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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1906)
jllim -OKtCON -DAILY-JOURNAL; - PORTLAND. TUESDAY- EVENING- MARCH -23,1 180rJ nurviTHrFnnF -TRANSPORTATION.- '.-"TIFT innmioTniTinn if In iU hi IN In I lv 11 1 III N V ,L i FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS, BADAM'fl Mleroha-Klllev the ereet nraldlt, that bu stood tlia tMt of year. For 1 ... by druggist pr Wlntere, SUM Oread eve., N. -ttfttt-mMM' n.i -b.,..i.i tin T" cupper Green 1'ea Cleaner, manufactured' by 'he Spragua t annlng Machinery vooipin of Chicago,- need - only ana eeasoo. very cheap. J. O'B. Heobey, ulta 6ul Columbia bid-., BsA-WaeBtngtoa at. 1 gtlrl Ha,L.lC TToHp TrTTIUWI waWH' ltlrl macaw bird 1 talkers). - Parke eneetlns gal lery toaaeplete,,. aldrebow - tanner, electric algn fnr penny sreads, cheap for eaaa. Ad drees Has 834. elty. rOR BA LK A S9 -eer-iBcst fnr 36: M aa - - fcin ts - a. nn .-i 1 Tmwn iw nmiio nuiint ur Kim wiitwri Rami her. W J. cr Journal. r """"" " PERSONAL. MADAMS ANNA LUCkEY U now prepared to receives patients la her new Quarters. Fleet- rlaa treatment ud nuralBg; Mr.--feraer1 areucn reaie tor removing wrinniee; rraai J wl naif price; eleo Mm. Xarrow'a famous , ramedlee; all ecalp .dtBeaae treated ucoeee. fully; suggeatlv therapeutic and magaetlo neating; aaciaraeuon guaranteed; moat ex cellent bathe and ' aclrntlflc maaaage given. urnee ana noma, lo-u-ix ange Hotel, cor. Sixth and Waahlngtoa a (a. ! CONOTDENTIAL-medteal Krln K WMBtt. Wa treat dlaaaaaa of ' mnn exrloalvely, ' curing with unvarying aueoea all female it admass, from lb elle-hteet local trrltattee to tha moat eovpllratad- Internal troehlee; maternity eeeee (Iran aneetal atteetlon: private hoopttal accommodation: profeeeloBal lady sur In attendance; eoneartatlon aad 1 .advice- rre. X-Ha1 1 am Medical loatltuta aad - Benltarturo, Third and Alder at.. '.393 Alder at.. Port I. ad. CRADUATR masseur .will go to roar bona ann ait a llcatmrnt: rercronceo ln. H..t SoW. . DOTXfl' HOSPITAIr - -ItepaJrlnf and draaalnc. Ml YambtlL I'ITi praaaad whlht yon wait. SOe- Ladloa Alrta praaaad. tor. Ollh-rt. IfMlu litb at.. writ m -rooa racine voriQ. DR. WOrtl.BT BENJAMIN, tba root Dnarlallat. Waablnctoa at. Rood ftXM. Sora laal k d aouad. BINO CHOONO. Importar of Cbln. rlora; aalla Cblaeaa taa tbat la cartaln enra for ill dlaaaaaa. 181 Baoand bat. Zambia and Taylor. OHttOL booka aad all klnda of hooka ooarbt. in fTT'l I "'"'"'SMar onca' Book ilora. 291 I -iTICTWa ACTMflT Oaajfldantlal iatxsatlt. rational ronorta adV on atur ladlrlduai hmM Kaa or property; mlaalni ralatlrra heatrd: 4 dbta. aollactad : rbanaa raaaonabla: ror- tvanoodaocr aollrltod. Ottawa ltatla rmrr, orncra I4-SIS rnlamMa Md(.. Waablartoa at. Phrxia Mala MS. LOST pnwara rantorad br ' tha (rant Tr, Iorana'a Nerve Tool Tableta: 2Ae oar boa. boiaa for fl M. Write or can at kraarlfa - rearaarr- zzt aiornann. nex. iai awn eo. DR. ATWOOD, 1 Roaaal bMf.. 1BH ronrth - at. Female d1aeaaa aad eoeflaementa taken aad eared tort epea erealnca. , Oenaullatloa tree. -' . BAOrtACna arid kldner or Madder die cared with Oron bartw r1l atae- fai In ataarpa. - PlnaaaHr, -, K Talrd at. lea .VaTT PRpTT era damreroaa. WeMoot blacking la abeolntel? waterproof. MAKLT tlM Metered be Dr. Roberta Net Wobaras. One moatka treatment, fl: t ateatba, tSs aent aanratr- aaaled br man. " Aa-enta, Woodard. Oarka k Oo.. Portia ad. Or. MR, lapbla B. Belp. aaycboaiatrtat. aaaraaa aad propheteeet dally 10 to B, T to etrcl Tooadar and mdar. P- m., ft3ty TamblU. nor. aereatk. Paeifl ind. bandar arealac ? meetlaga Drew ball. I844 Murrtaea at. IW. Palme Tableta alakV row aleep aeifactlri .they enra perTonaaeae aad-nuke fan atraaei irlce BOc a box. boxea ti 50: aaaranteed. 11 drofrf'ta. or addraat Brooke Drns Oa.. f North Third at.. Portland. Orecon. FRRB t oat of town patrene. oejr mteet eata loruo of faacj work, pillow topa. center ler, etrtrtirnlara and eeeltlaa. The Keedle Craft Shop. SSt ffaahlntoa at., Portland. Or. LADIES' Tnrklah betha, maaaage, krdrtatrte par lore: atrlctlr drat-rlaea place for ladtre ' only. Flat A. Ml Washington at-, between Blxteeatk aad Berentaeatk. BALM DP FIOB for all female d' Eaat Belmaat. Pkoae Eaat 0Sa. ANT ataa or woman caa be atreaf and feappy br being Bexlae Pllla. the great tonic: price il a bos. bosea $8. with fall gaaraatea. ddreee or call J. A. demesena, drogglat. cor. Baeood and TamblU eta.. Portland. Or. BIGH-ORADB pertraltet apedal offer for few dara: eablnet alna. earda or folders. IB for t.1: ' onalitr and work tba beat. D. M. Bterana. AOS Ooedaeugh bld., FWU : and TamallL , . , "FORBIDDRM rBUIT." "A Oar Lothario." Htorr of a mare." "Fannr Hllf.H "Agnaa, IWomaa of Fire." BOe each; llaU free. A. W, Bchmals Oo,. 22 Flrat at. TTRKtBB ItATrTB, nr Oreenrdan Mg. Jadlai daya, gaotleneea sights. Mala IBM. UOl.DRN-rt RHEnMATia CURB Sure can tot rheumatlam. Sold bf -all dragghrta. ' " COAST agencr Dr. Prlatloa'a rrench toilet art Idea. Rooma 11-13, flrand theatre bldg.. Park Washington. Phone Mala 84T1. TOUVO ladr gtrea eannr. almnol and aatdTcatJ"p hatha I'arlor ZT. stars. . EDISO? PHONOGRAPn" and recorda dellrered - anrwhere free on rreelpt full retail price; largest atock Bdlaaa rrcorda west of Rockle. Rend for rtrrnlara. Pater BadgalupU JM Mlaalon, Baa FraaclarA. NORTHWRRT Rng Worke. now located at IBB t'nlon are., near Raat Morrlaon. . Bags from - aid carpets. . Tel. Eaat S680. DR R. O. V. KBTCHUM re ma prompt'- private dleeaaea. kldner, nerrona, akin and apedal rniaie maple, rail or writ, tteo Piapenaarr, corner Third and Ash sta. Pbooa Paclfl Bfll. DR. M. T. roliB Horns for aiarernttr raaea, .trained nurse; dlaaaaaa of womas. Phms Beat 610. DO rum mast to marry? If so. Jola snr aorlety; wa hare bnndreda ef members, either aag; matrimonial reglatar, 10c. P. O. Box ". GRNTLKMAH wlabes arnnalntince of yoang , widow lade baring little girl and her own .home; object matrimony. Addrees Box SI, ,-lty. . , . BTRiNORRR la the etty will nd at tba rooma of tha Orrgoa Camera club, top floor Merleey bldg.. Fifth and Waablngton ate., all photo graphla tosranienees at moderate ratea. BEAD 100 bonks far BOr; seed ttsans for Far. tlcoUra. H B. care Journal. fl.M FOR SO roeea; PM aweet pea aeede, all klnda Bowers snd vegetable seeds "(onahle.. H 10, care Journal. Be; iTACB. arlp and body maaaars at roar heme; renucea ratea roc ana monta. aire, leaiel. Phone Main BSSs. PARTT who took now bat at sksttsg rtnk with Initial!" J. A. H." Is known and better return earn to rtnk sad avoid trouble. LA DIEM Do yon embroider t Bead a 29e all rer and we will mall rod d of one la teat ' ahlrtwalat dealgna and Imprraeloa pener to Tike fleeign orr o emin Bhop. ftH Weeblngtoa St. Tha Kaadlacraft BT a gond-natsred and hlnd-hesrted; honest and nprtrht widower with s noaltloa, the sddreaa of a lonely widow with not mora than S cMMren. a imod rook snd good natured, with or wtthoBt her awn home. ' under B0 years ef sge. Addreas I. J. 443 lo see.. City View Park.. . . " ASTHMA permanently wed, anffarer tak note: cancer, tn niriotnarKe. seieatinc . ally remnred: aleo dleflgurlnf stoles. Dr. .ones, in nrat at- CONFINEMENT caae esred fnr; experienced nurse; aaalata In finding homes fnr children: good reference. Address Mrs. Veaea, t0 Beeond at., Portland. Oregon. aas-ssdaaxae-BamaBKKaaaasaKicaaasBaaaaBBBBBasaBBl AUTOMOBILES. COTKT A COrH Motor Tee C. F 'atb and Alder Agents for Cadlllae, Plare. Oreal . Arrow aad fltevene-Pnryee svntnr-csrss ma . came rested, repaired aad stored. ART EMFORIUM. rROFESSOrt It. MAT' MEYER,- B4B Aider. Portrait sad landscape artist and teechee. ARCHITECTS. H. H, Architect. MBNOEH. Ill Becood St.' ATTORTJEYS. A. H. TANNER, attorney, Commercial blk., Secoad aad Waablagtoa ata. Phone Main UX I. a. WINCHESTER, stloroe...'.l. - aaums mslyg. J-noncts ci "?. ASSAYERS." OABVINGVANIDB-eaTRA CnoN CO.. and Montana A may Offire. inn Morn son at. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE. DATIB A KIiJIlH 1UO-111 awmj at Bleak book manufacturer; agenta for sooea r- Improved Leoee-Leef ledgera; - ae the aaw aiureaa tear, toe seel en tne maraet. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES." Bl " BIDtrPW IXr 1 f It iVk aavA saexdb -. e anwn rf BJIF V.- sMBRf BV TS-rrmfs, W, Urfpit butcbTt uppiy hoiw oa tb cout. BATHS MASSAGE. T'0 ladle give baths, face aad scalp masaags. sim nrta at. 1 . MIKB RAYMOND glree hatha and maaaage treat ment, jne uoamos, xwtva Morrlaon at, . TWv young ladlea gtve maaaage. tub and vapor natas. . lili roorm, eorner w aaningtow. THE 8N0WDEN BATHS. S8TH Alder. nor and tab batlm wltb maaaags. . Psons Mais BUMS. - CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTTj A BPRCIAL tn.00 READINO FOR 11.00 . ALWAYS REMABI.B HER THH REMT. - ORMONDR. EUVPTIAfT A.ITRAL RKKR OF IlKl.HI Dead traac metllum, clairvoyant, paUulat,- aatrologar, peychu? healer, telle of - merrlage. love, busiaeae, - nealth. Jawauita; restores mat or falling vitality, -breaka weak habile, loos tee mines, burled treasure, ralee- tag sues;, makes good kekL eemeee evil bl- . fluenree. haaieoa marrlagea, unite tlie sepsr sted: act t lea lore, bualneae or family trouble; reliable readlnsa by mall; alao abaeat treat- -' meat for sll slrnrents. III ' Inch: -develops (r aauington PHOg NORMAN. niNSITT ; Tilt FTT IT WJI.T, PROT Without aaklna a an(toa'l tall avarr In irrlilant.of Tonr mttt. crantDtan4 fm.nro lll now to ram your arwrri in wra. warriarr. divorce, alrknaaa. waaltb,- ate: lorataa loat wllla, deeda, nortcirra and abaant frlaada; tlls roa now to tall If ronr mlao aontalna orf. om or yaa; xaa wiinin raaca or an. 823 Allakr bldf. WIS Morrlaon. cor. Third. The noted palmlet, will eoatlnue is five hla celebrated BB reading for B0 cents for one wees songar. wvt Mornaoa at., parlors 1 snd 8. Tbs Coasios, over Royal bakeryr , MRS. BTBTENB. Portlasd't leading palmist. aatroloeer and clairvoyant. IS Reveatb at-. p Hotel - i ii SPIRITUAL eardreadlng and palmlatry at roam so. weiviiia Oldg.. secona aad Market. ' CHIROPRACTIC.- Cf BE9 mpryndWt!i: n 4ms or knlf. Pr. Kra CARPET , CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Cteaalng Ce . largeet pleat a io eos, Lsrring sno rj sraiog is,, ieie phane Eaat S0 Carpets cleaned, refitted. araaaad sreeeaa: r. ivatlas aaattrsaaaa and leatbera specialty. ; BANITART carpet cwaslng. sartloa aad cosa- praaaaa snr combined: carpers cleaned an Boar witBoai removal, sua snse. Kaat exm. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS; WASHBURN B FLO VP. wagon bandars aad gewerai job wore, ossein at. raoe noes CLEANING AND DYEING. Poetised 8 team Cleaatng Dyeing Works; prac tical hatter la connection. 311 4th. Pacific B0T. CLOTHES cleaned and pressed ft per stoats. Lnlqae Tailoring Co., S4T waahlngtoa at. H. W. TURNER, professions I . eer and a leaner. BOB Jeffarsoa St. Phone Mala 28 IB. , SARTORIAL Tailoring Co. Ladles and swell's cleaalag aad pressing, sue wean. rae. Ul?. BACHELORS, don't worry; we'll sew your but tons oa and do your mending tree: aoa t swear; we'll Iron your shirts and collar ts fit your neck.' Trr us. Grand laundry Co.. 17tb end Qulmbv ata Phone 1405, 'A I COLLECTION AGENCY DOES ear one sws yoa money I We collect bad debts of sll kinds. Northwesters Law A Cnlleetlna Co., 123 Grand a vs., rooma Id and IB. Cltlsaaa' Bank bldg. Cat this eL Pbns Eaat B04B. CAFES. THTI OrTIfB-W Wmbloctoa tt.. fboM MftU Til. 0M Bi TTI V1BTBaW. COAL AND WOOD. CH17RCHLBT BROS, have removed from foot DavU at. to 42B Kearney at., aver nth; la bow tbs largest woodyard Is the city, carry ing sU kiada of wood and soaL Mala Ml. ALBINA FUEL CO Dealers la cord wood, coal and green and dry siabwood. r. r, asd A bins av S block east ef ferry. Eaat BT4. WESTERN Feed A Fael Co.. oa Front, betwees unaas ann, noyt, araiers la all suae oi tma coals aad slack ml ta - aeala. Pkoae ata 101s. STEKL BRIDOB FUEL CO. Dealers la cnal sordwood and dry alabveeod. Pnone Bast 424. 0REO0N FT'EL OO. A I kinds of coal sad Phase Msla St. SOB Alder St. KIRK ROOTER. BIS Water at. Wood sad anal. rnone ataia ansa. CIGARS, AND TOBACCO. ESSRRO-ODNBT CO . . viatrinators or FINB CIO ARB. Portland. Oregon. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE (rockery ssd Wlatswara. Prset, ttegeie at uo.. ltiu to in rirth. ear. ntars at. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. BTERDINO FARRELL. seodaea aad commra- sioa saerenasu. 14 rrsat at roruaad. o. pi Phose Mala 1TB. DENTISTS. DR. WILL JACKSON. DsatlstV Be tbs Dvkum bldg. DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAK I NO Rhlrrwalat salts sad plain aewlng. 4U Kast Ptn at. DANCINO. WOODWARD'S dancing school ef tbs Weatera Aceoomr or mbsk, - at o nay and TVereday. Speetstora tsviled. Leaaona fine. Daactag B ts 11. Cor. Second sad Morrises. PROP. RlNQI.BR. BOB Alder. Bear BUtk; elaas ar private leaooos. BOo. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL BNOtNRERINO Compear. M Bevsslh St.. Portland- 'a K. fee everythlag la lbs electrical Us, rboaa Msls PACiriO Rl.BOTRIf) CO. Engineers. tors, repairers, electric wiling, aspplles. B4 First snr. SI ark. Mala BBS. it. H. Tat, mar. V FURNITURE FACTORIES. ORKOON a-nrnirnre ManufaetnrtnaT Caespaar Manufacturers sf furalturs--, the trade. Portland, Or. ri'RNITITRK mannfactnrlne and aneclal L. Ruvesaky's furniture factory. B70 TroBt st C. W. LISKS A BRO.. 34 3d St. Purnltsrs repairing, packing and ahlpplng. Main 6181 FURNACES. BOTNTON warm-atr rnrnacas save feel. . C - Bayer Furnace t- an Bseoao. Mais 44L frencitbAkewe. TUB only Diane In Portland to set Fresc: preaa. narrere ai mayiie. e.r autta as. Dally delivery. Phoae Oreea BOB.' FENCE AND WIRE WORK'S. PORTLAND WIRE A Flaaders at, cor. Bd. IRON WORKS BBS Phone Mala xooo, GROCERS? WADHAMS. sk CO.. wholassle grocer, ajssa facturers and eommlsales BMrchssts. Feorth Oak ale. , , , : : ALLEN LEWIS, eommlmloa sad produce mer- GASOLINB-ENGINI 6ABOLINR ENOINKB , Stationary and marine I "Uttle Bpecisi" gaaollna launch. BIOS; aecosd hand electric uaachee and bulla. BEIERSON kf ACHTNERT CO., 182-4-d MnrrlaoB at. HOTELS: HOTEL Portlaod, AsMrtssB pita; 33, IB par day. BKLVEDERE; Europeaa plan; dth and Alder sts. THE BROWN Grand and Hawthsras av HARDWARE. Port I a ad Hardware Co. solicits oporto a! tv ts quote prices. 183 let St.. cor. Alder. Mais IBS. HAY AND GRAIN. B. O. COOPER A CO. Potatoes, feed ssd 138 Union av. Psoas Eaat 1B1T. INSURANCE. bldg. . , JAB. Mcf. WOOD, smployars' Mabilfly and IB- dividual accident anrety bonds ef su Slses. Phoae BT. Boa McKay bids. . i w tiDTrta roirriNV ptra ti 443 Eberlork bide. Ore roa Pbone Mais 8418. LOCKSMITH. J. H. RICHARDSON,- loekesvltt'- asd retalrtsg. XT Buraaide. Panne loes. MONEY TO LOAN. MEN ' HOLDISO BtST POSITIONS SOME TIMES MKD 1IOABT WE QUICKLY SUPPLY THB WEED If you are steadily employed ta any poaltlos ia to ttoo oo boat terma and at lowest rates. ON SALARY EASY PAYMENT PLAN : wnica enaoica yon to get toe money you want In one lump sad repay In payments you can really spars from jour salary each pay day - AND NO ONE WILL EVER KNOW how or where you .got It. aa ws do ant Bis I ' paper, require no Indoraer, bo reierene ts i .nanus or employer;, in ract paejysr, eautloa to avoid publicity. BO DO NOT UK8ITATRTO CALL for a eonfldeutlal talk; wd will explain la detail; no ailauaderatandlnga: yoa will know the total coat snd aa particular a la advaaes; eourtcoua treatment whether yoa borrow or aot. Opaa nntll S p. m. nn Wed. and Bst. Ht'TTON CRRDIT WO. BIS (fifth Boor) Drkum bldg. Cor. Third snd Waablngton ale. ' HEADQUARTERS FOR SALARY LOANS. 42-8 Mohawk bldg., cor. Murrleoa and Thirl, laidle or Gentlemen. No Publicity. Tt yoa borrow B2n yon pay track 81. Br) a week. If yoa borrow 313 you pay back B week. If yna borrow 1 10 yoa pay bark 33.00 a week. If you borrow BAB you pay back fa 00 a week. PsyavrBts suspended In caae of sickness, -. , Strictly Salary Loans. THE CRESCENT LOAN CO. 42B-S Mohawk bldg.. cor. Morrison ssd Third. MONEY TO I.OAN Oa Improved city property or for building pnrnoaea. for from 8 to 10 years' time, wlfb privilege ta repay sll or part of loan after two yearn. Loans approved from plans snd money advanced aa building progress; mortgagee taken up and repleced. FKBD U. STROM. Finasclal A fast. 343 Stark at. THE STAR L0A1. CO . Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can get on his not, without mortgage Montn, Monra. vt ees. B. Ves. or B3.B5 STn.rav Repay te tra Bls-sn or Bai.OO Renar 14 H I B.A, or t.l.HA 16.00 Repay to n I 4.00 or $3.00 310 McKay bldg. CONFIDENTIAL loena on salaries, tnsuraae policies, plasoa, rami tore, warehouss re ceipts, ste. I sny deserving aeraoa may aeenrs a liberal advance, repaying by easy weekly or monthly Installment. , NEW Kit A, LOAN TRUST COMPANY, BOB Abingtoa bldg. -MONEY ADVITTCtm SALARIED PBOPI.B And others upos their own nsmee witbovrt security: rkeapset rates, eesleet fsyaaents; offlrea la 63 prlsctpal cities; ears yourself money by getting one terms eBret, TOLMBlfr323 Abingtoa bldgIOBH Third st. MONEY to lnsn cm real, personal snd collateral aecnrlty; a peel a I attention to ctisttei mori gagee; note bongbt. C. V. Pallet, B04-S Fenton bldg., 81x4k at. HIOHLY respectable place where ladlea and Ienta can borrow mosey ob ersmnnae bbs ewelry. Collateral loan Bank,' 2B Wash ngton St. Phone Black TI. , MOKTOAOB and Inetallsient loans on a a sleet terms offered in Portlsad: saves yoor rents; llS.tmO at B pee cent. K S3, cars JosrasL COLUMBIA LIPB A TRUST CO., Sixth Boor ' Concord bldg., 2d aad Stark sts. - Money te loan oa city property. MONET tn bian en Clackamas county land. H. F. aad r. 0, miey, bus xaaaner ox laa- LOWEST rates en fnrnlturs snd planoa. Eaat. era Leas Co., 44B Bkerlnck Bldg. raeise XilS. MONET TO LOAX ea til kinds of aecnrlty. William Holl, room v. waaaiogroa mag. TO LOAN Bums to suit nn chattel security. R. A. Frame, 614 ise Marquam. MONUMENTS., NRIl A KINOSLEY. re Flrat at.. Port la ad a leedlng merble and graslts werka. MAGNETIC HEALING. ALL rervaa ef dlscaae treated, ehmelc or seate; irait poeitlveir cured. I'rol. J. o. Dlamosd Xe It. iierx, jnw isevrsin si. sssm 11 i.t. CLEARING-HOUSE BANKS. TBX BARS OF CAUTORBTs TatabUahad 144. Heed Offloe. Baa Trasolses, Oallfprnls. I Capital paid ap...i.. B4.0W.lxio.O0. Surplus and undivided nrndte BB.T70.14B 38 . A lleKee.r s...iu .. U. .(... T t-A a Vt Ml ill TIE P A HTM K N T. . IS rarest on Hms dcooalts. Acooont opensd Bar toaaiiirr OI wnurrn tniiiuin.. . , WM.-Ar MACRA B. . .Manager. J. tTHBI RTcnAElX. . rTAaaliUnr Wanataf O ICTkITT BATIB0S A TBUBT COMPART aJ arenas:! s U 1 kl., u.l.liieaa SB Time ssd Savings ""all. Acta aa r. AvaiiaDie in aii raria or toe woria, . , k AHA M". ... . . , . .." .PfInrit Entrtrwit.; .-.'. First Vwia Praaldeat u millb: . ......necooa Tice-rreaiaenc . ja. u. t'crin. , , ...,..,.,r,..w-. e - OEO, p. KI'BoKLb.'.-.T'..T'.Aaeiotau- Becretscy ... r- I "iBSTTrATioirAr. raith: or portlakd'obedob.' 1 . Deelgaated Dapoattory end Vloanclal Agent of tbs United St-s. Preilent AaaUtant tsebler. .-. .1'. .. r. -. . W. 'Ce ALVUUU becoud AaaiaUnt Caalilar....iB. T. S1ETBNB) Lettera of Credit Issued Available In Europe and the Eastern Btatea. . Sight Excbssge snd Telegrapble Transfer sold sa New Tork, Beaton. Chicago, St. Leula, 8L Paul, Omaha. Ban Francisco and the principal points la the Ktirlhweet. . , Bight asd time bills draws In sous to suit os London, Paris. Berlin. Frankfurt-os-the-Matii, Hongkong, Yokohama, Copenhagen, Chrlallanla. Btockbolm, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Burlcb, Houwlulu. 7--.- . ; 1 LADD TTXT0B, BABXEBB (EataklUhad In 1B6B.) " " ' , -.-"TrSaaaots s Oeneral Banking Buatnesa. Collections made at all aolnto eei fsvsrj. t Bbl terms. Letters of credit Issued available In Enrops snd all points In the United State, sight Exchaag and Telegrapble -Transfers sold on New York. Washington. Chicago. St. Loula, Denver, Omaha. San "ranrleoo and Montana aad British Columbia, .exchange sold " on London. 1'arla, Berlin. rspkfurt. Hongkong. Yokohama. Manila- and Honolulu. ft XBCHABTS' BATI0HAL. BAHTC. PORT Ill "UANK WATSON... ..... 1'realdeat 'i . nw . . ... ......... ..... .caaiiiw iinvmu. tt. -------- - TrSBSsaU a Oeneral Basking Bualneea. DratU aud. Letters e Credit Issued Available ta AU Para of tha World. Colloctloia) s Bpedalty. - , ,. . u 117 s 1 x wrrrv " f l 1 I TBTTXO STATES BATI0BAL BABE OF PORTLAND, 01EOOW. . II . 'Northwest Cor. Third and Oak Sta. '. ''.. . w Trsnaasta Beneral Banking Bualneea. I. RATIO IBrlUED Available Is AM Cities of tbe United States and Europe, Uongknna aad Manila. Collections Made sa Tsverahle Terms. . President ...J. C. AINSWORTH Vice-President.. .. y . ., W. B. A YER , vice-rreeiacnt. .. it iea hakkk" Aselstant t-aehler,... ?.A. M. WRIOHT J j ' -, TRUST COMPANIES. OBTfjAWD TRgBT-eOalPKT OF OBEQ01 RESnT-RCHS OVEK II IHOIaaL lieneral SAVING! ACCOUNTS.- Time eer 1 1 Boa tea, BOO ae over. IU ta d Bar cent. Call for hook BBO. uss SIS. rnone BEJIJ. I COHETf. Prealdent B.' LEB PAQBT , .Becretary HE MOETOAQE BUARABTEE TETBT COMPABT BABTt. - Stocks. Bonds aad Mortgages Bought snd Bold. Interest Paid SO Time Deposits. CAPITAL '....31 00.000.00 . p. W. WATEBBUBT..... President TJ.- B. CLEMENT. .... .Tr. Elka Temple, Savant a asd Stark BONDS-AND INVESTMENTS. R0S. 138 Tint Btreet, Portland, Oregea. A " A nrta. mi Offer Gllt-Edgs InveatmenU In Municipal ' 1TLE BTJABABTEE Si TBPST C0MTAN It0BTUAvE LOANS Vn Portland Real atracta DpWBTjra. EOPKIXI A CO. Wkeat and Stock Brokers. (Established 183. -.- . Room 4. Oroqnd Floor, Chain be. ef Commence." OVERBECrc,'8TAIllt & BAnf,FBdvi8I0K8. COTTOB, STOCKS AMD BOOTS.-! 103 Third Street. McKay Building. Portland, Oregon. " " VT. OO A BTBICTLt COMMIB8I0M BUSIBESB. CootlBOons Varkeft y Prtvatr Wire, -nlck Service, - RkFEKB.SCES -La fid A Ttlton, Bank ers, aad United Btatea National Bank ef England. -MACHINERY THB H. C ALBBB Co.. Bacoad head Bswmllis. etc. see wraaa srs, BIPPELT A MTERS.. machrnlats snd slee- tnctaret electric sisesnrre. iecirez. .--ery ssd xssoilne eagtnes a speaaalty. - S2B Oak St. Pbooa Maja 1830. - ' CBNTENNIAtV-tRON A BTEEn WORKS, ma. line ssd STS T ions ry gasoline "' U kinds machinery repaired. 388 Oilmen st BOAT engines, gaenllne. Sheffield marine; say speed; beet saecie; rigsx prices i "l. . "J " cxhlhltloni running la salesroom. Call Fust ts. rairnanaa. misra m vm. FOR BALE On "Special No. T" Clipper Oreea Pea Cleaner, manuiacturea ny to sfi"" Canalsg Machinery company of thtcego, need only one seeaon, very cheap. J. O R. Bcobey, suits sot Columbia bldg., 385 .Waablngton at. MUSICAL.' J. A. WMCO. TloIlB-maker ssd ratmtreriweeej nrat-cuaa. so Kuaaei oiog., ata as m BM I L - THI ELHORN.' pupil ef Bvelk, vlolls Tel. Mala B8S. tsscner. Btuais iwa sixis. LESSONS BOe; plane, guitar, banls. mssdollB, violin: matrrjtnenta ror aai. iniri air. ., eer Mala. Mrs. Msrtla . PIANOS repoltsbed, eqnal to new. . Practical pis no-repairing and finishing. J. D. JOHNSON. 278 Bd et. Pselfto 2B1. -OSTEOPATHS DRB. ADIX A NORTH B CP. 418 18 IT Deknm bldg.. Third asd Waahlngtoa sts, I' hone Mala 34B. Examination free. DRfl- OTIS A MABEL A: (IN. 403-d Macleav tics, the HU1. Prl- Jtldg. l'bonel, rata exchange TI. THB vary beat lady eateopetb In tovrs- i- Dr. L. O. Jobaaoa. aulte IB. Belllag-Hurach bldg. DR. Q. U CUNNINGHAM, s graduated oateo. eth, suits 101-103 Brows bldg. CoBSultstlos -PAINTS.-OIL-ANLVGLASS. F. B, BEACH A CO. The Pioneer Palat Co. I -glaas ssd - g taxing. . IBB Flrat at. Pkoae 1384. ERNEST MILLER A CO.. Second nnd Taylor Wall paper, paint, oil at market prieeei tree delivery. ppjNxiNO. THE MODERN PRINTER Y Art letle printing. 3d Riiaael bldg., Foarth aad Morrlsoo. Phoae PaeiOe 1B3B. ANDERSON A DUNIWAT COMPANY, prlnUns. lithographing, blank books. PtMae Mala IT. 80S Alder at. WELCH. DAVIS CARSON Printing that pays tne payer. Rooms 308 and 804 Steam a bldg.. Sixth ssd Morrlaon. Phone Main 4147. PHYSICAL CULTURE. PROF. BINOLBB'S School sf Physical Csltarai sll branches, sne Aider at., aeer Slim. PHOTOGRAPHS. CLOKINO sale official phntograpblc views of ' exposition, 1 aooventr poatcards. view hooka. etc., greatly reduced prices. , sxpoaiuoa Store. 848 Merrlaos T PATENT LAWYERS. B. C. WRIU1IT, doaasatle and foreign patent; .. lnfringeaaeat rase. B04 leku, GEO. W. M'COY, notary domestic and for alga patsats) trademarka. S71H Morrlsoa, mom C. w : PLUMBERS. DONNERBREO A R A DEM ACHE R. aaaltary ptambers. S4 rosrth st, Bota FOX A CO., ssaltsry plumbers, 3SI Screed, bet. Mala aad Balaeoa. Oragea Pboee Mats SOOL FINNEOAN BRAS. A CO. JUS Third st Phone Mais apoo. Plumber; end keeling engineers. ROOFING. TIN ROOFINO, guttering, repairing aad gt serai - jobbing t. Leell. 21 J Jefferona at. RUBBnR STAMPS.- P. C. STAMP WORKS. 14 Alder at., phoae Mala TiO; rubber atamps. seals, stendla, barrage, trad checks: seed for catalogue Na. BB. SECOND-HAND GOODS. QOODE'S Furslrsrs Hecrae Hlgkeet prices said ' for seensd-baad fsrsllora. SIS Saeaad at Pbooa P seine BBS. SHOWCASES' AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES ef every deawrtprtoa; bank, her aad store Bxtaree made to order. Xbe Lalk Mansfaevurtn r.f Portlsad. anam of BIO aad Ufwud, tt BBS Merrlesa Street, Portlsad. Oregea. " Kit INCH Iir.l'iHTMKNT. Interest' Allowed Truate for Eatatea. Drafts e :d Letters of Credit J L AMD. 0RE0OW. H. L. M ltllAM ... . U ltllAM, ..ce-peee.nni LMDiir w. svowar... Aaalatant'Caahier.'..' ....W. A. HOLT tbwoSoTr" hank Inc. Eirhanxe on Bll parts of tha t to pr cent; abort-caH kpedsr -certlflcetee,- of ILLUSTRATION. Bouthesat coraer Third " mvaie aimiDis ia. H. U PITTOCK. J. O. (101, TR A. , ............ KTJ- - . . . . . . Aaalatant Becretary C. W. MILLER Tlcs-Presldent . i . I . IMlTetarp- Streets.. Phone Malnlfit. .nd W.iro.Trir-o Estate at Turnlahed Lowest Ratea. flltatTTnturad.-- Ab-- COOKE CO. - STREET PAVING. WARREN Constructloa Co., a treat paving, aids, walka asd crossings. TIB Oregoalaa bldg. THB Barber Aapbalt Paving CVAf Pertlaad. Offlc 5B Worcester bib. . " SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. KARLBOIt A 00.. Ankesy sad Eighth sts.. - phoae Pad Bo TBS Makers of SBrgtesl ls strnments and deformity appliance; rsaors, - kslvwi aad sclaaors abarpened to perfection. SAFES. DIEROLD leads against Firs ssd Burgler. This wall Bafee anrellable: Norton A Buckeye Jacks Ageney. Metal Fixtures. Lockouts srjened. . Hefes repaired. 1'bea - Mats leas. Jobs B. Dsvts. etf Third St. - " THE genuine Hall'a Safe A Lock Co. 'a safae; the Herring Hall-Marvin. Portland Bafs Co., sgenrs, B3 Sevaath St., Bear Btark. , sign-painters. OOLD BIONS. window letterlas. emtb economics I slectrle signs ssd algaa sf sll klnda made quickly. Footer A Kletasr, Fifth tad Everett, Phone Exchange Bd. scalp treatment. GRAY, falling hair, dandruff treated: shampoo ing, manicuring, chiropody, face work. Mrs. - B.- F. - Erne. ISSU Fourth,- soev- Morrlsoa. Room 33. Phone PeHSe 3r)8. TRANSFER AND HAULING. SAFES, pianos sad furniture moved, packed reedy for skipping and shipped; all work guaranteed;- tarr. 8-artory -brick. flia-muof ware boo so fog etorage. , Office 13S first at, C M. Olsasv Phone Mala B4T. THB BAOOAOB A OMNIRUB TRANSFER CO.. cor. Sixth asd Oak ata.: baggage checked from hotel er residence direct to sestlBatloat Beeaengers therefore avoid rush aad . sassy sac at depots. Private Escbaags 88. C O. PICK, offlc BS Flrat at., between Btark Bnd Oak ats., phons B0d; pianos snd furnttnrc - moved ssd packed for shipping) eemmodleas brick warehotiae wltb separate troa rooma. . Frost and Clay sts. OREUON TRANSFER CO.. 1B4 North Sixth, Phoae Mala 69. Heavy hauling asd storsgs. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY Ns. SOOVt Weak tngtoa st, Pbone Main BBS, IF ma are solns to move, ring Union Transfer Co.; prompt and reliable . fnrnlro-o mover. 13BH North Blatk. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLE! IB TOWELS DAILY Comb, brnek. aoa. ' 81 per awsth. Portland Iiuadry asd Towel Supply Co., Ninth aad Coach. Pbea 410. TYPEWRITERS. HEW tyBewtiters, all makes, rented, seM and repaired Coaat Agency. 2M Stark. Tel. 101. TELEPHONES. THB only exclusive telephone bona. B.-R, Electric A Telephone MasafseturlBg caas. - sasy. B3 Flftb st. UNDERWEAR. BOCK WOOD'S all-wool knit underwear la scar, let, natural grav, camel heir and white, seed from pare Bnsdultersted stocks. Is the beet; ask your dealers for It; wsc awarded tbs gold medal Lewie and Clark exoneltlos. BAKER CITY LUMBER YARD IS DESTROYED (Special Diepatcb te The Journal.. Baker City, Or., March 20. A Urge lumber yard belonging to thj mill of tha Oregon Lumber company, located In- the aouUt-outskirts., of thla .xity.. caught fire lata yesterday afternoon and the flames ware not under control until late In the evening. Nlne large - piles of lumher. aggregating 150,009 feet, were destroyed. The loss la about $5,000. A strong south wind was blowing at tha time, making the fir very difficult to control. The mill . had been shut down fur aoma time. . The cause o' the lira la thought to nave been incendiary. raBeral of J. sV. Btelao. (Special Dispatch te ThS Journal.) ' ftalom. Or., March 20. The funeral of J. A. Melsnn. aged 2 years, took'ptac lotlav at X o'clock and was conducted by Kev. W. IL Belleck ' of Uis M. K. church. Interment waa In tha Odd Fel lows remoter)-; lie had been a resident of this city for about IB years. He lenves A widow, two children and five sinters. ttr of whom were at his bed. utile when ho psssed away, having sus tained paralytic stroke. f . , vajasy m B BJ BJ v aasy . v ftiB Preident't Pet Schemes' Turned own by Congress Making F; Complicated Situation. - ROOSgVELTS ATTtTUP PUZZLES - WESTERNERS lnBitenc Upon 'Joint SUtchoo4 by Executive Not Understood Open BoBts That. San Domingo Treaty "ItTKilled. ' ' ' " rwaahlngtaa Bnraa-f ThS- Journal ,z-- VVsnhlngton. March SO. "Its lucky for tho president that our- system of government ta not Hks that of France or England." -said A. prominent senator after tbs senAts-ehoppsd the ststobood bill to pieces, "otherwise there would be soma new cabinet making to bs dons." '. The admlnlstrstlon to all outward ap pearances has met nothing but defeat t tha . band of congress -during this session, and as congress ia supposed to represent the people the natural lnfer-J sncs would be that Mr. Roosevelt; Is no longer" In'tOUeBPsYittttTlg tf verwhelmlngf majority wno elected mm to the presi dency. Tblg may be true as to the latohnnd .nit Philippine, tariff V'f- tlorjBor it Is possible that a popular vote would decide both just aa the sen ate has done Both of these m ensures were passed through the bouse with the aid of the pressure which Is practically eoerelve, which tha all-powerful speaker brought to bear on tha membership of that body,' and It la a doubtful qucs tioit.whetJiar.-lh Lodb in pesslnghara or the ecnatA In rejecting them reprs- sented thB will of the peujiloT CompUoated Situations. At any rate tho deTeat of tha Philip pine tariff bill in tha aenate committee cated altuation in tne senate, in lli great forces are at work involving po litical strife. ranroadataeinslaUtHit and friction between tba prealdent and the aenat. . . . Some senators appear to be willing to eaorlf ice anything in order to defeat any propoaltlon urged by tho prealdent They boast today that tho Santo Do mingo treaty diss been-killed, the Phil-tpplne-blll throttled, and they are bend ing every effort to prevent the enact ment or the railroad Tate blU in the form desired by the prealdent. A pow erful coterie of senators is at work. In order to secure support In tbelr Tail road fight they sacrificed tba Philip pine bill. -Sick fists BWvangs. Senator Dick's adverse vote in the eommittee la credited to his desire to "get back" at "Becretary Taft for his Akron apeech. which played havoo In Ohio politics. " Dlok carefully guarded hla intentions until he joined tha Insur gent senators against tha Philippine bill. Shrewd legislator think they Bee tha elementa of a possible explosion. -They Bra -uneasy and-wilt-'rernain-- e until they loarn how much the prealdent de sires The PTiTiTpptng tariff leglshttiotte If the president la determined to get tha bill through, he will be supported by tha house, which passed tha bill Almost unanimously. The house may tack tbe Philippine bill as a rider to an Important appropriation bill. If It ahould go up to tha senate in this shape a direct Issue would be drawn between the prealdent and the house on one eld and tha aen ate en tha pther. Lodge Za Disloyal. Senator Leodge, chairman of tho Phil ippine committee, has not escaped the which ha waa ostensibly trying to get reported and which 4 a pet measure of th prealdent and Becretary TafL To prove hla loyalty he proposes moving in the senate to discharge the committee from, further consideration of the bill, thua enabling -It to be discussed In the senate regardless of committee action. There ar those who say that each A plan of procedure would serve to kill the bill deader, if possible, than It Is at would be followed by ona to lay It on the table. This second motion would not bs debatable, and would prevail with an overwhelming majority and would serve to kill the bill beyond resurrection. Westerners Fusslsd. Western members of congress are at a loss to understand tha-Trendent'B trr-4 Bistence upon Joint statehood for Artsona and New M-exlco. He la a western man himself In experience and broadness of Ideas, and In tho opinion of westerners should be leading In tha fight for Inde pendent statehood for each of tha terri tories, rather than leading In tha effort to join them Into ona state. Tba western aenatora who voted for the commute bill last week did' ad under protest and mainly to aav the president from the humiliation of a de feat even more disastrous than the one whlcb. waa given him. .. . . .j. ROCK SLIDE TIES UP ' THE SALT LAKE ROUTE (Journal Special Service. ) Bait Lake City, March 10 A rock slide Uat night at tha tunnel tn Calient canyon . again tied up the Salt Lake route. The company . expects it to be cleaned tip today. ' 1 ."a Buzms-a TRANSPORTATION. ALASKA FAST AND POPtXAB gTEAMBHlPB Iaiave Seattle "', . ' 'JtrrEBSOrT," Xarok IB, SB, S B Bt.. ' vl Wraagle. "DIBOO," Karok 34. - CALL1N0 AT Ketchlkaa. Juneau. Dnuglas, Haines. Sksg wsy. lonnecte with W. P. A Y. route. for Atlla. Dawaoa, Tanana, Nonie, ete. . , For. 4.11 Southeastern Alaska Ports. Call or send for "Trip to Wonderful Alaska," "Isdlas Basketry." "Totem Poles.". THE ALASKA U. S.' CO.. Frank Woo lee 7 Co., Agenta. S32 Oak st. PortUad, Or. Operating IS Paaaasgat Steemars ror SAN FRANCISCO sod Los Aneelra dlre-. ft) dally aervlcs. Caina, BIB. Steerage. Be. -0. n. IH0XZ80B. -.nt. Bbnea Vain S-A 1.4 THIRD BT. 1 ay LCMdrCPmCiFK AMD ...a. (-oilman eraeears ana tenriex Bleep. S-ere dallr Is Omaha. Cblcaro. r!os l'plng -care dally ' to Baassa tlty. IbruiifB recTi nlnrcSxlrcaTS fsaais Heel ta the East dally. - ' TT7. t'sloa Denot-y. " Lvsv. - Arrive. - Chlcago-Portlanof Bpectal to : th Kaat via Huntington, dly. B:1B saV B:5 pm -v..k, . nyar ror Eaateru 1 wsahlaelaa.- Walls Walla. ' n.Tt?!'' f0"1" d' Alone and aJT"t..N'"',,'r nlnte. dnlly. S:U psj S:08sBl Atwnrt Rxneeae f-tb Eaat lanrinetna. dally... B-18 ta TllBSBI a. -mil IIIVKIC uivmiliiv. i - ' -,'"Z Astoria and way points, cmnectlng with 'or llwac aad North Beach, ateame SSSSi m Aai-t' tse I i. b. daily. !I.,Bol"1i Batordav. IB B. m. Arrives about S p. ai., creep t Snnday. - - -W T"'II.L-RIVER ROCTB. i-r D.ytoiv,, Oreoa. en. . yambltt rive . polnta . steamers Ruth snd Modoe. Aah-at. dock. mitM-Iv" "V lly. except Sunday (water per. SusdAy ""' T:S0 . re ',J.KACT.'Ti Borrrt. . . r ; ; . '-. aa way Boists rrem . ob ill' ' a."!. Bpokan and Lewis. ilT a a a. "' W BDOB Bmvai 1TB1 . rTT rerday. Arrive 4 a, b. , Ticket Office. Third and Weehingtee Sts, -.L Cntin. Oeeeral Paaaenger Agent. EAST v LSO Pnloa Depot ' Over laud Ex press. Trains Leave. Antra. ice saiem. Bosebarg. Aab- . mad," BaerauMBto, Ogdea, . . .' a?.A.. Asgilan'' l''gBSiBi T " - . . New Orleans and tha eaat aaorning train connects at Wood burt dally sscept ':zZ Snnday with train foe Mount Angel. Silver to a. BrownavlUe. Bprlsgneld. -outing bbs natrua. ... BugeBS pssaenger con nects at Wnodbnra with Mount A naal . a !.-. 3:30 am - tMt , ' "'r.'.'-'t- toe vcai.T. ; s t:3S aa " Corvallla paaaenger . 1-tOim pes Sheridan paaaenger. ... . ., '1M pat 8:3S aas Forest Orove paeeengvr. . 1)10:48 n ' 111481 Dslly. Iirtati except Sender. PORTLAITDiOBWEOO - SUBUlrRAnl - flBRVICB AND TAMnilX DIVI8ION-- Leav Portland (depot root of Jeffereoa SI -dally tor Oawego 7:80 a. m.; 13:00, 3:06. 4:00. -BSO. :SB- B:BS. 10:H. 11:34a. . . Dsll " -(except Bundayl. 8:80. SJB. B:SB. 10:9 S. m. Snnday only, 8:08 a. m. . ' Returning from Oswego, arrive Portland dally B BO a. m.; 1:IMI. S:0B. fl-od. 8:18. T:BA. B:BS. C 11:10 p. m., 13 BB s. m. Dally (escept Buadavl. 8 . 7:35. B:S0. 11:43 a. sx. . Sunday ely. 10:00 a. m. - . T Leaves from same derot for Dsliss and Inter. , mediate polats dally 4:18 p. as . Arrive feet. lard 10:10 s. m. Tha IndepoBdesee-Mrmaiontb Motor tine oner. atee dally to Monmoath and AlrWe. connecting' , wltb Southern Pact fie company's trseks st Dal. laa and Independence. - .... Flrat-elaaa fare from Portlsad te Beer ate t and Ban rranelsco 330. bertha B: second -class . fare- BIBt -eaeoed-olaas. berths 33. 80- Ttrketa to Eaaters polala Bnd Europe! SkaB Japan. China. Honnrala snd Anetralia. City Ticket Offliw corner Third sad Wee. Ington atreeta ' Phone Mula T13. . C W. BTINOER. A. L. CRAI0. . City Ticket, Agent. 0 Paaa. Ages. TIMECARD OF -TRAINS" Portland: Vtela. Oanal ' " . f SSIS AjllaSa. Yellowstone park-sTaassB - - - c- Clty-Bt. Louis Bpeelal for Cnehalte. Centralla, Olyaa- - Pta, uraye ttaroor, bouisi Bead, Tacoma. Seattle. Bpo- i. , , T 4 . h ttn.te Rlla . ' llnge. DenvarT Omsha. Kaa aaa City. St. Lea, la and Boutbeasf. aanr North Coaat Limited, elec tric lighted, for Taesms, Saertle. Sonkane. Btttte. 1:30 sat 440 Bag Minneapolis, St. PavJ ssd ths Eaat, daily.. ....... Pnget Sound Limited, for 3:0 m I:6tas3 1 n.nflnx. Teumtu. 1 mmm and Beattle osly. dally.... 4:SBpm IS S aag T 1 I'M , . V. n. aaa Crta, Sraa ' coma. Seattle,- Spokane, , - . Helena, riuxia, o- 1 .mH. fjacnlo. St. Josttm. Kaasas City. Ome ns. St. Ixwla, without change of rare. Dtreet coo- 1 . - Cne ' all Bwibaf Baet end Southeast, dally.. 11:4S pm 10:B8 pa A. D. CHAKtiT'Tt. xamtair uanviav a siiasw ger Agent. ZS8 Morrlsoa street. Borne Third. Portland. Or. Astoria & Columbia ' . Riyer Railroad Co. I'nloa Dsporl '. . Laav Antv Tot Majgers, Balaler, Clat. - kan.'a. Westpoct. CUftoa, ,1. .. .'; , , Aatorla, Warranto. Fla veL Hammond, Fort Btee- ana, Oearhsrt Park. Beaslds SM SSI ll:StBS8 Aatorla aad Seaahore, ax- praas daHy.. tBp -All Ualna dslly. . i. C. MAYO. O. F. Bad P. A Astoria. Or. ' 0. A. BTEWABT. Commerctal Agsst 343 Alder stiwat. , Phon Mala S0BL 2 Overland Irabu Dally 2 Ts Onastal Limited, tbs Fast Mad" VIA 8EATTLB AND SPOKANE. " Dally. Dliy. Leer. Anite. VWtlanS time oebadnle To and from Bpokane, , Bt. Pasl, Minneepnlle. . Imlath and nil polala East via Seattle...... S:S0 am T 0B m 11:43 pa l;N pm To and from St. PanI, , kllnnwapolla, Dulutb ' snd all points East via Bpokane B1B pm 3 08 am Oreet kTertnera Bteaiasklp 0s, Belllaa from beeitle Iw iapaa sad Chine peer and sisal la, sarrylsg pa. Brngera and freight, S. B. Dakota. Karok 13. 3. S. BHaaeaeta. April SB, ' - - - BIPP0W TVBEB KAISHA (Japan Mall Steamship to I B. S. B A N AOA W A MA HU will Ball from Seattle about March 3V for Jaaea aad China porta, earryUg Pmeagvra ssd freight. For- th-ketsv ra4ea, bactb -l Sa. .tkrna. etc.. call oa or addrees at. DICK SOW, O. F. X. M., xsinj l at., Fertlssar; Oragoa. Bsa BUla Be. Far Coos BaV, Eareha and K-a ( aalllng from Portland T" , Mlt sailing from Bas rrau.-la.-e, F. U tiHl.ENOI t,". AeL. aire Me. B. feewe aaais i-i. faaff BUNSBT. 11 TMC COISfOrUABUt WAY I :s? 1 . .v- ' 'J .r