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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1906)
: TIIS OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. JUNE 6, 1CC3.. i rr 1 i U TCITD TcsTjj 'H - TOYIOKTS AMTrtEMEMTS. . .. n xtamu city ,..."A Ooa.lrt'a ;'A riaaMDt It" Lyric ttar . Grand raaUgea ::::::::Tdtitto. Portland will be well represented, at the National Christian Bcleoc oonven tlon In Boston. . Ths , following dele sates from Portland are now en route Mr. and Mra. David B. Osden, Mr. and Mrs. John Lloyd. Mra. B. M. Hosue, Mra. Cornelia, Burkhart. Mlaa Elisabeth Cad well, Mrs. Alice Allen. Mrs. F. A. Knapp, Miss Leslie Knapp, Mrs. - M. Rimer, Mrs. R- C, Warlnner, Mrs. Mllo P. Ward. Mrs. M. B. eTrevett, Mrs. Emma Brown, Mrs. - C. W, Thompson,. Mrs. L. A. Wood. Mrs. Anna-tMoore. Mrs. Ullian. M. Morris, Mrs. Elisabeth Pat teraon, Mra.W. T. Veushn. Mrs, M. J. Jones, Mrs. . poovert, , Mr. and Mrs. Prank Bruhn. Mrs. Lillian Barry, Mrs. H. H. Neal, Mra. P. O. Northrup. Mrs. Ix)tta Chase Smith, J. H. Van Houten. Thejfollowlns- Joined the party frora Salem: Mrs. Sarah Nelson, Miss OrvHle Ballou. Mrs. Jessie N. Waters, Mlaa Waters, Mrs. Lou Hatch. ..'..RatL. Arthur H. Bmlth. D. b'.J for many ' .years a missionary of the ConcregaUonal church In China, Is passing; through this city and "will deliver an address on his work, and experience at-rUie Bunnyslde Congregational church. East Taylor ana East Thirty-fourth streets; this evening at I o'clock. Pr. Bmlth Is at once an acknowledged authority on the Chinese people and a speaker of marvelous elo quence and power. . The local council of the Order of Pendo has elected the following officers: Mra A. E. Joplln. past councilor: Mra M. E. Drew, councilor; Mrs. J. Johnson, vlce-counctlor; Mrs. R. L Moudy, see retary: Edward Kaston. secretary; Mrs. Z.- Gregory.' chaplain; F. C Hartar, guide; F. Reutheman. sentinel; Mrs. A. JReiitheman.' musician. A eomrafttee composed of T. A. Goudy, "Paul Custer and O. W. Taylor was ap pointed at a board of trade meeting' last evening to make a canvass among busl- ness men and ascertain whether they "wants, big celebration of the "Fourth or July In Portland. If aceiflTftt!onl desired the board will . cooperate. . it -was reported at the meeting that a "number of eastern concerns nfage,r'Tn' JJBnilfactV! would locate on this coast, where there are- convenient up ' piles Of raw , materials. If the federal - tax Is removed free denaturalised alco hol. The board will ask, senators and . congressmen to assist in an effort - to ,-jremovo the tax. ;' - ( v' - Judge C " H. Carey appeared before . ' the ways and means committee of the council yesterday afternoon In behalf of the Northern Pacific, which has pe - tltloned-for . the vacation of several streets near the terminal yards. With - the exception of Lovejoy. Overton and - pettygrove, - the alphabeticaUy named . streets from Hoyt to Raleigh and from Tenth to Twelfth are wanted 1y the railway for warehouses purposes. Maps "' and 'diagrams were shown -the eourt-.- oilmen, the conference being informal, --and no recommendations being made.; T- Plans have been made by the board of governors of the PorUand. Commercial ctuJ to go forward with the building of the club's new 1150,000 home at Fifth and -, Oak streets.' At a meeting held yester- day afternoon it was . decided that a eommltteeyof bondholders, of which F. . w. Lead belter will be president, will " construct the building, under at contract with the board of governors, and when completed will be formally turned over i to the latter body legally representing the club. -, -'.,,..,. The operating department of the O. R. ft N. Co. is making a strenuoua effort to clear away the accumulations of : freight that have been pUed up at Port' -- land and every station along the line during the flood. Every locomotive and car fit to be run la being called our and a number of extra freight trains wlU be . rushed over" the lines. A very lsrgs amount of passenger and freight bust tiess has been diverted to the Northern Pacific during the. flood troubles. , Articles of 'Incorporation" of the . Laurelwood Congregational church of Arleta havo been Bled In the county . clerk's office by 8. O. Briggs, Charles "' O. James and B. B. Kavanaugh. The articles state that the object of the la- corporation Is the ordinary purpose of a j church wrganlsatlon and that the church property la valued at- II. - The sources of . revenue are collections and sub- gcrlptions. i , ' - i . Water throuarh boas Tor sprinkling eards or stdewallss, or washing porches ' er windows, must be paid for ta advance . - and. used only between the hours of I v and I a. ra. and ( and p. m. It must not be used for sprinkling streets. If weed contrary to these rules, or waste fully. It wiU be abut off. . " The regular monthly meeting of the Ladles Relief society was held yester day In the First Presbyterian church. Reports from' the Children's homo : showed tt. to be In excellent condition. ' Nineteen children fmm the home re " reived II each for riding in the "Made la Oregon .parade. . - .... ...i The" water department ' will receive , water rates at Hi Umatilla avenue, Sell- . -wood, and Til Dawson street. University Park, next Wednesday and ThtiTuday, ' from 1:10 a. m. to 4:1 p. m., from thoee who may prefer to pay at those places ' Instead of at the regular water offices. - Fillmore Tyson, chief of the fire de partment of Louisville, Kentucky, Is In Portland accompanied by one of his cap tain a They are Inspecting the appa ratus In use here, being especially inter ested In the flreboat . j-- - The ruins of the old Xadderly build ing en the northeast corner . of Grand avenue and East Oak streets was sold " .. today for HM00. The lot Is log by to and a new, building, will undoubtedly re place the rurtm. The property was owned by Den J. Malarkey and Roger Btnnott and the aale was made by E. J. NOW FORGET POLITICS ay, lera let as sail eff ear eoata sad ge at It ar gowl, - . CeaUmlng to boils me greetaat hnrs that m stood rpes the broad Peciae shore er la the ailebty w-et, Ceat-nt-4 anlr wave we'-s reecetd the trullfoT (Utloa, "BK8T." ' -" Wbea we bnllt ap this laaadry to Its sraeaat nl(b tatat We pat npee eer gngers sad ere eeeeed tbe fate, asd abnntee fliat we'd sever rest tilt we stood at tke bad We're Ur-. but bloe yne, eftea here , ear ealloeais latere blee. go sow for(( yoer poHtlca a ad bra get .,la aad dig." r apl-Ddld, park 1 tar Pnrtlaad Witt Its boart se graad and bl . . A eltr that ear breUMre and eer Blstera Tarywbare Will - root eatll tby- eoeie ta ebtsaaee te sbare. . UNION LAUNDRY Tel. Kate Mt. Baeaed aad CMaatUe. All family , eraahlog Oe peead. Here Arc Some Things the Saving Ocn!i Pay 4 per cent interest on savings and 2 per cent on checking ac count. , --i -. - . ' Open Saturday rahts From 5 to 8 o'clock to receive tie posits and pay checks. A general banking, trust and sav ings business. ; , t ' . Rent safety-deposit boxes for $4, $3 and $8 per year and up. Act as trustees for estates,- cor. porations - and individuals: Portland, Oregon,- corner; Sixth : v and Washington streets...;. ' . OFFiCERS. ' ' .. W. II. MOORE, , . E. E. LTTLB. .-President. ' Vice-tree , W. COOPER MORRIS. Caahler.. i ' DIRECTORS .W. H. Moore. "E. R Lytle, Leo Frlede,. 1L Av Moore, W, Cooper Morrla ' Daly. The -name of the purchaser Is withheld for a few days. Mr. Daly has also sold another quarter block on East Morrison street, the details of which will be announced In a few days. Members of tbe city council, other city officials and ' A number of other prominent men . of the city were last nlsht given a banquet at the Oregon grill ,hy the .TTiUtod.Baways, company wnicn nae jubc ODiainoa a irancuiss tur aa electric line cn Front street. -. , Raceet . Raoeef- .1 -Raoeer Saturday, June , 10. Eight racea Beginning 1:10 p. m. ' B. 0.7'Blt ' leaves "tonight for Los Anretear- Mrarflclta will reruein-4n -Port- land until Mr. Belti's return. 8 he will be. a t home at the Colonial. Tenth, and Morrison. ' "" T . T y-)7':y' . The Scandinavian Employment Agency havo - opened a ladles'-department at 10714 (Sixth street for the accommoda tloa of their up-town customers. Don't forget the number. . . Dr. J. Wlthcomb Brougher returned this -mcmln from j Albany, -whera; he delivered a lecture last night. One t-foot range and one 10-foot gas range foe sale very cheap. Max Bmlth, lit-Seventh troAtjeajomson Wo are still selling eye glasses at $1; a 'perfect fit guaranteed or money, re funded. : MeUger & Co., Ill Sixth street. XVaWaJboin. furniture repairing, pol ishing, packing, shipping. Tel. East 0101. Acme Oil. Co. sells the best safety oil and fine gasolines. Phone East 71. A Panama hatter. TTTItL Phone Pa& SOT. INTERESTING STREET , PARADE TOMORROW - The greet Burch t Relas show will appear In this city tomorrow afternoon and will give performances daily during the balance of the week at t and t p. m. under largo waterproof tents, which will be -located -at Twenty-fifth and Ralolgh streets. ' Tomorrow tnomrng a grand free street parade will bo glvenj by this show at which time the entire company of over SS0 animal actors will be seen decked out In their gay trap pings. This la the f iret western tour or me snow, ana xnm manaaemem leeie that It will create a mild sensation, aa It is founded on new Unea and Is said to bo the most novel and pleasing tented exhibition ever conceived. The famous Gregory's Royal Italian Banda Rosea Is with the enow and will-give two con certs dally before each performance. There are scots-of acrobats, gymnaute. aerial lata, clowns and riders with the show, and seats for 1.000 people. '; THECOURT AGAINST THEM. . . i s A. Sextslom That Compels Xenry Jea- alnf ft Im to aerlfloo a Xargo Part 1 of lbs Jrtnvg aeock of rarartoro. ." A legal tangle over the occupancy of one half of the premises occupied by Henry Jennlng eV Sons at First and Tarn hill, ss heretofore stated, has been ended adverse to the Jennlng people and one half of the firm's present store must bo vacated so that the new tenant may . have poesesslon on the morning of Juno 18. - That part of tbe store to be retained by tho firm contalna all the furniture it r will hold at present, so that the full contents of the oart to be abandoned must tbe gotten rid of with out delay. To eocompllah this startling reductions are announced In all depart ments, the Idea being to attract imme diate response to the advertisements of ths house being published now.. Persons In need of furniture, carpets, ranges or heating stoves, or any other class of goods sold by furniture establishments, would, it would sppear, consult their beet Intereets by supplying their wants while this battle with time is on. There are but eight days more of It. . Whf Wants Fin Organs? When we Tound, on June 1, thst we might retain poeeeetric tor a few daya longer we coneented to sell for cus tomers who bought new, pianos of us their flne parlor organs; These- people effected big .saving Jn ' the purchase price of their pianos,' and having no use for tho organs, have instructed us to sell them at a price far below their actual value. Wurthermore, you can buy them on terms of IS, yes. t down. and IS or- even lees a month. Fine Ktmnalla, Enteys, Burdettes, Msson & Hamllns. Tgylor At Parleys and others are among them. Meanwhile we havo also a nice stock of new Instruments, all of which msy be obtained during the closing days of our sale at lees than dealers' - wholesale prices. Store open - evenings. Ellers Piano Ftouee, til .Washington street. smateyaohool Teecheis to Meet, A '" The weekly meeting of Sunday school teachers'' to be held at the T. M. C A. next Saturday. 11:11 to 1 p. m.. will be of unusual Interest and all interested should make an effort to be preeenL Rev. D. H. Hare will conduct the lea son. ' . T " ,..-.. ' ' 75 Leading Dailitt. We earry. Our news depsrtment le the largeet. Carl Jones, Fourth and Wash ington. , , ' . e ,mo a XsNafiiNU L?0 I i-.iw A CBosMg lD)ays of With tha rcaaislsg tbre day of ocr Great "Jtza v . uviag opportcnities, bvt m vkit Whito Net Rofeos, the $7o00 t. ; r vdiLzz; g3.75 ---t Whito and Colored Net Robes, $10.00 vchics, g6s75j,5 Esprit and Dotted Net Robes. 16o50 valncs.Sll.75 White aad CrcamLiciTeRbbcs, $20.00 values. $13.75 : - . ., f '., .ii naiaa, 1 1 - " rn.iiiaajii.iiae I am ana Embroidered Batiste Robes " 1 e PrlCc Tliit $7 values at S3.50 .The $15 and $16 values Out new asaortment of Hand Embroidered Llnerti Robes ia also Included in this offering $15 value at $1 1.75 -$20 values at $13.75 and Dags "A special in ladies' gold Belts ; " good assortment of designs : . or patterns ; all sizes ; reg- ular 60c. and 65c ; 3 rallies ; special, ea . . Ladies' white moire Handbags, c gilt frames ; small coin purse ; Vienna handles ijregular 50c Vatues f'specia --eachi wif-f AT THE THEATRES. ! Kendall Musical Company. . " The whole tows le seln te whme the afl Tnt o sieaieal coanV aad light epe at the H.11IS thMOe. I fJ'th,,U . 7..! Koaedete," rolacl hy the Keedall "aateal people, -with Lottie KandaH aa thi star rA PvrTaaeahlU. the Tlwll JVJ? the east aa ena ef the prlm-lpale, eooie Port Uae l'ta the ehore rtatajre compeer to tnmhe sooe and troaaeo lr aatar tali the pnblte le what mar he - epet. There will k. a ehance el hill eaeh wart ee popelar prleea Will be the rale. The ealeef wata will opes Wear SKrelns at 10 e elort at the Halllf theatre. FeertMath and ah lntoB atrwta. Popular prleaa will P"t.11 Erenlnce. X3. SO, 60 eaata; aaatlaeea, aa4 n ceDta. f , ' " . ' ,.y t . r-- Mim Lswrenc. -aa -Roma. i - Eoma, that beaetlfnl an tretere woaiaa ofT'The KUraal atr." tak.a ej beaoti. fnllr aad artlatlcallr T Mlaa Llillas ""a thte week et he Baker thtre. la a mrt"i to raswaihar lorerar. - BeM Is the wicked tntla et a pitllwa prime aslnlatar, ahe lorea Roaal. the Jllwrator ot the Ittllae pwple. end Trrr .11 . hi. Kb. She te Mtid. hoodwlnkad. broalit te coaaputa daapabr.. eae ecaaowiwurr. t mto her low. aad atlll be le allowed te . . . . ....wi- Tk .Itn.tiMM aiw tho atrotiseat iwalhle asd the eaace JJ funowa roc jaias w """" " , . .wnr. f he actliie. Bha aaakee e profoead laapreaatoe ee traijbudr aad her exoniaue wmh , CJ.. . , . . tA Thai MCtl eC the plar the ennii earUle will rise at :10. When W Were Twenfgr-One." , it n. were to take a Vote es to the Beset popular plar that haa bees before tbe poblle fartbe la at few reare It la eartala that Hrvry V aTSBHied'e "Who. we ware laawOTr wmld roele S high eaaihor el ota. - It win follow "The I ureal cltj" et-the Baker - ' ' r VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. -At the Lyric The ' ssolodrasiatle stwerea, A Coorlct'a wife.'' aa Its saate tadlcetea. la a etorr e CMrrtrt life, cemrlns with It tbe etctaaltodea et a aiaa with a paot and hla soble efforts to II to tt sows, which le tendered aaeet dlf Scnit ea aceeeat ef the acta of dest-Btac eaoailre. who Sonataatlr do hla etepa. Tak lns it all ta all, the product loa te eee ef smit aaj aboald be eaoe- to be- epprectetad. The llhwtratod aaefa aad awrtnl plctarea by joe Tboapaoe) are te llae tor faTortte 'aaeettos. . At the Star. "a. PUaaaat Par." the aaealrel farce at tbe tar this weak. Is S "th frota i start to saUh. Thai te beceoae the Star siocs eosipajtr aaa se ethar alai le Ufa thaa to auke people laah. The fareae at tola little theatre ere ehaesad aod the ceetpaar baa -belli ap a stroae followlBS aasoa aateaaajaat-laeara. The ananpaar b euwp"aad W ealr elner eoaaattUaa. There le e eaeoeTiuaoa to farce which ta food aad wastaeee the abow aiaterUIlr. The Star le the aristae! beeee ef Birth. v At the Grand. , ' rreei tae wrM.m- .-... . and Holly, la aa caeeemnclr Uefheble akotch. . ,, .TKIa m Ik. Sawt anatof character akatehae e the eaeaoe 1,1 arte wuacoaine " the toaaj hao aaada a bis stl Nalde a e apetacelar daecer, cairylns e dneas epedel acvete certalas. The SHraMld aceee at the seaiclaeloe t bar act le e elaloe ef seeetr aad abews the bottoae ef ' ! AUTOMOBILE CLASS OF Y. M. C. A. GIVES BANQUET Tourtn iaembera of the T. M. C A. sutomnblle elees honored their Inatnie tors. Meesre. Kelly sn OllU by m ban quet t lb assoclaUoa building last at greaUy red a ced wf d&aduithit ib!lttKitaf-r ' " " I I -r: z ' :r- . 1 1 nhkcmd The $10 values at S5 11 all at 1.75 each Ribbons on Sale at 23c Yard : Special lot" of 1,000" yards 'of choice neck, girdle, belt, sash and fancy-work Ribbon, cbnu 7pfisingstrlpe5r"plaids; pin . : checks, print 'warps - and -shades; ombre effect, wide -rangeof-colorings rj"egular . value 35c to 60c, yard, .23 OF Magnificent Chinese and Japanese Wares, Curios and Matting -, A Chance to Buy Them at Your Own Figures. Account of retiring from retail business. A large stock to I be sold. -y " ' Daily, 2 :30 An d re w Kan 287 Morrison St. ' tJ HEADQUARTERS FOR WHOLESALE FIREWORKS. HCZ3 M London Assurance Corporation , San Francisco OtTice, x FBOOrB OP tOaj. time for flllne extended nUl the) llth ef Au- mit. lHi. - '" - ...,-,:.7 v rOUOZiai UOm OB BVaUm, plesse report, ss ere hare complete records end will furnlah eoples. t , ; . NUOT XOXiiaM AMM ASTZann TO ATOZB Collection A tone lee 'of srerr deecrlptlon; also so-called Adjusters for the Assured; we have 10 Adjusters (and mors are comtue) who will facilitate tbe preparation f Proofs of Loss. . ' '. . . MAM nVAsTOiaOO loans amoant to less than one quarter of the Corporation's Cash Assets, and. under Head Office Instructions, the same will bo paid without drawlnc upon, the Corporation's funds in this country- .. .... ' . - V TaTJl XiOaTOOS ASavmAjfOjl OOmrOBVATZOV has been In bust neee without interruption for nearly two hundred years, snd "proposes to more rlsht alone. In spite of the tremendous disaster which so recently overtook out beautiful, .clty.. , i.f .....v. H LwsaTdrn CasITWthourDiscounr WH 9. 9. MAXOOX.BI CO, As-eata, til Faillnr Bide. Portland. Ore. 3S nlht . Tho following toaets were re sponded tot "The Steam Machine," Mr. Kellyi "Tbe Oaaollne Machine." Mr. OIU; "Ths tJp-to-Date Chauffeur' -on the Road." Dr. C D. Brown. Secretary W. B. Wright presided as toastmastsr. All the speakers lro prtesed upon- their hearer to necessity of temperate habits. ,. " i Ptomaina Poisoning, et,la JIA1 l.u la Imnnulhla wbejre fruits, yefetebles or flsh ere pre served in Brerlastlns; Jara. All glaas covers. Pfeeervee perfectly. Abeclutely eaniiary. ronuwi man pnem, pinia. 7te: ouerts. lie: halt sallons. Il.lft Bar dosea, at all grocars. . M-AmmiiialJiineWEiifee Bay Vhite Dayt" it would ta inspotsHIe to cnomerate U the tylenCd money- will convince yog -A faw of the itnntnal bargaint follow - EiiibroWeries Reduced An extensive cssortment of Allover Un' hroiierigs for waUtings has Jqtt and b offered at Josa Sale Prices $2.00 values, per yard $1.25 values, per yard on asle at anedal lricea , r - $1.00 values," per yard $.85 alucs,-per $-.65 values, per yard JICerchiefsit I5aVl?c i lie ma win i rati isii.iii i ,m I. ah n neiaai ia. , - s. as ! ill Special values for Wednesday and Thurs- day Ladies' ; Handkerchiefs ; special " . lot . of hand-embroidered," fine sheer linen initial Handkerchiefs, extra special' values jrregular: 25c: quality C-- speeialr-eaeh. i . , . . ... . . . . 1 t3C Special lot of Japanese htnd-made drawn-; work Handkerchiefs; large assortment" - 1 -ot patterns;, regular sscand,, a y 35c jralues ; special,each, . - ' and 7:30 p7 m at &Co. 2321 BUCHANAN STREET ' " J. XVAJTD MaaseTe. - tou Tmoscra OBT, apeeial A-eat, -.121 Woreeeter Bid. -i , ! I, ssxss 14tk aa4 Thm P.JM Thee tee Rm WaaMastea a ne HUI15 I liven V Male Tearasar. rrMay ead SataMay Hlfkis. Jaaa T, a ana e autiaae eacaraar. aOTAL HAWAIIAN BA.J . OF MOMOLDLtr. s mriiciAjis, te siitaeat, a sttlltarv Band, a Strlnswl Urrkntra. s laat.l!a. Walter n4 Hanje C'lae, e bor awl tato Slaare VWlnk'srVae, I Sc. sne, Tie. 1. MaUaae srlcee. Me. Mr. TBc. ' , Milwaukia Country Ctubi : Memphis and toulsvllle rsres. Take Sellwond and Oregon City cars at Viral aad Alder. ' . - Shoe High-grade Shoes and Oxford for woraea, children and men are marvelonsHere ta aother demonstration of how the Meier CS Frank Store can assist at money taving The beat approved styles and crudities 5 these three specials x-j ; ' arrived -a 98c 59c Ladies' Russia Calf and Choc olate Vici, vclt sewed Dlucher Oxfords, regular $3.50 values at . Men's Tan Russia Calf Oxfords, rciiul ar$ 3.5 Qtj values ; special at A M 59c Boys' Box Calf Bluchers and r . 4...a ... . e - . . 39c dox caife.vici caa Calf; lace; regnlar values ; special at. Fountain Pensthe kind that always V," write ;'.$pecial-...'.,... ....W,, ... r, irC Pocket Pen and PenciI-holder;-special. . . .3 San Francisco Views A new souvenir book : equal to the best 25c book on the -. (i r-markef) -only . . . . . . . . .' , . , ........ 1 1 JC Genuine Photo Cards of the fire; special.. 5 Views of the-fire, in colors: 16x18; snrial f a ? . San Francisco i . . e-y oldm,-'-2iiviews f - special . AFTERNOON AND NIGHT And Every Afteraoon and Ni.tht This Week,2 and 8 o'ClocK P, Mr The Great ROYAL-ROMAN HIPPODROME Educational Museum ! Aerial Enclave Shows 2 and 8 p. m. ' Tents;' Replar Grcus Grounds ' Twenty-fifth and Raleigh.' OCA EDUCATED OCA 3V AH1RIALS 3U ACSCDATS. GYOASTS. JCGGLCaS. AEZIAUSTS. ATHLETES. C!"S 20 Funny Ludicrous Clowns 20 Gregory s Royal Italian Band. Enormous Waterproof Tents. Only Eij Show Coming. t " Cc .'rrtable Cushion Seats. I .'t r ' i V: t new Street r.;rtde " i at 11 o'clock. V. -.:-.s ta a::. QmtU BASEBALL mum SHOW Specnafi s veiocivZn $2.50 aaaisa mm B Stationery Section ' . . 7 w - T before the fire; nice, 9c AJartTtrXBlXjrTS. I HEILIG TH,A - - w. t. PAxm.K .. - Taeiesay. Frlsay aad actarsar Ulrku, 7 ana J. aai MatinM SatiinUr " XaTear tt tae VniUi SUiae ' THS FAMOUS , ' ROYAL-HAWAIIANiDAND -JUVSOXO 60 Musicians, 60 Singers A - Mllltarr Band, a Stringed Orcttaatra, a . Maaeulla. Uuitar an4 Baaja Clab. a . Cbotr aa4 Solo Hlnaara, TrlrfS Lewar Sonr rtrst 10 rows, Sf.eo; rasiaindcc, IHc. Bakonr ftrat rnwa, TV: rcaulodrr. We. Uallrrr e aad We. Mat laaa Lower Boor, aad sue Baleoer 90s aad ZAc SALS Of SKATS TLBS DAT. ' ' Athletic Park : Corner Taarlui ajU Tweaty-f earth ' Portland vs, Dos Angeles Oases Called StSO 9. a. SeOly. OaUed SitW fv risssTT : Xeadiea'Barrflday.' iVDMISSION 25 CENTS GRAND STAND, tio. CHILDREN, lie. ,. . BOX 8&AT8. 26c . Baker Theatre 227. TTJLiJZZ- Vkeaer Mala 107, Tke Haaae ef Kk-OtM Staeh. -ATI tbla waak Mattaee Maiurdar. lbs OraaaV ' eat Prod act km f the Im 1UU . - Calae'e Wonderful Bsmttonal praroa, ' "THE KTEXNAL CXTY" Iaieiaeaa caat. . . SMcalttccat ereoerr, ; a as. SMrntee qreewitra," - , - - - : PRlCEaWEre.. JSe. SSc, tor: Ui.r e. SV. ' . KtsbIbs ewrtala. akare. QRAIND Wwk of June 4th Hi Orpheam Vaudeville VAISA CO. I01 TXOMAJf. XLUVOBTR AID BVBT. SSOAOWAT TE10. xaioid xorr. '.' aAxoisoorx. - AtMsraovs ASO H0UX - i , ta v Tbe Ezprtssnun" STARTH EATRE Cse-sas eclat Maeiaa... -aae-. 4 ru -. Weak TAB STOCK . OOMPABT - - - "A Pleasant Day" Is Oeeccttee With, e Street Tseeaatlle Oils. PANTAGC5. ,0"TH.?S. .ia aAlPH Ctniall'"' CO. SnraTZS CtLtsaATtD toa AID MOSBIf CIB0VS. . BTnCtoeA aa4 Jt.lrille. yiawae aas .iaa. . Mlaa AIM H.aaaa. Jaas WliMa. MaTiaf Piaee. rrfnraiaac dallr St I .;. t .-4 AdBtttwtna l' an r, ftn.ea, . I.. a sad raillra atiuirt.4 t aar at . Sar esatlBM fa lr. lyric t: testy AM" " i r a j r