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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1906)
THS OaEGON DAILY JOUItNAi; PORTLAND. . MONDAY EgNINQ. JUNE 11. 1803. TODAY'S MARKETS BIG ADVAHCES in LEnpN L1ARKET Greater Demand From the East Causes Prices to Ascend . - ; . Ladder Rapidly. V. TRADE BUYING SUGAR , ; FOR ADVANCED PRICE ' ' ' ' ''.'' " ' ' ' ' i'it"- Strawberries " Higher With Greater ,; . Cil Than Supplies First" Califor nl Blackberries Arrive ThU Morn lli inf EgfTs Firmer Onions .Lower. . groat 8trt. 'Jan ll.Tb principal feature 8f tw Portland wholesale market toOa arJ . , All ar b j In ufr. . . - . Strawberrie advaae. afala. , . Eg seining ki ImMh . ... r-oultry ettuatloo very food. , j ' , All moat ctlv except ration. Practically no aalmon frm Oolambla. ' T ',; . Fir nee ton la Sour airkt. . . : Wbeat la lira, but rtbr dll. ,r tag anbtrrlM la better supply. .-'. . j fbarry plum ar bow la market, -.", Flrat blaikberrlee la from south. , '" Big advanrs la lemon price. ' " : , Cmatrr batter holding rsttasr good. - Nw California on tuna sre lower. Doc Una abowa la aew potato. Sir Advaa Unasa Frio.- S While kot wtbr baa not materialised oa Partac coaet a ) la H And. ' eatkw that eondltlona wilt aoon ba anoiaivr rlk. Tba kwa markat U tre4r feeltnf tba ". at rain en account of tba extremely heavy do-d aiaad from' tba asst. do to both tba waravw weather aad tba shea-tar la Sicily supplls. 'la tbla markat lemon ara not novlnf ,mj ft. bat tba prteaa, ara and. todar auot.tlona ara full asc caaa alsbat tbaa tba prtTtoot wavk. etrawWrriM Ainmet Afala. . . - - "' A, fnrlh.r tdraaca la atrawbatry- artfaa waa , tna 9 iMjj-Tli (TP itKmy. auppMn ""juae atot aquaf-lo tbOMr liar wk-r'nr a n aaaifcuidiajaud. daa.tgxtbrgnitmwt: "nan . ' anpplla la foraar porloda, had tba .fleet of . ' hortiilnt prlcaa. Akw tba atraat today-faarjr - . C'Urba aold aa bltb utlpw erata of M botaa, whlla tba Tery cbaapxt frnlt did not aall aa ' dar l.bO. --. -i ' . i A amall taeraaaa la aotad today la arrlnbi .. ,i ad l.iaaakawlaa frei tha atb.ka at-wood adltka. bat tba trada la not anxtoua-ta buy 1 aad prlrra ara a fraetlon off. i , . Tba DaTennort-Tbompaoa eampany thla mora ' Inf raralTad tba Brae ahlpnant of blackbarrloa ' ' 1 to arrlT la- tola nark.t tbta aeaaoa. Rtoeka jra - fno -looaala, (allfnrala, aad wara hi !qalta fair fbapcr tie btalaa4aa 1140 pot erata of is boxaa.- i Cbarry p)ma haa nada tltrlr appMraac la , thla markatj "Aita ' mornlaf Pf a Sob ra rlrd tha flrat ahlpnowit of Hi aaaaoa front J lallfomla. Good condition at 'lee a bo." Cly ' maa pliima from California ara abowbif a allnt ' ' InrratM In an-lrala. Today km tba alrt -Mr J-ara--aaotcd a tl.SO f6r-baa AaHeoia . , ara rather aearoa. .with prlrcs rnllnf aroasd . , ai.TS a box. Paaohea ara la battar aupply to- day wltb atocka of Impmaad quality aod prK-aa IUf tMr mw at f l.w -and ;J . c -: JUaaJastpat TBtaaa Arrraa. , ' ' A ablpmant-o tonatoa from MlaaUalppI waa . dntrlbntrd aaMna tha -Tabat atraat : marrhaat L.thla aoralnc .Stwlra la-aaltafalr aha pa at . ',' A.M par laraa erata. ' lra toaiatooa from ; Maxlca alao arrlTad today aad aold at 9XS3 ' por" amall arata. - - Hrrlaf brana ara not ao plentiful aad tba prlea j la armer today at So a poond. , Pabr anppllea ef aaatbera plneapplaa ara find 1 1 tnf food- Inqnlrtea at former flfurea, . -. , New potatoaa ara lower, wltb Uryer anp J pUaa from tba anatb. Today prlea rancea ba I tweaa 1.M and I.2S. , v . . New Callforala aaloaa ara UkewlM Vnror, ' with aomowbat better anppllaa. Alone aa , i atraat today fl.M and (I.TC lo aacka. . ' - All Ara Boylaf Buaax. .", - Markat eondltlona ta aniar ara bow faroiinf an adeaao la prtrea ea tba Paelae eoaat. Tha adranea of lOe mada aoma rlma aao by tba . Callforala A Hawaiian waa ant aaatamed ea , account of tba .refaaal at tba Weatera Renaery - and loday'a prieea ki both product ara tha aame wltb tba exceptlna o( W. a O, Beat, tba prrxtoct of tha Hawaiian. Kaitern prleaa art '" , eoaataatly adraaelaf. . - , - - . . . I . PraeMoalljr Practically no freeh aalmoa la belac raeeleed . - from tba Colombia rrrer at thla time. Thla , b I condition moot peeallar and all anppllea ' now belnf aaed la thla markat ara from tba ' 8a era men t a Canned aalmon- markat In a ". ; ' atrontar poaltloa. - . .-... - . v Th jrade paya the followloa prleaa ta. Fruit treet. Prices, paid pradueara ara leaa lacuiar Or la. Hear and Peed. WHEAT -Chin, TCta78e; red - Rnaataa. . TOct braeetem. T4a7ftc: ealley, T0OT1. ' ; BA BLET Feed, $14,001 road. a28.00OM.0Ot Drewlnf, $24.00. CORN Whole, BM0s eracked. $89. BO per " RTB 81.68 par ewt. ' ' ' ' "' - ' ' OAT8 ProdBeera" prli No, 1 wklta. $J0-O0 o. . . CH0 00; fray. $28.O0t2S.00. FLOUR New eaatern Orefon ew eaatern Orefon patent. $A 900 Rbftt etralrhta, $S.408.5O; ' eiport. $S.4i ralley, $8.88; frabam. , $8.60; wbola wbaat. fta TR ' rrm itOa. aft Ota Ll 89 TIL MILL8TCFF8 Bran, $17.80 per fon; mid. dllnf. $38.00; abort, country, $30.00: ally. $m oo: chop. $18.00931.80. . . HAT Prodneer' price Tlmotkr. Wlllamett etlley, fa tier. $10.000100; ordinary, $7.0044 00; ea.tero- Orefon, f 14.00OI8.Oft; arhred-, . $8 8008.00; eloeer, $8.0000.00; frata, $8,500 .00; cbaat. $8.00. - , - Batter, Zff aa4 Yaaltry. , ' BUTTER PAT F. a. a. Portlaad tweet , rream. 'iei aoor. 18c. BUTTF.a City creamery, am; aatald fancy. JOr, ordinary, 17Hc; atore, laue. FXIflA No. 1 freb Orefoa. candied, 8O03ntXe. i CHEERB Near Fall rream. flala. llUei , Tounf America. llc; CallfornU flat, lie. tPOUl.T BY Mixed ehlckene. I8e per h fancy bene, lStfl84e per Ibi rooater, old. In .. per Ibl t$, lie per lb; fryer, lri7et broll . era. 18ll 7e per lb; old dock. 15 la rw- h. aprm dork. 18a per lb; feeee, SOI' in; raraey. - itw per m: dreaaed. fo per lbl an JJ.OO par i lbl annaba. -81.6008.00 par do; pie eon. Ptoob. . , "Hope, Weal aad Kid a. -' , H0P8 Contract, 18 eeop, I0O10U pa . lb; 1008 Oreaoa, 1301 Sc. . . WOOL lo clip Valley, eoaree tn amdlana. Set te. Jflc; aatera.Orfoa. aVOXla. . MOHAIR Nw. $0e. ... HBPKIN8r-berlnTlBOJ0e earhi abort wool, aftfl-f! media, waol, 80O78 aachl lor Wool. J5cfl$1.00 eaeb. tAtlW Pri, per lb, $HOe; "a, S aad '"mTTIUBABK'--4H par lb. HIDE Dry, No. if 18 Iba aad an, 18UQ 1TH Pr b; dry kip. No. 1, 6 to IB lba. 14c; - dry caW'No-amdaa 8 lna. IB; aelled Mdea, teera. eonnd. 80 lb an.l ar. loaitc; m. HOOHe: tf and' bulla, aoand, 8t7c kip, JB to 80 lb. ; calf, aoand. aader IB Iba, lle rreen. anaalted. 1 leaa; enlla. le per lb lee! Soraebldea. ealted. each. $1 X11.7S; dry, aaek. $1.0011.801 soil hlnee. $5OA0e foe( aklna, commaa. eaeb. 100181 Antora, .acb.T 5cO $1.00. , . , r ; .. "v ' rraru aad VataWa. " . POTATOES Beat aorted. TO per aark; pro. dnrer' prtc far car lot 80s per Cwt; ordinary, fnm 45c; producer' prlea, ( ) j paw potato, i.t.iii. . ONIONS Johblnf price Orareo. No. L t&BOt MONDAY PRICES IN - -;v THE WHEAT MARKET ' . ' 1 ' 'July Sept. 4p ChlcaaO ......I .3 .,-' e Kanaaa City... 1 ' ..... , 4 Bt. lioula. .! -,,... . -Mawrporil ..... $! '$7.d 4 MlnnaaportaTT; ' ... " 4 Mllwaukaa .... .t . Uuluth .MSB.... 4 4 4 4 4 $ X JOURNAL'S DAILY - v TIPS ON MARKETS 'wowy . -1 4 By W. B. Glafka Company. 4 4 E$ recalpu oontlnua about, 4 4 Huai to th demand. No chanf. 4p although trior la oonaldermbly d 4 firmer eeltn.- Wa do not n- 4 - ttclpata any drop In tha market 4 unleas recclpte Inereaaa over d 4 what thy hava . been - (or aoih 4 4 time.- , v, - 4 Tha poultry market la vary 4 4 . decidedly weak. The top notch ; 4 for heiia ! 13M cent fd 4) 4 aprlnfa are elllng from II to- 4 e '17 cents. Reoejpte are heavy and 4 movement very, alow.. Buyers e show very little interest In the 4 arrivals,. .Prices .my-dr-trS - "br two points durlna the comlna . 4 4 week, but ara ara . Inclined to ' 4 thlnk today's quotations will re- 4 d main steady. .,. - ' '. 4 In dresaed meafa ths movs 4 4 ment la very slow. Beoelpts hsvs 4 4 ICen light and th demand fairly e 4 aood. Tbla appltea to both veai 4 4; and hogs. "Wo would not advlaa a 4 .shipments Of mutton unlee It 18 . 4 4 . absolutely necasaary for. con- - 4 4 sltrnora to make them.. ' 4 : -There ha been. a decided Jm- e 4 provement In tha -demand" for. d 4 country a tore butter. Tha mar-1- 4) 4 ket la adv8Jiclnr.aHmewhat t .. i' prodoeera- price. No. 1. $2 J6: Fe. S. $00 Texaa. lc per lb; New CallfornU. $Li0il.I; farllc. 84.10 per lb. FREaa raUITS Applea, $X60O8.00; eranxee. fancy aaeel. $.1.T5t4.00; BMdllna. $2.78; afadl(raaaa. $$.1501.88; b ana nee, 6 lb; lemona.. choice. $4.75 & 8 .00 per box; fame-. $o.00ta.80 ' per box; llam. kfexlcaa. $78 per 100; tanfarbMe. I plneapplaa, Uexleaa, $8.76: HawalUa, ; atrawherrlea, $1.5Oa2.O0 per crate; fooaeberrlea. BOOe per lb: charrle. $1.25; pluma. $2.00 par crate; apricota. $1.78 peache. 81.25: locaaberrle. $1.80. VE4IETABLR8 Tnralp. new, $180 par aick: carrot. $1.50 pa' ' aark! beeta. $150 par aaek; paraalpaY $1.80 par aaek: Ore soa radlabea, 20c pee doa; rabbafe. Callforala, $1.75 per cwt; Orefon. $2.00; ball pepper, 16O20e lb; Mexican tome toe, $2.28; South ern, $8.80: naranltm. 00ctt$lr trtn bean. c cauliflower, 1 doa: peaa, - 6'dj6H lb; boraeradlab, o7c lb: artlrbokea. 75c per doa; botbouaa lettuce,- $1.25 per hex; eranberrlea. aeieeff. ale w tw. mil. ciwia wi eon me l,4rwafaiawar4traaMr-raa aa doa bnathea: Willi Watta;- ttfle pet borr I anuaab. I HtT apraaek, per boat laa onion, nreiroa, per do Boaenaa) enrnm- bare, , ftt7Sc per doa; calary, 0o par oa; f reen com. 50c doa. ' ' DKIRD rBUITS Applea. traporatad. 1 15c per lb; aprloota. ISAlSe per lb; peerhea, ISfllSHc per lb; aacka, He per lb leaa; nronea, -40f- f,t -He- drop aar-aaek alxtaaufk' entailer alee; ftf. California bUck. 7o ll; California white. . e per Hi; ,daea, fold.a, ft par Jb; tarda. par 1Mb boa. ., . Ormrlaa. Vata. Xta. - , - BHOAIt Back baala Cnbe. 18.80; powdered. 8. 15; frnlt granulated. $5.1(1; dry ara no la ted, t.VOn; roof. i. $8.; beat fraaalated. waatera, M.M: Hawaiian. Id.06: extra O. l.BB;'fold.a C. 4 45; O ralknr. tMl bbla, rOei U bbla, Ste boaea. Ma adraaea aa aaek baala. leaa 9ff par ewt for aaaa. 16 day a; maple, - UOIM par lb. .-. . (Abaea prloaa ajply to dale of leaa thaa ear lot. Car .let at apodal prleaa aabjaet aa uetuaMona.) - , , HONKT M OA par erete. - --r-vr COrrES Paekaa a ' bra ad. ' Id B8. -ALT Coaraa naif fround. 100a. M00 per ton; frOa. (8.50; table, dairy. BO. $11.00; inoa, $10.75; Imported Ueerpool. 50. $17 00; 100a, iia.BO; t24a, $18.00: extra One. bbla. ta. Ba. 10a. $4.S0T8.AO; bulk, . 80 Iba. $4.0005.00; aacka. 60a, 59sAe: Lleerpool lamp rock, $18.80 per ton: BoTb'ork. $I.OO; 100, $7.78. OBAUi KaG8 Calraua, HO10e.'"v -- RICK Imperial Japan. Ha. 1, art Ha. a, OBU; New Orleaaa head. , Te) AJax, Bel Creole. 6. j . . . ... BEANe" amall white 84.6: terse white. tt.OO; pick. $3.00; bayoa. $5.00; Uaua. $8.00; laxlcaa red, 4e.- NUT8 Peaaata. Jambo. fe per lb; Vtrxiala, HOBie pee lb; roeeted. 8H par lb; eoeoannt. 85O00e per do; walnut. 15018H per lb; ptneaata, lOQlZVae par lb; hickory not. loe per id; cnenaui, eaaiern, loajioc per lb; Braall out. 14c per lb: Albert. mOiSc pet lb; fancy pecan, 18H018H! almond. 14ViO lSUe. - alata, Oeal 00a, Xta. BOPS Pure kfaalla. 14cj etaedard. l$tit ekal. lie. COAL OIL Pearl or Aatral Caaa. MUi nee fal: water white, Iroo bbla, 14 per - fl woaoea, 17 per gai; aeaaufac, iiu-oef, e nai f.JK,.vfi1-. LINK 8-dec. caaaa 24U car aaL bo DDiB. inc per f ai. BCNMNt 8S-def, caeca SBe per fal. Ire bbla 18Ue per fal. TURPENTINE la caaaa aa par gall waodaa bbl OV per sal. : WHITE LEAD Ttta lota. TKe per lbl BOO-Tb krta. He per lb: lea lot. BVe per lb. . WIRE NAILS Preeent baaia at $288. LINRKKIi OIL Par raw. tn B-bhl lota. Mr; 1-bbl lot, 58c; caaaa. 58 per fal: fenatn kettle boiled, can, OOe per aal; B-bbl lota 84ei 1-bM lot B8e per fal: aroand cake, ear lota. $20.08 par toai lea tbn ear lota, $30.00 per to. - - Meat. Itdi aad rrevteleaa.--" FRESH MEATS Front atreet Beef ateeraj 405e per lb; cowa, 8t4e per lb: bo, taaer, 8U.iBr: ordinary. 7Htt8c; poor, 7ft7He per lb: bulla. 80$H per Di; Teal, extra, 70?Vke per n; ordinary. 6(U6He per lb; poor. Be lb; mutton, fancr. Osle per lb: lamhe. Be. BAMK. BACON. ETO. Portland Back floral! ham. 10 to 14 lb, IS par lb;. 14 to IS lba, 14c per lb: .breakfaat bacon. 18H020e pet lb; picnic, loac per lb; eottaa. 0fe par lb; refnhir abort clear, anamoked. 104 per lb; emoked, lle per lb: clear backa, nnamoked. lOVi per lb; latoked. IlUe per H): Oaloa butt, 10 to 19 Tba; aneraoked. Be per lb; aHked, 0 per Ik; clear belllea. ammoked. II per lb I moked. 12c per lb; ahonldera. V par In. . LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10a.' ISe ' pet lb; Be, 12H per lb; 60 1b tin. UWc per .b; ateam rendered. 10. 11c per lb; Be, 11M per lb; eomnoaad. 10a. 8He CANNED SALMON CoUa-bU rieer. I -lb tatta, $1.80; 8-lb telle, $2.76; fancy, l-lb flata. $1 0 H-lb fancy Bala. $1.13: fancy l-lb eeabj. $2.78; AUaka talle, pink. BBOOOc; red, 1.60 aamlaal ta. tall. $2.00. riRH Hock end. Te par lb; founder. Be per lb; halibut. Be par lb; crab. 81. BO per do: trtped bee. 12e per lb: eat Bah, 7 par lb) aalmon, Columbia rfrer-Chinook, He per lb, ateelheafla ( ) per lb: herrtnf. Be per lb; aolea, 8 per lb; ahrlmp. 10c per lb) perch. Be per lb; blc rod, 7 per lb; tomcod, 7c per lb; llrer melt. Te Per lb; lotwter. 15 per lb; freab mackerel, 8c pee lb; crawBeh, 2be per ana; had, 8e per lb; nTfeoB, 10c per lb. oxbtkho nDoaiwaiar aay, per gi $a.SB ner ack. 8.1. IS. - CLAMS Hardshell, Una, $8.00 per box. pet box, ' ta.001 raaar Tnrmo statzs soTzmmiiirr bobdb. New fork, ion 11. Oorernment bond: . IHW.RId. Aak. Two, reentered....... do coupon. ..... .,T Three, reflatered . . . , do coupon Two, email boada..... Poura, refltrd do coo no , Poura. cftatered...... ..,4 loos io:i - inai. .... inns . jnatA 10414 .... loo IiijC tit .... 1808 102S 10311 .... 1007 102H 08 .... 1DOT 103C 104 .... 102S 12l2 180 do coupoa. . , ias 12014 180 - PLtrlct of Columbia. $48. FHtllppina BAJf rSajroiSOO LOCAX STOCKS. 8a Franchwo, Jane 11. Olfcul pr Rid. Aak. '. 182 i" Snatra Coat a Water.. nrlnf Valley Water........ Mutual Electric Olant Powder Honokea Safer Hutchlnasa SuSar a... Makawell Buaar ............ Oaomea Bufar . ...r, ,. 88- 11 18 88 tA 28 80 r- PkMKABT SBAUaT KOTXHXaTT. Chlaf, Jo 11. Primary receipt -iooy Tear art bueheU. 8H0.O00 88T.008 baehela. i Vhet ................. 421.000 1 r Corn. ..,'...wi.....:t, 74,000 enipment Wheat isi.nrm - 854.000 Cora- 744,000 t.lja.0ii0 American riearancea: Wheat, 11831 hnah ala; corn. 1.041 baabe la 1 oat a. 10,010 baahw; Bear, S.BIT barrel. . r . CKICAtO OBAm, CAE LOTS. r rhlrfv JTan ll-lrla, ear Iota: ' tar. Orad. Eaf. J808. . $ ami. ,,,,.,it.,,.. 1 j form A. i.478 018 ..t,.M.,,..17a Wheat. ................. 7 4 41$ 0 . Ill CROP REPORT GIVE falARKET BOOST New. York Stock Markat More I'Activo With Cains Over Orfe ' v v Pernt Everywhere. ST. PAUL THREE HIGHER v AIT0BAY'S CLOSING Reading ActJva, Two and an. Eighth i Advanced Republic Steal Common Gets Rise of Two sod Three Quay-tera-lTJnion Pacific' Active Feature. 1 MET OAINB, Amalgamated Katr airniaoB 1 Mlaaourt Pactfl.. N. X. Central.... Oot. A Weatera.., Peonaylnnt ... Preaaed Bleel Car Keedlnf .., Repabllc Steel..., do Deferred ... sugar .. 8mJter Brook lya v,- , 8 :: : ;.ti; Colorado Bt. Paul Fuel. lVb a Cheeapeake Canadlaa ..... Denrer ....... do pre f erred. Erie llllnol Central Leulaetll .... I'nloa I'aclfc. Bock laland do preferred... iRontbera By Boatbera Pacific.' r. B. Steel pfd.. llilWaUab pfd... ft Kortbara Pacific 11 NET XOMRS... MaxleaajOBtral.,. Wabk ......... U, Wall Street, New Tort. J una 11 The etoct market waa inflneac4 today by tba foeerar ment report ea wheat. Tba report waa better than feeerally-expected, aad tbla eeat atock raluea blfber. A I meat all the list participated In the aenera! rlae. . Tb llat closed wltb Bt. Paul ahowlnf a three-potata fain, th larfeat Individual rlae for to day. . Reading came next la point of. ctlrlty. aad adrance, with e net f ain of t point. Republic Steel wa actle or common, and waa aa ef tb leader la point of advance. Copper waa active, with a food gala. I'nloa Pacific common was epa. modlc, aad emaed around th high point of tb day with aa ad ranee ef 1. pot u La.' Money -Of tieUi owKaituaa- bx XJearbeck. Htarr. IT JLjJPin )pB. Bli Anaconda Mtalng Co....... Amalgamated Copper Co. . . . Atrhlaonveommon . .. .. .. Atchlaon. preferred ........ , 3e8W see . 107 H ..108 80 . . 00 ...... 102 America Car A Foundry, common dinai'ltaa Oer-W xawtry,fifrt JT'' Amerlcaa Bugar, eommoa. America Smelter, eommoa American. Smelter, preferred..,.. Baltimore A Obto, common..,,.. Baltimore Ohio, preferred....... Brooklyn Rapid Transit Canadlaa Paclflc, eommoa....,.-. Chicago drOreat Weatera, com... Chicago. Wtlwaokee Bt. Paal. Chicago a Korthweetera, com... Chesapeake a Oblo Colorado Fuel a Iron, eommoa.. i. Colorado Southern, second pfd.,., Colorado Southern. Brat pfd Delaware Hudena. .......... Delaware, tackawanne & Weatera Denver A Rio tiraad. eommea.. Denver Bm Urnd. pfd Erie, common Erie, second preferred. ... Erie, Brat -preferred llllnol Central Loulevlll A Naahvllle .......... l-oulevllle Naeh.llle.... ....... Metropolitan Street Railway..... Manhattan Railway . . .' Mexican Central Railway........ Missouri Parlnc MhMoarl, Kanaaa a Texas, cam... Missouri. K ansa a Texas, pfd... New York Central. Cottoa Oil...... Lorot-notlve ..................... Bmelter Norfolk a Wetra. eommoa Norfolk a Weatera, preferred... North American New York, Ontario a Waatera... Peamylvanla Railway. .... , People'e Oaa. Light A Coke Co.., Pressed Steel Car, eommoa. ...... Reeding, eommoa . Reading, second preferred....... Reading, Brat preferred......... Republic Irea A Steel, eommoa..., Republic Iron e) Steal, pfd Rock lalaad, ohmmon ..., Rork laland, preferred .......... Sontbera Railway, eommoa...... Son I hem Railway, preferred , Southern Pcl8e Bt. LeuitaB 'Fria'ad'pfd."!! 41 41 185 184 11 5 i;?l4 5Ks 110 11044 , 884 nA 83 ..... 100 iseti 104 ..... 1781, -r -' SOB 208U . 684 Mi . 60 i 681 a "7 80H 62 otTLAirn bavx BTATXamrr. Clearinn 81. 258.428 SO Balance ' , 188.140.$$ PACKERS FEEL BAD AND ARE NOT BUYING Very Slow Trade in All Lines of Livestock Today Prices Un changed but Tone Weaker.' Portland Union Stackyard, J una 11. Live stock receipt: l Bega. ; Cattle. Sheep. Today- ,..,,,., ... 178 ... Week fo 78 tV) Month age 183 821 Xaar ago BO ' 448 784 A very autft tone la noted today la all line of llveatock. Packer ar not feeling very well these dare, and they are set baying te sav extent. Thla make a very slow markat, and whlla prleaa la all Bo are fractionally anrhanged today, tba tone la all Uses la weaker. Today 7B Boras came la. Official llveatock quotation: " ' Hogs Beat eaatern Oregon. $7.0007.25: blocker and China fate, $8.60; etaekr aud feeder. $8.2646.80, Cattle Beat eaatera Oregon a teera. $8.7641 4.00; bast cowa and bet fern. $3 25; etockere aad feeder. $8.00; bell. $260. Bbeap Shearling. 8c; lamb. 4044e. EASTERN HOGS FIVE OFF. Chicago, Jnae 11. Llveatock raeelptit , Ho, . Cattle. Sheep. Cblcaso ..,..,....44.000 , 28.000 . ao.otin Kanaaa City ......... S.OOA 18.0ns , 4,010 Ornate 8.8O0 ' 8.200 Hog Be lower, with 1.800 left ever. Becetpte a year ago were 44.000. TWday'e price: Mixed, $8 808.$7i; rouge, $8.80O847( - llgkt, $8 858.B2H.. . Cattle Tea cent dews. 1 Bbeep ateidy. . Baa. rtascwca, Jan It. Official r losing Bid BhiebeU ia 3 12 87 . 07 48 Belmont ,,.,,.$6.87 Caab Boy 16 Qoidea Aaeaor.. .78 Home r .26 Jim Roller 1.21 MarNaaiara ... .78 Bootb . Columbia Mt... Con. Qiiarry ... rMamoadfleld .. Dixie Gold field Midway t 0,1 Jumbe 1. 26 A .08 70 22 . ,! " .42 nn ,88 ., ,$1 Moataaa 8 Jumbo Ex.... 1 North Star. .i.. .mu Ohio 40 Tea. Ki tens lea.-1.00 Nevada Toa I8A Weat End 2 en Adama .08 Atlaata 16 Kendall lguaa , Mofawt"!!:::: i Red Top 1 Sandstorm . . . . , iBtlvar Pick BOISE WOOL BALE. Botee, Idaho. Jus 11 -Twenty bnver at tended th aale f wool enaductcd by tba Idaho Wool Orower' asaorlatloa at Boise 4odsy. Mora tba half million pound war offered, mnt of wbtck waa sold at prlcee ranging from 1st, ro 25 H onta. Bidding waa not aplrlted nd there- wae but lutle em petition emnea he .rera. WoolTwr srs wot sat la fled wit price, (ad many will alga that clip ta the Boa toa market direct. Farelr Oeffe Market. Havre. .Tune Mi Coffee dvaed He. Ham barg unchanged. Rle recelpte IB.nno baga: market firm; price He higher. Sea tea, f ,) baauu market aalaAi asisaa aackaagsd-, Strawberries Are Higher; With Supplies Not Up to Requirements of Trade First Black berrles Arrive Today From CfoWornia Pojnts. IS GOOD SHAPE Unusual Conditions This Year ' Make Tress Croan With Heavy Production. :' . LOOKS LIKE CAIN OF. A THIRD IN- GRAIfhCROP Spring Wheat In Excellent Shape Whils Winter Variety Is Suffering Somewhat From Lack of Sunshine , Apple putlookXa Good. . - . (SpecUl Dlapaftb t The Toarnaiy Albany, Or., Juno , 1L Reports and facts gained from those, In a position to know In various parts of tha oounty and district indicate a larger yield alone; all llnee of cereals, fruits and other products than we hava had for the last ten roars. Ths long; continued rains of ths last few weeks hava been a decided benefit to spring grain, caus ing Us color snd general appearance to ba a. source of gratification to those having a large acreage. While they hsvs been a benefit to toe sprint: crop thay hava bad a bad effect en tha fail and winter grain.. It is not-heading out as It should snd - unleaMW tba weather changes and ' moderates . it will causa irreparable damage. . Strawberriea would have been an ex ceptionally large crop . thla year had it not been for tba lata raina and cloudy weathur; this had a tendency to cause a large per cent of tba berries to be a polldcl snd rotted on account of tha lack of eunahina. The Willamette val ley berry is second to none and excels tha far famed Hood River berry in fls- wop, Evan as it Is tha growers srs sat. WfiCot' and"ir xhait"rr;yteld -a- a good one. ' -: "' " - '' - ' ,' ' -; '" ConservTOvairrmiTrrr snd opinions gained from farmers and warehousemen- all over the county and dlatrict indicate that tha wheat crap will h ft. .! htrd jBriBr.Jtbajt.heretoXorajlurijng any of the last .preceding six yesrs. Warehousemen all over the county are preparing to store larger quantities of grain and are firm in the conviction that the crop, will be a large one and the quality first class. : Laet year mlllmen and warehouaemen In Linn county stored approximately 160.004 buaheie" of wbeat and oat, thla being baaed on flguraa and eatlmates bsaed on' reports gslned from tha proprietors of 11 mills snd wsrehouses. .Should tha weather continue r favorable, this - will be tha largest crop of recent yeara snd the valley people in conaequenoa revel In proeperlty. Reaaona for tha ahortaga and failure ef tha crops of recent years are many, but It ia aald to b duo to the .fact that eondltlona hava changed and our sum mers -hava bean mora ktn to thoaa of eaatern- Oregon than tha westher of former yeara in tha valley. To meet thla wa must adapt tha aeed and grain used, from tha aoft aeed heretofore used to tha hardier grain ofi tha eastern sec tions of tha state. - Slovenly methods In farming hava given away to more modern methods and tha reeult la that farmers generally are more prosperous. This, together with the syatem of di versifying and rotation of crops, baa done. wonders In tha valley and' been the mesne of bringing greater return to the tiller of the soil. Apples are a large crop and should one out . of every ten on the trees at tha preaent tlma grow to maturity wa would hava the largeat crop known for many years. Cherries, peachea and pear are a mrxilum cropi hut -what they lack -in quantity they will make tip In quality. The prunea will beat the cropa of all previous yeara. Indlcationa are that the yield will ba tha largeat In tha hlatory of this. branch of horticulture. Trees are groaning beneath their weight of . fruit and if tha trees are to ba aaved It will ba necessary to thfn out the fruit. Altogether eondltlona ara most fav orable and highly pleasing to the resi dents of this section who ara engaged in the varloue llnee of agriculture and horticulture.. Should' the present proa pacta materialise the tillers of the soil in these sections will, ba amply paid for their efforta. Vr ' '." WINTER WHEAT: CONDITION 83 PER CENT Government Report Issued To day Is Considered Bearish - and Market Loses. . ' KILATTTB WHEAT TALUES. rinse. Cloee. CVie. Loaa, ' Jaa 11, June 8. 18. Ian 11. Jaly I .a I .StjB .80S 8 .00 Rent. ..... .88T .3V- .82A .00 le. .84 .84 .Bit .!' Chicago. Jan ll-The 'condition ef winter wheat, ea abowa by tb eovernmeat -report laa lie tooav, waa S3 per cent on June 1. Spring wbeat conditio wa flee 91 per cent. Lat year eprtaf wheat condttloa en Jos 1 wa M.I per cent, whll winter wbeat waa 88. S per cent. Today- report wt eonatdered benrlah by tb trade, and In spit ef a eood advanc la Lever pool today and aa atly rle bar, thla rket ckwed lower. Official euoutlena bf Over beck, Starr A Oaohe Oe.s WHEAT. One. . Blf b. . low. Close, Jnjr Sept. UN. .. Jy oa .84 Vi -.88 84 .84 CORN. ,8t)4 ..81 H ,8lC .. .81i .. .60 i . .BO4 ..81 1S - .81UB -OAT8.- Jalr' ..... Sept. .... Dee....... 88 .n 884 .841 88 .88 .B6H MBaS POBK. 7ory ......18 80 18 BT 18.80 Sept. ,...18 88 18. TO 18 88 Ja. ...... 14. 80 18.40 14. BO LARD. ' Jnly- B.8B a ."; .SS Sept, 8.88 "8.18 i B 88 Oct a.M ' 8.0T l - SHORT BIBS. . Jaly ; 8 48 a. 80 8 0 Sept. ...... . 81 t.4 8.80 Oct. ...... 8.10 8 l 8.18 . . . - ' LTTZBPOOL SBAIaT MARKXT. Uverpool, J a a ll. OfBrlal price: . WHEAT. ' , One ( lose . floe Gain ' I Jane II. ; Jna 11. Jas 8. Jus II. inly" .......1 8 84d 8 84d . Sa d i Beptewibar .. 8 TVat 14 8 T g- A .'.-.. COBS.- ' 1 Jntv ". eTS4 4 I 'id 4a i ViB Beptbnbar .. 74 4 Ifcd 4 IM a PIllECItOP .84V 18.08 B 18.88 18.40 B 1 7 . .' a. or B.ob e.eo - - 8.8T - 8.80 BHUOEP CROPS HI R00( 0UI1IY Unusual Amount of Rain Has Assured Bountiful Harvest in Central Oregon. PrlnevlIIe, Or., June 11Oeneral rain throughout Crook county during the past four weeks have saBured heavy cropa for tha preaent aeaaoa and range grass waa never in better condition than it la now. Stockmen : aay that graaa la growing In placea on tha rang ing grounda where It ha a never grown before, . and tha - unuausl amount of tnoisturs hag kept tha aupply freati and green. . -. Throughout thO' northwestern" par t tha county In tha . wheat belt, where mora rain haa fallen during May and June than in yeara before, it la stated that tba grain production will largely exceed that of last year. ' About tha middle ofjAprll a lata frost killed con siderable grain In this region, but tha subsequent rains and favorable weather will more than overcome tha loss. At the present time the growing grain gives every evidence of a bountiful har vest aad tha ground throughout tha entire grain-growing section ' la thor oughly aoaked.' In fact tha anprece dented rains experienced In Crook county this aeaaon hava eauaad no little com ment among tba farming' clasaea and stockmen. Ralna lata In Hay and dur ing the fora part of June are. especially dealrabla. but It la aeldom that this section . of eastern Oregon, enjoys' aa much moisture aa'lt haa daring, tha preaent season. Stockmen ara likewise feeling jubilant ever weather eondltlona jof tha paat few weks which- have furnished -plenty of range feed for atock aad assured a aup ply until lata In the summer. Cattle and anoep arw in oatier eonaiuon man for several years past, snd wltb market quotations steadily rising, a,' bumper crop of gram aad wool price at 10a top notch. Crook county. logks. forward to. year of general -prosperity. . DO HflilOR TO I.1EI.M OF HICHAEL DAVH ..' ,.V4' i Yi ea w ' w.aa -The iHnh-Amerloana crowded Hiber nian hall last night to do ihonor to tha memory of Michael Davltt. ' Tha memor ial aaxvloae tor . lha- dead . pal riot wars held under tha auapicea of tha Ancient Order of Hlberniana. - Tha auggeatlon 01 Father H. X Mo Devltt that a high requlent maaa ba aald aoon - in Portland for tha repose of tha aoul of Michael Davltt waa wel comed by the audience, and it waa un derstood that It will be celebrated at Ktha cathedral In a lew daye. . - A number of thoaa preaent had met tha patriot when a reception waa given him In tha old Newmarket theatre during hia visit here in 1186. and these: felt a peculiar lntereat In honoring, hia mem ory. Father IfcDevHt in hia memorial ad dreaa eulogised tha- Ilia and purposes or Davltt. dwelling uton hia unselfish motive and hia love of all that -pertained to tha Emerald lala. Xr. Stephen 8. Wlae waa called to tha platform by Father McDeiltt. He mada a atlning address, particularly emphasising the a teera in which Michael Davltt la held by Jewish people, who ara grateful to nlm for the good work dona for Buffer ing Jewa whlla ha was St. Petersburg correspondent of American newspapers. P. E. Sullivan, who presided, read a poem entitled 'Welcome, Davltt." writ ten by William Munly at the tlma of Davltt'a visit to Portland tn ill. . John: Fleming Shiel.U delivered an oration on Davltt Among thoaa who contributed to the musical (.rograra were Mlaa Mae Brealln, Mlaa Elisabeth Har. waa. M. Keating and C J. Murphy. Tha alnging of "America" by tha audience closed tha aervlces. ' . CHARGElTWrnrSALE OF LIQUOR TO MINORS Herman Sperling, proprietor . of tha La Toaca saloon at 87 . Fourth street, waa arreated today on warrants charg ing him with having aold liquors to girls undar the ar f 11 and In main taining a disorderly house. Joe Mc Carthy, a bartender, and F. A. Hlbllt piano-player In tha reaort, were alao taken Into custody- on the charge of eelllng liquor to minora. Tha arreeta ar tha result of an Investigation by Detectlvea Kay and Hill last night and tha finding of Beulah Howerton and Grace Fltxpatrlck. two 19-year-old girls, la ths place In company With several men. . Both tha young women were taken Into cuetody at th tlma and locked up In the city prison. The bail on tha two charges against Sperling haa been fixed at f 100 and for vhls employes at ISO apiece. Sperling waa arrested on election day for selling liquor and fined S2& by Judge Cameron. The detectlvea again visited 'tha place this -afternoon .and arreated Annla Meagher and Cern Delaaaua In tha lodg-lng-houae over tha saloon. ... HOMEOPATHIC MEDICOS , . WILL HOLD SESSIONS i 1 Medlooa of th homeopathto school will hold a two days" discussion of their srt. beginning tomorrow. - . Tha meetings will be held in Alleky hall at the corner of Third and Mor rison atreeta, under tha auspices of tha Homeopathic . Medioal eoctety of the atat of Oregon, tha occasion being tha thirtieth annual meeting of that body, Mornlnr and artemortn sea Ion a will be held, beginning at 10'and 1:10 o'clock; respectively. Tomorrow mornlnga aea alon will ba given over entirely to tha society's business, but tha . other three sessions will ba devoted to tha reading nf napr.ra and rtlarniaslnna nn questions of materia medics, the aye, ear, noaa and throat, tha practice of medicine, aurgery and gyecology and obatertca. Tha name of homeopaths from all aectlona of tha state appear Upon tha program. VAUGHAN AND OLINGER AS DENTAL EXAMINERS ' - (Joaraal Special Sarvtoe.) Salem, Or., . June 11. Dr. IC-A. Vaughan of Pendleton and Dr. H. H. dinger of Salem were appointed on tha state board of dental examlnara by Gov ernor Chamberlain today. Tha Marlon County Bar association adopted and ordered placed on record memorial addresses presented by Messrs. Holmes, Carson. Klser,' C B. Moore and V: A. Turner on the lsta Judge Benja min Bonham. Short speeches wwre mada by mernbera of tha bar commenting on tha ability and Integrity of the deceased aa a lawyer, jurist and cltlsaa ,' . Surilag - Kew Teek.'Jnn 11.-asrl1ng schnT ts BtM, 8-8a.O 80 day, Ae.sw481.1 TRANSPpRTATION. r ALASKA EXCURSIONS S. S. Bpokaae, Jae T, 111 July B. 80 Aafs B. AaoTrvi-inraET-Bouin xxoosuovs ITXBT JTfB SATE. SOVTHZAETXBaT ALASKA BOTJTS. Prnai Seattle' at B a. m. roe Ketchikan. Joneaa, 8aa(War, White Bora, Dawaoa and ralrbaaka S. S. nty of Seattle. Jane 10, SO, 80. 8. S. Humbcldt, jUH 4, 14. 23. 8. 8. City ef Topek (.U Sitka), Jane 15, SO. . VOxtS BOVTE. Seoaad aattlDf 8. S. Senator aboet June M. yOB SAS rSAXCIBOO BTBXCT. ' rmm Seattle f'X..". Queen. Ion I tl: UmattMa. Job 18.8". City of PBeblo. Jane la, July . , Vertlaad Oflo. 84 Waging toa St. ' ' A. W. tM. . a, V. Ae. 6) riNJNAItJI. O. P. A., - 10 Market St., Sen rraaeieeo. TELEGRAPH . . ' Fastest aa tba mrvev -.' The Only steamboat making, a round trip e. a Except Sunday Between PORTLJVND nd ASTORIA .. ABTD WAT FOraTTS teave Portland...,. ........ ,.7:88 a. m. Arrive Astorl .......'.......1:18 n. m. l.ave Astoria .........1:38 p. m. Arrive Portland 8:00 p. m. MwvLS SERVED A LA CARTE ' Fcrtlaad iABglng, Alder Street Book. ; ' Astori Xaaadlag, Oalleader Book. B. B. SCOTT, Agent. Phone Main. 888 "REGULATOR LINE" The Dalles. Portland 5 Astoria Navigation Co. Boats leave Portland and Tha Dalles Ing about I p. m., carrying freight and tor outfit and llveatock. ... j. ock Foot ef Aide at-, PeanaiTooB bflSoiirt .taTBanea.-: ALASKA. gAAT AMD POPTIAB 8TBAM8HIP . tatave Saattle f ;'- ". TETTM80 Kay STl Jna 8, IB. "DOLTKIH' stay 8t Jua 1, 18. St. , ' CAUUMtl AT . : I '" retchlxaa. Jaaea. Doagl, Hatno, Rhar way, Coaaeet with, W. P. A T. roots Bar . Atlla. Dawaoa, Taa. Meaaa. ace, Bbv All BeBtBatra Alaska Ports, . Can or aend for "Trip ta Woaaerfnl AUKbe, "Isdlaa Baabetrr." Totana pla.' " . THE ALASKA 8. S, 00 - rraak Waolsay oa Afta. Ut Oak ax. . . rertlaaa. Or. S. S. F. A. Kilburn ( Ceoa Bay. Baraks sad Ba rrerlees. Wat salltnr free rertlaaa1. Bio day, Jan It, Baa Bailing froaa Baa yraaauw, Taaaaay, Jaae IB. g. U OBBErtOCOn,' Agt Oreewwlea Deck IB. S. rbsas Mala lL Bli Store of Little Prices" Shrewd Buyers always come to us when they want BARGAINS and get good goods. Remember this, Mrs. , and. you too can be helped.. ' '"- -j ,, 25. ; I eana Star Condensed Cream, lOo also. ":v is ' t- , s Can" Eagla Condensed M11K. t -pound can Assorted Soup, , J -pound package Soda Crackers. -- caaa Standard Sweet Com. Pound Fellow'a Blend Costa Rica Coffee. ..; 30a Pound Hoffman Hotiae Java and Mocha ( . . Coffee, .- ' " ' 'n ' ,:.'' . 25a I. Pound good Gunpowder - or English Breakfaat Tea. Watch for aa In our large new store on Oak street about June It. West Park and Washmgton Sts. Phone Main 2598 DAinriOKTt-fDzn. c kf FELLOWS FELLOWS 0 amaBBxaa nUNSPoTATic::. r mm, ni 3 Trains (a (he East Daily J Ikroagh Pnllraaa standard ad taarhrt ateew . na-car . gaily s Onuha, Chaaare. paf . loln-ear dally 8 K a aaaa aty. Tbronfk reclining ehalrwra (aaat tree) t "it ft Hr.. ITnlnM rw . , .. . Cblcaro-Partian Special for the B.,t 1a Honrlngtos. dfy. 8:80 881 B0 P8 Snokans riree - rZ, -- Wlt- Walla,--- ,r--- - Jw'toB. Ooswr d'Alene a .d ; .J Norther. p5ntr3.lV t:ll P- SlOtaBl el. ,i fmtn roe th East - J"VHttntoa. Bally 88 pra T:18 Ba ru,- j ;jv..; ...... ' COLtnafBIA BITEB DITTglOIf. For Aetnela . -- Mt rrltT "waco and North Reach. afem Ah at. Sort,. lsve g B. BV dallT. 1125 ,B4,S rrdT. 10 p. an, AWrtvea sat- B p. ... sxpspt aeadar. TAafHTlI, BrVM BOTTS. ' ' n nafk. - - . w .m potnta. a tea mere Rata and sfaoc, Ash-st. Bw. mT.-.v- "-Je'ly. except gonoay (w8 pwe. bISrf ' - ArrlT f 80 p. aa. anil, esespf .'Bit ACT STVyn BOTTTB. - lewlaton, Ida be. and way potnts fiwej ' "Iparl. Waah., eteeraere Snehane aad Lewia. T? 1"? .?' 8. B., or upon arrtval Tnla No. , d.ny except gararday. Arrrea J p. as. Blr eicent PYidev. . Ticket Of Bee, Third and. WsshJagto eta. Telephone blala Tta . a " .i1. .7' STINOER, City Ttchet Ageat. a IV, CBAIO. Uanaral Paaar AgeaU; EAST VIA SOUTH , Cnloa Leave. Antra, Overland Ex pre Trtn w aaienx, aloaeoarf. Aen- rand. Bsceameato, 6fda, r, J-i-i.CS "' "BiCTorgsock.toni,,., 1 1, , -1 TxnJ A nr.'Iia. WT Taao. W-OrIeaMBoWaVa'n:s Morning .Uala. anaa-8 . - Woodbora dally, exorpt , . . Bonday with tenia for ,. . ; Moont An-!, Bllverton, nrowneviii, BprlnfSeta, Wendllng and Natron. 8:48 pa t Woo ham with Kownt Anfel nd Bllvsr- tna local 4:18 pa T-88 sa Oorvalll paaaenrer.. oT:80b - M pa Bherldan passmfer e4.Br pra , B:8 aa roreat Orsv saasenaer. f!10:a sn 111 AO pa ' "Dally. llPally except Bandar. JKPTBBgON-gTRBET BTATfOlf.'' Fee trails - and tnterarltte . points . Bafty :18 p. -as Arrtv Porttaed 10:1 a. a - - For time aad card of Ocwag enbnrbaa traiBB poly at City Ticket Offlce, ar stattoa. Ticker to Eastern points and Knropei ala Japan, Chin. HwKill and Anatrana. City Ticket OrBca enrner Third aad WaaV Ingtna (treet. Pbaa Ula Til C. W. BTINOER. A. ti. CSATO, " " City Ticket Ageat. - Oen. raa. A feat. . TIME CARD OF TRAINS . Portlands ' rnloa Depot -; teera. Alilaa Trllowatone Park-rTaaa Oty-8t. Lenta SpecUl for , '-.'' Chahalla. Centrall. Olyan- , ' v . . ' pi. Oray' Barber, Booth ' . - Bend, Tacoaa, Seattle, 8po- kaas. twlatoa. Btte, BII-- ', ' ; ' ;. lines, Penver, 0nba, Xaa- aaa City, St. Loal aad Rontheaat, Bally .......... 8 -JO 881 , a: BO pa North Coast Limited, elec- tele llfbted, for Tacoaa ? , i .- '''.' Beertl. Spokane. Bette. Mlnneapolla. Bt. Paal nd' " ' tha Kaat. dally 1:08 pa . TWtS Pneet Sound United, , Clareaant. Chehalta, On trail. Tncaaa an Seattle ' . onlv. ony ... arBOpa :80 pa Twin Cltv Xxprs for T- . rnwi. Seattle, Spokane, . ' Releo, Butt. St. Pnl, . '. Mlnneapnll. Lincoln, Bt. ...... Joseph. Eaneea City. ""' . , ' , ha. 8t. Loot. wltboet chance ef ear, retract eon- v i ; . ,' neerlon for 11 P"lntt ' Eaet and Bnntbeaat. Sally.. llS pa 10 Bt pa A. F. CHABI.TON. Asalatat Oenaral r. sB(r A rent. IsB btorrlsoa streat. eeraer TbJrsV . Portland. Orefoa. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. rnloa Depot ' Lee . Arrlva, For May acre, Balnlar, Clrs. kaal. Weftport. Olfton, Aatorla. Whrreatwa, P1s - - 11 veL HsnBMMid. Port Btee- ns. Oearbart Park. Seaside, B0 tm 11:88 aa Astoria aad Beaabor. ax pree daily IMfm 88 pa All tralne dally. ' J. C HA TO, O. r, and P. A Astsrla, Or. 0. A. BTEWABT, CsaaercUl AgeaV BBS Alder atreeC I' bene Mala Bog, . 9 Thc cosTrofrrAsia way. 7 Overland TrxbsDaHj Tb OrvaateJ Lisa lead, tba Taat Had "7 I. BBATTLB AMD BPOEAWB. , i DaUy. Daily. ' Leeve. Arrive. Portland time ecdol" . . , , Te ana from gpiihan' 1 1 " '"' St. Paal. btlnneapolt. Iraloth and all potats Eaat via Bttl.... 8:80 aa imm XI Ht pa BAB pa T and froea St.. Peel, Minneapolis. Doloth -.-V nd all point Eeat ,,! Bnokaf- wJtllB PB1I0 W Oraat xTartheen Bvsaaaatlp Oa, Balling freaa Seattle for. Japes and China porta and Maalla, earrytag a Bnae d frelfht, : B. 8. stlnnsaota, 71 ft.. , 8. 8. Debet. Beptsassr t, BTPPOV TT8EB BA1BKA (Japan Mall SteeBMhlp 8. S. Xaaaaswa Mara will sail free Seattle aboet Jaae 18 fee Japan Chin porta, aurytag peagS aad ''fht- ' ' ' - for ticket, rates, aerfa saterva. "Hon, ef.. call aa se ddresa 71. .DICE SOW. 0. . T A., ItS 'Tt8 St., rsrtlaaa, wrsfsaa, - - 1 1 'J Steamer Ch:i n I ' tkVt T BP THB 0"' K" fsaes Oe-ei'eet " 1 a. Dallea and w.r pel-, a ...! retor- V . , land 1" V- 1 .r eac.r. -,a t Mu.-aos k , t. ' 8 e. r. ' " . i .jrf 8k 1 : . r, c -- i v.;