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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1906)
fins OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, . JUNE ,13. 18C 3. TOBAV 1.A.H0RAH golf mmnwi for r.TOORES TO LEAD OREGON TEAn mum 0REG0;i CHAf.'.PIOiiSHIP CITY Women Will Begin Preliminary Play Today Men to Start Tomorrow. CIGAR Johnny Rtld Has Arranged Pro V vgtm of Fights for Seat- ( S ileV Edification. " 1 Crack Sprinter Chosen as Cap tain of Nineteen-Seven . .Track Athletes. V: Tha golf tonrnament for tha cham plonahlp of Oregon will begin tomorrow VUNDIE AND DUNN IN T IS A MEMBER OF THE INITIAL CONTEST MULTNOMAH CLUB BOX I0G BOUTS FOR SOUfJD 7 vf" : Former Holds " s Decision Over. His OpponentWillie r FiUjerald . W1H ' Venture North to Seek a Few Ring ' Engagements. ' . " '- - (Sneelal Dauatrh to Tfc Jonrnal.V Seattle, June U Jbhnny Reid hae arranged a series of oonteate whteh will be presented to light fana of this ' vi cinity within the next few weeka. Bobby Lundle. wuiia Fltaaarald. Honar Mel lody, Dick Fttspatrlck. Charier Dun and others are to participate la match. Tha Initial show will be between Bobby Lundle and Charley Dunn. Duns recently scored signal victory wnen ka knocked oat Kid Faro. Dunn and Lmadi fought ao ma tnontha a to In Call' fornla. Lundle gained .the decialon. but 1 quite (rank la admitting it waa tb Hardest battle ba haa ever experiences. When fighting aa an amateur Punn waa cued "iron Man Dunn.- and ma ae clsloa Klvan o-rer him by Lundle waa the first revere In hie fighting career. 1J. The contest la scheduled for June IT. under the auspices of tha Bremerton Athletic club. Dunn will probably train near the navr yard. . Lundle. aa ueual alnca ha baa bean In hla eountry, will condition htmaeir at rieaaant oeacn, only a Tew mllea dutant. - :.In addition to Oh la match. Willie Fits (raid, who loet-a queatlonable decialon to Jimmy Brltt, and who haa 1 ought with such alrtial auccesa about Phlia (li'Tiinra ana Wear Tork. Is eemlng here eparrtPWjlstaiimfflrrtnw ightweight or welter dlviaion. "Honey",, Mellody, who, waa aehaduled to nght Dick Fltsgerald at Spokane la alao coming to Seattle, and "Fits" will follow-In hU -footatepa. " A match be tween theae two, which- waa prevented by aome misunderstanding; la among The poaatbllittea. , Both boya hare agreed to fight.' and the rmlll. If It had occurred, would -hav- decided -the-arelterwelght championship of tha world. In the erent that ritspa trick does not coma. Ft ti er raid, who beated Willie Lewie at C'elma, California, a abort tlma before tha catastrophe In the California Vbwn, will fight Mellody. .. Reld aaya .ha haa asaurance from all of tha fighter who have .been, enumer ated that -they will participate In ex hlbltlone Under hla management. . NATIONAL LEAGUE. -jnTTiWotuJUiat ; P C. fnira'a'O . '. M I , . ..IV Pittabure . . II IT New York . tt Philadelphia ........20 St. Ixuia f ............II Brooklyn . . .......... .21 Cincinnati.. ........ .10 -Boaton ,. ..,.. .W ...... .14 1 in II 10 R.H. K. Cincinnati , , ....... .-r: ...... .0 11 . 1 New Tork . ' i 1 4 7 Batterlea Welmer and Schlel; Wlltee and Bowarman. VCmpirea O'Day and 'Conway. ....-., ... . . '" . , At PhlladelpBla, " ' ' : v RH. X. . Fltfaburg . . ..,...... T 1 Philadelphia . . I 4 0 Ratterlee LelHeld and Phelpa; Richie and Donovan. 'r' '"' At Soetom. . " " ' r- - .R.H. B. Boston . . ..: 11 1 ftt. lunula . ..f ...i.. .1 T. t Batterlea Young - and .. Needham; Brown andOrady. Umpire Carpenter. : . ''At Brooklya. v R.H. K. Chlmro . . I 0 Brooklyn :.............! I t Batteri.e Pfeiater and Moran; Scan Ion and Bergen. Umpire Klem. . ' Btaaaard Viae Wlaa. ' ' The ball nine rapreaontlng tha Stand ard Boa Lumber company met and defeated tha Inman-Foulaen company's team n Sunday laat by tha score of 14 to I. On next Sunday tha Standards will play tha Smith Planing milk team. Heart Palpitation Indigestion oauttt the etomaek to expand awell and puff us afainat the heart. Thit crowds the heart and interferes with ita action, eaualnf ehortnast of breath. palplUtion' of the heart, etc. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure f j BIOESTS VI AT TOO EAT . , takes the atrain .off toefear and oontributee nooriahment, ' ' etrength and health ' to every - organ of the bod. Curat Indi- , - 'feetion, Dyepepeia, Sour Stom- -1. ach. Belching, Qae on Stomach. " ' and Eli Stomach troubiee. '. . ' Desera, Iowa. --Tarae yaare ego t was afflicted -with Indigestion ao nach that V 'J was la can Usual pals. After eating my heart waa elected , ; and I ha! aaaotaeriag seaeatlesa. . ' Twe hottlea ef Xodol eared sm. ' I-. ;" AIBXST LAhDI. ' .- lJ'A alar eaaM caaaaa i4 1 ,'- ' tian aa arcaV O Sritaf arMev f ' Btttk er'rwVaawlfcef drf atlW eCetaksVVwaWr (tsf K,' C tmtt'e,Ckmgu u JL A fXXDMOBJI'OBVa CO. AWD , voooaxo, c&Amjrji m CO. BILL HAYWARD IVILL TRAKI 1 U C. TRACK F.1EH Oregon's Star Trainer Will Pre-'T-V pare Club" Athletes for M j v " Spokane Meet, i " v On Saturday afternoon next tha aUv letoa who ara to represent -the Mult notnah A. C. at tha N. P. A. C meeting. which Is acheduled at Spokane -on Juno ISjsilLiajielacUd-. -JL. WIU J5t V fmmnr unow mat am naywara, wno iiauieu r the vwtorloua Oregon trmoktearathta eeeaon. will train tha local clubmen for the next meet.. There la no better track trainer In tha weat than BUI Hay ward, ' and If there la any jnerlt to be brought out of the Multnomah boys ba the man who can 00 it. " - Tha rain of tha pat few weeks haa kept tha -clubmen- from - doing -ny spe cial wont at au ana the noye are pray ing for good weather. - It la quite certain that Gilbert of Tale, the champion pole vaulter, will be here -In time to loin tha local squad. Bmlthaon and dreetiham of O. A. C. In the daahaa and dlstancea, will go with M. A. A. C. Other men will ba Living ston of the T. M. C. A. In tha hurdlea, Kerrigan" In Hurdlea and jumpmr-tilaya In tha dlatanoea, Harold -Reed In the prlnta and Bud James In the wetghta, Manager Lonergan will take II men to Spokane. - They will , leare here a week from tomorrow and return on tha following. Sunday. .Tima from. Seattle. Vancouver, B. Victoria, Portland and epoaane wui compete in ma meet. SPORTING GOSSIP. The Portland Rowing elub members will entertain In their new home on next Saturday evening. A special pro gram will ba rendered., . ' - S.. B. : Lawrence of Newton. Oregon. was chosen - yeaterday to captain the PacUlo university track team next year. e e , John.L Sullivan la aald ta have al- waya been on tha level a aort of spirit level, aa It ware. An automobile threw Frank Ootch. Now wa suppose there'll ba a lot of talk about a return match. . . a a ' .- - After the I-oa Angelas boxing fiasco friends of Battling Nelson - met and drank to hla health. Reporta of Herrera aay that Tie Is trying to drink aa much aa all of Nelaon'a frlenda puto together. and lr paat perrormancee furnish dope on this kind of a contest the Mexican haa ton distance to go before hla akin la full. - - - ; - . : .- -. a Four or Ave months ago tha charge waa made that Lou Dillon waa doped. Progress In tha ease haa been rapid. They have already had ona Injunction hearing.. . . e e .: ' Baseball umpiring . doesn't I furnish enough.' action for a man constituted like Timothy Huret, He haa to referee a ring fight now and then to preeerve me aoge. . - s e . e The twelfth annual meeting and tour- nament of . tha North Dakota State Bportamen'a association la scheduled to open today at Fargo and continue over tomorrow. .. . a , , Kf forte ara baltiv wnmAm 'tit tt1n itumt O'Brien and Tommv Burna at fieattla mi July 4, -. The approaching 'champlohahlp golf tournament. In Oregon promlaea to be tha moat Interaatlng alnca tha Introduc tion or the game In tha Paclflo- north weaU Tha tournament will begin -to morrow on tha linka of- the Waverly club and will continue through the re mainder or tno week. "Noddles" Hahn Is doing hla ah are ta keep ha New Tork Americana la front. Outfielder" Thompeon of tha Jackson (Mlaateeippl) club In the Cotton States aa a 'record of It uut-outs. 1 assists, and not an error In it gamea. Perhapa -ho la to iollow la tha footsteps ef the Immortal, "Sam.t e e - - -. -TCitty" Braahear haa quit tha Lee Angeles club and Joined tha Johnstown TrUBtate league team. ,, i, , . - t: Manager MoGraw of the chamarn Olante la on tha lookout for playere to strengthen hla crippled team. a e - Tha Baltimore club In - tha Eastern league -la playing to poor bualneaa at home thle season. , -.v..- , -Aaatln and San Antonio club ef tha South Texaa 'league are coming to tha frant at a faat clip., They promise to give Houston tt hard tusate for tha flag before tha wind-up.'' i - - ' . f - -- - - Baseball haa lost one of Ita veteran managara In W. , H. Watklne. who has Juat resigned the active management of tha Indlanapolta .elub. Watklne broke Into the game In 1171. at Ouelph, On tario, with a team that won tha Domin ion championship and aftsrwtrd toured the United States 'with great auoceea, In the paat quarter of a, century ha haa Managed ,cluba In Port Huron. Indian apolis. Detroit, Kanaas City, St. Paul, Itochester, Sioux -City,. St. Loula, Pitts burg and Minneapolis. '.... e - a ' . ' Is ""punk" . ball' playing contagioue? Perhapa ao. the homo grounda of the I-oatph clubs are within a stone's throw of one another. DAN KELLY PRESENTED i WITH TRAINER'S CUP Dan Kelly, tha crack athlete of tha University of Oregon." waa preaeatad yeaterday with a ailvor cup, offered by Trainer Hayward of Eugene for consist ent training, Improvement In form and high grade In scholarship. Kelly won an enduring name for himself tbia year. repreaenting the University of Oregon on tha - field and track, and hla many frlenda In thla city will be mora than pleased to laarn of tha recognition that haa been made of hie ability aa an ath lete and hla standing la acbolarshlp. AMERICAN LEAGUE. v , " Won. Lost P.C. New Tork . 10 II .125 Cleveland....... 17 17 ,114 Philadelphia . t 19 .194 Detroit , . 21 ' It .III et. Loula 21 'it .tti Chicago . . , 21 )i ,417 Washington..., 17 2. .171 Boaton . . . .. ..1. 14 - II .211 - At Detroit, ' R.H. E. DtrOit ... a a.t- t 4-Ma JAJA t 4L t.l I Philadelphia . .7 10 t Batterlee Klllian and Warner; Ben der and Schreck. At Chicago, i H. E. 1 4 I Hart; Chicago I waanington s Mttariea 1 waian, uwen aa Kltaon, Hughee and Heydon. At St. IVoala. . Tt H. B. II 4 T Wln- ka Loula . ...t... .......... ..II Boston . . ,......, I Batterlea-rPelty and O'Connor; ter, Olaae and Armbruater. A cievelaad. - - -. - " . R.H. n Cleveland . . I 10 I New York 4 10 0 Batterlea Joea and Bemle: Chesbro. Griffith and Klelnow. - Oakland Vakae One. - IJoaraal aperlal Berrlee.) " Oakland, CaL, June II. Graham waa too atrong for the Seals yeaterday and the Commuters won. Score; Oakland.. ..................... 11- I San Franclaco . ..4 0 1 Batteries Graham and Bliss; O'Brien and Wilson. .Umpire McDonald. Why Worry About Your Children? Right Food Goes Far to Keep Them .Strong and Healthy.- . ... . . Give vour children plenty of good. pure food, rich in nutrition but eaay to dlcest. and let them romp and play out doors to their bearta' content and you need not worry about their health thla aummer. . Wa know or1 no otoer rood ao gool. ao pure,, ao rich In all tha nutrition that little folka need, and ao vary eaay to diaeat. aa-Malta-Vlta. tha delicloua malted whole wheat food. Malta-Vita glvea children the lilgh eat poaalble degree of nourishment that tneir young onnies nrea, dui aoes noi las the atreneth of their etomarha or overheat their blood. All tha valuable food 'elementa contained In this crisp, delicloua. flaked whole wheat food are practically predlgested and are taken up quickly by the system, forming pure red blood and giving vitality to the body, and mind alike. It la tha Ideal food for every one all tha year around, but, moat eapectally. It la tha one per fect food for children In the summer. A bowlful of Malta-Vita with milk or eream. and perhaps a little fresh fruit or fruit Juioe. makes the Ideal break faat for- tli (test of the family. Such a breakfast atarla you off on the day Juat right., It gives you tha Ufa and vigor to accomplish thlnga and en Joy yourself. It la a safeguard against Indlgeatlen, and positive loauraaoa of good health. AU grpoara. at tha Waverly llnka. The women who are entered for tha women'a champion ship will play tha qualifying round thla afternoon in order that they may asilet tomorrow in the entertainment ef the Indian war vaterana. It la the intention of the local golfers to make thla tournament tha greatest in the hlatory of tha club and to that end .tha handicap committee and the house committee have been working for two-months In preparation for the ax fair. Tha clubhouae haa been enlarged and renovated for tha event and the visitors will be" well entertained during their atay in Portland. The llnka were never : In finer condition nor looked prattler than at tha present time, and if tha weather - decldea to ba good the golfera will enjoy the .three daya' a port. The entrlea up until "last evening were aa followa Open championship for men P. B. Glfford. A. B. Webb. Allen Wright C. H. Lewla, O. R. Andrews, C R. Murphy, T. A. Llnthlcum, R. C. B. . Art burn, and F. R. Van Tuyla and T. B. Lippy of Beams, Open championship for women Miss Carrie Flandera, Mrs. M. N. Kerr, Mr a. Bertha Koehler. Miaa Alice Slbson, Mrs. F. O. Bykea. Mlaa Manlan Btrong. M4xed foursomes, for Friday after noonMrs. Thomaa Kerr and P. B. Glf ford. Mlae Strong and Mr. Webb, Mra, R. Koehler and Mr. Kerr, Mra Mabel Kayea and Mr. Llppy, Mlaa Lewis and Mr. Du Flon. Mrs. Carstens and Mr. Van Tuyl. Mlaa Nan Wood and Mr. Murphy. . Optfn handicap for men, Saturday artemoon p. b. oirrord, h. r. Thomp son. Arthur Webb, Allen Wright, C H. Lewis, R. O. Andrews, Chester Murphy, T. A, Llnthloum, L. Turner Jr., T. 8. Llppy, -F. R. Van Tuyl, J. D. Carson, William Caatleman, Jordan Zan. D. T, Honeyman. Open handicap forj women, Saturday afternoon Miss Carrie Flandera, Mra M. M. Ken", Mra. Bertha Koehler, Mra Rao Berry, Mlaa Alloa Slbson. Mrs. F. O. Sykea, Miss Nan Wood, Mlsa Mlrrlam Strong, and Mra. Henry Carstena and atra. Mabel Keyea of BeatUa. THE REAL M'COYS BEAT THE TRIBUNES In their last game played at Oak urova, Oregon, tha McCoy Colta da- feated the Dallaa Trlbunea. At no tlma did tha Trlbunea have a look in. In the seventh Inning they ancceeded In acor ing two rune, and only twice in the reat of the game did they reach third, and whan they did. Poet, tba colt twlrler. would amlle and put them over tha pan aa hard that it waa all day with them. Poet, tha McCoy twlrler, la mak ing a reoord, thla being hla first eea eon, he haa won nine out of ten gamea. Line-up aa follows: McCoy Cofta. Dallaa Trlbunea. BUI MoKe..,..;,.. J. Morton Poet p.... L. Wood R. Williams 3b..; Rica Buttrlck c Syron O. Steward 2b........... Elklns IS. Enea. . ....... sa. .-. ........ Raker Jack Greaves If... C Woods A. Knee Flnseth Cy Jones... ..u-rf. .......... Hanor Boora by innings: 1 2 1 4 1 1 ri Dallas . w. 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 t McCoy . ........1 11 ti M I x 11 RAIN PREVENTS LOCALS -fROrAWEETINa TIGERS The rain.'" the) rain, tha glorloua rain. prevented a ball game yeaterday at Recreation park, and thus the Fresno Tigers ara unhappy. Ftaher and his warrlora had ttakr feathers painted In a thousand colore and looked forward with great glee to a meeting with the Olanta, but tha rain waa too heavy to even allow a vagrant thought about a game, Tha locale were aa much disap pointed aa the vleltora aa tha prospects for Portland taking a rail but or Freeno are very bright, thereby having a good chance to lead the league by the end of thla aerlea. - ir tha diamond is in con dition today there will be a game. Weds Vaval Umteaaat, (Jnaraal gpe4e! SerrVe.) New Tork. June 11 In St. Bartholo mew church. Brooklyn, the marriage waa celebrated today of Mlaa Ruth Gib son, daughter of Rear Admiral and Mrs. William C. Gibson, and Lieutenant Togo drtre Tarrant, United Utatea Navy. The bridegroom' la at present, ettacnM, to the cruiser Charleston. The wedding area attended; by many, naval officers. Proa poets for a Fas? Team at' Eugene - Next Year- AroBrlght Much Is - Expected From Obertauffor, Prid eaux and Lowell on the TracJLt' , S (Sperisl inspttek ts The JtanaU ' . Unlveralty of Oregon, Eugene, Or., June 11. At a meeting of the track attt letea of the state unlveralty yeaterday afternoon Gordon Moorea, ' tha crack hurdler and sprinter, waa elected to the position of captain for the eaaaon of 1107. Moorea hails from Oregon City and Is well known aa an athlete of prominence in football, basketball and track. He le alao a member of the Multnomah club. ' s" ' . Track training ended with the Salem meet for the men from Kugene and the mambera are now enjoying all tha dell caclee of the aeaaon.-The season baa bean a remarkable one for- Oregon in every particular, tha track team win ning out' with ease in all tha meets which I Bey have entered. . They have many trophlea to ahow for their sea son's work as well aa the title of cham pions ef tha northweet. Alao tha uni versity's representatlvea have broken aome records, a few of which will atand for some tlma to oome. . "Tha prowpeote for next yeara team are exceedingly bright Only two men win ajJuatothlayear butthali lenea win be sever "u-nTVeTsity K8.1 one or ui (wer developed ' all-around athfetee In the oountry, hla record at the Lewla and Clark gamea last summer deciding thla In Wlnslow, Oregon looses a good mana ger and also a good pole vaulter. in spite of these loaaea tha- BtudentJtlU consider tha chancea good for a suc cessful team next year and with Trainer Hayward'a poaltlon aa trainer being es tablished here alt tha year around sorae of the newer material such aa Obertauf fer, Prideaux and Lowell, will be sea soned veterans next year and can . ba looked for to make atrong competitors in the distance runa. BOXING LID IS OFF v - FOR VANCOUVER SPORTS (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Vancouver, B. C June II. Tha lid la off in boxing- clrclee In Vancouver and several good fights ara being ar ranged for the Immediate future. The local fight promoters ara arranging a card for July t, which la a big holiday on thla side of the border. Tom Rellly and Kid Gorman ara to furnish the fun In the main event, while Vancouver and Victoria amateurs-will be matched 4n4 tha preliminary bouts. The affair which waa pulled off aev eral weeka ago at Recreation Park with Rufe Turner and Bob Williams aa atara while a trifle tame and easy for the colored man did not dampen the enthu slaam cf the aportlng fraternity and the fight followers ara eagerly looking for ward to tha forthcoming fight between Rellly and Gorman. , VANCOUVER CREWS AT N. P. A. A REGATTA ' ... ("pedal tnspetefc te The Jearsal.) . Vancouver, B. C, June -It. The Van couver Rowing club wllf aend a full complement of orawa to Nelaon in- Aug ust to compete at tha N. P. A. A. O. re gatta. Several new men have Joined tha local club thla season and tha of ficials will have no eaay task In aalect Ing tha men for the-big rowing event a everybody la working hard for a place In the boata. Vancouver will ba represented In ovary event on the pro gram from the senior fours down to the canoe races and aupportera of tha club are eonfldent that tha boya will be able to land the aenlor four-oared avant thla year. The Junior ehamplonahlp In the Junior fours and doubles le held by the local club. - CHILDREN QUARREL OYER MOTHER'S ESTATE ' Family Claims - One Daughter . Unduly Influenced Mrs. Mc Bean and Got Money. ' ,.V fSDerl.l Pis patch to The loaraaLl ' Walla Wall. Waeh.. June 11. Alleg ing that - a sister. Flora McBvoy, had unduly Influenced her mother In making a will, leaving, tha bulk of a. 110,00 estate to her,, three ot the other chil dren, cut off with a paltry 12 each, yeaterday began an action in the supe rlur court ttr have Mra. Jans MoBean'a WHt,-ftld"f orprobate several- tnonthe ago, act aside and an order made that aha Juui died lntesttlJhaotherehiJb. dren allege that their mother waa un duly Influenced by their aister and thnt Mra. McBean did not know what aha waa signing when she affixed har signa ture to the will. Mra McRvoy, who was appointed executor of tha aetata, Is preparing for a lively defense. EUG ENE RELIEF CORPS - MAKES FINAL REPORT ISpeeUI Olspatrk to Tbe Joaraal.y 7 ' Eugene. Or.. June II. The local re lief committee haa filed Ita report. It ahows that a total af I2.4M.1 waa sub scribed and II.4I2.T1 axpended. . leav. ing a balance on hand of 1101.41,,, The money waa spent for the following: Flour. 411 pounds; bacon, I.0T0 pounda; potatoes, 47, 27S pounda; blanketa and comforta, 1210.44; ieeding paaalng refu geea, 111.10; donation ta a Kugene reel dent who Buffered loae In the fire, til; tin cups and coffee pou for feeding refu gea' 111.10; miscellaneous, Ut. 20. Be side the amount apent for feeding ref ugee hundreds of oltlaena donated prOA vlalona and, lunches for that purposes. Highest in4 qityl .,. . ;.: 'Highest in public favor! Biggest anil best smoke ever sold at such a low. ".Price." : jqt Your Dealer's l- r.iASON, EHRMAN G CO. PORTLAND, Dnf!NlVfBTHFHIII4fl IFPOOTHISF Walla Wallan, Once Rich, Must . End His Days In Poverty . as County Charge. " (Special Mspeteh to Tbe Journal.) " : WaUa Walla, Wash., June II. For tune gone and health shattered, Green laaf Btacy, to years ago on of the wealthiest farmare In Walla Walla county, was yesterday "taken .to tha county poor farm because frlenda who have bean keeping him for over a year declined to pay for hla support any longer, Btacy, now nearly TO yeara of age, accepted his fata phlloaophloally, although tt waa hard line, be said, for a man aa wealthy aa ha one was, - to become a county charge In the autumn of We. Twenty yeara ago Stacy owned ona of the flneat farm a in Walla Walla county and had money to burn. He .waa rated worth anywhere from 171,000 to 100.- 000. The first misfortune that befell him waa the death of hla wife. Thla was a aarara chock to Stacy and he be came careleea In hie financial dealings, losing quit heavily in eeveral deala A brother residing in Seattle Intereated him in a plan to build one of tha flneat realdancaa In Seattle, and "Stacy'a Folly," a horn that waa famoua in it "time, waa built by the two brothera at a cost. It 1b aald. of nearly 150.000. The brother died and hard tlmee oomlng on Stacy lost his Seattle property. Little by little his fortune clipped away from him until a year ago it became necea Bary for friends to provide for his aup port' ' ' ' ' Sickneaa overtook tha old man and ha haa been In a local hospital for eev eral montha. being kept thara by old time frlenda who have new deaertad htm. " ' . - MAN DROWNED IN DIXIE FLOOD BURIED Dpeefa1 Mspeteh te The Jonraat.) Walla Walla, Wash., June It. The funeral of Frank Johnson, drowned in Dry creek, eight miles east of Dixie, during tha flood on May 21, waa held here lata yeaterday evening. Johnson's body waa found on a gravel bar about 100 yarda below hla houae Monday even ing. Coroner Cookerly visited the scene and decided that no tnqueat was neces sary, aa It waa evident that Johnaon had met death by drowning. - It la aup poeed that Johnaon went oat to view the flood- in Dry- creak, - whloh runa through hla plana, and accldently fell In. Ma waa 45 yeara ot age and unmarried, living alona on. hla homestead. EASTERN EXCURSION RATES Tone S3, as, July B and S, Angaa T, S, S, September S and 10, . ' On the above datee the Great North ern Railway will have on eale tickets to Chicago and return at rate of 171.10. St, Loula and return 117.50, St. Paul. Mln neapolla and Duluth, Superior or Sioux City and return, 40, Tlckata flret class, good going via the Oraat North ern, returning name or any direct route. stopovers allowed. For tlcxats, sleeping- car reservations or any- additional - in formation call on or addraaa U. Diokeon, WOMAN SHOT IN BACK - HUSBAND SUSPECTED (Jaoro.t Special Service.) - -San Joae, CaL. June II. Mra. 8. San Fellpa waa shot in tha - back . at 10 o'clock laat night In her home on Lin coln avenue. Salvador Baa Felipe, her huaband, claim a that tha aaaaaala fired from In front of the houae. Tha sheriff found a ahotgun, loaded with sheila, in tha poaeeaeloa of tha huaband. There have bean no arreeta aa yet. t xmB9 raaxojfo. If you are languid, denreeaed. Incap able for work. It Indlnatee that your liver ia out of order. Herblne will aaalat na. ture to throw off headaches, rheumatism and ailroenta akin to nervouanese and reator tha enoralee and vitality ' of sound and' perfect health. J. J. Hnb bard. Temple, Texaa, wrltaai "I have used Herblne for the paat two yeara It haa done t"l me more good than all the dootore. It )e the bet medlnine ever made for ehjile and fever." I, a, to.-l by .Woodard, Clarke Co. OREGON t linn i l . 1 1 Spring Cleaning Time - Ia equivalent to "painting time." for all the ao rubbing in tba world ' . won't brighten up woodwork like a freah coat of BAT STATS paint. Ask for eampla card showing colore. - -: . , ,. Fisher, Thorsen & Co. axa rim s-romiL Sront and Morrlaoa na. ( V Your Dollcars Go a Long Way Here In purchasing bard ware that de- pendabla in Quality and attraotiv la prtoa, whatha buying ba a single ar ticle or in lota of a gross. Courteous) . attention whether, yea buy or look. ' Avery Co TUB ST. SB. AJTB ASM INJECTION BRO0 GOKORRHOEranl GLEET WITHOUT OTMia TBKATMaMT old by all PrucilJts V l t L . -.iv'i f lZJ Pyoa have any Blood aV 1 ! m UiMlaw, I I NATrVi HCkaS MimMeaa . mom mm. TMMnM. U, (nnaaa ewtt. tal. m a. raxa If n TWia ) m lawfi fcaiTUe