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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1906)
; : . ... ; ' ! '. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. ' MONDAY EVENINO, JUNE 11. 1805. . i 10 NEW TODAY. Frank L. Smith Co. , ' y S28.AX.DBB ITU1T, Betwee .. Titmt MA Second. ', 851 SOTTH rZtfTASKXT, SMT tk .. ' Bridge. "";iJ' '." '" If you Ilka tha tniata ity with 'era may they you tip. But it you think tli American people have had unite etmyugh of the trueta, cepeclaJly i ' the beaf truet. then trade with Smith. " He la absolutely the only wboleaal butcher nd pecker tn'thla city who la ' not afillaied with the bear tniat. , - Fine Jlnaat Spring I-amb. frer lb..J.Of Jtomt Pork and Pork fhopa, per Ih. ........ ....12Ht ; Boiling and 8tew Beef, per lb.. . . . . .64? Pot RoaM Beef, choice outa, per lb..8 Ttih Roast Beef, rolled, per lb..,..10C ; Sliioln and "Rib SteafcTwr-l07-'-8 Hound Steak, tender, per lb. ...... 1V Chuck Steak, food and tnaty, per lb.8g Shoulder tioaat Veal, per lb. .,... 10 Breakfaat Bacon. Pr lb. .170 Iard. (-pound rjail. .....,.,..., ..60e Iiow prices to people who una quan tities. ..- ,;.'.,,:.'.. . '....'.'i .. ' ' .'.'.' "Fighting the Beef Trust" A STRONG BANK Fire Proof Building Tbe BanklngHooee of tae -Oldest Trust Company .nOrton" 1 abeolately fireproof. : -- ;r -- --- V--r. Tbe bulldlnc b ef niaaalre atone: the floor ere of cement. 14 racbea In thlcknaaa. Inter laced with at re I ear.; tha doora and window raalnca are of copper; the window !e con "talna anhedded wire nattlnf; aettlna: - tha .winter end future are f aietal. Barbie aad briHil. . - " Wa k.ra the flaeat bankln booae in Port-land;- nr hanklnc farlllilaa are eieallent. anj -will jasaka no ailatake la afftllatlna with our bank. Many new friend -are opening ac coante with ua dally. Wt IB8UK BPECIAX CT ETTTIO ATU I 01 OErOSIT FOB IMv OB OTEB. ' -ret 88 day' TNX-mr'itir&kStttoUil'' 111 Itreat, , ,. Wa ahall be glad to explala mt eeag yoa book of , . . . , IT ,T JTSTRATIONST Portland Trust CompanyDf Oregon 8. B. ear. 8d and Oak ata. Pbeae Xx. TX. BE! J, T. rOHBS. H. U PITTOOK... " B. LK PAOtT... i. O. G0LTBA.... Praaldent Vlce-Prealdent Secretary Aaalatant BarreUry OBOWI THE BIGGEST SNAP IN PORTL4ND 52 60-100 Acres Opposite OREGON FUEMTUEC MAKUFACTUBING CO.I - TA0T0BT OB TEX KA0A0AM BOAS. ' THB CHI AM OF TH MABTTrACTUBrWO DISTRICT IB SOUTH POBTLAND. 1 MIB. UTE8' IIP I 0M THE 8THEETCAB8 FB0M THX CIBTEB Of THE CUT. AT ONLY $1000 PER ACRE TKTS TK ACT IB W0BTK DOUBLE THIS rxacx BOW... . . . ASSBEBS, t. W. 1AW0DOW, -. WAXLA WAIXA. WAS1UBOT0B. -WILL PAY CASH Tor .weat aid property lota with old houaea preferred. . A $200,000 to Loan On jaeat grtda property at pereant Member Portlaad Keaety Board. M BXZTX . ' PBOatB PACTTTO SS. $2,500 Good i-roojn honae on Clay atreet, weat aide, will take automobile In exchange or recant property on eaat aide. M. E. LEE Member Portland Bealty Board. 3 BXXTB BT. i PKOBTB PACIPIO 68. DON'T , rail to see our'llat "of Real Fstatg - Bargain. v r , - Residences ' : ) Business Properties r Fruit Parms J. It Heilbronner & Co. JTriod River and Moaler Prult lnda. $9,000 : Front street. "80x188, comer; Income, ttl yearly.. . . . - . 32,000' Iteefind street,' 100x108, fl'ns corner. : ' . tXTSBI.r, SOS Oonmrclal Bleok. BIRTHS. HA RRta June 8. to Mr. and lira. W. F. Har- 1171 rVvthwlck. a nog. Ri'STTOI.D June . to Mr. and Mr. Mart I a rtoatToM. aoT arilllam srenue, a girl. . WfU'H Jnna 8. to Mr. and Mrs. Ml'h.-I ' " - Welch, 818 Kaat . Foarteeatb street,. North, a " hor. . RrisKHrRO-Jua 18. u Mr. aad Mr. Jacob . iiruaiwif, w. water, s poy. . LA HMP Jns 8, le Mr. and Mr. W. H. li'i .nip. Pinodlaws. a girl, a WAl.ri- -Jawe , to Mr and Mrs. O. B. WgltL -aroe Helgh'a. a soyr , 1 11 1 ' asassmmBBwa -1 DEATHS. f a.i Mt-g.ii . rharlea K. Frguoe, T8 )"". 1'ome f" Aged, senility. (in.nt.NA.vv J'ia Cimrai Ordaai.nn, 82 Me , . yOV WAT0X J - . . FU-s. eibsusUoa Igvejl lead Pi.JW. M. Seward to "J." i' Ccarrtn'e'rV M'tl , euiuiig, WEATTlEREPOi - A low preasur- area, apparently-of alight n ray. I central tlila moriiUi off the Washing ton eoAst. ' It baa eauaed liiflit rain la western Oregon mat western Wsablnglon. and Inereaalag rlouIlnM In tse eastern purtkms or three Btatre nil in mano. i ua Barometer la relatively war over Florida, and heavy ralna have,, occur ed lu the enuth Atlantic at tea. I oral rains era re ported ro , New England, the middle Atlantic aiatra. ins lower lake region, kaoaaa, Nebraaks aad tna Dakntaa. A high pressure err ef eon. .Metal, re ni.rnltnde la central ever tba upper lake reglou. and tka baronietee la relet I. .Ir nlrk off the California mast. The temperetnree ara aenvs; normal in Ttta enrth I'aotnc aisles, ana below normal In tba .nnw Blleeteatnnl Taller. tne lake region and alone tba eouia Atlantic Tka indlrattone are for ahewere and tbaoder atorme in tnia dlatrlrt toalght aad Tnradar. Ohaaratkn takra at a. oi., rarloe time: ' ' . ' . ' Temp. matlone ' ' Wax. Mln. Precln. wr in, iiraene. ...... m Boatoe. Maaarliuaette wl hlrairo, Jtllnnla Wl IVnw, Cnlnradn . . , M 00 .0 1 M M ' 0 3 - an : . 4 '. M ' M M m , M . .0 .0 .0 .6 .0 . Kauaw III J, Mlaanwrl J la Anealaa, California .... tut Naw Orteana. iMilalana. ... 14; New York. New lark .... an Portland. Or.,a , 7lf Roaepurf, Orna tin Kt. (XHlla. Mlu.uri 7 ; .04 .14 ' .30 .0 0 i Bait Lake. I uk ...i...... RS Haa rraarlaro. CnntntnU KM anoaene, -Waah1ntn ...;- Taruaaa, Waatalnrton 4 Walla Walla, Waahinatoa. .MO Waahlnatna, 1. C M -4- M .0 .84 MARRIAGE LICENSES." Trmmcim AH Ptwr! . Oedit u Bra-firi M. J. Kelly. T.1H Kearnr atreet ' K.t.11. Bnn-ln. la. - " . J, c. Taaaan, 109 Grand arenua, 2S: Cather TulllenmU-r, 22. . l"enl T. Kenpedr. ' 1HM Kaat . Taylor' treat, 2S: -Inule A. Hvereoo, 2ft. , tieorg D. Draw, 81;. Bertha eneTOirafct, la. . ' j, . Wedding Card. W. 0. Bmlth Co.i Waaa tngtos. bldg.. eor. Fonrth and W.ihlngtoa ata. Wedding aad calling card en ara red er eelatcd, K. T. Buabtoa. tZ2 Waahlngtoa at. Mtee Bed ha Martin, mom IIS Allaky bldg. Btaaiptng and flue Boedlawork; - araaoae gteaa, CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. ; .Mr. rior Llpnttt, SK Nerenth. dlntlttherla. ; If- Aromtrong. 852.. Nicola I. trpbold fever. Jerry Wagner. Mil l.aka. diphtheria. Chlldrea ef W. J. White, Lnlraralty park, Meaelee. Chllilrea ef WUlmra fefaaeU. L'olTenity Park, meaale." Mr. J. W. Ixady, East Sixteenth aad Al bert, me., lea. Oanwa Hawk. 81 roarteetifh, nieaalea.. ' Tom and Dirk Wright, With aad Moatgoav err. mea.lea. , . Vleanor.Welrman. Til Eaat Burnalde. mea.lea. Daughter of W. Mueller, 274 Baker, maaales. --.- A. rep hen. 424 Kaat Couch, meule. Henry and Uerald Errla, 87 Eaat Taylor, Biea.le. MraJJ.An Heonn. aw BI..1. --i Ua.,W.-li, JU.Uiawami,. gild. Twelfth, Tea' (ainirefigrsorttw a. nrown. em Third, mea.lea. - Mary Olmatead. 268 But- Thirty-second. maaale. - UNDERTAKERS. -I. P. Plnley Son. fnner.1 dlrectore and eaibalmara, earner Third and Madlaon atreat a. Ofaosr of county eoroaar. TuepboB Mala 8. Dannlng. MeEatee A Ollbaagb. andertaker end embalmer: skxlers ta erery detalL Bereatk aad Pins.. Mala 43Q,. Lady aaabrtaat. a, : JS:. Hametoek. wndertaker aad embalmer. Kaat ThtrtaaaU aiad UauUUa a. , JPboa Sail, wood Tl. T Edward Holmaa. aadertaker, S20 Third street. 4 BJTEBYIIW CIMETEBT. Blngl graraa Ho.. Family lota TB te 11,000. Z..Salr r.roTtrr J Portlnd whlrk par petually mslnUlns sad csree for lots. For rill information apply to W. B. Mackansl. Wor ceater block, cfty W. M. Ladd, prealdent. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS." ,".rr,.r".p,n,f ""d buabend to Herbert . K. Pauly. noatbwaat of nortbetat U ectloBl, towoablp Berth, raage 1 Samuel fWitllWt'o Mar1'scbule' 'north aoutbweat H of north weat aec tit, a. townahln 1 enu.k . . O. W. Taylor sad wife to Giuaenns Bal- llawBhoene . ..m,& 1 , 1 480 ; I "10 i ', 150 Francl L'larno and wife to Mary" Cl'arno". lot a a hlerk antl. D.l A ' . . . " Edwrd Campbell. ku " ""a couch addition . Mry Mcf.rett et 1. to O. A C. B. R. , Co., parcel land, beginning at I iter aec- ' tio south Una county road between ectlon 1 and 21, township 1 south, range 1 eaat. with eaat line ef right of way of O. A O. B. B. Co........ Bathe! W. Morrla to 7. J. Kltagerald et 1.. ' 4 seres, beginning eaat line of ' right ef way O. ft. A. S. Co. 1,820 feat . oiorth and feet weat of section Ktweeirsalniir 2T-mt 28, luwnahlp Id M. Ccple and buaband to John 1. beraoa. 33 I Si.0. beginning nortneaat corner lot 8, block 12, McMlllea d- dittos .... -. , . Jrnnl D. Moffatt et al M av.' it w i ii , i .u.e i east- .. 460 666 , Jone and wife, west H of eaat H of ' outh if, of north H ef north weat 1 Beetloa 2S. townahln 1 nneth m,h I t -et. acre .... r.T. . .... 77. . .... i 250 Qraee Booth Balewla snd huahand te t .Catherine H. Beck, lota 12, 18, blork 8, Goldsmith addition " - 10 Ida M." Capiea and husband t J. T, Donaran. &111M 1-8 feet. hinln 83a-8 feet eaat of north eat corner lot oiwi ii, airaiiiieo a audition 2,460 E. O. Ruedy et al. t Emm S. Bendy. . lot 8, block 4. (.cab addltlea ' 1 Margaret K. Bushman and hnaband to - ' C. M. Cartwrlgbt, ISO acre eetloa 28, ' towMhlp I north, rsnga 1 esst . I C. M. Cartwrlgbt and wire to William Kakrit. IH acre la aectlon 29, town- . v ahlp 1 north, rang 1 eat. beginning " 10.48 degree 18 minute wet ef north- eaat corner Marru Neff 1). U C... ,000 B. Clinton and m-lfe te Job Johnson snd ' wife, kt a, block 8, Tsbaaro addition ' 1 John Johnsoa and wife to Alendro Palume, lot 2, block 8, Tabasco sddl- - tloa .... , 1SQ M. C. ftenrgs snd wife to May Hhogren, 1 12.67S aiiare feet, beginning weat line- VlatalaTenua at interaectlon of ' outh Una grantor land, block 6 Carter'a addition 7,500 Et R. Flynn to F. L. Blanchard, part 'f lots 2, 3, 5, block 28. Csruthsrs d- dltloa J Earl r. Bronaugh' end wlf to Kittle J. ' Mortim, kit 4. 8, block 18. Arbor- - Lode .... - goo Flriand comtiany to Mrra A. Zehreng, . lota 13, 14. black 8, Fir land . . 1,875 tot' la P. Ben to Anton Antlch, weat 8 - ft lot 14. block 207. Couch idditlnn 1,800 Ir O. Sbattitrk and wlf to J. D. Me- - liow.n. eaat S of loUA 8, block 1. McM (lien addltlna , .,.,, 2.00 W. J. Clemena et al. to L. R. Falrrhlld. north 10 feet lot T. and south Hit feet - bit N, black 2M. nwtborn Park.,., 190 Howard flora to Jamo Mackensle, S acre, beelnnltie aAd.4 faet north and 1814.8 feet eaat of eouthweat corner of ' aiairhee.t tl a ma.iiwm v l-i. T.4swnhlp 1 onth, rang t eaat.... 828 Cliitl J.lnrbahfb urrgTer Nlibla. ; r aonth ,18 2-3 feet lot 10 aad weat ' - 14 2-8 feet lot 11. block 10. Haw thorn avenue addition .... 280 W. F. StadermaB and wife to G. J. r.rimen. wt part of lota I, 2, em Cain and wile to Loulae 0. Tucker. lota 6. T. block 128. I nlreraltr Park. IB Lou lee V. Tucker and bunlxnd to Nettl u. Maaoe. kit . 7, block 128, Unt-eeealtT- Prk - .t t m ?erg W. Turner aad wlf to OuatiTa - - . m. Braner, kit la, mock , Hlgblgnd ' ' I'nrk addition .... . 125 Wllhclmlna Taqii te l. J. Keefe. lot- 8. -and eaat bit 4. block 2, subdlrlaloe Rlrerelew addltlo -.800 Ellis Belle Bndlr snd huahand ton P. Llalgeolt. lot 13, block B, Lincoln Park 1,0001 T f u,..k m..i.iM niu. 1. . II Maek 7. -Carter's sddltlon ......... . 820 James D. Hart and wlf to Mary J. C. Crocker, lot 4. block "T." . Tabor . HHrhts 420 Wallac Tngalls snd wlf to Mary Ana Mr-r. lot 8. 4. block 1, Fureat Park 400 Bnhert Olaen and wlf to Jacob Kail, lot II, 18, Mock 4. Penlnaular addltlo... 128 lwi 'I. Mndy to Philip Jone et lot 3, black 8. Alhln t,2n0 Lnd Company nf Oregon to Aflolpati Roaler. kt 8. block 5. City Flew Park 878 Tlile tlnarantee g: Treat company t , Rlcka Kraemer. lota 8, 10, block 13. . nonlh St. John '625 Tbomaa L. Flint and wife to R. C. tier. w, tnaita. parcel of land In Mellon. , It, 18. 13,. 14. townahln k north, rang ' 1 weal, beginning Intnraecllon aouth. . eaat boundary W. W. B.ker T. L. C. . with center lip) .Portland, snd Llnntna boulevard. ... , I. C. Harlow, trusie. is John B. leoa. 10 1' I ( ptlJfTTW REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Kllgura, area, tesinutng nurtheaai corner gnreraineut lot 1, aecllou IM, townahln 1 aoiith, range I eaatt; Cevrge W . Ralta A Co. te Monro fand IT. eiimpaay. a-t a: nine g. 4'irtinmnt. ..... a Wllllan. M. Ladd and arlfa to fcdwerd A.'l. Ha Id win. . 4. 6, , 7, , blork ' r3, Ka fortland -j tCVO B. P. Hwetland and wife to William - rarrell. lot 1, 8, block 3M, Kaat Piartland (,(00 L. I, tlray and wife to Walter Proa. Lot 4. block 4, Barrett'a addlikm ' 146 Walter rraea to Iucy tteineck. tot 5 blork 4. Hatred 'a addition . 1,040 Walter ITeaa t IICX Kelueck, lot 4, blork JL Barratt a addition tot Board or actiool trnataea to T, William llanebat. lot 14, le subway, block VXl, Conrh ddlflon' .... .... 4.00 Alfred it. Karrlgaa to J oh a T. Kerrigan, kit 1. block at. Weat Ir.lngtou ' 800 Oet yoer Inanrence and abstract to real aetata from the Till Guarantee Truet eompaay, 840 Waahlngtoa atreat. earner Bacond. - NOTICE.. ADVKRTISdMKKT FOB BIDS FOB WATER FYSTKM. Ill city . cottacll or th eity or. Wallow, la th county of Wallows, stat of Oregvn. will rerelr Mil up to and In- eluding tbe sixteenth day of June,. 18id, fur the coastructioa ef a water aystsm for -, ssid city. ... Th water ahall be takes from Bear creek about 24 mile from aald dly and tber . sbsll Sue-foot fall to ths system. Th mala pips tins te be constructed ef 8 loch. machine-banded, wood stovepipe. There shall be ea S-lnca gare valve at source of supply) one suitable braas-wlrs cloth atralner at leeat four timee the area of lbs. 8-Inch plpei such special flttlng. curve, ate, may be neceaeary te fol low changes of direction In pipeline. .. -At the Intake there ahall be built a uU- ahls manbol of concrete or adjacent" atone., with a cover of Iron with braaa -lock snd '.-key,, to properly protect end prevent dsm ag t the atralntr and to allow examtaa- tbm. i Th trench for the mala pipeline sbsll bs average ef not- lea than thre feet deep and at ao point sbsll ths mala pip he covered laa than tws feet. In Ins dis tribution -eyatem all the mains snd branches shs'.l ba covered at leeat three feet over th top ef the pipe. The main sbsll be soluble for a 200 foot bead and all saalna snd branches ahall he properly bedded la th trruchee to prevent settling. - The distribution aratem will reqnlr. p. -proximately. 1.800 feet of 8-lneh machine banded wood etoveplo! 1.7MI feet of 8-Inch mchlne-bndd wood atoveplp:- 8.200 feet of 4 Inch m. chine-handed wood atoveptpei four 8-Inch Iron-body bra as-mounted gstc- ' Tslves: four 8-lncb frcn-body braaa-meunted gatevalvaa; five 4 Inch - Iron-body bra mouBtcd gilevalvee; 18 ataadard heavy adjust- , eble csst-lroa gstehoxes. and-8.000 pounds special rail -Iron . flttlnga. Tbers sbsll be 15 Are hrdrsnts, which sbsll bsvs outlets tor two 21,-lneh hoee ead shall be frostproof. All hydrants shall ba so blacked, brsced snd snebnred to ths pipes supplying tbsm ss to prevent being blown off by water rsm. ' Tha entire work to he eomnleted and flrat elans, snd to' be done la a good and 1 wsrk-4 nsnliks manner, and all ma ten. I ana tsuor to tie rurni.nea tiy tns contractor. Tnr btt 1 council reserves (lie rlgbrtT rejecf snd sll -- 8JU. MUsb.lllg-.ine. ansk . rej.alla sfsyur 'ef thoCMy of Wsilewar Attest c. a. Ti'griLuii. . Recorder ef the City ef Wallowa. PHWOBa T!WTtrii"Fnft 'OTfTWrnl!' THB OREOOff STATR PEMTENTIArtT FUK PERIOD ENDING PECEMBEB 81, 1008. : Sealed bid for drug, dry goode. grocer lea, leather and flndlng. plumbing eupnlle. hard- war, flour. Aah. meat, etc.. will be recalred at the office of the euperlntendent of the Oregon State Penitentiary until June 20. 1B0A. et 8 o'clock p. m., at which time tbey will be opened.. " A depodt' nf 200 eh er eertlfleB check, - payable- to tbe- oHperinteadent, mnst acooei . pan 7 each bid for meat and flour, and all -other bid must be accompanied by an amount . equal to 10 per cent ef the amount of the bid. Kampleo to accompany ell bide where prao t treble. The right le reeereed to reject any -end all bid and to accept or reject eay por- - tloe of a bid. - On uch en re lop should lie Inscribed the nature of the hid. Hood of , Oi.m manof arture oe neodnctton will racetro preference,- other tillage be hi equat. AO goona ana supptie muat us neneerea to xne penitentiary within 20 day after the contract 1 awarded. Schedules ef the a Hone tinea of roMa will be furnlabed upon application to tbe aopartn- Vouchers will be leaned for Mvment on tbe , flrat ef the month following the completion of tor contract and monthly er contlnnone contracts - - . . - - , - . Bidders will take notice that th ermro nrlstlon for maintenance of th penitentiary ' le now svsllsble, snd all elslms.for sftpplte sfter being sudlted by the eecretsry of state will bs psld by stats wsrrsnts. ;,' C. W. JAM,..- - Superintendent Oregon State Penitentiary.. 8s lent. Oregon. June 8. 1808. EEECTJTOBS' NOTICE. Notice K hereby given thst w. Roger Vr A fee, .Jr. Mtler and Newton McCoy, have been sppolnted executors of ths eststs of F. M. IJrhtenthaler. deceaed. All person bvtng clslms sgstnst aald estate ar re qolred to present them, properly verified, to lie. t th office of our attorney.. H. B. Nicholas, roc hi 716 Oregoeisa-lralldlngi corner Slxthand Airier sis., Portland. Or., within sia montha from this dste. May 21. 1808. , ROGER M'AFEB, 'i. .'. M. F. MILLER. : V KKyiO.-i.Ja'COT, , avxacntora. . H. B. NICHOLAS, Attorney. OFFICB Disbursing Qnsrterm aster, Portland, oregna. June a, itnai. ne. leo propria. 1. in triplicate will be received here until 10 a. m., Paclfle time. June 18, 1908. for fur nishing 2"0 cavalry horaea for Pbllippln lalanda. Delivery at Seattle. Washington, or other "prominent railroad point. Further informs tioe furnlabed at this office. United Ststes reserves tbs right to reject or accept nr or all bids, or any part thereof. En velotxs contslnlng propossls should be marked 'Proposals for Cavalry Horses" snd ad dressed to Alfred M. Palmer. Major. Quarter master. U. I. A- Disbursing Quartermaster. BOTICB OF STOCKHOLDERS- MEETING.. Tbe ennusl meeting or the etocanoioer er the Oregon Iron A Steel Company will be beld et the offlce of th company, room 8as Sher lock building. Portland. Oregon. June 10, 1908. et 11 e'rlock a. - m., for tba porpnte ef electing a board of directors for the ensuing year, and th fran.artlon ef nch other b m.I ac as aa may legally some before the m-eeting. . A. S. PATTTLLO. Secretary. Portland. Oregon. May 84. 1808. MEETING NOTICES. HARMONY LODGE. NO. 13. A. F. A A. M.' Misted communication ; thl (Momlay) even tog. 7:30 i-p. m., Mnaonle temple. Third and .-Alder ata.. Celebration of eeml- centennlal annlvemry. AU M. M. welcome. By order W. M. BUFUS B. BALL, Bee. M. W. A. EVERGREEN CAMP. 6.4M. meet Wedneedey evening, Alisky bldg., Third and Morrlaon ata. M. W. A., Oregna Grip Camp. No. 8,878, Mon day. 17th- and Marahall; visitor welcome. LOST AND FOUND. STRAYED or Stolen 1 bay horse. 4 year old. weight 1 zoo ina.,1 a nine wait jee. smsll white tr1o on the acae: 828 reward If returned t Frank Miller, Barsa road, B. F. D. No. 2.- ' LOHT Iron gray pony" (rl1nfr.m& TO en flnk; rewrd 810. H. T. Pg. 0wege, Or.: B. F. D. No. 1. . - ; ' - ; FOUND Shoe, rbone Esst 5585. r i""" Mti riipii ir if hi n ( w tmfi; tlnif Ptwck . fCo A358. -fsror 11. Psuly, bwued by W. J. MlUer, for 318. Lesv at Joornsi err lee; rewara. FOCND A band Inatmment: owner ess have -- by proving property and paying for ad aad exnenaee. aaoreaa n a. csjs 1wr.11. LOUT Slack corker spaniel male do. 2 years old. known tvr asms or "t-rince -i license .no. 1.40. ant owner', name on nlate. K. H. Bloe- eoro. Reward for recovery; If found, phone to reatdenee nr offlce, R. H. Blm, 818 Chamber of Commerce. LOST Sunday going to Oska cars, gold brace let. Hetura n r-a.i irsvis si.) rewsra, - Phone Kaat 1071. . . FOCND Csrtlflcsts for rspltsl stnch share fet tha Vlctoe fiold Mining comnanrt owner ennly to T. Manning. New Heuae Lodging a. corner Front and Couch. SHI- I I WW "I -e-re-w, . ww wwm.w weight 1,400 a piece. If fonrrd call I'ortland nawriuat company. rnone HELP WANTED MALE. W ANTED Ysralsbers, machine ' aad bench band. Or(oa Fural tars Mfg. Co, Macadaai roes. 1 .... v A BARS opportunity for a ansa with some caplt.lj luveatlgats and yea will ear Ureal. C 110, eare Jouraat. ' ' WAS TED Berry pickers. "Infj-aire grocerj ftexa BAtat aOdlUoa, atoaUrUU gag Has, -HELP WANTED MALE. WB er mptoymant for awmbrr; pcta! emoaracip na moot a ag. X. M. V. fourth i ed Kamhlil, , ir ro plag; pool, t the WrMliuttoa pr am, eu... orag., xnira ane uorriaoa. WANTBI-rinlaber In furatter factory, ataady war year ruuaa. a root, corner uana. WANTriw 8la writer; piuat b flrat rleae worknt; ateady Job fa right' party. Ap'y at one, w. r. vergey g. bob. sm xtainiu n. WANTBD rirat claaa bench aiaa. Portland Baah Atocr Co., Baal Taylor and I'alua ara. WANTBIV g men to work In brickyard at Mat a .11 ne moo. i.a ir ring toe ear. MEM AND W0MRN to leara barber trade ta eight' week; graduate vara from (lo te 2a weeny; eipart inatructor; eatalogu tree. , Holer aratem of Colltgaa, ( Nortk Fouath t., rortiaao. . . SALESMEN WANTED For sne ef the Urgeet aeraeriee ra the, weat sash sdvsnced weakly) eood territory onan--Addree Waahlngtoa narssry us 1 op pen las. wui, . ACENTS WANTED to ssll snerlor. hlgh-grsoe earner y atork; eomplet Mint forntehed free; caah weekly; write today for r boles of t- ntory. uptui city Bureary Coeausay. as lam. ' wregoe. . - , 1 . , W A NTEI Ooorl nwatnea -ebSBce- sslssmsa to : manage well-located office; small guaraate runa requirea. ror part Ionian, writ u as. - care journal. . . ' . .. . . , WANTKD P.ituer la, trsaafer bualness, as manager; doing Sue business la city. Boom Bresdea bldg.. Third aad Washington eta. Phono Psclao 2088, ' WANTED Immediately, flvs sjea to leara tbe art- of opsrstlng moving iitcture -nischines; 825 weekly whee competent; tuition reason sDie. . ioit auta et.. room X. - BUTCHEB wsnled for shop work. Tl Ml- alaaippl av. Phone But 872. WANTED EVEBVWHERB Hustlers ro Uck signs, dMtrlbuts clrculsrs. asmnles. ete. canvassing; good pay. , 8ua Adssrtlslag Bu- reaa, t.nicsgo. SIIORMAKEB wsatsd at 875 Sandy road, near . Em 2Mtt.. . . .. ' . WANTED For United State army, able-bodied unmarried men between agea of 21 aud 85, -dtlaena of Halted State. f good character aed temper. t habits, who ean apeak, read nd writ English. Apply to Recruiting Of fleer. Alneworth blk., . Third aad Oak ettk, Portlsnd, Oregon. , ,- MEN eTerywheres t clean monuments; light ning process. Immense money made: experi ence unrteeeaaary. Crescent Supply company, J ' . , - em. 11 11 K ijvm ..,., t ai. - GOOD uddl h.nd'waated, by Victor Marden, id .'ane, or. HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIBLS about 18 years of sgs ts work la fac tory. Apply at once. AmasrHarrhvKerUle ' Co., Fifth and Davis ata. ,- ( , HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. S48H Waahlng . ton at, eor. Seventh, upstairs. Phone Mala 2092. Female help wanted. - . THB HOMB LADIES" AGENCY. ; Female help furnished free ta employs. BegietrstloB Free ' 1881 dtk at, upetstrs. room 23. If am 8828. WANTED Girts to msk alia at T6 First at , ; 'Boss of All" ever GIRLS WANTED Operator to work en ehlrts snd overalls. Lesaoue given to inexperienced. Apply at Standard factory, "o. 2. Grand av, and B. Taylor at. - WANTED Comneeent girl for general houas work; family of three. Apply 128 14th et. WANTED Mtddte-aged wotnss for hoessworx. 824 Jack eon at.. v . WANTED flirt te aaalat with botueworfc. In mall family; muat aleep at home; American , or Swedlia preferred. Call morning., oW Gsntenbeln ave, . WANTED Women and girls to work In fruit- cannery, s. Apply Best Eighth and Division. FBER TO LADIES Handsome etlckpln of ex- qulalte assign, also vsiusbls beauty eecret; send no money, simply name and address. Los Angtlco Receipt Cc,., Lo Angelea. Csl. WANTED 2 waitresses; ons for dinner , hour only. A only et .once liobart-t-nrtls, 4ta and Jefferson sts. . v . - WOMAN to do housework : small family; good nome. inquire 000 kbi jlia at. GIRL to sulst with light housework aad cere or children; good wsges. Apply at eace. 893 Davis, corner 21st. WANTED IMMEDIATELY -Hensrkeeper for widower, country. Capable woman take ehrg nd do laundry for lnatltutkm. 230 TsmhllL Pboao Alain 4413.. . . MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED Gentleman or lady with good ref erence to travel ny ran or with a rig. for a firm of 8250.000 capital: eslary 81.073 per yew a4 siapsnses- esisry paid- weekly d expenac advanced. Address, wita stamp, Jos. A. Alexander, Portland, Or. WANTED AT ONCBAa experienced party with 8100 te run a paying laundry. For . particular call 1 nn 14 few th ;t., apetalra, ult 23. Mala 5S28. HELP wanted and mnpllsd, mala er female. B. Q. Dr'h 5h Waahlngtoa at.cll370. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. GEORGE T. MTA'SBi.. 534 Chamber nf Com meres, keep. hmi..-. and does general expert accounting boaloea.- Phoa Mam 4888. WANTED Pseltlonj office work preferred; honeety. genuine sntegrirr. stMrjy aaoiu; alee sons experience) ability a aleeman: are yu Inter ted 1 Pie reply.. D ST, care JouraaL -j W. VTrn PmIHm Im ofSes h n... nan. r espsble snd honest: best of rsfereacee. Ad dress H 10, cere Journal. WANTED Office work by young man; hsve had experience as stenographer and clerk. H 1, care Jnernsl. " SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE WANTED Plain washing to do at home; price. 40 cents n dosen pieces. 18 Sbermaa (rear of ISO Sherman et.). STENOGRAPHER desire tberonghly competent, n v, car sournai. - WANTED- Pceltloe ee-night Mahler-to ree. t.nrant or hotel, by competent young woman ; . thoroughly experienced; references. K. 8, csrs Jourasl. ' EXPERIENCED rnng Isdr aetnographer, rmer. t-"-sMr of any swhtne, wowld accept paitlav.. nominal esisry, with privilege 0( puDllq work, AJdreas C 88, rare Journal, - POSITION as office girt In physician's office. or ss ssslstsst bookkeeper; experlencsd, ndl ran aire r'lnrnrr.,- m ., wir. imiHi. IFSTpoor: tion to have . your-, ncigiilbor tell you ; .about awoidcrful .: bargain sal w-1-after it Is all dycr.C- oi; tk next cue, get your toformatloiiJn;; time from JOUR- ' . ' HAL ABS. ", -7r WANTED AGE ATS.'f A KRO-HOT SKI.LEB Needed -4n every bone; millions will he eold. Evervoue sold gslns a fllenil; you aliow what II will do and It sells lieelf ; beat selling srtlcle Is tbs world; a rsre - chsnce If you desire to make money quHs, --. bssts verythlug a moosy-msksr: bo c 1- perlrsc required: every day a daisy Is monoy Kt. Clrculsrs for 8c tsmD. - Nosh Will is 01a, Weal her ford, Teisa. WANTED Agentar something asw good sailer I . nig wsgwj. Mm atcnay siag. WANTED SneUal ealmn for the bla Oragon :-: Nttnrery companyp liberal commlaalooi outfit rroa; coeic trritory. writ is wa uregoa .. Marery ,ca. aalm,. Oregon. AGENTS Either eex. 81 0O hour tatredne Ing lr. Hull' Electric Comb sad Brush) . cur, hair trouble asture's wsy; ne drugs; tartna free; pustaes on ssmpls eomb, 8c. C. S. Horner Mfg. Co., 1491 Pens ave., Pittsburg, Ps. ' . MF.N snd women agents. 88 te 35 every dee, raraaoi novelty ts., own vaioa sva aorta, Take Woodlswa esr. - AGENT wanted to sell a few 1-scre tracts convenient te two electne lines. Cederbsrgb, 814 Commerdsl blk. BIG PAY to ons sgest la each oouaty working ror in laveator- uuin. i atanjuam ougu Portland. Oregon. rswsaaessssMwaanssxsssxt EMPLOYMENT' AGENCIEST"- sBaBBBkaaaaaewja8es8 THB Portlsnd Employment Co.. tosk Morrlsoa et. none raeine xav.- ' t ; ' ' HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICB FOB MEN. 88 X. Seeaad at . Phone Mala 1528. BIO FOUR EMPrAGRNCY Rein supplied free. 1 nurta necoaa at. - rnone aialn lain. WANTED FINANCIAL. WANTED 8500 to open np new copper mine win giro aa extra gooa opportunity sna in ducement. Call la (nr.nooa Jooes' Book Sure, 291 Aider, at. WANTED Te loan 31.500 on city property for wuiiumg purpnaaa. i i,- care journal. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES. COTTAOES. FLATS. HOOMINO-HOI 8E8. STORE. ETC. Our rental department ha been enlarged aad provided with additional ataff. W Invlt Hating from' LANDLORDS, offer person.! attention t and continuous snpervl.los ever all property latrusted to ear cere. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. - B. B. evr. 3d aad Oak Ms. Pbca Ex. 72. - WANTED To rent bouse. 8 nr T rooms, with oars and large lot, or email s crease la elty limits, on nr sear carl In. Addreea K 4, care Journsl. '-'-- -WANTEDREAL-ESTAT "Phon Esrrt 354! W A NTS l House ea easy . terms. , Mala SV53. sis uimmerciai bix. . - . WANTED Snbnrben acreage. 1 to S acres, near eosi twKly-CTears r 0 . ear JouraaL .:, I WANT to buy a email home ea east side, not too tar from rarllne; , Bunnyalde preferred; state price, term, etc. K 6, car Jooraal. WE WILL SELL your property, no matter what it M or w tiers located, need nearriptioa bow and ws will do the rest. Investors' Guide Co., 811 Msrqusm bldg Portland. Oregmw, WANTED 5 -to-18- scree -near city: can psy 3300 or 8400 down and 25 per month. C 88, cere Journsl. - WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. .-M. MORGAN, ptmieer' sprsyev" end whit, wssbsr. Call Esst 5243. Remember the aame-r-B. N. Morgaa; II years la la Portland. VIM WILL BUY. SBLT, OR TBADB ANY OLD THlftU. WESTERN SALVAUS ,CO, HI 82ft WASHINGTON.. PACIFIC T8S. WB WILL BUY your furniture any old tins. weetern salvage co.. vzt w"r(ag"- " WHO IB M. O. MOBOAN CAT PAINTING. . spraying aad whltewaahlag tree. oaaemenTa, Da ma. oork. etc; largest g.aonns spraying imtflt oa the eoaat. M. G. Mergaa A Co.. 322 Ualoa av. Phone Eaat 817. FURNITURE-n old reode. ' Don't ust pboao Pa. worry, lo time ar rifle 70S. BOATS' WANTED List your boats, etsamere. launches, bargee, bonaehneta and boathouees with 'n for sala or rant. W have call for them every day. Eaat 184. - MAIN 5455. MAIM .0555. Furniture wanted foe spot ca.h. , - PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS. 211 First st. Msln 88.15. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT TH) RICHEUEU . SSw NORTH SIXTH ST. r.iegantiy iurnianeo. steem a est ana Baiaa THB GBAND. 45 1 Nirth Third at.: foe gestlemea 81. so per wees aaa ap. FRONT ROOM, use of sitting room If desired. 849 Yamhill t. Msln 54.18. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. THB MITCHELL, Flanders end Seventh Bocaw, konaekeeping snd - traasieaii . eaa venient; price . reaeonsble. $1.1 WEEK J1P. clean. . fumkihed boneekeeo- rooms, wita yaruY parior. launary. n. is. nr. n.ce best. 2084 Stanton st. V ear. 31.25 PER WEEK Large, clean. furalshed noovexeeping-rooma; i.nnnrj aaa naia. im Sherman, South Portland. SLEEPING and honsckeeptog Ltada Vlat. 247 H Fifth at. LARGE elegaatly furnished honaekeerilng romoe: gaa rang, running water. Tbe Lowoa dale, 503 Vk Alder at. 2 FURNISHED honaekceplng flats foe rent, 88 snd 810 per month, cell Ul Be vent at., dnwastslrs. Mala 8502. LA RGB furnlabed housekeeping aieeping-rooms, all eonrenlencee, at 430 isra- hlU t. , . NICB largs suite of housekeeping room, plans. two oeiia, eie per montn. x,is union av. ROOMS AND BOARD. WILL tab a tew more table boarder) good borne cooking. 470 Main. .. Pbooa. Mala 2385. NICELY furnished rooms, modern conveniences. bom privilege, t'hou . Mala lew. - 288 14th at. . . .'- MRS. WILSON ran accommodate a few mors table boardsr; good, choice heme, cooking, 229 18th et. , UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 1 VERY pleasant anfuiulehed ram, with hethr tot let, tcM raaaouaoia. sou Montgomery et, S TNFl'RNISHBD rooms, Mntry, gink, bath. M.V Flrat at. r PABLOn and 8 or 4 unfomlahed bedrnome. ales - en furnlabed bedroore, tn new modern bouse; ' ptlvala home. 52 lucretl at., between 22d nd 23d. near Waablngteu, cloa t Hill hotel. Phone A). In 5843, FOR RENT HOUSES. 708 IRVING, 8 rooma. bath f.15.011 17tb near Washington, S rooma, bath. 47.50 No... S.V) Lincoln, 4 rooma... 12.50 - No. IK, Holladay, flat, 8 room, bath. 20.00 . Be. 894 4th. cor. of Harrlaoa, S room. ' bath i ., v 80.00 No. 50 E. 12th. S room, bth....;.. 25 oo No, 1S7 Whlttaker, 5 rooma, bath,... Id.OQj No. 2n8 14th. 8 mom... , ,.,.i-.'17 .50 No. hit MeelaAW II nmM h.thjl '.. U OA I No. 824 R. let, S room, bath 25.00 No. 430 E. Uth, T rooma. bath 28. on " No. - 808 4th. 8 -mom flit.: .,..21.00 No. 498 Market. 8 rooma, bath....,,, 22d and Everett. 10 rooms, bath..... 80.00 No. 72 Northrop. 8 room, hath..... 25.00 .. No. 3o8 17th. 8 ronmi bath 18.00 No. 428 Main. 8 moms, bsth No. 4 2d., 8 room, bath.. 20. on No. 80S William v., 10 room, bath, 25.00 Pta and York. T room and balk 25.00 he, 848 Tarlor. 8 rooma, hath , 27,50 By PARBISII, WATS INS A CO.. ' '- , 250 Alder St. yl FOR nrV'T-4 room kouss, helb. ' Ky at 50 r.t at. A 4-ROOM cottage on Second et., hetwaea Mail Ssd Uacelg. TilW fat awatk, imty ii ii . . --e..' 1 FOR RENT HOUSEST KADPERLY TRANSFER CO., prompt sad re. liable snd furnlturs-movsrs; ius nw. sgs. Ihooa Msla leso. Of ace 110 b. Third. Till .CONTINENTAL COMPANY. . - STARK ST. . f INSURANCE. RENTALS. - 8KB LIST. TWO room .modern eottsgee. Slat t.. Kenll worth. fl4 aad 816. Kay at tore, ee phone tan. --- . . ' FOR RENT 8 modern A-room eottag. In ' qulro 494 Eaat Wa.hlagton. - Pbooa Eaat TO8. FOB RENT Hooss, 11 rooms, modern improve ment a, szo 12th at. Appiy bzt mo si. FOR- RENT, 318 Houss. T rooms, nlcs vtsw oi river sou I'ortisnu. " uei t. hi.w.i " boulevsrd. . Inquire 1241 Greeley at, W !! lamette station. St. John car. FOR i BENT Deslrabl 5-room summer cot. tag. Besvlew, Wsshlngton;- splendidly alt baud, excellent water. Phone Msla 87ST. NEATEST AND PRETTIEST new bungalow; Myrtle Park, Mount Scott ear llaei hot water, bath, electric wireo. large yarn. rnone aiaia eeua. FOR RENT 4-room rottsgs .. 8 05 o-room dsi ..v,. ..812.00 AT Tan FOURTH ST. FOR RENT 4-room cot t a a at Ocean Park. t- nimpMely fnrniaBod. - f r J use - until .July . - o V4. esr Journsl. FOR BENT Furnished- college for month ef July sod August. Telephone Esst 894a, FOR R EN'T 10-room house, modern, conven ient for boarders; rent 325. 873 Kaat Couch. A 5- ROOM rot tags, newly papered, porcelain wain, si omnia, nws oavisr si. lUlh. FOR RENT FLATS. NEW Sat, 4 rooma, furnished, ' 8S per month; aauite. an Esst lata. . .. - . TWO fists, furnished or narurnlshed. eonrenlencee. Phone Eaat 8055. . b'EW modern. 5-rornn fist clnee In; 828 per th.- Inquire 8204 Mill St. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI. - TURE FOR SAXE. - FI RNITURB of a 13-roora rooming-house, eloae in; good buslnsa. Call B8 lltn St. FI'BNITURR five rooms for ssw very cheap iwr caav or urns- leu sin. trranae. , - - - - 8xt2 AS3I1NSTER BUGS, almost new, elao ftom choice furniture, parlor, bedroom and dining room. SAO Eaat Alder, corner 18th. FOR-- RENT STORES-OFFICES. OFFICB i furnlabed tnoeie and eamph) Goodnoegh bldg.- Apply t- rooma for rsaa fltirTi PAR for painter er TOBxr-1r-Mnr-TfjrnW Just ths plies for a butcher-shop sad grocery cosjhUeed; cheep rent to rlrht party. -Apply J Kraamer. Commercial blk. bei Fourth aad Fifth.. . r FOR BENT Store oa Washington St., near City Park : good for restaurant or Berber anop. inquire 7HO Washington. BUSINESS CHANCES, "'i WRITS n quick shout recent ' tm portent e-T vsiopmente or tne Herat Automatie witre a Signal Ce. 1 buy atock before big sdvaaes. J. F. nure A Co., 80S McKay bldg. WANTED AT ONCE Aa experlewced party with $100 to rua a paving laundry. For particular call 185U. Foorth t., upstslrs. ult 23, - Mala 6828. . - , - HOMESEESTERS EXCURSION everland to being organised to go to Hsrney county, r Oregon. For Infnrmatlea Inquire 80S Com. merdsl block, comet Second aad Wsshlng ton sts., er phone Msln. 842. . ' HOMESEEKERS"! EXCURSION ever 1 ad ta being orgsnlxevl to 'go te Hsrney county, -Oregon.- For Information Inqulrs 80s) Oom- nierclal block. . corner Second and Washing ton et. . Mala 042. Addra Arktta P. O., , Box 208. -.. - - - - . ir - FOR BALE OR LEASE Lues tloa for a restsor . ant with -fixture, er will give Interwt te ' right party. 207 Third at. . BEST boardtng-honae In city. 20 fnntns; golden epportublty. See Fred Vlereck. E. 8d A Ash. AT A BARGAIN Fnrnlture of a 30-mnra house for ssle: alway full: lesae ead fcnr rent. Apply by owner. Sll Flrat , t. Alberta SMALL restaurant and lunch counter for SB Is. D a, care Journal. ".'. $750 GOOD cigar store on a busy street. In - good lues t lore, snd doing fine business. Call : at 10714 Third. tJ , BESTAUBANT for rent; 72 North Third at. good-paying bus roses. GROCERY STORE and Sxtsres ta eery healthy, pleamat part of rltyt will, pay to Inveetl gsts. D a, ears Journal. FOR SALE Photograph gallery, good snestloa. doing good business; good reason for Belling. D 48, ear Joatnal. ' . FOB SALB Private rooming and boerdtng - hoove clearing $.10 per month; 10 regulsr . boarder: hones modern, fine loratloai cheap rest: 3'i0 down and 315 per month tekee H; ' fnrnlture used anly months; pries $300. Msla 8987. FOR SALE Saloon; psving proposition; on ear ner. Addreea Lady. -B 90, care Journal. $750 NEW furniture snd less of II moms, nested at 107V, Third 'atreet near Wash ington: will aell en good term or exchange. Call at I0714 Third at. DO not keep Idle money. A postal rard will King you Information how to get ths largest return, on an shaolntely safs Investment ef from $100 tn $500. J. B. Bailey, 617 Lumbar ' Exchange, Portlsnd, Oregon. THB manager of n bank m a small town In . eastern Oregon baa to give no position; sn : honest, bright young msn Who ean Invest 35,000 In the stock of the benk can take op ? hla position and work; fin chance for the right man. Addrw D 28, rare Journal, v FOR SALB Half or all nf nice, cleaa Income bualuese; with proper application won Id pay " double In twe year; will atand strictest In vesllgsttont other large interests demsnd my attention: suit. his for either lady or geslle- , msn with proper eredentlsla. PS, care Journal. , - a-. BEAL ESTATR boslne for ml chesp; well estsbltahed snd good bnalneea; good reaeona for celling. Call 191 MorrhMo at. COUNTRY newapaner and Job printing office In " live Willamette valley town for aale cheap; a bargain. Addrras D 29, cars Jonrnsl. 12W, SHARES tn an eld estahll.bed wbnlcssls bouse, for ssls st par value of $100 per ahare; 'with this stock a good aalaried noal. ttoa ran be had for th right party. Cell et 107 "4; ntira t. r HALF interest In blgh'Clsa hnatnea for aale, - $1,000; lady preferred; $78 month guaranteed; t leaet $3,000 annual ptoflla. Journal. K 10, eare INSURANCE agency for ssle; good line of 'renewsls; muat have flrst-elaea rredenttnls; llbersl terms given,- X 4, cere Journal. FOR SALE A new atnek of groceries; aa ex cellent location. Apply - 618 1 Jsfferaon at. Want to retire from bnalne . $7.000 MERCANTILE bnalne aa la tbe beet part of Washington at; will aell or ex chang for farm. Call at 1"TV Third st. . FIOBIST'S business, greenhouses, Isrge trade, local and all ever the country: owner haa to leave; very cheap; thorough tnveatlgatloa ', eollrited. 1. D. Swank, 208 Allaky bldg. FOR Grocsry end confectionery en good business -street; twe living rooms; low rest, - Phone Peeifle 2135. - . WAcjT MAN WITH $3O0 tn tske bslf interest In cook. esr snd commissary for railroad coui- ' pany; flo to so boarders; board k $4 .50 per week: deer from $4.10 te $.100 pr month. . Must apply by Wednesday morning.- - - , CANDY FACfORT for ssle, equipped with a full line of modern flxtures, cost evee $noo. I will sell for IM; plenty ef room. In brick building: rent 322.50. Apply 181 Morrison st. BENT $10 per month, . price $3.10. 'with terme, l - 13 room housekeeping flat, newly fiirnl.hl. p. pared snd pslnted. sll rented te Heady ten. snts. Apply Son Ankeny. earner al Sixth, Comerclal Beal Setat eOlca. ' ' '." ' BUSINESS CHANCES." ,: fino WILL bur :an' Int. mat" In" an "old-ast.b-ll.bed real aatate office, doing a good butt, aeaa. Call at 107VI Third at. . - - ' FOR SALE A rare bargain may be had tn - a country store by calling on or addreaelng L. N. Bmlck. Dtxoavllle, Deoglas esauty. Or. WHO IS M. O. MOBOAB A CO. t , - - ' FOB 8AI.B A bmiHi snd fnrnlture et 13 rooms, full of 1 roomers L ll.v) down and terms; ground rent 815; In th ranter of etty. H. H. Hlgley. room go. 237 H Wsshlngton st. - f6'r sale real estate. HO FOB SEAL BOCK! f . A grest Isrgala la., now effared ef thl .aammer resort, sltustsd 8 miles south of Newport. Oregon: hotel, barn and 8 other bulldlnga, with, 800 rra of land, some la cultivation; flna ftahlng and hunting ground. tlla plscs will bs eold chesp, ta order ts close up aa eettt. or ranted ta responslbla parties. , WILLIAM Q. BECK. 812 railing bldg. . I . SEE PIEDMONT. v '., ' ' 81' PIEDMONT. All Investors should surely , . ' ' " . ' ' SEE PIEDMONT. ' . ' ' " - Tsk TJ. St. John or Wnodlawn esr: ear ' le.vs svary 3 to 4 minute. Second and Waaa ' , lugtoa l , . t . , FOB SALB OR TRADE 4 lot centrally lo. . cated In tbe town of Ooldendale, Wash. , Writs owner. Jems F. KUee, Harrlabarg. Oregon. . .1 HT"5.' V T1w Portlsnd.. Loested aa. asr n. P. rrrlg.tlcg ditch snd ea aaw north bank railroad; fruit goes on the msrkst three wssks ssrller than la say stbee eectloa. eo essndlng highest prices; dally ateamere from Portland. S.l by th awnara. Hover Land Co.. Hovar. Waahlngtoa. . . FOB SAUB AT A BARGAIN A 8 atock range, containing about 3.800 arreai all under fence; oltneted sear Rose- bnrg, Oregon, oa B. P. B. R-l this le one nf .the beat atock range In th eonntryt I tlss have another good stock range containing , .J.42i, scree, which will be sold at a esry low price. For particulars addreea i. B. Setht ' Ho. owner, koteburg. Or egos. . . FOR SALB Rig bargain for quick ssw; Amom suburban cottage, ground 100x100 fret, -fruit end ahrubhery; by owner. O. W. P, Towae aid Co., 218 Alder at., ta 0. W. P. A By. waltlng-raoas. -t. y--. r . FOR BEST buy In Portland 8-reora bungalow. ww. raw. .r-sBi 10.1.-. . .- 8EB East Bid Baal E.tste Ce. for east side - property, w asvs goo rsrms for sala, from one- ere an. am - stawinorne ave- pa r-aa. iimi . . .. t , - . SAMUEL ".WETT of Long leland; reel ett 11 ginos, sii ovar. , uaqurtra. Hasting, too. Long leland. irStrJciras" n IwUi iwi i blmk finui isiHii MWiBflgr-.-iJi 1 jwi 8 .ilwai DottofSce. 8375 nsr lot. 2 scree In South St. Johss, 108 tt fraat ' csrlln. 12,800. : t seres for putting. 3250 per acre. m HOMrb- BBOKBBA OP-fOBM NT;"--""'?M , Room 9 Broaden bldg.. Third end Wsshlngton. . VPhone Paclga 2088. 1 . , ...-t'( - HIGHLAND BEAT. ESTATE I - 1 BEALTI. RENTALS. INSURANCE, .' ' COLLECTIONS. , ' .,' Buslnesa earrusted ts my ear will bg promptly attended to. . ,J. I. SPIER, NOTABT PCBUa . Phone Waodlewn 63. -' lo3 Union are.. North. Portland, OrsgoB. FOB SaXe By owner: 3T0, seres I : MonUvllla; good aoU,- - ell- In eolUvattos, rmsli fruit on place; terme te autt. D 21. eare Joaraal, - .. . FOR SALB Good Income properly, 8 bout 3U, wu; n agseta. a an reaa v. so. care eonreab FOR SALE Modern S-rsova bouae, 75x100 cor ner lot. Nob HI1L eaat able, eaay term; alao 7 room house for rant. Owner, phone Bast 1294. - , - - .-. . - -', ONE new strictly modern 6 moss house aad one :. modern aeroora nou m tin location oa s. It efaylor at. anly 84.500 If sold together, Pat- , teraoa A Stewart, 1000V. Belmont at. " NEW 4-room cottage oa Belmont st. for 31 4O0, ' snd it's chesp. . Pattereoa Bttwart, joootb Belment at. , ' - - - FINE lot cm Eaat Taylor at., near SM. rely gHsn tt you nuy it new.- retteraoa g Stewart. 1000H Belmont et. ELEGANT qnsrter block, cor. Best Twenty. nlntk and East Couch. -Vary desirable kea . tlon. Inquire 213 Weehlngtoa aC WILL aecrlflce 8 -room hone, large pit, ea guunvelde and Mount Tabor carllne, $1,400. Inquire at 380 Bast Wsshlngton St. FOR SALB Nsw 8-mom hens. S blocks from esst end ef steel bridge, 248 McMIUeaj at.. - $2,400. J. Amheraoa. ' PIEDMONT lota $400. $VrO, 8800. some aa lew $300; $100 down, $18 n month: ear lota hsve meressad ever $125 this year) will 1s rresoa snot bar $100 before fell; buy In Pled T moot, your money will bring jsnn ever 23 per cent 1 a greet ssle now en la Piedmont li'ti Take ft, St. John er Wood laws car. Representative u Tract rsiy weak day tilt -late tn the evening. H0MB OFFICE 244 STARK ST. ' " - Msla' 871. . ' - ' PIEDMONT Greet aale of Piedmont lot, to Investor well aa builder; easy term) - boy -thl week. - - .- -r- INVESTMENT CO., 244 SUrh at. LOTS ta Piedmont hsve Inez tossed In vein owe $125 this Ust 4 montha Why put money out at 7 per eontf Ineeeted In Piedmont lota , It will mske yo from 25 te 50 per cent. INVESTMENT CO.. 244 Sterk at; Take V ee St. John car. THOSE who weat m to select choice railroad land la Alberta for them should, let me k sow . before oar next party goes. Jen 1L H. U Brlggs. 133V. First st. - . .. SEI.LWOOD LOTS. 85 down snd $8 a meathl from $76 te $300. Sellwood Tows sits Ce. H. P. Palmer, msaager. Pbooa Bast 4704. FOB SALB CHEAP 8 aad 7-mwes era; part eeaa. 878 . OarSeld Wood lews ear. Pbene Eaat 8641. Tske 882.600 QUARTER block, northesst jotrn snq toacn; incom asw per monis. $47 600 Quarter block, aoatbeast earner Second and Couch..- $.V). 000 Quarter block, . Seventh . aadj Gllaen. . . . J 14. 000 quarter block, Uth and Irving. 85,000 ii.if blork en . Irving between) - Sixth end Sevenlh- $22,5004 Ssts an 10th st. between Morrl aon and Yamhill. - $80,noo (bole quarter on Sixth at; la -come $387 per month. BROOKE A KIEBNAN. FAXON PARK " ' '.-.'J ;"'-'-'' ' I bow oa th market: mm at acreage pnoaa. aeeordtag ta Impmeemsut. , Lom 6290 $100, $110, fits . , , Lots 100121)08190, 8210, 1228 LU IO0I200 J.-W0, $420. $450 . J These kits are mostly In, eultlvatloe. leeet nd Ightly, a good graded atreet, cwee ta ' good 1 0-room school at Lenta, Be fsra to say part of Portland; water free; terme. 0. B. ADDITON, Owner. Lenta, Orsgoa. Take Mount Scott cer. So. -COLUMBIA. INVESTMENT COMPANY. " r vsense- Alneworth and union. Phone Woodtawo 256 tons-party llneTT We mske acres and Columbls ri wstsr front. a apeclslty. Excellent buv I- L.e www. IK plnmhl llalgbt., ovyrloo the river for 60 aUa, Irem $100 up, caah or aar term. , J 28. 000 tn tnnn on good real estate ecurltv. f you want a house for rent, call np X Peatery our special renting department Woodlawn 225. , m" Snsns In Piedmont, Welmt Prk aviI . - Clovsrdsl lots; excellent buy la feral land along the Colnmbl. - -W serve you promptly and ffrly. , , COLUMBIA INVESTMENT COMPANY, ,L Corner Alnsworth snd Union, , rhrm Woodlawn 255 (on party line).' ' Take Woodlawn ear. - - , HOl'SM AND LOT on Heel et. for $4.10. Mouse and lot In Sellwood for I'-ll. Houaer-4 large rooma. bath, and panlry, fall lot. mount Scott ear. $798. , 1 - -. .- Call at 181 Morrlaon, it. MODERN, new, 8-room eottag and ale barn, comer lot, oa car Im. on Eaat Slat t. Sn lawn snd rosea: $200 down snd terms to cull purcheeer. . Trice $2.600.., Inquire 191 Mor rlaon st. A PERFECT little bom In Hollsday for $3,700, , 8 rooms complete with bath. sMebeerd. largs ---rlnaste, tube, ' piped for turners, tinted ) deep colors, full basement, cement esr an, lovely Iswn', gravel drive, barn, lot 5txl0n, ' tree and me. J. B. Hoamer, 310 Allaky bldg. Main 3188. ' HAVE eeveral booaea ranging from $1.ono pt will sen tin veer mminiy PB.TmeilU OT Will bnlld to olt purchaaer. wklrh h can for in ins ssms manner. Call" 8e K evrnlh st, aotlh., or phone Kaat 37a,