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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1906)
t; THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. JUNS 13. 1CC3 RBI CAPITA Distinguished ; Nebraskan to Study Conditions ; in St; Petersburg and Pay - Kespects . to ' ? i' : Dduma--nefuses to Talk ' v ", UnimI Seeelal eerrlre.) ' Bt petereburg, June II WlllUm J. Bryan Arrived here today. Hs says that ' fee expeota to study the Russian sltua tlon and liopaa to. find people with ail ; aorta of opinions," Ha aald that ha could not dlacuaa tha political altuatlon la America, aa he had bean gees.too lone He wUl vtalt the douma toraor- row. ' - ' WUliam- R. - Hearst wehlef agent- In ' Europe arrived In Berlin to confer wKh William J. Brran aome "hours before the Nebraskan left for St Petersburg laat night Tha appointment had been made by cable with the agent, who live la- London. Bryan did not disclose tha nature ef the Interview, bat the lmpreaelon gath ered by hla frlenda waa . that ha ex pected Hearat'a representative to pro pose aome aort of a compromise where by the Bryan boom will not be allowed 10 clash with the Hearst propaganda In New Terk. - One version la that Hearat'a emtaeary attempted to Induce Bryan to decline tha propoaed big reception to bo held in New Tork la AuguaL $7,000,000 HOTEL 111 BE ' BUlLI- ia CHICAGO Windy City to Hay Finest Hos telry In America; on Mich- :.:;-;','. .Jgan Avenue. ' '4;' , - (Josraal R pedal ServUs.) : Chicago, June IS. Aa a result of ne ' -trotiatlon Just completed Chicago la as sured tha flneat hotel in the country, a fcotel that will coat 17,000,000 and eclipse New York City's flneat hostelry. "It a to be erected next fall on Michigan . avenue, between Hubbard - and. Peck 'coiirta, " r . Tha atructure. plana for. which have . rieen drawn, will ' mark ' an era In the tCbtoago hotel world. Nothing now ex isting in thla city will compare with It for elegance. . It la aald that tha fur Blehlngs will coat nearly- M.OOO.OOO. - Tha building will have a frontage of eS feet on Michigan avenue and wlU occupy an entire block of that thorough 'fare, extending back to the alley. It la to be 13 stories high end have 1.100 The decorations win ba art Itself. The best painters la America and Europe - ertn-contribtttefrTha- SEKD SANTIAM LOGS OUT FOR CALIFORNIA ' . ' N ' Drives Are Being Made From Small Streams to Big Mills v Along the Willamette, v ' (Special D lap tea te The fears.) Salem. Or, June It. The first of the logs from the Santlam lumber oampa are . beginning to arrive at the Spauldtng lumber mills here. About S.000.000 feet passed Buena Vista Sat urday and will be boomed below the old rapids. The Santlam will rvjr nlsh about 1.180.000 feet and during the coming week a drive will ba made down- the McKenaia rlver-and probably 11.000,000 feet of loga will be, at tha disposition of the local mllla of that eompany. Tha recant, disaster In Cali fornia-baa opened op a -well-nigh-un limited market for lumber and the Ore gon mllla are profiting thereby. , f, ionic GAUD SESSION LODGE OF AT TEL1PLE Convention , Will Continue - for Four Days With Two Sea- ' slons Each Day. ALL GRAND OFFICERS " V ARE HERE EXCEPT ONE MASTER FISH WARDEN MAKES MAY ACCOUNTING Two floors of tha used exclusively for banquet halls. The fcotel will also contain a ballroom more legaat than anything of tha kind else- Wnere in ma country. building will "be IWarden H. CL Van Dusen subi "TGERMANIA TO ABANDON - - TS CALIFORNIA FIELD :!".'. V- Jeoraal leeelai aarvteeT) ' ' San Francisco, June 11. General con aternatioa has been caused by tha an - aounoement of the Germaala Insurance .. ' comoahy - of - New-York -thai tt will "abandon California as a field of opera- " tlona Telegraphic Instructions to that "' affect were received by the local agents .. .. yesterday. ' ; '. . Reaaona given for the change are that .. , it la due .ta tha conservatism of the ' company that it risk no saore capital In - this stats and that the decision of tha - company la also Influenced by tha legia- lature and .. Insurance Commissioner - 'Wolf , . ; ' y ""; AS the Germanla was one of the " strongest companies doing business In 1 tha state there ta a great deal of ex . eiteraent over lta announced departure. MINNESOTA REPUBLICANS - NOMINATE STATE TICKET i , . (JearaaJ Special terries.) ' - J Doluth, Minn, June - U. The moat open oonvantloa the Republloana of Mln '. Besot have held In years assembled . here today Tor tha nomination of a a tlrket to be reted on at tha fat! election. The mske-up of the ticket cannot be forecasted with the allghteat ' degree of certainty. It la a free-ror-ail race with several aaplrants for each ' place on the ticket. Including tha gov-. rnorahlp. Jackson appears In the lead L for the gubernatorial nomination., but tt ' la conceded that several ballots will be I. necessary to a choice, as many of the "delegations will vote for favorite sons sn the first rollealL . . , . ibnTftted. Monday, his report for tha month of May. The report ehowa a total number ef fry liberated Into the waters of the coast - etreams- of - li.ia,10 total throughout the watera of ' tha . state. 14.7(1,718.-' ' ? -t The-total reoepts In the "first dl trlct from fined and penalties and li censes was 11.10101, while In diatrlct No. 1 It was 1201.10; total. $1,108.11. Tha disbursements la both districts wars tftlt.M. MAYOR OF JsEW YORK IS . : ; .MADE DOCTOR OF LAWS t - (Jearaal Seelal Bervlee.1 'Schenectady, N. TH June 11 Mayor McClellan of New Tork City waa today Installed - as - honorary - chancellor of Union university and at the eame time received the attendant degree of doctor of lawa. Tha . degree was conferred by President Raymond in the presence of a large and brilliant assemblag. Among Mayor MoClellan'a ' predeoeaaora honorary chancellor of Union are James Russell Lowell, General Horace Porter, Biahop potter, George William Curt la, Hamilton W. Mabls and" General John A. Pis. -: . , : UNCLE SAM OUTWITTED. I - BY STEAMER EMPIRE .' uoaraai apeeuu semea.1 v. I, Waahtngtoni June lt.--It llleArneoT7 that ' the steamer Empire, believed to have ' loaded 'tat flan Francisco with uppllea for filibustering In Guatemala, has returned to Corlato. - The American warships . aent to prevent her ' from landing men and supplies found her empty and ahort handed. Apparently the. filibusters outwitted Usole Sam. . For a.ulok reealas ass the Waal Oob f m reasnaL ea sf sasf i aL aawas1 NOTICE! Just Received Second Shipment of La dies' GRAY, WHITE - and BLUE r y - linen Oxfords i This Season's Latest -:" t Styles, 'yy'ic:-;: Xi...i.:. - ROSENTHAL'S Hrrnnu) New Ofncers Bain Elected This Afternoon Clas of Thirty-Three Takes Tbirt7Seconl Degrea Eastern Star Conyenes Tomorrow. - Tha flfty-alxth annual convocation of the.- grand lodge of. Oregon,-- Free and Accepted Masons, . opened this morning la the Masonle temple at the corner of Third and' Alder streets. The conven tion will continue for four daya with both morning and afternoon sessions. The attendance in both delegates and viaitora was the largest aver known by the grand lodge of Oregon; Tha grand officers were all In their chairs except one; Qrand Sword Bearer r. M. Harth, who. It was announced, would arrive in the afternoon. - Out of the 171 delegates given credentials from the IX lodges In tha state more than 1(0 , wars- present. Tha number of visitors was about the same, the latter being rom aU parts of . tha United States. . ; Aaaoal Addrees Mads. .A V .". J .' V. ... 1. m W H A u u wm II almost antlrsiy by the annual address of Grand Master W. H. Flanagan, who reviewed the progreas of Masonry and offered, a number of recommendations. which wars subsequently referred to the proper committees. . The sessions of the lodge will be- all ,of a bualneaa na ture, it requiring four daya to properly cover tha routine. One of the moat Im portant things to come up will be the matter of the proposed new temple. The Masons recently purchased a sit-' sa Yamhill etreet. Lata thla afternoon tha election of officers will . be held. The following are the. present officers Of tha grand . W. H. Flanagan ef Grants Pass, grand msaier; w. i: vv uuamson, aepuiy imw master; Lot X -Pearoe. senior grand warden! Edward Kittle, lunlov srand warden; William A.' Cleiand, , grand treasurer: James F. Robinson of Eu gene, grand secretary; J. R, N. Bell, arrant ehanlaln: Korrla R. Cox. senior grand deacon; O. Hv Hellborn. Junior grand deacon; Alexander nun, grano marshal: James F. Btith, grand steward; T. ,11 Baldwin, Junior "grand ateward; Bttnon Carroll, grand standard bearer; P. IL Harth. grand swordbearer; C O. Tomaainl, grand tyler. v ' . . Y ' sTev Omoars Blsotsd. V' ' Tha forty-sixth convocation of s the Grand Chapter, Royal Arch, cams to a close at the temple laat night. The fol lowing are the newly elected offlcera: Lot U Pearoe of Salem., grand J high priest; F. W. Davis, of Union, deputy grand high priest; Al H. Sterner of Sa lem. grand king; Edward Kiddle of Prai rie City, grand scribe; David P. Mason of Albany, grand treasurer; Jamaa F. Robinson of Eugene, grand secretary! Frank J. Miller of Albany, grand cap tain of the host; A. Thurlow of Port land, fraud lecturer. t ':- Thlrty-Vkxes Qaallfy. 1 v. frt.i-w.vAA tit tha ScottlaH Ritea Free Masonry elass qualified to the thirty-second aegree neiore w the ceremonies In the Scottish Ritea ca thedral laat nght The class was organ ised with John F. Carroll as president A. a jonee secretary and N. C. Mcbeod orator. - The address of welcome to the class waa delivered by I. W. Pratt, active thirty-third degree member, whs la in charge of this Jurisdiction. Orator McLeod reeponded. " ' - - Tomorrow the Eeaatern Star will oe gtn a three days' session st K. of P. hall.-' -The week of Masonry will be cloaed on " Saturday evening by the Bhrlnere. who will bold .social , Intar courae af the armory. . . - L:o:iTAIM RAILWAY TRAFFIC - ' " - ' .A, - CHAOTIC SHAPE Extensive Floods Tie Up ; All - - Roads and Wash Out Many 7 (Special Dispatch te The Journal.) Butte, July Is. Railway trafflo in Montana continues In a ohaotio condi tion as a result of the extensive floods, though the Northern Paclflo officials an nounce that their line will be repaired throughout eastern Montana and from Dlcklnaon weat by" tonight , -West-bound Northern Paclflo trains are being made up at Billings with the available equipment Conditions. on the Great Northern have been aggravated by yesterday's atorma In northern Mon tana. rwasbfnaL.eut thouaande of feet of track and rolTibeC - ' " ' - -. Northern Pacific trains have been sent around to Havre from Fargo over the Or eat Northern line because of the Dickinson waahout and thla will further complicate .matters - A - Havre report saya tha wire service along the Great Northern la In a badly crippled condi tion consequent upon the tornado and In a aumber . of Instances communication Is Impossible. ; r ; OIL TO GREASE APPENDIX ' i (Continued from Page One.) action, no medicine or physio will be of any uae. All fresh meets ahould be thoroughly cooked and all water should germ Inimical to life.". : Typhoid Is Plscaassd. After a discussion which brought out several new points on dlareative trou bles. DT. B. Miller made a clinical report of two cases of typhoid fever with unusual -eornpncatlona. Ho waa followed by Dr. W. W. wick, who read an Interesting paper onTuberculoala in Children." ; Dr. Wick referred to the fact that few people really know whether or not there la tuberculosis In the family and declared that when children , cough or develop lameness a very careful watch should be kept of them and an early diagnosis mads He pointed to tha fact that 16 per cent of the autopsies reveal healed tubercular lesions la the lungs and stated that tuberculosis may be transmitted In two waya, by heredity and by direct inoculation. Carpets tha doctor condemned as fearful spreaders of disease. He urged that - children should never be allowed to crawl on the carpet that la dry weather a pile of sand ahould be furnished them to play in and In wet weather they would better be allowed to crawl on a . bare floor. ; " ' .. ' - . . Dr. . Hallopeter ' followed Dr. Wick with- a- comprehensive ' review of the history of -electro-therapy. The conven tion ia proa-rammed to end today, but It la probable that the bualneaa cannot be finished tonight. If not, there will be a seaaton tomorrow morning. .. . I AT THE THEATRES. JThs TUmnton st ' theHeflf . osteal company at ui neiuc um, twe Bjatlaees UU week Weoaaeday and satar aay stteraomis-ead. last think el tt. tte as nilaekm U Juat half the Ngalar aopolar pries eharged far the evening performance. Tweaty fire seats-foe the beat- seat- la. tha aeaaa at a Bjualcal' ebajedy "that "Is better tbaa tseet ef taeread abowa ia a barala aeldeei ea. erantered. The demand far seats U large mmt a word ahould remind the pnMIe that the ant that aome get the best seleetloee. The heat way at te secure seaaoa teaarvatloBS and ttea yea caa always have the same seats. They eoet no Bore anore paid for each week as they are received and ased. Kelt week's hill Is the fascinating little opera written, hy the Ute Bldiard Buhl, 'aald Pease." , -Wc Arc Sole Agents- Portland's best shoe store L1 Educational Contest NOMINATINC CERTfttCATO Jf b aVsWrMfla srse 9m Ifawdttt a) iii.tsimsstnf $ ReKMBPi44 ky' 4aa a 0 ej a a s) a )' a ) - . - u'- ' 7 ' - , J -' , 5 ' - . ee SsFw aetaiese ., , - - . , - v ,. . - . . . m .t . :' ............... ..a KING EDWARD SHOWS ALICE MUCH COURTESY ' (Jneraal eerlal Servlce.t ' London, Juno II. By hla marked awl tention to Mrs Nicholas Lrfmgworth at he- reception tendered 'therdaTrgriterPf ine preaiaent ana - ner nuaDand. con gressman Ijongwortfi, King Edward laat night ahowed his esteem for the execu tive and the nation of -tha United States Tha reception to the Americans was tendered by Ambassador and Mrs. Reld at Dorchester house and waa a most brilliant affair, . -- , - -, :. - . HAAKON AND MAUD -M ON CORONATION MARCH fjearaal Special SerVlee.l Christlanla, June 11. King Haakon and Queen Maud today began their seven days' Journey to the coronation at Trondhjem. En route they "atop at towna and mingle with the people wffo attend the festivities. CASTOR I A Tor Infanta and Children. . Till Kind Yea Hats Always Bought Bears tbs BlgCatBXw of -When We Were Twenty-One., : ' The BakW ' patroe are "irlad te heat ttat their reqaeat to w ea "Wkaa We Were Twenty-One" has been granted without asr delay. : Thla. laensaparahle pUy of Henry V. Esmond'! to perhaps as dearly beloved as any pUr that ever hea bee wrttteav The heart Interest, the aobtltty, the really teaching beantr et the whole piece make It doubly welooaM te old see as well a yaatk. It will be the bill for the arfnlar sixth week ef the Baker stock seasea. bagninlng st the Boaaay bmU nea, Joae it, : r-..- Last Performanca TonlKht. Ths Menial Olty," tte greatest aeadne rlaa ever not ea ta stock la Fertlaae. will have its last . perforaunce tonight at the Baker theatre. - The sttendance waa greater thaa ene week' run eoald eatoce, and a air. BskW eonUnoed the play for three dara this week. - Tonight Is the laat chance yos will have te see tt. Tomorrow svealng "The Maa From the Ooidea WMt" will retara te the Baker stage, te rod ad sat the present week. As this play "The Maa rroa the Oeldea Was" ansae s great bit Bandar afternoon and Tenuis. at lta ooenlna ottb ret ulaiUth ak at tha atack neasoa. there Is a lane demand far seats for the reaalstng Bights ef this week, and It Is sate te secure year seats ss early as eeavenienx. . VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. VT I ; "A lS ,V TiXt T tt syllVM. z-terr . -.- t'.uiv-m ... . - - B . . . - M (ft . I ' ' I ssdj ? ; ' : ' 4 - ,.-,-V.. . .' M -triv. -- h-rt- - t- . waassaaaaaawsaaaaaSBaaaawaassaasa I Allen (SGilbert-Ram aker . . . ! eaiiGiMion, - cm JT cJVl AKE your home -. attractive and re-' ; fined and please ; ant with the companionship of a fine piano or organ. . , j ; We have made it possible 'X . 1 for. every family.even;Jnl. . - humble ' circumstances, to " . own an instrument. " . ' ' "i, ; 1 ir Select the piano or organ . you wish7 pay a little down '' 7 to- suit ' your ' convenience, s - and then in easy 'monthly. ' - sums thereafter. We deliver v' "the instrument at your-home Just as soon 1 as you ' have . made your; choice and paidV the first small installment. ' : We are selling out ou j new stock' at wholesale ' prices and- our used and taken Jn .trade instruments " . v at your own terms. ' ' " A Few ns : Krause Piano ; ; . . . . . .$100 , - Willard (used 1 month) 148 y C Stone r i-r - v - - w8 Kranidi ft Bach. . i ; ; . 187 - . -; Hamilton (good as new) , 196 , Cable (genuine) $450 ' style ............... X70 . ischer bargain at $300 25 v Iswwaair.aeM-'naayjeveaa ii. rwasnwsi cnooso from Knaoe Everett xtscher ' Cable ..Packardlgsbirrjr Ludwlg Hamilton Conover - ----t Hanlman - Vose v' ' Mason dr, Hamlin - on or tow nortB Wvtas slepasas wkat yoi want aad was yow wlah So pay... Zf om eanioe aad in las ao act gats yea, aoal pay a V "1 xJlxfa fi Morrison JTfe -r. At the Lyric - J It-la -fltut tMaat that tha Strang awls. aramatM proonetlOB. "Brengni le arocs, which la the offering of the Lyric. stack eea near for the enrrent week. Is Braving "la--! eipectetlons, the bona belag taxed o its espa clty each evening, as well as st each afternoon's matinee. The sMmbers et this sopalar stork eonpany are detaoastratlag their ability to (tre te the poblie a styls et entertatasMBt which Is at all times appreciate. i At ths Orand. ' JnrrllDf of the highest order Is peifufaied by Rapetl et the Oraad thla week.- lie is a headline? who has Blared all the principal vao devllle heuaas of Knrope aad America sad Is sow staking his tint tner ef the went. Bert Lew. the rertooalat, whose nlctarae are e fea ture to ens ef the lending New Tork newspapers, im m K mmn wrlth a aaat anadaltr. and Pasnr Mann and romp en )r preetet "Mandy Bawklns," the greatest lit tte act ta vanoevUle. " At . the Star. - " "At (he house of mirth thla week the Star tors company ta plsrnf the ainalcnl rarre. "Hotel yilnt-rlasi." This is a rattling enter tatnment, with few momenta of quiet sad aa hoar of- rousing, laughable escitemeat. The dialogue is lively and well charged with keal bile, while the mnatcal Interruptions are fre quent and ef the kind beat suited to this clsw of entertainment. Montis Oolites is seea la the best role be has bad ta e month. ny Med WEDDING TO SENORITA FOLLOWED BY ASSAULT Los Angelas, June II. Howard W. Throckmorton, secretary of George C Boldt Jr., son of the owner of the Wal dorf-Astoria of New Torbv while, going to tha Banta Fa station shortly before midnight, wii attacked by two Meal- mm, sun atahhad in tha left aids Thav endeavored to rob hint but he pulled his revolver and shot and his assailants fled unwounded. Throckmorton's wound was dressed and ha left for Saa Diego at midnight. . : Boldt married a eeautirui . Bpanisn rlrl sr Tla Juana a-few days ago and It-Is auposrd that the Mexlcane wanted the letters Throckmorton carried for Boldt. L, - MAY.Y0HE IS FINED I ; FOR BILKING CABBY ... ' 111 1 11 - ' ' - (Journal gnedal Service.) "London, June II. May Tohe, formerly Lady Hope, later Mrs Putnam Bradlee Rtrong, has been sued In : the polios court for bilking a cabman. - Tha plain tiff testified that he drove her around for 11 houre. and Anally took her to a railway station, where shs boarded tha train without paying him. The cabmaa consequently was unable to pay tor the day'a hire of the rah and, lost hla place. tie had been Idle a week. The defendant did not appear aad she wag fined it. SPENCER GETS HIGHEST ' GRADE FOR POSITION W. Irving Spencer, aon of Captain EL W. Spencer, has received the highest building inspector, according to the grades announced this morning by ths civil service comtalsslon. , live mea took the examination- and two others, Peter Herner aad Walter K. Boa vie, were also auocesaful In ranking the requisite grade. - ' ; ' ' Tha two men, Roy V. lflekley and Edward D. Bandbarg, who took ths ex amination . for . draftsmen, were r suc cessful, f - ' J ,n As three men are on tha eligible Hat for building Inspector, if la probable that ths exeoullvs board will soon make an appointment. This Is ths first time any one has been able to pass ths test given for thla position by the civil service commission, and Thomas Mann, the present Incumbent, la anxious to resign aa soon as there Is any one qualified to take, hla plaoa. Jamaa B. Reed,- a laborer la ths city para, presented aa appeal from . tha dlamlasal by Park-keeper Lowlta ' As Reed has been at work for ths city leaa than six months, ths commission ' held to ths rule ta tha charter that the any smploye who haa not finished his probation' period, and ths appeal will not ba oonsldessd. v . -.. .. , More than rain enough' ta eastern asx' wall as in western Oregon. ' . - icinei for 30 Years I .-V': i i'A . I,' I- "'"2. :: .wv:' ,.:', Mr. W.; A. Stags: Brooklyn, Y.a aged 73, enjoys good htalth, thanks 'to. Duffy's r Pure Malt WhUksy, which : lias been his medicine for 30 years. ''X:-; '' Mltagg: has had Orlp many V times, and he says that Duffy's ; makes a complete cure every time, preventing : any bad after effects. After : using Duffy's for, 30 years, ' as prescribed, he would not: i Jwjthout It; : .-.-.-t-. -I MB. W. A. BTAOO. ; "For thirty years Duffy. Malt t Whiskey has been my one medicine. -I hare always used it as prescribed and : it has proved a-valuable aid, as it has ; -not only cured several attacks, but hasj prevented any bad after effects. - I, tannot speak too highly of what Duf-' fy's Pure Malt Whiskey has done for ' . me, and will always keep it to stinuu-r late and tone up my system and as a sute cure forolds and grip. ' Althoughl 73 years old, I am hale- and hearty, r due to the judicious use of Duffy's 1 Malt Whiskey, W. A. SUgg, 1068 Pacific bt., Brooklyn: - Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey la an absolutely 'pure, gentle and Invigorating stimulant and tonic, bullde s ths nerve tlsauea, tones up ths ti ear t. gives power to the brain, atrength and elastlolty to the muscles and richness to the blood. It brings Into sotlon all the vital ! forces, it makes digestion perfect and enables you ta get from the fend you eat the nourishment It contains . It la in valuable for overworked men, delicate women and sickly children. It strenrthena tha syatem, la a promoter. of good health and longevity, makee the old young and keepa the young strong. Putty's Pure Malt Whiskey contains ao fusel oil snd is ths only whiskey that has been recognised as a medicine. This Is a guarantee. c ' --f old by an dragriste and grocers, or direst, ta sealed bottlee ealyi a ever la balk Wtos 1. xastst oa ths geaaiae, . aad see that the "Old OhemleV' trade-nark Is aa the label. Beware of refilled bottles sod spartons anal whiskey eme etltates offered for sole by unreliable dealers. They are poettlvely savanfal Sad will ae says. Medical Seesiet Hni deoters adrloe free. Duffy Mail Wolakay Co, jsecoestsx, g, y. , , , . .. . , '.'.'.''".i ". .::-.' '. ", . r v- '. ;-:V,-- - - t v- ' . , :.' . 3-'-v" ; .'V