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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1906)
THE ORTCON DAILY' JOUiaJAU PORTLAND, TUESDAY "EVENING; MARCH 27. . 1803. 3 r TODAY' '' 1 ' , P0IAT0E8411TE0 IECUIIE hs-eos s ' Dealers Say They Are Able to ' Do Business at Forty Cents ' a SackHerer EGGS AND POULTRY -' " . , HAVE A FIRM TONE Orange '' Market , Twenty-Five Centi Higher With Recent Upward Mov? in the South Tyee Salmon Cornea From tha North. ; ..'. J. , Front Street. March ST. Th principal fs- turre of lb Portland markets tod are:. . Pemend for potatuM at deellne, ttarly frulte ar rulae. .J. Oni(i market SS8e fctgner. " " -f. IJer' eegetahles In from too enth. Car -vegetables duo tomorrow. - ;' Tree ealroua coming from th north.., K(n and poultry bold firm. -.Again arerctUr of meate. ' . T " ; bop altnatioa la rathtr firm. - - Seanaad for Fetatoas at Deolla. ' Tbora la a demand for the remaining anppllM '' of Oregon, potatoaa at a eeifala price. Dealer "ear tbrr can aecura nnmber of order frou 111. eat at prlrea that would ararags 40r a -Berk bera. At tale figure tit , producer are dealers ear thar cannot Thar. ' Ilia market the aoath ax rather en lied, there twin eonie strength at tinea while at other time tie KMkntu ia Intenaa. Onions are rather ruin but price looking a trill batter. Al preaanl the are sncbanged, bowerer. Zarly Truita Are stained. Aeeeeslng e read 4Mafk.WaUa Walla maaa. ger of tha W. B. Ulafke emnpauy'e Uooae, tit lam cold Weather killed aU tha earljr fraits 1b that eeetlestr "The early aeacnea ana. aprt cota are ruined.' he remarked tbte mornina, "la regard to wheat I do not think that tb damage- 4 tb--Walla Walla etls w -near aa much a anticipated earner, rarmera Began to roauw tba land, but tha latter ralna ebowed that tha grain thought to he killed waa coming np. Soma little damage waa dona to tba grain round , Jtureka Flat, but even mere IM waa not Beer aa macs aa expected." . , . SaJlea Trta Trait llrmer. - ' ' On account of tb greater demand for gallon cans of Dl frulta from tha earloua railroad gauge the- eaarke la considerably flrmea-aad : In aoma line tha prlcea are adnnclng most erery day. The) aam condition rule In regard to dried traits. Htock of the latter are rather - Bomlaal. - ... Tree 81 ma Coming From the sTortk. , . ' More small ahlpmenta of aalmon war r I .-oaiyeV 4rom .tha nwtfcern. ter. thl. momlng. - end from tblatlm forth titer will be atocks of reek fish In the market. The variety now coming la known aa the Tree aalmon,-Thirteen cent a pound today. Igg and Vamltry Hold Flrnu ' . . - There war fslr receipt of egg oh Is moralnf, but demand for atoraea waa eery aood an prlcea bald Arm and Unchanged at yesterday's I r figure."1 ftoxn few coop of cblckeha arrlTcd . on tb street and round the aaual beary demand. n Veal receipts are fair, but on account of the aeardty of dressed koga tb arte ar keM firmer, unchanged, howerar, today. sUther riraa la Ho Market. Tb too in bop I rather firm today wltb a'Knnilier f ardor In from the east at former price. Stock ar getting low and thar la acramMa among the dealer to buy t present - quotation, - a great many tnquirtea have beea recelred regarding tb consigned hop glean B. J. Smith and other dealer. Of these cno elgnmaau nothing I known. The Last In f up market of VI r. Bmlth waa that he waa trarellag m Buvop trying aa aiepoa or nia nowinga. Orange Market I Jt4Taod Numeroua lata adraneea In tb orange market "fo th south hae contributed to another rise In thl market, prlcee today being 36 box higher. : , A car of mixed Teg tables i cshhago. csuli- tnng beans, pees, tomatoes and - paragua, waa due from the south thl tornlng. Another car due on tb street tomorrow. Walla Walla continues to aend green onions and spin ach in good condition. Demand excellent. ' ' Tha trad pay tb following price to front ' atreet. Pries paid producer r tree regular 'commiaaion: ! read. WBXAT Club. tMer red : Bnaalan. aklneetem. 0c: valley. CM. BAKI.KY reed, $2S.B0i rolled, 124 B0) brew. 7 Inc. 128.50. C0BM WfeeU, $2T.0Oi cracked, $28.00 peg tea. BIB II BO cee cwt. - OATH Producers' price No. 1 white, $28.00; grey.- FLOUR New eastern Oregon patent, M.80O S6; atralgbta. M.eOas.&O: eiport, I3.1B: Tal ler. $3.4A: grabsm. m, t3M; whole wheat. a.?n; rye, nis, n.ou; petes, 2,7D, - MILLSTrrra Bran, $1T.B0 per tm; mid dlings, $28.00; shorts, country, eit.fiQ: city. 81S.5Ot rhrm.--tg.00. - -'"' " -i- HAI roducer' price Tlauthyr Wlllemette alley, fancy, 10.00111 00; ordinary, $7,000 ' 0.00: eastern Oregon, 114 00J 1S.00; mixed, fl.BOCO-OO; ckiTer. $S.0Oj9.oo; grain. M-Hfl 00; cheat 88.00. - - .... Batter, Egg sad ultry, ' BUTTICR FAT F. x. b. Portland Sweet create, 2ffa28Hc; sour. 84Q2AV4C. BL'TTEB City creamery, 27Hjmc; nutald isncy, xttr; oratnory, xocj Bcore, lftX17C. BODRNo. 1 fresh Oregon, csadled. loe. CHBESB New Full ereaax, data, lie; - Tonne America, lde; Cheddar, loe. ' ' POUtiTm Mixed elth-kena, 14c" fancy hen. MulSc per lb; rooater. old.' lie per lb; ataga, 12c per lb fryers. 30Q2SC rr lb: broiler.. Oe-ierlr: -ducks. iKn "ief Tfi; geeeet lOUQlle per lb; turkeys, 1114116c per id; areesea, gie per. to; straana, fX.T0a)1.00 per dei plgeoua, $2.00 per doe. - - Hep,. Weel aad Jtid. ;' ' . ROPS Contracts, 1008 crop, , 10e peg lb; 100B Oreaon. or I me to choice. Oskllci ea greda, Titsc; WasMngtoD, 10e; 1804 SVac for choice. . WOOTy Centrarf 190; clip. 1csl eaifnrn Ore gon, 30 ft 22c lb; 1005 clip, Taller, coarse to me dium, 24"v326Kc; fin, 627c; esater Or on. 10IB32C. ... Mmi AIR 37 24. : SHEEI'HKINS Bbearlne. IRcixoe eh alMrt e Wool, 85Q40c each; medium wool, ftueTO each ) son w,m,i, itn-ufi.uv earn. TALLOW Prime, ner la. lUSecl K. 1 and .erresae, xxexne. . . ... ; . - ---- . rHITTIM BARK Ae per lb. - - ' H1DR8 Dry, . tie. 1, is Ibe and Bp. IdttSJ 17 Vie per lb dry kip, No. K 8 to lbs, ic dry calf. No. 1, under 8 lb. 13c: salted hides, steers, sound. SO Ids and oyer. lOQIIet em, 8aHc; at and bulla, auand. atle; kip, IS to 80 lb. c; cslf, eound. undr 15 lbs. lie; 'green, nnsalted, la less; calls, le per In lees; horeehldee salted, eecb. 81.2S01.T5; dry, each, $1 onai,50; colt hlnea. SBtione:'' goat skins, common, aack, 10Q 15c;.' Angora, seen. kActJ -$1.00. . .- , I, rruIU and Tsgetable.' ? ' POTATOKB Best sorted. TOe per aacii pro decere' price for car lota, 4S6&0c per ewt : ordinary, 68c; producera' price, 40ei sweets, 2 JU) nee eeats t " 1 OMOMS Jobbing brlce Oregon. No. f, 81 "O ?1.2n; producera' price. No. 1. Tfieggoc; No. Tn7V. garlic, 8I0 per Ik; onion aete, 7e. PRRHH VbuITH Apples. ,,colls," $1.75; . ordinary , $2.00; fancy, . $2,004)2.75; eranrea. TUESDAY' PRICES IN L rTHE WHEAT MARKET 4 e My. July niiekBO ,...$ J1Jl .77HA" .77 HB Milwaukee , .. Mlnnr-arrallg , Bt. Lftuls ..... Liverpool .... New York ..... .77H .7$ '4 :: 8THd .HHB VT7 H s e.Hd Kan City. .77 H Ban Francisco 1.27 V. A - 1.S7 Vfe 4 "Dscember. -" - 1 : . , . JOURNAL'S DAILY TIPTON MARKETS 2 f - -r. By Fred Do ot Woodburn. ..TliCM, Is .a, sufflr.lpnc ili-mand 4 . In tli at to clean up tba ra- d Tnalnlng auppllea of Oregon pots. . toes If tha grower ar willlna to salt them st 40 cents a bag. This is th only price that will allow us to meat the competition , of Colorado in those markets. - The. price 1 rather, law but it 1 e better than notblng. narel, $2.7iS20; seedling. : banana. 4 HO 5c per lb: lemon, cholo. 81.7511.75 iter boa: fence, $3.0U1-2S per box: lime, Mexican, $1.25 per 100; pineapples, $4.50 pet do; tan feriue. JI.XO. VKUCTARLKS Tarnlrta. new. 78c ner aack carrots. 0(476e - aack; beets. 80cO$1.00 pet nla. 81 .S0a 1.75 ner cwt: areea Deoorra. 40e lb; ark: Oregon adlhea. 2Ac dna: ebb(. Callf-tr. uaiimrnl tomatoes, $2.20; Mexican. $2.2b, parsnlos. BOriZtIl.00: strlne beans. 5I Sue; .cauliflower, 82.1002.25 per orate: greea re, luiaiza Per in; aeraeraaisa, sjie per artichokes, B6cfl$1.00 per dos; hotboos tettuc. tl.75 per bjx: celery. $S.O4d4.00 ner crsfe; enmnkloe. lUc: soneeh. llac apron ta. So' per lb; cranberries, lerseye, $14.00 oe,-10o per lb; rhuberb. 7c'; aplnacb, $1.23 oozi greea OBHma, aue uaaea pnncnee- -- DBIRO FBLITS Armies, ersporsted. 11 15 per lb; apricots.' ISc per lb; peschea, 104 d 13 per Ibi aack. He per Jb less; nrunee. 10 to 40. SI4c: Ue droo an aack sixteenth mai!r elie; are. Callforsla black. ej7c per in; caurn-aia white, setse per n: eecea, guioea. oe per u; raraa, per io-m oox. Oreo lie. Vat, Et. , ' SHGAB Sack heala Cube. 87.05: $5.00; fruit granulated, $5.80; dry granulated.; conr. A.; peer grsniiiatea, an.w extra C. $3 1; golden. O, HM: D yellow $.10;-bbh. 10rr-H bele, iOei boxes, 80o ad IS dan: nanle. 14fl1& ner lb L .(AtwTprlcea appi tat. sale of .les than car sura, uar tot At apeciai prices eunjeci w oucruaTinna. i honet-t3 so par crate. - - COPFErI-Packge brende. SIS 88, SALT Coane llalt a-reonhv 100a. ST.Oe-se ton; table, dairy. BOa. Ill.on; 10s. I10.TS: Im ported Liverpool, 60a, 8U.00; 100a. SlS.ftni gzta, gis.00: extra ana, bole, aa. se. IP. 4,ooej B0; bulk. 820 lb. $4.00416.00: aarke. to. Ha: Lrrrrpnnl Irraip rock. per AO lb rock, (7.00; ion. 88. TB. fin A I N RAftau(alretta- tui. - ft H E Imperial J an a. No. 1. eet-FJoi-i, fjouct New Orleaaa see. Tel AJax, Sc; ueol. nu r. - RBA8 SawN whit, 8.TSe S0:" targ white, 1.1 75; pink, S3.T6; Bays. S4.0O 15.75: Mexlrea red. 4Ue. , un reanata, jumooa, ae per re; Tirgreia, 8HrSK per lb; roaeted. r S4a ner lb; cocoa nute. M$o6e nee doat efeleuta, 1101514a per U pinenuta. loejlXHe par lb: hickory nam, row-per tbr ebeatBut,-eastern.-tBO'd" Per Braall nut. 14e per lb; Albert. I4l5e per lb: fancy pec as, 15Hlc; almood. 14taj . sTajatav vsai uuav o. BOPI Pur Manila. 141 aUadard. l14e alail lie: GOAL, oil Pearl ee Artral tjaaee, isv, per gal: water white. Iron bhta, I4e par aaj; woooaa. 17 per' gals headlight. lJU-deg, 21 Uc oer eI. UAB01.1.NS; ej neg, zH pr gat. iron bbl lc per gal. P. or: I N r-3-diTr. case t5o--per-' U - lreei bbb lV4e ner sal. . TURPENTINE la ease Me par gel. eda Dots yv per gsu WBITB LEAD Toe lots. T4 per lb; 800-I lots, se per lb; lesa lota, site par in. wiKK rt it us rrsssnr ossis sx LINEEt OIL Par raw. In 8-bbl lot. Oftet 1-bbt lot. 5He; cases. 58e per gal; genuine kettle holle. sum. SOe aer sal: S-bhl fata. 54c: 1-bhl lot. BSC per gal; ground cake, ear lota, $20.00 per teat lee thaa ear lota, $10.00 pa ton. Maata, flak and Tmlaloaa. ' PBE8H MEATS Front street Beef 45a per lb; owe. SO pe 4bt. bog,, block, sue oer lb: Backers. 8 "AO aer lb: bulla. 4$BC par lb; veal, extra. 84e per lb; ordinary, rancy, neite? ner in. HA1IR. BACON. ETC!. Portland nark floe 11 ha ma. 10 to 14 Iha. UU( nee lb: 14 to 1 lhau 0e per tb: break ra at bacon, 14U918H per lb; picnic. Oc per lb; cottars, per lb; regulsr abort fleers, nnemoked, 104 per Tb; moaee, iiei pee in; cteer ears, nnameaea, lOVie per lb; Anoked. llHc per lb; Union butts. 10 to IS Ins. nnsmokes, se per ip; smokes, 9i eee lb: elesr bailies, ansmoked. lie Bar B smoked, -18c pef lb: shoulders, Oe per lb. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. '10s. 1I per lb; oa. 114 par lb; 50 1b tin, lle per lb; team rendered. 10. lOHe per lb; Bs, 10e per in: coenpounn, lua, me. . j. tAnnr.ii BAt,a'n voiumoia rtyer, 1MB xatiat gl.DO; S-ib tsiis, fl.ia; rancy. i-ip ssta. IX Ik . . . ... SI 1R. . . . . IV. . 1- t. Alaska tails. Blab. SCtjOOc; red. $L$0; aomlaai a, tall, $2.00- FIHII Bock end, Te per lb; Bounder. 8 per Hi; ballbet, DHe per lb; crab. per doa; atrloed' baa. 12Me per lb: catfish. 7c ner lb: salmon. Tc per id; rreen 'iTea lama, ISc lb; Barring, Be per lb aolea. rbr lb; black cod, 7e per lb; tomcod, 7c per lb; Colombia neer is me it, sc per lb; alrrer smelt. 7o per lb; lobatera, iBe per lb; fresh mackerel. Be per lb; erawask. 88 per dos. 0T8TBB8 Khoalwater bey, per gal, $1.88; sack, $875. . CLAMS Hardshell. Bar bog. ' 82 00: rsaor clama. $2.00 per box. HOG MARKET ANOTHER 25 CEHTSDVAHCED ew Arrivals Ar Shown Cattle Fail to Comt ahd Prices Are Five Cents Higher, a rortland Vnlon Stockyards. Marek 27 lire iocs receipt: ; - - .w. . Hoga. Catll Sheep. Today 110 50 Week ago 234 28 . 838 Month age xaar ao . A few bears and aheen' arrteed' todar. ' but receipt ar still too mnall and prlcea bar advanced another. 25c. Hheen are firm, but ancbanged, Csttle are firm, OC np today. -i Official llTaatoek nrlcaa: . Hogs Beet esstern Oregon,; blocker and China fats, $0.76; Itocker .and feeders,- $0.50. OaUle Beet oast era Oregon sfeet. $4 504) 4. n; best oow and. heifers. $.1.7Ba 16; Hght and medium eteera, 88.75Q8SS; Tight cows, $2.5042.0i: stockara aad feeder, $3.008110: balls, $2.2ot2.85. . Sheep Wethers and lambs. fitt:- mixed Sheep. Sc. .-. . -- . , - Caltee Osod eeal, .150 to 200 pound. SMO 8c; rougk aad heeyy,. 4(25. ...... ,. . - lAJTIBB KOflS KlftXXB. . Chicago, eJarcb S7r-LiTeetork receipt; ., - A i Hne. Cettle. Bheen. Chlcero ....... ......... .12.000 4.500W IS.OtK) Banna Illy .'.11. UK) 10.009 ..m0 Omslta 7.noo n.ono O.ont) IliHca opened 8 higher with 0.000 left oyer. Becelpl a year ago were 86.000. Prlcee! Mlxe.1. IS2060.4S; food. SA.X.14I8.42V; rough, $.20J JIO; light, $8.tlt?.47H. , , . cattle Blow and eteady. Sheep Steady. .. COTTON FUTURES TWO TO EIGHT POINTS HIGHER Hew fork. Marek tT. Cotton fa lures closed to 8 points up. Official Quotations by Orerbeck. Rlarr A Cook company: , rToef Open High 10P1 1003 MarVk I.... lew Tnea. Mori. 1001 1101 1108 1017 1HU3 Kaxi into 1100 1110 iou.1 IW,I 10K1 1040 1041 104 April ...i .... May Una 1120 1102 118 lli2 IIOS. ima 1100 10CA Hall IOIH 1040 1048 lnne-,,.vii.ii lion July 1107 1OI0 ion ll7 MM lint 1042 104 1048 Angttat .......... jhi Keplemher ....... 104 October 0M NoTOuther e...... tecemher....v..t. 10ST .1040. 103d senary- a....'.... .... j .... .... Lfrerteel Cettsn Lower. - :LrVrpon1. Match 87. Cot Ion . futaras closed poinia tower. Lee4eu Blleer Market. Loo doa. March 87. 81lTr, UOykV Th Large JlfJTERESTKJG IIEKIT-ailXLMOIlE Chicago Wheat Market Very Dyl! Today, the Changes in Prices - Being Very Small. BEARS HAVE BEST " OF THE SITUATION May-September Lose aa Eighth Cent Each WhOe tha July Closes Un changed- Stupid Trading in Coarse Grain List.-' ' BELATITB WHIAT TALCE8. rioa w Cloee Cine Les May..; $ ,77HA$ .77 $1,184 I .Ovtt July .n A . .77 At fteptamber.... .7714B .77 , ' .00 Chlcaga March 17. In wheat it was dull and uninteresting at th beet, but it seems aa If the edrantag wa all with tb bears, a bulls were, unable to create any ntbue!aem OB th buying aide. There at no getting away from tba fact that statistical new I against prlcee at th moment. Tha action today, alow a It waa, seem to Indicate that It will tak tit beet kind, of buy lag by th bull t kP up prices. : PeatBB Bjmrna atsBia. Tb coarse era In llet oroeed to he a atnnld nffahv- bH4 th downward tendaxic -was- ta urrH Hence a II through tb (Boston. There I abso lutory nothing new en which ta comment oa this market. Official oaotatlona br Orarheek. Starr A Cook compajoy: -- 5 WMBAT, July -.872 .77 -.772 T .77?.i Sept...,. ,TTll . .774, .T7jJ JTH1 TTHB May.... Jul.e..,, Sept.,,. ,44'i -.44Ti- -.4ll OATS. Mi J8J .28 .4' .IWA .2SA 214 HJTTB 18.40A - Mar.r..v July...., Hept... Mar..... 10.45 10.88 MESB POBX. 10.05 . 18.48 -18 48 18.88 - Jury., Mayo-, 8.88 8. AO 8.63 8 47 - 8-88 - t 8.6T. -8.47 8.07 8.80 SHORT TUBS. 82 8T5 8.77 , 8.70 8.88 8.78 a 4T- 8 57 $8T " 8.S0" 8TTA 882A July.. Sept... Mar...." 8.70 July.,... -8.72 sept..... 8.70 8ab rxAircuoo exaor kajueit. Bsn rnaeawa. -Waeeat. r neett.l . . e . . WUAT. ' Au. m.a. . Wmv- at BT Bt - B " BV et i ss inn i.ifw LiiiZ UIUI. My ...... L18U - l.isu 1.18 1 I x S ...... .WiaA i. .: .LTTgBPOOL QBADf MABXXT. UrrpeoL March 87 Official prices: WHEAT. v Oner Clo . flosa Timi Ttiee.1 Tnee. Mon. Tuea Tnee, My .,....... d : 8s 7V44 0 74 July May .0 Siid Os SSd OB S4 - COBH. ....... SHd 4 8M 4s SM IETJfAXY OBAUT MOTXBtUTT. ' Cities ge. March tl. Primary recetnt , , Todey Tear age . , . -r Bnah. Aiiah Wheat ......4OO.00O SMflOB Corn J004.000 838.000 Hhtpmenta: Wheat i.-... .815.000 snennA Cora 818.000 680,000 toiai riearanrea: wneat. buehele corn. 107.000 bushel; oats,. 77.OU0 flour, 13,018 barrel. . crncloo cask whiai. t Chicago, March 27.- lata wht: Tuesday Bid. Ask. .?.$ .85 $ .M Mon. Bid. Na. 1 red No. 8 red .as .S4 No. 2 herd 78 No. 1 hard .78 . .78 No. 1 northern , No. 8 Borthern . ..... rrs .81 1$ ' eTS ,W .,-.T4 80 No. 8 spring ... . BBADtTirrra obaib- bipobt. Cbleasn. March 17. Bradatrast'a reenr of grain risible supply:. , . .. Wheat Eaat of Bookie, decree aed 1,021.000 onsnesi; Knrope ana arioar. inered 000,000 bushels; total Inereeee. 42.000 buahela. , Otra Decreased l,T70.ono buabeU. Oats lecreaed 1.848.000 bushel. tarlinc Bates. New York. March 87. ftterllnjr ratee; Da. aund, 485.25; 80 day. 482.60. BOBTOaT COPPIX MABKZT. IJ. 1 " ' ' Bid. - Boaton. March T7 Official copper closing : Adrentur ..$ 8.87H Old Uoaslnioa ..84. 60 Allonea . . sa no . 8.60 . 11.50 . 80.87H naceola 108.00 Parrot ........ $8.60 . Phoenix ....... 1.00 Arcadlen .... Atlantic ..... Bingham .... Qulnry ST 75 .OttO.OO Itfiysl im.i..,, 2150 . 20.00 Shannoa T.87H . 80.50 Tamarack .j. 107.00. r-l.oo Trtnrtr nTWT. 10 oo . 800 United Co 07 50 .10.60 rtah 84.25 . 29. MH Vlctoris 8.76 . 12.M7U Wlnoas ....... 8.76 . 8.76 Woleerln 18 00 . 00.6O V. B. Mlaiog... 67.88 . IS.02K Tens. Cop ..... 44.00 l 83.50 Boston Coa 24.00 !114.00 Pitta. nulnfh. 20.28 TB7.00- L. B. Pitts.. 42 00- Centennial , Cop. Rant ., rair West Elm Blrat ... franklin .... Oreene Con.., Granby ...... Masa Mohawk Nevada Con.., North Butts., Cal. Aria.., Cal. B Pitt.-; usr ntAjfCTJooLooAX stock. : Sas rrsocleeo. March 17. Official eleatng. morning eeeelua: Bid. Ask. Contra Costa Water... 45 - 45U Dnrlng 'Valley Water, ...... 87H !?2 Mutual Electric i 80 Olant Powder Hawaiian Commercial. 88 - 68 Honokra rarer... Hntrhlneoa Sagas Makawell Sitaar., !?H"H!y .".V.V.V. 8414 84 Onomea fbiear... ae xv Paanbau sxtxsr Ii 10 41 J 41 V4 f 684 tTnlon flnesr... Alaska Parkers Celirornfh Wine aaaoclatlca. 85 Pacific Btatss Talepnon. ...108 105 Vi vmxo statu omnm bobsb. New Turk, March 17. Oumumsa Twos reeletered do COBBOn.. Threes registered. .. do coupon Two, mall bead.. Four registered Set sniiooa fours regteMred do coupon District of Columbia 8-06S. Philippine 4a roBTTOsra babe btatxhxbt. Clearing ........ .....u.. $404,022 7 ................. lt$.44.4 Balances --m T0 OOlTXiisfABJIET. - Mew York. March tT Of re fatare cloaed 6 10 polsU 4ows. Official prices: run. a.i. i rite. Aa. March .....K M $ 75 pt , $7.10 $7.1$ Aorll 08 7 Oct I II f 20 Mar ...... 8.76 SAOiNer ......... T M f .80 Jnn ... 6 00 8 0ODe T.3B 7.40 July 8 00 O.OSIJsa T 40 T 48 Aug 7.00 t-OOireb f T 48 f.$0 ' Veer Terh Oaah Oeffae. - -New - Tor. March 87i Oaeh fief fee J Mar- f I T7A4 .78 .7$H .78 . .73 - iate. hh. sen. ....... into 1034 104 u 10.40 10414 14 I0O8 10$ 104 1008 10414 - 105 in 14 lnrtT l8 104 1 I0O7- 104Z 04lA 1025 1X-JU 1028 l"1! 1824 .... 1114 - ..... .... loo 1104 . ' I Bio, f $ 1K Be. 4 tsstss, $ l it. . City Cramer(e 'Have Not Yat Made a Change in Their Price of Butter and California Stocks Are Fast Securing a Hold New York Stocks Rather Steady ' Today and. the General . ' List Closes Down. ' " COPPERS LEADERS OF J THE DAY'S TRADING Rumor That Rubber Will Be Put on a Six Per Cent Basis Is a Help to That . Stock -Locomotive - Some what Bullish. . - ' .. , . KBT GAINS. Anaronds 14 1 Pacific Mall Smelter ...i.T.rr.. UiU, 8. Buhuar -.-a t, ...... ,Leni. Main , n BT IA)I A8CS. Amalgamated Krte U III. Central K Sugar Car Foundry.. Baltimore Colo. Vu'lu..... SU Paul ........ C. B. W Loot rill Mea. Central Mo. . Paclnc Norfolk i ,.1H' .1 Cheeeneeke ...... r. a. iDirii.-,,,t PeunsylTaula . ...... Canadlen ....V... neeutng ..a Colo, it Southern soutnern' ..By Soother Psciflc, u. a. steel Lnlon Pacific WabasB, BfdTTT; do preferred VTb 'tock market waa actfrs by sports to- usy. aome or tne ktaue did not open at all during tha aaaaloa. tklf among the waa Tenneeee Coal at Iron. The leedere of the acuriiy were tne copper Anaconda aad Amal- v Smelter common and Bead-f thTrlrohantrit' 1S Stated,' only notlo A manor on the floor that th. th aih Inatatt of ths ng common. A rumor on tho floar that United Sutes Bubber common would be put 8 per cent basis wss sufficient to hoaot th price a fraetiua orer th eloalug ot yes terday. BOtwirhatandlne that tha asmaral mar. ket waa considerably lower. Lecometle wea another bulllah feature, with a few Bales; tit eioaiag aaowed a gain of 1U point. Res din wsa weak and mat 8 points, tit largest ladlrl . awuiw .a--iay. urncisi qnotaupaa oy orsrbecs. Btarr teoaa company . PWCBIPTIOK Anaconda Ulnln- rv eteuiie uopper Co itrklm, ' se preferred. . ........ Am. Car A round.; com do nrsfsreMl Am. Sugsr, com. ', stm. nmeit, com ., do preferred........, Baltimore A Ohio en .j,. do. preferred . Brooklyn Bapld Transit Laaadlaa Pacific,, bob., Chi. Alton, com , do Brofsrea .....f.vf 00 ?J5 mSt Chi. i O. W., corn..... IHI., Mil. A St. Psul... Cht. A N. W, com ChL Terminal Beltway., Cheaatneah- A Ahl. Colo. Fuel a Iron, com. i lee, nouinern, oem...., uo -aa prererree rMtlesraeo a. irn.i Denrer a B. O., com!!! do preferred. , Brie, ceea. . ... .i-rr.rt do Id preferred...... do 1st wtmrrmA 88 88 Illinois Centre I tonlerine Naabelll., aftmfwHtaU B Manhattan Ballway...., Mexican Central By.... hi., St P. Sts. U. Missouri Pacific M K. A T., coca...... do preferred New York Central federal Rmeltere, com. . do nref erred iw ,031 80 Cotton Oil Norfolk a Weat" com.. 88 do preferred. ....I.... North . American N. I.. Out. A West.... Pennarlranla Bsllwar... P. O.. L. 0. C..... Pre ssi i flteel Car. com.. so pre re r red Pacirie u-n a a rv. Saailliia. Mm . . . oe aq prof' do let preferred..... Ben, Iron Steel, com do oreferred 15 ioo it Bock lataad, coa ...... ' do preferred ......... Southern Hallway, eom . do preferred Southern Pacific ' do preferred . st. I a s. r ; id ptd. St. U 8. W com. i,. Aa oratai pad . so: Texas a farlflc Tens, tloai a Iroa. ..... Tol.. St. L. a W.. eom. do preferred ......... Union Pacific, com An nMfwMA . '- ' . " - 153r4lMHloS4 Central Leather, earn... do preferred 0. S. Bubber. eom...... 6T 6,m do preferred 0. S. Steel O,, eoea... do preferred , Wheel, a L. B., com . im ov io Z i.sJ 11SS 106(4 ' do 3d pfd do lat nfd Wis. Central com do preferred W e.anh ...... Wabaah, earn .......... do preferred Am. looomottr ...... iw.-e-Kt I tau &n no prererreo Total aale for day, 880.100 hra. Call money cktaad st aH par seat. ;: TOBorAH immro stocks. Bsn frxncleco. March 87. Official morning cloamg: , . Belmont Kt tTonrBan .f Cash Bny. Denrer UoMea BcIIds nom Ooid Bar Jim Butler...'. 0 Bull Frog.. Htrtaway , Con. CalTa. .. Ovhlr Mexican i.. . .v" McNamar . Midway Montana . ... North Star.... Ohio ... Ten. BxMai... ' Nersds : West End.... a Adama ....... ICslednnla ' Kirhequer ..... Sorcroaa ....... Golden Crowa-.. Orest Bend..... Atlanta ...... Rescue Rlack Butts Bs It loe be 11 Booth Tramp Oold Belmont.. - Columbia Mt.. Cooouer Monteomery ... DlamoBdfleld Ranart .....a.. Sceptre ; Dixie QohlfUld Jumbo .a...m' Mnntrn .... Baylor Humpray Dexter Grennr ....... M Wedding.. Ion Star Nreet Bend El. Great Bend An do Exta.. Kendall , aguna Mey Quesa.... ' Mohawk Bed Top Sandstorm Sllrer Pick.... St. ire Crescent Cowboy ....r.. Bow terk Silrer afarkel. New Tork. March 87. BllTee. 8814. 1INE T0 BE COAST AGENT FOR WABASH Information 'has been rocsivsd along Railroad row from Los. Angeles to the effect that Rosa C Cllns has been pro moted to th position of Pacific eoast general agent for the Wabash llns. This ia a new position crested for Mr. Cllne, and he gets It becsus of bis srlos to th company in California for the past eight . ysara as traveling , passenger agont. 1 , Eugen barbers will organla an as- soclaUoni JACOBS' CHECKS . BADiOHES So Say Several Local Merchants Who Cashed Post-Dated IF CHARGE PR0V.ES TRUE HE MAY STILL ESCAPE Doubtful If There Is Law Bearing on This Peculiar Form of Swindle Though ; District Attorney , Will Make an Attempt. Complaint was made to Pistrlct At torns. Manning today by representa tives of a number of business Arms of, th city, charglna that. Milton U. Jaoobs has aocured about"-1400 from unsuapeotlna marohants by . mean Of poet-dated chacks. Tha ehsoks bear th nsma of tha firm of Clyda eV Klifk. sd- rartlalnr agent.' mada - payabla 'f9i Jacobs . and bearing tha slgrmtura of Ralph Clyde as manager of th firm. - Mr. Bowman of - tho Brownsylllo Woolen mllla and Mr. Qadsby of ths Oadsby Furnltur company, a ropro asntativss of tha merchants who' claim to have bean swindled, have an appoint ment .to meet Mr. Mannlna this after noon and make a formal - complaint acalnst Clyde, Kins; end Jscobs. Mr. Manning- says that he. will proeeoute. -According to the complaint mad to Mr. Manning, Jacobs baa - for aweral weeks presented checks for various amotmt jp-tor 1 100 at mercsntlle honae In payment for goods worth a few dol lars. Each check. It is alleged, was post-dated, most of them bearing a data Just on month subsequent to tha date upon which- It waa presented. Many of Ing the day of the month Instead of too month, cashed the papers without ques tion, while others who noticed the post datinar called tin -tha firm laaulna th check, but-upon receiving assurance ttxmt it would be taken up en the date In dicated, would cash It - The time for redeeming 'thsss checks has pad, and th merchants complain that thrnV been unable to secure payment. When the merchants found that their money wa not forthcoming tbsy got tasrether end made cnmnlalnt to ' Mr. Manning. Mr. Bowman says half a dosso storaa hare been victimised...... t. PLOT TD CAST DISCREDIT Accused of " Refuting to Serv Warrant Iwued After He Left Station. ; An - attempt to east discredit on Police Inspector Bruin, cam to light ysstsrday af tarnooa. Inspector Bruin was represented as refusing to serve a warrant on J. O. Leldlng, formsrly em ployed ss barber by Frank T. Rogers. No -warrant had been Issued. It was not Issued by Frank Hennessy, th clerk of the court,-tin til tba inspector had left th building, and then only at the solicitation of Mr. FItagerald. When taken to taak this morning by Inspector Bruin, Mr. Fltsgsrald dsnlsd that h waa In any way raaponalble for th misstatements which reflected on his official integrity. Rogers eonducts B barber shop at S6t Alder street. Saturday night Leidlng waa taken to police headquarters, where Rogers en dravord to get Captain Blorer to hold him en a charge of larosny. Blorer learned that Rogers had known of th alleged larceny for a week and had neg lected to swsar to a complaint. On thsss representations Captain Blorsr refused to hold Leidlng. Rogers wss arrested yestsrday on complaint of Leidlng, who accussd him of- assault and - battery. Mr. Fltsgerald. waa angry when asked for a complaint against Rogars, acoord Ing to Inapsctor Bruin, and learning Lcldlng's relatione with Buaie Kerr. In sisted that he also be charged with an offense. Tba complaint was filed but no warrant Issued. . "Mr. Fltsgerald said a warrant could be Issued at any time that other evi dence than the confession of Leidlng! wss obtained. ' said Inspector Bruin. 'ThehIwentrTiptown to attend to a matter of business. When I returned I wss astonished to find. that a warrant hsd been procured for- the clerk and Leidlng arreated and thrown . Into prison.'' A warrant was also Issued for ths arrest of Miss Kerr, and she Is also :n oustody. Judgs Cameron sst the hesr Ingl rXetdtn g' an antir K err- fbr-t o- morrow morning and that of Rogers for Friday. Judge Cameron had nothing to do with the laying of oomplalnta or the Is suing of warrants la either of the easee. SIXTEEN REPUBLICANS FILE THEIR PETITIONS Sixteen Republicans who are seeking nomination to pubUo offices have el ready filed' their petltlona with County Clerk Frank S. Fields, and are entitled to be placed on tbs primary ballot. No Democrats have as yet filed thstr peti tions. The names of those 'who hsvs filed petitions, the offices they seek and the number of names each seeursd rouowr Repreasntatlve-a-rrank F. Tremsn, 811; Dr. U M. Davis, 10 ; Clifton N. MoArthur, 174. and a J.. L4tUpsge, 8IT. County central committeeman Dud ley Evans, f; A. J. Fsnno, 7: B. T. Preston, It. and Horace O. Lakka, 10. county commissioner w. u. Steele, lit. end Jamss ShsHnghouse, til. West side constsbls W. H. Patter son, its, snd liou Wagner. Stl. East side constable Charles H. Car ter, 1J. . County treasurer Joseph A Ryaa. 411 - ' ' Sheriff Frank T. Rogers, IX. and W, A. Storey,' H,---r FAVOR SHOWING OF OREGON-MADE' GOODS Upon rsqusst of the Portland Ad Msn's league a meeting ef the Manufac turers' association wss held last night In the Commercial elub rooms aad th proposition to sxblblt . Oregon-mad goods was discussed. Ths scheme to hsvs a grand exhibi tion' of Oregon menufacturss for th purpose of advertising wldsly the etsts'e resources Snd products was prentd to the assoclstlon on behalf of the league by Harry C. Whlttlrr and C. C. Chap man. The proposition mat with ths hsartr approval ef the manufactursrs W1C Established 2S Yeftfs In Portland Oar asetkoee are ap-o-ata aaO MtaMM ec Bsurope aaa AVanarloa. ef anssi's aiseetae. temembr eug aCieT, aad KW OeTXT. . - :i A-V' LJFaS aUOINQ CURB . FOR Tjxoassj, - TmiOTlTBa, . aTTSBOrBI.aT, ' ' TAJUOOOBU. MOOS arOXgOsf. - , FBXTATal DEgXAnS Nswly contracted and " ehronte eae cured. All -burning. Itching and inflammation stopped In 14 houra; cur ffctd la 7 days. - , -- .. -.., - . n ooni m nriBi rxmxj or-rmrTATa An Oanoaza BaU7-sUATU.001l7XJ0ATaB SnBAenta. - - - 1 ' WRITS, If you eannot call. All eorrapondnc atrlctly confidential and, all repll sent In plain envelop . Mo nam, cas, letter or photo-, graphs of pktisnts published or espossd. . Inclose l-eent stamp to Insure rsply. : ' HOURS V 8v m, to I p. ra.; Evnlngav. T to 1; gusdsys. 8 v- aw te 1 1 ween. ST.LCUISSKBDKPreM otMuraB nooaTD euro taxxzu ? iWiWimifft THE DOCTORS T Z Of what value Is msro tam rary relief to the man who la a physical . and . mental wreck, -through exosesse and dissipation' that have robbed him ef hie man-. ' hood, his strength, his vigor and his ussfulnoset T-". JL ThoZrweak, broksn-down man who comae to ae ta cured per. tnanently, not simply stlmulatsdt for a few days, to relapse Into a worse condition than before. -. We cure him te stay cured. - wa bvma nrmAanniasi" ' because we employ a method that raducei ' etmnta.tla ' anlararemant. . expels the germs of contracted disorders, end : builds up the weatea tiesus. to a -y W. WortCD DavlS, M. D M. C, P. S. 0. t Twemty-Three Tears a BpeoiaUlst. wa ovma oosTTBaotbii bxmaus speedily and permanently, eradicate the poison from the entire system, and assist nature to work hr own certain cure. . wa ovaa TmaTxmAX. OBsnTorzoa by a method dlstlnctlrsly our own; a safe, certain and permanent euro In every case. . F wa evaa memo airooo roisoa by a harmless vegetable remedy that ease, no minsrai poisons, out a perieci cur, gmtnersa irom nature s -own laboratory. - - , - , T WM ovma TABxoocB&ar "'T by our own painless, safe and effective method, aftsr all others fall. We Goaraotee a Core In Every Case Consultation frse. Letters confidential, instructive book for men msllsd free In plain wrapper. -If you cannot neu, m, once writs ment suocsssfuL ALL MEDICINE Office hours: t a, m. to p. 10 a. m. to 11 m. m.; DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. - - - l wslm waw vie,! aetxz si.ei ae - rvni.. w.. w..i- jt tm ------ DLOOD poison rem hori mi twwtt tiais- w bar aad tb car of blood poise a anaelalty. Primary, SaoseaSary r Tertiary lead Plsa Permanently Cured. Yon can be treated at home under same guaranty. Capital SbOO.Ona W solicit tnemoetobetl sate eaaea. If you hare exhausted the old methods of treatment, aad stilt hsvs sebes snd pain. Harms Patches rs Month: Hare Threat, Pimpl, Oopper-Oolored Spots, ulcers on any part of the body. Hair er Eyebrow falling , write ret proofs ef surss. 100-page Book Pre. COOK REMEDY CO, ust bUissm ntvu, nim, m Old JteBsedy. Jerajbrss, IIIH aajsweeai "a-w M Tnrraat Batese M 0hess ssal Osfkla : iurrkise, gleet, wsrtea. eee. Bug aVeske. eeaesBtaei te enerr. flftf Tiut,- ' Bee. . Priel. s Slows a alarttn's. 881 Waahlngtoej at., fortland. Oregon; ee by axall from Tbe Tarrant Os.. 44 Undsoa st., .. new lora. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. LOST Dog: anlnrer, femsle, near entrance ef City'' nark.. Pfcsaa Malar 430, ar stl dress 8 Serentb et , N. - and was heartily Indorsed by them. One gave It as his opinion that It was ths best suggestion he hsd ever heard and all eald they were willing to do everything In their' power to Insure the success of the undertaking. It Is expected thst all ths commercial organisations will Join In the movement and. for this purpose committee will be appointed from each to arrange de tails. Tb folowlng will represent the chamber of commerce: a. C. Going, I. O. Clarke, Henry Wegner, S. M. Mears and Hsrmsn Wittenberg. A resolution Indorsing the movement of the Ad Men'e league was unanimous ly passed. - - v - . v - -- - - Bay gaaitk Beleaeed. . Ray Smith, arreated by Patrolman Wanlsss on the charge et stsaltng t from a drunken man In a Saloon at Front and Burns Id streets, waa dis charged from oustody this morning on motion of Deputy District Attorney Hrsnd. This ectlon wss taken by Mr. Brand when h had been Informed that th victim of the, alleged larosny kad left tee;, we will Treat any single, uncom. , plicated ailment for $12j0 v.:. for -the fee... ' : ,?. ... AD SO LUTE, GUARANTEE .NO PAY UNLESS CURED; J Corne Today fo the SUCCESSFUL Special ists who number their PERFECT Cures by the THOUSAND I You want a PERMANENT Cure We can ACCOMPLISH IT. no matter how skeptical you have become over iailurea of others. Don't hesitate longer' when Quick Re lief ami Perfect Health are staring you in the face. " - ar taaoraed by the klglnet xsnee r enoosse la tku epeelalty ig llwrt.s o ta it ef nXtasI AID rXSTTTaA ' ' noiTina sxbsvasm 1 nmTO-TTTAXt UaUXTVT ' SrOOTTJeUfaVZi afieazOeTal iibmi Ajn T.annnm ITS, rOTIAJrD, OUOOaT. f wex a WHO CURE ! goes direct to th scat ef the dla- We Undertake or Charge No Fee. f X - tor sys FREE UNTIL CURED J to t p. m.r Sundays and holidays, ' Scclfs'Saiilzl-Pcjd Ct;.5:::s A POSITIVE CURE VsrTnSaBiaial tlerOalarre nS tWltaaaf a'-W A BO fAffTCsre the BladrfereaS ir. soovas al. kly ana ssi aentlr th as an !. as si Iter ef kew Eri.!rVrii2: BeA?a kosM.!.1! TKESAXTALEPSeSCX eab Evcrv V ISIailfBllOswjgBneeile ksew . ai ibe weaearf l MARVTL wMrtiM iavev I Tbs new feesaal Siibbjs. Aty-f- eat-Moer'earrBi, . MUM t. . SKIDMO"! OO, 161 TtO t(Z11. AMD W (KID A Ad, OIAAjU Ow. REUEP fcr LAD: FRENCH Taaay- Vi.' aal and enjy r sstne yellow .r r r trsdnrk. , ( Treataent f -x If yoe ssnr any IMboel 1 -j"s deaaeeBBr. gtsasrsv treeav I I ' '" -X Ainsasrfc ar aaiistl wsuHa, akaasns' I I -r,- ftlasa, CMBttBBtaaa. aASSgTT'g If I MATlVt UULhS U mm au. aa aaal I sbsbbmb. i aasa Tbbbbbbbb, el. M M tsjM DnrtV sk Us as. At Drug. . V sba7a SkaB immA'm ! SB fSAS TelS-(aaaaaar)B) 1 ' V sBsew'a SaSaies Km. . J -- -NvXV;;,? - 7 r 9m sis W.V Eyew rasxrliaBis.V Tm, Maennatsarelytn V f . ISflL, ae-ee Be r'fc-, Mhi tail laait atAMt raa kX J ' flluairste4kook nalt. ft gres i - fall artlcatUraB4ittria4lnsla- Talus sis ta uullaa. '. CW '' J eA Ba ar.. a laaL ' V.