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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1906)
...... . . ..-.". ' . the or.rcon daily journal. Portland. Saturday evenino. april yi4,- iscs. BUSINESS FOR E ; Regulator Line Refuses to Run t. Boats Through Three-Mil Rapids in High. Water. OPEN RIVER COMPANY SEES RAILROAD HAND , Officials Say .Objection to Running 3oata Through Rapida la for the Purpoe of Throwing All Buainesa to Rail Line.' . ." ' Temporarily the portage road will o . , laie, and the Open Blvtr Traniporti' tlon company will discontinue the buii- tiess of handling- through freight from Portland to points on the upper Co lumbia. This condition has - been , , brought' about 1 by. the refusal, of 4the regulator Itne to handle the company a buainesa through Three-Mile rapid, the explanation being given that they are dangerous .during the high-water stage ... or the river.-.- : , Officials of the Open River Transpor- i tatlon company are of the opinion that . the stand taken by the Regulator line " Is Merely assumed for the purpose of 1 throwing the traffic to the railroad com pany. It la, declared that a strong aentl v ment has been In. process of develop ... ment during the past few weeks against . the Open River company, supposed to have been Instigated principally by the railroad Interests. : If the Q.R. U N. and the north bank roads have no oppo- i sltlon, it is pointed out, they will 'secure - all the traffic. Consequently It Is argued 'that it would be to their Interest If the Independent boat ' line which is being . established were forced to abandon the route and the sooner the better. The open river people are determined '.' to go ahead .with their, plana at all ' hazards. They are already negotiating ' for other boats to transport freight . from Portland to the portage road. It is declared that there ts no danger. whatever In wending boats through Three' Mils rapids at any season of the year. The government baa recently cleared the channel of all obstructions. "".Many of the liver captains who arc ac ; qualnted with the situation say the : channel Is perfectly safe. If It la not, .. they are wondering-at thegreat ex- penae'to which the federal government ts going to build a canal around- the obstructions at Celllo. for when" that great waterway has been built, boats .- will still be obliged to go through Three Mile rapids. v TTntll otherrfngmelltg-nave-1itr complet ed the open river - people : will i place the; steamer. Mountain Oem in service carrying freight to the contrac- '. tors who are building the railroad down j the north bank of the Columbia. The Regulator Interests are willing; to trans- . port the" freight - for the. open river - men as far as The palle. When this fact' became known, I the former . were thinking " seriously "of sending, the -freight the rest of the distance to the portage road by- means of wagon teams, but later, derided that the., undertaking would be too expensive. . , , ; .WHEN THE MATE RULED. PA ROAD ' e Ordered That Wew Sailor 7M Doused "With Twenty Bneketa of Water.. Tor three hours, while en route from " Europe to Portland, Captain Reusser, . master of tho. French bark Francois d'Ambols, says he was merely a spec tator on bis vessel, for his mate had full .- 1 charge. The skipper as well as all of ,1he other members- of the crew were - - subject to the most unreasonable orders " from the temporary commander. ;' It was while the ship was crossing the equator. Six of the sailors were out on "their first voyagev When neartng the " laglnAry lino It was decided "to carry ont and old-time old torn and Initiate the new seamen. So the skipper turned over the -vessel -to his first mate and gave htm permission to conduct matters for the three hours In any manner to suit ''-.his fancy. ;--- ----- , ;The first act of the mate was to as- - ' cend to a point near the top of the main mast, . Then he came down slowly and " made the announcement that he was Father Neptune and that all of those within sound of his .voice were In his exclusive dominion.- The-new- sailors looked at him In astonishment,' thinking that he had lost his reason. When the , mate ordered the captain and a number -ef other -tars to drench the green hands - with JO buckets of water, they were positive that he was craxy. But their - surprise was far greater when the cap- tain and' a number of the 'sailors pro- - ceeded to carry out the ordera. Then the new sailors . were thrown down and tied. Their faces were painted with charcoal. They were cuffed sound-. , ly and dragged about the deck. To-tor-A ture them further, their persecutors set a table laden with all of the delicacies that the larder contained. Sparkling ' wine was produced a hd all sat down and .enjoyed a feast while the. hejpless men looked on and groaned.. "It was fine fun," said the captain.. "After the lapse of about three hours.' we told the new men . they had now T crossed the equator and they could con ' alder themselves seasoned sailors. On A being made acquainted with the -loke, j they appeared to appreciate It as much " as we did. u They are now waiting .for an opportunity .. to try. the experiment - on" some on.", -f -.- - TO WIDEN CHANNEL. . . S red ge Columbia Will. Make Passage Six Bundled Tee Wlde : . Between the beacon below the Port land Flouring mills and the. Oceanic dock, the dredge Columbia la at work digging out the ship channel to an ad ditional width of 800, feet. On comple- tlon of the task, the channel will have a width of 600 feet and be about 26 feet deep., The Inereased width la being riven in order to have ample space for , the ships which may want to drop anchor in ths stream for a short time. ' ' Under the present arrangement, the vessels anchorlnr out In 'the river are a source of annoyance to the shipping Interests on account of the narrowness cf the channel.. There Is not sufficient . room for two of them to stand abreast ' without the waterway being, blocked. An ordinance makes It. Imperative for the craft to be anchored on the west "side of the river. - - With the additional width of 100 feet, it Is held that -H-of the Inconveniences of . the pest In this respect will be dis pensed with. If necessary. It will , be possible for three or four vessels to lie alongside of each other' without the channel being blocked. 'At thla season ff the year, when shipping , Is rsthet slack. It la said thai the channel Is sufficiently wide to meet all demands, but the Port bf Portland members want to get matters properly arranged " for next fall and winter, while the dredge has nothing else Important to' do. After the channel Is put In shape the commission will operate the dredge un- MlMtMtMMtMMMmttHvM JOHN H AITKIN. OAirsroATx tom jto John H. Aitkin of "Huntington, Oregon, the candidate for the nomlna-4 tlon as state treasurer, favors the' selection of depositories for state funds, and the passing on securities by a state board. . He believes that . interest on state, tunas belongs to the state, and II nominated and elected' will give the people a straightforward, economical, business-like admin istration of the of nee, . .t - ., . -.... til ' the . United States engineers are' again In need "of the. vessel, to clear away the bars which will form In the lower river during the June flood. The government operates the dredge Colum bia almost every season, beglnnlnglm medlately. after the high water period. LUMBER-FOR ORIENT. Oeeajao Will pall Tomorrow for Fora- ' i, land Ttoxcl thm ' Tf ranelsoo. . Tomorrow "" the ' British steamahlp will sail from Ban - Francises for- Portland to , load a cargo . for th orient. She is under charter to the Pa- ciflo Export Lumber company and wilt take , out 3.S00.0OO feet of fir. The recently arrived at San Fran Cisco from Newcastle. N. 8. W., with a cargo of coal. She ts expected to reach fortlanff Wednesday." ?""r- - Thef American barkentlne A mason. also sunder - charter to load lumber at Pourland for the far eant. sailed from Shsnghat for the Columbia river, this morning". ' Her cargo also . will be dis patched by the Pacific Export Lrtimher company. She has- capacity for hand ling 1.400,000 feet; -It 1 supposed that she will arrive in about two months. The schooners Crescent -and Polaris are the only two vessels remaining in the harbor loading lumber-for-foreign ports. . -jt , The. former. wiiL. complete her cargo about the middle of next week and will 'dear for, Shanghai.- The Po laris will go to Manila. A big fleet of lumber" carriers r la -tinder charter to come here and from now on will begin to arrive at short intervals. Among them are 'a number of big steamships. i ne aemana lor tumoer in roreign coun tries la keen aa ever, but the exporters are experiencing some difficulty In se curing tonnage. BARK IS LIBELED. Karry Mors Object of Sal by Weadel '9. Bxowa tt Oo. t Proceed I nan In libel "have been Insti tuted In the t'nlted States district court against' the American barkHarry Morse, which arrived at Astoria at 4:20 o'clock yesterday morning on her -way out to sea. The action was taken at the, Instance of Wendel F. Brown & Co., who allege that they, chartered the bark for the purpose of conveying a cargo of lumber -from Portland to Boston at a specified rate, that the cargo .was loaded on April S, and that the master 61 the ship. Hi C Lund, refused to exe cute - a bill of lading and threatens to all for a porUot which the llbellante are not aware. They -demand a mari time lien against the .vessel, and allege that by . the .master's . acta . they have sustained damages to -the ' amount of " r. . . '- ;:ttt :" ' ALONG THE . WATERFRONT. The - French bark Francois d'Ambols shifted this morning from Columbia -N a 2 to the Greenwich dock, where she will complete her cargo of grain for the United Klturdom.i It Is thought that she will be ready ,to sell the first, of the week. , l ,.f ' : Coke Is belng. discharged rrom tR Oerman ship Kmllle at the gas dock. When this -work has been completed the vessel will shift to one of the docks In the lower harbor, 'where the rest (of her freight will be removed. ' , -,; In tow of the Harvest Queen the British - ship v .Clackmannanshire left down this morning bound for Port Plrie, Australia, with a -cargo of lumber. . ' Laden with 700,000 feet of lumber the schooner Virginia left down this morn ing bound for San Franclaeo. A gasoline fire engine, said to be the only one of the sort on the -Pacific coast, will be taken to North Bend on the steamer Alliance, which sails to night. All of the engines now in use In Portland burn coat. - The steamer Sea Rover sailed for Monterey last night In ballast. She brought the barkentlne Fullerton from San Francisco. j ,, Carrying a- full cargo of freight and 70 vpassengers the steamer F. A. Kil burn arrived last night from Bin Fran cisco. One of the curiosities she brought MADE IN OREGON ECONOMICAL MANAGEMENT DIVIDENDS TO POLICYHOLDERS AT END OP Three Prominent Features IN : . (!IRI WIS - THE . POUCYUOLDERV COMPANY ' A. L. MILLS, L. SAMUEL, CLARENCE S. SAMUEL, President. Y General Manager.' ,' - Assistant Manager.' '4 286 WASHINGTON ST. (Macleay -Building) PORTLAND OR. 4 atnTATIOY AS STATS TXBASUXM. : : 4 MRS. WV WYNN JOHNSON HEADS -WOMAN'S CLUB In a closely contested election yester day Mrs. W. Wynn Johnson was chosen president of the Woman's club of Port land to serve' during the ensuing year. - r There were two prominent candidates In . the , field Mrs. Robert Lutke, who 1 ' - t NJ I.-' f ; : w t r Mrs. W. Wynn Johnaon. was formerly vice-president of i the organisation, j and Mrs. Johnson, who won the honors over her by a margin of only three votes. : Both women have many friends in the organisation. -The other officers selected are as fol lower Mrs.' J. M. Ollnes, vice-president; Mrs. ' M. A. Ogden, second vice-presi dent; Mrs. Charles Smith, recording sec retary; Mrs. W. H. Fear,- financial sec retary; Mrs. C N. Rankin; treasurer; Mrs.- C. E. Runyon. auditor; Mrs. H. 8. Olles, Mrs. KM en Roas-Mlller, directors. Is a two-legged calf, which - was pur chased by one of the members of the crew at Marshfteld. The stesmer will salt Monday night on the return trip. A letter from San Francisco says that as soon as the ship C. F. Sargent has been repaired she will resume her voy age-to New York--wHh-4he dumber eargo she received, at Portland. '; Q, Curtis has been given commend of the steamer Costa Rica in place of Cap tain Kldston, who resigned to accept a more lucrative -position. In the orient. The Costa Rica is scheduled to arrive at Portland tonight- from the- Bay- City, taking the run of the steamer Senator. MARINE NOTES, Astoria, April "ii.ajled at' 4:10 - a. m.,. steamer iMisy Mitchell, for San Pedro. Arrived down, barkentlne Ful lerton In tow of tug Bea Rover. Arrived at 7 and left up at a a. m., steamer Aurella, from San - Francisco. Arrived down at, a. m.. barkentlne .Mary Wln- kelmao. Hailed at. : 39 a. steamer San Francisco. April M. Arrived, steamer. -Despatch, from Portland; put In for fuel. , ,' ' ' . .' , , Astoria, April , IS. Arrived down at ;30 p. m., American ship Berlin. San 'Franclaeo, April II. Arrived at :4S p. m., steamer Columbia, from Portland.-Arrived, schooner Mabel Gale, from Portland : .Balled at -7 ' p. m steamer Northland, for Portland. Balled at 8 p. m., steamer Redondo. for Port land. - ...'.,.- , , .-.' .. Shanchai, - April- 14 Sailed barken- tin Amnion, for Portland. .j j Astorln. April 14. Condition Of th bar at I a. m.r smooth;, light east wind; weather cloudy, . i , BACH YEAR AJ THS THEATRES. , Laat Time "Babea in Toyland." Tha last performance of the big mus ical ' comedy extravagansa, "Babes. In Toyland," will be given tonight at the Helllg theatre, Fourteenth and Wash- lug ton. streets. If you care to see a atu pendous production of bewildering scen ery, an abundance of gorgeous costumes. together with an excellent cast of prin cipals and a bevy of pretty girls,-who can both sing and danoe, do not miss "Babes In .Toyland." as It contains all of these and more. ' Curtain at 1:1 O'ClOCk, ! '"' ;; .' ' - - . ' Creatori Clarke in "Beaucaire. Creston Clarke will present a sumptu ous production of "Beaucaire"- at the Iletllg theatre tomorrow (Sunday), Mon day, Tuesday nights, April 16, li and 17. which will be the last time It will be seen In this city. :. During the less than two full seasons that Mr. Clarke has toured In the Tarklngton play he has shown the American people on of the most polished and fascinating, fig ures In contemporary ' stage history. Remember, Monday night will occur the benefit for the Bremen and ' policemen's relief fund. Exchange - benefit . tickets for reserved seats. : Tonight at the Baker. There will be an extra closing per formance the "Cherry Blossoms" burlesque company at the Baker tonight at 1:18 o'clock.. If you want to spend a most delightful evening where the liveliest, kind of .clean fun, beautiful music and pretty girls abound, go to the Baker tonight and see the "Cherry Blossoms." . ..... ., - .....' "Merry Maidena" JJext Week,' Next week's attraction at the Baker, vlartlng with the matinee., will be the "Merry Maidens" burlesque and extra aganxa company,' presenting , an ex ttemely ludicrous farce, entitled "The Maid : and the Mule." - The "Merry Maidens", company la hesded by . Sam Rice, the well-known comedian,- backed up by a large chorus of well-drilled and pretty girls. j';fV., .; "Tfie "' Fatal Wedding" Tonight. -' The .last ' performance of the well known and popular . melodrama,. "The Fatal Wedding." will be given at the Empire tonight. - The play has drawn good houses all week; and the company presenting It created a most -favorable Impression with every one. "The Fa tal Wedding" bids fair. to live for many seasons to come.' "Roanoke" Opena Tomorrow. "Roanoke.". Hal Reld'a beautiful play Of the south, will open at the Baker tomorrow afternoon. It Is presented by the Lee Morris company, who have re ceived nothing but praise for their pro duction . In - every city in -, which they have appeared -this season.; ""Roanoke" la -as - play - dear - to the- hearts of all classes. ""' '.''.'''-. ' VAUDEVILLE AND - STOCK. . ' At the Grand. " ""leronr S:tt to 10:4$ tomorrow the per formances at the Grand theatre will run without- Intermission.. These - shows will be the last appearance of Castel lans, the man who has been looping the gap on his bicycle all week. ' The monologue of Miss Mary Maddern and the other acts on the bill are well worth seeing. '-. ' - At the Star. Musical - Nalon, the man who Intro duces electricity In his act, is one of the several pleasing entertainers at ths Star thla week. He will close his en gagement tomorrow, when the perform-' ances will run without end from 2:30 to 10:46 p. m. The Star has a show which is proving very popular, as ' la testified by the capacity . audiences. "Down In New Hampshire" at Lyric. f Tonight, tomorrow afternoon" and evening will witness the closing per formance of the beautiful rural com edy drama "Down In New Hampsthtre." This play la fraught with many thrill ing scenes. Love and hate are realist ically depleted throughout th five acts. HOUSE HEARS EULOGIES ON MARSH AND PINCKNEY ' (Journal Rpeelal ) '.', Washington, April . 14. The house took an early adjournment' today to per mit' Its members attending the corner stone laying of. the new office building fth" house - e-f s represent at1vew.3oar-A special session will be held at noon to morrow for memorial services In honor cf the . late Representatives Benjamin T. Marsh of Illinois and John M. Pinck ney of .Tsxaav. -.. .' ;, . Count Reginald Ward. Who Wants If C !'' i -'fA -i'' ; f T m if-. . "Vf M i ( S';4vi ft?, to Help Fight' Colonel .Mann of j Town Topics. - " u- --, . , ... .j. . As ; You don't buy your basement, . thine to charge , heating apparatus that will warm your home easily, The W. Q. SURGEOIi FIKDS BROKEN LEG WAS ARTIFICIAL ONE Man Run Over by Car Has Case of Fractured Limb That Cannot Be Mended. - (Joaraal Special, .Rerrlee.) - San Francisco, April - 14. Dr. Pink ham of the Central emergency"' hos pital encountered a cas of a fractured leg last. night, which he could not mend, and Roman J. Tryor had to be sent to the male "ward Without treatment. Stew ard Hayee of the receiving hospital went In the ambulance to Stockton' and Mar ket streets to get a man who; was re ported as run over by a streetcar and suffer!!. g with a broken leg. He picked up th man and found that th left leg dangled helplessly at his aide. ' .Try or was carefully placed in th am bulance and hurried off to th hospital. Ha was put on th receiving table and preparations made for setting the leg. Staff nurses stood ready! to do the work with bandages. Ths leg was care fully bared and the broken leg : re vealed, but after a consultation th doc tor and staff decided that It was not a case for surgical treatment. -From the unconscious man's knee hung an arti ficial limb with th steel braces broken. Tryor la a surgical instrument peddler. RATTLESNAKE'S BITE MAKES MAN INTO A PROPHET Californlan Is Driven Hopelessly Mad Attempted Suicide -T - by Means of Serpent. 0 (Joaraal flperlal ' Berrlee.l , Fresno, Cel., April 14. Driven hope lessly mad from the effects of a rattle snake bite, John B. Burner has-been committed to th asylum at Stockton. Burner a week ago at Herndon. where he was employed as a farm hand, de liberately let a snake bite him, declar ing that he was tired of life. After ward he repented and drank great quan tities of whiskey to counteract th ef fects of th poison. - Burner recovered, but Immediately began to act queerljr and he waa brought to th county hospital and" from there was last night transferred to th Insene ward of th county jail, where he has sine been raving. His hallucin ation is that he Is a prophet sent to foretell the destruction of the world, and he preached. continually while phy slolsns were trying to examine him. ' The Merohant Candidate for state .. .i;: 'jrr Treasurer, v It Is quite generally conceded by ths press throughout the state that John 11. Altktn or-Hunttngton wiii-o-tne sue cessf ul man - f 6 the nomination. Hla friends from all parts of the state sre enthuslastto over the outlook, and are confident that he will win the nomina tion. He, has a strong and active sup port In this city, and It is certain he will get a flattering vot here. Preferred Stock Canned Ooods. -Allen . Lewi a' Best; Brand. To Our . . : Attention is called to the pamphlet just issued on the subject of Items of In terest to Gas Consumers, regarding how to read the "Gas Meter" and the proper "Valve Adjustments" to all gas appliances. This pamphlet is issued for the pur pose of instructing our patrons how to read the gas meter and to make clear tho simple valve adjustments The reading of a gas 'meter is so simple that any ' person can read a meter with absolute accuracy. It will detect mistakes which both the consumer and the Gas Company wish to avoid. A card of instructions will be furnished on application. - ;;.' , , 1 ' ' , ' Upon the proper adjustment of all gas appliances depends. In a great meas ure, the results, that are obtained. The Portland Gas Company are. at present , making a house to house canvass of the entire city in the interests of having all appliances, whether purchased from us or not, properly adjusted. Our patrons should avail themselves of this service, thus being assured that the very, best re sults are being obtained from whatever appliances may be in use . , ; - . PORTLAWID) GAS. JWMFn General Propositfeiia furnace; just to say that you have or to give the coal man or furnace you for later on. What you INTEND to buy is a of fuel, labor and repair expense. v . ; . , '?....-. . That's why we. want to show you where furnaces are different s that's why you Owe it to yourself to investigate.. .. , '"' '' McPhrson 47 FIRST STREET "' 1 ' rirnr-ssBu. i , JU .i i u ; The Kind Ton Have Iways in use tot over SO years, - -' - and has been made under bis per v l&zits. onal aapervlslon since Its infancy' f, 4ucJ4q Allow no one to deceive too. In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and J astaa-gxKd " are baft Experiments that trifle with and endang-er the health of, Infants and ClxlldrcnISzperience ag-aJt perlmena What io CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, goric. Drops and Soothing1 Syrups. It is Pleasant' I ' contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nareotlo substance. Its age is its guarantee It destroys Worms and allays Fcverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the - Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep . The Children Panacea The Mother's Friend. ' B M "Lr"ii C ASTO R I A: aiavaW - S7 Bears the . - w The Kind You Have Always Bongbt In Usd For Over 30 Ycare. Taetalet 9eMsWsMIV 99 4BsVMIsaV atTsMtaTTe RWW T4MNI 4Bm UW.WlTHERLY. CoalanoCoke I "? ''' " ' - ' ' f " .'raJrA WE ASSURE OUR CUSTOMERS'' PROTECTION 'REGARD LESS O-F "COMBINE" OR COMPETITION Consumers General Public one. or to adorn repair man soiw ; with a minimum '" i . -1 Company . Bouirhte and which has b baa borne the signature of Signature of D CPECrt. , HM.CARLCCD rritjrriscn Phone East. 244.; and the . ' '.