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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1906)
' THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND,! r SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 14, 1803. fe In Portland Churches i i i i i i ii ' Easter Sunday will be celebrated to- . HiMrrnv hv inMli 1 miialpcl anil rftfAllnii. 1 aervicea In all lha churehea of the city, . Elaborate program, of. Kaater music have been prepared by the choirs of nearly all the churehea. ' Special ssr mona appropriate to the occsslon will llgious Inatltutlona. , r -The churches of the city will be eleb ' orately decorated with. the flrat flowera of the spring. Predominant tmonf went, or courae, will oe im oeau tlful Kaater lilies, the pur. whiteness and aweet frsgrsnc of which are typical of the day and that which It atanda for. Not only will- the day be obaerved In the church aerrlcea, but by the Sunday schools. In the hoapltala and at all other iuus orzaniaauona. The sermons preached tomorrow In Hhe various' house, of worship will be on ; reotlon, what It means to man and the proora or . tn., truth ; or ma dumicsj - Story. ' Tomorrow marks the close of tbeLen -ten season. Belns the of flolal opening of , spring It wlU mark the appearance of ' summer costumes. The new Easter hats win K. attractive feature of . the -church decorations as tn. riowera, The sDeclal program, which hare been ' rreoared and will be rendered in . the various cnurcnes are as ivuuwi. ; v-.,.;,' ' jriwbyterUaw -"' V;' i First, Twelfth and Alder 10:10 a. m.: Vraluita. "Easter i If arch" (Merkel)i Tome. Sea the Place Where Jesus Ley (Burdstt): "To the Paschal Victim" tfltawartV. noatluds. "Toooata, and Fugu. In D Minor" (Bach). T:I0 p. m.: "com. munlon" (Orison);. Easter anthem, : "Jesus Christ,-Is Risen" (Neldllngsr); ' "H, la Not Hare, but Is Risen" (Oi good); "Lift Your Glad Voices '(Per- clppe): "Marcha Religious." 3ounod. t Calvary, Hleventh and Clay 10:0 a. m.: "Chrlstu. Ressursalf (Ravsnsl- . lo)j .uaHet, "Lift Tour Olad Voices' (Schnecker): sola "Hall.' Joyous Morn' ' r-a dmati anln. "Hoaanna" fOrenler): "Easter Morning" (Mailing). 7:10 p. tn. Soprano solo with violin obligate (Han- - del); violin solo, aria, for u string (Bach), Waldsmar Llnd; quartet, "Odd Hath Appointed a Day" (Tours); organ, "Kusue In Q Minor" (Bach) Cumberland, East Twelfth and-East Taylor, 10:10 a. ro. and t:!0 p. xn.: "As II HI uawn. ariin,' v.m iat Is ' Risen" (Shepherd), "They ' Have " Tsken . Away My Lord" (Stalnar) Christ, Our . Passover" (Sheppert)t solos: '1 Know That My Redeemer ' Stone Away" (Hawley), "Rock of Ages' (Johnson). "Eye Hath Not Seen,'! from -"Holy City" (Oauls); mixed trio, "My Until TVith Tnr for Thee" IHnaral' violin aolo. Intern. esso" from "Cava! - lerla Rustlcana"; "Unfold Ts Portals . "Alelnlled". ' (Schumann), - "Evening Btar. from Tannhauser". (Wegner). - Third Presbyterian, East Pine 'and a East Tenth 10:80 a. m.t t Easter Mom" (Leybach). "He la Risen" (Tear Is). "Because He Lives" (Lorensl): sola "Ey to Eye." Mrs. J. B. Werletn; chorus -with soprano obligate, JS'Twa. Calvary I.orens)F: 'Eastern Postlude" Arthur PlM... 7 fi A B m fmiff awlAa k k. Mlspah, Mary and Powell streets; Re. Oerome R. McOlade, D. T. Morn-rn:-Preluds (Ashford); "Why .Wsepest Thour (Oebriel);- offertory (Aahford); kolo. "Angel Roll the Rock Away" (Mar- go), MIbs Ruth Eddlngs; " 'Twaa. Cal vary" (Lorens); prelude. Evening: pre lude (theme from Mosart); primary song; solo, ."on the Cross" (Bragdon), Mr. . Rlttnar: offertoi-r . fSUhnao.kart The Lord is Risen" (Adams); olo. -llosanna" ((Jrenler). Miss Oracs Oil bert; solo. Miss Ethyl Powers; postlude. Piedmont, Cleveland avenue and Jar- rt etreet-r-Evenlng: Organ voluntary (Horrman), miss Elisabeth 'N lei son; "Hark, Ten Thouaand Voices" "Biight- 1v M th.' Hnl4M-Un-ll ..(a "King Of Kings" (Shelley), 8. L. Mul lnn; "Enter the Bepuloher" (Palmer); soln, "I Know That My Redeemer Llv th" (Handel), Mrs. Marie Whlgham; f'Air Halt the' Power of Jesus' Name"; old, "Calvary" (Rodney), Miss Beulah Cad well: "He Lives Again" (Converse); old, "The Holy City" (Adams). Miss Margaret Olbaon. 4 : Marshall Street Morning) 'Christ, the Lord, Is Risen Again," '1 Say to All Men Far and Near,". "Jeaus, -Word of Ood Incarnate, ""Chrlat Our Passover." SpisoopaL St.-David's 11 a. m.f "O F1IU et r Jlta IV'II. vwimif i AUCI U lea,; eflJIU lula!" (F, W. Goodrich); "Christ Oiir Passover" (P.. Humfrsy); Psalms Proper of Easter (chants by 'Woodward and AIdrlch)rrrr Deora -ln-1 B -flat, "Jubilate In B flat" (a V. Stanford); "As It Began to Dawn" (O. C. Martin); "Jesus Christ Is Risen Today" (Wor gan); "Kyrle, Gloria Tlbl, and Credo In B flat" (A. J. Eyre); "Worthy la ths Lamb" (Handel); 'Ssnctus," "Benedlc--tus," "Agnus Del." "Gloria In Excels! (A. J. Kyrw)- "Th. Strife . Is . O'sr" (Paleetrlna); "At the Lamb's High reset (Kossmuuer;; "Dcmiier jaarco -.'(Meyerbeer).. 7:10 p. m.: "Hymn of Sersphs" (Oullmant); , "AUelula! Alle lula!" (F. W. Goodrich): Psalma. Proper of Easter (chants by Bacon and Morn Ington); "Magnificat In C," "Nunc Dl mil lis In C" (H. Gadsby): "Aa It Be gan to Dawn" (O. C. Martin): "Jesus Christ Is Risen Today" (Worgan); "Grand Choeur" (Salome); "Solemn- Te Deum In B flat" (C. V. Stanford): "Christ-Is Risen" (Sullivan) i "HalleJ lujah" (Handel). Y'' Trinity 7 a. m.: "Second Andantlne In T Fist" (Lemsrc); "Jesus Christ I Risen Today"; "Communion Service In B Flat", (Stalner); "O Joyful Light" (Tours); "Ths Strife Is Oer"; "Easter Morning" (Thalllng). rl a. m.i "Car illon" (Chaff In); "Jesus Christ Is Risen Today"; "Christ OUT Passover" (SchlU. ling); "Te Deum In C" (Lutkln); "Bene dlctue In A" (Stalner), "I Know That My Redeemer Llveth" '(Handel), ' Mrs. A. B. Sheldon; "Gloria Tlbl" . (Stalner); "All Hall the Power"; "O Joyful Light" (Tours) l Ssnctua from "Messe Solemn el le" (Oounod) "Agnus- Del Benedic ts Qui Venit" (SUlner);' "Gloria In Ex oelsis" (Stalner); "The Strife la O'er"; "Triumphal March" (Gullmant). 7:30 p. m,; "Second .Meditation" (Gullmant); "Th Day of . Resurrection"; "Glorias" (Robinson); "Magnificat and Nunc Dlmittls In B Flat". (Stalner), Mrs. A. B. Sheldon; "Angels Roll the Rock Away"; "Hosanna" (Qrenler) ; 'Tlark, Ten Thousand Voices Bounding"; "Post lude In D" (Volkmar). - Good Shepherd, Bellwood street and Vancouver avenue Morning: Proces sional. "Welcome, Happy Morning"- (Sul livan); "Christ, Our Passover" (Morn Ington; "Gloria Patrl" (Mornlngton); "Te Deum" (Van Bosksrck); "Benedlo tus" (Handel); "Jesus Christ Is Risen Today" ( Lyra Da vldlca) ; "Kyrle Elei son., (Gounod); "Gloria Tibr (Anon); "Now Is Christ ' Risen" (Allen); solo, "King of Kings" (J. -Handel RoberU); "Thou Art Worthy" (OUbert); "Sano tus" (Stalner); "Communion Hymn" (Stalner); "Gloria In Exoelsjs" (Zeu- ner); "Benediction and Sevenfold Aman" (SUlner); "Nunc Dlmittls" (SUlner. from Spobr); ."He Is Risen" (Neander). Evsnlng: "Alelula. Alleluia" (Sulli van) ; "Gloria patrl" (Simper) ; "Mag nificat" (Simper) t "Nuno . Dlmittls" (Simper); "Now Is Christ Risen" (Al len) --.'King of Kings" (J. Handel Rob erts); "Thou Art Worthy" (Gilbert) ; "Hark. Ten Thousand Voices" (Dykes); recessional, At the Lamb's High Feast' (Elvsy).-'---. -vi.- - .. St. Stephen's Morning: "Corns Ts Faithful,'.' Sullivan; PasohaV Anthem, Nevln; Kyrle Elelson, Hall; "The Strife Is O'er," Pal est rlna; "Gloria Tlbl." Mer becke; "Credo," Merbecke; "Christ Is Risen," SuUlran; -The Lord Is My Rock," Rogers; "Sanctua," Mease Solen nelle, Gounod ;-"Benedlctus" qui venlt. Morley; "Agnus Del," Messs' Solennelle, Gounod: "Gloria In Excelals," Ellwangsr; Nuno Dlmittls." Bsrnby; "Jesus Christ Is Risen Today," Lyra Davidica. i ' . Oosgregatlosal. First Morning: "Prelude." Rach maninoff; quartet, "Triumphant Strains Arise," Chlpman; solo, "The Resurrec tion." Shelley; quartet. "As It Began to Dawn," Marker: "Dedication March Armstrong. Evening: "Of fertolre."; op. I, Batiste; quartet. "Awake, Glad Boulj Brown; quartet, "O Light That Breaks From Yonder Tomb." Dressier; violin aolo, AdaglettO."; Blset; duet, "Riae, Crowned With I,lght," Brackett; quartet "Alleluia," Humphries; . "Trlumpnal March" Stone. Z Sunnyslde, East Taylor and East Thir ty-fourth streets Morning: "Passion tide" (Schumann), Otto H. Bauman; "He Was Found Worthy": "Joyful Easter tide" (A. Belrly) ; "In the Croes of Christ I 'Glory"; offertory (Batiste) Beautiful Isle" (J. 8. Fssrls), Miss Nettls Klngery and Miss Ethel Trae- blood; "Rock of Ages, congregstlon "Redemption" (Sc'otson Clark). . Even 1-. !"Chrlsfa Conqusat'V (Thayar) "All Hail .the Power." congregation "Alleluia. Christ Arose" (A. Belrly) violin solo, Leo Lindsay: "Nailed to the Cross" (C. Tuller), K. R. Raymond and Carl Robinson;. "The Great White Throne" (Gounod),- Mrs. Harry Stone "He Is Risen" (J. 8. Fearls); "My Faith Looka Up to Thee." . Mrs. J. J. SUus and Mrs. W. H. Sawtelle; "The Resur rectlon" (Batiste); "The Palms" (J, Faurs). Carl Roblnsoni "HaiL Joyous Easter" (Mason); "Glory Song," congre gation; "Triumphal March" (Mendels sohn). . . ; - . ' Kettedist, . Taylor Street At 11:11 p. m.:" Song, "Baster Greeting." Sunday school chor us; prayer. Dr. F. B. Short; solo, "Resur reotlon" (Shelley). Miss Helen Lytle recitation, -ForJ Lot He Hath Risen. Marguerite Dillon; song, "Eastsr Her alds," Sunday school chorus; reciUtlon, Eastsr Morn," Esther Curtis; song, "From Calvary to Glory" Sundsy school chorus; recitation, "What Snowball Did." Harriet Leach; motion song, prl mary class; song. "Th Light of Life, Bunday school chorus; recitation, "Na ture's Greeting." Nora Laue; aong. "Vic tory, dunaay scnooi chorus. , Laurel wood ! a. m.: 8ong. ths school; recitation, "Greeting," Iva Har tar; song, class of girls; recitation. Anns ciaxton; duet. Olive and "Delia Payne; reciUtlon, Howard Carlon; song, When you open a pack age of Unccda DSscuit it's like opening tHe oven door and taking them out crispi fresh, and clean. " Unooda Biscuit the I only 1 Soda: are Crackers. Others cease to bef" crackers " after: a fey hours exposure to the air. - Open a package of Unocda Diccuit to-day. nlTlOKAL'iltCUnCOMKaJfr- Ruby Swain and Gertruds Towns: red tat Ion, Elsie Taylor; song,' by claas of girls; reciUtlon, "Easter," Karle Swat land; song, school; recitation, Beulah Bsstnger. , ' , Grace 11 a. m.: "Pllgrlma' Chorus" (Wsaner); "The First Begotten From the Dead" ' (Blumenschsln); . "Grand March," "Huguenots" (Meyerbeer); quar tet, "Lo, the Tomb la Empty" (Broom). 7:10 p. m.: ' Quartet,- "Aa It Began to Dawn (Coombs); "Crown Him Lord and King". (Pries ); chorus, "Send Out Thy Light (Parks); Allegro Maestoso' (Mosart); "War March of the Priests In Athslla" (Mendelssohn). Trinity, Tenth and Grant streets Evening: , "Oh Day of Reaurrectlon." achool; anthem, choir; solo, Miss Etbsl MoCarl; "I Bring You jan Eaatsr Greet ing." Joyos Ball; "A Boy's Eastsr Greetins." Charles Trotter: "God Will Hull the Stone Away," Pearl Hersbey Marlette Dunn; "Easter Windows," Miss Taylor's class; "Easter Thoughts." Sadie Havely; "Natures Words of Llfs," pri mary elasa: aolo.' "Lift Ma Up." Terry Oberg: , "A Crown of . Thorns,". Alma Cooley; "A Quiet Rock Tomb.." Grace Townssnd; "Roll ths Stone Awsy." girls' chorus; "Jesus Lives." primary clasa; "A Risen King," Amanda Whits; "Little Dreamers,' Awake,". Donald- Holdsn; "The Song the Angels Sing," Sunday school choir; "Ths Red, White and Blue," Mrs. Taylor's class; . recitation. Lenora Makelim;"Four Angels of Eastertide." Mrs. Luke's class; "Rise Glorious Con queror," sohool. , ' CTtaistJa, ; ' Central, East Twentieth and East Sal mon streets Morning: "Th. Lord Is Risen Today" "Ring Out T. Bells.", Mrs. McPherson ' Gale, . Mrs. F. R. Reeves. Evening: . "Qlad Easter jpey," chorus. ; - , - ' : - ..--.--r..-r..f ... -".'." . Oattaotto, : Cathedral, Fifteenth and Davis "Ho sannah" - (Dubois); ."Ecce Sae.rdos" (Gregorian Chant); "Aspergea Me, Dominie''; "Kyrle" (Gullmant'a Mass in F); "Gloria"" (Gullmant); ' "Benl Creator" (Bstlsts);, "Credo" (Gullmant); offertory, "Hosannah" (Granler), Mrs Walter Reed; "Sanctus and Benedictus" (OuUmant): "Rsglna . Ooell" (Lamble lotte), Mlaa Kathleen Lawler; "Agnua Del" (Gullmant) ; "Hallelujah Chorua" (Handel). ' St. Mary's. Williams avenue and Stan- ton 10:10 a-,m.: "Kyrle" (Mosart's 12th Mass); "Oloria" (Mosart's . 11th Mass); 'Credo" (Gounod's Miss. Sol ennelle); "Sanctus" - (Gounod's Mlsss Bolennelle); "Benedlotus." ."Agnus Del"; "Reglna Coell" duet and chorua (Lam blelotte), choir. ' - Sacred Heart. Mllwaukle and Cay-wood- 10:20 a. mj Under the tnsinage ment of Brother Theodora, the Third Mass of Broslg wll be rendered by Ju lius1 8horness first violin; Cornelius Myers andJoseph Sentt, second violin; Joseph Loefelmann, cornet; John Strel mer, bass: Joseph Strelmer, clarinet. Offertory, "Haeo Dies.' by ' Rev. Fr. Doinlnlc. ' ' Holy Rosary, East Third and Clacka mas 10:i0 a. m.: "Vldl Aquam" (Grs gorlan) ; "Kyrle Elelson - and Gloria.". (HaTdn's In C, No. lv organ. (Bluman thal); "Venl Creator" , La Hache): "Credo" '(Marxo); "Regiiu. Coell" XWer ner) ; "Sanctua" (Gounod's Mlsss 861 ennelle); "Agnus DM (Haydn's -Third, Mass); "Allegretto," organ (Smart). . St. Francis, East Oak and East Elev enth S:a0 a. m.: "Vldl Aquam" (F. W. Goodrich), 'lissa de Angells," "Ange lus Autem Domini" (Anerlo). , v Holy Cross, Portsmouth 10:11 a. m.: "Kyrle" (Missa.ln hon. "St. Henricl); "GlorU" (Mlssa In hon. St' Henricl); "Reglna Coell"; "Credo" (Rosewtg-s Mass In O); "Sanctus" (Leonard's Mass In B Flat); "Benedictus" (Leonard's Mass In B Flat); "Agnus Del" (Leon ard's Mass In B Flat) Str-Lawrne,-i-Thlrd ano Sherman streets 10.10 a. m., Clmarosaa grand military mass will . be rendered, - by Misses Ellsaheth and Lena Harwaa, Mary ' Brennah, Norah Barrett, Mary Springmeyer, Messrs. MonUg, Sauvaln, Glannelll, Ktlleen, Bannon. - Underwood, Purcell. Fleming. Cain, Grimm, Atkin son, Coffey and Kasper. , St Michael s, Fourth and Mill At I a. m. "Rosewlg Msss In O" will be sung, under the direction of J. Burke, by Miss Laura Halllnsn,. Miss Vlda Reed, Thomas Dobson. Miss Nellie O'Brien. Miss Ethsl Powers, Joseph Bell. John P. Wlldman, J. Burke, John E. Malley.. T E. Madden, F. D. Henneasy, Jamas P. Go ray, Jerome Brlssolart -- -. - -Baptise. . First the Whit. Temple. Twelfth and Taylor 10:10 a. m: "Easter Morn Ing." (Mailing) ; quartet, "O Worship th. King" (Hlmmel); solo, "Face to .Face (Johnson) Miss Ethel Shea; .'Theme" (Hesse). 7:10 p: m.i "Grand March" from "Aids" (Verdi); canUta. "Th. Rea- urection" (Charles Fonteyn Manney) prelude and chorus. "He Is jtlsen." Part I: "Th. Empty Tomb": baritone, "Upon th. First Day Of ths Week"; trio. women. "Who Shall Roll Away ths Btonef; alto. ."Ood Shall Wipe Away All Tears"; baritone. "But, When They Came to th. Place"; tenor, "Why -Seek Ts ths Living Among th. DsadT" chorus. "Angels, Roll the. Rook Away.' Part Ilr "Mary Magdalene"; baritone. And They Went Out Quickly"; chorus. "Blessed Ars They"; soprano, "They Have Taken Away My Lord"; chorua. O Death, Where Is Thy BtlngT"; chorus, Blessing and Honor. ITaHaslaiu ' . First Seventh and Yamhill 10:10 m..- "Prelude in G (Batlsts); "Ths Lord- Is Exaltsd" - (West) ; responss (Hanacom); solo, "The King of Olory' (C. Whitney Combs); Still. Still With Thee" (James Rogers); "Nuno Dlmittls" (Barnbyji "Postlude", (Bach). . J SPEEDY HORSES COMING TO THE STATE FAIR A PASTOR'S TRIALS nsoy right of a- Bheds ausistov Against th. aClsery sad Distress Of Disease, , noTOBT um TaAjts. ' It Is sad to see a man In the prime of life Ioelus counters and hnna. when k vigor and usefulness should be greatest, he Is a disappointment to bis friends and to himself. Knowing no longer the Joy of ambition, misery and despondency are hla dally companions, lis is' a wrecK in body. and mind a pitiful, mid die-aged wreck. . He belongs to - th. great American srmy of dyspeptics. Ones his eyes sparkled with energy and health; hla appetite and al umbers were like a boy'e. Now his stomach is affected, his livor is lorpiq ana nis head aches almost constantly, s Biliousness, bowel com plaint, heartburn, and flatulency aie some ox nia aniiciioiisi ' To eat- means misery, and to refrain from food , la long drawn out agony. Ths weak eeek the solace of drugs or ths forgetfulness of death. But 'the strong, fighting bravely against ths ter rible repression of mind and body, see.k a .cure. Hers is a minister's story: Ashaway, R. I., Nov. SO, 1100. CHASE MFG. CO., Newburgh, N. Y.: Gentlemen Perhaps a few lines from me In praise of your great dyapepaia remeay, unasea uyspepsia (jure, would not be out of place. - All who have ever suffered from dysieiela, know that It Is a most distressing complaint and one inai aoes noc yieia to tne common forma of treatment I have suffered for years with this malady and could ob- tain but mils reuer until l began to use your remedy. From the first dose a feeling of easiness pervaded my en tire 'system. The stomaoh seemed to be In a state of comparative repose to which It had long been a 'stranger. After a fsw weeks' use of th. medicine I am entirely cured. I still. however, keep the remedy In th. house and use It occasionally, as do all members of my .family. In grateful appreciation of your" In valuable medicine, I addrees you this commendatory letter,' which Is sent to you without any solicitation - on your part, in the hope tliat It will help you and the sufferers who need your medi cine. . With all good wishes, I am, slnri cereiy., yours, ' REV. C JAMES . BUD LONG. . Chase's Dyspepsia Cur. (a liquid rem edy) by regulating digestion restorss apuetlte, ambition and general health, aulckly, - pleasantly and permanently, battnate cases overcome. Why do you suffer with dyspepsia or stomarh trouble when you can be cured T We offer you a remedy that has never failed. It has cured thousands and will cure you. GUARANTEE: If any sufferer, after giving the remedy a fair trial. Is not benefited, money will be refunded. Large se-cent ootties-at aruga-iais, or Went, prepaid, on receipt of price. CHASE MFG. CO., Brooxiyn, . I. For sale In Portland by Woodard, Clark. aV Co. " - bell in conuArjD OF THE ARMY Rrtlrwrtiwnt. of General Bates U Marked by Usual Reception to Outgoing Official. - - NEW CHIEF OF 8TAFF - IS WEST POINT MAN rotnotid From Pint .lieutenant to - Lieatenant-Oeneral in Eight Years Won Great Distinction In the Philipptnea. . ' (Riwclal Dlspatrh to The' Jesrasb) Salem. Or April 14. There will be som. good horses at tn. state fair September 10. Bam Casto of Los Angs les Is expected In a few days with a string of speedy steeds. Among the other stables reprssented are- L. B. .Indsey. five horses; J. T. Wallace, nine: H. O. Cos, four, and Charles Bar rows, four. Ths track has been, put In fin. condi tion and. by th. time of th. fair It will be Ideal (n. every respect. ALL SALEM SCHOOLS : TO OBSERVE ARBOR DAY tasertal Dtaesteh te Tke tarsal. Balem., Or., April 14. All th. schools In Balem - will appropriately observe Arbor day. Extenaiv. programs have been prepared and th. various -assembly rooms have been decorated for th. oc casion, Mis. -Lot. Peebles will sing. Th. local nurserymen hav. donated th. trees and shrubbery to be planted!. and in addition an axninit or th. pupila work in drawing, manuscripts .f daily lessons, stc., will be held. (ioeraal Roeetal Bervtre.) Washington. April 14. After having erred at the head of the army as chief of staff, with ths rank of lieutenant general for a little less than three months, Llsutensnt-Osnersl John C. Bates relinquished his dutlss today te his successor In ofnes, . General J, Franklin Bell, who has recently . been In charge of the staff college at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Ths rstlrsmsnt of General Bate, and th. accession of General Bell' wss marked by the usual reception to the Outgoing and Incoming official. This caption took plaoe In tb. office of th. chief of staff and was largely attended by army officers on duty In th. war de partment and vicinity.- - General Bates will not reach the statutory retiring age of 14 years until August it asst. and hla retirement to day was In accordance with an arrange ment made between himself, uenerai Chaffee, hla predecessor In office, and th. secretary of war. ' West Vols Oradnate. ; 'AXUSTsTA, Secretary Merchant. - JOSXPaT. T. KILLT, Tressurer. (Ooddard-Kelly Shoe Co,) BB. mTDOAM M. TBOBsTTOsT. . , Marquam Building. Medical Director. . President. (Insurance Expert.) B. M. nXMOM. Tloe, ("Nsttoaal JTlnaae. Co.") ss OF PORTLAND, OREGON THE COMMONWEALTH LIFE ASSOCIATION of Portland, Oregon. , Duly organ ized and formed for benevolent purposes, under and . pursuant to the Laws of the State of Oregon, on the 12th day of April, A..D. 1906. . . ' : , ; ' . . - , " ' . : . . ...'....;,.:'..- i ' , , ., V-. . Th. Ouarante. Fund Bystem of Life Insurance, under which th. operations of this assoolattoh are enrutucted. ' and upon which all of Its certificates of membership sre founded, based and Issued, 18 BEYOND THE 8HADOW OF A DOUBT IT 18 INDEED UNQITK8TIONABLY THE CORRECT BTHTEM OF LIFE ,IN8i:RANCB, THH NEAREST APPROACH TO PERFECTION OF LIFE INSURANCE EVER DEVISED, BO FAR EVOLVED, OR' THAT THE WORLD HAS THl'H FAR BEEN, and when U coupled with this perfection, a contract that la with out a flaw, a contraot constructed expressly .to- BENEFIT ITS MEMBERSHIP and NOT TO BILK them, built ' upon honor, and managed In rectitude, when you have secured sll of this In one contraot. backed up and fllled In with a degree of expert knowledge of th. life Insurance situation such as that possessed by the President of this , association, Mr. A. R. Exley, who on the subject of expert practical knowledge of LIFE- - INSURANCE! TAKES OFF HIS CAP TO NO IN8URANCE .MAN IN THE UNITED 8TATE8, for th. simple reason that he ha. never had to, having met too many of them In free field of COMPETITION and has seen them loss- their battls times) innumerable. When you can PROTECT th. welfare of your families sgslnst that terrible calamity, th. ever ' present dsngsr of sudden death, th. ever present danger to each INDIVIDUAL LIFE that It may be ANY MO MENT SNUFFED OUT. EVEN AS A CANDLE IS SNUFFED OUT, by merging Its continuance. SO FAR AS ITS EARNING POWER. ITS FINANCIAL STRENGTH AND VALUE 18 CONCERNED (and It does concern th. child at Its mother's breast, it does conoern that young girl who may be thrown upon the dangers seen end unseeo of a cold, a vicious and an unscrupulous world, it doe. concern that, young boy or young man who, although haw ing th. most splendid native talents, ths very beet quality of BRAINS, a J 4 -carat BRAIN, but It needs train ing, it require. EDUCATION TO ENABLE THE BRAIN ITSELF TO WORW SMOOTHLY AND TO RISE TO THOSE SUBLIME AND MOUNTAINOUS HEIGHTS OF POWER' AND USEFULNESS which are the Insignia the letters patent of th. royalty of his manhood, and OF WHICH HIS KEEN INTELLECT IS CAPABLE OF PLACING HIM, when It Is properly trained. ANP OF WHICH NOT ONLY HIMSELF BUT SOCIETT -AT' LARGE, AYE, THE RACE ITShiLF 18 THE LOSER IF IT SHALL BE DEPRIVED OF THE VALUE OF ANY , ONE INTELLECT THAT MUST GO UNTRAINED FOR LACK OF -FILTHY LUCRE"). . ' : . - I repeat when you can buy the most perfsct life Insurance contract of PROTECTION FOR YOUR FAMILY. ISSUED UNDER AND BY. VIRTUE OF THE MOST SUPERIOR "Syatem"-of which ths Insurance world has' any knowledge, and .which means THE SAFEST, THE MOST EQUITABLE. AND BY FAR THE MOST ECO NOMICAL method, then th. writer of this believes that he Is entitled to say YOU HAVE HERB THE LIFE IN SURANCE APPLE, KNOWN AS THE "SEEK NO FARTHER" FOR "EUREKA,' you hav. FOUND IT, will most assuredly be your motto,, and you oan then sleep th. sleep, of th. just. - v Did Yon Know That IMcr Tills System Js Saved 'rt . From the "Expense", element from 50 per cent to as much as 85 per cent of the costf , Tram, the "Mortality" element, assumed' and charged for, about 40 per cent of the amount, and from that bugaboo of silliness, that concentration of human folly, that masterpiece of "expert in ability'," that genius of the actuaries which shines with such brilliancy in mathematics, but which is not only unequaled but is surpassed, if that were possible, by the blind and asinine stupidity and blundering subtlety Of that sophistry which with them has passed for logic and from the "Reserve" or "Banking Deposit' element." we save practically all of it, or nearly 100 per cent. "When you know us you'll want to be one of us," sure. , .. . ; ' Office, will be selected, furnished and Opened at once, of whloh due notice will appear fat rh. Hav. you any InsurancsT Are you thinking of Insurance T Would you Ilk. to know what la the best thing to do with- th. present life Insurance policies T Then ooms to our offloe. Corns, And ws will give you EXPERT AND RELIABLE INFORMATION AND ADVICE the same we received payment for at th. rat. of 11.00 per 11,000 of Insurance from so many of th. most prominent men In Portland, while we were expsrtlng Insurance here, all of whom will gladly recommend our work. Inveettgate us. Investigate us thoroughly, OUR BOOKS WILL BE OPEN EVERY DAY FOR THB INSPECTION OF THE MEMBERSHIP OR THE - PUBLIC FOR THAT MATTER, as" we expect to manage this FOR YOU, as we SHOULD EXPECT YOU TO MANAGE It FOR US If you were In our plaoe. .Investigate us freely and you will find we are on a solid financial basis;' and also while we may hot hav. so much mousy as som. people whom w coul4 nam. WS HAVE TUB EXPERIENCE and th. brains, too. ' ' ; , t ' " " . .........-; . ' - - - - r - 1 . i . .. ' ; - .; i ' : - v..: He Conomveiililllii Mfe Associate - ' . ' OP PORTLAND, OREGON . . V This is the first shot out of the gun, to be followed by a cannonade, - Frank Bell, as th. nsw cblsf of staff Is known by his brothsr officers. Is probably th. most conspicuous of th. younger men who made good In' th. Philippines during th. short campaign against ths Spanish and th. longsr In surrection of th. Filipinos. When the war with Spain broke out,' Belt, a West Pointer, was a- first lieutenant of cavalry, with 10 years of service to his credit. He -wss about the oldest first lieutenant In th. army and except .for sxtraerdlnary promotion th. moat he could hop., for at tb. opening of the Spanish war wss rstlrsmsnt aa A major. Ha wss promoted to th. rank of major of engineers la ths volunteers and assigned to- General Merrltt'a di vision for ssrvlc In th. Philippines. Hs wsnt out In th. second expedition of troops In July, UM, and almost Imme diately was mad. chief of intelligence. STOP: TOUCHING" . FRIENDS FOR MONEY A JOURNAL AD WILL SECURE A LOAN, :r7 JW ON CHATTEL' OR LAND, i '.. . -FROMA . STRANGER. Made in New York "TTJ OR formal wear in the afternoon there Is no 11-4 substitute for the frock coat. M 1 - After six the choice is between the Tuxedo - t r . i ,L. n it aji ,1 1.a . Dinner Suit and the Swallowtailthe latter' exclusively if women are present. . Afternoon or evening there is no substitute for New York styles. , j : :y j Alfred Benjamin & Co. originate and make m their tailor shops many or the most distinctive New York fashions in Men's clothes. Their local agent displays the correct New York fashions the hour they are created. Correct Clothes for Men 311 MORRISON ST., 0pp. PostoHct In that capacity, aftsr ths fall of Ma nila, hs eonduotsd most of th. negotia tions with Agulnaldo and othsr Filipinos for General Otis, who had succeeded General Merrltt, Transferred to MaoArthur'a command. hs became scout master. Hs picked out about to men and they covered th. en tire country In - front of MacArtburs lines. Hs had been wounded In the first day's fighting around Manila, when the Insurrection began, but he did not let that bother or interrupt him, and was In the field again In a week or lean. Bhoated aad BkoV In th. summsr of ISM th. lieutenant colonelcy bf a volunteer regiment was offsrsd him. hut hs declined it Boon afterward ha . obtained permiaslon to organise a regiment from among the tlme-eiplred volunteers who" were then due to return to th. United BU tee. He got the men who would keep shouting sod-' shooting, and presently began to demonstrate th. correctness of . his theory that that was all tbst was nseded to go anywhar. In th. Islsnds. In ths gensral forward movement of th. fall of 119 he operated on th. left of Mao- Arthur's line, and th. ueual thing was for him to report at night that h. had captured- th. town he had been sent to reoonnolter. . .. . . . . . . H. was mad. a brigadier f volun teer, and put In command of a northern district, with headquartara at Dagupan. uuiui lomovn mm Immediately relieves hoarsa, cranny -rough: oppressed, rattling, rasping aid difficult breathing. Henry c Utearne, druggist, BhuUsburg, Wis., writes. May JS, 103: "I have .been selling hal ls rd'e Horeheund Byrup for two years and have asvsr had a preparation that has given better satisfaction. I notloe that when I sell a bottle they come bark for mora I eaa honestly recom mend It." !c, lo and 11.00. Bold by Woodard, Clark. Cv ' STEEL CEILINGS ORNAMENTAL FIREPROOF REASONABLE COST MANUFAC- D A VCJ T Phone Main 4GI TURED BY -Je se 13 A Y CLX 8moIi(J Stv Thar, he began ths policy of garrison ing svsry town of any slse or Im portance In his district, with ths result that It wss. on. of the first duftrlcts sslscted for the Installation of- civil government. After he had been mads a brigadier of regulars hs was In torn mand , In ths province of Ba tongs a There he put Into execution 'the policy of reconcent ration camps which sarnsd him vsry bitter denunciation from aVna tors and other, at home. Th. policy waa undeniably a success, howsvsr. and ac complished more than anything els. to th. ending or th. revolution. uenerai Bell served five years in the Philippine, and cam. home a brigadier general of regular., to take command of th. .infantry and cavalry school at Fort Iav.nworth. . DRY ALFALFA THRIVES r-fh EASTERN OREGON - (Rpeelal Dfcpateft te tke tFendleton, Or April 14. Oeorge H. Roberta of thl. city baa brought to hi. offloe. root, of dry alfalfa one year .Id which measure tl Inches in length with for.-5. about 10 tnehe. long. This al x v -s planted by Mr. Robert, on 1 t points en hla farm, on. --t of th. city, and Is thrlv U produce at le-t r 1 all L WJ St. ; i llsvea that the highest Und tn thl. vicinity will produce good drj, land al falfa and that la time th. great move- ' ment started by th. 1st. Colonol R. C. Judson, Industrial agent of the O. H will develop one of th. leading in- -duatrle. of th. county and will be th. mean, of placing famine, on many small tracts of land that are got now producing Crops. , MlUtaJT. mFaL (SpecHt k te Tke lesrssL Walla Walla, Wash April It. A full military funeral wss accorded Theodore Blschott. ths old soldier found dead Wednesday morning, at Fort Walla -Wnlht-tMs afternoon. ' A coroner' e Jury yesterday found th. old man died from natural cause, and an Investigation started has been discontinued. r arsjatag Sloed A tals of horror was told by sar- of human bloo-1 In the horn, of jr. V Wlillams, a . ' 'nw -rr - f Bsc. Ke year, e the 1" ' be ' It T 1 .