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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1906)
. the . Oregon 'daily -journal, Portland, Tuesday evening, march 7. . ics3. "-v - IT V--. mm fA FOR MEN rf We will mate up your Goat Made -up-by-thftCoIumbl Woolen Mills Tailor? it. fin-. ' niched in the thorough ntn- . ner shown by this picture. This is the photographic re production of a coat rnade in our shop and torn to pieces in order to show the -work ip and care .with which , the materials are put to gether. -Columbia clothes are -madef o o drthrofaghout nothing is slighted no care less work down beneath the surface where it will not be i noticed until the garment' shows up" the poor workman ship by losing its shape and newness. ' i" In this thorough workmanship man-' ner throughout fc from v . 20 toaI -Five hundred-patterns to-choose- from Worsteds, Cheviots, Serges. Every Garment Finished in the' Co lumbia Woolen Mills Co.'s shops is as well made as this coat. mm aajBssjaasaaew ' ... mn&ntn. .- -t -. ,-,,.,-. '.i.'f ..'. . ' it Elks Building " Seventh an J Stark Streets esisBsss" - The Knox . . $5.00 B. & P. Special, $3.50 i...yrr...... U : 3ii MORRISON ST., Opp. Posiofflce Makes Home Sweet Home ;S J Penoche 8150,000 PALACE TO HOUSE FAIR - . " , -. Committee - of Business Men ; Plans Substantial Structure . lor Permanent Exhibit GOVERNMENT BUILDING ( FOR THE FIRST SHOW j Twenty-Four . Constitute Committet .Which Has Project in Charge With ' ' Adolphe , Wolfe at President and ; , , Dan McAllen SecretaryT i A 1B9,0 auditoiiuni and IndastrUt '.fair bnlldlna. to b um4 as a RiuMum In which a ptirmancnt Industrial z hlblt may b maintained and for fairs . aad public masting places, Is planned by . Uis provisional eommlttas of tb -ltOS Industrial fair. - Tha matter was thor ouhly discussed at a msetlna of the committee laat nlaht In the Commercial . club rooms alter a permanent organ! ' satlpn hsd been slfected and temporary . offlcera bad been choaen. The promoters . of the Industrial exhibit are desirous of seeurlns property in a suitable location and erecting a building that will be a credit, te the city, where the resources nf Oregoa may be kept constantly be. fore the attention ef the public Steps -i have been taken toward securing prop arty and raising the necensary funds. '., 9 plaa oX Ue eommlttee Is to ae curs four or fly acres la a good loca tion, ana with funds which It hopes to oure build a-stmotura that will fur nish a commodious and attractlvs home for a' permanent exhibit for many Years to come. . In connection with thu . I position part of , the structure It is punned to build a great public audi torium which shall be suitable for con vention aad all public meeting purposes. It has been suggested that the city should use the building during all the year with the exception of .SO days dur ing which time It should be placed at the disposal of the stats for state fair purposes. As to where the stmcturs may ba lo cated and how It Is planned to - raise funds, the committee' Is not in a posi tion to give out Information at this Havo You Tried It? A building-tip food for invalids and (or those with , weak life functions, which, by its action on tha blood, will help jrour body to throw cS disease and take on flesh. For nearly a quarter of a century t (wnuliiiB TJm C4 Utmr Oil Imulnn Tm BttUmc4." The food that does good,' has been ed and, prescribed by physicians is all parts of the world. , At a reiuh, Oiorasliion has today a larrer le than any other- emulsion of Cod Lirer Oil, and it carried is) stock by every druggist in the United States. Then sre ree fIteot. snd lt-ot. Bottles I la TsrsMla is pciaMd m T laagnsfss ea esch. Ozomulsion .. Labor atoms. m rbM.U Hew Tsstw time, although a definite plan has been suggested ' and received with approval. Twenty-four' merchants,- -manufacturers and business men constitute the committee which is planning ' for ths HUS-sxhiblt .and tha permanent .InduaJ . trial fair building. These men chose as thslr president last night Adolphe Wolfe of Llpmsn, Wolfe Co and' Dan 'Mo Allen of McAllen McDonnell was elected secretary.- The 'members of the committee are: County Commissioner Barnes, A. D. Charlton. A. L. Cralgr Hlgmund Frank, C. 'A. Whltetnore,' I N Llpman, Phil Metschan, Paul Wssslnger. Oeorge Howell, -A. B. Btelnbach. T. IX Honcyman, W. J. Horfmann. W. 11 Chapln, Tom Richardson, C K. Henry, Oskar Huber,: Edward Newbegln, H. E. Reed,. K. M.' Brannlck. Jefferson Myers, A. - H. 1 Devers, Henry S. -Dosch, f. I. Fuller. ' ' c ; '.'. A "push" committee was appointed, consisting of C. A. Whltemore, W. H. Chapln and W. I. Hofmann. . The committee", In considering a place to use for the 190 exhibit, looked'most favorably upon the Government build ing on the Ijewls and Clark fslr grounds. If satisfactory arrangements - can be made this place will probably be made use of until the proposed, permanent structure can be provided. ' 1 The following . committee - was sp polnted to look about for a suitable lo cation and outline the general scope of ths exhibit:' . Colonel I. M. Dunne, Tom Richardson, ' Paul Wesslnger, V. I. Fuller. Henry E. Reed and H. E. Dosch. Another, appointed' to confer with the Oregon commissioners of the Lewis and Clark fair Is constituted as follows: Frank C Barnes, Philip Metschan and A. B. Btelnbach. . , A SolSBUaa Weader. The euree that stand to Us credit make Burklen's Arnica Balve a sclen tino wonder. It cured B. R. Mulford, Iwtursr for the Patrons of Husbandry, Wsyneaborq, Pa., of a distressing case of Piles. It heels- the worst Burns, Korea, Bolls, Ulcers, Cuts, Wounds. Chil blains end Halt Rheum. Only its at S. O. Skldmors Co.'s drug store. FIO PLAYGROUNDS FOR VilLLIALIS School Director Votes Alone ' Against Buying Extra Half Block for Midway School. -: IRVINGTON SCHOOL MUST i . HOLD MORE FIRE DRILLS School Board ; Orders . Purchase of One and One Half Blocks of Land .:. in Tollman Tract for Three Thou and Dollars. , . ' School Director Richard Williams placed himself on record at a meeting of - the board of school directors last night as opposed to the purchase of playgrounds for children In connection with the public schools, Hs objected to being appointed on a committee to purchase a site for the Midway, school, as It was proposed to buy an extra half block of land to be ueed as a playground. He. thought the taxpayers' money should not be used to- purchase playgrounds. "I object to being placed on this com mittee," said he, "because I am op posed to the purchase of playgrounds for children In connection with the pub lic schools. I am not In fsvor of send ing children to school to play." Director Wittenberg had made an la vestlgaUon of the proposed, site and be said the district was getting a bargain The land was ons and ons half blocks in extent with a street running through It. He said the street could be vacated, as it would be of no use to the' city, and thereby the school would gain posses sion of a strip" oMand 0 by 200 fef for nothing. , He had taken a 19 days' option of the property for tt.OOO. "We had better take this," he urged, "or we will not be able to Secars such a bargain anywhere else. If this op tion expires and we do not close the deal '.we will have to pay .considerably more for a site elsewhere, for land In Midway is Increasing In value rapidly. Close the deal and If the district does not want this land I will take It myself- Chairman Bltton was empowered to secure a deed for the property, the only one voting against such action being Di rector Williams. . - Ths alts for the proposed school Is on a sightly rise of ground overlook ing the liver, about four blocks south of the present school building, in what Is known as the Tollman tract. A com modious school , building will be built on the property In the coming summer. It was announced to the board that no Are' drills had been held In the new Irvlngton school since ths beginning of the term. This was a surprise to ths directors and ths principal will be In structed to held drills frequently. MRS. M'KEE RANKIN ILL ? AND ALMOST PENNILESS New York, March 17. It has fust be came known that Mra McKee Rankin Is desperately 111 and In sore financial straits. During the paet six months Mra Rankin's illness has called for a series of expenstvs operations, and al though both her daughters have done everything In their power to help In a financial way, ths actress finds herself now, when her illness Is more hopeless than ever, almost entirely without funds. Jt Is expected that a benefit wyi be arranged for the veteran actress. a combination of selected sugars specially pleasing to the children when 'served on bread for break fast, ' lunch and supper. 'There is' nothing j as good jjj and wholesome for the" "little ones' as this pure, g) clar, extra ilefitvvcl cane sugar syrup. Log CabinPenoche Syrup is a smooth, rich, fancy cane sugar syrup the same as Log Csl-klrar M si -rale ia rair hicrh-rrraHf manle siifrar syrup. Each the best of its kind. S)JLrOg xCabln..Penocliemakes candy Lthat delights both children and grown-ups. ' . h axe a SBt ea at evsk S a. a ' sas el LrOg Uanin fenoens is tne "original ao not accept any other than Log Cabin Pcnoche. Drop a postal for the free book .... "Penoche Secrete." Full of . new candy and desert recipe. , The Towie Maple Syrup Xo... STPAUL. MINN. " Maker, of the furious Loj Cabin Molasses. To Be Frank you have really never - eaten a true soda cracker until you have eaten S4 yne'eda SCUlt The only soda cracker Tzhich is all good and always ! go o d , protected from , strange hands by a dust tight, moisture Hfi proof package. ! (Us . NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY ? - i ' :