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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1906)
I 1 I THE OREGON DAILY JOURNALS PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY' EVENING. JUNE 13. ItZS. I. ... MATERIAL IN STREET; Vf ; - BUILDING MAKES HIGHWAY NARROW TRAIL r".V ' - r v 1 - , i - .-.--.-- 1 -!''. T J . iV frii isV ,iStf y trttfun m. v .'., -,-v, ; r--"- One Place Where 'AlPtftre ?' On of tha eauatters upon Portland's Kbllo ttrU is C H. Lucas, a building a tractor. Some weeks ago Mr. Lucas txraa the" erection of a thr-e-etory brick building on Tenth street, between firamhill and Morrlaon, . Without taking ho trouble to file a preemption claim, Mr. Lucas moved onto tha atraat pamsd, taking poaaeaatoa to tha exolu ton of paraona who might deal re to uaa I ha thoroughfare for pnrpoaaa of traf- Way Befort Contractor. Vntldr PU of brick, apparently dumpad at tha moat convenient apot for tha teamater. mortar i barrel, lumbar) a ehloken coop of a bulldlnc and general debrUr Utter up tha atraat from Mor rlaon to TambUl. , , . Alone tha weat aide of Tenth remaina but a narrow apace for tha paaaage of a vehicle. . A expert driver . may gat through, provided aaother rig doea aot face htm from tha oppoalta direction. In euoh a ce tha altuatton takes much tha character of a meeting en tha moun tain BrectDlce. Paao tel Mar. If u able to perauada bla team' to climb over a pile, of brick, tha driver . muat gat out, unhitch and back up. ' - Monopoly of tha publlo atreeta la pun lsnabie by a Una or lioo. Not mora than half the width of the street may be lawfully uaed by any person, though he be a building contractor. J. E. Ben nett, who la erecting . a- building on Eleventh street, between Alder and Washington,- atiU ooouplea moat of the street Class of ?Ix Young Men Finish Court of Instruction. ' v T ' at Columbia, . . medals are awarded & :to seven students . Chirleg Albright Dellyera yaledictory I ' Addrcsa and, Hugh C Gear in tha ;v Ovation Aox . the Ocxaaior High .Standard of Exctllenc Shown. The students and instructors, of Co '( . , lumbla university, as well as aoma of their friends, gathered in tha university -'. auditorium thia morning to attend tha : cradoatlng axarolaea - of tha claaa of . 110. Tha exercises began at 10 o'clock .land continued until noon. -". Tha graduating class was composed of alx young man, their names, residence and eollegacouraas being aa, follows Classical aeademlo oouree, Coa Aloyslus . . 2f cKennat of Portland; English academic , oourea, Charles Chesley Albright of Bouth Bend, Washington, and Joseph Parnell MoQlnnll Of Turtland; sclentlfle . academic couree, Valentine . Edward Drtealer -of "South Bend.' Washlngtoa: T.comiurclal couroa, Edward Joseph Kelly . and Hugh Vivian Laoay, both of Tha - JUailaa. - ... ..- i Tha exercises wore opened with a M vocal quartet, entitled "Sweet and Low." ' following oamo tha valedictory Address by Charles Albright.,- Thaa ' came tha awarding of diplomas -and medala, tha whole school being eligible 4 to compete for the medala. Hugh C Oearln, a son of Senator Oearln and a . Portland attorney, delivered aa address, after which the quartet sang. "Home, Sweet Home" The president. Rev. M. '. A. Qulnlan. C S. (X, delivered the cloa- A ing remarks. J. ;vv r The medals were awarded as fol ' t lowat ' A modal presented by Archblahoy Chrlatla of Portland to the pupil show . Ing tha highest degree of general axoal- . Twe,'wM awarded to, Charles Chesley , ' Albright. " A medal 'preaented by tha lata Right Jev. Br.nlor Blnnchet. for the student ABSOLUTE : SECURITY. Genuine Garter-s Little Liver PUls. es Pas Slaills Wroaoer Belew. CAflTERS reiiuiACRie . rtl BIZZIRUS. . rex iiusxtxEtt. FeiTcsnauvu. m C8XSTIFAT10I. rti tiuiw suf. rcimctKPiixiei CJZZ tlCX KZADACHt, nia&ftig " tha" "best "Temid iii'Odvaneeil I" bookkeeping, waa awarded to jsawara Kelly. A medal preeented by the Rev. George Thompson, for tha student reaching tha "hi ghese exee Hence tnQreek,-wa awarded to Paul E. Smith. A medal presented . by Rot. Edwin 0"Hara, for tha student making the best record in advanced arithmetic, waa awarded to Hugh Vivian Laeey. ; : A medal preaented : by Rev. J. C. Hughes, for tha pupil making tha beat record la LAtin, waa awarded to lon aid ROWS. ' r- ' ' r ---y A medal preaented by Rev. William Daly, for tha pupil making tha beat reo ord In English ossay - writing, ' waa awarded to Ignatias Edward McNameo. - A medal preaented by Rev. Daniel Curley, for tha pupil making tha beat progress - In penmanahlp, waa awarded to Arthur McKay. . THE NUMBER OF CANDIDAIES IS Many New Candidates: Are En taring . tha Educational Contest" ;; ' c 1 Miss Mildred I Clemons was quick to realise the opportunity in entering the contest early and is among thf first to mi out ana xorwara a nomination Diana. Thla young 1 lady waa born In Nsw Haven, Connecticut, and baa lived in - ' '8' '-. I .' s, " ' I? Portland for several years. Bhs Is a graduate of the St. Johna echooU where she graduated two years ago, and haa attended tha Dallas college ons year. but is now a student at tha Portland High school and enters the eonteat well recommended aa a. faithful. Industrious and ambltiouB atudent by Mr. T. T. Davis, tha High school ' principal. " It is her ambition to try for one of tha caah prizes, so that aha may enter tha University of Oregon, and her many friends at High-school - have already started "kn kctlvs csmrralgm.' It may bo well to add that tha young lady prou(llj&linireiatlojpgkiptoJ.hi famous Mark Twain and It la to bo hoped that aha -will make- aa gflbd a ahowlng In this contsst as her famous relative did in the literary world. IU mnwm Foiroiiir Norwegian Steamer-- Norman Isles Will Come to Portland for Cargo In July. ':..-. NOW ON WAY FROM ANTWERP tWITH CEMENT Waa Her a Few Year. Ago With "Cargo of Steel Ralla for the South ern Pacific Company and Departed With Lumber. n The,Norwegian steamer Norman Isles waa chartered yeaterday afternoon bv the Pacific Export Dumber company to ioaa inmoer at tola port rori the orient. She la now on the way to Ban Ptanclaoo with a cargo of cement-from Antwerp and la expected to reach Portland by tha middle or July. ' The Norman lales ia a big carrier. She was here a couple of years ago, bring ing a cargo of rails from Antwerp for the Southern Paclflo company, and sub sequently sailed from hero with a coupla of cargoes of lumber for tho orient. Her eaparlty Is spproxlmatelyLa.000.808j eet." .. , i .. - . ; , n The Norman Isle ie the flret of the fleet of cement carrying ateamers now on the way to tha Pacific coast to' se cure an engagement for outward busi ness, but It is expected that others of tho fleet of more than half a dosen vessels will be picked up soon, there being a good demand for lumber car riers here, - aa well as - on the Puget sound. Among ths steamers on the way to the coast with cement cargoes Is the Kelvlnbank, which sailed from London May 17 for this port, consigned to Bal four,' Guthrie A Co. Bho la due to ar rive hero before' tho end of the month. So far aa known she ls e till opsn for outward buslneas. IN THE LUMBER TRADE. TRACE OF MURDERER IS LOST BY POSSE (Bpeelel Dlapatell to Th jMrnal.) Enterprise, Or., June 11. All trace of John Bare, the alayer Of - Brick JobnsenYwBe lost lsst svsnlng by ths pursuing offloers and- his trail . had not been picked u again thla morning. - Sheriff Blakely and a deputy followed tho fugitive into ths hills last night, but darkness overtook them and they were unable to follow him farther. Thla morning they resumed tha Chase, but have beeii unable to dlacove bla where abouts further thaa that be Is In tho hills north of town. Johnson's funeral will be held hero today, 1. .. .4 ( . Xf yea have aot answered The 3 Sohoonar Admiral Sails foe mm and Others Are loadig. The schooner Admiral left down vea- terday afternoon bound for Ban Pedro with 1,000,000 feet of lumber. Tho Ad mire 1 wlir return for1 several cargoes, her owners having bought a large quan tity of lumber In thla market Tho barkentlno Amason will finish loading at the mills of Inman, Poulsen ft Co. Friday night and Captain Aaa ex pects to get away for Shanghai Bunday morning. The old crew waa paid off Immediately upon ths Vessel's arrival here "and a. new crew will bo signed Saturday. The schooners Dottle Bennett and W. H. Smith are loading lumber for San Francisco at the mllle of tha North Paclflo Dumber company and the schooner Bailor Boy la receiving a eargo for tho aamo deetlnatlon at one of the mills on tha lower Columbia. - si Be 6ol IDdDiM WINS FOR OTIIERS VIIY NOT FOIl YOU? To-be seen in this city are right here at this store.' Not a few off-grade materials made up to catch the eye and a few days afterward be sorry you saw thenv but2,000 fine all-wool and "worsted umd-UUc-Suit-fromthe best known makers of America. The labels on these' elegant suits are'pbsitive IdentificaUon' Of Theif-intrinsicue-15r$l6J,-$la-and $20- If you are not posted, ask some onathat knows. The Chicago bases its claims on facts and yr guarantee to -- t aim vnu from M to t9 on tich lult .,. --- During TMs Great fouMe One Sidfl Sale For Unlimited Choice of TivoThousand $15, $16.50, $18-aitd $20 Tailormade Suits , In black clays,' unfinished wonted a, imported blue serge, gray clay, Oxford and t pygrtewcTsteds,ekur-cassimeresreal8cotch cheviots and tweeds, Wales checks, mingled plaids, etc., suk, Venetian Serge and Italian cloth lining; summer or medium weights. - Saita that are the equal -of the best custom tailor products. Shows plainly the power of this store to give you the best bargains to be found on the coast. ' ,;" . , ,. ; , .;.-'..,:.;"-:..-'.''.'. .'I.- For the choice of 800 all wool or wor ' sted Suits,-in thenew spring styles ; worth $12.50 to $15. These elegant suits consist of small Tots left from the best selling lines of the season. " ' cSodDCn) veaaels are on tho bertha at Antwerp, Hamburg and London loading cement and when aU are under way Portland will probably have tho distinction or hetn the destination of tha largest fleet of cement carriers ever beaded for one port In tha world before. With tho exception of three all the veeeela now on th Wet- will come direct 4 with-full cargoes,: and with tha excep tion of the French bark Bougainvnie, which cornea from Australia with coal, ail are coming from porta In Europe. , CHARTERED FOR WHEAT. EXPECT BUSY SEASON. tongshoremen Will Save Xamda mil to aTa'sdls InoT easing hipping. The tongahorsman of Portland are looking forward to one of the bualeat seasons in the history of tho port. With a large fleet of cargo carriers to arrive there will bo's great demand for their aervlcea In discharging tha freight and then they will be called upon to stow away tha grain or lumber cargoea wltbJ which tba veaaels will make their -departure. .. .. - In order to take care of tha Ihcreae Ing buslnsss a number of nsw men will In all probability be added to the unlona now controlling ths situation; although tho object is to have no mora men on vthe Hat than can bo ateadlly employed. MANY CARGO. CARRIERS Tsjaaij-aajo Ti sails Am Seeding for . Portlaavd Xa4em so too Ketches. , Jever In tho history of ths port wars Wire ao many cargo vessels on tho ea to list' ss at present, the total nurn- al Want Ads lately yea have aottear being it. with a net register of 41 BrtHsk Ship Oaraedd XUsweUyB to Ooms JTortltJrom 9orXM Aagotos. " Balfour, Guthrie aV Co. chartered the British ship Carnedd IJewellyn yeeter day to load wheat at this port for Tat cahuano, Bouth America. She will be here soon to finish before tho new crop begins coming In. Ths veeaet-iaat Port Los Angeles and will sail north at once. Ths engagement of tho Carnedd Llewellyn will probably mean tha clean ing ud of sll old-crop wheat available tor export In this district. As she will not be able to get away until tho latter part of July, ths vesssl, besides having ths distinction of winding up ths old business, will have tho honor of leading tho bow season's wheat fleet. r ALONG THE WATERFRONT, The oollior Saturn arrived up this morning from Mare Island with fuel for tho warahlpa in tha harbor. The steamer Dulwloh la finishing hsr lumber cargo at the mills of tho North Paclflo Lumber company. No word has been received from San Pranclaco relative la. the ' movements of tho vessels booked to sell for Port' land and It is. presumed that tney are still tied up aa a result of tho water front strlks there. The oriental liner -Nleomedla reached Hongkong yeaterday from Portland. Tho Arabia la duo to arrive here in about a week. Tho American visible supply of' wheat today ia li.Tst.000 bushels. Shipments from tho United States and. Canada for the week ending Juno 19 were l.m.OOO bushels, i , . , - .;. MARINE NOTES. Astoria, June . II. The four-masted barkentlno reported . in distress was tpwed in at :J0 a. m, by tho tug Wal- Tuic : : 'St. Johne, June- li. Passed at 10:41 a, m., V. S. steamer Saturn. Port Harford, Juno H Arrived, bark entlno rullerton. In tow of tho tug Sea Rover, from Portland. Astoria. Juno It. Arrived at 4:40 and left up at p. m., U. S. ateamer Saturn, from San Franolaoo. Hongkong, June It. Arrived, Oertnan steamer Nloomsdla, from Portland. Astoria, June II. Condition of ths bar at I a. m., moderate; wind, south west; weather, cloudy. ; ; JUDGE CLELAND MAKE5 SLASH INTO DAMAGES Technical objections to the complaint In tho suit of ths Paclflo Mtircompeny againat Inman, Poulsen eV Co. were sus tained by Circuit Judge Cleland today, tha fourthly of tho trial, to an extent which reduced tho amount of damages claimed by tho plaintiff from 11(0.000 to $11,000,' ' The objections were raised by H. J4. Cake, attorney for tho de feadani, aad ware along .the linea of 4th of July Specialties HEN'S and YOUTHS SUITS .Regular $10.00 rallies.. Special. . ................. . .f 7.50 Regular $11.50 values. Special. . . . ... ... . . .'. .... . . .f 0.00 Regular $17.50 -values. Special. .............. ...f 12.50 Regular $20 and $25 values. : Special.......... V.. 915.00 Ladies' and Men's Tan Shoes and 'Oxfords at $1.00, 51.75, 52.00 and 82.50; worth double the price. . Ladieg and Misses' White Canvas Oxfords, $1.00, 81.25 and ............... t ................ . . ........ $1.50 Z-." Cut Pricea on Overshirts, Pants and Hats. ' JOHN DOLLAR 181-183 FIRST ST, and $3-55 NORTH THIRD ST. eliminating damages for the sale of lumber, tho Issues being conflned to stock subscriptions and thssmall ex pense -for the lease of tho land by the plaintiff In flonnlulu. Objections are still being argued this afternoon by Mr. Cake for tho defendant and Attorney R. R. Dunlway for tho plaintiff. Ths Jury haa been exoused from attendance during tho argument. Tho case waa tried once before and a Judgment of - nonsuit .granted. Judg ment waa reversed by ths supreme court ' and tho case remanded tor a new trial. at ( toach with tklaga,; . v ., , , .. X9it .toaa- A Ur SrconUgo of these 'r'-C . r' : :.' '.''.'.v.':' . ' . . ... , , . . . " , . : ..... , ' . "f"i