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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1906)
- OREGON DAILY joURilAL, PORTLAND. 7 MONDAY EVENING. JUNE 11; - 1SC3. Tin I'Toivp Tcla - . TOKIOKT. AMV1EMIJITB. . Helll - ? U l li I.rrle.... Htar... ...;' itd ........ rastatee,,. .... i "The Itnsnders' ..'The Eternal II fy' 'Brought la Justice" .."Hotel tnm-Vfm- . Vaitdeellle .......... VautfetlUe Ths questldn wbsther Harry M. Vail can be mad to pay for a Hal I wood cash : rtditir after having been notified by . tne National Caslt Register company that the register he wai using u an Infringement en their patents and that ha was liable to prosecution If ha con , tlnued ltrus will be determined by a 'Jury In Judge Krater's court on aa ap peal from the Justice's court. The suit ' was brought by L - Freeman, aa. agent for the company, and -he alleges that he sold a register to Vail for 19. 110 -h and the-balance In Instsllments. '. The suit Is to recover the balance, Slo. Vallr contends In defense that he re- - turned the register to Freeman as soon ' as he received the notice from the Na tional people. Judgment in the Justice's court was against Vat. , t. (,'An,.. Involuntary; suit -In bankruptcy was filed Saturday against ths Mclntoalj Cheese company.' The complainants In ? the ease sre A. M. Commons, W. H. Chrlstensen, W. C, Billings, A. W. Atter Vury, I. G ' Smith, O. Chrlstensen, J J. - Redberg and T. A. Porter: t The com .pl'aint alleges that defendant ceased to do business on February .13. ISO, awes ... debts to the amount of 11.900 and that while, tnaelvent It permitted vartoua ' ''creditors to secure their claims -toy al- lowing them to secure Judgments and levy- executions against Its property. 'The claims of complainants are princi pally fOr butter fate . furnished the ?"rheese company,' the amount unsecured being in excess of 100. . ;-- i , , : An alarm from box IT at 19 o'clock i laat night brought out the department ', !. email blase In the'Vear of Canham V Wllllama' grocery., on Washington, ', near Sixteenth street. The store Is op, posits the quarters of Engine company ' No. I and wss 'quickly extinguished. -'The loss-wm not xceoT ISO s:nd rls covered by Insurance. Fire In a ''saloon , at the northeast corner of First and at perierson streets waa aiscoverea m . s 'dtliVK tnn tnsrnlns The tli-imi uneiit .. '"respondVd to" a stlU'slarm "arid qticufhed the flames before ihey"liii4 gained any ..headway. The damage to, the. building ; ' WAS Smsn. . ,; ,-::, v'-..' '-.'.- " ' . f Ia. C. Mottern," manager of the optical department of the - l . C. ' Henrlchsen . company. Dss7nsT"petfw-ted -the Inven tion of a. bl-focal eyeglass, - This Is - .something that hundreds ft' opticians ' k have tried In vain to manufacture sat- . lefaetorlly, nd It was said to be an tmpoeelbiirty nt Ityesterday--when Mr; Mttnr after a year's hard work pro , . ducod perfect , 6l-f ocal - lense. The . process of grinding Is a professional ar cret. It may revolutionise the ey glass ' business, as the .coat of production will bfe much less than under . the .old jro- cess in -which the secondary, lense was ; pasted upon the glass. , v , i.. 'i.. '' I '''!'' " - " Evidence - is being head - by Judge ' Kears with Jury In the suit of "William .' Vatighan to recover - $10,000 damages ''. from the ' Penlnsuls Lumber company; ' It 4s alleged by Vaughan that while oil V in A saw . In, the lumber Company's jnUl th spout of his- oil can- became en- tangled In the saw. drawing his hand against It and Causing ths loss of ths thumb and two fingers from his right i hand. Damages are asked' on ths ground ' that the com Dan r neaiected to orovlde a proper hood for the saw. The defense alleges, that, ths accident was due U Vaughan'a carelessness. :H . f y , 'Ths Portland, Oregon,' classes ojF the Synod of the Northwest . of the Re formed church In the United States was Incorporated this morning by Gottlieb Kafner. Fred C, Schnuelle and. Henry Bohlmsn." r The objects are to advance and protect the Interests o the -R formed churrh on th Pacific coast and supply j) reaching to congregations in accordance with ths Heidelberg cate chism. , 1 y, : ; v SlIHiEVALTY GCjTEST TIES L? S10.Q III CETS Schiller Refuses to Pay W&gerr, ';-' Bets on Governor to Be Settled Tonight- v;.i- STREET CARS IN COLLISION ..' At least $10. 900 of wagered money Is tfed up awaiting the decision of the court In the oonteat for -the 'office of sheriff. . X- V. ., ; ", ..,' , . This Is the amount that Schiller, the ctgar man, holds aad will hold until the contest Is .definitely settled and either Stavena or Word receives the properly certified certificate) Of election from th oourt . How much la, held by other stakeholders Is not known, but H Is said to be considerable. . Few of the sports have asked and none have re ceived a drawdown .of their bets, sod there Is no likelihood that the stake holders will declare; all bets Oft,.;; '. Much less money was wagered on the gubernatorial contest. Of this Schiller holds about $1,090. none of which ha yet been . paid. Th money has been held back as a precaution against ths possibility of the election resulting otherwise then at first reported. Pay ment, according, tV the cigar man. will be made either tonight or tomorrow. . The bets placed en the fight for other offices were ew and small. , at St. Michael's church did not take place yesterday, but will occur next Sunday.- A misunderstanding was sponsible for 'the statement In Sunday's Journal to -the effect that th service would take place yesterday. Articles ' of . Incorporation of A.; H. Willett aV Co, were filed In the county clerk's office this morning by A. H. Willett. F. D. Willett, John O. Davis, Frank B. l)avls ad ft Wi Stapleton. The objects sTe to do a wholesale and retail trading and mercantile business. Their ,ipltal stock Is 4,000. ; . . Sa Franctsco school-Aeneflt. Do not forgvt annual June recltst of th Oil lespls 'School of Expression, given as a benefit for San Francisco schools In Kmplre theatre' Wednesday evening at aoiidkXissfw ' ' The first of the new San Francisco firms to Invade Portland la the Fire man's Fund insurance corporation, which' Sled a copy of its articles of in corporation Jn th couitty clerk's offlc this morning. - This Arm . wss Incorpo rated st San .Francisco -on Msylf, and ha a capital stock of f 1,000,000.-. v J- W.rii Beecher was arrested at Wll- llama avenue and Page street early, this ., morning and booked ' at the city prison . on a larcenv chsrare. .. It Is allcsed that f he has mad a practice of visiting the grocery at 177 Williams avenue.and 'pouring off the cream milk cans Into a Isrd bucket.' Th policeman making th arrest claims to have caught Beecher In th act. -, r.Th ceremony Incident .to. th. utjvell ilng and blessing of the copy of th fs , nous picture. ''The Archangel Michael." - Water through bos for sprinkling yards or sidewslks, or wsahlng porehe or windows, must be paid for In advano and used only between th hour f and 1 a. m. and I and 9 p. in. -at must hof b used-tor- sprlnkllo- stsests. .11 used contrary to these rule, or waste fully, It will be shut oft - r- William Tell lodae No L' O. D. K. "si. will" fiave' boat "excursloir Sunday;' Jwn IT. to Washington Qrov. Boat' will leave foot of Washington street at 1:19. a. - m. All friend .snd their families kindlyinvited. - Round trip II cents; children under It, '$ cents." ; J. L. Thompson has completed a 'three- years' course of - study In dentistry. Northwestern university . conferred the degree of doctor of dents L surgery upon' him on May 11. 1909.. Charles E. Koch. secretary. : ;,'"'' Watches,' diamonds 'and jewelry on easy payments. $1 down and to cents her wee. Ail mainspring iij all watches cleaned $L Metsger Co, 111 Sixth at. Concrete ConstrSjotiOii Co., T9I Cham ber of Commerce, manufacturers of concrete atone blocks. Contractors for all kinds of cement work. Tel Main 110. - W are still selllns; eye glasses at tl; a perfect fit guaranteed or money re funded. Metsger Co., Ill 8lth street, ' Grocers, Attention! Another . carload of Everlasting jars Just received. - We can fill your orders. Wadhams it Ce. . Orocers, Tske Notice! We csn now fill your , orders for- Everlasting- Jars. Wadhams V Co. . i . C B. Walbom, fornlture repairing, pol ishing, packing, shipping. TsL East 9191. -, Acms'oil Co. sells the best safety oil and fin gasolines. Phone East 719. Photo of baby free- tomorrow; cabi nets $1.00 do.. 119 Twelfth street; ' Women's exchanara. Ill Tun'ili' lunch, 12 to I. -. , . " ... , ' i . - I , --c-... ,. - . -.- J Panama hatter, til Ith. Phone Pac Jf. Milwauki Country Club, v Memphis snd Louisville races. Tske Setlwood and Oregon City cars at First and Aldsr. - ..',., . ' - '" Oard of Tbaaka. ..." " ,'v , Mrs. John Tray nor and family wish to extend their, heartfelt thanks to the friends : and neighbors for their sym pathy and kindness In their late bereava tnent." , ' .; -1 '."'','"' ' '-. " ' - t Wc" believe bur efforts; to J)ro- diice'. good printing have rhet with general approval, judg-;. ' ing by the twenty; odd years' continuous .patronage ,of. the ixiosti successfulr&msiin this " .cbuntry.: But there may " be i .some" who are riot oiir cus- Itpmers -becse uiriceirefito6- such we wish to say that if the same class; of pHnting eT ; produce could be purchased elsewhere it wpuld costryout v more, but our equipment and ; - technical' j knowledge (ire i the ; two secretsbf our low prices. . F.W.Baltes WC6: . -At First andak v Main: 165 ; .;, ai . . Score of Passengers lrijured In .- Wreck on the Woodiawn Une . .. , ' - Yesterday Morning. -:- MOTORMAN LOSES ' 0 CONTROL OF CAR Running t Jilgh Rate of Speed It '. Craahea Into Another, Seriously - Injurinf Six Passengers snd SHght 7 ly Wounding Twenty More, . : With a erash that fould be heard for block two streetcars of the Woodlawn line cam together In a head-on collision yesterday ornlng at , th Intersection of Union and Holladay avenues, causing tnjurlee to a score or passengers. .' That there were no fatalities la regarded as a miracle. ' With one exception, all those Injured will not be disabled for any length of time. The ears were'eomeld rably damaged, 'by the accident" and every window broken by the Impact.. ,. Aa car No. It. Inbound, reached a slight grade on Union avenue, near Hol laday, Motorman Beldleman . lost con trol, and Instead pf stopping to throw the switch st the latter street, so as to continue south along Union avenue, lie shot around the curve toward the( steel bridge at a great rate of speed and crashed Into car No. SSI of the earn line, which bad' stopped on Holladay avenue. '. ' .v - -:, Oars Crash Together. ( -A 'the two cars came together ther Jias pandemonium among th pasaen ers. -Abov the noise of the creaking timbers and the shattered glass -could be heard the cries Of the women and children and the groana of tho wounded. A telephone call was sent to police head--miartera from truck company No. 4. lo- aed :bteuk M-a n. 1 ba.scsivtu.. ..Tbe. Da- Irul wagon with Policemen Price am Burke, wss immediately dispatched. The firemen and "police, aided by a, number of bystanders, assisted In taking th wounded wrecksg. " Thoe seriously Injured wfre Jsmes Ben teen, 197 Columbia street, head and f ac "l?ntr.OrhBon-,-- iGud avenue. Injury to .left hand; C. R. Deltee, 111 Alnaworth street. tleg Injured: B. A. Kel logg. 414 Everett street.. hand, cot by gktst,.R.r Jbr Hefiingsrlto. Ivy .strset.. hand cut; Mrs. Pease, 1200 Union ave nue, slightly Injured. . In addition, about IS of the passengers-sustained minor cuts and bruises, but hurried to their homes without giving their names to the police. Bentscn was removed to the Qood. Samaritan .hoepltal .and will be confined to Jhat institution for several weeks. ''(-. . - ' ' - Rlchsrfl O. Sloan, assistant superin tendent of ' t heportland . Railway com pany, attributes the" accident to grease on the rails and declares that the mo torman could not have controlled the car. so great waa the momentum. Mo torman .Beldleman has been- employed aa a conductor and - waa assigned tem porarily for duty on th front end of th car. According to the railway ornciais he was perfectly competent to handl th controller as wall aa th bell cord. - i i ATTENTION STUDENTS Miss Nellie May Shannon of ..Seltwood Enters The Jour j v 'v: hal Contest, -:' ; " A Bright Young Lady .Who Is' Al ready at Work Balloting Starts TodayWatch the . Vote Grow Each Day. .'- -. '-s ; T' -'",'." i.JLl Miss. Nellie Msy Shannon bears th distinction of being th second" yonng lady to entsr th contest. Miss Shannon ' , ' 4s a very bright young lady. II .years of age, at present attending tne Bell wood school, snd wss recommended by C. 1 Strong, the prtnclpsl of Ahe school. lTha vtranr ladv was -born In South Portland and haa lived in aenwooa for four years. Bhe haa many friends in ,Portland and; whlla not desirous of any special scholarship, ' enters the contest early with the Idea of making a strong run and becoming one of th winners. , - i. ,i . . i ' . Homeless Babies. -V .' A couple of exqulslteebaby grands, a superb Weber art parlor grand, a dainty Chlckerlng quarter-grand, and the ele gant baby grand displayed In th west show window, price to close out. 455 all must fined homes st once. Why don't you get one of these. bablesT They're a high-born lot. and will bring Joy and pleasure Immeasurable to any home. Pay for one at these sale prices aa best 'suits your ' convenience. W mean business now. and will refuse no reasonable offer. Ellers Piano House, 111 Washington strset.' ' ' M ", , Tomorrow ! ,:. ; ': ( dim arTlrt never comes. , Th tlm to'lnsuMtfrJndsy.' Apply to th prnn Mutusl E4W Sherman 'A Harmon, general ageata. . . j T Tho Moior C Frank StoixoThe Meier G Frcnli Stcro TEm Store's mm eAlways reside stop shortly and a great many preparations vill bo ncccssiiry before leaving tho city Your needs in this direction can bo t satisfactorily and "properly supplied at The Meier G Frank Store Fcathel-Pillows gL39 ca i i ,i ' ' .' Duck and goose' Feather Pillows, full siaey ' covered with A. C. A. tick; 1 OO ; regular $1.50 quality, each,.,...V Corofortcrs at $1.32 ca Silkolin covered Comforter, with vhite cot-. ton iilling. full sire; reg. $1.50 CjuaL f Gray Dlankcts $1.10 pr lyi light gray cotton Blankets, art unusually, good $1.35 (JUslity, fancy borders,f. f 1.1Q- Full Size Pods at Q4.35 Iron Beds, with' brass knobs, straight rails ' regular $5.50; f or full site, aU....t43 Heavy Matting" 1 6crd Extra heavy Matting, fancy, colors, 1 ' 20c Quality, yard. ................ . I wv "FineJapawwe'Mattinsregulaf:?0-, "kind, yard..... .'.. ."....f... A Springs-Mattresses-Cots Hercules Mattress Comfortable.exception- . Full si2e....t3.150TirreflaaHerfS.83 : Wire Cots......:. ..'...... f 2.50 and fS.OO Good substantial Springs to fit, well made;' --will last a lifetime, f 2.2&V f 2.78, f 93.50, f4.50 and 5.00. -; Splendid Suitings 25cyd Panama Suitings A beautiful Mohair effect, ; 1 novelty in checks, black and white'. bW, ' green and lavender, 3ft in. wide at, yd. 25 ; Plain Cream Sicilian Just the thing for that , ,. outing suit, washable, hon-shrinkable, im ilar to the more expensive goods in luster and weave, 27 in. wide, yd....swj Specials in Men's Shoes Men's tan Russia calf golf Oxfords and Shoes, rubber disc toles;'$5 values at.... ..f 3.55 Men's Russia-calf tennis Oxfords, with heavy , rubber soles; $3.50 rallies at. .2.70 Men's canvas, leather trimmed, tertnis Ox fords. Norman & Bennett make. . . .52.15 Men's white duck yachting Ox- CI If . . . a' fotds, with rubber soles. Specials in Ladies' Shoes as- ""'"t ii , Ladiesl tan and slate-colored canvas Outink . Oxfords, with leather trim- "1 C mings and rubber soles.. '.... m Ladies' white, gray 'and, tan f 1 -7 f canaOxfords IslU LadieswhTle canvas Outing "CI yTLL Oxfords, light or heavy soles., v We carry a full line of Outing Shoes of all' kinds. -.'.',.'. . 65c Pelts for Ladies 37c Suitable for outing trips ladies plain braid . Belts, taney goia oraia eueci, giraie snape, .Igilt buckles, .-in black, white," red, navy, green, with gold plaid; reg. 65c, special 37f Cottage Curtains 89c Pr. Madras,'' light grounds with colored cross stripes, 40 inches -wide, 3 yards long; - regular $1.25 kind, pair .V'., ...tJ7w" Drapery Cloth 38c Yd. Monk's Cloth, 50 inches ' wide, woven like a burlap, hangs very soft, nice tor summer cot- . tage draperies; regular 50c... ....,,,..38s Red, natural, brown and green. - - Curtain Material 8c Yd. Scotch Lappett for cottage curpams, can be wide;.124c kind, yard.. ..........O' : made up plain or with ruffle; 36 inchcsUw itloor Covering 18c Yd. Burlaps for wall, and floor coverings," all Colors, plain, 36 inches wide; yard.. ......18 ilkolmG $3.50 Silkoline Filled Screens, "3-fold" Jight and dark colored fillingi....k. ...... 2.16 Men'sOutingShirtsgLSS MenL.Fongee Outing bhirts, sott collar, at- tacnea or hjoii siyic, mtrcim, ana yunac, colors: reaulas S2 value, outinsr. 1 SP sale price. ............ -L Crepe Golf Shirts $ 1 .05 Men's Japanese Crepe Coif Shirts, in white, . cream, blue and gray, best $1.50 C 1, AC value, outing sale price......... V A .Wa Mens Summer Belts 39c A line of men's sample Outing Belts, all the . best styles, values up to $1.50 each; 1Q outina sale price, each............ ,?7v Fourin'Hand Ties 29c New Foulard Silk Four-in-Hand, just the style . for outing, in pavy blues with dots and fig ures, also light browns; regular 50c values; outing sale price.. ...... ......afw Mens Outing Hats $1.29 Men's Outing Hats, the crush style..-irr pearl, indigo mixed and black and tans; 1 . outing sale price ..yl'iay Duck Washcible Hats 43c Men's and boys' white and tan Duck Wash 1 able" IlatsVoutTng.saleT priced, v!-i"-?i!;3 The new soft outing Collar, made of merceriied - silk in white and colors,. collar and 1C ' pin complete.. ...... .........,......iJC Leather Suit Cases $5.10 24-inch leather-covered Suit Case, figured ' . linen lined. ;with shirt-fold; ; O C 1 f , regular $6.00,'at special....:.-;; ? ll BgTTttit GRADE SUIT CASS $5.50 24-inch full stock leather Suit Case, . linen ' lined, with shirt-fold: regular f C C - $6.50, at special .............. . . V.sJVJ 1 4 AND 1 6-INCH SUIT CASXS U05 . 14 and JI6-inch Baby Suit-Case, canvas cov ered, linen ' lined; : regular , 1 $125 and $1.33; "your choice ...' '.VU The Dig Parasol Display Grand ahowine; of new Pongee Parasols, lit' plain, embroidered and colored borders; .-' just the thing, to take on your .vacation; each, from.... ............ 52.50 to 6.00 6Dall Crotyiot Set 95c Spcc'l PriccdHommocIis - Hand woven Hammocks, -all colors; some- thing;. yerx.durable; :; ' $475 values at, special ......... . '". iTTf 4.12 $4.25 values at. special. ,r,.. $3.95. $3.75 values at special 3.00 Three Baseball Specials Baseball Mitt, 50c value at, special.... 88 Baseball Gloves, 25c value, special....... 20 Baseballs, 20c value at, special. .........lBf Children's GardenNceds -piece-Garden Set; regular 35c:f;t.f..T.25f ' "Beach -Pailr-and - Shovels; regular f f 20c, special......................... 1 at C Sprinklers,' handsomely decorated; 1 1 regular 15c, special 11 C Outing Gloves 23c Pair Extra quality lisle, all sires in black, white, champagne, tan and brown; reg- ular 35c values at, special W JC 35c-40c Hose23c Pair Specia lot of ladies' plain and fancy colored - Hose, ' black ' embroidered insteps gray, . tan, red and navy, with fancy stripes; also . cadet blue and red polka dots, all sizes; just the thing on Vour summer -vacation ur outing; regular J5c and 40c val- aWfW ues aj-pair. CHILDREN'S 35c HOSIERY AT 23c Children's Outing Hose, in a best quality V plain lisle, in black and white, all sizes: ' regular 35c values at, special....... ..23f IMPRQVEMEIITSOU PEIIIIISULA Road Supervisor Simmons Has, : Fores) of Men at Work on ; -Thoroughfares. : will take place tonlcht The meetlna the Improvement association will be held at WocxlmKn's hall. West' avenue. - Th question of a batter, supply of water and severar street Improvement propo sitions will b tip for discussion. ' Miss L. Luclle Turner, daughter of Mrs. I. F. Turner, chronicler of the Kelly elan of the Pacific coast, arrived In - Portland yesterday from Modesto, California.- Miss Turner will make her home her. . , . (SENERAL ACTIVITY IS , PLAN QF EAST: SIDE Improvement r Associations Electing New Officers and Beginning Cam pajgn Along Progressive Lines H-Tea6her Ekctedlor Arieta School. . .., ... fXast Sid Oepartment.) . Extenetve-read 4mprovement.worlt Is In prosiresB on th. peninsula. 8. w. Simmons, road supervisor,, has a large fore, of teams hauling gravel on tba roada In the' vicinity of Bt. Johns. Ths roads connecting upper and lower St. Johns have been given a coat of gravel. The Willamette boulevard has been graveled to th. point wher It connect with Burlington street, and from thence through to St. Johns. ' Crushed rock, which Is eonsldsred better than gravel for road work, cannot be secured on the east side, although thre Is a - rock Crusher there. Thm ferry a SI Jqjws Is not larga snough to' carry heavily loaded wagon. It ts now necessary to haul th gravel for th lower peninsula four miles, but when the new rerry is put on at St. Johns this long haul will be don. away with, and orushed rock can be brought , from directly acros ths rl.vr. Road Supervisor Simmons Intends t. msks substantial" Improve ment 5n the Columbia and -Willamette boulevards and th main county, roads on ths peninsula. ' - ' , , , : . -..'.' Thd annual election of officers of the Mount Tabor Improesment association At the annual meeting of the school board of the Arleta district, held laat Thursday, the following teachers were elected for the ensuing year: Principal, Professor William Miller; seventh grade. Mlas Brown:' sixth grade, Mrs. Fowler; fifth- grade,. Miss Spooner; fourth grade Miss -Farg.r third grade, Mia McDon ald;. second, grade. Miss Love; first grsds. Mlas Thompson. June II the annual school election will be held, when a director and a clerk will be chosen. The. question of annaxatlon, to Portland will also be decided at tht election. There la ssld to be an almost unanimous deslrs among the people of Xrleta to com Into th Portland school district. i . '" " . HUNDRED PEOPLE Baker Theatre Oreaes Thaatis Oa rasa Mala 1S0T. Vartlaiid's HIB-OUaa Stock Tsaatr. : Teslsbt. Tomorrow aa Weenaadar MgbtS sf Immense Pntmlar penund, "THE ETXaifAL 01TT." Thnrs..- Tr., t. Klrhta aod Sat. stating thi stag raoa the ooldxm wxst." TbwsHar. Howard kuaaell BovTeatra (Ives awar. Prices: Kmlng, 26, SB, SOe; atatlaee, l.V aad ?-w. . Vast WHk "WkM We Were Tweaty-Oma.' W.THrfA qVeee A h find red people held their q breaths, spsllbound by the sud- d den realliatlon of -danger this e noon,, when s four-foot plank fell q from a scaffolding high up on ths Hamilton building on Wssb- ington street near Third. - - a Ther waa a boy on a bicycle 4 who rode on unconcernedly, for ) he did not see ths plsnk fait Tet It was fear for his safety that held the hundred spectators. for the plank barely tnlssed him in Its descent. It struck the d pavement two feet In front, of 4) him, bouMed'hlgh In th Sir. th ' d lad rod by In safety nd tm plank fell again eloas behind d him. : ; ' - e444ee4d44 SAN FRANCISCO DISASTER Matt bon.?. Bit sraflta. 'Small laveairsent. Mntnc plrtnrei of 'Frlaee earthquake and firs, for pertiratera. Nevstaa's atotfca ftclsra Ce., U6W .SUth at . . . . . w . Grand Big Orsheaaa, . - Vasdevlll. ; RAPOL.I The Graatsat l... Jnsgler la tae Wnrld. , WEEK Or JUKI 11. ert levy, ' Daasy Maaa at' Oe. Mr, ...aad Mr. Clifford Orta. Kareld Hoff.. . wtasd laces. " T LEW15 & CLARK FAIR GROUNDS MTBsTTMOg or 0R0 POLLARD & HALL'S full sized natural pyroscenic production;; or SAN FRANCISCO 7 DISASUR ' ' rear Aeres ef C roan a rsoeeeary. xrna- dreds t r " " . ' v ' r - t rt Tf. aad. la f ' i ' --,(-, Vsed a- - AMTl BASEBALL : Athletic Park - . Corner Tangha sad Twsmry-fomrta JUNE 11th to 17th. r FRESNO ys.PORTLARD Oasasa Called i30 p,"sa. Dally. . Oasasa Calied too a. as. gudars. v ladlM Say Trlday. , ; ADMISSION 25 CENTS GRAND STAND, ISO. CHILDREN, Ida. . BOX SEATS, I Sc. HEILIG THEATRE THE Htb and - Waahlostas , Mala i. Taatckt aad leety Xlgk This Weak. Mailneea WetfriMular and Satdrtfajr, ' XXXDAIX MUSICAX OOMAaTT. " la the nmalral enmedv aaeaas. - , thb aouwDias." J " -IWPtrWltrTrUCr r.Tealaea. tA ' iW an,. Madnae, 15, 2Bc. renins, at Sift; Mi Due at S:1A. ' . " . . STARTHEATRE COMMUtCTTfO M0XBAT. JVft U. , S1ATH .WEES, , STAB STOCK COMPAUr IX "HOTEL FLIM-FLAM Is emmeHIPs wltk s stress easeeellU alio. Intituling su( aa awrta atrruras. tf LYRIC THEATRE, very Aftirane sad Emtar rtlea4'( reaalar Steak Meuaa. Tb MelrMSrsBaile Mueeees - - BROUQHT TO JUSTICE it rora Arr , "rOUXaW TUB 'KtiWli o-tTT.VI.'O' s PKHrOfU VI v. ADMISSION lOo St.eV. J f" PANT AC 20 9Mar MMmHM leeera S""--t le aUiHfcew . t