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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 27, ' 186a. 4- -A ui VIM. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. : 8.M A inniCS in annla anhlrl. oalr 8"A Kile out, on gravaled road. 4 block from " par: food building aad water; 1-8 rath, re- msloder all the time desired at 0 par cent 107 Thtid at. MKW -room boose, new O-room cottage, both . . modern, tars around. etalehenpsrkj bar- gain. Owaar, 3 block north Tremont Btore. DON'T RUNT Here's good "room cottage . with cement baaement. ooiiab comer lot id .. nice lawn nnlu and hearing fruit tree. car Union in. earllne. for only $1,160; $224 down, $10 monthly. Home uw) vo., lovt , rirat at. WE waat you to aaa tba beautiful lota between --44th sad aflth ata.. oua block tooth of Haw -t thorn are. earllne. wblrb ara selling for S2SS to $328 par lot: -Hie tern ar i par ' month. Wa Bar aold one tklrd of tbla tract aad want you to raallaa that thee lota ara tba ban Buy on ine east iu loosy, ! if. E., a.i(4 aixtn at FOR SALE FARMS. 44 ACBBS of - timber la Oowllta county, waah., for aal at a bargain II taxaa ' D. W. ranlknar. Anita, la. .... V - TOR SALS' Dairy farm., Sovey' lalaad, ml la bslow Besonooa landlnc: 400 aeraa. tt anlleh mwi. 4 heed horaea and all farm lm plementa.' Addreea C. Stamp, Scsppoose, Or. THB baat Improved M a era farm, on tba Baa Una road, naar tba Twelve Ml la beueej complete farm machinery and atock; all . tba land In crop: food bolldlnas: water , . all level and no (ravel; $4,600; aaa tor ma end low Interest. Ma awnar, r. Abrsasm, -v III second . rOR 8 A LB Splendid farm of 140 aeraa, 109 acre In cultivation, 40 aeraa In fra, amall timber, 6-romn bona, barn and food wall of water. . That farm la located oa a Ana T traveled road. 3 mllea from a town," T .mile from J he count neat of Beaton county, ta ' tlnn adjoining land. Will aall tbla oa easy ' terme at $25 per acre. Sea J. L. Walk .Co., M Grand are., or C. 0. Callaway, Obr 3 vallls. .. Or.. R. F. D. Ne. 1. FOR M day onlr w offer for aal on af tba neat frnlt farma of 80 acre, 8e mllea from White Salmon; ahont 40 aeraa cleared. S acre la bearing orchard, good 4-room bouse, barn 40x44, pleat water, on-county mad and tha -- heat Tlew of Mt. Hood and Mt. Ada ma; price onlr 14.800. with beat of terme: bare other - properties to ault roar vend for Hat B. - Field Co.. White Halmon. Waah. rea m 1 1 w - e aaa - nine wafer; M miles from Portland; 1,500. Addraaa 48. care JoernaL ' ? FARM -FOR-SALS Bra . widow: 8T acre 'good land, near Oregon City; crape In; prlcf reaeonaoie. - ura. k, uiiieter, B. r. I). AO, 1, - uregon vny, wregon. . , rol LTBY . RANCH One acre and two-room rmw.. on vaavini vreea; no gravel; on vanmc- - Mr eat anap ever offered; rauat hare qalc-K i- money: only 200. liome Lend Co 145 V rirer er. - - K FOR SALE TIMBER. ,WB har a few cholc bomta4 alalma la . Weeco . and Bberman count lea. alao a fe timber clalma, yellow plna, over t.000.000 - feet. Writ to oa for full particular. Hud -.o Land Co, Tba Dalle. VI. ..... . - CERTIFIED aerlp. any . ata piece; loweat prlcee. W. Q. Uowell, 638 Chamber of Co- HA VB aeverel fina timber alalma' for location: no money depoelt required. 9uo Mohawk bhlg. TIMBER rellnanlabment. 8.600.000 'bin: rail. . road 8 mllea; Improvement. L ll Journal. " FOR BALE 20,000,000 feet Of abolea aaw Mm' . , bee, 8r. leaa than 24 1 mile from Portland, clooe to railroad. Tba beat IngglnaT or mill ' . 1 ng propnaltlon anywhere to be found; will , the sold cheap If taken Boon. Particular at - room dip Marquam blag. TO EXCHANGE. - ' 16A OR 890 acre of good wheat land la eastern Oregon to exchange for reaidenco property In Portland. " 1O0 acre of land near Gervale to eicbange roe city property, in la laaa la ail aaoer aal' trvatton. Improvamanta good. to acrea of good land near Oregon City to airnnnge iut guuu, reaioewee. Uood realdenca property In Balem.' Oregon, ta aachanc for farm lando. - Good bualnea etmncea, wolf aaUbllebed, In neegon and waahington, to axenaaga ar farm property, fiVHTH w s 808 Ooodaougb bldg. . FOR BALE OR EXCHANGE for Portland Property All or part of 100 aeraa, with new 'bona, barn, etc., T mile from . Vancouver. Addreea 110 Eighth at., Vaacoaver. Addr ' Owner. 110 Weet Eighth at., Vaoooover, Waablngtoa. FOR BALE OR EXCHANGE Stock and farm Implementa and leaa on 800 aerea and grow- Ing cron of 60 acre. In aicbange for city property. -Bos 148, Newberg, Oregon. A FINE piano-player with aver AO rceorde, all m eicellent condition, to eicbange for lot or amall launch. ' Addreea B 80, ear Journal. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. POR ala ar trad. 8-year old atalltoa. weight I.Btso poonda. John Ironalda, 14 tb and Mar- abiU at.,--. 10 TKAM8 draught bnrae and mnlea for aaw. Freed man Bro., 13th and F lander ata. 1 ion POI ND hor for al. Call W0 Yamhill. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. AFE (Heboid, double donf, good aa aew) will trade for amall oo. Weatern- Balviga Co., 8LT Waahington at. TEAM heating plant, enttable for apartment . bnuae; anap; vrfll. take purchase prlca la rent. 108 rourtb at. WATSON'S reetaurant, 108 Fourth it., fartfltar and flxtorea; muet b aold; tab lea linoleum, rangea, bakar'a oven, tc. . FOR BALE flood dry II v 4-foot Br wood . In twe-cord ordera or more, af M.TB per . cord, delivered aad piled at realdenca, aa will see that yon haea ronr meamra. norer, 818 Water at. Pbooa Mala 4dV8. FOR BALE Pair of 8 year-old roadster, har ness, -wagon, all honaehold furniture and . chicken. M. George, bit. Scott car, at Bec- tloa Llna. - FOR BALE OR RENT NEW AND SECOND ' HANI) SEWINO MACHINES. STANDARD HEWING MACHINE AQEKCI. H- D. JONES, 280 YAMHILL ST. BOOKS bought, aold and exchanged at tb ' Old Book Star. Z28 YamhIU at. WE need furniture aad will pay fnll am. fbone Paclfte T0S. . Western Sarvsg Co., Sif Waahington at. , WESTERN OREOON VISING MILLING CO. beadanartara; atocfc for as la aad IntViraBatloa at 180 First at. Phooe Main 1828. SHDWCASKS AND FIXTURES made to arder; aeeond-band good for aal. Cartaxm Kail, from. 8H8 Ooneb t. . Poena Clay BTI. HORSES of all klnde for eel at very raot- , ablo avtea. InonUo 17 (net at. MANURE bv wagonload or carload a O. W, F. Ry. Pkene East 2318. . BILLIARD AND POOL table for rent or for aale on ease paytnenta. . THE BRL'NSwfrK -BALER rOLIINDEB CO. 48 Third at.. Portland. aoo.008 BRICK for aal. Phooe Union 1T88. SHOW eeaea, emintera, Btttrre nnnit. acid or - - etehanged. Weetern Balvaga Co., 82T Waah- i Ingtnn et. Parlne TA3. AN l aoeewofM tvnewntlng biachvne. No. 4. la best of rvmfltttotti been In ttae ehout 4 ontn 3p will cll at res snr able prlre; esiy aamea ll ao aeaues, a. at, care journal. - I.IKI,' X FOR SALE UISC-LLANZOU3. II BCUl iHtuiia 08 M tailing card, propel alao and tyl, ane; 2w busuieee earns, Bl, A. W. Schmala Co.. 228 First. Portland. Or, BOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURB--Bur car fog . rbwmalleen. Bold by all draggle te. FOB SALE 8' foot lanncb. rapacity 14 par. eons, equipped with horsepower Fay A Bowoa . angtpg, complete, appurteaanca af tb very peel, inquire am rin at. BEFORB buymg a wagon or a buggy see eur price and quality. Portland ' arabouaa A Tranafar Co.. 848 Eaal Washington at. ton SALE guraltare for light bnaeekeep- ipg; rneep, u taae at once. WIUI atraa., TVBUell at. 2.000 FKET hlgh-claae moving picture for l.10 ix us louay or lomorrow. no air. oiuii, Z33 rirta t. FINE 8xf emrn, eeee. tripod, complete! win ionang tor aooaofrapa. Aoaress -v 11, are eouriuu. - ONE of the beet gseolltt hnnebea -tSO-foot oa tk4 Mver; 'Snlshed tn quartered oak; In So condition. Call Maw? boatyard, ' foot of FOR SALE T gross boat ahn polish; k leal tha a wboleaale ooet. .1110 East Taylor at. BHODB ISLAND Bed egg for aal at 884 Cor belt at., at. 1 a eettiug. . FOR SALE Fin oyeter counter and ahelvlng; aiao aoora aad Bash; cheap. ZUS ronrtb at. FOR SALE Eaprea wagon, er will trad for rang aaddl. , f bone Bast a I OA raiaiey. vrooaiawn. FOR SALE Irish setter papplaa. 228 18th at. LAUNCH-HOUSE, axfra well bntlt. on foar-foot lore. Blip si toot by feet: bargain rot cash. Aoaree 01, cere journal. - ' PIANO, beaotlful walnut rase, elegant tone, la , perfect condition, good aa newi a bar Ala for caen. van euneeuar, B7 1-aiTabee at. PERSONAL. : MADAME ANNA LUCKEX I now prepared to receives patlenta In her aew quarter. Flret- - da trentmont and narelngi Mr. .Catber'a French Pasts Tor removing wrinkle; treat, ment half price: alao Mm. Karrow'e famoua remedies; ail ecelp diaoaae treated auersa fully; raggeatlv tberapeutloa and magnetl ' seeling; aatiaraenoa guarantoea; most ex cellent bathe and adentlSe maaaage given. irrne una name, ln-ii-is ungo Hotel, ear. ouia ana waemogion aia. GRADUATE masseur will ao to your bom ena giv rreaiment; rerersoce give a. Kasl zouv. DOLLS HOSPITAL SrrTB neeeeed while -yon watt. ftOe, Ledle' aklrta preeaed. 80c. Gilbert. 1044 Stxtb at.. aexi to quelle. . raene raeue xuss. DR. WORLBT BENJAMIN, the Foot flneetallet. 880H Waahlptoa at. Read 804. Sore .feet aad Bound. . BINO CHOONO. 1m Dorter af Chloeee root modV . elaeai eel Is Cblaea tea that la carta I a car for all dlaeaaea il Ssoond - bat,-IamMfl ana .Taylor. -. DETECTITB AGENCY Confidential tovestl. gat Ions; reports made on aay Individual, bum nee or property: missing relative located: bad debt eolleeted: charae reasons Me: rof- reepondeacc solicited. Oregon Detective Service, efflcea 814-818 Columbia bldg.. 808 - waaniagton at. pboae Main bain. - LOST nowera restored br the rreet Dr. iorenx Nerva Tonic Tableu; zne pee box. 8 boxea foe 81.28. Wrtt or call at Byaaell' Pbarmaey. 22T Morrison, bat. 1st aad Id. BACKACHE and kidney er bladder diseases cured with Oregon herb; trial stss- bar JO in etampe. riammar. too Third at. WET- FPIWP ars-dsnierewm, Webloot btaokbag a anaoiuteiy Wat era root. . MANLY vigor restored by Dr. Robert' Nerve uioouiea. on montnn treatment, B: a montba, 8V; sent securely aealed by mall. Agent. Woedard, Clarke A Co.. Portland. Or. I mRR. Bophla B. Beln. BayehonMtiiat. arir and propbeteaa: dally 10 to 0. I to 8: ctrelea Tneeday and lrMay,-8 p. m 84.tV4 Iamb 10. or. Bevantb. Pacific in.. Bnnday evening BMetlag Draw ball. M4tt Marriaoa at. YES, Palme Tablets make pea Bleep perfeetlv: uey core- aervouaneea am d msk you strong; s 89 BO eneranteeo. price no a box. bnxea 81 BO All druggist, or addreea Brooke Draftee., 87 nana xnira at., rertiaao. orogoa. FRRB to out ef towa natrona. ear latent eata- logn er rancy work, pillow tops, eestev piece, shirtwaists and novel t to. The Needle Craft Bhoav 882 Washington at., Portland. Or. ANY man or woman can be strong and happy vr using Begins pi lie. the greet toolct pne 81 a box,- boxea SB, wlfh fall guarantee, Addm or call J. A. Clemeason. drugglat, ear. Second and Yamhill ata.. Portland. Or. HIGH-GRADE portrait: pHal effee for few oerai esniaec sis, cerae or roraera. l ror 88; quality aad wwrb the baat. D. M. Steven. BUS Ooodnongh bldg. rlfth . aad Yamhill. BALM OP FIGS for all female disease. 838 can Belmont. Phone Boat 'FORBIDDEN FRUIT." "A Osv Lothsrlo. story af a Slave. Fanny HIli." "Agnea." "Womit of Fire," 80e each: list free. A. W. Sebmale Co.. 228 First at. TURKISH BATHS, 800 Oreronlau bldg.f ladteg nay, gentlemen aigbta. Main ltus. HOI.DEN'S RHEUMATIC CURB Bare cure for rheumatism. Bold by all druggists. Y0UN0 lady aivee vapor, alcohol and medicated aa the. parlor ST. S68H Stark. . EDISON PHONOGRAPHS and record delivered anywhere free en receipt full retail price; largest stock Edlaen records weat of Rocklea. Bend for circulars. Pater BarfgalopL TbS aiiamon. nan rranctaco. NORTHWEST Rug Works, aaw located at 188 i' i, ion ave., near Eaat Morrison, jiuge rxoi eld earpeta. TsL Baat 8680. DR. O. V. KETCHUM cure promptly private die, kidney, nervena, skin and aneclal female trouble. Call or writ. Red Croaa pUnenaary, comer Third aad Ash ata, Pboee Pselfl 881. DR. M. T. COI.B Rome for maternity cseee. trained nana; dlaeaaea ef women. . Paine Eaat 8280. DO yoa mint to margyT If ao, )o!a eur andety; we aave aanareaa ox members, enner sex; mstrlmonial register, 10c. P. O. Box 888. 0ENTLEMAN wishes acquaintance af young , wioow ioy asving little girl aaa ar wa ' born; abject matrimony. Addreea Box 81, city. $1.80 FOR Sd rosee; 100 sweet pa seeds. Be; an ginna nowera aad vegetable anas res eons nie. zoo, ear. Journal. SCHOOL hooka and all kinds ef bonks bought. soin snq xcnngq. jone boob more, gut Aider' L ' FACB. acalp and body maaaage at your home; reduced rate for one month. Mr.. Daniel. Phone Main Bow. DISEASES OF WOMEN enecese fully treated: ma Tern icy case, careo ror. private hospital; trained nuraae: consul tal Ion free. Dr. At wood, ino Fourth at., room 18. Pbonl Hood 888. ... MADAM ENGLISH, magnetic heeler and u- fee tire therepeutlca, pneltlvely enree rheurue lam, aervtma and stomarh troubles; Weltmer method: all forma of electric net ha given la connection. 14ft4 Sixth at., corner Alder. AUTOMOBILES. COYEY A COOK Motor Car Ce.." Fntb and m" agents ror t sniiise, naree, oreat Arrow and Stevene-Duryea mot or -oar J ma cblnea rented, repaired aad atered. ART EMPORIUM. PROFESSOR R. MAX MEYER. 848 Alder. Portrait and mndacaae artlat Bad- teacher. ARCHITECTS.. H. H. MBNGES, ' Arcbltert.- 118 Second at. ATTORNEYS. A. PI. TANNER, attorney, SOB Commercial bib.. "" mmm wasniagloa rta. rnoe Mill BOX 8. WINCHESTER, attorneyt lew, .notary. 80 Waahington bldg. Phone Pa rifle 2327. ASSAYERS. OARYIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO., nad lonrsnn assay vrnce. leu mornaon at. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. R. BISKENWALD CO.. 804-808 Bverett et, mppl mm tt aoeah Largest butchers' BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. BOW, BAH-nVteJAV-eOBaU BecrAnU at. Blank book mapufacturera; ages Is tor aenea Imuroved LooesHLeaf leasers: ere too new Eureka leaf, the beat oa the b'aths-massage.. TWO ladle gtv hatha, faea and scalp 208 firth at, ) young ladle give ge, tub and vapee hatha.. 110V, Fourth, waaoinBHsa mtii n a vunvn etvasi hatha and treatments. The Coamoa. WW4 Morrison at. CURES appendlcltrat' ne drugs or knlfs. Dr. Bva Hogaa. "fll union eve, iei. ,,weiw w. CARPEV CLEANINQ. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co., largeet plant - ei n eoaot, Iorlng end Hardlag et., tele- pboDO Best ZIW t arpem ienea naiira, eewed and laid; both ateam and. latest eoa - pressed air process: r svstlug saattraaaaa aad feathers a specialty. : SANITARY carpet eleaatng. auetloa and com. preened air combined: carpet cleaned on Soot wiinoui removal, sssi ooe. , i. HUNTER, ateam. aad auttrnee cleaner. MA Jefferson. Pboae Main 814. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS, FA8HP.UP.NB A FLOYD, wagon bulldeca and general Job work, tn Btb at. rnone noon ewo. '- COLLECTION AGENCY. DOES eay one ear pea money t W aalkxt bsd debts ef all kinds. Nerthweetee Law A Cellactlon Co., 128 drand ava., rooms 14 and IB. Cltinsoe - nana . nu vui ens, Phone Baat vtMs. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. E8BER0-GDN8T CO. i , ' Slstrlbatora of . !.. FINE CIGARS. I Portland. Oregon. CLEANING AND DYEING. Portland Steam Cleaning a Dralna; Work praj ttcal batter la eon nee tit. 2it 4 th. Pacific 80. CLOTHES cleaned and preossd 81 nor month. Unique Tailoring fjo., .B47 vraaBingiow si. B. W. TURNER, profsaalonal .yer and glee Bag. BOB Jsireraoa ax. rnone mare am. BABTORIAL Tailoring Co. Lsdlea' aad- anon- cleaning and preeslag. SOOAraah. Paa. 181T. BACHELOB8. don't worry! we'll aew your but tons on ind do pour mending tree; doa t awear; we'll iron your ahirta ana ooiisrei Tit your oeca. Try us. urnna umnary vo.. ITtb and Qulmby ata. I bono isoo. CROCKERY-ANDr GLASSWARE. wrof,xAT.a eeocbsnr and vliswrsr. FraeL Hegele At Co.. 0U to loa nrtn, eor. mora ay COAL AND WOOD." CBUBCHLXY BROS, hsvs removed from foot Deals et. to SJU nsarney at., near iiibi ta now the largeet troodyard la tb dty. carry ing all kind eg wood ana coal, aiaia aat. ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealer ! eordweod. eeal . and greea and dry alabvrood. - B. R. and Air blaa ave., S block east af ferry. East-aia. WESTERN Feed e Fuel Co., an Front, between wllaaa and Hoyt, aeaiara in au ainaa oi Boeae coal and blacksmith soala. Phone Mala 1018. . STEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO. Dealer ta anal. eardwaed and dry eubwood. ruoae stsax . OREGON FUEL CO. All kind ef eeal and wood. SOS Alder at. Pboae Man an. KIRK HOOVER. 818 Water at. Wood aad anal. Phone Mala 4lneS. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST. . A SPECIAL 88.00 READING FOR 81.00. A8T0N18U1.NG STRANG W0ND8&TTJL Poeltlvelv The Beat Reading by the Best Clairvoyant In Oregon.. Telia Everything. ST. URORGB OKM0NDK. an, a ' nti .vnt, rv i uiBftD SlVmta WORLD'S GREATEST! MOST FAMOUS! EGYPTIAN ASTRAL SEER OF DELHI leaa trance meaium. clairvoyant, paisuief, astrologer, psychic healer. teUa of mar rlaee. love. business. health. lawanlta; restore loot or falling vitality, break week habit, locate mines, burled trees- ( vres. miming ones: mese good luck, re moves am lnauenca, nasren marriages, ualtea tb se per a ted, aettlee lave, business er family trouble; reliable reaoiuga oy mall; altx-,abeent .treatment for au ail ment. Ill ' fuck; develop clairvoyance la ether. Toe may wtah to know If yoa will aue ed In a new undertaking, make a change rln bnaUieaa, or-wis your-lawaultTlf do meatlc trouble will eoon end; If ambltloa will be attalnvd; If Undo contain mln rw. gaa or ell; If you have certain euc eeeaful dsya In your prof eeal on: the bualnes lyou should fellow; If lov affair will be successful, or speenlatloa prove remunera tive: If lck er suing you win e cereu; If absent friend will return or paat trou ble torment you In tb future; at what see vou ar likely to die; what dlaeaaea. affliction er cceldent may eoma: whether your friend are trustworthy; abeuld you take a partner In bnaineaa; ir yon will en. - ve tnviirlee of wealth: or rou may wlab I - knowledge -o future general eeente. Your dealre In regard to the ebove. or any bites tlnn that vitally concern you. can be fully revealed. rarmanently lorntrd. Open Snndaya. 2K8V, WASHINGTON ST. PROF. NORMAN. CONSULT THE BKRT IT WILL PR0YB THE CHEAPEST IN THE END. Without asking a question I tell every In cident or your paat. present nnu rarur lire; bow to gain your dealree In love, marriage, divorce, sickness, wealth, etc; locate loet wllla. deeda. mortasces and absent ftiende: telhr-you bow to tell -tf- your- tetner contain ore. oil er gee; lee within ream or all. 828 Alleky bldg. 288 Morrison, eor. Third. . v Prof. Wallace - The noted -permtet.--will tialtlaua tn glee bl celebrated as reading ror Ml cents ror so week longer. snN Morriaon at., parwra 1 and 8, Tha Coamoa, ever Royal bakery. MRS. STEVENS, Portland's lesdlng palmist. sleubsier and elslrvayaat. IB Ssveatb Btm I epp. Hotel fort la no. PKOFRKSOR HARRINGTON, Psychic. Palmist. Clairvoyant, tells paat, present end future; sstlsfsctlon guaranteed or a parlors ne fee accepted; life readings 80c. HI lor are at Zl Third at. Tbey remain opea jintll 8 p. CAFES. THE OFFICE tJt Washington 8L. pkon Msta 771. Samael Ylgneaax. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. BYKRDIN0 A FARRBLL. produce aad eommle. si on asarchaata. 140 Front at., Portland, Or Phone Mel ITS. DENTISTS. DR. WILL JACKSON, Dentist, the Dekum bldg. , DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING Shirtwaa-t salt aad sewing. 488 Eaat Pine at. Plata DANCINO. WOODWARD'S danctng aenont ef the Wsetera Academy ef Mnale, Monday and Tbnraday. Spectator Invited. Lessons BOe. -Dancing 8 to ll. Cor. Second aad hlonloon. PROF. RINGLRR. 808 Alder, sear Sixth: clss oe. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL BNOINBERINO Company. 84 Seventh et., Portland. O. K. for everything la the electrical Use. Phono Mala 1888. PACIFIO ELECTSIC CO. Engineer, enntrsr, tor, reps I revs, electtie wiring, nipptlea. 84 ,i ritat, aor. stark. Mala 868. . B. Tata, kbgr. - FURNITURE FACTORIES. 7 ORgaON Furaltnr ManufserarlBg rCempnnP- ' Portlsad. Or. PCHNITURB suanfiHariae and aneclal L. Baeenaky'a fwaltur factory. 8T Front at a W. LINES A BRO., 2K4 2d aC Furniture repairing, packing and ahlpplng. Main 8121. FURNACES. BOYNTON warm -sir furnace eav fuel. - J. 0. Bayer Furnace Co., 208 Second. Msln 481. FRENCH BAKERIES. Ill BBI Ptaeu Ta ri'tllsnd In get Pre bread. Bsrrere Mar lie. nT Sixth Dally delivery. - Phone -Green 80S. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIBB At IRON WOS Flaadera et. eor. Sd. Phone Mela 8000. GROCERS. WADHAMS A CO., wkoleeel grooers, mana fscturer nd aommiaalen varcbaata. Fenrtb . bbni vii eie. - ALLEN a LEWIS, enpimtmlea and prodne raer chant. Front end Dsvls sts.. Portland. Or. GASOLINE ENGINES. GASOLINE ENOIN Btattonar and m arise 1 "Little Boeetsl" gasoline Isuncb. 11861 aeeond-band aleetrla - laaacnea ana null. BE1ERBON MACHtNBBY 00 182-4-8 Morrison at. GRINDING." K. B. KARLSON CO.. eipert grlndsrs, i keny, corner Eighth. Phone. Pari fie TPS. HARDWARE. Portland Hardware Oa. ao Helta op put t unity te not pneea. iaa 1st n..eor. Aioer. msia lane. HAY AND GRAIN. U. O. COOPER . A CO. Potstoee, feed flour. 128 Union ave. Pboae Baat I BIT. HOTELS." HOTEL Fortlaad, America a plaai 88. 88 par day, BELYEDERBi Boropeaa plan: 4th and Alder sts. INSURANCE. ISAAC U WHITB. Are tagnraa bids. J AS. Mel. WOOD, emptorere tlsMUty and la. dlvldaal aad dent eurety boo da ef an kinds, Phone 47. 802 MeKsy bldg. H. F. stARTELB COMPANY Fire 1 seers seai - 44t SWleek bldg. - Oregoa Pbone Main 8418. -lOCKSMITH. J. R. BICHARDSON. locksmltt and repairing. BRT BumeMe,- PaelBe 10B8. . MONEY TO LOAN. MEN B0LDTNG BEST POSITIONS BOMB- TIMES KKI MUMET WB OUICKLY SUPPLY Till JtBED 1 If you are steedllv employed tn any position 818 to lino on beat term ana at lowest raiea. ON SALARY EASY PAYMENT PLAN .Trblch enable - you t" gjt--ne money -pea want in on lump aaa repay in paymenta you can easily a pare from your , salary each nay asr. AND NO ONE WILL EVER KNOW kew or where you got It, as w do not Sle pepera, require no Indoraer, no referenee te friend er emptor er: In fact, nee every pre caution to a rot a pnoueiiy. HO IV) NOT HRRITATB TO CALL for a confidential talk: we will explain ta detail: no mlaunderstandlng: yoa will know the total coat and all nartlculara In advance! eeurteoua treatment whether yoa borrow er not. Open until 8 p. m. on wed. ana net. HI'TTOJf CREDIT CO. - .. 812 (fifth floor) Dekum bldg. . Cor. Third and Washington ata. HBADOITARTFRS FOR SALARY LOANS. tlS-B Mohawk bldg., eor. Moniaon and Third. Ladle or Gentlemen. No Publicity. If you borrow 120 yon pay beck 81.88 a week. If yoa borrow 82H yoa nay bark 81.68 a we If you borrow f.'IO yon pay bark 81. 00 a week. ir yea Borrow xoo you pay Pace bj.w a ween. Paymenta suspended In ease ef Ickneen .. Strictly Salary Loan. THB CRESCENT LOAN 00. 4288 Mohawk bldg., eor. Morrison and Third. MONEY TO LOAN 0a Improved city property or for building purposes, (or . from 8 to 10 peer' time, with privilege to repay all or part of loaa after tare peer. Loan approved from plana aad money advanced aa building progr ; BeorrgBgee taken np aad repiaeeo.. FRED H. STRONG. Financial Agent. 242 Stark at. THB STAR LOAN CO. Any aalarled employe, wage-earner, aaa get note,, without- mortgage Month. H Montn. Repay te aa aa 818.38 or 88.M er 88.R8 aa 8 8.6A or t or 11.08 ee 1 4.00 or 12.00 or 81.00 gJO on Hepay to 818.00 Beoar to 210 McKay bldg, CONFIDENTIAL wane on aalsrles. Insurance . no line, pianos, rnrnlttire, warenouee re- ceinui, etc.; any aeaerving person may seenre liberal advance, repaying byi-eeey weekly or montniy inataiiraenta. NEW BRA LOAN A TRUST COMPANY. 208 Ablngtoa bldg. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE And othere upon their own oameo without security: cheapest ratea, eaaleat paymenta: effleee la 83 principal dtlea; aave yourself money- oy - gettirrtT-owe- veeme nrat. TOLMAN, 228 Ablngton bldg., 108 Third at MONEY to loan oa real, personal and collateral eecurlty; e peel a I attention te Chattel mort gagee; note bought. C. T.'. Pallet, 804-8 reatoa bldg., 84 BUtb at. HIGHLY reenectahl slaee where ladle ana genta can Borrow money on aiamono ano jewenry. unilateral ixwa bsbb, xrj veasa- ing ton at. rnone mack ti. MONEY a loan pn Clacksma county land. B. F. aad F. B.rRlley, 80S Chamber of Con LOWVST ratea on fnrnltur and pianos. Fast era L4an t.o., e-w nneriocx oiug. t'acincziiJ. MONEY TO LOAN en all kind of ecurlty, William noil, room B, Waahington bldg. SEVERAL thousand dollar to loan at 8 per cent, city property; private. T a. Journal. TO LOAN Sum to suit on rhsttsl aecurlty, n. A. rrsms, 814 tb Msrqusm. fftOO to 82.500 tn loan by private parte ea real estate aecurlty. eng commercial ntng. MONUMENTS. NED- KINGSLRY. 2AS First at., Portland leading marble and granlt work. MAGNETIC HEALINO. ALL form of disease treated, chronle or acute ( ccaema pneltlvely cored. I'rot. J. V. Diamond, L. H H. Hart 1KB Seventh st. Mala 4178. MUSICAL. A. WRSCO. vtolla-maker and repairer: work flrst-cleae. 29 Raaael bldg.. 4th aad Maerlawa, BMIL TU1BI.HORN. pnptl ef Svelk, violin teacher. Sladle 188 Sixth. Tel. Mala suns. LESSONS 80c; plsne, guitar, banlo, mandolin. violin) tnatrumenu tor aaa. xsiHj gurai ai aor Mala. Mm. Martla. , . - PIANOS repollsbed, eqnsl to new. rracncel piano-reps tnnc ana nnionrog. J. D. JOHNSON. 273 8d al. Paclfl 2M1. MACHINERYT TBI I. C. ALBBB Cu. necood head maohlnetr. sawmills, eta. 848 oread are. BIFPRLY 4V MYERS, machinists aad alee. trlcUrs: electric elevator, electrical machin ery sod easotlne englnee a speelaltf. 824 Oak et. Pboae Mala 1830. BOAT englnee, gsenllne, Sheffield marine: aay speed; beet made; right price: la atock : ea exhibition; running in ee tearoom, t ail sirs I . aad Stark t. Falrbenk. More A Ce. PHYSICAL CULTURE. PROF. RINOLER'S School et Physical Cnlttsrs 1 araacnen, ava anrer sn awar auusv FINANCIAL ' I H2 BAHX Or'r:aTTToairrALvvt.kll.,ad I Capital paid an ..84,oj,(iuO.Oft(SurpTn aiidruodlrlded penflta. .7.7 JS.TTO tea Sg A ueneral Banking and Bxebanga ou sloe as Interest ea time deposits. Aoevante opened for Lbamhee of Commerce bnlldlng. WM. A. MACRAB. Manager. JUST JfATIOBAL BAMS OF P0BTLABD, Designated Depoattory and Financial Agent ef tb Caltsd -. ' President .T....V7.. ..aT L. MILLS Cashier.: .J. W. IBWTtrBP. Anitetant Oaabler ........Vt. O. ALVOBD Beeood Assistant Casblsr. ,...Bw P.- BTBYKMB Latter of Credit leaned Available la Europe aad the Eastern Steles. " Sight Eicbaage aad Telegraphic Tranafera aold en New York, Beetee, Chicago, St. leraln, St. Paul, Omaha. San Franclaco and the principal point la the Northwest. Sight and time bllla drswn In sums to suit ea London. Carls, Berlin. Frankfort-en fbe-Mala, Hoagkong, Yokohama, Copaabagaa, Cnrlatlaala, Stockholm, St. Petersburg, Meeeaar, . Barlch, Honolulu. - - . - ADD TTLT0I, BANKERS (Established rnaasaata a lasnsant efnaiag nnainna able terms. Letter ef credit Issued Statae. Sight Exchanga and Telegraphic Tranafera told en New York, Wsahlngton, Chicago, Str Lonle; Denver, Omaha, San "rancwoo sad Montana and Brit lab Ootumbt. Exchange aold on London, Parle, Berlin. Frankfort, Hongkong, Yokohama, Manila and Honolulu. M IB CHANTS' BATI0VAL - BAJTX, l-OBTLAlfp, ORIOOaJ. , ' . J. FRANK WATSON president R. L. THJHHAM ...V.... .Ytea-Preatdeut R. W. HOTT.-i Csshlsc GBOROB W. HOYT ,.1stent Cashier Tranaaota General Banking Buaiaees. Draft and Latter of Credit 1 sewed aVvaUabla ta AU Parte Of th World. Collection Specialty. ITX STATU BATIOEAX BAHDT rlortnwesi tw. Traneaeta a Benasni Bankiae Bnamos. the United S(ta and Baropa, Hongkong and Prealdeat r,......J. C lliiswuili n Vlce-Preeldent...' Assistant Cashier a. LiBh M. PP.l'r.(I A. U. WRIGHT an mi uinklPS TRUST COMPANIES. rvoTT.Alm niTtr tmmtwr ftr nacoOhT I-' RESOURCES OYER $1,800,000. General BAVINUH ACCOCNTB. Time csrTIBrstse, 1800 or ever, I to 4 par cent. CsU for book aad Oa ata. Pbone BINJ. I COHBK.. ..Preeldent B. LEB PAGET...., ;., Secretary ' XCVettTY 8 ATTBOS B TKTTST OOBTPABY 18 Korrleoa Street PerBsad, Oregea. I Traneaeta a General enklng Bualnea. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest ATnrwed ea Time aad Savings " osit. Aeu aa Trustee tor Beta tee. Draft ad Letter jtt Credit . . Arallabl In All Parte ef the World. ; . ' P. ADAMS..... President L. A. LEWIS .Flret Vise-President U MILLS ...Second Vice Preeldent B. Q. J0BITB .-Secretary . OKO. F. BL83ELL ...Aeelatant Secretary TKI BTOBTOAOB TJABABTXB TRUST OObTPAJTY BARK. . I Stock. Bonds and Mortgagsa Bought and Bold. ; Interest Paid Ttxn BapsaTta. Ca-PITa-L .., ,..,.2100,000.00 . , , . 0. W. WATBBBCBT.. , . . . PrealaaBt 0. W. MILLER Tie Piseldenl a I. CLEMENT.. ..-JeereterT ' Blba Tample. Seventh and Star treeta. Ph one Mata 184. - - BONDS AND M Oman K0t IIS tM ftraat, erUBna. Oregon. Offer OPt-Bdge Inveetment tn ' Jbtnnlclpal J'll'L TE 8TJARAXTYB TBTJ8T OOhtPABT MORTGAGE LOANS aa Portland Baal tract p0WsTan, X0FXIBS CO Wheat and 8 u Boom 4, Oronnd Floor. OVEllJUIOK, STABli & Meuitieee Oblcaae aairg arjviai6hllL O0TTOV. AOS Third atreet, mensy HO A BiaWll,! Oonttavieas Varketa try Private Wire. Quiet era, and United Bute National Bank eg nngiano. J3STEQPATHS DRS. ADrX NORTHBUf. 41B-18-1T Dotram bldg.. Third aad Waablngtoa ata. Fheae MsTn S48. BxaxBlaatlona free. k mm. a KIM. 408-4 blng. rnone uisy no. .etna. vsts exchange Tl. THB very beat lady oateoneth ta a. D. U Q. Johnaon. eults IS. nelling-Harsch Bldg. DR. O. L. CUNNINGHAM. n 1MI tepath. 101-108 Brown BlOg-. pnonej ae. ewe PRINTIN( THB MODERN PRINTPIBT Artistic printing 28 Ruseel bldf, reurU aad Morriaon. Pboae riant use. ANDERSON DUNIWAY COM PA N Y, erlntlaa. lithographing, blank hooka. Pboae Mala IT. 08 Aide St. WELCH. ' DAVIS o CARSON Printing that Rooma 808 sso bo nam bldg Sixth and MovTteen. Phone mam eisi PATENT LAWYERS." I. C WRIOHT, donvastla and foreiga pa tea tal InfMngement eaeea. au ueswin. - GEO W. McOOY, domestic and tpj trademark! notary public. 271 H Morriaon. PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. F. B. BEACH tt CO. The lVmeer F'lnt Ce.l window alam aad gUaUg. 1SS first aC Pbone 1884. ERNEST MILLER CO., Second nnd Tnylsc Wsll paper, paint, ell at market prleaai tree delivery- PHOTOGRAPHS. CLOSING anle official photograph! etewa ' of exposition, euuvwuw pie,M-. . . etc., greatly reduced price. Expolloa Store. 848 M dorriaoa at. PLUMBERS. DONNBRBEBO BADEMACHEB, senttary pramDer. oe reorio eu pm pen . FOX A CO., sanitary prambera,281 Setand. bet. Mala and Betnaoa. uregea t-neae saaia evua. FINNIOAN BROS. A CO. 288 Third at. Phone Mala WW. riomoeve eoq neena wiw.,w. R00FIN0. TIN ROOFING, guttering, repairing and general yobhlng. J. Loell. 212 Jeffereoa ex. RUBBjlR STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS. 248 Alder et.. phone Main trsd ehcki eend, for cat a logos we. an. SECOND-HAND GOODS. GOODB'S Furniture Bona Hlgbeet ericas paid tor eeeooa-naaa furniture, aie as sunn Phono Pacific 408. STREET PAVING. WARREN CouetrBctloa Co. , etreet psvlag, stde, walks aad crossings. TIB vregoaiah Bug. THB Barber Aephslt Paving Co. af PnrUsad, OfBce ana worceeter bib. SAFES. Dl BOLD laeda sgstnet Fire and Bnrglar. Tbla wall Bare annliabic: narton vueieye Jscke Agency. Metal Flitnree. Lockout opened, Safee repaired. Pbone Mala ISM. Joha I. Davla. 88 Third at. THB geealne Hall' Safe A Lock Co. 'a ssfee; the Herring Hail-Marvin, t-ortiana oare vo. erents. 82 Seventh St.. near Btsrk. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. nd ator axture made to order. The Mtae Manufacturing Co.. Portuind. SIGN PAINTERS. GOLD SIGNS, window lettering, cloth banner, economical electric signs and sign ef all Binoe msoe qaicaip. roster at nieissr, a ilia and Bverett, Phone Bxcbsnge 88. TRAN3FER AND HAULING. SAFES., planoa aad rami tare ssovee, packed ready for ahlpplng and sblpped: stl week gnarantsea; large, -siory erics, nre-nreet wirebonae far alorage. Office US Flret at. C. M. Olson. Pnon Msln 84T. THB BAOGAOB A OMNIBUS TRANSFBR CO aixta ana us eta. i aeg checked from hotel er residence direct to deettnatlaai raseenger tn ere rove a vol a nil ssd nng BC-t denote. Prlvstb Exchange 88. C. O. PICK, office 88 Flret St., between Star nd Oak aw., pbone 80S; piano and furniture moved and packed foe shipping; eemmodleo brick wsrehonea with separate area reoena. Front aad Clay eta. OREGON TRANSFBR CO., 184 North fclxva. Phone Main 88. Heary hsnlls aad eBseagn, POST SPECIAL DELIVERY Me. 80014 Waab lagtoa et. Pbone Msla PCS. IF you are -going v. ring aa Mala 241. union Transfer Co.; prompt and ralUbla furaltara aeevvxa, 128), KortB SUth. BANKS. 'll4. Head Of lea .' Sea Trenetoea. Ohrtrerala. 'rraaaactod. batinub uriiTrcT. mam of 810 and upward. Pert land Breath J. T. Bl RTl HAEIX. . .'.Amlstsnt Minsger 0BX00M. - V 1 ! ta W88.V -- a niiasrma available In Kuropa and all polnta In theTtJultoe; F0BTLABD, 0BXOOI. . -7 ibiis sun ve bib, DKAFTH ISHUBD Avatmbla ta All Cltle at Manila. Oolleetloaa AUAe ea I vers Bio Terme, vice-rresioent. Ye II, AT, 4 ...B. W. SCHMEBR J...W. A. HOLT ur MB AVID s k. Ua , auir . a 4 e . n.M 4 AMlatmnt Cfttvhtvr.. "Tha Oloast Treat Oct -ae tn banking. Exchange ea all I parts of Cos world. a to a per ceo 11 snort -can special swrtincwian. ef 'ILLUSTRATION S.M Sentbenat eornar Third Private P.xchang TB, - . . , H. L. PI TTOCK. Tie-President Ji O. OOLTBA...;. .Assistant Secretary INVESTMENTS. naaanbn8aea and Raflroad Botada, " Write af fJanT 240 Waabtngtoa Street. Corner Second, : Batata at Lowest tUtea. Title Inavren. Ab- Furnished. took BrsherB. (ITetabUaaed 1888.) Cbambe. of Oommaroe. COOKE CO. Board ef Trade.1 STOCKS ABO STOCKS AMD B0KDB. ouiiuinB, rwnsnoureeom VUSBJSUUS SUBUIEflBv .Servlee. BEFEBBNCES Ldfl S TTltoa, Bunk- 8CALP TREATMENT. flBAY, falling balr. daadruff treated; (bempoe- ing, maaicunng, rnironoay, xnee warn. Mr. B. F. Kyn. 186H Fourth, ear. Marrlsoa. Boom 82. Pboae PadSe BAB. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brash, anap. 81 per month, Portland Laundry aad Towel Supply Co., Ninth and Conch. Phone 410. -TYPEWRITERS.- MIW tyeonilteen, all sashes,, rented, sold and: iron ueasx agsaay. gai stars, m. leur. TELEPHONES. THB only oxchielv telephone bona. B.-B. ciectne a 'retepnene auaarnetartsai pany. 88 Fifth at Hotel Eaton eaxAag Itertiaea and West Park Barest. MXW .:;: Randscmely fornlshedV elegaatly equipped, fireproof, flee minutes' walk from heart oi shopping am) buslneea district, aH large, a try, outside reoms, ateam heated, a lee trie llghta, telephone In each apartment, ate. Large emcee, lounging, ganoklag. wrttlag. ladlee- reaeptiea parlor. Beoma by man ar telephone, Private esxnibae ateets trrataa aad Rooma fl.oo to fS.OO a Day ' ipiatsl Rata ta CemnntraUl BTen, stBS. BLAB XATOB. ; (Perm er ly mt Hotel Bedpath. Spokaaa.) TRANSPORTATION. ALASKA FAST AMD POPULAR STEAMSHIPS . Leave Seattle "jmrYBSOB," Karaa IS, S8, 8 f. ., via Wrangle. DIB00," Marah Sd.' CAtXINO AT 1 1 Ketcblksn. Jnaean, Douglas, Balnea, Skag. way, Ooanecte with W. P. A Y. route for . Atlla. Dawaon, Taaaas. home, eta. For All Beotheaatara Alaska Porta. Call ce eend tor "Trip to Wonderful Alaska," "ladiaa Baaketry." 'Totem Poles." THK ALASKA B. B. 00 Frank Woeleey Co.. Agenta. 2S2 Oak at. Pertlaad, Or. North PacilicS.S.Co.'s Steamship Roanoke l.oOO tons, sails for Eureka. San Fran cisco and Lob Angel, March tt, April 12, April ii, from Columbia Dock No. 2, at a p. to. ' TICKET OFHCE. 132 Third NearAIder: -Phona BCaia 1314. . X. TOTJBTO, A-ent. Open ting IS Passenger Steamer tar SAN FRANCISCO aad Los Angelaa direct. Bt-dally ssrvice. Cable, 812. steerage. 88. 0. H. THOatPSOV. Aeent. Phone tenia 888. US HIU IT. The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Company "REGULATOR LINE" Boats laava Portland and Tha rtnllea dally, except Sundety, at 7 a. m.. arriv ing about I p. m., carrying freight ami fasaengera. Splendid accommtxlatloiia or outfits and llvenlock. Dock root of Alder n., or'.nd reet ox vottra av, aus A-nunav. ' VkOBB -Cats fit, rorB4. TRANSPORTATION A a. Ow fcwiBn m Maawaasaeeewawea iwie ewaeeenae V eagrj 3-TraIns U the East Dally I Through Pullman ataadard and beartet ' lageara daily to Omsha. Cblcnma. SeaS-t onrteg alaeping-caea dally to IfTaee. TheoneBL .mm.. - 4a t'nloa Deoos 7 faaioe: 'AlllSO.- tnicago-Portland Special for ' Sfria-! 1? Huntington, dly. i;U.B, SilS B8 pok.n, Flsr for Bsstera . viashlnetAe nr. 1 1. - '"'ton. Cesar d'Alene aad ' ?M."..No:,hr" tolnbTa.l 8:18 pat S.S sal ""'' -!res for the Baat ... la BuBtlngtoe, dally...,..,. 8:18 pel ttlS eat ' "'"OafBIA BIYBB DIYTBTOrf. etea-Lfi0I4,,4 8tnta,- coeaectinf vrttll nllStr for Ilwco aad Mortk Bsseh. Biaaaaag n.aIil . . WBCO aaa nor et dock, leav 'ee S p. dally. ik. oaiuraay, lo mm Skaa... . . a. rrrndny. - wcarjsi nrfTfcx. THILL BIYBB For Dayum, Oregon City " "J e'va triers Butb and M P. m... exeeat Sn BOfTB. tv-at Vat mI. fTI tAwmm u.d . mzr2-X"" "Wb fj-w--.. i,r ArrTre'jr-fTpl T Jair. w;i run Spokaaa Vad Lcwta. 2 rI,n,: Poa arrival Ttals) iy vsd.fat-to'' Ticket Office. Tiled aad Washljtgtoa Ms. TvleBboo Mala TIB, A V BTIMOBB. Ctty Ticket Ijuaa. A. I CBAIO. Qeaaral Peeaangse A seat. EASTvia soirnr , tTntea Depot-. " Overland Bi press. Tnlna for Salem. Itosebura, Asa lend. Sacra nwnta, Ogdea. Sea Fraadsce, 8 toes to. "e angelea, Bl Peao, ; Neve Orleans aad the eaet StdS p8 tm 8SS - Morning train eoaesets a Wondbtm dally except ' - "."tT Sunday wtth train for : .. ' T Mount Angel, Sllverten, - . ' BrowrervlUe. Bnrleeflela. Wend I lag nd Natron.... tM ash Bugsne paassnger eoa : pect at Wood bora wtth Mount Angsl and Illvsf. von rocai. I.....". v:1Spui -IfltPeaat- i peasenger...... f :88 ass I M pm i passenger M 4:89nea Sudani Stove pa esse gee., ffld:4o m . Ill 48 aaa rorrallls Shaddaa h , n -isiiT. ihismv except Benasy. P0BTLAND-O8WBOO SUBUBBAff ' IBBtTOBI - AND YAMUTLL DITlSIOIt. Tjeeve Portland (depot gong ef Jsffvrsea Bt.t dally for Oawego T:0 a. BM 12; 50, SKIS, A.M. 8:20. S.2B. 8:80, 10:10. 11:80 a. m. DaUp (neopY aadsy). 8:80. i:80, 8:887 10:SB a. as. Sunday only, 8:08 a. SB. Beturalag from Oewege. arrtve Portland dally 1:30 a. m.; 1 Ml. 8:09, 8:08. 8:18. T:8S. 8:88. 11:10 p, m., 12 88 a. m. Dally (except Seads.l. 8:28. f:2S, 8:80. 11 :U a. 8. kanday aaly. 10:or a. .. Lesvea frem aam denet for Dallas aad Inhere mediate point dally 4:18 a. av. Arrive Pnrt land 10:10 a. m. The I n depen d eoce-Mon month Motor Bne eeeew atee dally te Monmouth nnd A Idle, eoaneetlnff with Southern Paclfl company' tracks at Dae Ins and tndapeudenee. Ftrst-cls far from Pertlaad ta Bam am st a aad San Francisco $20. bertha 88: aoeead-aUas far $18: second-elae bertha $2.80. Ticket to Beetera points end F 'I repel akeS Japan. China, Honolulu and A e trails. City Ticket Office corner Third and) WaaV fngton streets. Pban Mala Tit, & W. nmNOIInV t fJBAIO), City Ticket Agent Oea. Paa. Agsaf. . TIMECARD OP TRAINS Portlandi Union Depot tewv. , Arrtva. CM. a t-.1. BMlal Cm Chehslla, Centralis. 01r- pia, uraya ttaroor, aonia Bend, Tacoma, Seattle, Spo- h.k. flM Blnll till. Ilnga, Denver. Omaha, Ban ana city, at. latsua aaa Southeeat, dally .......... North Coast Limited, elee tele llehteA for Tacome. SiSSaai diBfas Seattle, Spokaaa. Butte, VTinneepoUa, St. Psel ant the Bast, dally...;........ tS pal TlOS 8X8 Paget Sound Limited, for ' aad Seattle ealy. dally.... diSSpm lSsUpsa Twia Wty xpreae ror in corns. Sesttls, Spsksne, Helena. Butte. St. Paul. Minneapolis, Lincoln. St. Joosph. hi anas City. One baT fit I-onla, "wltbont - change ef car. Dtreet coa- . sections ijr an i"'" - Bast nd Sootheaet. dally., lltdf pal 10'BS peg . a t. ill n ii i . t a-1 i per Agent, 288 Mianasa nrex, snasi -xaare. POTT linn. irr. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Rnlan Be nor t - Leave . Allien For Magen. Balaler. Cldb. kaare, West port, CUttoa. . ., . . Astoria. Wsrreatoaj, ria- . VtFle (1 at IBJ lernvrilJi AT JT ? T ena, Oearhart Park. ant :M BnUlBB BBS Asrona ana anssaor. eae asuy... .xanj pxa aisa psst An trains dally. J. C MAYO, O. F. and tV A Astoria. Or. O. A. BTBWABT, CtnumareUI AgwaV twf Alder street. Pbone Mala 80S. . TWC COmrOMAMtM. Wt, ' 2 0 verUad Trtlss Dxlly 2 B'raa Orteatal Lhaltsd. the Fact MaB YIA 8BATTLB AND BP0KANB. , Dairy. k Dally, temra. . Arrtva. Pertlaad time srfeedule- Te aad from Spoken, , St. Paul. Mlnaeanolla, Duluth and all point Beat via Seattle 8:80 am Yd em U:8pan . JO pa To and from It. Paul, . , Mlnnesnolle. Daloth and all polnta Baal via Spokane 8:18 m 8 08 m Sailing frem Seattle tor Jepau and China part and Manila, eerrjlag pea se ogers aad freight. -. S. B. Mlnassetn. April SB. ' , . B. Dakota, Jane 1. BIPPOV nrSEa? BAI8KA ., gaps Man BteaeeBBlo Co.) Shiaaao Marn will aall fraea Sesttle about May 18 for Japea and China porta, earrytag psagra aad ttoas. etc.. call ea s addraaa If. DICK SOW, 0. T. T. A, 188 T-d St., Pertiaad, 0ea. Phene main W4. Se Sa Pa E . Fs Ceoa Bay, tank a and Baa t - Next Balling from Pnrtlsnd. Ths., r Nell Sailing from Sa Prase lace, V..4., . p. u os ""'". act, r i r a. Bean -A n x j. 1 xo r '