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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1906)
tJ C. JT : DAILY Ju'i vs.. A lu.4, -Vx.I!G JUIJH 8, Jv-. VJILSOU UIZHER nilD JinUY DRITT BST v.- Y CROP CONDITIONS IN WASCO VERY EHCOURABIHB Late- Rains Give Grain Good Start, but Fruit Crop V Is Injured? "' (Special Dispatch to The Joomal.) J - The Dalles, iOr.r-Ji - Crop pros pects In Wasco county are very encour aging. .. Rains the past few days have - been Terr beneficial to - spring-sown wheat Nearly all fall-sown gTaln was -killed by the f reeling weather to March, and theiand- was reaowa later In the spring. - Oa Tygh ridge, considered the r. choicest i portion of the count jr.- for wheat growing, fanners say "creeps never appeared better, and, without scorching east winds before harvest, the yield will be equal to any preceding season, "Ijs same may be said of the country around Dufur and Waplnltia. . ., In all these places the area sown to wheat and other cereals la about the same as In former years. This; . fall these crops will be bandied by the. Oreat Southern railroad, which will "make "it more' convenient" for farmers. -Until the last few days the outlook around Wamlo waa very discouraging, - but the rains have revived the grain, ad farmers sre very hopeful. In the region between this city and . the Deschutes nearly double the usual acreage haa been sown to grain and the aeason baa been exceptionally, favor able, .. ' "'-' - .-. -:.! ' Reports from other portion- of the grsln-growlng district are aa favorable j-kHERE" is Reason ".."t''"1'..1""' Why the booa reopie oi America buy Cascarets as Fast ss the Clock Ticks. - - Every second some one, 'somewhere; U Buying a little Ten-Cent Box of Cas ; carets. : rf, ., .; 1. 2, 3, 4, 5, 660 times telha Minute. 60 Minutes to the Hour. 3600 Boxes an Hour, 36,000 Boxes a Day, of Ten Hours, . 1,080,000 Boxes a Month, and then some. . u Think of it 220,000 People take . Cascaret tablet each day. Millions use 1 Cascarets when necessary. ; .. - - - -The Judgment of Millions of Bright, Arnericans Is Infallible. They have been.. Buying and Taking Cascarets at that rata -for over Six years. . It la not an Experiment, not an AccH dent or Inoldent, but a sound. Honest Business, based on Tlme-Trled-and-Tegled Merits never found wanting. r : v " There Is A Reason. ,: ; - - UL , i Cascarets are the Implacable foe of All Disease Germs: - the Incomparable cleanser, purifier and atrcngthener of the entire Digestive CanaL ,.. . . - They Act like Exercise en th Bowel Musclee, make them strong and active able to Help Themselvea do their work keep' themselves clean. ' , ' Cascarets are the safe-guard of Innocent Childhood aralnst the Dreadful Death- . denTP'J W thr..ten;the LWej of the Little Ones. They are Purely Vegetable, absolutely sjwayt PelisMe and Efflo'ntt Get What You Ask Fori Snapshot of Wilson Mizncr, the bride groom of the former Mrs, Yerkee, and Jimmy Britt, the young. pu gilist Miiner just to keep in con dition has joined the little fighter . in his' training quarters. .:. - --.: .. ? ... r. 'r'S . ' it.-. . , ...- v. i ..v i as those mentioned, and Waaco county will unquestionably produce an. average crop the coming harvest. - - . In fruits the outlook Is not very en eouraglng. Cherries ere almost a total failure,, but peach, . prune and apple treea bid fair to produce abundantly. Around The- Dalles -there will be more than an average yield of peaches snd prunes, but no apricots or cherries will be exported. . - ' . - NEW SETTLER STSECURE POSTAL PRIVILEGES Prinevllle, Or, June . Lake la the name of a . new postoff lea which haa been created In Christmas Lake valley, south Of the Crook county, line In Lake county, -where -a -number f residents from this vicinity have filed on land. The new office will be aerved from Sil ver Lake, which la about to miles wesU for a period of three months by private carriers, after which the postal depart ment will let the contract for, carrying the maiL . ..v.- .. OREGON LIVESTOCK FOR : ALBERTA AND ALASKA ; ISoerUl Dispatch to The joersaLt . Echo. Or. June a. Tom Sheridan and Fred McLene have shipped 8,000 head of horaea from Echo to Elkwater. Aiberta. Some of the animals were purchased for from til to 170 a bead.' Host tf them were selected In banda on the rairge and some were very choice animals. El t Spike and- W.-H. Babb shipped too bead from Pendleton. Over TO bead were shipped by a' Baker City man. Thomaa Benson has Just shipped . over 10 car loads of cattle, a number of them going to Aiasa. v ' a true, faithful, loyal servant of Mankind. Over Five Millions of Dollars have been Spent to make the merits of Ca , carets known, and eajery cent of It would be lost, did not sound merit claim and hold the constant, continued friendship. Patronage and " Endorsement of welr plessed people year after year. '-'. ; There Is also a Reason : -J. Why there are Parasites who attach themselves to the Healthy Body of Cas caret'a success Imitators, Counterfeiters, Subs ti tutors. ; ',, . ; .' ; j, .They are Trade .Thieves whd would rob Cascarets of the j-Cood Will" of the people, and sneak unearned" profits. earned and paid for by Cascarets. - , A Dlahenest Purpose means a Dishonest product and a Disregard of (the Purchas ers' Health or Welfare. .' ' V v : beware of the Slick Salesman snd his ancient ''Just aa Good'' story that com mon sense refutes. -'- - Cascarets are made only by the Sterling Remedy Company and the famous little fen -Cent "Vest Pocket" boi Is here shown. They sre never sold In bulk. - Every tablet marked "CCC." Be sure you get the genuine. ' ' rr rust to otjr ntiCNDst We want te send to ear frleaas a besattfjl Fmcb-oeilriea. GOLD-TLATtO BONBON BUX. asre-eaamcba In colors, It is a keaaty fcr Ue ereuinc Uble. Tea cents la ttanps U atksd ss s aieaiers of vA H 1 1 D ana te cever cost of Csecanta, Wlt whlchTiili'a.nty trmket Is toeaei, m Sond to-day, awmtioning this sapr. Adams Sieruac Eeaiody Uaipaay. Caluce er lew lata. easfi te?Z&i II HIIFOIIDN DM Watterson Comes Out' Advocat ing Nomination of Nebraskan '..' ;r: ..for; Presidency, ft' DEMOCRATS STAMPEDE V TO GREAT COMMONER All Eyes Fixed on Statesman Now in Europe as Successor to 'Roosevelt ' in Fight Being Waged Against - Craft and Corruption. ' J 1 ; . Joernil Sprtt UrrVx ) . Louisville, Ky June t. Under the caption "Hurrah for Bryan" Henry Wat tersoa eomse out for tha Kebraskan In today's ' Courier-Journal, urging his nomination for the presidency in loot, Watterson saya in part: ; 1 ' ' . :, ' ' " '.'All Unite on Sryas "There ia good reason for the belief that long before the assembling of the national Democratlo 'convention of 1901 William Jennings Bryan will nave been put tn nomination by states enough In their separate and several conventions to leave to the larger body 'only the business of confirming an ' already agreea candidate, the selecting of his yoke-mate and the building of a plat form. The Mebraskaa ia at the best of his powers. If the party cannot be united upon him,. upon whom else? '"There' Ta1tvtag--nope among the Democratlo rank and file that we can carry the next election, and a latent fear that the chance of doing ao may be . blighted by possible factionalism muddled by misleading influences, per bapa by corrupt and . corrupting Influ snoea, ,' ' " very State for STlm. "These Democrats refuse to take two bltee at a cherry. ' Mr. 'Bryan ia as good as be will, be two years bancs. 1 They Intend to say so. . They do not Intend to watt. What ha will most need will be moral support, and thla they mean te heap-up in sufficient-measure- end in advance. As a consequence, each state, at least In- -the west and south, which meets In convention for any purpose from- Jiaw-onwaxdV will, folio w-the-4ea4 of Missouri. Arkansas and Indiana, nam ing him as the standard-bearer for ltot. -"The people ii a ve lost thaf eontrot-of their- government, and they - begin te feel it. to see it, to know it The free silver emotion, for It was little else, was1 merely the manifestation of a' distem per of whose real nature and extent In 1891 the country waa not fully advised. Something ailed It, - It eried aloud, and. In answer to its cry, various doctors appeared, many . of them empiricists, most of them strangers, but all of them urging a nostrum, which, as everybody ought now to realise, waa not a remedy at alL If Mr. Bryan had been aleoted J lttand .the free silver eure-all coild' havO"beaBr-irled, It. weuld.ULYe brought no relief. On the contrary, it Would- have ' resulted in ' overwhelming disappointment and reaction. ; ' ---- - Bevablteem katy a Trust, ' - The Republican party is a mammoth trust. It la the greatest of all ayndl- Jatea: it could not, if it would, mend ny of the abuse which- have grown p unaer its Tnrnistratton and wbloa appear In every department of the po litical, commercial and economic arena. It Is responsible for the conversion of the publlo highways to private uaea, for the diversion of the taxes from pur poses of revenue to purposes of emolu ment, for the consolidation of all official power In a few hands at Waahlngtan, the concentration of all financial power to a rew nanus in a xsw money centers, for the elimination of the spirit and sense of accountability from the party labrlc, for the corruption of the very sources or tne legal raoric in the legis latures and the electorate from one end of the land to the other.' ; ; Stampede to Sryaa. ' "Mr. Bryan baa served his. probation and earned his reward. That In bla per son stands an actual and visible. victim of ail that Is wicked , and -criminal-In our policies, that with increasing years and atudy and travel, haa come increas ing wisdom, that, in short, he can be trusted to take the helm and to ateer ua away from the breakers of gang and graft politics, having ita headquarters ia the .Republican steering committee of -the senate and In the Republican speaker and his rulea committee of the house such la the meaning and portent or - tne .Bryan .. Doom rand whiclv- upon .thareturn of the native.' will at once receive an impetus and acceleration great enough to allay all doubt of its. spontaneous and popular character.. . . ,. , . "The eourler-Journal accepts the situ ation heartily. It ia a Democrat, pur and simple. -It nurses nslther sores nor score. Nothing has ever entered the head of It about Mr. Bryan which It did not long ago kick out at the heel, and it proposes to labor earnestly and unceas ingly to make his election an accom plished fact, entertaining the while the very liveliest and largest hope." YAMHILL PIONEERS IN 1 -REUNION AT DAYTON ; (fteeelat Dispatrti a The- Joernel.) -' Dayton, Or., June t. The fourteenth annual reunion of the Yamhill County Pioneer association was beld here Wed nesday. The morning waa occupied by a business meeting, prayer- by Rev. T. L Jones, a vocal solo by Mlse Clara Bradley, address of welcome by.R. JU Harris, Dayton's mayor; . response by Rev. A. J. Hunsaksr, annual address by Judge George H. Burnett and muslo by ths orchestra. A banquet was then served. " - - -, Ia the afternoon the pioneers were entertained by muslo by the orchestra, drill and recitations by Dayton talent and addresses by Mrs. E. Hendricks, Hon. N. 7U Butler, Professor H. Me Grew and C. P. Oates.' ' .. Mrs. Hendricks received a souvenir spoon as prise for being the oldest pioneer and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Belcher were presented with a aet of Oliver spoon for being the oldest married couple . present - - An tntereetlng game of ban waa played by the Carlton and Dayton High school teams. Dayton being the winner. The nest annual, meeting la to be held a$ Lafayette. . ELECTRIC ROAD FROM GRAND RONDE TO BAKER YflpeHel Blaestrv to The JoarseL) Baker City. Or June I. The standard gauge eleotrle road which I being built from the Grand Bonae valley to the Indiana, mines and Medical Spring will likely b extended te Baker City, a Chief Engineer Cook and a party of 11 surveyors have run the grade to the summit about six mtles above the resort and are runnlnf the Una ea down to NOTICE; FOR VJ absolute S B i I II SHwaa-ss.- r CONSUlVTATIOfiV F1E We .will treat :any single uncompli cated ailment for $12.50 for the fee. ' 1. We never disappoint bur patients! i,.' .. " S : 2. We accept no 3.J- We never hold 4. ; We never fail " bi.ooi- roisoar, wmr sxraAnia, sobzs. rtoni, stbiottm, taszoo-, KTDBOOILS, STZBTOUS DIOLTss, ' WXAaTSTESS, VXUBS OM cxKOina bzsbasiis or xn atrDwsTrs an wbostatb. OOBbTXX SXOOsTD ASTD TaVBOL STXXXTS, rOBTZAJTO, OBXdOsT. - . , .. , . v - - . - - : - - -. We lo sot etfer yes sny TBEB TBIAt tKXATMZaTa, ZtKOTBIO BZZTS, W0BTH. LESS OaATOMS, er otW mka method, at tr.atm.ut. Our la ar. our own, .nd vrblle other, ropy fb.m. they eannnt Imlt.ri ear mpertor tnathtds ef treatmrnkt WB ABB THB Z.0HGEST X.O0AZEO ABO ODDEST BrECIAUSTS I FOBTLAMD, stvlnc k-a located km SS mn. Wa so set aflv.rtlM ek.ap, inferior trmtsMst. but we jou--alL the jeaoua of years of ripe erawleBe., eaioee la th. treatment ef many tsoe and of vatLnu. We s1. yes .or itm 1B shrrlry tn tse tiestswnt -r eiee.f sies for fair ft, which mir he In my way h. jatlt 4elrM. laTTEBTIOATS OVB METHODS ABD tEABW THAT WE ABB ALL WI CLAIM TO BE, ABD WHEN TOU PLACE YOTR CASE IB On HANDS TOU ABB SOBB 01 OETIIBO TBI BEST TBSAI103IT THAT CAB BE, 0BTAIBIO ABrWHEBX. BODRS S a. aa,. to p. as. ', Evsolafs, TT to, Sj ; Sssaays, t a, m. -bj, II sons. St. Louis UED1CAL AND SURGICAL COBXBX SEOOBO ASTD TAXHSX PERFECT TiBBlresTWBiifaHorwtttf auiies oi me. In seeking medical treatment there should require of your attending physician. .AbllltyaxpexlencewakllLjuxd. an esUblished reputation for RELIABILITY. We claim the above re quirement, which ar necessary, for successful treatment of dlaeasee of men. VARICOCELE HYDROCELE- WEAK ORGANS NERVOUSNESS: CONTAGIOUS BLOOD POISON fc3UiEUJVLATiSJVt: BLOOD AND- SKIN HEART . : LUNG-. LIVER , j KIDNEY . BLADDER AND"; URINARY DISEASES We Guarantee a Cure fr; Every Case We Under ; take or Charge No Fee -'-The doetore of thia Institute are all regular graduates, have had many years' experience, have been known In Portland for It years, have a reputation to maintain, and will undertake no case unlesa certain a cur can be effected. ALL MEDICINES FREE UNTIL CURED Consultation free. Letters confidential. Instructive book . for men, , mailed free, in plain wrapper. If you cannot call at office, write for aymptom blank. Home treat ' ment successful. Office hours I a. m. to I p. m.; Sundays and holidays. It a. m. te 11. Dr. W.Norton DaVis & Co. . r-Ybi-M&f crpeelallst In the sTorthweeV . --- Qffloes In Taa. JToy Xotel, B8ya Third St, Corner Vine, Portland, Or., ' " ' " ' ' CoaldCoke at . WE ASSURE OUR CUSTOMERS PROTECTION REGARD 5 ' LESS OF "COMBINE- OR COMPETITION . ; 01: TAaTXTX, the OABSXaT the SOXTTX SHAS, Is a moat at tractive pine to spend one' summer vacation. 8. - S. BCABXOSA sails from Ban Francisco, July 1, with a party of happy people on their way -to witness the unique native fetes that take place July-1. Th S. S. MAJBXPOSA will remain over In the harbor six days, affording ample time to mnke the trip around the island Vnd visit ths native vlllagea, Clement Wrasse, the famous writer, in his "Romano of th South fleas," says "Tahiti la one spot worth while In a tour of the world." $12S Is the ' first-class rate Ban Francisco to Tahiti and back. Good hotala In Tahltr at to tt,per day. Write for circular to , OCEANIC S. Medical - Springs and the Indiana. A big paasengsr trafflo will be built Up and th line will be a great aid to all mlnea In thia section for hauling or. It will also tap th rich timber belt a few mllea beyond Medical Springs. PRI NEVILLE WILL HAVE CELEBRATION OF FOURTH (Bperlal Dispatch te Th. toeraal.) PrlnevUl. Or.. June t. Over t00 haa been raised for th four daa celebration and baseball tournament which la to be held In Prinevllle from July 1 to 4. This snm incressed before the end of th month. .Elaborate preparations ar tinder way. PrlnevUl never eele bratad. as she will thla year, , . , , cure- MIEN $12.SO Wc will treat any single, un complicated ailment under cuarantee. No nav unless cured. We are estab lished 25 years in Portland. incurable cases t out false hopes! in any case wc take ! STBEETS. TOBTLABB. OBEOOB. HEALTH - " ar certain qualifications that you Dispensary aPECK-i--... HMCARLOCIO- afTwX TVitirrison r0 Phone S. CO. tooS Broadway, Oakland. Cal. Hoy ALWAYS RESTORES OOLOR AMD BEAUTY OF YOUTH TO GRAY HAlttf so matter sow long kaat bee ORAYet WHITE ' U soothes sad basis scalp, BtOpm ItoMlta and pro motes a Aria, lasuhoea growth ef ksia 2Z?.V free sAR.:r;,c phllst Har S. Caw Newark. J. JLsrg e4w B4law AJU Airweiil Y TRANSPORTATION. paBssss1.talwssh,(j,s ALAS!! A EXCiJRSI0;j5 B. B. Ipokase, Seas 1, SI I July a, Mi-Aagaet t- "ABOUBD-rTJOET-SOBTID" ' ZXOVBSIOBS" - BVXBT EIVB DATS, ' SOTTTHXASTIBB ALASKA B0OTB. I Tnm aattle at s. m. for Bateklkse. Taneas. Baaaway. White Bens. Dun s4 Fairbanks-. . . . . , B. S City ef SMttle.' Jose 10. 30. SO. 1 B. B. HusiboM Jnse 4. 14. 13. - S, S. Cliy sf Topaka (tU Sitka), less It. St. 'vorn aotm. Sieosd ealUnj S. 8. Snatse .host Jos. SS. ' f OB BAB TBABC1SOO sixkct. .. . ; ' Ptb Seattle et S s. .. Qosm, Inne a. Si; rswtilla. Jane U, SB. City ef Fesblo, Jus. IS. July S, . rerttsad Oftos, Set Wsebiagtea St. . . . Mala SS. . at. tXZ, Vaas. It. Art. C D. DCNAKN, O. P. A.. . 10 Mara.t St., Sss rtsselsee. ' ' ."SHMresrt m the BUve -'., -. Th nly steamboat making a round trip , BAMXT .. .. -Eaeep Sunday Between u POUTL AMD ftnd ASTORIA AJTD WAT BHUBTTS Leave Portland. .7:ee a, tn. Arrive Astoria .,......,...,1:S0 p. m. Iieav Astoria. .............. .1:10 p. m. Arrive Portland ,....t:00 p. m. MxIJ SERVED A LA CARTE ycrtlaad Saadiag, Aide Street Zoek. Astoria Trading, OaUeaAw Oook. K B. SCOTT, Agent , Phone Main Itt. "REGULATOR LINE The Dalles, Portland S Astoria Navigation Co, . noeta ieav Portland and Th Dalle dallv. except Sunday.' at 1 a. m., arriv ing about t P. m., carrying freight and issengers. Bplendld accommodatlone for outfits and livestock. Book poet or Alder st Pertlandr Jreet . ef Coare sv, tm vuiaa : Vkoa Btaia S14. Iwrtlaad. IBasswBBBalbeBBBBj ALASKA ' FAST AKO rbrCLAk BTBAMSBirS , - 2:' ::' teeve Seattle yETTBBSOir," " sUy S7 t aae S, lS.-l DOLEHIB," May Sl J aae 1, It. M. -AIXn-AT- Brtrtrt.s. . rmeslas, B.taes. Bkse way. Cnaaerts with W. P. A T. mete far . AtUa. Dswsoo. Tassse. desie. eta. . Fo ATI SMtta.tsAlaaka ; tertsT-" Call er emd for "Trip ta Woeeerral Alaae,' "lsdtas Basketry. " Pelaa," - TXX ALASKA S. S. CO rvask wseiwr c.. armtta SSBBW , sasaVAsv. S. S F. AvKilburn - Vw Cms Bey, Bank sad Baa rnsetse 1 ' BText SaJIlaa; from Portlaad, , . TITBSBAT, J VMM Sb:i... W. b, SBBBNOUOB, Agt, Oraeswlek Desk Be. S. raose Male 1SI. C. GEE WO . Portland's Widely Known - and Successful yt. Chinese -. 1 tedicinal, - Root sad . .. -Herb' Doctor His rssteas renmllM, ths lnrr.di.nta ef wblrb we Import dlrMt frosi tb. OrUat la large onaBtitiM sa4 prvpare sad pet as for saa la alaBB le.ate labatary... Mo mertmrf. potaesa er stbs. ef ear kind Sua. . Purely nrrtable. Taa Doctor wests seeeoesfsTly ssd ssarsntMS te ear. all stomarh rraahlas. ratarrs, astbsi.. -! tsm.t, rwiai.tUaufrToon a, liver. kteoey esil lost m.nhood. ITMALB TK0TTB1ES ABO ALL TBTTATI PIS EASES. w false er nUleadlBf statesMets te the fillet e. A ufe esd kaatins care la th. oalek Mt soaalble tine and at th. lowest test pos sible fnr hoe t rraatment. It yoe eaaset rail, write for syaptosi hlask Sad circular. IbcIom 4 ents la staaips. - COWSTTXTATIOB EX EE. Tae 0. See We CbhMss Ketiotae Co., 1H fkrat St., Oar. Bntisn, Vertleaa, Or. , flesss SMStlaa this papw. O r SPICES, q C0?FEE,TEA DAltlHOPOViDER XawwluNfH7.v fllWSt fllW. ClrOSSETCeDZYEnS v '' PORT LAND. OfiXaOri. -BEST BY 23 YEARS TEST" For Stosaacb and Bowel troubles, Lrv r and KldsMya. and all diseases due to Im pure blood or weak nervea Small sua (tablets) J 5c. large alas, tl 06. At Dru grsts' (lit black brntrat i not. send for FREE trial boa to , rWecM's Maflv . Herb Company . Cnloa'beo. er . j . a roar lore. Cat. TRANSPORTATICn. , r t mmr WTwA.BBr aSBSfMe7-tf St BBBbb. ' 3 Trains to the East Daily-4 Tkraasjb Psltnaa rtandard n4 taarHrt Wa. ""r Hf t Oouba, Ckleaso, Spoa.. touHat aWninf-oar. sally lo Basaa. atr. to Kt tm,""'9 ... - . Tr, H"-etr.. Sir. t:ss S.Oe W?rT rlr fr Ba.trr . . J",'""- 4-Ahne d ' iH.M?0l',,r', P-lnta. dally. C:1I est t ee via n... ?'vn tb Cart PortSnS '"ta. dally I ll pa T: . . COLVUSli, BI-WfjB DtVtSIOI". . - V "4 enters. eosaoettBS wrltj , n!!7 . nwa. asd Nnrtk aWaob. etram . "v- SMvrs SS.SI. eR. boat s "MI.. 10 . . Arrtvas ot Be si... Mcrpt Hmi4a."'. . . -.-'.".""",, BiVBH-Borrm. U. v . ""'k b Knew. A.b-at. eWk. Siltrln.i i ""'Ir. rpt Sondsy (watr ivr tuSH;' . lly. ese , 7AK, "iter Borrrn. v Blnarl.! Umh "X sy points tmoj a . A- " Spokane and tw1 IT" i'V,,1.0 or esas krrlral Trsls " xt?:. Ant" t Ticket. Ofr. Tblrd snd WaahtsaiA sts. , T.lrrAana Iiala Tit. A. y. cr i7" ?r,N0.B"' at '"' Asset, a. U CBAIO. Oesaral Paasasfer, EAST VIA SOUTH DBlos Dpo- Leers. OwJnt K;prassTt.tas -" Balrsi, Boaoborf. Aab. . lose. Sacra BMaCa, Ositra, fee EraoHaoo. Btorktoa ler-Aosvlaa.- - rlrr. 1 No Orlraaa asd th .aat t:IO Arrive. ; t M tm - -'"""a trais eosoertB at STrae.y- Wftb iraln (m t oofmura sail Mouat Ancrt, gllnrtoa. it.! WBlllBg and Katroa... S:4ta n:Stssj auoae aaaaMieor m sorts at ShuHwn m Mosnt -'Anr-1 aaa - - " Ineel.. 04ns pn WMm frv.llls BOMoearr , T M am fl:fsn pa . RhoHdaa eaaoensvr 4:ftnpai S 29 aal rof-t Orora paasensw. I10:4B on IM tm Dally. Iirtally oreopt nolay. ' JKrTBBSOlf-BTREET STATIOIt. Fot Dane. and IntrrnMll.te polets"- tatty' 4:lt p. m. Arrive Portia n4 10:10 s. B). ror time asd rare of Onrere .aborbaa tratas apply at City Ticket Office, or atatloo. . Tlekats ta. Eaatera paints and EnrapeC alsa Z Japan, China. Bonolsla and Anatralla. City ' Ticket Offleo enrerr Third isd W..B lase strorta Pbooe Mala Til. C W STtNOFB, A. T.. CKAIO. City Ticket Astat. ' Oaa. Paas. Acvat. TIMECARO OF TRAINS Portland: rjslos Dopot 'Lesve. . Arrive. T.llowstoB. Park-Kama. . CttyJIt. Loots Special for " . ' - ' Cbaaalls. Contra lla, Olyo.-- ; Bis. Oray's Harbor, Sootb Boed, Tacoaia, eVattlo. Spo- r . ' 1 kaao. Lowlatoa. Bstts. Bll- llBsa, Doavor, Omaba, Kaa- , ; aa. City, St. Louis and Soatheaot, dally .V. :Kta l:Mrs North Onoat .Limited, .Ire- ... trie llgbtod, tor Taeoms ' , ...t. Doattls, .. Spokus. Butte. Mlnoaapolla. St. . Psal ssd the Bart. Sally t:00 pa Mil Pnsot Boaad TJmltod. ror . " rUromont. Chob.lts, Con-. ' t , ' trails. Tacania ssd Beettle only, dally 4:10 pa t:Mpa Twin Cltv Frprsss tor Ts- roBia, Seattle. Bpok.oo, ''; , ttrlrna. Bstte. St. P.oL . ( MlBDOopolla. Lincols, St. ', Iospb. iKanaa. City, Obi. U. Sr. Loals. wltboa rkanee ef rare. Wreet me- , eortloes for ll ""Ina,. ' . But end floefhraat. aally.. tt8 pa- tOro a A. D. CrTAKl.TOM. AnlsraBt Ooeoral Pa seaaer Agent. Sat Morraao street, eerear Third, Portland. Orocoa. t Astoria &-Columbia;-River Railroad Co. . tTaloaiTjODoir ror Msysm, Balaier, Clats. kaaie. WMtport. Cllftna. Aa tort a . Warren toa, fla- . vol, Hanaoed. Port Stv ' ana. Osarb.rt Park. Sesalde. t:0tsa 11:9 sa Astarts aa4 Seaabora, os- ... proa, dally twS lS All trains dally. . - J. a MA TO. O. P. sad P. A.. AstoHs. Or. C. A. STEWART, CaamrcUl Ageat. 94B Alder street Pbose Mala BOA .. . ... v 1 . TWl COItroenASIX WAY. 9 OverUnd Trslss Daily 7 'ike Oriaatal Ltaaltod. the last Ma.O VIA SBATTLB AND" BPOKAWB. ' . Dally. Dally. - - Leave, , Arrive. Perflaad time scbedule , , ' Te sad from Spokane, St Past. MlBBoapolla. ..... Iraletb aed all poiata Bast vis, SaaUte...... I sa . TS ta ., 1143 pa t .S pa -To ssd froos St aet MlBBOopolla Dalotb sod .It polals Beat " via Spokaae S IS pa Srsa rest Varthera StoasMht Oo, r Sning from Seattle tor Jepea sad Cklna Sorts and Manila. earrylBaT aaa. saacrrs ssd frelcht. S. S. MisaeeoU. July tt. , B. S. Dakota. Soptoakor t. . , f BTTTOB TVSEB K All HA ilapaa Mall StoaaMhlp Co. I , kaaatawa Mara will Ball tmm Boattle shout Jaae II for Japoa bm4 China porta, eurytsg .saasoBcere sad frelsht Par fJctrta, rates, borta tloaa. at... call ea ar .ddrraa K. PtCEIOW. O. . T. A., Itt TW at. yerliaa. Orosoa. raoae ais saw. Steamer (to. R. Spacer. PAST TJ' '"' n TKB COTtTM-4-T ; I T t Tirt M Til b-.--- -Loa.oa aa-oueet t a. m. "- f rtallr. aae pel -a. arrl.. - a . earn rartttrnifwf 1 ' W ' t ind JO al (.;- ' els f icy-vtotB- ---- " - - Y.'aX aw wsarf f-t C .