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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1906)
good Lionnmd ' i.v.rl r."Tr f VmA Wa -YhtcrrriT tit th : - :thb :. weathss.: Partly cloudy, with possibly show er; westerly wtodi. PORTLAND, 7 OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING. JUNE 10. 1BC3. FOUR SECTIOkSFORTY-FOUR , PAGES. ' VOL. Ill, NO. 13. Y r PRICE FIVE CENTS. , t.- - - - . ... ) T governor of this state. I feel so highly honored by the confidence that - . -; v."-"- ' .' ' ' '. ,' -- - . TO ffNRW fTiiThPfiW Tzsi2ts&ttttsi -;: -Tnv'fTniX A I (PW fEDfO) ' fl fTTT Hi III U lV I if . I I) X II I VY 1 h - nmlnlstratlon that It hs aver pad. and t shall go ahead I I I IV l 11.. .,'-- V II If f I - I Viy Sy i 1 JylfW- jJ i W LaV L LI y aJ . : discharging., mydutiss wtthoutjmyther jplao. In vUw. j J deeply dp- .-' d ' " U H-T - U U I J U J M, jll , ' U ! U1H'- M ,;u. . i-. " PeUt tb mention ( my nam for uch biff a off i, bit you ewlir .' -.:- - -; : -- - - --'f - .--.,. , . . ' '"mwm mmm 'm ' r m. .-'mm a mT Im mm ""for m that Governor Chambarlaln Is satisfied, content and deeply Vrat- 1 1 1 1 ' '' I -- .-( -t- ' . - -Z-T-L T" .- r-.- --.r-. J -.-. .. J, . . Peckers PcSd Ko Attention to Fcdzrcl Inspectors H Requests fcr Snitcry Ccnditlcns ricral Sua- sloaq2d:ithiJaaEffect--- CsttlemenJtont Iir.s.edi;te. Action by Adequate Inspection: .4 (ggUl pbMtchJtr Ueeed Wbe to Tbe leanel) Waahlnrtofl. June I. Chlcaso beef - packers resolutely Ignored suggestions '.-from the United SUtes inspectors when i e tHmrr ecnttttan were- Insist rt upon. ur. A., li. sieeiivin, eniex or ne - bureen -pt animal Industry, who tsln f th tree of U general meat Inspectors, lJn'urmed. tha house. agrVaUtural.comF , mtttce this morning tbat tney jriea . moral suasion wtlh the owners of the . nnny- auoatoira mna uu-m-touiu ' were Maine. The- paoherawpald-no attention to the demand for tbe tm- ' mediate Improvement of their plants. There Is no law by which obedience muld 1 be compelled -1- the "ordinary decencies of life. v - - ' The seoretary of agriculture will with- . '-draw the Inspoctore who pass upon meats for foreign consumption only, and hl-wa-reee4 when the pschera "conlenu.t uously dlsrsgarawriWr Ocmswd . .that lavatories be constructed and otner i changes made. But the threat, acoord ' tng to Dr. McElThv made no difference. ' The packers told the department to ge aheadand take away the Inspectors, la - the face of this tha department thought if had better give a meeger insurance ef purity lhaa none at ail. and tha In spectoral were not withdrawn. Representatives of the cattle raisers today pleaded with the committee to hasten action and pass an effective InMpectlon bill. The cattle men mt- plained that they are likely to be badly hurt by the exposures of tha packlng , house system, anad they ask congress to maks a law that wU restore confldenca In the meat supply. ' ' Samuel IL Cowan, attorney for the Cattlemen's association, was before the committee today. ' v- "Wt want a .aw and we want It quick- W cwa aaU- -"Congraia can, author tie the secretary of agriculture to pr- vide sanitary rules and regulations n . dr which food that la to go Into Inter state commerce shall be prepared. When food Is manufactured under healthful - : conditions and to flt for human eoa- umptloa the aecretary can Issue eer ttm-etes allowing that profluot to be traaaported from oae state to another. That Is not unconstitutional. It la a simple regulation of Interstate com- raerca. " -Herooreror-ploadlngfr-rthe packers. The packers havanot treated i us (arr; they haveot paid enough for LURED TO tviURDER BY LOVE - ..... . , , , ., , r - ,.. , .-..I I. ,- , .- , , X. District Attorney Accuses Mrs. Le . Doux ; of DeliberateIy;Slmg:Her Husband irv Order to Wea Her Companion. ''T 9perial Wste by teee Who Tw ere.l Stockton. Juno . Th motive Mrs. Le Dons had for the murder of her law. ful husband, A. X. McVtcar. was an everwhelmlor kvet amounting to1 pas aioa. for her blgameue hussasd. Kugen La Doux. , - ' . . . That is tho declaration mad this morning h th opening statetnent ef TUstrtct Attorney Norton for th" eutto h th trial ot th accused. Mr. Norton said It will b shown that h had deliberately pl&aasdi th death "ef McTIcan ha tadue- Was t aM . bis joh at th Rawhiu sain by ml repreeeoUnc tv him that her- mother would grr bin n pportunlty' f mak ing mare- money by working for her; that he had mad up with her after a separation; that h waa stnoer la hi ' Intentions ot again taking up a life with her aa her husband., but that ah - - .t kll ,BaMasmjShi.asBBt?BBk AjAnnsntasn. Bbaw mt away- wttn . him arter mauctng BtBs bay furnltur fur th furnishing f her ether establishment at hr moth rr. aear Jackson, wher sh waa itvtng with Le Doux as hi wlfa. unknown to Mc Vicar. .' xved X 9a fsc Tsar. . The accused tried t appewr uncon cerneit during the epenlng statement; bnt her real feeling were manifest by th violent and regular agitation ef her het trmtmmg as. her heart beat x eltedly. , ' Mna. MoThrav.. for that i really her Bumv was nsabhv to bear th appear snc in. th eourt room during' t af ternoon e th bloody trunk, th bioorf lotlKf clothing and orher gruesom rel . le of the traeedy.. With averted eyea he sat at times., her bead, boweti far ward on hoV- hanris, sever sot much aa (rlHschlng at th accusing exhibit, (water progresn than wa anticipated wa mad In th eas today, dvspit many ebjections sit th part ef th de fense. . htviawne Submitted. , -The pmqrt.tTie of ht t'alifwnla nwimlnw house. whr h Ith ef Mo r occurred to'-i ef Ui two-taking. Ml CcniressDemand That Bill Ce Passed. 1 t our jjattJe, aa ihyJtiveJoo Bicacon trol of our business, he stockmen do not represent - the paokers. Whatever has .been said -abont-he packing-houses Ur nor o-air"eoHcertC"W are' feeling the effects, of the agitation., the price .of nettle Is going' down. .Just one thing will save ns.-and - that le a etringent Inspection' law. ' We are not complain ing of anything that has been said..,: ii Oort..aeeary.,,luttssv..--I. rMecueelng the queetion ef wha-said pay tho cost of inspection. Cowan says that was a secondary matter. He ' did not want the burden to fall upon the cattle producers If that-could be pre vented. He held that the government should pay, the bill and the whohs coun try - would share the . oipenas. If a head tax to placed on tbe packers no pront; nret ny assessing ins puDiic oy raising tho price of food, and second by charging jtho. Inspection tax against-the producers; : f - ' -T- - He thought' all -'difficulties 'eoulof be arranged by making It a atralght gov-, ernment propesitlon. . alany - queatlona were asked by bint about provisions In tho proposed law requiring that canned meats be labeled and dated.. -.-That la's on eat Son that congress must determine." Co wee answered. "I had always supposed, until 1 heard Mr. Wilson, Vepresentlng the packera, that ago does not deteriorate canned meats. I know that If I went into a grocery and aaw two eana of haaf and the labVla eh owed that one had been put up a month aad the other, a year. I Should take the one that was only a month old. I may bo wrong about that, but that would be the natural act of anyone This committee ahould satisfy Itself that old canned -meat- hr n- good aa. new product before) legislating-on that subject. Selfishly too cattlemen might leave oft tho labels but we are willing to leave that with no recommen dation. . . j- SaomU Sat Xaaela, ; 1 do say that If It Is a face that meat grows had with age then the labels must be dated. Further the law should prohibit tha labeling of prepared- meats with misleading or xals descriptions;, Everybody has a'rlght to know the eon- tent Of a can that is offered -for sain. (Coatlcued on Fag Eight). a reem with her on two separate si on a. registering as man and wife. Sh waa orroboratee) by bar son aad th porter. : Th baggagesmn told at th nival of th trunk at th Southern Pacifl railway station aad their hand ling ef it; how on ef them discovered by th ador emitted that it euntained dead body. . , x Officer told ef th opening- of th trunk and th discovery of th dead body ef Mc Vicar. As th wttnuen.ldentl acd th awry rtorhingr ana held it ap for Inspsctiua r kandlaw th truasv ha dim enstratfaan ef how they had mvtt tt about at th station, to accaaed woman kept her gaa averted. - . At -3 clock: today n r,es takes to mm Monday sM a. aa, SEEN BY , sry WUIIans Hostsr. (Ctewrrtgtis. Bsacst.ltew servwe,' bp Wire. ta Ta .hwwaal t Ompeign. France Jun S Joha XX Rockefeller vls4ted th chateats ef Marl LAula and th .great Napoleon today, tt remained alxnt th ancient palac with. lt mile ef galleries, saioaa and chamber to hour, seeins; th apart ments enc occupied by Mary Antoinette and later by that unfortunat Marl Lonla ot Auntris He-, paced thought fully th ahadett walk built by NapoLson for atari. Loniaev to remind her of her be low ed Scltennenorunn. and strolled th Avenu deet Beaanwnta, ala built by Napohwn when in wnrtrnvntnTntonm. John D. Bnchefellev eahir "Napoleon wa a wondwrful man. H had marvelous eamprehenelv faculty, ynpolaon h en ef tb strongest Sgure la air blaorF. . V - - - Tola af Uraooo Mr. H.lta filler.' walked . 'a t .:,-' -.?!;:. v ': ' '".'' -; ;" : v . Governor ChamberUin!, when asked yesterday In. regard to' thie; d ' rumora ' concerning 'his' name ' with ' the ' Democretio .' nomination ,for ; d , president or vies president, said :"I have no, other ambition' than to be "' d governor of this stata I feel so highly honored by the confldenca that 4 e - the people Of Oregon have fhown in me that I have no thought of any d - position other than' the one I now. hold. My .'sole aim Is. to-give Ore-- gon.the beat' administration that it has ever. had. and I shall go ahead 4 discharging my duties wtthoutMyother jplscoln view. I deeply a. d predate the mention of my nam for such high office, but you can ssyd for me that Governor Chamberlain is satisfied, content and deeply Vrate- 4 ful to the people, of Orogon." ' ' s S t -j - Wniimm Jmningm Bryan. sssmssassjassjsjssl Strikes It Rich in Nevada Cop- per Field and Has Vision l. of Becoming; Mir-, ,. - ,? lionaire." '" ' ' ' "Is it a lucky star.-or Und or bothT- f . . far easing Th question is being asked by friends r Jonathan Boa ma, who in said to enatorshlp at th aam . tim. His spectacular political campaign, begun by distancing th field f hla own party compotltora, waa gnlshed th tkr day when n w th majority of suffrage ef Oregon) voters. . While th news ef hla success la etOl en th' tongnon of hla friends, tner comes 'a story - that h haa wen a f ortaa in Nevada, copper nun. ... , - ' -i .' 1 v .-"" , ? i .Over at Ey. Nevada., la an enormooa ly rich copper neid, tn whlck. th Ne vada Consolidated Copper company has larg holdlnga. - Th Oaggnhlm , of New York paid HJ,.0 for tl per cent f th stock. Th company has built a railroad, a rider th name f th Nevada Northarnv 146 mile t Ely. mad wtll now erect a grant snesltor at that point. Tbw road t Just completed and order given for - construction of th smattsr. Th success ef th undertak ing 1 assnred and. th stock which a year ag sold at I a ahar la now bald at I2&. - It is said Jonathan Bonne wa en of th flrat in v. store tn th Infant company, aad ht tha owner ef ante- thins ilk leejie JOHN D. to Campaign, a mil and a' half from Ma daughter's villa. H st roiled thrsngh th eaaint market 'plac and bought Dr. Biggar sheatnat sanev aay rng laugtrtBgly: '..... "Her yoej are. Biggar. vouv" always beew workins; chestnut off n ma" Til ell king wa much . interested In a block .soothsayer, wtion h neoun tared tn th market plarw Jte said: . - H I not a nesT,. bat a . Moor. , I am'Saldom mistaken in rae typesv He has am amualng cap. but how can- these pear person tak htm sertouslyr After a tout ef th town Mr, Rock feller took a sarrlag and returned: to th Shauteai At T 'dock Utl nwrw rng he- walked th grounds of the chais tt wUU Dr. , Biggar. Th spacioiue, swMitlfiu garden pleased hint misca, Aftor lunch h said: -. ' "Thi I a rarely bhtlful"plo'. This forese mukfa It egreeably-eoel -even tn this) set weathari."- - - j BOORIIE GETS FORTUHE Dynamite Factory at Lancaster, 1 Fennr Blows -Up, , Maiming- ; Geven . Workmen and ;WmingBuildmgs.; (special Pfapatrh by I mil Wire n The Ii.iseD r. Lancaster.. Fw . Juo - A fright ful explosion - ocnrred this after noon at th dynamite factory near Pequa this county, owned by L P. McAbe e Coc of- rittslwr b. 11 peroon being killed and 11 wounded. , Th dead: - Oorg and Benjamin Rlneer. rrd- erick Rice. Collin Parker. Pharos Short William Funk. John Boatman, Ernest Turner. Edward Holme, J. C Meyers, Joshua Hathaway. - Th Injured: Henry Boatman, Abra ham .S warts, Prank ' - Chtckoboggan, Jams Johnson - Ooorg ' Urny. La rid Dieklnsoa; Oeofg Bowman, Martin Rl neer. . Georg Oray,, Charts ..Cramer, Jacob. BtiQff. " '-..-f-- Some men war about driving from th factory with a. load of dynamite when th. explosion ft th factory oc curred and th wagons and contents ala raploded. Th men, Hk most f th killed, wer torn la pieces. All f th building war denmflsliad axcept on containing a lot of girls. ia ef shea wer hurt. Th dotrni Ho wa heard la mtlesv for a great stock of drnaraft exploded, Th caus ef th accident t ao OkmHrnl BliasHS sr" 1 1 ISI f Whw ts Tee Topes a, June K Th anlucky toga f a amatiw front Kansas) ha been de clined by Foster JDwtght Cohurn, Oiilithg Having t Time of His Life in Sunny France;1 Strolling About the Country, VJhistling Tunes, Mixing Vliih the Peasants Today, wa a fee day ht Compafgna rrha.aU. king sat In., trout of th Hotel Do Lecioche a art watched ttie arewda of" townspeorl and psant-strolling ibmrt. Th fart yiut Bockaferier 1 tn town, brought many autos- frnnt Paris srtit arrractif errwde from, the vl lings mmrby, all sagas to as the richest aula FOR BliYl Editors of . lIHnois'Zndorte "Ne - braskan, Whose Boom for; ' Presidency Is Sweeping ' ' the Country. J V: (Ssetl.1 Dtepetcb by sspd TTM ts Th loerssO - -Chicago-Juiir -f. Tn"boomlng6f William- J.- Brrn for Democratic -nominee for prasldsnt has struck Illinois after sweeping over, th country. A canvas made among the. Democratic edltorsdr thettate present In Chick JO tn attendance at the annual meeting of tho Illinois Press association disclosed th fact that they are unanimous In support of tho Nebraska man. In addition to the expressions of the editors, former Mayor Harrison ; de clared today - ynst before departing for his summer home at MC Huron that th man who had twin headed tho Demo cratic ticket wss tbe logical choioo of tho present -hour and tho only - on whose nomination would Insure victory. "Bryaa will b-hDemTUo oaadU ait for the presidency in ltOtV-said Carter Harrison. - H Is certainly th most distinguished American in private life today. . Tho fact that, not holding a public position and with th excep tion of two' terms in congress never having held public offtc. Mr. Bryan can still daminat on ef th great par ties of th country a bo has dominated frans the ttas wf hla first nomination in His, shows what a tremendous fore h has as a citiaen. I regard him aa th leading dtisen o& Amsrica. Irrespective or party." ,"'.' " Nothing seems more certain in poli tics at this moment than that William Jennings Bryan will again b a can didate for tb Democratic nomination for president.' Mr. Bryan having signi fied his- wilUngn to he nominated. If the conditions demanded it, his friends have taken him at his word. There Is more, however, behind this rush of old-time enemies to embrace Mr. Bryan than mere lov of Bryan, though by hla drift of eonvsrsattsm th silver apostl ha, la a great raeenur . re deemed himself in th eye of tho safe and san element of tha party...- While arrangements are being mad to New York for th' reception te Mr. Bryan when h returns, his boom la being shoved along in other part of th coun try. Tb stat convention of Missouri. Arkansas, ' South Dakota - and Indiana bar indorsed aim. sim poiso::ed by jam FRO JATRE: FIRL1 : Thirty. Aim Employes of Portland Cordage Company Many Not Yet Recovered. . Seatti. nrash Jan . Stxfy par sons bar been poisoned within tb last three" dars from arsenic contalaed tn raspberry jmm prepared by th Pnget Sound Packing company.. s local con cern. --"7-- ;- , Thirty of the wer employe f the Portland Cordage company here, whs war furnished raspberry pie bought at A local bakery by th ompany. Many f ths hav not yet recovered. - A gnarter f en of th pfe wa sent to Professor By era. head ef th chem istry danartsuaS at th stat ani varstty, anA h declared tt contained poison nongn4 kill five person. Thirty boarders at th Otis, tha faah tonahl. boarding' hons of th city, war potaoneol front eating raspberry tartSL In both casus th Jam need earn frona th sam plac. Th Jam wad all taken ef a -pound , barrel and placed tn- frro-pooad pail by th tnry. Much mt tht ha Beam hl shipped front th city. ' CURIOUS TQiSEE trt 'th worloV starte sf whom ill th French paper anwaday. BnrkafeUer said. .- - I "Thi 1 a delightful pfrtor ef etns plirtry and) charm met Th French ar a worthy people, hardworking aad aeow smical; they ar eloa to natar and admlrahl.-" Aa. aneiant sab drawn by ha ancient horse ton It th "king ef petroleum back to th chateau- thf evening. - He sent hi seoretary t Paris to buy a bicycle to- tour the country with seat week. He will also- play golf. H ha htvtted a correspondent to- play wtth him, He ha found an. English churn h, In town, so He will not hs-re to attend ta tkthnllo eNrtrrh tmnormw Lr. stlggar ear friend sr nraing Mr. 'tockfller to appear fit pnhllrt more fn order t make hie rest self known, '-- Rocacfetl. ts greefly' lntrrefedl in the hef srandat If sntd te.tef: - r 'Let eg hear socix tdr ef the giory - . .w' ' ...... Revised Franchise Will Be Rlcd TomorroiylVcr: :i; to Ce: Commenced Withli) Year and Cbmphtd Within FiveCost Will Exceed- Two niliicn' Dollars Quick : Service for East Side Assured! . by Double Tube Connections. '.Portland's nest' great traction. Im provement will be th construction f a subway, or; tunnel. "under tb Wil lamette river, 'to1 carry passenger and freight raffia by electric power Plans are rapidly maturing 'for the subway and for a ' streetcar system to cover East Portland, with roe street -Hp and" thre maiK - lines to ' tn east -and north city- TlmiT.tjippliilr"rhs-pCK!ng house district on. the peninsula. Tb total cost will be abouff 2.000,900. Work on the subway probably will begin this About two months ago tho undertak ing was bsgun by Thorns MoCusksr f the Oeifer-Hendryx t Investment com ppany, and U X. Keady, ona of th original promoter -of th -Oregon Trac tlon company's . Portland-Forest Orov Interurban railway, now being carried forward by th .United . Hallway . com pany. Tha subway and oast side trolley system haa been taken np a a distinctly Independent project and haa secured tb support of ample capital. ; - - ; - - ' .j; wia-snrat imr. ; " Th "subway will b " on mil - tn length.-' It will begin at th corner of Seventh and Oak strsets, on tb west side, pass under tb WUlametts river at a depth of feet below low water, and emerge al'lne'cbrher of Kast Stark and Kast Sevan th tret. Th grade wUl be H per cent. It will eonatst of double taba, 1 feet in height. Each tub will carry a standard gaugd and narrow gang track. Tb tube will be of steel, reinforced with concrete Insid, Th opening at each and will b above any possibility of Interference' by high water. ; . ' : Application for franchise has been mad by Messrs. MoCuskar and Keady. The details of the proposition hav been discussed with members of th city council and tb franchise is said to hav a favorable reception by the council man, A revised and com p let copy of th franchise will b fried tomorrow and aa engagement haa been mad with th street committee to go over th pro posed route this week.-. . Th franchise provides that th sub way shall be commenced within a yaar and completed within flv years. It is estimated that before th expiration for th tiro limit for It completion, tb growth, of th cltyJ will hav brought about double th present congestion of streetcar traffM on tho bridge, and th subway will prove to be of great impor tance . In solving tb drawbridge prob lem in Portland. . Tho east aid streetcar system will, tt la said, gtv streetcar trane porta tlon ta many larg districts rapidly growing and now without streetcar ..facilities. District Attorney Accused by Those Seeking His Removal of Permitting Suppression . of Facts Ag&inst the Metropolitan. " " (gperlsl Ptesstoh t fcssstd Wtf s The JeerasO New Torfe, Jun Th eommttte of He which on Wednesday presented ravsmortal ef written charge against W illiam T raver Jsrom, district attor sey of New Terk City, aad demanded hi summary removal front of fie by Oov ernor Htggina, wer greatly surprised at tha light way h which Mr. Jerome took th char geei They reiterate their raadTnas tr produm fair proof f every eharg before any eommlaatofs which Oovaraor Hlggta may appoint, ' On ef the strongeat ease waxen tsey Sop to make ont against th district FLOCK h-for Judging th oaa." H then sdtsd: Tm always giad1 meet men rve never kept myself frnss thota." Kla daughter. Mrs. Prof. Strong, ha heart trouble) Thw physician hav r dereol hr to remain, very quiet, Sh will spend her summer tn Compel gne and her winter tn Canae until cured. . Bockafellar continue th picture, f hoalthv and maintain a htsh spirit. If I hot shovs. .cracking joke With, his valet. Today . he wore a boyish seen seat sad a soft hat A he .'mll-d shout h whistled popular alra,havtlng th bnahe by the, roadHid with his rsna. He saluted everysody- thet pd end re is havlrr the time nf his life f , . , y j -qnre. far f - h. -' r , , i4 y t . 'orle r , t '-J gc :. 1 - ' I . t r CROESUS Main line of tbe proposed system -wTfl be East Eighth. Stark and HaaoooM and half a dosen other streets. Th lines will cross Sullivan' gulch at twx points and eonaaet - outlying residence sections and also th packlng-hotis and! stockyard district, wher from t,0 to ,00 peopl will - within thre- jresr., reault &iit"iU&iMjmalmiv LeVOSt . 0tlsnd, n.r, v m. nr., 1 , .1 ,n .. ...... Tracks S West mM.".:' --' On the west side th company will -build a track on Park street from th "' North Paolfl terminal ' ynrd--ifs!r -rlson street. Intersecting the line of th Portland Railway company, th United . Railways company, and connecting with) -tb tracks of th Hanimaa and HU1 lines In North-Portland. . 2 -j. "Tha maltr idea, of th promoters of this undertaking Is to glv all cltjt trolley line aa avenue between East and Wast Portland Independent Of th present drawbridge.' said Mr. Keady. "The subwsy will carry ear through) In from on to two minute, instead of requiring from three to twenty minutes, aooordlng to th obstructions by teame on th bridge or-open drawapan for the passage of ship and steamboats. It is proposed to giv Portland one ti ' theheot rapid transit systems t ba -found tn' any city that la divided by a watercourse or channel, Tb plana hav been .xamlned by two competent con sulting engineer, and ar pronounced " faaslbl. Arrangements for -financing th snierpriae ar well under way and all th money that will b necessary ha been promised. W hop t seur , th franchise within th next day and begin construction this luimwf, A larg amount of dirt will be taken out of the tunnol aad we. propose to use this dirt. for filling on east aid property and street that ar now practically as- -las. Methods of excavation ar now bring considered by th en rlneer. Ther ' will be no ' serious engineering difficulties. Similar subways hav been . built ana ar now successfully operate -under tb Chicago river, th rtveg -Seine and otheTt place. , .. NO SIGN OF VICTIMS OF STORM'S FURY ARE FOUf.D - Hamilton. Ont., ' Jon " tV Cak - On tario's eurfact hr dotted today with) searching steamer and boat ende tng to And ome trac ef a sallrng party Of J9 . Who wer far sot th Ink when yesterday tornado struck. No a atgn ha yet been found f them, X cor or ' more ef row boats and small yacht were capsiasd, but a bodies hav yst-boa found. .v . attorney ts th I!g4 -wMtawaafitnsi f th MetrnpaUtaa, Street railway by A, W. Teot. chartered aoomrntang employed by Jeronv and paM wtth th smutty sjkoney. Although ther wer tl distinct charge against th Metro polian aoronntant. Tool ht hi report to th district attorney dealt wtth, but even ef them. ' Th charge h exploited ami darTarad eontalrted nothing criminal,' said Chetr man Amory ef th aommltte ef fir today, "war th least important Of vh ehaagea .agntnat th MstropolUaaw Th real ahargwa, th remaining 3, War overlooked.'" Among th eharge ar th fhrkvw1nl Th oapandttur of fa.Aeo.Ac In ttol, which te wholly anevwravrnted for. Exeew sive .charge ht l)0J .jtgtnsr. leal line amounting to over J4 004,(1 v. EanssjeivB' narrow gsarnsc m Thnrty-' foarth) Street railway, including (- leged rvpend'.ten f ever I J4.o for lay me; now rail on lee thaa half a si of roadl - - - - Th xpndKr of I,1,(i19 h ess of swerw statements, -rdaelarins; -that l,44. wa reported1 spent f'r changing mottv power stij1X mil of rw4 t hid th stent ef !4.ftna,0' or 7,ni.. aad th additional ehr that ilJ.Jie.97T reported s evpended Ira W1 wa not spent It, that year. Metropolitan Investment reported at falr valtmrtnn. Millions of unearned dividend pa! 1. Th Interurnoi lean ef false trsr. action The committee ef fa r"" t e- ' the cherres rtti.' . 1 a ! f eetintvs evert ( poei... c b-t. If t they cm