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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND.' SATURDAY EVENING. APRIL 14. KZ3. GRAY LETS LIGHT IfJTO PliODLELl CHURCH SERVICES Proposes ' Amendments to East! it&uKtiSZJSi v r I reader. Service aa am zriaoorAL. St. Matthew's 'lr aed C rut ken MnKi; Re. . A. M. Brack. iioly communion. S a. aad HWM, 11 a. n. nre: -. U. Parker, ley reader. Service an ecruioa, Jji a. Sunday adnata S a." a. ------ Bu Stephen a Thirteenth and Clay streets; Bar. U. VI. kajasry. Holy communion. T:30 a. at. i Sunday school, l:6 a. aa-j anralu service 11 o'elort; evening service, T SO o'clock. at. David a East Twelfth and Belmont streets; Br. Oeorfe B. Vsa, factor. Uoly eoantnunlon, 3 :8Q a. aa. ; Sunday school, S:e a. au( morning prayer, aeraoa a ad holy Communion, 11 e'ctuCt; evening prayer, T:aO o'clock. Mule at balk aervlc. ssaletedby braaa Utmtru Bleat a, Trinity Mnaternth a ad Everett street; Dr. A. A. Morrlaoa. Holy oucaniuuloa. 7 a, B. eeeond eelebrsUoa with aeraoo, 11 a. a.; Bun da Brawl, a p. as.; myuluf service, 1:90 o'clock. . Uood Baonhard Ballwood Itmt : and Vaa- O a at I. r .-J eouver avenue, Aieiaa; a. aoaa aiawaon. . K.A N. tO BuUd KOadWS ana Holy communion. .a. a.; mernln prayer and .'' . a c BoUr eommuatoa, 11 a'clock; aveaiiw prayer WaIkI and Arringe for Switches, and eeraon, J:80 o'clock j. Sunday school, 10 AU-alati' M North Tweaty-eeeead street; R.T. Kotmrt llooe. Mgrnins service. 11 'clock: At a meeting ef the Joint atreeta ana Sunday acbool. 10 i. -af--JZ" r n Judiciary and election commltteea of ot Morr kitultru Bad . i tba council yesterday Councilman Uray I Bund school la paatpoaad until Asceuelea da, submitted what la thought to be a aolu- TMrd -Street Franchise J .J Applications. ii;:;-?:,..' ..." WOULD CHANCE ROUTE ; TO AVOID CONFLICTS Measure, Provides "Also for Inter- ' change , of Business and Requires aat Nlatfe and Via atraau. 'af : a. Ka. Ba falaiar asaaka aa "Ta Wklta Ufa' apeclal asaala. J ' iimn. ' -' Valwalt Park K. Jaka ' Baalalaa. Boa. da at'houl. 10 a. .; II a. "1( Cbrtat Ba Nut Kiaaa": T:IW a. at., la Ckrlat Baian.". - at. JohB'a B. 1. A. Laooard. BnadtT ai-Boal, u a. a.; praacklna, 11 a. m. ad l:au p. at. . f Hall wood BlrTMrh . and FaiaMUa atraatai Bt. Urort A. Laaro. Bund arauot. 10 a. am. prarfalu() 11 a. a. and I Wp. a. TklrdVanroarar aveaua and Kaotl atraat R.. a. M. bUaa. At 10 a. as.. Bandar acbaol praaoBinj, n a. at. ana T:ao p, B. ; a. x. Bwrdlib Hurt and nftaaotk atraUs Bar, Eric Bcfceratroia. tftrmehium. 10:44 a. Bad T:aO B. a.: Buadar acOonL It at. Macoad Uerman Morrla and Kodncr BTtaoa Ba. r. BuaaraMa. Hraachlna. 11 a. aad J M p. m. ; Hunda acbaol, tM a. aa.l Was Daopla'a nratlna. :& n. a. i Dart a ana diiib atrvaia. Praach M. Bllaa; Buads Band ; tlon of the Eaat Third atreet railway ' francblsa problem bf Introducing amend- Omenta to both Jha application of the O. a N. Co aad 'the Eaat Slda Bait! '.Line Bail war company, by the term! of atraatai acbool. 10 atZTHOBIST. rirat Bautk Yamhill and Bar. Kaerr H.- aluatra. BandaT a. a.; p reacting 11 a. a., by Kev. T. U Uukaj Kpworta kasn. T d. a.i Draacauur. S a. a.. by Hn. Blodaoe. ration aucaicaa BTnraa ' aaa ' curpaatar an, II u t a., jwhlco th. rout OI tn nen una in i. a. , "--"a ! charged ao that lt.aolda ".m jBSu, ai lilS with the O. R. "N. on Kaat Thlrdlp.a.j tpworta league. ' :W p. a. " at root. ;or th belt line la changed to read - 'Thenca west on Btephena atreat to . Vnlon avenue; thence north on Union venue to Baet Ank.ny .treat; thence iV'ci "a weat on Eaat Ankeny to Eaat Third;! cantral iiuaaall and Karby tnenc norm on ran i nira aa narBin - before specified, instead of "thence : Weat on Stephens etreet to Eaat Third; " thence fcorth on Eaat .Third to Paclno fc. "' T " atfaet; thenc. weat en Paclfle to Occl-I Brllwood Sunday achool. 10 a. a.) praacklnf ' dent etraet; thence north on Occident I at U a, a. claaa aaetlna, IS aa.: Bpwortk :'l tha lntaraectlon of Multnomah and Ih-V :. ata eaardaaa by the mat ' i. " - - ' .... I FTae - Kaat Motk and Mill atraat V: - -a ai.' U aJ uu. (ulluwad br laTafcaat. in me amenamenu Ta.lorJlu.t-Ir. rraacU Bnnatt abort. At :8U a. a., rlaaaea; 10:30 a. a., "Balnta Trhuapaaaf't 18:1 p. a., Bonday acaaoi; S:au p. a., Bpwortb Laaguai 7:00 p. a., Ckrl.Uaa Cklralry": Knlglita TaapUr attend atraata: Bar. I. T. Abfeatt. Morning claaa, 8:40 o clock I 10:80 a. a., "aba aVeaurracttoa af Cbrlat"! Saada acbaol, 13 B. Epworth Laagna, S:4S Bcaeot Biaatar aarr- Ulchla lug. 3:30 p. a., by Hot, acnooi, a:ia a, a. Barler-Btraet Near Twiaty-aacood. arbuol. 1:30 n. a. MouBt OUT. ne.anth and Eraratt atraata. Prarelug at S a. a. by Ba. Draw. ArWu la Laurelwood ball. Buaday aebaal, 10 a. a.; urea color; it a. a. Korwaalan Uanlab Her. lea at Laata. S B. a aad at Artlaaaa' ball. Bartar atreat batwoaa Twaaty-Srat and Twanty-aaoond eUeeta, aortb, tS D. aa.. whan Ba. O. L. llolaa will Braacb. Cblnaea atlwloa and Sunday School 341 SMona atrert. Mnaaay acnooi. t:su p. a. CalrarT Kaat Klahtb and Kaat Oraat etreata Bar. A. Lawranca Black. At 10 a. a.. Bible acbool and klndergarteB; 11 a. a.. Baater ear lea wita apaciai auaie ana aaaraaa ay in oaator: S a. a.. Bible claaa for yoang Baa S:.10 p. a., youug paosla' netting! TJM) P. a., addraae by Dr. Albert Loug bridge of .tb Immanual Saaoad and Meade atriwt. Be, T. U. St.phena el 10:3 a. a-, -"Tba Burial of Jeaaa"; i;30 p. a., Tke Empty Toao." naclal mnalc br the ebotr. aaal.t.d by orcbea- tra Bible acbool, IS a. I young people' ear. ice, e:eu p. jb. Second Eaat Baveath ' and Bait Aakeay straeUt Ra. Stanton O. Lapbam. At 10 HO B. av, "Tha Easter Meaaage of ImBMrtallty"; t:bo p. ai., tie. . a. uuitb oi rw awa CKy will occupy the tmlyltj Bible acbool at aimat Vmth. I'maW. fjalaa. S:aO at a Baooad ttermaa Rodney a ran a aad Morrla atraat. Bundar acbool. : a. a.l preaenmg at 11 a. a.. S and T:80 p. a., by tha Grrm.a Tangellat, H. SchweBdaser of St Joseph, Michl, want Min. tMmla'a nrifar maatlna. T B. a. . J. wniteoao Broagnor. a to the lntaraectlon of Multnomah and Boa street." '" """" - ' " " i The other amendmenta offered pro ' wide for, an rntercnange of bualnee be ; tween the belt line, the O. R. N.. the O. W. P.. thee Southern Pacific or any : other company. The O. R. aV N. must, within the next la month, make a 20- : foot roadway on Eaat Third atreat from Jr' 1T.aa w .t.d r u.wthAnu aanna: I " " ' : 'la.: EDworth league. S:80 B. It muat build ldetracka for manuTSOtur- I faataaar Kaat llaa aad Ninth atreeta: Re. In- and mercantile establishment onlWlUaa U. Hr-upe. D. D. BpacUl Ea.iar aer Kaat Third etreet between Eaat Ash and I re and music;. nornlng tbeae, "Xh 8Mb ' ir..f Mill atraata and muat arrana-a for I yaotary Easter Meaaga' 1 7:80 p. a., 'Tbomaa, r- . I the Mucb-Abaaaa and auaandaratooa Oou titer ; 7 awltchea There are also provialon (McU n.u program durlu tba Bund . reaulatlnc the transfer of carload lot school hour at 12:10 p. m.i morning class, : tn Smith. rn PaMfli. or Nnrthern Panltto I o'clock: Junior aad latermedlat.e. S P. n.l track. -- mm'i f - t A- -Saietlaaa :80 f. WLf a Tir,. ia v Mull.. I worta laragua, e:w p. a, Sunday school at' S n. m. Cpwortb Tweaty-tblrd aad Irriag s treats; Be. Henry T,' AtklnaoB. Han day acbool, 10 a. a.: 11 a. a., "Hnsdowa aad Llgbu of EaMte'; Juaior Leaaae, S p. a.l Kpwerth Lr.rua, S:4a p. B. Hun day acbool prograa, T:45 W. a. Trinity Beet Tratb aad Oraat treats: ate. Harold Oberg. Easter aarlce at -11 a. a.. aarmoa ay no, av r. liowuna. ra. u.i eau- aren e aervice, a p. a.: Baada acnooi, lv a. a.: apworta league, :w ""that he thought the amendmenta happy solution of th problem and th ttZSBYTZJUABT.- harfk Mnl mmJk fllkha I I B Ml. remark wag greeted by apple uee by belt I Baj.a Welch. At 10:W a. a. and'l eO p. a. line ainrrent. un nenau or in. u, n. ,' at N. W. D. Fen ton moved that the mat i ter be laid over two weeks on account j of the absence ef ' General Manaseri O'Brien and thia actloq wis taken. '--Joseph M. - Heal y.. Thomas McCuaker, Judge George J. Cameron, William C. , Puffer and others interested In the belt line's project expressed themselves as peclal Hester eerrlcre; Sunday achool, 13 a. Lkriiuaa EnaeBrar, e ao p. a. rtrat CumberUnd Twelfth aad Beat Taylor treats: n. m. Aeieoa Alias. At iu:w a. Easter eerrtcee with sneclsl Basic) IS a., Sun day achool; S:S0 p. a.,- Junior Ka4eaor: S:0 p. B, Baelor KndeSTor: -J -JO p. b., quartet Choir will gte a Bnslcal prosraBl, aarBoa aub Ject, "An Expose et the Uquar-Dealars' Can. nsiga Metnoas. rirsb iweuta ana . Aiaer arreeta: an, ? pleased with the outlook and said that I Thomas Parry. At 10:80 a. a., "Tba Records - all the amendments were acceptable, ae urr?5t'nI'J L?2..p-. "sJl?!, p,n: .1 , IT... TKI, I aoniwaa 01 ine wij ni- i ' . . . r' . ' Z. ' 7 - , -1 acsarreetloB. I rem oeina ixiftiea up. air. ronton aaia that the amendmenta came as a surprise ..te him. . : - : SPEfD EASTER. AT SEASIDE Only 1.6 Tla the A. a B. Is aW The first eaearslon thia season to Seaside leave th Vnlon depot next Sun day at S a- m. Sale of tickets limited .'. to seating capacity of poaches and every passenger assured a seat - The ride 1 , delightful, th oson ref reahlnaj and you 'have five hour at tha beach, all for ' Ticket on sal aunng th week at the city office. 341 Alder etreet, and .at the Union depot Sunday moraine;. Tor further information telephone C A. Stewart, commercial agent. Main 10. . His Only Scorch. . - ; . A K-year tenanx of the Occidental Hotel building got a hot farewell aa he was moving out v There was One tenant In the Occidental Hotel building who I Junior Kadaenr PledmoDt CleTslsBd sranoe aad Jarrett treat: Be. U. Myroa Bnoaer. Moraine ernrlce. 11 o'clock, with errmon by toe pa. tor; Babbatk achool. 13:15 p. m.; errnlng aerrlce- by the choir with apeclal maslcal program. Calvary Eleventh end Clay streets. At 10:80 l. a- - Ha. J. A. P, VcO.W on "The' Witness or History to ue Beeurrecnon"; i:so p. a Wallace McCamaat , ep. .'.'A mar Ira a Debt t Praabf terlaulsm." ' atarekali-fltxeet Marshal! and ' Kerth BcTanteenth atreeta. , Sunday ' school et 10 a. a.; at 11 a., a., "Eeeter the Insplratloa ef the Caristlaa"! T:eO p. Easter excreta ef the Bands acbool; X, B. a., : p. m. Third Eset Thirteenth And Pine streets: Be, Andrew J. Montgomery. At 10:80 e. m., tb Lord's sunner: 7: d. S3., children a Kastcr eervire, ausle : by Sunday school, children's P. : ; covobzoatiobal. ' .; Mlsalalppl-Arrnae Mlaalsalppl Benae aad Premont etreet; Ba. William L. fpabaw. Bun day stbool, 10 A II s. m.. "Tt Internal Chrlat,' with Baater commanloB and receptioa of new members, apeclal Eaater music; Christian Endeavor, S:4S p. a. ; special Eaater program by Sunday achool, assisted by th ebotr and orchestra; 1A& p. a. Illghlaod Preaoott and Bast Sixth street, north: Rev. Ardrn- M. Borkweod. At 11 V a., Eiaaier eiercwe py tne ennoay acnooi; s p. m.. ror; S:4 . a.. Senior Bnaeeeer: "The rilghttnees of Womea asd IT;S0 p. m.. tba Blindnaa of Mca. - I'alTerslty Park Artlaaaa' Temple, Ports mouth; Ra. D. B. Gray. At 11 . au, Baater aarrlce; Banday achoeL 10 a. a. Lsurelwood Arleta ball; Ra. D. B. Gray. At 7:30 p. a., church and yoang people's eo rtetr la Easter aerrleea. with singlos. red ta ttoo, and brief review of the r Ten Is of Psaloa had occupied on of the store compart' ment continuously for it year. This waa Joe Senoaky, and In all that time It la not recorded that he was abeent from hi shoe shop for any cause at all, Mr. Benosky has eone now In business who . wer. , born after he rented the quart era he occupied, one of them being I week: Hands ecbool. ! s. m. - part owner of Baron' shoe store and ' Haaaslo-street E..t seventh end H ami to another engaged tn th publishing busll rets; Rcjrlch.rd B". Hsm. At 10:30 a. a.. n a w v- - . Eaater aarlcee, "The Opeurd Sepulchre." ape ries. Mr. Benosky haa seen great elsl Euter BoaU by the cbolr; l5 a., Itahostii transformations In th bualnesa eon- ecbool: .Su p. m., yoang people' meeting; ducted In the building, and In none Of :30 oVlork. evening praise aerrlce, "Our Need the numerous flree that seemed to ' M!!vfI,,,mL,leL. . - . Iiaunt tha, aia v. - flrat MadlaoB and Park streets; Be. B. U haunt the place did he Buffer any loss, Hoaae. At 11:20 a. a.. "The Eaater Onapel"; until the one of this week whloh T:ao p. a.. Eaater maslcal eerlce: Buuday scuttled moat of th structure whan erbool, 13 a.t Y. P. S. C. E., S:o p. m. Baroer ana in. snoe man ... Baal Source of Eaater Joy"; 7:S0 p. . iii. uruH. vw, bhq i ssrrea concert; ennoay acnooi, iu both lost something by tba lively con flagration. Mr. Senoskr now haa a pJao. In Baron's shoe store, where he Is serving bis customer aa usual. Junior Caristlaa Endearor, S p. . larieuaa Kuacaror,' e:io 1. 1 m. i Sealor T OLD CHAMPOEG WILL CELEBRATE THE DAY i r tVTaTIBAjr..' : ,r. St. James' EnalieB West Park and Jcffereoe streets; Re. J. A. Leaa. Eaatr aarlree at 11 a. m. 7 SO p. a. the Bunds acbool will glv .... "Christ Victortoaa") Baaday eebeot, 10 a. B. - Betanla Usnisb rnkis avenue and Mur rls etreet: Rev. Oedmund Orlll. Bcrvlcea at 11 a. b. and a p.. m.; Banday school, 12:10 Norwegisa synoo East Trnth aad Grant treats: Re. 0. Hagoee. Eaater aerrlces at anniversary of the adoption of the pro- il B.i coaaaaloB servtee, 7;0 p. a.; a Visional aovernmont fo rtr.iron .k. 1 ?n,ur. m'' .... ,,. ;;, " . I fsura wermsn seat Tweirts ana Clinton lxth anniversary f the dedication oft atreeta; He. A. Krauae. Confaealon, 10 a. m.; e. lO'.ao a. m.; evening aereiee, Sunday acbool, S:80 a. m. (Special tM .patch to Tfc Joorn.Ll klem,-Or.,-AprH !. The elxtythlrd itreeu; Re. . . j . k umjuauun ui arrears; ne. a the monument that maks that historic Kaater aerrlce . spot will be fittingly celebrated at old 7:ao '" 1 8 Vhampoeg May 3. under the auspices , of. F. X MatthTeuicabin N6TT2, fJaT tl ve Sons of Oregon. V P. X Matthteu. . in. voneraoie eurvivor or that notable day, will take part in the meeting. Ex Governor Geer will ect as presiding of fioer of the day and Charles V. Oallo v way of McMlnnvtlle will deliver the oe . : easlonai address. The muslo for the oc casion will be fumlahed by the Parrot -band and a basket dinner will be aerved , at the noon hour. , - Boys -- Meeting Rev, - E. NebMn - Allea -ee "Story ef a Winner" at the dots' rooms, Y. M. tv A., at d. a.; cornet sole, Charles Hard; lolla solo. Otto Bcbnauffer: vocal solo, Paul Biggs; apeclal Basle by boys' arches tra; free to boya over 13. Y. U. C. A.Asaoetatloa aadltorinia, roorth and Yamhill streets. At S p. m.. addreaa by Dr. J. J. ttrougber oa "Are All Candldata I.I are for Whom Hhall I Voter': aolo by Mlae Eddlnas, anurano; orchestra concert; all mea weleomaj aeata free te nes only. At tba Y. M. a A. man a maotlug at Ceataaary ebareh. THB Chocolate Bonbons are tba most delicious and hare the largest sbI ef aa H the world. la their snaklBt thlaglsi sued but the choicest choc- late, pure atno sugar, finest ate and fruit, aad purest ez tracts of fruits aad flowers. One thing secalter U Lewaey'l Candle bthat aa B atB fay-they ar pmn aad waJeseas. WALTER M. L0WNEY CO., Chocolate and Cocoa Makers. BOSTON, MASV ; a. . if.T.r-2-- lor atreetai Be, of New York City I Bible school, 13:18 p. a. B. Y. P. U.f t p. m. T:1S p. a., apeclal Eaater cantata, "Tb Reaurrertloa," will be glea preceding th aennoa, which will be delivered by nr. coraeiius vroeusin ev. nw -in. vuy. n..M Unot. villa: Rev. Oilman Parker. Baater servlcas, with Special auslcal BrogTsata and Soral eecaratwne; la tae Bvaraing, -'-ractloa ef Jeena": ra tbe evsnlng, "The iNwe ef tba RaaurrecUoa." j '. OXBIBTIAir. " Central Bast Twestleth and Bast Salmoa streets. Be. J. r. Uborml.y will speak at 10:45 a. a., " Christ's Keaorrectloa Cartel a Pact la-metery1': I'M p. a.. "Hla Reaarree. tloa as Eapreaaed Ordinance"; baptlaa at tba nin aerrtce: Junior Eaaeor, e p. m. Senior- Bndearor, to p. a.; Saada ecbool. Uoi. a.J a-urt atreeta Be.' P, Elmo Boblnaon. At : a, a., Banday school; 11 a. m., "Th WlBBlng Wu'US r "l, Y. P, a .: t:30 p. ba, "1 Oreat aestloa Answered." ' ' Ptrat Park sad Columbia streets; BeTjB. B u...i. i.. a, tii-M a aa. Ra. P. O. Tyrrell af Chlra'aa aa "Inseraoll oa Immortality"; T:S0 p. a., the paator aa "Waa Christ Beall Baleed from the Laidr'i 31bla cqooU.13.1 P--".l Caristlaa Endaevor, 0.80 p.- a. - ZTAJfaiXIOAL ASaOOIATIOir. First English Eaat Sixth aad Market atreeta; Be, a A. Slewert. At 11 a. a., "Tba Broox. rectkm of. Christ"; T:S0 p. B-, preaching; Baa day acbool, 1 a. m.; yoang people allUaee, S:4S B- a. . MeaortaV Be. B. D. Btreffeler. At 10 a. m., Sunday school; 11 a. a., Baater aorsnoti; S:I0 p. m., Y. P. A.; T:S0 p. a., aaanal Beat lag of the Woman's Mlealoaary socUty. Plrat Oermaa Tenth and Clay atreets; Be. Theodore Schaner. Sunday achool, 0 a. a.t aarmoa and eommanloa aervlce, 10-4a a. av aad 7:4 p. a.i X. P. A.. I p. av XTTia-lATBAlTBt-'; - Tha Rao rants Church of Jaeu Christ of Latter-Day Saint; Woodward hall, tret fioer, MontavllU; Elder Will B. Penda. Babbath acbool at 10 a. a.; preaching at 11 a. a.) 7:S p. , m., "Inspired Trsoslatloa ef tha Bcrlptores by Joseph Smith" ...Ilea's Bellglo Lltersry aoclety, :1S p. ra. . Church ef Jesa Cbrlaf ef Lattar-Dey Balnta Ball 400 Allsky building. Third aad Morrlaoa atreeta. Service at ll:a I. a IN I P- a.1 Suaday acbocJ, 10 . a. sraimTAXisT; ..: BoHttv Artlaaaa' ball. Third atreat near Washington. Conference at 11 a. a.) Prrmanv lycena, 1:10 p. a.; M. and D. club, 3:0 p. a.1 trance lector at S p. a., anhject taken from tbe audience by Be. Dr. Dickey. Bible Bodaty mm Aioer aurser. ai a. . . ehlldrea of tbe Progreesive lrcctim enter- ....-' a m m.. ilia. Lara r. share wui conduct service, ami. ted by Mrs. Ladd rianl- OKBISTlAjf aXTlXXOB. vine nhns-ch of Ckrlat. Sciential Scottish Rita cathedral, Morrison and lownartale streets. At 11 n- aad S p. ov. "Prohattos After Death": Sunday school at clot of morning aerv- Ic,. r - - - ' , .. Becena unarca or -nris, ncmua. Lr"" teaple, Stark and Seventh etreet. At 11 a. a. and S pv m.f rrooaitoa Alter venui . aaa day acbool. 11 a. aa. wirmt MoMth and Yamhill streets; Be. W. C. F.llot Jr minister: Bo. T. L. Ellett, D. D., mlntstar emrltus. At 11 a. a., sneHal Eaater service '"The Most Value of the Faith la Im mortality"; eommnnloa service, 13:16 p n-( Sunday achool and adalt claaa, 13 o'clock. . XMTTJ11 tITTI CXTX. Wln Trnth Chapel Hall 801 Allsky build ing. Third and Morrlaoa atreeta: ne. xnao deus M. Mlnsrd. At 11 . a., Easter aervtcea; Banday school, 13 a. L baa 10:30 a. 7. , - ' , HOB". ''. r r. r? In a AUakv hall, second Boor, Third and Morrlaoa atreeta; Re. Char lee A. Hoy. Bible aioey. s p. a.i o ., .. oil.. rkrtat": T e a. a.. "Bleaalsxi la the Mldat ef Affliction." "' " BTW TB0VSHT. -'--' rhnreh ef the New Ulspensstlon Andltorlnm, Third aesr Taylor .tr-t.. At 3:S0 p a. Dr RaVllal OO W ni l uini avr aa mw vii Now la Aeca, Psustlaar', At I k- a, "The Peoolea ef Berth Need Salvation New. Net After The Are Dead." . . . yxw TH0TJ0HT, nhnrch af rreedoB Drew ball, 13 Sreend street near Morrison. At 11 a. a.. "The rectloa Ufa.".- -'. v yirw osintca socixtt. awedenboTsian Kalgbta of. Pythias. Maraoaa building. Sunday school. a.; lay aervlce, 11:30 a. a. Millennial Dawa . A, R. hall, sorhteaat corner Beeona ana Morriaea atraeia. aaw at 8:30 p. ai. .-- -" -r;;-y-r v Advent Secoad atreet between Flail ad LlncelB atreeta: Re. Cbarlee Herrenoea. bub- dsy acbool, iu:aw a. a.i w"i 11:30 a. m. ; praise aerrlce, .f p. . . ' ST. JOHJI'S H0LHTESS KISSI01I. . a. M.i Holiness Visa ton 82S Beeend street. Beer Mala; Re. John r. Olaaeee. Ber. Icea avry sight and Bonds at 8 aad fiS ' .I'.'' '.: OUTI BBAB0H anSSlOB. Olive Branch Mission BBS First street, ne Columbia. Preaching every algbt at T:S0t HOB days, 8 p. a.; SabbeU achool, 1:80 p. a. BtAOOB U0HT MIS8I0B. . , . u , i it r.wth ateaa4. aorth. rreacblag rr Bight aaa Baaaa at .... . . . v.-.....,; TjVXTXBSAlTIT. rtrat Baat floneh and Bast Blgfera atreetai Be. W. P. Basil. At 11 a. a.. "The BovJ Defeats"! 10 a. a.. Sunday achoeL WOOLGROWERS TO FIGHT COMMISSION MERCHANTS Jeoraal Saeetal Service.) Denver. -Colo- April 14. Prominent renrMantatlveo of the atock-ralslng and wool growing Industrie of tb weet are gathering in Denver for an Important eonferenoe to dlcua retaliatory meae- uraa aaalnet the commlralon houses for their alleged exorbitant charges. The organisations represented at the con ference include the American national Lavas lock association. National Wool t , J: . : MR. RALPH W. HOYT, . , Candidate for State "Treasurer.' i.;?- -: Sir If elected State, Treasurer, will you run that office as an adjunct of the Merchants'! National Bank of. Portland, of which you are now cashier?. . . .. ; " . .'.-Do you lntend to deposit. any State Funds in your bank? r . . .-. .:. .........u , Will you retain your, present position as cashier of the Merchants? - What do you intend to do vyith the INTEREST keep it or pay It over to the State?. ; E. V. CARTER , . . , ' '. ..... ' " ,. . . ' . . i ... v ' ,., . ... ; ;...,..,., '. . .. . . t - .- . ' 4 Republican Candidate for State Treasurer MY PLATFORM . ! "I will pay the Sute every dollar of interest received on State Funds.. . , "I will reside in Salem and give my time and personal attention to the affairs of the office." Celebrated Machine $25to $35 PRICE OF cua BiiiMlS Warranted Ball Bearing, Warranted Perfect and Warranted the Equal of Any $80 to $75 Machine Sold Anywhere in Portland. We show the $25 Machine, a four-drawer, swell front, automatic lift, drop-head cabinet, quarter-sawed golden oak- highly polished finish. No more finely finished cabinet work can be obtained anywhere. Swell front table with tape measure inserted. Latest improved ball-bearing stand, with ball-bearing steel pitman a machine absolutely perfect full ball-bearing throughout every attachment lmowndraw-' " era locked by closing top lid all complete for 925.00a s " " : T; WE DO NOT PEDDLE THIS MACHINE AROUND THE COUNTRY Employing a man and horse for that purpose,' but save all thia expense to our customers. It would cost' us at least $5 per day " for man. horse and wagon and board for each. BECAUSE WE DO NOT SPEND THIS MONEY IS THE REASON WE SELL THESE MACHINES AT JUST HALF PRICE. All things at low prices to those who patronize either our hardware, :, tinware, carpenter'aHools, stove, range, hot-air furnace or garden implements departmenta. ' . ' ' . ' . Telephone Main I Tl ; ! IT 1383 I qDo qDo ClAtDDDEOSQIf C2i Fellows Tessple First v&i Alier Sis. r, m am I? FdDD-HVeB MrJEV APOD TOC3 On account of. the great m and popularity of FOLEYS HONEY AND TAR for Coughs, Colds, and Lung Trouble, several manufacturers are advertising imitations with similar sounding names, with the view of profiting by the favorably known reputation of FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR. . ; . . DO HOT DE IHP0SED OPOtl -We originated H on by and Tar as a Throat and Lunjg Remedy and unless you get IFOILEV'S HOM and genuine. ' Remember the name and insist upon'having Folbys Honby and Tai.Do not risk your life or health by taking imitations, . which cost : you the ' same as the genuine. 'u -' Folby8 HoNBY AND TAiTis put up in three sizes 25c, 50c and i.oo. c $cld tD nc:"-Er::a nv v ," ' WOODARD, v CLARKE e CO. AND S. 0. . SKIDMORE ft CO. grower association and tha state asso ciation ef - woolgrower of Artaona, Idaho and Wyoming. It la proposed by tha growers to establish independent commission housse unless tba eommle slon men recede from their present yowl- tlon. I,---, ..ii , " -- ' - - WASHINGTON'S QUARTERS AUCTIONED OFF TODAY (Journal Special Serriee.) ' New York. April 14. Th property on which stands tha famous old Pet- tit's hotel. In Jamaica, waa put up for sale at auction today. The hotel, which haa stood there for over a -century, waa at one time the headquarters of General George Washington at the bat tle of Long Island. .It la aald that tha hotel will be torn down and a big office buUdlng erected on the site. ' ; 90W rythlaJa Xrads-. :-rr,.'.- TDixle, Wash, April 14. About 44 membere of Columbia Lodge, K. of P. of Walla Walla, who arrived on a spe cial train, aaslsted In organising a new K. of P. lodge her laat night. Tbe new lodge starts off with a good member ship. Th vlaitora were banqueted after the lodge work. '' i The Beti Scotttiag Soap lvlaia A Scouring Soap . ' A Metal Polish A Glass Cleaner A VOTE FOR WltLISS MRVAY OF MULTNOMAH COUNTY For State Printer la a vote against the $100,000 graft of the politicians who .,' , handle the state printing office. v It is a vote against the gross extortion of $500 per day for printing ihe Legislative Calendars. , It Is a vote against the many other extortions of the V: state printing push. " - It is a vote to reduce your taxes. . -N' . "A aquar deal for taxpayers. ' : No deala with tha bosses. -J ' . WILLIS SJ'DUNIWAY. -Jl II 7af ' .. . "