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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1906)
sffcXst Whert Fire Destroyed RISKS HIS LIFE TO SAVE HORSES Fireman Jack Baldwin Doe? terete1 "Work at Mm - Conflagration. JFLAMES EAT INTO LUMBER YARD AND CAUSE. DAMAGE Hundred-of People Ride to Sce$e - of Fife in Streetcar to WitneuDe struction of Apex Mill. and Other Building. in- the fire at-Nineteenth and Wlleon streets last night that destroyed the Apex mill and damaged ether buildings In the vlclnltr. causing a oaa estimated at 130,000, (oar horaea wert Imprisoned In a burning barn and left to their fate. At the rlak of hla own Ufa Jack Bald win, a fireman, entered the barn - and reacued the tortured animal. - -.The fire originated In a bam In the rear of the Apex mill.- It la aupoeed to --fhave been ..caused, by . the friction of a belt on the feed mill In the barn. It had gained fairly good headway when discovered by John Kllgore, night watch man at the mille. at 10:40 o'clock. Ha tried to extinguish. It with a patent fir extinguisher, but aoon realising that hla efforts were futile turned In an alarm. West slde englne responded at once, but bpfore their arrival the flame had enveloped the mill and a ventilating and drying apparatus plant to . the west, leaping acrosa the narrow street the flames fed quickly upon the large lum ber piles of the Honeymsn Hardware company and aoon covered the rear por tion of the plant. n . The sky was luridly Illuminated .by , T r THElOEENING of HISlNEW " J j::.,:i'".:.v''-:.,;;f': j -. ': : . Saturday, June 9, 1906 : j U ' HATS ' f , FURNISHING GOODS ' ; I S -Mta rtunu Thirty Thousand Dollars Worth of the flames and crowds from the city were a tract ed. ' Engines were rambling through the streets toward tha fire aa the performance of the Royal Hawaiian band ended at the Helllg theatre, from which place tha flames were distinctly visible. Hundred followed . the englnee In the direction of the brilliant glow and street cars ' were crowded, ..... .-.!. r. - A cordon of police in command of Ser geant -Jones stretched -ropes about the te browoTalfeVCTwa fiwa luteifw- ,k. .w , ,CL Th. I flames rapidly ate tnetr-war throngh-the huge lumber pllee in the rear or the Oregon Planing Mills plant and ' for a time the Fhoensr tllTworkg-were -threat ened. 1 parka: Cans Aaxlety. ' Roof of residences and other build ings in the vicinity were ignited by sparks, but firemen succeeded in con fining the flames to the block- bounded by Twentieth, Roosevelt, Nineteenth and Wilson. Only a small portion of the block, waa destroyed. - Mrenten encountered difficulty Jn fighting the flames be cause of the loca tion. Wilson street le being opened and extends for only half block. It was crowded with wagons and freight' cars on a siding which .run 1 through' the street; X fretgul engine from the tee mtnal yards penetrated the burning area and succeeded In removing a car loaded with lumber. Another car was totally destroyed. A number of wagons in. the street were also destroyed. -Beeoue Imprisoned Koreas. "v It was when the flames . Dad reached their-height that- Baldwin rescued the Imprisoned horses. The barn tn which they were confined" wa Immediately in the rear . of the plant of the planing mill and was enveloped in flames. The horses were powerless to escape because each waa hitched In Its atall with a haltar. Uttering weird and unearthly screams they attracted the attention of thou sand of person who were watching the flames, - but -. aid seemed Impossible Baldwin Anally went boldly Into - the barn and with a penknife eat the halter ropes. The hair , and manes had been burned from-the animals and', they writhed In patn. Three rushed from the building a soon as the were re leased. - The fourth horse seemed daaed by the light It ran recklessly about the barn still uttering cries of alarm I TIK2 OliEGON DAILY jbURNAt. POBTLTAND, FRIDAY "1 - t 1 1 Property Last Night and pain. Baldwin" Anally succeeded la throwing a sack over its head and lead ing it from the building. K . , , - ' . Second AJanev Bounded. On hla arrival at the fire Chief Camp bell toned 1n a second alarm. .Every engine on the west side and two ' from the east side- responded. The Are boat George H. William rendered efficient aid in checking the Are. it worked -from M0"t'tT!? three streams of water upon, the flame. .Nortbe ra. J?8l Aapflener-trai rv which . leaves union station at 11:46 p. m., waa delayed until I -o'clock by lines 6f hose, which stretched across the tracks near the scene of th By; -'-' lOM.ti Heavy. , - Estimated of the loss resulting from the Are vary. The heaviest loser is the Enterprise Grain at Mill company, which controlled both the Apex mill and the drying and heating apparatus plant The Honeyman - Hardware company, which owna the planing mill and the piles of lumber In the rear, also lost heavily. The combined loss of the two companies la estimated at 130,000, which Is said to be fully covered by insurance. A spectacular feature of the fire was the effort of a policeman -to remove portion of the-lumber fioui one of t he large pllee in the rear of the planing mill. The patrolman mounted the pile and worked heroically throwing aalde the boarde in order that the firemen might more eaally reach the name with a stream of Water. HI work wa wit- nesaed by thousands of people. - Finally he completed his effort and the firemen who waited below shouted "Give her h 1L" Another ' feature" was the drenching of Jire-Chlef KUmore .Tyson of JUouls- vllle. Kentucky.1 , Chief Tyson is visit Ing lln Portland and, with Chief Camp bell, went to the first last night. - He wore civilian clothing, which were al most ruined. : He accidentally, paseed in front of a stream or water. ." Odd Tallowe Sleot Officers. (Bnettal MsMtca to Tbe Journal. I The Dalles, Or., June I.- Columbia Lodge, No. t, I. O. O. P.. elected the fol lowing officer for the terra beginning July 1 and ending December V. ' B. 8. Smith, noble grand; W. E. Gllh'ousen. vice-grand: O. D. Doane, secretary; Ed Kunts. treasurer. ... r He- 1-v 1 Wl College Brand Clothes . ' Extreme : in every particular, of 'graceful and manly -mold-intended only, for. young chaps and college fellows 'who'know and 'want real style." ' . J ; ' ", The. fabric patterns are as exclusive as the cut. Our . stock is complete in sizes. ,You will enjoy an inspection. Suits $10 to $25 RAILROADrSYSIKl IS SIOLEII Portland '-Councilman ; Commit Great Theft and Escape Ar rest and Prosecution. CARS, BRIDGES, TRACKS C : AND DEPOTS ARE TAKEN Gigantic Steal Accomplished Under . Eyes of 'Company's Officials, Who Make No "Move to Sv Their 1 Property. ' ' ' ""'r TU Just take the engine aa a souve nir.". . "Give me one of those ear.1 . The drawbridge for mine." AnA the membera of the"augurCfty council of Portland grabbed whatever they could reach, of a. complete railway system, tucked, the cars, track etc. un der their arms and left. This was the wlndup of the banquet given by J. Whyte Evans, president of the . United Railways - company at the Oregon grill last Tuesday evening to the city offlcals. Mr. Evans the week before had received a franchise for an electrlo railway on Front street, but by the time j the offlcals were through with the railroad be had provided for their amusement there wasn t much re maining. , .. . - - : One of 'the oddest features of the banquet wa g miniature railway, whose track was laid' along the edge of the long . table. -There were stations. bridges, switches and every detail of a real live road. The motive power of the engine was a strong hidden . spring. The engine drew line cars, including m-baggage car. The coaches would be loaded with cigars at the station marked - "HIUs- boro" and sent down the line to, "Port land." Then they would be loaded with cigarettes and returned. Everybody at the table enjoyed the fun. i The dig nified councilman threw the swltoh and shunted the train back and, forth with great pleasure. It waa voted one of the niftiest railways in - existence, and hint were thrown out . that "annual Dasses would be acceptable. - Just a the gueat were leaving the table somebody began the raid on the railway system. It made the much tout od raids of Hill, Harrlman and the other- big ones upon ordinary railways look like a circus ground after the chow has left"-"'" :-r-f "Never mind, I ve got a ear," shouted John P. Sharkey' as he mads off with his loot. City Auditor Devlin grabbed another coach and a genial person who had been Introduced as the "puke of Mancheater" seised-another. Somebody elee got the drawbridge, others took the pretty little painted denote and then the raid on the track Itself began. When it wa au over end the table cleared of the system, Mr. J. Whyte Evens found that he had remaining nothing but the franchise along the tablecloth. NEGRO PREACHERS NOT CHURCH OF GOD MEMBERS The Journal ha received the follow ing communication relative to the ar rest of two negro street preachers for using profane end abusive language on the publie streets: "To the Editor I notice an article tn - The Journal yesterday evening 1 of the arreat of two negro preachers for using profane and - abusive language while preaching on the atreete. --They alao stated they were ordained minis ters of the Church of. God. I take this EVENING. JUNE 8. 'ISCJ. 'v''"--- VACATION ATTIRE that these people are In no way con nected with the Church of God on Haw thorne avenue of this city.--We have met one. of these men and found him to -ee-rveryr-badly deceived and fsr from the teaching of the Bible and the real Church .of God, although they assume that title. - ; "Tou will find the real Church of God are quiet, law-abiding eittsena. I am aure the panic-stricken! people of Ben Francisco have our earneet prayer and heartfelt eympathy and not our chiding and abuee. Very respectfully, ' - , "ELDER O. T. NKAL, 7 "Pastor of the Church of God, 419 Haw - thorne Avenuei Portland. Oregon. POLICE PREPARE FOR ANNUAL INSPECTION . Captains, sergeant and patrolmen ef the-police department are busy brushing up their summer uniforms and polish ing thslr brass buttons preparatory to the annual Inspection to be held Satur day morning,. June f, at 11 o'clock in the Armory. Mayor Lane and the com mittee on police of the executive board will be In attendance, and the Inspection WUt ' be under their - supervision. The mounted police and.' their horses will also be inspected. Commencing with the inspection the eummar uniform will be worn by all members of the depart ment until fall. ' ' On and after June 11 a vacation of one week" wiirgTntedrte)--all -mem- I ZASTXKXT OUTFlTTljrO) COMPACT IRISH POINT: AND NET CURTAINS-SPECIAL m As a result of a very of fintvJrishJgoint and we are able to offer you some very tempting price reductions. Choice collection of beautifully embroi dered, excellent quality, Net Curtainsdainty and ' f . ; pleasing in every way. One lot Irish Point Curtains, pr..$3.50 One lot Irish Point Curtains, pr..$5.50 One lot Brussels Net Curtains, pt.$6.50 One lot Brussels $lCash--; " 50 cents a week "No charge for credit EASTERN-OUTFITTING . ' The EtorVhtre Your Credit la Good " WASHEIGTOII AI3D TEIJTC: cs Boys and L. r r ' ' 7" .ss-st - - --w.. n, . ; - -- i The above illustration will give a fairly good idea of some of the numerous styles shown in our Children's De--partments. .' '.i-v. - ' - --.--- ' We. are prepared to fill the Boys' Vacation needs, at; prices that are veritable bargains. They will be sure to please. i ::-,r y ' . Suits $2.15 bers - of the polio department. . All policemen desiring to avail themaelvee of this privilege will have to file ap pllcatlone and It .will arranged thaijot njere .. Ttnan, , threaLJatrbimen from each relief are to leave the city at pne -time. , -d. ... MASONS WILL CONDUCT BELLINGER FUNERAL - The funeral of Oscar M. .'Bellinger, as sistant, engineer of the O. R. N., who died at hie borne in Woodstock Wednes day evening, will be held tomorrow AfUrnAon At 2:10 o'clock at the crema tory under the auaalces of"Wasnlngtoirj lodge, NO." 4. A. jr. at A. M., oi wmcn lodge deceased had been a member for many yeans. Mr. Bellinger was 4 years of age ana was' the oldest son . of the late Judge Bellinger. He leave a wife and several children, two of whom are now living In southern Oregon. - txat visas nxuOT. If you i able for wi ou are languid, depressed, Incap- ork. it indicates tnat your liver la nut of order. Herblne will assist na ture to throw off headaches, rheumatism and ailments akin to nervousness and restore the energies and - vitality of eound and perfect health. J. J. Hub bard, Temple, Texas, writes: "I have used Herblne for the past two years. It has done for roe more good than all the doctors. It Is ths best medicine ever made for chills snd fever." tee. Bold br Woodard. Clark A Co . 3 I lAim OUTPlTTUiw COl -T r : fortunate - purchase rof a. lot Brussels Net Lace Curtains. Net Curtains7pr.$8.50 ... y sv . .. Children's to $10 CHINATOWN'S ELITE " 'GRIEVED AT REPORT 1fhere'lsgrlef lriTlhe honie or China- town's elite, due to a combination ef circumstance which resulted In the printing of a newspaper article which, declared that at 14: t Second atreet. during a recent fire, Chinese slave wo- ' men were rescued with difficulty by firemen. - - - - - On "the evening of May Si fir broke out next door, and the firemen on climb ing out onto the roof saw barred win dows in the building adjoining. The bars. It seems, were pieced on the wln dawa.lo. prevent thieves entering, not to keep any one In. But the firemen ap- . parent ly did not know this and thus the story t was started. In the house'ln question live some of the beet known Chinese in Portland, with their families. Beld Back leases part of the building, and -Wong Kim. who conducts a saloon in - It. 1 Beld Back's partner in the lease, and Uvea upstairs with his family. Likewise LI ., Ml Gun. manager of the Kwong Leon Tal company, with his family; Mol Ham. with his wife and four-children; Jew Tung of Wing, Man, Lung Sc Cos, with, his family;. Wong Lung and Mrs. Wong and the' little Wongs, and Li Foo and his progeny live upstairs. And they are all good Chinee e. Preferred Btoek Oamaed Ooea. . Allen Lewis Best Brand. BABTX3Ut OUTFll'TlJIO OOl -: SS T S-..T-S1 I mean to Inform you and. the public -"I-','