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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. TCHTL.M;d. FRIDAY EVENING. J J.. J C, 'MZZ. -J . 110! FOR li'lT CLOD RACING LlEET STELTZ WAS EASY f -1 mm hope -io- F ( FOR PORTLAND Intercollegiate Track Meet To-. j Dillon's New ; j Flinger Was Fifth Annual Field Day of Local Club Will Be Held To- morrow at Salem May ' ; A ' Purni'h Surprises. ' . Y Touched Along for a Dozen ' ' Merry Hits. ... i. morrow. GOCHNAUER PLAYED A. HrtBSFfi AND nmFR CORVALLIS WILL GIVE ' OREGON A HARD RUN ; READY FOR THE OAV BRILLIANT ENGAGEMENT Clever Shortstop Accepted . Nine ! Chances ' Without an . Error . Sweeney, McCredie and McLean Connect With Stelu's Curve. : President Downing Announceg Of Manner In Which Points Are Count ed Will Glv .an Advantage to th Oregon' Agrica Sixteen Men From Eugent Will Enter Events. . ficlal List of Horaea, Kldert, Colors and Officials for the , Event Irv- ington Track Is in Good Condition, DM! REGOLIDS " Portland 7. Los Angeles 3. . i. . 1 Batteries Garvin and Donahue, Stelta and Eager. , After a prolonged rest, due to the ; unruly laments, baseball waa resumed ''yesterday at Recreation park, .and as usual the Giant walked off with the fame,' T" to t. . The diamond - waa not lit for fast 'baseball., and. the mlscuee made by the locale In the ninth Inning eould be charged up to. the softnsssof the Infield.. I'.'.v r.- '.--" .The Angela presented Mr. Btelts In . the box. This young man was received with' open arms and swinging bats by the locale, and before the day waa done ke had been hammered for a dosen hard and safe htte, one of whlch waa a triple, Stelts could not locate the plate In the first Inning, and when he did the ball Was nt to unprotected territory. -la., the . opening--chapter McHa)ewaa1 aare on a hit, Sweeney and Mitchell walked, McCredie hit safely, and so did McLean, carina" two runs. One more came la the fourth on three hits and two tn the fifth on two more drives. Four safe swats In the seventh and eighth Innings netted two mora. . :. - The Angles' two rune came In the ninth on three hits and a very pretty combination of. .. errors .by .Mitchell. Moore, Smith a Co. '. V""" " Oochnauer played the star game of the occasion, having nine hard chances .withcut a mlecue.The JlneaPL ''i POBTLAND. ARRRPO. A. E. a i -1 ni ..... i f . i . o l McHale, cf. ; Sweeney, a. Mitchell. If. ....... aii i JJ -0- 0 ponahue. e. :..,...,,- (L 1 7 1 Moore. 2b. 4 f S 0 t r e Garvin, p. ,,. 4 0 0 0 ' 7 Totals '..;;.. T 11 37 II ... : LOS ANGELES. A& R. H. PO. A. E. .... 4 0. 10.0.0 .... I 0 0 4 4 0 ....I 1 0 4 0 0 Bernard,- cf. . . , Oochnauer, as. C'ravath, rf. ... nillon. lb. .... II 1 0 V I 0 0 1 1 0 Delmas, 2b. 0 Mger, c.,,.,, 4 0 f - Btelts, p. 4 . :rj?o , Totals ...... ,...ti I 4 24 IT 0 SCORE BT INNINGS. 1 i Portland . .......! 0 0 110 11 T Hits . ;.I 0 0 t 1 0 I 1 it Lo Angeles :....0 00000002 1 Hits . ,1 iooooio a - f-C BUMMART. 8truck outBy Garvin, i; by Btelts. a. Bases on balls Off Garvin, a: off Stelta. 2. . Three-base hit McCredie. Double play oochnauer to Dillon. Sacrifice tilt ooennsuer. stolen bams Sweeney, Jud Smith,' Cravath. Hit by pitched balls Delmas, McHale, McLen.J First basa on errors --Los Angeles, 4. Left on oases roruaoo, ; Lm Angeles, I. Time of game One hour and 40 mln utea. Umpire KnelL ... PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. -Won, Leetr- P.C Portland. 0 a 4 t .III Pan Francisco. ........10 Bea ttle . . T Oakland k ... ft .714 .683 .III .S07 ''JO -T Kresno a Loa Angelee , .200 amsom rialah foe Seals. (Jeered Bpeeial tervice.V f OakUnd, . Cel., June (.The Seals wo -out v yesterday 4a the olnth Inning. 8cor.:T..;. . VU....r;.,. Oakland . . .....04 20 1 0000 7 4 4 Ban Francisco ..a 2 0 0 0 1 00 1 117 4 naileries tinea, wneeier and Wilson Reidy and T. Hackett. . Umpire Mc Donald. . '-,.. . . , . Better Battia Wtns foe Seattls. (SpMial Dlapatrh to The loaraaLt Bcaltle. Waali June t. Tbe alwashee won yesterday through better batting. The eoore: , ; settle i-.. , ,v;.e a o o i a a i -11 ii a Fresno. . ......0 000 0 2 000 1 4 4 oaiieriea jonea - ana Blankenshlp; Walters and Daah wood. Umpire Per rine. . -. .. . . NORTHWEST LEAGUE. ' Oae Hare foe Spokaae. ':, ' . fSeeeUI mepatok to The Journal) pokane. Wash., June I. Law ' waa knocked out of the box In the third in ning, yesterday and the locale won eas ily. Score: ---.-. . , R. II. E. iGrtv Harbor,uJ Oft 8 9 0.0 0 1 I a Spokane . . ...TJ 0 il 0 0 0 0 10 12 Batteries La w. Dunn and Bmliinr! Franklin and Stanley. , , , ' Tig-era FiaaUy Wla. (Beerlal Dlapatek to The Jotiraalt Butte, Mont, June I. The . Tigers ' broke the locals' winning streak yester day by bitting the baU at opportune , times. . The ecore: . . .... . c ,R.H. E. Butte ...... ........ ...4 0 a Taooma . , 7 Batteries Howard and Swindells: Feaney and Shea. Umpire Huatoo. V; NATIONAL LEAGUE. - sw Tora. V mh. a R H. E. Chicago i . -.... 4 j-.... 10 21 0 Kew York.' 0 4 4 Batteries Pfelster. Reulbach and Mo ran; Mathewaon. MeGlnnlty, Ferguson ' and Bowerman. Umplree Eraslle and O'Day. ' ;" ; " "a$ reoklra v '"..' . ' R.H. E. fit Tyuis , ....................7 a a Brooklyn . . a I 4 Batterlee Taylor and Grady; Scanlon and Bergen. Umpire Johnston. - At rkJladelpkla. ' R.H. B. rinrtnnatl .....J 12 1 Philadelphia 1 7 - 1 Hatterlee Welmer and Schlei; Sparks nd Dooln. Umpire Klem. .l ' Make $18Q Today. Bee annoueemnt' ef " Ellere Plane Itnuse en page 7). We must get eat In a few daya. . Prices lost sight of. Every, thlnf must ore planoe. Pianola, pianos. I tanotaa. organ a, gt&, eta, ''TwUi pay . jree. te act today. ( . ' :' . " i ' v" '": ' ' 1 ' 1 1 aVio : )fo: ' jlialwj6ls L, L, Leadbetter, en Bob Crawford, ' - ' morrow Hunt WILLAMETTE ENTRIES FOR SATURDAY'S MEET (Special Dispatch 'to Tme.Jooraal.) ' Willamette University, Salem. Or., June I. Willamette has entered the fnllnwfn men for the different events In the state meet tomorrow at the state fair grounds: i ." ' High J umj Lounaberry, Whipple and Fisher. road3mplunsberryV Bader and Matthews. . Hammer-throw Nelson, Belknap and Boblns. "-."T- ..(. - ....v .. . 8 hot put Lounaberry, . Nace and Un- ruh. 100-yard dash Qrey. Kornto and Lounaberry. ... . .. . .. :.; ISO-yard, daah Grey. Kornlo .and Forbes. i, JZO-yerd . hurdles Qrey and Sander. . High hurdles Matthew and Kader. ' Discos Nace, Lounsberry and Robins. - Half mile Forbes and Bandera.- '' Mile H Belknap, C. Belknap and Elliott " JV ' ' ; '"" ' Pole vaVlt-Lbunsberry and Wesley. 40-yad run Forbes, Orey and Roblna. IS . . t... .-.-..' L - JRelay.leam - Iu n a be rry,-X3y, Forbes and Kornle,:. GRAND JURY MAY BEGIN v , SALOON INVESTIGATION i ' ' (Special Diaaetch to Tbt Joaraal.t 4 Pendleton, Or., J an I. The following grand jury naa oeen selected for the prsent term- of tJmatllla eounty circuit court; David Horne, foreman; A. B. McCarty, Ed Greeses, J. A. Badley. T. J. Tweedy, William Potts . and Manuel 4-Frledl y -XJUle Jaa been -done but it is -understand" thaC before the session la over gome complaints against saloon men and gamblere will be lodged with the Jury. STANDARD and dragged their clothing down THAT We have set a HIGH-QUALITY STAND ARD and built our cjbthing luptoitllI;- y L , THAT f -..- what they are today the finest pro duct of the tailor's craft. i Money won't buy any nnilllli, Two TLt- O -U, O S5-S7 ID111D Sti (P f1 ,x '..a Entered for Two-Mild Event in To- "Club Races. ''.-.'v..-' - "A':'r-:'- COCKSWAIN OF CHICAGO IS PRAISED FOR COURAGE - Secretary Bonaparte Addresses Letter Complimenting Him for Saving Refugee'sTSfeT" Manuel : Jr. -Veara, the eocksweln of Admiral ' Goodrich's flagship : Chicago, haa received a letter ef -eommendatlon from Secretary Bonaparte of the navy for gallant eonduct In the rescue of an old man, a refugee from the San Fran cisco Tire. The letter from the secre tary tells the etory f-i----irrz:. , "The commanding officer of the Chi cago' reports to the department that on AprU 20, while a . large number of refugees from the burning city of Ban Francisco were embarking at Fort Ma son, an old man, loaded with two heavy suitcaaes slung screes hie shoulders and around hla neck, fell overboard, be- 4wen4he -dockand -t' appeara that there a strong tide running at the time, that the night waa very dark and that there wsa every probability that the man would be crushed between the dock -and jthr etde Of the steamer. Notwithstanding tbess circumstances, jroe - Jumped -down be tween the boat and the dock piles and succeeded io - reaohlng the man and holding him until a rope could be low. ered by which he' wae hauled safely upon the dock.' young- manH small of stature, but a thorough sailor,' and Is popular-among. Jils shipmates. He hss been with the cruiser Chicago about IS months. - '... merchants have set a LOW-PRICE MAKES "HAND-ME-?DOWNS." MAKES Soils - $! and Three Piece '. M - : vmm. OTHIERj BETSIAllE & OAK The fifth annual field day of the Portland Hunt elub will be held tomor row afternoon at Irvlngton race track. The first race on the card will start at 1:10 and the program will be ftnlshsd before ft 'o'clock. . , . Local riders and the lovers of horse racing have been looking forward to' this event with great expectations .and the officials of the Hunt club announce that thla year's card Is the best ever offered to the public. . . . - i - ' . .!.'- The track, while a trifle heavy, Is in fairly good condition, the grandstand haa been renovated and the boraes- have been, trained carefully for the event Brown's full band baa been engaged for the occasion and wll render a special program of music. There Is an tntenae rivalry among tne different, riders, and the spectators will have an opportunity .of wltneaalng the cleverest horsemanship of which . ths local club la capable of producing. " It will be an occasion, for the belated horsemen "to shoot the soup" Into their mounts in order to keep them In the going. ' President Downing has Issued Instructions to the officials that every event must be pulled off on time. Pre siding Judge Hugh - Hume and Asso ciate Judges H. C Bowers and J. W. Cruthera will see that there la no crowding ruor rough -work- during - the racing. E.ll. u'Brien win act aa starter and will" see thst every .field will go off In a bunch. Riders who are not in Una paddorfc..l(L.mjjauJe.e..b.efore. saddling time will not be allowed to a tart. Thla rule Is neceaaary In order that the racee will be started at the time set TheT fflclanist "crnorses;: owners, riders and colors is aa follows: I Three elghtho-trrtlo-daahr-160 pounds; for Henry Ladd Corbett cup Joe Jew. ett, owned by . Thomaa Scott Brooke, rider Thomas Scott Brooke, color lemon; Call Bond, James Nlcol, James Alexan der, white; Cricket. Henry Metsger, Henry . Metsger, white; Beded. David A.- Pattalo, -J.-C- Muehe.-whltet- Bar nato, David A. Pattulo. C. H. Leadbet ter, scarlet; - Jim Budd. Miss D. B. Howard, V. a Howard, blue and gold. Seven furlongs, ISO pounds, for Miss Bell Alnsworths cup Will Wehrung, owrred. byrfcr- F.': 0.Bttffum.-rtder.'R, IL Jenkins, color yellow; Paul Jones, B. M. Lajrus. E. M. La aa rue, red end white; Our Choice. E. B. Tongue, El B. Tongue, orange and blue; Bob. Proudy, better to $ -Is ' V . n 7. --.::"- , ' . The Whites Relay Team, That Will Compete Agibst the Reds st Hunt -l. Qub Meet The Riders AreVFrom Left to Right WUliam Walters, ' L. U Leadbetter,'A. H,' Tanner, R. H. Jenkins. , ; VJ: Jj ; V. S. Howard, V. a -Howard." blue and white. . . ,v . ; ' . . , ' , Two-mile relay .race, for prises do nated by the George . Lawrence - com pany, John Clark. Saddlery company, the. P. J. Cronln company, the' Brey maa Leather company Whites: First quarter, A. H. Tanner; second quarter, William Walter; third quarter, R. H. Jenkins; fourth quarter, L. L. Leedbet- ter. Reds: First quarter. A. M. cro nln; second quarter, Will G. MeRae; third quarter, Jamea Flcolfiourlh. quar ter, C. H. Leadbetter. - - Five - furlongs. ,160 pounds..for ' X Wesley Ladd cup Tom Fox, owned by Dr. Emmett Drake, rider J. C. . Muehe, color white; John Bogga. H. H. Herd man. E. B. Tongue, - orange and blue; Mike Wisdom. T. H. Tongue, T- H. Tongue, crimson and black; Stlmy, W. M. Davis, C. H. Leadbetter, scarlet; Bob Proudy. . V. 8. Howard. V. S. Howard, blue and white. - . . . 1 1- Three etghte mile pony race, -for Port land Hunt club cup Second--and - third piisea donated by the Btudebaker com pany, the Mitchell-Lewle-Staver. com pany; riders not over 1ft years; ponies nut uer 10 handot poet eetrlee. Quarter mile 'dash. ' 200 pounds, for Portland Kennel club cup Llgero. own-1 ea vy r., i iuci t . jn. invia, color white; Irish Lad. O. H. P.i Bel. morvt, Jonathan A Horenrgreent St, Enoch,. J. i C Tevle Jr., Dr. Emmett Drake, red; Talagal, E. R. Thomaa, Da, vld Patullo; Charles Edward, August Belmont, Thomaa IL . Tongue, crimson and black. .... 1 Two mile run,- 1(5 pounds, for Mrs. F. O. Downing - eup And the -Portland Hunt club eup Oregon Kid, owned by E. B. Tongue, rider K, B. Tongue, color orange and blue; Marengo, E. M. La sarus. E. M. Laaarua, red and white; Raoivou, F. W. Leadbetter, F. V. Lead hettey, red' and wttiteBub 'Ci'awforuVL L. Leadbetter, L. L. Leadbetter, laven der; Vlncej Dr. Emmett Drake,' E. T, Chase, green; jriL Bennett. W. M. Da vls, C. H. Leadbetter. scarlet; Oregon ' erry rrm ii i mm eyTr7(j v.wr an-r-vr r'-n i-eat tuj rw sarrei.'iH a. k. s - 'aaa. se- w-x. -i-.ywy ar Sunshine, T. Scott Brooke.1' R. H. Jen kins, yellow. - . " Judges Hugh Hume,' H. C Bowers, 3. W, Canithere. Judges relay- race E. R. Eldredge, T. T. Strain. J. W. Ca ruthere. Starter B. M. O'Brien. Timers Will O. MacBae, W. B. Fechhelmer. - AMERICAN LEAGUE. LiTew-roTk. " 1 , R.H. B. St': Louts , . Kew York . .e e 1 Batteries Powell and Rickey; Hahn and McGulre. .. -. -t.- - Aft-ClUvelaadV-C,''"::' - ,. .-.j.V'-:.n.-. ... . R.H. . Cleveland V 7 ' Boston .-. 1 1 Batterlee Jesa and Clarke; Harris and Armbruster. . -- 4 Petrol timi r; i rrivv -,-, 7 1 0- -1 Washington . . .......1 - S 4 Batteries Donahue and Payne; Pat ten and Klttredge. r .. '; STATE TICKET NAMED v"BY!NDIANA DEMOCRATS T; ""' '"' tJeorsal t pedal rrtee.l - - Indianapolis, Ind., June ft. The Dem ocratic state convention adjourned after making the following nominations Foe secretary of state John F. Cog of Columbus'' waa nominated. The rest of the ticket follows - For auditor of state. Marlon Bailey, Slsetoa; - treasurer, - John - Xsenberger. North Manchester; attorney-general, Walter ' J. Lots, Muncte; clerk supreme emirt, Bert New,- -Nortlv Veno) upee- Intendept of public Instruction. Robert G. Haley, Monroe; state" geologist, Ed ward Barrett, Hendricks; state statisti cian. David M. Curry, Sullivan. v (Special Dfcpatek to The Joanul.) Salem, Xr., June ft. Unless all signs fall there . will be a record-breaking? ' crowd at the Intercollegiate field meet here tomorrow. " Interest Is at fever heat and there le considerable specula- tlon as to the outcome. Although Ore - - gon won her annual dual meet from O. A. a by a score of 76 to 46. it le the v prevailing opinion hat the Corvalliaitee win maae a mucn eeiier anowing to morrow, , Oregon-depends upon five or elx etar performers, while Corvatlle has, a well-balanoed team and is strong in second, third and fourth places. The " -eyetem of counting points ft, I, t arid 1 In order of finish will undoubtedly 'aid " Corvallls. and the work of Lounaberry of Willamette and Peterson and Fletcher of Pacific will take points from Oregon . in the Jumps "and runs. Ths Corvallls . ieam Is said to have shown considerable-"-" improvement since the meet at Eugene, and it Is the 'general belief that the ' 'Aggies" will crowd Trainer Hayward'a ' men for first place.. An estimate aa to the result glvss Oregon 66 "points. Cor . . vallls ftt, Wilamett 16 and Paolflo 11., Any one of a half dosen things may happen that will give Corvallls the meet by two or three points. If . Sullivan ,' should win one of the sprints or hurdle races., or. should Dunlap 10. A. C) take ' the hammer-throw from Hug (TJ. of O.), victory -sfill go to Corvallla. . . . s . ,, ' Moullen (U. of O.)-should break-the Intercollegiate record for the pole vault, and MoKlnney (U. of O.) will have ne - trouble breaking - the record for the " " aliotput Frleaell and Kelly (U. ef O.) will undoubtedly break the record"' fofT" tne-broad-Jiimp, and De VolMO-A-C-.) r should aet a new mark for the mile run. ' In- feet,-- many- eeeorde-wlll- be broken tmlese"vreather cmidltlona-mTe'Tinfavor"" The University of Oregon team.con- . elating of 16 athletes, Manager W. C ' Wlnelow and- Trainer W. L,' Hayward came down from Eugene yesterday ; afternoon. The tesms from Forest Grove and Corvallla will arrive tomor- , row morning. 'Unleee rain falls today; 1 the track will be faet tomorrow, .' .. Save Sugar and Berries. No spoilt f ruH with Everlasting Jare, Tou ktiow-whrf the'Jar ta sealed. All ' glaaa - Absolutely sanitary. Portland '" retail price plnte-Tferquarte tScrhalf gallona, 11.20 per dosen, at all grocers.