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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1906)
U V ' " THE DRECOTT-DAILY JOURMAL-rOSILAlIP,, TUESDAY rrrj:NiNGri.iAicn i.-i.;:. Lrm WA : 'vT! a 1 7 7 s ir j-t- 1 1 1 n I I . 1 .' I 7 11 n aisS . . 1 , 1 I - 1 -- I I I II . 71 f . 1 1 I ,' Etured at the postofno t iWtlend, Oregon. . Iraoanurlatloa UirvUXh the Walla " .... 1 cent: lit M So mm, 8 ecnla, . pages, A out--, -rt - nxtraom. : Kdltnrtal RM..r;.,..M IhuiMU Ofnce. ........... MalB .Mala 600 TOEIIO ATTIHIWHO REPRfcAKliTAXIVI. Vrcelaod Benjamin Special fTiV . ISO Nsesa etxt. w York; Xrlbun Build- : 'W." tutu. :-. ' '. - by .Carner. T Detiy Iwhi, uk wur, i jer,,.j The listlv JamiL X rear. .. ..- SOU Tu Hall. Journal, with Sunday, month. J. is Tti 1'aM.v Joumsl, niolitbe. ... ...... .... J-JO 'fa billy Journal, with Sunday, BldlUW. Th Dally Joursl, 3 monies. ....... i-... J 1M lalle Journal, with Sunday. 1 month. . im ''-"r. pi- ifT"li Bandar rinded Hallj p Wt," itllrmil, Sunday cepted ...... . . ; Ta ftallr Journal, with 8undajr. 1 aar...l7.0 xvmia ay maw lha lall Joaraal, 1 aar '':L" o ri Tk. n.lia with HnndaT. BOBtka. 8.TH 'lha Itallj Journal. nontha. 75 V Tha Dally Journal, with Snnda. t month. 1.J0 " Tha allr Journal. I Btonthl -!..;.. ' - Tha bally Journal, with Sunday. 1 aaonia. . i wk. i 1 1 i i i ... .do , Tha Sunday Journal, 1 yaar J W ' "Tha Buadar Journal. 0 anontba .W tha Baaal-Waakly Jaunal. . Tha waml-Warkly JViarnal. la 12 pafM t in...! fnll aaarkat ro i riZi.:::::77. noo . lH-Bilttancaa ahould ba ada by draft, poatal '.' ajotaa. iioim order aad amall amouata ara .ccptabla U .ad 5;'B';o2u . fi 0. fcoa ' Partlaaa. la-atna W1CZMX THX JOITalXaX MAT B TOVKtt ,' Tba Journal raa ba found oa aala at the nllowtBf; nlaraa: BOI8, IDAHO H. Bella aV Co l B. Me- . Intyra: Arrk ftnnlnfhaa A Co. ' CHlUAuk-PoatoOca awa eontpaBf, 1W Daar- ; PfcNVCEBarkalow Bros.. Daloa Dapot mowt I AUNMAS1 CITT AaMTkl ltawooinany, Mwapanar wagna. " " liOS ANGELAS B. S. Aaaoa. Bawapanet wagoa; Aba Brrt, Bwapapt waawa. IflNNAAPOUS at. J. KaTaaauih, 100 BoatB TVI..I .(Ml -KKW I0KK tint BreataaVa raldaV'aBaxtv. Arthar HMaMnr. twapr Wlfoa. iratloaary eoaaoany, 13tM rarnun. jtraet, ftlliKli I'-J"" newt Hand. AcriiKtrcrrr- Banww Braa., S Waat Hrcond lUaat, koutk; Mra. inn. aawanaper witroa.- t BAN DltOO B. B. Amoa, aawapapar waffla. -AN rEANCIMOO W. B. Ardlne. Palaca Hotel) Uoldamtth Broa., CM Batter atreet and St. rraarai botaU roater A Oraar. rarry build . t loci N. Whaatlay, Da wa pa per wafoa, Markat and Kaarney. BATTLE Ralnlar Craad am ataad; -A. B. kclteo, Hotel Seattle am atand. -- T. LOLI8 Khlllo Boeder, 610 lcna atraat; B.-T. Jatt, 0 Ura atraat;-Ooor fa U Arkerinaa. UPORANB Job a W. Orakam A Ca. ' TAiVIA Central Nawa company. Hotel Ta. coma aowa atand; Acma Nawa compaay. YICTOBl A." B,C, TIt(n1afJoi- ABtattom-f ery nainany, .WEATHER REPORT 'A' dlitnrbanea. " arldeatly " of " eonalderabla ' onerrr, la central wff the bortb CallfWBla roaaf. It baa rained llfht rata la aontbwaatera - Oreaoai and alone; tha California aoaat -aa far aouth aa Baa Lola Obtapa. It will adeanra aaat , oorlna tha aaat M houra and raoaa abowara . ' 1 weatera Ore (no and Hirht rain or anow In eaatera Orefni and aotttbera Idaho. The atorra ' Tfwterday aier Kentucky baa moved rapidly to tha New England roaat and bear aaowa haTO niutad la tha Atlantic and New England atate and cood ralna fcara fallen In the aaat nir atatea. The, bareaneter la relatively low ; northeaat of - Montana, but no precipitation l. wimI In rnnaecllon with tbla A: tldt cfrHtah- laeaauta aitaada fram Brltlefr " rolumbla aouiheaatward to veaaa. ano tna temperatneea kite falle cWVIedly f tha Mia. ' atMlprd alley and golf atatea. It In warmer i- uraa Vmatlnr. Colorado, flab. Nevada, - acn them tlllorBla--and ortlrnArlaona. . . ObativaUona takaa at a a. m.. reciuc i Tamp.- - Btataena' Ma. Mtn. Prartp. ' Hakae fit. OreaoB HZ a .o - - Koeteav aaamacbuaattl...... Hd hleago, Illlaota M Itenrer, Colorado no rrT- Kanaaa City. Mlaaourt..... 94 . lxa Angelea. California.... W New Orleana. Lonlalana..,. 70 New Tork, New York...;.. Vortland. Oregon 44 Hineeburf, Oregna."... M St. Lonl. MIWNmrl Sa Salt Lake. I'tak : - sm graaeiaoa. California... M -r . ftpokana, aahlnjiton 4 Tacoma. Waablngtoa. ...... M - Walla WalU. Waehlngtoa. . 4el ... 'Veehlngtoo, D. C M 58 ..JL.Z1 . , 1 . .10 s .0 r n hi .0 " M " .0 30 ' 1 44 40 T - 14 .08 SO .0 , a " .ta 40 . . M . I .0 82 '"' .04 MARRIAGE LICENSES. -nanrw r. VTm.Tna DaUaa, Oragoa. Lily Orace Coualryaian. 20. Wedding Carda. W. 0. Smith af., Willi. JnglvB Dtog.; Ml Bertha Martin, mom 812 Allaky bldg. Stamping and On needlework ; leeaa given. BIRTHS. SMITH March T. ta Mr. tad Mrs. J. Smith, S3 Macadam atreet. a ana. CBA KB March 12. to Mr. and Mra. Win B. Crane. 40 Eaat Thiny-Srat etreet, a aoa. WILLIAMS March IS. to Mr. and Mra. Q. A. William. H1B Savler afreet, a daughter. CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. MORRISON March IS, kt. Morrlaoa, SOT Eaat Conch atreet,. meaale. HEWITT March 17, MIDI Hewitt, 208 rcurtb atreet. meaale. OOI.BMBT March 17. Mia Oglratrf, corner But - Fourteenth and Tenlno etret. MnallpeK. WESTON Mnrcb 17. CUra Weaton, 7 Went Park atreet. meaale. . DEATHS. WELIjBR March IS. William 17. Weller, aged 44 year, at Gtawl Samarltaa boapltal; cauaa, typhoid feree. Creaiatorlntn. . WILLIAMS March 17. David R. WIITIama, aged 40 year, at St. Vincent a bnapltal; rnw, - e.Heer of the etoroaeh Burial at Salem, H SASAKI March 17. O. Saaakl. aged JM year, at tlond Saraarltaa hoaplial; cauae, hork fol v lowing bum. Burial at lorie Fir cemetery , S HAK1FU -March 1. Francl J. Fchaefer, aaed 10 .yeara, at 3fl4 North Twenty fourth treet; canoe, heart dieae rrematoriunv. .. ' BEA VIS March 10, Walter H. Reavl. aged c year. r20 Vlnrt at reel ; ran, tnharculoala. 7 at Rtvervlew cemtery. 4 PRTKRSON March 10. Vlrlorla Pererano, rgej yean, at Oood Ttnrttaa! rmaptt!; cauer, bum. Burial at Trnnldale. Oregon. I HART-March IK. R. C. Hart, aged TS year J. . Tacoma atreet : cauae, pneumonia. Bur V la I t Heppner. Ore). CHAMBEI18 Marcb IB, nenrlette Ckamhera. . 1 "i inm, . ..-1 awiain vrrert 1 carcmonta. fYenaatorlnni. RA RROCB March 10. Cl.rk B arbour. can, aged S i monrna. ti urana avenue north: eanae, pnea ; monl. Bnrial t rone Fir eemeterv. UNDERTAKERS. Edward Hotmail A Co., the leading funeral director. bv the finest eetabllahment. tba a nest gnoda, tha Snaat vehicle and tba moat ' reasonable price. Fin braadclota -covered . -". eweketa. 125 and faO. Thd Sneat wand good t made, from 112 t 11. Parlor S2n vnd ; 222 Third atreaf, ; corner Salmo Portland. 1. P. Fin lev A Son, funeral director and . emh1fn-VB. comer Third and Madkaoej atreeta . OfOc ad coaoiy aoroner. Telephona Mala Darning. MrEirtee A Ollnengb. andertakee aad emhalajera; BJ1era In every detail. Seventh aad Pin. - Mala 4.). Lady aaaUtant. A. P. Heaiatork. nndertekef and amhalrser . East Thirteenth and tmatllU arc.. Phona Belli wond.fl. Clark Bc for Sower, tm Morrraoa) etreet ... - BiTEATItW CEMETIBT. ale grave llfl. Family Iota f7 t (1,000. The only eemetor In Portland which per. pete lit maintain and care for lot, lor fall lamrmatie appiy to.w. rt. BtacBie, Wat alr Alack, ally. W. M. Ladd, gcedtat. .. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. . M. U. Roberta and boa baud te A. W. , Oroouvk, west mi 10 a. -raa euenmerK-liig ' near Burthraet corner Hampton Kelly donation land claim. sections and T. towueblp I south, ran S east.,, ..,.8 Elisabeth Deanis and huahan.l to U . --Jlair)'lola 7 to tA.locluslvea.' bkk 4., Ivnlu.iilsr ddllW No. CTT. . . .,.TToo aJhaMaTaWMalaaaTaMaaji .jfa IM rl Til. aT " f 1 i l-sr-li. ims Oand O.Mock 114 xwrr aum viir J VVDinni I'nl- Ttrjltr I'ark addition T. A. W. rVhlappI aud wife to Johanaa Loark. lou and V' block 114. Uul- jma uuarante 'Iuat conjpanr to j l uhiirn. Wit 11. black 3. llalla. daj-: I'ark addUtoa .i,,. ..... 1,000 "- i it 'i wiir aim n . mmr, ' lota 10 to 15. WlulM. bluck t. alaa. - twa' addition .' . 1 Ur( W. Vma and wtf to Allca K - Kiwrr lota -to W. bM U. Koala aiouih ....... v.............,......;. -10 X. K, Uunbar od wife In It. W. Wilbur, Jfthnaon'a addllloa K. H. Moor and wife to K. D. - t ar; 4ou C.aud A, block 3118. Holla r- day' adillllna . B.2S0 Jamra X. Vaugbaa and wlfa to Fred Pitta . njl wlfa !.. kbb 4..ta .1. Won. Kaa't Portland ....!....... 750 N. 4S. Lone; and wife to John Carlaoa, lot a. block IX Central Alblna ....... R. Brown and wife to I'. M. at I ago, lot T. block Z. (Jooner'a addition .800 l,aO0 Akiya Harold to Mra. Thora A. Bntlera, ton i ana 2, owe o, rirt eiectxie aa- 'dltton , O. C. Morrl and wife ta Llaala' Crowtkar, lot I. block Id, WaodlawB ........... H. Hlracbberg ta Ouatara KooetiMatt. 40 ' acrea aoutbeaat Vi aactkua 82. town . ablp t north, range weat; alao 40 , acrea aouthwest aonthwaat Si aectlon 100 itn, townahtp 3 north, rang X weat; aim hilt and 111, lilnftli rt, Tttauint I'lace 10 P. J. Feteraon and wlfa ta A. Mueller, aouth 10 faet of north H lota ft and , block 20. Jamea John'a addltkm Real Galat Inreatora' aeaorlatlon ta Mra. I,, N. Stone, lot 18. block S3, gel I wood. Beat Ealale Inrratora' aaaoclatlon to J. W. riaber, lot 4, block S. aama, ad dition 200 Dora W. 8a rage and buabaad ta Portland at Beaitia Hallway company, iota u and F and north J4 tot Ur North era Hill addltloa V. ...... - : i Joaeph A. StWvwbrldge Eat ate company to ixiweii A. loung, lot o, oioca a, oimw. bridge addllloa .' K. B, Savage t aL to Portland A Seat- tl kailway company, all block 1 to 450 4. "lnolllalve. A. H. I . I, r.. r ann elnalva ' hlo.k A WoetharaL lilll .addi tion nr a ,. a itnj-ooaioa ano wixa to aunuii r. Uoddard. lot 7 aad 7. B. Irving addl lloa 1,700 Carolina K. Wllann-at al. ta Matilda J. title, looaino feet beginning aorta una riandera 100 feet eaat aaat .. Una Tnentr-arat tret. Hty .r... George W. Brown to W. A. Schooling, lota 94 and 2B. block 8. Lanrelwood . . JOO College Endowment aaaoclatlon to Morrla walker, Ttanivioea y, tuy , .." ... ra JfariacB rara aaamon ....,. . v M. J.-Ulle and huaband ta L. J. Shell, InttYliUfe . feet bealnnlna Dortn lino Plandera alreet 100 feat aaat from In teraectloa with eaat Una Twanty-Srat atreet 7,250 T. R. Hubbard at al to I B. Ranch at . . - a kl L. tfl II luf BW iOL. 1 BBg -W. aa Bh-ri rf-to-jo itfKIrn srlota-T --to, Inclualve, block 1.. ana aunary lota. Dnnn'a addition , 0 0. J. Kraemer ta-A.-B. tiermaa. lota - to ar, iBcinaiva, pmca land ...a:...:.. .......... . Manhattan Real Batata - company - to Morrla Walker, unniviaea 101 o, kinek A Bartach Park addllloa 22B Sharif f te A. H. Page, block 10, Rlvr- - aid ..... " Thomas M. Andaraa aad wlfa to ,e. Collla. lot S. block 2, General Ander- aon-a addition . .1....-.... ...v aw Thomaa W . Heater ana wiie o bwi Hornby, lota 1 and 2, block S, Pltten ger addllloa ..V'V'i- A. S. Wright to George Hornby, lU IS to 24. Inclualva, block 2. Elbel Lynn addition .' VI- 9?iPordaB rt at.t Marf Jordaa. lot 1, block 1. Mount Tabor Villa Job Bain and wlfa to jL. . Saoar.- lot ' 10. block A Alblna .... John Bain and wife to Jobs L. Bower, k,t a Mock d. Alblna TOO 1,000 TOO 750 a, Ce'ai aaamon - B. 0. Buedy and wlfa to I P. Bona at . aL, 1. block 1. Conch addition .... 18.SO0 Carl E. Johnaoa. and . wlfa ta Aloya. , Harold, tot a. owe no, im"i 10 R. CL-Eercival and wife ta Netlla Brown. ot 4." block 26. Jamea Joba'a Sacoad addition .........'.. Oaalaa D. Frary and wlf to Jr 90 Freeman, lot , Dioca 10. voiu.ii.iu. addition r. . 2.000 Till Guarantee A Trust company to i... U.J, a oB and 10. block fUJouLTJBZ'lK' 1' 8"t Arleta Land company te W. B. Da I ton. lot IS. block B, ina rara ............ Victor Guatafaoa and wlfa to R. V. Bel ford, lot 1, block 0. Uncoln Park.. A. Kldar and wife to M. Elder, lota T, tl, block SS. Multnomah 0. Robert eon and huabaad to Margaret 1,800 Elder, aama propeny . . . . tl fArlata Land company to Oiilaapp Cfclotl, Elder, aama property lot IT. block , ina rara Get your Inarm nc and abatracta to real aetata from tba TUUPaarntc A Truat company, 840 Washington treet cornerrlecuud. -NOTICE.- CALL for Sealed" -Bid for tkt ErecHoa of a . Court bona Building Notice I hereby give that the county court of Colombia county, Oregon, will,, oa April 10, 1000, at 10 a. m., consider bids for tba erection of a court boua building at tha city of St. Helena, la aatd eonoty and atate, according ta the plana and apecidcatlona of the architect, Mer. Hendrlck A Toby, of Labbe building, Port land, Oregon, anq to ba .completed by Janu ary 1. Iti7. aad alao for furalahlng tba mater-tale to be "furnlahed by owaer?' to-wlt : Vault door. )sll flttlng, ate., aa act forth Jd ld a nec fl cat ion. All bid abould b addrtaaed to H. Hender wn. county clerk, St. Helena. Columbia county, Oregoa, aad each bid mnat b ac companied by a certified check, payable tn . the order of tha county treairnrer of aald county, for ft per cent of amount of bid. aa aecurlty that tha bidder will. If bl bid la accepted, at eaca enter Into a contract with aald county court for the erection of neld conrthoua building according to aald plan and apeclBcatlooa, and within tba time - herein allowed. Plana and aoeclflcattona of aald building may be aeen and coneulted at the office of the county clerk of aetd county, at St. Helena, ar t the office of the above-named architect. The aald uerefiil bidder will b required fnrnlah a bond with curette to be approved hv aald - county error t. - In the aum -of nu third of the amount of their bid, conditioned nnon the faithful performance of any eon tract nr agreement entered Into between them . and ald county court. - The county court reserve tha right ta reject -BBy- or H Md. , By order of the eonnrv court of Colnmlh oonty, Oregoa, tbla tenth day of March, 1. H. IIKNDBHSON. ' 1- ; Canaif Glerk. ' WE. tb undersigned f nmttnrw and - ptaao- moeera. win require the payment of all charge noon delivery of good after Decem ber 1, tons; h. C. Hiack. C. F. Harder. O. F. Ilusaey. Coagrov Bm.,- Portland De livery Co., Post Special Delivery Co., Pack age Delivery Co.. Ilolman Transfer Co., Northwentern Tranafer Co., 0rgoa Anto De, natch Co.. Joha Hamnton. Jamea MrlJnden, Owen Mcl.lnden. Pact Ac Tranefer Co., Oregna Tranafer l'e . Portland Van A Slorag Co.. Wakeman-MonM Tranafer Co., Eaat Sid Traaafer .. C. 0. Pick Tranafer A Storage Co., Ci M. Olson. Baggage A Omnibus Trans fer .. A. J. Murphy. K adder ly Tranafer A CommlMloa Co., John A. Love, Andrew J. Murphy, F. M. Ireland, F. Millar, Flock a Ilenae NOTICE OF DIHSOLI.'TIOnJ, Portland, OisgotT . March 17. lt) Notice la herehr slven that the conrtnerhtp doing bnalnes under, the ...u--- ' i" t iiier-niuiin tiarnea uompaoy haa tht day dteaolved, and that C. A. Wllley and John I'pt.m have aucceeded to tha bust- nes of the arm, and will collect all debta ana pay an In llabllltlca of the arm. . ..'. A. WIM.RY, . l i nu 1-1-11 - 1 - AltOLPHIiS WILIJtT. MEETING NOTICES. THE annual meeting of the atorkholdere of tha Oregtm Kurnltnre Mfg. Co, will he held nt tn orrtice of tho company, 1210-1272 Ma carta road, Portland, Oregoa, oa Wedaee- day. March as, ileal, at 4 p. m., for the purpose of electing the hoard of director for the ensuing yer and transacting auch other Imalties aa aay properly aoma befora th UICKBOrUT rnecttn. I ' .. ' . j FLIVHKR LINN, President MEETING NOTICES. OKOItUR - WASHINGTON lamp. 261, W. O. W., Dwoia ' tmiljfht Tocadar) la 41a hall. Tantl and Waahlnctna alrmta. Vlaltlnc aaJghWl -, cnrdlallr lnltd. Wait Tnaadar. atarck 2T. wklat rORTI.AND rhantar. No, t. B. A. M . kegular cXMi vocation Wedneeday avanlng. March 21. In matter or - eubacrlbUig to the atock of tha saw .AlaMania ..teaapia wiu Da acted upon. qneatert. Work In Mark Maeter'e degree. By order or M. BJ. H. r. A.M. KN AI'P. Becratarj LOST AND FOUND. WTXbflfA 0ibacmeaaTelfpIn.a1nrdayr. in, rieaaa jreiufn . ana rrcciT rewara mi loo riftb at. ---.-t- tr LOST Pair of eyeglaaee. gold aoa place and black cord. Hlum,Z41 o ran in at.; rewara. LOST Small guamatal watch, near Malar A f rank a, or in Montgomery at. care, ar oa Main at, Beturn to ii Weat Park at. Ba- ward. - LOST Monday afternoon, black bandaatcbal. on Sixth at., between Grand ava. ana ni But Yamhill. Liberal reward. 461 , Eaat YamhllL Phono Kaat 8810. . POCNO BmeraoB allverlne watch. . In quire room IS Brownsville big., Alblna, ZSVft Uumall at. T.nsT A MitUnomak cbth pi of aoma time Saturday evenlneT Finder uleaa retorh To , Journal oroc and receive rewara. STRAYED w Stolen from Oopenbagen Broa.' d. at Mount Pleaaant. Waablngtoa. K. B. cam 1 gray .. Weight 1 600 llw.; 1 bay mare, weight 1,400 lb.- Reward. Copenhagen Broa., waenongal, - waanington. HELP WANTED MALE. MEN and woman to learn tha barber trade la eight week. Tha Moler yatera of college bava opened one of their barber echo la In Portland; graduate eara from SIS to $23 per week; only rallabla' barber college tn tha 1 mteo ntatee; epeciai rerma to nret 2u 1U' BBB CROSS atand for relief In aaata, ahmnfa -J-; and malignant dlee; call or wrltav- Bod t roe uupensary, jnira ana A an ata. SALESMEN WANTED For on of the largeat Buraeriea la tba weat; raah advanced weekly on ordera; good territory open. Addree Waablngtoa Nursery Co., Toppenlsh, Wash. WANTED 1,000 men, ahave and balfeot fraa, 284 Couch at. Wa teach tha trade. WANTED Cabinet makere aad Oregoa Fnrnltura Mfg. Co. ma cbtna men. TELEGRAPHY taught free by expert operator: beginner' rlaaa forming; advance student perfected. Call 11 a. m. to 1 p. m. and S p. m. . 810 Chamber Com mere. I GOOD tnbbrra or furnace men: good wage for tba right men. Apply . f. clack onset Metal Worka company, Tacoma. WArfTKIV By a aaah and don factory, a wond y turner on - coluinna, euliiillra and balnartcra Apply forenoona at 072 Macadam at. WANTED Agents to aollclt for -old rallabla concera; liberal commlaalon. Call Savor, ytt Teatb at. WANTEIe Salaaman nndaratanding paint and aaah and door business; aconainted with cltv praferred; rsferenoes -reuird. W 8, Journal. WANTED Polisher. McMlnavllle, Or. Horn . Steam Laundry, WANTED For United State Army, able-bodied unmarried man between ago of 21 aad 86. dM. ana of United St a tea, of good character and temperate habit, who can apeak, read and writ Engllab. Apply to Recruiting Of--r, - Atosworib- blk.. Third and Oak ata., Portlaad. Oregoa.. ., .. WANTED A boy about 10 T eara. old. to learn algn Banging, ruslet k tt Everett. WANTED Maa with $190. as partner real . aetata buaineaa, groaad floor, good location, atabilahed buaineaa. Pacific Real Batata fOco, Flrat at." AGENTS WANTED to aell uperlor, high-grade nursery stock; complete ontnt- lurniaoeo free; cash weekly; writ today for choice of ter ritory. Capital City Nursery Company, Salem, ' Oregon. J -HELP WANTED FEMALE, HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 848 H Waabtng- ton at., cor. seventh, upstair. rnoB Mala rmta halo vant.a. 3mrt. WANTED Lady ranerlenced Is buaineaa ta act aa aolldtor for ioveatment brokerage com pany. Apply at 504 Dekum bldg., city. FOB boarding -bouss, good plain cook: trust, worthy, good habits; woraaa prf erred. Ad dress D 1, eara Journal. "WANTED B1 expenencs la alckneo. to do light work at moderate JS Jt?J JT. lf fnoa ' WANTED At 2&t SlatA at. apprentice and Bearing glrla. SENSIBLE woman. ' beat- character and In fluence; mnat. her earning nouny ana leaner ablp. M 11. eara Jourasl. HOl'SKKEEPEB wanted: housekeeper tor widower with children, city. W IV ear Journal. MANICt'RINO taught by thoroughly competent and rallabla manlcuriat. urnc 10 uewia Dtug. WANT one bnatneaa-llk lady to traval and foor to dd Vocal arorb tit Portland, Oreooa Clt and Vancouver. Apply S48fe Morrison at., third - floor, room 15. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. HELP wanted and supplied, mala - G. Drake, 206 V, w'aahlngloa at mala or female. R. PadAe 1870. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. WANTED A pcaltloB by young man attending naslneaa college, to help pay expenses; auy boncat work. W 8. rara Journal. SITUATIONJ wanted by young mas, 18 years of age; good references. A duress n in, -ournai. WANTED Situation by man aad wife aa cooke la loafing or railroad camp. W 19, Journal. WANTED Situation by ateady reliable young man In whoieaale-houar, or any kind of work of thla kind; reference. U 1, cure Joarnal, SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE YOUNG lady desire typewriting -work to do af home evenings, such copying letter. addressing envelopes, wrapper or any kind of typewriting work: own Underwood ma chine. K 87, care JooruaL MIDDI.B-AtlED woman wants work In the country for widower's family, ar amall famllr: wages $20 per month. Call or addree 411 at Everett al., Portland. Mra. I Mattnon. EXPERIENCED aeamstreea wants sewing by day or piece;, price reaaonsble. Phone ' Hood AS1. ... YOUNG lady would Ilk permanent position stenographer or bookkeeper; can give food reference. Adilreea W IH, care Journal. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN EMPLOYMENT Co., 8 North Second, fnrnlabea all kind era- ploymant for me and women. Main 80S8. SHERWOOD A BOYT. 206H Morrlaon at. and frmal kelp. Phoaa Main 4782. -Mala TUB Portlaad Employ meat Co., 206Vi Morrlaoa 1. Phona Taclda 2-. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 'FOB MEN. N. Second at. Panne Mala 1828. BIG FOUR BMP. AGENCY Help anpplled f 18 North Second t. phone, Mi In 1M16. JAPANESE -CHINESE FMPIlYwKNT OFFICE. Henry Takara, 287 Everett t, Pnane .Pa clAs p4u . . Tfcic liri" -. - I -r : ! t . -, r - - - - . WANTED AGENTS. WANTFD Aganta-; snmethlne w; (oud seller; big wag, 208 McKay bldg. . 1 WB want reliable, mea In every tow a la Oregoa 'to aell efrk aad accident Insurance. Paclxlc Aid esoclatlou, '800 Dekum bldg. .-..-; II1LB and famala. aa aolldtoca for Inraaimant IT ATTRACTS Oar method of selling the moat unique Una of goods ever offered; 100 .' per cent profit: everybody aatlnfled; com1 '-plate laatrucl lou and earn pi. 10c 0. B. Olaon. box Io4. Eureka. S. V. ' WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED lo or fraction. Improved or not, close In; owner enly. B S3, care Journal. WANTED Lot la exchange for equity lk M ar 7 -room boose, Pboae- Eaat 2641. WANTED 3 lota and 'amall near car; mnat ba cheap; terms. 648 Eaat 15th at., wood 07. r. atate price and 8. Phone Sell WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT HOI'SES, COTTAGES, FLATS. ROOMING-HOl'SES. STORES. KTO. Our rental department ha been enlarged and provided with additional atarr. - Wa Invite Hating - from LANDLORDS, offer personal ' attention to land continuous aoperrlatoa ovr all property Intruated to eur PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, S. E. cor. Sd and Oak ata. Phone Ex. 72. S GENTLEMEN like to have rooma la tha center or ne city. Addre w 1. car journal. WANTED FINANCIAL. WANTED Te borrow $1,500 for ess year; will pay s per cent with, a gooa security, u 11, care. Journal. 1 , WISH to borrow $1,800 for building purpose" from private party at 8 per cent! good aecurlty. Aorneas 3, . car journal. . . WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. PAINTINO. apraylng and wkltewaahlng trees. baaementa. barna. dock. tc.; largeat gaaniin nnrln nn t rt r 41m the crkt M. kleawan WANTED Stncfce icral - mere hand lae drvaeealai beet ic , for which T will , pay eseht will deal with actual owners ctijj . Aouress . v. 1,, a.iiu, wi, E. N. MORGAN, pioneer aprayer aad white washes. Call Keat 0248: veaaemner tae Bam K. N. Morgan; II years la buelnesa la Port Und. 1 ; . WHO IS M. G. MORGAN A CO.t HIGHEST CASH PBICB PAID tor furniture la any quantity; alao take eame on commlaalon and guarantee peat reeulta. The Portlaad Auction Rooms. A. Rchubach prop., 211 Flrat at. Phone Mala 5060. SPRAYING and pruning of fruit trace; white. waening or aorka ana naaemenia, 1 u. 'Veaear- Beett eoOO.-r r : ... .. . WE WILL BUY. SELL OR TRADB ANY OLD THING. WESTERN SAlVAGB CO., KCl 820 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC 783. CITY aad county mans wanted; atate where ta call. Addree r IS, car Journal, FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THB RICHELIEU. 8H NORTH SIXTH ST. aiegaatiy mmtaBea. steam nai ana nains. NICELY furnlahed housekeeping -rooms; also single room. 06 M RaaaeU at.. McKay blk. THB GRAND. 4SI4 North Third at for gentlemen i.H per week ana up 122 TWELFTH Nicely Airnlshed. clean bay window roora; reasonable) sew management; free phone and balk. TWO nicely furnlahed rooma. all vsnaeac, at an vniriieio. im . 1 iu si. FOR RENT -Iiht Bom? af modern cottage; 8 eooana, well fnrnUned, bath and elertrlo lighta. SS0 Eaat Yamhill. Phone Eaat 5407. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING $178 PER WEEK Large, clean, furnished nousegeeping-rooma; n unary aaa dbib. jb Bharman, South PortUnd . THB MITCHELL, - Flaadere and - 8evath Room, houaekeeplng and uanmant; eoB venlent; pries reaaonabl. t THR-HAIX, 414 Fifth Rooma. llngle aulte. furalanaa lor light aoueeaseplng. $1.26 WEEK np, clean, furnlahed koaekeeptng rooma, wita yra, prior, lasnary, natn, aur aace beet. 208 Stanton at. TJ car. SLEEPING and b keening rooma for rent. Bee H. n, torn at.' Hlfley, room $0, 227 Vk Waahlnf- FURNISHED hortaekeeplng-roome,. reaannable; gaa, phona aad water free. Eaat 408. WICKLY-furnlahed boneekeeplng- and bath, wo 11 ta at., corner uuummi. ftncgr KIt geeutb, north, near Bornaide. OR d furnished bousekeenlng-rooma for rent, $11 per month. 864 San Rafael at. . . ROOMS AND BOARD. UNION HOTEL 81 North Sixth at., aervea tba beat meal; rates, room $1, Board per week. J. Anderson, prop. CAN accommodate mors day boarder. Taylor at. At 88.23 per week Bp. THE L1NPELL Market at., bet. -lrd aad Fourth. - New -family- hotel;--all ap-to-oate conveniences; Brat-alaes dining-room service; rates reasonable. ROOM and board for . S quiet men. or maa ad wife.- 824 Eaet Morrlaoa at. DESIRABLE rooma with hoard; one front anlte callable for three or four;, modern t rates rea sonable. 442 Jefferson, Pbon Mai 842A. FURNISHED or aafnrnlahed rooma. with or without board, at 214 iota at. rnon Main 1003. ROOM AND BOARD, with bath for laboring men; $18 a month. Phone Eaat 0000. TWO gentlemen wanted to room nnd board; private family; ii.ixi per wee. zn nrera sr. e THB elegant "WWIand." 288 Sixth at,, la tha moat homelike and convenient piece to room and board In town; cooking par excellence.- Phone Mala 6ISO. Reasonable "secrecy" about your own af fairs Is all rtrht ; but don't keep an achinr tootlv a. se-. cret from tfce den tist; or your first tinge of rheumatism a secret from the doctor; or your de sire to sell er to rent your house a secret from the everyday want ad readers of ml u i) "hi A HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI JURE FOR SALE. $100, A BXAr-T-rooss fursUbad home for rent. furniture for aale; 8 bouaekeepliig-rooma pay '.rent of bouat; gue corner rocalloo. 1 11, care JouroaL , . . $20 T-RO0M . house for' rest, 6 block from ri'KMTl RB of 0-room bouse for aale, $K; rent $10; walk big distance. 300 Harrison. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. tXinmUntuitf i- 'rnarsdav rrldny 1 Satsrdar .and Sinweay-evenlnga, 12SH Flrat Xj Jj4uirB at hal-roW $ to 7.30 p. m. . OFFICE room, unfurntabsd rooma aad aampl .rwma for rtut.. Guodnouik bldg. 1 Apply (le va tor. ' . , PART of large comer at or for rent, inaalra - r. BL Beach Co., the Plana Palal Ok, Flrat and Alder ate. FOR RENT HOUSES. PARTIAL LIST FOR RENT BAST SIDR . S rooana, bath, gaa, ctoee In 12 5-reom bouae, new, bath, gaa. large yard, . 10 6 -room house, bath. gaa. good condition.. . IS A-room flat, new, modern,. Alblna. .... .... . 16 . fl-room nouae, new, bath. gesv. ......... . 18 84-room bouse, new, strictly mod., close In. 160 Note No Information regarding these . house can be given over-phone. 1 Ofdce hours from Kl a. m. to 4 p. at. ' . H. B.. EDWARDS. Houaefurntsoar. 186-llfl Flrat at. KADDBRLY TRANSFER CO., prompt and re liable plan and furniture mover; a la ator aga. Phoaa Main lnhfl, Qfc no N. Third THB CONTINENTAL COMPANY .. 243 STARK ST. INSURANCE. RENTALS. SEB LIST. FOR RENT Modern nVroora cottage, corner Eaat Eighth aad Everett. If. B. 892 SECOND ST. Modern 8 room bouse; $26. Phone Mala 4464. rent FOH .rent er lease Furnished . t room cottage so--responioie- people without children. Call forenoona or any hour Sunday.' 870 B. lltb at., aorttt, near Masoa. ' TEN-ROOM house, - with ennirrrec drng-room. 1 aiiuatta tn- f ninn. inquire jaackay bldg. ' -n 7 ROOM bouse for rent. 304 Eaat Third at.. corner; nanny piace ror noaratng and room- nr Can 7- ROOM bouse, modern, newly papered and Eitrrted throughout. 487 Tenth at. Apply F, . Bunting, room 40 Worcester bldg. NEW 7-mom furnlahed bouse. $12 ear month. Telephone Eaat 0007. - TEN-ROOM house, with Maimer dining-room. . altuated 87 N. 14th at. Inquire room 204 - Marleay bldg. - " ' $1 Four-room cottage on Eaat Ash, between 18th and 17th. Inquire 22 Eaat loth at. JOHNSON at., A room honae. furnlahed. ' Mil, 002 Commercial blk. . Mam 2423. K IB- MODERN a-room for two famllte. . Grant; rent $26; Phone Eaat 8706 corner Eaat Sixth and nice .lawn and flowere. P0R RENT Modern 8 -room honae. Inquire of Dr. C. H. Raffety, 404 Eaat Washington, $10 PER MONTH for- good A room honae at 14TS East Eighth at., north. . M. B. Lea, ll Sixth at. - - FOR RENTFLATS; 8-R0OM flat for rent, $1$; water paid; aa gmaTl rniiaren. vai Mill. - - FOR RENT fl-rnom"T14f. modern In erery way; aauita only. 1 none jaam nisi. FOR RENT T-room modera Beat flat. B4TU Sixth at., near Jackson. Phona Paclfm 883. A. H. Macgly, 210 Fourth at, ... MODRBN I room flat; beat, water Included. The Garland. 821 Waehlngton at., near 10th. FOR RENT FARMS. FARM tor eaft. rtmt far terra of ir T9rw; i" mrrm, ov ia coinviito.. i.vnv rrau ir, runnlnf wfttor, U. O. Oskl7, Nwlrf , Orffn. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RENT In city, SU acres sulaabl for gnrdening. Inqnir zoo Fourth. BUSINESS CHANCES. WB bare wheat land, atock land, fruit land. acreage, . improved ana unimproved city property,- aad a good exchange list. See n before buying. Northwest Land Co., SOS Oosdnough bldg. SEB or write J - F. Hurst A Co. for aafa aad profltehle Investments. 208 McKay blag., Portlaad, Oregoa. BURST Automatic RgttroaaSmck atock acid at a big dlaeonnt. Apply to W. J. Cortl. 215 Commercial blk. . Phona Main 5384.- . WHO IB M. O. MORGAN A CO.t FOR BALE General law buaineaa eatabllabed In 1HS8; office Horary and flxturea. county seat In thriving county, eastern Oregon; $6,000, half raah, balance oa time; object retire from buaineaa. Addre P. O., car Journal. FOR SALE $4.000 Department a tore tn Wll- lamette valley town of 6.000 population: only atore of this kind; a good opening for two hustler. Addre M A, care Journal. . PARTNER la a well-aatabllebed real eetate business ; must be good ruatler. L 2, Journal. LARGB or- -small rooming-bosses to sal on terms by H. H. Higlry, room 80, V27M Washington at. I WANT a lady with $600 to take charge of a rooming hooee. nee tl. si. Hlfley, room HO, 227V4 Waablngtoa at. WANTED $2.000 A manufacturing concern . with wholesale and retail trade here In city want the above amount for additional work. Ing capital; party can take permanent' In tereat In bnalnea or withdraw money on 80 dy' nottce; office position open to competent man; money tnrneo over erery 80 day at good pro8t; fully secured. W 17. Journal. HAVB YOU HEARD of the Cardinal-mines the ml nee I list will make Oregon famoue? Samplea and full particular room so Hekutn bldg.. cor. Third and Waahlngton, Portland, Oregon. . WANTED To purchase a Are Inauranee agency; on or two rompanie. L 18. car Journal, BAKERY FOR SALE $260. will bay my tn terest In a nourishing p'Jrrya at mtlUal'. Address W 12, care Jonrnal. REAL EKTATK OKF1CB Ground floor: room for employment office la connection; $180 re quired, end eervlcee. Taclflc Real Estate of Ore. 228 V Flrat at. ' BEST-PAYING amall restaurant on Washing ton at. for aale. W 15, care Joarnal. . SHOP doing buaineaa of $4.0d0 a year for $7W; fin opportunity for man aad wlf. 211 Konrth at. FOR SALE REAL, ESTATE. SMALL gen. mdes. building and tola, $1,500; M 8, care Journal. FOR SALE By owner, two new modern boo see. between 22U and 24th.. on Wasco. Holladay Park; alao furnish bit and build. , R. B. Rice, SH2 Sandy roadV Plwne 10H6. CHOICE Iota, . by owner, eaar terma; muat evil. Portland boulevard. oa and near car; 1.165 Atlantic, cor. S. W. CORNER Mason and Commerrlsl ata.. 100 gioo. 1 block from car: swell location, choice neighborhood. 600 Davie at. . - 1 1 SOME fine a-acre tracts l, ml tee from Mil Improved, with old ankle: 14 .to IS fruit trees: these tracts can ba had at a bargain If taken at once; alao other good acreage near th city. W. A. Morehouse, 1070 F.aat lAth at. Phone Bellwood 74. - FOR SALE OR RENT New modern 6 -room cottage, with attic, electric light! kite for aale cheap; bouse built- oa eaey term: In ' yesttgate. Owner, liolgat and Eaat 16th, , block from Sellwosd -car line. t .'1 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE By owner. Dew, modern cottage, Hood-2jocatlon: price gl.tawr- ry terais, bob Kaaraesr;- r-"1 : 10 LOTS fop aale at Center-tttea. Oak tjrovet 8x00; terms. . Inquire Wm, Love. Oak Urov tatioa. . . - W. H. -MItHKHOI HH, . -1870 Easi. lath . Phoua Scllnond 74. The largest list of Improved property In Bellwood. Homes from 8,vi0 to $3.0oo. Ross addition, tba great factory alte; lot $5 down and $6 -pee month. r - ton; part raao, oaianco a years; wouitl rent Isrtly furnished to desirable tenant. L 0, care Journal. , ,v" , CHOtCrre1denc lot on Fargo t., bet. Union aad- Honae. eve, inquire Mouroa-at,, acroaa block. I'tton Eaat 31IUL . $600 CA8IL -handle good 1 room- 1 weat ehie. CMwa in; lawn. 1. B. journal. 1F-YOW want to nnHd.-tmy-iitl yonr material at the American lun; you will av 75 par cent t fine door, wliidowV plaster hoard, rustic or ldliig, flooring. talra, timber aad a lumber. Phona owner. Pacific 1078. FOR SAI.B AT A BABGA1N '- A an atock range, containing a boot soa -' acre: all under fence: altuated near Rnaa. burg, Oregon, oa S.- P. R. R.; tbla la one of the beat Block range In tb county I alao have another good atock rirtga containing 1,420 acrea, which will be sold at a very low price. For particular address J, B, Suthar II n. owner, Roeeburg, Oregoa. WILLAMETTE. Beat residence part of th peninsula; only a few lota left In Willamette; take your choice now; all lota are 60x100 feet: $226 each: $26 taah. $8 per mantln Apply Or A. Bygewehli Willamette at at toe.- ON TO HOVER! -. . UP THB COLUMBIA! Regular eteimere from Portland; ebeapeet rate from the en at ta Inland point; no ed, heavy oll. perpetual water Tight wttk each tract, earliest product, largeat price; th California of the North weat. Writ 1 HOVER LAND CO.... Hover, Waablngtoa. $1.700 CORNER lot In Holladay. close la. to? i -Third-st. SEIXWOOD LOTS. - $5 down and $8 a month 1 from S7S to gaOO. Bellwood Tovnslta Cav -Phoae Kest 4704. ACRE TRACTS! " OCR SPECIALTY IS ACRB TRACTS! - Fali-ilaed ai rests, water te each a era. . TERMS $10 PER ACRB CASH $10 PER ACRB PER MONTH. Yea go to the - acres on tb Basis car. pay th earn 60 far th lot" man pay. Th lot man la your neighbor., but b l re stricted In majority "if. feernrra that make a true Btieurpan Bom. Open Wedneeday aad Sslorday evealBga. . G. CHURCHILL A CO.. INa 110 Second St. FOR SALE CHEAP 8 tad 7 -room . ern: pari. raah. 870 Garfield are. .Take 4 Woodlawa car. Phone Eaat 8641. . NICE honae aad nearly 2 tote. -68 23d and Rooeevelt. Inquire lwengardt, as rara at. BOt'SRS built, eaar terms: raa fnrnlah Iota. Miller, 812 Commercial bldg. Mala 140. OWING to absence from the city the owner will dlapoa of hla arttatlc ana comrnrtaMS lnm of 12 room; everything np to date and In the very beat condition; quite new. In a . moat deetrahle locetioat eara pass the bouse .. avers B m mo tee: immediate poaeeaeiow gives; elso, th complete furnishing can be bought . s . H-atABda perfect. In cycry-aci 41 1. we owner at 100 N. 21 at at., corTlrTlng. . C between 2 and 8 p. m. EXTRA good groom hones, 40th and DlvnUoei 1.. on Mt. Scott carline; large corner lot; $2,000. ' WESTERN ORFXION TRUST CO.1 1 r 201 Stark St. $T. 200 FOUR flua building lots IB Piedmont. 1071, Third at. wear a-rmm niodern bouse. 1 block 'to ear, west side; $260 cash. $26 monthly; aav your rent. . L , care journal. ACREAGE Portlead'e beaatlfal anbarb. South 1 Mt. Tabor. Acreage, eahnrbea borne end fruit farms. South Mt. Tabor Real Batata - office. Pbon Eaat 20. . FOR 8ALT-5-room furnlahed cottage. Inquire ... . - 606 I'matllll - ave.r Bellwood. - EAST STARK ST. Fine new 8-room heoae with bath, - bseemsnt and -Cement walka. $2,000; esay walklsg distance. KlnaeU.. 002 Com mercial blk. Mala 2S22. MOUNT TABOR T rooms, bath, atabla. all klnda trait, lot 100x100. Owner, VJ Third. LOTS en East SSth st near Hawthorn, only ' $260; veey esay terms. W 4, care Journal. 6-ROOM heme and quarter block at th cornet of Eaat 14th and Beacoa ata:, $1,800. - W 8. care Journal. - - - X TO 1 acre lota betvraea Ivaiiho-end Ken It worth at $000 par acre; aaay term: atgbtly. fin anil. See awaer, 418 McKay, comer - Third and Stark. $1.0f4V 8-ROOM bona and fnll lot. 11 feat from carline; $160 eaab. remainder $15 per month. 107 Vi Third at. JOHNSON1 at., west aide: good 8 room real dence, only $2 .800. K lose 11, 802 Commerewl blk. Main 2823. $2.860 SIGHTLY comer lot (Improved atreet and- pretty 8-room modern cottage, Eaat 84th tiesr Hawthorn; $500 caah. Owner, 402 Com- .merelal bldg. $10.00 PER ACRE $10.00 -lRRIGATBD LAND' Crook county, Oregon. DEED direct from atate. Wltlir. tor nampniei ana map. B. S. COOK A CO.. -v - . 261 Alder at.. Portland. Oregon. 200 FARMS, amall tracts and Iota: bargalna oa O. W. P. electric line. O. L Addlton. Lenta, Oregon. Take Mount Scott car. 5c. FOR BALE T-room boose, full lot, plenty of fruit i nice borne; esay payments; owner leav ing city. Phone Main 8278. T-ROOM modern bona on Wlllama are; 6 -room house oa rear of lot renting for $8 per month! concrete basement and walks; this property la a bargain. Price $8,000. 8 lota 00 Rose at. Price $1,400. llomealead relinquishment near north bank railroad opposite Hood - River; Improved. , Price $000. Hlehland Tark lot $SS ta $160. HENRY 0. BROWN, 618 McKay bldg. ' Ltat Your I-roperty With Me. MODERN new bungalow: large rooma. vestibule, porcelain bath, eink, toilet and waabatand. . lurf and cold wattr. choice locatlbui owner .jmtstleave Jt; 'LJ0 tnLJtm bM'',? - l tui'-. ""'r T-"" "V."." .'-----''-- wiw " Horn iJina uo., sire FOR SALE-SNAP . u block In bnalnes center of -Portland; cheap at $60,000; $40,000 takea It If taken at once; good terra: don't mla thl chance. Full In- ' formation given at room 610 Marquam bldg. ' Elegant 8-room house In tha nest realdenre part of Eaat Burnalde: all mndcvn, bath, toilet, hot and cold water, full cement beee. ment: thla Is pretty place, - - Strictly niodern home In Irvlngton; full .lot, full cement basement, bath, gaa, eery flne combination flxturea, flne Breplace and mantle; thla la aa Ideal home; the price la low, too. , Qrcgg Bros.''-;.-.--' "' Phone Malii 8803. . 1B17-18 Fcnto'a bltlg. COME early and get your choice of those fme lot on In Hawthorne carline for only $2.'t6; term $10 per month... M. B. L,i H3V Sixth at. . BEST buy 'on th eaat aide; flne lot between 44th and 4Mb.' 1 block south of Hawthorne eve carline. for only $2.'I6 each: for aal on eery liberal term., M. B. Lee, S3V Sixth t. FOR SALE FARMS. FOR SALE Stock ranch of $.440 acre near tVtbarg, 8 mile N. E. af Eugene, Or.i prl.w low: 1-3 raah, balance 6 years, 8 per cent, r. D, Chamberlain, La aba bldf , Portlaad. "WantM' -Rates I'KUER t'LASSIFlCATlOX , , . Five Cents Per Line No ad taken for Lea tUn 13 par dir. Seven wonia, aa a rule, constitute a Hue, tmt-ck"ttne 1s-rtisrgad rissidln uf lue nituiber of wurtra. WEEKLY RATE -T" lnacrtlnng - (Including on Sunday Uau,) $0 CEBTS per Hue per week. auiTaLT RATE (Including sfl - Sunday maw" t -gi perTIu " per ADVERTISEMENTS m,. njoillhT la Journal . buaiuraa otHcs by 12 o'clock week day nU or i o cioi-g Saturday evening for e.,'y ae-ura rlaaaiHcatlon. w.. .1 "E$ given .upon application at n th offira. THE JOURNAL BRANCH OFFICES ADVEBTIBEXZXTS . be received at .resular - melnvfAce Will ralea. , Fellowlnar-ts s- Ihrt -of-suthnrtnrd agents wao win forward your advertlee msut la lira r,, publication ta-.tke. next taiue: ....... ' . -. jYORTH SIB1V. . R.. A. Preston, drugglat, Twty-thlrtl and Tbnrman atreeta. Nob-Ill II Pharmacy, 880 GUaaa atreet. corner Twenty -Brat. ..A W: Alisu.. pbarmacUt, Sixteenth and Marshall atreeta. . v MrCommon'e ,1'harmacy.. Nineteenth and Waahlngton atreeta., ; . v .SOUTH SIDE. ,B- F.- Jones A Co., drugglatg. Front- aad Gllibs streets. Coital Drug company, Flrat and Great atreeta. T Fabian Byertey'. yimgglgt,' 400 Jefferson atreet. corner Tenth. Bettman'a pharmacy, corner Sixth and , 1 11 . itrreti, PInm"meTTJfu"5m'pin7r EAST IIDE. ' ' w-Lore, drngflat. corner Grand avenn and Eaat Burnalde street. Nicbol ft ihompKMi. 128 RaaaeU alreet, corner Alblna avenue. - Janck Drug company, corner .Hawthorn aad Grand avenue. W. 0. Cable, druggist, corner Holladay avenue and Larrabce , atreet. near ateel bridge. R. A. Wilson, 183 Grand a venae. Bear Eaat Morrlaon. R."Wr Hall, 1 88$ But WrycnU trt. corner Stenhena. - . 11 TaUl ptiarasacy. SSg Mlaatarlppl gveaas. coraer Shaver atreet. aloa : . IUBBYSIOX.- ' J. E. . Worth, pharmadat, 008 Balmsat atreet. BROOXLYsT. Rronklya Pharmacy compaay,' Powell and. MUwaukie atresia. . 1 ' ARLETA. OEICrOAV -ArleU pharmacy. Mora aad Foster atreeta. BEUV009. ... V - ; .- Hamstock'a' pharmacy.' corner UmatfJla avenue aad Eaat Thirteenth atreet- . - - ST. JOKilS. ... - , ElHott'a pharmacy, . FOR SALE FARMS. FARMS -A BARGAIN 15 acre at Bearer ton, In high atate of cultivation; good bouae and ' bare, orchard, email fruit In hundaiwe: a flne country home; 14 mile aouth of Port lend 7 price $2,100. on term. - 402 Commercial bldg. 844 ACRES of timber In Cow Mr connty. Wirt, for aele at a hergala If takea aoon. TJW. Fs14or, Anltsr Is.; - FARM FOR SALE In Clackamae eennty. In - quire of owner by phone Bait- 6431. rltbln 1 mils at 1. P R. R. eta. 1 barna S acres liearlns erch- ara. moeity eppiee; ea county roea; price 81.000: 8800 dowB I all yea aeed. Home laind Co.. 14KS First St. X FOR SALE TIMBER. Waaco aad Sherman count les, a leo a few timber claim, yellow pine, ever S.OOO.O1M feat. . Write te v for full nartlculara. Hud aoa Land Co., The Halle. Or. . ' - CERTIFIED - eerln. - any si piece; lowest price. W. O. Hawaii, 638 Chamber of Upm- HAVB aeveral ttne timber claim for location; no money deposit required. 806 Mohawk bid. TIMBER reltnqulahment. 8.600,000 Trine: rail road 8 mtlea; Improvements. L 12, Joarnal. WILL mcata Tea ea timber claims near Colunv bla rtvert- no eherge unlesa- flllnf. la aecspted. -- sait- ear -twmnteiriii-ma. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. GOOD work team- for aal cheap; will drlra Ingle or double. Call 288 Eaat Eighth at.' FOR sale or trade, 8-year old atalllea. weight - 1.060 pound. Joha Ironside, 14th and Mar shall ata., city. - - TO EXCHANGE. AN frigAr. mt,mvA SS aceea haa ffgtt, lin.lV.., In Wlllaniette valley, 26 acre hearing winter apple tree; 4 miles weet of Albany, Oregoa: no buildings; price $2,000; will take Improved city property In Portland Jn full or part pay ment and aaay term on lialanc.. Addree W. J. Smith. Detroit, Oregon. HOI'S B end lot rlne in. Seattle: rented for $13 per month; value 82.&0O; mortgage $1,000, . rune d years : wll trade for what have font W 30. rare Journal, WILL trade bouae and two Ma, heart ef Ban don. Cone county, for what have you- He quick, before railroad gets there. W 7, care Journal. .- 4 LOTS to exchange for residence raah difference. 107 Third t. and par FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE foe Portland Property All or part of 100 acre, with new Tionse. barn, etc.. 7 miles from Vanconver, Address 110 Eighth at.. Vanconver. Address 'Owner. 110 West Eighth at., Vanconver. Washington. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALR OR RENT NEW AND SECOND. HAND SEWING MACHINES. STANDARD SEWING MACHINE AGENCY. H. D. JONES. f 280 YAMHILL-AT.- ' - BOOKS bought, eold and exchanged at th Old Rook Store. 220 Yamhill at. WB need furniture and will pay full value. Phone Pacific 70S, Western Salvage Co.r ' 827 Waahlngton at. mnTrav nuninv uttn a- 1111 Co. - J,,d3',rt'r"i ,'ocl' '', nd ,ntoll?!' mi lw; w irsi St. I nous inain cwn. SHOWCASES Alftl FIXTI'RES nude to order; second-hand gnoda for sale, carleon m nail tram. 280 Conch at. Phone Clay STL HORSES of all klnda for sal at very yeaaaa able price. Inquire Z7B Front at. - BILLIARD AND POOL table for rent or for sale on eaar pavmenta. THE BRUNSWICK-BALKE COLI.ENDER CO. 40 Third at.. Portlaad. MANURE br wagnntoad or carload on 0. W. P. By. Phone Eaat Z8I6. 200.000 BRICK for aal. Pbon Union 1788. SHOW cases, counters, flvtnree nought. Bold or exenangea. western mirage vs., eat vrssn Ington at. Paclflc TA $ THB celebrated Pontine top bngrlea. leather' finished, for fun, at Portland warehoue m Transfer Co., 842 Eaat Waahlngton at. WE print yonr name oa SO calling carda. proper alas and style, 86c; 20 tmalnea enrda, 81; , A. W. Schmal Co., 228 Flrat. Portland. Or. HOLDRN'S RHEUMATIC CURB- -Sure eara fee rheamatlem. Bold By all drngglata. FOR SAI.B 22H-fnot launch, capacity 14 per- son, vqirinpeo w 1 in o-noiae power r ay at Boweq engtn. complete, annurtenaacea of th vary - heat. Inquire 810 Pine at. DOGS af 10 different breeds at very reasonable pricea. Rainier Keiinel. Penlnanlar station. GRADING llflt. S teams tlth all hsrnesa. 3 acre per. doubletrees, plow. new. 10o; 111 aell part. Call at grading camn. Fair view, Or., 10 mile ant oa O. R.. A N. . rf,d' .. erj- i ; - - a. .. . .-4. ! 7 '--r,-