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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTtANU. FRIDAY EVE NINO, ' JOTTE .8. 1K3. LWf II L III Mil II I I., II 111, 1.1 I IE III , . I .' IBBg3 Special aliuie : , h i I TO PET ' TffiG IIS l 1 100 TvfflTX100O. I For Family Trade Try Port Wine Full Quart HighGrade Speda al.Me For Family Trade4 Try Our Sherry, Wine Full Quart Extra Fine STORES THAT GIVE THE HANDSOME PRESENTS AWAY FREE lington St. PJipne Ma!nJl43Li 2MasI MPOM NO CO 195 Third Street q Phone Main 386 DflLY-TEDDY CAU DEAT BRYAN r- ' Death Alone - Can . Prevent the -.Nomination of Nebraskan :' "y' ;? by the Democracy. GREAT OVATTON PUNNED -FOR TRAVELER'S RETURN Gold DemocraU Line Up (or Silver :r ChampIoniWhdI-BckeI bf'i ' Reunited Democracy as Champion of Reform Movement. . '' (hnil Special Service.) - -Chicago, Jun S. A special ttff oor espondent at Washing-ton wires: Elections, convention and expressions from prominent nan within the last lew day hav don much to snap th program tor the next national cam paign. " William Jennings Bryan la slated for Dernocracy's eaadldata (or th presidency-In 10. Nothlnj , axcopt death can prarant tha earrylog- out of tbl procrant. - Aa mattara atand. It la aald only -on man ean dafaat - Bryan at tha polla two yaara from this coming falL Mia nana la Booaaralt. , Waahlna-toa la aattlad In Ita eonvtoUona'aaioTha ltuatlon and tha atatamanta (Iran rap xaaent lta r lwa : Th Bryan nioT anient, which haa baan held In leaah or many waaka, baa at laat beea . launchad - with - great iraato. T h action -of tha Indiana a tata oonran tlon In lndoraement of Bryan In, raao lutlona "adopted la regarded here aa of tha greataat algnlflcanc. ..i : :- Pravloualy the- Bryan propaganda had bean given a prodlgloua ahove by Demo c ratio . organtaatlona In - Arkaoaaa . and South Dakota. But that la not alL Ez-Oorarnor David B, Franela of Mia aourl haa aounded the battla cry en behalf of th conaervatlvea. "Trancla waa with tha gold Democrat In 189 ndl00. Ha ta Jtack In Una. Bo are the reafJoflhe old Cleveland-Democracy. Bryan la to be tha chetce of tha conaervatlva Democrat!, and ha alao will have behind him all hla former following. - . , .. When Bryan return horn In August from hla tour of th world he will re ceive an ovation uch aa haa beea ao- corded to no American alnc General Grant' time. Ha will b acclaimed on hi arrival In New York, a the undta- poted leader of one of the great polltl cal parti eg of th nation. - ' 't EIGHT UVESvLOST IN ' MONTANA MINE FIRE Anaconda, Mont,, June . Fir atart- ing In Incline . No. f of th Northern Pactfle mine at Rocky Fork, near Red Lodge, Carbon county, yesterday coat eight Uvea Fire damp overcame res cuer and two of them perished.' Th dead: . . Terrene Fleming, ' William ' Bailey, Mike Oarrlage, 'Thomas JSkelley. Al Mo Fata, Matt Kelkka, Roy Carey and Joe Bracey. Carey and Braoey war of th rcu party. ..- r. . , CAKDlDATFIEURfiSDRDWfiS URoeuEiivER rapids: Alvan Thatcker Suffers Like Fate at Same Time, . While t Son ' of Burns Barely Escapes. " , . Come in, here's an old-fashioned welcome for you, and new fashion's clothes. -J - yv : Tht former will be warm, the latter cooL but there' are some hot bargains in Negligee Shirts at 85, Fancy Hose ; at 2 pairs for 25f thin Underwear at 45e. . " y - " J' : Don't fail to see the special values in Spring and Summer S tuts That we are offering at . . $14 THEY'RE THE REGULAR $16, .$18 and $20 KIND . Now . Being Displayed in Our Windows GuKuhnProp .t '.WyY Everything to Wean for Men n4 Boys ' U3 AND 168 THIRD ST. 1 MOHAWfe BLDG. (Special tnapatek t The Joaraal. - Agnea. Or, June Details of the drowning uof . Jt. B.tzSurnj- DemooratH candidate for. joint representative for Coo and Curry counties, aa published la Th Journal, with th added intelli gence of the drowning at th same time of Alvaa Thaoker, an assistant In Burns mining venture, have Just reached here. 7 Z . .. " Burn, with hla son and Thacker, waa taking a load of mining machinery to hi claim In th Mule mountain aeo- tlon by boat up the Rogue river. . When about 40 mile up tha stream and Tat 11 milee from - their destina tion, they cam to a heavy riffle. The oraft. In which the machinery wa car ried wa a long boat and with them they had taken a amall skiff as a ten der. In this amall boat they aacended tha rapids and made fast a line In order to pull upstream the heavily loaded boat. .- - - cropping downstream to make the line faat to th tow, their amall boat became fouled In the line and waa over turned In the rapidly rushing current. Mr, Burns and Thacker were unable to reach th boat and were drowned In the . swirling waters. Thomas Burns, son of JE. B. Burns, . managed to get hold of the capslaed boat and clung to It. He drifted down the river for half a mile, where th craft struck against a large rock, upon which he climbed and waajjescuedtr,..aPoniJwa-nour. GOVERNOR PROCLAIMS - ANNUAL FLAG DAY (Sneetal' DtlDiteh ta The Journal. V - Salem, Or., June I. Governor Cham berlain Issued - this proclamation yes terday: "where,- Th -continental conjrreM on June 1. 1777, selected . the emblem which haa aver alnca continued to be the flag bf our country, and it la fitting and proper that a day be designated and set apart aa Flag day In order that suitable eierclse may be held In tha public and ether schools, and generally observed in commemoration of that event and for paying patriotic respect to our national emblem, "Therefore, I, George E. Chamberlain, as governor of the atate-of Oregon, do recommend that Thursday, the 14th day 1 of Junrt0, b obrrea.h6tr alone by th schools of th state but by all of th people thereof, and X urge that th flag of our country be generally displayed on that day on all publio and other buildings . and places of buslnesa -Let us be mindful on Flag day of the sacrifice and devotion! which have been given to make ' this country free and united, and let ua resolve that In the day of peace our loyalty to Ita welfare may b none th less earnest. -- In witness whereof I have hereunto set my band and caused the great seal of stat to be affixed, at Balem, the state capital, this seventh day- of June, In the year of our Lord, lo. "(Signed) OEO. E. CHAMBKLAIN, - "Governor. "By the governor: "(Signed) F. L, DUNBAR, "Secretary of State." -r-AT-THE-THEATRES -Hawaiian-Band -TooighC- - The Boya! Hawatlnr band of Bonolola still be tb attracooa at the BeiUg theatre tonight and tomorrow night at S:U o'clock, with a (pedal-Klce matinee tomorrow (Saturday), Different programs will be glvea at earn concert. .The band eomprlaes not oelj a Bill, tary band, bat s stringed orchestra, a neadolln. banje and gnltar club, together with a ebotr and glee club. This la the sane ezoellent organisation that played at the Lewie and Clark - f xposlttoa ' laat sonuDer. Mttlnoo to morrow at 2:15 O'clock. I..T"'...'"'"'..''"" a T"". iendlmlcatXorapany-Sundayl The Kendall nulesl eoarpaay, which win epen the eonuner aeaaoa of analcal cotnerty at the Helllg this coming Sunday night, Jane 10, proves to be a One, algh-ciaes orgaaiaatioa which la 'well calculated to please Portland moate-lovera. A eeasoa OX rammer musical stock is spoken of freely around -town - with pleasant anticipation and the praapeets are that the people will welcome the company most heartily. , The Kendall company haa been edded to in San Franctaoe and some local young ladles of promlneaee and exceptional voices Bar beea . put la the elbonav. which came here M strong to begin with. Special preparations bare been msde to render the bill each week ef ea attractive character. The opening bill la "The Bouaders," by Harry B. smith, and music by Ludwlg England,. Popular prices will prersll 25, 85, 50 cents la the evening; 15 and Ze at the matinees. Seats sew selling at toe Heillg theatre.- INTEREST IN SCHOOL ELECTION FOIj SALEM : (Speetst Dispatch te Tbs Jours, t) 11 -1 Balem, Or June . Interest Is being manifested over the annual election of a member of th school board June It aa successor to A. O. Condi L Two name have been mentioned for the office, J. L. ' Stockton and Hamlin Smith. THe friends of Attorney Condlt are alao urg ing him to run again.-" J.T.WALSH TO HAVE CHARGE OF C. &EJR. R. (Special Dispatch te The JearaaL) " Albany, Or., June I. J. T. Walsh of this city has been promoted to the po- aitlon of acting , superintendent ef th Corvalll at Eastern railroad, to fill th vacancy caused by th death pf Con, Snllrvan. ' Mr. Walsh, has been In th employ of the company for years and formerly held, th position of master mechanio,. Big Production, Little Prices. It Is always Intensely Interesting te wetrh the development of a solght y wave of popular enthusiasm like the surging ef the public te the Bsker thestre this week. "The Bternal City." that greet play of Hall Celne'a, has caught . tha . popular . attention completely .and the people cannot secure their tickets fsst enough. It Is almost ear that this . week's performsnce will not by any mesne eatlsfy the public demand for this plsy. at the low prices of admission at the Bsker theatre the wonderful - spectacular production ie ef ridiculously Urge vain. It will else be re- pes ted sad Wednesday sights ana stats are sow ea sale. ' VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. "J' "A Convict s Wife The . Lyrle stock company Is Droving Its ability to please ne many nestre-going peo ple In Ita presentation er the robust melodrama, "A Convict's Wife." The work of the princi pals,- ktau Hnward. atls - Braaseombr,- Mise Posers, Mr. Fanning, Mr. ash ton and Mr. Con rjers. Is hlshlr commendable. The niav af fords an opportunity for1 these clever artists t dlsplsy thehr versatile talents, which tend te endear them In the hearts of the numerous patrons of the Lyrte. For good measure w bsve the Illustrated songs end moving pictures by Mr. Thompson, which aerar (all to Interest and earase, - , ' Pantages' Good Offering. ' A treat . for ysnng and old is the Hunt trelned dog and axinker eireus at Psatagee' this week. Other distinct features are Bslpb eeeaedy, A Beelskla Sseque"; Fletcher snd nolsa. pretty sonlnretTsss .. Mcciead end Mel. villa, spectslty entertainers: Mise Oils Bob- eon, operatic singer; Jess Wilson, Illustrated ballad, and ton set-tea- of storing pictures. y t "A Pleasant Day." . . VI Willis and Collins ksve aa sousing fare la 'A Plrassnt Day-" This Is the mastcel of fering glees bp, the Star stork company this week. The priaclpaM are well supported by their compear sad the ettrsetls rooms. The song selecttone are catchy and nst tha kind which please the ear. A . vanderllle bill, con taining serersl vocslktta snd comedians, fct aa added sttrsctlonvla ,lA Pleasant Day." The story of Oliver Twist" Is told ea the Stare- scope Sim. . . " At the Grand. " , The ClDressman." . the highly amaslag sketch ef Armstrong sad Bolljr at tbs flrsnd taia-Jtsk. Is a Pig Bit. TOesejrcopUmal from the Sen rrsnclsos Orpheum and Bare as act which has siad thoesande laugh. Kalda Is s epeetsrular dancer, with aa unlimited smonnt of special extrsTsganaa erensry. Illswortb sad Burt are producing "Domestic Pels," a farce in one sees. -Oenrge Yoeman Is a Ger man monetogtst-rrea--Weber end yields, - Th only country that does ' not ' us th red cross ss th emblem of her hospital corps Is Turkey, which la al lowed to use a red crescent In Its- place In deference to -her soldier's belief. , - ovus ou sobs. - ; ' . -. Ballard, Snow Liniment Company Tour Hnow Liniment cured an old sore on the aide of my chin that was supposed to be a cancer. The sore waa atubbom and wamM not vleld to treatment, until I tried Snow Liniment, which did the work in short order, sty sister, Mr. Boptua J. Carson, Allensvllle, Miff 111 eountV, Pennsylvania, nns a snrs ana rqistrusts that It I a cancer. Please send her a io-cent bottle. Sold by Woodard, Clark A- Co. ' i ' c Qatsop Qatsop I I SU N DA Y, j p E 1 0th POalTLAND TO SEASIDE AND GalkHAaiT $1.50-RPRID 1W-$1.50 rVST0RIA&rC0LUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD- Leave Union Depot 8:00 a. m. Arrive Seaside 12:30 p. ra Leave Seaside . . 5:00 p. m. Arrive Portland 9:50 p. rit Seats for All ; TICKETS ON SALE ALL WEEK AT 24 ALDER STREET ftLNDAY AT Till! UNION DEPOT These Excmrsions Will Run on the Above S&edule Every Sunday lDixring June i1 . r - , i- - -'- , ,, THalEE PIECE . SUITS (AGES IS TO 29) 'We have a most attractive variety of young men's fine suits, in single and double breasted sack styles, made from the very finest domestic and imported fabrics, at if . YOUNG HS OUMG SUITS :, ;-'-;,;:-v "(AGES 1JT0 2&) . - . . ,?v This assortment is of remarkable breadth and variety. : It in dudes special values in young men's sack suits, single and double breasted, made in all the prevailing styles and from " the choicest and exclusive fabrics. ,T(?S ; ' .,; ' ::. " ' Sasal -.' .'CC2NER TCIXD AND K02EISCJI STREETS ' : : - r. i ; :