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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1906)
PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENTI 0,- UA&V:1. lit!; I FORWARD PASSES Id FOOTBALL CUE Mm I.1EET TOfllGHI Hoppe and Slosson Will Contest This Year's Rules Will Put Pre v mium on Quarterbacks'' . . and Kickersl A urvwrsal remadr far palaa ia the beck ae freejueat la the ease el wemen). Tkey ghre lastsataaaaua relief. . f for Championahip Hon- Wkerever there is a pain a Piaster ' . v 1 ore Tha-Evening. akeuHbeJWllf r::8, tletl BOTH B1LLIARDISTS ARE '. "I IfTHNrCONDITION GUARD AND TACKLE PACK 1 PLAYS TO BE STOPPED MatdrWilh Bersr Phre-Hondre Ppintf- Linev Plunging WUr Only Be Used Gams far a Similar iinu.EightQ- Inch Balk Line, One Shot In -E. r. : perts Will Witness the ShoorJnt;,. ; for Short Gaina Change? Will In. troduce Many Opportunitiet for trick Playa Fast Backs Required THE 1 OREGON DAILY1 JOURNAL.1 J. . , ; ... , . . r r . -Q;A. C'S. CHAMPION BASKETBALL TEAM. . . :...i -.... t. EXPERTS TO I aO . I IL tvi ". (lOVUl Special SMVtCS.) ' ew -York. March 87.-levoteeB ef ' f the "itntltmtn'i im" are on edge la - - anticipation of tbe world's championship -.- ''billiard match bat w eon Qeorga Bloaaon. the- atudent," and Willi Hoppe, tha ---'"boy wonder.-1" Thfrrconteet la to""be LL. played In the , Grand Central Palace 1 tonight, and It will be tha flrafeham ' plonahlp match playad 'In thla oountry ' t alnoa 1801. whan Schaefer won tha title. . For waaka past tha two players have ' been getting Into condition for tha I chemplonahlp contaat and tha practloa : ! work ahowa .that each' la n splendid ' form. Both tha veteran and tha young ' t ater have a host of ardent admirers ' rr who are willing- to bet. on the succaaa i u of their favorite, and a great amount ' of money la aura to change hands on ,i tha result of the game. It la a elgnlfl '., . cant fact, however, that the profeaalona' experts, almoat without exception, pica "Hoppe Id WInV This Tinned to the boy being mads a favorite In the betting at odds of 10 to t. - - Tonlsht'e contest Is to be a SdO-point Same for'iEOO a aide anTthe champlon- - " ahlp emblem, which Hoppa 'won from .1 Vlgnaux in Parla -The match will b : at ll-tnch balk line, one ehot In. ' Tha match has attracted more than uaLamouat- of -interest which can tera la a championehtp conteat,. which I fact la due largely to tne aiepanty in . 'the agea of the contestants and their x yeara of experlenca- Hoppa la atlll un der to yeara old.. while Bloaeoa la over . 10. The latter, haa" taken part In mora - -- than 0 matcnea ana lournsmania. His rira Appearanoo. 'i It waa In October, 1170. that ha maid his first appearance In public He wa , beaten by a player named Dennlaon at -r tha old four-ball game. Through all tha enaulng transition -of the game he haa held h la own, keeping up hla end at , 'atralght rail. tbe champion a . garna, .'cuehlon carome and the different balk -' . Una distances. Hla last big contest, was In tha 18.8 championship In Parla Ji ".1008. when "he finished last to Cure. .utton axul-VlgnauxJlij ocean, trip erul . Door health upset -him In that tourney. Ha won tha l.l championship from . "'Schasf er, Ives. .Daly and ..Sutton li " 1117. and tied with' Barutek for second 'money in the '18.1-tOurneyof 1901. ' Hoppo made hla 'formal, debut In pub Ho Ires than five years ago at Daly's 'academy in' thla city. It waa a handl- ."1 'cap "affair .at 18.1. tha other .playsia . bela Orlando Morningatar. .Tom Galla gher. Id ward McLaughlin and Ortlv the Boanlard. .The' handleape were: noppt - -?0-polnte: Gallagher. McLaughlin and 'Morningatar, 800 each, and Ortls 81&. .Hoppe won all four of hla gamea and did not auffer defeat. In the brief apace ' of five years he haa so advanced In billiard proficiency that to men from - whom ha accepted odda h can give odd. In 1004, in Parla, Hoppe won the Cham- plonahlp of- the "young maatera" at the 11.1 game, defeating every one of "his rivals. Barring an exhibition In which ha dsfeated Albert Cutler of Boston and a tour with Schaefer, ha did no publlo playing again until . January ' 15 laat when ha jumped to the champlonahlo by defeating Vlgnaux, tha celebrated French champion. ; Tha flrat world'a championship at tha 11.1 atyla of play waa decided In the Madison Square Garden concert hall. 'from November 20 to December 4, 1807, , tha gamea being of EQQ polnta Bloaaon. with a rrand average ef 0.80 and a high f ""'tub of 07, waa returned the winner, with - - four Victories-to-hla -credit- Schaefer waa second, with three gamea won, hla grand average being 0.20 and hla high -r run 85. Frank c ivee' waa mira. witn two gamea won. Hla high run waa 140, ' beat alngle average 80.88, and grand avar- i age 14.06. Maurlca Daly was fourth, with one victory, a grand average of- 7.18 and a .high run. Qf 78. George Sutton did not win' a gama Tha second .world's championship at 18.1 waa played In the aame place from 4 -Daceraber 1 to 10, 1001. ltwae the public -debut of Loon Barutel,- Ora Morn ingatar and Leonard Howlhon in first class competition. - Tha gamea were 809 point! eaah.- and Schaefer was tha victor .. of the tournament. -He .won .five games, bad a high run of 08 and made a grand average of 7.78; Bloaaon was- second ' with three victories, a high run of 48 and a grand -r saa third- with three gamea won, a high - run of 42 and a grand average of ,Jf. ' Button Won two gamea, Morningatar and . '.. . Howlson one. each. , .. Schaefer and Bloaaon played tha first Individual championship at . the 18.1 -, gama at . the. Madlann Square Garden concert hall February S, 1808. Schaefer won by 800 to 880. The winner's aver- : ago waa 7.41 and high run 78. Sloasott'f i high run waa 84. In A or II of the same tyear," at Chicago, Frank C. Ives defeated Schaefer by a acore of 000 to 420. lyes' ' aver waa 18 and high run 01. Thla "waa the IS St conteat at the 18.1 game .until tha tournament, of -.1001. and' than cams tba match In Parla in 1(04 between ; Vlgnaux and Sloason, which Vlgnaux ' won, 800 to 287. Tha next competition ws 1etween . Vlgnaux. and Hopps last January, and was won by Hoppe. ': 0 J . . WANT AND NEED. Therms, a big difference : between what a baby wants s and what he needs. Deny him the one, give him the other. ' Most babies need Scott's ; Emulsion it's the - right thing for a babv It I contains a lot '. of ' strength- building, qualities that their ' ; food may not'contain. After , a while they get to want it r Why ? ' Because it makes them ' comfortable. ; : Those ' I dimples and round . cheeks mean health and ease. Scott's Emulsion makes children Teasyi keeps them "so, tool ' acoTT rmm, e iti ml, new jrartw : I -MI - i ,'Ji tit k mw: - K , h r v ' "Mi V ' 1 : v iwA ' i n' I ' !t'V X. .. . - ;!''-J Hiy ..r' v "-i t , mgtT fi'yf:. :. i.'.... n i . 1 sstm nl i a y'v r1 ' " " Reading From the Front tha Player . Sub, and Wilklna, Manager.' On SPLENDID RECORD MADE BY 0. A. C. BASKETBALIERS -.. , , f :,' Corvallif Players by Hard Play- ing Win th Champion ..ship of Oregon. . . (Special Dlspatck e Tae JeoraaL) " -Corvallla, Or.. March 87. Tha O. A. C. basketball team la tha champion of tha Pacific - northwest.- Its . record' for the last season follows: Defeated Salem'. T. M. C. At Iecember t, score 88 to 7; O. S. N. S. January 12. at Monmouth, 18 to 1; U. of O., Eugene. February 8, 17 lo 16; Dallas, February 0, at Dallas, 18 to 17; Willamette. February 18, at O. A. C, 81 to 7; Minnesota Red Wings, February 18, at a A. C. 88 to IS; U. of O., at Corvallla February 88, 88 to 8; Dallaa, at Corvallla, March 3, 17 to 11: Chicago Meteora, Corvallla. March 8, 80 to 80: Ashland, at Ashland, March 0. 08 to 81.' - Total scores for O. A. C during sea son, 878; total scored by their oppo- nenta 188. ; SPORTING GOSSIP.. Mrs. John McLean desires to thank everybody who aaslated in tha benefit baseball game laat Sunday, tha proceeds of which have been given to her. - If nothing-of a Jarring nature occurs Larry .McLean will leave tbla evening to Join the Portland Giants at Stockton. McLean- has been' -undecided " for some tUne1-whether to Join the local aggre gation' Orcast-htS lot-w1thths outlaw league In Pennsylvania where bigger salaries ara paid. ' McLean Is easily tha most valuable - man on -the - Portland team and all tha fuse that has-been made regarding the -payment of a -decent salary to him haa been-In-perfect harmony . with tha , prevailing method employed thla year by the Portland Nothing haa been heard from Flood nor Smith Joining the spring watering placa : Flood haa alraadyaooeptea ao advance money from the outlaw league and It la a pretty safe bet that he -will not ba aeen in a. Portland unuorm mia year. Flood la an exiremviy t.iu.ui. player and would be a tower of etrength to any ' team. Flood claims that ha could not afforato" play" herd for th salary' offered him. :. - - t ''' y - ...-;' . . .4- Dear Editor: . I apent all day yester day walking tha atreeta looking lor Larry McLsan. I haa .nia ticxet xor Stockton, but McLean beard that it waa a aecond-class ticket and dodged - me from daylight to dark. I expect to corner him thla morning. - I Intend to Join' the team anon -t-look -after the flnancea of the club and to direct tha secret work. Neither the Judg nor I have heard from Walter slnoe he left. .' ''-.'' e ' a ' .'-, Zan and Heuaner defeated Bllderback and Laldlaw, handicap 10. last- evening in the M. A. A. C. handball tournament, 81-8 and 21-8. Thla evening Holladay and Ilarrlgnrt will tackle Brant and Dunne. McMillan and Bailey will try a hand with Goodwin and Btipaj zan ana Heuaner ahowed fine form . laat nignt - , a e - ' ... i Flrat Turf Adviser Tour friand Moaa must have money. ' : Second .Turf .Adviser What , maaaa you think aoT - First Turf Advlser-r-I saw him- going Into the Fourth JJatlonal bank.- . i Second Turf Adviser Tou must navs been. out. lata. Chicago Journal. , ,'' r i ... ' According to a Cincinnati psper "golf causes deafnesa," but . our observation teachea u that there are one or two playera left who can hear "What'll yoa haver' wheT.. It's' aprung. ; e a ' A hlcago puglllat haa received a medal from the government for saving a boy from drowning. Whit about Jeffriea' act of atopplng a wild runa way and Kid McCoy a In trimming nu merous impolite harkeepa, - and Young CorbeU'a in hauling beautiful halreases Are Swann. Rooper. Reed, Bilyeu. Cate. On the Left Are Roopar. the Right Are-CaldwelL . Sub, and Triiie Trainer." . - ' . from' the -surf and .'Jtm ' Corbetfe In avenging Insults to "ladles? Abaolutely tha.only dlffexenca.betwaenjtho.Chi- cgo man and - tha -othera la that ha had no press agent. . - , ... -.- .a . e -. -.' ; i A predicted In The Journal acme tlma ago. Prealdent Bert yeateraay an nounced hla umplraa for this year. They are Jamea McDonald. Fred Ferrtne and Phil Knelt. Perrlna ought to do better work than -ever thla year If recalcitrant managera can keep from walking on hla feet during an argument. - A Chicago man works and aata wtth hla-feet. -. That beats a hand-to-mouth existence. , . r . a e -i Marvin Hart haa billed himself for three fight a. He does not ears . who licks hlra. now. . , ... a . e Mr. Prematura Football at the Mult nomah club doea ' not begin to attract attention until about the month of Sep tember. It Is difficult to say what kind of a team the club can put In tha fleld thla aeason. Tna captain for thla year la David Jordan and a letter will reach him If addresaed to tha Multnomah club. : NEW ORLEANS AND , ' 0AKLAND.RACE RESULTS ( Journal Special Srr1e.V New. Orleans, March 87. City Park raaulta: - Half mile Tom Dolan won, Sploa aecond. King . ' Leopold . third; time. 0:41 i-o. ' Five and a ' half furlongs Broad Wag won. Clique second, Bllent Water third; time. 1:08 1-8. Six f urlonga Annie ' Barry won, Pique aecond, . Dundall third; tlma, 1:18. - - - -J- ... Steeplechase, ahort courae Llghta Out won. Bank' Holiday aecond, Judge Nolan third; time, 8:03 1-8. - 81a furlongs J. Ed Ortllo won,. Jim my. Maher aecond,- America II third time, 1:48 8-8. Mile Envoy won, Tha Gleam aec ond. Bellindlan third; time, 1:40 1-8. Seven furlongs Grandma won, Ruth W. second, . Farronlara - third; . time. i:l7-t-. ' ... 1 - At Vaw Orlaaaa Tate Oroaada. (Journal BwHil StrTlcW ) . 1 r New Orleana, March 17. Fair Grounds race results: " - - Six furlongs Electric Spark won. Bonebrake -aecond, Lythellat third; time, 1:41 1-6.. - 81 n furlongs Bnverfte won, Shenan doah second, A rabo third rtlme, 1:14 1-1. Mile and a aixtaanth Blennenworth won, Whlppoorwtll aecond, Footllghta Favorite third; tlma,: 1:47 1-S. Handicap, a ven f urlonga Tha-Premium won, Logistella aecond, Columbia Girl third; time, 1:28-" .-"i"---r--- Six furlonga ' Security won, Peter Mathantel second, J. C.-. Clem ' third; time, 1:18. . . Mtla - and. an- eighth Lemon Girl won. Won't Ask Ma aecond. King of tha Valley third; tlma, 1:84 4-8. '.. AO Oakland. . ' (Journal Rpeelal Herri ee.) . " San - Franclaoo, March 17. Raaulta at Oakland: ... ...... . . .. Five furlonga Meada won. Ethel Barrymore .second,'- Little' Buttercup third; time, l:08tt. - -' Four and a half furlongs Doe Craig won. Clements aecond. Our Anna third; time, 0:87: Mile and a alxteenth Cardinal Snrto won, Tha Lady Rohesla second, - Baay atreet third; time, 1.11. - -- Mile and1-a half Duaty Miller won, Harbor. Second, Leila .Hill third; tlma, !:8. .:. . fits' and a half furlonga Judge won; Bt 'Francia aecond, Entre Nous . third; time. 1:10. Tha Original Laxative Cough Syrup la Kennedy's Laxative Honay and Tar. It axpela all cold from tba ayatem by acting as -a cathartic - on the bowel a Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar la a certain, aafa and harmleaa cure for colda, croup and whooping cough. c w 3 i Ml EnSIPORTLANDHEAH 111 ORGANIZE Crack :v Amateur Players Will - Meet Tomorrow Evening to . Elect Officers. 4 The Bast Portland baseball team la a new combination of amateur - players. Tha peraonnel of the team la not entire-' ly decided upon, but aa there ara plenty of candldatea for places on the team. It will net ba long before tha Hat will ba complete. Theaa playera are trying out for tha following positions: Infield, EJmerlck. Foley, Foy, Poole,' Krimmlck and Burns; pitchers, Hlgglns and Hurl burt; catchers, Heltsraan, Hanley and Jodan; outfield. Bailey, Offerly, Smith, Stahl. A meeting of tha candldatea for the team haa been called for Wedneaday evening to perfect tha organisation. Moat of tha playera are men of experi ence. . AMERICANLGUILDSJVIN FROM GOLDEN WESTS The - American . Guild bowlara bowled their laat match la tha league last even ing, and took two gamea out of three from tha Golden Weata. - They put up a. vary good game,. totaling 1,888, with out their handicap. Freeborough was their atar performer, rolling a 20 aver age; he also had tha hlgheat alngle game, .287. Bert Caae of the Golden Wests -bowled Ilka a fiend, putting up a- 2 1 7 a-t average - for- hi s -three gamea The scores: r Golden Weata " (1) Moore . .184 Caae . . 218 Peterson-. '. 151 Hlnnenkamp . . 188 Closest . -. 180 2) 162 238 162 205 170 (8) 161 204 18 16S 140 Totals .828 021 84$ - American - Guilds Freeborough ...... Kalk . . ......... 1 (2) (8) .172 267 180 .181 177 20 ;1B27-178 .168 12. '144 .140 127 118 .06 86 06 Mar Dour Tates . Jordan Handicap .......,.. . Totals . . ........... .000 1085 082 - There will ba- two matchea thla even- Tng-Jo Tllas "va Gold Bond) and Gold Leafs vs. Honey mana ' On Wednesday evening there will ba two -matches Llpmana va.'Brunawlcka and Wood larks va Montavmaa. BASEBALL INTEREST AT-SALEM HIGH SCHOOL '(Special Dlapatefe to Tbe Jooraal.) ' Salem Or.,' March 17. The center of Interest at tha Salem high achool Is tha topic of baseball. Ever alnca Manager Tom Cronlsa announced that "Ike" But ler, the Portland profeealonal pitcher, would take charge of the baaeball aquadtakcn aa a criterion aome record per- there haa been a sort of revival in favor of the national aport. It waa thought at first that this Tear's team would not measure up with lsst yesr's aggrega tion, as several of last sesson's players were not In school. A series of gamea haa already been arranged with tha va rloua teams of tba atate as follows: Dallas college, April 7, at Dallas,-with return gama April 18 In Salem; -Al bany high achool, April 81, at Albany; Eugene high achool, April 88. and the University of Oregon, April 87. Other games are being arranged with Rose- burg, Psndleton. Willamette university, Chemewa, the Washington State college and tha Unlveralty of Idaho. . ovsas oomrtTMTTXow. Mra B. W. Bvsna, Clearwater, Kan- writea: "My husband lay elck for three montha The doc tor a said he had quirk consumption. We procured a bottle of Ballard a Horehonnd Syrup and It cured him. That was alx yeara ago and alnca then we have always kept a bottle In tha house. We cannot do with out It, For coughs and colds It hss no eoual." iSc, 0o and 1100. Woodard, Clarke ft Co. . The tendency of a-number of the amaller oolleges throughout tha ooun try, and some of the larger aa wall, to regard tha work of tha National Inter collegiate Football Rulea committee as completed and to adopt without watting for-He-final meetings the code as It has already been tentatively passed aa the- governing -rules of. tha - game for next fall, rather forces the hand of the - legislators. There will be In con sequence probably, no furthsr altera tions made except auoh aa are neceaaary properly to phrase the,. rules. ... - There is a disposition on the part of all to regard the forwards, whloh have lately com to be looked upon as tha moat Important factora in the game, as of greatly lessened Importance. Bald one expert tha. other day: 'The win ning team a next year will be thoae hav ing tha beat quarterbacks -and kickers." This conclusion Is evidently based on the expectation that forward passes and kicking are going to - be especially prominent In -the play, and certainly it aeoma snwigntheKckerwhd" Can placa his punts to advantage and get either good dlatance or high kicka, ac cording to the placing. of ths "opposing tackneld. will be In great demand, while tha 'unerring pasaer of ths ball and the aafa catcher will ba at a premium every- Certainly there ia no chance at ell for a continuance of systems of play based rftt guards and taoklea back. Line plunging aa a ateady practice la a thing of the paat - That Una plunging will not be uaed at all la an absurd conoluelon. It-will always be the- eafaet play .when ahort dtstancea ara to ba gained, -but to gain 10 yards by auch practloa In three downs is impossible when teams are evenly matcheu. Quick tarttagv The quick starting, - fast running back that can skirt tha ends or cross buck Into the flanks of the line will be at a tramaadoua premium, and probably the most effective formation for thla atyle of play will be the atralght three man back formation. If the opposing defense can be compelled" to withdraw three men Into the backfleld, leaving I only eight in the line to oppoae theaa attacka, there la no raaaon why thoat slanting runa Into and outalde of tackle ahould not be very effective The formation for attack will certain ly, vary . considerably. probablyoy reac son of tha large Introduction of trick playa of various charactara Fakea from kick formations are aura to be popular, aince every time a man drops back for a kick the "defending aide will have to have tta backfleld well covered. Plungaa atralght through the forward Una, long forward paaaes to the enda, ana wiae, circling runs by the. first man to eelva the ball are very likely .. to be auocessful from such a formation, with the two elementa of surprlas and tha weakened defense to favor them. With the forward Paaa there can be little effort afforded to blocking klcka, which will again facilitate the success orraaor and trick combinations. - Defense AOtraota AWemttoa. Tbe defensive formation la the one that teattracting moat attention. Flrat of all tha prohibition of more than alx men In the forward line haa to be roe The beet way to meet thla requirement appear to ba not to withdraw tha enda for the reaaon that playa are moat like ly to coma their way. There will be more attention paid to the defsnaorMa other worda. than aver berore, and the flanka will have to be strengthened at the sacrifice of the line defense. Yhls can be beat done by withdrawing the center two rarda behind tha Una, al lowing tha flanka to remain unchanged. Probably the two halfback will play close behind and between the enda and tacklee and the quarterback and fullback ba withdrawn at various distances In the backfleld. to meet alcka . and forward nsases ahead of he Una Ths orovtalon that a kick, whloh strikes -the ground before being touched bv the defending side la a free nail, ana may be secured by eny player on either aide compels tne aeienee to piay aicas absolutely safe. It will not do to al low one man to play back on the chenoe that ha can reach and eaten tne nail. If It go over hie head It will roll toward hla own coal and any man wno can out- foot him can aecure It. He must play hss.svfSaa.xft Cs afXTAOi hsBsF --sTasSsiaw- termedlate distance - to nanaie snort kiclca for the aama reason. When the klck formation la aaaumed It la prob able that a third Tnan-wllt- go- back.. To the strategist the poaalbllltlee of such a condition In the Introduction of fakes and trick ptaya are great, and tha result la likely to be an ever ahiftlng variety In attack, wltn awin moving, qulckly-changlng SCtioflrthat " will In crease the interest in mt game im measurably. Tnera le no limit apparent ly to tha noveltlea which tha gentua e th born tactician can Introduce. Certainly the aeaaon will carry a burden of Interest at tha atart that, will siirr pass that of any other aeaaon hi the history of the game. ';..: CHICAGO WILL HOLD CARNIVAL OF SPORTS Uenrnal Special Service.) Chicago, III., March 87. If the else and high class of the entry Hat can ba formancea may be expected at the charity athletle meet which opena in tna col iseum tonight - and contlnuae -over ' to morrow. The conteats are to ba held under the auaplces of tha Illinois Ath letic club, and tha entry Hat la tha larg est ever seen hereabouta ' Five handicap' events are carded, a five-mile run. . 18-pound ehotput. 11 pound ahQtput for high and preparatory achoola, pole vault and two-mile run. The list of ecratoh avonta Is as follows: One mile run, 0-yard dash. 0-yard low hurdlea, 80-yard high hurdlee. 440-yard run. 880-yard run, 880-yard run and run ning high jump. ' PLEA FOR BURTON IS -FILED IN SUPREME COURT (Joarsal Special Servtca.) Washington, March 87. A briof in be half of Senator Burton was filed In the supreme court todsy. It contends that no offsnae waa committed by the sena tor, yet he' atanda committed ae en offender. T . . lo? tolas a ,fy!g Bantu'tle nuHr aheaJdee pnlMS aa ahewa . brnnr UMrasataaaely . ADaiMk-a Miner - Brandrech's Pills -Tbe Great Blood Puria and Took. - For Constipatioa, Biltousneag,- " . Headache, Dizziness, Indigaetion, etc The Watch-Dog OU can buy Health Insuranos 'iot,,.'--. .''.'' Nutrition--- - :'- -.--y r " Several "tood " Accident Caafiarets doni purfe, doal waaken; Companies sell It. ' - don't irritate, nor upaat your stomach; - - Sixty dollars per year will rbr!n you $25.00 per week, fpr every week you are Sick. ' . ;. .' : x But. your time alone maybe worth far more than that. ' L .And SXO ner week mlrht not psy for your SufferlngT That's why "Cascaret" Insurance whloh prevents Sickness, is worth ten times as much money as other "Health' Insur- auicev: . Yet ''Cascaret insuranos" will you less than Ten Cents a week. That fives you a "Vest PockwT. Box to carry conatantry--.-!. . . ........... - . a ; . - a- - - Indigestion" - means food eaten but only partially digested. ' v ."Constipation" means food retained in the body undigested too long, till It decays. " " : It then supplies" the poisons of decay" to the system. In place ol. the nourishment It might have supplied. ' - Isn't that a tremendous handicap worth Insuring sgalnat? - . - - What doea It cost to Cure Constipation or Indigestion, with their train of small and great Ills, and to Insure against return of them? - ' , Not so very much. fy,. m ,nt Ko f r.aararahi per we. . . . . " at most, perhaps half that. One candy tablet night and morning, taken regularly for a short time, la war ranted to cure the worst caae of Constipa tion or Indigestion that walks the earth.. - ' ' '" . a a . ,a .- ' One tablet taken whenever you suspect you need it will Insure you against 90 per ant of all other Ills likely to attack you. . . Because 90 per cant of these ills begin Cut Rates Come at once and have Bllver nillnga. . JSenp f 5 1 mine anwnri I . . u .l. itu . I COMPLEXION SOAP'I I Be teilet vaer. Aa- J; SevtaM Hard Water JL "jljjT'J "':"' ' it axx, aroaaeva-oa matup ar tra --X""' " Gold FllllngBA. .81.00 ap . ' Oold Crowns...-. 30 up Brldg 'Work.... SMMap We do the finest of work and. guaranteed for 10 ' years, " -' 801 H Konrlaoa Sit, Opp. Meier m Trank and 1. O. I PORTLAND WIRE Phone Main 2000 in aa.aia.ra,a-aawaete-vkm, r far spialaa, at.w ate.. Hi fa. Aektag Mt. ruwawahMldtaeatitaa aaa.Saa raanir4 aaS imm la pat aSMW a aaewa aaaes t etaWieaee) 1788 in Jy our : In the Bowels, or ezlat throuri peat 'Jr "- Wo.'-they' act like Exaroae,on" tha .'. Bowels, Instead. J 1 U - . .; They stimulate the Bowet-Mta1es to pentraot and prjejelJhaFood naturally, past the little Talyes that mU Dicestlva Z Juices with Food. - -They strengthen " theM" Bower-Muaclea by exerolslnf them. ... . ..'. a ' ;,'.' The thne to take a Caaoaret Is tha very minute yoa suipeot you need e When your tongue Is boated a little. When" your breath ts not- above SUSp4clon.---TriJ - - , i-Whem yeut.head. feels duO dUsysr . achy.. . . When you have eaten too heartily, or too rapidly., .. ..... ; - e-' - When you have drunk more than was good for your digestion. ' " - - -. - When yoo hava touch"of HearW burn, Gaa-belchlng, Aoid-rlalng-tn-tiiroat, or a Comlng-on-CoId. , Carry tha "Vest Pocket" Box where It belongs. Just as you would your Watch, Pocket-knife or Lead-pencil. - It costs only 10 cents. At any drug gist. .:',.'; - Be sure you get the genuine, made only by tha Sterling Remedy Cempanyr-t never sold la bulk. Every tsblet stamped "CCC.M . tr rue to ovk, fiucmdsi , kaij iminwUn nt colera. It Is S ataaty M tki Sreaaiag ttbla. Tea seats testames u i asked asa snare af k sad ta asver oast of Caacarsta, -With which ulalLTiity trteket Is leaee. Send te-dajr. mcnuaolng thU aaser. Addreai Staraag Jtaoedy Ceaaaay. Caicsae ar flew Tera. Needs-Refilling? Then why do you suffer a moment! longer-run therisk of losing - the tooth altogether ? - Wh cn we charge -absolutely nothing for examination and only moderately for sctual work, . why do you delay in consulting as about aching or disfigured teeth? Wa confess we don't know; do you? WISE BROS. Hals sots. Third aa Waaklaewa. -Orea- lnga aad aaaaayai Work doae S eaar payaieBta. f Save Money free examination. a,f f Teeth iioa M BANK AND OFFICE RAILING 7 WISE AND IRON FENCING : r Barbed Wire, Wire and Lawn Fencing, ? . r . .. Poultry Netting, j:tc - - & IRON WORKS 33 FLANDERS ST, Near .Third I id 4:, t'