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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1906)
THE OREGON - DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING. JUNE XI. ltCX , ii in i mmmmbmbbe; DAY TO RESCUE OF PUCKERS' TRUST Standard Oil University Head . Hastens to Champion Cause Z't;i rX- of Beef. Barons' ' SEVERELY CRITICISES ACTIONS OF ROOSEVELT Tbt Foul Harpies oL.Slander . ; Have Coat Ua Millions of Dollara In Eyes of the World and Nsuse . ated Mankind. V '' .';"". : i ...... (Jo,,! BpKlal Service.) ' Eyracfi N. June 11. In hie bac- . ealaureate aermon yeaterday Chancellor .."' Iey of Syracuse university, ofwhlcb , John P. Archbold ef the Standard OH company ia chUf beaeflciary. again took ."' oocaeloa to arraign President Rooae velt for hla attitude toward tha truata and eeverely criticised tha executive's y i aettoa regarding the packere. Chaa . rsllor Day aald, in part: ' .. ' . "Whan aanatora and representativea receive ordara from the executive, when - appaala to popular paaalon ara made to force them to action to which their sound Judgment and boneat convlotlona are oppoerd, the government by tha peo. pie and for the people beeomaa a mla- rtomer and a deception. In that hour ,. we are a monarchy without tha came. ''It la to be hoped that we. are not . a daaed and -ao daft by aa offlca that . liaa grown greet' with -our greatneaa that It may be permitted to aet aalda ' . courta, senatea and eongreeaea. ' "Recently preaaura waa brought by a message the purpoae of which the sen atora instantly underatood and Which "evidently waa Intended to appeal to Jong-prepared prejudicee of tha people. Foul atarples of aUaadar. ' ( ' '"la thla the method, of legislation to which thta great nation haa daacended? J tflla new way the brat way to make 'f""ur' la waTThe " people- ahould "awaken to the danger that .threatens represen , tatlve fovtmmnit . . ---'-We have .fallen into a acandal- mongerlng epoch. The foul harptea of "slander hare created a condition and all ( tha elvtllaed world la nauaeated at the thought of aa It haa coat ua tena of milliona of moneyand the res-peer, of mankind. It will coat ue bur"setFre:' ": apect If we do not burn out with the cauetlo of a hot Indignation thle aort -- f slander.' a ttMJfeWjftw, "The eoandal-mongera who drag the people "through alaughter-housos to ex " hlblt in lowest forma the food of their V tablea by exaggerations and storlea of - things '.that alwaya muat be offensive at beat, are m In taken agitatora-and espe cially dangaroua to ua aa a people at " thla time, .- - . :- ' . Tilts, of Paajiaatloa. w ' .;r ' "Thla la the epoch we are In.- Nothing - , le right Everything la wrong. Every body la bad except tha accusera. Every- body seeroe to be on the verge of being drawn Into, the tilth and allme of damna-' tton or deadly(lfeHlamp of suspicion. . ""Commltteea are Bent out to bring back shocking thlnga, and If they come .... back without them others are aent with , more sensitive : powers. Those wboaa , Judicial temperament' unfit them for ' hysteria, ara threatened with dismissal or branded aa remiss In duty. .Tha peo pie who wait for both aldea of tha case are toola of the trusts. ; "How long can a nation endure aucb action of things? Tbey threaten tha ' stability of all forms of business and create universal distrust ' . EVENTS OF GRADUATION v . . AT ALBANY INSTITUTION (Bpsclal Mapstch te The JoarmL 'Albany Or., June 11. Commince : ment exercleea of Albany college ara proving of Intereat to frlenda of that Institution.' Tha exercleea of tha bust .. nesa department, the junior banquet and - tha recital of the department of musio have been held. Thomas . Richardson delivered a practical talk to atudenta ' In tha commercial department.- - The de- partment of raualc haa been In. charge f MiaaEmma-iCSoXr- inatruotoa- 4n piano, and Mlaa Florence Roach, vocal music Tha work of the pupils reflected great credit on their Inetructora aa well aa on themselves. Baccalaureate Sunday waa a memora ble oocaslon. President Crooks deliver lng the address on the subject "The , Human Element" The exercises were augmented by music. The . aelectlone ; from Mendelssohn's "Elijah" by a large chorus choir containing the beat musical . talent In tha city and Handera "Largo" aa an organ offertory by Mlsa Soz were most favorably received. 'T. hi r Mo matter where yen ara going r aat yonr yaoatloa whether It's serosa tha fairy or across 'the - aeean te visit tha upheaval of Yeeoviua or tae dwa-aeaval f -, sst Fraaolsoo, here . are tha clot bee for yon. -" A apeelat la a dark, checkered rvay will aot ahow tha dust, not break la aaepe, aor diaappoiat . yen. . .. . Saa ear . erladew display of ; Men's Spring and ' Summer Suits Special at $14 They-re the SIS aad ao giaa. . ClothinqCo ; . 'Qui KuhnPi civ . 'Tifcn's end Boya. Outfitters. 1M and 168 Third St. ..; . , Mohawk Bulldinga f f WOMEN AS USHERS AT WHITE TEMPLE ' - 1 . . . -. . . ' . . . I . 1 W w .'.1.1 . ffTj .. II X'.- V w- tx AS3 . . . Mist CUra L.' Wetb. Last night waa a memorable bight at the White Temple aa It marked the eve of equality ' between men and women.'' Thoae who went to church tx peetlng ,tOre -ushered n- by aome dig nified old man with flowing white beard were aurprlsed. and not unpleasantly, to find a white-frocked maiden amillngly asking where they wished to alt Fifty women In pretty summer gowns were Pr. nreualnieal hd- nlgfrt ' and 'Wlthont faltrlngTthey'rotiii ducted the church attendants to their pews, supplied them with hymn books, attended to the windowa and passed the- collection plates, - The work waa systematically divided and there was tie -confusion. Mr a. J. W. Brougher waa general Chairman of .the. recptlon committee andhadher "corpa of workera arranged twofor each aisle. Mtrs Clara Webb, Dr. Brougher' s V REALM FEMININE BROWN IS WORN. . Whether brown will be worn thla sea son, la Indeed a query, for while wa are repeatedly told by tha leading modistes that It la not a color of the hour, still we are co'netantly aeeing some i of ' tne smartest gowns . made in the various shades of golden, mahogany and tobaoce brown, . Another Instance where thla la shown la. in the cinnamon, brown chif. fon cloth gowna, which have appeared at tha eastern horse shows. - The bodies of one 'gown was made In coatee form, with only a suggestion of trimming In the v double row of entire deux that spanned the entire bodice. There waa a high awathed belt 'of brown velvet fin ished with a bow and smart, buckle. The sleeves were pretty, being composed sf double puffs and completed at tha elbow bj vrai yarrow auunge ox ine seiE materlal. All round the edge of tha skirt ran a series of tha same plalnttngs. . A fitting accompaniment to this gown waa a huge Oalnsborough hat, of tha same dark brown shade, ' carried out in Nea politan and awathed round the erown with a soft drapery of liberty ' satin. while at one aide Was arranged a cluster of .upstanding plumea, whoee 5ong, un curled ironta dominated the entire crown, A huge ruff of brown chiffon .waa worn over tha shouldera a moat becoming ac cessory. , ... - f - - VACATION TIME" In almost every home In thla city tha cloaing of the acbool doora for the summer vacation means something very definite. The 2C.00O youngatera who troop from tha echool yards with books securely strapped muat necessarily rev olutionize tha quiet tenure of tha homea. For many months', tha spirits and bodies of these young people have been cramped and strained. From the furi ous rush in tha morning nntll the laat lesson haa been mastered at night their time and thoughts have not been theli own. - ... - ; .- Tha atrong reins of teacher and pride have, guided them ateadlly along weary, tlreaome roada. Although they have oc casionally fretted and chafed .at tha discipline, ' youthful . westerners show good mattla and the work haa been .on the whole well done. But - now, re- lleaaed, allowed to take tha bit in the ! teeth and race for home, these young sters ere In for vacation In all that tha word tmpllee. 1 ' Paranta would be wise to consider the boundless spirits and exuberant an tics as a natural reaction and endeavor to curb aa little aa possible their free dom. Unnecessary checking of these re bounding spirits la little leaa than cruel. A a wall deny tha child aumclent nour ishment aa to forbid an. abundance of eiinshmeT "wall llnd-the-3lmbs BS"to prohibit the natural use of tha energy stored In every little growing muscle. That children ahould ba children, la a phrase too often quoted in words but tabooed In practice. - Thr rachnot-chlr' dren have been regularly' each day oatcblng the -fleeing atreetcar and ap plying their minds to tha day's. taska i-much the earn a aa )helr fathers have bwen rushing to their work with tha dlf- growing aa well aa attending to ' each new lesson. This growing la not as simple aa Toper's - statement, "Jlst grnwed,"- would Indicate. The system la aadly taxed to manu facture etralght, firm little bodies and at the same tlma atora each brain cell with facta, rulea and languages. Thta doing of "twa men'a worrk" haa all to be counteracted in the abort T) vaca tion" montha. y " A nervoua child Is a mistake. But ander tha present regime' of stuffing the minds and mending tha mannera. forcing the memory and overtaxing the brain, there la email wonder that even quite young children Buffer from "nervea.". . Apparently there la no help' for this. Children, aa well aa their parenta. ara amhltlnus. anit In fell .hahlnit i ki claaaea would be a, disgrace, aa the J 'a . mmm- Mrs. J. W. acbool daya ara necessarfly atrenuoua For these reasona every child ahould ba ..heartily granted three "montha of sunshine and freedom. Sand piles, gar dens, . picnics, tennla ang. even tha ob solete game of croquet ara . means to hla Mil .. . ... ... , What If plnaforea loss thAr pristine freshness and hair refuses bonds; what If the pockets of tha small boy are overtaxed and hla trousers cry aloud .for patches T New- clothes, fresh Tlbbona, when tha fall term cornea, 'make tha children seem surprisingly 'frhah and dear,. Tba llatless maiden and. sullen lad,1 no matter how Immaculately, their ciotnea, cave oeen --preserved,, cannot compare with these. , ; - Let tha children ahout alao-and whiatla and try tb slug.. .The lunge muat- be cleared and atrengthened, and with all their merriment remember, oh mothere: - "The laugh of . a child . will make the holiest day more aacred etut Blc1an, thjr harp - atrung wtth-ApoJU's golden hair: All tha vaat "cathedral aialea with symphonies sweet and dim, deft toucher of the organ keys; blow. bugler, blow,' until thy. silver notes do touch and kiss the, moonlit-waves and charm the lovera wandering mid vine-clad hills. But know your sweet est atraina ara dlacorda all, compared with eblldhood'a happy . laugh-the laugh that Alls tha eyes with light and every heart with Joy," ; - POTATOES ON HALF SHELL. r ' - :- " .-"It Take half a doaefl gbod-slsed," round potatoes, wash thoroughly with a vege table brush; put them In a brisk oven, end when baked pick a bole In tha and to let ateam out; this Is the secret of a mealwihbaJted potato? next cut the pot toea in half, lengthwise, acoop nut tha Innlde Into a hot bowl and add a dessert- ORE Slek Bsedaeheaad relieve all tbetronbles fnrt dent te a billons sute of the system, sueh aa Diastasis, Mauasa, Prowslqsss. tMstraas aftae eating, r-sia la the Btda. fto. While their most rsmsrlrable snneiss has been show la earing soon Hsadaeha, yet Carter's little Liver Plus ara squally valuable ia OoastipaMoa. earing and pre. venting thlsaanoyina eomplalDb while they else eorreotalldieonlarsoIthesioaianhUmnlaiethe iinr sad regulate the bowels. XvauUtaeyealy In! HAP Aehetbey weald bealmostsrlaslassmthesswha auBsr from this dlstussliiqeooiplatBa; bntfortu. dstsly theiraoodneaedmis uotend hsrend those whooaoeery tnem will Sad these little pll la valu able la se autay wars that thsy will so be wll Jlag la do without tbess. Bat after all sick head .AIHIIi Is the aane of ee many Uvea thai beretswaera e stake eur great boast. Our puis ears U walla atbarsdeant. Cartars Little liver Pills ara very email and very easy te take. Oae or two pills make edoee. They are etrlotly vegetable end de aoV grtpe nr Prr.Jat by their geatle aettoa please ail waa - caKta imisTttw m T3U. , ' CAK1IKSI -mi aeoratary. waa theBetauaKer6n' tha main floor of the auditorium. Mrs. Klnatban Sweet, wife of tha aaatstent paator, had charge of the main floor of the Sunday aohool room, and the galler. lea were in charge of Miss Grace Balrd and lira. Frank Beardalee. . .';' TlW 'and atteffta.' ' . '' tr. Broughera aubject waa "Fit and Misfits."-and ho said that many fall ures of young men are due to tha wrong choice, of a calling when they atari out In life, i I-,.-. -, . ..4 . ' ""Many "youag 'men, he eald. "are aimply . drifting when tbey . ahould. be navigating. Tbey have no Ideala and expect something to come - along to ahow them what to d9 Instead of hunt ing it tor tnemaaivea. otnera nave low IdeaJa and at rive merely fur wealth or pleasure. Many of our greatest men have died poor because they did not consider wealth their highest aim, but their poverty subtracted nothing . from their glory, . -t . . , 'The world expects every young man to bo and.. to do aomathlng. Qod.av pects this much also. When . he . eald In. tha aweat of thy face ahalt thou eat bread" It waa not claas legislation. It was intended for the 'millionaire no leaa than for tha wage earner. I be lieve mpat positively that every man's Ufa. la a plan, of Ood. When . God created him ha created him for a pur poae. . Ha endowed- htm t'wKh certain natural gifts or talents. - 'When these natural facultlea ara fitted Nby educa tion and proper development to accom plish their purpoae he la fitted to do tha work that God would hare htm do." B rougher. spoonful of butter, two tablespoonfula of hot milk, the yolka of two eggs, salt and pepper to tasts; beat vigorously and All the Jackets with tha mixture; put tha whltea of tha eggs,; beaten atlff, over the top and return to tha oven until brown. A very . ornamental and toothsome dish. Place qnXlat-dish--hd garojsn witn paraiey. .; v ' THE BESTWAY TO FICURE. . In a dlaouaelon of household economy a dub woman said the other day: "The lata Susan B. Anthony once threw new, strange light on thla subject She waa talking to ma about tha allowances that husbands make their wives, and can't help thinking that there was good deal in what aha said. , ' "She aald that an average man and hla wife, an average woman, were dis cussing their- receipts - and disburse ments. The man, a bookkeeper, had had hla -salary- reduced. It was now SM0O. He wanted hla wlfa to tell -him on what weekly allowance aha could . hereafter run the house. , - , i "WelV aald his wife, there are good many thlnga to consider.' - "1 know it,' said tha man, ut Just ngure them up. "She began to calculate.. There ara tha clothes for the three children,' aha murmured. There's - tha ' eervant'a wagea. - There's the butcher, tha grocer, the baker and tha milkman, - Tbere'a tha rant. TV ell. figure It.upl 'Figure It all no, can't youT tha man Interrupted, rather. impatiently. . ' r . "Tha woman looked up auddanly. -H could figure It up,' ahe aald; "but I have thought of a much simpler plan. "'AH right What la itr aald ha. " 'It la,' aha answered, that you figure up Inatead of what It will cost you for carfares, luncheons and tobacco, and nana over tna rest to me.' - TRY TOAST FOR HEALTH. Since most people ara vary fond of toast, but eat It sparingly, however, ba. cauae of the general impreaalon that It Is bad for the health, it la pleasing to know that toaated bread ia really very wholeaoma. even for lnvallda. - One thing In Ita favor la the fact that It placea a lighter tax on tha digestive functions than ordinary bread, alnca during lta preparation aome of the starch grains of tha flour ara ruptured, while eome are) converted Into dextrine. which la easily aolnble. Further, the crlapneas or toaat neces sitates its being completely moistened la the mouth before It , can ba a wallowed. Aa a rule, therefore, toaat la thoroughly llmlnary dlgeetlve process In the mouth. It is Important, however, that toaat ahould ba crisp all through, as . other wise the Internal portions tend to be come plastic and soft, ilka new bread. and, like It, dlffloult of digestion if not thoroughly masticated. ... FIRE AGAIN PREVAILS" - IN RED LODGE MINES (Special tHssttek, to The Journal) Helena, Mont., June 11. -A epeclal from Red Lodge states that tha fire has again broken out In tha mines of tha Rocky Fork Coal company, but aa there ara no men in , the mines, last week's disaster, whereby eight men lost their lives through being cut off and suffo cated by flames, will not be repeated. ' Claa la i heavy . in the workings and smoke Issues from a number of placea The-remainder df' the vlcttme ware burled Sunday, the town turning out en mease to attend tha funeral. There are many Want Ada la todav'a . 77.1 1 Journal that wlil Utereet ran, ; v , I'JITTE SECT -FOR -BfcELlPEROR Storm in - Russia Cannot,- Long ,i09 wemyea -uzar nnusxuivw 4 ; - In to Douma,,. s BULLETS AND BAYONETS v ADVOCATED BY SOLONS Feaaanta Now Thoroughly Aroused and t Demanding Ownership of Property by Force if Necessary- Workmen Conserrative.' ; , tfooraal Special Berries.) St Petersburg, June 11. Student a of aventa ara confident that the storm en- not long be delayed until the csar backe down . completely; An ominous ( warn ing .eama - today - whan the Novotcher kassk regiment which la ''at pkaata, near, St. Petersburg, mutinied. It was under orders to. proceed to the Battle provinces and the- men refused to go. , In the meantime the ' liberal leaders In .the douma are atlrring up the people. Annttln and Alladln, the principal paaa ant oratorwr-who ara able men,-have used language thla week that might have been borrowed from the pagae of American revolutionary eloquence. ' 'It la only bullets and bayonets that the government will reply to." exclaimed Alladln at tha end of a brilliant and re markably, temperate declaration . that tha douma had "no faith In tha min isters and no fear of them, either,11 and then pausing until the -uproar had eub alded. "It la our high duty without de lay or deviation, to ralaa a banner be neath which -the Rueelan people may march to victory la the struggle that will surely com." Annum declared that tne theory mat the peasants are conservative la utterly f.n.lnn. . Th.w nnv aa thamuahlv eon vlweed that the land belonga ta them Ajiutf.'iMMi:lK..lMI rthat .-servitude ahould ceasa . The government aeeroa utterly incapable of grasping the Idea of public control of land. . -- ' "The government must beware or soon it will be too late and the people wlj take what the government refuses le give." . ; . ' The artisana. on tha contrary, ahow atrong" conservative Jeanlnge. 'While they were advocating Violence they are now giving tha douma Intelligent back w giving tha douma intelligent back- I, But -If rupture cornea thejr will ready to organise the peaadntaT' " It ka aa If a new era of atrlkaa In Jarge le" -' ;?; !ng. ba lool clt: PROGRAM ANNOUNCED AT ' M'MINNVILLE COLLEGE (Special Dtasateh to -The JoaraaL) . McMinnvllle, Or., June 11. Com mencement . exercleea of McMJnnvllle collage begin next Sunday, June 17. The principal featurea are the graduating exercises of the conservatory- of mualo and of tha candldatea f or . tha degreea of Aw B. and B. B., the former beinx a belna olasa of four youhg women and the latter a claas of nine young man and women..' Tha program la aa follows: 8unday, June 17-11 a. m.. annual educational sermon, byRev. Jamea A. Clarka of Portland: I p. m annual ad nan and dress before tha Christian associations; I p. m., baccalaureate eertnon. by Rev. Herbert J. .White, Tacoma. . 4 Monday. June II. 4 p. m., annual business meeting of alumni; I p. - ro., graduating exercleee af ooneervatory of music Tneaday,-June lt.-ie a. m.r graduat' 1 lng - exercleea of eommereial depart ment; 10:80 a. m., annual meeting of I the -board or truateea; g p. m preaen- tatlon of Tennyson's "Dream of Fair Woman" with muslo by Qlee elub and EdelwelaB sorority. Wednesday, June JO. -10 a. m., grad uating exercleea. candidates for degreea of A. B. and B. 8., address by ' Pro- feaaor F. Q. Bough ton; I to I p. m.. faculty reception to graduating classes. alumni, board of truateea and invited gu eats t ;J O p. ra., annu quet ana reunion... The term examinations take . place Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. - Fri day evening tba elocution and exprea slon' department will give a recital. On Saturday evening' the annual lawn fete of the conservatory will take place. COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS IN ANNUAL CONVENTION V. . Uearaal Spseial ServleaV : Buffalo, June 11. The- annual na tional convention of the Travelers' Pro tective - Association of America opened In Convention hall, today with an at tendance of. hundreds of delegates rep resenting eiery section of the country. The Initial evasion waa opened -with prayer by the national chaplain. Rrv. Homer T. Wilson of Fort Worth. Mayor Adams made the welcoming addrees, which wag responded to by tha na tional president, W. R. Johnson of Knoxville. Other apeakers on the pro gram of tha forenoon session were George W. Smith of St. , Louis, Horace C. Starr ef .Richmond, Indiana,- and W. A.. Ryan of Terra Haute. Indiana. Tha afternoon session was short and at tta conclusion the delegates were, given a carriage ride through the eity. The reports or the. several officer how that the association continues to grow at a gratifying rata. - It haa In creased Its membership threefold in tha past . decade. There are- now- 180 branches In the United States, with an aggregate membership o S0.0OO. . . It la primarily. a. eommereial travelers' . -organisation, but Includes In ita member ship a Urge number of employers of commercial Travelers among wholesale deaiera end manufacturers, and thla combination, gives It S moat, powerful influence. , .v. . , ". - "'Who'll Buy Our Organs?. Tou ean atlll eecure one of the fine' and almost new parlor organs which, we agreed to aell for eustomera who bought new ptanoa of ua. These people effected a great saving in the purchase price of their ptanoa, and are willing to let theae .parlor organs go for what they will bring. Tou will alao find large and almost complete assortment of beautiful new ones Kim balls, Burdettes, Crowns, ate., also ona fine aalf -playing Aeolian. a copula of plano-caeed organs, -two Vo callona and aeveral fine church organs. Everything muat go by Saturday next or we forfeit 11,000. 8ee advertisement on page t, this issue, , We aimply have to get out, and 'muat rloee out every thing at what it will bring. Remember any reasonable terms will now be ac cepted IS, l or It down and M, 14 and. yea, even ae low aa II a month, securee the best of them. Come tha first thing tomorrow morning. They're bound to go qutokly. HI l era Piano House, ail Wash ington street. .... . . " "ALII rr3 in. a I-' ii II1, w a. . -wi . i . Ml V 2 r -f go Ill ' II!" ; EASTEK OUTFITTING; CO. i ih 'mmivimBmiii'. arm mrm j . 4- sr - - ha III.III U H UUXKUXB. W . WZ T. v . i tinting end decorating walls, snpenor to kaisomme ' 'Liz fid wall paper, end ranch cheaper Gum paint. v-y ' - r "?f r-"1 -?"- .. l..r-:yi..r.,i.,J. OYPfllNlT comWnes sll,the good featurea of other wall coat- f qTIuini ings, and none ol Seir disadvantages. , r . . iH , Packed Ja dry powder form, & siding water. Full directions on Uanafactnred only by vi i re eats sv RASr.lUSSEN;&:C02dand Taylor. at V.'t AAAAAAAAA t w 'tm s 0AL,andC0KE ' ...' ",'' sT -at : - ( WE ASSURE OUR CUSTOMERS PROTECTION REGARD i'S'l LESS OF "COMBINE" - TAJtTTX, the OAJtDSxT 1MXJLWD traouve piaca to apend one a summer jrom nan jr rancisco. juiv i. witn a I to-wltneee the unlaua native iatu aa-ejuroBA win remain over in the-harbor six days, affording ample' -time to make the. trio around tha laland and vlalt tha natlva vtllaa-aa Clement W rex re. tha famoua writer, says lanui is one spot worm. while in a tour of 1 flrkt-claas rats San Kranclsod to Tahiti and baok. irs "Tahiti Is one spot worth. whils in a tour of the world." 111! is the It -class rate San Kranclaofl to Tahiti and hank. Onatt hot a a In-Tahiti at sa.oo io per oay. writs tor i.- ...... ' .' 'e OCEANIC S. r An Unoqualcd Offer , A set ef our famous til False TEETH for $10.' Falnleas extracting . free with thla offer. Exam--' , Inatlon and consultation free. . Crown and , Bridge work a specialty. Extracting, SO eenta ... : - - WI3E BROS., Dentist r TXZBS AJTD 'I atals SOSS. Spring Cleaning Time Is equivalent to "painting time," ' 'for all the scrubbing In the world ' won't brighten up 'woodwork like a fresh coat of BAT STATB paint 1 Ask for a eample card showing ' colore. :.. '" : "'J ; .; '.wj; Fisher, Thorsen & Co, m BIO FAUTT BTOBB. , Front a ad Korrtaoa aMat - , .'. H'tL '41 IV'. IS THE MOST CONVENIENT, .PLAN TO ACQUIRE THINGS N E, C E S S A RYv FOR THE HOME OR'PERSONAL USE. Our part ptyment plan enables -you to indulge in high class tailor made wearing apparel without . feeling the . burden of : the cost. -, v;v You can select your OR 3 PIECE SUIT And other toggery sundries which to make up , a smart, gentle-. 'manly appearance and! pay for .,-.. ., .. ..-,- '. t same at the rate of $100 A WEEK No extra charges nor interest '. r.'y --7--J . - -3:-'" J - .. , T. added to credit accounts. - TT I 1 1 I V ' ' TT1 1 fin nil II .1 U.WI ! 1IH . . . aj' e, ' Mt 1 1'. .iaf disadvantages. , kj la white and tints, ready for nee by wckage. Any one can apply it. . 4 -- . :-- ' k- ' m ii iiir Diamond Wall Finish Co. GRAND RAPIDS, MIOM. - , JU.S JJ Jlifr s' ar'av a' Phone East,-244 OR COMPETITION to In the SOUT1 AS, la a most at-" vacation. aCAJtZTOSA Balls cartr or nanov naonia on tbeir waw sople on their way that t nlaoai lulv n Tk. a. a.. In his "Romance of the South Seaa." ' circular to . S. CO. 'ttSr - w - ASxtrwCrTOV. Opes arrealag-s and wudaya. r 1 rr- MONEY All - work wuaranteed Jfor ten yearai Lady 'attendant - alwaya preeent. - Alt . awse aQjaa a W t.-a m t aggsl j sa s - ve as e ea esse as fj BPaaBiesBtS Wl J ew s, jifyaj s LMallg av spaclallata ef from 11 to . io yeara' aa parianoe. 'v : ...,..,.- . . Gold i Fllllnga, - Bridge Work, Oold ' Crowns, Artificial Teeth, v ' ' ' ' BOSTON PAINLESS DENTISTS 111)4 Morrison St. Opp. Melee Frank . ...... ii '.....end Foatoffloe. ,-'- '";" Native: Aest (or All DigeaHve I DianrdWe. Liver and Kidney, rroublea. . SheumatUm. Nervous vVeahneae. , No Alcohol, wtMaVaV Mcitu f or wtf fkgsirjofioist 9tnMt tN tL A Faad Madlctae, wat B drve. u ana Ii Dnnanin Back egi faEE awl kf SAMrrrs nattvc bessj Co: Calil r I Civ a 5