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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1906)
I I .,1 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. A WEDNESDAY EVENING. JUNE 13, lSCl a NEW TODAY. AWSasejaSssUj. , ' . . t' I frcnkLSmithMeatCo. -r- nt usn mni, boiws . mat aotd Saaad. - ei ovtx riMT ituit, Xtridd-e, . t Each day we hear rumor of the dire noiMiM that tii boot truat thraat m. to wreak on u baesuiae we bar not allowed tfcera to fobbla up the town. But Ww hav thrown our fortunae with tb paopla tha plain people that Rooae velt hae dons; to nd.Kooaavalt and w will wla out. , - . Breast Veal, par Iky JO Roast Vaal. par lb Prima Rib Rout Beef; per b....l2H?i Ila Steak, par lb Round Steak, per lb........j....xO Chuck Bteak, par lb... ..s.,....8e Fine Jutey Boiling Boot, par lb..,.'. -6 Pot Roaat Baaf. par lb Rollad Roaat Baa, par lb..i...10t Roaat lamb, par lb.. . . . . . t; . '. r.'.lQ ' Pork r3auaae en4 JHmburr Steak, -per lb... ... ..y..10 , Ptankf orta .... .AVsy Bolorna Lard, ao good that - yoa wlU aay , that It la the boat you hva ever ," "uaedV per Ih . .T. ."rrvr.v. . i vv-i.. 12s '"" Low prfcaa to people who use quan tities. . ' . - ' ' ' Taka ' notte rouraelf end tall your friends that Smith la tha only .man la tewa with oaoush xrtt'te . . . Fight the Bef Trutt" L'cney Jor Investment 'E hsrc at all time largo amount of high grade munic ipal - and "corpora- fiotv botvla rielding 6 per cent -which art ui table for the in Tcotment of fund large and axaall and are always arailable M coIlaAeral. We are confident of ax ability to interest any one awfng funds for irrvetment or I jurists Certificates First Sgccrity Issued In amounts of five dollars or. , cured by first mort gages placed in trust, netting 6 7. . . - per cent. Interest psyable senn- annoally. You can suit yourself as. to the length of time your .''''' -j". money is invested. - Call for in- ; . formation, ... ' Ifr Trust Company t fcamber Xzehaar 9Ug. (Baeond Floor) 4 Per Cent INTEREST TUB Savings Bank OF TUB TsTLE GUARANTEE -rTRUST-COMPANY . Pays 4 per oant on Certfftcatee of De- Pay 4 par oant on eartnrs (lntoreat eompoundad sat-annually). Pays S par east on daily balaaoaa of ' chock avooouata. ' BanktesT boaia Batardaya . . . v , mj$ a. m. to 4 p. aa. vnt a. m. to 1 p. m. Saturday ervanlnas... I to I o'clock 240 Washington Street Portland. Oregon THE BIGGEST SNAP W PORTLAND v 52 60-100 Acres Opposite OREGON FOITUBE MANUFACTURING C0.S faotobt ram """' boas. . rwx ckxajc orm Trraonjnro pienmicrt itf sotmi roiTLAMD. is ktw- VTIM' inn Ok THI STSEXIOAU TkOM nu cuiu or tux mix. AT ONLY $1000 PER ACRE TWB TkAOI U.W0iT BOVBLX THIS now. ,. . AOOkXM, ' Klamath Falls, ion. Purehaaa a farm In Klamath county, landa of all kind a, laraa and small trarta. ' We pay transportation. ' Call or addraaa tha Dunn-La wrenca Cx. 141 First stroot. Portland, Oregon. Corner Lot, HoIIaday Add. A VBXAT Baaf TOM - S1.07i5 txwfd aorrthwaot corner Sixteenth and Haaeock atroetaj If you ara looklns for property In ITolladay's Addition it wui pay yoa Q aaa una. , t iVl E. LEE Bakatv Vwrttaaid BVaeUty B4 To Those Uaving end Dank Depositors ..W Ored PIEKSORJAL- AftlD-BUSONESS CGMNCES NEW TODAY. BANKING FOR WOMEN ia a apeetalty with k ; "Oldest Trust Company in Oregon" Knrr fxrlllty to afforord thm. 1nrfn4 1b vlrcaat eurtMa for tblr eiclnalTe wa nrilda4 with tuduai - dMto an4 ka tlfal tatteavrr. andrr the miwnrlttea and care af aa efdeamt lady auperlaWadeat. CaU ad kt UN EAUTZT X. MOOkEHOUSX. , aaaariataaaaat Womaa'a SepartaMat, tTn'lala aavlnnt areoanta. eherklDC (ecaBBta, anaad, tint and apMlal cvrttflratM of a Cait aad sthar aiataada of depoattlns aaflni awaay aafalr aid preAtablr la IU amoaot, Urge or email, and tor aar period. TM BTBTJrXU ITXASXT IS TkAkS. BXSOUkCIS OTZk 1,S,000. -. t Portland Trost Company of Oregon a.. Kv eor. Sd ao Ort .- .raoa; BIN J. 1. OOHEX. PrealoMit H. U PITTOCK t.Vlee-Praeldant B. LBB PAOBT ..Barratarr .,.rrary ......4ailUnt Becreuuy O. wQLTkA... For Building Purposes And we pre , you the priyilege of re paying same in montUy installments corermo; a period of frtom two to ten Tears. S2L24 per month for 60 months repays a $1,000 loan including interest - bee us about it. Columbia Life & Trust Co. Lumber Exchange Building. A fow ehoteo lots are at! 11 for aala rn thla addition. Tou can ret mora for your money here than In any other loca tion In Portland, and now la tha time to buy. Street lmproTetnents are all made, eewera ara laid, raa and water pines ara tit Olaoa 4-8HNNIWB-HH rear vvrricv in in cii 1 , . ... rmxcaa $375 to $400 BAST The Title Guarantee Corner 8aeond and Waantngton Bts. Sunnyslda offloo, cor. E. 17th and Belmont T0tn BSTTZB KtrmBT TO Tata Hotel Clarno " -.-.-tdau Kotladay AronuM East and steal brldrts. for only few room a ara left: 18 mlnu tea walk from Third and Waahlng-ton. Everything ia brand new. Steam . heat, hot and cold watar In every room. mooara aywoXiB OB n KATES aa ria .tssx aits vr. . noiia Bast eas. - . . . - , Fall to aaa our list of Baal KataU v . . Bargains. ., .., :V 1Mb . " ; Residences -Business Properties Fruit Farms J. H. Heilbronner & Co. Rood Rhrer and Moalar-Prnlt TAnda. 51-1S X,jbWi Bzeaaaa-a, Bd aad Stark. NEW STORES and OFFICE ROOMS FOR RENT K. , . ear. Third and Madlaoa. Apply Estate of D. P. Thompson ,' i 1 nxsT BrmXET. WEATHER REPORT. The lewmeb kas rlan rapldlr ia the aerth Paeirte autee, and the rains bare praeticallf etaaad la thaf dlatrlrt. A trooch of low praa- aure exteada from Saakatchewaa aoathwaaterlr ta Artaana. and a email low preaawd area to eaotral ever the aoath Atlantic autee. A larae hick .Luaain. area, oaatial orer Ontario, eon trole the weetkar la Ut aerthera atataa aaat ef tha MMalaalppl rtrar. Shower aaT acearrad In the Oaaadlaa aorthweat, the Tesaa Pa TV kaadle. Arkaaaaa. Team aaa e. Alabama. riorMa Oeorala and ttoarth Oaroliaa. It to allahtlf warmer thaa aaoal u the Rocky -mow tain etatea.; while alaeatwie tha temparataraa are mnarall balew aormal. The kidleatloiia are for fair weather ta that dbMrlct Thnnday. wlta rlalnf temperattirea. ObaerratloBa uaea at a a. ., r-acirir urn. Wtartona i) . :' Max. Mln. Fraclp. Baker Uitr. OKeena. .0 Boatoa. Maaaaaaaetta m : t)2 M : M M M - t M -s- 40 M M ISO v .0 T. .0 .0 . Denver. Ookwlo..-. ..- S3 Chlcaare. Illtnole 0 Kanaaa l nr. MixannrH Tit i Ix Anaelea, Calirnrnla. . New Orleaaa, lXilalana. New York. New Turk...... TO Portland, Oriroa.,. ,n O - Roawbura, Orimo. ......... 04 , St. Loo la. Mlaaonri. ........ T4 Salt Lake. Utah... , SO Baa fraactaro. Callforala... MI .0 .0 .0 .0 -Tr aipnkane.- Waalitiirtonr'. i tji' OH Tai-ome. Waehlnrtnn. 00 -AO. 4 -WT- - .1 -m twin. wnia. WiabiBrtsnr waanlattoo. I. v TO MARRIAGE LICENSES. To W." H. Blark. 824 Taaceover aveaae, 94 TtHa Waaiia. IA. Te Albert a. luioenorool er noinraea, zn; aii m ki aa. 1 Te Clarence L. Xelgk. 80; tnmto B, Hookar, Te Letri Rndeoa nf 14BS ney areeaoe. nnreDee Martin, sa. Ta W. J. Patteraoa ef Aberdeea. Walhlna fain. S4: rranrae It. Barea. Iff. Ta Htchard J. Oraee of 60 Twentieth .treat. SO; Boae J. rraaaar. Ti: Weadlne Carda. wV O. Smith A Oa , Wok- tnartoa ald., ear. roarta aaa waanuvtaa eta, Wtdlaa and calling card, enrraved or anntea. E. X. aaaaton, wa weaainawn "v. imm nertk. Martin, roam SIS Allakr Mda. Stamplna . end Sne awedlewerks liaiia flvea. - , FUNERAL NOTICES. OAI.VIN la tbla city. Jana 1. ,100a. Mlehaal H. GalTln aaed 44 reare: rmeral Itom Itla C mornma at S:45. Ht-Marr'i eharrA. VI )lane av. and Mmarna mtB a. m. Iaiar- We Loan Money Siinnyside awat aU. Oalvarjr. aamf . . , , BIRTHS. PHILLIPS Jane e, to Mr. and Mra, Xalph Pbiiiiua. portuna. a aor. BXEVINoWnoe , to Mr. and Mra. W. B. BACKSTROM Jnna S, ta Mr. and Mr. Oaa Barkatrum. Ida Kaat rartr-thlfd. a alrL 8H A vvv Jnne T, ta Mr. and Mr. 8)1 ton Shaw, 1 1 Mrlaloa. a eor. OBUICNICaVJun . 4o Mr. nd Mr. : Bobart OroaLar PewaU Vallay road, a boy. KKLON June S, to Mr. and Mr, uba MeUoa, 4i aaat xenu, aorta, a ux UNDERTAKERS. J. P. rtular a Son. fanaral alroctnr end embnlmara, aumar Third aad Madlaoa etreate. Otocer ef eoaatr anroaer. Tetephoaa Mala a. nannlna. M? En tea A Ollbanah. aadertakar and embauaere; nH:era In everr detail. Seventh and Pine. Mala ,Lady aaatataot. A. B. Bemetork. andertaker aad embalmae. Raat Thirtaaatk.and Umatilla a. , Phoa SaU wood Tl. Erlrkaon ' Tlnderf aktna tta. :ambalaitnaia0ra Alder .1. Phone Mala S13S. Edward Holmaa. andertaker, S20 Third atreat. UTHTITW OXMZTXXT. . tVlnrtv a-ravne Its. . rnmllv Iota S7S ia (I.OOOl The only eemeterr la Portland which par- patuallr mnlntalna and carae for Iota, for rail Information apply to W. a. Mackeneie, War. water block, city. W. M. Ladd, prcatdeot. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. k. I Oat and wife te Ulllaa BV Touoc, north 60 faat of eonth 100 feat ef lot T, hlock 1, Bawthora rirat addltloa S S. 100 B. Lee Patt and wife to BdaU Bllllnaa, lota U, IS, block 11. Highland Park. 850 Nalae . LnnUarea and wife to WlUUm a. uoa, ait 1 Black u. Miner' ao- . dlUoa 'fctoo I Hart man. traatee, and wife, te Ida A. Lechler, lot S, block 27, HaDeon'. . Beeond addition 1. . 1 B, B. Tea Voorbla and wlfa to Anna H. Patten, lata IS, Id, block M, Pled- - moot ;t Orrfua company ta John Mutr, lot S, wwv ioi, uuvuim houhi .... n - sjt Jamae O. Millar and wife to Aaroa Oold- aoia at ai tot T, block o, Moaat -Tabor Villa Anoav STS rrank BcblcMl, trnetee. ta Jake Mar- . iwm ou, aaoa urn rin . ion Leona B. Candy at aL to Fred Shearer, aoruaaat ee aoornweat 4 ox acc- tlAH 9 hwukl. t ,,k . .... 4 AAA Bocer St. Helen to P. T. Hill, lot 1 and , . S. hlvck M. WUlametto .7.... 400 . H. Pace aad wife to 7. F. Barteay - benrer. lot. IS,- 19, SO, Zl, block 1, " Oakdala addition . . : : MM T. A. Pop and wife to Ida M. Canto. tot I, block IT," McMillan', addition.. IMS victor land company to lieandcr ' . Lewta, lot S, block 18) lot 8, block X. bllnwl Park ....... 7... ' 0.. a. Addlton and wife to Ira Kllbora . and wlta, lei .- block 1, BverfTm era. ' aTvergTeea Park , alt Hi Bdward- S4 m iwiuua .. aw.vw Jamea Backnry et-aL t Annette BteU. ff,!S2T' I??. esOJk Wock X. Third Blactrle addition -S Jullua 1. Qravea and wlfa to Mary K. " fiocaraoii, 1B diock a, aveniiwortn. i,ooo Alfred J. Hamilton and wife to H. D. . Staler. lot 14. a Lark 14 Wandlan .. 1 Antolbe Mayer, anardlaa, ta H. ' Deven, andlvided l it of tot S, block T. citv -.7. lno Benrtetta X. Palllna at al. to H. J. Btlrllnr. ennth 00 feet lot. and 10. block IA. John Irvine', rirat addition. 1.000 B. B. Wright and wife to J. M. Porter, ondlvlded H of lot 8, 4. S. S. block Meat Portland JO. 000 Miltoa York and wife to Sarah B. White- . neao, tot 1U, Stock 111. atenhenr addi tion 1.100 8,800 BBS Thoma C Oraaa and wife to Charles D. SrhmMt. 43x100 feet brtinnlnc aortb' line Hehile Tract at Intereeetton eof eaat line Second atreet eonthwaat corner block 11. WneaW'a addition ... M. B. Thompeoo fend wlfa to Annie M. Monacl..' lot T. block T, Clifford ad dition TJnlon Trnat A Inveetment company te Acne BclUck, lot 8. block 6, Ivnnboe. XaU A. Pox and hoahand to Fax Si Co., IBS 1.S0S wf a. oioca aw, ajoina Tie Title Guarantee A Trnat aompany to - mra. 4. a. joana, m a, - awca S. Waat Piedmont John O. Llndaey and wife to Victor Land company, all lot 1, S, block IS, Paradlaa Borlnen Tract 00 S.BO0 The Klnc cauta to Bene Bain, lot Id. block S. Kin.'. Beeond addition.. Pacific Realty A Invent ment company to w ilium u. ana uan uanninanam, lot. 14. 15. In. block T. Btawart Park. 800 M. C. . BanOeld and wife to Iyddon veyaey, SlxlftO feet beflnnlnt ISO ft aorth aad 100 feet wart from aontn- eaat earner , block B,. Carter's .. addlt tlon Iddoa Veyaey to K. 0. Banfleld and ana wire, parcel laaa neginmnc tou feet north and 101 feet weet from enatbeaat earner block SO, Oartar'a ad- dltkm ' Prank Bchlecd, tratea, to F. R. Maln koff, lota 8, S. Anna Maria Park.... B. p. Darta and wife to Lloyd Leror Ckatt. weet H of lots B and T. bwck 1. Bumarr'a addition aoe i- 8. P. bavla and wife to Bona I Craft, eaat or lota s aaa T, btock 1, Han eav'a addition The Title Qoarantee A Trnat company to D. O. Brnnser, lot 11. block: a, Hon Irvlnaton ..... .v.. 8rS Benrr Bckleleher and wife to O. W. Neama, tot a. Stock a.-Alotna liome atTA,......7 7. 1.800 The BrvervtW"Tnjetery Maoelaaea to-" Kmma V. Ootwwell, tot a, aectioa loo, cemetery , TS Hardy O. Wortman and wife to M. K. Thorn paon, block, T, .CUfford addi tion 1 U. O. Oeorg. trontee, to K. R Thomp aon. bloak T, Clifford addition 1.TB0 a. t7 aodea and wlfa to Gilbert N. . Beaomont lota 4, T, btock S, Oak. . dala addition SOS Oak Park Land company ta t. H. Bar. rto. 164171 feet bealnnlna nortn corner lot 6, bkx-k . Oak Park addltloa 1 Barak B. Tnaant and ban band to Fred- - wl.k BWler and -wife, - .11 - tot W r Albln. 1.000 Annie Myer et aU to Robert Com-. tnooa, weat Ml weet H of eertlo v 8A. tnwnablp B north, ran- 1 weat. ' ISO acre -. 1,000 Oct year tnenrnne and abatrnctn to real aetata rrom tiie Title u a ara a tee m lrnai companri S40 Waahlnfto treet, ee NOTICE. ADVERTISZhfrlNT FOB BIDS FOR WATER SYSTEM. The city con sell ef tb city of Wallowa, la the eoonty of Wallow, tat af Oregon, will receive bid ap t and In. rinding the eliteeath day of June. ISoa, for the conatrnctloa af a water ayetea for aid city. Th water ehall be taken from Bear creek ahont rnllc from aald dty and there abill M afeuO-fnat fall te th aratem, The meln pipe line to be ronatrncted of a-lncb, machine-handed, wood atovepipe. There ahall b on 4 Inch fate valr et aonrce ef .npply; one .nlt.ble braaa-wtre . cloth atralner at lea at four time tb area of th a-lnch pipe; ruck apodal fittlnga, enrvea, etc., may be neceeaary tofol- low chAngee of direction 1n pipeline. At the Intake there ahall be built a enlt .Me manhole of concrete or adjacent atone, witb cover ef Iron with braee -leek and key. to properly protect and prevent dam getothtralnt and. to allow eimlna - tlon. , - " wwrk tut Ob mala flpellwe eaatl aa aa average, of not leea thaa three reel deep and at ao point ahall th. mala pin be covered lea than two. feet. In the- die trlhntlon ajetem all the malna and Branrbe h:i be covered at leeet three feet over the toy ef th pipe. The mala ahall b nltable for a Soo-foot , head and .11 main and branrbe ahall be properly bedded la the trencbee to prevent nettling. , . The dlatrlbntlnn avatea will refljnlre. an proximately. l.M feet of -Bcb machine banded wood atoveplp; 1.TS0 feet of S-lnck machine-banded wood atovepipe; S.800 feet of 4-lnck machine-banded wood etoveplpe; four S-lnch. Iron-bodv breee-mnnnted fate--valvaa; four B-lnck Irm-bodr braea-tnmnted fatevalveaj Sv 4-Inch Iron body braaa. mounted gatevalve.; 18 atandard heavy artjn.t able caat-lm gatehoiea and S.0U0 pound epeclkl caat-lrea Bttlng. There ahall he 111 Br bydranta, which ahall have entleta for two Stfe-lnch bona aad ahall he frostproof. ill kilWinti ahall he an blocked, braced and anchored to the pipe enpplytnf them aa - to prevent being blown err or water ram. Tha entire work to ha completed and Bret elaaa, and to be don la a fond and work manlike manner, and all material aaa taper to be fm-nlabed by the contractor, Tha city council lean vi a tb right to reject any and all Mda without Incurring any .. Uabfltty for anrk r lectio. ; x: Dud Jua UrrWV - - eft JT.FT. MrDAWm,, KayorMnVt--ftitv of WMIewi. At teat t 0. A. fraPll.LAT. " , Aaowdar ad tha C1U af Weitowa, . NOTICE. OPriCB Dtaburebif Qnartrrmaater, Portland, Orefoa, June 13, luuev Mealed nropoaala la trinitrate will be rerelred bare antll 10 a. Bl., PacKl time, July S. laud, for furntanlnc STS cavaby aorae and 23 artillery beraea (11 wheal, 10 lead or (wing and 8 eaddlel fi Philippine ttolanda. lwltvary at oca I tie. Weih., or otlier premlnent railroad polnta. Further mformatloa furolabed at tkta offlca. tnlted Rtateo reaervea In rlaht 'to relert or accept any or all bMa, or any part ilierenf. Xavatopea coatalninc prapoaala abould be . marked "Prapoaala for Cavalry aad Artillery , Horaea" and aiMnaaed ta Alfred M. Palmer, najor-qaartermfeter, IL. S. A itebarelas Qoartermaatar. I ' moticb of" MRrriNo.-. The annoal meatlna of tha atorkboldera et the Orefoa Iron A Bteel Company will be held at the efflv of tha compear, room Sher lock balldlns. PortUad, Oregon, : June IS, leod, at 11 o'clock a. mH for tha pnrpoae ef electlne a board of director for the enanlna year, and the tranaacttpa ef anrk ataa Mtalneaa aa may lecally eom be five the areetlnf, 'A.. S. P4TTTTU.O. Secretary. Portland. Urasoa. May 8. 1S0B, . . MOTICB TO 8TOCKHOI.HSBS The eanaal meetlnf of the atock bolder of the He ilea a Rubber Cottar company will be held Tnee . day, July 10, 1S06. at II o'clock la tb fore- boob, at the office of the aald eemnaay, .Mow SlS-i caambcr- of Cammeraa bldaw Portland, Orefoa, for the elect ton of 4"lree : tor and for tha pnrpoae of eonelderlatr and .. actnif upoa chancea In It by-lawa, and th . transaction af aucb other hualneaa aa may lawfully, eom before the meetlnf for action, i f. ft BARNES, Becretary. MEETINO NOTICES. ATTENTION NEIGHBORS Something Doing, 07. 3RTLAH0 :T0-NIG1T!: CAMP cl rO.W BETTER COME ! ALL member of Local 364. I. L. M. T. A.. - ara hereby reqnaated to meet at 8SS Boaaell . at., near Unto are., oa Tburaday, Jane IS. at S a. m., to attend th funeral of our late brother, Michael tialvln. By order M. OOONBT, Prealdent. ' M. W A. EVEROREEN CAMP. B.4fla, -Wedneaday avenlny, A I laky bldf Third and Morrlaoa at. M. W. A.. Orefoa Orape Camp. No. S.STB. Mea daya. ITth and Marahall; vtaltor welcome. LOST AND FOUND. LOffT- Iron free pony (raiding ) flank: reward 810. H. T. brand 90 oa Pafe, 0wf, ur.f el. r. l, Ko. 1 t"tna TCTor OolJ SfTnlnf com pa or: owner aDolv T apply fciaatagai LOST Tw bay horse, 4 and 8 year eld, weight 1,400 a piece. If found call Portland - Bawduat company. Phone 1986. LOST A para of tea leather, with Portland, Oregon, on ontalde, with email 'yd, parr. In aide, containing $20 In fold and other email change, ao me where between the plena and Yamhill near Flrat. . Return to Journal of fice. Reward. . . . LOUT 'Handkerchief, at Ltpmaa, Wolfe A O., .. betwaea 4 and 6 pr m.- Tneaday.- Betnrn to " J?0-.9 Jmm bMf.. Flrat and Pine. Phono Pacific 841. Reward. HELP WANTED MALE. ' WAfrTTJI Vamlebera, machine " and - hand. Oragoa Faraltare Mfg. Ca, Macadam road. r - . A BARB opportunity for a man with aoia capital! inveatlf ate and yoa will rare lavaat. O 110, car JoaraaL WANTBD Barry rock era. Inquire tor uantar aowtion, itontaviiia car WB aeenre employment for member : apodal mamberahlp one month Z - X. -at. C tut - eoaria aaa- itaiui..- IF yoa play pool, go to the Wellington Pare mra, auagy cuif., xnira aaa Hornaoa, WANTED Ftnlaher In fnmitar factory, ateady won year roona. rront, corner mvia. WANTED Flnt-claaa bench man. Portland Baab A Door Co., Beat Taylor aad Union are. MEN AND WOMEN to leera barber trad In eight week: gr.duatea earn from gin to S2S weekly: expert lne tract ore; catalogue, free. Motor Byatem at Coll eg aa, 88 North Fourth at., Portland. SALESMEN WANTED For oa af tha largest nareertee ta tha west; caab advanced weekly; good territory open. Addrea Wash lag Urn Nursery Co-, Twppenlah, Wash. AOBNTS WANTED to eB enperlor, hlgh-frad aaiaaiy Btock ; complete entflt furalakad free) esak weekly! write today for choice ef ter ritory. Capital city N.taery company. Bate in, Orefoa. WANTED Partner la trine far hu tines. manager; doing Sne hnalnMi. la city. Room S Breed en bldf.. Third and Waahlngtoa eta. Phon PaHflc 20M. WANTED Immed lately, five men to leera the an . er operating- ntmg partnre machtnea zs weekly when competent: tuttloa - ahle.. 145H Sixth at., room X HOTEL help. .11 kind., new place: eank. and waiter, familiar best hotel. Apply aoimi noruMm, una na ai arena u, room at. WANTED EVERYWHERE H nailer to tack algns, aiatrlbnte circular, ample, etc.! ao canvaaalng; good pay. Sua Advertising Bo- ivan, voicago. MEN everywhere, to clean monuments; light ning proceaa. Immense money made; expert ance anneceaaary. Creaoeat eVipply eompany, 414 Sonth Hill, Lot Aug ales, CaL WANTED, at once, raa a to work In office t - a alary 800 a moatk and commtaslon that will net yoa 8180 per month; must have aom money te Invest. Call Room 8 Broaden bldf.. Third tad Washington. WANTED Sale-maaager. larr him her and mill-work cooes rn. dty TB.OOO; mnt b x- aerlenced. moot estimator, familiar with nlana and detail. ; food opportunity; flret-cUaa reff crencee reqnired. Apply Jun 14 t orrlc or nortnera noz M rg. Agency, uoocora Bldf t rortiaaa. , ' WANTED Motormea. ant of wagea, free fare, no fee; references re outred. Apply betweea 11 a. m. and 8 P. m. and between S and S p. m.. te room s, Van Noy hotel. Third and Pin at., aa trance on Pin. WANTED For United State army, able-bodied nmamed men between age of SI-and SO. eltlseue of United Stataa, of food character and temparat bablta, who can apeak, read and write Bnallah. Annlv to Recrnltlnr Of- Beer, Alnsworth blk., Third ad Oak eta.. Oregon. 14-TBAR.oi.D hoy Ta make himself-nsefnl 1n atore. ijon Clotniof Jov loa-108 Tkird It., curiiana. tr. J WANTED A boy over 14 to sell fruit, from wagon. Call Alberta bens, 21 Hi First at room . ..... , . , Union Hotel St NORTH SIXTH ST. Weekly rates: . Room, a) 1.2.1 up; room and Doara, st oo up. . Anuereon, proprietor. WANTED Bellboy to work to S at night. tionarr-cwnis. lata 1 nq jenieraoa. AN advance agent for road ' abow. Call at M. SSOla Morrlaoa. Arthur Dxtar. WANTED a partner, a young man to travel . in a legitimate rmalneaai -very yitle reinilred. Addreaa 1 UK), rare Journal. HELP WANTELWFEMALE. 01R1JI .boat Id year, of age ta work In fac tory. Apply at one. - A mee-Harris-Neville u. Flftk ana imvm ate. BANSEN S LADIS"' AOENCt. 8484 Waahtnf ton at., cor. Seretrtk. anstalrs. , ChosA Mala sue a. gaaaaaa aetp wnnie. a . 0aMMs paje there -yoa fcsve cr hs wht HELP WANTED FEMALE. thb bomb ladies aosnct. Fa aula beta fomlsbed free to employes. . Reglatratloa Free. 1 -19B14 k at, uastalra. raooj SS. Maaa B8SS. WANTED Otrla to make alia at TS flrat t. 'Baa of All" evar- aiRI8 WANTED Operator to work ea ahlrta ana overane. . iaaona given ta lnexperieneea. Apply at Standard factory No. X Oraad aa. i and B. Taylor at. WANTkD Middle-aged woman for boaaework. a'aa jacaaoa at. . . WANTED Women and glrla te work In frult- aunsry. Apply Eaat Bight and mvialoa. WANTED S waltreaaeai en tor dinner only. Apply at one Hobart-Curtla, a. 14tb and Jefferson eta. OIRL t aaalat with light housework and car or cciidrea; good wagea. Apply el once. OSS Davto, eorner Xlat. . - w WAITRESSES Pamlllar beat restaarant. and help an Ainu.; new notei. . Apply 7 Nortn Jlth .st. WANTED Lady af business ability. food taiaer; rom clean worg ana will pay. Ull m Columbia bl.lg.. S to IX AS llnatrated aong alngar: alaa pUnn. playar. fell at room sn. evoa Mornaea at. Arthur Dexter. . - -. . .. WANTED Capable housekeeper nader 40, wuower' Ianlly: also second girl and rare of Infant; -food wage. , J30ih - YamhllL Mala 8418. . -.'7 - -. , , -.- . WANTED Immediately,, capable cook, fleet claaa; private family: wages x.l; riwsoisa preferred. : 230 XamhllL Mala 6418. ENERGETIC lady wltk baalneaa ability: abort noure, pleasant worg, gooa wiary. aaoraea X A. Brick, f eaeral delivery, city. ' OIRL8 for paper-box work. Portland Paper Box Co., OS rtret t. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED AT ONCB Aa '. experienced party witb vino to ran a paying launury. rot particular call m FoarU at., apatalrs, aolte xa. - Mala 88M. . HELP wanted and supplied, .sale er female. B. O. Prska. B0oa Washington at. radne 1370. SITUATIONS -WANTED MALE. QEOROB T. MURTON. 884 Chamber of Com merce, Keep book, and one. general expert accounting business. Pbon Mala 48S4U . WANTED Position: office aontsty. genuine intefrity. steady aaotta; also some experience; sblllty as aleaman; are you. Interested T Tfleaee reply. , D ST, care Journal, :. : ...... .J . 1 WANTED Offlc work br von tut man: have B 1. care Journal. TOIPNtp. nail isatreiiterleric g retail shoe aaleemaa, three yeara aa general mercaandiae ae Me re an. wanta pnaiiioa whotoaal house; eastern reference. cars Journal. WANTED-Curtatna to launder or light knnee. work by tb day. M Davl at. Pacific aa4 SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE POSmON aa housekeeper for aa unencumbered sHdowar. ar bechelos. on ranch; good cook; understand all kind, af work. X 0, JoaraaL THOROIKIHI.T competent stenogrspher. rapid opera tor ,-Msstrss poalttoa. O S4. car Journal. BEFINED, educated young widow would like position housekeeping Tor-widower -not over 81: reference.. Addrea. F S. ear Journal. rANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agent: something new; .food aeUeri big wages, aua McKay biof. WANTED pec Is I sale men for tb big Oregon NBrsary company: liberal commtaslon; saint free; ebolc territory. Writ ta the Oregon Nursery Cow Salem. Oregon. AGENTS Either aex, 81.00 aa hear Intradne. Ing Dr. Bull' Electric Comb and Brush; cure hair trouble aafnre'e way; no drag; term free; pea tare on sample comb. Sc. 0. S. Homer Mfg. . Co., . 1481 Psa. ava., Pittsburg, Pa. . MEN and women agent.. 88 to 88 .vary d.v. . Paradox Novelty Co., SM Union av. Berth. Tske Wood Is wn ear AGENT wanted ts ell- a few l-cre tract. . convenient to two electric liar.. Csderbergh. 814 CommereUI blk. BIO PAT to on agent In ch county working i or in inveaiora- uuiae. .11 atarquam aiafi Portland. Oregon. , EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. THB Portland Employment Co., fJOOVi Morrtooa - st. Phoa Pacts tSaV. BANBEN'S FMPLOTMENT OrFICB FOB MEN. tS N. Second st. Phone Mala 1BI8. BIO FOUR EMP. AOSNCT Rein eupplted free. IS North ftecend at. Phene Mala 1SIB. WANTED FINANCIA1 WANTED 8000 to open ap new copper mine; will five an extra good opportunity and In ducement. Call la f of spoon Joaea' Book Store, 361 Alder at. WANTED T loan 81,800 oa dty propsity for building purpose. D T, car Journal. WANTED Loan ef 830000. I to 8 yearn, rn - real estate valued at 800,000; principal only, O SO, car Journal. ' WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Lot la exchange for eoulty ta S or T-room boa. . Pboa Eaat 8841. . WANTED House ea sear terms. 818 Commercial blk. Mala 806. WB WILL SELL your property, bo matter wkst It Is or where located. Bend description now and we will d tb rest. Investors' Gold Co., 811 Marunam bldf., Portland, Oregon. I WANT to buy a hones and lot aa the tnstsll ment 'plan. H, poatofflc box 4T, Part land. Oregon. WANTED SH-S scree not too far from eartlno, with amall bouse; 1 .ere clear would do; prlc not ta exceed 81,000. Call pbon Pa cific 8015. . 1 HAVE cnatomer for a flrat-rtaaa farm In i th WUlstnette valley; jnast he well located to school, chnrch. etc, Alfred A. Baker, 218-210 Ablng ton bldf. ' . WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES. COTTAOE8. FLATS, RO0M1N0-HO1BKH, STORES. ETC. Our rental department ha been enlarged and provided wltk additional staff, W Invite listing from LANDTORnB. offer personal attention te and eontlnooosJ upervlsloB over all property Intrnted to our rare: PORTTANTy-TRI'ST ttlMPAN T OF OREturN. S. B. cor. 8d and Oak ata. Pbra Ex. TX WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. B. N. MORGAN, pioneer sprayer and whlta wathcr. Call Eaat 6248, Remember the name B. N. Morgaa; II yeara la buslnsss la Portlsnd. WB WILL BUT. SELL OR TRAM ANT Olft - THING. WESTERN SALVAGE CO, S2T 829 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC MX WE WILL BUT year furniture any old time. . Western Balvaga 'Cs.. 627 Waahlngtoa at. WHO IB M. a MORGAN A CO. 1 PAINTING, T rearing and whltewsshlnf trees, " baaemeat. barns, dork, tc. largest gssolln spraying oat At ea the roaat. M. G. M M. G. Morgaa . ' a i Co. Uatoa sra. Poena Kelt BIT, FURNITURE and boose hold worry, lose time sr manty. , dfl TBX food. Do.t Jut phoa Pa- BOATS WANTED Ltet roar hosts, .trsmem. Uunchea, hergee, house boat' and aoatheaaee with ae for sale er rent. Awe bars slls for them every day. Bsat 1S4. . MAIN. Soon. . . - - MAIN 8008. j Fnmlfnr wanted for apot caah. , I roniu.v AUVAiwn jkhiwo. SU Ml ssr the tsslaess desires cf scr.e pvsca who cier wssts wbt yea wir.t Posslily tath ere represented In tv.e s:r.t 'fsr.irtphT WANTELWMISCELLANE.OUS. WANTED Shors p. war holler and englns; must be .11 right! good, medium slsed, esfe. - Good roll-top. slso Oat top. two-chair desk. If. A. CLA H T. 4!13 M"' ' , , , , j FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THa) RIl'HKLIEU NORTH SIXTH ST. Klrgsntly furnished. tea at heat and batka. THB GRAND. 411 H Nirtk Third t-l to geniiemea l. per wee a ana ap. - NEATLY furnished room.) wslklnf distance; bath and phone; 8 per month. - Call even ings 810 Buyt St. A NICE cosy furnished room; bath land faa; reasonable. SUVs North 20th at. - FURNISHED and anrnrhlahed rooms, new and rlssn. Folkmany lav,Orand,.a.l 81.00 I ' 88 week. COST room for one or two gentlemen; reason able; central.- 264 13th at. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. THB MITCHELL. Flaodsr. and Bevsntk Kooma, housukssplna' nd ' trsnsleutl ea ' senlentl prices reaaonable. 81.00 WEEK UP: clean. Furnlehed honsekeen. reoms, wltk yard, parlor, laundry, bath, far os cs best. Busy, Stanton at. 0 ear. LARGS elegantly furnished housskseplng rooms; ga range, rnnotnf wstsr. Tb Lnwna dsls. BOSH Alder st. LARQH furnished heasekeeplnf rooms, also sleeping-rooms. .11 convenleacea, at 488 Yam hill at. . ' . .1 ; DOUBLE parlor and lltchen, furnished com plete: ran. oata ana pooue; central locaiioni ao children ; referenoea. . 2S North 11th at. FOR two Work lng-women, fnralahed - room, prlvtlego of kitchen, 818 per month. 804 wllllsma v.v Mat , " ' . LINDA VISTA Sleeping 84TV Fifth at. ad V housekeeping- TWO nice mom, newly papered aad completely mrnianea tor housekeeping; faa. natn; gia. 12 L, rtret et. ' ROOMS AND BOARD.- NICELT furnfehed ronma, modern conveniences. horn pririicf re. , phou Msla 100. ao 14tb (t. XOUNG fantlemaa wanta hoard and room In strictly private family; 820 per month for two meal a day. B 8, oar Journal.- - UNFURNISHED ROOMS. TWO unfurnished and one small furnished room, njbdsra; private home; -10 - minutes' walk from poatofflee. 84T 11th at., betnsea Market and Mill, Thone Pacific 41, INVERT pleaaant nnfurnlshed jrooms. with bs,th. FOR RENT HOUSES. . FOR RENT. ' ; v.w----- ' 8H room houa on Hhaver at. 10 6-room Sat. oa Fnloa av. , close In. $18 6 room flat, new, modern, bath, aoutb net eorner Monroe at. and Mississippi v 830 for tnr aad llving-soonm oa t'.loa ara. MB, THOMPRON. -- Fboo Waodlawa 20X 848 Mississippi '. KADDEBLT TRANSFER CO.. prompt aad re- liable plsae and furniture-movers ; also stor- age. Pbon Mala loso. Office US hi. Third. THE CONTINENTAL COMPANT 848 8TARK ST. INSURANCE. RENTALS. SEB LIST. TWO 8-room modern cottages, -Alst St.. Kenil- worn, 14 and 81. Ksy at store, sr nnon East T8S, - - FOR RENT 8 modern S room eettagea. , In qatr 404 East Waahlngton. Phon. East TM. FOR RENT Hones, 11 rooms, modern Improve- meata. ia uta r. apply kh ixia at. - FOR RENT. 818 Hons. T rooms, ntcs view of ' dyer and Portlsnd. - 110O Wlllaaaett '-boulevard. Inquire 1241 Greeley at, Wll. lamette station, St. John car. FOR RENT . "...'.' 4-roona cottage 8 8.00 8-roopt Bat ...lX00 AT TS0 FOURTH ST. FOR RENT 4-room cottafe at Oeeea Park, completely furnished, from June uattl July S. D 4. care Journal, . . ROOM bona.- larr beeeroent. EST O'NeU'g Grocery, eor. Hood and Grant. MODERN S-roooj cottage: faa. . at., N. Pbon Eaat SOT. 173 East XSth FOR RBNT T-room hoosa, eorner 3nth tad Bast - Main; raat SIX Phono Esst 824. FOR RENT New T-room house, large rcropesnn hall, full basement and attic: earner. So Esst Eighth at., N. Pboa East r FOR RENT A few Bats and a eoaple of . bouara. well located. Otlo A Crockett. 346 H Washington at. . JOHNSON ST. Ootid 0-room boa.. Commercial blk. M.ln XX 23. 823. . 003 -FOR RENT FLATS.- MODERN Broom tower flat. 1 tinted: gas rang, furnace and wash tray, la baeement: cheap rent; Fifth and Grant. Inquk Port- Truat Co. .. . TWO flat., famished or nnfnrntohed, mod era convenience. Phoo Eaat BOSS. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. OFFICB ronwia, aarurnlahed room aad sssipls rooms for rent. Ceodneafb bed-. . Apply sle- PART ef ehop to rent, sultshls far nalator cf plumber. SOS Foarth t. 8 TOR B for -rent, coraer, 81 North 18th at.; )uat the place for a butcher- hop and grocery combined; cheap rent to right party. Apply tr krssmer, commercial bib, 8TORB for rent 380 Washington and Fifth. St., hs. Foarth tEe,KROOM Bd desk for rent, fln location, 88 per month.- B X car Journal. FINE Russell st. eorner. llvmg-rooma. butlt-la cooler; gnltable for delicatessen, clgara, meat . market. te.; 818. 000 Eaat Oak. Scott TX lesse. Apply 848 Morrfc FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RBNT Two horse, good for express city delivery wagon. Cigar atore, 83H 1st HOUSES FOR - RENT FURNL TURE FOR SALE. FURNITURE flv rooms for al very cheap for cask or terms. Call soo Lsrrsnss. FOR BALE Furultrrr of Broom rent 820. ' 108 North 18 tb at. cheep; 'BUSINESS CHANCES.' WRITE ns quick boat recent Important de velopments of th Hnrat Automatic Switch A Signal Co.t hay stock before big advance. J- F. fTurat- as Co., SOS McKsf bldf. - WANTED AT ONCB Aa experienced party with 8100 to rna paylnf laundry. For particulars csll lonvk Foarth .t., , anst.lra, solts 23. ' Msta BA2B. RsiMESERRERS EXCURSION overland to being ergsnlatd to go to Hsrney county, Oregon. For. Information" Inquire Com. ' merpisl block, corner Second and Washing, tonf sts., sr phon Mala 84X - - j FOR BALE OR LEASE Location for . reetaar. a.t with flxtnree, er will glv Intsrsst ta right party. 307 Thkd at, . ' - fTSn-430OD -dgar store ea a busy street, In nod location, and dolna flna business. Call at MTV. Third. FOR 8 AI.N Photograph gallery, good ksratloa. doing food business; food reason for aellltf . D 40, ear Joul nal. fOR ' SALE-rmplete Block ef drygond and ladles' rcany to-wear gooaa, 9. In good town of I 76x10(5, new, t be 8. Oia): fin location: .tor bad; will sell rhe.p. Apply Baxsoaa, tttoraaja) tit' BUSINESS CHANCES. FOB SALE Private rooming ad boardlna. k r house clearing ISO per month; 10 regular boarders; houa modern, fin locatapa. cheap rent: S's) down and I5 par month t.kea It; furniture used anly B mootha; prtca 800. -Mata auoT. FOR SALE Saloon: paving proooaltfon: ea eor ner. , Aduros Lady, B SO, car Journal. . TS0 NEW furniture and lease of 11 rooms. Iocs ted st 10T14 Third street near Wash ington; will cell on geod term r uebanf. Call at 107 H Third at. , DO ant keep idle money. A peetal card will . bdng yoa Information bow - to get the largest return on an absolutely ears lavestmsnt cf . from 8100 to $. J. B. Ballsy, BIT Lumbst Exchange. Portland, Oragoa. ' . THB maaager ef a bank tor a email town la eaateru Oregon haa to flv np position; an honeat, bright - young man who caa inveet - 3-1.000 In toe stork of tbs bank csu taka up hie position and work r fin chance for tha right man. Address D 38, car JoaraaL., HOMEREEKERsr EXCURSION overland - I , being organised to go to Harney munty. -4fv- For information Inquire 0" Cor Bierclal block, corner Second and Wssulng ' ton sts. Msln BtX Address Arista p. 0 FOR SALS Half or all of Rica, dess tneorne bualness; wltk proper ppllrsttoa would pa double In two yea rat- will stand ewlcteat In. - vestlratlon,; other lsrgs lotereste demand my attentions aultabl for either Isdy or genlle us a with proper credential. P X car JouraaL ' COUNTRY aewepaper-knd yob printing fries la " live Wlllsmette valley town for eel cheap! d bargain. Addrea D 38. car Journal.. IS, SHARES In aa old established wholesale house, for sale at par value of tloo per ah a re; with thla stock a good aalarled peal- . tloo can be had for the right party. Call at lOTtt Third at. . HALF tntereat In hlgh-claa hualneaa foe aala, -81.000; lady preferred; 7S month fuarantaed; with proper application boa loess should pay ' at lea at (8,000 aonual profit a. . X 10, car ' Journal. . . " . , 8PEC1AI- 8300 fully aeon red with sardce will pay yon 84 . dsy; experience anaecesaary. Call X814 Stark at. . , INSURANTS agency for aale; food Una ef .renewals; most sav flrat-claaa credentials; liberal tersna flvea. X 4, car Journal. FOR SALE A new Block of grocerlea; aa rx cellent location. ' Apply 818 Jefferson at. Want ta rstlrs from bualness. 87.000 MERCANTILE haslneea In the best part of Washington st: will sell or ex- -cbang for farm. . Call at 107 V. Third St. . SS00 WILL bay an interest In aa old-set ah - r - llshed real estate office, doing a food bus I. tiu i. ioi i niro t. ... ...j v. riJH-'JAI.K-l rare Urgslaasasw a country "atore by call HIUI: en or arldresalng -fr- Siniik. nu WHO IS M t. MORGAN A CO.! RESTAURANT for : sal cheap. C.U ld Madlaoa at. A PRINTER'S SNAP rot.Sala Country paper ana joo property tn an at country : lr yon want -a et reaeoaabto santr plant Invsstlrat thla; prlc . F 10, car JouraaL. SPLENDID open tag for He man. drugstore and generel merchandise: only 'Store of Its kind In thriving vslley town; electric lights snd telephone; store 80.foot front; will Invoice - and asak reaaonable ccntt--termaj ewner re--tiring. B 10, car Journal. 4 SAWMILL for Ml. So.nno feet capacity: fme tlaber: plenty ef order; a anap. Inquire of F X csrs Jooraal. WANTED-rOentleman . to Join m ta -lights , pleaaant and profitable manafacvurlnf hual. -nee that psys big; each to Invent gsoo; good taple; uperlenre anneceaaary; referenoea eg. chsngsd. tl 82, car. Journal.. CASH STORE Want partner witb total:-thla .tore will average 3260 clear profit a month the year round. Call 24 S Stark at. FOR SALE A ftrst-rlaaa plumbing - business; havo ether business aad wish to rstlr. Ad- -dress H, L, Mantera, Roseourg, Or. ... 0BAND opportunity for bote mam brick hotel, ground, ateam heat, 64 room, furnished: bar ' doing flood business; bouse clesrlnf 31,000 . month; 828.000 down, easy term, bslsses. - G 8, car Journal. ... PARTNER wanted, expedeace not necessary beyond ability to check good, and collect ; owner five bank references and show a business elesrlag fann monthly and caa be Increased witb Intereated help; 730 required. 'tall 34814 Stark at. WANTED Good bualnes chsncs sslcamsa te manage well-located offlce email gqaraBtee fund required. For particular writ D 43, car Journal. ' - - k NfCR email jewelry business for sale; la euburb of Portland; . prlc 3100. . Addrea C 78. car Journal. - . ROOMING HOUSE for aaW at a aacvlftcaf ara going eaat; most sell my 3S-ro,im hone Imme diately; located hi heart of city; 80o0. Call at once .at Fourth st. SOLID business, wsnt partner: 84,000 required for .ddltlonsl capital: highest references;, very large profit. Call 3481 Stark st. 3700 WILL buy a epleodld little bualness. . 8)00 will taka a grocery and delicatessen. 81.060 NIc elena grocery aa prominent corner - '. g.vio Bekerv la heart nf city, good locality. $1.200 Little grocery and housekeeping rooms. -i - . k, Lfcptor .tore, he. of city, low rent. J 1.700 Good as loon proposition, low rent, aoo New and ascoad-hand faraltare and hardware. - , . Private hoarding-hone, well located; anap. OTTO A CROCKETT. - S48ki Wsshbigtoa st. ' J' FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. SEE PIEDMONT. ' ; 1 "SEB PIEDMONT. ... - ' All Investor, sbonlrl surely SEN PIEDMONT. ' Taks TT,' St. Johns or Woodlawa car: csrs leave every 8 te 4 minute. Second and Waah lngtoa ata. ; .... , ., .. , BOVER, uo river from Portland. Located der N. P. irrigating ditch and en sew north bank railroad; fruit fee oa tb market three weaka earlier thaa In aay ether section, eon, mending hlfhsst prices; dally steamers front Portland. Bate by tb ewaere, Bovsr Land Co., Hover. waaaini ingtoa. FOB SALB AT A BARGAIN . A Bu Mock rang, containing .hoot 8.SO0 ' . .era; all under fence situated near Ross. ' burg. Oregon, oa S. P. R. R. ; this to one et '. the beet stock range. In tb eountry-t I ! have snot her good atork - range containing - 1.42i acres, which will be sold it a eery low arte. For partlculsrs addreaa J. R. Suther. tin, owner, Botebarg, Orefoa. - FOR SALE Big bargain for quirk aale; f-roea aubnrhan cottafe, ground 100x100 feet, fruit ' and ehrubbery; by owner. O. W. P. Town-. aide Co.; 81S Alder St., ta 0. W. P. By". ' w.trrnf 4 SEB Beat Sid Real Eatare Co. for st side , property. W have Sra) farms fop sal, from en acre up. csur nsw thorns ava., East 106T ... . , ... FOR SALE By owner; 3700, 3(4 acre 1a Montavlllai food anil, all la eultlvatlen. amall. fruit oa place; term to ult. D 81, -car Journal. FOR SALE Oood Income) property, shout 8I1, - 000! no axenta... Addreaa C 46. car Journal. WILL sscrlse 8 room houss, lsrgs tot, na Runnyslds snd Mount Tabor carl Ins, $1,400. Inquire st 880 Esst Waahlngtoa at LOTS In Piedmont bars tncreaeed 1a value ever , $128 thla teat 4 months. Why put money out st T per cent 1 Invested In Piedmont tots It will make you from XI to 60 per cent IN t FHTaJENT CO., 344 Stark ft. Tak. U or St. John ear. '" THOSE who want me t select choic railroad land la Albert, fog. them should tot a know " be for eor next party g oa,' Jane 1L B. L, Brlggs. 188Va First it. . BEI.LWOOD LOT. 88 owa and '38 a aaaathf from 378 to $2O0. Sellwnod Tows alts Ce B. t. Palmer, maaager. Pas Eaat 4704. $1.000 BOO FEET arraara. Inclosed. 8 -room house, ehlrkes-bonse, euthulldlnra. fruit trees, garden, ea car line; eaey term. Mt. Scott Real Eatat Co., Lenta, Orefoa. Pbon Scott 22H4. . - - , I 80x100 WITH .mall hoiiea, closs to cars. S cant I , fare; terms: prlc $v).. - ' . . r