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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1906)
V -- T THE OREGON , DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING.,, JUNE 13.' 1803: f . ' . . 1 . . . I 'It FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 90 BALE CHEAP 8 sad V-rooa niil neX " n part man. 878 Oert.ld ave. Tab Wsodlewa aw. Pboae Baal IML HB SALB by owner. -nx boas. 13,000. oa Hallweod nrllne,- 90 ailBotM' rid: elegant ; location: good term. Inquire at Sot AbUig toa bldg. Must Sell at Once looxloo, half black froa Wela 1II1U and railroad, at St. John. - BOMB BR0KBRA0B COM PANT, Booa I Breedea bldg.. Third and Wanking;- : tea, te--Phun PacUJc 8. .... PIKDMONT 4rt gal f Flednient lota, to Investor aa well, bulloere; easy torn) buy Ihle week. INVESTMENT CO., S44 Itark at. rOB BALB 18 a ma, all cleared) orchard. alio froa water of city, gsod nad, frn mii ut7i kxwr. Ala erne la city. nee B I,. anbop TkfrirritrnrTm4i M.00O1 Aa iiwui !, ana aaa a ana noai boaaa with aar nadora eoaalaa. rloaa la; bar la aa opbortaaity that doaaa't ttra mai oor way ; eaa ba boabt aa "1 , HAQEMANM BLAMOBABD, 91 fifth at HATI arraral boaa raaalnf trwa 11.000 op; - will brll oaay BMnthly payBaota ar will build to ault wehaaar, whlrk b raa aay trw la tb oaiao aaaaar. Call IM bit Booaath t Barth., oboe Boat 75. OOLCMIUA INTR8TMBNT COMPANI,- - Uoraar Aiaawnrw anq unioa. Phaao Waodlawa 3M (oaa-rry Ha),' -1 Wo aka ocroac and Onlunbla rlvor watar fraatat a aporlalty. Bscalloat boTa ' la Hota oa tb Colombia Halrbta, omlooklnc th rim far 80 ariiaa, from ioo ap, cub or aT ii ma. - - ' 128,000 to Viae on good roal aetata ooearlty, ' It yoa waat a bona far roat. rail aa X - ItMtrrr oar apodal ratfcc aopartaat- Waodlawa 338. ... . : nana la Piodmont. Wahftt Park tad ' norardal Inta; amcallaat boya la far laad ! tbo Colombia. W aorro yoo promatly and fairly. -COLUMBIA INTB8TMBNT COMPAMT.s . Cantor Amowortb aad Caloa. Plana Woodlawa 300 (oaa-aarty Uaar.' Taka Woodtowa ar. afODIRM e-toai eattaf, 01 ffrawrt it . owaov aul tear dtyt a bargala; 1.000. , MOBTU WBdT LAND COMPANY. 30 Ooodaooch bld. Ooo. W. Tnroor. H. W. Mnior. . - Wa traaoart a tBral roal aataa and brokoraia boalaaaa aad aoUdt a of yoai atroaaco. BT OWS m. room eattar. lot (0x100. with l-foot ellrys T"l 11.100. daroaa leii -Habjbt a-, Cpaa Albino. ; - - . f860 ' ' ''" "'' 200X86 fort, 8-rota hoaa. aploadld wall, I block fraa (r.ord aebool. Boar ear 11m " tarma. ' Aw bargala la Iota and arraaca. - Bra aat Wa.aall tbo artk aa th la tallaxnt plaa. WOINT BCOTT BBAL KSTATB COMPANY. Phoaa Boott 3284. Laata. Ortoa. ftLBOANT anartar block, eor. Baat Twoay. alath aad Baat Coach. Vory doolrabla teca- tloa. laqalra SSI Waablnftoa at. h-AXOM PARK . . 1 aow oa tb aarhot: lobj at aanaf prlcaa, aecordint to ImproTomoota. r .. Lot BOizoo-iorj, Jinx," xo iu looitKO f 100, 1210, tza LOta BUOIXKO U, fWL Tbaao lot ara aoatly In eolUratloa. Ir J alabtl. aa a aooa araara airon, amoo aood 10-roea arbool at Laota, Ac far to amy " mmrt nf Portland: watar froo: toraia. a B. AD01T0N. Owxwr, Uib, OrofoB. . Taka htooat Scott car. BOMB GOOD VACANT IX3TS. r , V block, Baat 13tk aad Taylor. ' 80x100, Baat Aokany, elon km. box 100, Hawthorn Park. v i Choice vacant lot, wrot aid. Boar 10th; a Whatlful locatloa for bom. BBNKLB HAKRIROR, - tlT Abhiftna bldt. - ST. JOHNS. Oond I raaa booa. vary tern lot, 11.800. Two aew aMdora aooora, f Inert loraMoa. f and roama, walla tinted! larg groaad, , fruit, te.s ach. UBNKLB HABRIS0!t. HI Ablnrtoa bid. -BB InrvltMt bom to tb' beet lor , Ml dtrt rbrapi It la a beaoty aad tho lawa la fin with travel drrr. loratloa fnr and In: 'fro. trrc and ' flnwora: alatant boaa. room. Blcaly fin . labrd. mil baoMncat. ceawated ehwr aa, tnbo, etc.; walla hard flalanrd aad alcrly tinted. ' chtaa loaat, llfbt atry ranat with larra eloartai complete fnr 84.000. or If barn la la rloaed thli week wlU (Ire bur daroaat; 12.000 dowa. balance to rail nnrcbaorr at 8 per cent. 1. E. Uoamer. 110 Allaky bid. Mala AIM. .. - BTJT NOW - Or Walt aad Pay Mora. . t.108 Nice lot oa HaaboMt at., aot til Jma L carlln; tana. $19 m.h, halaBc llO per month. " $326 flOxlOO eoatb front rvMaarr at.. 108 . feet froa car: watat hi atreett. term raa- eon. Me, ; - - - . 8S08 for fla fall-etaad lot, aaat froat, an I h carlln; 8 100 tut, balaaea ea r two 840 for lot ta Hbjhteadt $3Saa, kahrac 18 par BMeth. $80 for lot bb Cook Are., aet far fra yIM--T!ByWya)aj PBOPBBTT 11.800 Tw lot oa KIlllnfBwarth ara. , 4 vi. i a rtne arooertr. t ' 81.000 Ixt oa Mlaalaalppt it, act far KtAoch at. $2,000 Fine comer a ralea ara. imo 891100 oa taloa are. $12.000 Three Inta aa WUIIiata are. aat far fraa -aterl brlrlr. - - M. B. TfiObtPBON. Phoaa Waodlawa B03. 848 Mlaalaatppl are. CITT PBOPBRTT. t -, SI.ROO It aear ateel brMn. 8I.A00 8 roaa boaaa, freit,, aauU bora, oa Weodatork line: term. Lota la Keallworth. tt dowa, $10 per xonnlk. 8 poroeeat hi tenet; nod Bollt 15 ' alMM (ar aerrtee; eity water, eleetrtc 4tchte. , raraia hi th faam Baaareld dmtrtet, aa Biala read: rural aellTary. toJeaoea Uaa, 81.80080 arrea fin orchard laadi there I alaa a lermdrpoett of tU a lay aa thl ''Vxoon acre ''fenced. Ill cra clear and In wheat; anaa enloa land. 18 80041 acree. .88 hi wheat. 11 aero flaabed; rannbic water; mall hoaa aad bant lata la aaexretled orchard tend. 81 00080 an, 88 etear and IB crop; pood hoaa. 2 heme: raattlac water..- rrn c. kino. 80S Cometorrl.l bmVr . 3d and Waahlnctai at. Pboe Mai MAS. lj poo P1B8T C1.A88 modem rntt.n cVio la. r ii-Me additloe, tftaemaaa Blancbard, 81 iuik at, .(,' I II I II 1 1 ' I in. H'PHIMHItft hrsra. t -I r-1 ut -' I , $jO, Brlggo-Ford Bnlty Co, 1.UV. Tint st. t . V . Troubles of the Lover Butf. -J 'FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 3 ACRES, 5 room boaaa, blfhly lmprored. oa oxrllne; prlr $2,000. 8 let with 10-room houe. plenty f xratt, a 48lb at.; price $8,000; term. J 8 -rooa aew nodera eottajie, wtbrd oak flnlab, beet men t, oa 0th at. , -" t lota, fcouoo each. Oteaeo Park, at a barf. In pflca. II yoa ara a buyer, call to ar ear tarn llat of toreataant and raaldenc property. Term t rait. - ; 8ICHT A) TAH rOSSBN, ' - 301 H AtorrlaoB at. z x r OiirSpcciaLBarijaliiLIst ! 1,800 42x100, .8-rooa boaa. 0rarr at. 2.700 80x100, T-roota bona, Oraat at. 700100x100, fla alfbtly lot, Baacntft are. $2,80000x100, 8-room awdera boaaa, Xaat Irrliictoa. , 1700 60x100 aloput lot aa Cellar at. 1 3.000 60100, bw T-rooa boaaa. Area piac. . $1.000 0xl08, aew Srooa ottan, Baar Piedmont. 81.200 BOxIoO. new 8 room gotten. Moot. lilM. , , ,, ,,. 1, 81.000120 arrea. imiU - 'llJle1CXi;ra8jfliiTntall(Bi li trait 1.000.000 feet are timber. 1 alto from awmUl, chorea, acbooli 27 aBe froa Port- HOTCHKISS WOOD. ..' 213 Allaky bW.. Third and ktorrbna. -ROOM brand-Bew borne and full 1st, to I'pper Albtna, rloe la 00 William are., modern la eery detail: (tatloaary tab. porcalalB batba, hot and cold water tank, cae aad electricity, ' full renMBt baaemaat, plam bluff all completel a Ideal place to erery aeuae; only $1860. H. W. GARLAND At CO., ltttt 4th at. Best Buys In Multaemah , ; County ' B0 feet en a dedlratad atreet ta th deat .. reeldeace porttoa of Lenta, all ready for plat tins; thla muat be boucbt la tb aext 10 dara or will b platted. 83.TS0 will buy 38 acra ef fla had doaa ta Lenta, - . I bar a aambe f 6-acre tract clot to Laata, price raafla from $108 ta 8180 per acre. Bona aad let aad tarma. Ulr aa IRA KILLOK. Lnita. Or. ' ' 38 ACRBS, 11 ta ropx belldinn. atnek, toola; . car oO m In tee; part trade. 804 Ooldetnlth. rrBST 8IDB , . 8-roa bouae, walainr dtrtaoc; hoe only - fab? eon dirt on, bat the lot a worth arte . aaked 43.0110: 8600 rack, balaaea easy pay aeata, CaU S48H BUrk at. - FOB a tew daya aaly wa after a anod 4-room hoaa and lot 80x100 oa Eaet Barrhma at.. Bear 87th, for $00. - PatUraoa 8 tew art. 1000H Belmont at. OOOD 8-room rotten and tot. 60-foot front, . on Baat Taylor, near 87th. for aly 81.780. Patteraoa a Stewart. lOOOH Belmont at. FOR 8 A LB Let, block Baaayald car. water and aewer oa atreet, cheap. Addnaa 0 83, car Journal. POR SALB A rood 8-room boaa. betb. lot 86x100; fto location. Inonlr ea premiere, - H Water at., 8.. bet. Arthur aad Mead at a. PBCIAL INYK8TMENT ' C Wee-la lata aa a rery ale earner: aoafhty rental of $120 aad alwaya occupied; price 13.000. Oall BUrk at. 800 Bl'tS a fall lot and amaH bulldtn oa ICaat 12tb, Bear ah.Ter; atreet tm proved. 8KS0 buy 80x100 lot. all farden and fnttt, a Beat eottace; well feaced: bit. Scott carlln, 3660 boya S4 acree rood cultl rated tend, Bw hone, near Bearertna. - $2,5008700 eaab, terma oa ba lane, buy cood T-rooa hone and hi block at MU Tabor; let ef fruit; aear car. ' 33,000, oa pood term, bay 30 acree fin . tend, pood orchard, all farm ton la, aew wacoe, pood eiwa bona. 3 baroe: rlea to railway title, Clark county, Weab.l IS acre cleared and In crop. ORUNTY MFt.RATH CO, :-.-.. 3484k Morrlaoa at, ,TT DON'T fall to aee this plar before buying- yonr home. Pretty modern cottap la Runnyildet ' 3 Iota; axe. electricity, beet plumbtnc: fruit, berrlea, pardea. rear. 1038 Eaat Aider. POR BALB T-moa bona, almoat ready for ccupeary; .laree noma, blph eetltiura, larr baeemeotj aodcra built; muat be aold thl week. Conaualrate with W. R. Tift a Co., laurerwood. on Meant Scott carlln. FOR BALB 8 Iota 80x100; fruit and-p ardrn, near 8c car; $AM, term. 1 lot 40x100; 8 room frame bonee, aear car ; 842B, term. eO acree pood land ea Columbia, $7 pet acre; terau. Price aj Powell, 107 1 Pirat at.. In St. Johns, PToaae and tot loorlis, ea Iranbo at., cine la: 1 tot 80x100. with 8.000 feet of kaabar. la aouth St. Jobs addition. Call awaar. room 8 lliaadaa bid. Third aad W'aahlaptoa. A N1CB 8-room rot tin and a full block of land, well located la Newbarp, to trad fnr ' Portland real eetat. WlU nay ch dif ference. Alfred A. Baker. 213-218 Ablnptoa bid. S3XX1ND T., wast aVle, near Palllnf araeol Lot 80x100. eeraer. $1.300. Ktasell. Coaiaer cial blk. Mala 3M2S. BBBB 18 ONB OP TUB BEST SNAPS IN TUB IITIilViU.l 1IRllUL'i. ef 8 alce-atee room, and bath: tb f aaa ere eoarenlently torated; tb na flx tiiree ar la tb houe. Ala tb acreene: there la paa. electric llpbt. water, pa- a tore ar rnnnmnt, -water- boiler, furnace, retheut cellar aad a lerre attic Hwind. Tbla ta a aew oooee ea lot 100x100 with elecent rnr rouadlnpe. ap lend Id 1ew ef tb aouatalnf and all tba Irrbuttoa dlatrtct. Anyou want lac a real eouTWtteat bom lu en ef tb Blceat dlatrtct In th ctty aheald paon either Baat two I or Mala 8n3 for aa ennnaent t pa throoah tb bnuee. W will aell tb - houe for 88.300 and aiak eery aey terme. If yea prefer, we will rent yoa tb hoaa fop 30 per month, and ya eaa bay th bouae afterward If II nil ya. Ton bad better pben at one a a new k 11 uaa to thla aelpb torheod with then wea't b a tb market kap. PINB BOMB. . $3,1110 Mudaia and reomy sttaf ea nee tot 48x100 on Fourth ail aa lanl I at a pre! eeennc. . UAOBMANN AV BLANCBARD. ai Firth at. A8.800 18-BOOM boaa and tot Bruin, Flfra at. 1 term. Hapeaaana Blaachard, PI 3th t. FOR SALE FARMS. Itt ACBBS, 188 8b nlttenttoa. 108 acre to crop. BO wmaeer fallow., halane paarure; Iota ef wood, ond water, r"hrd. house, bar. ( peed wsrehona ea WllUeiette; all lerel. ahoee hire water mark, twll eery cheep before July 1. N a rent ;T. J.ckeo, 30 Stark t.;(-eTenlrin ar "oaday, 411 .W1I .Uaa are. Paaaa Cast 4838. ; . fjxytggn, 1$0V W rttw fTlTBTW' TlTimlBB I ' - ..-Tk . . lP-mm nr. I SieU-i FOR SALEe-FARMS., BBRB TOU ARB 4 acre fin land, new b room bona 1 80 bearlnp fruit treea. H acre ta raepberrle. 8,800 aU.w berry pleat; cloea to, 6-cent fare. . MT. SCOTT BBAL ESTATB CO.. Phoue Scoit 3284. . - Lenta, Of. 40-ACRB prune orchard, enrlaoklnp "Fro It rally" ever 4,008 trees, prim bearlnp ape; crop thla year $0,000 to $v,0OO; lie above froat line; railroad croeeae tract; Bear Van couver; dryer and' all bulldlnpe complete. Certainly th preeteat barxalu balnf 4ird, 18,800. 0..81. care Journal. CH0ICS BUYS ... $6.600 112H -acre. 18 atlea froa Port, land: 80 acre cleared, 40 acre bearer dam, all level, some timber, llvlnp watar, all fenced, aear arbool, on pood graveled road, pood 8-room bonee, barn 80x100, 8 acre . variety orchard, beet of aoll; terma hall nan, balance T year at 8 per owl $3.300 80 arrea, IS mile . aaat of Ten rouver; 26 'acre cleared, IS acre .lashed aad aaeded, balance swale, easily cleared; -40 acre fenced with 4-barbwtr, a mall creek, nod welL new 2-atorv T-rooa bouae. amall Stable. 1 bora,' 8 krad of eattla. H mile iiiircn. u. r. p. nriiiflTrrTrtfTvVi iu teieuuon- 30 ,, Hi mill 1 Waahaapali Clark county, Waatalnf ton; 80 acre In Bo a tale r cuitirauon, au level an fenced and ccuaa-feacad. t llvlnp aprlnpa, pood -wall, 40 acre I pralp. 3 acree epuda, balance In hay, variety orchard, bob timber; - balance of land easily ele. red; Sne IH-etorr 13-rooa bouae, aew , bara .80x80. A Bile to srbool, R. P. P., pood team. 21 head of cattle. Bilk rows, cream (operator, all kind of farm marhlnere: terme 80.000. ' without personal property, or 87,000 tnrlud In I personal; half cash, balance terme; will take part In city property; thla to a beautiful place; lnreatlpate before buylnp. TUB WASHINGTON ORBOON BBALTT COMPANY, SSSVs Waabtnptoa at.. Room 13, Portlaad. Or., and 800 Mala at., Vancouver, Waahlnptoa. 840 ACRES Tb bait aectlom In Clarke Bounty, Waahlnptoa, at a barpala. Alfred A. Baker, 1 318-213 AMnptea kldp. Pkea Mala 8268. - ..' Two Money Makers - 808 acra alack and dairy ranch In Lan cwunty, 8t aille ' froa Bpn; .100 acres and cultlvatloa and In crop, about 480 acre pood tillable land.- remainder paster and .boom timber aultabl for wood; a ben dance of water; pood bouse, bam,, bay and cattle abode and ether bulldlnpa; orchard with number of tree ta full bearlnp, younp orchard . la pood eaap. Thl plae to well adapted ta dairy purpose aa a lerre cle there 1 bout 100 head of etock to po with th place; It will pay yoa to Investigate. Price 15,600, ea eery oaay terma. 86 acre In Waablnptoa Bounty, 1 all froa Dllley end 3 mile, from Poreet Grove; 300 acree bottom land. ISO .ere under coul ee t too and la crop, about 40 acre timber nimbi for wood, remainder partly cleared and la prase; runnlnf water on th- place; amaTl family orchard; pood bulldlnpa. electric llrhte and telephone r all under fence; some rhotc be aver dam lead. Thla la a pood buy. Price 848 per acre. XAMGILLB a RAND, ' ' .; T3 Sixth It. ..:L :'- TUB bast 130-acr farm la th Vrrelteet Jlrtl vallev la Orepon; fin bous. 8 bsret ; SO seres hop, hop-boaac; tot of fruit; soil nn- sarpssseo; 1 miles froua tbrlvlnp city. Thl to th plae for yoa to retire ad Jnat anper intend tb erork. It brlnrs la a nip Income and I a level v bom. Price 14,800: $8,000 down, he la see to suit ourehnsrr at 8 ner cent. J. B. H earner. (10 Allaky bldp. Mala S188, Clacfcunas County Farms ' Claeksaae county tola Partlnnd and Mnlt nomah county. Portland to tba best sad only " market la tba northwest. Th Boll la Click a ma a county la eery productive, and to ntrond to none In tb ststs. Tb esapstlnp linea t tranaporttatlon ask frlpht rates eery tow. " We nan farm ef all description for sal at reasonable price, and w desire t show them to prospective purchaser. We haadl fsrm land of all klnda for Bow-raaldenta. Abstract, of title furnished. OREGON CITT TRUST COMPANY, Garde bldp.. Orapoa City, Or. ISO arrea. 8 all west of Carltoa; 80 seres ta cultivation, pood bulldlnpa and ercbird. well watered and fenced; price, with present crop. $27 60 per sere. Ad dree Mr. 8. A. Murphy. Box 8. Carlton. Or. 10 ACRF.S. IU alto from Lenta, mostly ta . cultivation) I Acre I atrawberrle. 80 fruit tree Inst be finning to near: eery pood boose and 'entbnlldWa: -fin elew of the elty; aly $3,300. Call at 10TH Tktrd at. - POR SALB CHEAP 1.000 acre. 800 and ru tlratlon, wltk crop, tool and etack. Apply B. L. Smith. SprlnpAeld. Oreaxa. POR SALB A pood S0-arre fana la Taaklll county; 80 acres In crop with stock aad farmln lapleaenta, pood bulldlnpa, well watered and fenced, all kladt of fruit. Per further In forma tloa address C 88. Journal. FOR SALB OR TRADS A fin farm ef 117 , acree, tost locatloa ta tb valley. Address W. B. Lard. Irrlnp. Ore nek 14 ACRF.S. II acres la cultivation, half alia froa electric car line. 8 mile froa Orepon City; beat of aoll. 8 acre la arrbard. 3 . springs oa th land; with thla poe horeea, c.ttl aad all fanning tools. Inrladlnp mower and rake, for $2,000, a will take bouse and tot ta or near BrooklyB. Call at 10TV Third. IMPROVED tanas. 880 ta loo per acre: 8 ve 10 atle out. O. B. Addlten, Lenta, -Or. Tsk Mt. Scott csr. 8 rents. . 180 A OR r.f! of pood fruit land. 8 mile north of Lyl. Wash.) peutly rolllnp. wltk new 8-rnom frame house, bar and other bulldtne: pood family erchnrd: water: H mil to school. pood road. R. F. D.v 8 acre entered aad 10 acreecaa be clears .eery easily; onu.ieiu reer r pin and rir SO-ACRE farna. 47 acre la cultlratton. eery beet ef aoll. layliur rtcht n tb Willamette river. SO alto ap froa Portland; 8-renejt hooe, barn aad other outbuildings; peanut crop: will exchanp for city peveccty. CaU t 10TV4 Tklfb st. A Money Hakcr A 30-acre timber raaeh, no acra valley land. 80 acre In cultlvatloa. seeded to : eetcb aad eat, fruit ef all ktada, 8 dwelling boneea red ether - hulldlnp. a waterpower aawairl and p laser complete. apndty feet par day. 4.000 OnO feet of pood aaw timber, and It te eettaated that it her I to 000.000 feet tributary a the-- BlIL See allea to railroad as pood era vet road; 'all pore fe 84.000 If ld la M daya. CaU e r addraa - CAtnwytx A CO.. -. I hltoasath, Oregea, 30 ACRES. T miles en, ea the O. W. P. nv line: hslf la cultreatlea: ewe third neb. remainder- a ease terme at par rent: Brie ISO per acre. Call at lOTVk Tbtrd at. PASM for eel tn Sbermaa enuaty Ore yen; 8n acree; hop-tlgbt fence, good boos and hem: I to per acre: Mono cash, he la ere tooe rime, 7 per rent latere. Address W. A, Sex ana, Meakland, Oregon. g M y " ' 9 FOR SALE FARM S. AS8ICNBR S SALB. TIMBER AND PARMINO LANDS AND CITT PROPERTY. In order to rloe np estate I must aell with in the next 80 daya the following described property belonging to th eetat ef 0. A. Bhurte, bankrupt, at Arlington, Oregon, to . Wit: 808 acre good, wall improved fanning tend. Bear Cecil, Oregon. 180 acre timber land In Hood Blear rsjley. .113 mile eooth of Hood River. 68 - sere farm land, 13 allea aouth ef Arlington. One t) room cottage, 3 tote. One atore and warehouse, 60-foot lot. On dwelling. 28-foot lot. In Arlington, Oregon. - An ef the above described property aaat W. H. mVmIRR, Assign. Per term and full particular, nddrnaa B. L. BAftNKTT, 848 Baet Oak St, Portland, Or. POR 8 ALE 88.000,000 feet, principally yellow fir. 30 miles from Portland, close to railroad and Colombia river) thla la a fin logging proposition. If yoa wsnt It address Quick Bale. D 88, ear Journal. CERTIFIED ectip, any alaa pieces; lowest price. W. O. BowelL 888 Chamber at Ooxe- H0RSES AND CARRIAGES. FOR SALB Tea a, 8.000 pounds) 1 team. 8.600 Pmnds, aud 1 cheap bores, 1.300 pounds. bone Xsst 3343. 338 Baaaall at. - - B0RHES AND COWS ef all klnda for eale at very reasonable prices. Inquire 378 Front St. TO EXCHANGE. FOR SALB OR BXCBAN0B. SOO-acra farm In Gooseberry vslley. Morrow county: all fenced aad ta cultlvatloa; aub .. etantlal 8-room boaaa. S amall barn, auffi - cleat etabllng for 13 horeea and S eowa; torp . granarlee; aoll ta rich, plasty good water, about 400 scree In barley, oat, wheat and potatoes; price 818.000. Including crop, atack, , Implement, new header with 8 bred boxes; would taka half m. Port land auburbaa ar Wil lamett valley real aststs and balaaea long time at per not. - " For further particular applv to " " - ' tsr THB DUNNXAWRBNCB COMPAltT, 14S First at. ' WILL trade a 40-cre farm aear HlHabore for ctty property; farm to la 8n atata ef culti vation with good buildings. Hageaana sV Blaachard. 81 Fifth at. BIO bargain ta a proteiy stors at Lewtat will aell or trade for arrears. Mt. Scott Real Batata Co., Lents. Or. Phoa Scott 2284. 40 ACRES, all ftrat-rlae land, wall located, one halt cultivated. Will exchange for Portland property. Alfred A. Baker, 318-318 Ablng toa bldg. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS.. BOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURB Bar cur for - rkeumsttam. Sold by all draggtete. WB print year asms oa 80 ealllag aarda, prone is aad atyl. 36e 368 bustnaaa cards, 81. A. W. Schaaala Co.. 328 First. Portlssd. . Or. FOR SALB Aa ateraat larr circular show cae. at aa extremely tow figure. . Apply tn Vr. O. B. Leeitt. Ooldea Eagle, Third aad aabUI at. BILLARD AND POOL table for rent r for oele en eeer payment. ' THE BBUNSWirK-BALKB COIXENDEB CO. 48 Third at, Portland. FOR SALB OR RENT NEW AND SECOND . BAND SEWING MACHINE.. STANDARD SKWINO MACnTNB AGENCY. B. D. JONES, , 380 YAMHILL ST. . A WESTERN OREGON MINING MILLING CO. beadanarters; etock for a ale and Inforaatlua at 308 First at. Pbon Mala 1828. BOOKS bought, aold aad erchangad at lb Old Book Store. 328 Taablll at. WB aeed furnlluie and will pay fuH value. Phone Pacific TvS, Wee tern Salvage Ce( 82T Waablngtoa at. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES made to rder; second-hand pond for aele. Carlsoa A Kali atrea, 380 Coach at. Phoa clay 871. SHOWCASES, counters, futures hough t. aold ar exchanged. Western Salrage Co., 627 Wash ington st. Psclde TBS. FOR SALB Fin re no. Call ap kUta 8483. TO BUILD bonee ar cottages an 0. It. Black, connector and builder; have ana fair ' groaad lumber: nn S" rs yoa aoney ea re pair work. rboae Woodlawa bud. 1308 ' Alblna are. SAILBOAT, entaplrt. fin condition, at bar gain. 1 323 I Uth at, north. SFT F.NDID tot of 4a ma red w1ng-Bchln; Wbeetor A Wlleon. Singer, Decneetlc aad others. S. S. Blgsl, 888 Morrtso at. ART1BT8" materials, pi ct urea and framing. . B. Moorbooee A Co.. 813 Alder St. 8TF.RN-WHEELER rmnblned' laench aad house boat; plenty of room for alx people te Bleep comfortably; cooking ateaelle. atov. etc.; Just tb thing for dock hunting. B 4. Journal, STORS flxtnrea, cheap: showcases, coasters. . sasivmc. ate, as arena ar. THOROfrtrtrlRf ami 8101 beaatte. IMPROVED 8MFLTRR STOCK.- 4.0n at lOe per ebar. Addraa B 8. ears Josrnsl. 4 BANDSOMB waO caaee. 14 feet. 11 feet, 3 S feet. Wester Salvsgs Co.. 82T Waablng toa at. FOB SALE Lawa mower, nearly sew, roe $6. ran be bougkt cheap. Pbona Manx 88. FOR SALB A 8ne Jersey row. Inrjatr at Stat Market. First and Salmon. FOB A LB. At a aarrsla. a few eecnad-bead , botlr tanbetora. 130 and 340 egg enpeclty, food aa new. (31 Baat Morrison. pbon aat 1A6S. FOR SALB Small heeling .tore, ehnp, nod torn step-ladder. 3a pj. gt.rk at., aid door. FOR SALE 4 freea :. froes 328 la 860 - apiece. 188 lth St., Sellwoed. . " PERSONAL. TH) pt'PlTAN to bow open for bnalneee. T8 Thurae corner yitb; take M ar W tar. Mrs. Lar Cevkendall. . kCIKNTtrlr' vihretVm relieve snpfireesev). pnln. ftif asentbly neewta, paralvsla. . rkewmatlsa; I be aipalaptoa lu Wat Park as. PERSONAL. MADAME ANNA LUCK BT Principal of the Amerloan Beauty Parlor t, glvea eclentlfle treatment for removing wrinkle and facial blealcbe with th French paste: also Mat, Karrow'a famous remedlea, Electrl .and vapor bath given. Patlenta received, with treatment, board and rooa. Sattafactlo guaranteed. Tesll noulaU from leading Suit 18 Lenge hotel. Sixth and Wasktagtoa ata. Pbui a Mala SOIL . SUITS preaiad wbtl yon wait, 80s. Ladles' aklrta preaeed. Sue. Ollbert, 108t4 BlEth at, next to Quelle, I hose 1 aeta JOBS. DR. PIERCE, apadallat disease ef wonrnt all Irregulsrlttee corrected; no exporare: advlie free. Call or writ. Room 8. 6 It Third at ANT aaa ar woman eaa be etreug and happy By aalng aexln Pine. Ihe great tontei price Si a box. a boxes pn, wna ruu gnareatee. ddreee r call J. A. CVemeasou. druggist. ar. Seeond aad Taahlu sts. Portlaad. Or. DETECTIVB AGENCY Confidential tnreetb ' gat tons; report aad en any Individual burl- eaa ar property; aieaing relatives aoraieei Tf-pdar -r' Ullt. Ceksssfale x aahlagtoa ex. - Phoa Mala 8818. LADIES' Turkish bath, message, hydrtatrta parlors; strictly first -class ptao for Isdle enly. FUt A, 861 Waaklagtoa at, aatwesa - 18th and 17th ata. MANLT vigor reel ores' by Dr. Roberts "et-r Globule. On month treatment, (3; 3 Boatha. 88; ant securely seeled by aatL Agents, Woadard, Clarke A Co., Portlaad. Or. DR. 0. V. KETCRUM nrs promptly print duwsaaa. kidney, nervous, aklb and apectal female troubles. Csll or write. Office ItflJA Third at, eor. Yamhill. Pbon Pacific 2228. TURKISH BATHS, 800 Oregonlaa bldg. I ladle day, gentlemen night. Mala 1888. "FORBIDDEN FBDIT." "A Oar LethsrVs," . "Story of a Slan." 'Faaay Bill." "Agaea,' "Womaa of Fir." 80s each; lists free. A, W. Scbasl Co.. 328 Ftrat at DOLL'S HOSPITAL Repairing and dreeatng. S81 TaablU at BALM OF FIOS for an female dknaaia, Eaat xvalmoat RING CHOOMO. trsnoeter of Cltnea rw close; sella Chinese tea that to certain rare for an dlaeaaaa. 181 Second bet. keahlU ad Taylor. DISEASES OF - WOMEN Prints maternity -hospital; anlet tocatton and special can. Dr. Atwood. KML Mecrtosa et.. room 8. Paoa Pacta 1763. TES, P. lavs Tablet aafca yea slssp perfectlyi . tkey cure Bervousneae and make you atroeat price 60s a hex. bs $2 80) gnarsnteed. All druggist, or address Brooke Drug Co, ST Karth Tbtrd at. Perttond. Oregon. ' SEXINB PILLS nn' all forma ef nervooe ar mnacuiar weatneea. ror xneu wl."-' Prle $1 a hoi. 8 bona $8. with full guaran tee. Addrsss or nil J. O. Clemeneoa. drug gist Second and T.mhlll Sta, Portland. Or. BOLD ON There to an thing that wtl car , rheumattera. Ask your druggist for hark tools or address or mil J. 0. CJsmsnsou. drng- glat. Portland. Or. PROF. O'NEIL, tsachsr of uermetologr. anl curing aad beauty culture: erlentlnc treatment of the complexion, hair, acalp and akin; fee bleerhtng; m.nusl and electric msaeege elvea) unerflon bslr end nil facial blemish ee per manently removed without leaving scar,; all work positively gnarsnteed: beet reference given. Parlors Hi Klennth st, corner Alder. Pbon Main 8607. DR. WALKER. Dleeaaes of women a ipecialty) lady phy- Blclsa aa attsnctnc 181 First St. ELECTRO THERAPEUTIST. Ben). H. Stabl cures every tiling, rbswaa tlam epeclalty. 81 Vi First at. BOI.DSN'S RHEUMATIC CURB Sure 1 rbeumatlssa. Bold by an HUMAN HAIR SWITCHES Pay after yoa re ceive them: aend a earn pis of yonr hair and we will send yoa on of onr 31.60 witches, 2(4 ea, 32 Inches: examine It; If big bar fain, remit; If aot return. Addnaa ladles lair Emporium, 834 Dearborn at., Chlcag, 111. TOUR character and personality will b reed from yonr handwriting upon receipt of 36c and epeelmeu. No other fen will be eoHetted. Louise Rice, 11 Weet 21st at, New York. MOI.F.S. nilnhlin. mperftoon ksxr removed. let me trip yoo bow. No charge. Mrs. M. I. Bill. Salle '1. Belllng Hlrsch bldg. Pacific 138, MISS ETTTEL WARD gin fan and acalp mas sage, also manicuring sad chiropody. . Room S3. I46t Sixth at TWO homes, frnre. flower, ngltabeb) end fowl. For one In fifties. Alone Ilk ay. self. With repltol enough ta bsleactng eorn- . forte. T enjoy life. "Strictly beet renltattna. tnqutn" H. S. II, Box 87, Mllwaakle. On. WB MAKB a rpedslty of nnerflnon fcatr, akin refining, acalp Invigorated, manicuring, blemlabe removed, baldness treated; work guaranteed. Rooa 3o3 Geodnougb bldg. WANTED Immediately, I r8nd yonng lady palmist aad card reader; stesdr work te right person. 0 83, nn Journal. ART EMPORIUM. PROFESSOR B, MAX ' METER, 348 Alder. Portrait and landers ps srtlet and teacher. ATTORNEYS. $3 FOB legal edvlre bow te Incorporate, ergaa. las aird giiante kualiwa roreerattone, under any stats f any purpose : $1 for tb Isw of any state or U. B. ee any subject. Addrsss The Maniocs' Attorneya, Waablngtoa. D. C.j tf. B. A, A. R. TANNER, nrtrrrney. 808 Commercial pit , Second aad Waehtngtoa at. Pben Main 843. ARCHITECTS. 31. H. MBNnxpu, Architect, Ilk Serand AUTOMOBILES. COVET- A COOK Motor Car Co.. Fifteenth end . Washington Agent for Cadillac. Pierce, Great Arrow and Stenna-Diiryee motor car; machlna rented, repaired aad tend. Mala 846, ASSAYERS. OARVIN CTANIDN EXTRACTION CO, Mnntena Asesy OftV. 18 Morrison et. and BUTCHERS SUPPLIES. PiRKPvWAl."i "ro.t Vta sriBvs'iVtt 'at v Largest hatchara auppl toons es ta eeeat. FINANCIAL KlJi eAXTFOBBlA Xatakllahad . J Reed 'otne. Saa Fean.aiia, tVHfeeei. jT ' ?'! P-..r...,.,.,.4.0OI0uo.0OISurptna aad undivided rr8w. .... 88 t -i 1 A Oeneral Seeking and kxefcaage Buniaeaa Transacted. gAW PEI-A11J -l' BB time dcpuelta, Aeeouuta enened tor sums ef $10 end upward. Pwrtlead B'eea latereel WM. A. MA0RA1B , ; i'li.,1,1 4 - a a a. - I T1"1" BT4TM IATI0B AL HANK Of Northwest Cor. 1ST lima.,. . . the tTnttlj aTTT" " "! Te-hln Buslneaa. DRAFT IMl IU vsuo 1- - - Presld.-t "U," enrene. Honekon end Manila. Cellsstieaa ktad aa 'J,5 Tft lce-Pr!iA::; C. AIN8WOKTH Vc.prMM.0t xvr a?Haltll AeaMsiIt Csslu: LltA TARNKS Caahler. ..- W 8 MOL? taeniae a u. WRIOHT --- ,"kU ..W. A. F " Deelpnated Depository and Financial Agent of th 'tatted lM:Wtrii Assist... . iv A. le atll.I tasnier "..-T.t,ka M?.!Ii nLCZ?' :....V.. C. ALVOKD Second Assistant Cashier..... B. r. STSvane '17 .7 laaed Avaflable In Rnrop aad the Eaetera Stale. as Lnta. St V!Sf ""8a aad Telegraphic Tranefere aold oa New York. Boston. Cblnp. levoea, ailk.-.0?""' Frsnclsc snd tks prlnclnsl points la the Norfhwe.t Honfllt ,m' " " "if en Ind..a. I'arla. Berlin. Fuk6wtbetaia. Honkong. Tokohama. Copsnhagsn Stockbolm. St, Petersburg, MoocwtuJJ5X-. ADD A TTT.TYJW until, Ld , Trssaaots a O.sersl Banking Bulla ess. Collsctton malt at at) aotnta a mMVl.'"'Bt- Letter, eredlt laened a.allable In Enron snd aU eM-te ' "I.V 11 iLT Eichann and Telerrsnhlc Transfara aold on New York. W!"'""-. "'ISS Bt. Pools, Denver. Seii ranHeeo aad Montana and Brltleh ColnmWa. Bjcbang en tendon. Parle, fwii. Frsnkfort. Hoacken Yokohama. n.He and P)e.1al. MXB0BAIPTS- KATTOltAL BANK. P0BT1AWD, 0RFO0W, ' ' -J HA Vr fAar.riM w -m a, - na an Vataeavn a kS-' - ...... -nl tffa d i m " s,pep ,rTTV'in B0TT..... Csabler . nneaota a Oeneral Baaking Beelseea. ' ..... mt worm, cotiectrons a nneeistty. RABXTRg; A LUMBER VASTS BANK Portland. Oregen. CSrner Secnnd and Stark j 0,,mineeSI.I ,.1 ...I.... M . . . . " i , . .. aM,ii.t, Deaft SO yle4teea-eP ef.dtt luancd evstlahls tn sit part T to 8 -for the accommodation o( eaelomera. f- C- PRLTON ... President . B. FRRD-H.. ROTHCIfILD.'."".Ftrt- T tea. President it. JOHN A. KEATING. . . .Second Vice-President f RUST COMPANIES. ",J l'larannriB,VtoM P1WTT AND TRUST O0MP BT OF 01EOOB T Oldest Trust 0 ' ; REROmrES OVER $1,800,000. Oeneral banking. Esrbaan en all part of ,""' SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. Time eertlflceta. 8 to 4 per eentt .hort-eall apaetat eevtltcatee. 8600 or ever. 81 to 4 per cent. Call tor hook of "ILLUKTRATIONn " Soatboaet corner Third . aad Oak ata. Phone Prtvata Fxcb.nn TB, ' . - ...a.rf ,ri-,-f2JI1,"' ....Prealdent H. U PITTtX'K.'rTtTlc B. LEB PAOBT.. .Secretary J. O, OOI.TRA. .... Aeslst.Bt Seeretsrf SECTraiTTSAVTBOf A TXU8T COMPAsTY M Morrisra Street, Portland. Oregon. Transacts g Oeneral v-aklng Bnalneee. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, Interest Anewe Time and Savlnaa .ta. Aeta a Trustee for E'tetee.' Draft d Letter ef Credit IhII.1,1. I. All 0. f.' ADAMS...... Preeldent A. U MILLS Second Vice-1, eldest 0EO. P. KI'SHEI.L TBI. MORTSAOS OUABAVTEX TRUST Osnsrsl Banking snd Trust Boslnes Transacted. Interest Paid aa Tim Deposit. . W. WATBRBUBT .'president S. LOGAN HAYS - ' . ' "-1 Bike Temple. Seventh and Stark N OBTjrWTSTERW OUAEAWTIB A TRUST COMFAlfT PertUnd, Oragoa. ' -Laahac Bxchnngk, S. B. earner Second aad Stark Straata teeooad ftoarl. - ' . . FISCAL A0BNT FOB CORPORATIONS. . . Stat. County, Municipal and Corporation Donda bought and aold. wear' entwrprla agauual - and financed. Stocka and honda poaranteed. ' v nflTLB OUARANTtB A TBU8T 00MPAWT I M0RTGA0B LOANS aa Portland Real . (tract IT- BONDS AND ORRIS BROS. ItS .tret Street, Pert! Clll tdt tg DOWBTBO-HOPXlsIS C0MPABT IsUkllahed U( BX0IXXS- -r- - , .-.. STOCKS, BONDS, DRAIN Bought aad told tor Cash aad a Margie. : PHvst Wlree. BOOM 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCB. Phone 8T. Ovcrbeckp Starr & Cooke CorSSSS, OBAItT, PB0TI8I0N8. COTTON. BTOCX8 AND B0BDS. ' , WI DO 1 8IXICTLT C0MMIB8I0H BUSINESS. . Con fin nous Mxrk.t by Private Win, Quirk Server. REFERENCES Ladd A Tlltoa, Bank er, and United States National Bank ef Portland, -Unexcelled facilities for handling Tonopsb, Oolddeld. Msnhsttan and other listed Brlnlna nr. LOUIS J. YIL33 MDvTICIPAL SCHOOL AND - CORPORATION IB0NBS Highest Bstum t .Inrastora PORTLAND A N0BTHWX8TEBN BOMB BATHS MASSAGE. LADT from th nat glvea adentlfle aaaaaga, vapor and tub bath. SOIV, Third at. YOUNQ ladv give vapor, slconol and medics ted bath. Parlor 37. SoSH Stark at. RHEUMATISM cured bv asesag treatment, by young Oermsn lady. 308 ( - Stark.- .SI and 33 Tacom Bona. t LADIES Bath fan and snip . aaasag. 908 Fifth, bet- Taylor- and Salaua. TOUNO denttfle aseuss glvea electric I, therms 1. alcoholic aad medicated treatmenta. 13 Lange Hotel, cor. Sixth and Waablngtoa. TWO poanf ladln pin m.aage. tub and vapor batba. I10V Fourth at, cor. Washington. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. H0WB. DAVIS A KILHAM. 108-111 Second et. filank book manufacturer: agents fnr J ones m proved Looee-LMf ledgers; see the aew Eureka tear, tna oeex on ine anersei. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLES A LB crockery andglaaswara Begeto A Oe, 100 to IM Fifth, eor. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. BVBRDINO A FABRELL. produce nd roaxmle. atoa aiercbaat. 148 Froat st, Portlssd. Or. Msta 1T. . CIGARS AND TOBACCO. M. A. eUNST A CO- Distributors ef .J FINB CIOABS. Portlssd. tawgoa. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST. A I.ITTLB BIT FRBB. - Metvu Tnvls. Clairvoyant and Traac Medium. I win tan a little bit free. I knew ef no ?tkr way te prove to yoo that I am honest, ehall let yoa see th Jndg aa to ay won derful God given gift. Bo If you ere ta trouble and aincere. root to m thla very day. I will tell yoa what yonr life ha ne, and what H will bo, I will tell yon all about your tova affaire, your business sffalrs. Bmmbr. 1 oornive'y fell everything from the day of birth to th dsy of desth. I hv msde mors prediction that bar row. t paaa than all ether combined, and I nn neon H. Com and en. Bevnember th nam. Melee Trivia, th eeneetloa ef San Franctsco, wh predicted the greet dleaater. Office at 384 V, Morrison at, corner ef Second, taonr 8 to 8 dally. Aiwa re Consult th Beat PROF. B. KHIMO. """"ffreafeet-Dvlng-aetral dcd-fraflc- CIa! vnyant of the age; adviser on bnalneee aad all affair of Ufa: telle year full nam ao l what yoa relied for, whom, yea will merry, how te control the one yoa ton. eve though alls away: reunite tb rrated: glm garret power, te control; no long itolaye la waiting. Honrs 10 te . dally and Sunday. Permanentlr located tn hie own bom. 2f Fifth t, comer Madtsea.At,- . MRS STEVENS. Portlsd"g reeding petmlet astrelocer and clairvoyant 188 Sonata st, pp. Hotel Portland. ,' ' MADAME ANNUVE. tb wonderful charrvev ant snd trxsee aedlnm: cenvult her Before en- ffaelne In any nndcrtsklng of ' any ' "" past, present and rntnre given; paimi-ir, readings. 38. ' 187 Weet .Park .at,, aear Morrison. ' . . FROF. WALLACE, tk great pal matt., tella ym everything from the palm; teerhee palmistry; .bout aarrUge, love, business; complete mdlnn BOct acenrete aad truth ful. MH Sixth at, near Stark. JOHN SLATER, business tsst mod tnm) reedtnn diltr. 10 to : next public test meeting Thursday evnlng. The Aadltasina. 308 '4 Third a. WANDA. Ph. D- the occult won dec, etstrwnyant and prsetmil chsrncter mdev. 3nB Morrlc soa. efPce 814-818. I CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. WA8HBCBN A rrTOTD.anntn, totnen snd ca rv tags ' rk. . 8S 8th et Pboae PaetS BIOS. BTAPT.ES A MOORS, emtfaetora and tobMng; alt klnda of cement work, walla built ef atone and earnest block. 1 Va Fkrst 1 Msla 6S6. C CARMICTIAEU eaeitraeeor and bntldec" aton ard oftc 8t tings, 88 Fifth pt. Toon Paclfl ' BOO. ' 1 B. HKNnrrtsort. Cerrimteris snd Jobbing . pmniptlr attended to, Resldsao 3,8 la,!- raakw at Assl SZ14. t A BANKS. . knlUlna . a. . staituaii eT'JU.-'x 0BTtAin, ORISOn. Third lit oa bib. vaae . . IS,. S-a, P'l am .,.. a g-aiaa OFOR0B W. I)TT. , . ; .-."l ,-21 Drafts and Letter ef Credit lssred AvaUabs nf the world. -Opea- Sslurdsy evening. freB.. V. MHARS !:! . n. STO II BY . Aasistsnt Csshlsr i - PLATT A I'LATT General Conneel aiPavtaBnane v.., t,. wA.taV L. A. LEWIS R. 0. JUBITZ Aastateat Ceeretsrp ..ftrat Tie Prssid ............' CO MP ANT BANK. 0. W. MILLER .......1 Assistant Secretary Simla. Phone Mala IB4. 340 Washington Street, Comer Scanad. Batata at Lowest Betee. Title laeur.d. Ab Faralabsd. INVESTMENTS. and. Orseeev c.n EBjS"3B9 Boetn 8. 4 and S La Payette bldg, eor, Mxtk aad Wash. Su," Portlaad, Oragoa. . .. DIVIDEND BANK AND CORPORATION 1 stocks; Consiatra t With - Abaomte Safety. . : TELBPH0NB A TELEOBAPH 8BCTJBITIBS CAFES. THB 0FFICB 38 Wsahlagtea at. rdMsss Mala 771. Bamnel Vlgnnaa. COAL AND WOOD- CBUBCHTJIT BROS, 438 Kserney St.. Pbon Msla 8(t Vow th Isrgeet woodyard la th rtty. nrrytng all klnda of wood and aaat Dry, aawed wood a eped.lty. ALB1NA Ftlgl, rrt. Deslsra to sd greea sad dry elabwood. B. R. sad Ae bins ave.. 8 htoeka nat a faery, Bart 874. . . WFSTBBN Feed A Pael Co.. ea Front, betees 1 Ollaaa and Boyt dnlen la all klad 3 boon coal aad btacaamltb esaka. Mala 1018. - STEEL BRIDOB FUEL, CO. Dnlen to ami, nrdweod and dry alebwaad. Pboae Baet 484, OJtEOON FUEL CO All kin) ef aul 808 Aktor at, Fkone Mala BB. BOX and -planar weed. Standard Weed fto. Immediate delivery. Pbon Bsat 8816. COLLECTION AGENCY. DOES ANT ONB OWB TOTJ MONEY T WB , COLLECT BAD DEBTS OF ALL KINDS. NORTH WFSTERN LAW A COLLECTION CO, 123 GRAND AVB, ROOMS 14 AND 18, CIT7EFNS BANK BLDG. CUT THIS OCT. -PIIONB BAST 8048. CHIROPODISTS. CHIROPODY AND PEDICCBINO. Mrs. M. ft. Hill. Suite I. Selllng-Htrach Bldg. Pacts 188. CARPET CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Creasing tie, tor, pleat ea the meet, Lorlng aad Bardlag MB, vase shoos Eaat BAO Caroea ctoened. redttee. . sewe and tall: both steem as usset Sreseed air pane sc.; r J v ting asatti eathsca 8 speeisTty. . . SANITART esrnet rlea sin, anetlaa a eat eees presssd tr ceenhlaed: nrrMta tosned n Sassy without raBwvsL Mala 5684. Mala 8308, J. HUNTS", steam arpet aad matti.aa eiesser. $80 Jeffenea. Pkea Mala 814. CLEANING AND DYEINO. WHITB LILT TAIL0BIN9 CO. Ctostn. preset bs. reps nine; French dry lee sing. Pboae aaewered promptly. Pacta 418. AMac sad It. 4 Portland Item ties n lag A Dytng Works) ym ttoai battar to cnanttoa. 311 4th. PaetSe 807. CLOTHES etoaned and pre seed $1 pec mouth. Unique Tallortng Co.. 87 Waahagtoa at. H. W. TURNER, pmfeaelonal dver aad c toe ner, W6 Jefereoa at. pbon Mat 3818. - DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING nf all kind. Hotel Ken yen, . istb and Waablngtoa. Pboae PertAn- 40a. ELECTRICAL SUPLIES. PACIFIC ELBCTBIO CO Bnaineere. seas tor, reps trees, electric wiring, msptle. First, esc. Stark. Mala 888. S. . Taaa, JBAMCINik BAIL BOOM sad fsney, ceerect swthod. Pr feeaor Kins lev. see dew r ta Alder at FURNACES. BOTWTON wet a ate pnrnsis a n feet 3. Ot Beyer Fureeee 0a, 368 SnaaS. FURNITURE FACTORIES. OREGON Farnttan MaMrscnrisg tJq--Mansfactnrera s fsrnltsn Art the as ass Pertlsad, lav FURNITf'BS s-a en f.crnrl.e and ee--1.l sewe, U'. roealten fsesaey, pr Ftaet a. wv T" rir m tu ' " .".'iiai ii I TtisvMasasseasasws FENCE AND XIZZ VOSri POSTT.AICD WINS A -" PUsyter at, eor. t . I WAf'flAVS A t. fecturers Sd C. asd a a.e. A I ....