tweeds snd casstmeres, ' well lined and tailored, sll sizes in the lot, easily worth up to $10, on thi sale only. ..s)2.95 About 200 men's Suits, made of fine all-wool cheviots, tweeds, worsteds and serges, in light and dark - shades, also plain black or blue, all sixes in the lot st only...... , ....ST.95 About 275 men's Suits, broken lots, but all sizes, in all up-to-the-minute, patterns, this spring's goods, combining neatness, style: and 'durability, sold everywhere at $1S to $20, but here you .may take , your pick of the lot, splendid s they are, f 9.75 Boys' double-breasted Suits, good quality... 1.39 Boys' corduroy Suits, actually worth $3, only S1.7S .Boys' very fine three-piece : Suits, coat, vest and . pants, worth up to $7.50, mostly large sizes in the lot, your choice for this sale.. i...2.9S ' One lot of young men's Suits, sizes 33, 34 and 35, actually worth $10, but you may have your pick at this sale at....... .....S3.T5 Men's Hats Fashfonable Hats for men, a surprise for everybody . soft, stiff, light and dark: not one in the lot worth less than$2.00 and most of them worth $2.50 snd Men's and Women's Shoes salt .If Men's at . Shoes, worth $2.00, your pick Men s Shoes, worth, $2.50, your , pick t at : this sale at a. i.'.-.fl , Men's Shdes, worth $3.50, your pick-at this sale at ..; Ladies' Shoes, worth $2.00, your pick at this sale - - at .i. ....... fl.19 Ladies' Shoes, worth $2.50,. your choice at this sale at .....V.. :........ 19 Ladies' Shoes, worth $3.00, , your pick at this sale : at ...fl.99 Boys' strong, durable Shoes, the kind that others " sell at $2.00. your pick at this sale at S1.29 Girls' $1.50 Shoes, handsome and stylish, for this sale only ., .99e Children's $1.25 Shoes, strong and durable, a great bargain st Tt Children's 75c Shoes, unprecedented values at. ..39a? Men's Furnishing Goods Men's $1.00 Golf Shirts, sale price.....' ..49e All 35c Suspenders, for this sale only 19 All 50c summer Underwear, for this sale only..23r All 75c Negligee Shirts, for this sale only 49e All men's and boys' 10c Sox, for this sale only...4e $3.00; Vouf pick at the unusually l!WTiTice of7rT9s All childreW45Hosfot.jhi4sale. onjyJM Many ot tnese Dargatns are manutactorerr samples, uur eastern neaoquarters is sougnt after as s market for samples used by commercial travelers, when they have returned from the season's selling. These goods-are in no wise damsgfrtp just a little "mussed, but Some were never on the road. at all, but in sampie-rooms tn tne larger cities.- to look at, ana so tar aa real worm is concerned, they are exactly as good as when they left the hands of the tailor or maker. rr -:'.:'1,;r- '? ' EVERYTHING SOLD BY US IS GUARANTEED, ABSOLUTELY, AND YOUR MONEY WILL GLAD LY BE RETURNED IP NOT AS REPRESENTED. : . - REMEMBER Te Moial te jM WM&$ fo - 207 First Street, Between Taylor and Salmon MILLION-DOLLAR STEEL PLANT NEAR SEATTLE Seattle, June 11 J. A. Moore an nounces that he atxt hla associates will build a I). SOO.OOO steel plsnt on Iske Washlnslnn to complete the canal be ilweea the sound and Lake .Wastflngtoa thronch lAke Union In two years. The county will hold a special election to Issue ISOO.000 bonds to guarantee tha Investment. Moore maintains the canal for three years after completion, then turns It ovr to the eovernment. The canal "I l two r-.;,a lone and will five f a f i vster harbor 100 sqnat ; . : . i 1 V . t . lock. . . " Mo reaass WtHrbmry. Jnarssl SrUl a -rlr. I Pittsburg, fa., June li. -vote r ystrd-iy on f-e r f PitU. V snt Al. former with 25,6 I i of the eonso!' ' sslnst, t - e r t V